09 - April 11, 2023 County Council Agenda Package Planning Act. (b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. Connecting Care Act, 2019 Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010, Connecting Care Act, 2019, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, , French Language Services Act Executive Council Act FLSA FLSA , , Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActPersonal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 Auditor General Act . ) Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 A.1 General Information Corporation of the County of Elgin –Bobier Villa Name of Licensee: (as referred to on your Long-Term Care Home Licence) Bobier Villa Name of Home: (as referred to on your Long-Term Care Home Licence) H11052 LTCHMaster Number(e.g. NH9898) 29491 Pioneer Line Address DuttonN0L 1J0 CityPostal Code N/A Accreditation organization N/A Date of Last Accreditation Year(s) Awarded (Award Date – e.g. May 31, 2020) (e.g. 3 years) YesNo French Language Services (FLS)Identified (Y/N) Designated Y/N Self Identified NoSpecific Community N/A (Y/N)Serviced (i.e ethnic, Culturally Designated Home linguistic or religious) A.2 Licensed or Approved Beds & Classification/ Bed Type Licence Total # of Beds Expiry Note: Each individual licence should be on a Comments/Additional Date separate row. Please add additional rows as 1. Licence Type Information (e.g. May 31, required. 2025) ABCUpgradedDNew Licence (“Regular” 5 or Municipal 7N/A Approval)Municipal TOTAL BEDS (1) 57 Please include informationspecific to the following types of licences on a Note:Each individual separate line below. Temporary Licence, Temporary Emergency Licence, or licence should be on a Short-Term Authorization separate row. Please add additional rows as required. Licence Expiry Total # of 2. Licence TypeComments/Additional Information Date Beds (e.g.,May 31, 2025) Temporary Temporary Emergency Short-Term Authorization \[Add total TOTAL BEDS (2) of all beds\] TOTAL # OF ALL LICENSED BEDS (1) + (2) 57 UsageTypeTotal # of Expiry DateComments/Additional Information (e.g., May 31, BedsPlease specify number of beds designated as 2025) Behavioural Support Unit (BSU) Beds,Other Designated Specialized Unit Bedsand Beds held as Isolation** Long Stay Beds (not including beds below) 56N/A Convalescent Care Beds December Respite Beds 131, 2023Approved annually ELDCAP Beds Interim Beds Veterans’ Priority Access beds \[Expiry date represents Beds in Abeyance the end date (BIA) of the BIA Agreement\] Designated Specialized Unit beds Other beds * Total # of 57 all Bed Types (3) *Other beds available under a Temporary Emergency Licence or Short-Term Authorization ** Includebeds set aside in accordance with Emergency Plans (O. Reg 246/22 s. 268) A.3 Structural Information Type of Room (this refers to structural layout rather than what is charged in accommodationsor current occupancy). Room TypeRooms MultiplierNumber of beds Number of rooms with 1 bed45x 1 45 Number of rooms with 2 beds6x 212 Number of rooms with 3bedsx 3 Number of rooms with 4bedsx 4 Total Number of Rooms51Total Number of Beds*57 *Ensure the “Total Number of Beds” above matches “Total # of all Bed Types (3)” from Table A.2 Original Construction Date 1997 (Year) Redevelopment: Please list year and details (unit/resident home area, 1) design standards, # beds, 2) reason for redevelopment. If 3) active, please provide stage 4) of redevelopmentand forecasted year of completion.) Number of Units/Resident Home Areas and Beds Unit/Resident Home AreaNumber of Beds Magolia Lane 19 Birch Lane 19 Oak Lane19 Total Number of Beds(Ensure total matches“Total # of all Bed Types (3)” from Table A.257 Other Reporting Accommodation Breakdown* BasicSemi-PrivatePrivate Accommodation Type Total Beds2334 Gjyjoh!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf!Bdu-!3132! B/2!!Hfofsbm!Jogpsnbujpo Dpsqpsbujpo!pg!uif!Dpvouz!pg!Fmhjo! Obnf!pg!Mjdfotff;! )bt!sfgfssfe!up!po!zpvs!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf! Ipnf!Mjdfodf* Fmhjo!Nbops! Obnf!pg!Ipnf; )bt!sfgfssfe!up!po!zpvs!Mpoh.Ufsn!Dbsf! Ipnf!Mjdfodf* I22167 MUDINbtufs!Ovncfs!)f/h/!OI:9:9* 4:373!Gjohbm!Mjof Beesftt Tu/!UipnbtO6Q!4T6 DjuzQptubm!Dpef O0B Bddsfejubujpo!pshboj{bujpo O0B Ebuf!pg!Mbtu!Bddsfejubujpo!!Zfbs)t*!Bxbsefe )Bxbse!Ebuf!—!f/h/!Nbz!42-!3131*!)f/h/!4!zfbst* ZftOp! Gsfodi!Mbohvbhf!Tfswjdft!)GMT*Jefoujgjfe!)Z0O*!!!!Eftjhobufe!Z0O Tfmg!Jefoujgjfe!OpTqfdjgjd!Dpnnvojuz!O0B )Z0O*Tfswjdfe!)j/f!fuiojd-! 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Pcmjhbujpot Mpdbm 3/1 Dpoofdujoh!Dbsf!Bdu-!312: Connecting Care Act, 2019 Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 Connecting Care Act, 2019 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act French Language Services Act Executive Council Act Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 3.4 Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 Auditor General Act Corporations Act Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 Only those requirements listed below that relate to the programs and services that are funded by Ontario Health will be applicable. Only those requirements listed below that relate to the programs and services that are funded by Ontario Health will be applicable. Connecting Care Act, 2019. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Safety Equipment & Programs Policy Number: 8.20 Date Last Revised: March, 2023 Date Last Reviewed: December 8, 2020 Code: A Section: 8 ______________________________________________________________________________ 0´±¯®²¤ The County of Elgin is committed to the health and safety of all workers and visitors to County workplaces, grounds and facilities. This policy will detail expectations related to safety equipment (including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)) and related programming. The County provides all required safety equipment, with the exception of safety footwear, which will be reimbursed as detailed within. Employees are required to use safety equipment, in the manner they are trained, whenever necessary. Failure to use safety equipment as prescribed is grounds for progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination. 0±®¢¤£´±¤ All employees shall wear safety equipment necessary to carry out their job requirements safely and to remain in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations, or as directed by their supervisor. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and protective clothing will be in conformance with legislated requirements and the most recent version of the applicable industry standards. Whenever there is a change or updated standard for the applicable industry, Department Heads will communicate the update to employees and provide additional training, if necessary. Defective PPE should be reported immediately to the supervisor and shall not be used. Employees must keep their workplaces in neat and orderly condition to avoid situations that could cause unsafe conditions or accidents. County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Department Heads will organize safety training and instruction programs, relevant to specific jobs in order to prevent accidents within their Departments and will work with the Joint Health and Safety Committee as required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. An employee must receive pre-approval from their Department Head prior to the purchase of PPE or safety clothing in order to receive reimbursement. Department Heads will incorporate associated costs into annual departmental operating budgets. 3 ¥¤³¸ &®®³¶¤ ± Where required to be worn under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or any in-force policy of Elgin County, reimbursement for the purchase of protective footwear will be provided to employees to a maximum of $200.00 per annum, and per ğƦƦƩƚǝĻķ ƩĻƦƌğĭĻƒĻƓƷ (this amount is non-cumulative, year-over-year). Safety footwear must be CSA Approved. The CSA Green triangle patch indicates sole puncture protection and Grade 1 Protective toe. 2¤« ³¤£ 0®«¨¢¨¤² HR Policy 2.20 - Dress Code HR Policy 8.10 County Safety Policy Experience the flavours of Elgin and St.Thomas uuf!!! 2o23 8 4 1216 28 24 2034 Sweet Maple Syrup Stops Reel-y Good Fish & ChipsLove Our Local MarketsRaise a Glass or TwoPick Your Own PassionsOff The Beaten PathFar & Away FlavoursTaste of Elgin & St. Thomas Map ubcmf!pg!dpoufout /5 From wagon rides and special events, to mouthwatering breakfasts served with fresh maple syrup and melt-in-your-mouth fudge, these shops are sure to delight your senses and taste buds. Satisfy your sweet tooth with the best maple syrup experiences Elgin has to offer! ! ! ! ! Maple Syrup title tupqt /4 txffu nbqmf!!!!!tzsvq /7 36500 Lake Line, Port Stanley, N5L 1J1519-782-466215677 Dunborough Road, West Lorne, N0L 2P0519-287-50128759 Toll Gate Road, Straffordville, N0J 1Y0519-866-3629 spehfst!nbqmf!tzsvq Rodgers Maple Syrup is a family-owned and operated business that prides itself on producing the highest quality maple products using traditional methods right on their property. In addition to their delicious syrup, they also offer a variety of maple-infused treats, including creamy fudge and smooth maple butter. Their on-farm shop is open year-round just outside Port Stanley, and their products are sold at select stores throughout the area.bmesfe!nbqmf!qspevdut Aldred Maple Products produces pure maple syrup sourced from their family maple bush near West Lorne. Look for their sweet products in local stores, at events, or contact them directly to try it for yourself.pvs!tvhbs!cvti Our Sugar Bush is a family-operated maple sugar operation that has been producing high-quality maple syrup and products forover 40 years near Straffordville. During the maple season, bring the family out to the farm to sample their delicious syrup and enjoy pancakes hot off the griddle. 8059 Springwater Road, Aylmer, N5H 2R4519-773-903734308 Lake Line, Port Stanley, N5L 1J1519-769-0007 tqsjohxbufs!nbqmf!tzsvq!gftujwbm Come out and tap into nature! Tour the old-fashioned sugar shanty and experience the sweet tradition of maple syrup production at the Springwater Forest. Indulge in a scrumptious breakfast at the pancake house, where local community groups serve up fluffypancakes topped with fresh maple syrup. Special attractions and wagon rides happen each weekend in March and throughout March break.qbmnfs(t!nbqmf!tzsvq In March, at Palmer's Maple Syrup, you can explore the art of maple syrup production and enjoy a delicious breakfast that features their syrup in all its glory. At various locations and markets throughout the season, take home a bottle of Palmer's maple syrup, which has been crafted with the same care and tradition for over six decades. /6 Sweet Maple Syrup Stops /9 Featuring crispy batter, golden chips, and stunning uwpugvu."vjgug"guvcdnkujogpvu"ctg"uqog"qh"Gnikpąu"finest when it comes to traditional fish & chips.The only catch here is the fresh fish! Seafood lovers, rejoice! ! ! ! Sffm.z!Hppe gjti!'!dijqt /8 /11 189 Main Street, Port Stanley, N5L 1H6226-956-90205 Barrie Blvd, St. Thomas, N5P 4B9519-631-5215644 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1C8519-631-3202 hpmfn!gjti!nbslfu Lake Erie from the Port Stanley region. As a leading supplier in the area, their retail store offers a range of fresh and frozen perch and pickerel, which are caught using their own tug, the Carol Ann. Don't miss the chance to experience the taste of Lake Erie with the expertly caught and prepared products at Golem Fish Market.tuffmifbe!gppe!dp/!gjti!nbslfu The Steelhead Food Co. Fish Market is a family-owned and operated fresh customers with exceptional service. Find local Lake Erie favourites such as perch and pickerel alongside some of the freshest saltwater seafood in the province. Shop other local goods that pair perfectly in their retail shop, from handcrafted hot sauces to local honey. zpvs!gjti!boe!dijqt recipes over decades in business. People travel from all over the country for traditional atmosphere, delicious food, and family vibes. 3360 Imperial Road, Port Bruce, N5H 2R2519-773-903735 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, N0J 1T0519-874-4363 tipst!qvc!'!fbufsz Shors Pub & Eatery, situated directly across from the main beach in Port Bruce, offers a full menu, large licensed patio, and weekly specials that are popular with locals and tourists alike. The restaurant and freshly cut fries. Guests can relish in a delectable meal and a cold beverage while taking in the stunning view of Lake Erie.j{{z(t!tdippofst This family restaurant in Port Burwell is the perfect spot for seafood lovers, with a focus on fresh, local ingredients. Located just minutes from the beach and offering a patio lookout view, it's the ideal spot to relax and enjoy a delicious meal with family and friends. /10 Reel-y Good Fish & Chips /13 ! ! Shop fresh, local, and artisan baked-goods, produce, meats and much more at our community-owned and operated markets. Feel-good products at feel-good prices! mpwf!pvs mpdbm!nbslfut! /12 /15 5680 Sunset Road, Union, N0L 2L0519-631-137011143 Highbury Avenue South, St.Thomas, N5P 3T3226-244-173742338 Fruit Ridge Line, St. Thomas, N5P 3S9 226-926-6432 efcbdlfsf!gbsn!nbslfu Debackere Farm Market is an ideal stop when travelling to or from Port Stanley beach, offering a variety of locally sourced and freshly harvested produce. The market is stocked with other treasures such ipxf!gbsn!nbslfu!'!dpvousz!cblfsz Market & Country Bakery. Howe's is packed with fresh local produce, jams, preserves, local meat, cheese, bread, and eggs! They have some fantastic take-home meals, (like mac & cheese and quiche), incredible soups and must-try homemade baked goods. If it's in season and grown in Ontario, they will have it!xjmegmpxfst!gbsnfst!nbslfu!Every Friday night, Wildflowers Market welcomes farmers, food producers, chefs, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs to share their passions and talents with you. There is something for everyone to enjoy at the farm, whether you come to shop, plant yourself in the garden patio sipping botanical cocktails and brews, listen to live music (and watch the chickens roam free!), or stroll through the gardens, you are left with a sense of calm and connection to nature and community. 218 Joseph Street, Port Stanley, N5L 1C4519-521-843810 Manitoba Street, St.Thomas, N5P3A2519-868-5551516 John Street, Unit 6D, Aylmer, N5H 2B8406-823-0098 gjsf!ibmm!nbslfu the Port Stanley Fire Hall Market offers local artisan products. Featuring barbecue brisket, and /GF foods to go, there is always something unique.ipsupo!gbsnfst(!nbslfu Vjg"Jqtvqp"Hctogtuą"Octmgv"ku"c"xkdtcpv"icvjgtkpi"rnceg"vq"dw{"htguj."nqecnproduce, socialize and experience community. This local market has been cp"kpvgitcn"rkgeg"qh"Uv0"Vjqocuą"ewnvwtg"ukpeg"3:9: 0"Vjg"Octmgv"uvtkxgu"vq"jcxg"goods, artisanal foods and unique hand-crafted items our region has to offer. Join us at the Market Saturday mornings from May-November.pme!jnqfsjbm!gbsnfst!nbslfu!This rustic market, nestled within the historic old tobacco plant in Aylmer, offers a unique and charming shopping experience. The market boasts an impressive collection of artisanal products, ranging from handcrafted jewelry and pottery to locally sourced produce and freshly baked goods. Open on Saturdays year-round! /14 Love Our Local Markets /17 qpsu!tubomfz!csfxjoh!dpnqboz Coming soon to the Port Stanley harbourfront! Discover the perfect pairing of hand-crafted beer and exceptional cuisine in Port Stanley's newest hotspot. The Dominion of Canada building will soon house a craft brewery and restaurant, boasting a stunning view of the harbour and lift bridge. With a rotating selection of seasonal beers and seltzers, plus a full menu featuring delectable dishes, this is one landmark you won't want to miss. Sprawling wineries and vineyards provide Instagram-worthybackdrops for a glass of your new favourite wine, and our breweries are where craft beer lovers go to enjoy locally brewed ales and stouts. Sip in style with the best local wines and brews available! ! ! ps!Uxp sbjtf!b!hmbtt /16 /19 130 Edward Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1Z1519-631-1881168 Curtis Street, UNIT C, St. Thomas, N5P 3W9519-207-0243168 Curtis Street, Unit B, St. Thomas, N5P 3W9519-860-8446 sbjmxbz!djuz!csfxjoh Tcknyc{"Ekv{"Dtgykpiąu"uvqt{"dgicp"kp"422:."ykvj"c"uocnn"nqecvkqp"kp"fqypvqyp"St.Thomas. Back then, they set out to start a local brewery entrenched in the history and folklore from years past. The idea was to create a brewery that honoured the history and heritage of our small industrial town. Over the years as the craft brewing industry expanded, so did Railway City. In 2013, the brewery expanded locations to its current home at 130 Edward Street. Here you can visit their taproom for brews and pizza, enjoy a patio in the summer, come for live music events and comedy nights, as well as tours, tastings, and so much more.dbqt!pgg!csfxjoh Caps Off Brewing is a small brewery located in the heart of downtownSt. Thomas. They pride themselves in using high-quality, local ingredients in creative brews. The taproom and winter patio are cozy and full of life, often hgcvwtkpi"nkxg"owuke"cpf"eqoowpkv{"gxgpvu0"Gcej"xkukv" {qwąnn"dg"uwtrtkugf"d{"a growler and cans to go.gspn!uif!wjoft From the Vines is a premiere wine-tasting bar. It is a cozy place for those looking for a relaxing, upscale experience without the high price tag. They serve a range of wine products, including exclusive and unique VQA wines. Stop by for a wine tasting, charcuterie, or one of their evening events. Explore something new with each and every visit as wines come and go, and the menu changes seasonally. 45811 Fruit Ridge Lane, St. Thomas, N5P 3S9519-775-221625292 Talbot Line, West Lorne, N0L 2P0519-495-496048995 Jamestown Lane, Aylmer, N5H 2R2519-773-5432 rvbj!ev!wjo!ftubuf!xjofsz Looking for a unique and memorable wine-tasting experience? Look no further than Quai du Vin, situated in the stunning countryside of Central Elgin. With its prime location nestled among lush vineyards and rolling hills, Quai du Vinoffers an idyllic setting for sipping lovely wines from this new emerging region.Swck"fw"Xkp"ku"oqtg"vjcp"lwuv"c"ykpgt{ă"kv) u"cp"gzrgtkgpeg0"Vcmg"kp"vjg"dtgcvjvcmkpi"scenery as you sip on a glass of your favourite wine, or explore the vineyards. With friendly and knowledgeable staff on hand to guide you through your tasting, you're sure to leave Quai du Vin with a newfound passion for this hidden gem.obuufskbdl!csfxjoh!dpnqboz!mue/of locally grown produce in every sip. Meander to the village of Eagle to check out yjcvąu"qp"vcr."gplq{"c"rkpv"yjgtg"vjg"dtgy"ocike"jcrrgpu."qt"ukr"qp"uqog"uwfu"qp"vjgkt"urcekqwu"rcvkq0"Gplq{"Pcvvgtlcemąu"dtgyu"kp"vjg"eqohqtv"qh"{qwt"qyp"jqog"ykvj"brews-to-go from their retail store. Keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram page for a plethora of events and activities held throughout the year. CHEERS!svti!dsffl!xjoft Rush Creek Wines is located just north from the shores of Lake Erie and wineries in Ontario carrying on the tradition of handcrafted wines. They also have a large inventory of collectibles, including Matchbox and Hot Wheels originals, sports memorabilia, trading cards, and much more. Complimentary tours and tastings are always available. /18/18 Raise a Glass or Two /21 These local fruit farms are filled with fresh, juicy berries, crisp apples, and seasonal specialties that will have you coming back year after year. Choose the best of the bunchwith our pick-your-own experiences! ! ! Qbttjpot qjdl!zpvs!pxo! /20 /23 11026 Wellington Road, St.Thomas, N0L 1A0519-870-603856830 Highway 3, Tilsonburg, N4G 4G8519-983-393223301 Queens Line, Rodney, N0L 2C0 519-661-8611 gfshvtpo(t!qspevdf Enjoy the tastes of the season at Ferguson's Produce! Bring the entirefamily to the farm to pick your own produce, from plump strawberries in June and July to sweet corn in August and luscious fall raspberries. In October, the farm transforms into a fall wonderland, complete with a corn maze and pumpkin patch. And when it's time to head home, don't forget to pick up some of the farm's delicious preserves made with only the freshest ingredients.cfmlfslf!nbslfu Visit the pick-your-own apple orchard along Hwy #3 east of Aylmer fora fun family experience. Choose from a range of delicious apple varieties, including Honeycrisp and Macintosh, while enjoying the htguj"eqwpvt{"ckt0"Fqpąv"hqtigv"vq"itcd"vjgkt"htgujn{"rtguugf"Apple Cider, perfect for enjoying at home.cfbsz!cmvf!bdsft Beary Blue Acres is a small Ontario farm just outside of Rodney, that specializes in pick-your-own blueberries. Visitors can enjoy strolling through the fields and hand-picking the ripest and juiciest berries to take home. 5111 Union Road, Port Stanley, N5L 1J2519-782-343325503 Talbot Lane, Eagle, N0L 2P0519-768-3276 hsfbu!mblft!gbsnt Great Lakes Farms offers a variety of activities, from weddings to group dinners, farm tours, and pick-your-own fruits including apples, strawberries, pears, and pumpkins. During the fall season, visitors can enjoy wagon rides, corn mazes, children's play areas, and orchard visits for fresh apple and pumpkin picking. After a long day of exploring the hcto."iwguvu"ecp"wpykpf"kp"vjg"echÈ"cpf"gplq{"jqogocfg"crrng"vtgcvu0 cmvfhspwft!gbsnt Bluegroves Farms is the largest organic blueberry farm in southwestern Ontario, offering six different blueberry varieties from late July to the end of August. Visitors can handpick their own blueberries and indulge in a range of delicious blueberry-based products from the farm's bakery, which runs until Christmas time. From pies to ice cream, juices, syrups, and jams, there is something for everyone to savour. /22 Pick Your Own Passions /25 These savvy spots offer a wide range of local-made goods and products, like natural lavender tea, Step off the beaten path and explore our favourite local gems across Elgin! ! pgg!uif cfbufo!!!!!!qbui /24 /27 400 Sunset Drive, St.Thomas, N5R 1A4226-577-2660159 Ross Street, St. Thomas, N5R 3X9519-207-4060 22360 Pioneer Line, Rodney, N0L 2C0519-785-3033 fmhjo!ibswftu Visit Elgin Harvest, a charming pizzeria, which is the home of Neapolitan-style ingredients that change seasonally. Indulge in a slice of authenticity with every bite at this one-of-a-kind pizza joint.uif!xjme!hpbu!dbgê!'!nfubm!bsu!tuvejp Pguvngf"qp"vjg"qwvumktvu"qh"Tqfpg{."vjg"Yknf"Iqcv"EchÈ"dgemqpu"travellers and locals alike with its delightful homemade menu items, exquisite coffee and chocolate, and one-of-a-kind custom metalwork. It's the perfect pit stop for your next road trip adventure.tffe!dpogfdujpot Seed Confections is a small batch, hand-crafted, artisan chocolate and confection company. When science, art, and flavour are in perfect balance it can create amazing and innovative chocolates and confections. Specializing in custom items, they love turning wild ideas into edible masterpieces. No concepts are too extreme to attempt. 47589 Sparta Line, Aylmer, N5H 2R4226-236-5530767 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1E3519-631-0999 tqbsub!mbwfoefs!gbsn Visit the most stunning lavender gardens in Ontario's South Coast region. views. In the gift shop, they offer natural, locally made lavender products.tusfbnmjofst!ftqsfttp!cbs Streamliners Espresso Bar is located in downtown St. Thomas, a city with a strong railway history. Its name comes from locomotives called streamliners that travelled vjtqwij"vjg"ECUQ"Uvcvkqp"jgtg"kp "vjg"3;42u"("52u0"Uvtgconkpgtu"Gurtguuq"Dctąumission is to create a unique place where coffee is celebrated. Here, railway andcoffee traditions intersect at this community hub where people enjoy the bestcoffee from locally roasted beans. It is a true specialty coffee shop experiencewith music playing, quality brews, and baristas who connect with customers,creating a very social, human experience. On special Saturdays enjoy authentic Nicaraguan breakfasts as well. /26 OFF THE BEATEN PATH /29 Explore Mexico with sizzling chicken fajitas and savoury tacos, or visit The Land of Smiles with a mouthwatering bowl of pad thai and coconut rice. Come experience authentic tastes from around the world, right here in Elgin. Travel the world with your taste buds! Gbs!'!Bxbz /28 !gmbwpvst /31 99 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, N5H 1H4226-234-7795192 Currie Road, Dutton, N0L 1J0226-212-0881550 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, N5H 2W2226-236-0163 uif!hpsejub!tipq The Gordita Shop in Aylmer is a Mexican/Mennonite restaurant known for their delicious homemade dishes. Their featured item, the Gordita, is a must-try for those looking for an authentic taste of Mexico. Dine-in customers can also enjoy sizzling Chicken Hclkvcu."cpf"fqpąv"hqtigv"cdqwv"fguugtvăvjgkt"Iqtfkvc"Ujqr"Uv{ng"Churros are the perfect way to end your meal!cvssjup!cspuifst Burrito Brothers Dutton uses fresh ingredients to create homemade dishes, showcasing traditional Mexican cuisine and international twists. Their standout items include crispy quesadillas, savoury tacos, and mouth-watering burritos. The attention to detail and quality of ingredients guarantee a delicious dining experience!hsfub(t!ubdp!xbhpo Experience authentic Mexican flavours at Greta's Taco Wagon, located just outside of Aylmer. Indulge in their classic ground beef tacos served on plain or crispy fried tortillas, or savour their mouth-watering burritos. Looking for an appetizer? Try their nacho supreme, a perfect combination of tortilla chips, seasoned ground beef, nacho cheese sauce, diced ripe tomatoes, and sour cream. Soft-serve ice cream is available 546 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1C4519-207-4546321 Elm Street, St. Thomas, N5R 5X6519-854-9551 ns/!boe!nst/!cbp Mr. & Mrs. Bao pairs ancient Chinese traditions with modern Ejkemgp"kpvq"Cukcp"Hwukqp"eqohqtv"hqqfăqp"vjg"iq#"Vjg"ogpw"at this take-out spot offers some variety and walk-in specials. Fan favourites include the Big Bird and Jerk Chicken Bao and the Chairman Bao.qmb{b!cpcb Plaze Boba is the go-to spot for local bubble tea and Korean BBQ. Starting off as the original Plaza Sushi location, Plaza Boba wanted to bring more types of goods that aren't common in St. Thomas, such as Korean meals, cupbops, and dumplings with Taiwanese cultural tea! /30 Far & Away Flavours /33 59 Talbot Street East, Aylmer, N5H 1G3226-580-3663392 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1B8519-637-2287625 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, N5P 1C6 519-633-6461 ubtuf!pg!dbsjccfbo Indulge in a taste of the Caribbean at this quaint Aylmer restaurant. Jerk Chicken, Jamaican Patties, and more, made with traditional dine-in setting or grab a quick and delicious meal to-go.mf!dbgê!tjbn Le Cafe Siam is family owned and operated, and offers a variety of authentic Thai items served to you in a heritage building decorated with traditional royal Thai art. The menu is traditional Thai cuisine only, along with a quality selection of wines, or bring your own wine from a commercially licensed establishment to enjoy.uif!cjtusp At The Bistro, you will taste the difference when enjoying fresh local food prepared daily from scratch. While enjoying delicious iqwtogv"ogcnu"cpf"hwukqp"ewkukpg."ukv"dcem"cpf"gplq{"Vjg"Dkuvtqąu"co zy atmosphere in their beautiful heritage building. Finish with qpg"qh"vjg"Dkuvtqąu"ukipcvwtg"fguugtvu# 877 Talbot St, St. Thomas, N5P 1E5519-207-449610680 Sunset Drive, Talbotville, N0L 2K0519-633-0360 qmb{b!tvtij At Plaza Sushi, their mission is focused on fresh ingredients andsharing elevated takes on traditional sushi options. With the upscaledine-in restaurant now open, the menu has expanded to includeuqwru."pqqfng"gpvtggu."dcq."rqmg"cpf"oqtgăcnn"korgeecdn{"rtgugpvgf0"Enjoy local craft beer or traditional sake alongside your meal. Take-out orders are also available.xbztjef! ejojoh!'!cbs At Wayside Dining & Bar, they are proud to offer a variety of mouth-watering non-vegetarian and vegetarian dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Their signature dish, butter chicken with A must-try! Wayside is committed to providing top-notch quality food and exceptional service, using only the freshest and highest-quality Come visit and experience the best of Indian and Canadian cuisine! /32 Far & Away Flavours /35 5 27 7 The Gordita ShopBurrito BrothersGreta's Taco WagonTaste of CaribbeanWayside Dining & BarPlaza Sushi8c'YhdEkYsMr. & Mrs. BaoPlaza BobaThe Bistro Far & Away Flavours 37 15 34 19 36 6 Off The Beaten Path Pick Your Own PassionsGreat Lakes FarmsBluegroves FarmsFerguson's ProduceBelkerke MarketBeary Blue AcresSparta Lavender FarmFjcMkrb/vY'Yhd& Metal Art Studio Elgin HarvestStreamliners Espresso BarSeed Confections 1 29 18 9 14 13 42 20 23 31 11 16 8 Raise a Glass or Two 26 Natterjack Brewing Company Ltd.Quai du Vin Estate WineryRush Creek WinesRailway City BrewingCaps Off BrewingFrom The VinesPort Stanley Brewing Company (coming soon!) LONDON 24 3 38 2 39 12 32 Lake Erie 33 10 43 22 21 41 40Raise a Glass or Two Fire Hall MarketHorton Farmers' MarketDebackere Farm Market Howe Farm Market & Country BakeryOld Imperial Farmers Market Wildflowers Farmers Market Love Our Local Markets 35 25 17 4 28 Shors Pub & EateryIzzy's SchoonersGolem Fish MarketSteelhead Fish MarketYour Fish and Chips psf Reel-y Good Fish & Chips 30 Elgin & St. Thomas qm Springwater Maple Syrup FestivalPalmer's Maple SyrupRodgers Maple SyrupAldred Maple ProductsOur Sugar Bush Sweet Maple Syrup Stops fy elgincounty RailwayCityTourism elgintourist.com railwaycitytourism.com AylmerBayhamCentral ElginDutton DunwichMalahideSouthwoldWest Elgin Activity 4.124km91.247km140.369km96.693km146.191km101.275km99.533km Inspection/Patrol$ 1,107.59$ - $ - $ 152,153.25 $ 13,181.57 $ 29,858.32$ 90,236.75 Road Surfaces$ 4,509.08$ 147,940.63 $ 112,569.58 $ 77,384.08 $ 10,210.76 $ 127,115.04 $ 41,953.93 Roadside$ 86.87$ 36,264.28$ 112,544.47 $ 37,743.54 $ 204,704.78 $ 22,159.73$ 56,493.37 Drainage Systems$ - $ 20,941.87$ 10,407.92$ 18,411.73 $ 3,100.45 $ - $ 5,787.66 Bridges/Culverts$ - $ 11,163.11$ 32,482.28$ 141.38 $ 13,756.46 $ 233.10$ 6,716.12 Safety Devices$ 86.87$ 27,137.00$ 157,672.31 $ 105,530.42 $ 92,414.34 $ 22,664.15$ 113,562.14 Winter Control$ 17,704.45$ 249,907.03 $ 367,951.73 $ 127,805.20 $ 394,785.64 $ 254,375.36 $ 127,525.89 Total Reported$ 23,494.85 $ 493,353.92 $ 793,628.27 $ 519,169.60 $ 732,154.00 $ 456,405.70 $ 442,275.86 Total 2022 Allocation$ 23,095.64 $ 466,379.29 $ 748,302.06 $ 488,413.18 $ 763,305.61 $ 532,634.63 $ 506,704.69 Difference ($)-$ 399.21-$ 26,974.63-$ 45,326.21-$ 30,756.43$ 31,151.61$ 76,228.93$ 64,428.83 Allocation Spent as Reported 102%106%106%106%96%86%87% Total Annual Allocation Surplus or Deficit / Allocation Ambulance Act, Child Care and Early Years Act Housing Services Act, 2011. o Town of Aylmer Report CAO -23 Town of Aylmer Report CAO 55-22 Town of Aylmer Report CAO 39-22 (list ONLY those attending the meeting) (only required when presented for approval) Education Act Form Revised JUNE 2021 Bqqfoejy!B 9ķǒĭğƷźƚƓ 5ĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ /ŷğƩŭĻƭ are EDC they purchase their as to in critical is soon as eligible, included if capital new use, schools timeline for can a new for with boards planning ğǝğźƌğĬƌĻ school district, accordance ĬĻ the in Ʒƚ resource sites a across ƌźƉĻƌǤ are ƒƚƩĻ acquire źƭ occurring (EDCs) may ƌğƓķ growth EDCs ƷŷğƷ Charges collect ĻƓƭǒƩĻ residential to that schools study rapid Development helps new boards the for to Background: Education Development Charges Thisapproved DueEducation ƌğƓķ Schoolbackground 1. a to applied Costs to undertake studies in connection with an acquisition referred to in item 1 restrictions) Ў be and can they exemptions some Interest on money borrowed to pay for costs noted in items 1 and 2 however, Ѝ ; (with development development Costs to prepare and distribute education development charge background studies : Ќ residential residential - following on non the Education Development Charges and include collected Costs to provide services to the land or otherwise prepare the site so that a building or buildings may be built on the land to provide pupil accommodation Ћ EDCs residential for of primarily are eligible EDCscombinationCosts Costs to acquire land or an interest in land, including a leasehold interest, to be used by the board to provide pupil accommodation Њ 1. 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The province will also invest an additional $25 million over three years to attract more skilled workers, including in-demand professionals in the skilled trades, through the OINP. ͻOver the next decade, the combined workforce demand in our region will be an estimated 213,900 employees, including 162,700 from replacement and 51,200 from growth. The sectors most impacted over this period are health care, construction, manufacturing, retail trade, and agriculture. These sectors are all strategically important to the economyͲͼ ĻǣƦƌğźƓĻķ ‘h‘/ Chair Glen McNeźƌ͵ ͻ‘Ļ ğƩĻ ƦƌĻğƭĻķ ƷŷğƷ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚǝźƓĭźğƌ ğƓķ ŅĻķĻƩğƌ ŭƚǝĻƩƓƒĻƓƷƭ Ǟźƌƌ ǞƚƩƉ together to attract more skilled newcomers and fill these targeted labour market gaps͵ͼ The WOWC has also been advocating over the past year on the need for the Province of Ontario to address the growing mental health and addictions crisis in small and rural Western Ontario, in addition to providing additional supports for homelessness. To that end, the 2023 Ontario Budget confirms an additional $202 million each year for the Homelessness Prevention Program and the Indigenous Supportive Housing Program. ͻThis investment will help a growing number of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, struggling with mental health and substance use, those escaping intimate partner violence, ƭĻƓźƚƩƭ ğƓķ ƷŷƚƭĻ ĻǣƦĻƩźĻƓĭźƓŭ ƦƚǝĻƩƷǤ͵ ağƓǤ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ‘h‘/͸ƭ ĭƚƒƒǒƓźƷźĻƭ ŷğǝĻ ǞƚƩƉĻķ ƚƓ supportive housing projects, and this continues to be an important collaborative effort between levels of government Α of which we are quite pleased and look forward to implementing across ƚǒƩ ĭƚƒƒǒƓźƷźĻƭͲͼ ğķķĻķ /ŷğźƩ aĭbĻźƌ͵ The Ontario 2023 Budget also provides for an additional $425 million over three years towards mental health and addictions services, including to support programs that are community-led and delivered; improving access to a broad range of addictions services; supporting children and youth; and maintaining supportive housing and services for people living with mental health and addictions challenges as they transition from hospital to the community. ͻhe WOWC has worked closely with its partners in the health sector over the past year to better understand and outline the gaps and requirements in funding for mental health and ğķķźĭƷźƚƓƭͲͼ ĻǣƦƌğźƓĻķ ‘h‘/ źĭĻ-/ŷğźƩ ‘ğķĻ aźƌƌƭ͵ ͻThe announced five-per-cent increase in base funding for our community-based mental health and addictions service providers is very ǞĻƌĭƚƒĻ ğƓķ źƭ ğ ƒğƆƚƩ ƭƷĻƦ ŅƚƩǞğƩķ źƓ ƷŷĻ ƩźŭŷƷ ķźƩĻĭƷźƚƓ͵ͼ Beyond the announcements in the Ontario 2023 Budget, the WOWC will continue to advocate to the provincial government on matters related to its priority issues. With respect to housing Α including affordable and attainable housing in rural Western Ontario Α the WOWC will continue to push the province for details on its commitment to ͻƉĻĻƦ municiƦğƌźƷźĻƭ ǞŷƚƌĻͲͼ ŅƚƌƌƚǞźƓŭ the cuts to development charges in the More Homes Built Faster Act that negatively impact ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷźĻƭ͸ ability to build the infrastructure required for new homes. The WOWC will also continue to reiterate its support and request to the Province for permanent funding of the Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) programs, which provides critical funding support for the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) to be paired with experienced mental health professionals in response to the substantial increase in mental health calls. About The ‘ĻƭƷĻƩƓ hƓƷğƩźƚ ‘ğƩķĻƓƭ͸ /ğǒĭǒƭ Λ‘h‘/Μ is a not-for-profit organization representing 15 upper and single-tier municipalities in Southwestern Ontario, representing more than 1.5 million residents. The WOWC aims to enhance the prosperity and overall wellbeing of rural and small urban communities across the region. Caucus members work collectively to influence federal and provincial legislation and programs through advocacy, research, analysis, and education. For more information, visit www.wowc.ca. -30- Media Contact Kate Burns Gallagher, Executive Director T: 519-495-6059 E: kate@wowc.ca 2 Media Release The Western hƓƷğƩźƚ ‘ğƩķĻƓƭ͸ /ğǒĭǒƭ ΛWOWC) joined Good Roads (originally known as the Ontario Good Roads Association) in calling on the Province of Ontario to work collaboratively with municipalities across rural Ontario to make roads safer, as well as improve risk management, community connectivity, and economic development. Given that the 15 members of the WOWC represent approximately 300 communities across rural Southwestern Ontario, the Caucus recently supported Dƚƚķ wƚğķƭ͸ Plan to Build Safer Rural Roads and Address Municipal Liability, specifically the request to work in conjunction with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to design and administer a program to provide municipalities with access to a pool of funding to enhance road safety and to repair and upgrade targeted sections of rural roads deemed unsafe. Good Roads has also indicated its preparedness to fund pilot projects to demonstrate the benefits of this initiative, noting that hƓƷğƩźƚ͸ƭ ƩǒƩğƌ Ʃƚğķƭ ğƩĻ ķźƭƦƩƚƦƚƩƷźƚƓğƷĻƌǤ ķğƓŭĻƩƚǒƭ and a source of significant liability for rural municipalities Α and that there are cost-effective, cutting-edge roadway safety tools that can be used to prevent injuries and save lives. ͻSimply put, rural roads are more dangerous than other roads. In 2019, there were 428 traffic fatalities on municipal roads, of which 205 occurred in rural municipalities. The unfortunate reality is that with only 13.3% of the provincial population, rural Ontario accounted for 48% of traffic fatalities on municipal roadsͲͼ explains Scott Butler, Executive Director of Good Roads. ͻMany rural, remote, and northern municipalities are responsible for maintaining extensive road networks on a smaller population/tax base. As a result, these roads tend to be older, in poorer condition, and incorporate basic road safety infrastructure.ͼ ‘źƷŷ ƦƩƚǝźƓĭźğƌ ƦğƩƷƓĻƩƭŷźƦͲ ƦƩƚĬƌĻƒğƷźĭ ƭĻĭƷźƚƓƭ ƚŅ hƓƷğƩźƚ͸ƭ ƩǒƩğƌͲ ƓƚƩƷŷĻƩƓͲ ğƓķ ƩĻƒƚƷĻ roads can be made less dangerous. Potential interventions include replacing legacy assets (wooden posts with guardrails), installing absent road fixtures (guiderail, signs, lighting, and road paint), or upgrading to more modern assets with innovative safety functions (guardrails, guiderails, and crash cushions). ͻŷĻ ‘h‘/ ǒƓķĻƩƭƷğƓķƭ ƷŷğƷ ƷŷĻƩĻ are multiple benefits to a program such as this, notably, that preventing crashes results in a reduction of serious injuries and deaths, which keeps people out of hospitals at a time when thesystem is strainingͲͼ ĻǣƦƌğźƓĻķ ‘h‘/ /ŷğźƩ DƌĻƓ aĭbĻźƌ͵ ͻ\[ğǞƭǒźƷƭ ƩĻƭǒƌƷźƓŭ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻƭĻ ğĭĭźķĻƓƷƭ are also significant factors in increasing municipal insurance premiums, meaning that efforts to make roads safer are also one of the most meaningful ways that municipalities can improve their risk profile Α all while creating ĻƒƦƌƚǤƒĻƓƷ ŅƚƩ ƌğĬƚǒƩĻƩƭ ǞƚƩƉźƓŭ ƩźŭŷƷ ŷĻƩĻ źƓ ƩǒƩğƌ ‘ĻƭƷĻƩƓ hƓƷğƩźƚ͵ͼ Good Roads also highlights funding precedents in other parts of the world, including in the United States, where the High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) program as part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) ğźƒƭ Ʒƚ ͻĭƚƩƩĻĭƷ ƚƩ źƒƦƩƚǝĻ ğ ŷğǩğƩķƚǒƭ Ʃƚğķ ƌƚĭğƷźƚƓ ƚƩ ŅĻğƷǒƩĻ or address a highway safety problem; or be identified on the basis of crash experience, crash potential, crash rate, ƚƩ ƚƷŷĻƩ ķğƷğ ƭǒƦƦƚƩƷĻķ ƒĻğƓƭ͵ͼ In Australia and New Zealand, the Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Program ƷğƩŭĻƷƭ ͻƩƚğķ improvements for regional communities, and addresses significant deficiencies on key regional and rural roads that limit community access, pose safety risks, and impact the economic development of the surrounding area͵ͼ No similar program exists in Canada or Ontario. Good Roads is a municipal association concerned with the quality and design of roads in Ontario, devoted to the cause of better roads since 1894. Its members include most of hƓƷğƩźƚ͸ƭ ƒǒƓźĭźƦğƌźƷźĻƭ ğƓķ a growing number of First Nations as well as dozens of affiliated corporate members in the transportation and infrastructure sectors. About The ‘ĻƭƷĻƩƓ hƓƷğƩźƚ ‘ğƩķĻƓƭ͸ /ğǒĭǒƭ Λ‘h‘/Μ is a not-for-profit organization representing 15 upper and single-tier municipalities in Southwestern Ontario, representing more than 1.5 million residents. The WOWC aims to enhance the prosperity and overall wellbeing of rural and small urban communities across the region. Caucus members work collectively to influence federal and provincial legislation and programs through advocacy, research, analysis, and education. For more information, visit www.wowc.ca. -30- Media Contact Kate Burns Gallagher, Executive Director T: 519-495-6059 E: kate@wowc.ca 2