1958 Road Committee Minutes ST. T1l01'\!l.S, OUThRI0. · \ ~ \}'&C"t'f1,'&~ li't\\, 19,i.; r I' \ i T~ ELGIU COUuTY ROAD Co1JWU.TTEE 1I\et. at. t.ne cou:rt. o~~ t.ne e~cept.ion of Al>L lllEMBE.RS 'Viere present., '<0- "'u 1louse at. 2 p.1I\. J a!t!. e 6 'B a:r \.<.8 1:' · If1lE l\CQ,U1SITI0U of t.ne l'ropert.1 of t.P.e Est.at.e of t. RiChmond 'ViaS diSCUssed. Le'ViiS l\cre and George l\cre a ' 't11"E M1.l~\J'tES of ~ast. ~eet.ing 'Viere read and appro~ed. IT Vll\S 1-~O'J'ED 13:t SEco~D"ED 'B1 o , t.ne l'ro1>ert.1 of George l\cre, T1lJ\T 'Vie e~1>ropr1-at.e ' d o 'Vlit.n a ~~~st.ore1 nouse an 1 2 acreS 1-n area ) oeing appro~im.a.t.e "1 " . .' ., ,.' I TilREE T1l0USi\.UD DOLLARS , t.ion of $3,000.00 \ g,arage, and pa1 compensa . oeing a ~ot. appro~at.e~ 1 o ,. l'roert.ieS of Le'll1-S l\cre, · . and eJt'l?ropr1-at.e p 6' 22' Viit.n an add1-t.1-on 0.. .' it. a nouse ~ ~ 66' ~ 66' and na"l1-ng on 0" 30' deep, oroat.e~1 ~3~' front.ag,eJ ~6' ~ ~2', and. a ~0t. appro~1- - · ., . f $3 300.00 \ TllR"E.E , 0' and pa1 compensat.1-on 0 ' 'Vlit.n a oa.rn 2~ ~ 3 ' . 1'ro1'>ert.ies of t.ne DOLLl\RS) for t.nese r TtlOUSl\UD TilREE llUUDRED 0 ssion t.o mo"le an1 o .' t.ne O'il1lers t.o na"le perm1- Est.at.e of Le'<O-s l\cre, ouHdin.g, t.ne1 'Vlisn unt.i~ ~a1 ~5t.n, ~959. T~ FOtLOWlUG R&SOLUTI0U Viere passed.t~ 11. l;lDDL'E. 'B. UB\flLL ~/ CA.RR1'E.D · IT VI l\S ~O\TBD B:t SBco~DED 131 J. 13. 'WlLSOl\1 D. BURGESS. \ a.) \b) T1ll\'t 'Vie pa1 on l'a1 LiSt. #3'1, cneq.ues t.o t ~ 'tmtEE TllOUSAUD DOLL!>Jl.S ~ $3,00' Georg,e !\.Cre, for 1'ropert.1 ' . t. TilREE T1l0USAUD TllREE 1lUl'lORED Tne Est.at.e of Le'lliS !\.Cre, for l'roper 1 DOLLi\.RS. ~ $3, ')C O~ TllOUSAUD Fl\TB tl\JtIDRED > ~ ll. L. ~dViin., for l'ropert.1 DOLLARS _on ACCOunt. ~ $~,- CA.RRIED · \ c) _ '2 - ST. THOMAS, ON'q 'lIO. \f'~, ~<~ DECEMBER l8Tg, 1958. THE J\CCOUUT of t.he count.1 of Kent for the B0th'llell Bridge waS d.isCUssed, and t.he Follo'Vling Resolut.ion passedt~ IT WAS WiOVED BY SECOND"ED BY TRAT we pay the count.1 of Kent for the County of Elgin'S sha.re in the Bot.h'lie~l Bridge, name~y the amount of $6~,~5~.27 p~us Interest. of ~~,178.0l. B. NEVILL 11. LIDDLE CARRIED. T~ ACCOUNT of the County of Kent for the Kent.~E~gin Boundary Line 'liaS discUssed, and t.he follO'liing Resolution passed:~ IT 'liAS ~OVED 131 J. B. \JULSON SECONDED 131 D. BUE.GESS THAT we pay the county of Kent $5,5~8.63 for the County of Elgin'S ahare of the Kent~Elgin Boundary Line Account. CARRIED.. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NI~VILL 11. LIDDLE THAT Pay List. {f36, amounting to $4,852.28 oe appro"led for payment.. CARRIBU. IT 'WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY . D. BURGESS B.. LIDDLE THAT we authorize the Chairman to appro"le for payment PaY List #37. C1\R"RIED · THE. ENGINEER e~plained t.he purchase of a concret.e Vibrator/ - 3 - \ ST. THON~S, ONTARIO. DECENffiER 18TH, 195$. /Vibrator, and the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.. B. WILSON D. BURGESS --' THAT we purchase a 2 H.P. Dreyer Concrete Vibrator from Construction Equipment Company for the sum of $333.00, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported as follows:- (1) Concrete would be poured at the Hunt Drain before Christmas. (2) Watters Brothers were not crushing gravel due to the amount of frost in the ground at the Whitcroft Pit (3) Ice and Snow Control wou~d be a major expenditure in 1959. (4) A Drain on the Roloson Hill was being completed. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT the Meeting adjourn, Sine-Die. CARRIED. / P.:/; ,r..:I.,~/,r. .... " // . . /' ;( .. .d, .t;~ . . "'\'" -' -......-/ ST. 1HOM!\.S, ON1~RI0. DECE1IlBER 9t'l:\ I 195 ~. T~ ELGIN COUNT'! RO~D C01JWU.TTE~ met. at. thEl AlaI. n1llBERS 'liere present, >aith tne e~cept.ion of 1-'\r. James Bar1>. er . l!Ir. Vlil.liam Coo 1>.e of D. 11. O. Londo n VIas a~so court Uouse at 2. y.m. prasen:t. THE WINU1ES of t.he last meeting 'Viere reae and TllE FOLkO~NG RESOLU'tl0N 'Vias yassed~~ IT 'II)\S ~OVED B'! Ii. LIDDLE approved. J. 13. \JilLSON Tll~T the follO'Viing count1 Road Accounts 'be apyro~ed for payment:~ 1'aY List #33 ~ $1,622.57: pay List #3~ ~ ,6,B65.96t PaY LiSt. #35 ~ '55,33~'~~' SECONDED 131 CA.RR1EU,. 'rUE ENGl~ER reported that he had not. yet heard from Acres 13rot.hers at Richmond. Aft.er diSCUssion,t.be Engineer 'ViaS inst.ructed t.o write the1l\ a letter, and t'l:\e follo'Vling Reso~ution was pas6ed~- IT WAS ~O\TBD B'! SECONDED 131 B. l\1EV1L'LE D. BURGESS. TllAT 'lie offer George Acre t.he su11\. of $3,000.00 \TilREE TUOUSAND DOLLARS) for hiS hOUse and lot, 'being aypro~imate11 2. acres, and that 'lie offer the Estat.e of Le'Vlis !\.Cre, for a yort.iOn of land apyro~im.a.t.e11 66' ~ 66' vdth a 'lihite frame hoUse and a yort. iOn. of land a.nd 'barn and a shed, t.he sum of ~3 t 300 · 00 \ TllREE THOUSA.ND TUREE HUlIDRED DOLLARS). ThiS yroyert.1 'being in Richmon.d on Road 38. cA.RRIED. '......-" _ 2. .. S'r. 'rl101'\!l.Sc, ON't.1J:l.IO · DECEMBEB- 9t.h, 195B. 'r~ ElilGIlilEEB- reported on t ne 'Viork to date, stat.ing: ~ \1) cold 'lieat,her had forced the cessation o! gra~e~~ing operat.ions on Roa.d 8. \2) All sand piles 'liere complet.ed. \3) Vlork on the \lunt. Drain C\ll"lert -was contin\ling. \ ~) Brushing around 1jjalker, TateS, MiddlemisS BridgeS -was 'being dO'lle . Repairs had geen made t.o the fl~or of the walker Bridge, 'but entire floor 'liould have t.o 'be replaced ne~ year. 1jjatt.ers Brot.hers 'liefe crushing gra~el at. the 1jjhitcroft Pit t5) 'the \ 6) near C01:'in'th. \7) RepairS >aere 'being made to Grader #9. TBE. disposal of t.he present. Richmond Bridge 'Vias diSC\lssed and t.he follo'Vling Resolution 1>assedt~ IT VIAS ~O'J'ED B1 SECO'NDED 131 D. B1JRGESS, H.. LIDDLE 'rUAT 'Vie sell the old steel TrusS Bridge, knO'VlU as the Richmond Bridge, !or ,~.OO t.o Bayha1l\ ToWIlShiP, pro~iding that theY mo"le the Bridge from it.s present location and Bayham 'to'linshiP keep the det.our Road in satisfact.orY condition for t.ra!!ic. CARRIED,.. T~ PROPOSED Road programme for 1961 'lias diSCUssed and the !o~lo'Vling Resol\ltiOn passed:~ I't 1jjJ\.S ~O'J'ED 131 SECONDED.Bl D. BURGESS 13. NEVILL TllAT 'lie recommend to County council t.he fol~G>'lfing , programme !G>r 196~:~ - 3 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 9th, 1958. ~--/ rAVI~~: Road 3 at. Wardsvil1e Bridge; Road 24 Dexter east to Road 36; Road 36 from Road 24 north 1 mile; Road 40 Glen Colin to Highway #3; Road 14 from Road 13 north to Thames River. GRADING A~ID GRANULAR BASE , ", ,," ,,' --- " Road 20 Shedden to Finga1; Road 24 RoSS Hepburn'S Corner to Highway #4 Port stanley; Road 20 from Highway #4 Port stanley to Turnvilles Corner, and the County Engineer being authorized to t.ake a Traffic Count on the Yarmouth Township Road, from Jaffa to Road 36, to ascertain if the road should be included in the County system. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT the meeting adjourn, t.o meet again on December 18th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. ~.xg#l//11f~\ O..ft~A (A 0/11 CHAIRMAN~ · . . /- ST~ THOMAS. ONTARIO~ NOVEMBER 1958' SE~SSIOJ:.I ~" rx~o 1~HF; WARDEH AND MEHBERS OF THB ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL~ as follows:- 141 YOUR ROAD CO~~IT1~E ~egs to repor~ ROAD MUI..CU P AV1~lY1EN'rS hl.lV'e been laid" (J11 I I I I th.e .follo'til3:tng Roads dur:tng19 5 g : - ( \ B- 't~.) d '1.1.6 'l@"l,l/';.}t .. a) . aYJ.1am:t .!:I.oa ii:t+ - dJ.g.An\l'ay if J - 0 Oxford County Line (b) (0) (d) 211 South Dorchester~ Road #51 High.wa'Y' #7/+ easterly Dunwi en. 8c SouthllJ'old rr()ltJllline, Roa,d ll~, H:l.gh't'lay llJ northerly Dun:fi'lieh f1 Road ~;~8, Nel\T Currie Road Portions north of Dutton 3~O mi.les litO 111::t1(-:s 10$ miles hQ m:tles 8.8 Iuiles (a) was done on the following Roads:~ EXTJ!JHSIVE \JIDENING, GRADING and GHAVELl~ING, (b) (c) (d) (e) South Dorchest~er, Yarmouth and Westminster )Jt M.C ..LI;I Townline]l Belrnont westerly Ii.lalahide 1 Road ~!:42, The Lake Road at Road #40 Duuwi1zh and Dutton~ Road i/13, Dut~on easterly to Willys Side Road Dtull'lTich, Road fig, The New CU1~rie Road ThalnE!S River) southerly to Con<<,ll Ald.boro1.Igh I Road #3) The Furr.d..va.l Hoad Con~ 1 to COllo lV """" .- Of>8 miles o cJJ+ ndlf1.s 2:..0 miles 1,.8 miles ~r:..Q miles 900 m:tles <lil\. 2 c~ 'l\,T()iU"'[';I'j\,f'B'r.' D '1 '95 c'). q 17~. Q C'].Of,'i" 1\~ IV ~11 ..t!I.fl.. ~j_ (,) ....l~,.:;vl>,.ll _ ,_'J I" "'~ ..1 "" 1.IIX PAVING 'ftletS done 011 Hoad il53 Cl!l South Si;reet; from tt"iJ..een Street to t.or:ta St.ro<;~t tI '::I 'on .\'"~. "r~,.:' , .1.. l' 1100 'f ",ct- "d Dr ~ ~"~"i , ('I. ~""f""', '~ '\ \:;~ ;) 'Ol. Q,a':...uua, t~ e "t1.. ' . (;;. ',;. 'lil an a 0 lU, ,.\, e d UJ;. .... (;;d~e "'" ~~ J . appli~;).d. to Elk Stre(~t, a dist.anc(;~ g., ........."}r~' +(1....' r' .... o{~ :1l ~J. '\iI" .~ I'? nr'*lt:::' <::.l.P}ii tJ..l'I.J.,Jlci.....e..!..Jf .:1..; If:.. ,.t.w. ... Ill- ~ APPROX.II1Nl'ELY 28 'f'4ILI~S of H,Oc;!..ds , a,nd 7 MII~l~S of Su.burban Roads ""TErre SUrfaC(3d ~ \Jrit.h B i t't'Luni no u.s. r;JiEl't(~r:L8.1.s and Stone Ch:tps III r '''O''.iCDErl'r''-'''ULu'' -!~)tnQ, , 'I ) ~I (;'\'11 .\:!... 1 11:,; C ' v l!.1.t\.J.~; "lere) or 1,)~3 c~orli~tru..cted o:n: .,. :Ji !! .il. Roac\ ilS, l~lcl:,I:tl.lj..an. Cul\fert~, DUUlilTich, Con~ 111 Dun~dch~ !load /119, !rh(;:~ }h:u:rt Drain~ SOUthl/10.ld near Southwold StationD Hoad 17 C "Iu, 2 Cll.l vel"'ts 11 Sou.tht:JO 1.<1, DelaJ'17are and UE-,s'tminste1.& $ Road #3, CuJ~ert extended in conjunction linJ;h the GXllading of the }i'u!'uival noa.d1) Aldbor'ough" 6. OTHER CULVERTS installed inclt~e~- Road 1;~8) at 'trhe May Hill, DUl1'vl:tch f) 11:;'u1t..1 nlate QJ:~r",nture J .t;O~ .a O''Yif.'l tJ~ !\i}~' : ~tl.f.l.." "- , ~~ ~ \t,:,'-*' - ~" .J...,. '''''~Q f;~ Other S"CE:%)l CuI VC:3r't;s \'I!cre insta.llE~d on. Roads #3, 8, 13~ 34 M$C~Lo, and 42~ in conjunction with Grading Operations. :f!11scellan~1{)us Culverts w(~;r-e installed throughout the Cotmty. t', f, .. The COOKS, PHILLMORE and VIENNA BRIDG8S have been painted~ \ 8;t REPAIRS have been conducted on the follot,J'i..ng Bridges: .eo" ( 1 ) Phil1morE~ (2) St~ George Street on Suburban Road - .3 .11 \\1:QVE'1\ "B'~J1) ] 9 5 d. C~ l' CI (,., I (')1:\."'" ..\'W l. .,j,it&, .tin.. ~j t.)J.:'fCh;) . .!:,J .. (3 ) (.4J Belmont~ betirlaen .N * &, S <t Dorc:hest.el~ E;'Hl,Ert of Belmont ov~;;rK~~t'i;l.~) GreE.::k Pa:t.t~3rson on Subl.u:~baxl Road; (5) Dj~ngle Street Bl:-idge in AjtlnH~l~ 9t> GRAVgIl HEE;UH17IiU;ING was don~;; On~,Ql'>> Road J45, Malahide, Road J40 east to Bayham TO\tnline ROi;!d /;1,5 ~ Mf-,.lahide and Ba:1ham $r(),tmlin~~ Road ,lJ+2 to Gon@ Y. r,.Ialah.id(~l: Road /IL~O, Malahida H- ~ . u? t. ~1 n,- i 'JJ..guway if.;J 0 G en \.,,().J_J..U G.ftAVF~IJ RESUEni~ACINGr will be done on.:"~ Hoad h~52, lJ.ia.lahj.de and South D()rch(-;st~3:r Roac=!. Jlf,"'J 0'lY' dO"'f~"'ll IJ'!"'\rc1.'l1"..\t;::,t'''''i''' "'!'V'd' l)l.:l......r':il'l..\..:lr"'l . '.J. It-"'.G A II V M. v., V""...l I..;,#lj 'V.I. C4'&,'j. .... ~ :1. ..;;;,.s.J,';~,..4 Road IJ!.~6;, Bayh~tm, Jj~den Bridge \'leste:cl~r 10~ (rI'-~ BOT1I~n:;"1 T B""""l~Y'lG'~ T' 'l. ,. W;. I: W,C;. .1.,..1 . n.LU zr,i jl .,OvJnS,fi.:l..pS Aldhoro1.lgh., Oxford, MoaB. and ;lone has been completed by the CourrtiY of Kent, and has been opened to t:.raffic" ll~ SIGNALS have been in.stalled on County Road #19 South~uldJ north of Frome at the CIi,~L,RfI Crossing.. 12. TRAFF'IC COUNTS 'weI"le cOl1tj.nued on COUIl'ty Hoads 'this Stlmmer.. 1,3. PIlAUS for a TRIPLE .BOX CUIJVgR~il Structure over the Otter Cl~eek at Rj..(~hmond HillJi f~oad 13 '1)ay' hato.1"! To~'msl".:" p 1. .'V't'f',c, 't.~ n (.l.~ :;; <;,~. t. .... \...r to . D' l.. AU ,Ii ~ 1J.. Ll(,~. liP;;;; r...ee .,~. _,,,n.!,,,;;;:OI,leu {.J,l Department. of Hight^TaYs r; uind Purchase is u,ndel:' "vro..y ~ alld Clear:Lng 'tdll be s ta.rtf.3d shortly. """ 4 "'-'.t NOVE~mER 1958 SESSION. 14. THl1: SUBURBAN COMI~1ISSIO!-l is completing Plans and Purchasing Land tor the Vlellington !toad E::(tension to Hig;h\'lUY il-.4,trom the Lyndh1.trat ScbJ~ol* Construction :ts exp:acted to commence in th~ Spri~~. ALl. o.~"l ~mIGH IS RESPECT17ULIJY SUBI~IITTED () --j:!111Nililr....-,.--- "iI 3'1' ill "rHOMAS ~ 'ON~rARIO. NOVEMBER 1958 SESSION Iro 1~Hl~ VIARD]5H AND MEI,IBERS Olil 'I#HE~ ELGIN GOUH1rI COUNC]:J.J I) as foll.rjWS:- youa ROAD Cor.:ilVlI'rTEE 1')t~g;s; 1;'0 I~eport;, l~ ROAD MUI,CH P AVgMl~N'rs rulV'(;;) bet:Hl lai.cl. on .the i"ol.lo'lr'fing Roa.d~$' dur:tng 19.58: "At \a) Bcayham, noad 1146 - H:i.gru'1ay ~t3 to ()Xford County Line (b) South Dorchester, Road #51 High~~ay #74 easterly (c) Dunwich &~ So'Utht101d 'folinline, Road lJ+, Hightrl~Y li3 no:rther 1y D\mYllich, Roa.d iJf$, Nen'\T Currie Road Por"t,ions north o=r Dut/tOll (d) 3 ~ 0 l!niles luO L.l.iles 10 [3 mil(~s 1~IO miles .t:.""...........J 8 It $ m:llE~S 2 tl EXTgnSIVE lJIDENING il GRADING a.nd GUA VE~Ll,ING, Wa~l dona on th~~ follollnng Roads:~ (a) South Dorchester, Yarmouth and v{ast~m:t.nst€~r "-, 'V" C~.f If 1" ..N{. d. .. .u ~ O\~nl.' J..ne , Belmont westerly ( b) Iillalahide, Road j~~42,~ The Lake Road at Road #40 (c) rh.m\'\1ich fInd J)U:t.toll~ Road ~~~13, Dutton easterly 'to Willys Side Road (d) DUn'tlTich $ Road 118 J 'rhe New Cu.rrie Road Thames River so~therly to Con@ll , ,,".., (e) Aldbol"'ough, Road ~1:3, The li'urn;l..~ral. Road Gon ~ 1. to ConAl II O~8 miles o III it DJ11f)s 2;.0 :miles l.e m:tlas Jip,.!."Q, rniles 9 () <1'ni If'.''Q (\ i '# aj~,~'f(-',. ~J Q ,.., <Ii$P ~~, - ,\\,tf'\'\r\4~,r,B'~O ' '9l.: ~l}. CI,"(i\o,S-IO'\{ l~V'~' ",<1 J- '0 ",-"", .J.,. VlUl?AV1UG 1iae done on rll":";1 1f'J ~ ;,;\ ... on south street from Queen. street to ~JU!~ f H,l'}e street., a:ppro:l\.imatell 1.1.00 feet., and a DOU\)10 to Bll';. stl'eet; a distance <::\ \,' '1"'"' ....~ '.'~ (,:'>1""''( ., I.") wA ~ 1::.) .,. J;. p! U:l\..\.ma. v~"' .1-, (;, ......... '" · B,,()a.ds ) fI.'P\)'OO"'l'."'(')';':' .".-;"....r.'lJ. '2(\' 'l\fi-r'f "Fe-I' $,7> ... ." .1\..\. ,.l!\. ~ ",.u.l. ~ 0 ,'....,...,oJ ,)J. !.~, lit S U11u:,rban. 110adts (;:J. ',\ '\ ~ .~, ~:;C .~;) \f::! v .,tJ. J.'':';' \.... .... , u' . . " "'" ~ ,,: · 1" -'d Q..\~O'li''H":') l''1h~i ne~ I} ).'v ,-UU:l.U 0 \.IS I'~.J. '" et 1. fl....., an ..." ..", \j h'" .. '" · aIld. 7 l:ilIJ'~S 'be C'OH('P"'~'F r'JT '"i'P''''' ",,,,"0 0" , ,,,,,,,,,,_-' -.Iv......"..!.'" ,,<>~ -, ,. 1" ,~ HcHillian culvert; Dun'llili eh, COll, 111. U'\l!l\'lich. $1$tf.!\:Ff-l/(,-:"fl'Ai< COI15t;.ructei.l ltoa.{i lie, The uvnt nt'ain. south1iJ01d :3out,twI01tt Bt,a:t ion r; -q oPt.:;' ;W1.9 :>>,,, f....\.J,. a' )) -""'I T ,., ~.,...'\ ~.lfe''''''''!'''~' (\ O\.\.l.1r,....>1l/"'~1~1 v......, t, "....... ~~ ,." 1 ;) .v".w u., De~a.\'!are and \lestlninster. itoad cuJ~ert e~tended in conjunctiOll 'It, . .~...'\",\ ho v.e (,'1...."'ld.; '''''1ft 0.(... t'~O "f.\. "t. v.'" .., "^' "'0 t> J. ,.<> Fu...":"1li val Road t A:ldboro ugh · Itoad ~b3! Orr\"'f.'~~'O f'l11 "(1~'j'\'Of!:'lC ~ u,."'t ., "\ 8(~ .!' 1/~c"1\ . "lie', C)< .!.lit.... vV ~,la".!..J :I. '" ,a,1....., ~ 1-,. ... \..'~ "" · ~ 6. Ma.d ti8; at the lAay lli),.:\.., Dun\11-ch a Hultiplatie Stl'Ucture 1,0' :long; Other steel culverts ~ere insta~ed on d il"1 do "\ ~. )1. 1>1" (' 1 ?oa s if....; 0, ...3. ,... ,;)..". .., and 42, in conj\,Ulction \'Iith Grading; opera:tions. ~ascel1aneoUS culverts 'liere insta1.~ed tbrougllOut the co\,Ulty. The. COOKS, P1:II1J.JAOR& and VIElmA 1311.'1005$ 7- have 'been painted REPAIRS have been conducted 8. follovlinf!. 1:ltidg.e s t - Ph:1,.llnt(rre \2) st. George street on su'burban aoad the ~~ ~~ .... ".. Sl~SSlOll II' \3 ) 'Pat'\iet'son on Su'tJ\)sban 1'\ (''I 'Do.~..""'ir"l";);O'X'(;I'i!'t t::\.1:""~ W'jO"'~1" b,ert1/feen. .~''''.; :;;) Ii! ," ~ VJ,J.:;;\,J> r",t ;;-~. '-'V~,""..'" . ,1 O~ no1~~ont o~er Kett e .,illl' J.J 'f" # fffU1>V \ ~ '\ d"",,~~~"fi.t' 'r,-t.4 ('! c:r(~ "] \ '" v~ Q" l_~ · At> ~ ," b A~rl,m.e'!~ Gttl\.l1i.L \1.BSURf J\.CING 1i{aS dOne 91} ii-oat1 i'p'.J, 1":1""'::' de ~ !. .\t,~ <;.A 1 1....# . " .,..;" to Ba-;it:u::Ul1. li..otld. .. 1~,alahi,(1(~ . lit I') B.oad ll.v..r.. 11 '" . "G"l ("'\;"\1 ~. ';l''l U1.~m;a;{ if'3 t.o ..~.en ""...I.>> on~"" GllA'liE1, RESlJR'F }\ClnG 1lfi.l.1- be li.oad ,~"'\ ,I.. '", '\,"\ f ~<lt"" v.. .t,':) I.':! ,.". ,.)",-0 "ti.\fllahi dean\). ~,ou:Ml vI) 1 \, u'" '" ",,- ~ Road #52 01..v sout.h llorchest.er' and I' ,1, \~ 1 " ?'r:"C~ 0'0 Rot\li yfh-Q, Ba1aaffi. ,:,o.0U .), · .,<:;," ,. ,~,,, ",', >"'\D('l~ rfI" c.""~ "\,,,";' BOT ll'iljj, Ll-o bR.J:.! \Ill:!, A 0 ,lIU> "... J:'''' , I} h' ~4 'In. ~r.' Cl.")~'roletf\d I.l.d'bO:r.oug,\'l., 01:.:l:ord, l'lOSf;. e.:od ;..one ao ve'=", , " '" r - 'I \. .. "." , '''"f\'~"lI''\e(0, '01 'the cou;nty 01: Kent., ano. j).lll> !leet1- v 1:'''''. '" lO~ t:J\." af f1.J~ ~ tb.e S1.Gl~I\l.lS b.a'\r(:~ tI " '. "I" " d ",~)~,,' f 1,?t~o"<ie Road. ;f1.9 ~}OutLWlOl', nOlO v1'l 0- ,- ,.i' C iu'N *,1\~ Cl.'Oss:tn~ ($ 'l$l\.FFIC Com~TS 1lfe1"El cont.inu.ed co~C1 Roads thiS auromer. ... f"i:'f'\'" "I." "")'r 't? 1::10"1/ ("\'1 \1 ~rii'lt '1"' a, !.x:~j,.J, J,,~ 1J J:1I. J \J.J -" ~, lJ~ " ,'" ~v", " t."" the otter creek a't !:\.J.c"""unu. "~.....\.., 1?l.l\~lS .' ~ b ' ~.... ..!: .:"''1... t':'Aii ",r""" " \"," ~,,,,'1e een'" J.nJ.'" ,1"'" A. ,.P'#8.J,~ l,.I'.J\..]! .I.","'''' Of " 3 tuX'\,.1>>(rt$ 'UI"e "" ,~'l').,.' ..,. ci-"\ <::,\ a e 'i e' Department. of 1\i[.b.'\,taYs. .l.J3.!lo, Ie"'. ,,,",p' "P ,0/3.1, and Clearing ,.0.1). be sta:rt€lll shOr'(Jl.Y- .. 4 -- NOVEMBER 1958 SESSION. l4 . Till;', SUB\lB.BA1~ CO\.1tc1l5S10N i,i'l completing ?~ans and 1?u.X'cna,sinS 'J..,aXl.d fot' 'the i'le1.Ull.gt.on ll0ao. E:t.tension to H'i.g,hwa1 #!,jo ,rrom t,he LyndhurSt. schOol. const.ruct,ton is e:lCPected '\:,0 commence in t.~ syring. ALL Oi!",m1 ell IS RES"i'EcTiULL1. 5 \i13l'llTr,eED ~ ~---- -p \i,l\l\.lltt~lI\.l~ · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEIvlBER 6th, 1958. ~HE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~IDITTTEE met at the Court House at 1.30 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present, also Mr. Donald Chute acting for ~~. Basil Nevill, and Mr. William Cooke of D. H. O. London. THE MINUTES of October 9th Meeting were read and approved. THE FOLLOvUNG RESOLUTIONS were passed:- IT viAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. BARKER THAT the following County Road Accounts ' be approved for payment:- Pay List #30 - $1,437.77: Pay List 1131 - ~)8,396.19: Pay List i7f32 - ~(~45 ,444.30. CARRIED. IT ~vAS MOVED BY SECOND1=GD BY J. BARKER D. BURGESS THAT the Hebates to Tovlns and Villages be 35% of their Road Levy for 1958. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date, stating:- (1) The County Concrete Crew had completed work on Road #3, and were building a Culvert for Yarmouth Township. (2) Grading on the May Hill, County Hoad A1:8, was completed. Perforated Hel-Cor Pipe had been installed to facilitate drainage, and gravelling had been started. (3) Grading on Road ~&42 would be started on November ESt h , 195 [$ . (4) Property negotiations were being continued ~t, the Richmond Hill. ... '2 .... l'lOI1f,li\BBR 6th, 1.953. \5) R!1 COLLARD of Be~mont hau been hired as ] u nroence 'lior\<. on l'lO"lem'ber ~ 7th, In$tr\J1~.ent l~an, and 'liOu - co' ' ~ ~~ CountY Roau #3 A LETTER from vcr. peter "en"'''' . st.in~ fence to rep1.ace <>outh of 1)la1.~acetO'lin, 'lias read, reque - ' g .. . G.. d- ~ d '0" the count.Y du:rin~ ra 1-no that 'lihich had been remO"le J d to erect the fence. .,. '... '"'956 110ad CO\\11l\it.tee agree . - ' operat1-ons 1-n J- · - A D1SCUSS10l'l of the 1.959, ~960 and ~96~ '. .de~ation the fo1.1.owing, A 'fter some cons1- · \"")0. ad 'l'ro<tramroe fo~1.o'lie'-" ", ' ,i.\." .. b Reso1.utiOn 'lias passedt~ 1.95 B · 1). BlrrtGBSS IT 1Yl0\TI~D B'L ' R~ LIUUIJB TllAT >ae ue1.ete from our ~960 prograrome J pP~ '). 0 mi~eS 1at"ffiouth and ~1.ahide, Road ~5 or'lie1.~ t.o aJ-J-"".J' I , '0<> se Roau J40 ~. .....'Icc Grading and oranuJ-ar I)"" , JJ and rep1.ace t,.1-S \.;1- ",1' ' . TO'linshitl of 'tJ\a1.ahide. ,-,' e:h",a" 4f3 to G1.en Co~1-n, " "1-,,, . 'J JJ Cf\RRIBD · SI~CO l~Dl~D 131 , rf\'iJ:T;'\,1 D' ',ClUf,U t.o meet on l'lO'fember ~Oth, IT ~\l.t.h) .\.. rL.1:..l ..\I r;J . . .ondition of 'farioUs Roads ~953, at ~.30 p.m. to re'f1-e'li tb~ c - .\-1..- 1.961. rrogral1lme. , . ~ " crht. beo1.aced on v,1e ' ment ioned, 'lill1-Cl' m1-o · cl Nritten Report Tl1E. El'lGll'\E.ER then presente a ~ to Road comroitt.ee. 11. IJIDIYLB J. 131\\:1.1\.B\:1. d' ' ' to meet alfain on THAT the '!i\eeting a Jou:rn, ' t? uecember 9th, 1.953, at 2 p.m. IT \~i\" \,lOVBO 131 SBCOl~DBD 131 CJ\RRIBD · / ,/ II ',----, ' ST.. THOIvIAS) Ol~TARIO , NOVEI1iBER 1958.. TO THE CUAIRlV'lAN AND r~JEMBERS OF THE COUnTY OF ELGIN IjOAD C01\JI.lITTEE. I should like to report on the present condition of the COW1ty of Elgin System) and. to comment on improvements, and changes thAt have been made since I have been appointed, and to a.lso bring -co your attention some ot the needs to this Road System, which in my opinion should be carried out. The Oounty of Elgin Road System presently consists of 27;.95 miles; 30 miles of which is under the jurisdiction ot the St. Thomas Suburban Commission. It is expected that Smiles ot asphalt resurfacing over concrete tdll be added to the County System when King's Highways 75 and 77 are reverted to the Oounty Road System. The present Road System may be divided into 4. types, as to !load Surfaces:- (1) Gravel Surfaces, (2) Su~:race Treated Roads sealecl l'l~th Tar and Chip, g~nerally ~ererred to as Seal Ooated, (.3 ) IVlulCh and HQt I-Lix Surfa.ce, and (4) Con~rete a.nd Bit\1fninous covered Concrete Surfacesf Tot-a.la r.>t ~ach type ot Road Surfa.ces for the various M~n1cipalities are as follows. Townliu$ mileage is credited 1/2 to each Municipality:- .. 2 - M\u1ic.i l>a:).; ~y , Seal Mulch or G:~a,,~~, G()at. COAcretE,l li()t, IJ~Jt ,!,o.:lial Aldborough 17.;; 2.2; - 1$.75 35.5; Rodney - .40 ~4.5 .60 1.45 irlest Lorna - .40 - 0.5 0.9 Dunldch 3; .25 0.2 OilS 11.95 48.2 Dutton 0.5 0.:3 .. 0.' 1.1 SouthtlOld (County) la.9 2.25 0.1 11.). ; .32..6 SubUrban 0.5 - 0.2 12.6, 13.35 Total - 1:9.4 2.2, O~3 24'~od ~ '-..---' Yarmouth (County) 11.4-; 1.0 1~6 16.65. )0.70 Suburban 1.6 9~9 . - !~':~6 ~:~ Tot,~l ... !3.(i; 1.9 i~6 Port Stanley - 1.7 - 0.25 1.9; Malabide 14.00 0.6; - 21.25 )5.90 Aylmer 0.40 0.4; .. 0.85 1.70 South Dorchester 1'.) 0.5 - 14..55 26.3 S Springfield .. - - 1.8 l.a Vienna .55 .45 - .... 1.0 Port Burwell .... 1.15 - .1, 1.3 DaY}-.t1<n1 7.0 0..3 - 18,,15 2;.45 TOTAL COUNTY: U6.90 12.00 2.95 , 14. .10 24;.95 TOTAL SUBURBAN: 2.1 0.9 OG2 26.8 30.0 , ." .... TOTAL OF BOTH: 119.0 12.9 .3015 140.9 275.95 - :3 - Traffic and the Needs of this Road System vary greatly throughout the County. Trai:'fic vaI~:tea from approxi- mately 2;00 vehicles per da.y on Suburban Road 25) the \lel.lington Road, to less than 100 vehicles on certain gravel roads in some Townships. Some of the mor~ heavily uravelled roads in the County Systera are Road 42 from Higrlll'tTB.Y 73 to Port Bvxwell, 'liith a.pproximately 1000 vehicles per day; Road .3g from Hi..ghl'lay .3 "'GO Straffordville , with appl~ox:tmately 800 vehicles I and Road 2 .f'l'om Nest Lorx1-e to Rodney t also ltdth apprOXiIlk'ltely 800 vehicles. Roads with this voltune of t:~affio) of necessity) must have mO);'Ie maj.l1ten~l1ce than roads ~rl. th a. lower volume of trattic. The question arises when a road should be paved. The Department o:e High\"lays has done COIlsiderable research on the' subject. Based or! a. Traffic Count) their opinion is that once a gravel road car~ies over 400 cars a day it is :i.mpossi ble to Yr1Ainta:tn a gravel stlrface economically, as this l"oad must be dr~e:ged every der.Y or so t graltel added. yearly, alld CaJ..cium Chloride applied 'to 'the entire length oft the Road. vie have only 'tltJ'O such portions of Road at 'the pl'lesant time, and steps have been taken to e~ssure the early paving of these roads. These Roads are Road 3 from Wardsville sou'thelttly tOlrvB.l'dS Rodney) approxirnately 4. miles jt nO\1 carrying bet\.leen 500 and 600 cars per day J and U.oad, 38 at nichmond Hill, no\'1 carrying approximately 800 to 1.000 veh10lea per day. The volwne of traffic cannot alone be used as a rneasurement as to \1hen to regrade and pave. III my opinion County Roads tlurough all hamlets, regardless of traffic, should be paved or have a surface treatment. I am pleased to report tha~ such is the case in Elgin County. - 4. - A road, once it is paved, \vill dra1r1 tr~atf1c from. other unpaved roads in th.e area and, "therefore, if a road is nO'lpl carrying only 300 vehicles it may 'ttlell carry 400 vehicles once paved. 'I'he decision to regrade a pOl",.tiol1 of road i's the work ot: Oou:nty Hoad Con1mittee, basing their d.ecision upon the need for the improvement and be't'tierment for that, section of the l:J.unieipality. Therefore it is esse!lti~l that a reasonable ~ileage be improved at one time, instead of a mila here and a mile there, without any ayst.em ot co-ordination. I ~m ~leased that you have adop~ed a ~l1ree-year progrpmme which prov1d$s s~cn a co-ordinating system. Grading and pa.ving our l"oads is becoming extremely more costly, one reason being the better standards tie are forced to adopt.. 'l-lith paving costing morE-)" tria must make sure our pavement is going to give us service and not break up under traffic.. These better stalldards are forced upon us by increased traffic; the demand of the public for be.tter and safer seJ:'Vice, and the laI~ge nuraber of heavily loaded trucks that use our roads. "rhus we must improve drainage) 1rliden shoulders and inorease the amount or granula.r base in Oll.r roads. It is cheaper to build a road to these higher standards t.han to repair it after it has been. built" This is,evidenced by the fact that the County will spend enough money this year in repairing pot holes. digging out soft spots, ate. in present pavanlenta 11 to pave 3 miles of County Roads. This does not inolude money t:tlat will be spent regarding a. sectiono:t Road 42 w"hi.ch has tailed completelY under the constant pour.lding of hea.vy coal truoks from Port Bun1el1. - 5 .. \~ Most County !toads can be improved ~'l'lthout the raovement o:t large quantities ot' earth. An exceptio11 to this) of: oourse, is Richmond Hill and the lie\-t l"lellin(~'con Road, Entrance. However, the addition of Base is an e~remely expensive problslt'1. To provide 1.5....18ft of Gra.nw..ax. rnatel~itil needed over new gx.a.des has forced the County into using less expensive n~terials. hxtens1ve use of poorer-grade materials has been made this auroraeI'. Almost all material has been $ pre ad as, :t.t comes flllaOnl the pi"c. Soms of this material has been more like a coarse grade of sand. HOli'leVer,; I think the results b.a.-ve been exceptional.. Granular material in. Dunlonch and Bayhmn Township is fast becoming non..e~istent, a.no. those Pit O\;mers with any mateI'"i~l are raising their prices It Thus prices of ;O~ per cubic yard in the pit are not unconnnonlJ UnfOl"1iunatlsly the 61 tuation iio.ll not improve, as no doubt more base 't'lill be required :\..11 'the future, and as local supplies beCO!!lS depleted, especially after the cOM'1pletion of Highway 4.01 in \'Jest Elgin, prices oJ: this material \rl.ll increa.se.. In some sections of the Coun.ty the shortage of Grantuar material suitable'for mulch paving is becomil~ acute. Mulch paving has the disadv~l1tage that it must be sealed \\T~.th tar and ohips every 3 or so years to keep out water from its porous sur.faceoo rrherefore" to make an effective comparison between Hot I'iix Paving and. I.lulch Paving we rtlUSt oompare the cost ~or a period of years: 1, years has been selected for the comparison, although both types should give trouble-free surfaces for 20-25 years, J..f properly constructed.. Average cost of laying a hila of I.-lulch P~vi.ng 22' 'tdde 4ft deep.... per mile ~lO,OOO.OO Seal Coati.llg eve)."'y 3 years, 5 tinlSS Ci 01.300 II 00 Pel? ~,I11e - $:t%~gg.:88 lIot 1.Ii.x Pavi.ng, , , 22 f wid~ J.s,n deep - 2, apo tOll per mile Cost @ ~6.00 per ~on - ~16,800.00 1 Seal Ooat 0 ~1,300.00 per mile -_~~lQO.OO Per {','lila - ~'I!';I'O'tf:O'O' - 6 - Thus. ''Ie ca.n see if the cost of Is1ulch Paving increases, or if~ the price of Hot llix can be effectively Im1ered, the use of Hot ~tlx ~dl1 become economical. However, if a road is expected to carry 2500 vehicles, or over, per day I believe thcrt Hot Hix Paving should be used, as it provides a smoother and more durable surface. ~'le must; keep up our policy of improving OU.%' roa.ds, and must .face the fact that certain of' our paved roads must be rebui:Lt. 'J:he reasons for this are obvious; most of them were buil~ 10-15 years ago with very little preparations, ditching or base. They have served the County adequately, as they were built for much less traffic and much lighter trucks. Some were just built 'temporarily) and the surface consists of sev~1ral layers of tar and chips. ltoad 42 from High\1ay '73 to Port B\J.rlI'lell; Road 20 from Shedden to Fingal; Road 20 Port Stanley 1'.Jorth 2 miles t and Road 24 ~rom Hight-la.y 3 to Port Stanley a.re the m.ost seriously damaged. On these roads maintenance is not only a costly problem but often (as on Road 42 this 5nmm~r), almost an impossibility. 110l'1, to look at our Bridges: We have a larger nwnber of bBridges and Culverts which \ITera not built for the traffic tioday t or even 20 years ago. NarrO\l l"lidth, v1hile serious 011 small Culverts and Bridges under 20' span, C8.ll be tolerated on longer Bridges if 'the traffic is not great and the Bridge is sate for present truck loads. I10\1eVer; when a Load L;imit of less than 20 tons must be placed on a Bridge on a County Road we must look -co the early replacemel1t of such a structure. Our problem Bridges include ~'lardsville Bridge 011 Road :3; Richmond on Road 38; Eden across the Otter Creek on Road 46 ill Bayhal11 '!'OW11Ship; Dingle Street in Aylmel"', and Sta.lter Gully Bridge on Road 42 near the f.icConnell Nursery It ~ 7 <<a The task of Culvert widening and replacement must go on, as at this t~me there are still 10 Culverts under 20' span on COtUl~Y Iioads of less than 22' in road width.. At 'the present t1.me lie are replaoing 5 or 6 Culverts per year. There are also 38 Bridges of over 20t span of less than 22' in road lildth. At the presen~ time we are doing the majority ot our Construction and Maintenance by Day Lahouz. and Uented Equipment, This system has some advantages) i..n that iriS can utilize much of our O\"lll equipment and exercise close control on the work, and cl~ge OUl~ design, methods or materials at any time it seems necessary. At most tunes this has given an excel 1 ant job at a cheap price - for ey,r,:mlple, the r.lcI\:j,llian Culvert 011 Roa.d f! was completed with excavation for a figure of: approximAtely ~~43 per cubic yard. HO"tfleVel', the method of tendered job has given the County some excellent work at bargain prices, such as our Bridge Paint.ing job this smmner. I believe that we should give consideration to the tendering of sor:1e of our jobs, as in that way v1e can reduce the cost~ of carrying out this \'/or'k. The cost of gathering information to supply to Contractors, and the adJ.ninistration of the Contract would be luore than offset by the reduced cost. Ii' vie tender a job and find the cost too high ,,'re can al'Vtays s.till do the job by Day Labour. He ha.ve built, up a large torce of equipment~ and trlith our experienced ope:.:'ators tie are able to do most any job.. Our equipment includes 5 Graders \'dth Snow Pl.OttE;; 3 DtlJup II'rucks; a Distributor Truck which doubles as a. sander truck in vdnter; a Llichigan b"ront Bnd Loader; :1 Pick-up Tl~ucks ; a Roller; 4 ;[t'armall fL'ractors \-li th I~lovIElrs; an Automobile; a Set or Scales; 2 Concrete Lixers; Tank Car Heater; 3 '~later Pumps, and Ail'" Compressor) all of which had a !leW purchase value of approximately $210,000.00. Our Smaller Tools and Equipment ,'[ould have a pm'chase value of over ~lOtOOO.OO. - 8 - 'iJith this amount or Equipment the yearly replacem.ent of a sizeable portion is essential, as obselete and equipment in poor repair is a hindrance rather than an asset. In the past 2 years you have made a considerable nu.rnber ot changes i11 policy 011 our County ROB.de System. Fore!uost amongst these has been the adoption of a 3-year Progranme designed to provide more mileage or improved roads at a lesser cost in the Coun~y of Elgin. In this Prograrwne mapy problems of-- long standing \015..11 be tackled. Road Allowances have been widened from 66 to 86, and 100 feet on new grading, to provide better drainage, bat~er side slopes and improved winter conditions and safety. Shoulders have been widened on new Construction to 8...10 feet, and ditches moved back from 'the side of the road ~o improve safety. ',[the amount of Granular Base on ne\'i Construction bas been increased to provide against breakup or our new Pavements, and larger amounts of poorer material used to reduce the costs. I-iore local sources of luaterial are being utilized. The policy of the COInUlittee is nO'tfl to grade a Road one year, and pave the next. This no\t'l allow's the Road time to compact, and assures a better and smoother base :tor Pavement. The ~leighing of all Granular materials is nO'{.f ba~ng done. In this, I believe, there is a. saving of a.t least 10%. There is also conlplete accQrd ~ll1ongst Pit Otmers, rEruckers, and Count~, ~'lork1nen. - 9 - " All Bit\nni nous m:.1terial and Tar are now trucked to a central storage near the centre of the job, for a price less than Ra.il rates. This saves money tlu"ough convenience J as materials are directly placed on the job, thus enabling more ttlork per day, as the Tflorkmsn do not have to 'ftJ'ait for materials. ~'linter r.iaintenance has been improved through a new type sander body mOUllted on one of our trucks, and an increase in work done by our outpost sanding stations~ In the past year we have increased the use of loc~l sources of' stone chips tor Seal Coating, resultin~ in not only lower costs, but a better job. tole nO\'l have a man at our gounty Garage, full time J to act as storekeeper, timekeeper, etc. This gives our General Foreman more time to attend to other duties. We have in the past 2 years conducted extensive Traffic Counts on all our l~oads. This gives us a very good view of the general traffic pattern, alld assists the Road Con>>nittee in major policy decisions as to the choice of Roads to be regraded. Looking to the ~uture, one can only see more traffic and a greater demand by the public ~or service. This means luore ne\tl Construction and continued and better' Haintenance of our present Roads. There is not too much doubt that at our present rate of Construction we are not moving ahead very rapidly, as we are now constructing 8-10 miles of Road per year and some of our present Roads are breaking up. The solution is easily said - 1fmore tnoneyn; the question is, nwhere .f'romit? There is no doubt that the rate-payers regard the present taxes as being about as high as can be borne. We, therefore, must be satisfied with what lite ha.ve, or else encourage other governments J probably Provincial, to raise Subsidies. I understand, unoffiei.ally, - 10 - that the Needs Survey conducted by the Provincial Government' last year indicates the needs of the Municipal Roads in the next 20 years to be considerably greater than the needs of the Provincial High1tlayS. ~Je WAY, therefore, be favoured with increased attention fronl the Provincial Government. There is little need to mention the individual needs or the County Roads System, as everyone is quite .familiar with them. The only solution is to keep 1ilorking. Eventually l'le will coniplete the job. A T.T. OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R. "'G~"'l~,' " COUNTY ENGINEER. -.. " !;tA..S,~~ E ,;trJl C 0 U N T Y R 0 A D T 0 U R. "",,,,,"""'~"""',.. '~~~~~""""-"'-'~'-""''''-'-'''~~u.._~t.'fl'#l;.'''~'''I'''',_-,'~'.'C~'~~""'" """""",,,,,,~~ Leave Court House - 9(>>)0 a~mo ~ Uctober 21st;, 19~H~ !l9!:tp~n Road~:?'~Q_1?~....1!2.!s1.."2.2" .. Ro~umea or Suburban COWu1ss1on 19580 ~'Q_~-:2.~r~.MtJ:i~<L~b ~ ux'au:t:ngand Gl'*anular Baf~e 1958. f!Q1t1:t~~,'~, H:l,~. h~~YJlt-!2-11.9~,g,,),:t .. r8:ved 19:'(~ ~!tt?!-91tl~~Q,~4. ..i~~9",J!~gllW~Ln ~~.l...P~t, RQac).,Jt,~.~,g...11~9~2 ~~j~J2,~~<;<i.,,,lf:9, .!'..2.~.1:L~g;e;i..f~~~l !?-.!!. ,QE'..J!H~_2,?_.,~~~b~:R., ,R9,~...t!p..RQ~., )t~ ~~..li'~~6.j!~h~ Pavao. .1...':1;;;8 nf!~.,.Q~:-!i~1~r!!Y,,,;t :~Q~Q.,,~ !}~.~11"..9lt,.,R2!~~,~.. ,~2...1!~~Y. ,~<t ~..s:Jn;ffOl1,!Ul~~;1u\~~L..r~;tI~!:.~gg.J?l:~.!~~~t:,,,, :etlgg! ~Q1.!1~U~ J!~!I!L~.k2~Q. .V1.~~1 Reau.t' "ac \e,r-'I~,";o DINNER - AT VIENNA -""""""."""""""""""".",\.~...~.",..,."""""''''''l'''~'''''''''''''f'l..,.1t South 'to Port Burwell ~ ""'", d' "'t(....Mf~~,.','""., .~'lIf~))l.'~,.,."'.''"'',.~ / ~~~~A, !l2a.d ,?$,~,~9:r~p;i~. ...Q.9.Yf1t,!{ ~iS! ~ee ~ros~on GL~ects IrQ~-D..~.,~~ ' ubatA:.IJ.im Street, .... 2.. ct'.t:f E A S T "".\l~~ END . ,.."_.,,.,,~,-'~It .\ '-..-/ \tJest on Road ~~2, to Road l~ ~onoria.~c'oun't of Coal Trucking 1958, Regrad.ing 1/2 m:tle ~~?!1_2!wl\~-s_lt-Q.,~~~Q1&J!..~1l!.~~.- l~!.~l!~_i1!j ,lig~~,tQ.M~A Af[meI~ Ail~p{)rt~ South on Hicrh~raU' "3 to Sou:th st~r'eet, A vlm.ar ~-,n--!'av1.rit~:r~;S-'u.._~_. ........_.~,-,~,~-~.._' lt~~J~.9~,g~,."j.2 El!lllt.JkJf..Q ., S 'P~1~ta .o~. ~!t~22 !..~~~~ .....9~,.._,R2.~..]L~.9..~U'"~As. !9!:,J;b,Q!t.~lQe.~4 ..?? "ll.j'_~...~~l1Ji..J1!!*l.t\$!iOll,. ..$:~~~~,.,~ Cotert Ho\..\se 1/ "~'~1\~pllil''''U'.~i'~''''''.''''''''''l'f4l r ~..",~.....".."~,,.,....,I END .tiMf;......,.... '''''''~'''."\'''''1"''\''<'\"'' Q"",Q"Jr ,~.,T"..X _ Jt ,Q,A...:p,.,'.."~.HQ u ~a~ ~ Leave Co~t House - 9(;1)0 s'QmO - October 28th, 195$ West on Road 16 SoA~ to Burwell Corners ," ,'..,.,.. ltoacf 'iind.er"SUElirban I~oaa'jurIsdn~i on ]Q~~q~~~~~4j~~~o~%~~t~ion paved 1958 !{~""''''~~i~r~''''-a~a~~P.i~W R2rJ1h~~I~I!M E~a~t~Wt~ Y{e~~.. ..9~,.Jl;\.g..1)~)~.,?....~~ l~~..~f:l....,~~;\gf{! ~Q~~ll.,..~~fL y{~,~ t: ",Q!l..,Jl9~q",~~.)~.",,2., "tQ..J~Q,~:~t-2t South on Road ; to Road 2 ~""-",.,,,, '<...".,.-.,.,..,,.,..,,..-.,.,,....".".~......,"""...,.,,--'-':""" .,..:"_:"--...~_'~,...'."'_.,'.n.....>..".:..,.".,,.'..' JI!$..'t, .1:,QJi;tghWCiiY..,..lZ ,~Q~~~,.,,,~()J,~w:..,..q~~~gQ)f DINNER 1i''Tf''I'''''1>>~~1~'CO-'''' '" 'I'" .,'",'1 .,... ,tiQ";:'t.q~~d~b!9J8 71"~.J!.9.I!!i..l:t;~LR9.~~ "~ v/eat on Road 6 ....". """'''I~'",'''''' ;...,.....-..........."l.,,,.,,...."'".l1l._~.lr e I~Qr~l1.~Q"llQ1;!b!!.~;J..,~.J!r~gg~ ~~t;. GQ,~~h~lllU~ ,1l2 .."W~4,~y,~,1,~~,ltLJS.()l;t1;b,.,Qlt~.~4-1 J~a' East on Road 9 12 lS to Southwold Station . .., "'.""'Huni"bra:G.""Ciiivert"at' 'Sotithwolcf 'Statrc;n ~'~"PN;~' '~~~~t~,Q....Ji!gl:l~~I..,~ South to Court House. ~"""''''''''''"'''''''I'''"'~.',r'''''''''' ~",,,.,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,, ""-'.,-,"'.. ".-" '-~"1,"""""""C. S~. ~llO~S, O~~AR10. OCTOBER 9t.h, 195B. ~HE ELGIU COUUT! ROAD Co~ITTEE met at. t.he Court. llouse at. 2 p.m. Al>L ME.MBERS present., also ~. ~m. coo~e o! D. ~. O. London. T~ ML\'lUTES of Meet.ings neld on septemoer loth, ~6th and 2~t.h respecti"le11 'Viere read and a:Pp'ro"led · IT 'liAS ~OVED B! SEco~DED B1 D.. BURGESS 1\. LIDDLE T1lAT 'Vie postPone the ~est End TOur !rom Oct.ooer 23rd t.o octOoer 23t.h. CA.RRIED · IT ~AS ~OVED 13:t SECONDED Bl J. :B1\.RKER B. NEVILL TH!\T t.he fo~~o>aing Count.y Road AccountS oe appro"led for payment ~~ Pa1 List. #27 ~ ~~,165 .08~ PaY List #28 ~ ~8,33~.3B~ pay List. #29 ~ $60,889.50. C1\.RRIEU. ~1.) (.2) THE E~Gl~ER reported on 'liork, st.at.ing~~ Grading 'lias comp~ete~ on Road ~3 Shacktet.on St.reet.. . . .' . slo'lied dO'il1l 01 'Viet. ;JIeat.her on Road 8, ~~~d~~t'li~~a~1~~on t.he ~a1 Ri~~ 'lias almost. comp~et.ed. seal coating in the East l'~ndo o~ t.he .coilnt1'I'Vias ~o~~et.e, and appro~illlatelY 6 mi~eS rema.1-ned 1-n the ,jest. 1'..n · ~ concret.e Cul"lert on Road 3 'liaS oeing leng,thene~ at present" Guide Rail through t.he County 'liaS being repaired. \3) \ h-) THE ElTENS10N of lligh'lia1 19 in port Bur'Vle~l d. d bY Co.~~~tt.ee and decision 'lias made to "lisit. 'lias1-SCUsse .--~ ,. ' t.he RoadS in q.uestion on t.he ~nnual Road TOur. \5) ST. Tll01'\!l.S, OUTi\.RI0. OCTOBER 9th, 1956. _ 2 - THE EUGI~EER e~p1.ainecl that he 'Vias not getting ~ for the 'IIe~~ington Entrance and t.he essentia1.e~e1 'lior f ressure of other 'lior~' _.. d it,-" com1'>~et.ed in account. 0 P R1-chmon ,,1-J-J- 'r ' After diSCUssion t.he fo~~o'liing Reso~ution 'lias pa.ssedt~ D. BURGESS a. L1UDLE -.-. . eel:' 'to TUJ\T the committee empo>aer the ~ng1-n f the oa1.ance of ~95B. hire an instrument. man or cA.Rli.1ED · IT \ili\.S ~OVED 13'I SBCO~UBD BY !\ TE~Ttl.TWE ROi\.D PROGRAlJThI\E. for ~961 'ViaS . d' ded' to arrange such a programme diSCUssed, and comm1-t.tee eC~ at. t.he ~O"lemoer ~eeting. . to meet. all'ain on TUAT the ~eet.ing ad;)ourn, . '" Uo~emoer 6th, 1956, at 1..30 p.m. IT VIAS ~O'J'ED B'I gffiCOUDBD BY J. B. ~'tfllJSO~ J. BA.B,YJ?lR cA.RRIBD · ~)~.~ ~Al , .....-- ST. T110MAS, ONTARIO. SEPTE~mER 24TH, 1958. A SPECIAL MEETING of the Elgin Coupt.y Road CGmmi~~ee was held at the Cour~ Rouse at 2 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present; Mr. G. L. Gloin act.ing for Mr. Donald BurgesS. MR. T. S. CALDWELL, District Municipal Engineer, was also presen~. Mr. W. R. Donkin and Mr. Frank Sanders, of Sanders & sanders, at.tended and explained t.he defence ,which they had prepared in the ac~ion of corbe~t versUs ~he County of Elgin. After discussionthe following Resolut.ion was passedt- IT WAS M.OVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE L. HOLLA~D ~ THAT we instruct our SolicitorS ~o file a statemen~ of Defence in t.he action of corbett versus ~he County of Elgin. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER and MR. 'T. S. CALDWELL reported on the progress of ~he Ri.chmond Rill Bridge. After plans and profiles had been examined the following Resolution was , passedt- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON J. BARKER TRAT we proceed with the work on t.he Richmond Hill and ins~ruc~ the Engineer to continue surveys ~o purchase property, and to arri"le at accurate earth quantities, subject. to approval of the Department of Highways. CARRIED. ,.... THE FOLLO\~NG RESOLUTION were also passed:- - 2 - IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL G. L. GLOIN THAT we request the Department of Highways, King's Highway Branch, Bridge Department, to design a Triple Box Culvert structure on County Road #38 on the Big Otter Creek at the Richmond Hill. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL J. BARKER THAT we conduct County Road Tour on Tuesday October 21st - East End, and October 23rd - West End, buses leaving the Court House at 9.30 a.m. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. B. WILSON THAT the Meeting adjourn, to meet on October 9th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. ~~~~ .~ ..'CHAJ:RJ.VilrN.' , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1958. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~~ITTEE was held at the Court House at .3 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present; Mr. Granvill Gloin acting for Mr. Donald Burgess and Mr. Donald Chute acting for ~~. Basil Nevill. Mr. W.R. Donkin of Sanders & Sanders attended, and explained the position of Corbett versus the County of Elgin. After discussion the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON H. LIDDLE THAT we request the County Solicitor to prepare a defence against the Writ of Nelson Corbett, of August 2.3rd, 1957, and report this defence to Road Committee on September 24th, 1958. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that he would not have sufficient information on the Richmond Hill for another week, and a Special Meeting was arranged for September 24th, 1958, at 2 p.m., with ~~. T. S. Caldwell in attendance. All Members were in accord. COMMITTEE ADJOURNED. ~~J(if$-I- , I I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIOo September Session, 1958. \: TO THE \'lARDEN AND. lrmI.IBERS OF THE ELGIN caUNt! COUNCILG YOUR ROAD C01-i1I.!tTTEE begs to report as follows:"'!' 10 \iE RECO~~.u 'that the Count,y of Elg:i.n assume as a County Road and ~urn over to the jurisdic'tion of the Stio Thomas suburban Commission 'the Road Allowance between the Township of Yarmouth and Southwold; sou'thward from Road Allowance between Concession U and Range 1 south of Edgeware Road, ~h"'OI\",.i{ -- Yarmouth, to King'S Highway #4, a distance of approximately 100 milese subject to the approval of the Departmen~ of HignwaYSe This will enable the St" Thomas Suburban COtwdssion to extend Wellington Road to King t s Highway #4 to provide a new entrance from Wellington Road to the Ci-ey of St<1l Thomas via . Highwa.y #4. The \'lOrk will be done by 'the St.o Thomas Suburbcul Commission in conjunction with a new West Entrance to the Ci1;y of st,~ Thomas, expected to be constructed by the Department. or Hightlays in 19590 ALL OF \tJHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBfJ.iITTED. LAWRENCE HOLLAND "~"''''''''cHA:tRtv1AN''~'''' ' " "," "...... ST. Tll01'\!l.5, ONT ARl.O · SEPTEMBER lOTU, 195B. '1ll1E ELG1'N COUNT! ROAD COMMl'rlfEE met at. the Court House at. 2 1> .m. ALL ~ERS 'Viere present, Mr. Gran'll'ille Gloi:a act.ing in place o:t Mr. Donald 13urgess. 111E MINUTES of t.he laSt. ~eetin.g; 'Viere read and 11 'liAS ~O'J'ED B:t 'SECONDED 131 THAT t.he fo~lo'Vling County Road !\.Ccount.s oe appro"led for paY1I\entt~ PaY List. #2~ ~ $1,~67.50t Pay List #25 ~ $9,B12.37t pay List. #26 ~ $79,375.70. CARRIED. 11. LIDDLE 13 . NEVILL a.pproved. IT VIAS 1lIK)iTBD B! SECO}lDED 131 TU!'.T an a1>plication oe ma.de t.o t.he Minis1;.er of Uig,h'Vi8.Ys for an Int.erim suosidY for EJt'l?endit.ures of $~3~, 501.16 incurred oy the County of Elgin Road Depart.ment from 1St. January 1958 t.o 31St. August 1958. CAltRIED · G. lu GLOI'N J. W. BARKER Tl1EE'NGlrotER report.ed on 'liork. to dat.e, st.at.ing t~ \ 1) Grading had co1\llllenc ed on Road ~3. \2) Repairs t.o pa~ement.s 'liere made on RoadS ~8, ~O, 51 and 1+2. \ 3 ) Sv.rface 'Treat.ment. 'lias t.O' oe resumed on sept.emoer 12t.h on Roads in sout.h Dorchest.er and Malanide TownshiP. \~) Road 8 near t.he Thames Ri"ler haS oeen partiallY !anced and t,Ot.allY c~eared. \ 5) The count.Y' 5 . Use of t.railers 'liaS il~eg;aJ. and t.rouole might ensue. Tl'IE. E'NGl.~:E.B. report.ed on t.he RicblUond 11ill, 5't8.'ting/ .. 2 .. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 10TH, 195B. /Stra'ting:- \ \1) The Grade had oeen increased !rom 6 to 6% on t.he Vlest. Side of t.he Ot.t.er Creek., too reduce the fill over t;he Bridge and the heavY oearing lead en anY st;ructure. \2) That. a letter from Mr. A. Rut;k.a o! Department. o! lligh'Viays soil Branch had oeen received, stat;ing t.hat a concrete Bo~ Culvert. t.ype of structure 'liould seem m.ost, sui'table. (3) That. a reCGmmendation 1I\ight oe definitelY made \'lithin a 'lieek. concerning t.he design of t.he structure, and a choice of a consu~t.ing Engineer could oe made at that. THE "PLANS of the st. ThomaS Vlest Entrance 'liere e~plained 01 the Engineer, as 'liaS tne posit.ion of t.ne st. Thomas suourban commission in construction of t.he wellington Road Ent.rance. It 'ViaS e~plained t.hat. certain Roads must oe assumed as count.y Roads to enable t.he Suouroan Commission to carr'! out its work.. 'time. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED Bl TEAT 'lie recommend t.o count.1 counci~ t.hat the count.y assume as a County Road, t.he Road AllO'Viance oet'lieen TO'l'lIlshiP G! !armouth and south'Viold opposite Lot C Gore, concession, and the Road i\.11o'Viance used in lieu of the ToWIlline southWard from LOt. C t.o King' s 1:1 igh'liaY ff~ , 'lihi ch 'liill 0 e as SUllled as a Suourban Road 01 t,he Suburban Road commiSSion. CARRIED. G. L. GLOIN J. B. WlLSON. IT/ - 3 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 10TH; 1958. IT WAS MOVED BY J. VI. BARKER H. LIDDLE SECONDED BY THAT the Meeting adjOurn, to meet again on October 9th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. c/~,I?~-d , UHAIRMAN · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 7TH, 1958. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Mr. Basil Nevill. ~~. william Coo~of D.H.G. LondonWis also present. THE M!NUTES of tbe last meeting were read and approved, IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. BARKER THAT the following County Road Accounts be approved for payment:- PAY LIST #21 - $1,770.20: PAY LIST # 22 - $10,103.27, and PAY LIST #23 - $110,575.09. CARRIED. .. THE ENGINEER reported as fol1ows:- (1) Soil Tests has been completed on Richmond Hill and favourable results were indicated. (2) Cleaning was progressing on the Phillmore Bridge. (3) Mulch was completed on Road 46 and 51, and was in progress on Road 14. (4) Gravel for Mulch would be completed on Road 8 on August 11th. (5) Culvert Construction of a Multiplate Culvert was complete on Road 8. (6) Culvert Construction was in progress on Road 13. (7) Concrete Culvert Construction on Road 17 M.C.L. was in progress. (8) A survey of Road 42 was to begin on August 8th. - 2 - .,-... '-', IT WAS MOVED BY:',' SECONDED BY ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 7TH, 1958. D. BURGESS, J. B. WILSON THAT ~he Meeting adjourn, to meet. again on sep~ember lOt.h, 1958, a~ 2 p.m. CARRIED. S't. 'rROMAS, OU'rARIO. JUL1 3'rll, 195$. 'WE ELGIN COUIlT! ROAD COMtJI.1't'rEE 1l\et at. the Court llouse at. 2 p.m. ALL bIIltV\1ll~tl.s 'liere present., 'Viit.h t.he e~c;e1>t.ion or Mr. Basn Ile~ill-. Mr. Vlill-ialll cook or D.U,O' LondoQ 'ViaS also present.. 'rilE wcr.UU'rES of t.he laSt. meet.ing 'liere read and 11 'W AS ~O'J'ED B:t SECONDED 131 'rtlA.'t t.he roll-owing ceunt.1 Read Ac;cocllts be appro~ed for payment~~ paY List. #lB ~ '1,7QB.1B: paY List. #19 ~ $7,$09.97:~ paY List. #2Q ~ $5~,235.60. GARRIED · D. B\lB.GESS R. 'LIDDLE app'X'oved. 'tilE EUGl~ER report.ed on 'liOl'k, st.ating t.ha'G~~ \1) sealcoa'Ging; 'ViaS in progreSS and ~ulch and Oils 'liou~d start appro~i1l\&.t.elY JulY llt.h. \2) Grading; operatiOns on Road ~.C.L. 3~ 'Viere c;o1l\pleted, and operatiOns had commenced on Road #3 north of Rodney. \3) 't'Iio concret.e Cul"lert.s >aere being; reconstructed on Road 17 ~.C.L. east of sout.h'liOld S'Gation. \~) Gl'a"lelling for lAuleh 'liould oegin the 'Vieek of JulY l~th. \5) Ilegot.iat.iOns for t.est dri~ling on t.he Richmond Uill lIe'X'e under vre.Y. 't~ ENGIIlEER stated 'Ghat. Road ~2 Ilo~a,ScO'Gia st.reet 'ViaS in a serioUS sta'Ge of diSl'e1>ai1', and after disCUssion the following Resolution 'ViaS passed:~ J. 13. Vll'LSOll 1't 'WA.S ~O\TBD B:t s"$GONDED 131 J. BARKER 1RA't 'Vie reconstruct approXimatelY nalX-mile of countY Road #~2 at count.y Road #~O, which is oadlY oroken up due t.o hea'11 traffic. CARRIED. 1'1: liAS ~GVED B:t SECON11ED "51 1958, at 2. ,.lll. _ 2 ... s't. 'fllGMAS, O'N't1\RIG. J~'L:t 3TH, ~95B. D. 'BmtGESS 1l. 'L1.DIYLE 'f!A'f T!E }IlE.E't11'lG adjourn unt.il AUG;'\1St. '7t.h, 6ARll!$D. ~/] Xi. "/i~ IRA.I~'N · , 0 Nrr . J'une 17, 195~3. --- COtlNTl met at) tb,8 v-rere presen.t. of t,he Jl1Ue 5, 1958, t,1eeting were read court. HO'tlS8 at 2. 11" m. . 'f~. 11'. ()flI , county solicitOr met wit.h the Dereham and reviewed VIaS 'PB.sS8(1. and approved. committee re the corbett, lira"lel developments to date. ,i\.fter a diSCUssion Resolution ~J . IT B. .00 for the corbett Pit BY we offer " corbett 50.00 maximu1!l, and expropriate the " _) h f" ~ l.n l ere"am, at _J.rst" anu ,-cp to property if necessary if . Co~ett does not settle. Ci\,RR.IED · Cou.ntY ha(l the power to pass a By-La"'l allo<"ing the Building re the ,that he not) believe the George 1. Bagnall Estate to on the co~y Road Allowance. No act,ion waS talien by the committ,ee. SUpplemental Road, 1\.ppropd.ation By-tawS ...71'7 "nO. 1'712; being approved. , '" ,,,,.,,,.. from <i. V. 1'8 : from R. K. tilcNiel re: I~Y":tE~nsj.o',n of in 1)ort 13\1":rv\Tel1 flI \~T ere re<ld" (J ., ",,,,,,,,-, BY T the Resolut,ions fro1r. the County of Bruce f) .. IT be filed.. (\ ) " \~\ ,4\ ',:c:.; \ r.,.. ,\ ,:;:;:.: \ ".J\' ?>-\ t:'\ ~ ~'\ 6 0 C) C) 0 r, 0 0 c} '--" <I 0 Ci .. /",", 0 . <:; '--'" 0 c) .. ;...."""' 0 \-1-, r\ 0.... 0'\ r....'i \ \ , \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ t \ \ \ \ l \ \ \ \ l , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r, eS .. )...f'... o C) .. L0~ ,D o o e o o .. /"'", 0 ""-"'.... 0 0 0 .. r~ /""', . 0 '--'" . . 1^ o o . L('\, sj o J,.) tt} · p! O. il'r-1 'tr~\ \7)-1 CI) 0.5 0:;, ~, '-' <...:) f"--" C() ~ \ \ \ \ o J,.J c': o V o f:-i o .rA ~i cC .{..:> sj o \..} ...-""" $-I, or-', o .-c o H fu ,"'i ....... .. )-I o o o u"... cs~, U). $-\ \)J. 0 ~~~, ~H o '0.5 QJ? (\ ~ s::\ 66 ,- l"'? c-::: ~ o ~ o o ....'\ ' o c' .. . o 00 G~; v ~~ o 00 .r\ ~ l-'<sj dO ~h 6~" <I o '-0 .,.1 <;:', }.-\ c00J ';\~ r-> " G) C) r r~ \-:) v .. ~' o O_t o C' .. o .~, }.-\ (v J5 ;,..-., ,5 r' i;:., ~, ~ o \~ .. 24 -- lr7, lU'i ., I\. fro'(\\ 1"J:1e i\ ~3 S 0 C :\. :;:t1") ion \; ~ re8,(1 fie, G:r8.nt. of .00. J .. If~~ 13.. \\f8 1 '\' s,~:, '~) t..n.8 ,.O\irn.\,l,)...i, 00 ? <; t,neir reO;lles't. 6 " ,M."""'- 13.. 11\C Co J,,1 of. II reportled, on of D. i) 'M.. O I'll r '3. " 0 n ".1 ' .00 1'T ,.... 01 'oriC8 ).. f')r.:, "'!: Q' (.., :> ...\. / , a \\Te of S\.l~) jE)Ct, >(;0 fo!' of coo"V" 'n,. .\ '\i18 of "'T ?f", v ' 1~ 1rr " of .l- 'i'1 P l,; ;."> '1 01" ""\T for of of t; . :) t,O r\ \ ) H.. :) .. 0'0, ~( t,O , <;1) 1- q S '"' "1"". '2, e " 0" ~ ' ~~/A(~- ~ Co <II THOlvlAS, o. June 5th, 195,~5. frHE 1\1 met a.t the Court House at 2 p.m. itrere present. THE of the May Meeting were read and Elpproved. v'Tas passed:-- Ifr BY ~J ., BY T d ., the following Cotl.nty Road ,Accounts be approved for payment;- Pal! T,i st :!'?15 .... .'- ..1 .......- .~... Ii ... , 79 ~~ .26 : Pay List ]jf16 - LIe: '1. D ]'" t ,0'+) ..,__. 1 aY,Jls 7 .... 2, 151r-. 24.. CARHIED. THE on the work to date , stating that: (l) ''/lork was progressing on the Mc]\!i,illan Culvert on C01J..nty Road (4) Seal Coat would start within a week. (5) Coal trucks were using Roads #42 and #40 and that the pC1..vernent v'l'as breaking. THE AND CHAIRMAN REPORTED on Tenders received for Hot Paving in the Town of Aylmer. THE NG UTION was passed:- Irr BY {J . T J.J. TfffiT we accept the tender of Walmsley Bros. Ltd., for Hot-Mix Asphalt on South . .. i\ r] 1'1'" " ,c.::on rJ"l c "f H]" P- . 1. n "}...."...er,, j.. '...' ,,011,;:) 0", ,,'.J ...) .59 and 200 Tons of H. L. 3 (Total Tender ,673.00 . .... 2 .... ohC5 ,June 5tJD" 1 /)( · , . ?r~ dp'<?s ,,,e.s disCUsser\. T)~'" '1.'i' o~e cooKS and \)1.enna ,J.'" '"'- .~ .u..1,..,..L m..\. , of Clee.ninZ; e.ndPe.int in3; the \NaG p8.Ssecl:- T~ " H.. " ," to ce.ll t, n.e \.! ~ p~l~ore, cooks lrr V1e eIo'pO\f\Ter 'p for 'renders fo!' Cleaning e.nd \)ienna Bridges. diSCuSsion 1'o110vred. \;,JtJ 0" nas~3ed ~ .... t,C)....v "" 1.1 " liT 131 l.i.. " ~ t Q,f' cctJ1eS of 30 Ton 8.. s e) ..- ',.) ,J 0, ..'" ..", T \:,r8 'purch8.se Ce.pacit1 to wei~ on CO\lnt8 RoaQ, jObS. \i'!aS ~ - ,j . lr1~ ....i " Don .1?)8. n i1.. V\, ~,"Te 8."(}1101..nt .... .\. .... t.O . "" .\_'....nPc, . "\,,"\c'neC.\- '\Tar1 oY'..~' \}'i \, :".."" J..,\,',':':? :};,"> ..,,' v .'>" ...... ..' " ". '''' t '1'"\ '"' .\- "t~i'; 5' n t,O v, '..,I ot"erB" ,0 v "~,, ,.' of Sca1.es vri.t,D. the pO'rleT t,O act.. l~ 8\T1..1.'"\.. 3..D:'] (i :fOTA .; 0'1 \)\ras read. t) " f~ frorn nerm:U3BiOn t,O 8.110V1 a ~c' . Road~1J.ovrance ,",he 1.'e: i ),.. ~) IJart,a T e : }.:'\.\ c. t, 8 d.. tJ 0 tJ h e G o'\..:.JJ.tY i.c'5:'c,or' f) ",~., \")\Y3J.,cliHri tlO ......p..((\~), -i n 01)" the ,\.. .",I...._C....~ ..'""' <-- vraS l\c\'\rice · . -to t.(".... u.... r\ ... ..c .}::I u*'\ trl '2 p r-:> c<'\ .. r0 ~'. ~ .r4 ('j oJ) cd ..p Q) Q) ~ o ..p .... ~; h ,..-{ r' o .n .. ';:):'\ r r-\ G) c' ~ 9~: N ..p cj .,.. 4:1) 1.("\. 0''- r-\ ~, ~_., +=' r-- c4 \, ~ ~ CIS rc} uJ (\) ? t:-' r-' ...'" o .. . +- N \.l1; .. o o toi (') ~ ~. = ~ ... .. '" ~ '8 1 ST. THu~AS, ONTARIO. i:1\.A.1 6.th, 1958. THE ELGIN COUNTY covwrr'rTEB met at the court HOUse at 2 p.m. ALL ~tr. William Cooke of D.H.O. 'liaS also present. were present. TllB j\rr.l~UTBS of the A.pril Meeting 'liere read and ap"proved. THE FOLLO',^l1NG Rl';SOLUnON 'liaS passed:~ J. BARKEJt IT 13'1 TllAT t.he following County 11.oad ,\ccounts oe H. "LIDDLI~ SI~CONnED BY approved for payroent;~ pa1 List #12 ~ , 767 .35: pay List lf13 ~ ~~5, Ml. 83: pay List !fl~ ~ ~~42, 109 · 62. THE ENGINEBR REPORTED on the >aorK to date, stating; ll),work on the Phillmore Bridge was progressing. \ 2) APpro:r.ima.te11 12,000 cubic yardS of Gravel had oeen stock- C l\.RRIED ~ l3) construction on Road 45 bet\1een l1igh'liaY 73 and Road 40 had piled at port Talbot. been completed. rrHg FO'LLO\'Jl'NG \lIaS passed:- D. BURC:d~~~3S Irr BY Tl1AT "re empower the County Engineer to call tenders 13. NB"\TI1JIJ ST;COHDKD B~i for 1l0t-tJ1i:r. pavement for south gt. from Victoria St. to Queen SI:.. ....) in t\ylmer. Cl\"ftH.lgD · ,""";"~/- 2 ST. TH.OW,S, Owrl\KI.O. }fiay 6, 1958. TllE FOLLO\'IIl'IG RESOLUTIOn was passed: ~ H. LIDD1J'F~ IT BY TH.RT ~he Chairman and warden be empo'liered ~o D.' B\JltC:rli~~:)S BY accep~ ~enders for Ho~-MiX paving in Rylmer. . Road !f46 a~ ~he Oxford Coun~y Line in t.he TO'l'fD.shiP of Bayham SALE OF cer~ain Count.y owned proper~y near vIas disCUssed. RESOLUTIon was passed:~ J . IT 'BY D. BUIt(}i'SSS 'l'le sell ~he proper~y o'lined 01 ,t.he count.y on LO~ 5, concesSi()n 10, no~ needed for Coun~y Road Rllovlance pur'poses. The purchaser t.o fence ~he land and pay all le:;al f0es and surveys. The purchase price ~o be ~r)OO. 00 BY ~hrough por~ BUr\'lel1 ~o t.he Eas~ Be3.ch was raised. THE QUESTI0N of ~he eJCtension of lligh'liay {f19 rrH}~ ~'01.J'LO\i'JING 'iJlraS nassed ~- J. , 'B. l~EVI L11 lrr\JJ BY THf\'r 'lie reques~ ~he 1'1inis~er of Highways ~o assume t1 . cer~ain County Roads and Village s~reet.s in ~he Villa:;e of por~ Blu:we1l as an ext.ension of Hi[;hvlay ,jll9 as previouslY pe~i ~ioned. BY . 'lias ins~ruc~ed t.o 'lirite ~he Minis~er gi"ling complet.e det.ails. - '3 - sri. ON~ · , 9'" 0- 1tV.\':{ b, 1 ? () · . ' ~rr VOD~ ropstr~tiOn 'liaS raised. oase for co\J.Pv:, ,\. G.<.). , rr B.t~ . . ..... 'f,fe"; cI'Vl-l' n\"1 p'ra1'r\,.ll.ar of' 1'VleD ,,""'1-nl~ 0> "~",, Q '" - , ..L C. ,,) v.J. <.:> TrrsF01;\~O\ill UG "V'raS passed:- IT 131 ~ ..." "n0'ipeer to obtain 'n1.h'~ 'lie empov,er the Go\J.nvJ J,', '" H . tlIDDt;r~ J . ;)'gOO l~\DgD 13':( prices on scales. CJ\BItlSD · B. l~E\IrlJll l'i 131 'D. B\)IlGI~~)~3 . l' ' to meet, on Th\\rso.a1, '~1:1.i\ 'i' t,he w\eet,1-Pib aC 30urn, 5 E1C 0 l~;D'gD '61 June 5th, 1953, at, 2 p.l~. //~#?/ ~~- "'l"~'U"'~ -~ 1\. .!:\,l. ,,\,1. · ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO. A.PRIL 8TH, ~958. _/ THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at ~he , Court House at 2 p.m. ALL MEMBERS presen~ with the exception of Ree"le Hunt.er of so~thwoldt Deputy Reeve John Hux attended in place of M. B. ~~ccoll. ~~. William cookeof D.H.O. London also present. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION waS passed:~ IT WAS ~O\TBD B! J. B. \JULSON SECONDED B! B. NEVILL THAT the following county Road Accounts be appro"led for payment;~ pay List * 9 ~ $1,367.25: Pay List #10 ~ $4,455.11: Pay List #ll'~ $21,251.18. THE MINUTES of March Meeting were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE waS filed. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on work to dat.e, stating {l) An Inst.rument man had been engaged for the summer: {2) A Cul"lert ~aintenance programme had st.art.ed. (3) Clearing of t.ress was complete on Road 3~ M.C.L., and had commenced on Road 13. {4) Wat~ers Brothers of springfield had oeen engaged to stickpile g,ravel from Lake Erie at port Talbot on ~he farm of John Kerr. THE COMMITTE~ expressed their desire to rent construction equipment by the hour for the season, preference being gi"len t.o Wa~ters Brothers of springfield. _ 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRiL 3th, 1958. GRADER TENDERS 'liere e~amined and disCUssed oY the committee. TBE. FOLLO'll1NG RESOl~TI0N 'lias passed:~ IT WAS MO\TBD 13! J. B. \JULSON SECONDED 131 D. 131JRGESS TllAT 'lie purchase an Adams 660 Grader 6~71 'liith Qenera"l i!\ot.ors Diese~, from J. D. AdamS company Limj]:; ed, paris, ontario, as per their Tender of March 26th, 195B, for the price of $19,330.00 Net, 'liith the 194"lCOunty ~12 Adams Grader as a trade~in~ J. D. Adams t.o recondition out' 610 AdamS P"lO'li and Wing; to mount on the 660 AdanS for a price of $500.00, as per their Tender, suoject to appro"lal of Depart.ment of Hig;h'liays. C1\.RR11~D · THE ENGINEER read t'liO letters from ~tr. Art Gater od Department of nigh~aYs, concerning the resurfacing of the county_owned portmon of High~aYs 75 and 77. TllE ENGINEER reported on the req.uest of the TOwn of Aylmer for ~ork on south street in 195B. THE FOLLO\iLNG RESOLUTION ~as passed:~ fl. LIDDLE J. BARKER IT \~f\S rJiOVED BY SI~COHDED B1 THAT the County Road Committee a~ee to pave south street east from Queen street to 'J'ictoria Street and place a seal Coat. on Elk from Victoria stree to No. 3 nig,h~aY, as per the reQuest of the To~n of Aylmer dated April 7th, 1958. CA.RRl ED · - 3 - ST. THOrvlAS, ONTARIO. APHIL 8th, 1958. THE ENGINEER presented the Tenders for Materials and Supplies, and explained the various tenderers prices, etc. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS were passed:- I ~r WAS rJIOVED BY J. BARKER SgCONDED BY H. LIDDLE THAT the Tender for Materials and Supplies be accepted, and that the County Engineer be empowered to buy with rlegard to quality and price, subject to the approval of the Dlepartment of Highways. CARRIED. I'r WAS MOVgD BY S]~CONDED BY B. NEVILL D. BUHGESS THAT we offer Mr. Lorenza Holland on Road $ Dunwich a new fencE~ to be erected in exchange for 17 feet of land to widen the County Road Allowance. CARRIED. This fence was not supplied to Mr. Holland in the war years as there was no fence available. IT vvAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL H. LIDDLE THAT we change our Overhead Charge on County Labour from 12% to 20%. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER presented various Tenders for a 2-man Chain Saw, and discussed the problem. - 4 - ST. THONillS, ONTARIO. APRIL 8th, 1958. THE FOLLO~rrNG RESOLUTION was passed:- IT vvASMOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. BARKER THAT we purchase a McCulloch Model 99 Chain Saw with 5011 Bar for ~~lI-62. 00 plus Helpert s Handle, from Elgin Farm Supply, subject to the approval of Department of Highways. CARRIED. IT WAS DECIDED to inspect the Avon Gravel Pit on the East Road tour and the Road Inspection carried out this inspection. ROAD INSPECTION dates were decided upon as follows:- April 15th, 1958 - West End April 22nd, 1958 - East End .leaving the Court House at 9 a.m. on both dates. IT WAS MOVED BY D. BURGESS B. NEVILL SECONDED BY THAT the Mee'cing now adjourn until May 6th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. /~>I~ -CHAIRIV1AN. .. , ST 0 THOMAS 1) O~lTARIO ~ MARCH SESS!ON~ 19;80 To 'the Warden and Members of the Elgin County CouncilQ YOUR ROAD CO~ll~TTEE begs to report as follows:- THAT the Department of Hi.ghways of Ontario has assumed as a Provinci~ 1 Highway" County Road #li,n 'tlhe TOllnship of Aldborough~ From ~ain S~reet in West Lorns to th(~ 'l'h;;l.wes Ri ve,r /I> 'fRAT the Depar'tment has also assumed a smal.1 mileage of Township Road in Southwold and Yarmouth Townships.) lNE RECO~mND:-- THAT a Normal Road Appropriation By@!aw be paa:ssdll 'to be allocated as tollowa:- Norma.l IvIaintenance Expenditure Normal Construction Expenditure $2g,sOOO "...-,,~,-~AQQ.Q $5~~5 ~OOO to l:H;J allocated as tollows; ~ Construction I~, n"tena:o.oe ....',.,.':~h~.,'".""""'".,.,,-~.,...~....~fi..''''''...;''....~'.,-'',,''rr',,1~.,-~ ~,C"c""",'-""""~'-n"""""""",p"~....r....."-"y.,,~ltWi:> Total ~t,~~WIt~'.1-lID Road.s Brid.ges & Culverts New Wachinery Mi a(~ellaneou.s $lSa2JOOO 52>}000 30~OOO 218s200 3;~OOO )b16 ~ 200 &'1 000 , 30vOOO r ",",,,.J--!.!nJtQ~Q 52521000 - ~~_'''''~h "'~'1"",1"""'-"""^ om<"."..!lJ:,~!U,"~QQ 285r;OOO $240>>000 ....,~......~.;,..,.~....,.." .".,........"..".".~,..",".,.--.,.-...,.._..,.,..- ."'....''''..,'O,.........",'''-..~..,..,......,...-~:''''''.....:h".'..~'"t --- fi,-'-~"',.."......\'''r,.,....~ M>>lJo:.r'"".....,.'..-;f ~ - Further breaking this down:- County Road Constx~~t1on Suburban Road Construction County Bridge Construction Suba~ban Bridge Construction llt;~OOO ~2~QQQ Total - $15g~OOO 4;~OOO .,.1JtQQ,Q. To.t al- $ ,~~~OOO /' ~~)? 2 ..J', ,~ ~~"' ,;; dl".~ C(~lJ1"lt;y" Roa,d r:Ia:i..ntenance fW\f..' .0') ~riV S"burban Road t~int~nance \' "' d\. ~!>> ~, tp <<, ( ~'b(') ~1 ,Y ZI t; 1-' tt ~;-;,') ROB.de &" a l;1 v ~;t 7 AIlsa RECOI\JD}lJB~N]) Salar'y COUt~t;y Engineol"b ~ Robe:t't Go lliloorf.1 j ; 1''lI,^'lP~'''.\}~;:'j I/J'1 o#'~ Ak t!",OO ''If"tJ.hl\'lllil&,9~.,> ~:'f'4~,....4~)'gi~'t yl., $6 ~J 600 Y.e.,.. ~ "'11''' ,.~ '9 r.; do ". ""'~d. ~~" """O;J! all a 1) peI~ on a. ?J 6u.bje(~t to the approval !)epaj~tmerrtj of of On:tario t~ -' ;' ":'t -.;l:J ..." "" MARCH SESSION>> 19:58" lN~ ALSO R.ECO{lr1MENO THAT BJtt"~law' No\) 1530 be rer.lewed tor a fu:tttther :lO...,ye81'1* period o Th1"s By-l.a:~l pel~a1.ns to the Laying of' Gas L1ne~ on C~~x~tain C()'Ull't':,y' Roads in the Port St{~tey Area by Gas COlmpany..~ Natlura:t AU OF WHICli IS R111SPECTFUI,LI SUBMITTED., ..----cnAIln~tr;;---~~..,-"'.--- ~, :::; k: T :1' ~R ;::=~~ lllu\KE & I~ODEL 9F ~~1~1l!!!!,,__~.~ .Adams Co~Ltde, 660 Adams {} ,~_~!, '.~ p;/~~',~ ,_~=,~~..~J1~~~t.,R~~,,_R_~,~__~_c._~~-~~' ~~!!.__;-~92,~ :":'",,\... . '-., ~, MOTOR SIZE, 2:PEED ,-~f,!...... Cummi:na HBl=600 6 cylinderG672 cUGin~ dis~lacement 40778" x 6n 150 HP 19OO RPM$ 24 volt system or ~71 GMC 6 cylinder 1600 RPM 150 HPo12 volt system ~~$~1;t:,~~,J;Q~ AQq~~.@RIES PF-+.~ Cons~ant Mesh Power Shift $24~480 g speeds forward Moldboal~d 12~ 4 speeds reverse 9 ~ooth sacrifier Adams trans- miSS,ion 12~ x 28" X* --.,.. ;;;'Y'~""~~""""_~_'"J_ ,......,_.-.~"....." ................__. ........_"'-.,'-""'~~~~~."-'-'..~.__,...._..'""'"...._,"L""-.,_,..,..................~,................_..l",'>'~;_""'"_""~"",-""~"",""""""~_,,,,.,,,,,, ._'~~.'_'___"_~ ~''i'lI _~'"~'_"".."'''' ,,~,.,...............'..~_.........~,_.'_ ."a;..',._..,...,_.."...."..,....,.....~... ,........_.........~"""'"-._'.-JI! " 10 Ballentine Ltd", , Galion 160 o ", ., ._'_'.' ~ .,:: _"'" .~, :. .:..... :J~.C::.__._,. ____.~............-.~_______._____.......-....., Compressed "Air ~qu.ipmen't. 'foronto G Huber vlarco !LOTE,;- I~ederal Equipment ~ Pettibone- Toronto . Mtu1iken 140del PI{c 12 Cummins H6Bl 6 cylG672 cu&ino displaeemen't 160 HPs 1800 RPMe 4~7/8n .x 6ft Constant Mesh 6 speeds forward 2 speeds reverse TRADE-IN II;.;,.,.---_....._.~ !)600 .~ NET --.... $19~$80 Will recondition ploW" off our 610 Adams to moW1't on 660 grader :tor $500 . ,_,~,",'.i",_._",.""..''''''''--''~"",~,"""",,,,,_,,,~,,,,,,,, _... ,.. ""_,~",,,~,~ ..., ""'.'~' "''''''",,jJ,,,_~ ...'_ _.".._"..........._'..__.~..~.,l:li_,.____........~....._,'-'....._'-.__._~_,,_,"i","~ Power shift $25~gg3 I\lloldboard 13 t 11 tooth sacri~ier 1.3~x29!txi $5 if 000 $20~8g3 ~~__......._.......,_...............___....-",....................,-.....,."-..:......_______.",...:...,"~,;L'.....',...~..."'-".....oJ-4,o-__.~ ,._____ -"".__......._""*--.....~__._---......__<.Y.>.......L_,.......~.............,....."............_."'--'"-~.......'---:_~__.~_._~~........;...."---'"'.JJ.~,,.".,.._...~_................_._...'....'_--I-,<>_--O._..~,-~.---~.,..,~....-.----._~._,.......-..-,.~~---~--_.~_~~ $25li200 Cummins JB1S=600 6 cylinder 150 HP at 2l}OO RP~I 401/8" x su Torque Conver'tor & power shirt transmission 4- speed Power shi.ft $28 ~ 200 Moldboard 13 t II tooth sacri.fier $3 J) 000 NONE OF THE FOLLOWING vmET SPECIFICATIONS .. ~~" ,_..,_. ~. .. .__....,._.,'........". , ,.~....,~., "... --,.J '", __,.. i,_..~.j... ......_....J.. .,._' "1"" ,.. '~'.I _"'"' 1 "....II...............:--_h>-....~.~A'_....'. ,_ ._,......_.".~.., ,"".. ....,..,.. ~.,.;..'" .,"........>-~.......L..'....._. .,;~~_....._~~'"'--'...~..............._"-"-'"-"-..--'-_.",....J G 1'.'-; J 7' e!~.l,@ 1+- ...... 145 HBe2100 RR-io """"_ 4. cylinder ,;-...h~,7>~~~.~~__.~..~_""'""__-:-~~-..:.,..,__......_____..~.'-'_.--<..................~_~_,__..............__.._<................~__..~._.._"-_.~ Geoo-~l GCrother Ltd~.$\ Ca'ts.L"pillar 1112 Caterpillar 6 cylinder' 4~1fx5in 115 HPo at 1800 RPM Torque Convertor with pOwer shif~ t~ansiidssion Constant l~~esh 6 speeds ~o~mrd 2 speeds reverse Moldboard l)'x24"xi" Hydraulic I.io1dboard 121x24nx~n Hydraulic shiftable $24~9g1 $20$} 849 $39000 $1~750 $21~981 $19~099 tires 10 ply only 1.2 ply apprc<< $200 extra >- r~,- }3Rlk~!! SaX;(ier-fliassey '7.A....3 _~" 0 g l.i~U ~ ~ daJJ1:l.1'Gon ~ t.. IMKE & . z,tiODEL ,Q~,J~~~g~ -~._,. Austin Wes"tern ""'-- -- - -- -- i:fuper ~"'j .;",'~~,'U"~,___' "'c.-_....~...Ml.,."',_.,'~,..."....'.~'-......~,~,..,..,, '-,'...... ,-,_,"~..t .. 'j...~,_""':,_,....__......... M._,.,;__" -.,..~ '_ ......"..u..., ..".."""".".. -::. . f ' J ~ . .. >--.. . .; I .... ~ I'" _. HOlEOR SIZE, SP1SED ~HP to _~~_"~....o..,,,--..,,-,...,.,, .."",,;:fii' GMCe4 Cylinder llS liP e a't 1900 RP~i~ ,,,.L. ,_... . ~.........",..",,,._,..,"......,,,,.,._.......~.' ....,,'~..,. ,."q,.., ,~."'.' .",',,1 ""-"'."'-"~' ..~._...,. I:@ Baxter Ltd., Aveling Leyland 'roronto Barford 100 HP Gl at 2200 RPI~i~ MJ-100 Made in England .~:-",":,'1"t;l;;:~,.......t>,:;;~~~-"""--....,,...~, "'._Il_."'. Dom:tn:ton Road Wi:..! r; h of neY'V Sales "' ..'~.' v..... .r~ ... tI : .\". e ji (~oder"lchiJ Chm;1Pion n-,6S ( 2 TRANSMIS'SION Uh......~..~ ....._.,".,L..".. ..'.' .;.....,.... ~,'_~~."...,J COlls'ttan't l\'lesh 6 speeds fOr\~ 2. speeds reverse Constan't ~!esh 6 speed for-ward 2 speed reverse ./ ....\ ACCESSORIES .....,..." ""'_'_'IIM"~'\'"~'" ..... ~~!CE 6-wheel $26~173 dx'ive 6e:-.o\iheel steer 13tx24.f:x~'ff Hydraulic shif1Pable 10 nlv t;~A nn'v -~ r. _4~_ -~~ $19~998 / I TRADE-I}'\l { ~~.._,_..-'-"-................; $6$173 $2t700 . '"'''' .j"-" .""..;.;..' .._... ....... ,_.~"..~.___...",..._........._.....-"'....^._.,....'...".,...._....J ~la.de $7 ~100 Torque Convertor & power shift transmission 6 speed ~ r"'>=___C___,_,",_'_""__" ..' ,....' ,...".,.w......,..-.'''..'''."..,.".,............,.'..''" "."_'.'N'""__._~_~.._.,._,........,,,....,..',,.,......... "',." -~,."'~'"-~~_....".,,...," ."" ", ...,",...".",'. ,..,.... 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I ''f;(t . ~ .. . .. ... €I . .- .. . 8 lit I . . 0; ~. ~ ~. t ,..,., ~. ~ I ';li; . * '. Va .. ~ 0' ~( '" t1 TENDERS FOU r\l1AtrEIi.IAr~S AND SUPPLIES ~ """""'-''''''MM\Mt,~:~,~~#~",,,;~,,,,-,,,,}.l...~~~3-~U~_51~;r~;:~~-..':!:;i1o.;~:;-jI>\I;;.{~'llt\fff~,*._If.i'I,!~:llH':flt1'\%;if!' 10 STONE AIm SAND ~n~_~~~.~"p.t:;4~~~ HAGERSVIl,!~QUAnRJ:I~B III1\4ITEIJ CJl~UGA QUARR.tES r~I~1ITED HALOIMA~~ QUARRIES ,& CONSTRUCTION, LII~~~D CANADA CRUSHED & ClJT STONE F' ~) 0 111 B ~ HAGERSV:i:LJ~E ~ ) J~TD t) ) 2~~, 1" ~ 3/1J"tf 11 112i~ a~nd Gl"u,shed. Run ..~ ~~1.~)Q() per ~Gt~n 31St! Chi,ps tm 3jlo3Q pe:~'\ t(ll~r, Cli:n(l('~i QUa:t"ji,.'lI~tes ~",. ,$1'0 2;; pe:l~ ton, Screen:tllgS 'Q 60~ per FLIN'fKOTE COh~ANY OF CANADA ~ FeO~Bc PARIS ~If~"""__:",-,,,,,-,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,'<\"""'"',''"''''~'''~'I'''','''."'~''''''"''.'''''''''''''''''''''_'''''''''t'...".,... ..~..,..-.,'_.-"..-',.~ Was hod Sand 3181t Gravel Orushed Run Pit Run Oo7S~ per ton 1030 per ton Oo65~ per 'ton Oo30~ per- ton <;;;) .. - C"'.... 2.0 -"~."h-""""""-r..t.d:Jj>:.tl'.~~~ (a) ~*~l!:~JY&~JJJ:l~"."QQ!~~rA~.!_Ji.t!:t&.~;Q.!l :{i" €l 0 W B '>> SAHNIA D v HIll 0 Ii} P:L~jJn€:lt, 1\11<<, I P ~\ Asph.~llt~' l(L" C ~..Mf3C He; C ~~ 0 iJ:. .,~R Ie' C (~\) 1'1 <:l 6rp g~\llOl1 '! ""'" 6A. "1 '1 ~"'~ .,,:1 0 ~.. g:a.J""on t3Th 11 ~16" g:aJJ"on lao7tJ; Su;:c~f"latje T1.l\€~atmellt. P1:':i.m'B Road I\ilix Mulch CJ:la!'g~)~~ apP:t~oximf1t14el:s>>' 2o:)~ pel't gall.n:!}. l} (h) Dli.H Oli' r.it" c ~) 0 f.l R{tC",OI,> #';0 ~j 6~ "'* l~ 0 ~ 13 Q EJ~GI>>f OOUN~;Y ;lO q) 6~ P'J {:1 t"; G 'I' { \ '. ,~ .:'~ .l.i ~ B HA!\ir(J~~rON ~~IA - ~9w8~ 21~S~ t:;I~":i '\" 1 f~'!1'" ~(.~~...~t",Jloii..\ Gha:K't~eS .3 ,,'t3~ gall(n.1 anYt'1hel"li'f~ in Elgi.n Cr,rf.iro:tiY .' 30 (d) - 2 G'.-il ROAD AIltIa'!LIt"~r..,--' ,~lmL:(i~LS_~~~,~",_1i5j. ~~~J.;J;~W~Q'~F~A!!_QUM1\Il.A ~. F GO~Bo L01~G BRAMOl!. 10011.8 , tD 21 ~ 6tt gallol1t all grades j:r'-.a.nsporta:tioncheJ;;~ge,s .3 03 f,' gallon anT!i3herein~ :Elg~~n Oounty 0 CANADIAN BITUMJJI~S COMPA~[ LIIvlITED "',~ .F t;Q~B@ '1~OROli1~O ~~~~.,-,.....,.....-~...~~.., ,.......~,.-~....~...~~v~a$~~l!'..er:::;'Ill'w~9M~41..""""'..".-_..~-lt BITillJ1ULS -"'---".,... t\I!O All Grades ~ 21$6i gall~n OJ.ltC:CUM: CH.tORI])E ":'','l\m~~~~IC.'\0''''~'-'".,:,-''~''ltUl<~'''l-''~~..!.~; &- "'i! .tJ 11!!J!lim~l1Q~UL,.~-~N~*.PL~L~, "i..\l"~e:>..11 "~"'i.. "'.. 0 'lit"s gJi V~C^'I '\!,,>':\J......W' ,Ii!""" ~.,.'1..~.u.~ 1'.,.. ~.J.;,.;p,ii<..l.il, . v.~~.r.it'3 "Via Tho~npc1on Truck:tng - [I~rJ~D ~ If ~ 0 1P 13 ~ 11.r~'I11.tt':8BURG ~ :J..;;'f'>."'''-:::;:'. ~.. """ ,Q~"VJf~r \.fOAl e@ 1f.~O pe:~..~ tc~ri 1 q; 20 l)Gl~ ton. ~ft., 0/"'. i:'Q l"1"".. 1..t) .$... ~.. 'F' "... "It".... J .~..... n'1l.1 t:iJi'i' ,.."', t:~^ I!'~d ~i~....a-.e~ (~ ",JI %tJ,.,~;.t-t\.""" t:'l)J...lJ. ll;}qU:l. \i'a .enlt ,a1' .t....l.:,~i!..~".'" 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".' .." :-" $' . ,. ..,..,~ · "', c..::;l;~'" 'DoR ~~t".,~,"a"''' ~ t\ ' j ..t.""..V<4~"'''','!''~li.I _,1",,~ - F ~06Bo Elg5"n (Jo1;tn't"W ..rJ:.I\ .;r 'h ..~ ~1t'&'.)~ "ll ~.~~~ ~ ;:'.J'~ p.:~Yt-1~~ni; lllth:ltl ~~Q. da-9'~' 1'\1 A 1\1:\ rH'l, ~"llE1Iflr;;l'il;me ~f~''i\r(K] ~.! ;;.,.i~.Ju!J.at v .~~!.i..:,d.1l J:. 'I,,~ ,) ,,,:I,f,1l. . ~.'\l\\::';l;i..~''';:';.,1'''t..'''4~'tI$'..!1~'\'v'Stt'ia~t':O';lo:.&M. .90 :1.n ptipe1{! - F~O@BG Oounty .'~'I'!<'tt~f.'!ll.".V'lltl;.. l.,. r:!t.j i!.",...:;,.!!& 8. 91& 100 "'" - 3 - IU1~J) l(AI :.;r~~%".".d..~il,.llJ!Iol'<<1 PI I""""',..,....,tf".....~;""..#.. A. COfE,. SONS - 1\S PER LIS! NIAGABA OOHORE'fS PIPE LieD- tt " ft :aES! PIPBLIMt'llD N If" It aoaaUQ, ~,.'""..","""".'I A1U400 DRAINAGE & )1E!AL Plt.OnUO~S I ... OANADA OUJ..VF.Jl! CO~1PAN1' LIl:{!ITED - ROSOO METAL & 1\ool1'1No, PRODUOTS J...m- ROBma,TSTlEL (OANADA) LTDti *' WESTEEL PRODUCTS LI~I1t,gD ' ..~ THE !'EDLAR PEOPLE Ill>>. - CORRUGATED PIPI OO!irPANI LTD. ... HUBBELL &. SOliS - AS PEa I.IST 1t It It '# f' tI tit U 1t 11"" tf .. U 'it ,t ft n ft ft if '. '11<..... 1\1I f~,Q~j~"~""~",,,,JI~!,J9Jt~..~ flY!:.:. Gu,1 de Rail White $ $3 ~ 90 per ga.llon Bla.ck ~ $3Q50 per eall.on ,9~""gO!WANI~~~Ql~QI!.t. ;$ ARME! PAIN! OF OUlLPH. Guide RaU Yellow ... $5 ~,H per pllou Or81ce Enamel - $o@69 per gallon ""lI&=J~:L~ft,.""pg,.".",,~t!l. Guide Ratl Bl,9ck - A301, per gallon Gu1dEl Rail Yellow - ~~;; per BallOD. etc3 i9AlU~~l,~:,,,g9HPJ!)Lt".'i~Am~. au1dE~ Rail \lb~:t. - $i3 0 75 per SaUon G\U~d'. Rail Black - $3G1S per ..1.\on ,NQR~IJNiBM",."pA):n ~,..l.~:m,mI,tl".",.QW3I.!Q~vi\~It'-. Red J:Lnt:t-Oo:J.~oslve .m !5e$S per lallan A1U~Wf4 Vel1iO,le ... 3w70 fer pl).cm (Spec11'l1 f1Pe) Altmd.num. poweer .. .1075 per lb<t (Spacial Type)-- Uo t~Al~, ._tl,II.~~Mo NICHOLS OHEMIOAL COW?ANI ~ AS fIR LlST OHIP>>WI ClSmOAL COMPANY - tt " · CHEl4J:OAL SPEOIALTIES ACOOC '1-1 e tt tt ft ," j f$~ A, _ ;e: 12() I~NgXJ~g"" :l,S~,.". Sim_~"".\rr.R~,.,..",,-Q2.a-..~ 9M~~~12 \11re 1'1 Posts 161t Ga'be8' L'ON '."';."\IlIr'""-"~'I,"" ~ $1.331 rod~ r.o.a. st. Thomas. - ffllf7~# 'each .. $~~15.ach "Mlt r.wt ~~1031 t~od ., '\tO~B~ L\tcan - nB9t! each .. $23.7; each 15., t"Q)O per b.undred lbs() base price. Sizes, Qutrting ud Bending extr'a. 'p~~J"..,.,Q9k~ABt,",QE,., ..gA!l!1!!~~ $; Clt30 per hundred lbso base price. 16~ ltQSOOE NE!AL & ROOFING PRODUC!S J ~ D ~ ADAI.iS OOMPANY Ll}4nTED 17tl ST 0 THOMAS ME~AIf SIGNS.. LIMIB>> 10800 METAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS 19.", g~_","!.,~,!.J1Ai~NgG ST it moMA.S MSTAL SIGNS LIMITED ~ge~a~J~mt,.mU!tt..WQQlt.~BQ!!Y!D- . . ~ .':. CA1\fAOA ca~osonHG OOMPAI'lY LIMITED ~"t. i\S' >'II 1'!0.'!! i.:i ;t ==~ t\)~ .. .. ~ t- t-tt"'iJ..-i H ill 14. ~ ~ ~ o;.\A" ~~ f4 i 1 i f~ g5 ;1 CO j d ~ I 0 i ~td~8 (t $ (i ~ i1 ~1 11 trJ .,., i r;;"" ('t et- a 000 ~ a ~~~ trJ t!' m- l <i. a f'd~ ~0 ~~ i It: . '. ..'......,.......... .1.-....; . "',"'. .",'< . I ... " it' -::,,;9 I!....,...... ......,. .5' ,Ct " I' I 'i- t Ii .. .~.~ . I I .. I I I ~. .~ ~. I .. d I ,p i .. r c I <t. .~ ~ I o o C ::0 -I J: (I) 0 -I ; ~ rr1 J: o ~ )> tn o z :-t ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NIARCH 18TH, 1958;. A SPECIAL ~ffiETING OF THE ROAD CO~WITTTEE was held at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL lVIEMBERS were present, with the exception of Mr. H. Hunter. MR. J. D. THOJ.V1S0N, Clerk-Treasurer, explained BYrLaw Number 1530 to the Committee; this bE~ing a By-.Law to enable the Dominion Natural Gas Company to lay certain pipe in the Port Stanley Area. THE FOLLOVITNG RESOLUTION was passed:- IT WAS IVIOVED BY J. BARKEH SECONDED BY D. BURGESS THAT we recommend to County Council tha.t By-Law Number 1530 be renewed for a IO-year period: By-Law Number 1530 pertaining to the laying of Gas L1:p.e on certain County' Roads in the Port Stanley Area by the Dominion Natural Gas Company. CARRIED. COMMITTEE ADJOURNED. 1~,." I .~. ~.. ;1'.1,.., ^, ...'.." "',1/../ /J If' / ~/ /~-, A j~,~ .J-(;bA .4- v ' , \GHmtMltN.' , , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. "f:;1arch 7th, 19513. THE EI,GIN COUNT! ROAD COt-1M1TTEE met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL WlENBERS were present, ALSO PRESENT, Mr. William Cook, D. H. O. London. THE MINUTES of February 13th Meeting were read and ~'" approved. CORRESPONDENCE waS filed. THE FOLLOVnNG RESOLUTION Was passed:~ IT WAS MOVED B! D. BURGESS SECONDED B! H. LIDDLE THAT the following county Road Account oe appro"led for payment:- Pay LiSt. #6 ~ ~il,211.58: Pay LiSt. #7 ~ $3,946.33: Pay List #8 ~ $11,998.91. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date. He alsO stated that the Department of Highways had assumed count.y Road #1 from Main Street in West Lorne to the Thames River, effecti~e Feoruary 25th, 195B. THE REVISED BUDGET adopted at the ~eeting of February 13th, 1958 was presented and diSCUssed. TENDERS for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel were examined and the following, Resolution passed:~ IT WAS MOV'ED BY S"ECONDED B'Y THAT we accept. the Tender of Canadian Oil companies Limited for supplying Gasoline for the price of 31.8~ per gallon, including tax, and canadian ail companies Limited for the supplY of Diesel Fuel to White Station, for a price of l7.6~ per gallon, excluding ta~. The canadian Oil companies Limited t.o install a tank and pumP for Diesel Fuel. The foregoing is all subject to approval of Department of High'liays of ontario. J. BARKER B. NEVILL CARRTED · - 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 7th March, 1958. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. B. WILSON THAT we empower the County Engineer to call on Tenders for a 150 H.P. Grader, with the present 412 Adams Grader as a trade-in. CAR.RIED. A REQUEST from Walter Nelson to buy certain .property near County Road 1146 was left in abeyance until inspection by the Road Committee. THE ENGINEER presented a report on County Road Workers Wages, _and made certain recommendations. I 'r WAS rJIOVED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGESS B. NEVILL THAT we accept the County Engineer's Report on the V\fages, retroactive to March 1st, 1958. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. BARKER J. B. WILSON THAT The County Road Committee raise the salary of Norman J. Chaplow to ~~4, 500.00 per annum, €lffectiveIv1arch 1st, 1958. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL D. BURGESS THAT we recommend to County Council that the Engineer's salary be increased $600.00 for 1958, to $6,600.00 per annum, and he be paid mileage on a basis of 10i per mile for the first 7,000 miles, and 8i per mile on ~he remaining 13,000 miles, to a 20,000 mile limit. Subject, to the approval of Department of Highways of Ontario. CAHRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. March 7th, 1958. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. BAH.KER H. LIDDLE THAT we increase the salary of Mrs. MarJr Schmalz $10.00 per month, effective March 1st, 1958. CARRIED It IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. B. 'WILSON D. BUHGESS THAT the Meeting adjourn, to IDlget on April 8th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIEDn "// L~~~ (/" -, v CHA.r!tMAN. ~c,1 i ~t H\ ~ ~lg < U I 01 ~ c,"j t <, l t,1 I ~ f ~ 0: 'f,~ ~I I (}')I ~I I ~I ~ ......1 ~~- ~ ~ ~i ~i -1 E-zl .... ~ ~ u I H ~. ~.-l 1>4 a ~<i e; E=t.j f~0! ~zi a.~w' ~= ~( 65i ...-J! 0 ~ ~~I ~Hi p.~1 z~ <~ ~l !''tI~'! ;=;:1 -I ~-' '<<J .?' t%'>; {'" i;r:n C{~ ,ft~ <rl: "d ~J' ~ d ~I ~i ~l ~I O~ O! ~~;t::> ~ Q ~, '1'j m t: a ...=--! M o ja-e r-'i 'F' {3 ~H '~ ~ tJ.:-;i.rd -~~ o ..{,~~ ~ ~} s. :~ l~ } ~ 0\ \ ? .::> ,:;} "9-..... ~ "''>= c~;.~~ ,... Q> (\;~ ,(;"\ ~~ ~ W ,) j i i t I ~ ! ~ f 1 I l i i i i % ~ ~ I t ; I I ~ , '" t,-- ;Fi1 ~t~-"~ t ~I i-4: ~-~ ~. C:H ot ~ ~ ~ ~ Co ~>\ ~. ~~ o o 0' ..",'~ .: .;.:~~~ "" f5i tV? r.;--;': (~~ [.'r;~ i>"f- ;;-',! ''''t~~ ~~7: "'" )~::; ", ,;~ ;,f':'"i:;. t'i\ s .;,.-,<~f i'>~\ ~,.-..:J o ,p"t'\~ ~ r-'i ~ ~'JZ-''.!: t'~~~l {r.;": ;.' " ~Ii f. ~,... ,;:, ~';~'''1 !:',"""'J t~"'.B :;fj t'H"1.$ :::'''"'..J '-' .; r:""i r~J 'b~~ f"'~ .~A lij" ,,; g ! .. ~ ., ~ ~ " ~ .t ~ ~ It " fl ~ ~ it ;; ~ h f ~ ~ ~)," ~t -i: : ~ i: ~ J ~, !/l "f-,~ '.....:.".~,1 t, ."; . F'U"i ~ ''i;; ,-3 () ~~: ..!~~ ~; 1[;; C$ ~~.~ ~:) *" ~.1l ~il1 E;~ "v ~$ ~:\~ t~~ 01 ~ i~~ J~ ~ f:1 i-if f:J ,.~ eil ;-% ~ .~ ~~ ~~ ~~rq o :;$ l~ ({k~ .....' {~ ~r~ o tf) ?';)i~~1 o ~: ~~ $1.a b.", fit ~d f.:ts ;~ -2 e:~ l~..~ -i"'" tP4!) d~! C:~ a ~ f~ ~ (.I) m p.,~ .........<r<-1 ?:...~ ~ ~t~; ~i} ~..., 4''''1} t\i'~"M ~'''''' ~ "-..# \lw' ~ ~iOeM ~..;:j~, t.g o ttJ ~ ~~ f;" t:J ~ t~ ~ ~;4 ~ t~ ~$ 1>1 ~ P-i f~ (J) ~~ ~~ ...;.;0 &,~ ~2: (} 1;~ ~ '"e1 ~rt t""'l <t.i J...~ ~ w~ ~:\ ~~ ~~ ~t ...~~ Ftg .\>f ~ et~!i . ~ ~~ mi ~a ~i ~~ ~'2 0 ,d r:1 :~ f'~ :g ~~1 5 Q ~ ~1 ~ !l~ ~~ (> ~..) .", ~ f~ .'.) 1tif..J ~}.i c~ ~ t.'l ~ i;:;'~ r4 {j) F?l ~j "~pO Yes ~ {{~ ;1-~ ~1 ~ f:""'1 "i''1 o;.=f ~'\ ~ %.~~) m .f.) ,,~.').... 0 ..~ "Oo"d tj ~~ Q.) t:i . ~ ~;~ of! ~~ ~~~. ~1 (rj P:t (; 0) " r')9~ ..~~~ ~ ~J~O fl.r4 ~d .F"i tt~ >";0 "1 ~ 0\O..~ ,jl !}{4 t~ @ ~j tl} 0& ~t:i @ ~ ~....,~ ~ ,~) .M O?t)~ ~~~~ ~ G .P ~) ~- ~>>~ "d Uj ~Mf~ (}) v""ll 0 i M !~ sa "'. @ ~i :J tt)~~ ~J c ~ ~2K~.p.r~ m . ~~ i;~~ ,~~ ~a ~~i :1 \'"l~ ,~~ r;f~ v.$~ " ~Ji "Mi >~ ~~:~ Of ~JJ ~i "',J~ r:",t~ ~~~ ~,.~ ~rl~ wi~~ ~ lt~i N~1,j ~~i og ~* I! (t)~ """'~ ~'\4 ; ~~~ t~ ~d] $::t ~i iE:1 ! A., ti~ {{}~ f.~ 8uJf;t; dA ~ l7t {~.'_ ~~~ U-2~,..~ COUNTY olr EI~GIN "~~~lfl"l;!,I;;iR~l#lR'\'\..................ot..;..".>.,_~,"',^",,,,;.u_kIlL~.....;N.""'~''';)~-'''' ,_~~~"""..........~",.....,...",.....-,.,.",..,_.,..,.;,.~~~11 E ST I MAT E S .er~OI!;I,"~~~~~.ct$~-&1IllJ'-;........;....,~.--",.._....",.<<.M (}()NSTRUCTION f>:l~f.t1IW""""~,-."""~,_,....J...~,,......,~".,,,.~wmnt~1:\Ulttt)a:n~~"'~--"""."'''''''~A'~~ 1 1~..9.2!?~ lo~g Estima:te ~~~~~'~~;$'J:t(~~1O 19'8 COt.'n~v' COt~t ....,..,..~...~'^'.ttt~~:ll...d~#Jtb:~~~t;,(;(i'~~ S G\ A l) Roads ., g:ft t" ~.,C't!. N ~ ~'.!f)1 0 if' 0 13l)OOOoOO )!)250~()O S t~ A. ~ Bridges & Cul"erts ~-L)~Q.Qft~'lQ~, 1 3000 fl' 6*7 20>> 000 ro 00 O() ~) 00 $~~'l~ ., Qt:O ("0 "" 1) #' .,l ' (~ .' TO'!-Al. : ~r;,m$":all';nU':;J5VtW-NIt$ ~w:-..."".",,,,a-~_'''''~__'''_''''''''''''''''''..:r:8 Q~ciim~1;:ll.~\;{~~1C1f:f'O"4gt'n'lN'::~:,~ Brid~es & Culverts ?(~ 6';>>' 'ij 6s::. ;I:;, JI j; 0#..>.. $ ..:J 45 ~ OOO~O()) 93000QJOO B(rthwel.J.. Bridge @ gOl~- 60 fJ 000 ~ 00 @ ,~~ ~ QlliOOOnOO 6Oi)OOOeOO 9~OOO~OO 122)000(;,00 4v500000 ~Iew Mach.inery 38339;(v;O 302) 000 €I 00 1;9000(~OO urbs & Gutters and 9~845~79 10~OOO~OO preparation for paving 011. South Street Ca1.ava:y Road to Rutherford, and ifiIirlen r:tgh't-of -1ttra,- on Calavay Roa.d. South Dorchester -ROi1!~?P:t"":"'paVrl1g 111) 0 miles 10 ~ 000 I'i 00 Dun1trlch & Southltrold T'oWiisli{p~Ll1ie"'-'o""'- -Roaa:''''l})],.-=H:tg~hway #3 to Ions. Stat,io1tl - Pa\ring 107 miles 15jOOO~OO ;9000<;00 , 2) ()OOmOO 1 J)500cOO :Olln\-nch ~"'R()aalW"'il$ ... New Cur:c~:te lload - Pa1ji.ng .:3 ~ 0 m:tles )0 2i 000 ~ 00 1.5 tJ 000 (~ 00 'fi ..._ ._.'~. 'I)L~6 - High~f8,Y #3 to Ox.j~lord Count'y I,ine - Ps"ving J @O In:tlea 30,000000 1; ~ 0000)00 t'~radi.llp.: & Granular Base :"~{..~'tr:'L':-Roaif"ff)J;'-""""''''~- \\ies't. 01'4 BelmcH.l't <61 t) ?, nd.les 'rownsh:i.p of wi as tmin.steri >> ~(al~mou'tb, and Sou:th Dorchest'sr ...... COQof Elgin shart~ <lU 59000600 2 t) 500t; 00 ..., 2 ~ ,g;~~d~~7~!!~,..q~~~~. .~lJe J.l.Oa 7(0, , Con/ll 1 to Thames River D~nwich ~ lea miles .r-'--",. ' ---I~~~~~~rJ!l!.~~.~I1~~ Shackle'ton Dutton easterly approx.v 2@; miles Dunw:t.ch and Dutton Gradi -fi5:-i Con~llJh to \~ardsville Aldb~;ugh - 40' miles &~'.~.,~.~~~J\:~S~~....,g!:~~7Q..~~~PH~~~A IncJ..uo.ing payment 0 _anY. acq'Uill>ed 1957 fj not paid for Installation of Signal ~ Road #3.9, Incidental work on previous grading$ Tl~arf:i..c Counts and Surveys @ Richmond Hill and Bridge .. @ ;01& - @ 801' f$ ~rOTAI.. - County Construction Roads and Bridges TOTAL - Suburban llllAND TOTAL; Construo1;1on Construc~ion Total: Maintenance Total: !9:~,~",,~~~~~~,! 25>>000000 2S~OOOoOO 532)000900 8~OOOeOO \ 19~000000i. S >> 000 ~ 091\ '---' ~..,..".,...".., 31aDOOo~oO 20 OOOE/OO _......."..,~"''''"''~~ .12~,QQQ~..QO 39g,OOOQOO ...z~QQQ~~QQ '6831}OOOoOO ~~~~~ 'lOi'At COUNtry ASSESS1VlENfr 19s9: $1+0~41()~6)5000 ~all Rate ~ 7 ~alls provide $2g3~294000 1958 , ~e.~t;I.-9_~~~~ :1.2" 500 a 00 :12t) 500$00 :26, ;OO~OO Ig.1J 000 ~ 00 9})OQO@OO It)OOOoOO ---..... 156~OOO~OO _J~Q.&Q !~~Q,.!.QQ 1;91;9501\100 lU~22.~~9.Q 283~300()OO ..~~~ ,I U""~,,,,$ ,Q""Q,,, :q, ,N ,t,I "PF ",~,~..Q ,1:-11,3 ..T" ,:t"I~','rA,T,..B,3 II 4.~,. ,N ,~, J$ itA, ~" C,B S0AQ Roads .AnIt OVerhead dQAfJ B~idges & Oulverts gQYNl~ Br~"dge~~ &; Oulverts !it~g~ f>~ 8e~tl Coating, Resurfacing Gravel Roads }'fa,;..ntaining Grrivel Roads a.nd Shouldering Paved Roads Repaill1s to Pavements Dust Control Ice & Snow Control Wel~ds ~u1d. Brush Guide Rails Rai..lroad Protec't1on Signs Drains Drainage Assessmen1iS Ow....bs & Gutters - Springfield D:ttiching i~encing RebatS$3 to To'Wns & V~'lages TOTAL ROADS: T(JI'AII - I~()Al1S & BRIDGES: --" .~ } (J ) 1957,.q~~ 24,lS6.99 ",4,..:<<43 .3,:\ 2t!,300.00 195~,_.1i,~ ..~t., 35,000.00 S"QOQ..QO 41),000.00 19S$ Qq~~Y,J~q~~ 8,ltSOt>OO .",.", 'QQ,,~QQ 9,3'0.00 ~9,~,1~~.~,?3 6 ooo~oo ~",~Jt""""..,,,,.... "Q.,QQ9,f.,gg 77iQ029 IJl 70 1t8,;OO.OO 2lt$2S0000 2ft ,4$1 fI 68 261}OOO.OO 14.000(100 291)$26045 169000.00 8,000$00 J.; f) ;a2 0 96- 151)000.00 7.'00.00 1.3,44596'2 14t;OOO~OO '1,000000 1;t120~13 12,000.00 6.000000 $ tl21+9 1J:;:t 12,000,00 6,000000 $01.32 6 I} 0000 00 3,000.00 3,,682$19 4-,000.00 2,000.00 2!'353.24 39000.00 1,500000 4g263~)I{; 29000000 1,000.00 lSJ716~Ol 29000.00 11)000.00 395054 4IIIl'I .. 19$014 - - 21.1308092 .. - 20 2a6~Oo .,"'~ ~..SQQ,t>9.9. ,..~g,,~.2',P ~,QQ. .".."...."..,,,.,,,,'..,.......,'......,.,., ".- 223,741095 161 ,000.00 93,500000 aa' .,~" """""l""':"'~ ~'lr~"""'11 , II'. """",0\ 'r",' 243,,~;06Q18 211,000000 ,., 99$500000 .."....,.-- e<lol 2 <;::l) ~ - super1.n~tenden.ce Garage 9 '~lisc(;J..laneouS Repairs an.d .Tools Clari(~a,l 01~fice l:ns\U"al1,(;e ' l'Je!!U'li.{)nsl>> J:lc~lida1s ,i'l th PaY:ll Sick Beneri~ ~xnd Unemp:loyma;!lt. Insurance Ma.ch..iJlery o'\rarhea.d. J:ncfe~ase :tn stock oval\) plee'rliO\lS 1E~fl1~"!o 'rOTALS: ':rOTALS : (~Olulty Roads '-! B:~~\~dges &, Cul verr.ts, l\1tl~~(~el1aneous : S\lll\\rban ~ ~27-9E1!t 11 1958 $stimates COU1!:!!.Y: CClf,l't ~c,..,.,. .-...._,..,___..~._Pt4 .Jli."""""""',.~.~.'." JI..... 9$0;1966 llt'OOQ(/)OO 5~500\j)Ot) 6e;3a0071 6yj ;00,,00 )~2;O000 1~e97Q1O 211000000 1 ~OOo.4100 1~080(D 76 1~OOO000 500~OO 11)79305; 2,000000 1. ~ ;;00 (11 00 :3 ~ tl66eO!i- 11.la63~OO lt~ 000000 1~500~OO 2$271e59 ~",~ ,~,..~",.,.."..-.'-- 2a~20*$29 2~,OOO~OO ~.._'''.'''l~'''.'''''.''-- ...____..,..-c,......-....... 271~710~47 24;~OOO@OO 2a~3OO.30 40,000.00 ..~......~._...,.~_..- """"'"..--,.----- r.RAND TOTAL FOR ~~INTENANCE~ )00,010017 2a5,OOO.OO ...:.:::,~.::';~,;:.~~ \$i~~== 2~OOO~OO 1'5010100 ."lB>,....J......I......,.r~~I!';M~l~~~,~f't)l~ u~, :)oo~oo ~~II'~~..~..".~"" ".:.~... 1.14 ~ 000 Iv 00 9 ~:~;0600 ~......-.....-- .123 t:} 50 f.OO r:;~~=~~w'~~;,'U~.= ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO. February 13th, 195B. THE. ELGIN COUNTY ROAD coMMITTEE met at the Court. House at 2 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT, Mr. Vlilliam cook, D. H. O. London. THE MINUTES of February 7th ~eeting were read and approved. TllE ENG1NEER AND CHAIRMAN reported on the opening of tenders for a 1/2~ton t.ruck, a l~ton t.ruck and a 2~door sedan. A liSt, of the bids recei"led were e~ined, and the following Resolutions passed:~ IT 'WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT the tender of Kerr Motor sales, Rodney, for a Plymouth Plaza with a V~8 Motor for $1,100.00 oe accepted, 'Vlith our 1955 Dodg,e station ~agon as a trade in. CARRIED. J. BARKER J. B. WILSON IT WAS MOVED Bl SECOHDED BY TllAT t.he tender of Lyle R' Grant Motors for a 1/2~ton Che~rolet pick up for $1,807.55 oe accept.ed, and the tender of Lyle R' Grant, ~ot,ors for a l-ton truCk for tl,77B.OO, plUS a change in tires from 7.00~ 17 t,ires to 7.50 ~ l7 tires be accepted, plUS our 1953 l~ton pick up D. BURGESS B. NEVl1.JL as a trade in. CA.RRIED. A LETTER from school Area #1 Yarmouth, reg,arding a condit.ion on the Union Road, waS read. THE ENGINEER presented the attached Budget and Report to the County Road Gommit.tee. After diSCUssion, the Budg,et 'lias amended, as at.t.ached. ~ IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY - 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. February 13th, 1958 THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE PASSED;- J. B . vlILSON J. BARKER. THAT the Estimates as presented and amended by the County Engineer be accepted and pre~sented to County Council for approval, and County Road Rate set at 7 mills. IT ~vAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY CARRIED. H. LIDDLE D. BURGE:SS THAT the Meeting adjourn, to meet on March 7th, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. / /~~ ST $ THOf4AS j ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 1958. To 'fhe Chail--man and l:lembel'1>s of the Elgin Cou.n:ty Road Comm:tttee.. Attached to this Report you \11J..1 find a Proposed Budget for 1958~ In revie'f;~il1g this Budget many ~..tems MtlSt, be considerede ~!Af!!~~!!~J!Q~_,"_QQ.~_~S We have 25208 miles of road to maintain, of which 127 (07 is paved., During the past few' iP-eclrS much of the County I.laint,enance money has been dralim from ~lIa.intenance and spent on Cons"l;rucrt:ton<ll On acc()unt~ of the lack of 'time on the part of our workmen, and lack of money s our s~rstem is falling dO'fJtlD. tm;6ough lack of I:.taintenanJJe $ It, appears that we must spend ~ha money which the Province is willing to appropriate :tor Haintenance, 011 I<ia.il:rtenance alone" and rajlse extra money for mlY Construction that may be desired. Our largest Haintenance cost; if 5 Seal Coa.ting and:l by the expendi tUI~e of ov'er \~77>> 000 lit 00. la~)t year ~ i:tv is hoped that "'Ie have our l~oads fairly' good shape f' I trust that 046~OOO~OO ,~11 take care of our Seal COtlting this year, a.lthough this figure :ts variable 11 depending tC) a large extent on our spring breakupfJ Inj '4 """ '2 -- FEBRUi\.R! ~9,$. fIn 19S6 'Vl$ span'\i neat'~1 l)20tOOO.OO on Bri.d.gea and c\iI. verts t4a:in'Gena.nca. 'rhis amO\ID'\ifll,6re11 aera '\iehed 'Ghe surface as far as '\ihe \'!lOr1\. "to oe done \',a5 concerned. }Ila.U1 small narro'Vi eoncrete culverts oan oe replaced'Vl1'th et.eel eul 'Il'ert.s IllOl?El eoonomicallY>> and more <\uiei.dl>> 'than 'Wi'\ih conerete e\il.vert.s. our eoneret.e gang>> ao~e as it; 1a, can 0ti11 do a limit.ed amount. of 1r.o:t1\.. \ti..'\ih an increase in. t.heir '\fOrk perhaPS ~ can replace most. or 'the danserov.s e\il. ver'lis 1rli:t.hin. a period ot 5 yea"Cs. \ie have a large number of \)X'idgeS 'Vihieh 'Should oe paint.ed, in.cludin{!, t,b.e Cook axul Fhi.~lJllOl?e bridges; t.he Ot.t.Elr creek brid!>'" a:t. 'Vienna>> t.he RObbins oridge in SOU'linvrold; 'lib-a port Ta.l.bOt. bridge and 'lihe ',iU,le1S bridge on 'lihe ThallLes RiveX'. \'le have 60 bridgeS and appro,o.,roat.el1 l25 conere'te c\il. vertS on coUllt.y ROad S1S'\ie1l\. 'thUS '\ibis year 1rl$ ha~e ou.dge'ted. ror tj~O t 000.00 1n t;he nope of repl.acini soULe ot 'these smeJ.l. c\il. vert,s, and paint in.e; se"1eral bridgeS. 1~ ot oU'!" ~a:'1el roadS nave n.ot, been gs."a"1elled tor soIlle yearS, and alt,nough 1rle spent. ~2t\, 000.00 last, yea:t , 1I\u.ch of t,bis '\if8.S, in reali.t,1' const,',t'Uct,ion. In partiCw..ar need of g.rave~ are roa.ds i.n t\ort.h 50u.t.bWOld, j)\l.Y.\\'dcb and AldOOt'ough. 'fbis \dnt;er 1rle have e;ra.'I1elled ROadS *40 and j}ll> 1n. t!.I8.labide 'fownab.i. p. \<le do nOt, propose t,o gravel. e~ensi ve1.11 an1 road sbO'Vi:1,il.C; on our ;_yeax' p1.a.1l. loia1nt,enance of oU'!" gravel road.S sbo\il.d d,1mtn.ish a.s 'the mUea@;.& of road decrea.ses. l<iueb ,of last, year'S nearlY ~~o,OOO.OO _s const.ruct-ion i,n diS~~sa. our Repairs '\;0 I'avement,s 'Viill pro~ run, con.st.a.nt~ ~he 0ti11 'Via1 t,o lO'Vier t,his coat. 1S t,0 const,~t. be'G'Gerl "*" :3 c;O) FEBRUAR1 195$. l'oet.t.er roads ~ch have mot'e granula.'t' base a.nd. 'oat-tier d't'ai,ll.a5El. 'fbi-a p't'OUarome of 'oe'tiiat' roads \dll pay big d1 "lidends 'in 'tM fUti\11"El: ll)1llElritlg of 'I: ;ain:t.ena.nce coatil;.. \fIe pt'Opo~e to spraY all our CO'Jll.iiY J.i,oa.dS 'ld.t.h 'Vieed and \:)j'U$h killer, as most. t,01/ll:l.ShipB no'Vi sifJ:a1 t.he nlIljorit.l o! 'their roads. In t,'lme t.h1.S ,dll aSS 1st. us in ol11" _ad cu.'ti'ti1ng, out. \\f$ are of 'the op1rd.on 'that. 'lie 'Will al~1S baVEl to cu.t. 1. or: :; $wa;\ihS along 'the road.s1dEh Du.st cont.X'ol, lee a,I.\d snow cont.ro1. and aail't'oad ?:r:ot,2oti1on should remain 8.00"'14 the sanl6 as pre'\f10USllll A1.t.hOugh \fa 14hink trre shOuld. centore 1J.ne mork our paved road.s, no it.etl\ baS been inc1.uded, as t.M cost '\COuld. add consid.et'ao1.1 tio 01# 1,J.a,int.en.anCEl bu,dget.. 1118 1)lUS't repa.i't', and shOuld. pa1nt., oUt' auJ,.de RaUs, as varY 1.itt.1.e 'IlOrk haS oesn done in t.hiS rega.'td. in t.he ).aat few yea:r&' fOt' t,hi-a purPose \'(6 nave appropri,a.t.ed. e6,OOO.OO. OUt' Misee').laneous :l.t.elUS wiU 't'emain abOUt. con&t.ant., . "n.th t.he ~cept.ion 01 aeoat.e8 t.O 'fowns and. V1JJ.ages, \flrl.ch is 1.arget' on aeco'lWot of the proposed 1n.Ct'ease in mill ra.t.e, and. t.M larget' asse$~t.s of t.he 'towns and. Vi1.laSes. 'rb:i.s ~:\..ell\ of lIZ7,000.00 is ba.sed oua 1~ mill roa.d ra.t.e. ~s~j'L'LA\iEO\!l}.. 9.91~~pTI9l!.' our approVed budget. of ~M suburban cl)!Olllis$10n is s,pZO,OOO.OO for con.s't'fUC'tiiont lllOSt. of wnieb. will be uaed on , " t.he IJI1l1.l1.~Ollo Road e~ens1.on t.O Ri~h'\rta1 1;4-. Br1d~esl ...a.- fEBRUAR1 ').95$. IBrl-O:&es and nul vertS IloJd,es 'Vf1U. have '\;0 be iJl.Crease4 ~o e-.b'lEl US \i0 ~enQ. and. replACe o()ll.Cre~e atld steel oulvet"ts on '\ine road.S scheduled. 1;0 be g;;ta4ed. Soll\S ot.1'1el' concret.EI culll'oX"liS \'fill be t'eplaced if \ii,m8 and TAOu,ey permit. :t,.a.s.'\i year we spen.t oll'er i))a,oGO"OO on ita.'f Vll1cniJl.erY' ll>'l~i.n COunt.1 :is l'a'\iner un:\.q,l:te ion as mUCh e.a 1,1:. does fl\O&'\; of it.s COnG'\i~'\ii.on \fOrk b1 da'/labOUt' in6'\ies.o. of b1 con~ac'\i. 1. believe "tbis sa.lI'es the 00-1 a conaidera.b'1E: _ount. of 1A01.l.91- n~vet' , "tbis means "tba.t. t.he coun"t1 1l\\1St 0\'l1l oonsiderab').8 ma,cl:l'i.neX'1" and it must. be \(6pt. :1.n fi.t's'ti-,clASS sba.pe. 1. t'ecotll111Elnd 'that. '\ihe COun1iY purcnase l/2 'ron ?ie1.c.-'IXP 'll'\1ct., 1 ton P:S.c~up ~t. and a 2-noor sed,an AU'\iC):lll.Obi1.e. 'these i.t.e\l\s a.'t$ ~adY under 'tender - 1. e.l$O sugges\i trnat. 1AO t,rade our 194J. Adam6 41.2 Grader 1n fot: a. nevI GrAder of a:ppro:ldJnS."telY 150 \\.1'" 'thUS;1.t. trill. be possible '\iO use out' 19;1 610 A~s Qrader for wn.n.'\ienaneeand ~eru:.enoY cott.st;rUCt.ton onlY. our 610 AQatI\S o.ra.der baS proved. unsa:t:1.$ft.\.c1:;Or1 on cona'\il'\1ot.:1.on, as t.M part.s brea\{.age and doVl1\'Ui,me nave been considerable. '&1 plae1.Xl& 1t; on ).i.ght.ex' ~ot'k 1.t. migb.'\i be _e '\iO last. ;tal' several more years. 'I. a'lsa suggest. t.1J&.\i t,b.e COunt.Y -pUl"c1J&.se a used 'n"lilc'\iOr and. tlOat.. as t.M present. _thod tZ9 116$ of 'fI\Ov1n& olU: macbinerf b1 \)Sa of 2-2 "meel.ed t,ra11ere is bOth unsafe. Pod UJi).awful. as \~ have no bl'ak6lih -me balance of oUt' oona~;.on buO$G't i.8 e.e ~ on t;he 8St.uoa.t.es, and i,nc).udes all. ;.t.ellUl 8.8 8~ on 0\'# )..year plan for 19,6. 'I. t.bin\C. t;b.a.t. t.b.e OO&t.6 are 'tealis'O'1cl - 5 .. FEBRUAltY 195$. /rea.listlc I and doub't# if' they can be lovzeX>>tad and et~~ll adequately do the 1rlork. It the Department of Hi&h\f~r$ agree 1w resurtac~ 'the concrete p""" lfion of Road #3 ~and Road ,t2. ,.~TI1e will el1m1nate an item of approx1Jna.'tely V1S II 000 0 ()O from. our bqat. t't is', proposed to continue lOur surveJ,a on the 'Richmond Hill, SJ."J..lve at. a deflni~e route, purohase'the land and right-ot-\1ay:neoessary, and Bet plans land 0. ten<ler out. , , 'tor the' bridge, and possibly oOflunenoe Oons't;r\1ct1on. ,It a. sacrifice is necessary in our Q()nstruction budget, I. wo~d sugg~st 11i be :Ln the q,uant;':tf of mi:Leage that 'tlork is performed on, rather ,than 'the q,ual:lty of ~hQ~ work. Betiier'drainage and more base will pay oft in b&tte]~ travelling conditions tor the public, and :lOtler maililtenance costs in 'thEi' future. " ALL OF iiHICII IS RESPECTFULLY SUBI.lITTED. eIl.< .". 'COUNt!"'INGl.N.eER;" ; ~, ~L fLo ~ ,f~ , l~ ~2~_,:S~! 9"r!) J!~ ~ I ~.J.. _*Q,.J!~.., ~,~..,g.,,~~ !!. ,9...~",""~.,,'"~''' !"",~":\,,g.I:g 1:t...QJi s. A. Roads S,.. A. Bl'1dges 84 Oulverts Total: ~~~!\ 2,545.78 Ii Q Wl~2igj"T' ~1iI"'1ll 79000~67 ~~'iYI""i"j~I')I,.JII."".'.I",,!. .J~~""."", Bridges and Oul'Yena 29.1131.65 Bot;~lell ~ridge )(~ 8~ - Total ;;69 ,OOO~OO) t;! 50;& .. New )~ob1ne~1 38s395bSO Urban _& GateN & Preparatton 9.$0.'.19 for PaV1t.lg on 10\\'t1\ Street CalavGY ROlld to autherford, and tli.den rf.gh1;-ot-war OD Oalavay Roa.a. .'3, Resurtao1nS Concrete Pavemen'" _()'2~=:n~t Dutton .. a..urt'ac:Lna OO1\e"'. Pavement Sou.tb Dorchester ""Koafr 11,1';' 'ps:iins leO miles =~Ti~L~~~~~4 ., :""'~"'1l1ghwaT IlJ to Iona Station.. l>av:tng 101 miles p;a't - Ilew CUft'1e Road - , Pavlng ,.. 0 1111$. l1146 .. Hishwal iftJ to Oxford COWlt;y Ltne- Paving 3~O ntllea 13.000,.00 3,:!S04tOO ..J[Q22.[Q 20$0001,00 .3 S~~S(4)OO ~""""';""""'"'''''~ ItS,ooo..OO 601000",00 9,000,.00 40,000:.00 10,000.00 n,ooo.oo "'~I""."".~"",.~.lj.J~'illj~,,~ 9,()OO.OO 12, ()OO.OO It,. ~i009 00 20, ()oo.OO S.()OQ.oo ),!SOOvOO 4,000.00 2,C)QOClOO lO,OOO~OO S ,000.00 15,000.00 7J~SOOoOO ,o,ooo~oo 15,<)0011)00 )0,000000 lS.C)Of).OO - 2 c::> m~.~!:!,~~~Ja .19S.8 ~J~~I...9~~ DaE.!!. \1est ~et1S !ownahip of \lest;m1~Dste!). Yarmou.th, . and Soutb p~rcheat..r' "4f Oo.ot Elgin SbareS9000c-OO 2, ~OO()OO .VB Con~* to Thames.River Dun~~ch - 1~6 ~les 25,OOO~OO 12$~~O~,~ Ii', Shackleton Dutton eas"terly appx~ox",,' 2<l1; miles DtU1lf'dch and Dut'ton ular Base ......~.;,.ij"'\I<Iil',~...,..""'i'j,'i.. 2,/)000,,00 . 3..22);00000 ~_~~1!!:,~!l~.!! ~oa.u ,f" Oon~ 111 to .1ar"dsviJ.le A]..6.boi:oigh - 1.:~ (I) miles 5SJ;OOOvOO 27tl500~OO Miscellaneous Grad1n~ Oonstruction .--'~-a!ng'" ...'PiymGfit"'01...'.'~-~'-.".,~~ acquitted 19)1, not pa.id tor Installa:tion ()t Signal.. .. Road 19, Incidental ,10tf>k on Pl~V'..ous Gl"'ading, 'traffic Counts a11d surveys. lOtlOOO~OO 5 ~/OOO (100 Ric~snond Hill & Bridge Eii 5a~ ~ ~ ('t.Q" ,:J. 0 rjo ~~ l}-O" 000 tt 00 10,000000 20,1000000 2$~OOOQOO "'~J.>.,jj.I_..,~"",",' '......~...'IM<. _.J.+.""''III~''..-t'"'''' -~~_... Tote~ COtUl~Y Construction - ltoads and Bridges ttot~al . Suburban l}3J~ %I 000 ~ 00 20 OOOtlOO ......_ _ ~1-"ti~ .........-... 182~,500~OO GRAIID TOTAL - ComrtructiOtl Construction Total: 4S1$-,OOOt:lOO ltt6~4S0~OO 1~1sj.ntenance Total: TO!AL BX LAtf: -ll2a!tQa~ TOTAld OOUi~'!'I ASSES8[;ilSlfl' 1959: ;)40vle#70.63!t~OO 1~1111 Rate Approximately '1.65 mills. Ontar1o Department; of U!gl\ways J?,a.1s Cost of neaur.t'ac:!.1l3 CO!lCrete Pavem,ent on Roads In and 113" Total By La\!'1 $114-,000000 .,. ra1sed by CountY' $302,300000 Mill.. 1.IJ-S mills" 121*2 Jl Ig,~g~.~.~"!"""".,Qo"L",;tl;,~.~,;~",;J;,,,J! !.,J~J~Ji'r6~ ~~\,~",,~l ~t,~ "~"JU,.,~,~,,,,J\,,~,,, ~",.1 sO. Ao R~d~ alld O,erhead S. A. Bridges & Culverts Cl Bridges and ,~u1Y.rt8 ~-- Seal Coa~+, , Resurtacl~.9r~V~1, !loads Main'unS,ng Gravel Roads and ShouldeJ'ing 'Paved. Roads Repairs to Payem.eats DUI't Control Ice and Snow Control Weeds and Brush Gu,ide P.al1s RaUrond Prot-ect1oft Signs Drains Dra1nQ5e Assessments Curbs t.: Gutters -SpringfAeld Di'tcbing "i'ellcing Total Roads: 1/JJ.J." 9<<;J,~~ 24.1;6.99 .,It JaJ*ti~~ 26,300.30 19.764.23 4,~.i~I:1 ~ .. 71.029.70 2g,4al.6S 29,626.4; 15,582.96 13 .445082 15,120613 8,249031 $01.32 3,,662019 2,353024 4,263834. 1,716001 39'.54- 198t)7~ ," ",~9~~,~,,,,,,, 20),I.;~o95 I 11';I~~,~I",~~lili,,11 ~,,41.iI.ljl(1.!JiIII,ioiJ',i'. 11.II~i~~ ",:~~ .,jliJ 223.22041$ ""~"'_u'. .rwr~'~ "",,,:,""'J~'P,~'.,l,,,,,,:'li,h''''l...-r.,.'..' ;, ~ ," I. ",I".~ 1958 ma,..~~,'~~~! ,99tJ~?;Y,QQ~~ "li001.oo S~8S0000 .i.1,Q99!1Q ",:,'~.,~9.9 40.,000.00 9,350400 )01;000.00 ~~~ 6,')00000 I. i1,,;I,".,,'h"I,,'" .,.." ,I " ' 46 JrOOOoOO 28'1000.00 23JOOO.O~ 1",000.00 16,,000000 15 .~OOOoOO 14,000.00 12 ,tOOO.OO 12,000.00 6,000.00 4,000000 ),000000 2,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 7,500000 7,000.00 6$000.00 6,000000 3,000000 2,000.00 1,500.00 1~000600 1$000.00 .. M .. .. .. o;jI.II....I,I'"IJ,ili.IiJI,'li,I",",/I,,,I,',,J,,-... , .... f 1"1'_'lwhll""II!II"I"~' '111 160.000.00 80.000.00 - rl1l ~J Pi:I..II.~ .......,,'J,,'~~I.;III~,"l,'I.," . 190,000.00 86,000.00 ""'~~h~~II,:'jl...i,''',~I."~;\.,.,,, -~",,,,....",.,. ~1~"I"I\.I,..,,~.,',",~.l.4ill.ill"I'" '1~'II""""I",,:'i""""..~jl. "".~I"I,I,~ Ul!:OUS , ~,."".;_.;....t"'~~,*,'" Rebates to TOWllS 286{)00 " "",,-,-~~uper111tel1dence 9 ~ 051 f) 66 ~ragei Repairs and Tools 6,380w71 Clerical 1~S97~lO Of rice 0$0016 In8U1~ance 1, 193G43 Pensions ~ Holidays '11th 9 Sick Benefit and Unemployment :tnsuro.nce 3 666", Olt Machinery Overhead Increase in stock over Pre:t1ou8 Year 1~86)()oo -l~mo,:i2. 4g1JLs.90 0 29 Totals: rrotals~ ~',,,>,,,'!,,,,""'I\'i"""'" OO\tnty Roads, Bridges &; OulvelfllOts. l.iiscellaneous 271,,710tJ47 S'uburban 28v300o,30 _ OOO~O(. 9000 Ot} 500~O() 2~OOOoOCt 18000~OC. 2.$ 000 fj 0(' 000 0 OC~ ;00'>00 "'" SS~OOOt}OCt -""""",,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,._,* 2/+; tV 000 () oo~ 40,000(,00 GRAl~D TOTAL I.laintenanoe; 300 t 010" 71 285 000 t) OOt ~",'''\I,..,I'','I,'.M'''';'''lj'',I'V'~ ~~\,"",':,;:,:;' ~"''-~'';';' I ':':::,'~i,~= ~~'~:'~~:~~:,~:~:.""I~"~~~!,",,v,~~: 5 :i "" J.,. 1>>; 2~ -~-",~ 26 *4.....1lI,t\"4.,,,..~"......""','~.,',w.~ Illt,OOO~OO 9f)3S0~OO ,.---- 12,,) 93S00oo .::~;:~,'~~~;:.","~~'~.~~~:"~~!'"~;.'~:.';":~;'~:,~~ ) ':', " '.'.. " '" ,,".' ,,'. " -." tir~lD~" "DIR~t!T~" lililKE it ~iOT~~ TRANSe. REAR. AJlt CON~ UND&tt@t SHIELD rOliAL gijI~:E~tIJJ;l1--_., .-. .~Qtl~~"."'n..,~..~.__,,~QISfLA.aEt-1Rli~,.__JltSaIQI_,_~_.,,13.0111'_. __-J;l~RI.l:!Ga~",D.I~T:c.oJi:t,ttG,,~~.._,.,JlQA%...,...,.._--~WA.~H~i,._~.,.~IgIiJ\L..~~~_.~QS7:,,,_,"... ~.,' 3E;O>l>C2 Studebaket& G~V",We ;~500 6 Cyl~.nder leS eu~inQ displace<= men't oil .ti1.tel.~ .3 speed 3E7-CZ 8 Cylinder 3 spe~J Studebaker 2Sge2 in~ G~VoWe displaee= 5~;OO lb>;; ment oi1filtel~ Fargo ~!odel B GoV~W.Q ;$000 lb~ Fargo Medii B GaVfl i: onn ",#~ v>:;.: ~lodel 3201v Q", V o~;i~ 5:tSOO 6 c,linder 250 cu~1nft diopJ,ace- ment oil filter t Oylinder 313 CUc:in~ displace- mani; .!'it..tl' ~4i 1 ~~. '!.~ Ye$.. ~~~~~""w 6 cylinder 23$ cut) in* displace- ment oil f:i..lte:r; g':i 8~ Heavy Duty only RealtY 'duty """~l"!tr "J~~~;i 3 speed 1it HeavY S'teel duty floor :1 speed :; speed 7ii Steel. floor Sf Steel floor HiY8V1 duty HeaV1 Duty &. Helper Rear springs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yea Yes Yes. Xes' Yes Yes Yes 2 !} O$~." 20 2$366020 ls.897~SO ~y9974150 11950000 R,Ji:~lA KfS~,,,",....,..,.,,,,~."""~_,_._,~ "."'-~"I'><,...,.,.,...,-I,,- rfotor too small Meets specl'ficat- ions Electric m.nd-- shi.el.d wipers Electr:te wind- shield wipers ~KE It MOTOR TRAlIS- SUPPLIER HODEL DISPLACEMElfr liD: ~r-~,.,.'-"'____~",,"""4'_""~~-'~1 ,_ -~~;~"ii1I:''f1''',~~~-:~~.....,.....,'It-~'-"l1:...".....,...",...t-~"-,'''''''''' ~_to":,"")_"',~l''1'' wnm..;" . 'DIRECT- AtTt CON... U~- SHIET~D IOBAL IS DI!IONtNQ COlT WASlmR 81 :"""':',,":,'"""""_;"""":"f1r'l'1'~!*~.':~'I'I'lf''"''''~'ff'':r~'r'l~f'I:'I''t~''''~''I'''ft>,....~..1O~r-"~"JiCff',"~'rft-ft>"'Ml~nr':1'-I'l"I''''''''"^~'''''',<;,,"''''''''''~~- E1' Heavy Yes tea les Tee 6'~'\li~1' u._UJ l-c 2 st;age T'~ 11ilowrs) !{er'eury 8 cylinder 3. speed l"n'h.^'I'n~S l\;t '00'.. ?7? .....s~.;. 4 n ~ .L.~v~ .. a;~~. - $V -.v ~ ~>~.:. ~A;.6-G G ~v.;s W ~ di!n:.,lace~nt~ 5$000 lb~ oiJ. But:tenlorth Internat t 1. 6 cylindeI" '. :1. speed r:lol;ors j A-100 240 cU:.in~, uThoma,s GeV~W~ displacemen~ I:.: noon ~b -i1 f"i' .L ;::$":'"' ~ $ ""~ .J..,. """ ,.J...., ..:.. Vv,.l;.. In&ernat'l 6 cylin.der :; speed 6i' .".... t ""'* A .I-A ,,!~.O '.. .. wO o~s, ~ ~v ~ cu~~n~ S.t~ThomAs G~V&.f. displacem.en-t ;~400 113" oil filter I.lo1;or GiiM.O.N04el 6 cylinder 3 spaed g~ P:g'oduct;s, 9,-2/.r 235 CUeino wood G~<V .\fc displacement. !loor ; ~.OOO lbe> 011 :til'ter Fordbam,CheYrolet 6 cyJ.;J.ndel"'*. :; speed i,lodel '204 235 eUtlcin" G.,.V~tfe.. displacement. 1:. cOO ~ 10.. i- ,p,... 1r ~~, . ~U~ 0 ~ ~1~~er a Itlot.ors. 6 n.v1 s d't:l.".' <'~ ~~A ~..t"",J".u . gJ',:' '" .,::;},t,......"',."u 250~6 eu.} displacemen'G oil filiAel41 111.- D-1OO ... . 1'$ Heav:r Yes steel dttty floor w/helpers Yes Yes Yes Heavy dutiy W'/helpe~s Yes Yes Yes Yes Heav, \tilt7 Yes , Yes Yea if . 8' Hea'\r'"Y Yes duty w!helpers Yes Yes Yes ?if Heavy Yea duty only 1350 lb 4 ca.pa.c1t.y Yes Yes Yes 2$185:;:00 2i)OOOot'OO 2~310075 1~S50~OO 2~050~OO lr.SSO:tOO Styleside body S'tJ.lvadard Side s~e tire JIOJ,nt. 01; Includes 6~'0xl6 6 ply I{ylon 'tires worth 'appl"'ox~ $200 . ' Ded\tct$SO .tc:r wood L M~"" ~ nl-le' ~" U "W :I J.,. ",,~v.. ...a. 250 c\'\~ihe; displacamwlt oil 1~iltej;~ 6 cylinder 235 c'U~, d:i.splace",,, ment oil tll-tel"" $ cylinder 2?2 cu~in0 d1splace~ ment f~ , + ~~ d,,,,,,,," v...... 6 cylinder 250 ~d$ (!, d1 cylinder 245 cu~in~ "'1 ~~ 3 :; speed J speed 3 1 ff 8' Hea.\7 duty fi,,: Hea\.J'" dut.y &. helpers HeavY duty Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - t:JJ:IID~~"~'" ....'" .. ~,"~"M' ~ ~ '.'10...." Yes $ Yes 2;t Yes Yes 2 of- . )~ ~ffrI' ~ '1: ~ 00.!J 080 G {- to. ti :, .....'" t :~s ~-'.~>::{>' ~,,8 9lrdIV'l.'tE1, '" ;. ~.. . or Motor ~ .. . Dl1:1ECT:;~'" . - g Buttiel~worth Ltd",~ Tbomas 'I Fal'S~C model D GtlV~W ~~ 800 lb~ o~ Fargo model D G.VlilW. S~800 Il.li:;ernat:loEl-- 81 A120 G "tt f.t " w " .... t, ~ If'! Af\O '1 '1:"" (f:vv ..L~,~ Dodge D~300 9~ ~r ;r Ot #" it ti ....'.. :t Vi .. <<<i"" ~, ~'j ~. Hea v"",f' & heiper5 it tl ... 'It n it u It (En <1~;")~:~tt:r~ 41':. >$ (in ... +~'f ~ .~ d9' yv~t.L f w ~ It.~ to,O ,;; pl,y lfyJ,.Qn l111.ld & Srt01=l on mud & SitOl'l on l"ea!l ? ~ (V~"1n~o ,![} ;; YO!: ... \,.~ . 2~ 250c'OQ ,~ 350000 ~ 100~"OO Rayon tires *"', ~ v-s motor 9100 extl'$a -",,-. Of. :1 '; 9 :1 fl 9* f) Qr] ,# O~' Yes 't..~ lGS Yes Yeo Yes r~ t;.!, {~ sriOW on realZ; o~ Ny lo;c~ ? -<-~.'P'l ""' t:....;~..:;,. t (1' 8' 'f'i''''' Ra'tFon -.r.~~ S~~~ ~'. . rr ~ f4u.lu c~ snOl'! 011 ~~Ca!'i t"j t:: f.O'- "e ~ t <i;.,#' L<c:;J Ny-loll '") ,; e> Oo?J,7 nl"'f N,,'1'ltl!l ~ J ~"'''('f ~ 2=7,,00:<:1"7 Qt 't'\ 1 ''rj' n "",.'~1"~..., v ;:~'w/ ~-~~J v~~ mud l<< SU(~t'.J' o.n :~'~ea.,r TltADE.. f"" g.~ ~ cOO "=4 ~ ~ <i'~ f..~? tV" .F t""r.-"'''',*,~.....AJ ~ '?6.t~ ~J~e~~~' 3 "078,, ~l~ ...-.~; ~ 'W >>' '-'" 2~\ ,,' ~oo ? (iOl~) "'0 ,#' ~i....'1 b a j,.J... "~,, 00 ...."...:,. :.l .,., e . ? d.ry J.~ 00 Q'f~"f1 7p.16 ~ 1..5 !J $ ,:;>~ .r gO 00 ""," ~J~ G' 1<""'''''6 00 t: it.., iJ e 1052020 '," , ,,,,.,.,,,,,If&'l ." __," 1,620.00 29616.65 2,507 000 2,400.00 2,398.7a 2,136.00 1...Qm...OO -11~"'-"'-- ...... .. :.....,......,* ~. ,MY1.flJ~f;;S~_,~___~;o v<<*a motor $200 extra va rJlo~o 1:"& t'l'7 extl'li,Q t;;::l .3 $, ~- ~ ,... ... . ." ,.., ,-, ,.~..-,._., .'...~.. '. DIREC~:"'-'''' . . . ,.. ..... -~...'......"- ,.." ...." "" .."...'....-..:'.... ~., ~.' "''''''''.' . .. .'. , rmrOR REAR IOIfAL . !aAD~ 'LAOEr11Elrt BODY SPRINGS SIGNJ\tS . TIRES . CO.,!. . II NET REMlRKS ''1'...~~-,'t''"f'l'.-f<'~~......~e'1'"'-..,...~'"...~.~''_.,....,_,..,~'!'<'lI''....'''i.....~,~,''.'~.11..'.,...;~......,-r'"'~..~"t"I'.""";',;I'.1'I".'I""w='~~".,'_~'..,"*M"I"/"..~,.~'?"II"Il',...._""".,..._<_~~,..,...,....'T"'....',.,,.~'"'~'.,).r..-.'.~r,..!"~~.,~.~~~.."I';"'\~OI'JIl.r.~""."""'_...,~;,....~..~"l'.....,,......-~'I'I,"IIP"..~~'.'\;,.,"".~~. 1- ~. .. '~~~..~___.,_~"~.",-"'~-..-._.,~~;.:.: ..,....~ ~_.~~ ""...- ,n-. !t"'" ,...... 'WIt.._ .... IYId\KE & Ii ~ S e I.looors, Aylm.er~ Fargo FL~6 0-300 Dunn ~. [oijors, Dodge Ay"J~r Cl il- 300 6cylL'1der 2;0 cu. ~.n,., 011 filtre1~ .2'1. eu...in4 displacement 6 cYlinder 0'..1 filter l-ier..Lin J.ierc11r7 g, cylindel-' t.1otor~~ f4-3S0 272 CUf:tin~ St ~ Tllouas ~ ' G 4l\ V ..'\-1 CI displae~m~nt '9,800 lb. oil til'ter E.L& Fcrdham, Ohevrolet 6 cylinder Rodn~1" ,. 23S cu~1n~ diepla.cement oil nlter ,let 6 qyli~der 23' eu..1no displacement oil til'ter Lyle Grant t Cb Strafford- 3 ,,~le. 9' wood. fJAOQI' 3100 lb~ springs 9t 3100 lbo wood apriJAgs tloor 9' 3200 lbo steel springs fleor 9' 3450 lb~ wood apt'1 nes floor , 9' 31..50 lb. wood sprintP floor Yes Yes Yes Yes. Yes 3-1 <i OOtt.11 6 ply Nylon 2-1~00xl7 8 ply Rayon mud. & snow 3-1.0Q1E:17 6 ply lrflon.. 2-7.00xl1 S ply Rayon ~lud & snow di:t~o di~to(O ditto. 2,982008 3$034..9S 3,095~OO 2,9"",,00 2~890.40 , US7 0.08 ls825cOO Steel fl.oor i55extra 12 09~9S 825000 Steel noor ,50 extra 1.221~OO lJi71,..OO St.eel floor included :ll,l;.\.~OO 1$W10~OO S'teel floor tso extra. 1112040 1~77S~OO Steel floor ~..... : $50 extra /';. A.... - .... /hi- ~d j,., (f,..Jlh. ~_ A. . J rl LX..V /J /J ') ~~ '(f --vrV'li\I'VVV'- ~ ~ SUPPLIER MODEL "~~~-.l.i!:I'J:~",,,,~~,"_1':""""_"'---~"""""~':-"--~'."'~" ~tU~ KE Be ~ii]~,lar I~lotOl~ S<",'1 !-~.C~...J..es ., k' r. A "('1. Pi"f}" ,k. ~ ~!" \..L,i,. ,..-" :1 FiotOl.... ;:::;';:J <! ~s ~ .---.-, , "'. ,....,-1 "1'" ."'<.:'l,'l" .l ~J:1...l.?~-t\.tf.i~:t I~IotC~1~ ~ R.odn~ey' i" 58GFl 2~door Sedan Scotsman studebaker Plymouth Plaza P1TatlOuth Pla~a Kotor Chevrolet I~~odel 1141 $ Bu~tel~forth Rambler -. T "'1Ii" '^,,,.NS i,:i..G vv: $ \~ T nomas <i London Pont.iac ~otqr Prod~,~bde~ , ~",y:",J ~w") ~, .f. i .:.Jv.:&;".....~".t~c f _-~.JI",. MOTOR DISPLAGEi~l!a~T J"<r""'''~'''''''''''''l!Jt'!iIi.:i. t~iJ,t:ld.iil lI>-Jt~,,"'-'-"';' 6 cylinder "' d>5 6 .A"~ .! n .8..0 G, ~~ ti.. 1t>.J,. ~ displacement oil fil.i;e1;~ ,~"..~"D,J),. O"R."", :,:~s..J~;c '" ) UNDER- GOAT '......r..---."...,.~~.'~ Yes 6ey1inder Yes 250 oUoint displaceb1ent oil filter g cylinder 3~3 cu.,1no disp)"acement oil tilt;er 6 cylL""lder 235 eu" 1110 displacemen't 6 cy:j.inder displacem.en-e? 6 cyli.ndar 261 eu...,in~ displacement oil t:i..l tar E~L~Fordh~m 1958 Roclnay Ohevrole't I(odel 11171 6eylinder 235 cu~in", displac,ement 0" 1'" ?....~ ~ "'A~ fIIfth~ ~~JL..:Jv...s. 'Yes Yes Yes l:es ,.~' Vfd.BU- SHIELD W^~~~ ' Ies Yee Yes tes Yes fIRES I.J:OENCE, ,."" '~"".~'~ '.~""'~;--~.~-'~"~.!%"'"~$hn~~"""-"""'-";"- ............,....." COST TRADE~IN 1~E1; P&MARKS ~~~~,~~.,~~.~'.\IfC.....,:iif'I~~~~~.\G.;;/~"",~~~Ij.~t,'...;':,.-~"~~:r~~~~.1""""".-..".......~~ Iylon;' .~ mud &, snow on rear Yes ~t..,..i'l.lfI't....--.~,. ,,1J' ~e . Ai'I~ 'fA.M .t. ~q;o mud It Sll('iW' OD. I-ear 1t i~ u n ? ? .. Mud &; sno~~ on real! 'Nylon ? Nylon Yes Ye~ v f, Yes Yes All equipment eluded, inclu.ding a"l<'t,f.i O't..._.i!'t.n>.a ~ ~~f~ t.O ~.,J.&f;;,;;- ,~J... ':i~.u~ N 9 Ji1".'.."'/!::;~;";r ":. 1~036~40 l~;OO~OO '" 11 ~. ....~ 1r''' JI..' , ' ri<6"' ~.o <to, .sJ..l i::f\ ~ OO~'1 a # t;iq~lfQ ~.n~~ 0 ~1}1~" ~ J~sQ~~~o'V "if~..~' 'VUt cluded$inelud't,ng atrGi-freeze ' ~ '} '1 :do ui P ". .: -..... . ' ., ..', --. , :. ,~ ~~l\,~"" ,"4' ~, ~ ~.- ~. ~ ..~ clud $ including,' , , anti-freeze 2*964~SO Al.l eqtd~m.en:t ineluded 2~623,,6S "") !d~ 0""" tVjl40)c v 2~69;<:.OO 2~800000 :~ ". .. ~.;:' .'!:.': .... ...,...~~ .. ~ ~ ~... . ~ 'V +it- 1~864050 , . ,,1I\t~ " i:! ":;,,. 'V..:.",IJdJ ? OJ 12400,.00 1$450~o-J It?;OcOO IvIotor too sm,Qll 1~lOO~OO ~Iif ~~y l~ 700eCFO 1$085000 l~44.'oOO 1$550000 Very small. .~~.~~~~~"~+"';: ~ :I~! 9(:" c~~"'" Q ,ga ~1~ "'j' t, - '*" v '-:~~~~~~~':"k~":"''t~~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ :') '~? .~ ~ "~ 6. S~. T1l0w\'S, om1\.RIO. FebruarY 7th, 1958. ortIE E1.Gl~ cou~T'L R01\.D COMt''llTTEE met at 1;,ne Court RbUSe at 2 p.m. 1\.1.1. ~ERS ~ere present. 1\.1.S0 pRESEWt, Mt'. "IIillialll cook, 1\.ssistant District Engineer. TtIE 1!U.~'tES of ~eetings held on Janu.a.1'1 22nd and 2~th were read and appro~ed. IT "111\.S ~O'1ED WI SECONDBD B1 TtIE 101.1.0"lll~G RES01.U'tlO~S were adopted~- B. ~BVILL D. BURGESS 'tR1\.T 'ttIE 'F01.1.0"lll~G COU~T'L R01\.D 1\.CCou~TS be appro~ed for payment.- paY List #1 - ~2,9~7.l2; paY List #2 _ $1~,185 .93; pa11.ist #3 - ~l, 279 .6~; paY List #~ _ ~~,992.~~. PaY List #5 - $29,010.22. cAlUlIE.D. 1\. DEtEG1\.'tlO~ of persons in ~or1;,h Malahide 'townshiP interes1;,ed in the grading and pa~ing of co\l.ll.tY Road #~o from Righway #3 1;,0 Glen Colin was heard. 1\. DE1.EG1\.TIOl't interested in the grading and paV'ing of countY Road #~5 from Jaffa to Righway #73 ~as heard. (' MR. 'FR1\.~K CO"lll\."N and MR. Rl\.1.PR M.c1.l\.UGR1.1~ of the C ~ ~~m~~e.d.. were heard on the subject of co\l.ll.tl 'Frank. Cowan ompanJ .1.>.,,...... ~unicipal l.iabili1;,ll~on-owned 1\.uto Insurance and a ReV'ision of co\l.ll.tY 'Fleet and 'Floater policies. l't "IIl\.S ~O'I,fED B'L SECO~DED B1 'tRA.'t "lIE. REmt"ll the CountY of Elgin t1~\l.ll.iCipal l.ia'o ili tiY P oli cY" and the t1~on _owned l\. utomO 'oil e l.iab ili tY pol i cy" with the Frank. Cowan company, and tha.-t we transfer our non_licenced machine1'1 from our l\.utomobile fleet policY to Floater poliCY and place our licenced automotiV'e equipment on a replaced cost 'oasis. CARRIED. 'tRE f01.1.0"lll~G RESOLUTION "111\.S l\.DOP'tED~- \1.. LIDDLE J. B. VflLSO"N February 71;;,h, 1958 THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to datE~, stating that vvatters Brothers had crushed approximately 17,000 tons of gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit, most of which had been placed on County Roads #45 and #40. He also stated that shouldering was completed on Road #45, and shouldering was being commenced on Road #51. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE ADOPTED:- IT WAS MOVED BY B. NEVILL SECONDED BY D. BURGESS THAT we request the Department of Highways to " make the following transfer of monies with regard to By..Law 1698:- From Maintenance Roads to Maintenance Bridges and Culverts - $1,907.54. From Construction Roads to Construction Bridges and Culverts - $286.54. CARRIED. IT 'WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. BARKER B. NEVILL THAT the Engineer be empowered ico call TE~nders for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel at White Station, and other matierials and supplies required during 1958. CARRIED. A LETTER from I\'Ir. T. S. Caldwell, Distri et Munie ipal Engineer, was read, which stated that normal 1958 Hoad By-Law Estimates were $240,000.00 for Construction, and $285,000.00 for Maintenance. He stated Supplementary By-Laws 1~ould be accepted for special capital works. A LETTER from Mr. A. Gater, Pro.ject Design Engineer, regarding the resurfacing of the concrete port:ions of the County Road north of Highways 75 and 77, was read. THE FOLLOvJING RESOLUTION was adopted:- IT WAS MOVED BY D. BURGESS SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON THAT we request the Department of Highways to resurface/ \ ------. - '3 - February 7th, 1958 /resurface the concrete por~ion of County Road #3 north of Queen street in the Village of Rodney, and the concre~e portion north of the '1illage Limits of Dutton, in Dunwich TownshiP, and the Department of llig;h~aYs be ask.ed to bear t.he total cost of thiS resurfacing. CARRIED · MR. C1.l\.'LBORNE GORDON, County "IIeed Inspector, was heard on ~he subject of spraying all co\l.ll.ty RoadS for ~eed control during 1958. I>. LETTER from Mt'. U elson corbett, regarding 'the corbett GraV'el Pit leased by the co\l.ll.ty of Elgin in Derehatl\ TownshiP, was read. TRB f01.1.0"lllNG RESOLUTIONS WffiRE l\.DOPTEDj- L. BOLLA.'ND D. BURG}I~SS TRAT TUE l.BTTER from W. Nelson corbett., da~ed Fe'oru.a.r1 6th 1958, be filed. IT "liAS ~O'1ED B! SECONDED 1'1 CARRIED. IT WAS ~OVBD B'L SECONDED B1 J. BA.IU.<.ER B. LIDDLB TR1\.T TtIE ENGl~EER 1\.ND Cl1.l\.lRW\.N be empowered to open Tenders for t TOll Pick.-UP Tr\l.ck.; 1 Ton Pick.-UP Tr\l.ck. and 2_door sedan, and to attempt to bring fort.h a recommendation OIl the purchase of theSe V'ehicles. CARRIED · .~ TRl\.T the meeting adjourn, to meet at 2 p.m. on Thursday FebruarY 13th, 1958. IT "IIl\.S MO'1BD B'L SECONDBD B1 - 4 - fe'bru.a.r1 7th, 1958. J. B. WILSON J. BARKER CARRIED · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, Jan\lary 24th, 1958. A lVIEETING OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~O:TTEE was held at the Court House at 10.30 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present, with the exception of J. Barker. A REVIEW of the progress on the Bothwell Bridge was given by the Engineer, and a request from 1Yfr. J. Q,. Tillcock, Distri,ct Municipal Engineer for the Chatham Division 'Wras read. '\ He requested the Elgin County Road Committee to pass a Resolution concurring with the Contracts let to various firms reg:arding the 'Construction of the Bothwell Bridge. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGESS B. NEVILL THAT THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COl\WIITTEE concur with the Contraets.':now let, i. e. , contracts to Dc>minion Bridge Company Limited, Sterling Construction Company, Burlington Steel Company and the Otter Construction Company, i.n the construction of the Bothwell Bridge. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER presented and explained the ~ccount of Kent County, regarding the 1957 expenditures OIl the! Bothwell Bridge. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON D. BURG]~SS THAT WE PAY the County of Kent; their account on Bothwell Bridge for 1957, amounting to $6,091..07, for work done, and $160.50 Interest. CAHRIED. - 2 - January' 24th, 1958. -\ IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER be empowered 'to call for Tenders for:- 1/2 Ton Truck 1 Ton Truck 2-Door Sedan Car a I-Ton Truck and a Station Wagon to be trad.ed in. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGESS H. LIDDLE THAT THE lYlEETING adjourn unti.l February 7th, 1958, at 2 p.m. CARRIED. -, . -/(D/~t1 J ~ \4A0~/ < ~ . .CHAIRMAN. ST. THOlYlAS, ONTARIO. ' January' 22nd, 1958. THE 1958 ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE held its inaugural meeting at the Court House, at 2 p.m. WARDEN CHAIRMAN - MEMBERS THE MEMBERS are as follows:- - REEVE OF SOUTH DORCHESTER - REEVE OF DUNWICH - REEVE OF' YARMOUTH REEVE OFI MALA HIDE - REEVE OF' BAY HAM - REEVE OF SPRINGFIELD J.B. WILSON L. HOLLAND D. BURGESS H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL J. BARKER ADVISORY MEMBERS M. B. McCOLL H. HUNTER - REEVE OF' ALDBOROUGH - REEVE OF' SOUTHWOLD ALSO PRESENT R. G. MOORE WILLIA~JI COOK - COUNTY ENGINEER - ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER IT \vAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGE:SS B. NEVILL THAT L. HOLLAND be Chai.L'iuan for 1958. CARRIED. THE MINUTES of December 4th Meeiting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date, including the crushing of gravel by Watters Brothers at White Station and Pleasant Valley Pit, and the gravelling of County Roads #45 and #40; the shoulderipg of Road #45 between Road #40 and Highway #73, and the brushing of County Road #45, being the townline between Malahide and Bayham Townships. - 2 - JANUARY 22nd, 1958. IT WAS 11l10VED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGESS B. NEVILL THAT THE WARDEN name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the fee, of $50.00 be paid. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY H. LIDDLE J. BARKER THAT THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FEE of $50.00 be paid. SECONDED BY . CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY D. BURGESS B. NEVILL THAT WE RECOMMEND to County Council that the Estimates of the Suburban Road Commission be approved. SECONDED BY CARRIED. THE ENGINEER announced that former Highway #123, now a Suburban Road, would be resurfaced by the Ontario Department of Highways. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE J. BARKER THAT THE MEETING now adjourn until January 24th, 1958, at 10.30 a.m. CARRIED. -", ~~/J, CHAIRMAN. ST 0 THOr.1AS~ ONTARIO" JANUARY SESSION>> 1958(> To the \varden and Council ot the County of Elg1no G'ent~lemen,: . Your Road Committee begs to report; as follows:- The followi,ng is a SUlaJmary of the costs 01" 14aintenance and Construction on the County ()t Elgi.n :Roads dUring the year 19570 Q.QN~.'~~Io,t! Grading and Gravelling Hard Surfacing Prepara~ion for PaviI~, Town ot Aylmer Land Purchased Bridges and Culverts New Machiner'"1 71$823~90 63, 513 ~3tt 9,e4'Q19 3,530.4-5 29,831065 JlLl2i<::22 2l7~O()Oo61 This amount does not include the $30,O()O~OO granted by the Department of High'tlays towards 'the repair of County Roads #8 and #14 $ l'lhich haE~ been expended during 1957 0 MAINTENANCE.. ..',..........""....,~... ."..,....",..~ Cur'be and Gutters (Spring,field) Bridges Culverts Drains 395 0;l~ 2,7931906 16,971\117 4,,263.34 198~74 29,626\$45 Ditching Grading - 2 .., .QqY~"J!().AP...qgr:.~...~"~~~~ !1.~_t!~~X...~~~~?~Qa..)~ 9 58 NAINTENANCE .... Continuedtl J ,,'.' '.' .I, ' ,. ."..,;" FL.. " "," ..,., '. ..,I, '. "'" .". ';,". " ""'~.,, ,', I.,,'J " I. ~ Resurfacing Repairs Pavoments Ice and Snow Control 28>>48106a lS5;82(;96 1;,120<<13 Dust Control 13J445~g2 Weed and Brush Control g~249031 Guide Rails 801~32 Fencing 2~306092 Signs 2~J53G24 Railway Crossing Protection 3~682079 Seal Coating 779029~70 Drainage Assessments ._~J!_6~()1 22) 1> 2~~O C! 19 MISCEI,LANEOUS ~"""""""""".""''''''''''.I'''''''''V'''''''''''''''''~"^"""'~~ Towns & Villages - Rebates 20,286QOO Superintendence 9~051066 Clerical 19897~lO Pension 937692 UoIe CG(Unemployment Insurance) 283.39 Holidays lnth Pay 1,76).63 Sick Benefit gSlolO Office 1>>080~76 Garage )~S07013 Rodney Garage ;1020 Miscellaneous Repairs l~632057 Tools a89081 ~ 3 .. COUNTY ROAD COI41;D:TTEE ,. ,,,,,, ",.," ,.' ". ..,.",.."...- ""..".",.,.",.".0.""'.""'"'_''''' 0'.10". ~A~~tJA~~ S~.SS.:J;(JI~..l~~~g tcrSCELLAWgOUS - Continued Insurance , 1~793.43 Overhead - I.:achinery Operations and Suburban Car ,. ~,.".,~~~,.!. QQ 46$:alao 70 .__...... Totals: , 486,1..39 () 55 STOCK BALAIiCE 1957: "..,~O,."';3~~.,~ 496 J ~~OO .94 1!~~.: STOCK BALANCK 1956: _"..,.tJ)~9.!.~Q l.69 >> '711 014 SUBURBAn ROADS ,.".." ".1,'..",1,,,,..,,,.'."" .,,1"'., "." . """'"...",,,. "" Construc~ion - 7,000.67 r.1aintenance - ,?~""QOe~O ,.~.:~,~~QQ,?~ GRAND TOTAL: $S2;'j012ell The 1957 Appropriation By Law #1696 p~ovided ~525,OOOo000 tile have 2S2e6 miles of Road under our Coun1tpy system, of whioh 127.7 is paved. Our Sto Thomas Suburban sys'tem has 2900 miles ot Road, of 'which 2709 miles is paved. This is a total of 2g108 miles of Road, ot which 155.6 is paved. OUR COUnTY IJiACHltlERY includes .3 Dump Trucks J 5 Graders, 2 smaller TrUCks, Station \lagon, Distributor Truck .wi'th s.ander body attached, Front End Loader. . Roller, 4 small Tractors, 2 Concrete I.iixers, ~1elders Air Compressor. Car Heater and smaller Tools and. EquiJ,J~ento \;$ "A'll!. RECEIVBD NO'tlCl!. 'that, toM 1:,ot.al cost l}O".... _ Bridge vrl.ll be in the order of ~22S ,000.00 ~ 9000.00, as all ~iajor cont.racts nave been let.. l~jor contracts inelude~. supplying and Erection or superst.I'uetIXs:'G gt,eel, 1:,0 Dominion Bridge compan1 Limited ~ ~109~765.00 l2) CollS't1"u.ct.ion of the Substruct.ure and concrete Floor i ~ ~ 64>>972~)42 st.erling construction companY \3) Reinforcing st.ee1! to Burlington st.ee1 companY ~ ~ 129139000 \4) Grading and Filling south ~pproacht teomplet.ed 1957) , to otter const.ructiOn Limited - ~ 69501.51 1;$ w..VE REC~rJED HO'tlCE from t,he l.t\.nister of litgh.1tfays t.hat t.he De-part.1tlent. of Righ\-f<l.Ys will Resurface former Highway {f1239 'ri'hich is no'" under -the jurisdict;iOn t,he suburban. Road CI')mmi5sion. nigh\'/3.1 {jl.23 wallington St.reet from First A~enue 'to FaJ.rvie'ri' h~enue and easter1.1 a.i..o~ const.ruCt.ion Road the new Ne'ri' "Lark central overhead bridge on Hig.h'ri'ay a distance 0:1': appl'o:dmatel'Y l.2 mi1.eso \iB RECQl,1i:&.tlD tr..at t.he ".lat'den name delegates 1:,0 the ontariO Good Road.s MSocia.tion on February and 26t.h>> 1953. 1tllS RBCOl,~;E\~D that. 'the Est-imaMS sU'omitt,ed by 'the St.. Thomas Suburban Road CommiSsi.on 1701" 1956 Road ~penditures~ atl\ount.ing to ~60$oOO.OO' be approved 0 The EstimateS are increased thiS 1ear~ as 'the Suburban mileage is increa.sed from appro:t.imat,elY 21 miles in 1957 to 29 mileS in 195a>> and some \IlO;:;k is contemplat.ed .on t.he neW \Jellington Road entrance. All of 'ri'hich is respectfullY submitted, ------------ I,. Rolland, Chai:tman ·