1981 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 10, 1981 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on December 10, 1981 in conjunction with County Council. PRESENT WardenL. J. Shaw, Township of Yarmouth Reeve G. E. Walters, Township of Dunwich Reev~ M.cH. Stewart, Township of Bayham Reeve J .')B. Wilson, Township of South Dorchester Reeve J. N. Smyth, Village of Port Burwell Reeve W.R. Caverly, Township of Malahide ADVISORY MEMBERS Reeve K. E. Monteith, Township of Southwold Reeve S. J. Glover, Town of Aylmer Reeve K. M. Kelly, Township of Aldborough "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON M. H. STEWART THAT GLEN WALTERS BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1981 - 1982. CARRIED." The Chairman thanked the Cuulluittee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Railway Transport Cvulluittee of the Canada Transport Corrrrnission had held a hearing at Port Stanley to hear the Canadian National Railway'S request to abandon the portion of the Canadian National Railway line from St. Thomas to Port Stanley. The hearing had lasted until 6:30 p.m. and the decision reserved by the Committee. 2. The Assistant County Engineer, Mr. Bob Davies had attended,the Consolidated Hearing Board meeting in Stratford regarding the request by the Ontario Hydro to have Environmental approval for their hydro line corridor from the Bruce Nuclear Site to the I.london-St. Thomas area. Mr. Davies had submitted a brief on behalf of the County. -....., ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 10, 1981 PAGE 2. 3. Winter cont~ol had been heaVY in DUnwich and Aldborough Townships in the past several days with three (3) ploWS and three (3) sanders being out. None of the ~est of the county had had any significant 4. Gravelling had been completed on county Road #30 north of Coulte~S snowfall. 5 . l1encing had been c O1llp 1 e ted on county Ro ad s #f3, If3 2 and #37. There Corner s. was some wo~k to be c01ll'Pleted at peter Hepburn' s on county Road #32. 6. Culve~tS were being placed on county Road #28 south of Elm Street and gravelling was being done as weather permitted. 7. Tree cutting had not yet been started. 8. A sign repair and ~eplacement progr!lIl1llle was unde~way. 9. Guide rail had been repaired on county Road #30 north of Coulte~S corners. 10. All SUmmer casual Help and Regular class 1 Laboure~s had been laid~off 11. A meeting had been held with the county of Middlesex Engineers with on November 27. ~egard to the MiddlemiSS Bridge and the consulting engineer had been authorized to obtain a ~eport on the condition of the pie~S to asce~tain Whether or not "o~k proposed for the piers was critical or not. It was the feeling of the county of Middlesex that any necessary work on the bridge should be done over a period of time rather than all 12. Bob Davies waS still engaged in buying land on county Road If3 althOUgh in one year. it was understood that the~e was s01lle organized opposition to the county pu~chasing road widening. "MOVED B'll J. B. WiLSON SECONDED B'll M. H. STEWART THAT THE FOLLOWING PA'lL15TS BE APPROVED l10R PA'lMBN'l'. PA'lLIST. NUMBER 47 AMOUNTING TO $48,324.29 P A'lL15T NUMBER 48 AMoUNTING TO $ 345.59 PA'lL15T NUMBER 49 AMoUNTING TO $49,256.77 PA'lLIST NUMBER 50 AMoUNTING TO $65,193.59. cARRIED_" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 10, 1981 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN ROAD WIDENING LAND PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1981 - 1982. CARRIED." Warden Shaw reported that he had contacted Mr. Hare regarding land purchase on Road 1f32, and Mr. Ha~e was not prepared to sign until such time as he was satisfied that the Argyle Drain Assessment would be satisfactory to him. The Engineer was instructed to review expropriation procedures and report to the C'-uuwittee at the next meeting so that the County could proceed to acquire land on County Road #32 from Mr. William Hare. After discussion, correspondence referred from County Council was adjourned until the next meeting. "MOVED BY: L. J. SHAW SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PAYLIST NUMBER 52 (ACCOUNTS). CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 5, 1982 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." .~~ CHAIRMAN COUNTY:OF ELGIN ROAD:COMMITTEE FrRST':REJ?ORT DECEMBER SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: Is That a joint meeting with the County of Middlesex Road CU.LLULLittee was held on November 19, 1981 s Among i:he items discus'sed were the repair of Middlemiss Bridge and the condition of County Road 37s Since that time the two County Engineers and their Assistants have met and will in due course report to their respective commi ttE~es s WE RECOMMEND: Is That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign road widening land plans as necessary in 1981-82s ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEDs CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 1. Building at 9130 a.m., November 10, 1981. All members we~e p~esent, also THE cOUNT'! 011 ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Elgin County Municipal Robert Davies, Assistant County Enginee~. THE t:NGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS 110LLOW51 1. The suit of Hazel Engert vs. the county of Elgin had been dismissed by the Judge with costs. It was not known whether or not an appeal would pe 2. Snow fence was being e~ected, approximatelY 100 rolls of snow fence had launched. 3. Sande~s and snoW ploWS we~e being installed on trucks. The 'two (2) new been purchased from the Elgin co~Operative. 4. The night creW would begin work on November 21 (10:30 p.m. to 7~30 a.m. King Seagrave sanders would be available next week. 5. Snow ploW and sander routes have been confirmed and copies forwarded to onl y ). 6. The salt Building at the Bayham Township 'la~d had been completed and members of the Road committee. 1. Rubble was being placed on county Road #20 near port Stanley just north salted sand drawn the~e as time permitted. of the Warren St~eet Bridge as a protection against the e~osion by Kettle creek. TWo (2) barn foundations had been obtained in 8. The moto~ on Truck #72 had failed and it was necessa~y to replace it southwold. 9 . Truck #B4 (Mack Tandem) had been rep"ire d at Mack Truck" A1 though the . '#ith a rel:}uilt mot'l)'l: (Cat. 3206, 210 HS.)' truck had 100,000 miles on it and was ~ea~ly 3 years old, it was unde~stood that a portion of the motor work (broken camshaft waS still under warranty). ST. Tll0MA5, ONTAR1.0 NOVEMBER 19, 1981 'PAGE 2. 10. Exhaust fans to ~emove diesel fumes we~e being installed at the Ga~age (requirement of the Ministry of Labour). A culvert had been placed on countY Road #22 appr0~imatelY \ mile south of Road #45. hiS neighbOU~S to the south. Gravel shoulde~ing had been c()ll1pleted on countY Road #25 (Wellington ThiS would ease wate~ p~oblems fo~ Mr. ~u~ke and some of 11. Road) · Gravelling waS nearly cotllPlete on Road #26 (BOstWiCk Road) and would be continued on county Road 1130 and Road #28. l1encing had been completed on Road 1138 east of 5traffordville and waS do on Road = between DUtton and Wallacetown. procee l..ng tr" fencing wo~k -.lQuld be continued as long as weathe~ pel:11litted (RoadS #22. 12. 13. 14. 17. 1132 and Road 1131). The winter sign ~eplacelllent 1?rog~a1lJll\e had been started. l\pp~oximate1.Y 40 green guide boards would be replaced throughoUt the winter. EnquireS had been made to the 3M co~poratiOn ~egarding hi~intensitY scotchlight used on warning and curve signs. The county haS encounte~ed s()ll1e problems with these signS and was ap$ioUs to knOW the o 0 0 lOt. s (nO infocrroation as yet:. available). pe~focrroance l..n othe~ Mun1..C1..pa 1.. l..e The contractor (McLean-lioster const~uction) at the Walkers Bridge had c()ll1pleted the erection of the conc~ete beams and waS p~esentlY fol:11ling the deck and placing ~einforcing steel. 1.t was understood that s""'" of the diaphragll1s had been poured. AS a la~ge numbe~ of t~ucks were hauling corn to po~t StanleY, the countY Roads in port 5tan1.ey would have to be swept as soon as 18. 15. 16. pOSSible · BOb Davies had been successful in p1l,lt,chasing land widening for Road 1132 f~()II1 Mr. Ander son and w:.. \lel:11lsen. 1.t appea~ed that it woulu be itllPOssible to pu~chase land on Road 1131 east of the canadian pacifiC RailwaY TrackS fr()ll1 Mr. 5nyde~' s sister until such time as hiS application fo~ a seve~ance had been dealt with by the countY Land Division c~ittee. 19. 20. ST. 'THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 3. 21. All casual workers (3) and th~ee (3) regular labourers would be laid~off 22. Ron Qook waS still on Workmen's compensation due to a back injU~Y and at the end of next week. would not likely be able to return to work until ea~ly Spring. in hospital. It was not known whether or not he would be able to 23. Wilfred SIlLith (age (2) had suffered a second heart attack and was still return to work. "MOVED B'!l K. M. \CELL'l SECONDED B'!l 5. J. GLOVER T1:JAT TH.E liOLLO\'llNG l' A'lL15T5 BE APPROVED 110R P A'lMENT · PA'lL15T #45 AMOUNTING TO $ 50,297.68 P A'lL15T #46 AMOUNTING TO $208,459. 54 CARRIED." It was reported that material had been o~dered for the flashing lightS fbr county Road #26 at Cowan l'a~k. liinga1 '#ith several partS being back_ordered and it was not known when th~se unfortUnatelY all materials had not a~rived for the flashing lightS at would be received so that erection might begin. of the consolidated llearings Board. Mr. MU~phY advised that the county The Enginee~ reported that he had a conversation with Mr. Tom MUrphY should make pe~sonal rep~esentation with a b~ief before the consolidated llearings Boa~d regarding the Ontario llyd~O Transmission system Expansion l'rogramme in southweste~n Ontario on Decembe~ 2 in Stratford. It was decided that a presentation should be made to the llea~ings Board. The Engineer was instructed to d~aw up a brief and to meet '#ith the Chairman prio~ to the hearing to diSCUSS Who would present the brief. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 4. submiSSion befo~e the canadian Transport commission'S Railway Transpo~t The Engineer reported that the l'rovince of Ontario would make a committee at the hearing on the abandonment of the canadian National Railway Talbot Subdivision Line between St. Th()ll1as and po~t Stanley- In the submiSsion the province would request that a provincial Study be c()ll1pleted by the province on ~ailway branch line abandonment prior to any decision by the committee on the canadian National Railway'S decision to abandon that portion of the Subdivision betWeen St. Thomas and port Stanley. AFTER DISCUSSION · · · "MOVED B'll M. 11. STEWA)l:I ~roN~D~1 5.J.GLOV~ T11AT WE ENDORSE THE GOVERNMENT 011 T11E PROVINCE Oli oNTAR'IO REQUEST TO 11AVE A PRoVINC'IAL STlJD'l CQMJ'LErED ~ T11E PROVINCE 011 QNTAR'IO REGARDING RAILROAD BRANC11 L'INE ABAND~5 PRIOR TO AN'l DECISION ~ TllE CANAD'IAN TRAN51'ORT CoMMI.'rTEE ON TllE cANAD'IAN NATIONAL RAlLROAD APPLICATION TO ABANDON A PORTION 011 TllEIR TALBOT 5UBDIV'J\5I0N BETWEEN ST. T110MAS AND PORT STANLEY. CARRIED." Chairman Shaw reported that the~e waS nothing neW on the proposed primesite oevelopment on Wellington Road. that solid waste be trucked from the county of oxford to the county of Elgin. It'was noted that the~e we~e no neW developmentS on the recent proposal in To~onto stating that the economies of the recycling would have to be The Enginee~S ~eported on the recent ASphalt pavetllent Recycling 5emina~ ex~ined for eve~y case. 'It also appeared that the Asphalt l'avement contractors ability to handle tnUch recycling work would be impaired as most paving contractors in the area had batch plantS which were lesS adaptable tnan drum mix plantS fo~ asphalt ~ecycling. 'It was felt that ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 5. in all likelihood that old pavement that would be removed in the coming several years would have to be stockpiled for a number of years before it became economically feasible to recycle. THE MIDDLESEX ROAD COMMITTEE IN ATTENDANCEl PRESENT: Chairman Ivan Hearn Warden Sam Richardson Members - Reg Hathaway _ William Lane _ Don Nisbet _ Peter Twynstra Engineer Don Husson Assistant Engineer Dennis Merrill Also in attendance for the joint meeting was Mr. Norm Warner of R. c. DUnn and Associates. Mr. Wa~ner reported on the construction progreSS of the Walkers Bridge, stating that it appeared that the Contractor (McLean-110ster construction) was on schedule as far as the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex contract "\Vas concerned and "\Vould not likely be able to pour any of the deck prio~ to next Spring. It was decided to have an official opening when the work "\Vas COtll'Pleted with the opening d~tai1 s being left to the twO (2) Chairmen to work out next Spring. It was Suggested the premier and the Minister of Transportation and communications be invited to the opening, and that a reception be part of the opening. Mr. Warner reported on the condition of the Middlemiss Bridge and gave a brief report stating that the Bridge could be rehabilitated to carry one legally loaded truck at a time. signs would have to be posted that only one truck would be allowed. The work would involve a new concrete deck, strengthening the present trUSS, replacing the steel truss bearings, painting the trUSS and encasing the main piers with concrete and ST. TIloMAS, ONTAR1.0 NOVEMBER 19, 1981 "PAGE 6. stabilizing the abutroents. . 1 ~350 000 ,~ warne~ stressed that the inte~im ~eport had app~ox).mate Y ~ ' ."~ · b . ...Ted by the MinistJ:Y of T~ansportation and cQ1lllllUnicatiOns. not yet een J:eV~ew This would have to be don~ prio~ to any further planS o~ decision by Coromittee. The committee authO~ized the tWO (2) countY Engineers to authorize Mr. Warner to proceed after they had reviewed hiS wo~k. It was SUggested that the ~epai~ work would likelY be necessa~Y within the 3 to 5 yea~ period. If ~eplacen:enl' of the Bridge we~e ca~ried out the deck . d f little 10nge~ but it waS likely the load limtt work m).ght be postpone o~ a woul d have to be ~educed. The estimated cost in tOday's dolla~s would be T11.1> Ml.Er1.NG ADJOURNl.D 110R DINNERWITIl TIlE cQUNT'l 011 ELGIN f;NTERTAIN1.NG TIll. COUNT'l 011 }U DDLESEZ- cOMMIT'rEE AT TIll. CLI yrON 11.oTEL IN PORT 5TANLE'l. · · AyrER DINNl.R T11.l. MEy:t1.NG RESUMED · · · tl f R C u"nn and ASSociates left the meeting · · · Mr. Norm wa~ne~ 0 · · 'U It was noted that maintenance fo~ the TateS Bridge would be minimal but that the wardsville Bridge should be painted (partiCularlY the railing) in the reasonablY nea~ futU~e. This matte~ waS left in the hands of the 'EngineeJ: s. Don 11.USson reported that the countY of Middlesex had scheduled . t'on of the 11.ubreY Road south of the Belmont~Glanwo~th const~uct).on on a po~ ). Road to th~ Elgin countY Line fo~ 1986. k th'~ end of the Radio that the countY of Elgin t~y to a~~ange fo~ wo~ on e). Road and the Road bet>leen concession }t1.I and }t1.1.1. to the Middlesex Line to . . d . th th';S ..-.ark Middlesex' s chai-rman 11.ea~n SUggested it would be co).nc). e w). ~ ~ · _ ~ . n~od between the Belmont~Glanwo~th Road to the The Middlesex committee ~equestet!. some yea~S before the ~uurey city of LOndon would b~ coroplet~d. It was not~d that a conside~able amol1nt ST. THOMAS, ONT~10 NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 7. of surveying, etc., would be required due to the diversion at the County Line, and a formula for the sha~ing of land purchase and const~uction costS would have to be evolved. canadian pacific Railway Tracks east of Belmont had been temporarilY stalled It was reported that land purchase for widening on Road #37 east of the inasmuch as the owner wished to make an application to the county Land Division committee prior to committing himself. at s()ll1e length partiCula~lY the section betWeen Highway #73 to Avon. The condition of county Road #37 and improvement of it were diSCUssed Reeve Wilson noted partiCularlY the poor condition of the ~oad and the large numbe~ of trucks presently using the road going to pilkington's Elevators. It was noted that l'ilkington l1ar!l\S Limited were going to expand the elevators in the near future. It was also noted that 5tratton'S.~us LineS Limited had written conce~ning the road. cor~espondence waS ~ead from the'Village of Belmont requesting the i1ll'P~ovement of the road. It was generallY agreed that because of the present deficient condition of the base and large number of trucks that we~e using the road it would be uneconomical to place an()ll1inal amount of gravel on the ~oad and surface treat it. Both countY Road committees noted that their Road 1'rogrammes in the next feW years had al~eady been committed. Discussion took place as to ,,:hether or not the road could be stage constructed. The matter of stage constrctiOn, etc., waS left with the tWO (2) Engineers with inst~uctions to disCUSS the matte~ at some length and to repo~t back to their va~iouS committees for any future action by a Joint committee Meeting. THB coUNT'l 011 MIDDLESEX ROAD coMMITTEE LEn THE M1\ETING · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 8. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From Howard Gilbert, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications noting that many County Engineers were less than I enthusiastic about applying the Urban Method of Subsidizing Overhead and Equipment to Counties. Thus the present method of actual expenditures (ie., Rural Method) would be maintained by the Ministry. The Engineer noted that unanimous opposition had been lraised by all the Counties and that a CorrrrnitteeV,(of which he was a member) has had numerous meetings with the Ministry to try and convince them that the imposition of the Urban Method would be to the detriment of the Counties of Ontario. 2. From Howard Gilbert, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Tr'ansportation and Communications stating that legislation would be brought forward at the next ..sitting of the house to allow County Councils to revert County Bridges not on County Lines to the Municipalities in which they lay and that the various County Councils would be the sole deciding body for the jurisdiction of these bridges and whether or not funds were expended upon them to maintain or replace them. The Ministry's subsidy policy to these bridges would be 80%, this would remain unchanged from the present policy. 3. From the Township of Southwold with a zoning by-law to rezone property on County Road #26 (Bostwick Road) from agricultural to residential. 4. The Township of Southwold with a by-law to rezone property at the east limit of the Village of Shedden on the north side of Highway #3 to cVlluuercial to allow the building of a new Canadian Bank of CVll1LUerce. 5. From the Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law to rezone a lot between Hydro Road and the C.N.R. Line south of County Road #29 as an estate lot. 6. From the Township of Yarmouth to rezone property on County Road #27 near Sparta for the cutting and sale and storage of cloth products, etc. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 PAGE 9. 7. From the Village of Rodney expressing their thanks to the members of the County Road Committee for providing $500 toward the boulevard repairs in lieu of the estimated cost of the asphalt work for which the County would have been responsible. The Village of Rodney had placed interlbcking brick boulevard in its place which greatly improved the appearance of the business section. The Engineer was instructed to provide members of County Council with the minutes of the previous meeting and with the minutes of the meeting of November 19 to implement the decision of County Council to receive all County Road Corrrrnittee minutes. It was noted that some change might be necessary in the dates of the meetings so that the minutes could be received by Council members prior to a County Council Session. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." ~.J2..-, ~. 1 ", \1..2..2 - " CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN RQAft (iOtv,1MIl'rrrj! FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The meeting with the County of Middlesex Road CVllfluittee has been scheduled for November 19. 2. The Contractor at the Walkers Bridge (McLean Foster Limited) has been slowed by recent bag weather. They have completed the $Tection of girders and ar~ at work forming and pouring the deck. 3. The Salt Storage Building at the Bayham Township Garage has been completed. 4. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with the install.ation of flashing lights on Road #26 (St: George Street) at Cowan Park at an estimated cost of less than $1,500, subject to approval of the Mhd.$try qf Transpc):t'tati.cH\ and Communications for Subeddy Purpose s.. 5. It is unlikely that Road #37 can be widened east of the Canadian Pacifi,c R.ailway right of way east of Belmont this Fall dUe to a delay in purchase of the necessary road allowance widening. 6. We understand that sufficient Provincial and Federal Funding has beEH1 committed to a~lQW the Ministry of the Environment to proceed with the installation of sanitary sewers in the Village of Port Burwell in 1982. The reconstruction of Road #42 east of Highway #19 and Road ,#50 (Victoria Street) by th(2! County of Elgin will have to be done at the same time. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the CQunty of Elgin endorse the Village of Port Stanley's opposition to the Canadian National Rail way's appl ication to Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - NOVEMBER SESSION 1981 PAGE 2. abandon the portion of the Canadian National Railway's Talbot Subdivision Rail Line between Port Stanley and St. Thomas. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTliULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. 'tllOMAS, oNT f',R10 NOV~BER 4, 19B1 "PAGE 1. TllE COUNT'l Oli ELGIN ROAD coMMlTT"EEmet at the Elgin countY MUnicipal BUilding at 9:30 a.m., November 4, 1981. Atl members were present except Reeve Jack $1l1yth. "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER 5"ECONDED B'll R. M. J{ElJ.'l T1\AT TllE MIN1J't"ES Oli Tll"E MF$T1NG 011 OCTOB"ER 7, ~"E APPROVED. cARRIED." TllE 1!.NG1NE"E~ RE1'O~ED ON Tl1."E woBR TO DAT"E I A niglf!- l1uliiiY 1\Qsting had been made for 2 people to wo~k f~om 10130 p.ro.. to 1.30 a.J1l. ThiS would p~ovide one person 4 dayS a week and 2 fo~ 1. 3 dayS a "Week. sand pilE\S had 1:>,eE\n cotll'Pleted in DUtton and wo~k was nearlY Cotllpleted at the RodneY Ga-rage. The salt BUilding and paving had be~n nearly cotllpleted at the Bayh>l11l 2. TownshiP ya-rd. 5ande~s were being installed on t~ucks, 3 having been installed and it was hoped to have 2 mo~e on by the end of the ,.eek. Snow fence would be starte~ sho~tlY. All sander and snow ploW t~~cks had to be ce~tified befo~e Decembe~ 1. A new rear end had been installed intO T~uck #72 at an expenditure of ove~ $1,200 (exchange). ld 0 d.JJ<>. bet"een DUtt9n and Ditchinl(, and l(,ravelling of shoU e~S on ...Oa 11" wallacetoWO had been cotll'Pleted for the time being. 1~ R d #20 in po~t Stanley nea~ Wa~ren Street had been Shoulde~ wo~~ on Oa cotll'Pleted and g'Uide'1Z'a1.1 re_erected but heaV'f conc~ete would be placed in Rettle creek tQ attempt to stOp e~osion at the site. . telY l~ feet deep at the location. app-rOX1.1l1a J t d to be able to corif'lete any mo~e wo~k on Road #32 It was not expec e ~ The 'Wate-r 'WaS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. shoulde~S because it was tOO wet. ST. T1l0w..S, 0N'rAR1.0 NOVEMBER 4, 1981 1> AGE 2. "\ 12. Drainage work for tbe Village of port Burwell bad been caropleted. Tbe contractor (McLean foster construction Limited) bad been able to c~lete tbe erection of girderS at tbe Vlalkers Bridge and waS proceeding witb form work for tbe deck. work be would be able to do. No land bad been purcbased in soutb Dorcbester TownsbiP on Road #31 at tbe o 0 t see what canadian pacific Railway tracks as tbe owner was wa~t~ng 0 bappened to bis application for a severance before tbe county Land 1.t waS not known bow mucb deck 11. 13. Division committee. . b l.ong asked to look intO tbe bi_intensity scotcbligbt 3M corporat~on was e material as some of tbe county Road Signs appeared to be defective. Sbouldering would continue witb county vebicles as time permitted on Road s #2.5, #2.6, and #40. 1.t wa s al SO decided to gr ave 1 sboul der s on Road #40 from Glencolin to springfield as time permitted. Ron cook bad an operation on bis back and would not return until tbe New yeal: sometime. Dpn Britton bad returned from being injured and being on Vlorl<1lll"n' s compensation. Tbree casual eroployees would be kept on until tbe end of tbe montb and would be laid-off witb tbe tbree Grade 1 Labourers (Robert Doyle, Vlayne 0' connor, Lloyd Vlebster)' 1#. of T~.l.olf-ed Smitb'S bealtb would alloW bim to work in 1.t was not ~nown ~ ~ · 14. 15. 16. 11. 18. the Vlintel:. several applicationsfor 1.nterim subsidy bave beenroade. 1.t waS SUggested by tbe ~ngineer tbat tbe accountS be passed at tbe ne~t Road committee _1..-- ",,"ddy could be made prior meeting SO tbat an application for fur'-""" ~~w- d f h th .fter tbe end of November no furtber appli.cation to tbe en 0 t e mon · ~ can be made until mid January. # d J.JJ). o thO 10 dayS fencing work would be resUllled on Roads #38, 2.2. an 1t" WJ. ~n · 19. 20. 21. ST. TRQMA.S, 0N'rAR1.0 NOV~BER 4, 1981 'PAGE 3. 22. Bob Davies waS attetllPting to purcbase land on Road #32. fraro Mr. Anderson and Mr. llermsen witb tbe bope of including an earlY agreement for tbe U.e baS also made several tripS to Road #3 and waS Rodney- 2.3 . A consider able nUlllber of regul ar employee sand macbine oper atOr s were presentlY on bolidayS. 3. Tbat Mr. Kentner bad accepted tbe CountY's offer of $600 and final expropriatiOn proceedingSweneunderway to c~lete tbe transaction. Tbe flasber materials for countY Road #16 in ]'ingal bad been ordered. Tbe estimated cost for flasbers on county Road #2.6 (St. George Street) at Cowan park would be $1,2.00 to $1,400 and tbe present telepbone and bydro poles could be utilized. Tll~ ~NG1.N"E~R RJ!;PORT~D~ 1. 2. "MOVED BY: S~COND~D B'l~ j(.~. MONT~1.Tll T]:\AT TR~ N'G1.N"EER BE AuT1l0R1.Z~D TO 1.NSTAlJ.. A ]'LA$R1.NG L1.G1W ON ROAD #2.6 (ST. GEORGE STR~) AT Tll~ NORTll CORN~R AT cOVlAN pARR. SU]3,JEcT TO M1.N1.STR'l 01' TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cot-l}lUNWAT1.0NS' A1'PROVAL fOR SUBS1.D'l. cARRIED." M. ll. ST'EVfART Tbe Ministry of tbe EnvirOntllent's EnvirOntllental Assessment Regulations Tbe ~nicipal ~ngineers' ASSociation bad placed bad not been finalized. a proposal before tbe Minister. 1.t waS expected to be some time before tbe Minister could act upon tbe proposal to refer it before general bearingS. 1.t waS likelY tbat tbe EnvirOntllental Regulation iroplementatiOn would be postponed 6 montbS to mid 1982.. ST. TllQMA.S, ONTAR1.0 NOV~BER 4, 1981 'PAGE 4. subsidy Allocations for 1982. were as yet not available from tbe Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns. to docated that federal mone~ would be available for certain preSs repor s ~n ~ J _" n waS tbougbt tbat tbe sanitary EnvirOntllental (sewer and water) projec'-~' .- sewers project in port BUrwell would be one of tbose. The countY waS assisting tbe Village witb regard to tbe location of property lineS on countY Road #39 in tbe area of tbe proposed sewage treatment plant. Cbairman Sbaw reported tbat tbere were nO furtber devloprnentS witb tbe primesite Development Sbopping Mallon \'Iellington Road. Tbe Engineer reported tbat tbere appeared to be little interest on tbe part of tbe provincial Governtllent in acquiring tbe present conrail Line between \'Iindsor and fort 'Etie altboUgb it wa$ understood tbat tbe rail line was for sale by conrail. , 'MOVED BY: 1<.. M. 1<.ELLY S~COND~D BY: S. J. GLOVER TllAT T1l~ 1'OLLOVl1.NG P A'lL1. STS B~ A1'PROVJ'.D fOR PAYMENT. PAYL1.ST Nffi1B~R 42. g,iOUNT1.NG TO $ 52.,694.83 PAYL1.ST Nffi1BER 43 g,iOUNT1.NG TO$ 50,391.13 PAYL1.ST Nffi1BER 44 g,iOUNT1.NG TO $302.,3i3.45 CARRIED ." \'Iitb regard to tbe Canadian Transport committee llearing on tbe canadian NatiOnal Railway's application to abandon a portion of tbe canadian National . 1 R 'lway) St. thomaS and Talbot subdiviSion between (liondon and port Stan ey a~ . port Stanley. Reeve Lavereau asked for tbe countY' s support in opposing RElW'E LAVER~AU 1.N ATTENDANC~ · · · ST. Tl1QMA.S, 0N'rAR1.0 NoVJ'.MB~R 4, 1981 'PAGE 5. such as whetber or not tbe countY witb regard to anY crossing was ordered abandoned. TlJ.l!. cQMM1.TT~'E Vl1.TR EB~VJ'. LAVER'ENl ;\DJOURN1'D fOR A DtL1.C1.0US D1.NN'ER AT Tl1~ 110MB 01' R'ElW'E AND ~S. CAVJ'.R1,'l · .' EBT\lRt{LNG~\l.R D1.NN~R · · · "MOVED B'l: M lZELL'l 51:' S~cOND~D 1\'l: R. . com:tfY 01' 'ELG1.N 'fl'IDOR " o com:tfY CoUNC1.L TllAT Tl1'E TllAT Vffi R'ECO~D T 0 Tl1'E CANAD1.AN NAT1.oNA'L STANLEY' S oppOS1.T1.0N T Tl1~ V1.LUG'E 01' pORT aT SUBD1.V1.S1.0N 01' TR~ TO ABANDON TR'E TA'LB RtJ-LVlAY'S !>J'PL1.CA't1.0N AND ST. TRoMAS, :tVl'EW pl)l\T STAN1..'EY .'" ~,':r1.0NAL RA1.LVlAY BE . c~ADI~' 1.'1~ R. E. MONTEIT1:l CARRIED ." Tbe agenda for tbe d d. t -wa S Coromittee was disCusse an ~ to tbe MiddlemiSS o..uge. and tbe Radio - l1ubreY - l1igbbury Bridge construction. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 4, 1981 'PAGE 6. fence of wbicb about 450 were satisfactory and 150 or SO were nO good. Tbe Tbe Engineer stated tbat tbe county bad appro~imatelY 600 rolls of snow Engineer was autborized to replace tbe 150 rolls of snoW fence at an approximate cost of $2.6.00 per roll, to be purcbased from tbe ~lgin co_Ope-ratiVe Se-rvices. CORR~SPONDENC~ VIAS READ~ 1. 'From M:r. R. R. McReil witb a copy of a letter from Ja1lles SnoW regarding vebicle license feeS for 1982., stating tbat tbe Governtllent would not deviate from tbeir proposal to bave MunicipalitieS pay full license feeS, bowever an increased subsidy allocation to cover tbe MunicipalitieS sbare waS being considered. site on CountY Road #2.1 for radio purposes. The present site bad never 2.. 'From tbeTownsbiP of yarmoutb witb a By.Law rezoning tbe CIlLO tranSlllitter 3. A letter from Bruce Blake, Townsbip of Yarmoutb Solicitor witb a copY of been zoned properlY. bis bill to tbe Townsbip of yarmoutb for acting on tbeir bebalf for tbe closing of old county Road #52. at Carrs Bridge. Tbe Engineer stated tbat tbe Townsbip of Yarmoutb would forward Mr. Blake'S bill along witb any otber costS involved to tbe county for paytllent. copY of a letter from Mr. Ralph fergUson, MP regarding traffic signS near soutbwold Station and inquiring boW many fatal accidentS tbere bad been at tbe intersection. concession V'l1.1. Road between county Road #32. and county Road #40. Tbe TownsbiP waS concerned tbat tbe Road would be unfit for a tar and cbip application in 1982.. 1.t waS noted tbat tbe road would have to be again used in 1982. to complete tbe bauling of sand base for Road #32 as all tbe sand base for tbe road had to came from an easterly 4. A letter from tbe London Brancb of tbe Ontario provincial police witb a 5. Tbe Townsbip of Malabide witb regard to tbe condition of tbe di-rection. ST. T110MAS, ONTAR1.0 NOV~BER 4, 1981 'PAGE 1. 6. . f hea-ring on d "th notl.ce 0 a " d llea-ring Boa-r Wl. 'Fram tbe consol~date ' ActS (including tbe . ...ed by va-rl.OUs f d as -requl.J,. December 2 at Strat or ' tion), witb regard . and E~p-rop-rl.a A sessment, Plann~ng Tbe ~nvirOnt1lental s nsion progr~' . " System e~a , s transm~ss~on . t tbe Ontario l1ydrO ' b tber or not tbe o __' '^ oscerta~n w e d atteULp"" ""v ~- , structe to b able to Engineer waS ~n d t tbiS bearing to e ep-resente a ld have to be r ' waS countY wou d finate locat~on _.. 1..0oringS when a e take part in any !:u,-ure establisbed for tbe transmiSsion lines. 'Fram tbe TownsbiP of Nortb Dorcbester witb a Rezoning By.LaW for 1. propertieS adjaCent to Belmont. Engineer noted tbat a traffic survey bad been cotllPleted at tbe ~_ad #2. and l1igbway /f16 in VleSt Lorne and tbat tbe · "tie lower tban tbe traffic ... .-,J.o- The l'fy for tbe installatiOn of and tbe intersection still doeS not qua ~ " is ~he Engineer was instructed to advise tbe Village of VleSt Lorne Sl.gna · ~ of the findings. d 1." ded tbat tbe Vlarden and Cbairman would d" . n it waS eC After some ~scuss~o d #32. to disCUSS land purcbase. "th.... Vlill ism l1are on countY Roa meet W'l. };'j..\.. a e~tra costs. The matter waS of Malabid~S request tbat tbe countY P y , S tbe Vlarden and Chairman reported back. left in abeyance until sucb t~me a 1 tb s waS tbe matter , lso diSCUssed at same eng a Tbe Argyle Dra~n was a for 1982. waS presented and brieflY Tbe attacbed Road prograrome diSCUssed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 4, 1981 PAGE 8. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 19, 1981 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." ~ ~ W--~ --<' CHAIRMAN ~ ~ (e) (f) (g) ~ . countJ and Suburban. Land purchase and survey~ng - complete 'Walkers B1:idge. d #38 .... lligbway #3 to l1igbway #19. CleanuP .... Roa 11 if Minis~1:Y of tbe ~nviront1le~t Road #42. and Road #,,->0 in port BUr'"' ~ S Ot ry. se~er. p,;oceedS wit" an~ a .. f rtion of Road #32. alreadY star~ed. completiOn 0 pO Co{\tinUance of wo1:k on ROad #32.. Start wor\< on Road #2.2.. (a) (0 ) (c) (d) ~ d #38 _ nighway #19 easterlY' (a) cleanuP Roa . . . ' "i o 11 t. ~.~ (Ul.tC1.~ ng d urban Vlor\< .:0. Via ,aCe ow.., (b) DUtton to \lallacetown a~ nd Nnds fo1: resurfacing could be Cot1lpletedUnder ~intena~ce a d . ,=' g reate1: needs all.pear.) reallocate" . . .' · .. to . 0 higb prioritY includeS completion of ROad # (c) Road l.kelY to e . 1 Road #2.0 in ?ort stanleJ ~~d portiOns of Shedden to 'Fl.nga, . \.1 ~oTE ~ ~ . . and cororounicatiOnS encou1:ageS ~inistrY of 'tra{\SportaPon f .. h item (ie. construction, 1:e surfacing expenditUre 0.. eaC " f'itS own allocation. etc.) ~o be within l~m~tS 0 1'~, t... Road #36. ROAD PROGRAMME ITEMS FOR 1982 PAGE 2. (3) MAINTENANCE (a) Road #3 ~ Ditching New Glasgow to Rodney. (b) Road #8 .. Ditching south of Wal1acetown if funds and land are available. FORTHCOMING PROJECTS (a) Middlemiss Bridge ~ Repair or Rebuild. (b) Radio Road (Road #30) extension. (c) Road #45 from Highway #73 to Road #40. (d) Requests for future consideration: (1) Road #43 ... South and North of Calton. (2) Road #'? 7 from Highway #73 to Avon. (3) Road #55 - Norfolk-Elgin County Line. Portion already improved by Haldimaud-Norfolk, .COUNTY....2F ELGIN ROAD COM11!!.TEE . -' FIRST REPORT - . OCTOBER SESSION 1981 TO THE CHA1.RMAN AND MEMBERS 01' THE ELG1.N COUlITY COUNC1.L YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Construction on the Vlalkers Bridge has been slowed by the recent wet weather. However, the Contractor has been able to complete piers and abutments and hopes to place concrete girders within the week. 2. A hot mix asphalt base coat has been completed by Walmsley Bros., Limited on those p.ortions of County Road #32 (Police college Road) that have been constructed tbis Summer. A considerable amount of shouldering and ditching work remains and it is unlikely that this work will be completed this year because of bad weatber conditions. 3. Some ditching and drainage work has been c~leted on Road #8 between Dutton and Wallacetown but the remainder of the work will have to be postponed until next year, again because of the wet weather. 4. Work on Road #38 east of Straffordville has been completed with the exception of some minor trim and seeding work. 5. Guide rail has been completed on Road 1f38 between Highway If3 and Straffordville at the wards Hill. Most trimming and seeding work bas been completed, altbough there will be some erosion control work required at tbeWards Hill next Spring. 6. Due to the adverse weather conditions the Engineer has been authorized to proceed witb gravel resurfacing on tbe gravel portions of County Road #18 and #2.6 in Southwold Townsbip and County Roads #28 and #30 in Yarmouth Townsbip. Tbe gravel is to be hauled by County vehicles from the County's Gravel Pit at pleasant Valley. PAGE 2. COUNTY 01' ELG1.N ROAD cOMM1.TTE~ 1'1.RST EBPORT _ OCTOBER S~SS1.ON 1981 . ---,,- 1. construction of tbe salt Storage Building at Baybam Townsbip Garage 8. Walmsley Bros., Limited bave c~leted their contract 'A' fo~ bot is underway. mix paving witb the completion of patcbing on St. Tbomas Suburban Road #28 (centennial Avenue). Vlalmsley Bros., Limited bave noW completed all tbeir contracts. 9. A meeting witb the County of Middlese~ Road Committee will be beld sbortlY to discusS variouS projects of tnUtual concern including the improvement of county Road #31, (Nortb-South Dorcbester Townline) Vlalkers Bridge progress, tbe load limit on and repairs to tbe Middlemiss Bridge, tbe l1ubrey_l1igbbUry_RadiO Road (Road *,0) link, as well as other items. 10. Tbe money allocated by tbe Ministry of Transportation and Communications f or the Safety progr anune, (stUlllP removal and edge marking ) total ing $21,500 haS been spent. 11. Tbe Engineer bas been authorized to proceed witb tbe installation of flasbing ligbts at the intersection of Road #16 and Road #20 in Fingal as soon as possible. The two(2) e~isting Ontario l1ydro poles can be utilized and tbe estimated cost is approximatelY 12.. The Engineer bas been authorized to obtain a cost estimate for tbe $2,000. cost of flasbers on County Road #2.6 (St. George Street) at tbe Cowan park curve. 13. Land bas been purcbased to widen county Road #31 east of the canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way, east of Belmont. 1.t is boped tbat tbe weatber conditions will alloW tbe widening of tbe road at that point tbis fall. 14. V. VI. Ruckle construction bas completed gravel crusbing at the county'S pleasant valley pit. 15. The Engineer haS been autborized to remove tbe speed bumps on County Road #45 in Malabide Townsbip. l' AGE 3. COUNTY 01' ELG1.N ROAD COMM.1.TTE~ 1'1.RST EBPOR't _ OcTOBER S~SS1.oN 1981 16. A used Cbaropion D140 Grader (appro~imatelY 1,400 bours) witb si~ (6) neW tireS, snow ~ing, 105 AWP Alternator, witb a one (1) year warranty on partS and labour baS been purcbased from tbe Cbaropion Road MacbinerY saleS Limited for $14,300 plUS provincial sales Ta~' witb tbe County'S 1969 Vlabco 660B Grader as a t-rade-in. A used 1980 Jobn Deere, Model JD 644 B, 3 cubiC yard front end ioader c~lete witb bucket teetb and neW tireS baS been purcbased from Renasb Tractor and Equipment Limited for $52.,250, plUS provincial saleS Ta~ witb tbe CountY's 1914 l10ugb 865C d. ~he Jobn Deere Loader will alsO be covered loader as a tra e-~n. · witb a one (1) year partS and labour warranty. ALL 01' mJ.1.Cll 1.S EBSP~cTJ'lJ'LLY SUmuTTED 11. CllAI~ ST. TRQMA.S, ONTAR1.0 OCTOBER 1, 1981 l'AGE 1. Tl1E COUNty 01' ELG1.N ROAD cQM:l11.TTE~ met at tbe $lgin countY ~nicipal Building s at 9:3 0 a.m., october 1, 1981. All member s were pre sent, M:r · 'Fr ank clarke of tbe Ministry of TransportatiOn and communications waS also present. "MOVED BY~ S~COND~D BY: J. B. mLSOl'I T]:\AT TRE M1N\lT~S 01' Tl1E 11E~T1.NGS 01' SEl'T~B~R 2. AND S~1?T~BER 9, 1981 M. u. STEWART BE APPROVED. cARRIED-" Tl1~ ~NG1.N~~R REPORT~D ON Tl1~ VlOR1<- TO DA1:E AS 1'O'LLOVlS: 3. Tbe recent wet weatber bad brougbt all eartb moving work to a complete bait and it was not known wben work could be resumed. concrete pouring on tbe centre pier of tbe Vlalkers Bridge waS continuing. 1.t was boped tbat erection of tbe girderS would start at tbe end of tbe following ~eek altboUgb tbe contractor's coffer dam bad been wasbed out. Ditcbing on Road #8 between DUtton and Vlallacetown bad been started. A considerable amount of dirt baS been graded from tbe ditcbeS and every effort waS being made to load tbiS material. ~ssential drainage work waS 1. 2. 5. Tbe bot mi~ aspbalt base coat on county Road #32 bad been completed and same lawnS bad been triromed and seeded. A considerable a1ll0unt of d., ' 't waS not known wben the sbouldering work remained to be one. dga~n ~ sbouldering could be done due to tbe wet weatber. Tbe drain at Jobn smitb' s on Road #32 bad been overloaded by about 3" of rain wbicb fell in about 6 bours last week. Tbe problem would be investigated and an alternative drainage System woul~ bave to be <tome sboulder gravelling would be done and tbe rest of tbe 4. evolved. 8T. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, 1981 PAGE 2. 6. work on county Road #38 east of straffordville baS been c~leted except for minor trirotlling and seeding wbicb will bave to wait' until ne~t year to be completed. One piece of fence remained to be erected. distributed prior to registration and it waS boped to register plans, witb tbe completion of paymentS to the owners sbortly. and trimming baS been c~leted for tbis year, again some work would be required next year wben tbe weatber permitS. 1. All land widening planS for Road #38 east of straHordville bave been 8. A guide rail cable baS been erected on Road #38 on Vlards l1ill. seeding 9. Boulevard and curb work on county Road #3 (wrniVal Road) in Rodney baS 10. Repairs bad been made to tbe soutb 1'lemming Creek Br~dge on Road #3. been c~leted by botb tbe County and tbe Village. 11. Drainage iroprovementS and catcbbasin ~epairs bave been made as weatber 12. V. W. Ruckle construction baS completed gravel crusbing at tbe county'S conditions permitted. 13. property on Road #31 on the north side of tbe road east of tbe canadian 1'1easant Valley pit. pacific Railway tracks has been purcbased. AS yet no agreement baS been made witb tbe property owner on tbe soutb side of the road. 14. Tbe Report on tbe Middlemiss Bridge floor by R. C. DUnn and ASSociateS 15. Land baS been purcbased from Mr. 'Frank Paul to widen County Road #22, is expected by mid November. 16. some water from tbe drain on tbe north side of Road #34 in Belmont baS tbe fencing would be done later in tbe fall. been diverted intO tbe old drain from the Borden 1.ce Crean factory on tbe soutb side of Road #34. 11. A catcb basin baS been installed on county Road #31 at tbe Belmont 18. Vlork on county Road #40 at Mac1.ntyre'S in springfield baS been completed l'umping Station. and tbe letter to the Village council will be sent advising tbem of tbis. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 7, 1981 PAGE 3. 19. A drain on Hannah Street for the Village of port Burwell would be started shortly. 20. Gravel shouldering on Road #40 between Road #45 and Highway #3 has been completed. 21. Shouldering work remains on Road #40 south of Road #45 and between Mount Salem and calton on Road #45. The committee requested that Road #40 north of Glencolin be shouldered as well. 22. Gravel shouldering would also take place on Wellington Road and St. George Street. 23. Centreline and edge marking have been completed. 24. Equipment and truck repairs remain continuouS and the 6 month dump truck inspections due December 1, bave been started. 25. The County had supervised the reinstallation of the culvert on the Malahide-Bayham Townline. The Roads and Transportation Association of Canada convention was reported on. It was noted that the County had received a 25 year membership award. ~he Programme included papers dealing witb bridge maintenance and repairs and alternative fuels and tbe safe transportation of dangerous goods. 1.t would appear tbat the County's budget would not be overspent if no serious problems were encountered in tbe next 2 months. All money has either been spent or committed and nO new projects could be started. The Engineer reported that the personnel Cvu""ittee was investigating tbe personal liability of County's supervisory staff and employees under the Construction Safety Act and under the Environmental Assessment Act. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, 1981 l'AGE 4. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLO\TER SECONDED BY' R. M. KELLY TllAT Tl1~ 1'OLLOW1.NG P AYL1.STS B~ A1'PROVED fOR P AYl1ENT · PAYL1.ST #39 ~OUNT1.NG TO $ 54,635.23 PAYL1.ST #40 ~OUNT1.NG TO $ 50,82.6.30 PAYL1.ST #41 AMOUNT1.NG TO $525,625.91 CARRIED." Vl1.NT~R CONTROL 1.T'El1S m:R~ RID'ORT'ED ON AS 1'OLLOWS: 1. Salt quotations were as attacbed. 1.t waS noted tbat tbe canadian Salt company baS submitted a lower price delivered from Vlindsor tban that of tbe 1.roquoiS Salt productS Limited wbo bave a stock pile on tbe dockS 2.. Sander routes for EaSt ~lgin would be ,'revised so tbat l1ugb Brooks at l'o-rt Stanley. could operate out of tbe Bayba1ll Townsbip Yard and Bob Rycktnan bad been bired to replace Ken pbillipS on a Sander Route. 3. Tbe salt storage building at tbe Township of Bayba1ll Garage trill be 4. 1.t was proposed to revise tbe nigbt staff so tbat 2. employees could started shortly. look after tbis work ratber tban 4 as in tbe past. (TbiS will lea~e the gar age unat tende d f1; om 5: 00 p.m. toll' 00 p.m. at ni gbt. ) 1.t waS noted tbat tbere were nO furtber developmentS for tbe proposed ferry service between Cleveland and port Stanley. Road, stating tbat an area marketing study was nOW being done by funds Cbairman Sbaw reported on tbe Primesite Development on Vlellington being contributed py tbe central Elgin planning Board and by prime site Developments. ST _ THOMAS, ONT ARI 0 OCTOBER 1, 1981 l'AGE 5. plant to tbe London Transmitter Station waS noW complete and tbe report Vlarden Monteitb reported tbat tbe route study from tbe Bruce Nuclear bad been forwarded to Ontario l1ydro. in 1'ingal at tbe intersectiOn of county Road #16 and County Road #20 could Tb~ Engineer reported tbat it appeared tbat tbe present hydro poles be used for tbe installation of flasber ligbts. Tbe estimated cost of tbe installation will be in tbe order of $2,000. "MOVED BY: R. E. MONTE1.Tl1 SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TJ:lAT Tl1~ ]1'lG1.NE~R BE 1.NSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WlTl1 Tl1E 1.NSTALLAT1.ON 01' 1'J.,./IS111.NG L1.Gl:lTS AT T1l~ 1.NTERSECT1.0N Of ROAD #16 AND ROAll #20 1.N FINGAL. CARRIED_" ligbt on county Road #26 (St. George Street) at cowan park and to Tbe Engineer was al so instructed to obtain estimates for a flasber infp~ Mr. Ronald Green of St. George Street tbat tbiS estimate was being obtained. ~nvironxnerttalAS$eSSlllentS for road projectS waS not yet available and it 1.t was noted tbat tbe Ministry of Environmenes regulations for waS noted tbat tbere waS a paper being given on tbis subject at tbe ASSociation of counties and RegionS of ontario convention in Chatbam. permission was granted for tbe Engineer and tbe Assistant Engineer to attend the session. 1.t waS noted tbat tbe Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOn's subsidy Allocations for 19&2. were not available as yet. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, .1981 l'AGE 6. piping, etc., in connection witb a well relocation on bis property, Lot 8, Mr. ~ayne Renter in attendance regarding payment for moving plumbing, Soutb Talbot Road, soutbwold Townsbip wben county Road #16 was widened. Mr. Rentner asked tbat consideration be given to tbe payment of bis costS plus tbe $100 previOUslY offered by tbe county for tbe land used. Mr. Rentner indicated tbat be waS satisfied witb tbe fence tbe county bad erected plus landscaping done. After Mr. Kentner left tbe meeting tbe matter waS diSCUssed by committee. "MOVED BY'l J. B. mLSON SECONDED BY: R. M. KELLY Tl1AT ~E PAY MR. VlA'lNE D. J(ENTN"ER Tl1~ SUM 01' $600 fOR ALL DAMAGES AND ~X1'ENSES AN)) LAND REGARD1.NG Lor 8, SOUTl1 TALBoT ROAD, SOUTliWOLD .~ TOVlNSl11.P 'FOR Vl1.DW1.NG OF ROAD #16. CARRIED." Tl1~ coMM1-TT~E ADJOURNED 'FOR D1.NNER AT 'PORT STANLEY · · · AFTER DINNER · · · Tbe Corotllittee inspected tbe neW port Stanley Office and Library, and front Street construction port Stanley, county Road #20 from l1igbway #4 to Road #21 noting erosion at Rettie Creek near county Road #21, tbe MeekS Bridge and tbe county Garage. THE MEET1.NG R~sUMED AT TRR wnuC1.?AL J3\J1.LD1.NG · · · 1.t waS decided tbat tbe present load llinit on tbe MeekS Bridge (20,Ton) waS adequate for the present time. ~arden Monteitb indicated tbat tbe Townsbip of southWold waS not interested in improvementS to tbe bridge approacbes at tbiS time. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 7, 1981 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENG1.NEER BE A1f]:H.OR1.ZED TO GRAVEL RESURfACE T1l~ GRAVEL PORT1.0NS 01' ROADS #26, #28 AND If3 0 AND #18. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS 'FOLLOWS: 1. From tbe Ministry of Transportation and communications witb regard to subisdy contribution to Municipal Road projects stating that noW outside corporate and private contribution~ to a Municipality would be eligible for normal road subsidy and tbat a petition to tbe Minister would no longer be necessary but that provincial Government contributions otber than Ministry of Transportation and communications' subsidies would be taken as accounts receivable prior to cotllputations of tbe net value of tbe project for subsidy purposes. 2. From tbe Workmen's c~ensation Board increasing tbe cotllpensation limit for injured workmen to $22,200 from $18,500 per annum effective 3. 'From tbe Ministry of Transportation and Cu"".unications witb notice of July 1. courses on construction inspection, surveying, road design, etc. Tbe Engineer indicated tbat tbe County had nO employeeS eligible for the se cour-secs at thi s time. 4. From tbe Village of springfield regarding tbe repairs of sboulders on County Road #40. 1.t was noted tbat tbe work has been c~leted. 5. From the Ministry of Transportation and communications indicating tbat tbe amount of subsidy on interlocking paving stone would be applicable to tbe cost of alternate metbods tbat would ordinarily be used (ie., aspbalt, gravel, or graSS depending on tbe location). ST _ TllOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, 1981 PAGE 8. From tbe Townsbip of Malabide rezoning property at tbe intersection of Road #32 and l1igbway #13 (ROse1'orbes) to residential. 'From tbe Ministry of Transportation and CQUIlllUnications witb notice of reversion of l1ydro Road from county Road #29 soutl1,erlY to tbe 6. 1. 8. From tbe Ministry of 110using stating tbat Middlese~ county bad been set Township of ya'(nlouth. 9. 'From Jobn Moffat of tbe Minstry of TransportatiOn and COfOItIunicatiOns up as a planning area. acknowledging tbe county'S letter protesting truck license increases and asking for increased subsidy allocations. 10. 'From tbe canadian Transport commission stating tbat tbe disa~reementS 11. 'From tbe. MiJ)istry of Transportation and communications witb notice in billings witb tbe Chessie system were under review. of ~nicipal seminar on Aspbalt Recycling on November 10 to November 12. Tbe Engineer and Assistant Engineer were autborized to attend. 1.t was noted tbat tbe seminar was also on November 11 and tbat an alternate statutory boliday would be designated for botb tbe Engineer and tbe 12. Notice of tbe Municipal Engineer's Meeting on November 24 to November 21 Assistant Enginee-r. at Re~dale. The ~ngineer and tbe Assistant Engineer were autborized 13. From tbe Townsbip of Malabide requesting speed burops be removed from to attend. County Road #45 in Malabide Townsbip. "MO'ITED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. VIlLSON TllAT TRE WG1.N~ER BE 1.NSTR\lcTED TO REMOVE TRE SPEED BUMl'S ON tl1E coUNT'l ROAD SYST~ 1.N }1A1Jill1.DE TOVlNSl11.? AS PER TR~ REQUEST 01' TRE TOVl"NSllll' OF MALA1:lIDE. CARRIED-" ST. TRQMA.S, 0N'tAR1.0 OCTOBER 1, 1981 l'AGE 9. 14. 1.t waS noted tbat tbe Ministry of TransportatiOn and coromunications and tbe Roads and Transportation ASSociation of canada were sponsoring an 1.nternatiOnal seminar on Sbort and MediUlll Span BridgeS ne~t August The seminar waS expected to draW Engineers from allover in To-ronto. tbe united States and canada as well as abroad. Tbe Engineer stated tbat be bad been asked to provi~e a paper on tbe installation of 11. soil steel structures for tbiS se~nar. ]Tom tbe Ontario Good Roads ASSociation witb a proposal for names for long service and for a proposal for resolutions, ]Taro Ontario l1ydrO witb a letter of understanding witb regard to any damage on county Roads for tbe construction of tbe pO R\illvoit tranSllliSsion line between London and St. Tbomas. 'From Mr. 'EUgene crosbY witb a c~laint regarding drainage on county Road #24. Reeve Sbaw stated tbat be bad visited tbe site and Suggested tbat tbe problem be solved by ~nicipal Drain. Tbe Camtllittee agreed and tbe Engineer waS instructed to inform Mr. crosby tbat a Municipal urain outlet should be petitiOned for. 'From tbe Rettie creek conservation Association requesting 18. iroprovementS to county Road #31 between l1igbway /f13 and Avon. waS noted tbat tbe press bad miSquoted DOn l1usson, countY ~ngineer, f obolot f tar and gravel surface ~iddlese~ county regarding tbe eaS~ ~ ~ y 0 a It 15. 16. on tbe road. The Engineer stated tbat unfortUnatelY tbe road was deficient (as rated by tbe MinistrY of Transportation and cororounicatiOns Needs Study) and tbat tbe base and drainage were not adequate for tbe plaCe11lent of surface treatment. 1.t wa~ decided to diSCUSS tbe matter at a meeting witb tbe countY of Middlese~' Tbe Engineer was instructed tl.o~g wl.oth the Middlese~ Road committee in tbe ne~t to set u.p a mee ~~ '. month. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, 1981 PAGE 10. from tbe Townsbip of Malabide witb regard to tbe Argyle Drain, b~ was Tbe Engineer stated tbat altbOUgb be bad received co~respondence not prepa~ed to make a recommendation on it until sucb time as be bad in-vestigated further. after tbe erection of tbe Salt BUilding tbere would probably be sufficient A revised NeW Macbinery Budget was as attacbed and it was noted tbat funds to buY a used grader. Tbe Engineer presented quotations fo~ used graders as attached. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TR TllAT VIE PURCl1ASE ]'ROM Cl1AMP1.0N ROAD MAca1.N~RY SALES L1.M1.TED A caAMP1.0N D_140 GRADER AS pER tl1~1.R QUOTAT1.0NS 01' SEPTm1BER 18 AND SEPT~BER 23, Tl1BlR STOCR #1191 COMPLETE mTR 6 NEW nEBS, SNOVl mNG, 105 AMP ALTERNATOR, AND BACR UP ALARM; \-IA,RR.AN'fY LABOUR AND pABTS, 1 YEAR OR 1,600 HOURS Wll1.ca~VER cOMES :F1.RST AT A NET pR1.CE 01' $14,300 PLUS ONTAR1.0 SALES Tt$ mTl1 TRE coUN'l"l 01' ELG1.N 1969 VlABCO 660B GRAD~R AS A TRADE~ 1.N. CARRIED ." land for widening on county Road #3 betWeen NeW GlasgoW and Rodney and Tbe J';ngineer Suggested tbat an atte!llpt be made tbiS fall to purcbase Road #f'> soutb of Vlal~acetown from pete l1entz and Doug', SimpSon. 1.t waS agreed by tbe Corotllittee tbat tbiS work sbould p~oceed as soon as possible so tbat land waS available for proposed work ne~t year. "MOVED B'l: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: R. E. MoNTE1.Tl1 T]:\AT \-IE ADJ01JRl'l TO NOV~BER 4, 1981 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED .n ~ ._.~., 4:r/~ cJ~ SALT qUOTATl.QNS 1981 "COARSE ROCK" IN BULK TRUCK LOAD LOT~ DELIVERED TO ANY YARD IN ELGIN COUNTY , ' 1. Canadian Salt Company Limited 2555 Royal Windsor tmive Mississauga, Ontario ~J1~ 2. Iroquois Salt Products Limited 150 'Lake shore Road West Mississauga, Ontario L5H 3R2 3. Domtar Chen:lical s Group P. O. Box 10 Station 'T' Toron,tQ, Ontario M613 3Z9 Last Years $21.96 (Canadian Salt) 1979 - 1980 $20.95 .... OlP ~/ IV ~/ $22.12 l)er Tonne (M~tric) $22. Z9 :pe.r Tonne $23.32 per Tonnee COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the resolution of the Township of Southwo1d objecting to the extension of area tha't can be served by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited from their Southwold Site be endorsed. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTliULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRHAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 3:00 p.m., September 9, 1981 in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT PAYLIST NUMBER 38 AMOUNTING TO $26,313.64 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED." "M;OVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE PURCHASE FROM RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPM1~NT LIMITED A JOHN DEERE JD 644B, 3 CUBIC YARD FRONT END LOADER SERIAL NUMBER 340392DW, 1980 MODEL AS PER THEIR QUOTATION OF AUGUST 27, WITH A NET COST TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AFTER TRADE OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S H65 C HOUGH LOADER., OF $52,250 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. IT BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT BUCKET TEETH WILL BE SUPPLIED AND NEW 20.5 X 25 _ 12 PLY TIRES WILL BE INSTALLED BY RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT ON THE JD 644B LOADER IN ADDITION TO EQUIPMENT PRESENTLY ON THE LOADER. CARRIED." A resolution from the Township of Southwold was read requesting the County's support in their objection to the Ministry of the Environment protesting any extension of the area covered by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited from their Southwold Township site. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLlIT1.0N 01' THE TOWNSHIP 01' SOUTHWOLD OBJECT1.NG TO THE EXTENS1.0N OF AREA THAT CAN BE SERVED BY THE ST. THOMAS $AMITARY COLLECT1.0N SERVICES LIMITED FROM THEIR SOUTHWOLD SITE BE ENDORSED. CARRIED." accept $500.00 in lieu of further work by the County of Elgin to the The Engineer reported tbat the Village of Rodney had agreed to boulevard on the east side of Furnival Road in Rodney. The Engineer stated that the County would proceed with the rest of tbeir work as soon as possible and understood that the Villag.!-;of Rodney would proceed with paving stone in the boulevard shortly. Shawn McGrath to Reeve Syd Glover regarding improvements on County Road #32 Correspondence from the Ontario police commission, Chairman the police College Road waS noted. of Transportation and Cv.,..,<1nications was noted in whicb he recv,,"..ended Correspondence from M. H. Seeley, Regional TraffiC, Ministry a flashing light to be installed at the intersection of County Road #16 and #20 in Fingal. The Engineer was instructed to obtain a ci:J'st estimate for the installation. THE MEETING ADJ OURNED TO OCTOBER 7, 1981. f-/ // /l ((;/ ~ ~C/,k / '-->' :1 IRMAN J:. ',~"; (~' ,$:;:- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE " I FIRSt REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF TaE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The tender of TCG Construction Limited operating as lRiverside Construction Company Limited at $12,549.75 was accepted em beh~lf of the Village of 'Dutton for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Village Streets. The work has been cvu~pleted. The tendetwas the lowest of four (4) received. t, 2. The tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited at $30,667.50 was accepted for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Base Coat on approximately 6,650 fe'at of Road #32 southerly and westerly from the Police College gateway, and fot' Hot Mix Patching on Roads #lt8 and #49 in South D01:che ster and Road #52 in Springfield. The tender was the lowest ottwo (2) tenders received. 3. That two (2) Power 'tandem Sanders have been purchasedfr<p King Seagrave Limited for $18,315" 72.. They will replace two (2), present County Sanders which are beyond repair.. The King Se.;igrave tender was the lowest of two (2) tenders 1H:1:ceived. 4. That [) u$f~d Wayne 'Brush Chipper has boen pur.ohcu:;~d from Ontario Hydro for $3,500 plus pr:ovinci,at sales tax. It is l.rnpossd;ble to obtain repair sand krli.ve s for the County' S pre sent ehipper. 5. That the Mi.ni ster of Transportation and Cl.luu.~luIlicatiC)ns has bet:n requ(~ sted to increase subsi die 9 to tl1.t..uli.cipal itle s to compensate for increase in costs when municipalities are forced to pay the full vehicle licence fees in 1982 as propo sed by the Provincial Government' s. 1981 Budget. 'rhe additional cost to the County of Elgin is estimated' at $1:J,500 ,tlnd the. Ftddit:lonaJ CQst to tlw Townsh1.ps 'Is (ilst1.mltQd at $1(>,50n for 1982. "" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION J;l,age 2. 6. An agreement has been reached with the Township gf Bayham to erect a Salt Storage Building and place an Asphalt'aved Winter Sand Pad (at the County's expense) at the Township of Bayham Garage site. The County has been storing winter sand at P~rt Burwell but has had no satisfactory salt storage building in East Elgin. 7. R. C. O1Jnnand Associates Qf London, $onsulting Eng;fl'l.~~~;~tS have been authorized by the El gin and Middle sex Road C",ulmittee S to condUct a small st\1dy to determine if the concrete deck on the :Middlem~ss Bridge (County Road #14, Southwold-Dunwich Townline) ~ras replaced whether or not t;he present 20 tonnes"load limit could be removed. 8. The contractor McLean Foster Limited is making good p:r:'ogress at the Walkers Bridge and hopes to erect,the concrete gix'ders late in the month. 9. The Ministry of Transportation and COllllm.1nications has approved the sum of $25,000 in ~ubsidy money (our original request was $.50,000) for Safety Related Programmes which has been expanded to include White Edge Markings as well as Roadside Stump Removal. Tht subsidy rate is 90.90% of the expenditure (ie. total expenditure$Z7,500 -is required to earn the subsidy of $25,000). 10. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has approved the sum of $20,000 in subsidy money for MuniCipal Drainage ~~t;!hc.'.:t1i~~}I~.~: orisional request was $30,000. As the subsidy rate is 50% the programme will be curtailed from $60,000 to $40,000 and the fv.nds wi'~';~r:,;;<b,~.:.1!;(1)~~~ed on a first: i..nvotced,first paid system. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objections to the passtng of a By-Law by the Township of Yarmouth to cl(HH~ th~ road al10wnnce in Lot 9, Concession XI. 'l'armo\J.tb Township as shown ~s Parts NUmber 2 and Number 5. on reference plan 11279. This closing will allow the Township to transfer a portion of former Road #30 to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. -------------',.,," 'Page 3. f> COUNTY 01' ELG1.l1 ROAD C~'!TEE 1'1.RS't REPORT _ SE?'I'~BER SESS1.oN 2. Tbat a BY~LaW be passed stating tbat the. countY of Elgin baS nO , ,. b tbe To'llt\'lsbtP of Malabide objections to tbe passing of a By~LaW )' 10 d 11 concesSiO~ 1.V, to close tbe road allowance. bet..reen LotS . an ' , _." n^ncessioPS lV ~alabide To"""sbiP from tbe, 1'0ao' allowance. between 'and V, so~tberlY for appro~imatelY 3,312 feet. b assed stating tbat tbe. Co~ntY of Elgin baS nO Tbat a By_LaW e. p . f the following toad allowance bY the objection to tbe closing 0 1 k R ad it'\. 'lie.nna o h "All tbat p<1l't of the p an · 0 Townsh~P of BaY am. 54 f tbe village of Vienna e.)tte~ding $outh of aSsbo""" on plan 0 _,.~"_ Q,~pet to itS intel'Se.ction wtt- tbe tbe soutbel'l Y 1 imit of wa.."" ~~" nortberlY lil1lit of l1igbway'#19 as sbO'IIt\'l on planut+6. 1 tOn of the county of ox.fol'd opposing tbe That tbe reSo U ~o . f tbe Enviro~ntal ASSe.sament l\.Ct to pl'ojectS applicatJ.on 0 ' ti n of e~isting'ro<1dS and bridge$ be. involving l'econstrUc .0 3. 4. 6. o. f.. the countY of Unt l'eqUe.stinS t\\tc"';". Tbat tbe l'eso1\.lpOn 0 provincial uegiSl~tiOn be ~nded to allOW countie.s to . . 'Ire. .5t~gatiOnS <1nd l'eportS relating to Syste.mS of p-rocu-rc 1.pv" .... . waste collectiOn and diSpOsal 1;>e. endorsed. 1. 0 o.f tbe countY of vtctol'ia reqUesting tb<1t Tbat tbe l'eso utJ.on o 0 1 fao~s.lat.ion 1;>e. amended to allOW countieS to control p-rOVl,n.CJ,.3. ~o"" .. , ,Count1 Roads be. e(\dor se.d. entrance 10cat~Ons on ALL 01' m\1.Cl1 1.S RESFEcTJ'\lLLY SUBM1.'!TED endo-r sed. 5. cRA1.~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Elgin County Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., September 2, 1981. All members were present, along with Mr. Frank Clarke of tbe Ministry of Transportation and communications. Also in attendance was Mr. Bob Davies, Assistant County Engineer. 11MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEET1.NG OF AUGUST 12, 1981 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." Hot Mix Aspha1c!: paving tenders for the asphalt base coat on County Road #32 and for patching on Roads #48, #;49, #52 were opened and were as follows: Walmsley Bros. Limited, #30,661.50; Towland (London) 1970 Limited, $36,498.85. 11MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT Tl1~ TENDER 01' WALMSLEY BROS. LIM1.TED AT $30,661.50 fOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAViNG BASE COAT ON ROAD #32 AND PATCH1.NG ON ROADS #48, #49, AND #52. CARRIED ." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Weed cutting was nearly completed. 2. The second application of calcium chloride had been completed. 3. That the guide rail on tbe south span of the Middlemiss Bridge had been removed and replaced with flex beam guide rail. 4. Stwnps had been removed on Road #8 between Wallacetown and Dutton and ditching was continuing as conditions permitted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 2. 5. The wet weather had not allowed the cvmpletion of trim work on Road #38. 6. Construction was continuing on Road #32 with granular base being placed. A multi-plate culvert was being installed just south of the Police College. 7. Paving on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) woul d be done in approximately 2 weeks time by Walmsley Bros. Limited. 8. The Ministry of Natural Resources were hosti~g a pit and quarry inspection regarding rehabilitation on September 3. The Warden and the Chairman stated that they would attend. 9. The St. Thomas Expressway would be opened at 10:00 on September 7 (Labour Day) by the Honourable James Snow. 10. Pavement marking was nearly cvmpleted, with approximately 2 (two) days of work left on edge marking. 11. That $4,000 had been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources toward cost of the rehabilitation of the Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit. The money was a return of fees previously paid by the County in Tonnage Asses~ents. 12. Miscellaneous ditching and drainage work was being continued. 13. An extremely heavy rain in the Village of Belmont (3" to ~n) on August 30 had resulted in the storm drain on County Road #34 being filled to capacity resulting in flooding of several baslements. The County Insurance Adjusters had been advised. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST NUMBER 34 AMOUNTING TO $ 52,987.39 PAYLIST NUMBER 35 AMOUNTING TO $ 2,970.26 PAYLIST NUMBER 36 AMOUNTING TO $ 52,247.22 PAYLIST NUMBER 37 AMOUNTING TO $320,640.44 CARRIED." ST. TROMAS, 0N'tAR1.0 S~'t~~R 2, 1981 l'AGE 3. "MOVBD B'l ': SECONDED 1\'l: M. 11. STtvl1$! , , CA't1.oN 'to TRE M1.N1.STRY 01' TllOR1.ZED TO ~E A1'PL1. T]:\A't Tl1~ WG1.NJ',ER BE Nl ~EN'tS 01' SUBS1.D'l fOR , ~1.CAT1.0NS 'FOR 1.N'tERUi pp;, TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cO J. B. VllLSON cARR-lED." 1981. fraro tbe TownsbiP of soutbwold, and tbe CountY for soutbwold'S ,__ ;:0 alloW an e~ten!tiion d tbe correspondence Tbe Vlarden reporte on fraro tbe local municipalitieS -requesting support .. .. E 0 -ronment '00 , uest tbe MinistrY of tbe :nv~ ' ' -resolutl.on to -reC\: 1 0 S,A.. -rvicesLl.ml.teu.. o t ...'1 co1 ect1.on "" b St TbQt1laS San~ a" of tbe area served by t e . tbe Mini,ster of tbe d be bad sent a letter to d b t as instructe Engineer reporte t a ' be ossibilitY tbat tbe 1 ~,'tb Norton, protest~ng t p h 1:lonou-rab e 1.'el. 1 Enviro~nt, t e' " ,'. to alloW tbem to pace o :ro.e-rgency cre-rtl. fl.ca'te d . bt be g~ ven an e County of O~fo-r 1l\1-g , ser"Tices Limited land h sanitary collect~on . the st. TomaS tbeir solid waste ~n ' 't was decided to leave h' .fter some disCuss~on ~ '\,..., ld TOwnS l.p. ~ f'll site in sout,~O ' ~ . ~ d committee meet~ng. '~ abe~ance until tbe ne~t oa the matte-r 1..~~ } . d co~unicatiOns t d tbat tbe Minist-rY of TranSportat~on an Th Enginee-r -repo-r e e . o.rtion of tbeir supplementary h coromittee' s request to transfer a p bad agreed to t e ' , ed itemS to wbite edge mark~ng. subsidY allocatiOn for safetY rela~ '\,.... ld "'ega:-rd~1!t.gsa:fetY h. f soutuWO J.. d fraro tbe TOwnS ~p 0 correspondence was rea ' '- stated that be o al The Engl.neeJ- , intersection of 'F~ng · conditions at tbe ma~n ' and cororounications tbe Minist-rY of Transportat~on bad Mr. ~rraY seeley fraro ,seeleY would be making o 1 '\.. at tbe intersect~on. Mr' ffoc Off1..ce oo~ ~gional 'tra ~ waS alsO noted tbat a 1 to tbe Coromittee. 1.t d t' on sbort Y '1 a -recommen a 1. count~ councl. on o d legation to } 1d be bring~ng a e . Loc\.<.ha-rt -wou Mrs. Jan~ce , ' flasbing lightS at the , tbe installat~on of '\,...e~ 9 -request1.ng septemlJ J,. , inte-rsection. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 4. The Engineer reported that Mr. Norm Warner of R. C. Dunn and Associates I \ was proceeding with his study to ascertain whether or not it was feasible to replace the floor on the Middlemiss Bridge and remove the present 20 tonne load limit. It was reported that the County of Middlesex felt that a joint County Road Committee meeting with regard to the reconstruction of Jffubrey-Radio Road was not necessary and that the County of Middlesex wished to include the work between the Middlesex County boundary and the Belmont-Glanworth Road in their next 5 year road programme and suggested that Elgin County might do the same with the portion of the Radio Road (Road #30) that has not been reconstructed. It was decided to examine the County's construction programme at a later date when some idea of the construction money available for future years could be ascertained. The Engineer reported that he had forwarded to Prime site Development Limited the Committee's conditions with regard to the imPt"ovement of Wellington Road and that these conditions had been aoknowledged. It was noted that the Central Elgin Planning Board would meet in September 3 to discuss the appointment of a Consultant to do a marketing study so that an Official Plan Amendment might be considered to allow the shopping centre to be built. The Engineer and Frank Clarke reported that it appeared that Mr. Gary Spence would not likely be able to get a barge load of tractor trailers for a trial run between Port Stanley and Cleveland this Fall and that ~ny triaQ runs if they were forthcoming would not be done until next year at the earliest. ST. T1l0MAS, ON't1\RIO SEl'TEMBER 2, 1981 l'AGE 5. 'tbe ~arden reported tbat tbe Ontario l1ydro study for transmiSsion lineS between tbe BrUce Nuclear Station and LOndon was proceeding slower tban expected and tbat additional meetingS would be required and it would be some time before any conclusions were drawn. Bob DavieS reported tbat be bad met witb Reeve Coles of Rodney witb regard to tbe rebabilitation of areas between tbe curb and gutter and tbe sidewalk tbat tbe Village wisbed to brick in front of tbe Senior citizen's BUilding and some of tbe c()1l1t1lercial stores. l1e estimated tbe cost to tbe County to replace tbe previoUS asphalt would be appro~imatelY $500.00. Frank clarke noted tbat tbe Ministry of Transportation and communications would onlY sUbsidize tbose costS tbat would be necessary to replace tbe boulevard witb eartb or aspbalt as tbe case waS previouslY, 1.t waS decided to offer tbe Village of Rodney tbe gUm of $500.00 tOward tbe cost to alloW tbem to use wbatever material tbey wisbed to renovate tbe boulevard. Tbe Engineer reported tbat be bad met witb Deputy Reeve Vlakeling of tbe Village of port Stanley witb regard to tbe e~tension of tbe EaSt Street drain on county Road #'1.3. 'the committee noted tbat any e~tension of tbe drain to private property sbould be done througb tbe Municipal Drainage Act. The Engineer reported tbat tbe Chairman and bimsel f bad visi1;ed Mr. Gougb' s property on county Road #40 in springfield and tbe Engineer bad been instructed by tbe Chairman to inform Mr. Gougb tbat any drainage tbat be wisbed done sbould be done tbrougb tbe Municipal Drainage Act. 1.t waS reported by Reeve Vlil son and tbe Engineer tbat tbey bad met witb Mr. Don l1USson, county Engineer for tbe county of Middlese~ on county Road #31 east of tbe C.p.R. Tracks and bad received assurance frOlll him that the county of Middlese~ waS in agreement witb the widening of the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 6. fill and the purchase of property necessary to improve saf'ety on the east was not in a financial position at this time to do any more work on the road side of the C.P.R. Tracks. It was pointed out that the County of Middlesex other than widening of the fill and replacement of the culvert. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: M. J. STEWART TflAT TIlE ENG1.NEER BE 1.NSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITIl WIDENING THE SHOULDER 01' ROAD tf37 fROM THE C.P .R. CROSS1.NG EASTERLY fOR APPROXI'MATELY 400 FEET INCLUDING A NEW CULVERT AND LAND PURCHASE. CARRIED." It was noted tbat Mr. Wayne Kentner was not able to attend the meeting to discusS land purchase on Road #16. Reeve Smyth reported tbat the Village of Port Burwell was still considering the closing of Chatham Street. THE. MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER · · · AFTER DINNER · · · CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. 'Fr0tll the Ministry of Transportation and communications witb approvals of By~LaWS #81-30 and #81-31 restricting the weight limit on various bridges which expires June 24, 1983. 2. From the Township of Malahide with a zoning by-law re~oning property on Highway #73 near County Road #32 for a Vehicle Repair Centre. 3. FrOtll Mr. R. K. McNeil regarding letters pertaining to Mr. Gougb, and asphalt resurfacing on Highway #3. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 7. 4. From the Honourable James Snow to R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. regarding Talbot Trail Signing policies. 5. From the County of Middlesex stating that they felt that Ontario Hydro should not truck their transformers from Belmont to Glanworth, and suggested that they use Highway #74 and County Road #52 to get to their destination in St. Thomas instead. 6. From the Ministry of Revenue stating that sales tax rebate was not applicable to the County's purchase of a 1 ton Dodge Truck. 7. From the Township of Southwold requesting a location fm~ water main on County Road #26 just north of County Road #29. The Engineer stated that he had met with representatives of Southwold Township and a satisfactory location for the water main had been agreed on. 8. From Domtar Limited with 1981 and 1982 salt prices. The Engineer noted that Iroquis Salt CVlLLpany had a load of salt on the Glock at Port Stanley and were successful in their bid to the Ministry of Transportation and CVlulLLunications fur the London region and would be submitting a price to the County which would be hopefully lower than the Domtar price. 9. From Mr. Ronald Ball regarding County Road #28. The COlmnittee agreed that the one half mile of road south of his property should be gravelled this Fall or next Spring and tha:(: every attempt would be made to prime the road next year southerly from Mr. Ball's property to the concession road between Conce ssion #6 and #7. The Engineer was'li;iin.!st::1l:ctte:E,etljj!,bo infform Mr. Ball of the CountY's decision. 10. From Ontario Hydro stating that upgrading of towers and piles would occur over the next two D~ three years on their main transformer line between the Buchannan Tranffinitter Station and Chatham. 11. From the Town of Aylmer with a zoning by-law for Aylmer Tool Craft. 12. From the Township of Southwold with a zoning by-law rezoning property on Highway #4 north gf TalhQtville, to residential. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 PAGE 8. 13. 'From the Ministry of Transportation and CQ1lIllU1nications witb their 1980 Audit Report on County Expenditures. The Engineer reported tbat loader quotations bad been received and were as attacbed. Tbe Engineer said he would inspect the John Deere and the Fiat Allis Loaders and report at tbe ne~t meeting. Tbe Engineer felt tbat the Volvo Loader did not meet tbe size and horse power requirements of the county. Tbe Engineer reported tbat Bob Davies was continuing on tbe plans for the salt Storage Building at tbe Baybam Township Garage and tbat be bad met with tbe Township Council and arranged a satisfactory site for tbe building. surveying for future construction work was ddscussed, and it was decided tbat tbe Engineer sbould proceed with survey work on County Road #3 between Highway If3 and Rodney, County Road 1f30 north of tbe road between concession Xl1. and X1.1.1., Yarmoutb Township and on County Road #45 between Highway #73 and County Road #40. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THlIX WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 7, 1981 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED ." ~--' ~ ~~/ /-Z/-" 7 ~J /~/ i -J. " ' . J,. C //- ~ Ie ."'." __7."~,,"_._l:lAIRMAN (' SUPPLI ER Renash Tractor a.nd Equipment Limited Champion Road iMachinery Sher idan Equip. Limited Equipment Sales and Service Limited Capital Equipment MODEL John Deere 644B Vol vo BM 4400 Frat All is 645 B Inft Harvester 530 Clark 75 C COUNTY OF ELGIN COMPARISON OF 3 CUBIC YARD LOADERS PRI CE AFl'ER YEARS & HOURS TR.~DE USED BUCKET SIZE $52,250 $57,300 $61, 000 $67,500 $76,290 1980 700 Hours 200 Hours 1979 750 Hours 1979 361 Hours 1980 250 Hours 3 Cu. Yd. 3 Cu. Yd. No Teeth 3 Cu. Yd. 3 Cu.. Yd. 3 Cu. Yd. H.P. 145 (Net) 531 Cu. In. Eng ine 128 (Net) 334 Cu. In. Eng i ne 151 (Net) 426 Cu. In. Engine 165 H.P. 414 Cu. In. Engine 152 H.P. GMC 4-71 WARRANTY 1 Year Parts & Labour 6 Mon. Parts & Labour 1 Year BREAKOUT FORCE 21,080 Lbs. 17,640 Lbs. 26,360 Lbs. 5 Mon. 28,125 Lbs~ Parts & Labour 6 Mon. 21, 700 Lbs. TIPPING LOAD HEIGHT 400 TURNED DUMPED REACH 19,160 Lbs. 15 , 3 20 Lb s . 16,890 Lbs. 9 Feet 9 t . 2" 8'-11" 18 , 075 Lb s. 9 ' -1 " 22,300 Lbs. 9' .0" 38 Inches 3'.7" 34 Inches REMARKS 12 Ply Tires Weight 14 Ton Not as big a load as John Deere or Frat Allis 12 Ply Tire 42 Inches 16 Ply Tire 36 Inches Weight 15% Tons ST. Tl1QMA.S, ONTAR1.0 ,l\UGUST 12, 1981 ? AGE 1. Tl1E COUNTY 01' fJ,G1.N ROAD COv.l'l1TTEE met at tbe Elgin County ~niciP al BUildings at 9:30 a.m., p,ugU st 12., 1981. All member s e~cept Reeve Glover were present and also 'Frank clarke of tbe Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns and Mr. Gerald ~dwards. nMOV'ED BY: M. 1\. ST'EVf ART SECONDED BY: R. M. ~'LLy 'tllAT Tl11? MlNU'l$S 01' 'ftt1'. M'E'tI1.NG 01' JULY 10, 1981 BE A1'PRO\TED. CARRIED e" T1l~ 'f.l'\G1.N~ER REPO~~D oN VlORR TO DAT~ AS 1'OLlJ)VlS: surface treatment work would be completed on AUgust 12.. Vleed cutting waS still in progreSS witb tWO (2) tractors and would 1. 2. be completed in tbe ne:>tt week. . db. 1 t a in Rodne~ on Road #3. curb and gutter re~a~r ba. een c~ e e ' Stumps would be picked up starting earlY ne~t week on CountY Road #S. Tbe Townsbi? of yarmoutb bad cotllPleted e~cavation in tbe . 1 nd had trucked all of tbeir e~ceSs sub_e~cavati9n ~lm_centenn~a area a to CountY Road #2.2. wbere it bad been levelled by tbe County. calciUtll cbloride bad been applied to most gravel roads in tbe past month. 1.t appeared tbat witb tbe e~cessive moistUre over tbe past weekS tbat a tbird application would be necessary on some of tbe 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. roads at least ~ R d #38 bad been c~leted otber tban fencing and ~o-rk on CountY oa I',uardfail and a small alll-Ount of triroming wbicb would be done as soon as tbe slopes dried Qut. Grading w?>s continuing on Road #32. along witb pipe installations. It 8. Sand base would be started on August 13. 1.t would be necessary to call for tenders for bot mi~ aspbalt base as soon as possible. . . J:. J k S""".tht S to the l'olice appeared tbat work frOtll )ust east 0'- aC ",.1- college Gate would be substantiallY c~leted tbiS fall other than tbe TownsbiP Road 1.ntersection. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 2. 9. A week' s traffic count s had been taken on wellington Road and the 10. walmsley Bros, Limited would complete their paving on centennial Counties corresponded ~ith counts taken previouslY. Avenue (ROad1\28) ~ithin the ne~t month. 11. SignS had been erected for the village of Belmont. 12. The truck motor on Truck 1\14 (2 ton stake) had to be replaced. 13. McLean Foster construction was making good progress on the Walkers Bridge ~ith pile driving having been completed on three of the five abutments and piers, and concerete ~ork having been completed on twO (2) piers. The contractor was hoping that he might be able to erect the floor beams in october. 14. paving had been completed by TCG Materials Limited for the village 15 . pavement marking would be completed shortlY. of Dutton. 16. Some edge marking had been completed and it appeared that an additional 22 or 23 barrels of paint ~ould be required to do the work originallY estimated. The Committee decided to proceed with the edge marking as they felt that it waS a priority safety item and asked that the Ministry of Transportation and communications be contacted to see if a portion of the subsidy monies set up for stut1lP removal could be transferred to edge marking. The Engineer estimated the cost of the paint to be about $1,000 with a total cost of approximatelY $10,000 to complete the prOgramme. Tenders for hot mi~ paving for the village of Dutton were as attached. It was noted that the village had approved the tender and as it was the onlY work on the tender, work had proceeded. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF TCG CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, OPERATING AS RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION AT $12,549.75 FOR CONTRACT 'C', HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CARRIED. " "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOl]~ MIX ASPHALT BASE COAT FOR A PORTION OF ROAD #32 AND FOR PATCHING IN THE SOUTH DORCHESTER AREA. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST NUMBER 31 AMOUNTING TO $ 53,230.11 PAYLIST NUMBER 32 AMOUNTING TO $ 56,361.87 PAYLIST NUMBER 33 AMOUNTING TO $384,427.47 CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT: 1. R. C. Dunn and Associates had been authorized to proceed with the study on the floor of the Middlemiss Bridge. It was not known when the report would be received. 2. That the County of Middlesex and the London Suburban Road commission would meet on August 20 to discuss the Hubrey-Highbury Road Extension and that a joint meeting with the County of Elgin would not likely be held until the end of September. ST. TaO~S, ONT~RI0 AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 4:. Reeve stewart reported that the Lake Erie Erosion coromittee waS going to court with their suit against the Federal GOverntllent for the erosion along Lake Erie to port BurWell, The Engineer reported that Mr. GOugh owned appro~imatelY 300 on CountY Road \\40, at the first opportunity the Chairtllan and the Engineer would visit the property to view his drainage complaint. feet The Engineer reported that su"C'leYs were undep'ay on County Road \\46 to detertlline hOW much property would be available for Mr. Joseph Mag'{ar to purchase on county ROad \\46, The traffiC countS would be taken at County Road \\2 and aighwaY \\16 intersection witbin tbe ne~t montb. warden Monteith reported severai meetings had been held to disCUSS the proposed corridors for electrical lines from the ontario aydrO Bruce NUclear station to the fortller BUchannan Transfortller site at LOndon or a neW site somewhat west of LOndon and a line from that site to ~e stated that there might be a chance that T~ansmitte~ site. The Engineer reported that a meeting would be held on ~ugust 13 ff' . lS from the Ministr'{ of with MS Margaret Kelch and other 0 ~c~a Transportation and co~unications with regard to the proposed ferry service from port stanleY to Cleveland. The Engineer stated that it 'd -hle n~er of rumors had been circulating and appeared that a conS~ er~ 1 t f thet1l but that the it appeared that there was nO truth to a 0 0 ' meeting with the Ministr'{ of Transportation and coromunications would probablY clear theSe up and define the MiniStr'{ of TransportatiOn and coromunicatiOns' role in the ventUre, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 5. to the county of Elgin building a salt building and sand pile pad on Reeve stewart stated that the T~nship of Bayhaffi had no objection the Township garage property on Highway ~19 but some diSCUssion would be necessary with regard to its location and the drainage from it. Development. The coromittee agreed that the reconunendatiOns in the The Engineer presented the attached report regarding primesite report should be forwarded to primesite Development as the requirements of the county of Elgin with regard to the development of the site. they wished to pass a by-law to close a portion of old county Bead ~30 correspondence waS read from the TownshiP of yarmouth stating that near the Kettle creek conservation Authority, "MoVED BY: M. H. STE1ilART SECONDED BY: K. M. J.<ELLY THAT we RECoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L THAT A By-LAW BE PASSED STATING THAT THE couNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE pASS1.NG OF 'A By-LAW BY THE ToWNSHIP OF YABl'lOUTH TO cLOSE THE ROAD ALLOWANCE. 1.N LOT 9. CONCESSION XI. YABl'lOUTJ:l ToWNSHIP AS SHOWN AS PART ~2 AND PART ~ 5 ON REFERENCE pLAN llR 2219. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: 1. The T01N!lshiP of southwold with notices of C01I1lllittee of AdjUStIllent hearings regarding the old hotel property at the intersection of county Road ~16 and County Road ~20 now owned bY the Township of southwold and to vanderkoOY' a portion of the original road all~ance bet~een LOtS 10 and 11. concession IV, Malahide Township. 2 . From the TownshiP of Malahide requesting county approval to close ST. THOMJI.S, 0N'l'~RI0 AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: 1<.. E. MONTEITH. SECONDED BY' J.(. M. !<ELLY T1l.AT WE REcoMM'END TO couNTY COUNC1.L T1l.AT ~ By-:LA1il BE p~SSED ST~T1.NG T1l.AT TlIE couNTy OF ELG1.N 1l.AS NO OBJECT1.0NS TO 'l'1IE p~SS1.NG OF ~ By-:LA1il BY TlIE T01ilNSH1.1? OF ~1.DE TO CLOSE T1l.E ROl'Sl ~LL01il~NCE BET1ilEEN LOTS 10 J>J1D 11, CONCESSION IV, MJI.'Ll'J1.IDE T01ilNSH1.1? FROM THE ROl'Sl BET1ilEEN CONCESS1.0N 1.V J>J1D V SOUTlIERLY yOR j>J?PROZIMJ1.TELY 3,312 FEET. CARRIED." Reeve smyth reported that the village of port BurWell had diSCUssed t"" "iI' . t::!t~' of Natural ReSOurces to close Chathalll the re<1uest bY ,..e ".~n~~ ~, street and were opposed to the proposed closing aPd stated that he would have a letter forWarded to the County prior to the ne~t Road c~ttee . t""at t""e Count" of Elgin could take action on the Ministry'S meet~ng SO ,.. ,..' -reC!.uest. The Engineer repotted the head office of the Ministry of TransportatiOn and coromunications in Toronto had re<1uested that a resolution be passed , "t" N for e~tra sUbsidY if the municipalitieS were interested ~n pet~ ~on~n~ to cover the cost of vehicle licencing, proposed in the provincial Budget. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY' J.( . E. MON'l'E1.TH T1l.AT T1l.E M1.N1.STER OF TRJ>J1SPORT~T1.0N J>J1D COMl'lUN1.CAT1.0NS BE REQUESTED TO INcp.El\.SE !\LJ'.,OCAT1.0N OF ROl'Sl SUBSID1.ES TO J-1ON1.C1.1?!\LIT1.ES TO COVSR TlIE 1.NCRE~SE 1.N COSTS OF MUN1.C1.P!\L VSH1.CLE LICENCE FEES RECENTLY j>J1NoUNCED BY T1l.E PROVINC1.!\L GOVEBNMEN'l'. J. B. WILSON CARRIED. " ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 7. The Engineer's report on neW machinery and housing as attached was discussed. He recommended that the County proceed with a salt building at Bayham Township. It was noted that since the report had been typed, Ontario Hydro wished $3,500 for their brush chipper and that tenders had been called for two (2) sanders and that the price of the sanders was considerably under the typed estimate. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE PURCHASE A USED 1966 MODEL WAYNE BRUSH CHIPPER FROM ONTARIO HYDRO AT $3,500 PLUS TAX. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF KING SEAGRAVE LIMITED OF WOODSTOCK FOR TWO (2) SANDERS (A) KING SEAGRAVE MODEL K61-1 HYDRAULICALLY DRIVEN (B) KING SEAGRAVE MODEL K61-2 WITH 18 HP ENGINE ALL AT A TENDERED PRICE OF $18,315.12 COMPLETELY MOUNTED AND INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." It waS also decided that the Engineer obtain prices on a used loW hour loader with the County's Hough 65 C as a trade-in, for the next committee meeting. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO PROCEED WITH A SALT STORAGE BUILDING AND SAND PAD AT THE BAYHl\M TOWNSHIP GARAGE, CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 8. Chairman Shaw presented a request from Wayne Kentner who had formerly owned the Watson Corner School property on County Road #16, requesting payment in the amount of $631.00 for relocating his well when County Road #16 was built. In discussion Chairman Shaw called Mr. Kentner; Mr. Kentner requested an appointment to meet with the CVl111uittee at the next::"Road Committee meeting, the Gonnnfttee agreed to this. Correspondence w'as read from the Village of Rodney, a.nd the Rodney Industrial Commission requesting that the County of Elgin replace portions of asphalt boulevard which had been dug up for the repair of curb and gutter with interlocking brick instead of hot mix asphalt. Inasmuch as' the correspondence had not been previously received by the Engineer, the Engineer stated that he had no idea of the exact length and/or location that the Village wished to have replaced with brick. It was decided that the Assistant Engineer would meet with the Village representatives to find out which they wished. It was noted that under the County I s pres'ent policy the boulevard would be replaced with the same material as it was previous to the work. It was suggested that the County could pay the money that it would have cost the County to replace the boulevard to the Village so that they could apply this toward the interlocking brick. The CUllI,Lllittee decided t:o review the matter at the next meeting. It was noted that the County of Oxford would soon bE~ in an emergency si tuati.on with regard to disposal of solid waste and i 1: appeared that the site to be used on an eme,rgency basis would be the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Site in Southwold Township. The matter was discussed at some length and it was' felt if the site would be used that it would be for a minimum of two (2) years and could be for considerably longer than that before the County of Oxford had approvals for their ne'w Salford Site. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1981 PAGE 9. It was felt that the volume of solid waste that would be put into the site could seriouslY reduce the Ministry of the Environment'S approved space at the present site and that additional environmental approvals. etc~WOUld be required by the st. Thomas sanitary collection services to provide a disposal area for the residents of Elgin county. Thus not onlY would the county of Elgin be deprived of a waste disposal site but a large cost increase would also be faced by the residents in the county. warden Monteith stated that the Township of southWold would forward to the Ministry of the Environment a letter of protest and were trying to arrange a meeting with the Minister with regard to this matter at an earlY date. The Engineer was instructed to meet with the Ministry as soon as ~ possible. "MOVED BY: 1(. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT BE INFORMED THAT THE coUNTY OF ELGIN IS OPPOSED TO AN EXTENSION OF THE AREA SERVED BY THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECT1.0N SERV1.CES FROM THEIR SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP LANDF1.LL SITE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M.. KELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 2. 1981 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." SUPPLIER Rena sh Tt" act or and Equipment Limited Champion Road Machinery Sheridan Equip. Limited Equipment Sales and Service Limited Capital Equipment MODEL John Deere 644B Volvo BM 4400 Frat All i s 645 B In't Harvester 530 Clark 75 C PRICE AFTER TRADE $52,250 $57,300 $61 , 000 $6 7 , 500 $76,290 COUNTY OF ELGIN COMPARISON OF 3 CUBI C YARD LOADERS YEARS & HOURS USED BUCKET SIZE 1980 700 Hours 200 Hours 1979 750 Hours 1979 361 Hours 1980 250 Hours 3 Cu. Yd. 3 Cu. Yd. No Teeth 3 Cu. Yd. 3 Cu. Yd. H.P. 145 (Net) 531 Cu. In. Engine 128 '(Net) 334 Cu. In. Engine WARRANTY 1 Year Parts & Labour 6 Mon. ' Parts & Labour 151 (Net) 1 Ye.ar 426 Cu. In. Engine 165 H.P. 414 Cu. In. Engine 3 Cu. Yd. 152 H.P. GMC 4-71 BREAKOUT FORCE 21,080 Lbs. 17,640 Lbs. 26,360 Lbs. 5 Mon. 28,125 Lbs. Parts & Labour 6 Mon. 21,700 Lbs. '.:i.;:- TIPPING LOAD HEIGHT 400 TURNED DD-MPED 19,160 Lbs. 9 Feet 15,320 Lbs.. 9' - 2" REACH n~6.i. nT7~ t\,J::.r1B..l.'U'-. u 38 Inches 12 Ply Tires lveight 14 Ton 3'_7" Not as big a as John D~ere or Frat All is 16,890 Lbs. 8'-11" 34 Inches 12 Ply Tire 18,075 Lbs. 9'-1" 22,300 Lbs. 9'-0" 42 Inches 16 Ply Tire 36 Inches Weight 15% Tons ASPHALT PAVING VILLAGE OF DUTTON iENDER RESULTS 1. TCG Construction Limited o/a Riverside Construction P. O. Box 189 London, Ontario 2. Towland (London) 1970 Limited P. O. Box 2815 London, Ontario , N6A 4H4 3. Walmsley Bros. Limited R. R. #8 London, Ontario 4. R. E. Van Gassen Limited P. O. Box 958 Chatham, Ontario N7M 5L3 $12,549.75 $12,7161050 $14,355.00 $14,565.25 l" COUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD DEPARTMENT POTENTIAL CONCERNS REGARDING PRIMESITE DEVELOPMENT WELLINGTON ROAD - ROAD 25 July 1981 1. Drainage from the development should r~n to the $~uth ~nto Underhill Drain rather than to the north. Minimal drainage to the north only, as culverts across Wellington Roa.d and Road 29 west are si~ed for Fat'lll Orainage only. 2. Items Affe~tin~ W~li~ton Road: (II) Ministry of Transportation aJ:ld Cv.~"unicatioJ:l$ has control over entran~es, etc., for ~ tn.ile from intersection of Wellington J{oad and St. Thomas Expressway for shopping centres, etc. (b) Ministry of Transportation and' COL/:u.nJnications will r'~quire a detailed t.raffic study estimating traffic volumes, turning movements, etc., on both Wellington Road and the St. Thomas Expressway. (c) Central ELginPlanrting Board requires a comprehensive 'ffi3'.-:keting, and impact study regarding the local. economy, taxation, potential sales etc., before an offical plan amendment can be made. ( d ) A deci $ ion by prime s HIe Ileve 1 opment i S 1:'e qu i 1:'ed on nl!mber of major tenants they may have (ie., 1 or 2 department stores plus grocery stores) prior to ltern (c) being completed. (e) Consultllnt fo1:' item (c) must be acceptable to Central Elgin planning Board.. ana must be picked prior to a traffiC consultant being obt.ained. Traffic consultant must: be acceptdble to the Ministry of Transportation and CVuu.~~unicati.onsJ the County of Elgin and the Central Elgin Planning Board. ( f) Pdme site Ileve 1 opment , requ ired top a y for all studie s <including traffic consultant). ~,- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT POTENTIAL CONCERNS REGARDING PRIMESITE DEVELOPME~"'T WELLINGTON ROAD .. ROAD 25 Page 2. (8) On Wellington Road the minimum improvement length would likely be O.N.R. C~ossing to the St. Thomas Expressway. Pos:sible requirements.. widening to 4 lanes (including necessary land pur.-chase and utility r.-e:J;ocation), channelization of intersection (2 intosh9pping centre plus County Road 26), synchronized traffic signals" lighting, drainage, signing, etc. (h) AS this section is not deficient at present time (Ministry of Transpor.-tation and COIllffiunications-.Co.UntyNeeds Study), D$ve1oper should pay all cost$ (agreements, cash cleposit, non cancellablelmJ:!,:i,of creclit, etc. ,requi~ed). .... (i) It is unlikely b1inistry of Transpor.-tation and Gonmunications will allow any property entrances no:pth of Road 29. . (j) A decision on the $tatus of Roa<1 29 (east) will be required. J.)oes this retfvdn a County Road? (Who. s responsi,blE! fo'J:' cons.truct~oll, ~tnatntenance, etc.?) Not likely the road can beclos.ed asbydro and 30 tn.ch cliameter water pipe. line (belonging to MiniStry of the Environment) ~re on the road allowance.' 0<.) A decision of Road .29 (west) will be required. Should road be closed or upgraded.. Wor.-k required on several hund.red feet, including new culvert, etc. (1) Realignment of Road 26 will he difficult as pres~ntt:'oads do not meet and Hydro Tran~ission Tower may make an intersection design difficult. (m) · Road 26 (St. George Street) is presently a deficient road with 2.600 vehicles j:. Who rebuilds it if traffic increases? (Say to 4,000 byth(l.t volume. the 'rQad at Cowan Park and the hi.ll has become intolerable.) (n) The County and the Ministry of Transportation and Gv'ulluunications will have to develop their needs together after reviewing traffic consultant's forecasts. ('. CO~~TYOF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT POTENTIAL CONCERNS REGARDING PROMESITE DEVELOPMENT WELLINGTON ROAD... ROAD 25 Page 3. ,RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. primesit.e Development be informed that: (a) Drainage should go southerly. (b ) That a comprehensive traffic study .will be reqqired a1t: their co at_ (c) That a proposed mall layout, etc., will be required w:lth proposed entrance locations, etc., etc., i.l1 conjunct.i-on wi th the study. (d) That the layout include any proposal s they m$ght have for using Road 29 (ie., closure or purchase subject tll) ut.ility easement and a pl7ovision for futu.re utility easement s). ((~) That the County may have to engage a consultant to re~"iew primesite's information and to pr~pose a conceptual d~esign (Road Design) and that Primesite will b~ required to pay these costs: (f) That costs of all road renovations and improvements and certain maintenance costs will have to be done by Primesite. COUNTY.OF ELGLN MACHLNERY BUDGET July 1981.. Total Budget ------------ $ 225,000.00 Spent to date ---------- 30,000.00 (Finish Salt Bldg. at White Station; Trucks #93 & #94.) Balance ------------------ $ 195,000.00 1. SANDERS 10 in total. All tandems, 8 - 10 cu. yd. capacity. POOR CONDITION # 6 - King Seagrave - purchased 1970. # 7 - Frink - purchased 1970. FAIR CONDITION These have had work done in the pasit few years but are probably only good for one or two more seasons. # 3 - King Seagrave - purchased 1966. # 4 - King Seagrave - purchased 1968. # 5 - King Seagrave - purchased 1970. REASONABLY GOOD CONDITION., - Some repairs and painting (all but #12) required. # 8 & # 9 - Frink - purchased 1972. #10 & #11 - King Seagrave - purchased 1975, (5 seasons). #12 - King Seagrave - purchased 1977 (3 seasons). Some Sanders - hydraulically driven; some motor driven. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Junk # 6 & # 7 - salvage anthing worthwhile, chains, gear boxes, (motor on one) (hydraulical on the other). 2. Purchase two new sanders. 3. Minor repairs only to get # 3, # 4, & # 5, through the Winter with thought that 2 and likely all 3 will have to be replaced in 1982. 4. Repair and paint other units for use for a number of Seasons. - 1 - Page 2. 2. BRUSH CHIl'l'ER .' -- Vie noW bave care, control and storage over tbe l1ydr~s old unit. 1.f we can't steal it or seize it for storage costs we'll bave to buy it. Scrap tbe old one can't get parts. Vie bougbt it years ago in partS and cobbled it up. Vli.L\SJU>l"s\i,n Motor migbt be useful. use 4 graders for snoW plowing, grading and ditcbing, etc'land Grader #14 as standby, botb plowing and for sunnner use. 1.t baS been run a fair amount tbis summer during repairs to otber graders .attd levelling dirt on Road #22. 5 G-raders: 1968 1969 1914 1976 1919 #14 #15 #11 #18 #19 3. GRADER Champion D600 Vlabco 660B (scarifier) Champion D600 Champion D740 Champion D740 All bave "V" and one way plowS and 'Wings. Grader #15 is tbe only one witb a scarifier (We sbould bave one grader witb scarifier.) Trade Grader #15 . nearly 6,000 bours on motor since it was overbauled vs. 1,000 on grader #14. Rear carries worse for 'Wear. Parts bard to come by and more expensive tban Champ ion. 1. Try to purcbase a loW bour rental or demonstrator macbine 'Witb a guarantee. Keep plowS. l1arness and snoW wing to be traded. RECOMMENDATIONS: .. - ~ --- priority' ranges with 110Ugb Loader. (Grader #11 is aging, cost $2,000 to replace radiator, etc. a montb ago. Rusted beyond repair. ) l'age 3. 4. ~AD~ #3 #4 #5 1l0Ugh 1165C JCB 418 Michigan 125 1914 1916 1918 2\ _ 3 cubiC yardS 2 _ 2}z cubic ya-rds 3 _ 3}z cubiC ya-rds JCB used mostlY around garage and surface treatment; loads sand, gravel, pea stone, etc. use~ at Rodney in Vlinter. Loader of tbiS size is nearlY a necess~tY at Garage. 110ugb _ until Micbigan was purcbased did all loading ana w~s , overloaded tnUcb of tbe time. used at P.V.P. and ,as ~n a~d~t~onal loader on construction :lobs. used at White Stat~on ~n w~nter to load salt and sand. Micbigan purcbased used 1918. considerable money spent o~ it 1980 _ 1981. used as main construction loader, etc. StrW P.V.P. pit Vlinter. constantlY used. 1. T d 110ugb for similar size loader - detllOnstrator ~r loW bour t::t:l. service is a problem 1'edquip is out of bus~ness and 1.nternatiOnal Harvester not far bebind. BUcket needs work, motor ba$ m>t!:biJ:e~ toucbed otber tban purop. cab about rusted ~:~e don't bave enougb money for botb loader and grader pay for part of one in 1982. Note: If a suitable deal fol: a gl:ade:r or loaa~l: cannot be made :;-- put off until 1982 and t:rade 450 DOzel: ~nstead. SALT STORAG~ AND SAND p1>JJ - EAST ELG1.N BUild an aspbalt salld pad for use for c~ing Vlinter., E~~~~ buUding late in fall. Complete painting, etc. ~f necessary ~n · ~NDA't1:9~ ~T~ Sande-r S Building and l'ad G-r ade-r Loade-r 30,000 35,000 e 5.., 0f}0 ~ g:5 ~~ Part of Loader or crader to 1982 fo-r 1981 $_20 , G\)O $195,000 Page 4. OTHER Ul'COMING - - ;.;;...-- 1. Jobn Deere 450 Dozer _ by fall will require neW tracks, etc. Motor not rebuilt. purcbased 1915. used continuallY, 2. JCB Loader _ not mucb better condition tban 110Ugb. No partS or service. Cab badly rusted. By Spring will require neW cab minimum. No motor or t~ansroission work done. 3. 4 small Trucks _ purcbased 1916 and 1911 will bave to be -replaced by mid 1982. ./ ..,.........../'...., COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT, SANDER TEN DERS TENDER KING SEAGRAVE LIM'1..TEIJ P. O. BOX 187 WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO (A ) HYDRAlJ L I CALI.N DRIVEN ~.8 , 5 27 .63 (B)ENCINE DRIVEN 9,786.09 ............ ~ (C) TOTAfJ TENDER $18,315.7? ~ REQUIRf.;n 2 SANDERS l"OONEENGINE ORIVEN . . ~ ONE: HYDRAULICALLY DRIVEN~ August 1981 FRINK CANADA P.. o. aOX! C.P. .3040 CAMBRIDGE, ONTA.RIO $11,899..34 N/A .-, ST. TRQMA.S, ONTAR1.0 JULY 10, 1981 -PAGE 1. TR~ COUNTY 01' BJ.,G1.N ROAD cQMM1.TT~E met at tbe ~lgin County Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., July 10, 1981. All members were present e~cept Reeve smyth. 't.K... '[;I.voank Cla-rke of tbe Ministry of TransportatiOn Also present waS "~. .' and communications. "MOVED B'l: SECOND~D BY: R.~' MoNT~1.TR "llAT Tl1~ ~BS 01' TR~ MBJ':t1.NG 01' JUNE 4, 1981 BE A1'PROVED. CARRIED." s. J. GLOVER co1J]llLUnications from tbe MinistrY of Transportation and C()1lllll.unication~ (a) Tbe County of ~lgin request for supplementary drainage allocation for $30,000 bad been approved for $20,000 onlY, Tbe Engineer noted tbat tbe funds would bave to be allocated on a first come first served were noted as folloWS: basiS. The Mini st-ry bad appr'eVed tbe sum 0 f $25,000 (sub sidy) for tbe countY's safetY related programme, ie., tbe removal of stumps along County ~oads, _ n' ~_~~ce of 1.t waS noted tbat tbe original request bad been for $5U,uOO. approVal waS e~ected sbortlY, 1.t waS unde-rstood tbat tbe subsidY rate (b) . d oded to cut a second swatb of graSS along county The Comml.ttee eel. . . f h h. h growtb rate due to tbe -recent rainS and bigb Roads ~n v~ew 0 t e ~g temperatures. The Engineer waS also instructed to cut pat~bes of weeds wbere t d tbat tbe budget would be ove~expended. necessary. 1.t waS expec e wou1 d be 910/0. ( Tbe committee instructed tbe Engineer to purcbase 6 ba-rrels of wbite paint and to begin a prog-r~ of edge ma-rking along CountY Roads wbicb bad a bigb volume of traffiC or wbicb bad a nUlllber of curves. Roads to ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUlS 10, 1981 l'AGE 2. be marked included county Road #25 (Wellington Road), Road #16 (J'ingal Road), Road #20 near port Stanley on Spicer' s curve, Road #38 between l1igbway #3 and Highway #19. T1l~ ENG1.NE~R RID'ORTED ON VlORlZ TO DATE AS 1'OLLOVlS: 1. Tbat Talbot Trail SignS were being erected. 2. sweeping was still being continued. 3. surface treatment work bad been started and altboUgb some problems bad been encountered it waS continuing. priming w~uld be started f~r tbe Oneida 1.ndian Reserve, Monday and surface treatment in Rent county and VleSt ~lgin would be started by mid ne~t week. 4. At Vlalkers Bridge tbe grading bad been c~leted on tbe Elgin side. 5. Gravel sbouldering bad been co1llPleted on county Road #45 soutb of Pile driving was underway by tbe contractor. Middlemarcb and at tbe aspbalt patcbing on Road #30 and Road #52. 6. fence bad been erected wbere necessary on Road #8 between wallacetown and JJUtton, and stUlllPS bad been dug out. 1. fence on Road #2 bad been erected at Olivetra's. 8. Most work bad been c~leted on Road #38 east of straffordville and 9. Grading work waS underway on the Richmond and Wards l1ills on Road #38 clean up and seeding waS noW underway. witb tbree (3) bired truckS. Seeding work would be started sbortly. 1.t waS expected tbat it would take at least tbree (3) weekS to c~lete tbe grade work witb seeding taking someWhat longer. (1'airview), Tbe Townsbip of Yarmoutb waS bauling dirt on Road #2.2. at tbe l1epburn CUrve and it was e~pected tbat more muck would have to be dug out ne~t week on tbe curve to allow tbem to continue. 10. Ontario l1.ydro bad removed tbe old bydro line on Suburban Road #2.2. 11. All paving bad been c~leted e~cept for centennial Avenue Which would be done late-r. ST. TllQMA.S, ON'fAR1. 0 JULY lOt 1981 'PAGE 3. 12. Vlork in port Stanley on 'Frances and 'Front StCCeetS for tbe Village of pocct Stanley bad been c~leted. A drainage gUr'ley was underway for tbe village of pocct BU~ell. 1.t waS expected tbat tbey would wisb some work done on Elizabetb and 13. 14. l1annab StreetS later in tbe fall by tbe county. Minor drainage work and culvert repair waS underway in ~est Elgin and a start had been made on tbe repair of tbe curb, gutter and catcb basinS on Road #3 in Rodney. some painting bad been done around tbe garage and tbe salt building bad been given a second coat. 1.t was expected that tbe TWin city Rail c~any of Cincinnati, Obio would be in sh~tlY to straigbten sign postS (neacclY 200) at a price of $5.00 eacb ~icb waS leSS tban a tbird of tbe price of a neW 15. 16. post. . t 1~ 35~ of tbe 1981 bourly rated staff bolidaYS bad been APpro~l.ma e J 10 taken- A tender bad been called on bebalf of tbe Village of DUtton for bot 11. mi~ paving. (;1:adtng work waS underway on Road #32, st\l1llPs bad been removed, top soil waS being piled and gccader ditcbing being done. 1.t appeacced tbat tbere waS sufficient funds at tbe present tit1le to build tbe road fccom apprQXimatelY Jobnson's gateway to tbe police college Gate. 1.f additional funds were available at a later date tbe Engineer SUggested tbat wocck proceed nortb as tbiS would not require a base __ -rf waS boped tbat grading work could be coat of aspbalt tbiS yea" .- c~leted to a point that tbe baulage of sand could start by mid 18. 19. The Engineer noted tbat several articles bad appeared in tbe local ...d1.'ng the Village of port StanleY being used as a teccminal preSs rega~ Augu st- for ferry ser'lice across Lake ~rie. 1.t was noted in tbeSe articles tbat ST. T110MAS, ONTAR1.0 JULY 10, 1981 l'AGE 4. it was antiCipated tbat truck traffic would be routed via Vlarren Street and County R04d #2.0 to tbe west dock. Tbe Engineer noted tbat tbe Road to tbe proposed site was all county Road and if tbe ferry service ca1lle into e~istence it waS likely tbat tbe county would be,:,called upon to iroprove county Road #20 and to build tbe section of County Road #20 soutb of ToP Notcb feeds. 1.t was noted in tbe newspaper article tbat tbe Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns bad promised financial aid to tbe project. Mr. Frank Clarke noted tbat tbe London District bad not been approacbed and SUggested tbat tbe county approacb Jobn Moffat, l1ead f of Municipal Roads to ascertain wbat connnitmentS bad been made by tbe Ministry and what Ministry of 'transportation and conu:nunications funds would be available to the County for tbiS work if necessary. and bousing budget of $2.2.5,000 bad been e~ended to date. Tbe Engineer Tbe ~ngineer noted tbat onlY $30,000 out of tbe neW macbinery budget stated tbat it appeared tbat a budget for tbese funds sbould be set up sbortly so tbat any extra money could be co1llt1litted., to btber work. Tbe Coromittee discUssed tbe building of a salt storage depot and aspbalt sand pad at tbe neW 'Bayba1ll Townsbip Garage on l1igbway #l- 9. AFTER DISCUSSION · · · · "MOVED BY: M. 11. ST'ElHART S~COND~D BY: R. M. KE1J. Y TllAT WE REQUEST T1l~ TOWNSl11.P 01' BA'IJ.{AM: TO PROV'lDE LAND AT Tl1E1.R N'EIH GARAG~ SO Tl1AT T1l~ coUNTY COULD BmLLD A SALT STORAGE B\l1.LD1.NG l1ERE FOR JOINT USE. cARRIED ." meeting scbeduled for tbe evening of July 16 inasmucb as tbe Engineer would The committee requested tbat Bob Davies attend tbe Townsbip of Baybam bave to go to a "",eting regarding pri"",site Develop"",nt proposal on Vlellington Road tbat evening. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 10, 1981 'PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: J. B. WlLSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TIlAT 'tlIE 1'OLLQVl1.NG PAYL1.STS B~ A1'PROVED fOR PAYMl>NT. PAYL1.ST Nffi1B~R 2.6 Al1()1JNT1.NG TO $ 54,271.51 PAYL1.ST Nffi1B~R 2.1 Al10UNT1.NG TO $ 202..96 PAYL1.ST NUMBER 2.8 Al10UNT1.NG TO $ 51,639.13 PAYL1.ST NUMB~R 2.9 Al10UNT1.NG TO $52.2,02.1.10 PAYL1.ST NUMB~R 30 Al10UNT1.NG TO $ 52,901.31 CARRI ED." BOB DAV'l:ES 1.N lITTEl'lDANCE. Mr. Davies reported tbat tbe St. Tbomas Chronber of commerce had issued a media release at 10:00 a.m. regarding tbe proposed pr~mesite Development Sbopping centre on Vlellington Road. Tbe general vieW of tbe Chronber of Commerce Members was tbat tbey felt tbat tbe development would bave been better off in downtown St. Tboma~but it waS noted tbat only a minimum number of, tbeir members bad replied to tbe questionnaire tbat bad been sent out. correspondence waS read from primesite DevelopmentS regarding tbeir proposed sbopping centre on Vlellington Road and request~ng wbat specific requirementS or concerns tbat tbe County bad tbat sbould be dealt witb prior to an O.M.B. rezoning bearing. Tbe committee entered into considerable diSCUssion and viewed tbe proposed site on tbe way to luncb. AFTER LUNCH · · · Tbe c~ttee instructed tbe Engineer to obtain furtber information from all possible sources witb regard to sbopping malls on county RoadS, etc., and to ascertain tbe request of tbe Ministry of Transportation and communications regarding setbacks, entrances, etc., and to bave a report ST. TRQMA.S, ONTAR1.0 JUL'l 10, 1981 l'AGE 6. , l' sting tbe concerns of, tbe ready for tbe ne~t Road committee roeet~ng ~ f it tbat most of tbe concerns of tbe countY on tbiS site. 1.t waS e county would centre on road work and drainage. o to d f tbe county of Middlese~ agree~ng correspondence was rea rOtll . to " d deck of tbe MiddlemiSS Bridge and agree~ng repairs to tbe ra~l~ng an ~ d _^_,~ ~"'ptber or not tbe bridge could safelY _. i" 0 e'- rT\'ho committee I of tbe firm of R. C. Dunn t d that tbe Vlarden and tbe Engineer bad attended several 1. t wa s nO e ' .. __' ^ .,..A," 0 study for Tr ansmi s si on 1 ine 1 ocat ~on S ,t waS ag-ree~ meetingsll,eardtng', tbe OU,-".'v .,yv_ d d TorontO allea~' between tbe BrUce Nuclear plant, Lon on an 1 ,. of time a report would be presented at tbe ne~t that due to a aC~ meeting. ted the 'tbe Engineer presen f. the tOwe-rs ... , ' tbe locations or Ontario l1ydrO l~st~ng , sion line from tne h 2.30 kilovolt transm~s h -rading of t e raised for t e upg f rmer station. 1.t was , tbe Chatbatll Trans 0 f e-r Statl.on to BUcbanan TranS om> ' nwicb TownsbiP but tbat . ' 0 f tbe tOwer s were ~n j)U noted tbat tbe ma30r~tY or TownsbiP RoadS. to be adjaCent to any countY dod not seem ' the tOwe-r s 1. ...' h be bad received from attacbed report w"~c 'bat would bave to be The Enginee-r the countY Enginee"~ ~~~v- . ttee of which the '1'ne comm1.. at least for a year. - postPone tbiS System 1 more meetingS p.io1' to ld likely bave severa Engineer was a member wou "\Tince tbe Ministry to ed to finallY con nicb time it was boP year. end at w drop tbe project co\1lPletelY, ST. Tl1QMA.S, ONTAR1.0 JULY 10, 1981 l'AGE 1. Reeve Stewart agreed to inform tbe committee at tbe ne>Ct meeting of any new information from tbe Lake Erie Erosion committee regarding Lake ~rie erosion in Bayba1ll and Norfolk TownsbipS. A replY to tbe MinistrY of Natural Resources regarding tbe, closing of Chatba1ll Street ,in port BUrwell was postponed until sucb time as Reeve Smytb could be at tbe meeting. correspondence waS read frOtll tbe MinistrY of TransportatiOn and c01lJlllUnicatiOns stating that tbe Smoke Road between county Road ffl.6 and l1igbway #3 did not meet tbe criteria as a desirable county Road. 1.t waS agreed tbat a copY of tbe letter would be forwarded to soutbwold TownsbiP' correspondence waS reitd fraro McLean foster construction company requesting permiSsion to use Vlalkers Bridge for ligbt construction equipment during tbe construction of Vlalkers Bridge. Tbe CQl1ll1littee again refused oSSl.oOn to use Vlalkers Bridge for construction equipment. the company pertnl. ~.. Tbe committee instructed tbe Engineer to SO advise McLean foster witb copieS to W;>rm1iJ:\1;"ilr.ner and tbe countY of Middlese~' A letter frOtll tbe TownsbiP of Malahide witb regard to tbe ~elson property on countY Road #45 at Luton waS noted. Tbe TOwnsbiP felt tbat tbey migbt be forced intO issuing a building permit for a bouse on tbe property tbat would not conform to tbe county' s Set Back 'BY_LaW' Tbe committee instructed tbe Engineer to forward a coPY of tbe TownsbiP's letter to Murray l1e~esseY for bis comments. tbe Engineer to lay cbarges in court against tbe owner and/or builder if de to build a building closer to tbe road tban tbe an attempt waS ma Tbe committee also instructed countY By-LaW allowed. ST. THOMAS, 'ONTARIO JULY 10, 1981 l'AGE 8. London Suburban Road coromission would meet witbin tbe ne~t montb to Tbe Engineer reported tbat tbe Middlese~ Road committee and tbe l1igbbury Avenue to Radio Road. ApparentlY diseUss tbe e:>ct:ension of ' tbe county of Middlese~ waS interested in rebuilding tbe Road from tbe county Boundary to tbe Belmont-Glanwortb Road as soon as possible and would like to rebuild tbe l1ubrey Road as an e~tension of l1igbbury Avenue as rapidlY as possible tbereafter. 1.t waS likely tbat tbe county of Middlese~ would wisb to meet witb tbe county Road Co1ll!Jlittee in septembe-r or octobe-re decided tbat tbe present county poliCY would be amended so tbat an owner culvert entrance policies were discUssed at some lengtb. 1.t waS wisbing a neW entrance would bave to P'PY all costS including pipe, fill, gravel, ditcbing, etc., tbe county would give tecbnical guidanCe only and insure tbat tbe driveway waS installed properlY using tbe proper lengtb and size of pipe, etc. 1.f an owner 'Wisbed to purcbase pipe tbrougb tbe county, be could, but not be necessary to do so. concrete tile, vitrified tile, used pipe, etc., would still not be considered adequate entrances. The county would maintain culvert entrances as in tbe past at tbe county'S expense for repairs required, provided tbe culvert waS installed properlY the fi-rst time. CORR~SPONDmlC~ VIAS EBAD AS 1'OLLOVlS: 1. From tbe county of Victoria requesting endorsement of a resolution requesting tbat tbe publiC TransportatiOn",and 1:ligbway 1.t1lprovement Act be smended SO tbat a county could control entrances ontO a countY Road. 1.t was noted at tbe presnt time tbat a countY baS no control over tbe location of entrances on county Roads otber tban througb a TownsbiP Rezoning By~LaW. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 10, 1981 PAGE 9. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: M. 11. STEWART T1:\AT VIE EBCOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L THAT Tl1~ RESOLIlT1.0N 01' Tl1E coUNTl 01' V'lCTOR'JA REQU~ST1.NG TllAT PROV'lNC1.AL LEG1.SLAT1.ON BE AM.1'J'lDED TO ALWVl cQ\lNT1.ES TO CONTROL J'J'l'fRANCE LOCAT1.0NS ON COUNTY ROADS BB1'ENDORSElh CARRIED." ~ 2.. 'From tbe Ministry of Transportation and Cottlllll1nications regarding surplus property, Lot 45, concession Nortb Talbot Road, soutbwold Townsbip. Vlarden Monteitb felt tbat tbe property would be best under tbe control of tbe catfiSb creek conservation ~tbority. The Engineer waS instructed to write tbe lttni,St1;8 and advise tbem of tbe 3. 'From tbe clarkson c~any regarding sand and gravel fql"o!5ale from tbe cororoitte~S feeling. bankrupt conway construction C~anY' Tbe Engineer noted tbat tbe county bad little interest inaS!1ll1cb as tnl)5t,c;of tbe material waS in 4. From tbe Cpunty of Rent requesting tbat tbe legislatiOn be amended to Zorra Township. allow tbe counties to make investigations for waste disposal siteS and/or collection systeIllS, 1.t waS 'noted tbat Elgin bad already done tbis to a point and if tbere was no existing permissive legislation tbe committee were of tbe opinion tbat tbere sbould be. "MOVED BY; J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. E. MONT~1.Tl1 T1:\AT VIE REcOMMEND TO cOUNTY cQ\lNC1.L TRAT TR~ RESOLIlT1.0N 01' Tl1B coUN'l"l 01' J.CEN'I R~QUEST1.NG THAT PROV1.NC1.AL LEG1.SLAT1.ON BE A}lENDED TO ALWVl COUNT1.ES TO PRocilRE 1.N\TEST1.GAT1.ONS AND REl'ORTS RELAT1.NG TO SYSTEMS 01' VlA'$TE COLL'EcT1.ON AND D1.SPOSAL BE ENDORSED. CARRIED ." ST. Tl1QMA.S, oNTAJU 0 JUL'l 10, 1981 l'AGE 10. 5. 'From R. R. McNeil, MliP.P.j stating tbat Mr. Vlillia1ll Gougb on Road #40 at springfield bad requested tbat certain drainage work be done -rt was agreed tbat Reeve Sbaw ,,;Quid visit the asce-rtained. 'From tbe Ministry of tbe EnvirOptllent stating that a decision on tbe reisSl1ance of a provisional certificate !lor tbe uunwicb Landfill site would be made sbortlY, h ~ h' of "\Ta-outb committee of AdjUstment notice regarding 'From t e .owns ~p .'"' l1elka, Road #35 (side yard variance). "be TownsbiP of yartlloutb witb a rezoning by_laW, in Sparta, to rezone a warebouse building for tbe sparta Mercbantile fpr tbe cutting and 6. 1. 8. storage of cloth. . . 1 C unt~ Road #2.1 betWeen TownsbiP of yarmouth for res~dent~a use on 0 , Road #'1.2. and l1igbway #4. "be TownsbiP of yarmoutb for a estate residential use at tbe end of l1ydro Road off of county Road #2.9. Tbe TownsbiP of Malabide witb a rezoning by-laW, prendergast on countY Road #42 at COpenhagen. 'From tbe TownsbiP of Malabide witb a road closing request in . 1"1 bel.......g tbe road allowance between LotS 10 and 11. conceSS'l.on .v, J," A diSCussion was:postponed until Reeve caverlY could obtain additional infortllation. 'Fraro tbe TownsbiP of Bayba1ll witb a request for countY approval for a road closing at tbe nortb limit of Vienna. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. sT. Tl1QMA.S, ON'tAR1.0 JULY 10, 1981 l'AGE 11. , 'MOVED B'l: S~CoND~D BY: R. E. MONT~1.'tl1 TRAT Vffi R~CO~D TO COIJNTI cOUNC1.L T1:\A't A 1\'l-1>>l BE PASSED STAT1.NG T1:\AT TRE COIJNTI OF f,1.GtN llAS NO 013JEcT1.0NS TO cWS1.NG 01' TRE 1'oJ..1,OVl'l~G POR't1.0N 01' ROAD AL1ffilANC~: ALL TllA't pAR't 01' PLANtZ ROAD AND V'lENNA STEB'ET AS Sl10VlN oN PJ..A1'1 54 01' TR~ V1.1J..AG~ 01' V'lENNl\. J'$TWD1.NG SOtiTl1 01' TRE SOuT1l~RLY L1.l11T OF VlATER STEB'Et 'to 1.TS 1.NTERSEcT1.0N 1NlTl1. TRE NORTRERL y L1.l11T 01' l11.GllVlAY #19, AS Sl10VlN ON pLAN D 46. CARRIED." M. ll. ST'EVfART 14. 'Fraro M. J. l1ennessey regarding tbe statUS of tbe 1laZel Engert suit. From tbe 'townsbiP of l1alabide witb noticeS to tbe Drainage Tribunal '_ '1'1-te ~ngineer stated tbat regarding the Branion and 'PUttllan Dra~"s. tbe county bad nO c~laint from tbe drainage by_laW. 'Fraro tbe Ministry of tbe EnVironro.ent cancelling tbe County'S mosquito spraying license until sucb time as tbe CountY's insurance . f It ",..raS alsO noted tbat tbe l1ealtb Unit could not spray waS l.n o-rce. V< eitber as tbeir insurance waS part and parcel of tbe CountY's . . ~he 1:''I''\gl.' neer stated tbat at tbe present time tbat it l.nsu-rance. ~ DI.~ 15. 16. 19. appeared tbat tbere waS nO need for spraying. From conrail agreeing to paY 1\% of tbe cost of reducing tbe grade at tbeir tracks on county Road #32., and asking for a Board order to autborize constructiOn so tbat tbe county migbt start work. 'From tbe Ontario Good Roads ASSociation stating tbat Jobn Brown bad c~leted tbe 2. year T. J. Mahony Road scbool Course. f O~ford witb a resolution protesting tbe itllPosition Front the CountY 0 ~ of tbe Environmental AssessmentS on reconstructiOn of e~isting road 17. 18. and bridge projects. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 10, 1981 l'AGE 12. "MOVED B'l: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TRAT Vffi RECoMMEND TO cOUN'f'l COUNC1.L T1:\AT TRE EBSOL\l'T1.0N 01' Tl1E cOUN'f'l 01' OXfORD OPPOSING TllE A1'PL1.CAT1.0N 01' Tl1~ ENVLRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACf. TO PROJ~Cf.S 1.NI10LV'lNG EBCONSTRCf.1.0N 01' EXlST1.NG ROADS AND BR1.DGES BE ENDORSED - CARRIED." 2.0. 'From John Magyar witb a request to purcbase property at tbe intersection of county Road #44 and county Road #46. 1.t was agreed by tbe committee tbat tbey would consider selling Mr. Magyar any surplus property in tbe area and instructed tbe Engineer to ascertain boW mucb of tbe county property would be surplus. Mr. Magyar is to pay for any land planS and to pay a purcbase price of $2.,000 an acre. 1.roprovementS to county Road #31 at tbe C.P.R. Crossing east of Belmont were discUssed at some lengtb. 1.t waS noted tbat tbe committee bad viewed tbe crossing tbiS spring and noted tbat a very steep droP off occurred just east of tbe crossing and to iroprove it, property would be required on botb sideS of tbe road. 1.t was d~cided to diSCUSS tbe matter during tbe proposed meeting witb tbe county of Middlese:>t inaSlllUcb as tbey 'WOuld be 5~k participantS in any construction work. curveS on St. George Street were discUssed and it was decided that tbe Mr. Ronald Green' s request of November 1980 for flasbing ligbtS on ~ngineer sbould write bim stating tbat tbe committee felt tbat tbe present iroprovements were sufficent but tbat if tbe proposed primesite Mall were built additional improvementS would be necessary. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 10, 1981 PAGE 13. The Engineer noted the Ontario Task Force and Rail poli.cy had completed their study and had made various recommendations ~mich would set guide lines for the abandonment application by the C.N .:ffi:. for the London _ and Port Stanley Line from St. Thomas to Port Stanley and would probably set guide lines for future Conrail Track through Elgin. The Engineer reported that it had been rumoured that the Canadian National Railway was negotiating with Conrail for running rights for Via Passenger Train between Windsor and Buffalo although it appeared that passenger demand had been quite light when the US Government ran the Amtrack Serv'ice over the same line. However, it was noted that a new passenger service between Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Toronto via the Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo Railway would soon be implemented. It was agreed that if funds were available this Fall an attempt would be made to purchase widening for Road #8 south of Road #16 from Doug Simpson and Peter Hentz. It was a~so agreed that if funds ~~re not available this year for this purchase it would be a priority item in 1982. Bob Davies reported that he had done some work on the traffic study at the Intersection of Highway #76 and County Road #2 and was hoping to take a new turning movement traffic count at the intersection within the next month at which time it could be determined whether or not the intersection woul d require siglj:al:' 1 ight s. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 12, 1981 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." fl (-L. ~ tlt~) ~ JVY' " ,.::", , ~. r-- ~ \d. rRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED TOWER RAISING BY ONTARIO HYDRO (APPROXIMATELY MAY~ 1982) BUCHANAN TRANSFORMER STATION TO CHATHAM TRANSFORMER STATION 230 KV LINE SOUTHWOLD TOWER # OWNER LOT CONCESSION 71 K. McLoy 2 II 74 Beharrell 4 II 78 G. Davis 6 II 80 M. Campbell 7 II 82 M. McArthur 8 II 85 W. Coults 10 II 88 W. Veary 11 II 90 Millar 12 II 93 Agar 14 II 97 P. Agar 16 II 99 D. McNabb 17 II DUNWICH TOWER # OWNER LOT CONCESSION 102 D. McCallum B IV 104 C. Campbell A IV 106 M. McPherson 24 IV 108 A. McCallum 23 IV 110 L. McLellan 22 IV 116 J. Campbell 19 IV 119 J. E. Leitch 17 - 18 IV 123 R. K, Campbell 15 IV 128 S. Duncason 13 IV 132 A.. McCallum 11 IV 134 A. V. McCallum 10 IV (Replace with larger tower same location) 136 B. Leitch 9 IV 138 G. Reid 8 IV 142 D. McCallum 6 IV 145 J. McMillan 4 III l'AGE 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOS~D T()VI1'.R RA1.S1.NG BY ONTAR1.0 1t'lDRO BUCtlAJAAN TRANS1'01U1BR STAT1.0N TO C1:1ATl1g,1 TRANSfORMER STATtON - ~ ---- ---- .=-'~ - =--- ~BO~UG!l TOVlER # ~1lli LOT pNC].SSI~ -- ---- ;;--- 166 v. Fischer 20 - 21 lll- "E:ast 112 J. Ve-rgier 11 111-"E:ast 119 H. vergier 11 v_West 192 D. Mccallum Est. 6 - 1 v_West 203 R$ Tinney 1 v_West 205 R. Tinney B v_West 207 R. Littlejohn A v_West '( COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION JUNE 18, 1981 1. Leave Court House, 9:00 a.m. 2. St. George Street, St. Thomas Suburban Road #26 (2,000 vehicl,es). House on east side of C.N.R. ow~ed by Commission. Road resurfacing as interim measure. 3. Road #25, Wellington Road (6,000 vehicles) south of Road #52. (St. Thomas Suburban Road CUlluuission) St. Thomas Expressway crossing traffic signals by Ministry of Transportation and Communications this summer. Road #29 relocated by Ministry of Transportation and Communications portion not yet transferred back to County. Road #29 Suburban Road to Road #31. 5. Road #31 St. Thomas Suburban Road to Road #52. 6. Road #52 St. Thomas (over 4,000 vehicles between Road #31 and Road #25) east to Road #30. 7. North on Road #30 (St. Thomas Suburban Road). Road known f01:merly as Radio Road (CHLO used to have a transmitter site 1 mile north of Kettle Creek Conservation Authority buildings). 4\ 8. Extension of Radio Road into Middlesex to join with Hubrey Road. Middlesex interested in starting plan to build road south of Belmont - Glanworth Road. 9. Middlesex Road to County Road #34 (at Kettle Creek)" 10. Repairs to Bridge last year. 11. To Highway #74. 12. Road #37 in Belmont ,Elgin County Road east of Belmont joint Middlesex-Elgin Road. 13. Road #37 east of Highway #73. Road used as acce':g;s to Lake Whittaker, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Park. 14. Road #37 to Oxford County Line. l'AGE 2. COUNTY 01' ~LG1.N COUNC1.L ROAD 1.NSp~cT1.0N ~E~ 19~ 15. Return to Avon (Road #41). 16. Road #41 to be surface treated tbiS year. 11. Road #48 to LyonS. soutb Dorcbester fire l1all. 18. l1igbwaY #13 and Road #52. to Road #32.. 19. Road #32., srnne construction in 1981. Some property yet to be COfFEB. acquired. StumP removal sbortlY, l1igbway /f13 to Road #53 Beecb and Elm StreetS, AYlmer. l1igbway #3 to Road #38. Road #38 between l1igbway #3 and l1igbway /fl. 9. Reconstructed 1919, 1980. ToP aspbalt coat placed Vlards l1ill 1981. Some triroming, , _" "Clad #38 between l1igbway #3 20. 21. 22. section cot1lPleted 1919. 23. Road #38, east of straffordville. ASpbalt resurfacing, drainage, iroprovementS of 2 curves; tOP soil, etc. srnne widening 1981. project nearlY crnnpleted. 31. l1igbway /fl. 9 to port BUrwell (noteTOW1\SbiP of Baybatll new Garage)' Talbot Trail, Road #50 and Road #42.. Road #50 (Victoria Street) and Road #42. in port BUrwell will be reconstructed after sanitary sewer construction. Road #42. east to Norfolk 'townline, noting lake and waShout erosion. Back to port BUrWell (COffEE). Road #42. to l1igbway /f13. l1igbway /f13 and Road #2.4 to Road #2.2.. Road #2.2. under St. Tbomas SubUrban Road coromission. l'-reviousl y D1.NNER _ STRA1'1'ORDV1.LLE. 24. 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 32. rebuilt soutb of Road #2.1. Engineering, 'land purcbase, utilitY ~.. . d. tchl.......g ~artb from TownsbiP streetS in ~lm and movements,:S0t1le,~ ,.' centennial a-rea. 33. Return to Road #45. 34. Road #45 west to Middle1l\arcb. coUN'f'l 01' ELG1.N COUNC1.L ROAD 1.NSPEcT1.0N rUN~,..18'-2-98l - - - l'AG'E 3. 35. Smoke Road to Rigbway!f3. TownsbiP of soutbwold baS requested county of Elgin to assutlle Road as e~tension of Road #45. 36. l1igbway #3 to Talbotville. 31. St. Tbomas Expressway to Road #52. 38. Road #52. to Vlellington Road. ~arrantS for sig:gal'S',? already surpassed. 39. Vlellington Road to l1igbway #3. 40. Return to court RoUse. ~~N ~!tP.,()_ !}.RST REl'9!l LUNUEs~ TO TUE \.J ARDEN AND MJ',14BERS 01' Tl1E ELG1.N COUN'f{ COUNC11. yOUR ROAD COt-\M1.T'tE~ REPOR'tS AS FQ'[.,lpAS: 1. Vlalmsley B-COs. Limited bav~ completed the follQ'Hing pottiOnS of tbeir 110t Mi~ Aspbalt paving ()ontract witb tbe Co~ntY of ~lgin: (a) paving for soutbWOld Town$biP on the soutbWold..Vlestmtl1st~r- Delawa-re Towu1ine. (b) Road #4.5 frOtll Middlemarcb soutb. (c) Road #38 - Vla-Cds l1ill. (d) \1Qad 1f~8 ellst of st-caHQrdville to the l1aldmand..NO't~Ql\c, Regional Bounda~Y. (e) patching Roads #30 and #52. Tbe MiniSt-CY of TtanSportatiOn and cororounicatiOnS is p-cePII'ted to h C .t......t"\1 of Elgin B~"v.w #61-31 limiting the ~'ii.~ht of approve t e o~'" " vebicles on tbe Middlett'iSS Brtdge to 2.0 tOnnes. A stmilli\''I' BY"v.w rrhe Mini 5t..,1 of is bei,ng p-cepared by tbe co~nty of Midd1.eSe~' TransportatiOn and c~ni~ations bas advised ~s to repla~e tbe -cailing on the south approacb span, -Ce\?ait tbe del'\< and l'lQ1;IitOr the bridge closelY to se~ hoW fast tbe reltl8>indet of 1;:be~ck dete-Ciotates. 'tbey Suggest tbat studieS $bould be done to aSce-ctain if tbe loa. limit could be removed if tbe en1;:ite deck waS r~placed witb a new conc-cete deck. A1.L Of VI1ll C\1. 1. S RESPE (j!1'IJ1.1. Y SU lll6l-'l"t~D 2. \ C1U\1~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 4, 1981 l'AGE 1. Municipal ]3Uit ding s at 9:30 a.m., Jun'!' 4, 1981. All member s were pre sent e~cept Reeve Stewart and Reeve Sbaw. Also present was Mr. 'Frank clarke TRE couNTY 01' ~LG1.N ROAD COMMITTEE met at tbe Elgin county of tbe Ministry of Transportation and communications. "MOVED BY: R. M. K~LLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER Tl1AT THE VI ARDEN BE Cl:lA1.R}\lIN UNT1.L TR~ Cl:lA1.R}\lIN AJl,R.TlTES. cARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECOND~D BY: R. M(. KELLY tl1AT TR~ lUmrr~S 01' Tl1~ MB~T1.NG 01' MAY 13, 1981 BE ADOpTED. cA.RRIED ." Cl:lA1.R}\lIN S)iAVI 1.N ATTEN DENCE · Tl1~ ENG1.N"E~RREl'ORT~D ON TH~ VlORR TO DJcr~: 1. calcium cbloride application on gravel roads bad been completed. 2. Grass cutting bad not yet been started. 3 . pavement marking on county paved roads continued al tbougb some ,t i1lle bad been lost ~epairing tbe pump on tbe paint sprayer. 4. sweeping waS underway on variOUS county RoadS. 5. walmsley BroS. Limited bad coropleted paving for tbe TownsbiP of soutbwold, county Road #45 and were presently working on county Road #38. When completed tbey would do tbe patcbing on Roads #30 6. Grading was underway at tbe Vlalkers Bridge, it waS expected tbat tbiS and #52. 1. Triroming, sbouldering, ditcbing, etc. continued on Road #38. work would be finisbed witbin tbe week. Mr. Rayson bad agreed to sell some widening to tbe county. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JURE 4, 1981 PAGE 2. 8. Gravel sbouldering was underway, witb Road #45 south of Middlemarcb baving been completed. ,.<~ 9. Mr. Vic Ruckle bad completed gravel crusbing for tbe time being. 10. Vlork on storm drainage in tbe Village of Belmont had been completed. 11. A neW back office door bad been installed. 12. Maintenance painting was underway at tbe garage. 13. Tbe Township of Malahide bad completed the Argyle ~nicipal Drain. 14. Engineering waS continud;ng on County Road #32. An agreement to book up several drains bad been made with Don Shackleton. Extra dirt for shouldering would be obtainable from tbe Township of Malahide Who would ditcb varioUS roads in tbe area. some dirt would also be available from tbe Ministry of Government Services at 15 . Tbe Mini stry 0 f Ratur al Re sour ce s wi sbed the stump s from Road #32. for the 1'01ice College. wildlife protection at tbeir Wild Life Centre at tbe Ontarh) police 16. fencing waS underway on County Road I/f3 between DUtton and Wallacetown. College. 11. Frances Street construction for the Village of port Stanley waS nearly 18. Safety vests 'for tbe use of eroployees bad been ordered but not as yet complete. 19. Macbine repair work remained beavy, tbe engine gasket on Truc1f#12 received. baving been replaced and a radiator on one of tbe Graders baving 2.0. The Ministry of Transportation and co"",.anications bad agreed to set up to be replaced. necessary repairs to player and port BUrwell Bridge decks as an outstanding construction need, and tbuS constructiOn entitlement money would be earned on tbat basis (at a rate of 6% per year). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 4, 1981 PAGE 3. 21. It was noted that the structural steel truss on the Cooks Bridge on the north end had rusted through and repairs would be necessary in the next year or so. 22. It was noted because of the Provincial Budget the County would have to pay full license fees for their trucks for 1982. The fuel tax had also been increased, as well as O.H.I.P. premiums. Correspondence was read from the Personnel CV1LJJ.uittee, in which they recommended that the motion adopted by County Council of April 1980 wi~h regard to Road Department Employees Annual Holidays remain in effect. It was pointed out that under this policy t~at the Engineer and both Superintendents would be on holidays for most of the rest of this year. Considerable ,discussion by the Cv~uittee. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONli1:ED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT C~TSTANDING VACATION CREDITS BE CLEANED UP AS FOLLOWS: (A) ENGINEER BY END OF 1986 MINIMUM OF 45 DAYS PER YEAR (INCLUDING 1981). (B) SUPERINTENDENT A.J.GORDON - MINIMUM 50 DAYS 1981 - MINIMUM 50 DAYS 1982 - MINIMUM 50 DAYS 1983 - REMAINDER 1984. (C) C. R. DORAN ~ MINIMUM 45 DAYS 1981. - MINIMUM 50 DAYS 1982. - REMAINDER 1983. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 4, 1981 l'AGE 4. 1 'MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON S~CONDED BY~ R. M. 1.<fl.LY TllAT Tl1~ 1'OLL01NlNG PAYL1.STS B~ A1'PRO\TED fOR PAYMENT. PAYL1.ST #22 AMOUNT1.NG TO $ 49,500.19 PAYL1.ST #2.4 AMoUNT1.NG TO $ 48,995.32 PAYL1.ST #2.5 AMOUNT1.NG TO $250,061.38 CARRIED." ~ Reeve Wilson requested tbat tbe agenda be revised to include Tbe proposed agenda for county Road 1.nspection waS discUssed and County Road #31 and otber Roads in soutb Dorcbester. 1.t waS agreed tbat the coffee stop would be at Lyons in tbe morning and at port Burwell in tbe afternoon. fRANK- CLARlCE L~n Tl1E m;Et1.NG. QUotations for grader bladeS were as attacbed. "MOVED BY~ R. M. RFJ,.LY S~COND~D BY: J. B. 1NlLSON TllAT Vffi ACC~J"f Tl1E QuarAT1.0N 01' V ALLEY BLADES L1.M1.T~D fOR 300 GRAD~R BLADES AT $11.145 1.NCLUD1.NG FED~RAL SALES TfV{. CARRIED ." QUotations for emulsion were as attacbed. s. J. GLOVER "MOVED BY: S~COND~D BY~ R. M. KELLY TllAT VIE ACCEPT Tl1~ QuarAT1.0N 01' NORJ011N cONrRAcT1.NG L1.111.TED AT 18.1 CENTS l'ER GALLON, 1'.0. B. Tl1E1.R CHATRAM puNT fOR RS W ]!.M.\JLS1.0N, 61% ASp]{ALT CONTENT. 1.1' Tl1E MAT~R1.AL AT AJ{Y T1.ME DOES NoT m;Et Sp~C1.Y1CAT1.0NS OR 1.S NoT SAT1.S1'AcTORY TRE TENDER \'I1.LL RlW'ER! TO TR~ S~COND B1.DD'ER. CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 4, 1981 . l'AGE 5. THE lill'ET1.NG ADJOUBN'ED fOR D1.NNER AFTER DINNER · · · correspondence waS read frmu McLean foster construction Limited requesting permission to cross tbe present Walkers Bridge with ligbt equipment. "MOVED BY ~ R. ~. MoNTE1.TH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE DO NOT ALLOVl MCLEAN fOSTER CONSTRUCT1.0N L1.mT~D TO USE Tl1E EX1.ST1.NG VlALR~RS BR1.DGE :FOR P$l OTl1ER USE TRA'I!l ALL,OWE-U :FOR 1.N THE CONTRACT · CARRIED .": County GUysboro Gravel pit in 110ugbton Townsbip. Tbe committee instructed correspondence was read from l1l1rray Abbott wishing to purcbase tbe tbe Engineer to advise Mr. Abbott that they were not interested in selling tbe property at tbe present time and' if at any time tbe'. prDperty waS for sale tbat it would be put up for public tender. in bis conversations witb Mr. Ren Rleinsteiber of the M.T.C. Mr. Kleinsteiber Tbe Middlemiss Bridge waS discussed and tbe Engineer reported tbat bad recommended~ (1) Tbe removal of tbe present soutb railing and replacing it witb a fleX beam guide rail. (2.) Repairing the floor. (3) Ascertaining wbetber or not tbe bridge could bave tbe load limit lifted if a neW concrete floor were placed on tbe bridge. Tbe Cv""dttee agreed to bave tbe deck repaired and tbe railing replaced. The committee instructed tbe Engineer to contact tbe County of Middlesex as to their fu-rther wishes. ST. TJ10MAS, oNTAR1.0 JUN'B 4, 1981 l'AGE 6. of the building 1o.,{"#e Robe-rt s o\ff(le-r ted tbat "'~~ d Tbe Engineer repor countY Road #2.1 an t tbe nortb west corner on (Old Elgin 110Use l1otel) a il grant bim a license d h t countY counc d equeste tab d #36 in sparta ba r 't...-t in f-ront of t e Roa ll: d #2.1 proper , o. on the countY oa to erect a wooden ra~l~ng RobertS waS restoring tbe . . spa-rta.. M-r. s renovat ~ng ~n d d property tbat be wa b bUilding was a bun re , tbe style tbat t e t a -room, l.n old botel intO a e ' tbe matter, felt tbat o fte-r diSCUsSl.ng h Co-"~ttee a ' d 'I' e'"'' ll'ng publ~c an h ...d to the t-rave 1. a azaJ,. yea-r sago. - erection of a railing would be denied Mr' RobertS permiSsion. The Enginee-r stated tbat be bad _1..^"1d make tbe outlet of - __0 receiving a nUlllber ol: informed tbe Council of tbe Village ~be East Street urain we-re occu-ring. as Limited of port Stanley read from ToP Notcb fee correspondence was ' ropertY tbat tbeY din across tbe~r p , obution to a -ra requesting a contr~ ' b 'r new silOS. TOP Notcb rocess of build~ng t e~ were relocating in tbe p ,d from an 8" capacitY d .~ would be 1..nc-rease d h t the :ral.L~ feeds Limited note t a ~ing on tbe cost , reeable to pa, , Tbe committee was ag to a 12." capac~tY. b basinS on countY tbe nUlllber of catC 1 p:ro:rata on 1 f the mate:rial on 1 d . . It was fe t o .' ,to tbe ra~n. bat tbeY had go~ng ~n "oad #2.0 (carloW Road) t "100 00 Tbe Coromi t tee " d b under "I · · ost to tbe countY woul e tbat tbe total c b village of port hould be asSUllled by t e f the costS S felt the -rest 0 Stanley. ST. Tl1QMA.S, 0N'tAR1.0 JUNE 4, 1981 l'AGE 1. Tbe Engineer reported tbat be bad been approacbed by Mr. Dave cook of Royal Trust Real ~state to ascertain if tbe county of ~lgin waS interested in purcbasing a bouse on tbe east side of tbe Otter creek Bridge on Road #45 east of calton, to widen tbe Road #45. Tbe Engineer felt tbat>it waS unnecessary to widen tbe road in tbe area. The ~ngineer presented proposed truck rates for 1981 as attacbed, and stated tbat be felt tbat proposal 'B' sbould be accepted inasmucb astbe recent provincial Treasurers Budget bad just increased tbe ta~ on gasoline and diesel fuel again. After diSCUssion · · · \lMOV~D BY: R. M. RJ',lJ.. Y SECONDED BY1 J. B. \'I1.LSON T]:\AT Vffi ACC~PT T1l~ ENG1.Nf$R'S PROPOSAL' B' ]'OR 'tRUCR RATES fOR 1981. cARRIED." 1.t was agreed to delay a decision on tbe Ministry of Natural ReSOurces request for closing cbatbsm Street, port Burwell until sucb time as a written notification bad been received from tbe Village of port Burwell witb regard to tbeir wisbeS on tbe matter. Repair of curb and gutter, and catcb basins in Rodney waS diSCUssed 1 th ~he 1:"ngineer was instructed to repair or replace tbe at some eng · · ~ catcb basinS in tbe main businesS block to tbe conrail TrackS to '~een Street an~tO repair and/or replace 100 to 150 feet of curb and gutter in tbe same area and to bot mi~ patcb if necessary. . f t~ on 1'Urni val Road #3 in A petition fromvar~ous owners 0 proper, Roaney nortb of QUeen Street waS diSCUssed. 'tbe Engineer stated tbat tbe problet1l occurred wben tbe Ministry of tbe ~nviront1lent bad placed ST. TROMAS, ONTAR1. 0 JUNE 4, 1981 l'AGE 8. tbe sewer in tbe Village and restored tbe wrnival Road to itS original grade, tbat it was in 1935 witbout doing any curb and gutter or driveway work and tbat tbe present drivewayS were tOO bigb for some cars. Tbe committee felt tbat tbiS problem waS not a problem brougbt on by road -reconst-ructione ~be ~ngineer waS instructed to notifY tbe petitiOnerS and tbe Village Council. d ..:1' S ....ead fraro Mr LOZon of union asking to purcbase corre spon ence wa ' · propertY tbat tbe County of Elgin and tbe TownsbiP of yarmoutb owned next to bis property. On tbiS property at one time stood on Old 110tel. Tbe Engineer stated tbat at tbe present time a drain appro~imatelY 15 feet deep goeS tbrougb tbe middle of tbe property. Tbe COromittee waS of tbe opinion tbat if repairs were required to tbe drain, most of tbe property would be dug up inasmucb as tbe property sbould not be sold. --;:>s read from tbe Ontario l1ydrO stating tbat tbeir L ~ ~ """ 1-10ndon tOwe-rs main to tbe Chatbam Transformer Station would be Upgra=d. would be raised and same would be rebuilt. l1eavier co;ll'dul:lt;9'r would be the ~e"~ tOwers. Tbe Engineer was instructed to ascertain strung on .. w ' tbe locations of tbe tOwers tbat 'IIll1;jiltO be raised and! or rebuilt and h ld be in Elgin or would be in Rent county and to whethe-r t ese woU inform tbe local Mun;\,l;,ipalitieS when tbiS waS found out. committee was of tbe opinion 1O"0~ ,~,.~- people cutting graSS on tbe countY Road and tbey could not see tbeir h fo-r cutting tbe graSS in front of ber propertY on way clear to payer n, d ~he 1:'ngineer waS instructed to advise ber of tbis. a countY "oa' · " tbere were bundreds of ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 4, 1981 PAGE 9. The Engineer reported that with repeated proding and the O.P.P. help some improvements have been made in removing junk from various County Roads at Jaffa at Burt's at Sparta, Calton at Gary Robbinson's on Road #52. It was not noted how far one could go without taking cQ~rt action. Signs have been removed from the Art's property on County Road #52. Mr. Art's employees were informed that if the signs reappeared they would be confiscated. The CVlluuittee a.greed to leave the parking signs up on Road #27 at the drageway even though they could not be enforced in the present condition. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for residential use in New Sarum. 2. Township of Malahide agricultural by-law used for Gle~colin. Reeve Caverly reported that the sale of the lands was not fulfilled and the by-law would not be needed. 3. The Township of Malahide notice regarding rezoning application by Don predergast, Lot 11, Concession II, Malahide Township. 4. John Wise, M.P. regarding Bill #C227 stating that a request by a railroad or by municipality for chain link fence on the railway right of way would be heard by the Board of Transport CVllu'uissioners and costs aRP:Olttdmne-U between the Muncipality and the Railway. 5. From the Ministry of Transportation and CVlumunications stating that Highway #3 would be resurfaced from St. Thomas to Aylmer and Highway #73 south of Aylmer. This would not occur for several years although planning was in progress The Engineer was requested to advise the Ministry that the COtmllittee felt that channelization was required on County Roads #36 and #35, and at Concession V, Malahide on Highway #73. 6. From the Ministry of Transportation and Cotmllunications stating that they had revised their signs at Wallacetown. ST. ']1tQMA.S, ONTAR1.0 JUNE 4, 1981 'PAGE 10. 7. 'From tbe Village of port Stanley witb a zoning by_law for tbe The 8. Legion l1all on carloW Road. 'From tbe Village of springfield witb drainage p1:oblems, Engineer stated tbat be bad met witb Reeve 110dgSon and tWO of tbe problet1lS bad been referred back to tbe Village and tbe county would some time in tbe Sunnner make minor adjUstmentS to 9. tbe sboulder in frpnt of tbe Mac1.ntyre residence. 'Fraro tbe village of port BUrwell regarding clean up on county Road. Reeve Smytb reported tbat tbiS bad been done by tbe "'be Engineer stated tbat under tbe poliCY of tbe county 10. Tbe countY of Rent requesting surface treatment on variOUS county Roads it waS noted tbat a majority of tbe mileage waS adjaCent to tbe Elgin CQunty boundary and tbat it could be worked in very convenientlY witb county w01:k in Aldbourougb TownsbiP and in tbe 11. villages of Rodney, and VleSt :\..Orne. 'From tbe Ministry of Natural ReSOurces witb a letter sbowing water courses and fresb water strea1llS and requesting tbat they be aavised of any work tbat would affect any creek on tbe attacbed maP' 'From tbe city of St. TbQt!UlS approving tbe Suburban Roads BUdget. Tbe Elgin county Board of ~ducation requesting a buS turning sign R d #r.l8 ~he Enotne~.r stated tbat tbiS bad been on county oa J" 0 12. 13. 14. 'Fraro tbe TownsbiP of Malabide witb notice of publiC meeting to 'Reeve cave-r 1 y e-rected. disCUSS water supplY in tbe village of p01:t BrUce. stated tbat it was possible tbat if a water supplY went tbrougb tbat wo~k,would be necessary on certain countY RoadS. From tbe Town of Aylmer, rezoning by_law p1:0perty opposite Terrace is. Lodge' re sidential. ST. TRQMA.S, 0N'l'AR1.0 JUNE 4, 1981 l'AGE 11. 16. The 'town of Aylmer witb a committee of AdjUstment notice. , C' tt e of AdjUstment The TownsbiP of Nortb Dorcbester ,;n.tb a Q1llt1l1- e notice, f<J~ prope~tY in Avon. Tbe TownsbiP of Malabide witb a rezoning by_taW f~~ county Road #42. in copenbagen. The village of port Stanley witb a zoning by.laW for pt'operty on Main Street in po~t StanleY' Roads and TransportatiOn Association of canada stating tbat a d ~,"0411d be awarded to tbe countY of ~lgin at tbe 25 year: awa-r w u. ._~N "~A requested tbat tbe septe1ll-ber convention in Vlinn1-\!~~ 0"- d Th Enginee-r stated o b .01 ble to receive tbe awar' e Engl.nee-r e aval. a tbat be boped to attend tbe convention. 1 t' at . b w,tb a rezoning by.law for '[(e eS ~ng Townsb~P of yarmout ~ tbe countY' s pleasant valleY Gravel pit. , b~.laW fo~ a building The TownsbiP of yarmoutb witb a rezong~ng , lot on soutbdale Road. . f '" ~; 41tb witb a zoning by_laW on 1\ig'bway #3, a ToWUshl.P 0 :La!.~"o"", businesS use east of centennial Avenue. 11. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. . b . efl"" -reported tOnt tbe MitLi\;try of TransportatiOn The Engl.nee-r -rl. J b 10, 1 s~ste1ll- of subsidY' and cororounicatiOns Ur an "ura ' tea. that a considerable number of items on tbe agenda It was nO b laid over to tbe ne~t meeting. wou1 a. ha'\Te to e "MOVED B'l: s. J. GLOVER SECOND~D BY: J. B. Vl1.LSON , n-rO~'l"OlJ ~O JULY 8 1981 AT 9 :30 A.M. T]:\AT VIE Av-> IV""' · ' cARRIED-" u COUNT\' OFELG.!1"i ,~ ' RO~ DEPARTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR 300 GR~ER BLADES 5/8H .x 6ft x,.A! . June loSt. -.,f' .'{.y", Lot4' Quotptlon ()f June 1980 OIl V~ll.y Bl~de$$16.2.1 red.:t~l $3,1.. t1\" 1.. v" 11.y Bll11des l."irn:l, ted. B~x 126, 43.5 Phi 11 ipS t reet, Wpterloo. OntpriO. N2.J3Z9 2.. E. S. Hubbell&. Son.~tmit.cl p. O.Box 118, Thnmesvi 11_, Out!' rlo. NO? 21(0 . l..etc.() Limit,d. 1212 Bishop St. N., p. O. Bo)( 29.5, Ctl.mbrl,dge ep), Ontp ria. , N3112K9 $ 17.145 f.d.rplS~le..'l;'.x<t;t'l.el\l4.d $ 17.. 7 Sf.de r~ 1 ~~1....T.x 4ncl trele'" $ 18. 966 Fedel"P 1 S ~ le$Tp.x!nt;lu4ed 4. , Cl~rkEquiptnent of C~npdpLtd. $ 24.35 25 Mtchfg~n Blv4~, S t.. "hom~ $. On tpr:(o. N.5P IH2 ...~ i i: COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RSIK EMULSION QUOTATIONS JUNE 4, 1981 (1,980 Price 57.0 cents per gallon) ... Delivered to St. ThomafJ 65.1 cents per gallon ... Low Bidder - Fl intkote Company of Canada. 1. NorJohn Contracting Li.mlt,ed P. O. BoX' IOU Thorold, Ontario L2V 3 Y8 F.O.B. Plant... 352 QUeen Street Chatham, Ontario Asphalt COLtent 67% Freight Via Thompson Transport: To St. Thomas To Iona To Rodney Total Cost to St. Thomas To Iona 'fo Rodney 2. Asenco 2201 Lakeshore Road West Mississauga, Ontario F.O.B. Plant Clarkson Mini.mum Asphalt Content 67% Freight Via Thompson Transport: To St. Thomas To Iona To Rodney Total Cost to St. Thomas To Iona To Rodney .3. Chevron Asphalt Limited 43 Industrial Street Toronto, Ontario M4G 122 F.D.B. Plant East Toronto l're i.ght Vi a Thomp son Transport: To St. Thomas To lona To Rodney 78.1 Cents Per Gallon 8.2 Cents Per Gallop 8.2 Cents Per Gallon 8~2 Cents Per Gallon 86.3 Cents Per Gallon 86.3 Cents Per Gallon 86.3 Cents Per Gallon 83.2 Cents Per Gallon 9.2 Cents Per Gallon 9.2 Cents Per Gallon 10.6 Cents Per Gallon 92.4 Cents Per Gallon 92.4 Cents Per Gallon 93.8 Cents Per Gallon 84.0 Cents Per Gallon (Subject to Escalation) 11.0 Cents Per Gallon 12.4 Cents Per Gallon 13.9 Cents Per Gallon " .L..._' ..__1 PAGE 2. COUNTY OF ELG1N ROAD DEP;.RniEN't ~lR ~LS1.0}l g\JcrrAT~E 4? 198..1 3. Chevron Asphalt !,imited 43 Industrial Street Toronto, Ontario M/-I-G lz2 95.0 CentS pe~ Gallon 96.4 centS Per Gallon 91.9 CentS l'e-r Gallon continued . . . Total Cost to st. Tb~s To lona To Rodney 4. McAsphalt 1.ndustries Limited P.O. Bo)l;. 247 West Rill, onta-rio M1E 4R5 92.0 centS l'er Gallon 1'.O.B. plant Vlest l1ill Minimum Asphalt content 61% 11.0 CentS per Gallon 12.4 Cents per Gallon 13.9 CentS Per Gallon 103.0 CentS Per Gallon 104.4 CentS l'er Gallon 105.9 CentS per Gallon freigbt via Th~son Transport: To St. Thomas To lona To Rodney Total Cost to St. Th~s To lona To Rodney 5. T. J. pounder (Ontario) Limited R. R. #2 BraUlpton, ontario 96.2 CentS per Gallon F.O.B. plant Brampton Minimum Aspbalt content 61% 9.1 CentS per Gallon 9. 7 cent s pet' Gallon 11.1 centS per Gallon 1'reigbt via Thompson Transport: To St. Thoma S To 10na Total cost to St. Thomas 105.9 CentS per Gallon To lona 10S.9 centS pet' Gallon To Rodney 101.3 centS pe-r Gallon To Rodney CO~TY OF ELGIN TRUCK RATE PROPOSALS FOR 1981 HOURLY RATE 1978 1979 1980 1981 Increase 1981 - 1980 Single Axle $ 13.25 $ 15.00 $ 19. 00 $ 25.00 $ 22.00 $ 29.00 15.7% Tandem (14 - 15 cu. Yd.) $ 1 9 . 25 $ 21.50 16 .0% TON MILE RATES 1978 1979 1980 1981 Proposal t A' Increase . (%) Incre a se 1981 Proposal fBt (%) Under 1 mile, Top Soil, etc. Use hourly rate 1 - 3 mi 1 e s .60 .68 .76 .85 11.8% .88 15% .75 .84 .95 1.08 13.6% 1.11 16.8% .88 .98 1.11 1.25 12.6% 1.28 15.3% 1.00 1.11 1.26 1.41 11.9% 1.44 14.2% 1.10 1.23 1.40 1.56 11.4% 1.59 13.5% 1.20 1.34 1.53 1.70 11.1% 1.72 12.4% 1.30 1.45 1.65 1.83 10.9% 1.85 12.1% 1.40 1.55 1.75 1.95 11.4% 1.97 1 2 . 5% 1.40 + 9<t 1.55 + lOt 1.75 + 11ft 1.95 + 12t 10.5% ton mile ton mile ton mile ton mile (20 miles) 2.30 + 7~t 2.55 + 8ft. 2.85 + 8<t 3.15 + 9ft 9% ton mile ton mile ton mile ton mile (30 miles) 4 mile average 5 mile average 6 mile average 7 mile average 8 mile average 9 mile average 10 mile average 10 - 20 miles Over 20 mi Ie s ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 l'AGE 1. MUnicipal BUilding at 9:30 a.m., MaY 13, 1981. All memberS were present e~cept Ree~e Bradfield Who bad recentlY resigned from county Council. Also present waS Mr. 'Frank Clarke of tbe Ministry of Tl1~ COUNTY 01' ELG1.N ROAD coMtUTT~E met at tbe Elgin County Transportation and communications, tbe ~ngineer and tbe ASsistant Enginee-r. "M(lI11'.D BY: R. ~. MONTE1.TR S~COND~D BY: R. M. KELLY TRAT TRE }f1mrr~S 01' Tl1~ MEET1.NG OF Al'R1.L 8 AND A1'R1.L 2.4, 1981 BE APl'ROVED. CARRTED." Tl1E ENG1.N~ER R1'J'ORT~D ON Tl1~ VlORR TO DATE AS 1'01J,OVlS~ 1. Tbe sweeper bad completed itS initial clean-UP of tbe CountY and waS presentlY on tbe second time over tbe CountY Road System. TbiS was a somewbat later scbedule tban usual becaUse of tbe 2.. Application of calciUlll cbloride waS underwaY witb County Road ~, Road #5 and Road #43 baving been c~leted. Again, recent wet weatber bad put tbe application appro~imatelY 2 weekS bebind -recent wet weathe-r. ordinary application times. 3. Stortll sewer work in the Village of Belmont bad been completed e~cept for minor trim work and tOp soil wbicb will be started sho-rt1Y. 4. patcbing at tbe expansion joint on tbe MiddlemisS Bridge bad again been done altbOUgb no new dalllage to tbe floor bad been noticed in the laSt 10 dayS. 5. Vlork on Front Street bad been completed for tbe Village of port Stanley otber tban a small gmount of guide rail installation. Tbe Village will do tbeir own triroming and top soil work. ST. TROMAS, ONTAR1.0 MA'l 13, 1981 'PAGE 2. 6. h. g cont-ract d b's gravel crus ~n , 'ted bad complete ~ Ale~ Newbigging L~m~ ' tely 8,100 TonS h. wi th app-ro~l.ma d.JJQ J)Unwicb TOwnS >P on countY Roa ff/' , been placed. w"l of gravel bav~ng d jf# between Ricbt1lond 'l'T\n.leted on county Roa . h S been COLLL):' G-ravelll.ng a . and calton. b onditions perudtted. sweat e-r c , would start as soon a 1"lavement 1t1.a-rl<..l.ng b patched. Damage ~ bad een BUrwell Bridge floors Tbe player and port ' bl and increased d~ge . conS ')..de-ra e , 11 floor waS qU~te to tbe port BUrwe 's "D;-ridge floo-r. d the 'Pi aye-r 1..1 h d been note on over tbe past years a 'd ...able inCrease in tbe . d t a cons').. eJ,. r bad contr~bute 0 ' Recent wet .,eatbe h basinS filled ')..n, t.1e catC 1 . tS b-rol<..en 1. , c1 . ge carov a~n , , mount of ra~na 1 rking full t~me a: One creW was present Y wo dl.. tcheS bloC\<.ed, etc. open 1. 8. 9. 10. at thiS wo-rl<... d coat woul d be put bad been painted once, a secon & etC would be painted on tbe noo-r ~-r ame s, · , 11. The salt bui 1 ding on as soon as possible. ' time pe-rtllitted tbiS ~er. sbouldered altboUgb wet conditions bad 1.1'el~ tbat verY little It was 1.1.'- J of tbe rapid growtb of graSS along 12. new ga-r age as Most paved roads bad been been encountered on some roads, more work could be done because the shoulde-rS. c-:ntinuing altboUgb vandaliSlll bad been sGlllewbat 13. 14. appro~imatelY 2.50 feet of Citizens' 15. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 3. expected that the Village might also wish the County to place curb and gutttr and sidewalk on this section. All work would be paid for by the Village of Port Stanley. 16. Considerable work had been done at the County' s P1E~asant Valley Gravel Pit. The scales which has been purchased at the Yundt McCann Auction had been cleaned and painted and were presently in service at the pit. Considerable stripping and levelling had been done in the past month, it was expected that this work would meet the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources' Pit and Quarry Inspector who had felt that the County's previous operations were not up to their standards. 17. Construction work was underway on County Road #38. Land purchase had been completed except for Mr. RaYBon. It was expected that to cVllLp1ete an agreement with Mr. Rayson it would take considerable time and an agreement was not likely before paving. Most fence had been erected. All trees had been cut. The stumps had been removed and had been taken to a washout on County Road #42 east of Port Burwell. Stripping of top soil was underway as well as ditching and place~nt of culverts and drain. Two branches for the Number One Municipal Drain would be placed at this time inasmuch as a new drain report was being drawn up and would come into effect as soon as it could be put through Bayham Township Council. Very wet conditions had been encountered on the drain branches. placement of sand and gravel on the two curves to be revised would start shortly. It was hoped most ditching would be completed within 10 days. 18. Gravel for asphalt paving backup was being placed on Wards Hill on Road #38. ST. TllOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 l'AGE 4. 19. Land purcbase on Road #8 between DUtton and Vlallacetown waS coroplete otber than Latllont wbo is tbe. owner of a snail bolding. Altbougb Bob Davies bad yet to contact several people in tbe vicinity of Vla\lacetown, no problems were antiCipated. 2.0. An agreement bad been reacbed witb Mr. BrOuweit on tbe carter Side Road for sand for tbe construction of Road #32. A lUlllP sum paym.ant of $5,000 will be made to Mr. BroUwer part of it in 1981 and pa.,;t of it in 1982.. 1.n addition a considerable gmount of sbaping work would be required in bis field. several otber sand sources were looked at and it was felt tbat even witb tbe work and cost involved tbiS would be tbe most economical source of sand for construction on Road #'Jt2.. 2.1. Altbougb tbe TownsbiP contractor on tbe Argyle Drain bad still not c~leted bis work, tbe county was placing several snail brancbes on tbe drain at tbe present time, furtber constructiOn for tbe time being waS to be beld up until tbe ditcbeS dried up. 22.. McLean foster bad started work at tbe ~alkers Bridge altbOUgb again tbe wet weatber bad beld tbem up. Tbe county bad not done anytbing on tbe ~lgin approacb and it was felt tbat 10 dayS to 2 weekS of drying weatber would be necessary before any work could be done. A pit and quarry wayside pit permit bad been received for tbe uymock property from tbe Ministry of Na~ral Resources- \ 23. No information bad been received as yet on tbe county'S request for supplementary funds for stump removal on county RoadS. 2.4. OntariO l1ydro bad c~leted installation of poleS on Road #2.2. and was presentlY stringing tbeir wire. 1.t wae expected tbat probablY tbey would bave 3 to 4 weeks' work yet before tbe old pole line would be -removed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 5. 25. The Engineer stated that more Municipal Drain applications were presently being received than at any time that he could remember. The County would likely be involved in a larger expenditure for 1982 than the $60,000 estimated for 1981. 26. Reeve Glover reported briefly on Personnel. Cu"""ittee meetings stating that the committee had asked for a realistic statement of holidays to be taken by supervisory Road Department Employees and this would be received at a meeting next week and recommendations would be made further on the subject to both Road CVLLIJ.LI.ittee and County Council. 27. The Engineer asked Reeve Kelly to ascertain whether or not the Township of Aldborough would again cut grass on County Roads in 1981. Rot Mix Asphalt Tenders were as attached. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS., LIMITED AT $155,418.50 FOR CONTRACT' A', HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD. CARRI ED." '''MOVED BY': M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED AT $118,226.00 FOR CONTRACT' B', HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST #17 AMOUNTING TO $ 49,048.54 PAYLIST #18 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST #19 AMOUNTING TO $ 25 . 00 233.30 PAYLIST #20 AMOUNTING TO $ 47,325.90 PAYLIST #21 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST #23 AMOUNTING TO $112,090.34 637.42 CARRIED." Tenders for pickup trucks were as attached. The Engineer stated that it appeared that no County Employees were interested in purchasing the used van due to its poor condition. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: M.:H. STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE T'ENDER OF DUNN MOTORS (AYLMER) LIMITED AT $8,115.95 FOR A 1 TON TRUCK WITH COUNTY TRUCK #08 (CHEVROLET VAN) AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Honourable James Snow, Minister of the Ministry of , Transportation and CuulJ.uunications to Warden Monteith stating that he (the Minister) felt that there was no basis for special funding for the improvement of County Road #32 and although a pleasant meeting had been held with the County of Elgin de1E~gation he confirmed that there was no money available for the project at the present time. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY. 13, 1981 PAGE 7. 2. From the Ministry of the Environment asking if the county of Elgin was interested in pursuing at thiS time their applicatiOn of December 7, 1975 to enlarge the area served by the nunwich Landfill site. The Engineer explained the circumstances under which the applicatiOn waS made for the neW members, stating that at that time it !l,ppear.E!'d that there would have been an emergencY situation in that there was no other location open as a waste diSposal site other than the TownshiP of nunwich site. The application had not been pursued because resultant negotiation had provided a diSposal for county Waste with the St. Thomas Sanitary Services Limited. "MOVED BY: M. R. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ADVISE TRE MINISTRY OF TRE ENVIRONMENT THAT THE coUNtY OF ELGIN 1.S NOT INTERESTED IN pURSUING AT TRIS TIME TREIR APPLICATION OF DECEMBER 7, 1975 TO INCREASE TRE AREA SERVED BY THE TOWNSRIP OF DUNWl ell LANDFILL SITE. CARRIED ."~ 3. From the Village of port Stanley authorizing the CountY of Elgin to install approximatelY 250 feet of sanitary sewers on franceS Street 1 for them. Stating that they might request that the county extend their tender for asphalt on Front Street to the project as ~ll. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of Labour had informed the county that under the occupational Realth and Safety Act it would be necessary that all workmen working close to areas where road traffiC would be involved must wear a designated type safety vest. Although thiS regulation haS been in the Act for some time it haS not been previoUslY enforced nor had been observed by many Municipalities. The City of St. Thomas waS noW observing the regulation and t'.he~ C~t.y' of ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY. 13, 1981 'PAGE 8. London had purchased 400 vestS for emplOyee use. The committee authorized the purchase of vestS at a cost of approximatelY $15.00 each, feeling that a vest should be assigned to each employee and he would be responsible for his own safetY vest. the handing of vestS through the stock department. ThiS would eliminate correspondence was read from M. J. RennesseY, countY solicitor with an opinion on county By.Law #1-8_14 and an application by uelsen, of LOt #1-6, concession V, Malahide TownshiP for a permit to bUild a hoUse within three feet of the northerlY limit of Gounty Road #45. Mr. Rennessey stated in his opinion that he felt that the county of Elgin By-LaW #1-8_14 had precedence and therefore any neW building or anY changed building would have to conform with the set back require- mentS even though the TownshiP of Malahide might be forced to iSSue a building permit to replace the structure that in thiS case had been bu-rned. AFtER D1.SClJSSION · · · · "MOVED BY: M. R. STBWART SEcONDED BY: R. M. ](ELLY THAT WE ADVISE 'rl{E ToWNSR1.P OF Mf'.LAR1.DE WlTH REGARD TO TRE APPL1.CAT1.0N OF RENRY ]!:NELSEN, LOT 16, CONCESS1.0N V, Mf'.LAR'lDE ToWNSR1.P, SRO'd1.NG A PROPOSED SET BAC\.Z OF APPROX1.MATELY 54 Fm;:! l''ROM TRE CENTRE OF THE ROAD ALLoWANCE, THAT By-LAW #1-8_14 OF TRE COUNTY OF ELG1.N REQU1.RES A S-gJ: BACR OF 85 FE-gJ: FROM THE CENTER OF TRE ROAD p,LLOWANCE. eABRIED." The committee asked that the TownshiP of Malahide be sent a copY of the resolution and a copY of Mr. Rennessey's letter. The erection of Talbot Trail SignS w-aS-' diSCUssed. The Engineer stated that it appeared that the Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns had alreadY erected Talbot Trail SignS on the Rings ST. TR()!o\AS, ONTAR1.0 'MAy. 13, 1981 'P AGE 9. RighwaY although he had been informed just a few daYS previouslY before 01 ble A,t the present time there seemed to be mass that none were ava. a · ft confusion between the Ministry and the Talbot Trail committee and the varioUs Municipalities. 1.t waS not known whether or not that signs would be available from the Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns or what the cost would be. The Engineer felt that to make the number of signS required for countY purposes would be quite considerable ($20 _ $25 each). 1.t waS decided to disCuSS the matter further at countY council when representatiVes of the Talbot Trail committee would be present. The Engineer noted that the floor of the MiddlemisS Bridge had developed another hole since committee 1.nspection. .1.t"had bel"n,repaired and a close watch was being kept on the bridge floor althoUgh nO further holes had been noted in the past week. The Engineer stated that inspections would be done on a weeklY basis by a superintendent o-r an Enginee-r. The Engineer distributed the Maintenance Study Report on the MiddlemiSS Bridge that had been prepared for the countY of Elgin and Middlesex in 1975 by R. C. Dunn and ASSociates. decided to take the study home to read. The membe-rS correspondence was read from Raro1d Gilbert, Deputy Ministry of the MinistrY of TransportatiOn and C01.lllllunicatiOns with regard to county BridgeS not on county Roads. Re stated that one of the recommendatiOns of the special Advisory committee to change the publiC TransportatiOn and RighwaY 1.mprovement Act, was that jurisdiction over county BridgeS not on countY Roads be transferred from the county to the local MuniCipalitY. waS of a proposed change in the Act that would alloW thiS transfer Mr. Gilbert wondered what the varioUs countieS' opinion ST. TROMA8, ONTARIO MAY. 13, 1981 'PAGE 10. Mr. Gilbert also felt th>t the MoT.C. regulations should be drawn up stating that when~ajor repairs or reconstructiOn occurred the bridge would then be automaticallY transferred to the local MuniciP"alitY. The DeputY Minister felt that all bridgeS not on countY Roads could be maintained as ably by the local MUnicipalitieS as by counties. After disCUssion the committee instructed the Engineer to advise o 0 th t -missive legiSlation Mr. Gilbert that they were of the op.n.on a pe~". to allow countY Council to revert a bridge to a local MuniCipality would be in order, but the decision to revert or assume a bridge should be the perogatiVe of CountY Council only. They were also opposed to an automatiC revision of a bridge to a local MuniCipality after it waS reconstructed or had majOr repairs. The ConJlttittee felt that in a number of cases that County Council could feel that the bridge should . obolotY The cororoittee waS of the opinion that rema.n a CountY respons, .' · manY bridgeS such as those across the ThameS River and other bodies of water, etc., might create the undue hardshiP on a small local Municipal ity. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns' present approval of the CountY' s Bridge Limit." By_LaWS would expire on AUgust 1 and that neW By_LawS should be passed as soon as possible SO that the M.T.C. could approve them prior to that date. than the MiddlemiSS were quite satisfactory. Re felt that the present load limitS other' After same diSCUssion it was decided to reduce the load li1l\it on the MiddlemisS Bridge from 30 TonScf to 20 Tonnes and to request Middlesex to do the same-. meeting with the The Engineer waS requested to try to arrange a . CountY of Middlesex Road committee within the next several monthS to disCUSS MiddlemiSS and other matters of mutual interest. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY. 13, 1981 PAGE 11. "MOVED BY: M. R. STEWART SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L THAT BY-LAWS BE PASSED LIM1.T1NG WE1.GHT ON VAR1.0US COUl\TY BR1.DGES AS FOLLO'dS: (A) COOKS, ROAD #43 (B) PR1.LU10RE, ROAD #43 (C) ROBB1.NS - 4 TONNES. 15 TONNES. 15 TONNES. (D) FULTON - 15 TONNES. (E) MEERS · 18 TONNES. (F) JAMESToWN - 15 TONNES. (G) V1.ENNA - 20 TONNES. (R) TA1.TES - 15 TONNES. (1.) L1.NGS - 15 TONNES. (J) M1.DDLEMlSS - 20 TONNES. CARRIED_" TRE M:E-gJ:1.NG ADJOURNED FOR LUNCR. AYJ:ER LUNCH WlTR REEVE ](ELLY ABSENT . . . the Environment regarding installation of Sanitary Se~rs in the Village The Engineer reported that he had discUssions with the Ministry of of port Bur~ll. The construction Branch of the Ministry was still unable to allocate StljJf'1..\Ci'etit funds so that a contract could be called at the present time. The Ministry of the Environment also felt that even if a contract could be called in the near future (which seemed unlikelY) work would not start before september 1. Inasmuch as the county work on county Roads #42 and #50 would have followed this the county probablY would not be able to do any work until very late in the year. The Engineer SUggested that work on port Burwell be held in abeyance until 1982 and that any available funds from the project should be transferred for the construction of-Road #32. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY. 13, 1981 PAGE 12. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED J3'l: M. R. STEWART THAT TRE ENG1.NEER BE 1.NSTRUCTED TO PROCEED W1.TH CONSTRIlCTION OF ROAD #32 AND THAT CONSTRUCT10N ON ROAD #42 AND ROAD #00 1.N PORT BlJRWELL BE REJ.,D 1.N ABEYANCE lJNT1.L 1982. eARRIED." "MOVED BY:: 1<.. E. MONTEITH SECO~DED BY~ J. B. WlLSON THAT TRE ENG1.NEER BE AllTROR1.ZED TO SELL ONE OF THE COUNTY'S USED 30 TON CANADIAN SCALES AND THE 1962 GAL1.0N RUBBER T1.RED ROLLER. eARRIED ." list showing approximatelY 15 miles of surface treatment. Re stated The Engineer reviewed surface treatment and passed out the attached that inasmuch as the emulsion price would likely be approximatlY 95 centS a gallon, work. 1.f any extra work could be done, top priority job would be the present budget would not allow for over 15 miles of county Road #> from c1achan to Blacks Lane (1.5 Miles), "MOVED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TR SECONDED BY: J. B. W1.LSON THAT THE ENG1.NEER BE AuTROR1.ZED TO"CALL TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF AS'PRALT EMULSION. eARRTED." 1.t waS decided to postpone the diScUssion on the closing of Chatham Street in port BUrwell until the next meeting when a representative of the Village of port BUrwell might be available for his comments. ST. THOMAS" ONT ARlO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 13. The Engineer reported that Huron Construction, the Ministry of i Transportation and Communications Contract6r for the hot mix "asphalt ! ~ resurfacing on Highway #401 wish to haul stone and gravel over County Road #8 north of Dutton. Although the County had objected to .the M.T.C., iLp, a'PP'~ared that the hauling would! occur and the only recourse the County would have would be to request the M.T.C. to pay for any reHairs that would be necessary on Road 7~. The Engineer I stated that a close watch on the road wou1p be kept. Correspondence was read from the Township of Yarmouth stating that a by-law to close a portion of former Coun~y Road #52 east of the Carrs Bridge would be passed and requesting>:; that thE~ County of Elgin I pass a by-law stating that they had no obj8ctions to the closing of I I the road. The Engineer reported that the road would be sold to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. t'MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECNNDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED STATING THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTIONS TO THE PASSrNG OF A BY-LAW BY THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH TO CLOSE A PORTIO~ OF ROAD IN LOT 5, I RANGE II, NORTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD AS SH~WN ON REFERENCE PLAN I 11R 2154 AS PART #1. CARRIED." I As part of an exchange of lands betwee~ the County of Elgin and the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. The Road Inspection by County Council discussed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 14. "MOVED BY: J. B. W1.LSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECO}lMEND TO cOIJNT'l COUNCIL THAT COUNC1.L ROLD A ROAD 1.NSPECTION OF EAST ELG1.N ON JUNE 18 LEAVING TRE COURT ROUSlI AT 9 :00 A.M. eARRIED." that the county assume the Smoke Road betwen county Road #1-6 and correspondence from the Township of southwold waS read requesting Righway #3. The Township felt that thiS road should be assumed as a county Road because of itS heaVY use by tractor trailers partiCularlY during harvest season. The Road also would be an extention of county Road #45 to Highway 4f3. The Engineer reviewed the variouS criterias for the assumption of county Roads using as a base the 1970 Needs Study and noted that there were seven criteria for assumption of roads. The Township of southwold felt that the road met." the criteria of an "attraction of heaVY traffic'" 1.t waS felt that the M.T.C. should be asked their opinion prior to presentation of the proposal to county council, in order to minimize any delay. "MOVED BY: M. R. STJ'$.ART SECONDED BY' S. J. GLOVER THAT ~ REQ\lEST THE M.T.C. TO ASCERTA1.N 1.F TRE ROAD ilLLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 30 AND 31 soUTR OF NORTR BRANCR OF TALBOT ROAD, AND BETWEEN LOT 33 AND 34, NORTH OF .THE TtJ.BOT ROAD. TOWNSR1.P OF SOUTRWOLD MEEXS TRE CR1.TERIA AS A COUNTY ROAD. eARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 13, 1981 PAGE 15. The Engineer requested that a resolution be passl=d authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed for several parcels on County Road #30 which the County had obtained with other land widening, from the estate of Florence Buck; the properties to be transferred to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority as part of the agreement with the Authority for the exchange of land for the widening of Road h52 and Road #30. "MOVED BY: J. G. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED SELLING TO THE KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY A PORTION OF LOT 9, CONCESSION XI, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP SHOWN AS PART #4 on REFERENCE PLAN 11R 2279. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that he had met with the O.P.P. with regard to the problems on County Road #27, Mr. Burt (Tires); the signs at Finga1, Mr. Ripley; Junk at Jaffa Mr. Roberts; and the Calton Garage at Road #43 and Road #45 (Junk). The Engineer felt that some progress had been made with the signs at Finga1 Ripley, and he understood that the Township had accomplished a cleanup at Jaffa. NhE,progress had been made getting the tires moved on Road #27. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10 MAY. 13, 1981 "PAGE 16. !'MO\rED BY.: lZ. 'E. MONT'EITll SECONDED BY: J. B. W1.LSON THAT TRE ENG1.NEER BE 1.NSTRUCTED TO REMOVE TRE OLD T1.RES AND JUNK FROM TRE couNTY ROAD ALLOWANCE 1.N TRE AREA OF TRE SP ART A SCIlOOL ON ROAD #27 AND NEAR J AFF A ON ROAD #45 AND AT CALTON ON ROADS #43 AND #45 OR Nff. QT1:lER coUNT'l ROAD ALLOv:J AN eE. eARRIED ." "MOVED BY.: M. H. STE'WART SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJoURN TO JUNE 4, 1981 AT 9 :30 A.M. eARRIBD." Y~/>>-P;; ~;:;.-:?(?H~ . ~tze:.- ..l. tt-fl? c>~'~Ofb ;O)~\ 11 $J'e ell ~ f..-; ~z< ' 00 ~ J ~ s - / 1... ~'/ '~_c~ 0_1::: <..' 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"" J..l z6 /1 0 v If "'Z6// oo,~ ~ '7;// _l;.:f; ~o8('C/ . ) I j) _~?: ...rL <., ,~ all . ,€, ~/ co 0 'C 6 '6 }p~bl -l:':,Y;~>..,: 1...... .... "" o~o '6 0'., /~,fr // OD 00 _~f!(; (~ (> ~;41 ~~L +, "1' H 'o..,~1 _e,L. i-, . *' '1.1-\ ~/- oo_c: \. '1' rJ "1'1 0,6 c;:-' e/ oSgl \, '1'H - .., '~/ OO\Z "g"'H c5 Z6' 'b'G 00 L.\\ .~ ~"ff ~O~/ lL Jt/ ooo_eftg o-'~ 1..l f,/~ ~ 00 -~~~ .~<; E" ..!.}-lbQi.uJy ~.:> '3d- ~ =.-r Q N =~ ~t).!ln -<1.11" (rv':Y>:r~C1"t1 (lNbt7t?:"..o/ \ fJ' "'"~ , > j.:~n D-l-Oy v~ 'u.;L' "U .:;;[.0 H;;~ .1. '-,....n j"Q~7 rf2.S)'>100 '9~Qy- 1:. ")o.fnol/,J ~ :r.> '"'U& u~Ql-I~ ~)}J'h ~\~21<iL~='1S 1/4'] tJ ('J :;l b \I,.. i'i:t' . . I . <I I 'I ,j -'-I ..J ::. :1 5-1 I <6~ OVOc:i . 2' .". }J;l.!-ll I -I I ..,~ a ''''CL. - I '" N ?!.!J I . ,<8-.., .L ~ ~ U2.-''-\OOI 'I , l:;. "7 Q,V'1 fI_' -. <7l~ ~ -) -, / j ~/ ~ , / 1~.:::> _ '7 :p PJ::.',..,'~ I " "h~j..t ~z QblOCL - +, S4)/J,;J.J..{ ~5i otJoa - o~ Qb<<oC[ - <; ),.1:'1\ JtI> -_, }~l ).t t'.!. $ 1. -u li -- Z );11 :11 ,.. -- -~,., Q tlO c1.. - 1 ~ y"'t1]..t .~ .LO ".t:J. 'Uji}1 z=J "CJ'b\:--; coUNTY OF ELG1.N RQAD DEPARTMENT . .......- - ~ ' ...--- - - .......- ~DEJ.ts .......l"2R 1. TON ~ 10.1 000 }:ei? 0-' 'H. ~ C<<.1JP TRUQS (PRiCES ARE N-gJ: AftER TRADE-iN WITH SALES TAX) - -' . ..... ,-- -' . .. . . - 1. Dunn Mot;ors (Aylmer) Limited 326 John Street North Aylme-r, Ontario $8,115.95 Dodge 2. St. ThomaS Plymouth Chrysler Limited 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, ontario $8,248.90 Dodge ~ SURFACE TREATMENT LIST 1981 1. Road #8 - Highway #401 to Thames River (1977) 2. Road #24 - From Road #23 to Dexter (1977) 3. Road #28 (SA) - South of Elm Street 4, Road #29 (SA) - County pqrtion (from M.T.C. Diversion to hot mix at Water Tower) 5. Road #33 (SA) - Kains Hill (1977) 6. Road #34 Belmont (as prime) 7. Road #47 (Qver Hot Mix) 8. Road #51 _ West of County Garage (1976) TOTAL TO BE DONE ONLY IF EXTRA MONIES AVAILABLE OTHERS 1. Road #52 - portion with strip down middle 2. Road #U - C1achan to Blacks Lane 3. Road #23 - Highway #4 to port Stanley Limits (1976) 4.' Road #45 Highway #73 to Jaffa (1976) 5. Road #48 - East of Road #47 (1977) 6. Road #54 - Orford Town1ine ~ OUr Share 5. 0 Miles 4.1 Mi 1 e s 0.5 Miles 0.5 Miles 0.7 Miles r- 0.5 Miles . 3.5 Miles 0.4 Miles 15.2 Miles 2.2 Miles 1.5 Miles 0.9 Miles 2.5 Miles 1.8 Miles .3 Miles coUNtY OF ELG1.N ROAD COMl!1TTEE ~ ~ TO TRE wARDEN AND MEMBERS OF TRE ELG1.N coUNT'l COUNCIL 'lOUR ROAD CoMM1TTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Tender of walll1sleY BrOs., Limited of London, Ontario in the f ~155 418 50 has been accepted for hot mix asphalt amount 0 ..p , · pavement for the following: (a) Resurfacing appro><ill1atelY 1 mile on county Road #45 from Midd1..emarch southerlY, (b) patching Front Street for the village of port StanleY' (c) patching on St. ThomaS Suburban Roads *,0 (RadiO Road) and #62. (d) patching on St. Thomas Suburban Road #28 (centennial Avenue)' (e) construction for the TownshiP of southwold, on the southWOld_westminister Townline. The Tender of walmsley BroS.,was the lowest of 3 tenderS received. The Tender of Walmsley BrOS. Limited for hot mix asphalt paving on Road #38 the wards Rill and Road #38 east of straffordville in the amount of $118,226.00 waS also accepted \ and waS the lowest of 2 tenders ~eceived. We exPect that work will sta~t withi~ the week fo~ the TownshiP of southWOld. The Tender of DUnn MotorS (Aylmer) Limited fo~ a Dodge ~odel 350, 1 Ton PickuP Truck with the countY's 1976 Chevrolet Van \ \ \ \ -waS accepted. Wa~den ~onteith haS been advised by the Ronourable JzmeS Snow, 1.t was the lowest of 2 tende~s received. 2. 3. ~inister of the ~inistrY of Transportation and cororounicatiOns that he (the Minister) doeS not believe there is any basis for special funding for the improvement of countY Road #32 serving the Ontario police college. countY Road committee ll1et with the Minister requesting special consideratiOn and supplementarY funding for the imP~ovement of Some time ago a delegation of the thiS road. 'PAGE 2. COUNTY 01" ELGIN ROAD C~TTEE FIRST Rm'ORT - MAY S1?SS1.0N 4. the start of construction of sanitary sewers in the AS it appea-rs o 0 of the Environment will Village of port Burwell by the M.n.stry committee haS decided be delayed until at least the Fall, yOur . R d #42 and Road #50 in port BUrwell to delaY construcu.on on oa . to proceed with ~e have instructed the Eng.neer 5. o 0 f the M.ini strY of Tran.SportatiOn Rarold Gilbert, DeputY M~n.ster 0 . . h written to your C(Jl1ll1littee SUggesting that and cororoun.cat.ons as . . l-,- ^_~nded to revert countY Bridges not i ilL "to "LUvo'- 0 h "unicipal Act m g 0 ~'ch they l1.e. t e ~~ 1.t.eS 1.U ~l~~ 1 ~Kuncipa 1. 1. the loca ~~ on countY Roads to . h DeputY Ministe-r that d d'\T1. se t e s inSt-ructe to a The Engineer wa 0 latton to allow a ermi ssi '\Te leg1. s . feels that p 1. ~ould the Co~.ttee cal M.unicipa .tY b-ridge to a 10 . 1 to -re'\Te-rt a countY counc, rt or aSsume a . . on to -re'\Te h deC's~ 0 . -rde-r but that tel The eo~1.ttee be .n 0 Council on y. . ght of eountY ld b the r. 1 bridge shOU e 0 f a bridge to a loca . -re'\Te-r S1.on 0 n automat.c 0 to it was opposed to a had a major re~a.r st-ructed o-r o of it were recon 0 feel Municipal.tY . tY Council m1.ght o. ~.,.., lOl-"""O caseS coun as committee felt thaL ~.. ~v~- . c tY -responsibilitY. h b . dge should rema.n a oun that t e -r1. h ~onistrY of the Environment ..0 a request by t e ",. .he countY is not interested 6. 'that in -re spon se - the M.inistry haS been notified thaL -' 1. t. n of uecembe-r " u.....g at thiS time their apP .ca .0 in pu-rs 1.~~ d by the uunwich Landfill Site. to enlarge the area serve 1915 1. the following roads' f e t-reatment on we plan to do sur aC 0 Righway #401 to the DUnwich TownshW from (a) count'! Road #'>, #24 yarmouth TownshiP . (b ) eountY Road ' . _ 5 m1.1eS. Tha!l\eS R.ver 0 ( ) St. ThomaS .'_^ .' _ "~,,.._er _ 4.1 m.leS' c from countY Road 4flj ~v ,,~..- th of Elm street - entennial Avenue) sou Suburban Road #28 (C Suburban Road #29, from . (d) St. 'thomaS ly % m.le. 0 to appro}timate 2 unicationS' diverS.on s ortation and carom the M.inistrY of Tran p 1 01 (e) st. 'thoro.aS ."""ate1Y ~ m1. e. app-r d'}{"l~" the Ford water Tower - ole (f) CountY . _ 1/10 of a ro.1. · d #33 (Rain' s R.ll) Suburban Roa \ \ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY SESSION PAGE 3. Road #34 in Belmont as prime - ~ mile. (g) County Road #47 from County Road #48 to Avon, South Dorchester Township - 3.5 miles. (h) County Road #51, Yarmouth Township west of the County Garage - 4/10 of a mile; total mileage approximately 15.2 miles. 8. We have requested the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to ascertain if the Smoke Road in the Township of Southwo1d meets the criteria as a County Road. The Road is the extension of County Road #45 north from Midd1emarch to Highway #3 and is heavily travelled by trucks in the harvest season. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That by-laws be passed limiting the weight on various County Bridges as follows: a) Cooks, on Road #43 - 15 Tonnes. b) Phi11more, on Road #43 - 15 Tonnes. c) Robbins, Yarmouth-Southwo1d Town1ine - 4 Tonnes. d) Fulton, Yarmouth-Southwo1d Town1ine - 15 Tonnes. e) Meeks, Yarmouth-Southwo1d Townline - 18 Tonnes. f) Jamestown, Yarmouth-Ma1ahide Town1ine - 15 Tonnes. g) Vienna, Bayham-Vienna Town1ine - 20 Tonnes. h) Tait's, Dunwich-Ekfrid Town1ine (Middlesex County) - 15 Tonnes. i) Ling's, Southwo1d-Westminister Town1ine (Middlesex County) - 15 Tonnes. j) Middlemiss, County Road #14 Southwo1d-Dunwich-Ekfrid-Caradoc Town1ine (Middlesex County) - 20 Tonnes. The Ministry of Transportation and CVlluuunications' approval of the County of Elgin's present by-laws run out in August 1981, it is necessary to pass new by-laws and receive the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications prior to that date. The load limits on all the bridges other than Middlemiss are the same as in previous by-laws. Your Committee recommends the load limit for the Middlemiss Bridge be lowered from the present 30 Tons, to 20 Tonnes (approximately 22 ton) due to the rapid COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY SESSION PAGE 4. deterioration of the structure. It is hoped by limiting the weight of vehicles on the bridge, the life of the bridge may be prolonged. 2. That a by-law be passed stating that the County has no objections to the passage of a by-law by the Township of Yarmouth closing a portion of the road in Lot 5, Range II, North of the Edgeware Road as shown as Part #1 on Reference Plan 11R 2154. The parcel of land is a part of old County Road #52 commencing at the west side of the old Carrs Bridge and running easterly to the east limit of the property of the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. As part of an agreement between the County of Elgin and the Authority to obtain certain Authority lands for reconstruction of Road #31 and Road #52, it was agreed that portions of road allowance no longer required by the County abutting Conservation Authority lands would be deeded to the Authority. The Authority has had possession of the property for some time. 3. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed selling to the Kettle Creek Conservation Aut.hority a portion of Lot 9, Concession 11, Yarmouth Township shown as Part #4 on Reference Plan 11R 2278. This is also part of an exchange of property between the County of Elgin and the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority that facilitated the rebuilding of County Road #30 (Radio Road). It was agreed that the properties would be exchanged between the Authority and the County at no cost to either body, and the County of Elgin would pay all legal and surveying cost,s, etc. 4. That a County Council inspection of County Roads in East and Central Elgin take place on June 18 leaving the Court House at 9 a.m. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN RODNEY., ONTARIO APRIL 24, 1981 PAGE 1. Rodney, at 12:30 p.m., APril 24, 1981; in conjunction with the west Elgin Road 1.nSpe ct i on. All member s except Reeve Stewart, Reeve s Br adf iel~ ana wil~0n . were pre sent. TRE COUNTY 01" ELG1.N ROAD CoMMITTEE met at the Brick Rouse Restaurant AlsO present were the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. warden Monteith waS read in which the Minister stated that he felt that there was nO basis for special funding for the construction of county Road #32, and that the road would have to be financed through the regular Allocations. A letter from the Ronourable James SnoW, Minister of RighwaYs to Elgin county Road Committee meeting. It waS decided to diSCUSS signing of the Talbot Trail at the next The Engineer requested permiSsion to call tenders for hot. mix paving. "MOVED BY: R. M. J.{ELL'l SECONDED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TR THAT TRE ENG1.NEER BE AUTROR1.ZED TO cALL TENDERS FOR ROT 111X ASp}lALT 'PAVING AS FOLLOWS: (A) ROAD #38 _ AREA OF WARDS R1.LL (TOP COURSE CONSTRUCTION). (B) ROAD #38 _ FROM C.p .R. CROS S1.NG EASTEIlL'l TO NORFOLR COUNTY LINE (RESURFACING). (C) ROAD #45 _ 111DDLEMARCH SoUTREIlL'l APPROXOMATEL'l 1 111LE (RESURFACING ). (D) PATCH1.NG - 1. ROAD #30. 2. ROAD #28 (CENTENNIAL AVENUE). 3. ROAD #52 NEAR pENRALES (ALL REPAIRS TO 'P A V'EMENT S ) · (E) VILLAGE OF PORT STANLE'l FRON'!: STRE-gJ: (TO BE CHARGED TO T1:lE VILLAGE) · CARRIED .n T1:lE ME-gJ:1.NG ADJOURNED TO MAY 13, 1981. ~.J-....- .g~ c AN ~ST_ELG1.!.. RQtJllliSPE2!ION APRIL 24~ 1981. COUNTY OF ELGIN 1. Leave court Rouse 9:00 a.m. 2. Road #33 - Rains Rill. 3. Robbins and Fulton Bridges. _ Streron improvementS 1981 at Fulton Bridge. 4. Road #45 _ Resurfacing from Midd1emarch south, 1 mile. 5. Road from Middlemarch to Righway If3 (Smoke Side Road). 6. Righway #3 to Road #20 at Shedden. 7. Rorton Drain on Road #20 Shedden - Replacement time is near. _ Resurfacing need on Road #20, Shedden to Fingal. 8. Fingal _ 1mProvementS to landscape by southwo1d Township. 9. COFFEE - southwo1d. 10. Road #16 _ Finga1 to Road #1-4, completed 1980. 11. Roa.d #1-4 to MiddlemiSs Bridge. 12. Road #9 DUnwich TownshiP (to be gravelled this spring). 13. TateS B-ridge. 14. Walke-rS B-ridge. 15. Road #5 and Road #9 to Road #3. 16. Road If3 north if time. _ cornwall _ Fleming Creek Bridge. 17. DINNER - Rodney. 18. Road #3 _ Rodney to New GlasgoW. 19. Road #2 _ Rodney to DUtton. 20. Road IfO _ DUtton to wallacetown. 21. Road #8 _ south of Wal1acetown - Rentz and Simpson. 22. Road #16 - to Fingal. 23. Road #20 _ to port Stanley if time. 24. Resurfacing need in port Stanley Road #20. 25. Front Street Bin Wall. 26. Road #23 _ to Road #24 to Road #22. 27. Road #22 _ construction Road #27 to city limitS. ~~ "'--- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ROAD INSPECTION EAST ELGIN APRIL 13, 1981 1. Leave Court House, 9:00 a.m. 2. Highway #3 to Road #28 (Centennial Avenue). 3. Road #28 from Highway #3 to Road #45 - shown as a road construction need (Red). 4. Road #45 and Road #36 to County Pleasant Valley Pit. 5. To Jaffa - Road #45 to Road #40. Resurfacing Jaffa to Luton. Construction Luton to Road #40. 6. Road #40 and Highway to Reeve Caverly's. 7. Road #53 - Elm and Beech Streets, Aylmer. 8. Road #32 - Programme to begin construction 1981. 9. Road #52 and Road #40 to G1enc01in. 10. Note cleaning out of Catfish Creek by the County of Elgin and the Township of Ma1ahide. 11. Possible property purchase "Burwell". Note north-south alignment "Bridge" costed. 12. Road ~O G1enco1in to Highway #3 (need for resurfacing). 13. Road #38 - construction 1980 and completion of work 1981. 14. Road #38 east of Straffordvi11e, widening, ditching and asphalt resurfacing 1981. 15. Highway #19 - Vienna. 16. County Road #41 - bridge over Otter requires repair. 17. Port Burwell - LUNCH. 18. Reconstruction Road #42 and Road #50 in Port Burwell after Sanitary Sewer s. 'Page 2. coUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD DEPARnre;NT ROAD 1.NSPECJ:1.0N 'EAST ELG1.N 19. Lake erosion threatening Road #42, east of port Bur~ll. 20. Note Road #55 _ county of Elgin is responsible for southerlY need for construction purposes. Shown as need. 21. port Bur~ll _ chathsm Street; Sanitary Sewerage Plant location. 22. Road #42 to Road #43 - resurfacing need. 23. Road #43 _ petition to last year~ committee for improvements. Road #43 from Road #42 to 1 mile north of calton - spot improvements costed only. 24. Road #43 _ cook and Phi1lmore Bridge - Road section costed for 25. Note Road #43 in Richmond - reconstructed 1980. 26. Road #46 _ Righway If3 to corinth and Road #44 from Road fI46 to Righway #3. costed for resurfacing. property purchased by Magyar Road #46 and Road #44. 27. Oxford county Road to Road #48. 28. Road #48 east of Road #47 costed for resurfacing. 29. Road #47 to Avon. 30. Road #37 _ Boundary Road with Middlesex county. section from Oxford Boundary to Righway #73 - costed for construction. section from Righway #74 to Belmont costed as spot improvement. Note fill area east of C.p.R. referred to this yea~s Road Committee by last year~ committee. portion of Road #37 in Belmont will be primed. 31. Road #34 - west of Belmont. 32. Middlesex Road to Road #30 (Rubrey) - Righway Road Link. (Road #30 if time) _ if not return by wellington Road. 33. Note Road #52 and Road #25 - intersectiOn traffic. imp-rovetnent. ST. THOMA.S, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 l' A.GE 1. Building at 9:30 a.m., April 8, 1981. All members were present, as ~ll as the TRE coUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD coMMITTEE met at the Elgin county MUnicipal county Engineer and Assistant County Engineer. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TR THAT TRE MINUTES OF TRE MEETING OF MARCl:i 5, 1981 BE APPROVED. eA.RRIED ." 1. SnOW plowS and sanders had been removed from county trucks and graderS for TRE ENG1.NEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLoWS: 2. SnoW fence had been removed. 3. Equipment repairs continued to be heaVY' The front end drive of Loader #5 (Michigan 125) had been repaired by Broer Services, Aylmer at a cost of over $5,000. A bearing had broken and the final drive of Tractor #29, (John Deere 350C Dozer), and most gears, bearingS in the rear end had to the seaSon. 4. Gravelling had been nearly completed on Road #43 with Township of Bayham be -replaced. trucks assisting in the work as part payment for work done by the county 5. The crushed gravel pile at the pleasant Valley pit had been depleted. fo-r the Township. 6. Attempt to gravel Road #20 north of Road #1-8 had been abandoned because 7. The Front Street Bin-Wall project for the Village of port Stanley including of break up involved. Work would proceed later. guide rail had been completed. 8. Storm se~rs for Belmont were underway. 10. Fencing on Road if!>8 east of straffordville waS underway. 9. Tree planting on county Roads w<lul,dr: start Thursday. 11. Most tree cutting along county Roads had been completed except for a few treeS on Road if!> south of Rodney. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 2. 12. erave1for crushing waS being piled at the pleasant Valley Gravel pit. 13. A further progreSS payment had been made to V. W. Ruckle construction for gravel that they had crushed in their the amount of gravel in the stock pile exceeded the amount previoUslY 1979 contract inasmuch that ~, 14. Test holes had been dug in the MaC watson property on the Routh Road, estimated. southwold in an attempt to find gravel for gravel resurfacing on Road #9 however it appears that there waS not sufficient gravel to warrant clean-upj work wished by Mr. watSon. property on the carter Sideroad 15. Test holeS were being dug on the 16. Although some patching had been done, spring breakUP on pavement roads in Malahide Township for sand for county Road ff32. had been reasonablY light. 17. Sign repairs were underway and parking signS in Dutton had been 18. The sweeper waS at work with work having been completed in Union, -replaced. 19. Drainage problems seemed to be at a minimum inasmuch as little rain Sparta, port Stanley, and Fingal. had fallen in the past month. "MOVED BY.: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT TRE FOLWW"lNG PA'lL1.STS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. \ PA'lL1.ST #1-1 AMOUNTING TO $ 44,849.43 P A'lL1. ST #12 AMOUNT1.NG TO $ 366 · 26 PA'lLIST #13 AMOUNTiNG TO $ 1,089.00 PA'lL1.ST #1-4 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 42,842.28 PA'lL1.ST #1-5 AMOUNT1NG TO $128,775.98 CARRIED ." ST. TROMAS, oNTARlO APRIL 8, 1981 l'AGE 3. Ministry of culture and Recreation, regarding Experience '81. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLoWS: It waS felt 1. that the County had nO suitable projects. From RoWard GreenlY of the Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns stating that he would recoromend the County' s supple!llentarY By_LaW for roadside safetY, for approval. From R. R. McNeil acknowledging receipt of the letter regarding the Supplementary By_LaW and stating that he would be glad to assist in the approval of the BY-Law, To Warden Monteith from the MinistrY of TransportatiOn and coromunicatiOns regarding sUbsidies for transit for disabled people. TownshiP of DUnwich with zoning By-LaW for residential purposes for the property at the intersection of countY Road #14 and Righway #3 at 1.ona. TownshiP of Yarmouth committee of AdjUstment Notice regarding Gilbert property on Larry Street near port StanleY' TownshiP of yarmouth proposed By-LaW to stOp up and sell a portion of RydrO Road as shown on Reference plan 11R 1105. 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "MOVED B'l: R. E. MONTE1.'fH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE REC()Ml4END TO coUNT'l COUNC1.L THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED STAT1.NG THAT 'fHE COUNTY 01" ELG1.N HAS NO OBJECT1.0NS TO A PROPOSED BY_LAW 1\'l THE ToWNS1:l1.P OF 'lARMoUTR TO CLOSE A PORT1.0N 01" R'lDRO ROAD SROWN AS PART #l- ON RRFEREl'ICE PLAN 11R 1105. eARRIED." 8. From the Village of port Stanley with Notice of APplication for a Minor Variance for property at 210 Main Street. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 'PAGE 4. 9. Township of southwold with By-Law for rezoning property for commercial 10. TownshiP of Yarmouth committee of AdjUstment Notice regarding Lessard, use for Da-Ter construction, Righway #3 at Ta1botVille. 11. Raldiroand-Norfolk OrganizatiOn for pUre Environment regarding south cayuga Lot 11, concession 111., yarmouth Township, Industrial Waste Disposal Facility. Their letter was filed. 12. Ministry of Rousing regarding the Ontario NeighboUrhood 1.mProvement 13. Township of Yarmouth committee of AdjUstment regarding Albert Van Velzer, 'P~ og-r arome · 14. Ministry of Transport~tion and communicatiOns with new policY on approvals LOt 9, concession.1.V, Yarmouth. 15. The Ministry of Natural Resources regarding proposed port BUr~ll Sewage for contractS, materialS and equipment purchases, etc. Treatment plant location. 1.t waS agreed to visit the site during Road 16. Ronourable James Snow, Minister of Righways with a copy of a letter to Inspection. ShawnMacGrathOf the Ontario police commission regarding county Road #32. 17. Mr. E. Arthur Wells, Elgin county Plowmens' Association requesting the use of county toiletS for the plowing Match. The committee agreed to the 18. From the county of Grey with notice of the Western and Area Suburban request providing that the county did not have them in use at the time. Road commission Meeting to be held in owen sound on June 10. 19. The Township of nunwich regarding the closing of Nelson Street. "MOVED BY: M. R. STEWART SECONDED BY: R. M. ](ELL'l THAT WE RECOMMEND TO coUNTY COUNCIL TRAT A WI-LAW BE PASSED STAT1NG THAT TRE coUNTY 01" ELG1.N HAS NO oBJECT1.0NS TO TRE pASS1.NG 01" A By-LAW BY TRE ToWNSR1P 01" DumnCfl CLOSING NELSON STRE-gJ: AS SRoWN ON PLAN llR 2260, PART #2, AND PART #3. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 5. 20. From the Township of Orford with Zoning By-Law Updating Planning Definitions. ' 21. From Joseph Magyar wishing to purchase property along County Road #46 in Lot 5, Concession VIII. The Committee agreed to inspE~ct the property during the East Elgin Road Inspection. LAND PURCHASE WAS REPORTED ON BY THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER vvho stated that Land Purchase was continuing on Road #38 east of Straffordvi1le and he wished to obtain several properties (Paragauskas,Si1verthorn, and Rayson) as yet. Land Purchase between Wa11acetown and Dutton was going favourab1y with only several properties yet to purchase(We1ch). THE ENGINEER REPORTED that at the request of Reeve Caverly he had met with Robert Burwell who owned property at G1enco1in and had offered to purchase a right of way that would be necessary to improve the intersection at G1enco1in on Road #40 at the regular County rates. The Committee felt that if property could be obtained the corner could be improved at a future time. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that it appeared at the present time that the property budget would be depleted when the present land programme was finished and that property purchase on Road #f3 south of Wa11acetown would have to be postponed until next year. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT ROAD INSPECTION BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: EAST ELGIN MONDAY APRIL 13, 1981 WEST ELGIN FRIDAY APRIL 24, 1981 FROM THE COUNTY BUILDINGS EACH DAY AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 6. QUotations for gravel crushing at the County's pleasant Valley pit were as attached. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF V. W. RUCKLE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING AT TRE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT AT 60 CENTS PER TON SUBJECT TO M1.N1.STR'l OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." QUotations for gasoline and diesel fuel supply were as attached. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEI'i.EH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF PETROF1.NA CANADA LIMITED FOR FUEL FOR 1981 AND 1982 AS FOLLOWS PER LITRE PR1.CE. GASOL1.NE 2.5 CENTS D1.SCOUNT FROMTANlZ WAGON PRICE. D1.ESEL FUEL 3.5 CENTS DISCOUNT FROMTANlZ WAGON pR1.CE. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. eARRIED ." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECON1JED;'B'\[: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCJ't"r THE QUOTATION OF FLEX-O-LITE OF CANADA FOR GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING AT 24.97 CENTS PER POUND, F.O.B. TRE1.R ST. THOMAS PLANT SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED ." l1MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF POLLARD BROS. (CALCIUM) LIMITED FOR SUPPLY AND APPLY OF LIQUID CALCIUM CRLOR1.DE gr. $125.55 PER FLAKE TON EQUIVALENT, AN! ROAD IN ELG1.N COUNTY, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA LIMITED FOR BAGGED CALCIUM CHLORIDE IN TRUCKLOAD LOTS DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY GARAGE AT $182.74 PER METRIC TONNE SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." Quotations for crushed gravel for Road ~ were as attached. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ALEXNEWBIGGING LIMITED AT $3.60 PER TON FOR APPROXIMATELY 10,000 TON OF CRUSHED GRAVEL ON ROAD #9 IN DUNWICH TOWNSHIP SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION .AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . . Purchase of new machinery was discussed and the Engineer reported that a Post Hole Auger Tractor and Post Hole was now in working condition as the County Mechanics had made the two augers owned by the County into one. The Engineer recommended that the County Van #08 be traded in on a 1 Ton Pickup Truck before the sales tax was reimposed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 'PAGE 8. "MOVED BY.: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT TRE ENG1.NEER BE AlJTROR1.ZED TO cALL TENDERS FOR A 1 TON p1.cK1lP TRUc\'z mTH COUNTY TRUCR #;8 AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED ." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a used 50 Ton portable canadian scale would be sold by auction at the yundt and McCann Sale at straford on Thursday and requested permission to purchase the same if the price waS reasonable. "MOVED BY: M. J. STEWART (>ECP:NP~D BY: R. M. KELLY TRAT THE ENG1.NEER BE AUTROR1.ZED TO PURCHASE 1.F 1.N R1.S Op1.N1.0N TRE PRICE IS REASONABLE, THE 50 TON PORTABLE C1I1'lAD1.AN SCALES AT TRE AlJCT1.0N OF 'lIlNDT AND MccANN CONSTRUCT1 ON LIMITED ON APRIL 9, AT STRATFORD. CARRIED." "MOVED BY.: K. M. KELLY. SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOW1NG PA'lL1.ST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. P A'lL1. ST NUMBER 16 AMOUNT1NG TO $16,050. 00 (REGARDING SCALES). CARRIED ." Salt storage buildingS at Bayham and IJUnwich Townships yards were diScussed and the matter left in abeyance for further diSCUssion at a Engineers with regard to the Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns' The Engineer reported that twO meetings had been held with county 1 ate-r date. proposed "Urban Rental Rates" subsidy system and another meeting would be held on April 21 in palmerston after which the Committee would take the consensus of these meetings and meet with John Moffat of the M.T.C. to ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 9., see if they can convince the M.T.C. to either postpone the method or to. provide a better subsidy arrangement for the Counties. The Engineer reported that Engineers from the Western Group were unanimously opposed to the system while those in the East had not yet had sufficient time to. investigate the matter fully. The Engineer stated that he had been requested by the Reeve of Rodney to. make curb, gutter and drainage repairs on Road #3 in Rodney and suggested that the praposed repairs be loaked at by the CVlllJ.ldttee during the West Elgin Road Inspection. The Engineer stated that he felt that asphalt resurfacing contracts should be called soan and it appeared that funds were available far wark on County Road #38 east of Straffordvi11e and far Road #45 from Midd1emarch to ane mile south, but it did not appear that there would be sufficient funds for any other resurfacing work at this time. He felt that the top coat of asphalt for Ward's Hill on Road #38 should be called in the same contract. Some minor patching in various places reasanab1y close to this work should be called at the same time. Patching in the narth Ma1ahide-Sauth Darchester area shau1d be pastponed until such time as a contract was called for paving on Road #32. A surface treatment checklist would be pravided as soon as possible. The Engineer noted that a propased amendment C227 of the Railway Act would provide for the erection of chain link fence along railroads rights of way through urban municipalities with the urban municipalities sharing the cost with the rai1ro.a.ds. The CVlllJ.llittee suggested that the Engineer write Honaurab1e John Wise, M~P., and bring this matter to. his attlenti0n inasmuch as the cost to the urban municipalities would undaubted1y be prohibitive. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 10. The Engineer presented the attached needs study update information for the 1982 Allocation and discussed its financial implications stating that it appeared that the County would not get any more construction money than they did this year and quite possibly get a somewhat lesser construction a11ocation~ This was because of the declining needs of the County with over 1 million dollars of needs having been accomplished in the factor that would be used by the Ministry of Transporation and as the 1981 Spring breakup had been relatively minor. The inflation past year. Very few needs had been added during the Needs Study Update Connnunications in 1982 would probably not be available until mid-stwuuer and an accurate estimate of allocations would not be available until then. "MOVED BY: K. M . KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 13, 1981 AT 9:30 A.M., CARRIED." ~a ~ ~-; ( <--- \8-. ~IRMAN" 5L~ gguNTY OF .~ ~VE\.. ~D ffl., IJUN\'l1.(4{ ~ supplY and applY approximatelY 10,000 tonS of c~ushed gravel from pit at ",";'oka on Road #9 from Road If> to Road #1-4 in !)Unwich 'townshiP APril and May 1981. 3.60 'Per Ton 1. 4le$ ~ewbigging '\..imited R. R. #l Delaware, Qnta-rio 3.85 'Pet" 'ton ,2. Johnston Bros. (Both",ell) Limited 'P. o. Bo1t 220 Both~ell, ontario 'f COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FUEL QUOTATIONS FOR THE PERIOD MAY 1, 1981 TO MAY 1, 1983 TOTALS ARE LESS DISCOUNTS AND INCLUDE ALL 'tAXES, ANNUAL DIESEL REQUIREMENTS 275,000 LITRES \\ Petrofina Canada Limited 1910 Yonge Street To~onto, Ontario M4S 1Z5 28.0 Per Litre Lacey Fuel s 265 First Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario 2,s.33 . BP Canada P. O.l3ox 5397 London, Ontario N6A 4P5 28.8 Shell Canada Li.mited 3701 Chesswood Drive Suite 215 Downs'View, Ontario M3J 2P6 28.9 Gulf Canada Limited 1855 Oxford Street East London, Ontario N5V 2Z6 29.3 Sterling Fuel s P. O. Box 5963 London, Ontario N6A 4J1 29..57 Texaco Canada Incorporated 1210 Sheppard Avenue East Wil10wda1e, Ontario M2K 288 29.9 Elgin Co~Op Services P. O. Box 39 St. Thomas, Ontario 30.4 Present ~ Petrofina 30.18 f' " QUOTATIONS RECEIVED FOR DIESEL _~,~EL I PER LITRE SUPPLIER TANK WAGON Petrofina Canada Ltd., 1910 Yonge Street, Toronto M4S lZS. 25.6 Lacey Fuels, 265 First Ave., St. Thomas. 25.5 BP Canada, P.O. Box 5397, London N6A 4P5. 25.4 Shell Canada Ltd., 3701 Chesswood Dr., Suite 215, Downsview, M3J 2P6. 25.6 Gulf Canada Ltd. , 1855 Oxford St., E., London NSV 2Z6 Sterling Fuels, Box 5963, London N6A 4Jl. 25.67 Texaco Canada Inc., 1210 Sheppard Ave. E., wil10wdale M2K 2S8. 25.5 Elgin Co-Op Services, P.O. Box 39, St. Thomas. 25.6 Present - Petrofina DISCOUNT 3.5 3.t7 2.5 2.6 2.0 1.5 1.1 NET ADD ROAD TAX (PROV.) TOTAL 22.1 5.9 28.0 22.43 5.9 28.33 22.9 5.9 28.8 23.0' 5.9 28.9 23.4 5.9 29.3 23.67 5.9 29.57 24.0 5.9 29.9 24.5 5.9 30.4 24.28 5.9 30.18 ""\- April 2, 1981. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FUEL QUOTATIONS FOR THE PERIOp MAY 1, 1981 TO MAY 1, 1983 TOTALS ARE LESS DISCOUNTS AND INCLUDE ALL TAXES .. ANNUAL GASOLINE REQUIREMENTS 140,000 LITRES Shell Canada Limited 3701 Chesswood prive Suite 215 Downsview, Ontario Petrofina Canada Limited 1910 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4S 1Z5 BP Canada P. O. Box 5397 London, Ontario N6A 4P5 Lacey Fuels 26.5 Fir st Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario Texaco Canada Incorporated 1210 Sheppard Avenue East Willowdale, Ontario M2K 288 Sterl ing Fuel s P. O. Box 5963 London, Ontario N6A 4J1 Gulf Canada Limited 1855 Oxford Street East London, OntarIo N5V 2Z6 Elgin Co-Op Services P. O. Box 39 St. Thomas, Ontario Present - Petrofina 28.9 Per Litre 29.0 29.2 29.29 29.8 29.88 30.0 30.5 31.06 .. t SUPPLIER TANK WAGON Shell Canada Ltd. 3701 Chesswood Dr., Suite 215, Downsview, M3J 2P6. 25.2 Petrofina Canada Ltd., 1910 Yonge Street, Toronto M4S 1Z5. 25.4 BP Canada, P.O. Box 5397, London N6A 4P5. 25.2 Lacey Fuels, 265 First Ave., St. Thomas. 25.01 Texaco Canada Inc., 1210 Sheppard Ave., E., Wil10wdale M2K 2S8. 25.2 Sterling Fuels, Box 5963, London N6A 4Jl. 25.38 Gulf Canada Ltd., 1855 Oxford St., E.~ London N5V 2Z6. Elgin Co-Op Services, P.o. Box 39, St. Thomas 25.5 Present - Petrofina QUOTATIONS RECEIVED FOR GASOLINE / PER LITRE DISCOUNT. 2.4 2.5 2.1 1.82 1.5 1.6 1.1 NET ADD ROAD TAX (PROV . ) 22.8 4.6 22.9 4.6 23.1 4.6 23.19 4.6 23.7 4.6 23.78 4.6 23.9 4.6 24.4 4.6 24.96 4.6 April 2., 1981. ADD FED. EXCISE TAX 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ... "'\"- TOTAL 28.9 29.0 29.2 29.29 29.8 29.88 30.0 30.5 31.06 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1981 NEEDS STUDY UPDATE FOR 1982 ALLOCATION PRELIMINARY APRIL 6, 1981 (USING 1980 INFLATION FACTORS) '!-;.I. Bridges $3,402,000 Plus 5% Roads - Now $6,119,000 Plus 8% - 1-5 Years $4,666,000 Plus 8% Carryover (November) Spot Drainage Resurfacing $4,183,000 Plus 3% ALLOCATION (1982) Roads and Brtdges 6% of $16,192,000 Resurfacing 10% of $4,183,000 1981 Allocation were for construction and resurfacing '1. Likely Allocation for 1982 Minimum $1,503,000 less 5% or Maximum $1,390,000 plus 8% (say) $1,428,000 $1,501,000 ',n' $3,572,000 6,609,000 5 , 039, 000 582,000 390.000 :p16,192,OOO f' :$ 4,308,000 1~ 972,000 418,000 :~1 ,390, 000 1f;1, 503,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT TO THE WARDEN AN D MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The quotation of V. W. Ruckle Construction Limited of Brownsvi11e has been accepted at 60 cents per ton for crushing approximately 50,000 ton of gravel at the County's pleasant Va1ly Gravel Pit. The work will start shortly. 2. The quotation of Alex Newbigging Limited has been accepted at $3.60 per ton to supply and place approximately 10,000 tons of crushed gravel on County Road #9 in Dunwich Township. The gravel to come from their Komoka Pit. The work will start shortly. 3. The quotation of Petrofina Canada has been accepted for gasoline and diesel fuel at the following prices - Casotine 2.5 Cetlts per litre discount from the tank wagon price, di.esel fuel 3.5 cents per litre discount from the tank wagon price. The quotation will run for a 2 year period. 4.' County Road Inspection, East Elgin was held Monday, April 13 and the West Elgin Road Inspection will be held April 24. 5. Tree Planting has been completed with approximately 900 treeS being planted on various County roadsides. This is approximately the same number that was planted last year and most requests for planting have been fulfilled. 6. A used 50 ton capacity Canadian Scale with a 45 foot long deck was purchased at the auction of Yundt and McCann Construction Limited at Stratford. It will replace a 25 year old County Scale with a 30 ton capacity. The old County Scale will be offered for sale. ,.. ,0 ..c. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT Page 2. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be pa.ssed stating that the County of Elgin has no . objection~f' to a proposed by-law of the Township of Y!9.rmouth to close a portion of Hydro Road shown on Part #1, Reference Plan llR 1105. Hydro Road is a small road which leads not"th off St. George Street (County Road #26). 2. That a by-law be passed stating that the County of Elgin has no objections to a proposed by-law of the Township of Dunwich to close a portion of Nelson Street as shown on Plan 11R 2260 Parts #2 and.#3 in the Hamlet of Wa11acetown. Nelson Street is a short street leading easterly from County Road #8 Stpproximately 1/2 mile north of Highway #3. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEClTFULLY SUBMITTED . CHAIRMAN ~ , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT March Session 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders for Walkers Bridge have been received and the bid of McLean-Foster Construction Limited of St. Marys, $962,078.75 has been accepted. The bid has also been accepted by the County of Middlesex. Eleven tenders were received and were as attached. It is expected that the work will start~ when the weather conditions are suitable in the Spring. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the resolution of the County of Brant re Transfe:r of Counties to the Urban Method of Subsidy Calculations from the Rural Method of the M.T.C. be tabled until furthe:r infor- mation on the changeover is available from the M.T.C. 2. That Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the annual meeting of.the Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario to be held in June at Owen Sound with the usual convention expenses paid. 3. That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in the amount of $248,400 be approved. This budget was detailed in the Committee's February Report to County Council and was approved by County Council along with the County budget at that time. 4. That a Resolution be passed requesting the M.T.C. to approve the sum of $50,000 in subsidy money so that the County of Elgin can institute a programme of roadside safety in the County of Elgin by the removal of roadside obstacles. The Honourable James Snow, Minister of Highways in his address at the Ontario Good Roads Convention intimated that consideration would be given to supplementary expenditure bylaws that would improve roadside safety in the Province of Ontario. Your Committee desires to remove tree stumps along various highly travelled County and Suburban roads. It is our understanding that the rate of subsidy on the project would be 90.9%, thus a $50,000 subsidy allocation would provide a budget of $55,000 for this work. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CHAIRMAN WALKERS BRIDGE TENDERERS 1. McLean Foster Construction Limited, P. O. Box 190, St. Marys, Ontario. NOM 2VO 2. McKay-Cocker Structures Limited, P. O. Box 4037, 1665 Oxford St. East, London, Ontario. N5W 5H3 3. Looby Builders (Dublin) L.imited, Matilda Street, Dublin, Ontario. NOK lEO 4. Dean Construction Co. Ltd., P. O. Box 3216, Tecumseh, Ontario. N8N 2M4 5. Facca Construction Co. Ltd., R. R. # 3, Maidstone, ontario. 6. Intrepid General Limited, R. R. # 4, Chatham, Ontario. N7M 5J4 7. Bratt Construction Company Limited, Hyde Park, Ontario. NOM lZ0 8. Dynamo Servicing (London) Inc., R. R. # 3, Lambeth, Ontario. 9. Logan :Contracting Limited, P. O. Box 700, Stratford, Ontario. 10. Wimpey Construction, 99 Enterprise Dr. South, London, Ontario. 11. Repac Construction & Materials Ltd. P. Q. Box 177, West Hill, Ontario. MIE 4R5 $962,,078. 75 $995,,104.00 $996,,619.40 $1,017,228.00 $1,033,953.50 $1,058,598.31 $1,067,213.00 $1,OB2,117.56 $1,118,828.00 $1,167,414.00 $1,342,703.50 GEN:2:Rl\L CONTRJl.cr - WALKER BRIDGE f!JlC-~' l,-..J( /j..vf> :::---:---- R, C. iD1J1<lj\j 2, ~\5S:OCl;!\US llhlJTHJ w HY~E PAf:i< xO.\D - LOj1D011, OlE,~;l:C ~IAR 4 1981 CORPORATION OF 1'HE COUNTY OF ELGIN DESCRIPTION F.ST]].!ATED I 0.t.i)'\.1-iTITY UNIT I i I I Lump Sum H:IE\.N FOSTER CONSTRUCrrOH LTI1ITFD Unit Price TO"'..lIL 29,650.00 j'o'CK;l,Y-u..WiJ';l{ STPJJC!'L'RE'S LTI1ITFD LCORY CONSTFUCl'ION LIHIITD 1. Unit Price I TOTAL I Unit Price i 'I'ar.!\L Site Offices, Clean up 1,495.00 1,600.00 2. Removal of old Structure Lump Sum 12,000.00 21,000.00 12,720.00 3. EXCAVATION AND Bt"\CKFILL ~:--=~:~~~~:~i~t_~~~:~_-~~--=:_i-__1i~_~ _~~~~-- ~?~~~~ ~:i~~=-=~~r -i~~~ii--- ~:~~ - I t~~t~~ --t;~ ----~ -t:~~~:xt ~~ ~~~- :t~: =~~f --- --- - - - ---\~Osum h__~_ a:.~~._____1-=_~_____~_31:~~~:_~~___ ]:95 : 3~:~~~:~~ ~,!M___~:~~~:~~ f) Excavatioofor Piers--iii1d------ -- ---1------------ ---- -+- - ------------------------~- - ---------- --- ---- --------------------- -- ------ Abutments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.. Lump Slnn: _ _ _ _ 5,100.00 _ ' 1,313.00 21.000.00 ~t-~~ir~~{=~~~:-~::.~-=-:~-----~..::.::.~:-=~--T:-~S~['~!1:~~- --TJ~:~:--: --T3lJ.OO- -,L1fo- i -48-:00 --~~.oo __ 50--6:9:- abu~ts ______ ________ ___1,_?~ _ __2'ons_______ ~:~~_____...:....~~?~<!..:..?.?_ _~_~__.:._~_&2..Q..:.Q.~ __;!....([L_______J?,.Q~!l.OO j) ROAD GRAULAR BASES i I i) Granular "c" North side) .__ _ 2,500, Cu.Yd. 3.10 7,750.00 ~~~~::~.~,=-~~jtt~':i -~~~!f=:i_:::~!::- halts 40 hours 100.00 3.68 9,200.00 3.85 9,625.00 5.25 9,450.00 :,.51 ---- 9,9HC-OO-- 3.15---1 630.00 _ 3.30 --.. ---------660.-60 ~3..:_~~-_~--~ :::-r!36S-:-~~ _ ~~_:.~~ ---:::=::_-~:--J:;:~i6;-65 - 100.00 4,000.00 100.00 4,000.00 4 , 000 . 00 4. RIP RAP - Scour Protection a) Preparation of areas and Filter _-1l'anket _________ ._.________ _: 7J1Q0 _ _ _ ~.Yd. 1.55 10,850.00 1 ~~:: ~li:~~~~~~~=-~---~=~=~~~~~:~~'-=~~~i~-~~-=:~:-f~=-~~~ff-=-l~ ~~~~~==~=~31(~i8 :: 1.38 - 2:'-:-3']" --20~80 26.30 : ~ L9&Q..._QQ___ .1...'1.1....___ _ ________l.O ..Q.SO .Q9.__ 46,977 . OO____~J..:.9?.________~~'_QQ.__ j _12",896.00 21;94 -" 13.540.80 3,945.00 26.75 4,012:00 5. DEWATERING Lump Sum 29,900.00 21,100.00 22,750.00 a) Place 4" Topsoil --bj-Seeding--and Straw MulCmllQ --- c) Seeding and Erosion-cClJ"itroT--- Blan.l<et 1,600 Cu.Yd. 2.00 i :10;200 ---------r Sq.Yd':-:-:-:::_ .;U_-:-- 3,200.00 4.00 2 ,I4i:-~ =-- .26- 6,150. Sg.Yd. 1.10 6,765.00 1.10 6,400.00 __ i :_2;_652..00 j 6,765.00 4.20 ,23- 6 L71.Q-, QQ __ f 2;]~6. 00 _ 1.10 6,765.00 13. DRAINAGE SYSTE-l (C.S.P. pipe supplied by CWner) a) i) 6" perforated He1cor sub-drains - iiI, 10"'"'Plain C.S.P. _- iii) 15" P1~_:S~~:.._ :::=~===-- b) Catchbasins 195 Lin.Ft. 3,00 585.00 11.-20 2,184.00 :!.;!Q 172 - ! Lin::Ft. a,SO'- r-,' 1~46-2_00 11.00-' 1. :892-, 00 -,-1l}.3:> ~-- Lin. Ft 8.50 5,0l5..?~._ 12.80 7 ,552.00 11. 88 643.50 .;1.,814.60 7,009.2_q__ i) 2 X 2 (Roadside) ii) 4 ll.u.!?i~_, c) Field Entrances and Road Cros$mas i) 36" Plain C.S.P. -- ,_,ii) )_8'~: _P1ain:q.-S,,:?;.. _.: :. 14. Install 3-1/2" Bell Duct in Deck 2 _ 8 Each 490.00 980.00 630.00 1.260.00 650.00 i 1,300,00 Each__ 1'f4:5_0"00----:- -11,600-.00- L;,418-.00 1l;-:j'!4.-00 1,320..00- -:'_j 1.:..0,560.00._ Lin.Ft. 15.00 i 2,625.00 24.16 4.228.00 !i.ao I 1.540.00 <Lin.,~-"," ~ ,;)L;OP -1-\:2\84.00 9,25' -- 4.44.00- ,('Hip - ':'J:-:><3I6~ 80 280.00 456.00 i 500.00 175 48_- - 15. Protection of Site, signs, lights Lump Slnn 300.00 1,300.00 500.00 'IUl'AL -J:""'~U-""" $962,078.75 $995,104.00 $ 996,619.40 OTHER B_wu,,1<S: 4.DEAN CONSTRUCrrON $ 1,017,228.00 5.FACCA CONSTRUCTION 1,033,953.50 6.nrrRE:PID GENERAL 1,058,598.31 7. BRAT!' CONSTRUCTION 1,067,213.00 8. IJYNAlvO SERVICnlG $ 1,082,117.56 9. WGl-lN CONSTRUCTION 1,118,828.00 10. l'lIMPEY CONSTRUCTION 1,167,414.00 11. RE:PAC CONSTRUCTION 1,342,703.50 ,( ST. TR()!o\AS, ONTAR1.0 MARCH 5, 1981 'PAGE 1. TR~ COUNTY OF KLG1.N ROAD cOMM1.TTEE ~E! at the Elgin countY Municipal BU i 1 ding at 9:30A.M., ~arch 5, 1981. All member s except Reeve s Glover and Bradfield were present. 'Walke'!: s B-ridge. K. M. KELLY. "MO\fED BY.: SECONDED BY: 1<.. E. MONTE1.TR THAT TRE ~1.N\lT~S OF TRE ME~1.NG OF FEBRUARY 12, 1981 BE APPRO\fED · CARRIED ." TRE ENG1.NEER PRESENT~D the attached suroroary of tenders for the Tenders were opened on March 3, 1981 by the wardenS and Road committee Chairmen of both Elgin and ~iddlesex, 1.t waS noted that the tender waS considerablY under the consultantS estimate of $ 1,200,000. The Engineer felt that as the contractor was e~remelY reliable there might be a chance that the bridge might be opened to traffic by Fall. This could save the GountY a considerable amount of money in the long run with detOurs, engineering fees, etc. M. H. STEWART "'~1.0\fED BY.: SECONDED BY: 1<..~' RELL'l TRAT WE ACGEPT SUBJEct TO TRE APPROVAL 01" TRE ~1.N1.STR'l 01" TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cQMMllN1.CAT1.0NS AND TRE coUNtY OF lUDDLESF$. TR~ TENDER OF MGLEAN FOSTER CONSTRUCT1.0N cOMPAN'! L1.M1.TED, FOR 'J1lE GONSTRUGT1.0N 01" TRE WALRERS BR1.DGE AT A TENDERED PR1.CE OF $ 962,078.75. eA.RRTED ." TRE wARDEN REPORTED on the meeting with the Ronourable James Snow with the CountY of ~lgin, requesting funds for the construction of Road #32. Re stated that althoUgh no promises had been made, the delegation had been well received. 1.t waS hoped that an anSwer from the ~inister would be forthComing within the next several monthS' ST. TH()!o\AS, oNTAR1.0 MAR-ell 5, 1981. 'PAGE 2. TRE ENG1.NEER REPORTED oN TRF. >loRR TO DATE AS FOLLO'dS: winter control costS were approximatelY $ 100,000 higher to date than they ~e-re a yea-r ago. Tree cutting waS proceeding with most work likely to be cleaned up in the next tWO (2) ~eks. Minor drainage problems had occurred several weeks agO with the heaVY rainS, but no majOr difficultieS had been encountered. The material for the Front Street bin wall in port Stanley waS expected shortlY and would be prefabricated and the project would start as soon as possible in the spring. The Village of Belmont had requested the countY provide an estimate for the continuation of stOrm sewers in the Village. 1.t waS expected that thiS work would proceed earlY in APril. APproximatelY 1,000 trees for planting along countY Roads had been ordered from the Ministry of Natural Resources, StriPping and piling of gravel at the Pleasant valley pit was continuing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. \ \ \ 6. 7. as time permitted. T " ~4 (~ins V_555) had been repaired and the truck The motor on ruc" 11" ,~.. 8. ~as back in se-rvice. ascertain if a credit on the repairs could be obtained. #29 d #30 (John Deere 350 and 450 bulldozers) were under T-racto-rs an P0nsiderable repairs including a motor rebuild had been required Bob DavieS waS in contact with cummins Motor td 9. in 3 o-r 4 yea-rs. h '0, ads 8 and 38 by Bob Davies waS continuing as time Land 'PU-rc ase on 1:\.0 pe-rmitted. Truck #76 had been sold to Jack Tapsell for $ 750.00 cash. 1.t waS noted that tenderS had been called for the sale of thiS truck last Fall 10. 11. and nO bids had been received. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 5, 1981. PAGE 3. 12. Bob Davies waS investigating the traffic problem at the intersection of Righway 1f/6 and county Road #2 in West Lorne. 13. Ralph Webster had retired at the end of February. 14. 1.t had been reported at the O.G.R.A. Convention that claSs environmental assessments would be required for most County road work and that $ 2,000,000 exemption would not apply to most work. The Engineer stated that it appeared that considerable work would be required for environmental assessments in the future which would take a considerable amount of time, but no further details were available as yet. 15. The personnel committee waS in the midst of contract negotiations with 16. Stevenson and Kellogg Management consultants had reviewed the work the eountyts outside worke-rs. categories of Bob Davies and Evelyn Jacobs. AS yet no report had been received from the personnel committee. as one of a committee of six in the province to study the Ministry's (M.T.C. ) proposed transfer from the rural subsidy method to the urban subsidy method. The Engineer reported that a meeting on the subject would be held on March 26 in Middlesex county and it waS likely that a number of meetings would have to be held throughout the year in variouS 16. The Engineer had been appointed by the MUnicipal EngineerS' Association 17. It was noted that the O.G.R.A. Road school would be held on May, 4, 5, partS of the province. and 6, and the Engineer again had been requested to lecture at the senior level on the bridge maintenance programme. The county planned on sending three employees to the T. J. Mahoney Road school (junior level). and the Engineer felt that at some stage purchase of the chipper would 18. ontario Rydro had requested that the county house their old brush chipper likely be a-r-ranged. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 5, 1981. PAGE 4. 19. It was noted that Premier Davis had announced that there would be $ 12,000,000 extension to the Neighbourhood Improvem~nt Programme. It is not known whether or not some of this money would be available for sanitary sewers in Port Burwell. THE MINISTER'S SPEECH AT THE O.G.R.A. on safety was noted. He had said that there would be consideration given to bylaws of municipalities for safety related items. The Engineer stated that he felt that a programme for the removal of roadside hazards, ie, tree stumps, should be considered and suggested that perhaps a bylaw could be forwarded to the M.T.C. to see if it would be approved. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT THE FOLLOWING P AYLI ST S BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 7 AMOUNTING TO $ 50,724.79 PAYLIST # 8 AMOUNTING TO $ 908.42 PAYLIST # 9 AMOUNTING TO $ 46,575.64 PAYLIST # 10 AMOUNTING TO $ 177,577.29 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: (a) From the O.M.B. with a decision granting the appeal of Gerald Newell on Road 32 against the decision of the County Land Division committee. (b) Zoning bylaws from the Township of Ma1ahide. (a) Open space designation for Ministry of Natural Resources Lots 31 and 32, Concession IV. (b) Residential, Lot 6, South Gore. (c) Residential Lot 1, Concession 5, County Road #35. (d) Residential copenhagen Lot 10 and 11, Concession I, Road #42. ST. TROMAS, ONTAR1.0 MARC1'\. 5, 1981. 'PAGB 5. (c) zoning BylawS southwold TownshiP' (a) Residential bylaw and a commercial bylaW to allow the keeping of exotiC imported birds on George Street. (d) zoning BylawS, TownshiP of Yarmouth. (a) To extend William' s Farm Machinery property on Righway If3 at y.a-rmouth cent-re. (b) To allow Mudge' s FUrnitUre to erect a warehouse to sell used furnitUre on Rydro Road north of St. George Street. (e) TownshiP of orford to rezone the old clachan stOre for an electrical (f) C01!1lltittee of AdjUstment To_shiP of yarmouth Notice to move a house (Acre) LOt 22, concession 1., back from the shore of Lake Erie and to permit a minor variance so that it could be closer to the road allowance than ordinarilY would be allo~d. (g) From the O.M.B. with notice of postPonellll'nt of a hearing regarding propertY at the intersectiOn of countY Road 14 and Righway 3, LOt C, concession V1.1. DUnwich (1.ona)' (h) From the O.M. B. with notice of a hearing appeal by the TownshiP of DUnwich against a decision of the county Land Division C01!1lltittee regarding McMillan, LOt 2, concession 1.V. (i) From R. R. McNeil with copY of letter from the Ronourable James Snow to Ronald Bradfield regarding RighwaY 19 in port BUrwell, stating that . &~. 110 000 had been made for 1981-82 for construction a comm.tment .or ~ ' on Righway 19 in the Village. Remainder of the work would be taken as a c01!1lltitment for the fiscal year 1982-83. (j) From Allied Chemical with notice that they haddi.Vided the province intO four areaS as far as delivery of calcium chloride goes and our area repair shoP and warehouse. \ would be serviced by pollard Brothers. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAReH 5, 1981. 1?AGE 6. (k) From the County of Brant with a resolution requesting the M.T.C. to postpone indefinitelY the implementation of the urban system of subsidy on va-riouS counties. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: M. R. STEWART TRAT WE REcOMMEND TO coUNTY COUNC1.L THAT TRE RESOLUTION OF TRE coUNTY OF BRANT REGARD1.NG TRE TRANSFER OF cQ\JNT1.ES TO TRE URBAN METHOD 01" SUBS1.D'l CALCULAT1.0NS FROM TRE RURAL METROD BY THE M. T .C. BE TABLED UNt1.L FURTRER 1.NFORMAT1.0N ON TRE CHANGEOVER 1.S AVA1.LABLE FROM TRE M.T .C. c.ARRI ED ." \ REGARD1.NG TRE CLOS1.NG OF CllATRAM STRERT. Mr. ward brought a plan showing land that was required by the Ministry of the Environment (MaY 1980) and DAVE wARD OF TRE M1.N1.STR'l OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1.N ATTENDANCE - stated that he had a meeting set up with the Village of port Burwell and requested that the county withhold any action on his request to close Chatham Street until after he had met with the Village Council and clarified some of the pointS that Reeve Bradfield had raised at County council. RentZ could be approached to sell widening on county Road 8, south of wallacetown inasmuch as they felt that the county ditching had encroached REEVE WALTERS REPORTED that he felt that Doug Simpson and peter on their property. The Engineer stated that there was practiCallY no shoulder on the road, the ditch waS very deep and of poor quality, and as the right of waY waS only 49 1/2 feet it would be extremelY difficult to improve any portion of the road without extra right of way. committee ~re of the opinion that the right of waY should be acquired if possible. The Engineer stated that it was not known at thiS time Whether there waS sufficient funds in the budget to purchase thiS right of way. The Engineer Suggested that ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 5, 1981. 'PAGE 7. the matter be laid over until the April meeting of Road committee by which time Bob Davies would have had an opportunity to complete most of his land purchases on Road 38 east of Straffordville and Road 8 between DUtton and wal1acetown. At that stage it would be known whether or not funds ~re ~, available fo-r the wo-rk. "MOVED BY.: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WlLSON THAT WE RECoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L 'rRAT ALBERT AuCKLAND BE AllTROR1.ZED TO ATTEND TRE SUBURBAN ROAD COMM1.SS1.0N'S ANNUAL MEEtING 1.N ,JUNE AT owEN SOUND WlTll THE USUAL cQNVENT1.0N EX'PENSES 'PAID. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY.: K. M. KELLY. SECONDED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TH THAT WE EXTEND OUR PURCHASE OF CULVERT p1.PE FROM ARMCO CANADA L1.M1.TED BY TRE FOLLoW1.NG AMoUNT, ARMCO'S TENDER PRICE ACCEPTED BY TRE coUNT'l OF ELGIN ROAD COMM1.TTEE AT A ME-gJ:1.NG ON MARCH 12, 1980 TO PREVAIL. 480 METRES 150 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVAN1.ZED REL-COR PLAIN 60 p1.ECES 150 MM COUPLERS 9,60 METRES 200 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVANIZED REL-COR PLA1.N 120 p1.ECES 200 MM COUPLERS 720 METRES 250 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVAN1.ZED REL-COR PLA1.N 20 PIECES 250 MM COUPLERS 1560 MEtRES 300 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVANIZED REL-COR pLAIN 200 p1.ECES 300 MM CouPLERS 960 MEtRES 400 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVAN1.ZED REL-COR PLA1.N 120 p1.ECES 400 MM COUPLERS ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 1981. PAGE 8. 180 METRES 500 MM X 1.6 GAUGE GALVANIZED HEL-COR PLAIN 540 METRES 600 MM X 2.0 GAUGE GALVANIZED HEL-COR PLAIN 70 PIECES 600 MM COUPLERS 30 METRES 800 MM X 2.0 GAUGE GALVANIZED HEL-COR PLAIN CARRIED." 1 'MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO REQUEST QUOTATIONS FOR (1) GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL, (2) CALCIUM CHLORIDE, AND (3) GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL QUOTATIONS FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H . STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 248,400 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." IT WAS DECIDED TO ASK Jim Hindley to attend dinner at the next County Council meeting in order that recognition could be made for his many years of service to the suburban Road CuulJ.uission. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 1981. PAGE '9. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Township of lMa1ahide with regard to the Neilson property at Luton on County Road 45. The discussion centered upon whether or not it was necessary to give a permit to allow a property to be rebuilt on the original site as it hRs been destroyed by fire. The Engineer stated that the original house encroached upon the 66' road allowance and thus it would be impossible to place the house back where it was. The matter was left in the Township of Ma1ahide's hands to obtain a ruling as to whether or not a new building permit would have to comply with the set-back regulations of the Township. IT WAS DECIDED TO MAKE AN APPLICATION to the M.T.C. for additional allocation of funds for roadside safety. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF SUBSIDY MONEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 50,000 BE REQUESTED FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO INSTITUTE A PROGRAMME OF ROADSIDE SAFETY IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, NAMELY THE REMOVAL OF ROADSIDE OBSTACLES. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 8, 1981 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." ~d\l '--cI rIRMAN~ ,... ~_. ST. TR()!o\AS, ONTAR1.0 FEBRUARY. 12, 1981 l' AGE 1. TRE COUNTY OF F.LG1.N ROAD COMMlTTF.E M]':t' at the Municipal BUilding 9 30 F b~Uar~ 12 1981. All members were present. Also present at : a.m. , e. J ' was Mr. Frank clarke of the Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY.: SECONDED BY: lZ. E. MONTE1.TH THAT T[lE M1.NUTES 01" TRE Mf,ET1.NG 01" Jp,NIJAR'l 14, 1981 BE APPRO\TED. CARRIED ." s. J. GLOVER countY Road committees ",v-- decide on March 3 whether or not the meetings vf March 5 would be a joint d d - ~hO . t The 1::'nginee-r -reported that the estimate ten er waS .n ~w meet1.ng or nO · '" _ .___ r.n"nt'f Engineer s that been written into the contract. and soil testS would be added to the contract a!IIOunt thUS the approximate e,q>endiLtUre:f or each County woul d be $400,000 in 1981. Day labour work, land purchase, engineering, 1. That the warden had made an appointment with the Minister of TransportatiOn and communications for Februa~ 25 during the Good Roads convention in TRE ENG1.NEER RF.PORTF.D ON TRF. woElZ TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: To-ronto. the construction of Road #32 (Police college Road). A brief would be , n~ ~1..-~ time and it waS hoped that he might The Minister would be requested to provide additional funds for presented to the Ministel: a~ ~"a- designate the road as a development road. 1.t waS agreed that as many members of the Road ccromittee as possible would join the delegation in 'lI.1I'~ R 1.<. "cNeil MLA would alsO attend. Toronto. 0'" · · 0' ' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 2. 2. Winter control for the past several weeks had been quite constant and the storm on Tuesday had required considerable overtime. The County Winter control expenditures to date were estimated at $150,000. 3. Tree cutting was proceeding as conditions allowed on county Road #fl between DUtton and Wa11acetown, and on Road #42 between Righway #73 and port Burwell. 4. Stripping and piling of gravel was continuing at the County's pleasant Valley Pit as conditions pe-rmitted. 5. The cummins V555 engine in Truck #64 had to be rebuilt. Bob Davies was making inquiries to cummins Manufacturing company regarding any warranty on the engine as it has only had about 30,000 miles on it since it had been rebuilt. 6. Robert Martin had been appointed by the suburban Road commission as the third person on the commission to replace Jim Hindley who had recently resigned. 7. Sign replacement was continuing as time permitted. About 200tlkilometer per hour'tabs had been made and had been erected. This covered most of Central and East Elgin. More blanks had been purchased and the rest of the County would be completed in the Spring. 8. A further 160 lineal feet of bin wall for Front Street in port Stanley 'had been ordered. 9. Land purchase was underway on Road #38 east of Straffordvil1e. Bob Davies and RoY Doran had made good progresS. 1.t was anticipated that most of the land needed for widening would be obtained without toO much problem although several owners might be difficult to deal with. 10. Aland plan had been registered on Newell's on County Road #32 and information had been received that Mr. Bardawill had signed a deed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST #3 AMOUNTING TO $ 44,511.64 PAYLIST #4 AMOUNTING TO $ 578.21 PAYLIST #5 AMOUNTING TO $ 48,566.83 PAYLIST #U AMOUNTING TO $102,372.30 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE FOLLOWING: (a) The Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for residential property Concession XII, Yarmouth. (b) The Village of Port Stanley with a zoning by~law to allow ,,a restaurant and a flower shop at the intersection of Joseph and Main Streets. (c) From the Township of Malahide with a by-law to close internal roads in the Wingate Lodge Property Lot 4, Concession I, Ma1ahide. "MOVED BY: K K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BX,:,LAW BE P~lSSED STATING THAT THE. COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTIONS TO 'EHE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE BY-LAW #1870 CLOSING ROADS IN LOT 4, CONCESSION I, MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP IN PORT BRUCE. CARRIED." (d) The Ministry of 1.ntergovernmenta1 Affairs with a recuu..lended form of parking by-law so that the vehicle owner could also be charged for a parking violation. This new wording would be necessary in all by-laws inasmuch as the appeal court has overturned a by-law from the City of Toronto. ST. TH()!o\A$, ONTAR1.0 FEBRUARY. 12, 1981 'P AGE 4. (e) A request from the Village of west Lorne for a traffiC study at the intersection of Main and craha1l\ Streets. that the Engineer contact the Reeve of west Lome to ascertain exactlY what information he wished and felt that althoUgh a traffic count complete with turning moveroentS could be done better ~ather would The committee SUggested be -requi-red. From the west 1,0rne Nature Club requesting trees planted on county Road #3. with if at all possible. From the Village of po~t Stanley authorizing the county to proceed with approximatelY 160 feet of ~co bin wall on Front Street thiS The C<JllIll'ittee felt that thiS request should be co\1lPlied (f) (g) (h) sp-ring · From the Ministry of the Environment with notice of a course on the Environmental Assessment Act in TorontO on March 9 and 10. The Engineer stated that he understood that the courseS would be given in the local area at a later date. From the Ministry of the Environment with a copY of a letter to Ontario Rydro asking them to notify all municipalitieS including countieS of any majOr work in the area in their Environmental (i) Assessment ResponSe. request by the CountieS of peterborough and Elgin. 1.t waS noted that thiS waS in response to a CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Norfolk Federation of AgricultUre supporting the Lake Erie Erosion Committee and requesting that the CountY do all it could to assist the members of the Erosion committee in their suit against the Federal Government. The legal opinion of o 1 lOt f grant by the County to Mr. M. J. Reunessey regard~ng the ega ~ y 0 a the Erosion coromittee was diSCUssed at some length. The Engineer stated that he had'not yet been able to provide a ~ecord of the a1l\ount of . . ar-rn~"\ch as he had not been able to get aerial maps, but it e-roS1.on 1.n .,../.~ would appear that considerable erosion has occurred in the last 60 years inasmuch as it had been necessary to move the Lake Road at one time (1922). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 5. After some discussion · · · "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE THAT A GRANT BE MADE TO THE LAKE ERIE EROSION eOMMITTEE OF $6,300 TO ASSIST THEM IN THEIR SUIT AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WITH REGARD TO THE EROSION CAUSED BY LAKE ERIE EAST OF PORT BURWELL, AS THE COUNTY FEELS THAT THE EROSION WILL DAMAGE COUNTY ROAD #42 IN THE NEAR FUTURE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT THE INVOICE OF M. J. HENNESSEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $234.00 FOR HIS OPINION REGARDING A POSSIBLE GRANT TO THE LAKE ERIE EROSION eOMMITTEE BE PAID. CARRIED ." The draft agreement between the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex for the construction of the Walkers Bridge was discussed and members of the Committee were satisfied with the draft agreement. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX FOR THE BUILDING OF THE WALKERS BRIDGE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 6. The Engineer stated that at the suggestion of the Frank Cowan Company an agreement had been drawn up with R. C. Dunn and Asssociates using the standard Ministry of Transportation and CuulJ.uunications' forms for design and building of the bridge. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH R. C. DUNN AND ASSOCIATES AUTHORIZING THEM TO ACT AS CONSULTANTS FOR THE DESIGN AND BUILDING OF THE WALKERS BRIDGE AND AUTHORIZING THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR THEIR SERVICES. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER. . . It was noted that the Minister of Natural Resources would make a presentation to Council with regard to the closure of Chatham Street in Port Burwell. It was also noted that the CuulJ.uittee several years ago had opposed this closure. The Engineer reported that the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority had received a report on the Da1ewood Reservoir and were requesting cUUlJ.uents. The Engineer noted that the report stated that the quality of the water of the Da1ewood Dam was poor and there was not much that could be done about it except an attempt to control upstream erosion and run' off into the reservoir. The Report was also concerned with the stability of the dam. The Engineer felt that under normal conditions ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY. 12, 1981 'PAGE 7. the dgm waS probably quite adequate but a Rurricane Razel type regional storm would probablY create problems to the dgm as it would to practicallY every other bridge in the county. AmaxiroUffi storm could be likened to Noah and the Ark. The attached budget report and budget were diSCUssed at length. AfteL discUssion. · · "MOVED. BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. R. STEIiIART THAT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNTY YlNANCE COMM:1'rTEE TRAT A ROAD LEV'! OF $855,000 BE ADO'PTED. eARRIED." "MOVED BY.: lZ. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: R. E. MONTE1.TR THAT WE REcOMMEND TO coUNtY COUNC1.L THAT A RESOLUT1.0N BE PASSED REQUEST1.NG TRE M1.N1STR'l OF TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cQMMIJN1.CAT1ONS TO APPROVE THE sUM OF $30,000 1.N SUBS1.D'l MONE'l FOR DRA1NAGE AS SESSMENTS ON couNT'l AND ST. THOMAS SUB1.!RBAN ROAll coMMl SS1.0N ROADS IN 1981. eARRIED." , 'MOVED BY.: M. R. STEWART SECONDED BY: R. M. ](ELL'l THAT VlE REcOMMEND TO coUNtY COUNC1.L THAT A RESOLUT1.0N BE PASSED ADOFT1.NG TRE ATTAcHED PROPOSED STATEMENT 01" WORK (DRAYt #I- OF THE mJIlG-gJ: DATED FEBRUARY 2, 1981.) AND EXl'END1.TURES FOR 1981 AND THE STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MJ.N1.STR'l OF TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND cQMMIJN1.CAT1.0NS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 PAGE 8. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 5, 1981 AT ~:30 A.M. CARRIED." ~Y'.. ?RL- t)CHAIHMAN ,r'" r, ..' f , ' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT 10 THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS O.F' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: Tht? followlng 1.5 :-l Sunnnary of gxpenditQres on,E.lgin County and St. Thoma 5 Suburban Road Conu:n,ission Roads in 1980. In accordance with" Ministry of Tttansportation and Communications practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays 'with Pay, Sick Time, ~tc., 'has- been distributed to VHt".(OUS pt0.1E1ctS and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS PART # 1 Asphalt re$urfaGing, assQ(:iat.ed ditcl1,ipg, shouldering, etc~ (a) ROtHl 7 i nAldborough find or f9rd Township from. Olilt:haJ\ t(> Hothwell Hr'idg<~ (COU'1tY of E1. g1 n sha.re,. work dpnc. by Kent ). (b) Road 19 in.Southwold Township from Highway 3(~01ne) northerl y appr.qx:imate1y , 2 .-nl i lf~ s (camp 1 etJ on of 1919wor k )" (c) Road 20 1.0 SouthwoldTownshlp nQrth pf Port Stalll~yappr(>x:hnately ~'mll e.. (d) Road 20 in $oqthwold Township south of' Fingal approximately 1 mile. (e) RO~ld 45il'lY~rnlQuth and Southwql (j TownshJp from ijighw6\Y 1+ wcntcrly to irppro~hlli!t(~ly 1 mIle fH>utrl of MllhltC-Ol;.rch (except K(~tt 1 ('Cr.~ek lUll). TOT AL P ART It 1 PAW/' II :> (;')1'1 ~lt rllct ion I.Vll1d,'j (iJ ) ROn d ) gng:Ln(~et" 1. ngWalker s Hr i dgQ. (I) ) I<no(\ U, ll'l Sout hwol d T(J~m ship frcnu 1"1 ng iJ 1 to Uurwe 11 Gor tlCrr S ( comp 1. t' t i \)11 of 1. 9 79 WQt'.k). (~~) Rond J2 ... Pollce Coll(~gc Road ln Malahido Township.. ( d ) Road 38 B;;iyham a ndM(il.ah 1 de Township. (e) Misccl Lln~ous St.trveys. 58,669..92 J. 748.06 28" 38~l~07 61 , 149, 21 1 21. . a 3 2~8() . $21'3,78:J.12 lO, i50.. 25 9,486.10 14,979.34 1 ~ 088,962" 10 6 . 916 . 57, 'rOTAl. PART II ~ $1 , 15 t t 094.16 .......-'''''r''''''..'.,,''"~ ------"" --- __ <t-' ~------- .-. page 2. .' TO TllE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELG1.N COuNTY COUNC1.L - ' ' ,- - -=---' . ' . ,-- . ...-- l' ART If :3 MiscellaneoUs 1,183.61 eR.. (a) 'Rebate of provincial Sales TaX paid in tC)79. 32,Q45!108 (b) I,anel l'Urch,,!;IlS (nr 1:0a4 widenl ng and dive:r: nion. 252,237.02 (c) NeW and used machLnerY. 28,'342.35 (d) Rebl\ilding a"d e"tenSion of salt buUding, Whi.\:e station oa-cage. (e) MachinerY OWl:\~-CShiP costs, etc., charged toae,countS rec~ivable and Towo1ine AC,Counts. ___ 52,~7.6j. GR. TOTAl. pART If 3 $259,533.15 'rOT A\' coN STRIJC'rt ON (COUN'ft') ~ 4 u). f,;l ...-. '. ..' . '. ir"r If'~ 5,~' CONSTRIJCTION BY ST. TllOMAS $Ua\lRBAN ROADS CPMM1SS1.0N (a) Road 22 (F~1..rView Avenue) in 'larmQutn Township, ~spha1t'eesurfacing from Road 21 5out\:H.rrl y for 1. mi.le. 57,1~4.94 705 .00 (b) Con s\:ruct 1.. 0" RQad 30 (Radio Road) in 'la-rt'u.outh T 0\41.'\ ship · 27 .83 (c ) con st -cucti on ROa>1 31 (Oa I ewood lioa.d) 1..\'\ Yarmouth Townshi.P. (d) con atrUct i on \l.oad 52 f'eomRoa d 3 Q to llignway '3 (st. TllOlnas E)(pr~ssway) in y armout hand soutn",,,1- d 'town sn ip · 597.91 (e) ConstructiQ1'\ ROad 22 (V~irview AVCrt\.lc.) I," '( ,,-cm<lU t:. h town s1:\!\l f tom Ht. '~hQll\11. g ('.1. t Y Ltn:~it 5 t.o Road?'?" 2H to';!'. 78 -1-1.196 ~5::L u) ".and rurcMsed for RQi\d 'Wideni,ng a1'ld d L v(rrsinns. T()'f"L CONSTRtl<.H'lQN B'{ liT. '1'1\\ lMM :;lJ 11\ IIU\^N 1\0 ^ \)l~ C()MM l.l\Sl ON .tL!J he ['. .(1) ~.., ~, rOTAL COt'lSTRtlCT1.0N couNT'" ~D s't. T1I()!o\AS S\lIIURl\~ ROADS coMM1. SS1.0N,u.,;W '2 ~~ MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS NOTE: f.(.tl(\f'S ;lIld nllllll:)t\r~~ ('()rT(\~;p()nd t() Millf~;t..y III '1'1....In~ip()I'Lltl\.)1l .11H.I COllll1lunlcHtJ'>I1:; AC(,\Hlllt NUIlILH \ r~;. ^ .... Cutvf'rts and Hridgns - 1 Bridges (including Bothwell, Wardsville, Belmont West, Glen Colin, and Gillets) - 2 Culvert~) B ~ Roadside Maintenance .. 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tr(~c Cut t 1.ng - 4 Drain~ige - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldoring, etc. 6 Tree Planting - 7 /)r;Jfn{lp,(~ ASfH'\H~;rrwnts (r(\fHd.rs only) .. 11 Weed Spraying C .. Hard Top Mi~intcnanco (Paved Roads) ... 1 Repairs to Pavements .. 2 Sweeping ... 3 Shoulder-Maintenance) and D~tching,etc. .. l.. Sur face Trc(itmcnt [) - f.loose Top Maint('\nance (Gravel ROc.llis) ... '2 Grading Gravel. Rouds -:3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride ) - I." OU st Control (Prime) 5 Gravel Resurfacing }., .J Wi.nter Control (Total) $208,1+1.8.99 - 1. Snow Plow:ing - 2 Salting and Sandihg ...:-3 SnowP'epce .. 'I' StwHlby Page 3. $ 31 746.42 ...-~...-..z.----"'''''l 2 500.20 ___....._1...._.... _....._ ~~L1~~':.~~ 78 748.07 ..,.. -_......~.. .,,.,".- 56,643.60 1lII!I''''.-''''''-.''__''_" 6'476~94 ~---_.~~-'"..~ 7 000.33 ........_-L.........._ 8'32..19 ~......._-..._-......- 12172.46 ...... - -..-' .......... ... . 88 619.09 .. _.... ,..1... _~._._.. __......ll~~~~:..L~ ...... ~...~2.I.~r.l;.~~ ... _._ ...1.fa.,-~1 ~'" l~ ... - ......! t to 9.~'t:. ~..~ _..",.~tLi~~r..'!.l _......_..tL~rL:.Lr 51548.65 ~___._L~.~,._,_ t 7 , 843.29 .............-............. 149,661. .88 ~........ ~-. - ....'M... 21. J 3.69.. l6 ......!MO........................ 1.9,544.66 ---.....--~-....~ MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS (Continued) Page 4. 1980 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban RQads Commission $ 260,442..69 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 3SQ,430..62 1978 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 31 5 , 003 .~ 94 1977 Winter Contr()l County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 359,095.00 t" , ... Silf('l,y I)(~vi('l.'ti ... I Pavolllent Marking $ 23 874 OJ _....__~....l__..~~.. - 2 Si.gns -__...~~I.Qt21:.22 - 1 Gu i ele Ra i 1 s ... _..._...~..tz~.:.Q~ - 4 R:t i.1 road Protf'ctlQn ...___~~..CiQl:.Q~ TOTAL $ 848.968.39 MISCELLANEOlJS Rebate to Town of Aylrfl('t and Villages of 25'/Q of thC'ir Road Levy $. 51,842..S0 ~--~~~.~,--.~~ OVERlfgAO - COUNTY I . Super inl,:t'r{clC'nce, including County Engin(H~r, ~i III H' I~ i n t (l n d (' Il t ~; , i IIld v (' h i ('J (' S $61,575.35 ~~~~~~-~-'.~.~~~ 2. Clel: IC:II 1...0 508. 7 ~\ .....w ....."!II:,;}..'..... ~_,..... J. Offic(I l.j .666 .36 .. ......... .r..."'_ ~ ~-.,..., t~. C;ar.'lgn r,; (WhJt~\ Stat ion & Rodney), St tH' k (II., Tlmok('(lp('r~>, Mil[nt:<:'nllnC(:', (It.C.) 66 ~)/H..71 ... ~_..-.J....._...._,.~... J. Topl~,j and Misc{'11 anOQUS I~epatrs ..... -. ~2...6.1~~!:J..: ~O.. 6 . Rdd 1 ( ) ... ... .. - J.J S)2~+.: J 1... 1. T,~," f lie COllllt s & N(\(.ds Study trpdrtt<. __......~~l~].:llj... H. 'fr:linill!', ellUI"W'i 1 ;nh.20 ..._ -_-.J..... _~ fI!IIlI:_1M 9. Pe nn i t. !, 80.00 CR. -liIIII!!...-...... ~~ ...,--.... . I (). M'i sud 1 fine llU ~> In surance -..._..!.!22~.:~1_ ] 1. I{ehal>i I itntJon of White' Stati.on Grav(" Pit and general c 1. ea nup \.) fG,lr age grounds. 1..1.'1.10 --.... --..-....... ...... -...... 1 '). M,'H' II 1111 'r Y (hIP ,. hI'. HI Cll r: L H. --... ...1.. 126 .:~~.. I 'I ! . .:i<.~VI.'I'ilIlC<" PilY Fl'; ill1 d L<. I g 0\ I [.'p <.' s . Formt"" ^~i~Lj SLHlt I':ng 111<'e ,. ...... ....l1y~~).;~~... TOTAl... OVERHEAD $24.5,l.61.(){) (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations was $330,1.~91..90. ) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD (inc 1 uding items not subsidi zf'd by Ministry of Transportation and Corranunications). TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCEL1...ANJ'!;OUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY &. 5T. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ITEMS NOT SUBSUnZED BY M.T.C. ElgIn Sw('(\pcr I 11 ~ U ran (.~ e ( Ro ;1 d 1.1 a b t 1 i t y ) Mtscell;lOeOu.s, including Mcmbl"\rships, etc. TOTAL SUMMARY CONSTRIJC1'ION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD ITEMS NOT FOR SU BSIDY SlfB TOTAL ADD: 1980 STOCI< BALANCE nlJI\ TOTAl', LESS: 1979HTOCI\ BALANCE SlIB TOTAL ADD: IJRAINAGE ASSESSMENTn (50'1.. SUBSIDY) COUNTY ROADS ~;T. TJlOMA~; SUmJR BAN ROADS COMM] SSTON ROADS TOTAL EXPENDITlJ\U:S ON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN HOAr> SYSTEMS Pagr. r). $ -~L~!~~~'t~Q't $ 1 t 331 , 096 ~ 29 $ 7 431. 08 .. --.. .-':... -.---.. ................<Llt.~~l~... ,tf~Sll:, . 17 CR ......... .....;_ .'1."1._....,.,,:, -', · i,'f" $ 8.293.03 $ _~L~t!~t..<}.~~t.~~ $ 1,331,096.29 -~....._.~ -..~...~ $8, 29;\.OJ .._-..I!'!ll~,......,~--... $ 3, 1 21 . 48 7. 98 .... ..--.. -.....-..... - ~... ...~t!.':~~~~': $ '1, t82,t)OO.62 - .. -.... --. ....... .... - 64 /+79. J8 "'!'I*.. _ .....t;..... .-...-:- $ ..::~ ~ l ~~!. ~ ~l!.. ~~ 1D,167.09 -~.---.--~--~'. NIL ~.~~~~-~~.~-- $ 3,128,588.33 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN! COUNTY COUNCIL Page 6. The Ministry of Tr.3psportatiqn and Corranunications SUlbsidy Allocation n 1980 was in 2 parts,! a General Allocation of -$2,302,000 and a subsi y of $5,000 on D'tainag~ Assessments (subsidized at 50"i,). I The cost of the St. Thom:as Suburban Roads Connni ssfon expenditure to the County of Elgin: (and the City of St. Thomas) was $36,242.07~ (This also the effective contributi.on of the Cit:.Y toward Suburban Roads for 1980.) The net cost to the County of Elgin (including the County's share of the St. Thomas Suburban R[oad CVlumission expenditures) is estimated at $785,346.26. The Road Levy for 1980 ~as or{ginally $781,000. In addition,. work' was peirformed and, material s sold total ing $934,635.54 including: 1. Work on boundary roads and bri;dge sand invoiced, to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford. 2. Front Street steel bin wall eqosion protection project for the Village of Port Stanley. ' 3. Eng ineering work on the Walkeris Bridge (50%) invoiced to the C0unty of Middlesex. I.+. Prlm!ng nnd fiurL.,co trOtll;ment 11:01:' vari.ous Munic1Pal.ltJ.e~. and others f nc l udl ng t:lw City of ~t. Thomas andtlw Vtll. age of cnpncoe. tlnd thf' C()unt1(~$ of LamptQn, K.(~ntflnd Middlesex. 5. Work done ma.tertats sold, pav~ng contracts supervis~d, etc. for othe.r mun cipalities, Federal land Provincial Government, Conservat onA~horitief), iTld~:vidua.l$, etc. In 1980 the Roads.O~pc:n..~ment was requested to have trl,;\ined personnt~l and i.nsurance, etc.reaqy for a possible Mosqult;o Control Programme. The net cost of tht s flrogramrne to the County wa.s ~~468 .30 (the Town of Aylmer. paid for the dost of insurance). Total payment vouchers tn 1980 amounted to $4,063, 2~~3.87 (c()mpar.<ed t.1) $'3,6g/~,009.(H) .io 197Q, $3,376,H33.61 tn 1978, $3:.236,612 in 1977, and $2,74l,DOO in 1976)J I 'ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECT,FULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION The St. Thomas Suburban Road CQmmis!~lon has jurisdiction over 47.4 miles of road out ofth~ total 296.6 Road System in the Co.unty. Construction and maintenance costs are kept separate on 1~hese roads. The Corrnnission pays a. partion of the overhead costs (approximHte 1 y 9.9%. of the tota.l). The Cammi ssion owns no. equipment or tool s but pay.s a "cost" rental rate to the County when the equipment is used o.n Cvu'Ulission Roads. Overall policy an the CVUll.ldssio.n Raads is directed by your . .County Council Road CV+luuittee. All detailed surnmaryofcosts on the Carmnission Roads is attached as i 5 a sunnn.:lry oft.hecosts of maintc'nancc and o.verhead 011 till! cnmbilHl(J County iJndSuburb.lI1 SYHt~m. Comm:tssi.on Roads lnclude: Road 1111... (South of Ford :plant) fromH.ighway 4 to. Road 26. R(H'ld 1116 - Fram St, Thomas to Fingal. , . Road #22 - (Fairvit::1w Avenue) from 'St. Thomas to Road 24. Road #25 - Wellington Road. Road #26 - St. George Street and Bostwick Road. RO.:ld#28 - Centennial Avenue from Road 45 to Highway 3. Road 1129 . Road I13() ... Radto Road. RQdd 1131 - Da lewood Road. Road 1152 - Highway :3 (St. Thomas Expressway to. Highway 73). Road /156 ... Elm Street frQRlCentC1'lnial. Avenue to St. Thomas.. ST. TR()!o\AS SUIlURBAN ROADS COMMISS1.0l'l - :.-. ~ ..=-- --......'-. .. "~ STATEl1ENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 -' ~ -'~ :;<;lON ST RUCTION ,............ ------ 1.' Road 22 (Fairvicw Avenuc) a$pha1t resurfacing bot.ween Roads 24 and 27. 2. construction R,;".d 22 (Fairvl.ew Avenuc) in 'la~outh Township from St. Thomas City limits to Road 27. 3. Road 30 (RadiO Road) completion of construCtion. etc. r.. Road 31 (Da1ewoodRQad) completiQn of constructl.on, etc. ~. Road 52 from Road 30 to Wighway 3, compl.ction of c,onstrucd01l (new St. 'fhOl1'lall El!Pre$$wa1)' 6. Land purchase. TOTAL MAINTENANCE ~. - ...' A .. 1 Bridge s ~ 2 eulvert s ~ .. Roadsida Maintenance ... 1 GrasS cutting ... 2 'tr(.'c cut l: i.ng ... h Dr i.l 1.nagc _ 5 Roadside Maintenance ..."7 nrainagc Assessments ... 11 Weed 51'r aying C _ liard TOP Wd,ntenal'lCe (pav~d Roads) ... 1 Repairs to l?avement ... 2 swe~1? 1.ng ... 3 Shoulder Maint.enance ... 145urfacc. Treatmt~nt $ 57 134.94 .. _ _ -....1.. ...--.. ... 2t\ 025.78 / ..._.._ .a..--......... 705,00 ___..-_....~---~-'!IfI 27.83 --.......--.....--" r~~ 597.91 .... ......- .~.'~ ......... 11,\96.57 ...- ..............-......., $ . 97,688.03 ~ - " -~ $ 269.2Q "".............40!......... 68$.84 .,......___..~_-_..-tIIIt 2,Z48~6(} ......-... --- _.....~...~ 17,.2.04.S3 .. '.,- ... ..... "'!.. -... ...... .. \1,q2Q~5t ~~~~--_._....~- Bot.81 -~.----~~~.~- 62.08 ...... ~_.._..._.. ......~t1!M.. 1,6S4.~5 - _..~---_.~.~_. 2,892.50 ..... - .-:..- - .. ..--.. ... '2.187.5Q ..........""'................. . 5,651.11 ..--........................- 20,61 q .16 ..--.......---......-. --------- --,---",---------- - page 2.' ST. tR()!o\AS SUBURBAN RQt,llS C0Ml-11SSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 o . LlWS() Top Ml\intenan~e (Gtilve1 R'1ad$) $ 4 9~8.93 ...__.....1...-..-""'..- ....__~119~:92.. ...?. Gt:ading 4. 924.'21. ..._-...-.1...........""'...... _ 3 DUst Laye-r ..........113~9~~~.... .., l~ p', i.me .c .. J Grave 1. Re ~;\1rf ;:\c ing 3,1.09.11. "".........................lIl\... E . winter conl;.r<)). '(\:0\:1:\1) $',2.02).10 40t 542...j1 --....-..................... " ... 1 sno~Plo~ing . 2 sanding & salting . 3,485.46 ...............---........... 4.,886':~P ".....-..-...-.........~_... ... 3sno\'l1 'Fe.nce "'" 4 ~i.nte'(' StandbY 4 Z32.01. _........._1........-........ 'F ... safetY {)CviceS 4. 609.41 ................1.............-...... 1. pavement Marking 1.35.~7 ...""..-.....................- 4 966 ..66 .................1...............- ... 2 SignS ... 3 Guide t~.ai 1. . 4 Railroad \'foti!ctiOn 21 '~25.48 ..............1................. ove.r he ad c\\arge s, in';: tud'l.ng SUl1er it1tcnd~l\CC' ofHct), Clerical, oaragt\. t\\:C' rr C1i AL $J~5.t6- ~JL". . ..................................... orainage I\SsesstnllntS tte!l\S !'lot subsidized \:r{ Mini$tt1 of Tr~1'\..portatiOl\ and communications 31.8.88 """.........................",....... TOTAL E)tl;'EN01.'tURE ~'l st. Tllo!l\$.S SU.purpan Road.. COTO!l\i.ssion TarAL E){PEND1.t\.lRE S\.lBS1DIZEtl p,T OPERAT1.0NAL l'J.TE $~1..()1- t.J~.1J2ltlJ.... CP,Lli\JLATI0N oV AMoUNT PAYABLE lrl C1.T'l OF ST. <ruOMA.S Ministry of Transportation and cororouni~ati.O~S SubsidY, RatC on operations for ).980 waS calCulated to be 74.427% on all ite!l\S (~~cel1t i~~S 1'\ot for $upsi~Y) i.S $2tO.027.93 5lJ'/. of Ba)."n.;:eof $12,165.26 is $~__?~1~~~':~~-- ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1980 Items Not For Subsidy 50% of $3l8.88 tor,AI. PAYABI.E by CU:y nf St. 'l'hom:1H Oil 19HO (lJH~.r.-.tjpn$ PLUS: Deficit from 1979. LESS: City of St.' Thomas Contribution for 1980. Oeficit to 1981 Operations. Page 3. 159.44 "1_" _...._._.....:... ..,..1t1.'"~~ a:.2!~ 9,740.00 ..I...____~..,-..-- 37,550..00 ..lll!'l..-......-~-__ $ 8 , 432 . 07 __.___ .~..__ '"~___u__. _ ~_ .., ._. _ _. ."'1<"l.....-.....,.~....- ...v...-..,.............,_~. < ..._...,....-"".__..,............,__......_ .,..... ...u. ..,.... .,~."I.".....'."',......,.., MAINTENANCE The following 'is a summary of the total maintenance on both County and Suburban Roads. NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Min:l.stry of Transportation and CVlUUlunications Account Numbers. A .. CuI vert sand Br idge s ... 1 Bridges $ 32015.6.2 ...___-.1..__.____ ... 2 Culvert s 3 189.04 wi .... .. ...- 'J - '. .. '......_ . B ... Roadside Maint~nance ... 1 Grass Cutting 18,642.95 _.... - _.. -._ _1lI!II'.'" ... 2 Tree Gutting 95 95 2.~~O ...... _... '.l..,.. _...~. .. - 4 Qra.inage 68,564..t1 -~. - - - ~ -.. ...-........ ...5 RQi~dside Ma:i.nL{H,)/.1n~~e, WliIshouts,etc..' 7 27A Ai "" "...........1....... ":ttlil>!!it ... 6 TFee Planting i ,OOO.3:l "I!'IIt~_~...!"It---..~.... - 7 Dt"ainage Asse ssment s (repair s anI y ) 894.47 1!IIIlI'. ___......._........_ ... 'llWeed Spraying ...tIiI>_!~J~~li~]~ HardTop ~aintenance (Paved Roads) .. 1 Repairs to Pavement 91,511.59 ......--...- .-. -".':~. ~ 2 Sweeping(See a1soElgin Sweeper under Items Not . For Subsidy) 15.451.7$ ....~__.z____...:. ... 3 Shou1derMaintcnance ~..~~9.l~6g;~$.. - 4 Surface Treatment _,....2Z...i!!:2~.. [) ... Loose Top Mail1tenanco (Gtavel Roads) ... 2 Grading Gravel Roads 26 012.44 .t_"_"I.~......._ .._ '" .. 3 Dust Control (CalciumOp1ot"ide) 49559.46 ._~-~~~~._.-- 4 Dust Control (Prime) 6595.38 .. _ .....2...____.... ... 5 Gravel Resurfacing 58 769,17 ,.__......L___..__ MAINTENANCE - COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Continued) E - Winter Control (Total) .. 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Salting and Sanding - 3 SnowFence Standby Winter Contro\. County & St. Winter Control County & St. Winter Control County & St. Winter Control County &'St. Page 2. 20 953.00 --_.....&.._--_..,. __!2Q.a19!!.:l~_ ___1!:.a~~!t.:2l_ 24 430.82 _____.a___..._~ Thomas Suburban RO~lds Commisslon $ 260,442.69 Thomas Subur'brtn Roads 'Connnisslon $ 359,431. Thoma s Suburban Roads Carom! $,sion $ 315,0,0:3 Thomas Suburban RoadsConunisslon $, 3!)9,~ 995 - Safety Devices 1 Pavement Marking Signs Guide Rai 15 I, Rid It; () it d Pro t (I c, t t (} n 28.567.74 " ..... 'W ....... _ M ._.__ OVERHEAD ..'cottNt~f.AND ST ./THOM.AS COMMISSION Clerlcn1. , offic(~ . Tools and Mi~(.~eltaneous .Repai.r5. R..\di I). .--"',.";':' ':, ',",' . ". - ,!, S~p(~r,il1tcndence,fnc lU'd:thg . Count'y Engineer, Sup(lri.nt(mdcnt s, 'and vchic.le s. 8. Training Courses. $90 599.00 . " .._.._...'J__~,_,~...__ 44,989~70 .---~-~-~~-~~'~ ..;....14.J..l!~~~~J.l~ ~:, i' Garag(~s (White Station~Rodnry), Stock & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc. 9. Permits. 10. MJscellaneous Insurance. 7 3 t'6a2\~oi'. ./~,~ l-....-..... --...,......-.. 29,165.90 ~___M~~~_~___~ :3 t 392:. 39 ---.....---'----- '7. Tr n fIi c Count s &: N()('d!;; Study Updntf'. 7,148.58 -----~~-.~-----. ____J...\}3.~....9....~_ . 80.00 CR. .--.. "--,,"-"-"'~- _ _ _ _ _~~J..1't._tl... (C0ntinue~d ) ,f' OVERHEAD - COUNTy AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Continued) 11.. Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit and general cleanup of Garage grounds. 12. Machinery Overhead Costs. 13. Severance Pay rc: Fornler Assistant Engineer and Legal Fee s. . . TOTAL OVERHEAD Page 3. $ 458.86 _....._..MIIP_~_...__ 1 993.16 ..~__..._z.__....___ 2310.79 ~_~_~1_~__~_ $ 272.586.5/+ ,,~-t ~<~ ..4 ~' f~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1.981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Rebate tp Urban Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in former years. 2. That the following statement of Proposed Wo:r:k and Expenditures on County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Cw."ission Roads be approved and a Resolution passed adopting the Statement of Work and Expenditures and the Statement be forwarded to the MinistrY of Transportation and Communications for approval. 3. That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to approve the sum of $30;000 in subsidy money for Drainage Assessments on County and St. ThomaS Suburban Road COll1lllission Roads in 1981. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessments is 50%.) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED GIIAIRMAN .. 1/ ...~ ',..1 " 1\' 1981 CONSTRUCTION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION 1. Complete work from previous years: - Road 30 (Radio Road) 2. Land Purchase: - Roads 22, 30, 31 and 52. 3. Surveys, Engineering, Grading, Utility Moving, etc. - Road 22 (Fairview Avenue) COUNTY 1. Walkers Bridge including: a) Contract. b) Day labour, clearing and grading, etc~ c) Soil tests. d) Payments to Consulting Engineer, etc. 2. Road 22 (Fairview ~venue) construction in addition to that budgeted by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission 3. Completion of Road 38 between. Highway 3 and Highway 19, Bayham and Ma1ahide Township.. 4. Land Purchase: a) Road 38 (Highway 3 to Highway 19) and Road 32 (to complete). b) Roads.2, 3, 8, 38, 45 and miscellaneous. (Purchase on Road 38 wiLl allow resurfacing this, Sunnner.) . PurChases on Road '3 and'8wi11 allow d:f..t.ehing this .$Umltl.e.1"Ol1 RQad 3 between New Glasgow and Rodney' and Road 8 between Wal1acetown and Du.ttotl..w:f..th .te surfacing in the near future on both roads. 5. Miscellaneous survey and engineering on new projects. 6. Construction Roads 4'2 and 50 Port Burwell and Road 32 (Pol ice College Road) Mal ahid.e TOWIlship. (Work in Port Burwell will be delayed until sanitary Sewer work is approved by the Ministry of the Environment.) PAGE 2. $ 6 , 000 34,000 22,000 $400,000 18,000 140,000 23,000 70,000 20,000 3l5,OQO $ 62,000 986,000 OPERATION A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridge s .. 2 Culverts B .. Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage .. 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Ma intenance ) -11 Weed Spraying C - Paved Road Ma1.ntenance .. 1 Repairs to Pavement ... 2 Sw(~ep.i ng - 3 Shoulder Maintenance -4 Surface Treatment o .. Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads .. 3 Calcium Chloride - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Re,surfacing E - Winter Control F - Safety D(~vice s - 1 Pavement Marking - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection SUB TOTAL Increase in Stock Balance piled and crushed gravel County's Pleasant Valley Pit TOTALS PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE COUNTY AND SUBURBAN 1981 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN 1981 COUNTY 1981 70,000 1,000 69,000 22,000 3,000 19,000 6,000 84,000 8,000 70,000 2,000 8,000 1,000 10,000 90,000 78,000 10,000 8,000 3,000 12,000 2,000 10,000 108, 000 18,000 90,000 19,000 3,000 16,000 60,000 7,000 53,000 90,000 12,000 78,000 31,000 5,000 26, 000 56,000 7,000 49,000 6,000 2,000 4,000 100,000 2,000 98,000 375,000 65,000 310,000 32,000 5 , 000 27,000 54,000 5,000 49,000 5,000 1 , 000 4,000 35,000 6,000 29,000 1,264,000 161,0001 1 , 103 , 000 30,000 30,000 1,294,000 161,0001 1,133,000 PAGE 4. OVERHEAD OPERATION 1981 110,000 88,000 Superi.ntendence Garages Tools Miscellaneous Repairs , Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Counts Training Courses Cleri.cal Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Overhead White St('Jtion Rehabil itation 34,000 4,000 8,000 5,000 54,000 3,000 15,000 NIL 2,000 323 , 000 Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Cvuuuission $ 2.5,000 County of Elgin $298,000 <~lIiWWI!~ SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Maintenance ... County Roads - St. Thomas Suburban Roads Overhead - County Roads - St. Thomas Suburban Roads New Machinery and Salt Buildings Asphalt Resurfacing... County Roads Construction (a) Cou~ty Roads (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road CVlllJ.ui ssion Subsidized by M.T.C. at Operational Rate ADD: Urban Rebates Drainage Assessments Items Not for Subsidy TOTAL EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS M.T.C. - Ordinary Subsidy on Operations M.T.C. ... Subsidy on Urban Rebates (50%) M.T.C. - Subsidy on Drainage Assessments (50%) City of St. Thomas - Effective Contribution to Suburban Roads. NET LEVY Exp(~ndi tur(~ s Receipt s NET LEVY PAGE 5. $1,133,000 161,000 298,000 25,000 225,000 455,000 986,000 62,000 $3,345,000 57,000 60,000 5,000 $3 , 467 , 000 $2,522,500 28 , 500 30,000 31,000 1l,612,000 $3,467,000 2,612,000 $ 855,000 ,,,.~,,l~ .~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FI RST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1981 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders for the ~onstruction of the Walkers Bridge have been called to close on March 3, 1981. Tenders will be opened by the Warden and Road Committee Chairman of Middlesex and Elgin and considered by the Committees on March 5, 1981. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a. by-law be passed stating that the County of Elgin htis no objections to the passing of the Township of Ma1ahide By-Law #1879 closing Roads in Lot 4, Concession I, Malahide Township. The Roads are internal roads in the Wingate Lodge Property in Port Bruce. 2. That a by_law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the County of Middlesex for the building of the Walkers Bridge. 3. That a by.law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with R. C. Dunn and Associates authorizing them to act as consulting engineers for the design and the building of the Walkers Bridge apd aut.horizing the method of payment for services. The agreement is the Ministry of Transportation and Communications standard form on a time basis (rather than fee basis). Two (2) separate agreements are required as the method of calculating fees are different. (Design payr.ol1costs are liIlultip1ied by afac.tor of 2 whereas the supervision of construction payroll costs ax'e multiplied by a factor of 1.7~) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFtfLLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY. 14, 1981 l' AGB 1. TRE coUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD CO~TTEE MET at the Elgin countY MUnicipal BUilding at 9:30 a.m., January 14, 1981. All members were present' atSO ",If, F.... nk nl.aN"k.e of the Ministry of Transportation and c()tllltlUnic'!ltiOns present waS ~r. .a u .. and Robert DavieS, Assistant countY Engineer. "MOVED BY.: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY; R. E. MONTEITR THAT TRE MlN\lTES OF THE ME-gJ:1.NGS OF DECEMBER 4, DECEMBER 11 AND DECEMBER 15 BE APPROVED. eAR1lIED ." 1. THE ENG1.NEER REPORTED ON TRE WORR TO DATE AS FOLLOWS; The County of Middlese~ council had approved the calling of tenders for the walkers Bridge as soon as possible. A meeting had been held on January 8 with the consultant, Mr. Norm warner, representatiVes of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of . d Co.........n11n~ cationS -rega-rding environmental concerns and the Transportat~on an ,~~. concernS of the Natural ReSOurces and it appeared that all necessaL'l approvals from both Ministries would be received. The Ministry of TransportatiOn and communications haS alsO given structural approval of the planS. The consultant waS presentlY preparing specificatiOns and a tender form so that tenders might close early in March. AgreementS had been reached with the CountY of Middlese~ and with the consultant that earth moving on the Elgin side would be done by the county of Elgin by daY labour. The trees necessary to be cut would be cut by Elgin county forces. The County of Elgin would obtain a pit and QUarry Wayside permit for the propertY that sand fill would be obtained from. This would reduce the cost to Elgin considerablY rather than 2. have the contractor do it. The Engineer reported that tree cutting on Road #32 waS underway with clearing having been completed at Ne~lls, roW of cedars; on the Ontario police college at ~est Brothers, some spruce trees; Donald ShackletOn, willow trees; conrail Railway crossing a considerable ST. TR()!o\AS, oNT AR1. 0 JANUARY 14, 1981 PAGE 2. amount of brush which obscured the vision along the railwaY track; victor Bardawill widen.ing "J,qng hi.s bush bad been completed. controversy with the residentS including MeSsers, Rare and Able The with regard to the placement of the Argyle Drain had not yet been solved. !?in earlY meeting with tbe Drainage Engineer John spreit was antiCipated on the site and it waS hoped that the Drain could p-roceed. under the EXPropriatiOns Act with regard to the necessitY of requiring the widening. The Engineer stated that thiS matter would be held in abeyance until such time as the drain waS completed in hopes that an amicable agreement could be made with Mr- Rare. Mr. Bardawill had requested that the countY acquire the widening along his property by deed ratber than under tbe EXPropriation Act and the plan waS presentlY being changed from an E~propriatiOn plan to a Reference plan. The countY solicitOr would be contacted shortlY to have a deed drawn up from Mr. Bardawill to the countY of Elgin and thiS would be forwarded to Mr. Bardawill as rapidlY as possible for signing. The Engineer waS hopeful that thiS problem might be settled Mr. Rare had given notice that he would request a hearing by the next meeting. pa~ent had been received from Warnock Rersey Limited for work the countY had done in Belmont. All necessary work to put the stOrm . h #74. f,'~st claSs condi.tion bad been completed drain on 1l.g waY .n ~ and the Ministry of the Envorooment and the Village had been so 3. 5. notified. winter control had been relatiVelY light. Equipment repair had been normal. . t. :\1l..ng on Road #38 east of straffordville and Tree cutt.ng was con .n on Road #44 and Road #46 in Bayham. on Road #22 at somervilles, MaynardS , and peter Repburn's. some tree cutting bad been done T-ree 4. 6. 1. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR1. 0 J~AR'l 14, 1981 1?AGE 3. '^n~nding upon winter control with work at . ~ considerable number of 8. . h number of owners on Road #45 Negotiations ~ere alSO underwaY w.t a d R d #40 to facilitate ditching in a few years. between ~ton an oa d b u.te good with a f the land owners to date ha een q · ReSponse -rom b lanted when the wor\< number of them requesting that young trees e P future ditching on the road. 9. . d g~avel piling waS continuing at the pleasant valleY St-x:ipp1.ng an .\. 1 of gravel that was being pit and it ap-peared that the supP Y d better than had been originallY getiCipated. encounte-re 'VilaS JameS watterS had been appointed on a probationarY basis as waS completed. 10. . h d of January from hiS Stockkeeper Frank JoneS would ret.re at teen StOc\<.\<.eepe-r · 11. position. tbe 12. 13. Need study sheetS W'''~ ---.- . d cororounicatiOns shortlY' l'1inistry of Transportat.on an , __, .__- ..he St. ThomaS Suburban Road 14. James Rindley had reS1.g""'U ~LU'" - . . . had been accepted with regret by the commiSsion. R.s res.gnat.on ntlY conside-ring .' The C01J1llliSsioners were -prese other c~.ss.oners, a replacement for him. "MO\lED BY.: J. B. vtILSON SECONDED BY: R. E. MoNT'E1.TR THAT TRE FoLLQ'd1.NG P A'lL1. S'tQ BE APPROVED FOR P l\'ll1ENT · P l\'lL1. S'r Nm1ll'ER 51 (1980) A}\01JN't1.NG 'r0 $ 42,112. 68 ,,'1 J.ST Nm1BER 58 (1 980) p.l'10UNT1.NG TO $ 1 ,989 · 89 'P Al.J.1 . 1 11981) ~oUN!lNG TO $ 45,162.92 'P A.Y.LI ST NUMBER \. 2 11981) ~oUN!1.NG TO $115,208.57 1> AY.LIST NUMBER \. eARRIED ." ST. THOMA.8, ONTARIO ,JANUARY. 14, 1981 'PAGE 4. and Bayham Townships, James Alton, Arthur vanderispai11e, Alex Chanyi, The following members of the Lake Erie Erosion committee for Norfolk Bill Vanderven, met with committee with regard to erosion along the shores of Lake Erie in front of Norfolk and Bayham Townships easterly from port Burwell. The Erosion committee is in the process of filing a claSs action suit against the government of canada for $30,000,000 for damages they claim waS caused by erosion after the Federal Government built the west pier to protect the port Burwell Rarbour. The Erosion committee felt that they had an excellent chance of winning their suit forcing the Federal Government into either removing the pier or building groins along the shore to protect the property east of port Bur~ll in Norfolk and Bayham Townships or both. The Erosion committee estimated that it would cost about $85,000 to bring the case to the supreme court of which approximatelY $43,000 had already been promised by residentS. The Erosion committee stated that Elgin'S pro rated cost would be something over $6,000 and requested that the county consider giving a grant to the committee to continue court action against the Federal Government. 1.n discUssion the Erosion committee reported that a Rearing For Discovery had already been made and that over 185 exhibits had been entered. The Erosion committee hoped to bring an expert over from Eur!>pe to study the situation and to testify at the hearing. ExpertS from Ontario and canada would also be called by the E-rosion committee.: attached brief on insurance and discUssed the county' s insurance. Mr. Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan company in attendance and presented the TRE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR D1.NNER. AFTER DINNER. Mr. Wells answer ed roell'ber:'S 'qv.erie s with regar d to in sur ance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO .JANUARY 14, 1981 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY:', S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RENEW THE COUNTY'S INSURANCE POLICIES WITH FRANK COWAN CO. WITH TEN MILLION DOLLAR LIABILITY LIMITS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE THAT THE COUNTY INCREASE THEIR FIDELITY BOND LIMITS FROM $100,000 TO $500,000. CARRIED ." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of South West Oxford with By-Law #54-80 with regard to rezoning certain properties including the County's property known as the Corbett Gravel Pit, on Lot 26, Concession 6, to pit and quarry land. 2. From the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding Road #38 stating that in their opinion the County had done all the remedial work that could be done at this time. 3. From the Canadian Transport Commission with order relieving the Canadian National railway from monthly inspections on Warren Street at Port Stanley. Inspections now need only to be done once every three (3) months. The cost to the County of Elgin would be considerably reduced. 4. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with a notice of Subsidy Allocation in the amount of $2,551,000 for 1981, and Notice of Assessments for the County of Elgin that would be used in the calculation of Subsidy for 1981 in the amount of $474,000,000. ThE~ Engineer reported that this was approximately 2~% more than last year. Notice was also received from the Ministry of Transportation and CVlllJ.uunications that the Assessment of 'the City of St. Thomas for the ~ Mill Levy would be $78,900,000 which would give a levy of $39,450 for 1981. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1981 PAGE 6. 5. Ontario Hydro stating that th~y were presently acquiring land for their proposed transmission line from the Buchanan Transformer Site to the St. Thomas Transformer Site. This line would follow very closely to the course that waS proposed at the public meetings of a year or twO ago and which would be approximately 1/2 mile west of County Road #30. 6. The Ministry of Housing with approval of Amendment #7 and #11 of the Official plan for East Elgin. 7. From the Township of Ma1ahide with a zoning by-law change regarding Heidt, Lot 10, Concession 11, Malahide Township. 8. The Canadian Transport Cu....ission acknowledging the County' s objection to the abandornnent of the London and port Stanley Branch of the Canadian National Railway and advising that the County would be notified with regard to any hearings, etC. 9. The City of St. Albert, Al~erta; regarding Canadian Unity. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L THAT TRE LETTER OF THE CITY OF ST. ALBERT, ALBERTA ON CANADIAN UNITY BE ACKNOWLEDGED AND THE CITY THANKED FOR THEIR CONCERN. eARRIED." 10. The Ministry of the Envirornnent with several notices regarding environmental assessnents with regard to Ontario gydro, the Toronto Area Transits Operating Authority, and a notice stating that shortly they would provide work shops in environmental assessment in certain areas of the Province to which local municipal EngineerS would be invited. 11. The City of Cambridge regarding noise control and the licensing of mini bikes. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY. 14, 1981 'PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: R. M. ](ELL'l THAT WE REcOMMEND TO couNTY COUNC1.L THAT THE RESOLUT1.0N OF THE C1.T'l OF CAMBR1.DGE REQUEST1NG THAT THE M1.NISTR'l OF TRANSPORTAT1ON AND CQMMIlN1.CAT1.0NS ESTABL1.SR A MEASURE ABLE AND ACCEpTABLE LEVEL FOR VE!l1.CLE N01.SE AND REQUEST1NG THE L1.CENS1.NG 01" M1N1. AND TRA1.L BIKES BE FILED. CARRIED ." 12. Ontario Good Ro.ads Association with a progr=e for the Convention in 13. Town of DUnnvi11e regarding the south Cayuga 1/faste D:i-sposa1 site. Fe brua-ry · "MOVED BY.: J. B. WILSON SECONDED B'lL M. R. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO coUNtY COUNC1.L TRAT TRE RESOLUT1.0N OF THE TOWN OF DUNNVlLLE REGARD1.NG TRE souTH CA'l\JGA WASTE D1.SPOSAL S1.TE BE REFERRED TO TilE VAR1.0US LOCAL M\JN1.C1.PALITIES FOR ACT1.0N. eARRIED ." 14. The Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns requesting assistance from the county with regard to the MRA 135 Equipment Rental Rates and that the county provide them with monthly costS, hourS of operation, cost of equipment, expected life, of the varioUS pieces of equipment so that the information could be reviewed and used by the Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns to set up new rateS that would apply when counties adopted the urban method. This reporting system would involve considerable staff time and would have to be done only 15. canadian Transport cororoission with regard to Con Rail crossing on on a time permitted basis. County Road ff32, stating that the commission waS in the process of making an order with regard to the installation of gates and flashing ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1981 'PAGE 8. lightS at the crossing. The County's cost would be approximatelY l2Yzkof $80,000. The commission would also make an order to the county to do some improvementS on the grade to the south including widening, culvert installation, clearing, etc., and requested that an early estimate be forwarded to them. 1.t waS anticipated 4 or 5 thOusand dollars might be recovered from the commission. eligible to purchase their O..M.E.R.S. waiting period wiSh to do so, the cost to the county would he approximatelY $lh150 and this should be provided in the 1981 Budge~ of Road committee. 16. From the county Clerk_Treasurer stating that if all employees that were "MOVED BY: R. M. .1G>LL'l SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE REcOMMEND TO coUNTY COUNC1.L THAT A RESOLUTION BE pASSED /IllTROR1.Z1.NG TRE WARDEN AND CLERlZ TO SUBMIT TO THE MIN1.STR'l OF TRANSPORT1IT1.0N AND cQMM\lN1.CAT1.0NS THE PET1.TION FOR SUBS1.D'l OF TRE coUNTY OF ELG1.N AND SRO'd1.NG ROAD ElCPEND1.TURES ON THE coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FOR TRE PER1.0D FROM JANUARY 1, 1980 TO DECEMBER 31, 1980. CARRIED_" funds and instructed the Engineer to contact the county Solicitor to ascertain coMMITTEE D1.SCUSSED the request of the Lake Erie :Erosion committee for the legal position of the county with regard to a possible grant to the Erosion committee. The Engineer was also instructed to obtain information from Norfolk county and any other source that he felt would pe .pe'lttinent to the situation. was decided.to stay with the present land purchase poliCY' The Engineer was Land purchased on county Road if58 and Road #45 waS diSCUssed and it instructed to request widening from the Stewart Liddle property on county Road #45 on which a severance waS being requested. curves east of Straffordville, and the property shoUld be obtained if 1.t waS noted that property would be required on Road if58 to ease twO ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1981 PAGE 9. possible east of the Guysburg Cemetery to allow for ditching. The Engineer stated that land owners on Road #38 would be approached as soon as Registry Office searches had been completed. The Engineer stated that he hoped that an expenditure report for 1980 would be ready for County Council next week. It was agreed that the 1981 budget should be prepared as soon as possible and be sent out to Committee Members prior to the next meeting. The Engineer noted that the preliminary figures used for Provincial Government Grants and Assessments were correct although as yet he had not received detailed calculations fL,uul the Province for those Grants. "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 12, 1981 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." ~: (7SL>~ ~ ~RMAN ,~... ,/t G "'.,'(1 ~, f\v.-~ ~ .- COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1981 January 1981 The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Prop~rty and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Policies are through the Frank Cowan Company and are d~e January 29, 1981. Mu.nicipa1 i,iahili.ty Limits per claim $ 5,000,000. The County's general liability Policy protects, roads, non licensed equipme'l1t, the Court House Block and contains a libel and slander clause. The Elgin Manor and any Spraying Liability is ins~red under other Policies. The total Liability Policy (other than the Home for the Aged was $7,072 of which $5,6l~7 was'ch,~rgt~cl to roads) of this amount all but $717 was subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Cvulluunicat ions. The Pol icy contains the Employer'.s Liabil ity Clause which cover s the County in the case an employee is not considered a workman under the Worlonen's Compensation Board. ~ Non Owned Auto Liability limits, $ 5,000,000 protects County against dama.ge suits, etc. . .~ involving vehicles not owned by the County, but working fot the County (e.g. private dump trucks, private cal."':s, etc.). Liability for licensed vehicles borrowed or acquired by the County is $ 50,000. In the 1978 Policy the coverage was increased to include all employees and officers of the County. Cost in 1980 was $ 282.00 3. Autotnottve Fleet In 1976 Road CVlIl1uittee, in an effort to reduce the in(~reasing cost of Automotive Fleet Policy, adopted a $ 500 deductible all perils policy. Our merit r~ting on both collision and comprehensive is very good. Total premium for 1980 was $ 11,576 (initially) cOInpa:red to approximately $ 11,400 the previous year. INSURANCE REVIEW 1981 Page 2. 4. Non Licensed Equipment Float~r All Non Licensed Equipment, Snow Plows, Tools, etc. are protected against fire, wind, collision, upset, theft, etc., by a Subscription Policy. In an effort to reduce the cost a $ 1,000 Deductible Clause per occurrence was put into effect in 1977. The rates are .8 of 1% of the listed value of the equipn~nt including Snow Plow Equipment and .72' of 1% of $ 50,000 worth of tools, unlisted equipment, stock, etc., and $ 100 yearly on $ 50,000 worth of leased or borrowed equipment. Equipment costs have soared in the past year and increases in the listed value of the equipment has been necessary. To r4~duce the cost of insurance, some of our older pieces of equipment havle been reduced in value to the value of a similar piece of used equipment~ Total value of listed equipment inclUding radio, etc. was over $ 1,700,000 in 1980. Total premium including radio was $ 14,250. 5. Radio Floater Floater Policy is included under Item #4 insuring Mobiles, Base Station and Tower, value $ 46,900. Premium was $ 704 in 1980.. No deductible. 6. Surveyin~ EqUipment Floater An all Risk Policy is included under Item #4 to cover OUr Surveying EqUipment, Value $ 4,000. Premium was $ 60 last year. 7. Boiler and Machinery Policy - (Also known as Engineering Policy) This Policy insures bailers, pressure tanks, such as in the Garage Boiler, pressure tanks on the air compressor and paint sprayer. There waS a Liability limit of $ 5,0'00,000 and a $ 500,000 property damage clause on our property if an explosion occurred. Premium was $ 519 in 1980. 8. Weed Spray Policy Weed Spraying Policy was used in 1980 for both Weed Sp:r:aying and an additiona,l pol icy was paid for Mosquito Spraying. Premium for Weed --_.~_.:~---y~~~..._d>_~':t~..._...,-d_f'o.~~Ml~'UU' fI ~ .. i"'\ Q....... ... n ~ ........ 4! .., /. n .~ ~~ 1.NS~CE Rt'I'1.~ 1981 9. ~ B 1 (rn'\<,e t pu.r o. of Go\l:nty aga1.HJ- ~rotect.on ' tOn' 1980 waS $ 161. the. cOs 1. 'Page 3. C t'\1 Road th1:0U~hout the oun ,- i "b. out $.. 80 a1.\1.\U~11Y. 1?-rett\ urn c;<\- resurveyin~ costS, . ~ . " '00 000 on valUable va~ers 'rota 1. OJ,. Jf J..' . $ 45 000 of tl:d,s. Department VaYs 01\ " f.'. ~enlacinS recor<1S, Jo. .eol: costS 0 .. t' policY p1:0V~ eS. · ' , . e<1 or dest1:oyed. if records are daroaS etc., ~.f.f.ice..cont~nts .. .... <:! 1"\.a.'t't of. Cc>u'Ct t Floater a~ r 1q stanleY st'Cee , on ~1.\ginee1:' s OffiCe, 24 200. ~ua..l pretaiUtll t . tS inSul:ed fo't $ ., con e1\ " '\:louse inS\,):x:ance. a1\d valuable paP,erS' $ 1.06 for both contentS ' \0. ,.. 11. 1'2. Movin vermit 1-nSSUa'l\.Ce 1-nSura1.\Ce .' 1 icY which vrotectS f!, C01\t.nu.ng ~o , i nertai\i,s. etc. of iSSuance of,tUOV,1\S r (~aid for by a~plicant). 1'~. 1.nSU1:ance on count .( S as f.ol10\NS~ Cove'tage .I- Mai1\ Ga1:aSe ~ite station . t all suitS because coU1.\ty aga1.1.'\.S m 6 0..0 ner ~e~t iSSued cost" · t' $ 441,000. '. .' 1911. values. Other Buildings 1:e~in at . \\a1.'\.g,e-r Bui.1o:i.ng ~all storage Building salt Storage Buildins RodneY Ga'tage TOTAL 01" f!,1..\.. BU1.\..D1.\)\G$ 1980 rrett\iUtll waS $ 2,245. $ 100,000 $ 2,,000 $ 10,000 ~ $ 581,000 cot\ti.1.\tl.ed · , · /.////..///./////..///////./.," ___.~"'"W"__ "",.___".~",..,....-",..,..,.w<...- ~ Page 4. INSURANCE REVIEW 1981 , ' " 13. l!:surance on County Garaas. -. continued We have increased the size, of our sal1; builc!ing last Fall and will increase the coverage. Other buildings shoufd be increased as well. 14. Errors and Omissions, Protects the County against those items which are of e~or ~nd ommission type rather than of a Municipal Liability type, $ 1,000,000' limit. 15. Workmen's compensation " ~ . OUr assessment for the Workmen's compensation Board on 1981 will be $ 1.55 per hundred on all emp 1 oyea s. M~"imum earning $ 18,500 per annum. 1980 premium was $ 14,616. Total insurance from Frank cowan company regarding 1980 renewal was $ 35,150. 2 i NON~OWNED AUTOMOBILE LIMIT OF" LIABILITY ANNUAL PREMIUM COMMENTS MUNICIPAL LIABILITY LIMIT OF LIABILITY ANNUAL PREMIUM COMMENTS ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIMIT OF LIABILITY r ANNUAL PREMIUM COMMENTS DATE PRESENTED: ~~ " CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT - 1981 ROAD DEPARTMENT .$ 2,000,000.00 Inclusive Bodily Injury and Property Damage $ 3,000,000.00 Excess Liability Limit $ 50,000.00 Physical Damage $" 310.00 Total Cos t (including Exc1ess) Chargeable to Road Department Insures the <legal liability of the County, its Officers and Employees while acting within their capacity as such, against claims arising out Of accidents involving vehicles not owned by them but being operated on their behalf. Also insures the legal liability of the County for Physical Damage to vehicles not owned by them to a limit of $ 50,000.00 subject to a $ 100.00 Deductible applicable to collision claims. $ 2,000,000.00 Inclusive Bodily Injury and Property Damage $ 3,000,000.00 Excess Liability Limit $ 7,079.00 Total Cost (including Excess) $ . 4,930.00 Chargeable to Subsidizable Roads $ 723.00 Chargeable to Non-Subsidizable Roads Protects the legal liability of the County for claims because of bodily injury or death resulting out of the operations of the County and for damages to or destruction of property caused by accident or occurrence. Includes Councillors as Additional Named Insureds; Includes Employees as Additional Named Insureds; Includes Volunteers as Additional Named Ins.ureds; lncludes Personal Injury Liabiltty (libel and slander); Includes Employer's Llabiltty; lncludes legal liabLl.i.ty with respect to Liq'-lor License Aet; Ineludes Environmental Pollution; Includes Blanket Contractual Agreements; $ 1,000,000.00 each loss $ 1,000,000.00 Aggr~gate for each policy period $ $ 1,000.00 Self-Insured Retention 825.00 (No Charge to Road Department) Agrees to pay all sums which the County shall become obligated to pay by reason of the liability imposed upon it by a court of civil law for damages becHuHP of a wrongfttf act but: specifically e:xclud-ing a'ny claims wh lch would be insured under the Municipal Liability Contract. Page 2. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT - 1981 ROAD DEPARTMENT ERRORS AND OMISSIONS (Q9ntinued) The term, damages 18 emphasized to draw to your Httention that this class of insurance does not apply to claims for breach of contracts, loss of wages, injunctions, hearings of necessity, Ontario Municipal Board hearings or any other similar procedures. AUTOMOBILE FLEET LIMIT OF LIABILITY ,... $ 2,000,000.00 Inclusive Bodily Injury and Property Damage $ 3,000,000.00 Excess Liability Limit 500.00 Deductible All Perils ANNUAL PREMIUM - $ 13,906.00 Total Cost (Including Exeess) $ 12,463.00 Chargeable to Road Department COMMENTS - The following Road Department vehicles are insured with settlement in the event of a 10$8 subject to Guaranteed Amounts (no deduction for depreciation), except wher~ indicateq. Truck No. Item Vehicle Guaranteed Amount 1 1. 1978 Dodge Diplomat $ 8,500.00 2 2. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 8,300.00 3 3. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 8,300.00 4 4. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 8,300.00 44. 5. 1975 Fruehauf Float Trailer 15,000.00 65 6. 1975 Ford Pickup 9,000.00 68 7 . 1976 Chevrolet Van 9,000.00 8. Deleted July 7th; 1980 69 9. 1976 Chevrolet Van 9,000.00 66 10. 1976 Ford Pickup 8,500.00 11. Deleted November 13th, 1980 79 12. 1978 Ford Double Cab Pickup 10,000.00 80 13. 1978 Ford Double Cab Pickup 10,000.00 81 14. 1978 Ford Double Cab Pickup 10,000.00 74 15. 1977 Ford Stake Truck 14,000.00 5S 16. 1972 l....ord Tandem Dump VALUED 20,000.00 S6 17. 1972 Ford Tandem Dump VALUED 20,000.00 73 18. 1977 Dodge Pickup 8,500.00 86 19. 1979 Chevrolet cf4 Ton Van 9,000.00 82 20. 1978 Ford Double Pickup 10,000.00 63 21. 1974 Ford Tandem Dump 55,000.00 64 22. 1975 Dodge Tandem Dump 55,000.00 70 23. 1976 Ford Tandem Dump 65,000.00 88 24. 1979 Mack Dump 70,000.00 72 25. 1977 Ford Tandem Immp 65,000.00 75 26. 1966 Ford Truck VALUED 12,000.00 76 27. 1969 Ford Tandem 12,000.00 77 28. 1977 Dodge Pickup 8,5.00.00 78 29. 1977 Dodge Pickup 8,500.00 83 30. 1978 Mack Dump 70,000.00 84 31. 1978 Mack Dump 70,000.00 87 32. 1979 Dodge Club Cab 9,000.00 33. to 36. Inclusive - County Home vehicles 85 37. 1979 Chevrolet Pickup 8,500.00 38. 1980 Mack Dump 70,000.00 39. 1980 Mack Dump 70,000.00 40. 1974 GMC Tandem Diesel VALUED 18,000.00 COW'0yJ.T1.0~ OF 'tRE COUt''1'''l 01" ELG1.~ R1.SR ~h~~1..R\'.1'9X'T - 1:231 hU'1'O~O~1.\,11.~T (con~ ,. ".' '. '.' ... ""0. ~m()\.~nt,& Ol\, n\Ost '\J e.' 11.. tcle$ ~ ~, . " ear the Gu"n'l\tee. ,lus one ' DU-r1l\'l> thel'''t't Y iOU~ substaitution$ ",e-re ma~e, i slig\lt inc"tease ",e"te uvdated, ~a-r dd d ",\lie\l "tesultS .n a additiOnal ~e\licle ",as a e , in 'Qre11\iU11.\. ~ "~ ~ '-'1111'1 ANNUAL pREM1.m\ ~ ~ for bodilY in)u"t1 liabilit1 of t\le count1 . ' t 's lnsU-res the ld~~~e clai1l\S arising out of itb.ied'e~o~Z of \)l\ta"tio. r nr:o-pertY 0. tl . d b"\1 tne -pest C d b or, "tations go~e-rne J, ,of onta"tio, a11:' 1 , s1)-ra1l-ng 01)~, d "t t\le pestiel-deS Act '1' it pe"t s1)"ta1l-ng the Regulatl-ons Ul\ ed t hCt (canada), fo"!: al-m t\le pest cont"tol 1'"touc s da1 of ~ 30,000.00. " e"t s1)"ta1in\!. da1 30 000.00 Ll-ml-t I' b idizab1e Roads , , 1 to ~on'-Su S cnargeap e 336.00 Total cost - CO~~'1S , ' " _ e"t S1)ra1ing da1 ~ 1,000,000.00 Limit of Ll-abl-ll-tY , 1) spyJ.'l L~ ~2}:, hmlU~L 1'REMlm\ ~ ., and I or: Elgin-St. , . ,,' a1\le of t\le CountY of Elgl-l\ ' iabilit1 of t\le count1 lssued .n t\le ~ 't and p"totectS t\le legal 1 tions ",it\l "teSpec t '1'\lolllas Realth ,nl- " itS sn"ta1in\!. O1)era . . . c.ino out OJ.. r fo1: o.1a1-11\S a.!1-v, tl to MOSquitO cont"tol. 11 ~ 1930 to June 11th, 1931) 240.00 (June t", CO~E~'1S 1\ONU --.:.::.--- BO~U l't,~M~'t~ ~UAL PRB~lU~ ~ ~ , t\le coul\t1 ",hie\l inSu-res , "'lan\<.et 1'osition Bond ~~ ea.1 ,~cl,~~~ ~ad De1)a"!:tlllel\t Bm1)lO'lees) ft 1'10yee ,l-l\c> " eae\l and e~e"tY em f ~ 100.000. 00. fo-r a ul\ifo"tm a1ll0unt 0 " Bond - !\.ll E11l.1'101ees 100,000.00 "'lal\\<.et 1'O$.tl-Ol\ b1 to Road De1)artment 10-,.00 Cha"tgea e CO~~'tS ~5!~':'- l;i~T\' pER I>CC 1\)I'.l"l' N\~U",L PR\',1'I1.m\ 500,000.00 Road. \)e?artw.ent ') 19 .00 Chat\!.eab 1\' to ' $ ~ i ",it\l settlement "'"toad 1o-r1ll ",as 8, i (1\0 co~erage \.S 1)rO~ided Q,n :1\ a Re1)air o"t Re,\>laeement BaS .. " \le e~ent of a loSS ~n t . rt &,o"t del'reciation). cleduo.t1-01.> J.. co~~'tS ENGINEERING (Continued) CONTENTS AND EQUIPMENT FLOATER SUM INSURED ANNUAL PREMIUM COMMENTS Page 4. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT - 1981 ROAD DEPARTMENT Objects Insured Boilers, Pressure Vessels and MiscellaneQus Eleetrical Apparatus loeated at County Workshop White Station Garage Portables usually operating from White Station Garage with specific eoverage as follows:- . Cleaver Brooks Portable Boiler PaintSpray Tank (2) Jaeger Compressor - 2 Air Tanks Air and Oil Separator Centre Line Marking Maehiue - J.. Wood Ai r Storage Tank (2) Paint Spray Solvent Air Tank $ 1,831,900.00 $ 9,893.00 Chargeable to Road Department "All Risks" Floater Policy carried on the following with settletpent in event of a loss on a Replacement Cost Basis (no deduction for depreciation) - Not applicable to Items 24 and 54. DEDUCTIBLE $ 1,000.00 - All Items except Survey Equipment, and Communications Equipment which are now subject to a $ 100.00 Deductibl Coverage provided as follows (See attaehed list for Scheduled Equipment) Scheduled Equipment . . . . . . . . .. $ Snow Plowing Eqt.dprnent. . . . . . . .. $ Survey Equtpmcnt. Includtng levels, Transits and Misc. Equipment . . . .. $ Communication Receiving and Transmitting Equipment including Base Station and Antennae .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ Moveable Property of Others . . . . .. $ (Units under annual lease or lease purchase agreemen't excluded) Road Department Mi.sc.ellaneous EquIp. .. $ 1,528,500.00 102,500.00 4,000.00 46,900.00 100,000.00 50 ,000.00 . $ 1,831,900.00 Coverage is on a new form with the main change being the $ 100.00 Deductible applies to all items which previously had.no deductible Since the values have been updated by the County in previous years the rates have been reviewed and reduced, which has resulted in a premium saving of approximately $ 4,300.00. MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT FLOATER THIS Policy insures the following described property including attachments:- ITEM YEAR TYPE OF MACHINE l. 1968 Grader #14 - Champion Model D600 2. 1969 Grader #15 - Wabco Model 660B 3. 1974 Grader #17 - Champion Model 660B 4. 1976 Grader #18 - Champion D-740 5. 1979 Grader #19 - Champion Model D740 6. 1970 Tractor #17 - John Deere Model 1020RU & Side Mounted Mower 7. 1970 Tractor #18 - John Deere Model 1020RU & Side Mounted Mower 8. 1971 Tractor #19 - John Deere Model JDI020RU & Side Mounted Mower 9. 1971 Tractor #20 - John Deere Model JD1020RU & Side Mounted Mower 10. 1973 Tractor 122 - John Deere Model JD301 & Side Mounted Mower Ii. 1973 Tractor #23 - John Deere Model JD301 & Side Mounted Mower 12. 1973 Tractor #26 - International Model 2300A & 1850 Loader 13. 1975 Tractor #27 - Massey-Ferguson Model 135 and Mower 1I~ . 1975 Tractor 1128 - Ford Model 3550 & Loader 15. 1975 Tractor #29 - John Deere Model 450C Bulldozer 16. 1976 Tractor #30 - John Deere Model 350C Bulldozer 17 . 1977 Tractor #31 - John Deere Model JD510 Backhoe 18. 1978 Tractor 1132 - Ford Model 550 Tractor 19. 1978 Tractor #33 - Ford Model 550 Tractor 20. 1974 Loader #3 - Hough Model H65C, 3 Cubic Yards Front End Loader 21. 1976 22. 1977 23. 1955 2ft. 1962 25. 1976 26. 1968 27. 1966 28. 1968 29. 1970 30. 1970 3l. 1970 32. 1972 33. 1972 34. 1975 35. 1975 36. 1977 37. 1966 38. 39. I.f'\ Loader #4 - JCB Model 418, 2~ Cubi.c Yard Front End Loader Michigan Front End Loader Model 125B Roller #1 - Ga1ion Tandem Steel Wheeled Roller, ModL: 1 TC5-8e Roller #2 - Galion 9-Wheel Rubber Tired Roller, Model 9-C Roller #3 - Galion 9-Wheel Etnyre - 2500 Gallon Distributor Sander If3 - King-Seagrave Model HEV8, 8 Cubic Yards Sander #4 - King-Seagrave Model HDT88-4201 Sander #5 - King-Seagrave Model HDTC88 Sander #6 - King-Seagrave Model HDTC88 SandQr 117 - Frink Experimental Modell III Sander U8 - Frink Sander #9 - Frink Sander #10 - King-Seagrave Model HDTS Sander fill - King-Seagrave Model HDTS Sander 1112 - King-Seagrave Model HDTQ Wa1d Pavement Marking Equipment, Compressor, etc. Bros. Vibrating Roller #1, Model VP4D Bros. Vibrating Roller #2, Model VP4D Rrog ~ Vihra_tillQ_Ro_lleJ---1Ll._Model VP4D (for Truck 1132) ( (or Truck 1144) SERIAL NO. 68-600B3862832 P660BGM 74~600B-1232-6649 740-21-277-9685 740-21-666-11863 115135 115113 131650 131654 183518 183515 A470002B000898 446547 233311 2q.9188 265671 C003588 5601 Valued SPC-LW-12-5806 J2557 66-123 63-381 70536 70535 EX-IO-0591-72 . EX-IO-0590-72 75482 75483 203 225 188 AMOUNT $ 90,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 . 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 13,500.00 . 42,000.00 32,000.00 50,000.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 95,000.00 55,000.00 140,000.00 14,000.00 5,000.00 35,000.00 45,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 .13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 25,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 ~ 1958 1968 1956 ~ 41. 42. 43. 44. " 45. 46. 47. 48. 49 · 50. ,. 51. 1965 1969 52. 53. 54. canadian Scaie .J" L-- _ -nC~(\ Cleavet Btooks Cat Reatet, Mon~~ - J aeget 125 CYM A it, coml'tessot Etynte Chill Sl'teadet powet cutbet ~del IG3000 ovethead Ctane ~ Richatd ~ilco~ Model ~~ 20222 22567 4985-56 804X R- 3l~4 7 667y)4 $ 11-230 1\ 24481.C 55. Rotary tloist - Dovet ~lgin pelican 11.1 s~eepet condoL Man l.if.t Sno~ Plowing ~qui~ent On all Sutvey E<\uipment including levels, transitS find miscellaneol\S equipment. . On co~unicatiOn Receiving and Ttan~itting Equipment includ.ng Base Station and Antennae. On moveable l'tol'ettY of othetS (e~clud,lng unitS undetd ~n anndUe~l t) \. "h the 1115ure. 1.S U11'1o- 1 ',' C', ot lease nutc.hase agreemen" w l1e ' . ed.''- . ,. . ' ." 1'" rl,d \.s or may 1,e obll\',at ion to Insure or for which th,I\~U, ' 'J::es'PonsiblC · 1, uinment matetials and o ROAD Del'attment miscellaneous tOO ", eq e ' , ' ) s:pl'lies (SnOW fence inSuted onlY while stoted qt .n ttansit · is valued at and insuted for amount set ol'~osite. 101A1,.~ '1<lteU\ No. 24 ~ 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 9,000.00 45,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 7,00~.00 60,000.00 25,000.00 102,500.00 4,000.00 46,900.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 -------------- $ 1,831,900.00 --::-:----- CORl.'OW':l'yO~ 011 '\'1l1l, CO~'\''i 011 1l,1.c1-1< R1.SR ~p.,c1l,~~'\' 1)J'.1'OR'\' - 1981 ~ ~ , O~e.\(.o as set ou, t " \!. inee1:' S . ~ ~ . 8 '. . . . i d a ~ ~he c,o\!n ~ Y ,n'6 . , . da1.l\age, '" i~ n CQ 'lie l' (lg,e i ~l p.,~i;"i: \<.S" 01'. d He C ~ QbY $ i~ al 1.0;$ R:"'Q lace'Qlen l' co$ ~ above 1'.01' . . l' 01'. a 10$S $ub)eCt 0 settle1l\ent in ~he even conditions, d a~ county 1l,nginee1:'$ Otti~ 26,600.00 _ ,\,otal su1.l\ 1.n$Ul'e 10,0' 000 00 - "alua\J le 1'a'Qe1:$ ) ., . . .' . .' 01'.1'. ice d De a1:t\1l,ent (1l,ng~nee1' S 11.00 Cba1'gea\Jle ~o ROa 'Q ,..~ V~, U~'BIE 011111C1l, C01<'\'1l,~'\'S .,,,D ,~ ~ Sm\ 1~ su-p$l) ~ ~ ~p.,1. l'l'J',Mtm\ VIe bave inC1'ea$ed al'e autoroa~icall~ chal''6e, the 'Q1:e1l\~U1\\ leSS tn1..s yea.-r. to contents and aiuce ",e the value a'Q'Qlying, . 01' "alua.ble 1'IWe1'S at ,no lUcluding covel'age t. d DeQa1:t1.l\ent i$ $l~ghtlY aQplicable to tbe Roa co~E~'tS ylRE -~-~ ~ 641,000.00 "FJ d ue-pa-rttnet\t 2,343.00 c\\a1'gea\Jle to oa .' S \}~ 1~ m\ \W. \) $ , .. 01' tbe 'Qed1s 01'. l1i1'e, d d on "be to11olol),ug, i . d"RJ lace1.l\ent covel'age is \>1'ovi e., .' 1 ding WllicioU$ p.,ctS an eQ 1l,~tendsd CO'l1el'ag,eB ~nc u 1 oulY' CriB ~ a'Qplying to ne1\\ ~o. $ 1,000.00 sacb and eve1'Y lOSS UYJ)UCrr1Y;Lf. - 'd d as fo11o~s~- co~e-rage -p-ro~~ e ' aud M ui 'Q1\\en l' De 'Qo t W~iU Ca1'age . ,,'ldin", (tor\1\e-r n t Star age. 0\;\1..- t.? 1l,ql,ii'Qtue, .' lIuiidtng E.qoiQ'QleUt st01'Q.~e .' · sait StQl'age lIu),ld~Ug f,C\ui-pment De-pot ~ 486,000.00 100,000.00 25 aOo. 00 , ' . 2.0,000.00 10,000.00 ~\lp.,1. l'Rl1,~t~ co~~rrs \\ an ga1: ) ~ $ 641,000.00 .~-- u'Odated to. .. 'U cal'age ha$ \JeeU" l'cab1e to the ",a), ,\,he '11 aiue a'Q'Q.~, h ollcY couditious, ol'del' 1'1,1 co1l\1l1Y ",),1' 'Q CORJ'O"M'tlOt\ Of 'tllE C01Jt\'t'1 Of E\..Clt\ ~~ ~ ~ ..... ~~ c 2 000 000.00 (1<on- liabilitY 'Qolicies a-ce " . ,. ' The li1l\itS a1'1'lying. ~o ~"" ' . ' ' ,,) Tbe 1l,1\.Ces$ 1'01~CY , . 111ee~ and ~uniciQal 1.~aQ~l~~Y · owned p.,ut01l\oQi1.e, p.,u~OWOQ~1.e . 'i 01'. S 3 O~,OOO.OO. , d b~ t,ne county Ql'Qvides a l~'" l' ' ca'!'! l.e J l' to all liabilitY , . 1.iWU be iUC1'eased, a1'1" y~Ug VIe ",ould $UggeS~ ~bis E~CeSs' 1 addi,tionsl auuual 'Q1'e1l\i~ d 1t iu a tota " . c, 000 (}OO. 00, ",bicb Vloul l'e$U 1'Ql~C~e$, by q ,. , i telV $ 1,2'0.~' d n a1'tweUt 01'. a1'1'1'01\. ma . J ' fo'! tJ"e Roa vel> ~ 1, ',' 's b 30 000.00. the Vleed S1'1'aY 1'0 ~cY), q .' Tbe liwit 1'e1' $Q1'ayiU\!, daY on '. . S ' 000 \lOO.OO fo1' aU addidoual annual 1'1'e1l\i~ li1l\it cau be iUC1'ea$ed to ' , 'toiS of $ 84.00. 'BOl;lD ~-, d adequate bond , bt Qe coU$ide1'e an . , . detel'wine Vlbat tu~g 1.1' i$ d~fficult to · p.,l,idit01' c ,d to the county S ' , 'bis 1l\a~~e1' be l'e,el'l''' alld ",e Vlould sngg""t ~hat l' , i S 100 000.00 (Qlanket cal'l'ied by the countY s . ' "able and VIe se~ out belo'" ~he .l;;II......,..a..... llm1.t [01' "n indel'endent01'iniOl,\. The 'Q1'e$et\~ bond 1'""aHY , b d) lli"he1' bond 'Qenal~ie$ al'e a"o" 0$ i~~on on' " ' l' e boud Qenal~y be ~nCl'''G~~ cos~ fol' t.he Road De1'al'~1l\ent. sbou1d th . , \' c1J. l'ROG~' ~O'l'lll~G \ll1.'Rl'11< TlllS lS p., C01<DiW~t'P l'J',l'ORT ~Ti~,::~~\l~ 'l'R1.~T1l,'P 11<S\ljJJ.~C1l, CmlTiU-CT. CO~DITIO~S N'D 1l,~C1.\ls1.0~s C - ----~-,------"~~-'/'/-._-_..- ~-,~W 1Q81 and l1ebl'Ual'Y' 1981 ~ tJlDl'tlO1<~ BOWl) 1'1l,~ ~ _~ ,d b 85.00 \<. 1'osit~on Bon ' S 100,000.00 ~ Blan et cowroe-ccial 1I1an\<.et Bond $ lSO,OOO'OO - 1l,~cess db 215.00 \<. ~ 1'0sitio1" Bon q $ 100,000.00 - Blan e C 1l\,mel'cia1 ~laU\<.e~ 1I0nd S 400,000.00 - B1\.Ce$S 0 (RoadS) p.,1.T1l,RS 'tflB T1l,l\M.S, AI' ~~--~ ---- v y L~f1 -- - "~ , \ comrri 011 $t.Gt1<Jl.O~U. co\oll'l1'fl'$E Jl\NU/\RX 1981 S'ESS10N ~ ~ O~X COUNC1L 'to. '\'1\'" \I"",D$~ p.,ND lo\,1!J:'\l\1l.Jl.S 011 Et.Gt~ c · 'lQ\lR ROp.,D C~-rr"'E REl'OJl.TS AS 110LWVlS: t~ Enoi:neet. d ,,01:\<. as ~ssistant coun J ... '" ~1" Jl.obel't Davie s baS cQllllle1\ce f T1:a,,$POl'tation and fl'o1l\ tbe ~ini$tt1 0 '11 be allocatiOn tot 1981 VI), a subsidY p.,llocatiOn of " .' 1. 2. \Ie bave l'eceived "otice . t~o.~~that the sub$id1 co~un1.ca ... L~;;> 'tbi $ cO'fllPate s VIi ~b ~2,551,OOO. '2,302,~0 1'.01' 1980. 'the $UQ$iditable spendiU\!, leve1. including UtbaU Rebates na$ Qeen tot coustl'uctiOU a"d ~ai"tenance ~3 401 00\l coIDpated to set at O1f, ,.., ' ... a1'pt o"itllate 1 Y 1 J . ..1. as "C'" b~...l a~s d del'$tand aU1'P\etlle"ta J .. J 'Ne un Drainage p.,$~e$$tII"nt$ (Sa'/. $UQSi.dY)' . on cana.dian . '. 01'. St. tJ,bett, p.,lMl'ta, .' lette1: 01'. the c~tY 1 d ed and tha~ tbe citY Qe thau\ted tot theit ac\<.no~ eg ~B 13..tCoMl1t~D 1. 'that tne conce'!n. i. g that b . dge teC\ue stn ,.' 'on of tbe citY 01'. catll t~ 'that the re$olut1, . icatiOns e$tablisb , . and Co~\.l.n of 'tl'aU$1'Ol'tat),on the ~inisttY h'cle noise and 1 level fol' 'lie ~ nd acce1'~aQ. e .' d a meas\.l.teable a ,b '\,t, censed, be file · .t '\ \.,.t ho C. ,e j,.}.. d t. uj,."".....~ .1, J an "t(}''''''' that l1\j,.n.L l'e~ucstinS e"atdiUl. tlle f D\.l.nnvi11e t r;> of the 'io~ 0, That tbe teso1.ution the vatiOUs local f ttee\. to site be 17e ,e ' south Cayuga Vla$te ~nici1'a.\itieS tot action. continued · · · Uni'tY be 2. 3. ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE - FIRST REPORT JANUARY 1981 SESSION PAGE 2 4. That we recvuuuend that a resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communi-cations the PetItion for Subsidy of the County of Elgin showng Road Expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System for the period from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980. 5. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention to the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. 6. That Tenders for the replacement of the Walker Bridge be called as soon as possible. If Council approves this recv~uendation it is hoped that tenders would close sometime in March with construction to start in the late Spring. Middlesex County Council has authorized the tender call'and is tentatively budgeting approximately $400,000 for work in 1981. Although a final estimate is unavailable as yet from the Consultant it is felt that approximately $400,000 would be required from each COUnty In 19H1 rind $350,000 (rom (Inch County irl 1982. The n(\<.:ossary property has b(,(tn ;u:qufxed by both Counti('s. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN