1956 Road Committee Minutes 1ST. THOMAS, O'ntario. Sapterl1ber 23ri. 1954. / fJ:J::lJ:!j ST. ftliOMAS SUBu.ttB..llN ROADS OOMJVJ!SSION met at the Oo'twt House with VI. ;r. FUI}I' OW ~. Diree'tor of Plr-\nlling, ontario Departmen't of Highlvays, JOIiISf (] OOK, Assistant Municipal Engineer, Department of Highways, FRED. A. BELL, County Engineer. '1'.tiJit Pulfr'osm of the meeting was to have M:r. F'tllton advise the Commission regarding the proposed Grade Separation at ,the St. George street, Canadian Nationa.l Railways Crossing. ll~ VJ...IDVi of the tao.t tl18,tthe Couneil of the 01't'1 of 81;. lfhomaa advised ,the Commission that the 01 t'y \)7 resolutiOJ! passed on Septem.ber 7th. ,the 01 ty will not rel1aase a1:3:Y :part of the Athls'tie Gro'U.11ds Lands for any IF oposed diversion of st. George street, the Commissioners were of the opinion. that the proposed underpass 'under the Oanadian National Railways V1adu(}'t willhava to be abandaneCl although the cost would 'be only about 5~ of the eost ot cOllstru.eting a SUbv'lTay. MR. FUL~ON made an examination of the locality 'before meeting the OOHmlissioners. He expressed. the opiniontha:t st. George street is not a iesirable rOtlte for a main entr~ee to st. Thomas and various other routes were discussed. He advised. 'the Commission to srl.lbmit plans of the orossing to the Dominion ]3oard of Transport 'to provide tor a clear wio~th ot roadway of 44 feet. The grade of the roadway not to exceed 6% and to make aTtlple prov- ision tor an extensive inorease in traffic in the futttre. c~m.......~. J?7- HAl ", ,'. ~-~j . . . --~_.," ,..,,,,''''''''''u,,,,,,, ,,,,,.',.,'" 23ra~. 1954. ST. m.et the court House '\"1i th w. J. FULTON, Director of JOB1~ COOK, J\.ssistant i}}al , On tario Del}a:ctm.ent~ of High-...rvays er, De~artment of , ]'lHluD. A. BELL, CotUlty 'EngiD,eer. of the :meeting Vias to have !II 1?ulton advise the Co:m:mission regarding the ]roposed Grade se]aration at the St. George streetl Canadian :National Railways Crossing. IN of the fact that the Council of the Ci ty of st. Thomas advised the COll1l?lssion that the City by resolution passed on se]tember '7th., the City will not release any part of the Athletic Grounds Lands for any proposed diversion of . George street, the Commissioners were of the o11inion that the proposed underpass Wlder the Canadian ~1ational Hailways Viaduct 'will have to be abandoned although the cost would be only about 5010 of the COBt of constructing a' sub~"lay.. MR. FULTON made an examination of the l.Qca.lity . before 'w.. meeting the Co:m:missioners. expressed the opinion that st. George street is not a desirable route fOI' a main entrance to . Thomas and various other routes were discussed. He advised the Commission to.submit plans of the crossing to the Dominion Board of Transport to provide for aclear \udth of roadvmy of '44 feet. The grade of the roadway not to exceed 6% and to malce ample provision for an extensive increase in traffic in the. future. ST. THm~~S, Ontario. August 1Elth. 1954. mE ST.. TI:-IOMA.S SUBtffiBllE' ROADS COIVINIISSI Ol~ m.at at the Co;ttrt B~o'U.se at 6 :p.m. All the COIffillissioners were present. Ttm FOLLOvITNG R~SOLUTIONS were adopted:- IT v1J.AB J),[OV.HiD BY If\J1VI. R. COULTER SJ.~ C Ol\f:DITID BY GEORG.~ CROSS TFI.t\T .AN .APPLI CATIOI'f be made to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada to have a Grade separation eo'UstJrueted at, or in the vioi1'li'ty of, the crossing of the Canadian Uational Rail\f'1ays and st. George Stref~t, just North of the OJ. ty of st. Thomas. Carried IT WAS :MOVITID BY GEORGE CROSS Sl~C:ONDED BY Ii.. C01TLTER TI-h\.T WeB.. EIELI, be in.structed to request liLTr. Doucett, M!knisterof Highways, to have a Representative of 'I;he Planning Departxilent; of the Ontario Departrnent of Highways advise the Comnussion regarding the looation of the proposed GraCle separation at the Canad:ta11 National Railwa.ys crossing on st. George street ancl 'that iVIr. Bell s'tl.bmi't a.n estimate of the cos~ to the Department of Highways as soon as possi'ble. Carried. , . ___.. ./6://~ GII1~fffiVfAN "' ".,"c,,",c#=",p . ',' , ,<,,",,,""'_"~"%'~'""'''"''' ,.. ,."c'",.,:"",,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-- ST. TH01~, Ontario. August 16th. 1954. A JOlliT IVJJ:!;J-l:TING of the st. Thomas Stfbiu,rban Roads COIDrl1ission, The Speoial Commit''tee appointed by the Elgin County Cotm,cil, Represen.tatives ofc the st. ThoDlas City Council met at the Court House at 5 :p.m. PRESENT:- K. M. WIIJLIA\\iTstON THO:M.AS C ul.iRAH F., S. THOIVIAS ROY B. BOVfEY WIVl.. R. COUL'l'J:i.iR GEORGE CROSS GEORGE SILCOX T. S. CAIJ}VVJI:LL I)ET}l~R I.AT'NG C ~ :tW.tJJv'IERSLEY :M. C .. 1~100RE FRED.. A.. BI~LL FRAN1{ S.ANDI~RS vV. C.. MIJ../LER ERNEST C. R:EID - Warden of Elgin -MAYOR of' st. Thomas - M. L. A. - CHAIRWIAN, st. Thornas Suburban Roads CO.uJJ.uission - CO:M]VIISSION.t~R, tt - CO~lIMI SSIOllER, tt -COUNTY COUNCILLOR - DISTRICT ENGIN'EER, Department of Highways - CITY COm~CIIJLOR - CITY COUNCILLOR - CITY C01JNCII~OR - COtJj)J'l'f ENGnnm~R - COUNTY SOLICITOR - CITY ENGINEER - CITY CLERK ROY B. BOvVEY a.cted as Chairman. THE PURPOSE OF TBJ.TI lVCEIi;TING 1tvasto discnss the proposed Grade Separation. at the st. George street, Canadian National Railways Crossing. ALL THE ~mNlli~RS present expressed the need of the construotion of a grade separation at this point. l\.UGllST ~6th. ~954. 'J1'\E l'R01?OS1J.. 0]' ~. B'E1J.. at a llJ?e'V'ioUS meeting ., ,'... . ~ ,a. l\i.e'l; stJ?ong, O1l1?oS it i on fJ?om t,he llLenlbers of the G :l.t,'1 co\JXl.C:l. aXl th t the llro1?o$ed route "WoUld 'the Ci't'1 'Engineer, ;gaig1.'1 on 'the fact 13. . I"I"n t1....~ft:ro~ 'oark aXld the l\.'\;he~etiC 1?a.rk. }.laSS thrOuer' ",v..""",.t: · mlAl~ 13O"I"lE'1 aJ.so e,;:pre s sed hj;Jll.Se1:f agaillSt, -2- ,thiS 1?'to1?osal. ~. ~ su"bmitted that he est~tedthat 'I t"\t::. 000 00 ^"'d ~ 120000.00 t ,'ul o~ Ao"t "bet-ween ~ ~"u,' · """ 'II . , . his 1?ro1?Osed rou: e"Wo .,," . .".' Su"b"Wa'1 on S't. George street. ~ess thaXl the cost of construCG~pg a ~""!,R WlC1lll1.SCUSS1.CllSl 'the fono"Wing, reao~U'l;i.on waS aa.o,tea~"" R. j)[. 1/111.L1.Al!!SOll ~IOMJ~S c1.JB.13.A11 1.T ,<<AS llL()V1!ID "jj:( S'ECollD'E'D 13Y ')' . Tf\.iI.T All 1il?3?1.1.Gl\.T1. 011 be ;gaM '\;0 "".- Boara of Trl3.11S1?Ort commisSioners of CaXll3.da to ha'V'e .of the a OJ?ade 5enaration constructed at ,the CJ?oSS:l.llg 0 GaXladiaXl llatiolla1. Ra.i~"Wa'1S aXld St,. Geo-rge street. . tv.; " 1:" ,,"wa.'" lle-oaJ:'t:roalXt 1JlR. T\.1.01JLtS SUggested tl1a.t ..e J.:l.d..J ~ . . . .. . .. .1 e tb.8 estj;Jll.6.ted cost to the Cit'1 ana. be 110t:l.f:l.ea. as soOll as 1?OSS:l."b- · the subuJ?baXl RoaM. commission so tb.8.t a~~oWaXlce wi1.1. be ;gade J,'l1 the ~g55 estj;Jll.6.tes. ~ . {~-c?.e~--e ~...-t"o,. ~ ""'..,>,,....,""'" Cl1.A.lm~~ · ST. TIlo1ll!1\.S, ontariO · ;rULY 29th. 1954. 'fil".E ST. TIlo1ll!1\.S SUBtJRBAli :RoADS co]JlM1.SS1011 me't at the court 1l0tlse at 2 "]?:m. AJ-l the Memoe I'S we l'El 'PI' e s en't · 'fil".E "NlJ.~S of the :meetings held on ;rune llt1:l.. and ;r'lJl3.e l5t.h. 'Were adO'Pted. Tfl.1S _1J:J3]l IlS di seouased 'the -pl'o"]?os eO. Grade se'Para't i on at 1;,he canadian 'Nat.iOl3.al B.ail'Waya CJ:'ossin.g on st. QElorge s"tl'eet and ins'tl'tlciied W. Bell '\;0 arrange a meeting ,nth the s-peeial co]lllllit'i;ee a:.\?-poi1ated oy the Coun"ty council and W. Caldwell. District }Jl.U!lieij;lal ]1n.gineeJ:' on ~SD1\.:r, J\.UgtlS'\; 4th. a'\; 2 1> .ro.- ~ co1'\NflSSlGN and Mr. Bell made an inspection of the -pa:l1Ell1len'\; recentlY laid on Road 22 S.A. ~ _..d-~<~'<'" . I S~. THOl~S, ontario. ;rune 15th. 1954. A JOINT MEEfiNG of the st. Thomas suburban. RoadS Commission, Representatives of the County CO'l..lJileil, Mem1>ers of the 8t. Thomas City Cotttleil, met at the Co'u.:rt House 8.,t8 p .,m. on ;rl.UJ.e 15th. Fred. A. Bell, Coun.ty Isngi'neer, W. C. lVIillcer, City Engineer E. C. R'EID, City Clerk and t1;e I-Ionottra1,le F. S. THO].[AS, M. L. A. a:ttendedthe meeting.- tl'liE PuHPOSE OF THE 1\IDjiETDiG was to discuSS ,the proposed Grade separation of st. George street and the Canadian :NatioDal Railways, just North of st. :E'ho:rna.s. ROY BOVVEY was ChairmA'Tl of the meeting. lffi. BELL suomi t"ted a. 1'l8:n sho~ving a. pry:)'posed rerouting o~ st. George stree't, tl\lJ.>ving IIorth easterly trom st. George street about '00 teet South of the present bridge, thenoe Bortherly passing under the Canadian National Railways viaduct and then cllxving North wes'terly and westerly, joining 25 -8. A. about '00 fee:t North of the present crossing. P~vI0USLY .the only proposed soheme waS to 00l1s'trttC't a subway tmder 'the present erossing. A..I:!",rJ:!iR lmCH DISCUSSION a resolution was passed iRstrue;ting the C01!lD.ty an.d city Engineers to prepare prelimiE.al"Y est;1!1"tes of the two pNPosed layGUts. AS SOOR as they are prepared, a. mee'ting \~i11 be held tor further disoussiO'n- -2- Jl.JJSfE lfi'1;h. 1954. ThE CO~lTY AND CIT! were no~1fiedthat, as 'the Application tor a Grad.e separation viaS not made by June 1st, theapplicatiQu for Flash Signals by the C~nadian Natiom~l Railways may be reconsidered. A MOmON was passed asking the Oi ty and Cou:nty 'to apply f(i)r an extension of time before the Application for a Grad.e Separa'tion must be made. ON JlJl]iE ltlth. the County applied 'to The Board for such an extension of time. /7 A/? ~' ...-L~.......,_""~~~~,,,"~f/:~'. CH.AImlIAN. ST. 11IfiOIVIAS, Ontario. <JuNE 11th. 1954. '1'.J:ili ST. 'l'.l:iOr~ SU1:$1JRJ3AN ROADS CnM:f"fiSSION me't at the CO'tL'rt House at 2 p.m. All the 1V1embers were presen:t. 'l'l:ii!i mI11LJ'J.'.t!iS of the meetings held IOn Mareh12'th. and Mareh 17th. were read and. approved. ~~ FOLLOvVING BESOLu~lOBS,were adopted:- I T VIAS MO m.l!ilJ Bl SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS ROY BOv\IEY mAT WII.T.T.AJII R. COULTER be reappointed as Third Member of'the at. Thoil1aS Subfurban Roads Co:rrullission tor a. tam of FlVJ!i Yf,;;ABS as provided for by Seo,tion 40, S'ub Seotion (2) of the Highvv-a.y Im.provement Ae;t. CA~-qI]1D . IT WAS ];Iuv ED BY 5'EC01\1lJED BY Vi. R. C ODLTER GEORGE CROSS TfHAT ]'R1ID. A. BELL, OOtU1ty Engineer, be instrnotedto,arrange a meeting of the CuJ.UU.Lission with tl16 Speoial C OlBJJiltttee, appointed by the County Council and Representa'tives of the Oouncil of the City of st. ThQTnAS, a:tthe G:o'urt House, a.t the earliest .co1J.venient date. GARHIED. Alf'1jJ.jjRthe meetillg the Members and the Cotmty Engineer inspec.ted Road II 22 S.A. which 1s being prepared tor paving. . ..r; ,'/..... ~................. ~.....~ .. ~ _...." //,?;47.~_/_ {l.,,_ Olf..AIRIV[A]if. S'r. 'filoyUS t Ol!.t a:rio. lAa"tei:l. 1. '1 'I;.1l. 1. 9 54:. A. 1011ff ~G Of 'fj:1E C! .. .."'g.... S5'lO'N all-G. "fl'\:E Sl?1!.C'l.fll. e ollllil~ S'r 'fllOyUS ~A'N 110JJ)D C~J.. ' a~O illteli; \';1 t.i:l.e 1!.1.gill l10aas connni t:tee 'lllet at t11.e e Ollr\i> 1:1 ollse a't Z 1> .'lllo (1). }Aa."tch 1. 'ft11.. 1.954. ~ 1llSl?1!.crr'lO'N of t 11.e st . ('}Elo"tge st -rea'\; ~ Oall-adiall- 'Na.t.iOJl.al. RaU,va1S erossi'l\lS "lfas lIla.d~" . "fl'\:E fo1J..O\Il!.'NG BESO'L"\J'fl~S '/>18-re ai!.o1>t.e6.1- 'l'r 'liAS 1';10'1~ Jr! Gt.Ol1Gt. CROSS gEeo'ND~ Jr! Gt.oR~ ROSZE'L'L ~ 1l!ll. 'B~ !\.o,\;U1 lh s. f'\JL~O'N . ..f tll. l1lall-adiall- 'National -te i!\.Sl?eet ti16 }'J"t01>()sea -ro'U'li6 o. · 6 G "6 S-t:ree'\; all-ii\. a.-rrall-g,e Rai1.lI8.1S G:raae S&'Pa.-ratiO'l!. a'l; st ..60"1''0' . a Jl1.6 €It i'l\lS "lfi:tll.t11.e j 0 ill t. e onnni'l; t.ee · ~l\l1B.1.."ED. 'l~ 'flAS 11l.<:r'fED Jr! 'fl. 11. eo'\JL'fER gEC01iD1!.'P Jr! ~ORG15 CROSS ~'f . jj[l3.. 'B1!.'L'L "'pe illSt.:rllet.e~ t.o -pre}'Ja:re ..f st Qeo:rg,e st:reet G-raae sei?a-ratiO'l!.. j11.a!\.l!l () . eJJlR'l1!:ih d /J ~~"',-,_-"---- f~!?~ . SIr. 'fl'iO'ly[AAh (1)I:t ari 0 · ~re~ ~zth. ~g54. 'fl'fE s~Al1 ROllDS o~SSI01'i TIle'll '8!.th 1i'o 1>.. 13e~~' G\l),'1n:t"1 ~in.eer a-t 2 'P.TIl. AL~ the ~e~e1's '861'e 'Presen.~. 'fl'fE ~ of t.he TIleet.in.g he~d Oll ;ranus:r'1 gi;1:l.. '86re raaa. and a'P'Pro'Vea.. A. GO~ OA.'!.'! 01'i ;troTll 'E'I'lt\.ea-t 0 · Reid , C~e '!'J!,: of tb.6 eit'1 of st . ThQ1ll.8.s, a.a tea. ]j\atCb. znd. ~ 'll54. aa.G:re sseil 'till 'Fred. A.. 13e~~ -waS eon.li\iaered. ~. Reia in.to~edtM eo_saion. 'tIM.'t the Oi;;'1 OGun.eU bY relllol.utiOn. (,ib~e0'tea. ;;0 the e:g;:pendi:\;;d:!:'e of ~ 5400.00 to:!! the 'P'!'01?Gsed eOllstrueti(l1l of ourbS and Gutters Cl)lt\. 13a~a0 ~a...a street alt\.o. auth(Yt'i'Zed the 'f'I'ea.$'\1.'.t'er ;;0 Tia"1 a ~:iJltIil:I1l. ~o~t ot $ 9050.00 on. the oo_ssiOn.S ~95$ e:g;:pen.dit~es. The eJll.o\11l.t of the oannnissiOlt\.' s in.'Voice bei!l.g t ~O ,49~. "/5. IT wAS 'N!.O'J]ID ]f! W. R. eotlLTlllR SEGel"ND1\ID ]f! GEORG"E CROSS 'fl;lA.T the (jb.a.i~ i1lll rell ~"1in.gtQ the a bO"Te eo_unto at iOll e:g;:p~aiJ1.S that 1ihEl s\J1ll. ot i'.p 9660.00 waS on.~"1 a ;ran.ua'I'Y ~96'5 "Es'\;jJlW.'l:.e of the cit'1' S sb.a.'.t'e ot eon.stru.c'\;i~ a.lt\.6. l\'l,ai.1l'\;ain.iM. the S'll~'be:Il Il.oao.s in. ~9o'5 an.d. sMulil. n.o'l:. 'betaken. as a ~ eJll.o\11l.il. Ga17riea.. R. eoU1JTER 1. T wAS 1llO'J1\ID ]f! SEOO1ilD1\ID ]f! G"EORG"E CROSS ')$.A.'.!.' the co_ssion. TIlee't 'Vd'th tb.6 Specia~ co11I!llittee all1?o i.~teo. 1::1'1 the "Elgi.'J'l. RoatlS COlll11d:tt.El e on. March 1, '! th. 1 <a54: a't 2 1> ,oTIl. 'to eOl\l.siiier 'thEl 1?J.'01?osed GJ.'e.ae SEl1?a.J.'at.iOll a.'t the Can.aCl.ian. 'l'la'l>:).01lli8.1 RaUwa.'1 orossi.'J'l.g on. st. George S't1.'Elet. CA1311l"ED · 'fl!li\ c()Nll\J\!.~ aa~ o'I:'IXn.eG. 'to 1ll6Elt. at 'the CO'll'!'t 'l'!.OUSEl at. 2 1l.TIl. on 1ll8.re'b. 1 '!th. ~/!~~._----- oID\J.m~ · ' sr. T]:loMAS, on:ta:ci 0 · ~ aJl",-at7 l.l:til. l: 954,. 'fl.tE ST. T]:lOMAS ~ ROADS co_SSlOlil ana. ]1!r . Bell: me'\> wi til tile st . 'filol!l8.S e i't1 00\111.0 il: at tile Ci t, 1 1'l.all: a t4:. SO 11 .m. ~ ~ aJl'\il.!i.t7 l:l: 'til. TliE _'f1l!G waS call:ed to diSO"'-SS 'tile -p:co-poeeil. GradEl separa'tion a1; tile Canaa.ia:ll 'National: Rail:wa1S crossing', oll st. Ge0-rg,e st-reet eJ!l.a. t.ile aa.'1'iSabil:i't1 of re'tainil1l$ 'tile -presen't f1.a~ -p-rotElo'tiOll ills'tead of j.nstal:l:ing, flash signals. u~'f 'tile council: of 'tile Qoun't1 of ~l:gin be ad'1'ised. tila't the oit1 of st. 'fb.emas is il.efini'tel:1 in fa...o-r of tile gradEI SElpara:ti01l at st. George Street. anil. is prepared. to aSs~e tile 'PortiOll of eost.wiliob. is -rigilt.full:1 'theirs in tile eonstrtlotion of tiliS 'fl:!E 01.'f! COuN01'L 'Passed. tile foll:o'li'illg -reeol:",-tidn " -pro 5 ee:t. ,t 'J)1 ;;ile mea:llti1I\.e I TltlS CO~!.L al:ao goeli on. :record. ;;0 sta'te tila't i't is aefini'tel:1 in :l:a...or of tile re'l1.ent,idn a'\; 'tilis erossi1lg, eftile 'P1.'esen.t fl:agtna1l ]>'rotee't 1011. " ~. 11' .....J,... , . JanuaT::l 8th. 1954. . SUBUt1Blffi R01\DS met a'l; the court Rouse at 2 p.m. sent - CrLURl~k\1:1'ROY ..... . H. COULT1~~R _ Com~r.Lry . A. september 30th. 1953 and January 5th. 1954 were read and apprmed. of tl1.e rt16EJtingS' l1.elct on ]IIR. BELL reported. on the work done in 1953 ana ,the attached report subm.it-tect 'by . Bell to the cQJ'llJllission. tbe city of st. ThomaS, asking tbai; a joint meeting be beld with waS read from Ernest C. Reid, Clerk of the city COU1'J.col. .An arrangement roa a.. e . Bell 8.)1<1 litr. }laid to have a meeting of tbe Comro.ission and the City COU1'J.ci1 on 'l<1qnd.a;r, January 11tb. at 4.30 to disCUSS the proposed grade separation at the Canadian 'National RailwayS crossing on . George street. e.d.optea.: - 1 rr '\fiJAt> ![O\f"ED BY SBCOl\fDED BY .. ...."'. JOIrrtn.i s s i on ROY be Chairman of for year 1954. . Irr "BY. HI . R. t116 Cl1ai'lT.m.an and of the oon~niss1.on eacb. be paid tb.e s1.lJ.ll. of 75.00 s for 1954. . -2-- J.PiNUAIiY 8'th. 1954. Iff :&fluv .clD BY GEOHGE CROSS SI~CONDED BY R. C OUJ./.ltj:.;l1 'the Engineer t s Heport of 'the 1953 6J.q)end.itures be 8.1')proved ancl that City of ., Thomas be rendered an acoount for stun of 10,491.75 as its share of the lS353 expenditures. CARRIED. IT W.AJ3 I\~OVED BY R. COULTER SECONDED BY GJ~ORGE CROSS the IGngineert s estimates for 1954 be approved and that the C1 t'y of . Thmnas and the County of Elgin be notlJ~ied thidi 47,000.00 vlill be required for the Ttk'lintenance and co1:tstrtlction of the Suburban 1108.<18 for the year 1954 baseo. on the art s estirnate. CARHIJ]D. IVtBIErrING adj ourned to at Cit<y on. 11th. 4.30. 'the m.eeting the C01Trmissiol1.ers ancl . :nk'l.dean inSl)8ction of the propos6(1 . street . / .-_._..,~.......".""'" LL~ ;_,1.rrn...,:::Y."M...,m .' .-. .... . .... . . .L .ct!'- .. ,.."'.. "". . . . . .._.m...."~;i,~','<.-;F""~,~".... ("". '.~ FRED A. BELL, B.Se., O. L. S.. M .E.1. C.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS. ONT. CI1TY 0]' ST. rrHOI~1!"1.S IU ACCOUUT \NI TH COu1~TY OF ELGI1Sr J P1WlillY 8th. 1 9 54. SUBURBI11~ R01J)S ~________~_~~"~~~~-~-"'_~._0_-----~---------~--~-----~~_~___.._u___ R1~SURFACING lu'!D l?l:m:1")ARING ROADS FOR PAVTNG liEP AIRS TO PAVIiI,NfH:;Izrrs J:lLLUI1Tll]:TANCIG V1ITH GH1J)I~RS v\[J1.::mD luTD BHUSH CONTROL 50~'0 OF cosrr OF IJlBOUH. I~IIO'"vING hYDRO POJ2:!;S SNO-Vl[ ..~1'D ICE CONTROL PROrrJI;C,TION C. 8.c o. RY. - F.uDDLEJ:~LitH.CH ]'ENC ING DRAIl':rAGJ~ AND DlrrCHING DUST CO:N]:ROL 81 G1\fS LAYI]\FG 2 IJITL.l1iS TAR J.lruLCH J?AVJ:.!;lvIENT ON ROlill I/: 22 S][L\.L COATING .J?A"'\ll~MITI]:rrS St.:r.P'ERIJIr"l-r:cIHDlill\fC'E lU;ID OF}~CE 1\SSIST1Lt':.rCl~ COMlvlISSI01SD~RS J:!-'EES AND BRIDGES CDLVERrrS 191.34 513.05, OI rrf 0))' ST. TI-IO]Cill~S t SH.AP~ 25%, of 41,685.30. 10% of ?04.37 10,421.32 '7 O..! 44 5.11B.51 :L80..12 1 ,086.24 198.50 1,05?00 261.93 146.15 328.03 1,275.39 905.50 13.26 17$334.6~ 12,848.59 '700.00 230.40 41,685430 704.37. 42,3891.67 dli ~:r 10,491.'76 (SGNtD) R. B. BOVv:EY' ---CElD: m'JI1u\f - SUBUItBJ;ijJ~ ROP,J)S CONffiJIISSION f1 l!..td~D. A. BELI.J a,om~i--]~lNGINI[ER. " FRED A, BELL, B,Sc., O. L. S., M .E.1. C.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS. ONT. J .AJ5JUARY 11th. 1954. ESTIiv'Lt\TE FOR H:xFJi..ilIDITtTI:reS ON THE ROlillS mm:mR THE DIRJ~CTION OF THE ST. T1{Ol~~~S Su-!?.YHB1U:I ROJtJ?.P OO]~TI\jJISG;r..OfI FOR YJ:G.L~ 1954. 'J.I.tlJJJ CONSTRUCTING 2i- J:\JrrLI~S RO.AD laX Eli.VJ~1VIE1\fT HESUlIWACING )U:1D CONSTRUC~[1ING STl11311.LlZED BASE FORR01~S FOR FU~uaE PAVING JvI.luNTEN JuICE VVITH GHlillERS I CE .twill St\l"OVV', CO!\1"rROI... WE1~D lu>ID BRUSH COrJrr~OL DUST CONTROL DRlJNAGE lU':ID DI'I'C:rTING CONSTRUCTING CURBS ('l\ND CUTTERS ON B,/.U"ACLliVA STPJ~ET SJi:,AL COATING ~TING J?10J PAI:NTING TRlurJrl C / ~THIPS c""tUJ?' ",'nR)i-~'Jr"l-r:1l1:r.D-EN""' "0'1-:1 ",','1\m, 0' "r.l"l"rl,IC"'l"l1 .E'"~"",D?Tm\TCT1Q \..J " .t::Jw...I\ l.Lh.L.\ h 1!J .I:'U'~~ J:! .ll JlJt.i' l!.I.l:\H:J.L!..O OOM:MI SSl GNERS FE1~S ltiID Jf:JCPIITfSrSES INCIDlliqT}\LS ,.~ CONTING~qCIES BRIDGES ,I.!U1D CULVERTS ESTI~1i!PJ..TED ST. 'l1fIOMj:u3 t SHA..RE 25% of $ 43,500.00 10% 01' 3,500.00 10,875.00 350.00 20,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 2 ,000.00 3,400.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 350.00 650.00 43,500.00 3,500.00 4?1000.00 ~~ ll,225.00 DOI.L\1J5JS.tt'S :R.1U!OR! . ,. .4IlJ41 1954 !l'8 1;lI.. Clla1>>-.. ,..4 ...'D.~. or 1;.. .,.' i1I.o..811laulDaa 1lO..... 0011II1..1... ".'Ii 1....: !! I "'e. ~. 2r.:por~a. te1lowa,:. a...%,pe.i11nur.. ter ma1a1ia1D1ac 1;11.. Jroacla . t 42,389.6'1 u4.. 7eO 3vlaUe1ii..ter 1;k_ 7.ar 1911 w_r., \flUek -7 lit. 11;.1I1u4, .a tellow..:.- :an.... \i"'....UR1B 191.;14- 111.01 1,118.:51 18G .12 l,OS'oS" ,198.10 1, Gi'.OO &,1..,. 14.6.11 12S.'. 1.,:&".:19 '05.&0 a..I 1 '.~I4r.'S 12.868.59 ,eo.E)O laC),.," 4,1,,181.10 U-udA.CII'G AlfD P.IJs,tiAlmf(J ReADS :rem PAVIlfG BDAIllS 'l'O PA,.-S JIAJ..VJ:t.ltfAtfQ!lWI!.I CiADDS ,..;....... .Al'3 BBlJSK elaxxO:L ..~ Of 80S! OJ' :LABIa, .v.u(Q &1>>.11 PGLBS SROW Al,u IOll CGJl'fROX, ~aeDen. o. " 8. .to.. .IIIDDt.1P(J\.ReH lD0Ilf8 iJltA, ~&:I AIm mTu11.L.. .,s, CCb.,'~.R.8Ia srCBlS LA1...... 1....138 0' !All ...... PAVJIIIItI'f OIfRQAI # as IlIA];, GIA.!IBG PAv.dilllUfm ""J:laJ..L"1:.llluell ,A1O) O"JI'J.CE ASSI:S'fJBell eOJww.snoJ.\l!ld .r.d8.AIm n~.~S. ' '04.:1' J 4.2~..t.'I' Aboll:' a Bd.l.. G-r Road. JI\l1..la.Pa"'....t waa J.a14 .. Road. Ii aa, 1. 1;._ !eWJUlll.1p of Tar....1;., tro. ..11lBCioa 8'1i:r..1; 88..1;...17 &1/)ou" a m11...: I r......' ".&1; 1;1l18 read b. laTe" 1iueup "......1... 5 ..4 . ud '.at 1t 'be r.al1p.... pal... ..4 ,:r.pue. ter panas "lu:ou.ca C......1.. ~ 1.&81; ,..u 1" \fa. pre,0.84 1;0 ...s't:r:..1i ....r... .ub....i p,1i1;er. .. ~.la....S1;r..t lNt t11. w()rk- wa. ,..1;,...4..; I hay. 1..1114.4 1;11. ..st ia t.e :tQllowiac .."i1Ju.1;e..: InCi...rts R8por1; ~a~ 'Ul'WU7 1954: I haT.. prepar.d. 1;.. tollow1BB; 8st1mat. tor 1;111. ,.eus ...ip' tor ,.ev eO.814.r&1;1e.:" GJOJIS'RvenxCl at XtlBS ReAD JIU :rA,J!i1VJJ!iJ." l.1bIedACI1f& DB '&.t:!)'I'&uC::t'.J.JlG, S'e4ilA1;:t"ZlD BASI leR ROADS. J'Gll ...u~d PAVJ...L~ G IlA.Lv!JL.tIAlfCI Em ~ IeE AD SHew C"~rJtOrL. _aD AID 1....SJl;Cfh\j'xll.rL "wS! e..1:.lrL. DItAIBA.CI. AB.DI~vw.1f. CtlfSnue'!mQ ~"dS AaS ..,1:%Js.t.\fS .. 1lA.I4CLATA STltJlS! .. IOAfiBl lDIJI:tLWGcPA'I.uIlftS 'AIIt!IWQ 'flW'fi1 &I.S.5f~~~~. ~\iJ.rJllIB'~'lJDClI .A1~u~ O.l'J!'J:(JE :Jl.AJ:'mfSllS CQJIIIISSI'llIUl EBB .AlI]) . JS.A..tIDSIS I1fGI:DD'fALS ABJ COlfi'J:BG.s'CIES BlUDGES .AliD w.....'1AR'lS t 80,000.1. '.900.00 1.000.00 I(lO.GO 100.00 100.00 3,0000:00 1.4.0o..oe 6,000.00 1,000.00 aQo.oo .:I' 158.10 '" 61O.00J 41,100.00 ItIO~.OO 4'1,ieG.eO !tdl SUIl iO..Bet poTitle fer 1;l1e .o.str..1i1oa ot aD.1' lare. pro3ee1; 8... as o.BstraotillS a pai. ..,uatio. OD the Caaa41aa lfatio..l R8.11w8.78 Oros,,1al CD. St. George Stre.t Or r.'ullI1BC the Ii.gal Bri4a_. All of ",1\10.. 18 resp..tfu.l17 sv.1Dm1ttecl. /~. u.PePY ceua:r.t .~. 81;. Themas. cmtar1e. lU'WU7$1;ll. 1'14. ST. . J ..4..'NUlu"tff 5 th . 1954. me't 1~ri'tl1 Charles Ooyle, A. and a grOltp ofsen:ta't;i va Ra'cepayers 1ivir31g on Welling'ton Road and viein1t~r and clisouss'ed ~che question oferec,ting tlash signals at the Canadian ional Railway Crossing on st. George street. ;r j)J\~S ~.[OBAIl~ spoke for the l~atepayers and. obj ecrtedto 'the arec'cion of'the signals as ill their opinion '). ~Gt.1' t:t1"1' >/) n it w~ou~d delay the construction of a grade croos;I,.ng at this I)oint. . in~onned COlmnission tha't a petition 'to thi s teljT circulatecl. .Pift;er a disc'tlssionthe folloVlJil1.g :r.e solution Vias adoI>ted:- IT lliAS 110VED BY SECOJ\TDED BY as f or Elgin antI as ]1[ember, lV[io.cllesex, sent o:r t Rat epe:ye rs 'Co the Minister of ~:rclnsI!ort. Fred. arrange a in Tororrbo 1i\rith the DeJ?artmen'c of to be attendea~ by Representatives frOl11 ,the . Thomas St1.1:rurban HO€lcLs CO!!11TI.ission, The Couuty CotJ.ncj~l, City Council ., Bell. __k..".i:L~~#~------_ , Ghair:m.an. ST. 'fBotiS, Oll:'-a:ri1h S&"p'telliber $0'th. l.CJl15li. 'fRlil1l0~O~ G"EOllGE no'UC"E'f'fiS, Winieter€.lt l!i;hWfl.Y$, :r. A. ilac'J]INFS , Chief maie il'S.l. "Ene ineer , T. s. o.ALI>w.Eu" nia't'tie-\'l ~ei1?al ~ilLeer ana. ;roilN e ooK, .r..ssiat.6J1t 111_ e i1?al :Engineer, 1ll.e-\'l 'the SUb1U'ban BoaU Co_asion 6J1d -the "ElgilL coaty Roade CO'l!l1llit-tee a't the C ou.::rl> '!:to u.ae a 1;, l. liO 1? .1ll.- _ 1IlJlil'1S'fER talked o"fer 1?roblfl'j!l:\S 1ll.et during tM I'ut year and a lengt'b.'Y diseuaaion. '\;ook 1?laee ilL regard '\;0 'the 1?r€>-poeed st. George sl;ree'\;, eanaaia'1llia'ti~ RailwaYS Grade se-ps.ra'ti01l. Al"fER ~ ;r o1liT l'IllSETlNG 'l>M sub'l:U'ba'1l Reaiil.S C 0_e si on. llelii aillee-ting. 'fRlil ]'O'J,U)w:l1lG lWSO :r.U'1YlGNS were adQ1l'\;ea: :r.'f WAS mOVED 'S'! W - R. eoiJl,'fER SECOliDED 'S'! R. B. BO~ 'fl:1A.'f l'ltR. 13'EUo eoJll1ll.'lU!licate with "'he 1iI!inia,\;er of llig\lWe:ys Re '\:\h6 'Proposed s'\;o George stree't su'Dwa'Y and arrange if possible 'to l\a"fe "fieta11' ~si;aff at his D6-partm.ell.'t _ei; the S'llb'\J,r1>an RoadS e01J1lll.isaiGn ilL $'\;. 'fl1o'Jlll:'l.S at 6J1 ear1:1 aa.-te alll ad-dae as 'to '\;he lles't -proeeed1U'e -to ini'tia'te 'the eonstruct-ion Elt a Gradese-para'tiOll a"t,thiS )?o11;1:t. ee.:rried. :r.'f wAS mOVED 'S'! E. B. '10- SEColiDED m: W. R. eoiJl,nR 'fFl..A'f l'ltR. 'iE'L'L no'tif'Y 1;,ile Sl1peri1\l.tellaen't of the eanadiaJ!l. llIation.al RailwaYS tha.t as 1?)!oeeel1l.inga are being i.1li'tiat.ed it.oeonstr'\ilct- a grade ee-parat-ifi1.9. at the S'\i. George s;;ree'\i &,osei1lS 'tbA-\'l '\ilie ]lJ1Olleae1. te 1;nlrt-all flasni.1lt!, .ligb.'t aign.aJ.$ at '\ibis pob:l.t a.S outlb:l.eo. i.1l bis lett.e:r: of ;roe 6th. 19S1i 'De delayeii fo)! the carried. presen't. bH~~~'/ ST. mOliAS, Ontario. J1me 16th. 1953. '1'.tlJij SIf. 'l'.tlO~V.s S1JBURBA'N ROADS CO:MMISSION met a..t the Court House at 10 a.m.. presen't. All the Members were '1'.t:U!,; MThu'I'ES of the meeting l1eld. 011 January 13~h. were reai and approved. A DEPVfATION from the Middlemareh Woment s Instit'\t.t'te, oomposed of Mrs. Alex Lyle, lVIra. Harry Dabber, ]Irs. Ross Tt1fford and Miss Lyle addressed tke Co.tWl.l.ission. Mrs. WIlliam G. Lyle, Convenor. was not able to attend. The deputa.tion asked that early Oc)1lsidera'tioJ'1 be given the rebuilding of the Fingal Brid.ge ()Il Talbot Road over Ket,tle Creek. r.I'hey also asked that a Grade separation be construoted at the intersecrtion of' Talbot Roac1 and the LOliaOJlll and Port stanley Gra"Vel Road ((tl1eent s Highway If 4). IT WAS expla.inei to the Members otthe dep\1tation that 'the Ci;ty of st. Thomas has S01e jur1sd.ietiG>1l over.the proposed Gra.de Separation. County Engineer Bell told the ieputatial1 that he wOlud l1o'tify the lIa:yor 0f st. Thomas of the meeting. 0. .I:U!;LL 'informed the CcmmdssiCDIl of the irastio cut made by the Ontario J?epartment of' Highways' on the COU1'lty Road By-law passed i:n the J"alluary Session. The Commissioners expressed themselves infaVo'llr crr curtailing the progra:mme on' suburban Roads in a'bGut the same propor'tionthatthe County Roa.ds CO,Uuui t'tee found ~eeessaryto reduce the County Road prograu.we. IT WAS :MOv.lll.t) BY \nL)~ID R. COtIL'l'15R SECONDED HI ROY B. BOW~! THAT the following roads be surface treated with tar and ehips this year:- Page 2 1une 16th. 1953. ~ALBO! ROAD from the Elgta Rouse of Indus~~3 Westerly ._.;."..".._..... ..',..~.._ .,...--.,_"...~.~m"'_',.J~~ te Middlemaroh, about 3 miles B~eIJi.V ~_~~REJi1r AND SOt!l'~.l, EDGE~I~1\RE ROA! trom 0ity limi:ts North. and Eas.t 1~5 miles Sf. GEORGE STl'{ljiJ5'J: tram 01 ty limi..ts Borth ~",'.I ....'.." ""~';'" --"', ~~ .5 miles mA'1' 'f.ALBOT RO@. 'be given an A.rm.o'ur Coat of tfar and Crushed stone from ~the O1't7 limits to 'the House ef Indu.st.i."j'. 'fHAT ~u~_~~..~~'tQ~.t;f..J:~Q~L~ 'be paved wi'th a Tar MuleA :Pavement from wellington Street South to the South limit ()f Conoession " Yamoath, about 1.8 miles. CARRIED . I TWAS lJIuv ED BY SEOONDED BY W. R. GOUL'l'liiR ROY B. ]3<)'Wl!iY fI'M'!' the Cc>mm1ssion lias 110 objection. to havillgiiwo ~lashillg Light Sis;aals and one Bell installed 8.'t the e~ossil1g attlie Canadian. Hational Railways at st. George S'tree't it an equitable division of 'thecos'ts of i!1lstal1atio.mt, operation and :ma.i'l1tenanee is made ;y 'Gae Board of rrra.n.spor't. G.ARRIED . IT WAS MOV J:G1) BY SECONDED BY ROY B. BOWEr W. R. OOULTER ~_j{/~~<Y CHAImt[N .---'"'-'--"'''''--'- \ 8'1:. TI-I01VL1U3, Ont aria. Janu.ary 13th. 1953. Jl11jJ!j ST. THO)\t~ STJBU.bt]3.A}! ROlillS COMlv:crSSIOl\T me't a'-l;; "the Co'urt House at 2.30 p.m. PBES}l1NT :- CHAImVf.t\l\f COMLVD: SSI 01TERS GEORGE CROSS w. R. COULTER ROY BOvVIIT"f C01IN'.t y. ~emTGI}.L~ER FRED. A. BELL .ASSISTltN'fi ROAD SUPERIl\1'l'.tL:l\IDEl'JT - GEORGE P01JVLES THE of-the mee'ting held on June o'th. 1952 vvera read and approved. lira.. BELL l1ND MI?. POVVLES reported on the work done cluring 1952 ana. the 8't'taehed Rel)Or't was submitted by ]\[r., Bell to the COTml1ission. t~~ FOLLOvITNG P~SOLUTIONS were adopted:- I T WAS r~~ov 15D BY SECONDED BY Vf[. H.. C01JLTER ROY BO \(VEY '1'&4.T GI~ORGE CROSS be Chai:rnna.n of 'the Corn:m.ission for the year 1953. CARRIED. IT Vv.AJ3 l\{OVl11) BY w. R. COU1:.c.t!;R SECONDED BY ROY BOWEY ~{AT 'the statement prepared by Fred. A. Bell of 'the 1952 expendi~ures a~ount 'to be accepted and that -the City of st. 'Thornas be billed for its share of the cost mnount 'to $ 25,. 383.91 ~IP 5 , 907 .:.D 9 . CARRIED. J~uarY ~3, ~953. -2- SUBUR'B1\Yl 13.0:lJ)S C01JlNlISS1. olil ROY IT BY. tfll1\.'f t.b.e 'Engineer's Report 'o~ accepteo. ~a. w. . 13:r t.hattb.e County of 'E~gin ~d tb.e cit.y .of .. rrho1I.\.as 'be notifieiitha"G:Ii 4:1.000 .OG win 'be required for t.Jn.e li'laintenance ~a. construction of the SubU:L"'ban Roaa.s for the year ~953. 'baseo. on the 'Engineer's 'Estimates. cARRl"mo · ROY IT ~KC5\TW 13Y . C OU1H:i:R tfll1\.T the Cb.ai~ ~a. eaCb. c()1lllllissioner 'be -paio. the SUllJ. of t '15.0G ana. e'Z.'l?enSes for ~9'63. SIsCO"hID'ED FI cABR1-BD · 'f1IE ~IN& aa.;iourneo. '\;0 1!l.eet. at the call of tb.e Cb.ai~' FRED A. BELL, B.Se., O. L. 5., M .E.1. C., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, . ST. THOMAS, 9NT. , "I ... '~1'1. l~th..t.'~~. · oil!> .-. .. '8 ...... .,- . ,- "....,. .. . '4i! -...... .. ,-.,'. .. .... .. -.- 111 ....... .-. ""'..... .. "'" (II ....,'.... .. _ olJ',. It-.. ''"''l. . *"'I .. """ .. .... . ",,'~~.9Q .:,'60."0 ,.'.,QV m~7' ..~ ~~~;~:I '.'I:l1.11 ... ;1<1 1.0"'.... .!D......."..,~.'...'....,.. ~ Jt...,.,.'.^... :,'" WiD ..~ I". '6.~.'a8 '10.10 ~-_..t;~ '''5,.,,11 l~6&,!al !t _......"'" ,. . ,r.'or .......... ~,,~, _I. ,;Jal_tl, l1! w $.t09.:J. . ~tJ2i · /~~?mmR'- C OTJNTY .t:JJ. ;r.f$'G~ 1.CJ5~ 15li1~tS ~O~ '..a ....-ro.~ 'B.O~ OO~sSlO11\ S'f. 'fil.~ ",VJJ' . . ." .'. a lle1'l\."be:rs. · 'fo '\;b.e Cb.a~ a:n. . ." as co~ss:J,.OIl' S\l'\J~ban 'Roa 01: '\;b.e st. 'fi'ldlllfl-$ Ge~l.e'JD.ej).\~ ~ :C ol.:tol1S \ - 1. "beg, '\;0 :rej?or'G a" ' .. " . ':n.g, 'l;b.e :roadS ".' ..,..:reS 1: or _:J,.:n.'I;a:J,.:n.:J.. 'fb.e e~e1J.l.l-:J,."'''''' ' ...,.', ..' . .' ;'. n~~ ~re ~ a~t~$.~l . . Q>. .'\j'he leal: 'lOJVP ..~....isitie'\;:J,.o:n. ... o:r ,J.> '\1llae:r 10'0.1: ;\\...... . . ...' ,c' $eit 8.S 'to1J.(1IS~~ ...roi eb. 'llIfJ.'1 "bEl :J,.'I;~ . .~ ' ' '.... ]J. Zz '1,565;'00 ~A.{')1...\\lCr ~::<ifIJ".~ 'B~ Oll R01\D 11" 0,8,4/0.. '1.0> l'~~Cr S'f~ ., ,Z5.0" ~, '. e1\ ~'fil. Cr~ 4:99.6~ ~~A1I~OlI Co~01. . 4.5001.6 1.c~ ~,.,... 'Q'OJ)S1t C~R01. CJ'7 (h 58' ~'D ~JJ. PP-, ' ~1.9.(l8 n\lS'f C~R01. 1:>05.00 'fS.lJS n~S 1.0' .56 ~c1l:lCr 2'5.4:0 . SlCr1\lS 1$ Z~.50. (}11;$l~0 1'1I.~'l'S 800.2.6 ~~... :-. ""'" (') S<s;lll')?S . '700 · 00 l'~~ct. ).ll:D ol'1lC~ ASS1.S'1:~\lC~ zoZ.50 ~11'):~'.;;?it" ~ ~ ~fJiS 565.50 co~SSlO~~ .;, Cr11;pJ:. ~ J~~01 ~S<S;~~ ~\Jf$~11 ~ 11.'1: C. ~o. 013! ',' .' ,< 0"5 , . . Zi'U~:6q ~ 25,'58$001. 'B1l1-'DGES ,l\i'ID Q\l1.o"\f~~ ",.'I;S 'IIere 1.~~ . ~o l1e'Vl -pa.:fel1DJ.e..IX. -0, "... 011'.1.. 'IT a"bo'O.'\; . . r, of S'O.~"ba:n. "oa....... · Of tb.e ,\;0"\;,sJ. 1l\:l.1.eage ,...., " · 0., 1.0.S'l; "f6a1: .. if ZZ )).8.s :n.o.... ,\>ee1l- l?a"16 · 4:f-'5/4: JDi.1.eS OIl ROaa ' .,' ..' '. ,eil f9Zaaea. a:n.o. 'IIiilellea . . ',' . ....n:. S :roaa 'l'1a$ ;:esJ.:J,.~ ' a"bO'\lii,4: JDi.1.6S 01: :J. . ' Q. 'Vb.a'V 'l;b.e SO'\l'\ib.e:rU ':n. a:n.Q. 1. :reeQ1l1ll-e'Il' a:n.Q. -prel?a:rea 'tor 1>a'\f':l: g .,' ..' · ,,'" 4: 'to'lltlsb.il? 01: . 0. 'Vb.ro* QOIleesS:J,.Oil , $14: JDi.1.e$ 01: '\;'b.:J,.$ roa · ".' .' :rea. 'V'b.i.$ 1e8.:r. "'!a:tro.O'\l'\ib.' "b6 ~e1>a . l1lCsJ.1.U1IL !):rai.:n. o:n. 'fi'le "brio.g,e lifier 'Vb.e e . ' 6 'lias -qdo.ellea. " ,tt.ZZ' co:n.cess:J,.o:n.' · . ~ "'5.1.1. Wiage Roa"" 11' ' . .. o'~ '\;,iJE> 1:I-tJ.1?,8->- ,'- . '!b.e lie$'\> a'bu....'!ll.en:v ). . .". , . · ~ it /l':iC!o~"\r to \'),u1...1- ..'(, 'l'1i1.1. 'be '!lece....."'... J . i'. !"bEl 1. i e"1e t.b.a.... :J. 'IIa$ :rej?a:J,.:re",' . ..".. .:n. 1954- a :n.e'll "bria.g,e 1>:ro'\>a"b...'1 :J,. . t". I have prepared the follovving es~imate for the ye:ar 1.953 :for your consideration. Bl:LL.uGES AND CULVERTS 22,000.'00 1,500.00 /~ ltOOO.OO / 700.00 .(''' l,ooo~ool 500.00 I 300.00 , 500 .'00 ./ 3 < " .' ." .' ./ ..... , 4Q)'0. 00 -/ .3,000.00 ../ 1.,000.00 eoo.oo 350000.r ./ 450.00..- vi" ~....- 37 , OOO~.OO 4,OOO~00 / / ,.~.' .".,"~ 41,000.00 CONSTRUC'fiNG 2-3/4 ]"ULES ROAD Iv.LbJl FA v J;!;lm~'l'! ./:{(ljS1Jl:u:rACtLi\1 G AND COI\fSTRUGTING S'rABALIZED BAS15 ON ROAD II 22t CO:NOE~SIOl\I 4:, yARtVIOU'l'.ti GB.ADING Alum. REALI€rl\1:.Ll'IGROAD ff 22, CONCESSIOli' 4f, Y.AR.1v!O UII'Ji1 MAJ]\! '.l.'.1ii.LiAE'CE WI'l'.!:i GR.AD.l:!aiS ICE .AND SNOW CONTROL WEED AND BRUSH COl'rTROL DUST LAYER DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTING CU1-cl3S AJIJ.) GU'l''fERS ON BALACLAV A STID1"'ET :MAD.\f'l'J5.lliANCE AED SEAL COATING Eno'.J..':J..NG PA1J)~[mTS PAINTING TBAlr..!!'J!.C STRIPS {' SUP1!iRL1~ID.AI5ICE AND Olf.lt'J.. CE .ASSl STAl\fCE COMMISSIONER'S FEES .AN""D EXl?El\fSES INCIDltll\lT.r.UB JUID CO~~'l'.lNGE'IqCIES $ 'fhis sum does not provide for any major expendi'tul--esJ, suoh a.S rebuilding -the Fingal Bridge or cons'tructing a subvvay and Elew entrance 'to st. Thomas on st. George stree,t.. All. of which is respecrtfully submi tted, County Engineer. st. Thomas,ontario() ~ranuary 12th. 1953. st. 'l'ho'l]l6.S, ontario. ~un.e ~'th. 1952. TIrE me't at ,the 110'\j~S e a"t 2 1? .1\1.. R. coulter Cl1.airro.an. Co~i$$ioner George crose coun.,\:;1 Jr,ngj;J).eer l':!:ed. A. 13ell AS si s'tan'\j Roaa. pu:pe rillt enQ.ell'\j Geo:!: ge l' owle IS se'nt .... .... .... ..... _ ~s of tne 1?:!:e"<fi01.1.S 111ee'\jj;J).g we:!:e -read , ThO'l]l6. S C i t1 "E!.')g inee r , ane\. a]?1?"rO"\Tea.. ~es'tin.g 'that the (:lo_ssion ]ielYe of lallo. 011 "\;he "EasterlY siil6 of the Can.adian. 1i\ational RailwaY A COW\l~CAT10n fro111 . 1\i'[illerSUgges'tea. . .' . . " . -" . su'bwa'" is eons'truetea. tha't thiS l1J?ol1ertY >0.11 b.a"<fe to 'be aeq.'O.l:xeU. ;l..J. a . 'J un.ae:e the can.ao.ian na'tion.al RailwaY t re,ckfh of . 13"E11> was illSt:e'O. cteo.t 0 vn::i te NJ..l" ilJ.ille r t ha't as the location. of the j)rolloseo. su.'b'l/Jay haS not 'been a.ecided '0.11011 'the co~issione:L'1 s . ~eS't 'that -thej)arcel 'be 1?'I:1Xehasea. "oY the city. .. .' .~;\ '''0 . ..\.-"'6'" ",.j "'e "'be -oareel wou.la. pe 11: the subwaY ;l..S eonst:1:ueveu. a anov).> '" "...V v " · of ~alue to the city A COiJ[Ol!i1CAT1.0n 'l'Tas reaa f:J:O'lll. W. scott "lJl,e1{S.Y' solicitor ~ ..~_ l7- ..:l . .."l."l... trk l'hot 1'1oao. in.the 'fo:1: 'L;rn.'l'Tooo. 13egg, (,INner o'!- 'Lo v ,,8, 1<orv).> .La.u .' , ., ",: . .t" ~'\; '" s~..ll '" ie ee of lalla, ToVlllShi1? of so'O.tnwo1.a, c01l11'J-a;l..n:;.Ile, "u u."".... '" _-" I.O'\; 'D6, is Ilot 1?ro....iaeawi'th sufficient all aao.itionto Go'l'Tan at the sou'th we st c o:r:o.el' a.raiJ:lEl.ge ana. tha't a n.ew draill shOulo. "oe eonst!.'Ucteii acroSS Te.1."oot Roa-a. ana. canne c tea. 'to the p"= -".. ~w'" .' ... 1'\6 gg1 S 1) rope-rtY is tile a. ana ilX'aine a ~_ '1,., 0 (1 amrC1.i S $i on 'l)'rain on 'Lo't 56, B .11.1~. AS Tal"oO't Roao. in .L ):'V>> Ii hasI10 o'b ;i eC 't i on.s 'to. c ons't ru o't ing a a rain across Tal "oot 1:f WI1:. '\IIill agree 'to -gaY 'the tot,al cos't. . 13e11 "V'iaS ine't!.'Uctea to a.o.~ise . Ju.1J.6 6th. 1.953. .... 2.... 6 . R. C oJ.llllli s s i o:u. ... 1.1. t h 6 J: Oe. a.s u.1J.CI. a'l' "'it\\. c<O <1''''''' O~ "1'/8. S ma a eO'" e. ,l...l.'t i:).\..bv .l. -- . .. 'i'n.a J:oe.il5 we:r:e f ou.1J.o. .. . .f< . .\:'.h6 co~SS'l.Otl. -" t.he ~u:riSa.j..Ct.l.O:u. ".l- v. - ",. .!" :u.o. 1.1.'&t.1.e ile.m.e.ge waS causeo. '01 'to pe lJ!l. gooo. coDo.l. -1:;:l-0J!\. a .. . ~. '" ' €I -wlJ!\.teJ: a)).o. S]:e1:u.1b 'b:eeik'-UJ?' f:eost ac-1:;>.dJ:l. ilu:!:>.)).'" t,h ., ",>-"",'c-1:;eo.to ha"lf6 C0111p1J!\.eo. wa e 'l.!lv .\)~ u. _, ;:>;t:r:eet. f:eo111 the , ."''' . (\ '!1f):tte:e S C oJ!\. st:euct.eil dJ:l. 138.1JI. C 1.8. ~ 8. ' () '(1.1. \J;::> an.. '" .' ". t. t.he t. 01) . ... ... c<,. ,,,'" O"lllJ3. S 'N 0:1: the:c '11 0 ~ _ ..t "" ...\-0'" ""v,r 0...'''' ..." ))1 0 :cth '1}.111l." 0.1. " ,.0 v'" J oftb.e hill- ;;\ jt c) €) d cou.1J.t1 Roa"- It wi-> "'. 1.. ',., t." .,." ~ t €I a. to jJ :re1?a:re 'WaS a. SO >..-'" V" ~u ~ iJ!\.C1.uo.i.ue; 1!'air<t1ew f,."\fellue) fOt' fu:'G\.\'x:e -ga:\Tint;. .\:'ttl1.6 call. aa.~ o'Q.1:'n.eo. t.o 111aav a of t.he Cha1.'tlllan.. ,jfi1 FRED. A. BELL, B.Sc.. O.L.S.. M.EJ.C.. F;NGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES, ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS. ONT. G' f , '.'~" .. J ","~;;>~?\.<", CITY OF ST. mOMAS IN AeCOtJNT WITH COUNTY OF ELGIN ~.-,.-.~.-.-.~.~.-.~.~.~.-.-.-.~.~.-.-.~.-.-.~.~.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.~.-.-.~. SUBURBAN RO.A'E)S RESu.t&ACING - ST01\1.t!i AND GRAVEL ROADS MAI:b'l'l!il~.A.UCE - GRADING SA:m>ING HILIB.ANILICY ROADS SNOW REMOVAL CUTTING wlUEDS, BRUSf.U..NG AND SPRAYING DUST LAYER AND CHLORIDE CONSTRUCTmG TILE DRA.Ll~S FmCING SIGNS ROAL)'ltlU.r..CH PAVEMENT LAID aN ROAD Ii' 25 - 2 miles TARe 0 27174 gallons 5966.06 GRAv.t!iL 2264 yardS 1109.36 CRU~~ STONE 1530.25 tons 2953.07 LABOUR. l([AClliNE TIME, ate.. 1565.67 SEAL COAT ON OLD AND NEW PAvEl\lil!:NTS ON ROJ.DS 25 and 50 TARCa 19726 gallons PEA GRAv.l5!,. & 276, yards STONE CHIPS 531.25 tons SRl.J~.t:I..J$ll STONE I,A'BOUl(, MAC1iJ..liE TIME, e t c . 11:17.50 669.70- ?06.93 113.79 171..84 551.36 275.97 185.60 40.04 11374.16, ... 5 miles 4428.87 1270.50 1508.57 1065.02 TOTAL 8272.96 1202.49 666.00 327.00 72.43 ., 25,047.17 988.61 695.80 ;"i 1.682.41 - $ 26,729.58 ~AII1S PAVDmNT SUPERIN'l'l!i!IDENCE, AND O!'.1r.L CE ASSISTANCE CONIMISSIONER'S }r~ LAND PUROHASES Total BRIDGES CULVERTS OI'l'l OF ST. THOMAS t SHARE 25% 01' $ 25~047.17 10% of 1~682.41 6261.79 168.24 $ 6,45,0.03 CERTIFIED CORRECT GHAIRM:AN SUBURBAN ROADS ~'" ' ~. Q~.e.tt.€om\ltl'f El\jGI~E~R .l;5lI,J;GDtH:fI:}lt S REPORT FOR 1951 S'i'. '1'.tiOMAS SUBuHBAN ROADS OO:NlliUSSION To the Ohainaan and Members of the st. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. Gentlemen:- I BEG TO REFORT as follows:- Our expeJDlditures for maintaining the roads under your jurisdiction :e~~ the year 1951 were $ 20,729.56, which is $ 13,270.42 less than your January Estimate and about $ 7,800.00 less than was expended in 1950. THEREASOES for the low 1951 costs were as follows:- 1. Very Little damage was done to the roads from fros't action last winter. 2. Reinforcement Steel was 'unobtainable and drainage tile could not be obtained until late this :f'a"o 5. The cost of removing snow "VlTas very low last winter. '1'~ FOLLOw~G is a suggested Estimate tor 1952:- RESURFACING GRAVEL ROADS t:!:~ 'iP 3,000.00 if' 1,000.00 ~ 500~OO ./ 500.00 ./ 3,00.00/ 800.00 / 1,000.00/ 22,250.00 / -/ 4.,000.00 MA.IlWr&~ANCE WI'1Ij;1 GRADERS ICE CONTROL SNOW REMO"lAL WEED CONTROL D't;7ST LAI.t!iR DRAINAGE GRADING ROADS FOR F'UrruJ:w.; PAv.LNG AND LAiJ..l~G PAv.l:!avlENTS lVLUbJ'J.'l!iJ.'}!.DrCE JSllSTING PAv]iMENTS PAINTING TRAlfJr.L C STRIFS S1Jj;J~RI~J'l'~mCE & QlrJ-.l. CE ASSISTANCE 1,000.00 - ~ 800.00 BRIDGES .AND CULVERTS 350.00 /' / 500.00 36,000.00 J ~,OO()!O() $ 40,000.00. CO:MMISSIOEERt S lfl!il5S AND -rex t"l51'ISES. ~ INOIDENTALSAND CONTJ..l~GENCIES -2- 'ITIIS SUM does not provide for any major expenditures such as Rebuilding the FINGAL BRIDGE or Construoting a'Subway wmder the Canadian National Railways on, ST. GEORGE STREET. On account 'of' the steel shortage it would a~pear that these projects wi11 be delayed for some years. I .lt1J$.LIJ!jvE that consideration should be given for assuming more mileage. Sinee the St. Thomas Suburban Roads C~wu1ssion was inaugerated, the Kingts Highway Department has assumed I 5 and # 4 Highways and littl~ mileage has been added. .ALL OF WHICH is respeotfully submittedt ~~ I ....",.., / County Engineer. st. Thomas, Ontario. December 27th. 1951. ST. 'l'fl.O!{[A.S, Ontari o. Deoember 28th. 1951. 'f][E ST. '1'J:1011[AS SUJ3t:iJb13.AJf RO.A.DS OONJIfiSSION met at the Court House at :3 p.... P.ltU1.iSlllNT:- c}hairm.aJl. - Ray Bowey eemmissioners - W. R. Oonlter - George Cross CCnl.llty Engim:ee:r ~ F. A. BELL Assistant Road SUperintenden~..' George Powles. M:R. Jiil!iLL EU1cl :MR. POWLES reported on 'the work <lol1e during 1~51 ana. the attaohad report was submit'ted by :Mr. :B~11 to the ConmdSSiOIi. 'J..'.li.I:G ],1m t;j'I'ES of the m.eeting held on J"tllY 5th. were read and approved. '1.~ FOT.T.OllJIbTG RESOLu'I'..U)J:lS were adopted:- IT WAS ]1[OVED BY SECONDED BY George Cross W. R. Coulter ~tiAT the report of Fred. A. Bell, County Engineer, be accepted and 'that the statement of.the 1t51 Expenditures totalling $ 26:;729.58 be approvea. aRa. that the Ci,ty of st. Thomas be billei for its share of the eosts, totalling $ i,450.03. eARRJ.l!i.u. I'f WitS l\~l).Jv.!!iD BY SECONDED ~! George Cross R. B. Bowey TfiAT W. R. Coulter be Chairman of the Commission for the year 1952. OARRIED. IT T;VAS MO~ J.!iD BY SEOONDED BY R. B. BOVlEY George Cross 'J.'.tiAT the Chairman and each Commissioner be :pail the Stlm of $ 75.00 and expenses for 1~52. C; RTITED .. -2- Dee. 28th. 1951. Iff VvAB ~JIOVED BY SESOI\TDED BY George erose R. B. BO'Wley THAlf the 01 ty of S1;;. Thomas am.dthe Coun:ty of Elgin be n0tifieo. that $ 40, CJ€.){). eo he required for the mai'rrtenanee and construction of the Subar'ban Roads for the year 1952, based on the attached Engineerts estimate. C.ARRIED. T~"OOK~SSION adjourned to meet at the call of the Chai.l".w.an. "" It1Uo .~ '/.' ..'" .,... ,. Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario. July 5th. 1951. A JOINT ivlEETING of the Elgin County Road Cornmittef and the st. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. was held at the Court House at 2 p.m. All the I\i~embers were present. A DEPurfATION of the I~liddlell1arch Women's Institute asked that action be taken to have Wig Wag Signals installed at the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Crossing at Middlemarch Road # 16. ~~ FOLLOVITNG RESOL~'ION was adopted:- t1THAT an Application be made to the Board of Transport Cormnissioners for Canada for the installation of a Wig Wag Signal at the Crossing of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railvv'ay on the Talbot Road at Mi(ldlemarch for the protection of the travelling public". Middlemarch is situated on Talbot Road (COllilty Road 1116, under the juri sdic tion of the St. ThoTIlaS Roads COTI1Irlission) about 3 miles iNest of St. Thomas. rrhe road is paved and is one of the heaviest travelled County Roads. The tracks cross the Highway at an acute angle. AFTER TfL~ JOINT NiliETING a meeting of the Members of the Suburban Roads Commission was held with ]jIr. Bell and Mr. Powles, at which the progress of this years worlc vias discus sed. ~/7~ Chalrman. :rr/\,t .f.., '.".. I i' I ;f', ! ST. T'B-oWIP' ontario. JanuarY 11th. 1.951. , . .",o0~ SU13\Jl{B~ lioAJ)S co~SS1-0~ ~ Sf;D.., "J;.b~ "" t t"'e court 1IoUse at 11 a.m. 'Dle v a 11.1. ~ . '1i'\'l\1f1'\ at:! ,-r"'''! ,,-1 O]',OliO]', CliOSS 1?RE5.<""-.l.: -. 'lUl-'-""U'J-' CO\@.(\.S81-01'l111:1S - 'N. R. COULTER ~ R. 'B. 130'~~Y _ COUl'1T'I ]',~o1.1'i~R 1!'rot13. A. 13]',LL ASS1-ST~T ROAJ) SuPER1-~~~T 0]',011.0]', -PO\!fLBS, k &One in 1950 an& MR. 13]',LL re~orte& on the wor su~ittea the attaehe& re~ort. , t l'7tb . oeto'oer 30th. ~ In.~S of the meetings of AUguS -, an& ~o~em'oer 2n&' were rea& an& a~~ro~e&. ~ 1!'OLLO\~O REso~UT1-0~S were a&O~te&:- '(f. R. coULT'BR G~ORG'E eYE-aSS 8]',C01\D'B13 131 '. f the co11Jl1liSsion T1lA.T ROY 130'lnrI 'oe Cha:\.rIJ).8.tl. 0 c1'JlRl~1) · 1-T vfAS 1I\.0\f:EP 131 for the year 1951. 1-T wAS 1I\.oIf:EP 13Y 'N. R. COULT'BR ~co1U)]',D 13Y ~ en co11Jl1l1.Ssioner 'oe ~ai& T1lA.T ~ cwJ.~ an& l'>?, . G1tORG'E CROSS CAER!E'D · ~ '75~Ooan& e~~enses for 1.951. :tT wAS 1I\.Q\rED 131 G"BORG~ CROSS '1'1. R. coULTER s]',CO~1D]',D 131 1\Orman A. b~iller, 'l1l1,T ~ C01~~1-CAT1-0~ from - . . ~ to im~ro~e co\JJl.ty Roa& f le.n& requ:\.reu · . regar&ing ~a:J1lient or - south 'BM,eware Roa&, TownSh:l.1! t corner of ~ot 9, a at the south eas solicitor 'oB consulte . & that the co\JJl.ty th 'oe f1.1.e& an of yarmOU , . .' th l10lller to Act. tiSfac,torY settlement W1.' to arrange a sa C.PJtR1ND. -2- January 11th. 1951. IT WAS MOVED BY GEORGE CROSS SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT THE STATEI,lliNT of the 1950 Expenditures totalling ~~ 34,556.84 be approved and that theCi ty of St. ~~homas be billed for its sha~e of the cost, totalling ~~ 8, 44 9 0 42 . CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY GEORGE CROSS SECONDED BY w. R. COULTER THAT THE REPORT of Fred. A. "Bell, County Engineer be accepted and that the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin be notified that $ 40,000.00 will be required for the maintenance and construction of the Suburban Roads for the current year, based on the Estimate attached to the Engineer's Report. C .i\.RRIED . IT WAS MOVED ThY TN. R. COULT}i~R SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS rrHAT Trill ENGINEER be instructed to prepare noad # 22, through Concessions 6 and 7 and that surveys be made of land required for religrting the road. CARRIED. The CO~ThrrSSION adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. d/?~ Chairman. / .. " I i1 -t-= ,5i .. ul ~~ I o Ul :I: i- e: :l o o 01- ...:'z I- w~ ~ :E Z Q .~ Z ui~ ui~ Ja: bJZ . \II -I a; 00. ~\II ~~ 0 ~ ~Q o.Ul ai ~ ~,~ . a:: 0:: 0 ::I~ 00: W -< bJ l- eD a: '" ~ < ~ ti c:i~ ~ &.LI Z < 0::\11 &.Lo II . ~i, Vi ,'II" . I,'. '.'...'...,...,'..: . " . I . I . I . I . I . I .. I it . . 'j . ",,'. . .. .1....."..,.'......'.........,....".....',..'.",..,.,.. '.,... . ;,. ., ,. .. " I I' - t . . .. I'.:','.... · "",- . ,... .. I - .. .. ,,. ...,'.."..) I, fA .. .. .- ,"' "." " .'. '8$1 , ..,... *. ."'. ti;I..~ ... a .' I....".,','.'".-,>....,....I.".."...,..;........~.. , .' '.. ."'. 10 . .' ...~ :'''.I...~..I, ...."'.J 'I'.~I" .. '.,'....'"."..'......:;..".,...'.,."',..'..= -_:':':'~;I.~ " i 'f .,'.....,..,......,.'.".... ~ <I :M, - " I.~:....,. ".,-.., .-..~. .. "~ fd, ~ " 1I jf. ,; .. I .1 ...',.""",- .. I ' .' 'I ~ ....,....111..".......'...,..........".".....,....." ;. ...... .~ ""ki t!41, I.'. .1-> 8 B ,1,1 >.'. :. .."......",....,....' '. .. _',M d', II" .' I t I, I I i Q , I I . I .,' .. I I I; 'I,...'...','...,....'..'."..,..... ............'.,'..,.'..".."..' " ....... \k ~ ~(~ ~, ~ \, ~ 1~ . FRED.A. BELL, B.Sc.. D.L.S.. M.E.I.C.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES, ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS. ONT. .-.. {... ..Ulti~_ ....,'...,,' " .~_:" l. ,.' '. ", ~ ..' .' ~.;'; '.'.,.,.,....,.;' ' -. - . :. - - ~ ,. :.,~'j'..~ ~.~ .'~ ~~. ,I..... ...',...,'...'.,'" , , _ " ~. :,''. c , ' ,,; . .' .....- .:" -. .,'-' - . ~, '<-. ': " _At. '- 11._." 'fil(i' !l ~~.;~!~.l!:,;;~, .. i;I I, 1.....:';1 ~ '- .. M: Q ,.1 II I II . Ii ,. o I . I Ii. I .- . " 'I j J ~,.,' ~ "'" ~ 1. :11 " II I . :,. .'1 11' ......) I.~ ~I:' . . .....- J I . j .'1 . "' o :Q .. .. II 11 '.. .. 11 I J . w.' '. .. ~. . I ., .1# .~ II...,...,'...:.~..,..:.......I,~>..:. I,~...'..'.. ,..,.... A '.' I'~ h 'l.l'~..1 ;":' .' .~ 'I..'~ :~. ., .Ie .. ~ '1 >.$ "I .1 ..1' " I..t .: .' .' :.,- d I,..., I,'.,. !J,.,.~,. fI,,",'...,.~" ~,'~ .1 '. "'~., :S'W ...~. if II; .." '. > ,- .... " . .. i ,'~ - . ' .- .. .~. .. .. . . ., J 'f'1 . eke II .. II 11 ~. . ,. ., . '1 H I ~ I Iii....... -11,......... . ..J'=,i' I....' L. .11 I' ..,...".".,.. . I ,. ~. 1 .. .'. .. 1'21' I I,", I : ,-,0 "' 41:", .. . It, lit ,..1. t .:1. ~J C ~"'..I.. ,. .... .. ... .1, '_,.t . .- . .,',1So Dc JIooc. 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II u" . .- fa StlB'U~ ROilDS C01J'lMISSJ.O"N ;r~Y SJ'JSSIO"N :\.951 ~ ToLLO~G ia a state~ent of the cost of;naintanance and oonstru.ot.ion of the roa.dS unde:.t 10ur ~urisd1otion for the year 1950. Qut.t.ing 'HeedS) BrUshing anti. Sl?ra.1ing Dilst La1er and Ohloride . construoting 'file DrainS 'Fencing Signa Eoad M.uJ-ch 'Fa'V"e.ro.ent. laid on Road if 25 t'fQ'W!l. Line, SOl.lthWolQ. &. 1ia:I.'llJ.Outh) 'faJ:oo ... 30,000 gallons6,262.5~ Gra"V"el . 5, 190. '13 Labour, Machine "Ci~e, etc. ~~ seal Qoa"t on. "NeW and 01.0. 'Fa'Ve~ent tRoad if: 25 andil'aimew .b.'V"enue) 'fareo .'"' ll, '13'.3 ga1.1.ona 2,008 .'15 s-tone'" 41.'1.215 tons 1.,001.40 :tabOur, M.aOhine 'fi~e, etc. ~ .!\.l."lItour coa"t on ]3alae1.a'Va stree't and south ~dgeWare Road 'farco .. 20,000 ga1.1.ons stone ...900 tonS j)l.bour, Machine 'r:\.1ll.e ,etc. 'ElilG~t S :EWJ?o"BT - 'fo 'the Chai1'lJll3.l1 and 1J~e~bers of tne st. Thomas Suburball RoadSCO_ssion. Gentl.emeIt~. .... " 1leaurfacing, stone and Gra'V"e1. RoadS jaintenance Grading sanding l1iJ.lS and 1.c1 RoadS tit (r~ tW SnO'JII "li.em.o"\Ta.l 5~55'7tf52 2)19()~6'1 1.45055 l80~05 52? ~ 25 '10'1~91. 4')..1..,55 330t52 ~5t!<40 l.~501.o51. ~ 3to14t1.5 4~13'1 (! 61 1.. <3 S) 1. ~11. ~ j..54(to 1.4: ~ 1,265.26 ----~-~' Oil' tffllS tI1i10tm'f the Cit1 Qf st. ThomaS' share is 55,291..58 8,522.89 3 ~. ~ .w6,4:4:9 REfpairs tQ 'Fa'Ve.ro.entS superintenden.oe and Offioe Assistance oQ!ll1llisSionert s il'ees Land 1?uraha.ses Brio..geS O~ ve'rt.s 25 of n-f' f/ ,oY1S.<a2 950.60 61.6.00 2Zrz ..50 ~ 33)291056 ui <C ~ o . 1: lI.I ?- m . :JI- o U) :c I- 0: :J o o UI- ..;J' ffi, i: .a III 2e ffi ~ iJ~ u)~ ~ffi ~~ 00. ;:ffi ~,~ 0 ~ ~a Do{/) ai~ ~~ .lII: 0::0 ~ ~ 0 a: LL1</.I.I1- cee: C)~ -i:l t; ci ; ~ IIJZ < 0::11I II. -"\ ..- I t-= 5; .- I 11 .1 I I . . . . .,t .. , . t . I . f . t . . ~ . . . I.;J~.....'.. I,. ,..", << IJ:,; ..1..,..'..'.."..'..:,..,..... .) " t ': . .'. ."~ , . I . I . . I f l' ~ . . .' .. I . . - . I . . .. t .. . . t . I . f .. I 1<' II . 'fII I '. I - . .: II ". n "',11, , ,I",..... ,.I..,.I.~~I..,.....'......:',.. .,...',,, ,., . '~ ,. ,'"II~ i' 'i : I;.",. II I, Ii I If,~,,/i.;\/() 'it. .. ' ;...:t I I .1" II I U'" I I" 5' .&4,.';'. ... I' I, B' ......,..,'... 'R I . . i . . G ~ i .t,....'.. It,' ...'. '" , ..1,....."....,'......'...,..,....... I- '....... ;11 ,~. i ~' I lit ii .. I Ipt ~. : I" I .. I : ENGI:N.ualiH, t: S ID.1PORT -2~ SUBDRBAl\f R01J:>S COJ:JThfITSSrON ;fANUARY SESSION 1951<t, ;of' TI3IHi FOLLOVlING is a suggested estimate af' 1951 E:x:pendit ures : ~ Resurfaoing VlJith Stone and Gravel , 4~OOO'$00 2,500\t00 300.00 500~OO lVlaint,e,nanee wi'th Graclers Sanding Hills and Icy' Roacts Snow Remova~ Cutting V[ee,ds, Brushing and Spraying Dust Layer ~ Oil and Calcium Chloride 300~OO Grading Roads for Future Paving Laying: 2 mile:e Road ~flUlch Pavements Surf'a.ce'Treating and Repairs 'to Old Pavements Superintendenoe and. Offioe Assistance 800~OO 1,0000;00 3,000..00 1.8,000000 5,000 iJ"OO Drainage 800.00 Commissionerts Fees and ex;penses, 300000 500.00 3ry)aOO~oo Ineid.entals and Contingenci,es' Bridges Culverts 2,000,00 .1,000000 3~. 000.00 # 40 ,OOO~OO THIS 31]V1 does not provide f or any maj or expendi turea sU'ch as rebuilclingthe Fingal Bridge or rerouting st. George Street~ If these or other ex:pensive works ar~ oonstructe:a:. special arrangements for finanoing will, have to be made: vii th the Councils of the Oity of at 0 Thomas an<l County of ITIlgin. : J! \()) If}).- , ~~~~ St. Thomas, Ontario. County Engineer c . January 9th. 1951$ ST. THO~~~S, Ontario. November 2nd. 1950. A Joint Meeting of Representatives of the ELGIN COUNTY COUNCII.J, ST. THON~S CITY COm~CIL, srr. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMI\!1ISS1ON , MR. J. \N. PI~AHTJ General Manager of the st. Thomas Public utilities Commisio>n, MR. F. S. THOMAS, IvI.I.JeA. was held in the Court House on November 2nd. at 4.30 p.m. The Representatives. present at the meeting livere WAHDEN A. V. COULTER, who presided as Chairman, REEVE CHi\.RLES JOHNSON, Chairman of the Elgin County Roads CamIlli tte;e, RE~~ CLARENCE ORC}LWRD of Southwald COU.NTY El\TGINE}i~R F. A. BEIJ-J' ASSIST.ANT ROAD SUPERINlJ.l~1DEN:E' GEOHGE I)OWL1~S, MAYOR E. C. GLIDDON, ALDimlJEN ?:DJTER LAING, V'lILLI.A1!,{ STOKES, THOlEIAS CURRAH, CITY ENGINEER, Vi. C. MILLER, SUBUHBAN RO.ADS CONfl\rr8S~ONERS, w. R. COULT}~R, GEORGE CROf3S AND R. B. HOWEY. After c:onsiderable discussion by various Mem.bers on 'improvement to the St. George street Hill and a suitable Road Entrance to the 01 ty of st. Thomas, and AC':ce;ss to the New Provincial :High\vay to be buil t North of st. Thomas, the following res;olution was unamiously passed requesting the Ontario DepartInent of Highways to make surveys and report:- IT Wl)J3 MOVED BY WI LLIPjVl STOI\Ji~S SECONDED BY CHP.J(Ll~S JOHNSON THAT the Department of Highways hie requested to make any necessary surveys, stu.dies and a report on the Northern Entrances to the City of St. Thomas having regard to the best means of acc~e ss from the Ci ty of st. Thomas to the proposed new Super Highvi/ay; such a study made in consultation with local authorities to form a basis for the guidance of the City, the County and the Suburban Roads Commission in the solution of their special problems. .~y/7~ ChaJ.rm.an. ./" ST CI THOIif.l11S, Ontario. October 30th. 1950. A JOINT ~mETING of the Elgin County Roa(1 Commi ttee and the st. Thomas Suburban Hoads Commission met at the Court House at 1 ];)Qm. to meet the Honourable George Doucette, IVlinister of Highways , Nee. IvlcGinnis, Acting Chie;f Municipal l~ngineer of the Department of Highways and Mr. T. S,. Caldwell, District Engineer. MR. F. S. Thomas, Provincial ~ember attended the m.eeting. M~ HOUR was spent in discussing Road Problems. Tlrr~ PROBL~~ of improving the st. George Street Entrance to St. Thomas was discussed and a meeting was arranged to illee:t a COITillli ttee of the City Council on THURf3DAY, November 2nd. at 4030 p.m. d9~ do~ /~./J'.~_?_ Chairman. st. Thomas, Ontario. A MEETING of the st. Thomas Suburban Hoads Commission was held at the Court House at 2 p.m. .ALL the Members v\Jere pres.ent. A review of the years work was discussed and an ins:pec~tion made, of the work done. WILI;a:DlI R. COULTER IT VvAS MOVED BY R. B. BOVvJ!iY SJilCONDED BY THAT the Engineer be instru~ted to survey C} $6 J I t the South east corner of Lot 9, South Edgeware Road, Township of Yarr.louth, owned by Norman Miller and arrange to purchase enough land to improve the Hoado CAHRIli;n. vV. R. COULTER IT TNAS MOV}~D BY H. B. BOWEY SECONDED BY THAT the Engineer write Mayor Petterson asking him to appoint a Gommi ttee to IIilieet the Comrnission at the Fingal Bridge. CARRIED. d~~~~ ./ ... ..,. . ...... .I Chairman. t-= · al .~. u) ~ i . :1:.., !~ I 5 .; o ti.... ...: z ... iii '~ z :i z ~ .~ z " 'en ~ fIi ~ -H:i ~ ~ 00. ==~ d;~ 0 l5 ~Q CLU) ai~ ~~ .a: 0:: 0 :::: ~ 0 lr: l.LI < bJ'" m a:: (,!)::! .1&1 ... <C 1&1 U) .:!: iii ~.~ ~ 0::1&1 t.L. II i. II " " , " " I II It . J . t ., t . $ . '.. I . *' i . << I it I, ! t . t -I. f . I f; t ." . ,. i . t i f . . ~ .f" . .' t .f .. 1 li t .. . !Ii i 8- t :. t ,. I . I .. .. i I . i ...... i. · . I · II '~,J: ...' :~ ,.f _:_~ 'tll . I tI./.......r. II;I~! ..iI.r.~.:',..t,}.:... ..~..,......,; .,.......,...,:.,........:. j I .... LI =t'f'~I' ~ '... ...... :='==11, ~.'HU ,...'. " .. "'~.' *" ~" t4. .. I. I . -- I,.'~.............:!I...........,. .~, I . 81 "! - I'.:.:.'...'.! . .\ , ..~ . .... " ! 3ii...1 i.i:........: ti.,...... .......,.... ;'I~. <: ..1,..,........ . ......;..., " ..'.,..,...'.......~....,: .... -, '* e' . 'I~ .0= . . I' f. '", - ..., .' II .. " :" .... ~. .,..,.....'., II; .14,.....'....:.',.' Ii.: I .,..1..........'....',....:..........:...'..,......'.'. > .'1 Q t ., I i I . ft , .- ~' - .....,:....,..,...,.. . ' .... .. ! I ..,.'......"....',. .. II .. ,I,,:...:.... ....j..:..,...... . II I II .~ ~ . .. ~, ~l......., ~.......,..,. .~ II : \ I DG~tS E.E!'ORT - S\Jbu:RBJl,NROA1)S CQ1Jl1IlJ.SSION ;r1\NUAR~ SESSI01T ~950 0 rrG> the Oha.irman and lilembers of the st. ThomaS suburbanRoadsOo:mm.issiono Gent~em.en:- 'fhe following is a statemen:t of t.he cost. of mai:n:tenanee and. Qonstruct.ion of the road.s Ullder your jurisdict.ion tor the year ~949. llESORFAOING GRAv JJJL RO.!ll)S $ IVJ.AU5flliJm~ANOE GlU\VELRO~S S~j)ING h.LJ~S.tUW, ICY ROADS aUTTING\~lE"i.mS) ;'BlireJ:i.ll\J G AN:OSFRAnl~G CALOIt'JIliI' GEL.O:a.:rnE G01SrSTRUO 1J:J..l\lG TILE D"RlUNS CONSTRUCTING a MIT.'W."1 PAVEMEN'f, R01J} I 25 SUEFACfm TREAJ.1.'ll\fG ~3 lv[[TJi:S, OIJ) & :tfE\'i~ FJ;.\Jlg\lnmrrS ' ., "' ARMOUR COAT' l' wULE,ltOAD " 25 ~~ .PAT~1E'NTS, SWERINT]m:mENCE & O!'lfJ..OE AB3ISTANGE cOJ)v1J]JnSSI01\1 iliJ:{t S J!'.Iii~ L,~76ol~ 1,816045 ~15645 533070 68.10 1,402076 12,955096 12,014021 2,,216078 21.05 586.00 260.80 3~?, 0730 69 4,258.7'1 204040 37,536086 Of this 8l11ount ,the Oity of St. Thomast share , 8.'714.'13, The following is a suggested es'timate at 1950 ex:Pendii;ures, OONSTRUOlr~l\fG FOVa,ERDIll\!.N BRIDGE,'.Irll~GAL OULVERrrB is 25~ of 33,073.69 10% of 4,463.17 8,20,8.42 , 446.3J: RJ!S{JRFACING lAIm STONE AND GRAVEL $ ]J.fAlN'Xl51'TimCrE GRAVEL., ROJU)S SANDING ' . CnJ1fTINGv\l~ AND ;:).pl'Lt)..YING OALOI1Th[ Cl-ILOlUDE Sl\fOVi Jlli}JIOY AL DRAINS G~INGROADS FOR Ji'U':1:LJliE PJrv J..l\IG W~G 2-l/4.JI[UJJlS B.O-AD :M.UjJ:l1I PA~ LA.'t.LNG 2 MILES jJ/IY10\JJ3. COAT. PAVEMENTS BEFAIBS TO' Pl\.~TS SUJ?~T]ll;\1lJENOE QOlVmUJJiSIONER t S Jj']WSAlID ElJ?ENSES 2,000.00 / v 2,000.00 _w/ 300.00-'/ 300.00.... ./ aoo.OO -./ 500.00 ~,./ 2,000000 /. /' 4,000.00'/ / 18,000.00'" 5,600.00 r"'" 400.00- 800.00 -- 300.00 ./ 3'7,000000 _2>8 tr.ANU1Ui.Y ~950 SUBURBA:NROAtlS $ 5'7,000000 BRIDGES . OUL'lJllliTS BROUGHT FOR\ilTlUID ;I> 2,OQOoOO 1,000.00 3.000o.QO (" , 40,00000.0 I have no;; ill0li1deoa 'the Suburban "RoadS share of reeonstruQ'ti1l.g 'the Fi1l.gaJ. Bridge or constructing a road aiversio1l. at st. George Street>. If 'tllese workS are constructea this year a Illlecial arrangemen't for tinanCes will have ;;0 be made with 1;h'e council of 'the Oi'ty of sto ThomaSo Allot whieh is respee'ttullY submi1;t.ed, ',y ~ GO'tJ.NTY EN"GDfEERo st. Thom.aS, Ontario. January 12th. 1949. ST. T!lO}J\AS, ontario. January 12th. 1950. met at the court !louse at 2.30 ~.m, pRESJijNT ~ Chairman ~ W. 11.. Com..Tl~R COMtIiISSI0~'EBB ~ R.]i. BOwE'l GEORGE CROSS couNTY 'ENG1.l'l'E'ER ~ 1!'RED. A.. B'ELL ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTEND"ENT ~ ST. Ti:lo}J\AS SUBURB'l';'N RoADS co1'JlMISSI0~ GEORGE 'PoWLES meetings were read an.d a~~rO'lfed. WE. B'ELL re~orted on the work done in 1949 and submitted the attached re~ort. TUE 1!'OLLO\~NG RESOLUTIONS were ado~ted:~ THE MlNUT'ES of the se~tember 29th. and october 11th. 'f~. B.. COULTF,R IT wAB ~10'\TBD BY. SECONDED 13Y Ti:lA.T G'EORGl5 CROSS be chairman for the year 1950. C A,RRI'ED · "ft.,' B!;";~BOVfEY . R. coULTER TflAT THE REPORT of 1!'red. A.. Bell be accepted and that the City of st. Thomas and the County of Elgin be n.otified that $ 40,000.00 will be re~uired for the maintenance and construction of the Suburban RoadS for the current year, based on the Estimate contained in the attached Engineer's report. CARRIED- 1. TWAS MOV"ED BY. SECONDED BY R. B. BO\J~~ 1. T V~A.S MD"\T'ED BY SECONDED BY TflAT THE STA.~T of the 1949 e~enditures R. 13. BO\~ . R. coULT"ER totalling # 31,530,80 be a~~ro'lfed and that the City of st. ThomaS be ~illed for its share being t 8,114,15. C rJllll ED · o o \0 (j) r-\ . .d ~ w r-\ ~ ~ ~ ~: r.> ~ ~% ~ 0 . p:\ . ~ \ 'o.l. ::..\ . ~ i-\ ~ o oM tl1 tl1 oM \ o .d. o lD cD . ~ ~ ~ f! €a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . o \P ~ rd r-\ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ b ~ cD rd ~ ., ~ \ o \;i\ ~ ~ ~ o o . \0 't:'- ~~ reS 0"'\ fli P-\. cD P Q ,C; ~ ~ ~ CO % o ~ rd <D ~ ~ o ~ or--:;l rd cd B r-\ ~ d ~ o \ ~ ',. ~\ ~ 0 , . ~ ~ .~ 1 ~ 0 ~ p Ct-\ o r-\ ~ () S~' TUO~' ontariO' ootober ~1th. ~949. ~ sUB'\JB."BA1'\ RoADS co~SS'lO'N . t Roan su~erintennent 1l\.et with George -pow~es. p,.SS1.ste.n · . ~ s -parish regarn1.ng .. . nter<iiewen ;) onn ~oKen'Zo1.e. hOma a~ 1. .. ... .. n ZZ '. ' .. to i1l\.1?ro",<e the oorners 01: ROe. · ~urohaS1.ng, ...anu. . .. "en with the ovmers. 'NO aOt1.on was va~ '1 ~ ~pJ3 ~o'fEi) B"I St.CQ"ND"ED B:l R. B. BO\~:l G?ORG"E CROSS TflA~ the "Engineer make . '. ~~ro",<e1l\.ent ann R t~e ~ooatiOns re~U1.r1.ng sur~e1$ o~ l re]?ort to the co~iSsion. C AR'Rl1t'D · ~ . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cha.i-rrn-a.n. ST. TnOMAS. ontario. se~tember 29th. 1949. A. _TlNG OF T1tE sUB\JR13~ ROADS oo:MMlSSlON waS held at the oourt RoUse at 2 p.m. All the oommiSsioners were -present. TEE l~NUTBS of the pre~ioUS meeting were read and a:p-prO'\Ted · TBB MEMBERS accom~anied by Oounty Bngineer Fred. A. Bell and A.ssistant Road su~erintendent George powles made an inspection of all the roads under the ~urisdiction of the OOJ!llll.ission. s~ecial attention waS gi~en to the Fingal Bridge; the new ~a~ement laid on oountY Road if 25; the neW cul~ert constructed o~er the Fowler Drain at Fingal and Road if 22.. TBB FOLLO~rrNG RESOLUTIONS were adopted:- IT WA.S ~O"VED BY GEORGE OROSS R. B. BOWEY THAT a Joint Meeting be arranged with the oity of st. Thomas authOritieS to disCUSS the ad~isability of replacing what is known as the Fingal Bridge. o~er Kettle oreek. on Talbot.Road. with a modern structure. S"EG01lDED BY o pJ:tRI11D · R . B. BO \1\fEY IT WAS ~AO"VED BY G"EORGE CROSS THAT the Ohairman and George powles be a committee to arrange with the se~eral owners for the purchase of land re~uired to improve the alig~ent of the road at the ooncession intersections. with power to act. S1~C01~D]~1) BY OARR1$D · TaB Oo~TTEB ad~Ourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. ~ ( I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . C he. irnl8.U. SUBURBAN ROADS CO~~ISSION SUPl~HlnTE1JD1~NCE RESURlrACING GIlADING S.A11D I !~G SN 0 Vi TUIlllO V.AL C ULV:illR T S REF. FAVI~1JIE1JTS DUS~' LAygR PRIll/IE COAT BRIDGES HARD BUR:&'ACE 'BH.USIIING DH.AINS ARMOUH COJ1T S~~.A1 C O.A T TOTAL l~s'rIMATJ~D ~'OR S}i]p'FmMBER M~ ~~ 511.00 244.65 1082.02 103.45 129.35 54.90 21.05 86.30 34.51 2670.12 12955.96 86.10 94.50 2182.27 1395.83 $ 21653.41 7782.54 19435.95 ST. THOMAS, Ontario, January 0, 1949. TID!1 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met "this day at the Court House at 2 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT R. B. BOWEY W. R. COULTER COUNTY ENGINEER : GEORGE CROSS FRED. A. BELL ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINT]'~DENT GEORGE POWLES THE MI~uT~S of the previous meeting were reaa and approved. MR. BELL AND Thill. POWLES reported on the work done in 1948 and Mr. Bell subruitted the following statement of the 1948 expenditures. SNOWREMOV AL BRUSHING AND WEED CUTTING GRADING DRAINS FENCI..NG RESURFACING STONE AND GRAV l!iL $ 242.95 29'9.85 612.26 53.11 11.35 SIGNS 2,329.41 1,240.44 23.20 200.99 DUST LAYER SANDING DITCHING ROAD MULCH PAVEMENT ROAD #16 (applied in 1947, paid in 1948) 84,570 gallons Asphalt applied @ l&l~ 14,165.47 51.25 18,082 gallons Colas applied @ 3~ 799.5 Tons stone Chips applied @ 3.45 542.46 2, 7f58. 28 REP AIR P Av .li;:MENTS ' SUPERINtllJ!a~DENCE .AND OJFli'ICE ASSIST.clliCE COMMISSIONERS ~~ES ~39. 00 560.00 220.10 23,350.12 BRIDGES 481.24 127.66 CULVJiiRTS 608.90 2,3.. 959 ~ 09. -2- January 6th. 1949. THE FoLLOWING Eesolutions were ado-pted:- IT WAS MOVED BY GEOEGE CEOSS sECONDED BY E. B. BOWE'! TEA' W~ E. COiJLTEE act as Chairman C A,RRl'ED · tor the year 1949. R. B. BOWEY TflAT the statement of the 1948 e~enditures totalling $ 23,959.02 be a-p-pro~ed and that the city of st. Thomas be billed for its share being $ 5898.4~. 1 T VvAS NiO'~rED BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS C A,RR1.ED · IT WAS MO'\fED BY 5ECoND'ED BY R. B. BOWBY GEORGE CROSS THAT each Co~issioner be -paid $ ?5.00 and e~enses for 1949. cARRIED- IT wAS MO'VED BY GBORGE CROSS R. B. BOWEY TflAT the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas be notified that' 40,000.00 S-~CONDED BY will be re~uired for the maintenance and construction of the Suburban EoadS for the current year based on the following Estimate:- G'RA'I1EL B,:ESURF ACING MAINTENANCE GRAVEL ROADS WEED AND BEUSJ:l CUTTING SNOW REMOVAL DRAlNAGE ASSESSMENTS DUST LAYER :B"E"PAIR1NG AND sURFACE TREATING l'A~TS "PAVING 2~ miles t st. George Street) DRA1NAGE AND GRADING tst. George Street) O'fEB.1:ll!\AD sALJUU"ES "ETC · l."NCIDE'N'fALS , 2,500.00 1,200.00 300.00 000.00 zoo.OO 1,500.00 2,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 , 800.00 ~ $ 35,000.00 -3- ~anuary 6th. 1949. BROUGHT FORWARD $ 35,000.00 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 5,000.00 $ 40,000.00. THE COMMITTEE adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. ~~ . . . . . .'. . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman. J CIlfY OF SIf. '!f1iOMAS IN Ace 0 Ul\.J'r' iNI'I'H co't)}.J'J: Y. OF ELGIN .-.-.~.-.-.-.~.-.-.~.-.-.-.~.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.~.-.-.-.-.-0 StT.BuftilAN ROADS SNOW RF.J\lIOV AL BRUSHING AND VV1!i.tl;,L) CUTTING $ 2,42.95 299,.85 GRADING DRAINS 612,.26 53.11 11~35 Jf JSI\TCING RE~u.h:FACDIG STONE AND GRAVEL DUST LAYER SIGNS SANDING 2,~129041 1,240.44 23.20 200.99 DITCf\1 I"G 51025 ROAD MULCH PAVElYIENT ROAD 116 (applied in 1947, paid in 1948) 84,570 Gals. Asphalt appliea @ lit~ 14,165.47 16,082 Gals. Colas, applied @ 5~ 799.5 Tons stone Chip,s !542. 45 applied @ 3.45 2,,758.28 .J:{t!;.t,J AIR FA v 151\fEN'I'S S UJ7.tliRINTEJ5U)J:!i1'lCE AND OltJrI C15 ASSIST.l.lliCE 3;9.00 COMMISSIONERS FEES 560000 220010 23,350012, 23,350.12 481.25 J;RIDGES OULVERTS 12,7.66 608090 608.90 10% of 608.90 23, 959.02 5, 837.53- 60.89 5, 898.42 CITY OF ST. THOMAS' SHARE, 25% of 23,350.12 CERTIFIED CORRECT (SGN'D) FRED. A.. BELL COlIN'!' y ENGINEER. W. R. COULTER CHAIR1.VI.AN , b)UH u.l:tBAN ROiU) C OIIJ.lMISSION (SGNtD) ST. TaO~' ontario. OCTOTIBR 5th. 194e. '\\ s t;>'-ro,'\Y-' BjIJS\ R o.PJlS C O1J\tJi1.S SJ. 01S1 ~ S'1:. '1:110,i!I: ;:> UP " '11 the ~e~bers were ~resent. II ~et thiS Cial at the court llouse. Jl. ~ ~~~~S of the ~re~ioUS ~eeting were \ \ l[E.SSRS. 'B~1,1" jlJS\D 1?O~~1$S re~ortell on the worK. reall anCi a~~ro~ell. Chairman- . ~~10~t;> were aCiOUtell. TaE ]'01..1..0 \'lJ.1S1 G RI"> SO Lux ').', '" > GEQRG:c. CROSS the eurrent lear. 1.'1: 'lIAS lJio'fED 13'I SJ1CO~D~D 13"'! 1N. R. coUL'1:ER . -011. '", sell the small '1:EA'1: the count1 of ~ g~>> " , . to of the ]'ingal lli11, ll' 'tS ~ossesS~on at the ~ . 'Pieee of lan ~n ~ " 111 "Keown for the t f Samuel lJl.e"Ke1!Jl!!n to ~n:. e aCi~oining the ~roper 1 0 . td o.~ transfer- . to T\a" all e OS" .~ ~ ~i. 1.00 O. 0 The 'Purehaser '" J " e\)JJl 0.,1.. .,~ .. o 1\1:ZR11~'D · W. R. coULTER Cf'ORO":r CROSS Sl'~C01S1D:c.D 13'I );; p , TEJ\'1: suffieient fielll tile pe purehaseCi, ~f 1..:l a."'! arlU-O u th 1" . e "",tween southWO u. an . . '. t'" e Town .,I...l}..D. \JV '~le ~or a.ra}..n}..nB 1~ poss~v ,~ . ci for future ~a~~ng. in orCier to ~repare the roa 1.'1: ,'It.S\;JlO\)'"SD "\31 cl\I{1;l11:D .. C 'seion'maa.e an ~R T'rlB 1<~Jt'1:1.1:.\G the 01l\lll~ . ~urisllietion. t'o~ of the roaCiS unCier the~r inB1?6C 1. .p. t t the eall of the ..m-:r'\.i'.", ~T1.1S1G all~OUrneCi to ~ee a 'l.l:,\",l:.! /f4~"" ........... cnairrn.an · ST. 'l~OMAS, ONTllRIO, d"anuary 19tho 1~48o '1:'.tU!i BtTBu.HBAN ROADS eO:MMISSION met this cfiay at the Gourt House s.t :5 p:.mo OOlv.lMISSIONEBS PREB.t!il\fT .... R. B. BOWJS! W .R. COULTER GEORGE OROSS ll"~D. A. BELL COUNTY ENGINEER - ASSISTANT ROAD 8tJPERIN'I'END]''NT ~ GEORGE POflLES ~he minutes: of the previous meeting were real ani approvei. .l letter was real, from'SanQers and Sanders. County SOliGitors, regariing the rights of the Commission te charge the cost ot the proteotion of the Canaiian Nationa~ Railway Crossing on St. George Street (County Roai 2f>) as a part of Suburban Roai expeniitures. Exception was maQa by the City of St. Thomas last year to paying a.ny pa.J~t outsiie of the portioR a110tei to the City by an awarti of the Dominion Boari ot Railway Oommissioners. The following re801~t1ons were a4opte4:- IT WAS MOVED BY SEOONDED BY W. R. ,OOUI:l'l!iR GEORGE CROSS THAT ROY BOWEY act as Ohairman for the year 1948. CARRI:B1B 0 I'TWAS MOVE!> BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED .BI GEORGE OROSS ,"" THAT the sta.tement e>f the 194' expendi turas, totaling $ 30..'121.04 be approved ani that the City €If St. Thomas be billeEl for its share or 251&, being $ '1.680.26, a.lso that the Oity of st. Thomas be rebillei for,the sum ef $ 230.41, beiBg the amount Gwing on the aeCotUlt renderei in January 19470 CARRIED. SUBtmBAN ROADS GOlVlMISSION 'ilii!l'2- dan.uary 19tJa~ 19480\ IT 'W...\B MOv.lS!> BY SECONDED .f:S! GEORGE CROSS w. R. COULTER ~~~ each Commissioner De paid f 50000 ani expenses for 1948. CAF-RIED. 'IT 'WAS MUV:illJ,J.l:SI GEORGE CROSS SECONDED .t51 VI.R. CO ULtl'J:ljJ:{ ".L'.t:iAT each Member racei va a yearly SUb:SCI-iptlom to the "Municipal itlorli". CARRIED. ITWAB MOVED .f:SY SEOONDED BY GEORGE OROSS W. R. COULTER THAT the County of Elgin ani th.e Oity of St. Thomas be ]J,otifiei that $ 37,000.00 will be required.' f0r the maintenance and construction of the - SUD'urbaa Roads for the current year based 011. the following estimate. Ov~~ADJ S~ESJ ETC. SURFAOE TREATMENT WITH TAR OR P~HAL'i.' 1, 200 c* 0'0 / / 600tliiOO / 200 ~~OO ./ 3601tOO / l,JLO()" eo / 100.00 / 2,600'000 ./ " 3eO.OO I' BOO."O() ./ GRADING mIOW :RmJ!UV AL 1iv~J1a!I A:Nl) BRotll! CUTfIMG BRIDGES AND CULV J5RTS RAILWAY CROSSmG PRO'!'ECTION DRAINAGE ASSESSl.v.IEN"TS GRAV.l:!.;L REBUltFAOING GALCIT.JM OHLORIDE Ov J!ilIDR.AJ!"l' 4,200.0@ / 17,466000 I' 184.00 29,000.00 INOIDENTALS Pl1.t!i.ft'ARING ST. OOERGE Sr:fREET FOR FUTtJ.L1..tiI PA v J.NG 8,000.00 37,0000,00 SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION -3- JANUARY 19th. 1948 ~ Di;~I-fTATION consisting of Warden James A. McBain, Fred Hill o. H. Underhill and Duncan McBain waited on the Commission presenting a petition signed by 49 ratepayers asking that Road No. 25 (st. George street) be paved from the City of St. Thomas to the Middlesex Town Line. contemplated in the future and that preparatory work will be done this year. THE DEPUTATION were assured that this work was THE COMMISSION adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. .....&~~....... Chairman. ST. TRoMAS. On tari 0 · January 15th. 194? met thiS da~ at the court RoUSe. at 4 p.m. commissioners ?resent:~ W. R. coULTER 'l11E ST. TRO:NlAS SUBURBlIN ROADS coMMJ.SS1.0N R. B. BOWEY G"EORG"E CROSS FR"ED. A.. BELL county "En.gineer~ Assistant Roa.d su:perintendent: GEOBGE PO\f\JLES TffE following resolutions were adopted. R. 13. BOv'{EY IT WAS MOVED BY smcO"NDED 13"[ Tfl1\.T G"EORG1. CROSS act as ChairIllan for w. R. coULTER cAB.RIED. the currentY6a.ro w. R. coULTBR IT WAS MOVE!) BY SECONDED BY ~T the statement of the 1940 e~enditures , 24,1931)95 R. B. BOWEY for the sum. of be approved and that the City of st. Thomas be billed for its share of $ 0,048049 CARRIED 0 IT WAS MOVED BY SECO"ND'ED BY TliC\.T tM County of Elgin a.n.d City of st. ThOmaS w. R. Qo\.JLT"ER R. B. BOWEY be notified that the commiSsion will require $ 31,000000 CARRTED- for 194? road e~enditures. 1.T WAS MOYED BY SECONDED BY ~T each commiSsioner be paid $ 50.00 iN _ R. coULrr-~R R. 13. BO\IIJEY plUS e~penses for 194? C AllRTED · ~ - 2 - January 16th. 194? IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY R. B. BOW"EY W. R. COULTER THAT arrangements be made to purchase about Ii acres at the North east corner of the intersection of the Town Line between Yarmouth and Southwold and St. George Street for improving County Road No. 25 at this point. CARRIED IT WAS MOVED BY R. .B. BOWEY S.ECONDED BY w. R. COULTER THAT the Commission adjourn to meet at the call of the Chairmano CARRIED. fJ~ /I ~ .JlA)--;v:y ..................0.. Chairman. ST. ~O~S, Op:ta.:ci.o. . J ~.t>Jt'! 1. I)f,b. · 1.94'1. ~ .000.00 / ~ , ~t . ,/" 2.000.00 <' /~ ~..~ 1 000.00 <W , ./ 200400/ 00 J ( 1,0000 . 500.00 / ,// 500 ~OO ~ 1JU\l"N~~C"E GRA.\TEL1l~G S1'IO'fl ~O'T ~ 'fl~n CuT'fl1'lG ni31J.1'I1.G1. 1.S$1.$~1'ITS ~Ol1S\G C\lI.\f\\',RTS ,t,!'In 11J!l1' Al"BP Ci,t,!'l~1.,t,!'I . 1'I1.'fl01'l~ ~ Ci j3.0$$1.1'IG ~ G1.0RG1. STtl:l!$T ~ 0'1 1110'1$CT1.01'l ~'fl G~1.1'IG ~ n"BA1.1'I1.G1. ~?1..'!1.1'IG R. T. . ~ T~J~S I) llli1ElS G"BA"IfF,1. '" - 1?1.~G ~~ llli16S Eln0..~f. 1?1.~ TO 1flltG..... "i1.:&S ~ SIJrE~~~C1.. C01'l'~1.1'IG~Cin:.S 950.00 / 2.,000.00 / / 5,600.00.r / 15t'l50'00 , / eOO 000 ~~ ~/ ~ 51,000.00 ST. TllOW;-S, ontario. Januar1 8tn. 1941. "', CITY O"F ST. TllOW;.S 1l'l A-CCoUNT vnTll COUNT'! 011' !!:.LGll'l - -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - - -.-. . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . . ,,' """'" "RoADS UNU"BR Tll"B UIR\1:.CTI0"N "FOR y.13'y.l'lDITUf(ES OJ.' 'w,l, , 011' Tlllt ST. '1'!loMl\S sUBUR'BN:l "ROA-US Co~SS10l'l J~ARY 1st. to U"BC~"B"R 31st. 1940. W;-ll'lT"Bl'lN:lC"B ana. re-pairs to lla...ea. roaM . 'T 3 Tar to 1ingal "Roaa. J\l'1?L'!1l'lG ana. su-Plll11.ng R.. @ 1.1 9</ 8000 gallons · . T 3 to "Fair'VieW A....e. J\l'1?L'!1l'lG ana. sUllll11l-ng R.. @ 1.1 9<1 2800 gal1.ons · ]'lNGAL 'B"RIUG!!:. rellairing 1\'ll'lGAL B"RIUG!!:. -painting T"RUC~G ana. 1?1.acing Gra...el 8800 :cards @ ZOg, GEA.~'E'L CA.LC 1m1\. CllW1l1U"B DR1\.GG1'NG . ..' . st George Street REGARUll'lG ana. snou1.a.er1.nt; · UITC1l1"NG ana. urainage A.Ssess~entS T' ':'\'Qft'I n I\1)SO'\\1 , S Mill g'l'El'l'Dl"NG ciJLilltP:~ 1'''' 11' S"N OIN RE1JloiT AL BRUSt11~G co~lSS10~"RS yeeS ana. e~llenses sUP"B"Rl"N'l'E"NU"B"NC"B. Office sa1.aries ST.. G]:.O"RG"B STRE"BT I\J3.ilWa1 -protectiOn Lese REC"B1.1'TS 2389.19 1'539.40 501.20 253-50 432.35 4100.01 117 60 - 00 00'7.01 ln1Z."70 5~125. 48 2/359. '73 l~?OO - 90 23'3.54 11'7.05 2'5Z.00 '550.00 a.n.a. e-Z:pense s 92~ ~'5.9'1 ~ , 24,193.9'1 r. -0'",- 2510 cITY 0]' ST. Tl;lOW;-S SIIw~' ~,~:-. * 5.048.49 ST. THOMAS, Ontario. December 7th. 1946. THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met this day at the Court House at 2 p.m. All members were present. THE minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. AN inspection was made of the Town Line between the Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth, Suburban Road No. 25 and the Talbot Road between St. Thomas and Fingal. IT:. ,~WAS MO v.tl;D BY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS R. B. BOWEY THAT the Engineer make an investigation regarding improving the intersection of st. George Street at the Town Line. between Southwold and Yarmouth and report at the next meeting. CARRIED. ...~~- z- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario. March 27th. 1946. A Joint Meeting of a Committee of the, St. Thomas City Council, the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and the Warden, Chairman of the Elgin County Road Committee and Reeves Stewart Brown and Thomas Soper met at 4 p.m. to-day and inspected the bridges on the limits between the City and County. The following repairs to the bridges were approved, 1. REPLACE the concrete retaining wall at the North east corner of the St. George Street Bridge. 2. TAKE OJ:l'J:I' and remodel the rail and floor of the Lynhurst Bridge and if possible construct and widen the approach at the South west co~ner of the Lynhurst Bridge. 3. CONSTRUCT temporary timber supports under the Fingal Bridge and paint the superstructure. ~~ .... ~ . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. June 8th. 1946. 'rtlt ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS coMMISSION met this day at the Court House. All members and Fred. A. Bell. county Engineer and George powles, coanty Road superintendent were present. previous to the meeting an inspection of all the roads under the jurisdiction of the commission were carefullY inspected. Mr. Bell reported that $2810.96 has been expended this year to June 1st. He also reported that it waS found necessary to extend the culvert on Road No. 22 over Beaver creek. concession 4. APproval waS given by the Members for the works carried out to date this year. IT WAS MOVED BY GEORGE CROSS SECONDED BY R. B. BOWE'l THAT the Fingal Road be paved from the end of the present pavement to the West limit of Finga1. THAT FAIRVlEW AVENUE. county Road No. 22. be treated with # 3 tar from wellington street south 1 mile. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY R. B. BOWEY SECONDED BY GEORGE CROSS THAT the commission adjoUrn to meet at the call of the Chairman. CARRIED. ~ Chairman. ST. THO~RAS ONTARIO. JANUARY 5th. 1946. CITY' OF ST. THOMAS IN ACCOUNT WITH COUNTY OF ELGIN .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. FOR EXPENDITURJ~S ON THE ROADS, UNDER THE DIR~CTION OF THE ST. THONIAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO:NJIv1ISSION, Jl~ARY 1st. to DECEMBER 31st. 1945. Maintenance on Paved Roads $ 523.310 3183.4:8 2190.00 Ie Supplying and applying gravel Rental of Power Graders Weed Cutting 208.80 Gnading~ 935.00 Dus:tL~1er 3345.96 Drainage. 2894.62 Repairing Culverts 95.00 St. George Street Railway Crossing Protection 853.63 c Snow remDval 1072.85 Fencing 154.80 8.30 Receipts $ 16,219.14 City of St. Thomas' share 25% $ 4,054.78 Certified Correct. Chairman ST. THOMAS, Ontario. January 8th. 1946. THE ST . THOMAS SUJijlTRBAN ROADS COM:MITTEE met this day at 2 p.m. at the Court House. Present: Commissioners Roy Bowey, W. R. Coulter, George Cross County Engineer, Fred. A. Bell Assistant Road Superintendent, George Powles The following resolutions were adopted:- Moved by George Cross Seconded by Roy Bowey ~tiAT W. R. Coulter act as Chairman for the current year Moved by George Cross Seconded by Roy Bowey THAT the City of st. Thomas be billed for the sum of $4,054.78 being 25% of the 1945 expenditures. Moved by George Cross Seconded by Roy Bowey THAT the County of Elgin and City of st. Thomas be notified that the Suburban Roads Commission estimates that $31,000.00 will be required for 1946 expendi- tures as given in the attched estimate. Moved by Roy Bowey Seconded by George Cross THAT each member of the Commission be paid the sum of $50.00 plus expenses for the year 1946. Moved by Roy Bowey Seconded by George Cross THAT the Commission adjourn to meet at the call of the Chairman. ~-' . .... .......... ... ...... Chairman. "ES'.t:.LlIIlATll FORS~AB ROllD .l:!:1>l'El!lDI'fU~ 194G $ 2200.00 GR.tJ)ING GRAVELLIRG 3350.00 DRAINAGE 3000.QO SNOW :Ji{EMOVAL 1000..00 ~~ CUTTING 200.00 .l!' Jl;1'iOING 600 · 00 oUL'lERTS AND REPAIRS 500.00 5'1'. GEORGE ST. RAILW'\'Y CROSSING 850.00 DWST LAYER 2500..00 PAVING. DJ.v l5R'fDlG ROADS AND CONSTRUGTIOI 16000.00 FEES .AND su~~RINTENDANCE 8QO.00 $ ~l,OOO.OCJ . \ \ . .............. ~ . . . . . . Ohai r:ma:n /~....~~ / Oounty 'Englneero st. Thomas, outarioo danuary loth. 1945. ST. TfloMAS. ontario. september ?th. 1945. ~ Members of the Suburban Roans commission accompanien bY the Members of the county Roan committee mane an ins~ection of the Talbot Road. in the Townsni~ of southWold from the enn of the ~a'ITelJl.ent to Fingal. TBlS ~ortiQn of the road. which haS a gra'ITel surface. waS treated laSt June with an a~~licatiOn of R.T. * 5 Tar. ThiS treatment haS ~ro'ITen 'lTery satisfactory. Chairro.an. st. ThoJll.8.s. ontario. MaY 9th. 1945. lllet at the court Rouse at 5 1> .lll. A.ll lllelllbers were present. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURB~ A,BFJ\. com'lISSIOll An InspectiOn waS Jll.8.de of the Talbot Road t#15) between st. ThoJll.8.S and Vingal. The minutes of the January 10th. llleeting were read and approved. TliAT the County council take the necessary proceedings to have that portion of Talbot Roaa. frOlll its inter- section with the union Roaa.. in the ~illage of vingal. WesterlY to the Town Line between southwola. ana. Dunwich revert to the JuriSaiction of the County of~lgin ana. that the Suburban Area commission aSsume JuriSd.iction o'Ver the Road between LotS 1 and e. TownshiP of yarmouth between wellington street ana. the union-sparta Roa.d · IT WAS 1l4.0'iED 13! SECONDED BY w. R. coULTER GEORGE CROSS CARRl"ED · THAT instructiOns be gi'Ven to the County of ~lgin to proceea. with laying tile a.rains on the Talbot Roaa. opposite Lots 19 to 20. TliAT the'roaa. be treatea. with a pr~e coat of tar between the end of the pavelllent opposite'J;ot 21 to Vingal thiS year in preparatiOn to paving thiS portion in 1940. cARRl"E.U. IT wAS llAO'1ED 13! SEC O'ND"ED BY GEORGE CROSS iN. B.. 'c01)'LT]i'R TliAT the C~ission aa.Journ to llleet at the call of the Chairman. I.T WA.S llAO"VED BY SECOlfD'ED BY G-EORG"E CROSS \III. R. coULTER CARR1"EU. Chairman. St. Thomas, Ontario. January 10th. 1945. 'I'M.]; ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA ROADS COMMISSION met this day at 2; p.m. at the Cour't House~ Present:- GEORGE CROSS, ROY BOWEY Be W.R. COULTER. IT was Moved by W. R. COULTER Seconded by George CROSS THAT Mr. R. B. Bowey act as Chairman }/-", for the year 1945 CARRIED. IT W{\s Moved by GEORGE CROSS Seconded by W. R. COULTER TH;.T the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas be notified that the Suburban Area Roads COuauission estimates that the sum of $- 30,000.00 will be required for 1945 expenditures as given in the attached l~stimate. CARRIED. IT was Moved by W. R. COULTER Seconded by GEORGE CROSS THAT the City of St. Thomas be billed for the sum o:f' $ 5,223 .44 as its share of the 1944 expenditure on Suburban Roads. CARRIED. IT was Moved by W. R. COULTER Seoonded by GEORGE CROSS ThAT each member of the Commission be paid the sum of $ 50.00 plus expenses for 19~. CARRI]:n. IT was Moved by GEORGE CROSS Seconded by W. R. COULTER TtlAT the Commission adjourn to meet at the call of the Chairman. CARRI1CD. :?:~~d1~ CHAIRMAN. . . ~ . . (. Y;-)'. ; . -. . . -; . Estimate 1945 FOR SUBuR'BAliI RoADS CO~lSS10~ ~ 2,,000.00 4,000.00 1.,000.00 5,000.00 Maintenance G~a~el Roaas Gra:ve lling G~8.a.ing 'Drainage const~uctiOn 2 miles ofARoaa ~i~ Fa~e1!len12;000.00 on. rral'bot 'Roau. 'Duet Le:ye:r Ween cuttin.g Repai~a to c~~~erts ana 'Briages supe~intenaence; o~e~neaa ana 1Aemoe-r a fee $ 5,000.00 1,000.00 900.00 200.00\ 2,,000.00 snoW 'Rero.o'Val Rail<(llaY c~ossing F~otecti,on 900.00 ----------- t 50,000.00 copY sent Janua~Y lotn. 1945 , '0 city of st. Tnomas council ana ]',lgin county council. FRED. A. BELL. B.Sc.. O. L. 5., M. E. I.e.. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE POWLES. ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE. ST. THOMAS. ONIT. 'U\la~y 10th. 1"1$. _XWt, 8f,~mOIfAS b 'O..t~io:r .LGm .-...-.~.-J..-.-.-.....-.___........._,.._._....._._._._._._._. '.r'Xp.Jt4~turQ~OD tbS1'oa,4" ..Wlder 'h.$ 41:raetd.oa (ill ':be 8t. 'ra~~aa.lullWt_u loai.lom:ml.t'loa, t...a,,- 1,s'. . tl !)ell_bar ~1.t.l'44. ..late....... 0.'."84 Baals. leal Goatlac .111.'...... oa Gr8,.e1 a..48 aat '~epa;:\"11..\1...etfJr ,aviq It7~Ott~lC 1e.:r"'~"ay.l, G S~tt C...hial ,.".all'bll 7.~41 G1"aTe1. 10_ '1'.._.11\' ..4 'lat 1811;'l.ve1- ae.,.lfJt'owe, G1?a4e~., $47 Kov. ,.e4 ....:1\\11\ Ot\;tttl1. saowa..CY'Ll oale,l'ttrI, Ohlorli$ It.., Ge<1)JtI$S'~~t'; JR.al1way:p:roteC)t1oB 12;'841.. riDSa1 1..<< '11. p_:tttaeu,e4 41 t<d\l~S COmlll$slo.iratet$ and IiXJ@JU1$' Su.J.r1~t.>>.del1.1 ,Oft 1,f;lE.t S&larle sand e:ipeul1ea :....1:pt'to"6 Qa.loillle.b1e:r1de.:n4 1,11. t 1,'01.12 1..191.00 1,042.51 4,,1'4.$0 a..lll.OO :1.11. to 11.08 J'.'.90 '111.8,' 3.015.1' llill.21 alO.OO "Z.Q() "8:1~b'I;,13 atit.10 s6.Jjr9m..'15 a*223.4~ 81'7G. 'b,oma$ t share a51' t ClftXnEDCORUC'I ( S gp" 'pJ ";R..l3,,.., I30Yv~i'. .. . . . F. A. BELL . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , . . 0"1'" eo1tllfr iNGUllt.mB. , To tIle 01lairmal1 amd Members ot the St. Thomas Suburban Reads Commissiomo Gentlemen:- The following is a sta.tement of the exp€na.i tures made on tke maiBtena.nce and. cOD.s'tructio:a ~t the roads under your ~urisdietion from' Ja~uary lsto to'December 31sto 1944. MaiDtenanee on Paved Roads, Seal Coating Mailltenan.ce on Gra.vel 'Roads a.nd ~repari~g Base for Paving 6975 Cubic Yartis Gravel em 20~ Orusning 3475 Cubic Yards Gravel @ 30~ Truekiag and Plaeing Gravel Ren.ts.l of Fower Graders 847 Hours Weed and Brush Cuttini S110W., Removal $ 5,'05012 st. Georse street Railr0ad Protection Grading Fingal Road Tile purchased and Ditching Oommissioners tees and expenses 1,395.0G 1.042.62 4,174.80 2166000 13J5.90 la~08 759.90 918089 5..093.39 838t25 210.00 Oalcium Ohloride \ SU])erintendence" Office Salaries &, expenses 663.00 t 2l,098.SS'" Receipts 205.10 20,893.75 At your meeting 01' January 7th." 1944 ii was estimatei'tl1at $34.000.00 would be'requirefl tor Subu.rban Road Expenditures for 19440 The estimate included $121000000 for constructing ~ miles of Road Mix Pavement from the end ot the present pavement 011 Talbot Road to the Village a:f'Fingal. We founa tha.t it wa.s not ad:visable to lay the pavement last year, on aecouat of the nature of the subsoil and the amo'u:nt of work required to prepare the base tGr paving. su.burban Roa.ds Oomm.1ss1oll if a. January J..Oth. 1945. This portioa of t:ne road was wiil.a.d) grade" aad hea:vi~y grave~le4. 'file waS pureRased for subdrainage but flm. a00;0\111t of Wiar conditions we were unable to secure a Oontraetor to lay the tile. All of tke pa.ved roacls llllder the system were givea a seal coat of tar and limestone chips and shou.ld require little more atte:m.tion Ulltil 1'47e< The eost of SJ!l.OW removal for ~fl44b was veri light except during the last two weeks of the year. It will be aeoessary to inolude in your 1945 estimates suffieieat funds for the heavy .osts beiAg paid for the removal of snow this winter. i beg to submit the following estimates for your 1945 eA~enditures for your eeasideration. Mainte:raanee Gra:vel Reads ~ 2,OOO.OQ./ 4,000.00 ./ 1,000000 / 3,000.00 GJ~avellillg Grading Drainage e()llstru.etioll a miles Qt Real lVIi:X. :e>avement on Talbot ROfltl illOW rem.oval Railway Crossing protection 1>1\1st Layer Weea. Outtins ReJairs to Oulverts and Br!dS8S S\1perim:tendenee , ~verheacl a:ad Memeers feef[ 12,000000 1,,000.00 I 1.tOOO.OO 900.00 ~ 800.00 2,000,,!00 V 900.001. $ 30,000.00 All ef nicll is respeetfully su.bmitted. /!;, r\ ~ // C, ()LV cJdJ~ st. Thom.as, Ontaric. January lOth. 1945. eO~.;t f ENGDttG.t!:R- S t . Thomas , \ J'anuary 7th. 1944. 'rhe st. Thomas Suburban .H.rea COIr!Inission met this day at 4 P.M. at the Court House. . Pres'ent Commissioners George Cross, Hay Howey and W.R. Coulter. The following resolutions were carried, I\'1oved by ''ill .R.Coulter, Seconded by R.Bowey, n That, Commissioner George Cross be chairman of the Gortll!'l.1ission for the yea.r 1944." Moved by W.n.Coulter, Seconded by R.Bowey, n That the City of st. Thomas be billed tor the sum of ~~2,823~91, being the amount expended on the Suburban Roads in the year 1943, and for $ 2,801.70 being the balance due on the 1941 account, a total of $ 5,525.61. irhis account to be itemized as follow: City of st. Thomas In account with County of Elgin. JPor expendi tures on SU burban Area Roads under the Superyi sion o:f' County Engineer Fred. A.Bell and under direction of the st. Thomas Suburban .Area Commission. January 1st. to December 31st. 1943. Resurf'ac:ing- 5291 eu.yds. gravel !,Q) .20i' Crushing 52~1 cu.yas.gravel @ .25~ Trucking and placing on roads Rental of power graders-: 911 hrs. Snow removal Repair of culverts ft of bridges n of' pavements Dit.chi.ng st. George st. Railway crossing protection Weed and Brush cutting COtmmissioners f-'ees and expenses Superi.ntendence $ 10158.20 1322.75 3a~30 .65 5661.&0 2195.10 1015.00 (g 1 . 20 :36 .55 174 .80 109.19 '728.02 1:52.60 198.00 300.00 $ l1Z61.16 Less tile supplied to Gounty and for calcium sold 65.50 $ 11295.66 City of st. 'Thomas' share 25% To Balance 1941 aocount :~2823. 91 2801.70 ~s56 25.51 Certified correct. County Engineer. ... 2,- Moved bY 'R.Bowey, se~onded oy W.R.Coulter, That the CountY of Elgin and the City of st. 'rhomas oe notified that the Suourban Area Commission estimates that the sum of ~ ~4.000.00 'lIiill oe required for 1<;144 e)tpendi tures · TheCOJllIlliSSioners prepared the !ollO"fiing preliminary estilllfl.:te. for the '/lork required to oe done thiS year. Resurfaoing- ~OOO ou. yds. orushed gravel tW 5'ilOO .00 / snOW -removal Repairs to oulverts &. Bridges st.Qeorge st. Rail'/laY crossing protection Ditohing &. tiling calcium ohloride weed and Brush cutting seal ooat on ~ miles o~a ~i;t pavements construction. of 2 miles of noadMi)t pavement fr01ll end of pavement to fingal 2400.00 1000.00 2500.00 800.00 ~O()O.OO 9()0~OO 3()O.00 f>9\50.00 Graae!' -rentalS superintendenoe IncidentalS 12000.00 200.00 500.00 1 ~O .00 ~ coromiSSioners fees It '/laS moved oy R.Bo'1ley, seconded oy W.R.Coulter, 'rhat each memoer of the commiSsiOn oe paid the sum of $ 50.00 pluS e;tpenses fo~ the year 1<;144. litoveo. oy ,<<.R.Coulter, 3econo.ed 01 n.BO'/le1. That the meeting ad~Ourn to a time set bY the chairlllfl.n. !t.w pI~~ \ \ _J . ...' ... I . II C .. J '........,..... ;/I 0 o 1 . I I i ,. i ~ .. , JI 1 .. a . .. III r. ,. I :l ~ i :I *' ~ . i i .II .... "W .. . A ~ · .. 0 1-1: I........ I...,... ~ II ~ .~ .. II & II a " ... ,. .. II,.."... i 1 : !II iI ;,.'.. : .' 1 ! :: ., I J !!..... t. ! .~ " -- a :I I I J ,".'....,. .It. :I ~ . . :: '1& o.~....,... C 0 ~ 0 . lit . .. 8 a I....'. o . .. .. .. r4 8 g 8 8 gag I 8 .. . . .. . . . .. . . 2"',.,'.,,. ~o.,",..',',.. . 0 0 0 0 .~..'.',." G " ",",'0' G .' 80 . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . .. .... .. . . ~.. . . ~ I I . .. i K D . 1: I .. .t, .- :I . S I ., t Pi , , f I ~...'.".",., "...'.....,. i .- -.1 .I .. I ft .. . : I: .. !J .. III It Ii ': 1 ! *' "" " ~ ~ - =- '.11 .= i ; i --, II .. ! 3 I J " .- a ~, .. .. , .. .. .. '~.t 1 ~ I I' u .. I .. .. " . .. . f'!'!t ... ... (QA G .. : I I I .'I!_.:M, '~ . ;lPI I ~J ..I" ,e .. ,- @ ~... . ~I : ill i :~ I .0- '11 I ,11....,....,........... ., ... . &I ' .....'... .. . ., . I .~ 'I...,'..,' 1: I!W ., ! 'I -= I j · I a.o 0 a .. - .- 1 I .. . 0, o .. o o o .. ~ I. 8 1...".,'.,... .... · ". I i ar.......... !" 1 l , 0' 0- ,. .! J I a .1..1,.....,.. 'I I g 1& · I : fA #If >0 1 .I i , ~ I " ,tt.'.. h ~ . ~., t; ., I :I #I \4 ..I',~.... ; , : . 'i J :: I ~ : ; -. ..........,....,...- t: .. .' 1/1 . I a i'4, h- 1/1 CI -I, II ~ I I i J :: '.. .. . J I. .. 11 · J i ! PI " .. $I. t!....!. .. 0 ~ .. .. . 1& B I ~ .. ... .. .- . " c ~ J ~ ~ fi .. = .. .... .. .~. .. I ~ .. . " o ~ 1 l .. (I I Q ~ " - e ST. THOMAS, Ontario. January 19th. 1944. The St. Thomas Suburban Area Commission met this day at 3.30 p.m. at the Court House. All members were present;. \ The JJfllnutes of the January 7th. meeting were read and oonfirmed. It wa.s moved by Commissioner Bowey and Seconded by CO.l.lll.uissioner Coulter That a bonus: of $100..00 be paid to Mrso Hall who aoted as se~retary for the Commission for her servioes for the year 1943. Carried. ' The Commissioners then held a joint meeting with the Elgin Road Committee. It was moved by H. G. Taylor and Seoonded by Roy Bowey That Mrs. Hall's salary be raised to $100.00 })',er month as from January 1st. 1944. That Kathleen Murphy be paid $50.00 per month as from January 1st., 1944, allooated as follows:- ~~30.00 to be oharged to the Road Department and $20.00 to the Treasurer's Department. In eaoh year, two months of the above salaries to be oharged to the Suburban Area Commission and ten months to.the County Road Departlnent. Miss Murphy's duties is to aot as Seoretary to the County Engineer. Carried. at. TD-oJll!il.S, ontario, necember ~4tn. 1956. .~ B'LGDl couNT'L 13.oliD COll1Ml'l'TEB met. at tne court ROUse at. 10 a.m. .llJ.l tne 1Jj.embEl:r:s we:r:e 1?:r:esent. T. S. cpJ.DWE'L'L, DiSt:r:ic:t 1Jj.'Ollioi1?al Bnginee:r: attended tne meeting. THE 101LO\~G BESO'LUTIO~S we:r:e ado1?tedt~ 1l0wAED l' AU1!BR c~c'E C'tJ'L"\jl~R 1. T wAS 'NlO'IJ1!iD :BY S1!.Co].1D]ID B"! '.fi1AT ~ ~GnrEB13. pe inst:r:uctedto -take action t.o e:z:pr01?:r:ia1!e t.nat. 1'a:r:-t of tne soutn west co:r:ner of tne Sout.n nalf of 'LOt 2lh concession 2, ToV11lsni1? of Ala.bOroug,l!., ow:o.edbY D'Ollcall D. Jobtlson requi:r:ed for road widening. cJ:J{R:r"ED · 1.T wAS 1Jj.()'\Jl5D :BY S]}Co1lD'ED BY '.fi1AT ~ cIBE[ ad~ertise for a1?1?licant.s for tne }?osition of co'Ollty Engineer ana. 13.oaa. SU1?eriIl:tendent fo:r: tne co'Ollty of Elgin, to be X'ecei~ed at t.ne Jan:Ut;-:t"1 session of co'Ollt'Y CO'Ollcil, dutieS to co].'l.lll.enee yebrua:t"1 lat. 195'1, a"\; a aala:t"1 of ~ 6,000.00 }? eX' year, 8 cent a }?eX' mile fOX' use C~CB Q1J'L"fill13. Wl\l>'fER D. ~E1S0~ CARR!.W. 1.'1' WAS 1Jj.()IT1!ID :BY gEQo1SID"ED JfI. '.fi1AT T!;1]'. RoliD co'NlN\!.'l'TEB of Elgin county ine:r:ease ~0:t'lJlB1l. cnallloW1 s sala:t"1 to $ 1>,800.00 1?er year to st.art O!l. Janllal"Y lst. 195'1. Q~CE c1J'L"V1!\13. llowABD l' AUKER ot ear. OAEB:rED · December ~4th. 1956. -2- IT wl$ "M.~'ED 131 S]1CO~D1SD n"! Tfl.A.T _ (n.;E,~ pJ.i\D comitY! ~G~"ER be authOri~ea to hire a ~o~ee~er for the "Elgill. Count1 Roaa Della.rtmell.t. wI>J.,'fER 1), ror,1.S0n 13111JO'E ~R ClUtR1-ED · IT wl$ lJ1~ 131 S'ECOy:fD]ID 1ff. Tfl.A.T _ Q1:1iI:!.RlAliN be a.uthO,:i~eato certif1 to accounts aue oll. necember 22ll.U. ~956. 1:l0w.l\RD 1? A1JIIER ;r ~1l.ES C. IJ11!\'D1.$i 01\11111J$'O · ~; ST. Tl:lmJW3' O:o.ta:rio. no-qelD.'o e'll 21. st. 1 \) 56 · / ra6't a. tti:la ;rolXn cook., 'fl;'1E Wll~ of tb.e ;n.eeti:o.g b.61.o. o1\l. No-qe;n.be'lZ \)tb.. ~e'lZe 'lZeao. a1\l.o. a]~'lZ~ea. 'fl;'1E 1Jl1,GU'l COtlNTY RO.!\.D CO~'i.'1!E'E ..~.. -0".., .t ., (\ . r2:(). a.... ., 1. tb.e 1il\.eIJl.bers ~e'lle ]'Jlese:o.'t. cou.." <).ous0 a. ...v. v..... ....... AS sis ta1\l.t 1il\.un.ie i]a1. 'Engine e'll , at, tallded t,b.e ;n.ee t illg. 1. T '111'$ 1il\.0'J11ID 13"1 S'ECo1ID1ID BY U'l REGAl'ID '\;0 t,b.e 'JleeoJlllllenda. ti01\l. of tb.e 'j3Oa.:rd ". 1.etta'Jl dated oet,o'be'lZ 24tb., of T'Jla1\l.S]O'Jlt c()!lllllissioners of can.a.....a ')..1l a 'llega'llding tb.6 ad..n.sabi"li t1 of -P'llotacti1\l.g a1.1. Rl3-n~a1 C'l?ossings o1\l. Coun t1 Road s ~i tb. l1.aSb. J.,igb.t Sig,D.8.1.S, '110 reO oJlllllend tb.a t tb.e Coun t1 eOllsidar a -p'lZOg'lZ~e for -P'JlotectillB a1.1. Ra.i1.~a! c~ossings o1\l. our yount! Roaas. ;r ~s c. 1l:T-lID1$'I 'BRUOE 1~.PJlR o A:RR'.t"ED · 1. '.C '111'$ 1il\.0'J11ID 13"1 1:10 'I1Al'ID l'.fI1}JIER S'Ecol'IDED 13"1'I1ALTER 1). NE'LSON 'liE rosco~ '\;b.at eOllt'lZi'bUtatiOns 'be ;n.aue to 'tb.a ur'ba:n. 1il\.un.i c 1-pa1.i'6i e s at tb.e 'lla te of 5510 €If tb.a alllOUlltS 1.e..n.ed fo'Jl Oount! Roaa -pUX1?oses, i1\l. accO'Jlda1\l.ce witb. see'tion 28 a. lS) of tb.e 1:1igb.~a!S lJ:tl.llrove;n.en't ACt.. c.PJlR1.'ED · 'I1ALTER D. NEJ.,SO}l 1.T '11A.8 1il\.0'J11ID 13"1 SEco1i\Db'D 13"1 BR\JC"B M.PJlR U'l R'EGAl'ID TO 'J:l'1E l'ROl'OSED eon.st'Jluetion of a }le'l'l ]lIl.tran.c.e to the Nor'Gh'l'lest seeti01\l. of tb.e city of st. Tb.Omas, 'be it 'Jleso1.'\Ted tb.at thiS CoJlllllittee concu.'llS w;i.tb. tb.e reso1.ution. of tb.e st. Tb.O;n.as ~'bur'ba:n. RoadS C ()!llllli SS iOn. 'Jlec aJlllllending tb.a t tb. e '" 1J. 2. l'Ne~ st'teet Route) }le~ ]lIl.t'Jlan.ee 'be ea:llst'JlUcteo. on. sc~e'll!.e 'If d i)" C C. l'a'lZkeJ: a:n.o. ASsociates, as sb.o'l'ln on tb.e 'P1.a:n.S -pr61>aJ:e · · · OARR1.]i1) · con.su1.tillB 'Engin.eers. .... 2... N01rember 21st. 1956 IT WAS MOVED BY CLARJJiNOE CDLvJiiR SECONDED BY' HOWARD P .ALNJER WE RECOJVJ1VlENDthat the County ot l~lgin procure a. one years option on the Nathan Ryan pro];>erty, being a part of Lot 1, coneession 9, Township of Yarmouth, u tor the sum of , 500.00. The purchase price to be at the rate of $ 10.00 per foot frontage on Road H 25 a.A, tor all l~Tld required for the proposed North Entrance, to the City of st. Thomas. OARRIED. IT WAS MOvJ:i;lJ BY SECONDED BY" BRUCE ].[ARR J MvImS C. HI1\IDLEY THAT ~m MINISL~R OF HIGFnVAYS be petitioned to approve a SUJ?plementary By....lavv -to provide for an additional sum of $ 50,000.00 for road construction this year. CARRIED. ~~-- .' ..,. .. Gl ~. ~ . I I D .~.. a .. I ~ ~ ~ i .... III Q , U , II' ~ i I II: lj. J ~, . ... I I ",&Ji ~, IJ', I ~. to . I G '.. .. ... to ~, :i 5: ~ I. I I i1 a I Q I . o I I Ii .~ :1 ~ J rim 'it:) .; * B-\A 60 ~~I>ft . ,........ '...........,......'.,:.........,....,.'" ....:.'\.....,..<0; ". ..,....:~. ~:~. . ,..' PI Ill' ',' . I.. , B Ma- fa: ,......'.......'...,.... 81 ~ ,. o 1I.pf .; - ! I I ~'~I ~t,.... II . I I' ~. .;;1' .-' i :..11 # tt':cA I-I~: ' ,. .. : ." .. =- :;; t: ~. = I; Q. G. . .'t... . · .... ... ..D .. . '.eo. .. PI. PI' ., .~,I........,..:.....'..... ' :ti ";" ""~, . ,,5. J ~ H - ~ I"i I.>,;.. I...."....... !...:,..>I.,... I,...........'....,.... ~D~' t4 .. "1," -;J ,."1 'R! It: tt - .. ..~. ~ .t Q- ." " 1::1 I f: II .... ." 'i i ~ I ..1 . 'UJ 'M . -.1 ~'".I,. t I_I~I ~.I..'.....~;:...,.:...I....,.... J.-~,..:... ' ...~.......~...,.. " s...~ .... ~ '>J"1 . I -.' .. .. Ii<< II I.,} I :a. 11 It; If' ,. . , I- e, ... C I , ~r4 . :, l2 ., t I I" .II.~.~...~......'.'...... ...I.."..........i.......: .Ii. .:..'. -0.- " ~" . . .. ~. .. , I 61 i I WI f#f. (l) 8 w 10 lQ .. ((,) r-I ~ Ii ~ ~ I I > . . t tIl 10 t:! ~ A ... I , .to <eI l2i o H S ~ f--i:l o ~ o o , '.' .~ ~ -t;, co ~ ~ o P:i ~ ~ o o .1 ..t I ~ t.::5 A H p:' t:d E-l E-l ::1 :..~...-: I) lq . f:Q e ~ ,~ -0 tt I I , t l~ 9' If. Mg i-'A &t '~' ~ .' .., ~ l'"4 ~ . t , t''l.l ,,; ,. I ... . '. A 3 a . &0 " '. '. . M R Pi ~ ....','..... . a _ D " . I' . . e- ,~ '.' ,~ ., .. i = .. #~. ~., ..1', " ,,. = 'I ill" '." :.. .' -. ~ a ~ .g o m ~. t ~ '.1';1, .1. '~11 - ~. \: = .~ .t- .t.'-" i -I " . , SI . I .. ' .. ... N I .f; .1 .It ..,..',... ,. . ~.J - ,: ! .~ . ! g . 'I. m . . J. -I~."'~ I ""~. .~ ~ .. ~ .. ~.t\ , n. . ..' ~- ". ,if . A .. o fit o . . t . . ., ~ '. ,H ,~ :, . . .. ri :. <<I .,~ . ~..' Q .. '~ ~-.- . '" ~ ~ . 8 '.; .:d :i*f \,- i sr. Tl1.0~W'h onta:ri 0 · ~o~ember 9th. 1955. 'l$E ]',"LQ1.ll CO~ ROAD eo-~ AJ-l the ]fi.embEl:rs, e"$oe1't ~t at the courb 11011se at 2 l' .m. . t ;r obll co01l:, NilSisteJl.t lI!.UXlic1.1'al ]',nginee:r WaTtle'l\. -pa.l1lJ.e:r -weTe 1':re sen: · e:\:'.te'l\.tletl the meet5:Jlg. . "'~"....'" "'ctobe:r 5th. 1955 'l$E ~'\1,l\\tl'1$S of the meet1.ng ..,.e........ ",.. v -we'te :read eJl.d a1'1''to~ea.. ;r _8 'BR(1)1.1~h - a 1?ositiOll -with e. C. 1?a!.'1I:e:r 1.11 thei't "LontlOll Office. iiR. 13E"L"L itr.tO~etl the ColllllLittee that . _eO. allo. acee1?teG. A.$ei~t ]',tl.J!;ineer, haS reS1.- ....,..... .., 'ED.O'in.eera eJl.o. ./I.S sec tate s , CO'l\.e~ "l.P-g '" .. . of the Road DEl1'artment, ~. ][URl1S"L RO'tlLS'f()l1, secreta.r1 .' s . _at ion to ta1l:e effect on: ;r eJl.llar1 31st. 195'1. te'l\.o.e:reo. he:r re 1..... . '.' .' t haS become ~ .... ~Ierttionea i'l\. he:r lette:r of reS1.gnatl.O'l\.' i AJ- thoug.... 110" '"' .. . . · .. . . . . t Road. Sll~ r1.11tenaen:" , " "'10.....,,,n Cha1?lo-W, 1\,SS1.Stan 1Ol0- t1;J.at she al1""''' "".... are to 'be meJ::ried. 13.e,;\:'. 1i'ebruar1' l'f wAS lI!.o'lJ1ID w.r ~ 1i'o"L"Lo'NlW:!t 1lESO"L'\J'Yl O'N waS aM1? ted.: .. C~C1S C'\.JL'.J']',R 11f11J.1? scrn;El'fl1\.1JF, ;r~ c. ~1$!' 13RUC1t "W~, 1i'B1>'D' ./I.. ~, TfllI.'I: ~ lU!l51Gl'l./l.'Tl~ of lllu,J:ie'l Roulstol1, , . ~ '" 0' 'the :rea sol1 __ 31st. 195'7 be aece1?teo.. 'K1l0-w......'" , effe0'\;.i '\1'e 011 ;r eJl.ua.>- J' · . · feel tna'\;, she -will 'be f a:r i:J.8.1?1?l.er -we cfUl.'l\.o'v sa,,! -wi'\;h :regre'\:'. as -we 5:Jl her ne'Vl ~ 0'0'. 11a1?1?"! 1,.a.1l-tl.5:Jlg. S'lliGOI1D]ID B1: ./I.. c. lllclJl1,~ wAJ,,'l%R D. 'NE"LSO~ ;j. D. Tl1.0~o~ ;ro~ 11. CoO1\, ,Sgn' a.) ;r. 'B. 1!filS~ carriea November 9th. ~955. -2.... A. :r;ET'fillR waS read from W. D. co1.FI, Engineer for the county of "Ken:t, containing a co-pY of the fo~~o'Wing reso~ution -passed by the "Kent County Road committee - 'rhat. due 'to the fae't that the bridge Engineers for the canadian. Bridge CO!llJ.lany wou~d not recOJ!llll.eno. tha't the o:l.d struc't'1l!:e, if re-paired, would carr'Ythe dead lee-d of a Bailey Bridge du:dng erection and after aiscnssin{J; the :matter with the De-partment of llighways it wonld be 1l.ecesSa.X'Y to eonstrnet wood tres't:l.es in order to install the Bai:l.eY Bridge which wonld cost aetween.50 and 40 thOUsand aol~ar:s instead of a much lesser amount as first an'tiei-pated. 'rhe De-partment, as they -pay 60% of cost, do not feel inclined to :make thiS e~end- ituxe and rec01l1!llend that -plan.S for a new -per::m.anent s'truoture be -proceeded 'With as soon as -possib~e and in the melll'lti1lJ.e traffic use the Moravian Bridge 2-1/2 mi:l.es downstream for vehicles desiring to go in a NortherlY or westerlY direction and that the Counties of IKlddlesex and Elgin be no'tified accordinglY by the County Engineer. t'Nioved 'by seeona.ed 'bY Robert EllerOeek RODert Tea:rord ca:rriea.. IT wAS ~10\rED BY BRUCE 1:nABR 'fHAT Tl:1lS C01'\N!1TTEE cOl1Cnrs vdth the resolntion as outlined in the let'ter dated November 5rd. from 1Jtr. colbY, Engineer for the county of "Kent, regarding eonst:t'ucting a new Bridge over the Thames River, known as the BOTB1fELL BRIDGE. we :t'e<l.uest that -planS of the new strnc'tu.re be cOllIPleted as soon as 'Possible. 3ECO'NDED BY WAIJrER D. 'NELSO'N oarried. WR. TFlOMSOill Affi) WR. ]lELL i:aformed the C01l1!llittee 'that this years -p:t'Ggr8llJll1.e cannot be com'Pleted without exceeding the $ 490,000.00 a"1ai:l.able under the two BY_lawS fG:t' County Road pur-poses+ 'ff!E pJ)'\f1SABl1J.T! of -passing a second su-p-p:l.ementar'Y By-laW at the illovembe:t' session waS diSCUssed. A. :r;ET'fillR liAS BEAD f:t'om Duncan D. JoJ::\llson, 29:1. Oxford street, LOndon, owner of the south half of Lot 22, concession 2, 'fownshi-p of AldborOtl.gh. 11. small trie.ngu:La:t' 1?iece at the south west Cj):cnel' of thiS lot, containing about 1/10 ac:t'es is re<l.ni:t'ed bY the coUll.ty for straightening county Road illo. :;. ---------- -3- NoV'ember 9th. 19f56., l\ffi. l:51!;LLhad advised r..!r. Johnson that the County w'ould allow him ~~ 20.00 and a new fence tor thE~ land. ? I]\1 HIS LETTER l[r. Johnson stated that he would NOT accep't less than ~~ 100.00 and a ne'\^l fence and requirecl that the COt1uty move the top soil inside the fenee. 1\/ffi. BELL was instruetedto notify WLr. Johnson. 'that if the Comtyt soffer is not accepted that e:rpropria1~ing prooeedings 'will be taken. IT WAS MuvED BY CLARJi:.N"CE CULv J!iR SECONDED BY JAMES C. HINDLl!iY THAT '.L'.I:U.!I ACCOUNTS as presented by Vouohers :# 31 and # 32 amount to $ 94,294.37 be paid~, Carried.~ .~..t:ll!.i lVll!:ETING adj ourned to mee't at the call of the Chairman. ~ ' cJ~'~---'. ,- st. Thomas) Ontario. October 5th. 1956. '1'.tll:!i ELGIN COUNTY ROAD eOMMI'rrEE met at the Court :Hotlse at 2 p.m. All the Members, exeept James O. Hindley were present. '1'J:ll!i MIJN U'lll!iSot the meeting held on September 7th. we:r'e read and approved. MR. BERT TAYLOR of Belmont addressed 'the OoJ.1J.lldt'tee aski.ng that the County asswne as a County Road 'the Tovm Line bet'\veen North and South Dorche ster from Belmont 'to Highway II '73. He also asked that the County Councils of St. Thomas, Ay'lmel" and other ].~unio1:palities' along #: 3 Highway join with the ontario Motor League 'to l.1rge the Department of . - Highvvaysto improve No. 3 Highway between st. Thomas and Ayl:m.er, oonstructing a new bridge over the New York Central Railroad tracks and rea1ign.ing 'the Highway at the dangerous CUJ.."v6S. No aotion 'was , 'taken by the Commlttee. 'l'.l:il!i FOT.T.QWING J:(t5S0Lu'l'IONS were ad.opted:- IT WAS MOv];J) BY HOWARD P.A1'JJLmR. SECONDED jj,t BRUCE NIARR TrIAT THE ACCOUNTS as presented by Vouohers # 28 a.nd II 29. amotm.tingto :I) 68,409.53 be pail. CARRJ.J!i.lJ . IT WAS MU\lJ:!j'u BY SECOJNlDED B'Y CL.AR.lli.t\l CE 'CULVER WALTER D. i\}!JtjLSON 'J.'J:1AT as the Model '1'- ooe Galion Mo'tor Gra.der supplied. by W. L. Ballentine Co. Ltd. has not proved sa'tisfaotoJ.'3, the County Engineer be instructed tonotity 'the Company that the County of Elgin will return the grader on October 22nd. 1955 -2- October 5th. 1956. if the grader is not put in as good condition as i1; wa.s represent€~d €l.'t the time the tender was awarded. . OARRJ..l!;J). IT WAS MuV..t!i.1J BY CLARENCE CULVER SECONDED bI HOWARD P.ALMER THAT THE C01~~~~E adjourns to meet on -if.tUDAY, NOV:m1\/IHri:R 9,th. at 2 p.m. C'ARRJ:ED. 1).1 h, (J. ...~,.r~=~----_. / ' i Sl:!;.P'l'.t!;lV1BI!;R '7th. 1956. TfIE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CONlMI'111-1EE met a tthe Court House at 2 p.m. All the :Mem.hers excep't v\Jarden Palmer ancl Vvalter Nelson were present. Jomq" COOK"assis'l;ant Municipal Engineer, at tended the mee"cing. 'mE NiIlw'l'ES of the meeting held on August 3rd. were read and approved. MR. BELL had advertisadfor tenders for paving 'Ghat portio'n of SOUTI-I STREDTIT, in the Town of Ayln1er f"rom DUfferin Stree'tto Rutherford A,renue and. WARHEN STRIGET, in the Village of Port Stanle'y from King's Highway # 4, 'Westerly 660 fee't. ~{E FOLLOVrrNG CO]~rRACTORS submitted tenders as follows:- A C'OPI~ & SONS LlIvlITI~D, 19 Albert street, Hronilton - SO\lth ,Stree't Vilarran Stree't ~.." Ort']~stj.mated Quantities 3783.~)O 2475.00 ,- ~~~lI:r"""I,~,""II'~dI"t'.:>......,"~~. ( 62-59.50 rI10VVL1\.Nl) CONS~:IRUC'J.1ION CO. LTD., 2nd. street, London - South street Warren street 4291. :'~5 69 1=)0. I 5 2J_._~..!~_ '7260. '7 .. ELGIN a:ON S~}RUCTI ON CO. 'i.LTD., 1105 Talbot st., St. ThoTIlaS - South Stree"{j VV'arren street 4623 * (50 . 3533. f50 ~~~,~ j,,~157 :'.10 rIm; FOLLOvVING l{8JSOLlJ'll.LONS were adopted:- / IT WAS I\[OV11iD BY CLAHlrINCE CDJ.JVER SITICOl'TDED BY BRUCE 1\jIA11R TE.AT TI-L'ill TJ3li.\fD~ti:R OF A. COllE & SONS, =!:9 Albert str(~et, Hroni1ton, for paving portions of South Street, in the TO\l'rn of ..f1..ylmer ana. a 11ortion of \lV"arren street, in the Village. of Port Stanley, be accepted at the following unit prices on estimated quantities:- -2- Spptember 7th. 1956. UNIT OF Iv1EASUH.B A1?PROX. QU.l'illTTITIES 1TI.\fIT PRICE .AMODNT I'l'.ill.M ~.~.-.-O-.~.~.-.~.~~~.-.-.-.~.~.-$-.-S-"-.-&-O-.-.-.-.~.~.-.-o~.-.-.~.~.~.~ '[Q:urrJtJI~J:YJ1t~t AYI1J1ER H.I.a 8 Ton 25G 8.00 2048.00 Prime Gallon 620 .40 1487.50 248.90 3783.50 H.L. 3 Ton 175 8.50 .~~A~I~L.,~~1.f1?PJ~. J?ORT STltNJ-JEY Ton 170 112 410 8.00 1360.00 H.L. 8 Ton Prime Gallon .40 952.00 J.-.i~~,.~Q 2j:76 . O~~ H.L. 3 8.50 ~'~ 6259.50. CARRIED IT VvAB MOVED BY BRUCE M.ARR S}~CONDED BY J A],[ES C. I-ITNDLl!; Y ~L~T ~iE ACCOm~TS as presented by Vouchers II 25 and if: 26, amounti.ng>t;o $ 77,232.09 be paid. Cl:1..RRII1jll. IT VifAS MOVlTID BY CLA..l-ili;l\fCll1 CULV1~R SECONDI~D BY J .Al\mS C. HTNDLJIiY THl\.T .AN .APPLICATION be made to the JVfinis,ter of Highways for an interim lsubsidy for expenditures of ;t$ 394,501.66, made by the County of Elgin Road Department from January 1st. to August 31st. 1956. Cl\lil1IED. rrr VlAS MOVED BY BRUCE MARR SI~CONDJ~D BY J ArlC(TIS C. 1:TINDLEY ~~~T THJ~ ENGIllliER be instructed to advertise for tenders for supplying One - new- 8.A1i1)ER, equiJ)ped with a gas me-nor, for mounting on a County truck. C ARRIJIlD. IT VlJ.fJJ3 :MOVI!1D BY CLARE1\fCIfl CULVER S,}}~CONDED BY J ilJ1TIGS C. H..Ll\ID L1i,'Y at 2 p.m. rrnAT TJTE COWIlVlITTEIG: adjourns until FRIDAY, OCTOBI~R 5th. CltHH.IJ11). Ji~' '. ' ,. ,!. ~,l -,., ....<" '" L,.... k ~J'."'i 6 . ",.,.,..._.....~.,;_,....'_.~..~_'___N_......_ ,,- ;-. ~,~~'"'....:~"'_.".,""'''''.'-"'"..,..'...:'.,...~_''_''r.'r;.'.."..'ll.,.>',J", -...."-. . /' "'-cR4.Imvf.Ar,r' . \"", 1\.iJGiJS1 '3ril.- 1950 11iE "E"LG1]l cO~ ROAD CON\tJ\1.1~]$ JJ..l tb.e 1l1eJll.bers were -present. Jll.et at tb.e cou:rt nouse at 2. -p_Jll.. . n il.e on tb.iS years .P$1"illR 1Y1SCUSS1.1\\G tb.e 'QrogreSS be:l-n", 1Jl8. . -progr~e ~b.e following resolutions were ail.o-pteil.~- 1. ~ wN3 1J\.O\T"illD rri S"EC01\u"illn 13'1 Bl:tUC'E 1;IU\.:RR WAlo'l'"illR 1). 1SIE"LS01\\ TBl\.~ Tl'iE 1\.ccomxrs as 1>resenteil. bY · .' J\> '74, lo'l. 98 be 1>a:l-il.. o .II 2.'3 a:ro.o un. t 1.ng to '1\" 'Toucb.ers # 2.2 aJ3.. jf , C~ED' 1.~ WN3 1J\.~ rri SEC01\D-mD 13'1 ~ ~ Tl'iE 1\.CCOurrt of ~j. "L- "B~ CO. "LTD, ~~'..'\'fY'I. , OR &~ 1(\ \"'Z.l70._ 00 ,tl1 en.et.1?\ltcn.ase 1?J?i c e fO'r for tb. sw~. ~ ._,0 .' b. 10 o~er for -pa1ffient, '" ,~on 1)iese1 1J~otor Grail.er be e . 1 .. n w ",aJ..-'- · '" : . .'~ ~ '" "teil. to ou:r sa t:l-SfaC ".LOn- \ . re~a:l-reil. anu aUJuP until tb.e graMr.:l-S J: .... cAR"ftl"illD- c)ft'@\1C:& CiJ1.,\f BR 1.1 w.l\f:\~<N"illD rri .' . C1...~Cj1', C iJ1.,"'J'11\R ;) ~S C _ 1f.IJ'ID1Jjl! SEC01~UED p:t 1:10 V{.!'J:'D l' ,t,:UJUi',R t$A1 tb.e following l;leJll.berS - ' ;) ~S 1f.IJ'ID1Jjl! pR\JC'B ]JL.~RB. ;50rm iN1LS01\ "Ballentine Co. 1.,til.- t ,"~'<1eS of tb.e ". 1.,. t J?e1?J?eeen. a\J~ ",,.,-rnraittee to Jll.ee . · . il. to tb.e coun.ty . . . ,.' "'..." il.er recentlY il.e l:l- "<tere C p.J.{Rl1W · . .' ~ t. Jll.eet on 1R'11)1\."I, Tl'iE co~~lI1~ aaJou:rne~' 0 ~'J:~:&R '1tb.- at 2 1> .Jll.' /Jdil' . i ..'. '.. .. I A.A'n-&. - --....-.....- i -~~~- -->. _ }J.~:!T"'Yf ." . ~ ST. TfloM.AS, on tario. JULY 8th. 1956. me'\; at the court Rouse at 2 p..m. All the }J!.emoers were present. 'fHFl BL~IN OOUNTY ROllD COMlilllTTBE ! I I ~ ~~S of the meeting held on June 12th. I I ! I were read and ap1>roved- I ~ F01J1..QVJI1'Il.G RESOL'O'.l:.l.O!1S were adopted ~- CLAREl'lCE CULV15R IT WAS MOVED BY I, SECONDED ~Y J ANIES C. mwLEY \ THAT 'fHFl AccOUNTS as presented by , Vouchers 1119 ane\. 11 20, amounting '\;0 $ 8'7,000_09 be paid- cARRIED · J i ! THAT T:i3E coUN'fi OF lJi!.DDUSm;: be requested to aSSUllle I ;iu.riSdic'tion ovet- the TO'lJlTI!. Line between westminster and yarmouth I from its interseftion with King' s 1:lighway if '74, westerlY to its intersection Wit~ the road between concessions '7 and 8, in SECONDED BY WALTER D. ]IELS01:\\ "BRUC]~'; tlJARR IT WAS MOVED BY 'the Township of ~est:ro.inster, a distance of about '7/8 miles. The county of Elgin to pay 50% of the cost of construction and ! cARRIED · IIl8.in:tenance. IT wAS MO\l..\JJ1J BY o"LAf{ENCE CULVER I gEcoNBED iF.[ J.I\1ill.15S c - 1:lnIDJ.:E! I. , .. T1!AT 'JI.'J:il!\ ENG-rNEER be instructed to erec'\; tt;PO MlU LINlITtt Signs on Ba1ael~va street and on south EdgeWare Road west of Woodworth A~entle. ! , . I c.A.RR1ED. ;rU1..;Y 6th- 1950. -2- THE ENGINEER waS inst:ructed to pu:rchase 4 ~raffic counters. THE ~ETING ad;\O\l!.'ned to llleet on AUGUST 3ra. 1950. ~ THE Willl"ET1l'IG 1:ihe eonmd t1:iee inspected the 'Pleasant '\Talley G!.'a'ITel -pi1:i and the addition p:r01?osed to be bou.g,h1:i f:rOIll. the llarrY' M.coutcheOn Estate. " ------o1:1Al 12r... I. ~ Ii ~.,," /rz~]?--------- ~-,._,~..~~'::::;." -"-. S'rC~ 'fltol1AS t on.~ario.. ~ :\.2'\111.. :\.956. ~ E'LGIN ootlN'f'! R0AIl oO-~ ~ at t'b.El eou:rt i5.O\1SEl at. 2 'P.m. A:I.:\.t'b.El lllElmbElrS ~rEl 'PrasEln.t.. ;r ob1\ CQols:, AS si.stant. ~ e i.'Pa:\. "Engineer, a'ttended t'b.e mEleM.n.g. ~ ~ of the nteeting he:\.d on. ;rUJllEl 6th. ~:t'e :t'ead an.d a'P'Pr~ed. ~ 1l'O 1J.O w.t.~G BESO'L1J'f1Oli!S Vl'ere -read an.d a'P 'Pro-.ed \ .. IT WAS 1ViO'J1!\D 131" O~O"E CiJ'L"lfER S"ECOIm1!\D 131" ;r.AlllES C. 13JlID1Zl 'rJiA.T _ wARDEN Al'lD Ou:BE. '\)e aut'b.ori.'Zed 'to sign. a eon.traet vdt'b. t'b.e "E).g1:n COtl.struet.io'lil. colltPan.'1 'Li.'lllited, st . T'b.cnne.s , to e ~n.st ",f'Q.ct. t'b.e FingeJ. "Bridge a't an. estiJlllil. ted cost of t 50,'12.2..20. eA,R'Rl"ED · IT WAS lJlOITED 1f;C s:\S.oo1\\D'E'P 'B! 1~ COIlll''L1AllC"E TO ~ REQ,\JF.STS of t'b.e co~e i:\.8 oft'b.e 'f(l'll'ills'b.i'P of lJla.:\.anid.e an.d "Ba'1'b.alJl., Vl'El -ree()llll1len.o. t'b.e.'t t'b.e 'foVl'lil. 'Line betVl'een. the said 'foVl'lil.ShipS opposite con.eesSion.S 2, .5 a.n.d 4, lJia.:l.ahide bEl aSSUllted as a ooun.t'1 Road 0n. ;ran.ua.r'1 :\.st. ).95'1, ~ub5eet. to the a'P'Pr~a). of the On.tariO 'BR'UO"E ]1iAR1l wALTER D. lIlE'LSOli! C pJlR1Wt DEll'art.1Jl.en.'\; of 1Ii.gb.wa'1S · I'f WAS liO'I/ED 131" S'EOO'ND'ED 13! ':fl;IA.'f ~ S~ of.thEl coun.'\;'1 ~in.eElr bEl i.n.oreased '0'1 , 800.00 'PElr '1ear, retroaet.i~El to lJla.'1 :\.6t. ).950. o1JU:ll~ ,. 110 \!fARD 1? A1'J.'iE'R WAL'f]lR D. lIlE1SO~ ." . .'- ST. THOMAS, ontario, ;rune 8th. 1956. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD OOww:TTEE me1; at 'the court Rouse a1; 2 p.m. .u.~ 'the },[embers were present. T. s. (lalclwel1. District M.ani6ipa~ Engineer. a'ttencledthe mee'ting. THE IJl1NUTES Gf the meetings he~cl 0l'l. may 4th. ancl may 6th. were read a:nd approved. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS ware adoptedt- IT WJ\S MOVED .tit O~\fCE cm,'V111R SE(lOI\lIlED BY" BRUCE MARR 'fi1AT THE AOCO'lJNTS as presentel\\. by Vouchers I ~5t # 10 and fj 1'1 t amoun1;ing 1;0 $ 44.493.89 be -pa.id. CARRIED. 1'1' WJ\S MOVED BY cIJ\.RENCE CULVER SEC01lIDED m ;r .A1'lES C. RII\lIlLJ51 TrtAT THE RNrE paid to owners ofR1red TruckS for trucking road ma'teria~S be raised fro~ Seven ('1) cen'ts per cubic yard :mile to Eigla.1; (e) een'Gs per cubic yard mile and for tru6~ hired on an hourlY rate be raised FiftY (50) cents per hour. o.ARRIED · MR. :BELL REPOR'l'J:\:J.l 'thai; work is in' operation imprO'Ving cocty Road 1/ 19. in t1+e Townsh:l.:P of southwoid from Frome !lorther1Y about one mile and tha't it wU1 be necessary to widen the road allowanoe Eight (8) feet 0l'l. its westerlY side. . ;rune etb.o 1960. ...2,- 1'f 1/AS lAO'J"ED m: 1101/.rJID -p~11 s-mc()1lID1\\D m: VI~T15R 'D. mJ',1,.S01l Tf\A'f ~ 0_$ 0f j.,01:. 26 t 1l0-rtb. of t.b.e 1l0:rtb. 13tf:ll'l.eb. of Ta).'\:>ot. 11oaa. in tn.e T0v;11$b.ill of SOU1:.b.Wola. 'be otfe:reo. at. tb.e :rat.e . . '. . .. f wiaenin€?, count1 Roao.:/f l.9 ano. of t ~oo .00 'Pe:!:' ae:re fO:!:' l.ano. :reQu.1.:!:'ea o'l! .' . f nee on t.b.e Vleat.e'l!11 sJ..ae tn.at t.b.e count1 wi).).. s\XP1'l.1 ana. e'l!eet. a neW e.. '. . . a.. 1"" t.b.e offer is refused t.b.e -mn€;J..nee:r J..S J..nstru.et.ei 0f tb.e ).ana aeqa:.1.'l!e. · .l- · '\\0 iree'Pa~et.b.e neeessar1 'Plan ana deSC'l!i'Ption and 'P'l!Oeeea to e,;:p:ro'P'l!';I.at.e the 1a.l1la. lKR. 1'lE1;L. ~rrrr1\ID est~'I;.es and info$ed t,b.e COnnni ttee .J1 0'79 aJll.ount. ill€; to , 4,60,000. 00 tob.a'l;. 'l:.n.e l. 960 110aa "E:lCPendi'l".'I1:I!e 'BY ..1,.e.W if l.", t will not 'P:rO'lT1ae eu.tficient funas to {;:re.ae ana l':re'Pa1!e for fU'\;u.re 'Pa"4'ing 'all of tb.e roaaa aaltea fo:!:' 'b1 'the rrownab.1'P Ree"4'ea a'l:. t.he 1l\.eet:l.n€; held on A.'P'til. oth. .l\!'fER ~ 'D1SCiJSSlO1:'l t.b.e fO).).o~ reaol.u.t.ilJn vro.S adG'Ptea\" 1':C VIAS 1l\.()'\TED 13"I lf~- 'Do 1lE1.S0li SECOllD1\\D 13"I ;r ~S 0 0 l'lJllD1$'! . . . . . ~ }Jl:lJ!IlS'fER Of 111 Crl'tIJilA.:rs 'be 'Petit. 10ned '1:.0 . Tl'!A.'f . ",,~tional gUll!- of , $o.ooo.GO l. :IN to l'J!O"4'1l..de fO:!:' a.n alJ-lJ-'" all'P'l!O"l'e a su.'Pl'l.e1l\.entar1 W" e: . . . . Ooun t.1 11oaa.e \ .. t ' .\- ~o"" 'l".b.1 S ..rea1! on t.b. e f 011 0"l\f.l.1l{; to:r :roaa eons .:ru.c"....... . · ' , . . .J1 19 .. 1.00 mil.es T01Ni'iSl311' Of So~01D .. Road tf ,. AJjDBOROi1G1i" ,. 'DiJlIWl!. 011 .. .. 1:~o"O'.fl:l .. ,. 1:~0'U'fi! .. .. ~t. .. .. 13A.~ . ~ co~~-m aa.~ou.~ea. t.o 1l\.ee'l". at. tb.El ca1.1 f 'D 1. '75 " " ."". # 1.2 2.50 " " ... f 24 2,.20 " tf ... # ~o 1..00 " u' - I II =Ii 4:5 2.50 t1 " - if 4:6 .'15 t'f " ... 0f t.he c:ne.i~' ST. THoMAS. Gn"!!ari 0 t MaY 'f:th. 1956. _ 'E'LGUl ooUN'fi' ROAD oomElTTEE Illet a tthe 00 urt l1.otlse a'\:; 2 'P .Ill. tJ.l t11e MeIllber s were p rEI sen;; · _ ~ of the Illeeti.J;l$ held on A:pril &,\:;h- were read and approved. _ 1i'ou,o'll1.1lG o_BS in the TOW13J:lhi'P of D'\1:1lwieh D'\1:1lean Galbraith Ricnaro. swain n8."'I1o. c a.r:t'Ql l1ar-ve'1 Kendall appeared before t11e committee aSking t11at Road D 15 or Sl1aKleton street froIll Dutton ]last.er1Y to the Dunwieh..sOut11WOld 'town "Line be 'PrEl'Pared for fut.ure 'Paving and t11at work be started on t11e 'Easter11 'Port.ion this 1ear- Tlle ObaiI'J,ll8.n assurreil. t11e dele gat. ion that the co_tt.ee will give the matter consideration. IT wAS 19l.OVED 13Y 0~C'E C'OL"V'ER sECO~ED 13Y 1l0WAIID 'P AJ14ER 'filA.'t _ ACOOuNrr,5 as 'Presented by "Vouchers 112. f 15 and f 14. ~ounting ;;0 ~ 1&t4~4.&2 be pai~. eABItI'ED · "fl'l15 1i'ou.o~G '.I$1llD'EBS were sublllitted for sU'P'P1Yi.J;l$ t11e following new maG11iner'Y .. 1 .. Diesel powered Grader 1 .. 1...1/2 yard Front 'End 'Loall.er 1 _ 2 ear llea:\Jer 1 _ ste~ Oleaner 1" 1/2 ton. pick iJ1> Tru.ck REI'13'E8FJ!'fA~ of the varioU.s COIll.'Paniea tendering addressed t11e ooromit'tee and after Illtlch diSCUssion t.he coromitt.ee aa~ou.tn-ed until 10 o'clock a.Ill. on 19l.a1 6th. 1lA1 6'th. 1.9S&. -2- _ ]'OiJ,.ol!1l'lG B:lS50'LVflO1\lS were a.do-p'IT.ei. ~ .. __ . e~C'E (liJ'L"V'E'R 1. 'f wAS 'NlG'11SD ]:).1. SEooNDED 13Y 1l0wA!ll> 'P~ . .. '. · . ." . ~ ....-r~ CO. 'L'fDo; Toron't.o, on't.ar:l.O' ~ _ ~'ER OF w. 1.. ~.'l:J.l"- . ~1"t? ~.,.."'G'IS. _. po~ 1\.OD'E'L T_soe G~01II 1\.OTOR ~, for al111plyi1\g ~"'" .. "'.......~.Il>J.' IVl~ . eQ.u.ill"Ped wi -th TorQ.ue. con..,e't'tore:n.d ,!?owered bY 1\.oael nt..\'1"'J1. cU'Jlllllina Diesel 'Engine ana " '" . ,p~ 0:\)1.' e l11o'ld 'Board. wi t1\l. a. 1.$ fOo't l:l:1i.re.u'l:l.e 5...1.... "... .' t 21."3~O~OO, a,GOO.O€) fer t.he s- 0f '. '. ll~ee of ,...nS 1.ess a 'trade 3.11 a. . "t1l 0 'D. aT. Tfl.\,Wllo">' .. . "e" ------ j:. . .... . . . . , . '. JJ. $01 Il.Oal1l. G:ee." .., -- for O1Le .. A.il.alll-s tr ' 19,5'10'.00 or Ii\. 1\Ie-t S- of '.. .. . 't'tIllent. of l1.ig,hVJ8.1S. 1 of the on\oa't1.O 1)El"pa ..." au.baae-t 'to the a'P'P'to-va c~ED' -oe e.cee-p\ie\l.t .....,. wALTER 'D. '1.\1'01.501\1 l'f wAS 'M.O\f"ED pJ. SBcollD'El:l lr! ;r ~ C. ~1$! .1\1 .1\1'f\ CO 1\.l? .1\1V' S-t . Thli!l1\l&S . 'fi1A.T _ ~'E'R 0]' ;r~ COW.8.lo' .8.lo"::' ..' ". . .8.lo'''' t '.. ." ." . .......,.., 'Ir.<:,,,,,,,,,,-m s~u . ,.' _... &0 els'le i 1.260 .. D p.......11l>DolJ"'" ~.- fo't al1~~lY~ ' 948.10 :t or the s1Jlll. of . .. . ...;! to the a.llll:eo-val e... rn ....xCi" Q;. be ase e).ltel1l. t 5U"o ;lee "a... . ]'.O."B. $..... ....... 1_' . t1:l.a O1L'ta:eio De'l?art1ll-e~ of J[ighVJ8.1EIo c~"ED. 'B1iCJC'E ~ 'IT wAS 1\.O'TE'D 13Y .-..T J'>.()1\I l{A,1.tT'ER 1). ~~~ · SEOO~'El:l lr! . .-'~ S'ure.fforl1l.'\T:l.lle ~R 0]' 'L~ R. GlU""'"' 'fBA.T _ ~.. '. ...... ". ... ....... . ... ,..... I" ..... ~ 'feG....~1i~ 11,(%. m>~.! . JJ. 1.524 ~o1$ ~ '. _... ne'W ]D.Oe.el 11' . for 5t1.11'!?11).t1.g . . .' a. wi'th t1a.taa't. 1lLO€lel) eQ.u.ill~e .'. .' ana. e.eeessori;-ea 1: n.l1Gn T1.re$ a. .,_1/2' to 8' bO:S:' \'1 ~'. '::T t 1.82'5.00 .._of ...:" lli <>,:\:l.Wa.1Eh . "'ieo. :to:!: 'uhe ,._ . ~ '.. De-na:etlllan." 0'" '" as s~eeJ,.J. 1 A.Ptne 011ta'rJ.o 1:: "" i,.., 6. 1"'I1"'I1:0'1J'a. v.}.. " sub ~ee"l;, ;;0 "..e,'" . C~'El:l. be a.eee-pteu., , ..'~' TENDERS FOR GRADERS '"":':"" ,'. --~.:"._'".""" ."~-;"...j~....:;", ~ -.,I_.:,~:.~,. -, .'!c_ . .- -.,....::..:.....:-~~......o:.:~_.~.................): :__'" -'J' .I~:o.~ . ''''..../ ,,' ,c. "k ____.....'_~. , COUliTY. .. OF .ELGIN .. 1956 4.... ~~t, .. COMPANY MAKE J'.. De ADAMS ADAlv!S "\r/ Q L 0 BALLENTINE tt ~' 4 GEOe \"1. COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT '~~~_. ;..~...-.'''''''.~':';''"';'~'--~''''',"'~~P"P''''f';J.~'""",'"':.,>~ "7""'-"'~~~~'~"'-":".~"_""_'-~.''''' ....__....".....,.,.._......_.... , ... ~~. - H~P.. MODEL FUEL & .Motor PRICE 12:3.. 550 DIESEL GALlON 12; 118 " T- SOO Opti:R~~an~~PMtliiigli~ldboard . CROTHERS CATERPILLAR 115 19>>988000 DIESEL 18,925~OO n{Torque Ol~J\~t~W~6-B120, 770~ 00 DIESEL 22,2Se.OO 12. HUBER-WAfteO 12.3 4D-ll; DIESEL DOMINION ROAD lr1ACHlNERY CHAMPION ff It tt 'n FEDERAL EQUIPMENT PETTIBONE- ~tlrt...~~5::-~'~~~ SA'WIER -- MASSEY AUSTIli~ WESTERII ALLIS-CHALMERS SHERIDAN EQUIPMENT -~ 100 D 560 DIESEL 125 D ;62 DIESEL - . 134- D 565 DIESEL (TORQUE Convertor) 12; 402 DIESEL 115 471 DIESEL 120 ADS;16 DIESEL lS,861000 17,600000 19,9;0000 TRADE IN NET ~ "..n ~,.....,~,.., ,". I. 3.,200000 18,788000 2,000000 16,,925000 2., OOO~. 00 18'$ 7070000 oo.Od . 650$00 21,6,38000 542000 18,319Q90 1~300000 16,300.00 J..,700000 18, 250f)OO 22.,300000 l,700eOO 20,600.00 lSt301eOO l,500eOO 16$801000 -19,900$00 .19 SOO.O() 18,400000 19,755000 1,500GOO' "183255000 :r~IJ1J~RS FOl,t CAll 1.I~A'l'JJ:R~ -- COUUTY 01t' ELGIll 1956 COJ.\IP AUY _ I,IAKE l;jDDEL ALLO~/AUCE PRICE Ne,~ fR;' e ~PLYS-T-Idf: COI\fSTRUCTfOfJ Elc. UI PI.lEUT ' BIOS OS 2..000000 5,$25.,00 . .3 B 825 QOO GENERAL SUPPLY : LITTT IRFOH.D 115 265.00 4.,6811)00 48867080 n BROS DUAL HEAT C5- 15 265.00 6~864.00 - ?~13?oOO ~frARIO E~UIP~~IIT 4,476~OO AHD SUPPJLY CLEAVER-BROOKS PS 50 826000 3,650000 T~~!I>~ts FOR STEM'L q~W~R - COUN'rY OF ELGIU 1956 001.;11) ANY ~.lAKE -- -1t't<1ES GO\1AlI & CO. STEAlJ1 JEIUU: " MCOL . J0111'01l t.. -- ST. THotJL\S AUTO SUPPLY ;~UICK STEAl.l pYCLE I , 60 25 60 60 . . NET PRICE :L.OOQ!J,O 9148.10 I "'.00 985000 'rEtlJ:)}.';RS JPR1l.. 2:, rr<?~L p~ cK..;"I,ll"~Ruc:ii - COUN'l'Y OF ELGIl~ 195-6 -. COt-if AU! l.li\KE . 'flUES BOX Pll.ICE I .....L IU'rERllATIOHAL "650Xl6- . . . \ BUT'.c l.!:R\'lORTll i.~OTORS 8' 6 ply nylons ' It 967.00 CAN-lllICIt/lEL l.lOTORS 'DODGE . 6 c 70x15- 7t 4. plY nylons 18SOO.OO 'DISBRO\'1E i.rOTORS DODOE \ 6' plY Cords 71l 1,7504>00 E. L 0 FOHDHAI~l CHEVROLET 13995000 -tLE R. QUAIlT CHEVROLET .1 6 ply nylons 1 7~ to 8 1~g25t)OO JOHUSTOn I.IOTORS to C) 111. ' 6 ply Cords 7i ls84ao75 lilER-LIn r.l0TORS ~,1ERCURY e oy t 4. ply nylons S 1,.940.00 n n 6 cy I n 8 l.,eooooo ROUT LEY & FISHLEIGH I.HTERNATIOHAL \ 650 x 16 6 P:l.Y ny~ons SPAC~~~NS foaD 6 plY nylons S 1992500~ 7~ to a _ 1..900000 SCOTT 0l.10TORS :JORD 650 x. 16 4 ply Cord 6t . 19795000 TRut.ll\l1 t,jQTOR SAL~SJnEVROLET , 6 ply nylons 71. 2 1.(149,,00 'MA"'! 6th. 19~E). ...5- 'IT wAS 1\.0'11\1D BY S"EGO'ND1lID 'B! 11.0w.rJID 'P AJ14ER (l~C'E c~'R 'fi1A,'f "fl'l15' '.I$1llD'ER of _ 01\lTAB.10 'EQ.~ A1iID gJ1?1"LY 'L1'IIl1TED' TtytGX!.t.o, .,eo:t SU1!'P,l'1ing _.. new e1.eaver Brooks, SO 1l.'P- POR~ ~ ' , ' $ 4,4~o.OO, fer the s'Olll of . ~ $2&.00 ]' .O,.B. ST. Tl;lo1\.AS, lesS a trade in allcwe:tLce 0... for ()1!l.e .. 19S2 110de1 elal1SSe T.e.1GOC ca.'t l1.ea'bet' or a 1\Ie't 'Pri.ce of be acce'P'ted, Sl1b~ee'l;;;'o 't'lle a1?'Pro'<1al of t.he O!lt.ari€> Della:r:tIllent of l1.ighwa1lh cABRl'ED · ------~ , ~,o50.00 -purohase W,~.11rER D. ~ 'BB.\JSClE ~ 'fi1A,T _ co~ 1Sl'lG~R be etlIPGwe:r:edto s~e1ing inst.~nts :r:eQ.uired bY the oount1 'Engineer's De'Partlllen't. c.PJUl'lED · ,'Itf wAS 110'1ED 13Y gEColtD'E1l 'g'[ 'IT wAS 1\.0'1ED BY SEOO"ND"ED B1: _T _ co_TTEE eollIPosed ef ~ """ ....."'.,., Cha"loW be a co- tt.ee T11e warden, Ohai~' ]'. A. 13el.... e:n.... ~..o.......- 'If 'to inves'tigate the -prO'P0Se1.0f -p'\il,'l!Ghasing a'bol1't one t1.) acre of land ad~ 0 i1l\.ing o'll'r 1?leasa:nt:i'a11el Grave1. pi. '\;, , owned bY 'till.e J[a.r1!1 l/i.eC\1,\;c11eO!l 'Esta;;e, wit'll -power to 'Purcnase. c~C'E c'OL"V'E'R 'BRUC'E ~ C .PJ3li.!.1ID · 'I'r wAS 1\.o"l1'ED 13Y gECO'ND"ED 'BY o~C'E c'OL'lfER 'BB.UO"E ~ TJlA.T ROAD 1\.I'I'LCll 'PA~ be laid on the following ooun'tl RoadS 't11iS leal' .. -4- IJIay eth. 19016. tt ... :Road 11 4: -at mack's Lane - Road # 1 -end of Pavement Northerly - Road /I a -end. of Pavement Sontherly - Road 1} 19 -Frome Northerly .. Roai # 24 -(Lake Road) Lots 2 'to 7 ... Road # 40 -Conoessioa 2 ... Roa.d If 4:~ -(take Road) end at pavemen't to 13a:yham-Honghton Town Line 1.75 t. 1.0 miles 1.0 " 1.2 " 1.0 It 13.0 n 1.3 ff ALDBOROUGH DUNVVICR SO u'l'ffi'VOLD YARMOlJTH :MALAHIDE BAy. .I::I..lUl SOU'.1tl:i DORO.riliST]~R'" Road I} 51 -Lots 15 to 18 1.'5,0_" :10.75 miles 'J.'.I:il5 TJ51\JwERS tor supplying OB& - new 1-1/2 cubic yard Front end Loader were left tor ~uture oonsideration. , t!'.t:lJ5 COMMIT'!'l!il!i adjourned ta mee't on FRIDAY, dURE 8th. at 2 p.m. , (Wi t " ~ 71~ (~haJ.rman. ST. THOMAS, Ontario. APRIL ot,h. 195,z,. met at the Co11I't House at 10.30 a.m. All t.he Members were present. THE ELGIN COUNTY 'ROAD C01)lID1lI T TEE. THE: MINUTES of the meeting held on March 21st. were read and approved. TEDDERS were opened for supplying the variOUS materials required by the Coun'tY Roads Depar'tment from April 1st. 1956 to April 1st. 1957. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS were adopted:- IT WAS MOVED BY CLARENCE CULVER SECONDED BY WALTER D. NELSON THAT the Tender of the SUN OIL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED for supplying # 1 Premium Gasoline in 2,000 gallon lots, delivered t.o the County Garage at White'S Stat.ion at 21.6 cents per gallon pluS tax be accepted, subject to the approval of the ontariO DepartIllent of Highway. (The Tenders for supplying Gasoline are listed under Item 5, on the attached list). CARRIE1). I T WAS MOVED BY S"ECONDED BY THAT the Tenders submitted by t11e FirmS shOwn on the attached list under Items 1 to * inclusive and 6 to 12 inclusive be accepted, subject to the approval of the ontario Department of Highways and THAT the County Engineer p11I'chase such materialS from any of the firmS as required, being restricted to purchase the materialS having regard to the quality and delivered price. BRUCE, MARR J AME.S C. HINDLEY CARRIED. N D 13 R S ~,~,_",,_,",~,_,_,'__"_.Jll'aCIIll"'-~~~ COUNT'Y OF ELGIN ..,,"' ." ._._..."......,.~.~_~~.~.......::,..~........ ,,; -;:r.,;..-""" -,:,:--".-'=---"'~.""""""" - _.Jl.9Ml ,J1f1!!RIP"gl~6_~ Lo CRUSHED STONE ~__""""W,,""..."""""".. CHIPS _...._..."J,~ SCREENINGS ~~fgJ~~~~["]r~l! ALL SIZES STONE $ 1000 CHIPS SCREENINGS $ 1025 c60i SAnD t) ~IOi F.O.Bo Plants CANADA CRUSHED & CUT Lnn:!ED Ramilt;on Dundas CON SOLI Il A TED SAND AND GRJWBL LIMITED Toront.o g 1. '1'1 at; ford HAGERSVlLLE QUARRIES LUlITBD To,..ont.o , 10- 2700 Dufferin H.agers= ill\.LDIl>1hND QUARRIES AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. Toronto, -137 Uallington "ville Sti t) Thomas 2~ BI'1~UMINOUS 111A. TERIALS ~"..-_..._"..,.."...-..,.,. ''',.,..~-= TAnS ~~~ Tanl{Jl~.l:!t ----~....~--......~--'-~ QURnIE PRODUCTS LTDG ASi'UALT <<:~~,...~~~~~., Turco Pl~imer tt R /E & 3-lt" tv R@T$5~12 OQ221 per Gal Oo2Zt7 n o C? 21t~9 n Il~l~RIAL OIL LIN~TED Dust Layer Be. seo to SC6 .15 · 90i II AlII Asphalt Primer & V,cO to ; .1$.10~li , SIDING RCO 'to RC 5 .19.20i" ELGIN Asphalt Cold Patch .18.10~11 saolS~ Be. sa 6 15.90_" " DRO primer:l.8.:L0~1l 1\100 to MC 4 &Road l''Ji:li. Ku:\.chlS.10i" Asphal't ReO to RC4 (surface Trea~ent) 1.9.20i 50/60 to 150/200 . ' penetrat.ion Asphalt$3Z. 40 per ton BRIf~ISH Ar:I1ERICAl~ OIL CO~ LffD 0 E'MtlLS:tFIED ASPHALT ....._....'"',' ,"~...........__ ,",0 .'0' . . ,- CANADIAN BITUlvlU1S CO@ LITD Q FL!:NTKOTE CO~1P A~rY All ~la:terialS COLAS tAll Grades) 19~1 uToron'to 00197 n n HOT Al\lD COLD ASPHALT :MIX ~.--'"..".._'"..,,:.,.,~.,.,.....""""_........"""~ H.ALDIMAND ~UARRIES AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. Ha.gersC"; ville $ Lft (150 per ton )JQ CALCIUM CHLORIDE ~_...--~~._~."",,,..,,,,~._.,,-.~..........-...._......,~~~ BRUNNJ3R ~ II/lOUD CANADA SALES9 LTDQ :3 5 Q 20 n 43000 DOW OHE1>'lI.CAL OF CANADA, LIlllJITED G@ 11$ GILLESPIE &. SON 35Q20 n 4)(100 tV 41070 n 42050 applie 42<)20 n NE'lffiURl F ARI.JJ. SUPPl.! POlgLARD BltOS 0 GO 0 LTD 0 (41.70 Del.plus ~Oi applied) (liquid ..flake ton equivalent) 40 PORTLAND CEt~NT _._-_.,.,-"",-~,''''''''"''"'''''''''' CANl'illA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED ALFRED nOGERS LIMITED $ ).75 per barre11 ,El~in lesS lO~ per barrell 3.75 11 " 5 Q gA~Q!J.~lt~> BRITISH A~mRICA~r OIL CQ~ LTDo CANADIAN OIL CO~WANIES LI~rrTED CITIES SERVICE OIL COo LTD" I~WERIAL OIL LI~UTED . SHgLL OIL COMPANY OF CANADA9 L]]/IITED SUN OIL COr~1PANY LIMITED SUPERTEST RELIANCE PETROLE:Ulvl LIMITED 60 ~~1i~~Jt.~+.~.f9gg~r.~~{I BURLINGTON STEE:L COlfu? ANY LIMI'I~ED r~l$ BROi:lN & SONS L TD lit ~ ii tchener 7 Q ~..,~.:L.~ DELLER 11 STILE LIl4ITED ROAD MATERIALS 1 9 5 6.., MIN.OCTANE RATING 98 88 90 9S III 9205 g4~5 Motor ) 9405 Res earcJft ( gg NET PRICE , >> INCLUDING TAX 35*6 ~ 3206 .3.204- 3.306 3506 3406 3206 .34-~6 3009 $ 4~9, per 100# base l~o Prices given Hamilton 4 inch Jco 16n ~ as per list Elgin . a ~q9~q~.~~.,~;I:,~.~ BEST PIPE LlllIfI ~~ED $ Kitchener CANADA VITRIFIED PRODUCTS St. Thomas CONCRETE PIPE LII{[TED ~~ol"'onto A" COPE & SOI~S~, LIr"rrTED ~ Hamilton NIAGARA CONCRETE PIPE LTD$ St C~ Catha.rines 15 inch to 84 inch n Less 5% Vf 4 inch to 15 inch tf n tt -6 :lnch to 24 ~nch t1 n u 24 :i.:nch to 84 inch n n n 4 inch <to 84 inch n tv tf 9 (I !:4J:~t NORTHERN PAIN~~ & VARNISH CO. IJTDo REID"S PAINT SERVICE SCARJj1E & CO 0 IJTD e SCOTT'S & COo LTD. s'r. THOMAS Iv1E~~AL SIGNS LIr~lItrgD TRELCO LIMITED Elgin in 10 Gal$Lots Ovren Sound s'I' 0 THOtl/1AS f..B0 ndon Hamilton St@ Thomas Toronto as per list n u if Less l~' n' n Less 1% ST. THOMAS n u n Elgin 100 S...A-1_T BRUNNER $ 1\10ND CANADA SALES ~ IJIV[CTED . Toronto CANADIAN SALT COf4PANY LIr~TED SIFTO SALT Llr~TED 11 0 I.~:i.g~-w:~ aXl.c.t,.'J'~1!~e:r.9...S~_91'IS~ PEDLAR PEOPLE LIhUTED ROSCO ~~TAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS LTDo ST~ THO~~S ~mTAL SIGNS LI~rrTED 12" g9~~lJ.(}1\~~D.~~~~!__~1!~!~!~~~ ARMCO DRAINAGE & ~ETAL PRODUCTS CORRUGATED PIPE COMPANY LI~UTED R. H@ FUTCHER & SONS PEDLAR PEOPLE LI~rrTED ROBERTSON-IRtnCN LI~~TED RaSOO I~TAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS LTD~ tVESTEEL PRODUGTS LINITED Toronto Toronto Amberst burg Fine Bulk $ SoOO Ton Coarse or Sto Fine-bgs $17000 Ton Thomas Bulk 11050 n Bag 17000 if OshD.\'la Toronto StG Thomas as per list VI u Guelph as per list Stratford lit Sto Thomas n Osha\tla n Hamilton n " Toronto \1 Toronto n / q.rf." f,u/Jh ._g.Q1!Nl~~t,~. Q~:__J~;W.1!L.,~ I I 1= ~RQi\P 2,~\'r~.~~,A~~. . i"Vl~w~2~J.~ ALL SIZES DTONE (~. 1 00 q'J 0 i I i i I I I tl8 "'\ " - ~ 'l c~ "~'.' ('\ l'i!!\ -.... 'j"4 ~ Cp.'l.r~AD1L t~RUtJHED & ~}.I. OJE LI1VII Jj,ED GONSOlhIDA TED SAND AND GHA VI~I~ l,II:imTE;n t,;f t\ n'tj'l"i "~VI" I LE QU' /' R f~rI'? c.~ 11 l'~/ri' TTl"D I .[".. ~.\li4il't.:o :1\,~.~ ..I ".Ii. .N'" t# "..) < L ',w,. '" ,,;J rr ., I ,.' 1"l/r ^ "'rr' ("'Uy 1\ ")1=> T .,., .':'\ · lI'ID CO'i\ 'f C rrRU ~v, f'i'il]' 01 1" I t1"1D .fJ.A ..lJ.J 1 'W.t,~ J ~ .H.h ,\\..l..j~~;:) jL~IJ,. ;. b~j . G 1 : ~,\.1 nIl.J\, <Ii> CHIPS (;t. 1 ~t::. V () I,..di SCH.EENINGS o60~ SAND o70~ F.O.I3o Plants 1Q CRUSHBD SerONE c1iIl>:<3'-~-"~'"'""~-" ~4_1IJ::\;Mt~ SCHJ~.ENINGS ~IA~ID ~j"a~ Ham:ilton Uundas Toront,o>> 1 Vlattf'ord ~~oronto 9 10- 2700 Dufferin Hage:rfJ"''' Q1'1.t 1'17 : '!' 1]" O""t nUll <11, oron 0 1I -".JJ ~Je ..l.n{..) t()rJ!. Vl. .. e ') B'I'l~nrl!'Y'N('IUC~ 'I',:r"T-'RI 1\ T ,,", o'~"t" ~:;~~~~~i:~~~~$-~~~:~_t~~~~d.~:~~~.:t mA "()('l ~'~~~ I~!}~ ..S;_~~~~ St t) Thomas eURRIg (). Tar(~o Primer H R " I'I' Q J -lIP :s.Jl,Y~rLQ n RIa T ~ 5-12 o 0 22~1 per Gal O r}i"l tv c; "-'~t (J 01',) (~,~9 n A1ffil:UAli1~. A~[~RI CAN CO \II I Dust I.ayer & sea to sc6 Q15090~n i Asphalt Primer &. MGO to 5 olrt()lOiu 5~rYrt~ RGO to Re 5 019 Q 20~ V~ Asphalt Cc)ld Patt:::h Ql$()lo~n !;) ANY SIDING. gl,GIN ~9$rYt.R- SGOi)SCJ &. sa 6 151)90~u n DHO PI"imer 1$ l)lO~ n MOO to I:IC 4. &-J1oad lViix tlulchl$ (, lo~n Asphalt ROO to RC4 (S'ur.r~u':e Treatment.) 19 {) 2()~ 50/60 to 150/200 Penet,rat:ton A~3phalt$.32Q 4.0 par ton INLPgRIAI,; OIL LIM:CrED E.. M1JI ~'-T':\\J'-~") !\ C"1)111 L'\"'8 .,:!~:~~~,,_~;:i~~~:,;;,:::~h.,,_J~~~_l~ All Materials 5ry?t-l! COLAS (All Grades) 19Q1 nTorontt1 CAl\fADIAN BI.rrUlvIUI:S C00 LTD 0 FLINTKO'rg O~197 if n UI\"rI)]'''\II'/'ND UADt)"f"1Q AT-,H\ (Il(Yl\TSrflnU"'1'"rON ItTiD 1>1,tl-J.b J,.j.ti.. li ..1,U.1..~l!.,iJ J.'O.u \,il ..,n..~ J..u.. v of" u.. 0 ! ,-p-V :;-- Hagers= villa II. I. ~'O ~ "+ I) ~I.. per ton BRUNNER>> MONO CANADA SALES~ LTDo frVI ~, . ~o~/Lr~, ~ vf z ~'f ct~ ,g-=,~ ~~ .3 5 (120 Amberst burg $ 1i-3 000 St 0 Thorn as 35Q20 u 43QOO U CALCIUM CHLORIDE ~___...............m~I~\''''''''1J;.~)~~m;e3..,.......~,.~.........~,._,-,.~__~-...;;'I noVl CHEMICAL 01~ CANADA S,) I,,;IIJII'rgD NEWBURY FARM SUPPLY .35020 tV (41070 Del&plus gO~ applied) (liquid -flake ton e~livulent) it) 000 n 4.1 I} 70 n 1.i-2 (; 50 applied 421:120 it G: II 0 GILLESPI1~ &, SON POLLARD BROS 'I GO Q 11TD {'I n t'>OI) j'"LA N'D r'.T{I~vIE"~ '\Vi'\! ,~(} ~M~'$#"~~~~"'--'" """"~~'.'__~"" ,,~;~';~~~~_~~'_>~.!!~~ CANADA CErvIENT GO~lP ANY LIIr.tITED AI,F'RED ROGgRS' LlI\iD:'rED S/l~'<~ $ )075 per barrell less lO~ per barrell 3075 u Elein Wi t:' _~ ,:, . ["".'':''-~ Q\ !) (1) "';;f :o-(fjc ,c \ra '~ ~ E:~~ ''''0 (;; """ ~- ti #' o ~~.dJ ~." ......"~ e';, ~ .~""." C= <:;- 9'" '" ~:~ ~.~ " $ ~ ;~-.,."" ~''tI G <'lO ~"'\ 'J;i, ~ - ~ f''''~\ ,j ~ # f'" 9 ~~:",I; .. <) ~ T'.:'\ 'jI"D"r.'IRC! .t.:"J,\1 tJ v COUNTY OJl ELGIN HOAD MATE} 1:A13 ",.,.,.",:,.,--,.~ ,.,,~ 19~)5 "~v~.'" ~,."",. '''111 ...-," "\lb 10 GItUSHED STONE 11 a:t to 2ft per ton ''',/(Olt t"th'h)f"'t . 0 \..I...-.t OJ per ton Screeni,ngs per-ton Sand 1" 00 I'. B ~ per ton CANADA CRUSHED &, au rf S TO~P.J;L TD 0, ~~l 0 00 1:>25 2.,(1 WASHED CRUSHED GRAVEL & SAND ""'"""1 :7to., ~ CONSOLIDATED SAND & GRAVEL L'rD" 1 ~ 00 HAGERSVILLE (iUAH.RIES LII:aTED ' l~OO 1(,25 ,~70 1025 (;60 1" ;z5 <;60 HALDJ.i~ND QUAHHlgS & CONSTRUCTION 1.00 ~60~ Dundas &, Hagersville 7}ax exempt Q70 Pari~ Haeersville Hager"s 'Jill€' .3..0 CALCIUI\:I GHLOllIDE , ~ . .~.~~.~.~.~o-.-.~.~.~.~~~. CARLOAD LO'rS Ii' ~ 0 f.' B ~ AlvIHER1'SBURG St. Thomas :~ 4.(1QgO per -ton JJ"OO p~~r ton DO\:I-li'lLAKE PELADO\:f 40- (\0 . 1 N3 t>() 4 *.rJ I . BH.UNNER;j f40ND}) 1:1'D WI G ~ H 4' GILLES PIE j&, SONS Q~.~~C~~.~G~O~b~Q~O~O~~-O~ 4-"J EITUIVD]:l9US MATP;RIAljl {al TA .,n ,~_ CURRIE PRODUCTS LI~rrTED ~rANK CAnS TARCO I'Rlr.IIlJ;R n R t/r.~ 3-4- H R~ T ~J 5,-12 (b.;. ASI~fL:\ltr _ BHl'rISH AMEHICAN OIL CO.,I/rD ,) B.AcDUST LAygR H SC 1 to 6 n ASP HAL'f PllI.IlfER ft IvlC 0 to 5 . U .R@ C 0 to 5 U COLD PATCH IMPERIAL OIl, LIJrvU TED SO I .3. to 6 DH 0 PRINIER Me 0 to 4 ROAD MIX !vlUI GH RO 0 t.o lr PA VING A3PHAl.'l'S ( c) EMlJLSJ:FIED ASPHAI.! fJANAD1AN Bl TUMUJL.S CO e L'fD 01 FI..INfl'KO'rE co y ALIJ MA'fERIALS S t (" Thomas. .) 22.7 per gallon 'rax' i) 247 fit . includec .,249 tit 15 (J 909~ 15090 19...lO lfL, 10 19.)20 181)10 L (' L "D"'\-r"'Ui\/'f'c" e oJ', .1.1, i\i,4J n 23{.,I+J9~ n 23 (l.4-3 H ()5.("....1 f~ v ".PJ 25,;163 2.6973 25 {) 63 ANY SIDING ELGIN 11r n fir .15.:. 90~ ill 18~.lO H 181ltlO 11' 18,,10 t1' 19", 20 (Surface irreatment $32,,140' per Net ton (Pen.et:r:ation Asphalt) 30150 3-,,50 10050 $.~25 J~2g 4vOO n ;:~O 230 'iI' u ." tf ~Q-~~O~O~Q~6~O~~~e~Q~p~Q $ 5~OO per ton Hagersville ANTI.... CORROSIVE ~O~O~Q~O~Q~.~.~O~.-.~O~ ALU~ITN- GUARD UM rrRAFli'IC RAIl, SIGN GRADER 6060 4\.95 5085 DHUIl,'lS ALL lJIATERIALS (Toronto) 19 it 7 ~ pe:r Ga" 23 \1 9~ BITurJIDLS fIX (London) 23 rl9~ n 2f:L.l Tank 'l'rucks ~'. 0 "H'~l 'IP ';:'~O_ 5 (> COI.D AND H()'r l',:p.X A~PHAL'r HAGEfLSVILLE QUARRIES COLD IvD'X ASPHA1/f l~J\"Ntr NOHTHI!;IU~ PAINtr ~~ VARNISH PICr:ERI1JO & SON~3 J. S. REID SGAnFEtg s COr.l'T ~\ S 8T '" TIIO~IAS METAL SIGNS 5 ~~ 50 Galo 5 ~ 40 . 5p$5 5.~50 5\>65 AS LISTED AND TRELCO LIMITED 3075 Reflective applied Plain n 3:>65 ,,' f { /, ~J.tli 0.11.111\,)).11. \rr.'l:R111f,U?RO,()UC'~S C01~CRE'~E P1?E L1M1T'ED 1" .k'tl0Nil.L 6 f,\$R P1P Eo C01.1? P. H'f ~l!\.G!\R!\. C0l1CRE.'rB PiPE (~01.'lP j\n1 1\.5 pEl"{, LIST n H S'l: . 'l:HOl<1.M) ?1 uS '1 " 'It n 7fJ It -.-....-.-.......-...-.-.....- 1\ 1\ UEIJ.$R i S Tl1,'E 1:rl-'i1.1EU . .. . -. -... -. - . -. ,... . .. . -. -. - . ~ ,'h ;'3 4.,0 per 100* BaCe 1 r.:Q it -lrQ.I 11 ami 1 tA 0 n. " If\.., H . l~ $ Q n.1!- 90 mt:'\ ,.~. 'Ii 1 ('\ J. J,:,t.-- M ~ 'BURL1t~GTON S'l:BB'L ~9:. ' :;,'\:f,BL COVIl" Alr! OF Cl,t<J\D.k - - - --.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ~ o. v v v C' \? "t. 1"7 c.. l'V:'~ 0/' b .a- rr61- .I :.' il" ..\....J. . 3.':5 II .,.-.] ..."i ,\'1 'O.IU ~ ~6....,,I,.h' J. J,. n ,..t 10;) CENE~\f~ ~;::,;;;.:-- ctuAD~ CE~$U1 C01~~~ J\Ll!'ltED aOGERS L1:t'lU:tj!;D ..............-.............- Ci\Ul.0 KO LOTS B\H-'l\. Fllies nuU~Th$R MO~ $ 5.00 per ton ..1>'" t' c'' (~ '1/ '0 i i.lll{ l.\. ~\.IJ." 1)~" J '" Cil.NADli\.~ s~t cO. ~ 14090 p~r ton . . . - --..-.......-.-.-..'- ~_ C. 0. ~ · 'U 'rYtUGK LOJ\DS BUl.lK ~'11~B (~~ 6 00 'IY ~) ltOGK Uf\vS ~~. 21 00 .;r " l\mne1"S' , S t (>f~hol 1.14l SA'L'r ~ 1.2.~ I ~~s _ k~\CO DR~INi\.GE &. ~~~h~ PRODUCTS Ci\.Nt>.Di\ CUi..VERT CO. l;rD. COlmUG1\.n~D PIPE, C01,1? p.JlY RO'BER TSOll..1Rl;IlN LIM1- 'tED., " ROSCO l\'!E'YiIl> ar. ROOY1NG PRODUG);'" rBDVR PEOP1,l!'.. Lllo\lTED n"' 'dBS'lEEL P'itOD\lC'r5 Lnll J:\!.l.) 1:~ D " 1\5 11BIt L1Sr~ 11 n \1 t' tt tt -.-.........-.......-.-.-.-.- tt 11 1t n 1'1 11.0l\D "1 GN5 .PEDLl\.B. PEop1.E J.,!.l'll'tED .." <: "" .J.,......~..,' ROSCO ~,1B'tr..1.. &. 11.00V11lG P\1.0DUG~;j lid). ST. '!:l'lOlJjJ\S t<jj!.'ti\.1.. SIGNS 1>11-'11 TJ:.D '.rlESTEBL PRODUC'tS Ll~ll'~BD ...-.....-.-.-...-...-'-'- u ~l~.~ .. Nli\.GJ\R.k Bi\l\N\J sPR!\.'L CO, 11ru, -2- APRIL 6th. 1956. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY HOWARD, PAL:MER BRUCE MARR THAT the Accounts as listed in Vouchers # 10 and # 11, amounting to $ 19,963.57 be paid. CARRIED:. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY 'fHAT the Engineer advertise fGr tenders for supplying the following new machinery:- 1 - 2 car Hea'ter 1 - Steam JjE~nny 1 _ .",,1/2 ton Pick-uP Truck 1 _ 1-1/2- yard Front End Loader 1 - 15 ton l~loat 1 _ 115-120 Horse power Diesel powered Grader BRUCE MARR JAMES HINDLEY CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY CLARENCE CULVER HOWARD PALMER THAT the following Reinforced Concrete Bridges be constructed thilS year:- BOWEN BRIDGE, - Road # 45, Malahide 3PRINGWATER BRIDGE - Town Line between Yarmouth and Malahide BENNETT DRAIN BRIDGE - Road # 8, Dunwich AND THAT the following Bridges be widened and extended:- ANDREW BRIDGE - Road # 1, Aldborough ETHEL3T,ON BRIDGE - Road # It,O, Malahide. CARRIED. THE MEMBERS discussed this years programme for laying Road M~lch Pavements. -)- APRIL 6th. 1956. THE FOLLO\v.ING is a list of the roads that Eiach Reeve asked 'to be paved in his township:- ALDBOROUGH DUNWICH1 SOUTHWOLD YARMOUTH MALAHIDg BAYHAM - Road # 4, at Black's Lane Road 11 1, end of pavement Northerly - Road # 8, Southerly - Road # 19, Frome Northerly - Road 11 24, West end - Road # 40, South end - Road # 42, end of pavement to Bayham-Houghton Town ]~ine /~I SOUTH DORCHESTER- Road #~, end of pavement to Crossley-Hunter Church l~.O ~.~o i 1 \_ '" 1 ')'r.#' 'tl'~' ..,jI 1..6 2>.~ ,P 1.f3 1..75 miles If n n tt u n 1..50'. n 11..75 miles ',.1 THE REEN'ES also asked to have the following Roads Graded and Prepared for Future Paving:- ALDBOROUGH DUNWICH SOUTHWOLD YARMOUTH MALAHIDE BAYHAM - Road 11 3 - Road # 12 Road #8 - Road # 19 - Road 11 24 - Road 11 45 - Road # 46 1.,75 2.,5Q; , 1.,50' 3.,00 4.,6' 2.,S 3.,0 18.,85 miles n If n tt n If miles I"r WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE, to carry out this extensi.ve programme on the money a1loted for road purposes at the March Session of the County Council. The matter was left for consideration at the May meeting. THE COMMITTEE adjourned until May 4th.. at 1.30 p.m. t O~~~./~~ .(J~AIRlViA~~ I J " ST. THOMAS!, ontario. ]liarch )-,Q'tb.. 1956. THE ELGIN COUNTt 'ROAD COMMITTE'E inspec~ed ~he County Roads in East Elgin OR Tl1esday, March 27th. and in West Elgin on ThursdaY, March ~9th. Mr. John cook, Assis'tan~ Municipal Engineer, accompanied the Committee on March 27t.h. ALL t.he county RoadS were found to be in excellent condition and to da~e there has beeR little evidence of damage eal1Sed by frost action. ON 'Thursday a joint meeting with the Middlesex Road committee and Mr. Arnold, itS County Engineer, was held at the SimpSon or GrahaDl Bridge, over the Thames 'River, where Elgin Road # 1, in the TownshiP of Aldborough Illerges with Middlesex Road # 3, in the TownshiP of Mosa. THE SIMPSON BRIDGE, consisting of 1 - 180 root, 2 .. 60' and 1 .. ~O' spans, a to~al length of 340 feet. waS erected iR ).888 and is the oldest bridge over the Thames River between the "wo eeunt.ies. The bridge is ver'Y narrow, ,,00 ligh't to carry Illodern traffiC and will soon have to be replaced by a modern struct.ure. There are tWO sharp curves in the roadS, both North and south or the bridge and the roads will have to be straig11tened, widened and realigned before they are paved. THE MIDDLESEX. ROAD COMJ\ll1TTEE has decided 'to grade, widen and stabili~e its Road #.3 rroIll Highway # 2: t.o the Thames River thiS year. THE PURPOSE of the meeting was to decide where the new bridge will be loca'ted to conform 'to the necessary relocation or the County RoadS. ....2- March 3()t,h. 1956>. T\lE TWO coul'l'fi ROADS are nearlY in a straight. line ollPosi:te each ot.her and i't 'llaS decided 'tha't the bridge 'llill be loca'ted u-pst.reaJll. from 'the presen'IT. s'truct.ure, in line 1Idt.h t.b.e original road al10'llances SO t.hat. curves 1Idll be elimina'ted in t.he improved count.y RoadS. 1- ST. TBO]llJl.S, On"\;ari Q · ~arch 21S"\;. ~956. me"\; at the court Bouse at :3 p.m. A~~ t.he ~embers were present. TT:lE E1GI"N COUNT! 'ROAD C01llMlTTEE TtlE lIl1mlTES of the meeting held on ]llarch 7t.h. were read and approved. TtlE F0110wr"NG RES01UTlONS were adopt,ed:- IT WAS ~O'JED B! B'RUCE ]IlJI.ER SECONDED B! BOWARD PA1MER TBJ\.T AN APPROP'RIATIO"N B!-1AW for 1956 Normal Road 'E~pendit.ures for the sum of $ 460,000.00 'Ow passed, t.o be al1ocat.ed as fol~OWS1- Norma~ Maintenance E~pendit.ures Normal construc'tion E~penditures 300,000.00 _160.&0~0- ~ 1+60,000.00 C1\.RRIED. IT WAS ~O'JED B! C'LARENCE CU1'JER SECONDED B! JAMES C. BIND1E! TBAT A SUPP1EMENTAR1 CONSTRUCTION B1-1AW hI' 'the $1.l.Ill of t 40,000.00 be passed 'to provide for 'the Suburban Roads CommisSionts ~b.are of 'the cons'tructiOn of 'the Finga1 Bridge. CA.RRIED. IT WAS ~OVED 131 BOWARD PA111lBR SECONDED B! W1\1.TER D. NE1S0N IN REGARD TO TBE PETITION of Archie N. Andrew and ~:35 O"\;her 'Ratepayers, asking t.ha't the GRABA~ ROAD t COUNT'! ROAD # 1) in 'the ToWllShiP of A~dborough be paved, from 'the end of the pavement opposi'te concession 4, North to the River Tb.aIlles, be considered af'ter the commit'tee'makes an inspection of 'the road. CARRIED. -2- MARCH 21st. 1956. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY BRUCE MARR WALTER D. NELSON THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE makes an inspection of the County Roads on March 27th. and 29th, :gastern Roads, March 27th, Western Roads, March 29th. CARRIED. I I IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C1AR:gNCE CULVER JAMES C. HINDLEY THAT THE COJYIMITTEE adjourns until FRIDAY, April 6th. at 10.30 a.m. CARRIEn. "- 9/Jd;, ~h~ (J CHAIRMAN. ~. :0 "'" ..It ... ~. 8 ! ....N .. I ~. A ~fd. "::I .. .. .; . .' . ~. M M . lIIl''''' ..I."........ ... .~ . o .~ Q G I.'~, ~i l'ItB . 6 a.......-....'... .f5...... =< - ~ ... I ~. ',14 . .. . .. , a M .'111 ~ i a o IQ g ~ if: Q ~ " i ..~. ~. ~o .. I) tlJ. i I 8 I ! J 'F':I It I ~. ~ .. It .' It .~ II I Q; ill i 'fM. ., I. J - I. .. al .rot. . ri . .. W <<I . 1 .- ~ I 1 ;1.......! . ~ . rj., J ;I A Ii. " .. 1 . I . -0 .' " .tH. A 8 . a Q 9!~' I I I i , Ai 47 B I .~ .il I .2 !I i 0 i ..8 .. ~ ti r1 & ~ "I ." !I....................... .' .... , ~. 1.........'- .lI..' I i ... I .. Q ~: ..-. .' 2 Q I ~ .' J ~. '3 E .! . .. . , " J 3 i ~"'..1 I i ~. it .~ I .I.~.I :J ,., .61 '. ~ . I i I J t. +" (II A . ~i = ... _ .- 0 " lI.................... '.- ~.= · J .~.'.........'.'..... . '" .is I ! .~ ~ o I ,.... .:=r - ~ &t J. 4#e j'" ......... .~ I ..~.. I I . ~ j " 9 o. ,~. .::) · .1....... ~ ~ ..;. , ., fl" ~. it · J .. - J ..It 1.........."'.. Als ..~............ "'0 :f '" B = ! a I - ~.................. II ~ .4J' ,p.. . .ftrt J ~ - <<1 ~. 1 ~ I: ~. 8' '1J. ji w'O .tI".Ji.I. ..s: ~ ..1........'..'0 .' m....... .....Q. A Jl~:. '" -I...A ~ .5 i i . 2 ; II .~.. t'\'L 1 1;1 0: " ~ ~. = .1 .Q ~ tis..".'.. Ii ~ ~I ., ~ .. UIi '0 ....'. ~ ~ Q & ... . .~. ~. J'! ~ II =' II :e3 ~ ~ .~ .~. D M rd f! '~ ~' .. Q 14' ~ I l .. . I H ~ o i J S1. TrlO'w\'S, O'l1'Gari 0 · "Narch 7'Gh. l.950. "'-, ccUN'f{ RO'AD CO'l!\l"'I1T1EE ~ " All. ~he ~embers were'presen'G. met. at. t.he CO"\l1'"'G rlouse at. .. p.m. , "Ii JO'rlN CO'O'K A~is'Gan'\; Engineer T. S. C.U;OWE1..1.., Dis'Gric'G ~un.icipal E,ng;ineer an ' at.t.ended t.he meet.ing;. er1:lE E'LGl'N '8.'Pproved. D~1..1..O'N o:t t.he R.C. A.i. STAT1O'N, A 1..ET1ER :troll\. fl.ying; O':t:ticer 1... S. ...." .," d T1 ",ked 'Ghe Co1!1lllit.t.ee 'GO consider 'Gne ad:visa'oil.i'G1 o:t A.1l11ler was rea. "e a.. . '\;e 'Ghe main ga'Ge 'GO 'Ghe s'Gat.ion. ins'Gal.ling; a. :tl.a.shing; 'Gra:t:tic ligh'\;, opposJ. ~.led .,,~'Gil. :tur'Gher invest.igat.ions are made. The le'G ter 'Was ... J. ,Woo .. 'O'tSO'" R, e"le o:t Bayha.m an"" co~N1CAT1O'U5 'oe'tween 'Il. D. N...... to, e ' 0.', 'Ghe purchase o:t a part. Fll.ED. A.. BELL, coun.'G1 Engineer were read regar J.ng; :trom rlO''IlA.RD A.. 1AI1 :tor road of LOt. 5 concesSiOl1 la, 10wnshiP o:t Ba1h~' , 1\ri'Y"l' Bell was instrl1cted t.o have the land purchased at t,he rat,e i.1llprovementS. i'U. . ' ,,' 0. , $' .. 109' 3 00' part o:t t.ne land not. req,U1.re, o:t \ 200.0'0' per acre, a t.ot.al 0'" ~ .. will. later be sold. 11\E FC1..1..O''Il1 NG RBSC1..U11O'US 'Were adopted ~ - 1'1: 'IlAS ~O'JED B1 'Il. D. -aE1..S0N SECONDED 131 C1..I\.RENCE CU1..V'ER .. t.'se :tor 'Genders :tor T1:lA1 11\E ENG1NEE'R be instructed'\iO au.ver,J. , , ",,0. '0' t,he Coun.'G1 Roaa.s Depart,ment suppl1ing; t,ne variOUS ma'Ger1.al.s reQ.U1.re, y :troll\. Apri1. lS'G. 1956 t.o April. 1st. l. 95'1 · '" b uar'\T lQt.'ll. were read and 11\E l[tWJTES o:t the ll\.eet.ing; held on r er,' 'J Cl\RRlED · 1T 'IlAS ~CVED 131 SECO~DED Bl 1\lx\T rrt1E ~oun.t.ing; t.o \ 15,6$1.l.1+ be paid. c l\RR11~~.r) · TrlE l''\E.BT1NG l\DJOUR~DtO meet. at t.ne call o:t t.ne Chai.rman. C1..l\11.ENCE C'\J1..'JER BRUCE ~RR ACCO'UNTS 80S present.ea. '01 Vouehers * 7 and # $, ,----- ST. TH01[AS, Ontario. Fe 'bruary 10th. 195E5. THE ELGIN CODIPI'Y ROAD C01VlIV'1I T'l'lfa5 met at the Court, House at 3 p.m. All the 1\1embers were presen't. T. S. CALDWELL, District Municipal Engineer and his Assistant, JOlIN COOK attencled the meeting. THE :MIl\tU'l'JiiS of the meeting halo. on Janua.ry 19th. were read and approved. IN .ACCORD..4JrCE with the request of :lvrr. Cald'Vvell the 11>ollowing rE~solution was adopted:- IT WA-S MOV:ED BY CLtti1~~NCE CULVER SECONDED BY V'vl3;LTER D. lQELSON THAT $ 2,800.00 allocated to Bridge Construotion in By-law # 166.3 passed in Jan]1ary 1955 be transferred to Road Construction and 'l1i.A.T $ 6,000.00 allocated to purohasing New Maeh:Lnery be transferred to Road Construction. C.ARHIED . A IJETTER was read from NitlNROE BROTHERS, owners, of the North pa;rt of Lot D, Concession 8, Tovlnship of Aldborour)l complaining that a eatoh basin was covered when County Road. ;~ 4, I South of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad,was rerou.ted last 'fall. IT WAS MOVJED BY ~~~ FOLLOWING R~SOLU~ION was adopted:- CLARENCE CULVER SECONDED BY WALTER D. NELSON THAT CI-IAIR1l[AN J. B. 'WILSON, P. VI. SCHLElHAUF, F. A.. BELL and NORrJIAN CHAPLOW interview the Munroe Brothers in regard to their complaint that a catch basin was covered on County Road # ,4 and THAT T:l.iEi H.A.VE POWER to settle for the vallIe of land used in rerouting Road # 4. CAHRIED. 1f)j\B'RUAf{'[ loth. 1950. ....2- ilil ea ~~e comroi'ttee A.. 11.. p~;:t~' Ree'\1e of Roil:o.e'Y' a ress' , ' .'< ' , ,', ,O:ftion of t~e ~:o.ival Roail " ril to resu:rfacJ.ng t~e count.'Y s II . J.n :f ega ' ",' After llLuch at. the ti~ w11eP- ){ug' s l1ig,b.wa'Y # '/'/ is :fesu:rfMea. t' waS ailo-pteilt- iliSCl1Ssion t~e follOVli:o.g rElso1u 1.0:0. ' 1.'r 'Ill\B lilo"VED 1f.[ 1l01/UJ3.D l' ~R Sl'lco~ED 13Y tr ~S c. 1J1}iD1$1 ~ ",,,, T'rt"""\~'^::lS be -pEl ti t.io:o.eil to asSUJll.e 'fl:iAT _ ~STfu'R \.I"' p..>-1.:tP,,,p. 1 ~ Cf Ctreatst.... as ){1.P-g' S llig,b.Wa'Ys the fol ow...n", ;:;> . -r"",,11\f fJ.. 'RoAD in the "Village of RGane'Y' 1. 1!'UJ:U.'~ . ' , l' nJi.t fr01ll Q,\1eeP- st:ceet ~0:ft11el'11 to the "VJ.llage1. ' ,p ~O"~ 22S0 fee't \.l1ig,b.wa1 # ,/~). a aistaP-0\e 0... au ....u G~ S'1'1lJl$T in t~e \fillag,e of '/lest 'Lor:o.e, , , 't f:folll 1\.ain St.:feet ~o:rt~e:f11 to t~e "Village l.1.1ll:l. , " ,... .,4,00 feet \.l1.ig,b.wa:r if '/0). a distance of a~ouu ~ // . .... of 1)u:tton. 1Ul~ STji{Ij\'E'r, i.n t~e \fJ.llag,e 0' ' ' 1: 'to the "Village lj;!llJ. t , #' , <':o.a1de'toP- stl'eet 1\Io:rthe:f :'/ . J,. r01ll >> " " J.I. ) . 't . ' o#' o~O\lt. one~l1alf llLile \.11J.g,b.wa1 IT '15 · a. itl. S a.n.~e ,\. (J. . l' 'nar'Y 'EstilJl0.teS ~, B'E1J-. ~~ 'thE! accOlll1lan'Y1.ng 1?:re J.IllJ. · , . ' " , a :fo'\1eil o'Y the coro1ll1. t tee · .,." a ~~ep-a,itu:res w11J.cll was 1'1' of t11e 1.956 cou:o.t1 ~oa ~- 2. '3. IT wl\B 1\.o"VED E'I Sl'lco'l:lD1iID E'I 'BRUC'E ~ , .' ' 'E <'t . """ t e l' :re-p a:reil ~:r 1l1'r' Bell TBA-T t11e 1're1.J.lllJ.na:c:T ,j,..'..-- ,~, a to T d, cAlD1NEo'L'L' f o:f 1950 count 1 ROaa 1i'JCl?e:o.ili tu1:e s ~e Sl1'o1ll:l.'" te' .;:;>. ' 1)i. st:ri. et 1\.uni ei llal 'En.gi:o.e e:l1. cpJl111.ED · c~G'E ctl'L\f'ER FRED. A. BELL, B.Sc., O. L. S.. M. E. I. C. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERUITENDENT NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS'__nOINT.. F];JjJ1UAt!y 9th. 1956. PRELnlIINARY :E:STDvlATE 1956 ROAD .liil...PENDITURES 1955 .J:!i.X.J:'EIIDI TUBES RESlJJ:tFACJ.l~G G~RA"\TELROA.DS 34,341. TlO :MAINTAINING nR.AVVEL ROADS 43,648. €H3 CONSTRUCTING R01ID 1mLCH PA'VEM]n::rTS 95,212.89 SEAL COATINg. OLD P.P:.V.l:!avlEN"TS 58, 626.95 GRADI~lG-':A.lID STAJB[I.J:SING FOR FUTURE PAVElmITS 23,l~g3.29 REPAIRS TO PAY".illMENTS 13,089.81 DUST. CONTROL 13,659.9:0 WEED .lU~'D .tlJiUSH COl<ITROL 8,890.87 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL 10,508.13 ultB,AN I]LlPROVE:]lrn~i]rTS 7 , 191. 91 DITOHING AND TILING 10,956.58 .1fJSL\fCDIG, GUAllDRAILS AND SIGNS CENTRE LIE!E PAIN'l'll'l'G, ETC. J3AILViAYCROSSING PROTECTION LA.:ND PURCHASES DRAINl.AGE ASSESSM.EN'l'S TOOLS COU1\JTY' GARAGE EXPJi:NSES, REPAIRS AND OVERHEAD 1\fID'1 MAC.l:i.ll\1.J:l.iH.{ STOCK, PIPE, PLANK, ETC. SUJ:'.illRINTIITNDE:t'J'CE AND EJa?ENSES OlrJf.L C EEJu:tlill'1SES C~RICA.L ASSISTMiCE GRt~TS TO UHBlll\f 1iIT1NICIP ALITIES IJ:1StJRAl5rCE, CCffitD?ElSrSATION A.ND PENSIONS fIOI.J:DAY. vaTH PAY, SICK LEAVE , ETC. LESS STOCK BALA15ICE BRIDGES ..A1ID CULVERTS S U .tRIRBANROA.DS 10,0~37 .35 4,261.45 1,598.85 1,560.58 0.458.44 13,6177.96 13;,6191.83 7,435.28 308.21 2,200.00 9,700.00 5,204008 ._ 2,.12.50. 2~ ,_. 398,005.45 11)&6 ESmlATE ~H5j'000.OO/ ~bO,OOO,OO/ ~~o 1000.00 E)J5, 000.00 4b5, 000.00 ,"""' e , .000.00..,;'" 13,000.00-- 9,000.00 ~. 10,000.. 00 ...-. JL2,000.00 - 10,000.00 - 9,000.00/ 4,000.00. 3,000.00 -- 3,000.00-.-- 4,000.00 .- ~)8,OOO.OO 15,000.. 0.0 8,000.00 _.- 500.00 -- 2,500.00 - JLO, 000.00 ... 5,000.00 ..." .b 500000: ~51, 500.00 1-_~~J6.:I.5,_..,., ..Jb.~~9 0~_9..CLM 381,0,29.30 33 ,~~"'? 9~ 414,942.23 416,000.00 ~?j:, 000.00 4~50, 000.00 ~H:. 'if .......... .,2.~~5.~.!.e_~.___.,w_,,_~~..9j~9_Q.~CL9_ 443,492.45, 5~30 j 000 . 00 "jj'1\$RiJ.II.R'1 loth. 1950 · .",.r3- c~C'E CiJ'L"fER 1 'I! wAS 19l.O'JED 13;[ S'EC011DED 13! 13'R1JC'E }J1ARR TflA.T ~ .ll.CCO~S as 1?resentell. bY "V Q'IlG11e:t's if 3, tf 4 ana. '"' 5, ~ount ing 1:;0 t 1~,~08.31 be 1?aia.. ClL\E.Rl'ED it 13R1JC1~ ~ I'r \'/AS uO'J'ED 13Y SECO"ND"ED 131: 11.0'llAIID P 1\.Uill!\R TflA.T _ rosQiJl.J'J1 coiJl;1'r'L RoAD mID?'LO~J!\S be gran tea. a. ]"J:'ifE I. 5 ) cEN'I! p'ER 110 1Jll EAtsE · CAIU:tl"E'D · ~. cpJ.;DWEU, AlID ~. cooK aa.a.ressea. 'lihe eoUlIfli '\;:tee :t'egara.i~g the a.a.vi sa bili ty ~:)'f a1?'Po int.ing " '''strtl.ctea. to receive all .ll.SSiSt.a.IDlt 'EIlgiIlee:t'. 1l1lr. 13e...... was ::\.J.o. a1?'P~icatiOnS f:!.'oIll G:!.'ad'Clate Civil 'EngiIleerS aIla. re1!ort 'to the c()1ll1llitt.ee. "fl'l15 C01;1!El '!!TE'E a.o. ~ 0 u~ea. un t i1. \'/1SD1\I'ESD.II.;[, 1\.fIRCl1. ~th. at 2 1? .Ill. ST. THOFlfAS, Ontario. ;January 19th. 1956. THE 1956 ELGIN GOUNt'Y ROAD eONllllIITTEE held its il'laugura1 Ineeting at the Court House a.t 11.30 a.m. 'lTflE J>>m::l\IlBl!:.I:t:3 of the 1956 Road Com:m.i ttee are as fol1ows:- CHAIRNJ.A]l JOBl'I B. .WILSON Reeve of South- Dorehes-ter ]J.[EJ1i.LBJ.!:RS HOWARD P .AIl\lni;R , Vvarden n Vienna CLAREN"CJE CULVER n South1fV'old J. C. HIIIDLlhY n Yarmouth BRUC1~ !lIARR ..n IVIa.lah.ide W.l1.LTER D. NELSON if Bayhaxn .A.uV.LSORY l\lITTIMBERS PHILIP vi[. SCh~EIIll\UB' n Aldborough Dunwieh A. C. ]IIcIVITLLMT n 'l.',tili ]'OJ.JLOVfiNG RESOLUTIONS were a.dopted:- I TWAS :MOVED BY CLAt"1ENCE CULVER S}~CONJ)}~D BY BRUCE ~lLIlRR THAT the SUl:$URB1\N RO.ADS COI\~lIISSION' S ES~:IM1\TE of ~~ 80,000.00 for the ourrent years expenditures be approved. C.A.RHIED . . IT VVA.S Ivl0VI~D BY CLA.HENCE CULVl~R SECOEDJJ1D BY BRUCE MAliR THAT THE vuu!D}]N name delegates to attend the ontario Good Roads Assooiation meeting in Toronto on NOillj(Al'J CHAPLOW, Assistant Hoad Superintendent , attend the meeting. OAHRIED. 2 January 19th. 19!:16. IT WAS MOVJlJD :SY HOW.A.RD PALIVlER SIflCOND:ED BY J. C. HI1\l'vLEY THAT 'l'HE CODJ:Trry reneVlS its lVIembership in the Canadian Gooo. Roads Association and TRitT 'l'.tilii AN1-TIJ...4L ]'.L~E OF ;, 50.00 be ]?aid. C.A,HHIED. Iff! WAS :MOV:FlD BY SI~COND:ED BY ~VALTEH/D. NELSON J. G. HllIDLEY THAT ~1fm COillzrrry OJJI J~LGIN join 'the Elgin County Road Superintendents Association and THAT TEE ANNU...U l!'liiE of ~~ 25.00 be ]~aid. CARHIED. IIJ: WAS Muv 1!,;J) BY CLARENCE CULVER ST~COI\IDJ1'D BY HOVvARJ) P.AlllfER vVE HECOlli:IDJOOID that the Council of the COWlty of Elgin conotJ"rs vifith the resolution passed by the CotU1cil of the County of Wellington :petitioning the Department of Highvvays to permi1; the payment of J~ighty per cent. (80%) Special Subsidies for all approved worlrs of pavement construction. C.A.R.HIED. I T WAS ]'~OVED J:5Y BRUCE ]jIA.RR SECONI:.IED BY WALTER D. :NELSON TH_A.T THE FOLLOvVING I\r1E:rvrnrgRS of the Hoad Cormni ttee be 8. Special OOl111ni ttee to act with the Suburban Roads C0ID111:t tt;ee in regard to t~he proposed st. George Street and Canadian National Railways Grade separation:- JOlIN B.. \NILSON CLt\REl\fCJ~ C lJLVER J'. C. li.L1\l1D ]:J];Y . CARHIED. 1an~ar1 ~9t11. ~95o. ....3- ~_ l\ 13~O"E oUL\ffiR 1T 'liAS 19l.d'JED 13'I v).,lU--- · 5E.colIDED 13'I 'Bl1\3C'E W'J{R Tl1J\.'f 1:;b.e ]!untc i ]al 'Lia"b tli t"1 1nS'l;).:tance aJl.o. . , ' . 'tb. the Gore InS'l;).:tance COIllllall1 , .. a. p, ",\"'"-0 -rns'l;).:tallce 1'01:l.0:l.e S W:l. 11 0Xl.- OV'ltle ..... u. " .;. be reneweo.. c~ED. IT ~ 1\.d'J'ED 13'I 5~C0Y4D]..'1} 1fI , , .. ~ ..." "be 11e1.o. Tl1J\.T 'tb.e ne:lCt regular lll.ee "......'" on ]'B!.nA."! I F'E'BroJ.PJl.'I 1.0th. a.t2 ] .11\.. VIAl> '1$R n. llE'LS01'! 1. C.'JiI}\D~ .,.....,"I;...,'i1"',...,.,...,.."......,"'" REPORT OF ELGIN COUNTY~ ROAD TO THE VIARDEll AND tuJEI.!JBgRS O~' THE EIsGIN countr.y COUNCILet tJANUARI' SESSION 1. 9 5 6" YOUR ROAD COMl.iITTEE begs to r1epor't as follo\"lS:~~ l{) THE FOLI~OHIHG IS A SUr"1t~lIUiX of the 1955 Road. 1]4t:penditures:~'$ 3/+ 1i:J41 (S r/o 43 D6k.$G62 9t:; ~}'1 " 1::"6 !/if" 1/ (", ,1... e"" €.l 0 t.: d~' 6..)t) 06 :Jl;";'~ r) .J;!'...\J @ "7 23; ~j 193 0 29 13~ ~ 089Q 81 l~~ 1) 659 €J 90 f~ >> $90 (b 87 lO~50S~13 Pl ~1.91€l91 lO~956~;8 lO~037~.35 ~t- ;; 261 ~)4S 1~S98.~85 li)560058 RESURFACING GUAVEL ROADS lvIAINTAIUrUG (tRAVEL ROADS OO~ISTRUCTING ROAD HUI"CH PAV~!.lENTS SE1\.I.. COA~~ING OJ.JD P A VErvlEU!rS GRADING AND S'I'ABLl:SING Fo.R FUTURE !). .VEIJIEUTS REPAIHS rj?O PAVE;NgNTS DUST CONTJ~nOL UEI!~D AND Bl\USH COH~;ROIJ SNO\1 AND ICE CONTROL URBANI~~RO~~lliNTS: DI1rOBING AND rrlIiing FBUCING, GUARD RAI1~S>> AND SIGl\IS~. CENTRJa:: LI~U~ P1\IN~rING, :mTC0 HAILWAYCROSSING PROTECTION LAUD PURGHAS]~S DRAINAGE ASSgSSt.1ENTS TOOLS t OOUNTX' GARAGES, ~:.a.t. v (j1 RI~P AIRS AND OVERHEAD l~~~l I/fACHINER~r S'l'OCK - PIPE ~ PLANKp B~rCfJ SUPERJ:NTENDENC1~ AIID EXPBnSES OFFIG]j:,EXP.u:IJSgS OI..8R:tGAL j\.sS:rS'rAHCE GRAN~rS. TO UllBAN I<UJNICIPAI~ITIES INSUHANCE~ C10I{PENSATIOU AND PENSIOUS HOLIDA'YS WITH PAY' 11 SICK LEA~~~ ETC~1 LESS STOOK BALANCE 1954 BRIDGES Al'ID CULVEHTS ~)~~58Q44 l..;~ 1) r:l17 Q 96 l~~ ~691~83 "l ~1f'35028 )ot%(,) 21 ~~~200000 9 .~?OOoOO S" ?QJ. &::: d> ;~ ;9 ~~t1 ,~q) Jl 0 _._.__...__.._~.___ ._..-1~~~~?~~ 39g:~OO; 01+5 381>>029 ,,,30 ..._w,.........................;.,~ ~ lJ....llr, f) 942 ~ 2.3 SUBURBAN ROADS (NOT INCLUDING OVERlmAD AND GItliVglt SUPPLIED) .~~,_~_~~__.__~..,_.~.,,~?jSL_Q""~ l~~3 1)492 045 THIS YEAR. MORE I.IONgY'S \'111.1 halTS to be appropriated to cover the cos~a of constructing the Fingal Bridge>> prepa.ring pla,ns~ for the Sto George Street>> Cnnnd.:ta.11 Natjiona,l Rail'ii'1ay's Gr'ad.e Sep.:'1ra.t:toll and the ris:tng cosi~s of ma.terial:;Jo ~ H ~ t:) (.) o \,(j l~ ()~ ~--i ~ o ;...",.A 1:0 ~~ ...0...; Cf) 4i~~ :~.:...' .;is (r~~ o ~ {\1 o .~ 0 ~+) f,j) (t\ @ ,!:i .'" +<' G ~ ~ G ~ ~ t} ~ t.f\ @- ....0 s:i c;j.ri $ C::~ ~ f,'Q_ " ~_H r-C! @ f-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OC) ~r.o 3 ---:-1) "'"