1964 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 8TH, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve J .B. Wilson of South Dorchester. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the November lOth and November 17th meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on work to date as followS: 1. Sand piles were being put up at port Burwell and Lyons. 2. Construction had been completed on County Road 16 and County Road 53. 3. The Gillies Drain Culvert had been completed except for back filling. 4. Guide rail had been erected on County Road 53 at the Dingle Street, Fingal and Middlemiss Bridges and was being erected on County Road 20 north of Shedden. 5. Weather permitting, fencing would be undertaken on County Roads 6 and 42. 6. Repairs had been completed to the motors of Graders #10 and #11. 7. Storm drains would be placed on hills on County Road 16 when sand piles had been completed. MOVED BY . R. MARTIN SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #33 _ $1,658.22; PAYLIST #34 - $11,220.05; PAYLIST #35 _ $18,481.41; PAYLIST #35 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 _ $760.76 AND PAYLIST #35 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 - $2,381.56. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 8TH, 196~. PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE was read frolll the OntariO Departlllent of HighwaJl as follOWS: APproving the purchase Ofl (a) (b) (c) tWO inch centrifugal pump, filing cabinSB, and plan holding cabinetS. THE TENDERS for the Motor Grader were opened and were a6 attached. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER the Grader Tenders were discUssed. MOVED B! D.C. LEITCH SECONDED B! N.G. TUFFORD THAT 'I>lE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (TORONTO) L~ITED FOR A GALlON MODEL 118 GRADER COli\PLETE ~ITH FRINK PLO'lrl AND ~I1NG AS PER COUNT! SPECIFIC A TlONS INCLUDING llIARRANT! FOR THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $16,922:70 PLO'J~ &.'WING INCLUDING SALES TAX llIITH THE COUNT!'S GALlON '1'500 GRADER/AS A TRADE..IN SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL 0 F THE D.H.O. I CARRIED · MOVED B! G. ~OOLNER SECONDED B! R. MARTIN THAT'I>lE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO ADD TO THE COUNT! NORMAL B!-LAllI PROGRAll\. THE FOLLOlllING ITEMSIUNDER BRIDGE AND CULVERT. CONSTRUCTION _ GILLIES DRAIN OUTLET CULVERT ROAD 9; UNDER ROAD CONSTRUCTION _ NEEDS STUD! AND DELETE UNDER BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION _ CULVERT ROAD 20 AND REDUCE EXPENDITURE CONSTRUCTION ROAD 6 B! AN AMOUNT OF $10,000.00. CARRIED · THE COUNT! Norlllal By-laW Road Progralll waS discUssed. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 8TH, 1964. A LETTER from the Union Gas Company was read asking that a release on a pt.tion of their ten inch gas line on County Road 14 be signed. MOVED BY RUSSEL MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT \41E RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE AGREEMENT WITH THE UNION GAS COMPANY BE SIGNED GRANTING TO THE GAS COMPANY THE RIGHTS OF THE TEN INCH PIPE: LINE EXPROPRIATED BY REGISTERED PLAN D750. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that Mr. George Wonnacott had made application to the Municipal Board re compensation for the property expropriated at Port Bruce and tha,t, Mr. Fanjoy, County Solicitor, advised settlement of the claim, if possible. Power was given to the County's Solicitor to negotiate~ the matter as best he could. THE MATTER of the appointment of a Safety Inspector was discussed. MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY R. MCKIBBIN THAT THE MATTER OF A CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR BE REFERRED TO THE 1965 ROAD COMMITTEE. CARRIED. A LETTER was read from the Township Road Superintendents Association asking for their usual grant. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE TOWNSHIP ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION BE PAID THEIR USUAL GRANT OF $25.00. CARRIED. 510 TJ10IM5, ONTARIO, DECEMBER STJ1, ~ 964.. PAGE 4 TJ1E ENGINEER reported on the Co~t1 Engineers' . i 111 ,,""to, a",d thlllir 1lIllletin[, with the M.inil'lter or J1ighWe.Yso M.eet:l.ng n ,ore.. .. 1) . C. 'LEl,!CR N.G. TUffORD MOVED Bl SBCONDED Bl TJ1AT TH$ MEETING ADJOuRN TO JANUARl 7TJ1, ~965 AT CARRIBD · 10:00 A.M. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met in conjunction with the County Council at 3:00 p.m. ALL ~ffiMBERS were present. TIill rMTTER of an official opening of the Elm Street Bridge was discussed at some length. THE FOLLOVlING resolutions 'were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH G. WOOLNER THAT ~lli HOLD AN OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE ELM STREET BRIDGE ON DECEMBER 2ND AT 3:00 p.m. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY R. MARTIN N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE ADJOURN THE MEETING TO DECEMBER 8TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ""'--~" /~ ;}/ / ~-, /~? ~/ t-,' ~','~/,~,;;,<;~,/~<~-P _ ..' ~.--l ,",.~HAIRMIfN ST. TR01~S, ONTARIO, NOV~1BER SESSION 1964. TO TRE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF TRE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. 1. ROAD MULCR P AVBMENTS have been laid on the follo1Ning Read.s during 1964: {a ) Roa 0. 20 from Righ1Nay #3 to Righ1NaY #401 in .the ' T01NnshiP of south1Nold, approximatelY 2.9 m:Lles, and tb) Road 42 easterlY from Road 40 in the T01Nnsh~PS ef Malahide and Bayham, approximatelY 5.0 m:Lles. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follo~S: ROT 1-11'1 PAVEMENTS have been laid on Road 39 {Chatham Stree)t) in the Village of port Bul'1Nell {Development Road #585 J approximatelY 1.0 miles. A DOUBLE SURF~CE TRE~TMBNT haS been laid on.Road 52 easte~lY from Road 40 to the New york central Ra:Ll~oad Tracks :Ln the Village of springfield and ~he To~nsh:LPS.of south Dorchester and Malahide, approX:LmatelY 1.0 m:Lles. A SINGLE SURFACE TREATMENT haS been laid on R~ad 24 #73 · {Development Road #692) from Road 3~ to R:Lgh~a1 . :Ln the TownshipS of Yarmouth and l~lah:Lde, approx:Lmate11 3.9 miles. {It is expected that another treatment ~ill be done ne)(.t summer.) TRE ELM STREET BRIDGE over catfiSh creek.in the To1NT:l.of Aylmer haS been completed by the Elg:Ln construct:Lon .company Limited of St. Thomas. iIilIDENING, GR1\.DING &, GRl'<NUL1,R BASE has been done on the follo1Ning Roads: ta) Road 6 from Road 3 ~esterlY in ~he T01NnshiP of Aldborough, approximatelY 2.3 m:LleS, tb) Road 16 {Talbot Road) from-Talbot ~reek to Road.15 ' in the To~nshiP of Dun~ich, approx:Lmete11 6.0 m:Lles, tc) Road 42 westerlY from Road ~9 in the Village of port Burwell and the Towush:LP of Bayham, approximatelY 1.8 mileS, and to.) Road 53 tElm Street) from Rig~1NaY #3 ~05Be~~ Street in the T01Nn of l'<ylmer, approX:LmatelY · m:L eS. tililork is nearlY completed and opening ad~ait~ \~e 1 completion of' signal ~ork by the Cana :Lan a :LOna Rail'Wa1~ ~. ;. 4. 5., 6. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. NOVEMBER SESSION 1964 -2- 7. A CONCRETE CULVERT is being built on Road 9 in the Township Dunwich west of Campb~llton. A concrete culvert was extended on Road 16 in conjunction with grading. 8. A STEEL PLATE CULVERT was installed on Road 16 in conjunction with grading and another installed on Road 17 M.C.L. in the Township of Southwold. 9. APPROXIMtiTELY 34 miles of County and St. Thomas Suburban Commission Roads in various locations were treated with bituminous material and gravel or stone chips. 10. EXTENSIVE gravel resurfacing was done on Road 37 M. C.L., Road 50 and Road 54 in the Township of South Dorchester, and Road 15 near Tyrconnell in the Township of Dunwich. 11. THE FOLLOVlTING Bridges were cleaned and painted: (a) Kains Bridge over Kettle Creek near St. Thomas, (joint County-City of St. Thomas Bridge), (b) Middlemiss Bridge - Road 14 over Thames River, (joint Elgin-Middlesex Bridge), J 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (c) Cooks Bridge over Otter Creek, Bayhalm-Malahide Townline, and (d) Vienna Bridge over the Otter Creek in Vienna. SHORT ARM Gl~TES and 1?1 ~shing Light Signals halve been erect ed on UC.iI..lG. '-r ..Ll1 U.L_';'" ' ---J! of Il.:'dborough at Black 1 s Lane and the Kent Tovl]nline Crossing of the New York Central Railway and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company. APPROVAL of the County's application for flashing light signals and short arm gates on Road 14 (Dunwich....Southwold Townline) at the crossing of the New York Central Railway and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway have bE~en received. It is expected that installation will be completed by spring. ALL COUNTY and St. Thomas Suburban paved Roads have been centre line marked. THE FLOOR of the Taits Bridge over the Thames River (north of Campbellton in the Township of Dunwich) ~ras replaced with an Armco Steel Deck and A.3phalt. A section of the floor of the Port Burwell Bridge was also replaced. A FRINK POWER SANDER of $-10 capacity to mount on a tandem truck has been purchased and delivery is expected in early December. Tenders have been called for a new grader with the County's 1956 galion grader as a trade-in. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. NOVEMBER SESSION 1964 ..,.. 17. WE HAVE received preliminary locati~n c~ncerning a new P'~t Burwell Bridge from the Ontari~ Department ",r Highways.. vve expect further informati.8t1 bef~t'e spring. . "'IE RECOMMEND: 1. THAT a By-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to' sign an agreement with the Aldb~rough Township Area School Board for the laying of a watermain t""the new School on Road 3. This agreement will be similar t,,~the n~e entered into with the Village of West L~rne last January. 2.' THAT the rep~rt ~f A.M. Spriet, Consulting Engineer for the C~unty's Need Study be accepted as the desirable C~unty R.~d System.' 't' THAT the County's Three YearConstructi~n Pr~gram be added t.~ as ffilllows:' FOR 1967:';' PAVING Those Roads graded in 1966.. BRIDGE - Replacement cf the Port Burwell Bridge. ROADS - (a) Rsad 42 appr~ximately 1/2 mile at the Port Burwell' Bridge, in the Village f).f Pert Burwell, (b) Road 2 fromRoad $ t,...,., R~'ad 15 and "" esterly fr~m Rc'ad 15 approximately 1 mile,. T~tal approximately 1.5 miles, all in the Township ~f Dunwich, (c) Road 42 from Highway #73 t.~'Road 40 -" 2.6 miles in the T(")wnship ~'f Malahide,. and (d) Spot Impr~vements: (i) Rqad 49 - intersectic\n and curve approximately 7/$ miles n..rth ..f R.ad 52 (Springfield)' in the T.wnsh:r.p .t" South Dorchester, Intersection of R~ad 48 and R.'ad' 49 in the T~wnship ~f S,.,'uth D~rchester, Road 40 - curve and intersectien 1 mile s~uth of Springfield in the T~wnship of Malahide, and R,.,ad 40 - approximately 3/4 miles ne"-rth of M,.,unt Salem in thH Township ~f Malahide. (ii) (iii) (iv) ALL ~~,'''-, ~JJ.,",f.EE,.'.".eIt-~ ES~}~;OTFULLY ./ .:I"""r- ~/"". /' /",J> ,/' / ,It" t;/ :'" ~~;/, ~~:? /, ,/.... f V\ / ,'~ /"". .?" f ,/ t ,,..,., , \1, ~/"7~~ ~ ..,J~' IV SUBMITTED. ~ 'toronto ; 1. .1.eg'" }fJ.Ode1. ~ PlI $ 3;6.3$ ~~EG. ..~CR~...eo .01 Cll.~l\U~, st. 'rho_I; .Jaeger lIlCd.$1. ~ ?'N l~t.erin&) $ 368.2.6 2. ). G...~p)... ~1'\).. t 1\eitae.le; $ 375/15 l.. 1Ju.-~' 1.Ondon\ OO~...1\'I1'P'P lIlCc}.$):. $2. E 2. $ &.12.00 ~\\lit.'rr"' ltll!. 1.. 'A .L- ,u...ent.~t 1.Onde~' OOt_J,..tb1?t> _$1. 1.i.J2. $ 422.30 ~-~ 1. TANK TRUCK 5UpPLl1!'S , Hamilton. ~onarch if 1Z1Jl.G $286.75 FANSHA'lfE CONSTRUCTION $QUIP1J\ENT Co1J\'l?AN'L \LOUDOU) LJ:lJiIT$'D, LondOn. $262.13 2. ST. THO}~S, ONT~RIO, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1964. THE COUNT'/: OF ELGIN RO~D CO~nTTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. A.LL MEMBERS were present. A.LSO PRESENT were Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, and Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal supervisor, of London. meetings were read and approved. THE MINUTES of the october 8th and october 28th THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follOWS: 1. ~pplicatiOn of crushed gravel by A.le~ Newbigging would be completed on Road 16 by the end of the week. 2. Sand base and pit run gravel had been completed on Elm Street in the Town of A.ylmer. The deck of the Elm Street Bridge would be paved before the end of the week. The Canadian National Rai1~aY waS installing signalS at the Elm Street Crossing and e~pected to be done appro~imatelY November 20th. 3. construction of the Gillies Drain c.ulvert on Road 9 had been started · 4. A. number of small shovel jobS in West Elgin were being completed including repairs to pavements on Road 3 and Road 2 in West Lorne. 5. Fencing had been completed on Road 16 and steel guide rail had been erected at the port Burwell and Stalter GullY Bridges. Steel guide rail would be erected on Road 53 in the Town of A.ylmer and at the Dingle Street, Fingal and MiddlemiSS BridgeS as well as on Road 20 north of Shedden. 6. Diversion of Kettle Creek at the Meek Bridge, fort Stanley, had been completed. 7. Repairs had been completed to the port Burwell Bridge. 8. Multi-plate culvert construction on Road 17 at the Runt Drain had been completed. 9. A.greements had been 'reached with A.rthur Kingsley Chitty and Roward Owen re encroachment of fill on their property durin! the construction of Elm Street. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1964. PAGE 2 11. Land purchase would continue shortlY on Development Road #7B5. ~ grade would be set shortly and thiS sent to the Ontario Department of Highways for a soil report. The motors of Adams 550 and Adams 660 Graders would be over- hauled before snow ploWS were mounted. 10. THE ENGINEER reported that approval had been received from the Department of Municipal Affairs for the following Winter Works Projects~ (a) building of fences, (b) reconstruction of guide rail, and (c) clearing trees and brush. Additional projects could be applied for later, if desired. THE ENGINEER stated that the Ontario Department of Highways had approved the purchase of the Frink Sander. THE ENGINEER reviewed preparation for sanding for the winter and stated that sand piles would be put up shortlY. CORRESPONDENCE waS read from G. Duncan Black Limited, Consulting Engineers, asking permission on behalf of the AldborOugh TownshiP Area school Board to lay a watermain on Road 3 from Road 2 to the site of the neW school, approximatelY 1,000 feet south of Road 2. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution waS passed: MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING Tl~ WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ALDBOROUGH TOVmSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD REGARDING THE LAYING OF WATERMAINS ON COUNTY ROADS. THE AGREEMENT TO BE SI1-lILAR TO THE AGREEMENT vllTH THE VILLAGE OF \~ST LORNE. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1964. THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of Highways had agreed to accept the cost of replacing two culverts on old Road 36 near Barnums Gully as a charge against Development Road #692. An order from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada was read ordering the installation of short ,arm gates and flashing lights on Road 14 at Iona Station and the crossing of the New York Central Railroad and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway tracks. THE ENGINEER reported that the County had no personnell to s end to the Ontario Department of Highwa~1s' sponsored courses for inspectors next March and April. THE ENGINEER stated that he had received a request from James Acre to rent the Boose Property not being used for Road purposes. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY G. 'VIrOOLNER THA T VJE RENT THE BOOSE PROPERTY LYING NORTH OF THE OLD LAKE ROAD ON A YEARLY BASIS FOR THE: TAXES TO JAMES ACRE. THE LAND TO BE PLOWED THIS FALL. CARRIED. THE ACCOUNTS were examined and the following resolution was pa.ssed: MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY R. MCKIBBIN THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #30 - $1,644.67; PAYLIST #31 - $12,569.43; PAYLIST 1132 -, $35,330.47; PAYLIST #32 DEVELOPMENT ROAD 11692 - ~~398.44 AND PAYLIST #32 DEVELOPMENT ROAD 11585 - $22.93. CARHIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEl~ER 10TH, 1964. PAGE 4 A RESOLUTION from the To~nshiP of Aldborough ~as read requesting the county's consideration of lithts and side~alks on the Wardsville Bridge and surface treatment on Concession 1 from Road 3 to Beattie Haven. The Committee ~ere of the opinion that the installation of lights and side~alks should be left in abeyance until the need could be ascertained. The Committee agreed to surface treat the Road requested next summer providing the To~nshiP of Aldborough paid for it and agreed that any advice necessarY should be given to the To~nshiP. THE TENDERS received for the Two Inch centrifugal pump ~ere revie~ed and ~ere as attached. MOVED 13'1 R. MCKIBBIN SECONDED 13'1 R. MARTIN THAT vIE l\CCEPT THE TENDER OF W.L. Bl\LLEl1TINE FOR l\ GORMAN-RUPP MODEL 12132 pUMP l\T THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $422.30 SUBJECT TO l\PPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported on the purchase of plan holding cabinets. MOVED 13'1 G. "lilOOLNER SECONDED 13'1 D.C. LEITCH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHhSE THREE PLAN HOLDING CABINETS l\T A COST OF $211.17 INCLUDING Sl\LES ThX SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF D.H.O. FROM THE MERCUR"'f BLUEPRINTING COMPl\N"'f L~ITED, LONDON. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported that he 'Was investigating the installation of a Two-WaY RadiO further and 'Would report later. He SUggested that as fundS permitted and the Galion Grader ~as in poor condition that it should be traded in on a new Grader. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVru~BER 10TH, 1964. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER D.C. LEITCH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TD CALL TENDERS FOR ,A NEW GRADER 125 H.P. COMPLETE 'tt<lITH PL01fl AND WING lplITH THE COUNTY'S GALlON GRADER AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CARRIED. t THE PROPERTY purchased from Harry and Ruth Stephens at Port Bruce was discussed and the Engineer was instructed to negotiate further with the Stephens to a maximum settlement of $900.00. THE rJJEETING adjourned for dinner. THE MEETING resumed and the :Engineer reported on the purchase of filing cabinets. MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH THAT THE QUOTATION OF RICHARD COCHRILL LIMITED FOR THREE #5415 SUNSHINE FILING CABINETS FOR $282.15 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF D.B.a. CARRIED. MR. JAMES MCNAIR AND Mr. F.C. Trott of the Department of Labour met with the Committee re the appointment of a Construction Safety Inspector and answered the members questions. MR. WILLIAM KINNEAR, Regional Functional Planning Engineer and Mr. L. Schwabl, Regional Project Planning Engineer, met with the Committee with regard to the location and grade of a new bridge at Port Burwell and answered the members questions. 10(a) PAGE 6 ST. ITHOMAS, ONTARIQ, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1964. MOVED BYR. MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE APPROVE THE LOCATION AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND ROADWAY IN PRINCIPAL OF THE NEW PORT BURWELL BRIDGE AS PROPOSED BY THE PLANNING BRANCH OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. MR. A. SPRIET, Needs Study Consultant,met with the Committee and reviewed his classification of the County Hoad System and proposed an ideal County Road System in line with the Six Criteria of a Desirable County Road System. Mr. Spr:iet' s recommenqations were discussed at length. MH CALDWELL pointed out that the direct assistance from the Department of Highways,. an expenditure over 6 mills, would be paid in regard to those Roads in the System that met the criteria of Desirable County Hoads, ie: the present system plus the recommended additions less the recommended deletions. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER THAT vlE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT BE ACCEPTED AS THE DESIRABLE COUNTY H.OAD SYSTEM. CARRIED. ADDITIONS to the Construction Program for 1967 were . discussed and the following resolution was passed: MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY R. MCKIBBIN THAT WE RECOMJYIEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY'S THREE YEAR ROAD PROGRAM BE ADDED TO AS FOLLOWS FOR 1967: PAVING - THOSE ROADS GRADED IN 1966, 10(a) lO(b) 10(c) PAGE 7 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVElvIBER 10TH, 1964. BRIDGE - PORT BURvffiLL BRIDGE, ROADS - HOAD 42 APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE AT PORT BURWELL BRIDGE, ROAD 2 FROM ROAD 8 TO ROAD 15 AND WESTERLY FROM ROAD 15 APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE - TOTAL 1.5 MILES, ROAD 42 FROM ROAD 40 TO KING'S HIGHWAY #73 - TOTAL 2.5 MILES. SPOT IMPROVE:MENTS - ROAD 49 IN SOUTH DORCHESTER INTERSECTION AND CURVE 1 MILE NORTH OF SPRINGFIELD AND THE INTERSECTION OF ROAD 48 AND ROAD 49 AND ROAD 40 AT (a) SOUTH OF ROAD 45 (vIEST) APPROXIMA TELY 1/2 MILE, AND (b) CURVE AND INTERSECTION 1 MILE SOUTH OF SPRINGFIELD. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman. ,/~~.~7 ~~.? ",. 0.,\,/'" ,;7 /' / ,~~ / ,,/~~~,,&~ '=---" --1HAIRMA~Nb~ " -' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. '\ ., 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ,.." COUNTY OF ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION OCTOBER 28. 1964. Leave Court Hous'e 9:00 A.M. RAIN'S BRIDGE - painted 1964, joint County-City Bridge. COUNTY GARAGE. ROAD 23 at Po~t Stanley. ROAD 20 - Port Stanley to Fingal. ROAD 20 - north of Shedden to Hwy. #401, ROAD 18 to ROAD 14. ROAD 14 to Burwell's Corners. ROAD 16 - Talbot Creek westerly to' Road 15. Grading & Granular Base, 1964. ROAD 15 to Dutton. ROAD 2 to West Lorne & Rodney. ROAD 3 to ROAD 6. ROAD 6 - Grading & Granular Base, 1964, DINNER AT CLACHAN. BEATTIE HAVEN at Wardsville. ROAD 9 to ROAD 5 - Walker Bridge. TAIT'S BRIDGE - new floor, 1964. I . ROADS 9, 12, 18 - to Southwold Station. ROAD 17 go Hwy. #4. WELLINGTON ROAD - under control of St. Thomaw Suburban Road Commission. RETURN TO COURT HOUSE. 1. I. 1. I. 1!"'!,~u,.",~.!P~f$.,,. TDI ~Afl .J:~~ ,,,~~!$L. !~~~,~~~A4.p..r~,.~ ~ft~~K,gr,.i'tj,~:I~A, ,,~lll~}P1'*..toD, CD'ariol 'rink...l 6400 241. '.Kohl.r motor hl,HOSI1CIAYILfD. ,W()8dltock" Oftt..r1oJ ~.'," '",.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' . HOt-a 12 R.,. WlscoDlin ..1tOr 18 M.P. W18consin motor .appro.K. $100.cJO r~t~.. -~~~",~1?!~, laIr"., '!~~ ,~~ft,liiJlt~,. MVILTD.t '~oodl'olk. Oatar-ic; '" :,1, ",' 'I 'I ! 8..62 ~I 3.270.2' $: ).21a,~75 $ 1,4'6." ~~~ *. BraD"ar€'! I Oftt.rlo.1 " 1. 2. ~f1!_ h ~_~~.~Jl'I~. Jl:tE L~~~P Mod.l 1.,ll!a8 in .. , : WOQdatoek.. Oft'tlr1o; aUlP~Y ~Q~~~. Torontwo. Ontario; Hi-W.y Hodel H e2,463.,16 * 2.d68.65 ~3.748.1? OCTOBER 28, 1964. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE was held at Clachan Hall on October 28th. at 1:30 P.M., in con- junction with County Council's Road Tour. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Also present were Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Road Superintendent, D.H.O. l' and Mr. Stuart Watts, Assistant District Municipal Engineer. THE CHAIRMAN REPORTED that a meeting of the Needs Study Co-ordinating Committee would be held at 9:30 A.M,. on November 6th. PERMISSION WAS REQUESTED by the Chairman to have the Co-ordinating Committee open Centrifugal pump tenders. THE CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER REPORTED on SC3nder Tenders which were as attached, and recommended the purcahse of a Frink Model 6400 sander over a King Seagrave Model HDT-~~ sander. MOVED BY: G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY: N. TUFFORD THA T vIE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF FRINK OF.. CANADA FOR A FRINK 6400 SANDER AT THEIR 'rENDERED PRICE OF $3,2'70.25 INCLUD- ING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER 10/64. ~ - ,. /,y/ /'~", L" ~e7,/7 '/, . ~ . . ;;>""~ /^'"'-.... . " ",'.. "'" "'~" "',', " , ...iZ_______- -'" ~..' , ...... ~OHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR OCTOBER 13TH. 1964. EAST END 1. Leave Court House, St. Thomas, at 9:00 a.m. 2. Road 22 _ St. Thomas suburban Road commission. 3. Road 27 _ Union-Sparta - construction scheduled for 1966. 4. Road 36 - South of Sparta. 5. Road 24 _ (Development Road #692) to port Bruce - constructed in 1963 - surfaced in 1964. 6. Port Bruce Bridge - Built in 1963-1964 by D.H.O. 7 . King' s Highway #73 to Road 42. 8. 9. 10. 11. Road 42 _ from Road 40 easterlY for 5 miles - paved in 1964. Stalter Gully Bridge - Scheduled for 1966. aoad 42 _ West of port Burwell - Chatham Street - Graded 1964. Road 39 _ (Development Road #585) - Paved 1964, 12. Port Burwell Bridge. 13. DINNER AT VIENNA 14. Township of Bayham _ (Development Road #785)) designated for pre_engineering. King'S Highway #19 to Norfolk County Line. 15. Road 45 _ King'S Highway #19 to Calton. 16. Road 45 Calton to Mount Salem - Scheduled for construction 1965. 17. Road 40 - To King'S Highway #3. 18. King'S Highway #3 to Elm Street , Aylmer - Read 53. 19. Elm Street Bridge, Aylmer, and Elm Street - Construction 1964. 20. Road 32 - Aylmer police College. 21. Road 52 - To Springfield. 22. Road 49 and Road 48 _ To Township of South Dorchester Hall at Lyons. 23 . Return to Court House, St. Thomas. During the tour, Mr. ela rke "18 s lost en route, but \lventual1Y turned UP at the Court House, none the worse for his hazardoUS experience. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8TH., 1964. THE eoUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD eOMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. on october 8th. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of September 1st. and September 15th. were read and approved. ALL MEMBERS EXeEPT REEVE TUFFORD WERE PRESENT. stating~ 1. Grading had been completed on Road 16. Sand Base was also completed. Pit run gravel was being applied, and crushed gravel would be applied when Mr. Newbigging moved in~~~roxi- matelY 10 daYS to 2 weekS' time. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follOWS, 2. Grading waS nearlY completed on Base would be started shortlY. on the Wabash crossing, but the installed. Elm Street in Aylmer. Sand The e.N.R. had done some work signalS had not as yet been 3. The Elm Street Bridge, with the exception of the handrail and paving, had been completed by Elgin construction eo. Ltd. 4. Fencing would be completed in approximatelY 2 weeks' time on Road 16, and steel guide rail would be erected at variOUS locations throughout the County. 5. culvert work had been completed on Roads 42 & 16 in conjunctiOn with grading. Drainage systems would be installed on Road 27 at sparta and Road 24 at port Bruce, shortlY, 6. Repairs to the port Burwell Bridge deck would be undertaken within 10 dayS- 7. A Multiplate eulvert on Road 17 M.e.L. at the Hunt Drain would be erected in approximatelY 2 weekS. 8. A concrete culvert on Road 9 between campbellton and Road 5 on the outlet of the Gillies Drain would be started later in the month. The Culvert would replace an old culvert which PAGE 2 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8TH., 1964. was very narrow, and in a serious state of disrepair. Paving had been completed on Roa,d 39 in Port Burwell. Trimming work had been completed on Road 2~0 north of Shedden & Road 42, which was paved, :in Bayham & Malahide Townships. Repairs had been completed on Road 2, and surface treatment work completed. Land purchase, in conjunction with Bayham Township, had been started on the Kinglake Road. Mr. Meek nad given the County permission to make a diversion of thE~ Kettle Creek at Meek's Bridge. Mr. A. Spriet, Needs Study Consultant, was: presently at work at the inventory of County Roads and Bridges. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH G. WOOLNER THAT PAYLIST #27 AMOUNTING TO $1,711.17, n~28 AMOUNTING TO $13,875.23, #29 AMOUNTING TO $68,799.39, #29 (DEVELOPMENT ROAD) AMOUNTING TO $15,505.54 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RUSSEL McKIBBIN GORDON WOOLNER THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE D.H.O. FOR PAYMENT OF IN'rERIM SUBSIDY FOR EXPENDITURES INCURRED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FROM JANUARY 1, 1964 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1964. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Sales Tax Rebate for 1961, 62 & 63 had been received, and that the Department of Transport had approved the Parking By-law passed by County Council in September. A REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE from the Town of Aylmer with regard to the placement of street lights on the Elm Street Bridge was discussed. The Engineer was instructed to notify the PAGE 3 ST. ~:HOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8TH., 1964. Town that the Committee felt that no assistance could be given at this time, as no subsidy was available to either t.he County or the Town on such an expenditure, and that the Town of Aylmer had paid the cost of lights on the John Street Bridge. IT WAS DECIDED to leave property purchases on Elm Street in abeyance for the present time. A LETTER from J. McNair, Chief Engineer of the Department of Labour re appointment of a Construction Safety Inspector was read and discussed.. MOVED BY: D.C. LEITCH SECONDED BY: R.N. MARTIN THAT WE REQUEST MR. J. McNAIR, OR REPRESENTATIVE, TO MEET WITH THE ROAD COMMITTEE RE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ACT, AT OUR NOVEMBER ROAD COMMITTEE MEETING. CARRIED. ARRANGEMENTS FOR COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR and the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention were discussed. SANDEl! TENDERS were opened, and were as follows: Alternative uAn: King Seagrave Ltd. - 5 cu. yds. - 6 cu. yds.. HDT-8 - 8 -10 cu. yds. $ 2,456.55 $ 3,218.75 Brantford Anthonv:: - Frink of Canada - 5 - 6 cu. yds. 8-10 cu. yds. Model 6400 $ 2,-463.16 $ 3,270.25 Alternative !tBtt: King Seagrave Ltd. - D-5 5-6 General Supply Co. Ltd. - Hi-Way 5-6 cu. yds. $ 2,868.55 d $ 3,748.17 cu. yds. THE CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER were delegated to examine the various models and report to the Committee at the next meeting. ".....-........" THE ENGINEER requested permission to call tenders for 3 filing cabinets and 3 plan holding cabinets. PAGE 4 ST. THOTh~S, ONTARIQ, OC~'OBER 8TH., 1964. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R.N. MARTIN GORDON vlOOLNER THA T r.rHE ENGINEER OBTAIN PRICES ON 3 FILING CABINETS AND 3 PLAN HOLDING CABINETS. CARRIED. THE ~NGINEER REPORTED that the 2 inch pump stolen in August from Road 16, had not been recovered, and would be paid for by the insurance. He requested permission to call tenders for another pump. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RUSSEL McKIBBIN D.C. LEITCH THAT r.rHE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A 2 INCH PUMP. CARRIED. INSTALLATION OF A 2 WAY RADIO in County vE~hicles was dis- cussed at some length, and the Engineer was instructed to obtain more informat:ion. THE MP:ETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. AFTER LUNCH, various County Roads in South Dorchester, Aylmer, Malahide & Yarmouth were tourned, along wi.th several Yarmouth Township Roads. MOVED BY: R.N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: R. McKIBBIN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 10TH., AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ....---..."'" \ /~< ~~~,: . /' . !~/'" " ~_... ) ?-:/ / ~ , ";;;/"/ . ;7 ..;;;:~7-==-_ '7 ' ---' CHAIHMAN ... 1-- tlo",-",,, \..,....."... ,,:p A. R v~- ~ t-c. 200' ~... \... \,.....,:: \.., ~o'V.. -;; \->.. 170' G D 'L.L N --t- ~. t....\-f.+\" ~) \.. \. t..:e:~.J. "'~ ~_'..{ PAt:\i~\...L\!\... '. " , i-' so' !=L c) l~ .. ~.. '""\ ~, " " -, "-- .... y /, \~ ',-'" ., 'f., " 0\, C.O........"'i " Pj'~-~ ~\>,"'... \.,....,~L..... -, \. . \, ~ - ) "Go' N t> G.-. B",'.:.J.rl<~ 't;..~ \~" ~'" w.Q \(i , . .........- :'0' --rf>>-t '.......-- 30'" -\(~ '-, " '- ,"" -" ;). '- N ... ........::: " ~ ~ -""......".. ...... .l,~" 9 .......~.\. ...... <! l) 0: (S:. " ~: ,~ -, { ! j r 1- 0 *_J ,... JIItt- ",... .JI-t1. -r .~ ... o .t '~-L (: =:>, " -'... ::l .~ , V ..:/ ~, }.. - ! :-.._~~ ' - . ,...... _...3 - ...... ',.J ...... .....f...... f- _ -.;.. G:~~ ?~~--; 'i-'-''''f --- - () -z C <t Q a: -f /.. j {} Ij z -, "... "1 :~JJ "-.. ~, ....:. 1 0 , r "0 . l.f)I- ,;: ./ < t;J ,1 :) t - n ~ 1~ "- :.- "......."" ';. rJ c ~ ci. -:.~ --~ t ..,. , ,... 1. J ,... v U ......~...... ...., 0" 1'" ....... .J "- - l :: ;t:: '" c:-..... :-- <: -..., 'i" -: D-:: ,P ~---:J ~ j. ., .J t..1'O PO,,- y' ...\ \.. \ ~\ ~.~ '-c I , -9 0' .. COUNT"f .........- ~O' So'"",...., ~ ~ :' '- ; :v c.l \~ Ct::.~"-Il,-;~ Ji"-. , R (:)/~~ t.) No lco '\ .. '\" ''\, . \, \ p.~ \~ J:.., \.. \.. '-.:: \..:' ... '. ..-\....-, \" ~.;> \.. C..'? e...l-....,:. ~i \~_OA\..., I ~ / / /I /1 / f '-J ....t" \~ I 'I I f \.. I ...,'\\, \'" '\,P"'l!, R I'>.... I.. I.. '0:.. \... " , ~,'\ ,\,' ",,"""-.. I,::> /'- 'I":. v., \ l"\. <:'1 " , ..... '- "\ "'" '\ '\ \? /~. P... ~~ ''\ .... ,?, 0- r:..... ~ l'{ ~ \ '" 8 '1 L_,~ ,~V N <:> I 2:0 ? S Pi:... R 0. \ 1".", (, ~. c ~ :-t lO-..l. ."1'" '{ Kl"! TR lC.T\~NS ~~~,~ .". ~ t., r~~ JG:.. ~ 2~Q :':".f>.. t. J;. .,' Pc).L~i:-.:''': \.../, LL..?~.<:.\.2.. ':;::-#'-;.' r:j, ...., EjAl_ + C:J ~ ,." '~f~1~ T ':(" -~ ..~ / l--- t!.oQ. '7 '" "'p~ ~ ~~.~ ~.. '-., ,.....~. \. ""'t' 0. \p " " PA.?, r., l.l. ~ \... '. " " ~ ~ 9JO' /-c. 2!'~ . i1"a GCL.i...N.-'["'i r:.~ \.... \... \.: '\.,.,. '\. '" "bo....... "' ,-\ \..\M.'", !=t-C) L~ .~~ -? I: ,~ ~~: ~'~f4'~ " 6 \c c..~.........-::'( -p~'e. V, \ '"" ""\ " 120' r-J Q ?....~/':i,,, t"~ ,- '...:c ",{ '> \(~ , ..-.....- ~o . -"...: '''''''''"~ 30" ~~ .\ <.a ;)'- N ...... '-,:;, "- )- ~ -;t-,."'..... p' < !) ~,.~ :, " ~. \-: t I~j 1~ J V' ,,( " .., -.... c~.. s ,- 1 ..I , l 1- -0 Jt (fl i;J 3 .1 ~ ~--- ~ ~ n 0. ,.J " 7. " ,? ';:'-1- ~....."" i' l- . j :~~.;... ,'J, .... ."...1__ i~ ..... _.f _ ~: ~ ~f f~.~~ .~~; ~'t.i -z -f i- j a (j -z a lJ ':; C :t o cr. t ~ ~ " .,... ') '.~~" \ r - ..... 0 1,0 I. II ( III ,f o rJ f- o :~ l~ "'~' ............ T, ..,,, ~ C J (.{ tJ fi --r t- ~ .,) '" 0'" -...... -1<0,'1 : ::: .J' l ,<: : :~.:~ ' ~..,,; - - ~.. :f; - ~ ~< w t"' ...1 0 1>... " ...,\.~ '......-:: I COUNT"t' ~. 750' So,-,", '" \.. \ ......, , -;- 90' ..;. \._\~" ... ( <> \. Cc~~~-~";; ",'--'\" R c\!::,,-\:::. No I Co '" '\ " '\,- ''', p,~ 'i-"; !::'. \.. \... S C.Q-t..l~.. ~ I :::J / // /1 LJ \'?, " />, ,"> ....\" l~ '\.,\..\. '\-\'\ p,~ i~;';, \.. L \:: L \, \. '\ ,,\....\. ,.....,,""'... l? 1-'", <;~. v, \ M. Ct \. , " ...., '-. ' ,"- "', ?p, p, '(, . ...." ..... '\. '\ ". 1 , I 1 '?'\ 0 n... ~)- I'{~ "'" B'i L /~\.''\v N <> i~,,?:5 r)h~ i:-~ lA, i N [.'4 C) Net:..., '__.f. ......:. ..--r 'i ; -.l ~ ~j."'.. L.. ~. KG: TH IGTiC\"'i':::. 't'"L ,~.I~ ~ t~ ~~'0}!v ~ 2...~ PQL;c ~ ':"'.,,/ ~ i... L .....J'.,.~..2.. ~:. \~ "t- ';- "" €fA L ,., --::: 4-C s(: l~ l' r;; -~ ~. :-~ ':..s 'J-O; ST. THOli\t.S, ONTt,RIO, SEPTEMBER 15, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROt.D co~11TTEE met at the ,court , ,t' on ",ith the County counc1.l. HoUse at 9~30 a.m. 1.n con;)unc1. . d S der Tenders and THE ENGINEER REPORTED with regar to an ' stated that he would reQuest alternative bids on mounted sanders and sanders that ",ould sit in a dumP bO~. REE~E BRO~m REQuESTED PERMISSION bY the Road Committee , 1 t t'le into a county t 1et the catfiSh Creek author1.ty, out e a ~ . , o : ' . ter. permission ~as granted unless ser1.OUS dra1.n at spr1.ngwa f d by the county Engineer. difficultieS in doing thiS ",ere oun cHAIRMt.N PHILLIPS REPORTED on proposed nevelopment , .,-" & ~ Bayham east of the Road bet",een concess1.ons ~,' ' Road 011 D H 0 did not wish the Road to 19 e laining that the · [t. · . 0 ' H~Y. , ~p that it remain as a To~noh:l.P be designated as a County Road, but Road for Development Road purposes. tl.LL li\EMBERS \~ERE PRESEll'r. MO'\fEU B"'I ~ SECONU'FJD -m1 ~ RUSSEL li\cKIBBIN N . G. tUFFOR"D F SEPTEMBER 1ST. '<11TH REGtl.RD TO THtI. T THE RESOLU'l'10N 0 ...<" TO eoUNTY COUNCIL THtI. T 'lIE N OF ROtl.D eOl~ITT~D ~ THE REco}IIV\ENDtI. TI0 . 11". ROtl.D BET'iJEEN CONCESSIONS 1\1 & , tl.Ss1J}I% AS tI. COUNTY ROtl.D TL COU"'TY LINE BE RESCINDED. TO THE NORFOLK ~ ' BtI. YHAli\, FR01-\ HW1. 19 Ctl.RRIED · li\O~ED BY ~ D · c. LEITCH SEeONDED BY ~ G. 1JIl00LNER THtl.T THE COUNTY OF ELGIN tl.SSUli\B THB Ltl.ND PURCHtl.SE COSTS , " eONcESSIONS 1\1 & V, Btl.YHtl.1-\, FROli\ ON THE ROtl.D ALLO'l/lt1.NeE BET\ilEEN . BING BUILT BY TRl'. TO'<ffiSHlP OF WlT1. 19 TO THE l~ORFOLK COUNTY LINB 13 Btl.YHtl.li\ tl.S tI. DBVBLOP~NT ROAD. C~RR1Ii';[) · ST. THOl~S, ONTARIO, 3EPTEMBER 15. 1964. PAGE 2 MOVED BY: SECORDED BY: G. "Vl00LNER R.N. WJ\RTIN THAT THE NEXT MEETING OF RO~D COl~~ITTEE BE ~T 10:00 A.M., oeTOBER 8TH. Ct..RR1ED · CHAIR1flAN ST. THOMAS, ON1ARIO, SEPTEMBER 1, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD cO~~ITTEE met at the eourt House at 10:00 a.m. THE MINUTES OF THE ~mETING OF AUGUST 11th. were read and approved. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. 1. @rading on Road 16 had been seriously hampered by recent rains, althOUgh work had been done on approximatelY 4~ miles of the total length of the job. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: Sand Base work waS proceeding slowly, and pit run gravel had been applied to approximatelY l~ miles of the Road. Extensions to a concrete culvert were proceeding. 2. Paving had been completed on Road 28 north of Shedden, and clean-UP work would be undertaken shortly. 3. erushed,gravel was being applied to Road 42 west of port Burwell, and sufficient gravel to level up Road 39 in prep- aration for paving, would alsO be applied. 4. culverts were being installed on Road 42 west of port Burwell. 5. Shouldering, gravelling of drivewayS and general clean-uP work would be undertaken shortly on Road 42 in Malahide and Bayham, which had been paved. 6. The Elm Street Bridge in Aylmer was nearlY complete. 7. Watters BroS. had completed their gravel crushing contract, and would have completed work at White'S Station and Road 42 by the end of the week. ~. Vienna and Middlemiss Bridges had been painted, and the Cook Bridge w,ould be completed "Jithin 2 weeks. S'l'. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTE}IDER 1, 1964. pA.GE 2. 9. Heavy rains on August 22nd. had caused a number of seriOUS washouts on the Fingal Hill and St. George Street Hill and in the port Stanley area. 10. H. Dernier, District Engineer of the D.H.O., had agreed that the D.H.O. would paY for repairs to County Road 2 near Road 5, which had been severelY damaged bY trucking operations of Peel construction hauling to Hwy. #401. 11. 'l'he watermain contractor, working on eounty Road 2 east of West Lorne,had considerable cleaning up yet to dO. CO~~ITTEE REVIEv~D ACCOUNTS that were available. l~OVED 13 y~ SECONDED 131~ 'l'HAT 'l'HE CHAIRl~N BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PAYLISTS #24, #25 and #26 FOR PAYMENT. RUSSEL McKIBBIN HOBLE TUFFORD CA.RRIED · (1) CORRESPONDENeE WAS READ from the B.O.T.C, re Road 53, Aylmer, and issuing an order for the crossing of the C.N.R. and the installation of crossing protectiOn on the crossing, with all construction and maintenance costs to be paid for by the County; Road 20, Shedden, issuing an order for the modernization of protection at the N.1.C. crossing, with costs to be apportiOned in accordance with the usual Board formulae. ,2) PARKING RESTRIeTIONS IN FINGAL AND DUTTON were diSCUssed with Reeves Leitch and Tufford and the Engineer reporting on varioUS. aspects of the problem. ~~OVEU 131: SECONDED BY: THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUN'l'Y COUNCIL TlThT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AS REQUESTED B1 THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON, PROHIBITING PARKING ON CERTAIN SECTIONS OF COUN'l'Y ROAD 15 IN DUTTON. GORDON 'fJOOLNER R. N. l1\ARTIN ChRR1ED · PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 1, 1964. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N.G. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH THAT WE RECOM[I,1END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED (a) PROHIBITING ANGLE PARKING WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROADS 20 & 16 IN FINGAL, AND (b) PROHIBITING PARKING AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF COUNTY ROADS 20& 16 AS PER THE REC01V1MENDATIONS OF REEVE TUFFORD AND THE COUNTY ENGINEER, AND (c) PROHIBITING PARKING AT THE ENTRANCE TO C. JACKSON'S GASOLINE PUMPS AND AS PER ATTACHED PLAN. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the D.H.O. has returned a By-law passed by County Council in November 1963 for improved road description of the portions of road being assumed and reverted. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RUSSEL McKIBBIN D.C. LEITCH TEA T WE RECOMlvIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THA T A BY-LAW BE PASSED ASSUMING AS COUNTY ROAD 2, THAT PORTION OF ROAD BE~mEN ROADS 15 & 8 IN DU~~vICH, AND THE ROAD AS BUILT 1 MILE NORTH OF SHEDDEN ON ROAD 20, AND REVERT TO THE TOWNSHIPS THE CORNERS CUT OFF ON ROAD 20 NORTH OF SHEDDEN, AND THE FORMER LAKE ROAD IN YARMOUTH, SOUTH OF ROAD 24. CARRIED. THE ASSUMPTION AS A COUNTY ROAD of the Road between Concessions IV & V, Bayham, from Hwy. #19 to the Norfolk County Line was discussed. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RUSSEL McKIBBIN N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE RECONIMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THA T WE ~SSU~1E AS A COUNTY ROAD THE ROAD BETVV"EEN CONCESSIONS IV & V, BAYHAM, FROM t~vY. #19 TO THE NORFOLK COUNTY LINE. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ST. THOMAS, ONT~nIO, SEPTEMBER 1, 1964. PAGE 4 AFTER DINNER A LETTER '11AS READ FROM SEVERAL RESIDE}!TS of Road 50 , with regard to the condition of the Road and Mapleton Bridge. eommittee agreed to examine the Road and bridge, and instructed the Engineer to acknowledge the letter. IT \flAS DECIDED TO POSTPQtlE DISCUSSION on the County'S 3 year eonstruction programme until a tour had been made of t,he Roads in East Elgin. THE ENGI}!EER REQuESTED permission to call tenders for an automatiC sander body to be mounted on one of the county'S dump truckS- MOVED BY ~ G. \flOOLNER SECONDED BY ~ R.}!. MARTIN THAT THE ENGINEER BE E1APoWERED TO C~LL TENDERS FOR A P01t~R SANDER BODY, SUBJECT TO THE APPROV~L OF THE D.H.O. CARR1ED · WELCOMED TO THE MEETING were the Hon. C.S. McNaughtqn, Minister of Highw~Ys, Ronald K. McNeil, M.L.A., T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Enginaer, Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal supervisor, p.D. patterson, Direct Expenditures Engineer, and 2 members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road commission, W.R. Coulter and G.H. Cross. The Minister e)Cplained the Needs StudY to Committee , t' members, and answered members ques ~ons. Mr. patterson elaborated on t,he NeedS StudY \^lith regard to the ne'tJ poliCY of the D.11..0. with regard to direct expenditUres and Development RoadS. Mr. McNaught,on and hiS party were guests of the County Road Committee at supper. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of t,he ehairman. ---- ST. THOl~S, ONTARIO, SPECIAL AUGUST SESSION, 1964. TO THE \rJARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN eoUNTY COUNCIL. Mrs. McCarthY and Gentlemen: 1. THAT we complY with the Mini~ter of Highway'S request to have a studY made of the County Road System to ascertain the , , ' present conditions of our roads and bridges, to ascertain the runds necessary to meet the needs of the ne~t 10 years and to ascertain the fundS available for theSe needs;and that the Firm~r A,M; ypriet & AssociateS Limited of London be,. appointed as consulting Engineers to make this studY and that thiS studY be completed by December ;lst. 1964. ~OUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follOWS~ 'WE RECOMMBNtY: 2. THAT the Warden and tlerk be authOrized to sig~ a lease to the University of western ontario for that portion. o,f ~ots 2) and 24 south of the old Lake Read in Concession 1, in the , ' . T~~nship~f ~armouth, owned by the county,f~r th~ sum of One D;llar($l.OO) per year for such time as the University may require the property. The property (approximatelY 10 acres) waS purchased in 196) from the Percy Beose Estate for the relocatiOn of County Road 24. ThiS property will be used bY the University's Department of GeographY for a field ~tatiO~ to studY variOUS effects of the wind and the lake on the erosion of the Lake Erie Shoreline. No research is at present being carried on and any information which is obtained will be verY beneficial to the County. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. ------ ______- CHAl1:U'1lf\N ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 11TH, 1964. THE eOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the eourt House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. \ THE MINUTES of the JulY 28th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to d ate as follOWS: 1. The Warden and Clerk had signed a contract with Walmsley Bros. Limited of London for the Hot Mix Paving of Development Road #585 at port Burwell and the work would be undertaken in september, 1964. 2. centre Line Marking other than new pavement work had been completed. 3. Paving waS completed on County Road 42 and had been started on County Road 20 north of Shedden. 4. Grading was continuing on County Road 16 west of the WillYS Side Road. Sand Base waS being hauled to the hill on the west side of Talbot Creek. Multi-Plate culvert waS being installed at Wagles DiP' Extensions to a concrete culvert over the McFarlane Drain would be started later in the week. Other steel culvert were alsO being installed. 5. Watters BrOS. construction were crushing gravel at WhitesStation. 6. Fencing was nearlY completed on County Road 52 east of springfield and was continuing on County Road 42 at port Burwell. 7. Elgin construction company Limited were pouring the deck of the Elm Street Bridge in Aylmer on August 11th. The County forces had completed the overflOW manhole. S. p;, 2 inch Jaeger Water pumP had been stolen from County Road 16 on August 1st and as yet had not been located. 9. peel construction company of Brampton were hauling over County Road 2 east of County Road 5 and had seriouslY damaged approximatelY 1 mile of Road. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 11TH, 1964. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY D · C. LEITCH SECONDED BY R. MARTIN THAT THE FOLLOVHNG PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #21 - $3,266.05; PAYLIST #22 - $15,856.00; PAYLIST #23 _ $122,862.02; PAYLIST #23 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 - $66.50 AND PAYLIST #23 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 - $65.34 CARRIED. \ of Transport commissioners for Canada re the Elm Street erossing of the Canadian National Railway asking when a Board Order would be issued for the installation of the crossing. THE ENGINEER reported that he had written the Board A REQUEST from Watters BroS. eonstruction was read asking for an extension of time re their contract for crushing gravel on County Road 42. MOVED BY RUSSEL MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE EXTEND THE CONTRAeT OF WATTERS BROS. CON- STRUCTION RE ITEM D-l IN THEIR GRAVEL CRUSHING CONTRACT RE GRAVEL TO ROAD 42 TO OCTOBER 15TH, 1964 AS PER THEIR REQUEST. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER was instructed to procure further information re the Village of Dutton's request for parking prohibition in varioUS areas on the Main Street in Dutton. attended the meeting and the Needs Study Co_Ordinating committee reported to the Road committee. The proposal of A.M. Spriet & MR. W.E. ROWE of the St. Thomas Suburban Road commission Associates Limited was examined. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 11TH, 1964. MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTYCOUNeIL THAT THE PROPOSAL OF A.M. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES LIMITED OF AUGUST 4TH FOR THE eOUNTY OF ELGIN NEEDS STUDY BE AeCEPTED AND 1/;1E RECOMMEND THAT THE REPORT BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31ST, 1964. CARRIED · A LETTER from the University of Western Ontario asking for a lease on part of t he Boose Estate Property for their Department of GeographY was read. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SEGONlJ!dJ BY G. WOOLNER THAT WE REeOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE PROPERTY PURCHASED FROM THE BOOSE ESTATE LAYING SOUTH OF THE OLD LAKE ROAD, LOTS 23 AND 24, CONCES- SION I, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH, BE LEASED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES FOR THE SUM OF ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) PER YEAR FOR AS LONG AS REQUIRED BY THE UNIVERSITY. CARRIED. AFTER DINNER variOUS County Roads in West Elgin were toured including the construction in progress on County Road 16. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. MOVED BY D.C. LEITCH . SECONDED BY R. MARTIN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2ND AT 10:00 A.M. --.....~..., - H 0 1M I X P A VI N 0 DEVELOPMENT ROAD :/I 58; COUN1;Y, . ~()A~ . ~9 - PORT :aUR~lEtL 1. WALMSLEY BROS . LTD.. 42 St. Julien Street, LONDON, Ontario. 2. TC;>W'LA~..qOIS'DlPPTIf). ,LtD. $ 1',260.00 P.O. Box 281;, LONDON, Ontario. LAW C~N~TRU~T:rON L~D:. l063Klpllng Avenue, North, REXDALE, Ontario. 4. BLACK TOP ENTERPRISES LTD. $ 16,280..00 .l. $ 17,640.00 93Ma1nStre~t, South, HAOERSVILLE, Ontario. ;, HAGEHSVILLE ASPHALT PAVING CO. $ 17,780.00 6. P.o. Box 61, Stat'ion 0, HAl4IL TON, Ontarib ,. CAI!1flA:. QU~~R~rg~, L,TP,~. , R. R. #4- CAYUpA, Ontariio. F.A.BTONEHOtJSE & SON LTD. .. . . '$ l~r, 004 It 00 .$ 19:,040.00 7. P.o. Box 29;, SARNIA, Ontario. $ 21,,280.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 28TH., 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the the court House, at 2:00 p.M. ALL MEMBERS "WERE PRESENT. ALSOPRESENT were Mr. T.S. cald~ell, District Municipal Engineer, and Mr. Wm. KellY, NeedS StudY Engineer of the D.H.O. Burwell, Development Road #585, were opened, and were as t;h~.atta.ched TENDBRS FOR PAVING ON CHATHAM STREET tRoad 39), port sheet · MOVED 13Y: RUSSEL McKIBBIN SEtONDED BY: NOBLE TUffORD TllAT THE TENDER OF Wf>,LMSLEY BROS. UD. FOR f>,SPHALT PAVING, IN THE AMOUNT Of $15,260.00 FOR DEVBLOPMENT ROAD #585 BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE f>,PPROVf>,L OF THE D.H.~. CA.RRIED · THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 8TH. & 14TH. ~ere at 1ene;t.h, and answered members' questions. ~. eALDWELL AND MR. KELLY SPOKE ON THE COUNTY NBEDS STUDY read and approved. THE ENGINBER REPORTED THAT HB BXPECTBD to have a submission from Mr. A.M. spreit regarding Engineer'S services for the NeedS StudY in; approx~mate1Y a week- It waS decided to appoint a co_ordinating committee, as requested bY the D.H.O. MOVED BY: R · N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: G. WOOLNER THAT A CO_ORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR THE COUNTY NEEDS STUDY BE f>,PPOINTED AND TO BE CO~POSED f>,S FOLLOWS: t1) WARDENi t2) CHAI~N OF THE ROAD coMWlITTEEi t3) CHA1~N OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD coMMISSIONl PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIQ, JULY 28th., 1964. (4) COUNTY ENGINEER; (5) DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, AND (6) THE COUNTY NEEDS STUDY ENGINEER, D.H.O. CARRIED. TH:E ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE, sta.ting: 1. Mulch Paving was progressing favourably on HOB.d 42. 2. Watters Bros. had completed placing gravel on Road 20 for mulch paving. 3. Surface Treatment 'V\lork for the year had been completed. 4. Ka.in' s Bridge had been painted, and cleaning was pro- gressing favour~bly on Middlemiss Bridge. 5. Approximately Ii miles of grading had been completed on Road 16. Sand base work had been started, culverts were being installed, and delivery had been made of the multiplate culvert for Wagles' Dip. 6. Centre line marking work was underway, and \'Ilould be completed approximately August 8th. THE ENGINEER STATED that estimates had been received from the N.Y.C. & the C.& O. Railways for installation; of modern protection at the railroad crossings on County Roads 14 & 20. MOVED BY: D.C. LEITCH SECONDED BY: N. TUFFORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE ESTIMATE OF THE N.Y.C. & C.& O. RAILWAYS FOR CROSSING PROTECTION ON COUNTY ROADS 20 & 14, TO BE APPORTIONED UNDER THE USUAL GRADE CROSSING FORMULA (DOST TO ~?HE COUNTY ili2i%). CARRIED. MOVED BY: G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY: R.N. MARTIN THAT vffi ADJOURN TO AUGUST 11TH. AT 10:00 A.~~. CARRIED. ..------._--~ // ////~ 2.:~/ I' ./ /'" .<< (; ~HAI21 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 14, 1964. A SPECIAL MEETING OF "THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMlVIITTEE was held in the Court House, on July 14th., at 8:00 P.M. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Mr. N.J. Chap1ow, Assistant Road Superintendent, attended in the absence of the County Engineer. THE COUNTY NEEDS STUDY was discussed. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: MOVED BY: DQC. LEITCH SECONDED BY: RoN. MARTIN THE ROADS COMMITTEE ENDORSES THE DEPARTMEN~"S REQUEST FOR A NEEDS STUDY, AND THAT WE PROCEED TO IMPLEMENT THIS STUDY. CARR.IED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. TUFFORD 0. WOOLNER THAT THE WARDEN, ROAD CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER REQUEST SUBMISSION FROM A CONSU~TANT TO CARRY OUT A NEEDS STUDY FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARHIED. MOVED BY: R. McKIBBIN SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH THAT WE DO ADJOURN TO JULY 28TH., AT 2:00 P.M. CARRIED. ~/~...'._).)."'.',l'...... ~ /./ /..-.';b(~~_ " .j~.~/h~ I /,,;7 .--:::::;;;.--:' !, ___~IRMAN OOUNTY OF ELGIN HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 COUNTY ROAD 39 - VILLAGE OF ~ORT BURWELL INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 1. LIST OF DOCUMENTS - . 1. Information to Bidders. (this sheet) 2. Tender Conditions. 3. General Conditions and Cbnditions Applying to Individual Tender Items. 4. Tender Form and Envelope. 5: County Map. 2. WORK CONSIST~ of supplying and laying hot mix asphalt pavement on County Road 39 (Chatham Street) being Development Road #585 in the Village of Port Burwell, approximately one mile in length. 3. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 2:00 P.M. JULY 28TH.. 1964. at the Court House, St. Thomas" Ontario. 4. FURTHER. information may be obtained from the undersigned. Telephone No. 631-5880, St. Thomas. R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, . . COURT HOUSE, ST. THOIVIAS " ONTARIO. GOUNTY OF ELGIN HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 COUNTY ROAD 39 VILLAGE OF FORT BURWELL TENDER COND1TIONS 1. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the County Engineer at his offic e in the Court Hous E~ until 2:00 P.M. JULY 28TH, 1964 2. ALL BIDS must be on the f arms and in envelopes provided by the County and be a.ccompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin in the amount of 10 per cent of the total tender. This deposit will be released when a contract is signed by the successful Tenderer. 3. THE SUCCESSFUL Tenderer must sign a contract and post a 100 per cent Performance Bond from a recognized Bonding Company doing business in the Province of Ontario within 10 days of being notified that he is the seccessful Tenderer. Should he fail to do so his tender cheque will be forfeited to the County of Elgin to compensate the County for damages sustained. 4. THE SUCCESSFUL Tenderer must also post a 100 per cent Material and Labour Bond to ensure payment will be made to all employees and to all sub-contra ctors and t heir employees and to all suppliers of materials supplied by the contractor for the contract. 5. THE CONTRACTOR shall visit the site of the 1l'Jork, examine all plans and specifications and satisfy himself of all conditions of the work. 6.' THE CONTRACTOR will furnish all lights, barricades, flagmen, signs, etc. necessary in the opinion of the County for the preservation of the traffic and the safety of the work. 7. NO EXTRA work will be allowed unless authorized by the County Engineer in writing. 8. BIDDERS must be capable of performing the vHrious items of work bid upon. They may be required to furnish 9tatements covering:, (a) their experience on similar work, (b) machinery, plant and other equipment available for the COUNTY OF ELGIN Page 2 HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING DEVELOPMENT.ROAD #585 _ TENDER CONDITIONS - cont'd. 8. proposed work and (c) financial resources to complete the contract. The County reeerves the right to reject the tender of any contractor whom they believe aoes not have the financial resources or the experience to successfully complete the work. (This clause does not prohibit sub-contracting a portion of the work. All sub-contractors must be approved by the County.) 9. ANY UNBALANCED bid or qualification of the tender will liable the tender to rejection. 10. PROGRESS P^YMENTS will the month for 90 previous month. after completion Engineer. be made on approximately the 10th of per cent of the work done during the Complete payment will be made 60 days of the work as certifted by the County 11. THE WORK must be completed before October 10th, 1964, and the contractor agrees to pay to the County of Elgin $100.00 as liquidated damages per calendar day that each item of the contract remains incomplete after the dates stated. 12. THE CONTRACTOR is to carry Workmen's Compensation Infurance and Third Party Liability Insurance to the satistaction of the County. 13. NO DEPOSIT is required for the plans and spE~cificatione. 14., LOWEST or ANY TENDER not necessarily accepted. . . " COUNTY OF ~LGIN HOT MILASPHALT _ PAJJ1LG DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 COUNTY ROAD 39 VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL GENERAL CONDITIONS AND CONDITIONS APPLYING TO INDIVIDUAL TEND~R ITEMS. 1. .tHE ONTARIO Department of Highways Specification General Conditions of Contract Form 100 shall apply to this Contract (including truck haul rates) reading nCounty of Elgin for Ontario Department of Highways" 2. ALL HOT MIX ASPHALT both H.L. 4 and H.L. 8 shall conform, shall be applied and shall be protected in strict accordance with the Ontario Department of Highways Specification Form 310. 3. THE CONTRAC!OR shall furnish all equipment, labour and materials (except asphalt) necessary to perform the work. 4. THE COUNTY of Elgin vvill furnish 85/100 penetration asphalt at the Imperial Oil Company Li.mited plant at Sarniao Pickup and haulage to the Contractor's asphalt plant of the asphalt will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 5. THE COUNTY of Elgin will desig~,the mix and the Contractor, shall supply any material, analysis of the aggregates, etc. necessary to facilitate the designing of the mix. All material must be approved before work commences. 6. THE WO~K consists of sVpplying and laying Hot Mix Pavement on Chatham Street, being County Road 39 (Development Road #585) in the Village of Port Burwell from County Road 42 (including channelization at County Road 42) southerly to the beach at Lake Erie (including a turning circle at the Beach). The width of the pavement is to be 22 feet. Base Course H,L. g to be laid to a depth of 2 inches in one lift~ Surface Course H.L. 4 to be laid to a depth of l~ inches in one lift. 7. THE COUNTY of Elgin will prepare and shape the grade in front of the laying of the asphalt. The Contractor is to give the County reasonable notice as to when grade preparation is necessary and then promptly lay the base course of pavement so as to preserve the grade. COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ .......--. HOT ~UX ASPHALT PAY~ DEVELOPMENT, ROAD ff585 - GENERAL CONDITIONS AND CONDITIONS APPLYING TO INDIVIDUAL TENDER ITEMS - conttd~ Page 2 8. THE COUNTY of Elgin will provide line stakes at suitable offsets on one side every 100 feet on tangent, 50 feet on curves and 25 feet on channelizations · Additional stakes are the responsibility of the Contractor. 9. PAYMENT will be made according to the unit price based on quantities shown on approved weight tickets only. 10. NO OVERLOADING, will be tolerated and loads in excess of legal limits will not be weighed. R. G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. COUNTY OF ELGIN HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING DEVELOPMENT ROAD #585 COUNTY ROAD 39 _ VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL - . - - TENDER FORM TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD eOMMITTEE. I/WE have examined,the specifications for supplying the materials and laying ~ot mix, hot lai~ asphalt pavement on Development Road #585, eounty Road 39. and have examined the site of the work and fully understand the work to be done. I/vffi hereby agree to supplv atl mat\lrials specified and shall complete all work by october lOth. 196~, 9nd agree to pay to the County of Elgin $100.00 per calendar day, as liquidated damages each day the contract remains incomplete after this time. R.L. 8 Ton 'r' ..-"'.----- \ Approximate 1 Unit Price Quantity . , ----. Amount - Item I Unit of . Measurement -- \ 4 -0on L . 1600 1200 1 " -- H.L. TOTA.L~ I/WE enclose a certifi\ld cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin, for 10 per cent of the amount bid, being Dollars. ---- LOWEST or ANY TENDER not necessarily accepted. - --- CONTRACTOR --- --- \f\TITNESS - ADDRESS DATE - . TELEPHONE NO. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 7TH, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTI~E met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS present except Reeve N.G. Tufford of Southwold Township. Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, London, was in attendance. THE MINUTES of the June 8th meet:lng were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Grading on County Road 6 had been completed. 2. Grading on County Road 42 was completed with the exception of trimming, culverts and crushed gravel. 3. Grading on County Roa.d 16 was underway w:ith most of the grubbing having been completed. Sufficient sand base had been obta.ined while negotiations were still underway for pit run and crushed material. 4. Surface treatment work was now being carried on in the West Lorne area and it would be approximately two weeks before all work was completed. 5. Watters Bros. Construction had completed their maintenance gravel contract in the South Dorchester area and now were crushing for mulch gravel for County Road 42. Mulching on County Road 42 would be started the week of July 20th. 6. It was hoped to begin centre line marking work as soon as surface treatment work was completed. 7. The two new trucks had been received and were operating satisfactorily. 8. KairlS Bridge was being cleaned and painted, as were the steel railings on the Dodds Creek and Fingal Bridges. 9. Elgin Construction Company was continuing work on the Elm Street Bridge in Aylmer and the curb and gutter had been completed on the built-up area. 10. The Bell Telephone Company was burying cable on various County PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 7TH, 1964. Road~ in West Elgin and some damage had rl3su1ted. 11. Commencement of the laying of the water line on County Road 2 from West Lorne to the Ontario Department of Highways Service Centre in the Township of Dunwich was expected shortly. THE ENGINEER read correspondence from the Canadian National Railway estimating the cost of constructing a crossing over the Cana.dian National Railway tracks on Elm StrE~et in Aylmer a.t $1500.00, cost of installing automatic protection at $17000.00 and its annual } maintena.nce at $800.00. Also reread was a Board of Transport letter dated April 30th asking whether or not the County was prepared to assume the cost of the crossing and the necessary protection. The following resolutions were passed: MOVED BY R. MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY R. MARTIN THAT WE ACCEPT THE COST OF THE INSTALLATION OF A CROSSING ON ELM STREET OVER THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY AS WELL AS THE COST O~ AUTOMATIC PROTECTION NEEDED AND THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE THEREO]~. CARRIEn. ~ MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THA T THE FOLLOWING FA YLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #18 - $5,531.02; PAYLIST #19 - $13,877.73; PAYLIST #20 - $160,965.72 AND PAYLIST #20 DEVELOPMENT ROAD - $2,562.19. CARRIED 0 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE was read as follows: 1. Canadian Good Roads Association - confirming Cemmittee Members' reservations re the Convention in Montrel9.1. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 7TH, 1964. 2. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - re the Board ~ I Order approving grading work done in 1963 on County Road 20 at the New York Central Railroad tracks. 3. Clerk of Aldborough Township - notice that John Doktorick had ~With~__from the DO.ktori.ck Drain. The Engineer stated that A<1>-1Y- ~ 4kl, had signed ~ n. . .. ~v ~~nother petition for th(a drain which would 1 start at the Cohill Drain and proceed easterly to the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway tracks. 4. Retail Sales Tax Branch of the Province of Ontario - stating that after June 1st, Municipalities W~9re excepted from paying Retail Sales Tax on items used for capital construction. 5. Mr. T.S. Caldwell - stating that speed limit signs must be replaced with maximum speed signs before August 31st, 1964. 6. Mr. W.R. Kinnear, Regional Planning Engineer of the Ontario Department of Highways - re intersect:ton treatment of the junction of King's Highway #3 and County Roads 38, 44 and 46, stating that work would soon be undeMl'lay on Road 38 and that the intersections at Roads 44 and 46 '~ould be further i:Dvestigated and constructed when traffic warranted. The Committee requested Mr. Caldwell's assista.nce in procuring a:n ea.rly commitment by the Department to construct the intersection on County Roads 44 and 46. MR. CALD1NELL spoke briefly on the County Needs Study. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER Mr. Ralph McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan Company Limited, Princeton, attended the mee.ting and explained the various insurance policies which were due for renewal and answered the members' questionso MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER D.C. LEITCH ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 7TH, 1964. PAGE 4- THAT WE RENmw OUR NON_LICENSED EQUIPMENT FLOAT"ER, OUR FLEET INSURANCE, OUR WEED SPRA'I ]NSURANCE, OUR COMPENgAT~ON INSURANCE AND T~ COUNCILLOR ACCID"ENT POLIcY WITH FRANK eoWAN COMPANY LIMITEU. CARRIED · COMPLETION of the work on Development Road #585, County Road 39, in port Burwell waS diSCUssed. It waS pointed out that it waS ver~ improbable that a water System would be built in the Village. and committee were of the opinion that the work should be completed. Mr. Caldwell suggested that tenders should be called for Hot MiX Paving. MOVED BY SECONDED 131 R.N. M!RTIN R. McKIBBIN THAT TH"E "ENGINEER B"E INSTRUCTE.D TO CALL TE.NDERS FOR NOT MIX PA\T1NG ON DEVELoPMENT ROAD #585 IN PORT BURWELL, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER REPORTED that there were nO further developments on the port Burwell Bridge. THE "ENGINEER REPORTED on progress by ~atters BroS. construction on their gravel crushing contract. MOVED 131 SECOl~DED BY R. McKIBBIN D.C. LEITCR THAT THE CONTRACT OF ~ATT"ERS BROS. RE ITEM #C-l, GRAV"EL FOR ROAD 42 BE "EXTENDED TO JULY 25, 1964 FOR COMPLETION · CARRIED · ,~ l' A,G'E. 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO , - JUl."'! 7th., 1964. lI\1l.. CAl.D'ilSLL AGAIN SpoKE ON THE COUNTY NEEDS STun"'!, and answered members' ~uestiOn6. G. 'flOOL~BR . ...I.". j..U\.I."Tl'N f:I: ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE SESSION, 1964. TO THE 'WARDEN AND MElliBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. MrS. McCarthY and Gentlemenl 10UR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as folloWS: 1. A CONTRACT for the construction of the Elm Street Bridge on County Road 53 over CatfiSh Creek in the Town of Aylmer has been let to the Elgin construction company Limited of St. , ' Thomas for $42883.30, the lowest of 11 bidders. work is , . . 2. A CONTRACT for the crushing and hauling of gravel in various locations in the County haS been let to 'Watters Bros. / J no'W underway. construction of springfield for $50,485.00, the ll'lWest of 2 bidders. work is nOw underway. 3. ROAD MULCH Pavement will be laid on the f.llowing Readst (1) County Road 20 north of Shedden to King'S / Highway #401 in the TownshiP of southwold, approximatelY 3 milesl and t2) county Road 42 from County R~ad 40 easterlY in the TownshipS of Malahide and Bayham f~r appro~imatelY 5 miles. 4. STERLING constructiOn company Limited of 'Windsor have completed the contract for the construction of county Road 24 tDevelopment Road #692) from port Bruce westerlY to County Road 36 in the Townsh~PS of Yarmouth and Malahide. 5. SURFACE Trf>.atment pavements have "been c"mpleted on th~ fol1o'Win~ Roads: - 2 - JUNE SESSION, 1964. 5. (1) County Road 24 (Development Road #69~~) from Port Bruce to County Road 36, and (2) County Road 52 easterly from Springfield approximately 1 mile in the Village of Springfield and in the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahide. 6. THE FOLLOWING New Machinery has been purchased: (1) Four Door Plymouth Automobile, (2) International Tandem Dump Truck with the County's 1954 International Tandem Dump Truck as a trade-in, (3) l~ Ton Stake Truck, and (4) Four Chain Saws. 7. GRADING and Granular Base work has been completed on County ~oad 6 in the Township of Aldborough between County Road 3 and Blackts Lane. Grading is progressing on County Road 42. WE RECOl\lJMENlJ: 1. 2. THAT the resolution from the County of Grey re the movement of utility poles be filed. THAT the 'Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign an Easement giving the Bell Telephone Company the right to bury cable across Crane Park, Lot 1, Concession V, Township of Southwold. The County of Elgin will receive $40.00 for granting this E3sement. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTIED. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 8TH, 1961+. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:OQ a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. \ THE MINUTES of the May 8th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER r~ported on the work as follows: 1. Application of Calcium C~loride on gravel roads was completed. 2. Priming work was complet~d although County Road 42 was in poor condition because a thun~ershower had seriously damaged the prime. 3. Grading and sand base wa~ completed on County Road 6, culvert installation was nearly ~omplete and application of crushed gravel was continuingo I 4. Stripping had been compl~ted at the Hutchings Pit. I 5. Grading had been startedf on County Road 42 and wet soil conditions had been enco~ntered. 6. Favourable progress was ~eing made on the Elm Street Bridge. I 7. Watters Bros. Constructi~n had started gravel resurfacing work I on County Road 50 in 'the! T0111Jnship of South Dorchester. 8. Surface treatment work ~as proceeding slowly with County Road 24 (Development Road #6S2) being completed and work underway on County 52 east of Sp~ingfield. 9. The I! Ton Truck had be~n received and the box on the Tandem Truck would have to be ~emounted. i 10. Tates Bridge floor would be completed by the middle of the week. 11. Mulch pavement would beilaid on County Road 42 before work was done on County Road 20. I I 12. Two Pick-up rrrucks had Deen rented for several months,,,. THE CHAIRMAN, Charles D. Phillips. reported on his I meeting with the Minister off Highways re De!velopment Roads and read a resolution from the County! of Norfolk re Development Roadso PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 8TH, 1964. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY R. MARTIN G. WOOLNER THAT THE FOLIJOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #15 - $1,636.72; PAYLIST #16 - $10,833.15; PAYLIST #17 - $79,467.46 AND PAYLIST #17 DEVELOPMENT ROAD - $6,655.02. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER read the following correspondence from the Ontario Department of Highways: 1. Approving the sale of the County's Double Drum Winch, and 2. . Approving the County's Normal and Supplementary Road Expenditure By-laws. A IJETTER from the Borad of rrr,9nsport Commissioners for Canada re the Aylmer Elm Street Crossing of the Canadian National Railway was read and discussed. MOVED BY R. MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ACCEPT THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A CROSSING ACROSS ROAD. 53 (ELM STREEtr) OVER THE C.N.R. THE COST OF INSTALLING THE AUTOMATIC PROTECTION NEEDED AND THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF THIS PROTECTION IS REQUESTED BY THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT CO:MMISSIONERS FOR CANADA. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER was instructed to make reservations for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention in Montreal in October~ A LETTER from Albert Caughell re the purchase of property from the County at White Station was read. MOVED BY SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH G. WOOLNER ST. THOM~S; ONTARIO~ JUNE 5TH, 1964. p1\GB 3 THAT ALBERT C~UGHELL BE ADVISED THAT THE PORTION OF THE eoUNTY GR~VEL PIT BEHIND HIS PROPERTY IS NOT FOR S1\LE. C1\RRIED · Vl~TTERS Bros. construction of springfield requested an extension of time with regard to Item "Bit of their Gravel erushing eontract to place gravel on county Road 20 for mulching. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY G. VlOOLNER TH~ T ~ TTHE REQUEST OF \I>!~ TTERS BROS. eONSTRUCTION THAT AN ;EXTENSION BE GRANTED TO THEM TO JUL'l 31ST, 1964 FOR THEIR GRAVEL CRUSHING CONTRACT ON ROAD 20 C1\RRI~~D · ITEM "B". REVERSION of a portion of King's Highway #73 at port BrUce waS diSCUssed and it was decided to meet with the Minister of High'Jllays in thiS regard. The Chairman stated that he had invited the Minister to Elgin County. FIRE INSURANCE coverage on the County Garage at Rodney waS disCUssed. MOVED BY N · G. TUFFORD SECONDED B'l R. MCKIBBIN THAT' WE INeRE~SE OUR INSURANeE 1!<!ITH THE DUN1ITICH F~RMERS MUTU~L FIRE INSURANeE eOMP~NY TO $2,500.00 ON Tl:lE eOUNTY GAR~GE AT RODNEY ~ C1\RRIED · ~ RESOLUTION from the County 'of Grey re utility poles was read. pl\GE 4 ST. ~HO~S, ON~~RIO. JUNE 8TH, 1964. u . C. l$lTCH N.G. ~UFFORll UN~Y COUNCIL ~H~T ~ ~H~ ~ 'IlB RBeo~ND TO THB CO. . ~ ~DO" ~BE cOUN~Y 01" GREY RE UTILI~ LINES R'ESOln~101\\ 1.' 1\, tv}. 1J\O\JEU B1 S'ECONU~~U B1 Cl\RRIE'D · BE Fl1.lEU. ~HE ~EBTING adjOUrned for dinner. . d the eouutY RoadS ~F~BR DINNER the Committee tOure ' . t · n Bast Elgin. and visited varioUs pro Jec S ').. . N.O. ~U'FFORD ~O'1BD BY D.C. LBITCtt SBCONllBD m: UN~IL JULY 7TH, 1964 <1'"", "EB~ING p,.llJOURN Tl-H\ T 1 [1 I:.! 1"l. p,.T 10:00 p,..~. Cl\RRl'ED · --------- ,'~. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8TH., 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD eoMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. TNE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of April lOth., 21st., 25th. and 29th. were read and approved. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. 1. Grading would be started on Road 6 on Monday, May 11th. Fencing was presentlY underway, and possession of the Maceallum property would also be taken on MaY 11th. TNE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as folloWS: 2. Fence waS being erected on Road 3 at Wardsville Bridge to complete the settlement for land purchased from James Beattie to widen the Road at the Wardsville Bridge. 3. Land purchase on Road 42 waS complete, and necessary utilities were being re_located. 4. Priming on Road 42 had been started, and Roads 20, 24 and 52 would be primed as rapidlY as possible. 5. Calcium chloride was being applied to gravel roads through- out the county. 6. Land purchase on Road 16 was complete, and some design work remained to be completed. 7. Watters BroS. had completed the contract of Sterling construction Company Limited on the Development Road #692 (Road 24) by placing approximatelY 5,000 Tons of crushed gravel. 8. Trimming work was being carried on, as weather permitted, and seeding would be carried out shortlY on Road 24 (D.R. #692), Road 20 ~ port Stanley, Road 25 S.A., a~ Road 16 to the Talbot Creek. --~ 9. WatterS BrOS. would not start crushing for maintenance gravel for the County from the Avon Pit until they had completed work for South Dorchester Township, PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 8TH., 1964. 10. Trees had been planted on a number of County Roads. 11. Guide Rail on Radio Road (Road 30 S.A.) and at Richmond Hill on Road 38 had been repaired. 12. The Tait'S Bridge floor would be replaced shortlY. 13. Elgin construction Co. Ltd. had started excavating at the Elm Street Bridge. 14. County Roads were in good condition with little Spring break-UP. 15. 2 new Traffic Counters ($118.50) had been ordered from E.A. Horton Sales Limited. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that at last, agreement had been reached with Regent Refining Ltd. for the property used for the widening at the Dingle Street Bridge, and would accept $800.00 as offered by the 1963 Road Committee. MOVED BY: G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY: R.N. MARTIN THAT ~~ PAY REGENT REFINING (CANADA) LTD. $800.00 FOR THE PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED BY REGISTERED PLAN D754 TO WIDEN THE ROAD AT THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE IN AYLMER. CARRIED · MOVED BY~ SECONDED BY: THAT p~YLIST #12 AMOUNTING TO $1,674.14; PA1LIST #13, AMOUNTING TO $10,316.59; PAYLIST #14 AMOUNTING TO $19,824.96; PAYLIST #14 (DEVELOPMENT ROAD) AMOUNTING TO $84.35 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. N.G. TUFFORD R. McKIBBIN CARRIED · ST. THO}I\JI.S, OUTP.RIO }l\Jl.1 8TH., 1964. PAGB 3 THE BUGIUEER REhD CORRESpounEueE from the D.H.O. t\PPRO\TING ~ TI hf 1 ~on cab and chassis truck. 1. ,urc ase 0 J. · 2. purchase of rack for 1 Ton cab and chass~s. 3. ~atters Bros. as gravel crushing contractor. 4. purchase of BrookS Sand Pit in 1963. 5. purchase of materials and supplies. 6 sale of the county' s Double Drum 1i>linch. · d . _ . b the low tender rece~ ve · 7. purcha~e of Plymouth Car. subs~dY to e on . n Purchase of chain saws. o. k subsidY to be on 9. purchase of International Tandem dumP trUC s. the loW tender received. L de ntractorS for the con- Blgin construction companY t · as 0 ' structiOn of the Elm Street Bridge. ~pproving bridge plank floOr on Tait's Bridge. 10. 11. THE BUGIUEER READ CORRBspotmEUeE from the Board of Transport commissioner5~ 4. . that flashing light signal and gates were in operation stat~ng of UeW york central on Road 2 crossing, east of ~est Lorne,. . and Chesapeake & OhiO RailroadS; . . als and the d, . ",Cf' the Count" to paY costs of mov~ng s~gn ., . or er~n", J' " "c t eke. . R d 20 at Shedden on ~.J.. · ra ' widened cross~ng plank on oa. . .' · work having been done in conjunction with grad~ng work ~n 1963 ; asking for Railw~Y estimates for gates and flashing light t. on Road l~ at Iona Station and on Road 20, the protee ~on U.1.C. trackS at Shedden; . t to drading at the C.U.R. trackS a Board order w~th r espeC . b ' din d 20 rth of Shedden - - the County to paY gra. g on Roa nO . d t ~a" the cost of the costs including guide ra~l, an 0 r J .' meN R to ma~nta~n the widening of the crossing. J.he ... . widened crossing; 1. 2, . 3. ,. b 't estimates for the cost of in- asking the C.N .R. to SU m~ ' 1 · th St' p."lmer comp ete w~ stalling a crossing on Blm tree ~n J ' flashing light signalS. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO- MAY 8TH.) 1964. PAGE 4 TENDERS FOR THE SALE of the eounty's Double Drum Winch and LeRoi Motor were opened, and were as fo+lowS: 1. Wallace Moore, Ayr . · · · .$205.00 2. Sam Fith, Fingal . · · · · .$135.00 MOVED BY ~ SECONDED BY: THAT WE ACeEPT THE TENDER OF WALLACE MOORE ,OF $205.00 FOR THE COUNTY'S DOUBLE DRuM WINeH &, LE ROI MOTOR, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. G. 'JIJOOLNER D.C. LEITCH CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a work order had been received on Development Road #585 for $743.00, which would cover the cost of calcium chloride and grading. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Bell Telephone company, requesting an easement for cable laying through the Crane property on Road 14 near Iona Station. 'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY~ THAT WE REeoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN AND eLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN EASEMENT AUTHORIZING THE BEU, TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BURY A TOLL CABLE ON THE eRANE PROPERTY, LOT 1, CON. V, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP; THE COUNTY TO REeEIVE $40.00 FOR THIS EASEMENT. CARRIED. D.C. LEITCH N.G. TUFFORD AFTER LUNCH, surface Treatment work was diSCUssed, and the Engineer presented a list of proposed surface Treatment work. Chairman Phillips stated that he e~pected to see the Minister of HighwayS re the use of self_propelled chiP spreader. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. CREEK DIVERSION WORK at the Meek'S Bridge waS diSCUssed, in the light of D.H.O. recommendations of last Fall, and the Engineer waS instructed to see Mr. Turville and Mr. Meek to,ascertain their feelings in this matter. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 8TH., 1964. PAGE 5 A DEVELOPMENT ROAD APPLIeATION to the Minister of Highways, and extensions of the County Road System was discussed at length. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY~ THAT WE REQUEST THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS TO DESIGNATE THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSIONS IV & V, BAYHAM. FROM HIGHWAY 19 TO THE BAYHAM-HOUGHTON TOWNLINE, AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD (PRE_ENGINEERING) APPROXIMATELY 3~ MILES IN LENGTH. N.G. TUFFORD R. McKIBBIN CARRIED · MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH R.N. MARTIN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JUNE 8TH., AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. c::' \ " CHAIRMAN t'- t r ~ t ~ I. f ~ ~ t ~. ~ ~, Ii' ~1 fr1 ~': :i; f I f f co UlfTY' 0': EIAJIN ~..", ~':"""".L""""'~:""'."'''';~''':''''''-''''''''''''-''''''..~.t;G!..''tt1!;'9~~~ INFORMATION TO BIDDERS t.'Kl'i~~l'l1i'irnl'~~~:g-~!J~J<o~.~''''''M'~Ji),l~ Daubla D". ~I' - purehase'o~ 'the CO~R~tY~8 L~Ro~. tk~tGr Double D~ Winch Skid HOunted~ ~.11'1."1l'" ~nu;~~. J1 l-~ ~~e_~~Lw.!~~," .M,.'; ~o ~ en a tlJa8 1~ ~!/h.ere is ~ bal818 IInd m8.f be l':l.wtld fll"QIll fhOO -.IIl. t;u S:oo p.lIl. at thE! Cotnty €),f' Elgin GarQge~ _ Whit,. St1.H~lcftt Ontal.1~~~ for tnl!! full aWlUunt of the hid is to lIlccompal'lY tilt" t.nd.~r.~ HIXUlE or ~l~_~!Q ~ot n~~.B~a~i11 aeeepteds ~ ~ ~n^~~ ~ ~YR g\l, ~)~:; t-l j\"k,\,~:f<<',/Q' 1 E <t,t,;f.~ Y' , (# COt!INTI L'lOJrn!:ER ~ 001f\r!UW\Fr"~ t\~"r;r.IN ~'f1,(i' ~ . ~I:\'tJt.ll. u.~ ,l~,~ ,~"a" ~ ~'i!N~Cir U~i'!lI(t"lrJ' ~VUi~; nt;J~..xqhtlJj'iI ~ <<:Uff ffM."OMlA ~~ O' ~<'G"l"? /!; D 'I ^ t;1 A III J. c~. t'#"UhJI St . i~.Ii. ~"~iL\l., ~.I iI 19j/.'JI., ' ,~-;i. ~.:. .~~'<-:... ".'~o\,;.,-. :"'~~'. (>:. to," S;t~J.J~: OJ~1 LF;aOI :MnifOfi .AND nOln3i,J~ nl;lUf.~ 1~I~U:H ~ultt..~."':'f.w.~.><>.~....;.> ._"....!~'JI.'1,~.1.11',~(Ct.'..,W4I.!!~.,_.':...'~':-,'. .-...~J:~"""-._.~..,___..........;_..."'''_.'h__.~:.~laP:~;.~~.ilW...~~~~;~.t...~'''~~tt'Zl~~l:"j.~'3I')W'tf'16 ~.4~\l~.l.~."""""_..........tR!~.aa.~4;w,...._..~~~~"""""......-:'tt.,...~-..~..>40;"'O~~.....""",.,.j,-,'.-'.........;........w.-;".""'~<.tlk;~~""'....;,q......~~1'~'Y}-~~eIti.;~~lIa(~i\Wl41:; D~J;ll~!1tfJ . frt) l~Hj; C~lA2JUU,N A~ID M1~E&' l\- "~Ut~ ~O. t~oo~v .f'\t1f-' ~w l1'"fI~ DeAiA ~ ttU)"1fjiilJ;It~""~.\1\ .\,.i.ft" J!. jI'1~A '",.I' Ui'4l.,l, l. VI, ~&.llU, 1I~ li'&VAllJ 'i",H,~~~-..\'!, I ~~ @ ltflIP,rlf'\V"U?~ 'iW~ ~ jIo..,l} ~ ~.. ~...~ ''Ii .." ill f '!f:il.....8 't'~,,,.'t' .' 'l'l";j~ 1.1:, 'tl]' nll lnJfl,W .r,."JI'Iil~Jr -'" <6W-W4~l!>U ~u~ \4~~""n~1 e JA$ei.t'Mf$'J~ l,'1l,~I.h5lft)r 8u<f..ll ./.DOu.,l).'!1llI DrlD \'I:h,ch and Ui'H:t,lir~I*$t.anding ltlm 8a1.e 1,e O!l A ~az 1lB wtH~:rr\~ ~,,!~~ b&$16, W$ hereby otter the Co~mty or Elgin 81m lr)f: f~or ltt~ WE herew~.th e~\u.,:losfj cur cheql~e in till! ,full ?l~llOunt (pI ()ur 'blcl$ We wld@;x(<otand that the h:lgh~8t bid ~1 :f>>01t, rutc4!u~sa!~11y be aC(leepted* ',n' ~';.:L,,j)If~ ~~~~...~-___",_..~J:"'\!l~uu................~~,~,~........_^,""',~~__.,;",,,",,.~ BIDDErt .tt~'A,~lNE(l..."....'<Il",........J~'~~ ~~"'''''~''''''''.''-'~~''W'. .~ ~ ~ IWJ.,lU>'" ....,'.,........~('~~.l~~~ftt:;:............~......_._,~.-.dl" ~_. ......\""'" --........-....._~ WI1WES:.'3 ftDDRESS . _~;J,'~ -<JUI~~~lIt~~~...~,~.,~..-......._~~ ~.~_l.......U~L ~ .'<<...........J>J-~_~..,'_.................w:-~__,....."""~,_,...;,..,.........._~JJS,~...,...~".....'....,_.......di.\_.,_~~ DI\ !I TELEPHONE HOIl\ ~'- """ ,,' :t. .L" ~ #<~-i., ST. THO~S, ONTARIO, AFRIL 29TH., )964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD Co~ITTEE met in conjunction f 'thl .... 't?lg.;n .Roads at the home of Gordon Woolner, with the tour 0 "esv '" ~ ' Reeve of the TownshiP of AldboroUgh, on County Road 6, near Clachan. THE ENGINEER READ A LETTER from Vtr. H.C. Dernier, " d" the use of a self_propeller Dfstrict Vtunicipal Eng~neer, regar ~ng , ' chiP spreader for surface treating. CopY of the letter is attached. ALL MEMBERS WERE PR~SENT. MOVED B"'I ~ R.N. MP-..RTIN SECONDED B"'I: THAT THE WARDEN AND CHA1B.1JiAN OF THE CO~ITTEE MEET WITH THE VtINISTER OF HIGm~AYS RE SURFACE TREATMBNT PROBLE'MS. CARRIED · AFTER DISCUSSION, it waS G. ~TOOLNER THE MBETING ADJOURNED to Vtay 8th., at 10:00 A.Vt. lRM1\N .,"""--... HON. C. S. MA~NAUGHTON A. T. C, M'-N"S MINISTER DEPUTY MINISTER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London -- Ontario .April 27J)1.964 P.o. Sox 217 Kr.I.G.Koore, BAgineer, 00un'7 of Elg1n, Court Hou.., Sf 0 THOMAS, Ontario . Dear Sir: Res !!!!!!!_!!!!~!!!~_~E!!!!!!!=!2~! I reter a recent telephone converaatoion invh1ch 70U requested that I allow 70U to deviate fro. the requirements of Paragraph .304-0)-02 ~our Surface Treating Speciticat.ione, in accordance with the paragraph of Branch Ke.orandum OB-;90 I haT. been in touch vi'ta our Haaaler 01 Operationa, and all illatructed. to )feu that you were avare of the stipulation in our Ciroular 62-4.2 tata Specification will be atrict17 adhered beginning e 1964 Construction Season, and it would be to the thi8 Department to perait the above .~ntioA.d T1ev ~h. ~l..g. wh1eh 10U oonte.plate aarface tr.a~ing0 In, thi,e conn.tit.ian, t.he lIuultioned. last paragraph 'otOB-59 atat.. the D1eltr1ct B1'1gin..r at diaoret.ioD .&7 allow d.Ti&~i.D from this Speoification thecaa. of municipalities d01ng ...r., ..al18cale lforkooeoeR I theretore regret to adyi.. 70U that if Ton do not wiab to .s. the apec1tied t7P. of ..chanieal chip apreader .. will probab17be unable to.ubaidise ~urtac. tr.~ting which 70U .a1 do during the coming ae..ono - Your. truly, RCD:HJC Ho Co Dern,ier . Di.tri.c" biin..r STRP>.FFORDVIl.l.E, ONTp>'RIO APRIL 25TH., 1964. THE COUNTY OF El.GIN ROAD coMMITTEE met at the TownshiP of Bayham office, at Straffordviilile, on April 25th. Al.l. MEMBERS ~RE PRESENT. AlsO present were tt}e County of Norfolk Road Committee and Mr. ~m. D. McDo~ell, County Engineer of Norfolk county. A DISCUSSION took place between the tWO Road committees with regard to the e~tension of Elgin County Road 45 easterlY to Kinglakeand the extension of the Norfolk County Road System westerlY through Frogmoreto Kinglake. THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK coMMITTEE agreed to request the Minister of HighwayS to assume as a Development Road, the Road from the TownshiP of Bayham Townline, through Houghton Town- h" bet~een lots 13 & 14 through concessions ~est & East, and s.l.P tl h concesSion 1 to 1V through Kinglake and Frogmore to the ~oug ton - South llalsingham Townline. They alSO agreed to request as a future Development Road, the HoUghton-North & south ~alsingham Townline from the Road between con. Viii & IX, North ~alsingham, to the Road between concesSions IV & V, south ~alsingham, and the Road C 'onS 11 o~ 111 Charlotteville tl.ots 1 to 6) and between oncesSl. ~, the Road between concessions 1& II, ~oodhoUse, from HwY. #24 to R\'\1'Y. # 6. ThiS route would be an extension of the present Development Road between concessions 11 & 111, Charlotteville, from l.ots 6 to 24, and the connection to HWY. #24 to ~oodhoUse TownshiP- THE COUNTY OF El.GIN ROP>.D COMMITTEE agreed to request the Minister of HighwayS to assume as a Development Road, the . ~p~~ B h . from Rwy. #19 easterlY Road bet~een conceSSl.ons J;.;JJ-~"/' ay am, . to the Bayham-HOUghtOn Townline. They alSO agreed to request as a Development Road, the Road between conceSSions V & VI, Yarmouth, from Jaffa to the southWold Townline and a connectiOn through southwold to Road 16 S.A. near Middlemarch. STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO> APRIL 25TH., 1964. PAGB 2 AFTER ADJOURNING THE MEETING, both committees toured the Roads under diSCUssion, from Hwy, #19 to the HoUghton- North Walsingham Townline. C. DI~NER WAS LATER ENJOYED at Tillsonburg, compliments of the ~.. of ~. !':fJr" COMMITTEE ADJOUNED, to meet on April 29th. for a tour of County Rbads in West Elgin. <,.-....,,<,\ ST. THOMAS,ONTARIO. ~PRIL 21ST., 1964. ~" THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court ,House at 9:00 A.M. ALSO PRESENT was A.M. Spriet, Consulting Engineer on the Elm Street Bridge project. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. TENDERS FOR' THE ELM STREET BRIDGE were opened, and were as attached. MOVED BY ~ SECONDED BY': THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ELGIN CONSTRueTION COMPANY LIMITED FOR THE CONSTRUCTffiON OF THE ELM STREET BRIDGE AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $42,883.30, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. RUSSEL McKIBBIN GORDON WOOLNER C~RRIEn · MR. SPRIET PRESENTED COMMITTEE with a picture of the Bridge, to be hung in the Court House. WARDEN McKIBBIN ASKED THE COMMITTEE to consider accepting the cost of the installation of catch basinS on the curb and gutter on Elm Street in Aylmer. It waS decided to vieW the situation on the Road Tour. ROAD TOUR of Roads and BridgeS in East Elgin followed. }l\EETING ADJOURNED, to meet on April 25th. at Strafford- vil1e with County of Norfolk representatiVes re mutual problems. ""....J- .? ....//..."....~........."... ~ .;;;;" /r~"- / // ~ .. /-' // '/ /-:J - (~/~/ --ettDRMAN l~ 20 30 40 ELM STREET BRIDGE TENDERS _ _."......"e, .'.' ...-.""" - .., .p,. ELGIN CONSTRUCTION COo LTDo st~ Thomast> On:tarioo LOOB1 CONSTRUCTION CO 0 LTD., nublinlll ontarioo McLEAN-FOSTER CONSTRUCnON LTD. t St. }1iarY's~ ontar1oo CLtlBB &;, NICHOLSON, Londont On'tarioo 50 aILVSEl CONSTRUCTION LTD., 'f111sonbur&, ()nt,sriO 0 60 CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION LTD., 'roront.op Ont.srioo 70 JOHN GAFFNE1 CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., s'trattordt Ont.arioo Bo NADECO LIMITED, Rexdale, On~arioo 90 }'RAMAT" CONSTRUCTION LTDo, London" Ont,al~io$ 10;0 McKA1~OOCKER CONSTRUCTION LTD., London 2l On:tar10 0 llu SANCO CONSTRUCTION LTD., London)} ontariOo $42,a~3030 $!t.!t,57903L. $4!t-,697 047 $47~014000 $lt9~a~6nOO $1t9,9~7092 $50,051065 $501)896095 $51,077063 $519,fl9025 $561)136030 'io COUN1!.JL~ 'FOR GRAVEL CR~ ~~!.:;::;...._..__n~. ntFO'R\IlIA 'f.r.ON 'fa Bl1l0ERS !nfo1."'ll!lll'GiOn 'GO Bidders. tt.hifl sheet>) l,() 213 3~ 2(~ ')0 ~c 'rendeX' condi:t.icne. General eondit.ion& and candid,one A'PPlyinl& 'to 1n41 vidual 'tender 1.t.6ll$. Tender Fol"tll llnd 'l!'.nTtl.ope. Coun:t1 'Mapa ~<;; ,iI Of 4:ruShin~ gt'8."el~ sl';lreening sand, ~ St.o clttI11ing sand and he.uun&. gr3",el fro'l!l v91'10\16 pi~fl ,,"" varioUs Count.y RoSds s and supplying and, 'It. ,.C") of tohe. stri:ppinS g,r9'1(C'l ror one flect.1on \ em . rrender ,~' ~'!)ER5 "ilJ. be recd.red bY the. undersigned unt.i.l ~ ' 'lO~~ at. t.he COurt RoUSes st~ 'th()!!l8.s. ~G\ :it 1n!ot"ll\Bt.ion maybe obt.S1ned from t.M undereignedo ....... . Te:te'Phone No. 631.-5860. st.. Thomas. 9 P oE:lGQ 9 couNorL 'E1'lul'NEER s COUlt'r ROUSE$} S'f. 'tllOli\!5 .OltTi\RI0 · TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING ~....;,v,..........,."..IIfl>>llI_~.;____,,,......_...t_,._,,,,,,,...~.~__.,~"'__~b""_'....-................,.,..."'~_""......,....,..,,',.~~,,.,;."""'....""'J1; Tm:DER CONDITIONS 4.-_....;...:...-..r;:~",-:" .,---...---~...,...-"-''''''''''''''''''''''''''';''''''~ 10 SEALED TENDERS will be received by the C@un~y Engineer a~ ~'_""~"__"_"''''''''''_'''"4'-''' ..,_, .._'........................'_<-.~ "",..,....",.,,, .." '''N.', "",.- his office in the Cour1t Hou,se ~ultiJ~ ~o:oo AoMQ APRIL 7TH 1 ,., _ ""',' _.. ..~,_~....._"'___'_-'"""'~-'.""'"'^""'-' .,,,'.'''''"_' ,-",Z1..,_,_,. 2 0 !~~".~,+!'-.~, must> be cn the forms and in envel(Jpe~E>> provided by the County and be accompanied by a ~el;1ft:JJried cheque parya,blet.o t~he Treasu.rer of the County tr:2.:f Elgin in the amount of 10 per @mt or 'the total tender 0 This depcs~L't. will be released when a Contrs@'t is ~signlad by t,h~ successful "Tenderer'o 30 !~"J'_U~CES~FUL Tenderer must; sign a Contract and poet a 100 per cent Per'f'orman~e Bond from a recogn,ized Bonding Company doing business in the Provi~ce"of Ontario within 10 d.ays or being notified the4t he is; the $u~ce99tul Tenderer 0 Should he tail to do so his tender cheque will be 'f~ortei 'ted to the County or Elgin to compensate t,ne: CouiRty for damages sU$tainedg ~~HE SUCCESSFUL Tendere rnust alsc post a 100 pier ~:;enl~ Mat@r!,al "".J",,,,,,",_,."-,~,---,,,,~,,,,~~","~""~"-""" ..~~..'u..........,,~............""~..~ 4~ and Labour Bond to ensure p8ymen~ ~ill be mad~ to all employees and 'to all sub-contraet;;ors and. theil" enplo~\tee$ and to all auppl:1ters of materia18 supp:li.ed by thIS C0)1n1~rac'tor tor 'the Con:tra~:rt('l 5d THE CONTRACTOR shall. visit thie site ot -the 'l~lrk~ ~xam;ine all ~~...",..;...."_..._._---_-....,, plsl'u3 and spe@ificat1..oi!s and 8at1$fy h:1.nu~elf of {~ll conditione of the worko 6171 THE CONTRACTOR will furnish all light69 bar7t~jl@adesf> tlagmeng .._.......~...,""'''',~,..~-'~~ signs ~ etlf~ 6 necessary in the opinion of the County for the preS8g'"sit::f..on of 'the' 'traffi e and the safety oft 'the \iorlkr 0 .., o. !!~Ul;~ worle will be allowed unllllss author1fl~ by the County Engineer in writ1ngQ 'Peae 2 100 1\lDDE'RS mo.'t be capable of perforll\1n& "he vari.OUS it.ens of ......-4. ..-...Md 'Work bid u.po1L4 'fhe1 _1 b8 re<luirllld t.o furni~b st.a't-,en'tlll eoveri'l\& la) t.beiX' ~r1.1Lce on sUlltler 'Work'~ (bl tlI8cbine1'1v pla1Lt. and ot.b8r eq,uipen1i available for 'the proposed ...orlt and (e) nnanc181 rElSourees t.o complet.e 1;.1\11I eont.l'set.. '!:be COunt.1 resel'1refl 10he ri.ght. t.0 re~ect. 'the t.~der of anY cont.rac1Oor whO'lll t,h81 believe does not. bave t.he financial resources o't 'tbe eltperience 'to successf'u111 eOlllple'te 'tbe "ork. ('rhiS clau". does no1'; prohibit. sub-con'trac't1J1& a port.10n of 10he ...ork. All &Ub~con1Orac'tOrs mUS't be approved b1 'the county.) ANt UIlBAV.llClSl> bid or qual1fiCat.1on of the 'tender lIill lUble ~'* - ~- t,be t.ender 'to re5ect.1ono 'PROGB.'iSS 'PA"fMiN'tS ...Ul be .de on (lppt"c:>>d1l\8tel1 'the lOW of - ~...,. . . 'the 1llOnt.h for 90 per cent. of 10he Work done during t,he previOUS 1l\.Ol\tb. (lo1I\Ple't8 pa~'I; ...111 be _de 60 da'foS aft..r cOlllpletiOn of tbe "orit as cert.it1 ed by 'the Count.1 g9UN'il oF ,,~ ... · -,~ t\('> 9<:. 130 1.40 !;ng1nee'r. 'ff{E 't:OU lllUst. be co1l\plet.ed bef'ore t.he dat.es stat.ed in 'the . - ,..-.,."-'- ' a:tt.ached General condidol\8 and 1ihe,eon'tractOl' agreeat.O -paY to the count.y of 11:1&;'1\ ~OO.09. as liquidat.ed damages per' calendar day' 'that. each it.em of t.ne cont.ract. remainlil Uco1\lllle'te aft.er t.he da'tetl .ta1Oed. 'tBE co'N'f1lJ.C'rOR is 'to carr! workmen' s Co1\lllenaat.ion InSurance and 'rhird 'Part.1 Liabllit.1 Insurance 'to the lilat.isfact.!On of 'the count,1o A DE'POSI'f of' $2.00 :\.8 req"jred for pl81\11 and 1II8po .... - ..' opgRAorl0~S of' t.he col\t.raet.or ...ill be rest.rict.ed 'liO t.bat. area - - - ' or 1;,he pit. being "orked a'l;t.bo t.1JlI.fl unle6&arrangement.s 11\ writin& are _de w1'th propert.1 O'Ifte1'8o ~S'f or Atn: 'fINDER not. neceeearU1 aceept.ed. -- - .- 1;0 110 120 r~ I' <,. ..,\1 J . K i. COUNTY OF ELGIN ....._~~..a:m:t~,~..-.;;,..:.:,:.:...;,.,_...-,:~~$.* TEtJDFB. FOR. GRAVEL CRUSHING """""..1""""..";.".,.,,,.,1 1""",'0,...,;""".,.,., h'. ',.,.."",..,.1...",_"".,."."...,. "" GENERAL CONDITIONS AND COI~DITIONS APPLYING TO ALL INDIVIDUAL TENDER ITm4S .1;.,. ",",.",.._~",.;",....__, ..........w lo ONTARIO Departmerrt of Highways General Condit:ioDS of Contract ,...;"....,'."'JI<",.".,..,~......."_...",,...... Form. 100 ehall apply on this Con'tra@t (iJncludlng rtt1nimum truck haul ra'tes) reading&! "County of Eljg1n" tor "DoH600" 20 ~~~. CO.T~,A..C~~ shall supply scales a. per DoHoO~ Specification "180 The County will provide ~lcket8~ ~welghman and checker. 30 ~HE COU~!/o! .will supply and apply calcium chlo:ride where it is.: necessary in the opinion or the County ~ng1neer~ to control dust on haul Roedso 40 TH~ ~ONTRACTORt~ trucks w:l.l1 be restricted (b~oth loaded and empty) 'to the routes described in the Individual Tender It, ems 0 ~ .,~ . I So ~Q..,9y~~;r,9ADI~G will be tolerat.edt and loads 1]11. excess of legal limits will not be weighedo 6" THE CONT~~~!Q!! shall complete the work set oU1t in each 10tem of the Contract. in one continuous operat:lofto No work may be done before JlIay lst~ 19640 .,' I 70 ALL C~~~~!5~ gravel shall pass through 1I ;/4 11!1ch S(l'uerfJ opening screen" 60' ~~~!!!~~ shall be placed on the Road or in thl9 stockpile a8 directed. by 'the Count'yEngineer'~ a Agerrto 90 ~~~,~~ shall be ba~ed. an unit price bidi' hesled 011 quantities approved tickets onlyo 100 HOURS ot work shall be as .follOW8g 7 aomo to ~5:30 p~)mO ~ l~onday through Friday (except, legal holidays) ~Ut1d '7 8omo 'to 12 noon on Sa'turdays6 No gravel will be aClcepted on the Road 8~ other ~han these hourso 110 ALL?~':I;~ 'Used shall be cleaned up and left. in a neat manner when 'the work 18 complet.ed 0 . . Page 2 E9.~!.~-2! Et.ED1-=--'r~N~~G~",~R!S~~~ - G~ ~].u!9~S_AND CONDITlONS~lLl~,..JL.!9.- AL!-. INDIVIDUAL~'~~ 12. TRIS CONTRACT will !Q! be $epara~ed 1n~c ~epara~e con~ra@~8, and the successfUl Cont.rae~or lllUSt. be prepared ~o complete t.he ent.ire con~raet. wit.hin the t.ime epeeifiedg . .~ ' ,.,: '1',.~-:':'l'2~ ;i'~.{'~ J ./'. " ", ',." ,H 11< \.,.", ,"" . d\ "", .u.<' '" '" .. ,'''''l tn' if .""~ 'C. " ~ ,-")1'''.'' ~'" . '. ;t... 'H""' ,t;" ,\;. ,5 .~ . ;.. :-:i:"~.: ~~# ',{ TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING ~,,,,,,,,-",,,,-,,,,,".,,..,...,_.......,4...,,__,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.>I""'~"""''"'''''~\'~.''_".....''',,'~...'.,.,....,'_''.....,~.'^"''',.,'''_.._~.-._........."''',......_......._~ ,~~~;oE1L ~.~EM "A tr <= GRAVEL CRUSHED FROM COUNTY AVON PIT ;j.. ':.t:.::"" . ;" ".'. ".." "",4 ,~", <....,...".U. ","""""",~,_",_"""""."""",~~~~~""_"",,,.''';I.,.. A""..jl THE FOLLC)l"ING Roads will be m&1n'te.nanc~ grave1lled under this Item: 10 Road 54 from the Brownsville R~ad to Road 52~ 2Q Road 37 from the Dereham Townlinfi to Highway #74 (except Surface ~Ireatment; 4lt Avoin) ~ and )Q Road 50 from Highway #73 to Highway ~14o See maptS = Road.s are 3nClm in l"'ed 0 -2 PIT RUN Gravel will be .~ppli8d by the County' ot Elgin at no chargt. from th~ COUll'ty'e Avon Pltp The three pil.e. pustied up from under 'the water at 'the bacI( of tbe Pi.t mus't be ~ru.hed .t~lret 0 . <#>) IT IS th.~ intention or the County to clean \1131 the P;lt trom t.he back to the .front ~ and t,hls may entail a:cavat1ng, ,gravEtl from undE~r the wa'ter$ and piling it." The CQI1~tra~t.Ol'l1 will 'tie paid g CE~l1ts per tOll ext;ra for allY gravel eX(l~evated t!"om under th~~ water and pl1ed~ No eX"tra payment will be made fOT' gravf~l "double handled" by the COl1traetorJ tor hill own c'onverl1eJlC~ (;) ~4 ANI S'rRIPPI~G necessary (except that necessa!~y for 'the Contractorts Ollln convenience in set,ting up hi.s crusher) will be done by the Coun'ty:v and 8u1tabl~ notice rc~r addit1ons,1 i 8tripp1n~~ required. must be given to the Counl't,y by the Contra ct<<)r,Q ~5 NECESSARY ~oa(l8 between the piles and levf)ll:1Lng to 8e't thit ~ru,iJhtlr :Ls the responsibility or the Co.ntrac1ioro The Contract,or will not be paid the a @en1i~ per 1~on compen,at1,D, tor remo',al trom under the water for any ~a't~,ri81 'Which be has pushed under 'the water tor the bu~ldi~.g Ctt Roads OX!) working arssso l?sge 2. ~ _ 'rENDER FOR (}RAVEL ClWSHING ~ ~'O~..~ "~ - cont-'d. 1.*6 'rHE OOIlTBAC'tOR'S at.t,ent.1on is di-a~ t.o t-M fact. ~hati t-he gravel bllS been pushed int.o a pi).,e lfi1lb bu11do~e't6' ,and a cert.atn 811l0un'li of hard labOU!' _y be ret\uired. tio keep claY l\11llps, e'tiCo pi-eked off. hiS eru6hers~ $<!lreens, tOll" __hien nO addi~ionel C01ftpenl:!.atiOn will be pid~ -7 NO SAND screening is ant.icipat.ed. ...8 GRAVEL is t.o be placed on t.he Roads by -t.a11 get.in&" in unitOJ'lll layers, under t.he di!'e~ion of t.he eount.,. El\gineer'lI Agent.. Levelling ",11.1 be done by a Coun~y of Elgin grader. An" colll"Pa 01:.10n necelllssr1 ,.ill be don. by t.he eount.T 0 -9 'fl\'& CONTRActOR'S vehiCles lfill be reet.tict,ed to hauling on t.M !ol101ling Roads ll08ded and _p"1) ~ 1. For Road )7 grave1ls,ng ...,.e cont.rtlct.or ,,111 be re.t.rict.ed t.o Bead 37, . 2. For ROad 50 Gravelli.ng - "he eont.ract.or ,.111 be reet.r1ct.ed to Rlg.h\ll!LY 1'7' and 'fI.08d 37 p an' ). For Road 5" GrBvelltn& - 1lbe eont.ract.or ",ill bEl rest.rict.ed to'toh. DerehaUl-Sout.h Dor$8&t.er 'rown11ne Ib08do ~lO CRUSHED grs.,el aft.er being placed, Jll\\St. not. be run O.,er bY t.he cont.ra et.Cr' s "ruckS 1IlOre t.hatl nec:essal"1' 'rhUS .' Road SO and ROsd )7 west. of Hi,gh1f&" 1'7') Jll\\St. be gra'\!'el1ed berOr. 1load )7 east. of Righ1fSl 1'7'30 Each Road ehe.11 be graveued in 1/2 1ftile leng'iiha p st.artoinB. at. t,he diSt.ance furt.hes1i frolll tohe Pi:t 0 _11 'rRE SCAtES _1 be locat.ed at. 801lle convenient. l~cat.ion in the Pit', SO t.hat. all gra.,el1inB. in t.hi8 It.elll maT be done wi.t.hOUt. movi.ng t.he scales. -12 '1:1IE COR'rRAG'fOR shall use all precaut.ion8 nece.sar1 t.o ensure 't.hat.no da_ge is done toO t.he ent.ranee 'Brid&e. It..' 'be necessarY for 'tl1e eont.ract.or to obt.ain an alt.ernat.e 1ftetohOd. of ent.e~ and. leavi.il& toM Pit ,.It.b hiS crusher an' otobef' eq,u1p1len'to COUNTY OF ELGIN = TENDERFORdGRAVE~~~RUSHING <::l> II.J"'....,.',"I".",'..~.................."..,."".,.~'..,....'.............~o.ool-l.I""_~ ...,............... ~...~..-,..,"'.."".'"..",..,~',.,.''''''~.~''''' . ',' . ~ _."'.....-~-'" Page ) TENDER ITEM "A" - con~td~ ___"....d.._........ .~......~."..'.."." .,,...........- A ..13 ALL GRAVEL crushed under 1#hls Item 'fA" or the ioendel" lII\l3ti be " . placed by June 27th>> 1964& See penal~y clauseS) Tender . . Conditions Number 110 ~ilTI._9'l!' _J!.G:m ~NDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING ------~-_. .............. .- .-- TENDER I'rEM "Bft "" GRAVEL FOR lllULCH FROM }l1J'rCHINGS PI! __............'...--- ..... _..-..;;:.0.--....- -- .~ 13-1 GRAVEL i8 for mulch on lU>ad. 20 frOm Highway e, to H~ay /f!tOl. See map ccbured yellOWo Haul Road is dot.t.ed. in yeUO\'f. ~2 TItE CQUm of Elgin \fn1 provide pit. run gra"lel 1'1'0111 t.M Pit. in locations as direct.ed by tohe Coun'ty. All s't1"iPp1D.g 'd11 be done by the County except. t.ha1i necessary for t.he eon'trae1iors own convenience in set.t.ing up his crusher. The Count.y 'Wi'l). allSO buildeart;h Roads for cnt.ranees 'to t.ne area being 1IOrked. as deemed necessary by t.ne County. -3 THE CONTR~CTORts at.t.ent.ion 1s drawn to the shall~wness of the deposit., and the sandiness of 1;he deposi1;. 'fbe &1lIOUlll~ of send 1;0 be screened off will be as direc'ted b'1 t,be Count,f Engineer'S ASen". This sand sball be stockpiled as direc'ted by the County Eni;ineerts Agent wit.hin lilt mile of 'the cll."Ullhing area. This \fill be paid for under l'tem B-2 on the Tender Forrtlo -1+ THE SCALES ma1 be set. up in tohe Pit. eO as 1iO weigh bOton 'tbe sand and the gravel. -5 PLACING of t.M crushed gra;rel on. t.M Road shall be under 'the di.rect.ion of the Count. Y Engineer' \ll Agent.. The Coun'ty of Elgin \4111 \41ndX'O" the gravel and place and maint.ain anf l1ghtos and barricades necessary on the windrOW of gravelo -6 'rHE CONTRActoR shall give t.be Count.y'two weeks not.1ce before begill1lin& work. on t.hi& section of t.he 'render. so t.hat. Road 20 ma1 bepri:m.edo. -7 'tHE cON'fRAC'IOR \4111 be res'trict.ed 1;0 t.M use of t,he to110\410.g R~ad.S ~ . 10 Delaware~SOut.mrold 'rownline. 1'9.& c 12. -6 . d " 2.. 'the 1I.08d in 81\dlbet.~eelnl- ~~s ,,~:'~~td-tI of C01\eeaGio~ a1\~ , $ou:t.b.'4fo1.d, 81\d , 0 co"n~l 'ROad ).8 in 'Lot.s 5 and 6" . :ble t,he eount.1 of -0.19-1' 5U'f'flCuN't ,.ork 1nUat. be dOne toO en8 · . · J ~2 d.19~ and all to be~in _en -pt\vtl1I\ent. ~ork bY- _~n, 9 1 ... 6d '0.... J\11\e ,()t.b, 19~. 'Illor\':. mu.$t. be e.o'I\\'P e.... J _ ... del" FI)1'iIl Cle USe ~el' ),1)" lsee -penal-to,. claUSe, ..en B~1 'rENUER. FOR GRA "\jEL ':>J,t~JI:IIiP ' ~~R~1\ ~V'St~ - ~r.!t! c>2 GRAVEL in t.hill 'It.em i$ for mulch on Road lt2 from 1/" mile eMIt. of Road ~O, east.erlY to ~,n_ere Fa1"lllill 'Limit.ed {ex-capt, &:t st.alt,&r GullY Bridge) a diSt.&n(Ml of apP1"OXi'll'l8ta1Y 5 lI\tles. see Wl'P _ colOured #..no If\\!. CON'tRAC'fOR is to .upplY an4 st.riP t.hell\lllcessarY &1'l1vel ",hich 1I\USt pass D.1\.O. $pecitieat.ion *,11.. for Granular "A". l'1t. .Y b. necessary tor t,he eont.ract.or to screen sand t.o lll~et. toh1$ specificat,ionlQ \1 ~u - 'rENDER ! C~l -l4. 'r1\t. CON'rRAC'fOR mu&t. not.. t.he.to clean meterial 16 neceatsaJ"1 tor mulch pavement. and t,hat. striPpi1\& ~ clean _t.eri8.1 ,0.11 be rGCtu1re4Q NO n1R'f1 GRAVEL \/1.t.'L BE r.CCEP'tEl). pu.clllG of t.he crushed gravel on '\;he ,Road shall be under t.he d1rectiOn of '\;he Count.Y Engineer'. Ment.. 'the County of Elgin ,0.11 ,n.ndrO'" t.he g1'a"l81. and 'Place and _int.ain ant lights and barricadee neceesarY on t.he ",ind~ af gravel. ~) .:a7 'f1\'E cowrRAC'fOR i8 restriCt.eO. t.o \1S.uU.nS o.,er paved count., ~ds as _eh a8 poGsible. 'rho cont.ract.or 1s r_ponsible I'> all" p..:t RoadS and 'fo"'l\sb1.P Roade (ot,he't' fol" maint.enance 0... co... .. . t.h8ll Il'PPliC8t.i.On of calc1U1ll ch'loride, ",bere de-e<1 neceeeat1' b1 t.M eount.1) q ecunt. y Roadfl ,r11.1 be ma1nt.8:ined by t.he Coun-t1o' !Bt CON~C'fOR eh-all. gi". t.he eoUtit.1 t.,co ,.eekS not-ice before b~1JISli.11& \'fOrk on t.bi. 11:.- of t,he 'f ender SO 1:.M" ~d a.2 _t be 'PriJD.ech 'J!l\E coN'fRAC'l'OR'S att.ent.ion 1S ,4t'a'lIIll 'to t,be fact. t.hat. t.bere i. no. &1"llvel avaiUb1.e in t.he ()r'Ir1l.le Liddle 'Pit. for use under 1;.1\;'8 11:.- of :the 'ren4et'o .w>5 ~6 COUNTI OF ELGIN = TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING = ~~..~""_..:=.,""-_._-"~....,,,.::"'"'"..- -,"-^--_...~"_..... ... .........-....-.--..-.....----.---...--= Page :2 .TENDER I'rEl\1 tfC" ~.:........_,-___'"'.;:..~.-:-;~t.._......~~'~,'-....;.~.:.r~ cont'do c-g ALL GRAVEL crushed 1il'Ider ~hls It.s "C" ot the 'tender IIlU8t .be (~mlple'ted by July 111bh., 19640 (See penal~Y clau$e~ Tender Condl~lon N~ber 11). ! \ t ..-...-_..-_----_.~-- --------.__._---..;.~...;..;. ---......-------. :"r-~ ..a.Y.'~..i. ~) l! ift. :"".~i...l! .;J.;&. ,. n.~:-"/ ;.t:;o~,'.~.\' ~'!\~ .:o~,:~ ." h' .ij.~~ ~1;;.~"I: ~ \.~rj!'.....; !"--..; .~ .t....\.,l'.!";.'.'<.l(l'~t~.:r~. eOllN'l~ 11'0 ELGIN .....~,.~"................._~,_~,..n'#>1l$\~,~~.,..;......,.:---.,:"',-~ TE~DER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING ~_~ .----. Vll'I -- b.~~''li ~~- 'rENDER I'BM liD" _ GRAVEL FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION - ROAD 1t2 ~--_...... ...."."...".. .. ......-.--- . . ..-.... -.....---- _........ "...... D ~ ......~ GRAVEL is for new cons"truc1Oion on Road &,.2 from Wynem.ere Farm eaa~erly into Port. Burwe1l9 approximatelY 2 mileso See map _Road coloured orange - Pit show in orangeo -2 THE COUNTY will supply gravel from the pit of Orville Liddle at no charge to the contrae1Oor. 810 III location in the pit designated by the County. The County of Elgin will strip the Pit 88 in Item A=~o -3 GRAVEL is to be placed on the Road a8 in Item .1\.-9. -It IT IS EXPECTED that the Road will be ready for crushed . . gravel by approximately June 20th, 1961+. bu1# this date i,s no~ guaran'teed and no extras wUl be allowed. the Contractor it t.he grade 115 not COJIlPleted by this date. -5 THE CONTRACTOR'S trucks are restricted to the use of Road itS between ltoad 40 and the Pit. Road ,.0 bEJ1;ween Road .lt5 and Road 1t2, and Read 42 for this It.em of the Tendero -6 IF THERE :18 any fiend screening and 8 tockpiling necessary 9 , i1; will be paid a't the price per ton bid for Item B-2o -7 ALL GRAVEL under Item "D" of t40 Tender must be placed by AugU8'tl;thp 196R;.c. (See penalty clause _ Tender Claus0 Item Number 11). COUNTY OF ELGIN -~~~~.l,,,,..w.i<oi,~~'~~_""'''\jIIo ---""'"='...=........-...J TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSilING ~" ."~.~,-""",....,.~.".~.~......__~.............,.,.,,,.,..,....,.I""".'L""",.......,.....".,,"'Il'..,............'.,'.I. ,,,,,,.,.,'.,,,, ,.,. .,1.. .,"" ",.,.,..,.,,,,.,,,.. TENDER ITEM tfE" .~3 THIS IS FOR CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING GRAVEl. .caa...,".."'"..'~"'''h.. """"1,"0"..- "",,'I~' ,..,..~.,I,.,.".j<."...;....",',.B "."" .1." ,J -,",_, .,.""....,..".,.";'.',\.1'...1,,,0_.,. ."1,_,,, ....1......> .,',~,.., ,_, "."1"..,, ." ,..., ~_"",.,.,.,I.' _.,.__........--.....,.",.''''.,...... J ..~ J11~ SCREENING Al'~D STOCKPILING SAND AT THE COUN,]~ "''''-'"~,,,,!.,' , '.".,j"',. """,', "",~,...~.".,.:l " I ,.,...".~" .'_1"". ;.,.. ....'. ". ",., ',-'j,.." ~"" """'" ,...' ,I' .'-"" ...... ..._.... .....'H,j."-'.',~.,~'-i'o.",'..,'......",..,...,....."""~ lIMITE tt S STAurION <<ST $i\ THOMAS) PIT G ..."'-l'oJ.,............~,.......,..,"~,~.."....,~......"'__...._,,,...._,,..,"._.,.;,~~,.."..,.:;,..,._.,.,I,......"'__.._._...._..'.."......,,~.~,...,,~ Eo:nl 'litE PIT RUN gravel will be supplied by the County 1Of: Elgin a't no charge to the Contractor$) where direc~ed bJr tbe County Englneer{/~s Agent at their pj"t at Wh1teIJs S'tat.~Lono --2 ALL STRIP1PING will be done a8 in Item A=/b,o AllY R@ad building ne@essary is the re.sponslbility or the Oontra€:tcu:"f.l <;;>" THE AREA trl()rk.d in mtls't be left, neat and 'tidy and t.he P1't 'Worked. to 'the bottom... ~4 THE AMOUN~r of sand screened 'Will be ae dirBct.:tcl by 'the. . Oounty Engineer'. Agento (Est1meted quantity = S9000 tons ot 8and end lO~OOO tons ot crushed gravel)o -=>5 THE SA}ID :la to be stockpiled as directed by tbeCounty at!otf near the l)resent stockpile at the sal't stor8gt~ shedo -6 THE CRUSHED gravel is to be 8to<<:kp1led as dirEu:'ted by "the County near th~ present crushed gravel stockpille at 'the ,flJron't of 1~he Pit 0 ..:m7 AIsL \\TOPJ< under this It,em 'ltE" must. be complet(t(l by October 31st 9 196B+Q (Bee pena:lty clause C~ Tender Clause It.em Numlu~r 11,) 0 SUPPLYING CRUSHING" AND HAULIN'O ttlr..r.:~___\~ '."'"~""''''''''''''''"'''''..t.._~J-.,'~1.,..~U''__'.'''''''''''''''''',''~~~~J$~_~_..,~ 2r..........Q~~y~ 'liD ~~HE AND OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~W{ITTEEo I/WE'having r~ad the Spe@ifi~ation~9 mentiontad5} and fully unde~:~~tand:Lng I>ori'orm the tollowi~ng 'Woide ~ work don~.3 ~! 11*EM DE~SCR.IP~r.!Ol\l NOQ ESTIMA TM~D (JUA.NTITY~ TONS UNIT .PR]:<<:l~ :PKR - 1~ON '!'OT.AL (,,"".".',.,.,. ,,,,...~_....~,,,-,,~".L~"i"""" .,......" ,. ". "', l1U~.".."."',,. .",.~,l...,'''... ''''''';'......".,,; .'. ,'..,,_.... ^ """ ..........,_'.~,~..". ._..J"'."......~_~,,__'" 'A-r.;;l Crushin~~> &. Hau.l:tng \t(~) 1 p 000.. R<<J-Qd S4. f,j"r~'11 -..t" ~ V J ~~ t;1' "'1l,,:1'1 i <(J;... , ",( '.. tll\4.,L~/\.,'1il~ IClC !\ ,\,~,~ I[JlJj", . ng l!,;I<.~) ... ~ R(lJ~ui '0 5 v SOO ,,1\=3" C:Mlshint?; &.. H~uli:ng '\t{t) Road 37~ west 'or Higb11fay #73 8 ~ 000 ~-:...:.;,...';-; ;-nr.. :..','.;'l4kr'::~":,;;",',;"."...:.,..Q;tln',,,..v'.",,,,,,"..t _~ A.~Pt. .CRUS.H1~l~ .tt- Haulirlg,: t~ I Road 31v east ot ~ I H1ghl~ay #73 ;: 9 000 C~<.l.u!~hing.& HalJ1.ing t(~ R@ad 20 tor- Mu.lch ,Grav4t;\1 9 f) 000 "B:-~2 ~;{cl~eenl11g & Stockp:tl:tng Sand at Hu~chlng~ Pit )~OOO t""~~~__ .~.;Il<\'Jtji:;iQi,'Ia.~'~.n~""..iI!l!t,:l_....~.' u,.,"-""',.IWltJII;!."-_..."",.....'....,.........._..-........_._\....~.,' 0<0:'.1. . Suppl:11ng~ CJt~shing it c. .. H~ull:lng to R@sd 42 f@r Mulch Grav~l ..1.\=2 ., '~. .~...:;t~~'/./;~_>_+....,.,,_""'''''''"_..........._..~..,.....,.,.,..''....._......,......'''''', ".n....l . CrufSbing:..lie Hauling \t.l{) Rood ~2 for 'ft.oad' .. .. w Cons1trnc'tion. Gravel 6 iJ 000 E"""l . Crusbil\g~.~ StQ,ckp~,Jjing . Gravelp Screening & S'tocjk:pji...l ing . Sand~ . ~ltef)s Statioxl lSi)OO~) TOTAL BID'g 000 -~,~ . .- .' . I var:i.O'\\Jl,~ Ii ~~ Q\'11!' 'HUNDRED \ <i.n dSYi1lag as :l.l~e~'mplt~'te . af'&eJ'r to 'the treasurer of 'the Count:,. of "Elgin for 10 per amOun'(, bid p being _----------- nol1ari$ 0 1../\~E ENCLOSE III eert1fied <ch.eque _de p&,....ule or ,th(t'~ 1t;etm.(J L~JES1 or ANI TENDER no~ ne<ce~aarilY a~~ep~ed. ~------- C01~'rR1\ (~jf{)ll ---------> . ADDRESS ~------= ~rELE1~R01~1~ 'tlO OJ ---" 'V11~;NE\SS 11~~ .-~~ DA~'E COUN~ OF ELGIN ~j;.r"""'"'.""''''':,;'"",."""."""""""""""""",~..",,,-.,.,,,,,.,,,. TENDER FORM .............""~---'"- ~,UPPLY~~q.~ CRUSHING AND HAULING J 1>'1 .... _'.'''', . COpy TO THE CHAIRMAfl AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~ITTEEG OF GRAVEL I/WE' having read 'the Sp.e<e1ticat1onsp eX_lined. fGhe Pits montionad9 and fully'understanding 'the work to be.dlon~v agree't@ perform the following work: E=:>l . Crushing,'Stoclcp11.1ng Gr8Y~81 l' Screening &. S'tockp11inaSandp Whl'tce\ls Sta't1on ITEM NOo _. A-l ..... A-=2 A-) A-i. B-1 B-2 0-1 >>-1 DESCRIP~rION . ESTIMATED QUANTITYt:> TONS Crushing & Hauling to Road S4. 19000 , .....~,. Cru.3h1n~t &: Hauling 'to Road '0 59'00 Crush1n,~ &;. Hauling 1;0 Road 37 t) west 'of High1,ay 1173 , 89000 CRUSH1ni~ &. Hauling to Road 37p eas't of H1ghlfay 1113 " 50000 "'.._........_"'_lIe".........,. , Crushing & Hauling to Road 20 tor Mulch Gravel 9~OOO Screening & Stockpiling Sand at Hu~chinge Pit 39000 Supply1ngp Crushing & Hauling to Road 42 tor Mulch Cravel 169000 I ,..~ Crushing & Hauling to Road it-2 for Road Con.truc~lon Gravel 69000 15 tl 000 TOTAL BIDg UNIT PRl ell: PER '1~ON TOTAL .60 '.',...""'"'" .- $ 600.0C 7") o 1:.. 5,760000 9,...' . I 5,335000 049 2,450000 o 6~~ 5,760.00 . 2E~ 840000 1027 20,320.00: 087 5,220000 . 2E~ 4,200.00, $ 50,485.00: COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING ,---,..~~._~._~,.,...."..._.... ,.,.-..,.., ~,_..... ,. .". ,,,".,....-. ' I/WE AGREE ~o complete 'the work by the dates stated tor the various items>> and agree to pay ~o ~he Coun~y of Elgin ONE 'HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100000) per @alendelr day as liquidated dwnages each day that ~~,,~!! item or the Contr~act remains incomplete after 'the compl.<t1on date spec1.fied in each itemo Ift~E ENCLOSE a certified cheque made payable to the 'frsasurber of the Oounty ot Elgin tor 10 per' cent of the amoun't bid 9 being ...'" ' ".....~~ ;~ ~~8 . 5~,.... Dollars Ci LOWEST or ANY TENDER not nece8sarily accep~.do PER: t'HARVEY WATTERS" . WATTERS BROS." CONSTRUCTION ,." CONTRACTOR ..,.-- .".~.__._..-- R.R~ No. 2 Springfield . ."-".,",.",.",,.. ,... '~., ...', .,. ADDRESS - 423ill , Aylmer .,',......~. "...'~......., ..1"......_..,'" ..:"... .,~"..' ".,"~ ,,1 TELEPHONE NO (J ,~",,~;""""""-'''~--'--' Signed: "J. Hide" ~"",___,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,__,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,;~, ._ 1 .._.......,....;.," ,.......",.,,' ,. ... ,......_ .","".......~.....n"-~._'-..,__..., 'WITNESS April 6, 1964 DATE i.. COmiTY OF ELGIN ---.._....o....-........_,.~. . _......~..J ~~~.___TE~D~_.~Q~_'-,..,.Q~~..._...!Jt~.__...J:~.P2__I-! APRIL, 19640 lO~OOO tBS. G.V~Wo c........-..-.:.......'L. .. '~'. . -, oJ ....~;'O'~.............._ri-"....._.. -,-,:.....:..~-_...........;....~._........--,;.. .~. . .. ~ . . . . ~!~ _----....-~-~____ _...-..-.._.-.............. _._............._,_ .,.............~".'. >,"_" m'.", ."... _____.______..~'..,..,. __.",.._'.. ,,_,_ .,.. __-''+""'' .~,. .~_~,.~ :.. ~..~_~..__~_ SUPPLIER ~_. .~-----~_...~_...~ MODEL 'C.,.._~..........,.,~ . . ... . LIS! PRICE ---.............. -,--.-.---............ ..."""'....... TRAD~:iB NETI~C~U~~G Model~"Bl)Jr"-:;' 1959 SALES' TAX InternatlQnal . -_.~--------~--_..... ... ~_............,.. ~~______",.""-",>-___",_..",,,,,,__~,,~,,_,,,,,,,,,,,~~'1:1 ~ J~ 0 Dlsbr(Y~e' "}~otcrs Ltd G ~ Sto Thomas~ OoMoC& 093603 $3 w427'!1iOO $1~806000 $1~669063 3,100 lb$~ Rear Springs and Helperu 'in lieu o~ 2~400 1~1'. 'Rear Spr~ngi;:~ and, .Helpers-quoted upon -add *'cOO (net)Q '. _...."....""'... ____'"-..........._ _.............-_~.~'-'...............~,_'". .w.......~_...____ L " ,"''-''-_~~n'~'''''''''''"'' .............-... ...." ~...'._,"u ,~............."..", .."^"""",__.__ Tendered on 6'~ pIt. tires instead afa'p1-,. ~. Add, approximately $~Oe90 tor _ ~_______ g ~l 1:. ~~~ee It ;...". _ :___ '"_~._._.__.....~ c.-~~~",-~........._;"_._......~_~-...,;..._..~__......~............:-~",...c.Jl.-.._,,.,............._.....".:'".........,.'"_"..."_.,....v,__.."~...:.".....,.,,_~,....-,,~","'-.........,..,__...-.~....,,_.~... >"~,..~""'...".,.~.-:-~.., _.__~.__.'-._ _,~___ _.._,,--"'","-_ _~___..~_~____"'_ _ _"'......~.. .,_...,'c.,_._..,..IIS:ll-.....-...-'~ ........,-'. ,_ ..,~,...,..~._~:. .~~,......__.-..J.._"" "....., ...,...,.........,.._,J.o,4.-_._.:.;.Io....,,,'l,o._,,,.......,~"....':";:-..,__...;:,.. .,....--.._. ' ,,_~_'...... """'''' ~~..~"""",,__......,... __.....,_............_.......".....-...........:"~__""'--~._""'.........'......-"'-_.. ...................~ ,................-~.,.--_.........""'"-"'... ,.'""..,.;;;u~.,~.......,:..~,.u~......_....,..;,._....." "...:.-~....~... (A ..' ~;,?",.> ~ r[iddle5ex Mctore (19(3) Ltd., London 4) M($rcury M.350 . $3,1.39010 $l~ 1/.j-6" 31 $1~443Q60 . . ".__.~~...~ ,....,..,~,." 'u........"!-'" ... ':."'~'" ,.....':' .~" ,:~.....~.'.:-... ~~..~"'~".''"":'' :'.~...._,. ~.~..":'...._._...,.:..."'~_....~'" " ."..........,." ...15DQ1 .I~ ,.,:U._.,,^-~"."..,......_.,., 3 {) Ja ek Brooks X{otors St. Thon'!Gs. In'ternational 1300 $)t2;i2067 $1,472.67 $1~e3.3&40 .."1-:-~ - . ....----,..._...,.......~~,...............-..~~........-'"'-""'"_.,......."..,"'-~-......a....-~-.-.-------~.....-----...-~ .~_.~~"'.. ... . ... ... , 'F V'. :-._,_u;.".,.~_......_~".~_..~__~~..~_ ~-: ~ ",. -(r;o-. .---..--...-w,~..:..-...........,,'~ 4 ~ Mid~ Town VICtors - ~ (S~~Thomas) ttde~ Still Thomas. Dodge D300 $) ,49.4 $ ,?O $1,59So00 $1$955.97 "V" _ . ~.,...,..."","'_",,, ....."....".".. ...0':/: .......~~.__......,,~Io-'_........~"'-'.....~_-. $@ Lyle-H. Grant Motors Ltd$~" .,:' . . Straffordv111eo Chevrolet C3603, . $3~396c55 $lt496oS' $1,951 00 . ...,',...~.,.............,;o.~,,~..~ .,..._...:-...~_-..:..~~~~_______~_.......:,..........-'<-'_,_......."...~""..;._.~...... .,~..".'", . - . ... ......... .. ....... _,..':.I....-."~ ,....~ .. . ._", . - . .. .... -J.,-._'.....,.;,... ._.~_______.._.~__,__.......~.............L.-----...___,......,....,.. ,..,...,:.~......~~:___~....""..-:.:::;....,-..~<;:..-. ..._w.'"'' ...."'.' .-,,__, ~-"......"" .__"......L....,.~_~-..~ -~.. . ....~~_.-,..... . "'".,....~ ~",......._..~;:.,. g-~~_... ___~ ,..,_.... .........._....._.............,_..L~......_................_........;.......,u.......,', .I'......'::"",......+-;,.,_".._~"-.-'-"~................-.'...N ,.. ,............_........~....."........... __. .._..........,__....OW........"_..4......_~~.,. ',."" ......._...., '.~__-..-JM'_. _ 1-' ".. .... ",. ..1.. .,~...,. '..' '''._ .."........... ~ .~,. .,.... ~""".. -........ ,,-.. .., -- ".... .. 4 london Mo~r Produe'Cs .. L~d it 9 London <) _ G.M.C. C93603 $3,409.1; .$1,491.02 $1,91S.~7 i;pc....,- .----..----".--:.:.........--..__..--_._~-..,-...._------~~-~...-..:..~-~..,.." ,.:....... ".. "." .,' ... ,.... ......"........~..;-,.. '.'_~;"".O' ... ,. _'LI~'_ ~,"'~'. ,.....,...,..1. . _"..._~...".,_. ",.,_"__.,,.I...;...,..~ /' ~~JJ1L~ .o~~~!! ~ 19 !1SM.l~~.,~g~".".gAB AHO CHASSIS · coft't'd. ~~;:,.,~~.,--~...,,-.....:.-~:,~ .IT'" "'""-'~'''''''''''4""'l:.."..J....-.,"~",'',_.................._._~~~:t. SUPPLIER 4Q....~___..w__.---.. ,,' '.~, "';.,_..".,.....~_~. .....:." . .,'..,... .,,.,.....,,.~,J,, ,L -.,Lo". i,J....,.." ,~."....I_,.,,,..-....-."'_' .....,. '_""' ".I.:'~" ",.",.. .'",...0,.' ...."..'..~ 'I!I!I,.~,."" I,,,,~,.,i,,.'~ MODEL ............._"'....~ LIS! stIeB ..................-:......~'__~."_'L"...,...'...".."...........,_."......_..,.,._ """"~_'''''''''''''''',.>........,...",_..,..""._..""...."._,<_".,,,."",_ "'''~''';'"''''''.''''''''''-'',"li.,,,~. . 7 !) Ce.f1tralCar ComyMrly $ AylU1er_ Ford "SO $3,34103' ~~_",_'-'-;""_C_:~:'",_"""'"",_,_''''.',';.,.,,,_";:.:',':,."'::,,,:,;,.:,.,,',~:,,.:,:",:...::' '4.'~'i'''~'''_'''~~:J... 1"..'L'.~."."",>"U..u...."...." ""'" 8 ~ Spa ckman .tore Ltd. tit t St. TbcUllaS. Ford F3S0 $)t378~OO mDE":-ii Model~'SI3ij'.~: 19S9 Int.rnattQl.1a~ $1,371049 $1~32'oOO NET mCLUDIBC SALES' TAX' . . . ~.-----~--.." -.~-,.'.'.',.,.:'.~,~~, -.".~,.,.."....- -~.,.....,.,-"",.~..._..,"-,._..".'..".;.- $2 J02Se96 Peg. 2 ..' ,'''_<''~''!'_'"""",'a. _.'''.......,'-,..~.,....-...-'.~.~~...".~.....,....__"!i ftEMARKS .. ....--.__...... _..._..J;o ....._-, -----..,....,...,....:........"--..,,.-........-...........-.-. ......,.".... .,;.*..--s",..._._".._.-.,..,..._"",.......~.~.._.~...............,i:,..04......u....... -.... $2,110041 ..."~,,,, ,.. .. '........,. """'"''''''.~''' ...."..\, -" .......-,.,..-...".""., ."".~. ,''''''"."'''<..."...,..,,..~'''',_..~_. ""~"'~""'''''''.l._"_....",,".,,,,,, "...,_........jj,.....,...",....,..............'~,,..,~ . - .'.. . .. .... ... . ~ """--...----~.~~........._,.---.........__...~^~ ~.,----...:--......._"~._~.._._'--_......-,..,.....,...."...--.~.........-...... .......-.....'_...'".........."..~......... 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Ti.l'ilel ~ Dual, 't$,!'~ T:l i\)~~~ 'Fl~}.Uf' l'{)ll 10 \j m~i.t~t, be re~omm~nd@d ~1re 8.r~Y fJJ1"ph(iur t\n,' ~; 't() t:8'~ ~'\ c ~1.~~ ~r t~tr~ ('fr.rt~l.onl'&~ f~nd t1f1'rt~ Stlltot9 1\.1.\lU . (:o~trt 9 --,--------------_.._-"---" ._.~._--,---_.---'----_.--~ ------------'^" ..--------------- ~,;,...-...,"~.w".,'""'"'"~f>,~-'<' S't A <<l~E~ .....--"" 'fot.d U.s't rrl~11I' of: 'rru<tlk al> equlPpet'l.2 Lees trAde-in ~n eoun~Y~s 1959 In~~18~ion81 5~ek~~ L-...,,"'..""""""_..,....---"'.#"-.~ Nai# Prue too the eount.1 ~r E1P.llil~ ~\~ ~t~ ...._,-_."-"',."""""""',,,""""""'.,......,~ PluS 3 per Cl!Jnt p1:,<>v1neiIli1 Sl'lle:l!l 'fa~~ 1'OTA!J P <.t:ClI__~~~~''tIt'I _(~~(l)fkl"li'W,j CE~g ~;:.J;;;l ,,,.. 1('/;'1: tii' "'.___,'''-''''''''''."."..,~''''''''''".......-........_. WJ>..II1>.............,._-_.._,................-~I'" ------------ DEA,L}\~it --------....-- Dj\tr~~ ---'" ADDF1;SS Att a ~h MePl.!.fi'l ei\;\l.:t'filX' ~ IS 5pGl1.d.fi ~ t.l<<.nl!t of TrU t'lk t.enu"l'red on L1~'t 3.'n1 opt.ion~l ~1u1pmen~~ $:in,a. .'" ~-- Elgin ~~'i' 'b~~ ~ 11'1il\icl~1'llt"l!J' J1'j\ ~\ \Jlhl"""',;r;s ,.,. J ""c. --,_.__._'"...._,.,_.--_._""-------~.._---- ---------.. --,-----------"..,.------------- ------ ~ (, '1'0 THE; 1.~,I~t~ ~lEM:tU~~:aS i'rHl~ cOU~~~rf F;!iGI N ROJ~ D CO~I!MJt'l~~~E ~~ 9 1'\> 0 ,"' BE) !l:P e! ,j!.. '!1:\\ 1h <;~ ,ft, WI,! ,;;j' ""I 'l\il<t.:~ \t", J" j\,~ ~.i'o \~ ~1' ThO~1)1~:1~~} l\;n~a9 :lfMI:J1ti \"l' '!l' flll<<~ '"'?ill"" ~'}.'" '1\ , 1i" ~ 1!<'<'} t~ J,d!'Ulf{j,,~,) ..tr"Jif".ffa. (~~o~np"""f!H~f'li>lI 1W'1 ..1 fI\::) i ~~~ t i', li;~ c~ Bto8'~'~ m~rtf,j~e mod.el t~endell'l!ed ,;) n ..I'\J~"" rlW~"SIl%t..'1.~"~~~:' Engi.ne ,~t {t,.. ',",' f.:!:. ('''l' 'j,J! ,("6 11: ~ '~l~"~a ~ '" .".;&? fU'>:'tJlo ..;11. ,> ., .." 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W{!;~y f'l,u!hin:a tYrJtl't~ ,L~ightll, i~o ~t(jn,fl;%ol~l "'tith H1ghwtl7t Tre.f"f~ic A~~'t(, ~o t"r.ont pull ho(}:ks ~,tttl ched '!So thfl"t~herull weight t.,h~] l08d~d t,rtlck 'tt9Y IJe :;iulledt t) RGar t~w loop or hooko Wheel \n"en~h"" laarn,).fa(~'iturerlf IS St.~nf.leu:~d "!aJ:"ra1;1.t~jr <:) Gasoline Tmnk C@pacity ~ ~O gallons, m1n!~umQ red and <l~ttal1l'ed llfCount;7' ofl Elgin 1i!()o 2;;;~ (FIn t~wo d~.)ora ~ s1milalll to othe;r.t CtO\~li't'1 ~:rr11.H~ks a ,> ~r;r'UIf::k 't(r be Gr,!,Uipped with BtJX and Holtat, a~ .fol1ows ~ ? 9 cubic yard bO:.1t <:$ length 12 te<i't~ 1:€fl:ilgate apprnxiluatfel'3,'f )6 inchee high; Sld6S ~~P}'));l'(l~~i:mtrtely 21 lll~:~h;G:! h1gh~ p1(tgv~t~L1on tor 8idebe)~:trd5 to be ~dd8d() E(q'U.:1pped w1th<<~~b Shield~ I.Iud Flaps; I.1.ghts to CCl~lf!!'OOrl\ 'ffdt.1~b Hig.hway Traf'j~lc A<<~tQ i!ltEr~D~:H Fen. TA.Nn~~ TliUf;l! ,>>'.. .\e<f,~'rt.1r4lJ.ed t,~~~.-;-itu."'l,~~.~~~~.;l:,bif~.~~'_~'.""""-"".",,,,~,~'~.'~~lftt~4j**~"~~"~~1n.t Pig;ge tit;. tit) .f'(t'J'J~' mO'urltfJd,) and 't.(~ rJI~~nr:~,d'$i , ,,,,. \111' .JI,. ~I' -I~"l 'Ii'&:." If ''f;, ijo}. t'IJ>" 1? '" .u. <t'\ 'll: ' ._ 'l,..I,O MD li?t' '1 'lIT ,,,;! ~ \.J!,,~;) "{,fI j\\;;, 'It.~ llt"')i'ilS~, i;, UIl8~Xt.1,1~e &~X S~~~i\ t ~' t, 'rfj,~'t Hoj.l8i~ aJld Ca:p~a@lt1ij '~f.>~.~~~~~~~""..\;~~:.J.JIf;,~~"1:t'.~~>jI(>I."IlI...,....__,...n.~'1'tl;~:t~t:'~>>-';~~~i;.:r.~~';ho:..<_..","~..~..,.,yr~.w"tlt'nf(~\IM\)~"""'*lMlrl'U1l1.I!t:'~.f"\M~M~~~,1lt);~~ot.:t""'J:~~~~'~JI.~:~' ~'~~.~~1I-PlMr"JlliMfl1~$~'.ttiI1~1ft'I!IDl'\_~\I.,....,II/M:\'t.~~""'-'~I;."I''''''~'', .;.",.."',....:..~.,~"'t'..'Jn'M,.,...."~,,";,.....",,. ~~t'5II'J.~w'n...tt:l"Jt:'f4tf<lj);:ll\'N~jitJMI(I.~Mf.Q......:.Vlt'71r,>WH4~rt~..,..~i!"lVoIij.1I;)1~iI'JV~'(;VN:!N!,P.ilfl2ttlt~~lVioI..........Jf;llAtNU ll'~,~__wl;l,j'r'.~~tl~..~~~~j~"It,.l(Oo)1j~~f>ll.'....i1~&L.~",~....,..:",..,.,,"_~Wf\Il,-_~t,~&'f..g~.&L/." ,1,~~'l:~~"'~a,li;C~"'t1!\1<!:.It~~~I:1~~~,t$;(tm.~:.4th~~n'(.ljl.../4~,..t!!l~~j'iV<<.~'~*'~~l\\r~ ..:Jtl;..~..-D,lr>..t'l1'!f...ti:t~~l~It1t'~U~J;_ol~/.jk'ilt'f~..:'~i.21lu;~,as.'='.o;,."Wt."M'*"_~tht'!1"'~\lu.u\.~~~~__~?:l1'1~C11ll~."'.,4$lt~"~..:.........:~~~,\,'I>>\'I.~.'1~.~J~~lttJ14..~fJt,t~W.WCI't:G<WIt. ST:\TE D.J:;LIVE.Rl' DATl~g <:';4i4:..;~tMl\l1lj.{l'o~f1'N,~'tl'&l',.....'l-b~l~~t*.~:~_';('\lf.t~lt'n."1 t/l.~~n'n~~t;.._t.wr.;;i"'~l__~'ft4P_l~A:.i.'i1n!U-r~~""'~"_i_~~~tw~~~Wft4lfl1ilfln.W~r.,:~~ l*'ISTPH,IC:~ tJj~ ~'ehicle tA8 requipPf!ld. ~ d, ~~.m).~:'..r'~~Jl.'~I~;'.~~m~1Mftl:...til'I'l<tPC4t~,l'U" '~I t;~ 0 1\1I1't\\J "1' 1'''1 ". 't"AL. 'D'" 4"'1 f"tr\1l1 W~JIlf'i ~,a.~..h... t.J .IJ."I..,II,''i! J,,1l.,~....,~ ".l,.~' 1o..1V '",'41'f ... er'RADI~,= IN q :Ilntttamat iOllf;ll 1,and t)tlt ~!1./~U.v.':~\ (Cr.)un't y T:M.u::k {I \ (f .","'_f4jIUIt,~. N)~T COST THE COUNTX' 0.11 t. ~1IiY.4~tt:;';'>'.~~&I4J4~~~U~MI~~'~"~"" 1!Ol<l~l1S '~~ per <<~ ~tn1~ i1~fl;~ ~ ~t\'8w.u'!t~JjlIfr;lltUpt)..,a.~~t;ft'l~1t\~1t'~~~J;;iVlitJ~MtiC"~'#<t,:'# ~~1-.:r<l._"~.\'M~lIh\1r1J$...~~~'~~_~~~~'J;t.~!':rrr-,,"I1il'jl/i.*,;lJi~f;~-.c~~tt"'.........~,..~.",,,~....,..~'.J.t!{Wj.~i\'WIil~l Dl~ALlfJl IV~'t.:ll.'ti~\!...~~t."'.'#Jl~:,~~'ilf,l;iW'~.$U:"~;l'~.~~~J~~~'Jl.u:il;U'tll:k~,,~.:~ ~t\!W.';,~-"titJ~n~:;"':.:\~~1lI'W_~~~';/li!1~W~\~\Ultt~ram'l';~1t'\""!\~(,;;r.~<~l>>.il'lM.-,:!".jf.w.P~..~<!......tn DATE AI))'iJllEa s A1~rA ('~H )lanut&~ct,uere'''l w er 5~,eci f1~t.1.oYu~ o~Jt T':t.~:;<:~~ aJtt.1 ( S81et~ ) Opi~i O~(l~~ a:(;j. g Jl. t> I~rd;t1o;n t)!~ i,\lI.()> Al t.elt"na to:r :1' net cost that ~jU :in\) tha 't th~ ~(~~~~Wij.Jf~'.<<n:JJiif:_~4A'\~'\;~~rUQ,"lJo,~_.Itt;qJ"t.l'\.f~rnlaY~'i~~~~~-~~'''~'.~;_'~'~'N,,~,'.~.~..Jlnr.''~'t}f;~l'h~~~''''~'''''''''''fW1Pl't#4t~l~~Iff~;~>~~Ia"3':Uit}1t.Idtt/i~4\~~lliJrtill$Alilf""~.Utlil'tl~t\~lt' tl;;;.1~~~~II.",j""""I,.t.~..gJ;lAll:tll\Sl]-~:';""li.;.~"tA.,..j"-,.":",';",,,W~~~~t._'.~f:t.';1l';::~.":l.~~~"t~:.*e;:;.!~~~Jti~fm#ft'iUll'~~~~~~-.t~~~tt_"1i9f--t.~~1Ir,-;._~~,.~t.11H:3't~%t'li~.;rrlJl<,r.,'f4~~f;~iA;;""~r..'.~l:'"tt-\fi"~ffll;4.-n~'$I-4, ;.t~C:':fitt-ltt\l~<<;Jt<.lt1W~-au.'!r~~'l1>,~'<'\l~~.~~~'iMti.1'~~ftlr.lC~h.';;'A,.mt~b~~~~~:;2'_~,i;r~tik~~J~~Ji'.qt.w:ttt..'";;,~il!U:i~"::':~~~~l'!:{l..'tC~Ul_1t'rftttff:JJ~iI:t:~",\~"'#:U~,~.",~,,~_,, Im~~;JWft'l".;,~~j:f;.n:~ll'~n-;.\-':: 1l!i!'tM~lfN.Jtitl~,t,~~~'~lL-'l1l~;~~_W'4!~~~I~It.:trJtSl':'~/hl~00K-_r.-:t$tA::6~J'l.'fl~~~r;;..~::3tO'~':'r~r..~:~""\<.~1't,1"n~'ftf"..t.:!tt,'f~~~.~~~.n~u:W~J*tM.glJ't)r.;to'Jit.i,_t.tlt.'':'ll:l'IlI~1::"t#1_J\'':J~1~f''':;'';lo;;;:.o::.~';;';M':I,'iLt:l..;.o~.~1.t~''(.'I'W-<oiI."" r' "~~""~._1!W~t~;.t''';~W~~~f.Il~.~\\~~~:'Ilf!f,f"\d~'.~~tmt..,,,.....~.....,.~nJ''\;.nm'1"t~$~m~t\~'>",~"",.;:~,*,;;1t.,w..~\t'''')cl.,.'''!ll';4t1t~i!IlWti'H'"'4ri11~;\:l.'l '~I'Q1J~tt't.l:"r~"1l~~_""k.j+"'''"'!t.{t#w.~'~r:r.!r.';~:,otlJ;inln."r'';~t)'i~~ttlni:(:~~;tiI;'_::;~~~...'~-;a':'<YMt'l..wT.,'l'I:~r,.'i,~"U!ltJkl..~.t~:4::=t!~.:;.:~. #.,i:lld?? ~,'';f~~WJ'~'tt'i~ib,!:.tt'',JJ!f1\~',4,1r.:uf~~~:lit;~1~JllAr~^'I..,.~,......":..,~",,,.~f~. ',"':'lfi>'.1i1t,),twu.'lVt':f,;!!fU'!~fn"...-~:.~~~4e'~)f"tJ'\~~.,~:J\lff:-',v.'<'{f'-';'.~_^V.~;,m~~'ll'tir)!f;'r,-U;U'{C\'J:;rI1;ri'lr~~~"';~",",!~ u-,'t::n\i"l.:!i"'-Ij!~~~~r.;.I4",._,(>;,.,~ltl'n~~,.'il.c.tt.t.~1A~)'ifl~l\ll'>C/1.1';},""!(~a,'n.'.,'w~~:t(;'.:.tv~t...1"'tllwt\!t::rt\~a;I"1t COUN'rf OF ELGIN ('.,"IIiI!'" ".;... ,,' -I.j,....,... , .1'.,IloO"~,;,-'",,,, ,.., ,.",~ ',., ~'_""'."'""''''''''''''''''' - . TENDERS ,FOR TAN DEl.! !;tUCK - APRIL 1964. 0"""."",,,,,,,,, "'" ,.,~" """"",,:, ~.;.. ,_, _,"'.. :,l~ """ <-"o,l;. ,., ',' .".',1" ',. ,I,' ".......,'."'...1.>"'.,. ....~...;,'.'"...".~l.".,....j..,',,',.........,.,...~..,'... -'II...",.""",....,.................~...,",,_~,,;,.,...,...,......... 'I,.~_..~,.,,""........"_. ..~.....,.,.~....""-I~.._~..'"~t,... .,..,,,..,.......-0. 10 .'JACK BROOKfl MOTORS St. Thomas. . ~,..,.... ,.~.."..,.""......,.... """. ..."",. '. ".,.......... ..,.' ., $> .!l'l':l'l!:~IiTJ:()N.~~~~:;?1.t ... ::.s. .Ultpped m l!ith 12dPll~. .I" ug I.1res a~ ' . ~ toot .Olsen Dump :e:ody trom t."~l ts i e. (8" cylind.er) () \: - 20 I.IST PRIOE .. .. . .. . . .. III . . . . . .. 0 .. .. << .. a ... .. \It .. . ... . .. ... .. (Federal. Sales ,Tax no'f;, inCluded) l.ess l6ul1clpa~ .Dl.coun~ 0 .. .. ,. .. .. .. ., . 0 . tlI .41 . . f) I.ea. Trsu'1e-in ... 19'4 International -0....0 ~rET PRICE .e............................. :Plus .3" SalesT.x . o..............o.o...~o 'I~OTAL .. 0 III .. .. . .. .. I!. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 41" /Ill .. '" '" . '" .. . <<II . 4) .. .. .,. & 0 (This does Dot inclUd.e Federal Sales Tax). ADDING' Federal' 'Sale. Taxon Bod.,." Truck erd Hoist in the .moun't. ot $l,l79000'ai1d 3" Sales 'lax on - 'thi.s amount :::;, . (Add $40000 tor 3/~6 inch r~oor in Olsen Box and add $10; .,00 tor Elcombe Box trom Thompson Trucking wit~ 3/16 inch, floor and 2~. ., inch cylinders. Beme Box 8S on Truck No. 18)0 .."....~......".. MIDDLESEX lJIOTORS (1963) L'lD.. London. -.,........'''''''_.,....".._.......''..."...l." ,0... .,,, ""~,,.,,.... ~J.~""".,~,!,'.. ," "", "",' J ': .,.,_...., ",J.".."'.,J"",. """,u_". ,,"..."'.,".....~ ..,c:. 1) ~l:1CUR.!.'1'~JJ! - 'q~lP1P~dd'Wi~)hlOE1~ombe FHloist \~,;ocy 411 er. ua'~e. oor. LIST PRICE ........~o.....o.~oo..~......_ . (less. Box). Less Dlscoun:t .. . Q (9) G .. I) " ..~.. ,. III <0 .. . 0 lit .. .. .. . . ~ <II lit 0 '). ," . Less Trad.e-ln - 1954 Inte~at1onal Ta:ndem . .. . N'ET PRICE ,,0 .. ... . . .. I) . ... .. . .. .. Ollil . '" .. .. 1\,\ .. .. .. .. (lj. 0 0 ~ 0 D Plus j~ Sales 'lax Q~~.....~O.....@......O Pl\lS Box abd Sales '!'ax ...........00.00.0 A,DDIHGd1tterence tor 12 ply Tir-es . ins~ead otl0 ply' as quo'ted upon (including Sales Tax) ..O~O..D !'OTAL III .. . . o. . . 411 " " . '" . " . . . . .. eo .. .. .. . . CD . . lit . " e " . .. (Includi~, F~deral Sales Tax) $14>>435000 2,235000 .:.l.:..~Q.~.QQ $10,700000 321000 ..._,.,...""dt '$11,021000 ~./::~,'; ,~ . ., ",~ .;, ',..::;" .:';...'_.~.::;~~.::.:~~. $12923'0'31 -- ...,.,'..., -...............",........." $lS&,01603S 4~"8\>50 '1~Oll)OO _....._."...~,.....".,,,.,, $ 9.949oSS --.., ,,~9~,~,i2 '10f)2.$~3' ...,....,.,~.~~~.~ . - $1290141)60 ~.,;.,,;'::.::~ . 181,.. 080 "".,1.":",, ,,1.....-.,;...... ".......",;...~ $129199'Q60 ..::::':~~::.::.:::::;.:..:.:-:c=::::;,; ,. COlJN~~ OF Et.GIN - TENDiJiS FOR TAN"i:M TFtUCK ~ APRIJ~ .1964 .~"i!~"t'$t"'~"''''''''''';'''''''''''-''''''''''~;'iJ.''''''A''''''''""~,',..,'~.",.,,..,"'~ ""__ ,',.".",_,; """>'''''!;.''.''''''''''A'''',~,_,'''''''''"~",_",,_".'Jl"""""",~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, "~~~,'~"","',."""'__"'_,.',,,:,,''''',.'''','~.,,"":'',,'''''''''....,.~_ 2~ 30 )111Dt1811 ~10TOR$ ~'''''''.''J~I'''l,..,I""u~''lj,;.._,.....".''''".i"o,l..........,;",*,-_oj"_,.....4<,.~:~............,,";._, ""u_ _~~~}) d!> OO11.t 'a. l\f.lmCtJlt - cont t.de.; ~rhere 18 In t,hie price .~hG amount of ,144096 Feder.l Sal.. Tax included c~n Tandem ?!ru,ck9..tlma"c (1%) $120QO() ()n the Box - PRICE IS 0> . . . ....0 .. *' . .. 0 ., .... .. . .I!l> .. III .. () lito I\l 0 $" 41' .. .. Iii 1)lu8 Box ...........O$...$.~.....O.~..~ Plus Tires ..O..'.O...$...e$~~'..O..... ]~.8$ Fede!'al 8.1e. Tax oe.G...O.6.e~A.. Pl. 3~ Salea Te. . ~ () ....... .... e..." ~.. ".'Q ~ 9 Tor AL pal 01 I) .. (0) $ .. .. ,. 0 $ " . .. .. .. ., $ . ~ 0 $ ~ . " Q e f) $ (no't including 'ed.raISeles Tax) Pa.g~ 2 $ 999490'8' 11\11'000 ______f12 <1)1..0 $11i}64402S " -. k~~j~ . . $lOtS79Q29 .._~_.J!!L?,~_! $lOflS96066 ~.~ "\'."."'..,",..~,,,~~..',,,.,_I.o.OiL,. ,JJ/iIIIIlII","~_..... ~-..,...........-~ ~"""'" ""'_." ""0 ~,;....""..;""", DISSROWE MOTORS LTD., St. Thomas ~~,~".",~,.,..."",....~-...............:.......---, . 2.~~~~~..,..."..".W~~~Q1 .. O.ql..U1P'ned W1~h..1dl~ch o,'11nder . . ..n .~p ~Ou.y J..rom Wtl'sieQ I,lS! PaICI . . 0.. . G\.. 0 . Q II .0 Of) 00 . CJ . II'. (I< 0.. (/1 Q. (letS8 Box) I.e8sTrade-ln aDd D~..eoUDt (H) . (;HH~ llHIH) ~ <) 9 Plus',.,,, Sales Tax ...o....c....q.OO.OQO. f'lusBox and Sales 'lax O. Q <\l #} .. . .. $. q ... 1III . ~ .. ~ D ADD tor 12 ply Tires lnstead* or 10 ply a. quo1;ed upon9 ('''ithout Federal SaJrs Tax) <t.~..o.oQ' ~~OTAL Q . e 0 0 . $ \) CI . f> . 0 " '> . 1lI . e '" \t . .. . '. .. .., .. l) 0 "0 o. Q (Inc1udiul Federal Salea Tax) ~~her~ 1. in 'this price .the Bum of 4~1 &160011 Federal Sales ,flax on Tandeml ':Tuckestimated $105.00 on ~he Box _. PRIOE IS '? fH.'Q .. ! ~ '!' · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c:' ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ Plus Box . <>........ bOg ClIO .. .. . " '" O<ll <>'\'11 . .. . . 0.. 0 00 () 0 (leasProYincial& 'ederal Sale. 'lax) Jl1us Tires 0 (.I 0 () 0. I) . .. . 4\ ~ ~ \lJ ~ "'.~ ~ 0 ~ .. . !Jt . 0 4) (.I Q 0 $16,,4'2000 ...~,.~,~.~,,~.QQ $109'87000 -.;...~!.~;~ $lO>>.904~61 * ~~Q_9.Q, " $1291.69,061 ~:~:~ I,'''~: ;:,~. .,~",I.;.' .'",'~':;'.'::',:,:,,::.~'= $ 203.94 $12p613 0" $1,0 S61~OO ~ . ,1941S.00 203094 ,,, COUNT}: OF. EI.GIN """'......,..-.,.,','......"....'n"."'.."..".....,_.'_"',......"....;,~,,..u.:,.:"".".~:,.......',:t.'<r:ul$'rtD'_~ - TENDERS FQR '.rANDEM~lRUCK '=' APRI]~ 1964 .."'....,.........,.""......"'"*,,, '""~,...,..".,"',",.'::':;. ".",,,,,00,,,.' '~I~I'" ,d,,< '.,.,~../""'"'.I'",I.I"'II/OI..,","',,.~,~...,~""""'><,,................... ,',.......''"..._." "...'..._h~JtII~~~...'*'~...~.,..,_.~__,. 30 DISBROWE MOTORS LTDo9 <<> cent 'do .' "".'11"',,,,, .1."."."."" "I....",:,., .II\'~""'.' '.o'" ,.... ,''''. I" "'.,;",',...;;'.l""I.~I.~_..........~,_1 ~_~_~,Cl~ !!~~~9..~ .- cant 'do ~rOTAL .0 0 . 0 . G .. 0 .. 0 1.\ '0 0 ft 0 () .. 0 () I',) C> ... !Ill lit .. . 0 () I'l1 Q' 0 I) (? 1~es8 Federal Sales Tax CHH.J 0 0 0 lIH) <II <> . .(!Hl~ ~ (b ,0 l)lus 3" Sales Tax ~~OTAL PRICE I',)O.OOO.G.~O.O.o*c...a ..oOo....6..e..QO~$.Da.De.a ~"ooj., 40 LONDON MOTOR PRODUCTS LTDo .J,"""~" Ij'" .1..",_"."",."", ,....,..",."'.,"..,.',,,.,.,,,..,'.,.,._..._._,,.~"_..,,.,...;.,~.,....'."'_.._._'--....". .", .j..' .',. g MQ.P~~..,.. .'!~~~~~.....~.~~,!~~" Londono - equipped with 101 ply Tlreso Add appr'ox1- mate~y $200000 for 12 ply T:1reso P'ederal Sales 'lax Included 1,1S1' PRICS . .. 4) 0 . () 0 0 0 (t . 0 ... . tll 0 li'; 0 " C) IlII 0 " 0 a 0 G (:) Cle88 Body) Less Discount; . ... . 0...0 <0.. .0..0. {) . I\) ~ ,0 ,~,(;}. * q lib (> 0 Lless Trade-1n e~o..o.O...O.Q~OG.OOOO$OO NET PRICE . . 0 .. .. . .0 eo. 0 .0 .. 0 .. 0 ., 00, <) c. GOO iii ~ (I Plws 3" Sal~8 'rex 'rlotal O.....O....OO.OO.ooooo....oeo~oooc Plus Hoist O&.ooo.o.oooeo.O(focO.OI'!t.O>$i~O (including Sales Tax) '];IOTAL .. .0 " 0 " 0 .4) _,. ~ o*' 0 .0.0 fIJ v... Q .1$ 0 . 0 0 t; 00 () Pa.ge , $12J)20S~94 '., 1 160$11 _.=.l.. ..... .,.."'...,............. .. $11>:02S~8;3 ..,.~Oo 12 .. $11f))56060 .' $16&SSS;o3() 4.9 240. ~ 0.7 ~~q.~.P~ $11919S023 ---~>>-~~ $1:1.9'31009. ; ...,:...~~~~1~~~ .. $13>>297054 h_.....~...",I_,', '".,....,..........,.... ."...........'.ol"".~~~~~ ...',...""'\..."'......" .".~~.__.___M'__._ '" ..:,:1,.,;.;;,:,.,.,....." ......~"',...::....,."...."'~ ~.II,;,,,...,",',.'"'I,,,,I,"',',,.,.,o'I.',lf",',,~ ..s~ ~9~!!g~_~!!iI~~_~U~~~.~!~~.~~TDo $ Londono WHITE 426WS ..... 400 cubic inch engine onlyp "...."......"..,~...~.,.-- 10 ply tires only () " LIST PRICE ~O.O...OG..O~$...~06~~~0~OOO ... .i .... ~ " \ , . Less Mun1cl~1. D18Coun~ '. G 0 '* e .. ~ 0.'" U ? 0..0 ~ I) 0 Less Trade~ln G G 0 ~.G..? CI, ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ VI ~ 0 0 ~ 0 I$.? 0 ?~) <'.0 NET PRICE 0 0.;9 0." 0 0 () .. 0 GO" 0 .. Q 0 (J Q 0 000 () O. () Q 0 ? Plue 3" Sales Tax oooo.oso.eo~OQ~Qoeooo TOTAL PRICE OOOOO$OOOOOQOO.ooo~oooooooo (including Federal Salea Tax) ., .". tll'thout Federal Sales Tax price 1s approximately . " .... .. .... 0 0 a... Q "$ III 0 .." "''' .1) .. 0 (estimating Federal Sales Tax .~ 7'" - 'total: $1,3'0(00) $19l/0310'O 'W 3w62So1~ .2 600000 . .~_....~----_......~ , $l~! ~ 60S ~ l' 378011 ~,.J."::;".,"',,,.,.."',.,,.I',I,.,'~.~ $l~! " 96) 0 92 I I~ ...... $lJL t) 600 (I 00 , .~2' . v<.. . .1 I: , J J4+/J Limited, Hamil ton,. . on .33 pertob.,.O.B. Hamil ten Et()ad~ Ora y'el ~ The of V?J. BannqekburnFa,rms. . . . . . / St . Thomas . '. V a.:wat.tersBros. Sprlngrfeld~ .. ~rE~NDE~E.S p10Zt 'YiA 1:ERIALS AND SUPPLIBS :,..:.::.........~not.I~O'~~f"~.'l,O'1V'.~...I\ld.(~~t~~:.f'J....~.'"~"....;_'ol';.........,".,.L......."~. ..:,^..."'_....,'-"~..:._....:~'l'....'.....-_'.....'. Page 2 ClROUP :;:~ _1rM....""'........-~,.~~...11~_ B~.ttooinous }&!terloJt ..., cont'd€'\ ~~~,"".,."~.._,.,,.C"''''''''''>'''''~'~'_'''''~"'''''''''''''''''''' .",,,,,,,.,,~'$:..,,,,,~._.~,:k"" F oO((!Bl\) Hamll.\ti.~~,~l 4Q Currie Products L1mlted~ :VTia~i' Prim\:!i'r <::> 19...01. gallon (la s"t yelt\:~'Q. year bef'iKj,,~C; ~o ffr~! ~ilp' .~",." O'~ 111 ,,,,"lk'l ft '"(j ~ Glt #t. Q!.~. '" !.t.J. l.'",)t:i. .(l,."JIU \ .,)l,Q..:1 'S"eall~ bef(Jlre 0 9~' <<> 1:.-0:'5:" trel;ltment!;" ct Taz\'. Uo T <:1 ,~,12 ~,"' t;omp,allY 5) ( ,~<S"':u .;r, ~,,,t ,/d ;,~. eu >> }i;:MtlLSI{)NS ~1~~.,(\~,'"n.\J.J,:'I~,.:l,.1H~lI1!!' 1$ C<<:tI~p!Hny Calli; .!~~da j) lr:tmi t.ed ~ T(}):iL(i.,;)~'tOi t'. ,') fi':.v" A1i'rl a!f,!i~ J~:mul t'.d.on~ 9JJL C"".'It ,,~~ '1~ .. ?tF" iltl'"t :"i.@n~ ~~ ~'U..l ~ :Lens :2 (j F:t. Ct"'\i.u3hed. Ston~~ ~ 't e d ,j Call){)nlC (;1 A.llj"t.)~1.ic J:~fl1ult::d"ons C~lti()ni~~ EmulflJions :3 0 9]: J'lf; P~rW1d(~;'t'" {Ofi\'tario 'E>"},~ t" ~ln"\'lt ..~~ w'" ~l I.Jlt. ".,t~"r' '0."''''49 Arl:i,,)niL.c li~nlul~~':ion~ ll. . C'~"~'llll!lld..\'! )''lI''1 '<<5',~ "r'~.~l<IU1' , ~. I:, .$4;.':' ]t CM, ..It 1.;".Ii. g;:i .1>.. t"~ M&U ""t, ,11ll C()lrf)any IwilUi tad 31 T<t)I"i)UtpO G All:tr~.ni(: Elr!ulf$ions C{it,ion1ce Emulsion:) OROUP .3 iIJ1.I~IL",,,,,,,,,.......,~,"..,,_,, ~1ldI:!:~ HOT MIX l\[;'l?HALT IilOR FA TCH:rNG ~_~...(."...->-".JtUi4'l!S.lVf;;.~u..."",,,~w.~.__,t'!;;,'..:lc~~"/r'....'7}:~,,"".L"-'. ._,."",!:.",",,-,.', '" '_:"'4~:.o:;:; ~lo (.J l,~~d 0 ~I _\L ? ~ i..u. 0 A & ~:n::d)on () f,l L1mit.\i'}d~) 3tl A~:~;!So~);~t.at~ed Q',Jl~u:'br'ies 8& COmp81"lY lli 40 C:tr!Ug~;j Quar:"1es 111m1tedll Ca ~I'uga 0 .So Riv<<rside Construction Cleo LtdQ>> '.11<_. c' ~;'i' f; 8.1'1(l t1h e o9~ ) \i".iQ 9~9~'i>> htl!!< ,l~ .e . 'r t.tg11'C. trutd ~.n:~.r,taa~~ ~,", !)G~.i'~~ery v la, , "" ih:~ n~"'A ga 111"';';: J <;:t""p"I" r.....,i':; 0;.11. ..!<.::";I;,,~ b:u.ndredwe:lgh:t ). Ta~t Ro ..:... 1Jr'u.ek~"ng() F.HU~ Q B e. I.90ng () 20,;~.~, per gal 1l'Sl1 O~ P('\1;- ge'\1') ih,}f &~ t?'. r ~qJ\ - U.JkL'~C ~,~ ,"",;~ F ~OQBe P(!II~ ~o H "" . 'ft '" t,14,.. per ga<~1 21 11' ~ per gall. ;;,;' FcO,?B1D ""!lO b.d l' "1! ~ p~ per ga....~<;;lL FoOoBe Leasi.d.,n 20044 per gall.,)l~L 21 0 O~ per gIll FoOoBo $6 (/ 00 F \')0 t'; B c> Hsgel:\>~j', $5 (I'SO .par t()f);". F 000130 CSlyug;~~l . $; (') SO per tC)tJ: F oOoB. Plan1t. $: ..H~u{d.lton Road ~ 'ondoao $6,~i; pel~ ,,,no ~9~ ....~~.D~~..I:OH,..~J).~~~,~~LS A~~..... _~Y.~.~~.Jr.;r& .9~2Y~...,~ ~OLD MIX ASPHALT I ~~-~@e:~~~ ~~U$rrh8 ~ C@;;"~~~~:~'\iiet1(~~Company fl' ~.h:;, ss'0~'i"?''f"11,,''i J 18 ,;.~ .~4 ~.'l~:~JJ ;rP1..~> IQ} . ~ :-'~.' 0 2", Ca1\~,g<t~ t;,J,uarries .Limitad~ Ca 1;.fU(l'~ ~f . . ~~<O;;~0~ ., ~ R" .~'''; C .t <j!}.,t ~o 1vers~~~ onaruc~1cn t~ ~ 't ...ll '1..1'0 ~ ..t! '\I;.1f.o P iAO~~Adt&i)'Jn e GROUP S CALCiUM CHLORIDE _''''''....'''.-''.j',''"" ,d'..._''"..(''b'.;...........::''"~'''..........t-.,.u~~ r~ Pollard .I3ll'{lt')lo CoIlIpany. LM. ha+t'l"'(P\tf 0 ~aller Pa~i~g Limlte4~ 'rQT6!a.tO '" I'Bulle ~ ;i~~ Ch$Il1:i.ed Canada. L'td.~ . czaOr~(lJZf1tO!lt '. ~.,. Allied Ch~mical Canada~ Ltd.~ TO;~(J;!rt() 0 GROUJP 6 ./ --~'1'LANl) CEMENT.' / ~':-;;~-:-:;.' ;:;.,; Cement Co.. 'l!'i\~1!~~ ,'.' tll!>iI!'''A J)"f [,.....i!. Jl1lit,!!,,}t 5) TO:fro;r;;\to () 2 () St.. L~~~;r~nee C_eft't 00 Q 9 Cla:~l&lk:~on. 3 F 00 <> D l> ~sg GrBv:1JJl..6 ~ .; .'0 per t~n~ .tlI'rulv:king tc Sto ThOIMlf5 $1~50-,er ton via 'homp~oa Tru~k~>.~~o r .0.,16-0 Cayugatl_' - $., 0 S() pe~r' tony . . ~ II' '.0..,130 Lon:doftl~ $10'S p~l~ tontJ De1i~l}'~re(l flex- 2'1ake ten .qulvt.~leltlt" mnW 1r"t~ad 01' ~pot sprmy1ng 1> 1nol"Jj,~~:ILng PrieJ'tal end .PJt1)VJ.l1Cial 8~1~-fJ T_x <ii> $42 () 7S p@Jr ton 8 < i.ll~ tit "f.~8r t 8 prico $42(00)0 Doll vered pel" .fltd(~ ton equt..lent. en r>~0I~1d lncluding Federal tand Pr~J)'~in~:lal SII~lil~ Tax ~ $.)~SO ton9 F oO()B~ Amher8tl:u~"g~ Deli vGr-ed uer f"1l1:~kl3 'to.n @qUi. va./. 1.'. f!n't 4. an:., r. (~arJ. ,,".ot,) i~~~?I'() ~ 91. '1 ~t%! 0 €"l 'I"' (.!> '11 P.f",U8 .JIl~ $~:J '" 'IH, -= ~:i) .,;:~o 'Fr.:r ~j"'r.t~ $ 20 ton load.r' td'o'll"tk t"y om1..,?'I..IM't\,\"',,'::J11\ C'1~""l"''; ....k,; ~rHli' li'A y J.,t.l\.'Vau..l"'.~~~.:.",1 J.Jl '-,1\1\., ....../~41.t~)1 St ~ Thoma ~ Q << :i3t y~ar ft iJ pri <<~e $41~(0) () Deliyered 'to ~:; w Thoma5 'in 20 'ton lottJ. """ $48 ".lOi,nclud:lng Provincial Sal(:;:I~T~\~r.o 1964 'TE;I~DiRS }J1CJ:', r-1A fERIALS At~n SUPPLII~S ~<f.!:t'~"""""""'>""M'" _._"""',.-........-'~,..."........".~\.).,'~~.f..;t.t-~'Jt~,.'.:r.m~~M"._.'.~...,-'_~~~ OIOUP 6 .... P~J)~\"'tland .Cement, ....e ont' do .~'~t" ,.'t"..[1Mt~~ I1.JiIllt""::~'~~';::~~"r;If:-.":!~~-".",_",;",...."""_,..",,,,., oaoup 1 w '.-, ,- , .,l~"_.,,"...,,..,',,' 1(11 I QR.OUP S ~~...:.........,.~~,'....---_.~ ). CompanYi> l) Early Strength I.. ~ )1ar~l~tt:t; Fuels and Lumb~r 5 (J Big, .. . Bul1d..ere Supply il' ~ '!'~~ '1<' ",' I""A dJl~Mli"'4."\~'" ~'f_ ~\49 F ')~homa8 0 Dti ~ t;~ 1'11. J..td w ~ ':~",,"M"1'''''.~ a~i.l"l' ... j .i.JIl';'l', . ,,;,' L it.JJ " \9 <> . ""!Ii iD_li"Jl.~.I'., i.'l"""':'1ll'd' 9'01<1.1 1. "'Il'l!lr~ . ~() JOdi. ~.~{..A,ll:';:'d~;~;",i.r~" ~., '-'I.4..I~". Uv" t;r~ 11"1I .., 1 L4 it ~ ;)!.);PPA:i\.G....m . t'~ fl rit.~~tord. 0 CONCRETE SEWER PIPE G_..I~..~,.,."~....,,.J >,1."'" 'rOC O. _, "ii\'~.tfil'il'-'f.~.t!l>~.t.<:,.~.._~~......,,,,,....,,,..,,,,,,.,\,,, ,.., ..", ~ J 20 ~!Q1qP _2 1 G Cot~ve ::?~"(r~t~ (!j} Pi pe Lim:l ted 1) o 'i;ritrified Products iJ 'fln ~..110mas 0 ":rI ' 10 ~ft 'l\'I~ o(!.. .tp',<l. ..,,,....a b'i! "i lA A!I3'11"l>i6! . ..,iJ (.") .DJL t;}l.:1.1,. ltg..!.!.. ~t-f.' ~r\. \~ J,;) ,4.'. t:W. YlQiA ~ SUPt~li88 timlted$ "",,,,,...,", 'c'" .'l'- ';;'100. A j;,14:, i;:; Ell 1\14 . .i'.'\.II. '!" Page ~~, Deliyered to \Ill Th,omes in, b8.ge <t-.~ $4QO, b~HtT01l) Delivered ~o u Thomes in bulk: - $) 062 p(s~r b#~\ri'*el <!/t. ~.nclud~f:,.; S~ FGcler€11 S81(j~s; Ta1~t. (Less lO;! per ~1f1rr~l dls@ount>> () $4081 ift bag. $4(2) in bulk (tes'5 ,.;O~ per $i <t1ft pe);~ bag Q Less 2% ","' ;0 dt:n:).~ = S,-g F~derml Sales Ta.1t inC)..'.Jldad., $10'11 pel" bage F ~ 0.. B 4> :Eh~!}O~Yb.i1,"\r:\i,lle i. ft ~ 11:.0 t"'^ !~I\' T..~ "41. ~s.. "'" ~ ~. n UV. ,#"1 ."~~loll,~ .t. ~ () C ft ~ #"1 C 0'0 1".,e;{ "'Il ~l!' ~. ~ M ~.g" i.1 ~~ .(.1'''1 . ~'~,}i J.#J" .,~..r;"#4\$ i:~6'G 6ft @ ..100000 'M F.,;in.o Fto ?'" @ 12:'; ,,00 M: Il.#in<<l p~pq, 811 @160.00 P,lll' M I,1n.Fto 10 VI@!....2.'#.MJ..OO....1'..1.....1"18o 12" @ '.330~OO Li1) 0 FtQ 16" @ 6;0,<;>00 Lln!l' F"t (\l Concrete T11 II ;(~t 8 listQ I 8ff @ '0' per toot ~ 10ft @ 76tJ pel~ 1~~Jot ."" 12" @ 81~1 per :eoo"t '>1> le$s S" discount :,". F ll)O~B.') S'torm Cla y ."" 10ft @ '12{r~ 12ti @ 90(~ dis~ount~ ", Tho.me eo P:t(:)~ ~, 'f i,:tr :Lfi ed 4,8~~ pel::'"' foo~; ,~ PA '\l"'~ -':' ....M"li <I> .~... AW~;Ju\i,9 ..... per ~... ]., e~u~ ;~ As per listo O~11 lup!.)ller Di8mtiJt.er,$ to IlJj~l qi:>Cor P~.p(i!& =- - cont'do ;'1 COG Limited., J... ~; Pipe Conl,.any Strattordo P~odue~$ Li.ttedp ;0 o 6e (CsnadAt) r"irni't{tJdf} \l} 10; C\d..er't &. Me'tal Lt4 {j $) Q tL;. P~ople L1mited@ o l...i Fiene. Company Lt,.mi t.ed ~ ft' Fen@e ., 't..BI~ PO$t.$ tlip. ~. :Farm Oates <'0$ 0' '9 OalV8n1iaed. Dr.ace Wtre =- . 1 ~~/4fl GalvQoised Staple$ .~ Fence """ 2v Peopl. Llmi'ted5} '~ ;J f.\ PO$ts &. Fence "'" 10SiOOO 12 1) 000 ,$', Fuels and Lumb~r f. 'J: '1'\1'\1.' ~ i~~ ,;t,~ ~~\.A~i. . .\f ~\.4 , <\I Th.oma S 0 'ence ;,.. ~ T-BarPost~. &. Clin~ "arm Gat~1I .. '" t) 9G81vsn1~(jd Wire r~ 1 ,/4u G81vanlzed Staplers ."", Fence' ,,.. Steel-and Coal' . Lirrai t.ed 9 . Fence ""'" ~ T'=Bti~ Po~ts &. Clips ..... .t} GlAtes => . L Page ~ No Albesto~ ilonded Asp1hal't P1:pe Q P.OQBQ 1n truck load lotsr- delivered StQ Thom~so $128 Q. 9'. per loo rodlS $ g6g;14~ peJL~ 100 $ 2) 000 eaeb ' :$ lOp75 per 100 Ib~& ~ 12014 por lOO Ib8~ ~ l'02Q per 100 teet .. $ 990 It! pfU'>> lOO ~ '\I 4~ ' 10. t 40", If{) ,f",,,? neIi~. d J .&. eett $ 12 per 100 lOSe ~ 14,\,tt~ pe:rt" 100 lb30 $ 1609' per 100 u FoOoSo Hsmilton", P~1.e0fl 2,& . -. )0 days 0 ' $135.() 60 ~\ 91025 ;..' 24~1" $ 13060 $ llQ60 $ 1'020 {~ 100 Cl reI'], i ()6l~ 'crEI~DERS FOR' l~1A TERIALS . AND . suPpj~IES ~~" 'W"" ""'."~"_:"JhH""""":"':"" ...,....'...\I'"'.~.''''....,~'.._".."....,._.~.,',.."',,...;'',..,,.,,,.,,~ '_~"'~"_;"'_'" ".,"'""',......,._....~~~~..._._.~......___' <'l':> Fencing jl<1aterials qm c@ut'do Pagti 6 )~. Ro~~~~o l~~tal ProducttJ Ltd. ~ lr02;'llorrto. ~. 16fJ Gat.s ..,. Snol~~ ~ 24080 each $ 14020 ptlr Over lO~OOO per 100 6~OOO to S ~OO() per l LesD 'than 61J OO{) per 100 roll ~ $120.10 JOh,~l 0" S..dC)l)e Limited}) l"la I>>BHr~~G $ - ~~12o )) f e ~t <."1> ~~ll+ (.) 00 o GROUP 11 .....-^._~.- j !QQ.~!L..!Q;iTI! . loG ~ L~. . Ed.., 1lfflrds~ The~dtord 0 'tl 'top lJAin 0 Peeled long vp 6tr 'top mino Peel$d 'long ""'> 1~w trtil>101 Pealed 6 17 long 4" t;ol> mif4li' P<<:~eled JBr~ACe$ lO#J long 4" nlir!~.~ Peeled Bl.aCe$ l:~ ~ long ,~ 6" mint> Quld~ Rtil11. . 6~ long ~ Ft <> 0 0 IS.o St. I) !hC);n].Uf:l (li i.."PO.'..7.. ea eh OfJ99 ~ach 1(;20 each $0099 each $1019 each $0080 eateb 2 6 Cl~".rtiZ;,u;~d 'raylor t} Ri<:'J/g etown I:> )~~ 'eo 414ft top Peeled Sf.! 10Dg 4i~ to si~ top Peeled , 8~ 10f1&?; siff ttQ. 6;l" 'top Pe<&le4 8 fJ lor-I 11" ~o gi~ top Peeled 8ft long l,,'iY ~ 12 ~ lo~g Br~ ce{~ ~ $0050 $0068 $008' $1025 $1 Q],5 each ea cb, . - tla@h <I:'> <8seh :3 e R I:> lit 1,' MjLgh:ton~) Du:rhamo sn X g~ Peeled 6fi ~;op x g v fe.led 7w top x 8~ Pe~l<<l 4" x 10* Peeled iOQ8S ea<c:b 111110 qch .1... " eact.~ -1.000 .aclh SHOUP 12 ~~"..............."'~~~ \ 1 0 Bw"lin.gt,on Steel Campeny ~ liamiltoi1o $;0$0 BasQ!) cut't1ngf) extr88 0 ot.J:U!Jr 20 Jo H~rris & Sons L~dov -London'? $i "gO BliU'Ji$ cut ting fl e-xt.a"*s ~ (; 1 g]!9.Y.t~_._!1 GRADERl:1!JAD1.~S ~ ~.---";.~~'.___ Co. Lillli'ted~ ~ :Pa:r.:t..s CI Delivered-to S~O ThomasQ Quantity O'f'er 100 d1> 5/8fJt Jr&: 6if X 61} '::, $7 ~ .14 ea <<~h -' stet" x 6'. x l' <m $902~ ee~h~ I~o charge fO)1"11 Shl~ rpt~ning ~!tnd$ c. " :(~ RO$~~ Matal Products Ltd~0 a. Deli'Vt.f!11"ed ..to S't (', '!Th(nnas '" S/8n x 6,'iY x6f "c' $8i,29 \19~:;he Uon'l>:>sharpene(l CJ ) i:~ Tlr'w 'It.... .~, .t' ,('Q t~ (.) ,$.8 e. ~rH!L.il..J..en. 1.:3.10 \40mpsny !) Londol1 ('J Delivered to 8t~ Thc:~1iU.H31) Sl6n x 6rf x 6f!. ,~,:> $ge19 '~ach t.J;> Elon-sharpel'led S/6" x lier x 7fJ ''9' $101;173 e1l\Cn = non~~8harp\?!HJ:d Q 4.{) Valli~Y' Blades Limit.ed$ Prel.frt.onc 1~60oB.. Pres'tono S.<o For(l.,.fh~rs1 'f~h Ma chine' Comp~ny Limited>> nam.Jl1~~ono Quantity ever 2010 ..... 5/8~ X 6" :x 6' ,,,,. .$80'0 e:a~l}:h ~ non-sharpened 4/8t1 x 6 n )t 7 t = $9068 et;lH~h 'to? non-eharpened.., Quant11,ty over SO bl~2tdes '''''' non- sharpened = 5!S'.>q x 6 ~ x 6 'r) <=> $6010 each ~ de11vered~ . "GROUP 1.4t. ~:':.'!tA-~..._..."..~~ LUMaER .'R",.......,_""I."_~~~ 10 puela and Lumber l.sirHi't'i?:d!l) s~ Iii Th()mas e !.1e~)(:hant~ble 2: ,: lCD' ".' 'lK." 6. ."'p $:.~ , 2 ~:~l ~ ~:r . 1 Jt 1 l~ Spruce <= ~ 1l/l103. 00 .p.er M.B.F. ~ 106000 per M~P_Fp m 122~,OO per M.BoF~ t~ $l~:~~oOO per M.B.'4}F 0 ~$ 118000 per M~B~FQ - $123000 pet Mii>BoF\~ Pr1ij::ee inol\1!t:~,I} Federal Salel~~ 'ax ';:" Less ~~j ~~O daYiJ 0 2Q Bi~t ~11~~ttt Bu~,14er:; St'tpply Llzc!ll1tedv StCill Thomas .c ,2: :2:: ~~ ~} *;.... II", "',~ !;!er~hantable Spruce ~ ;2 :t Iff' r,onst:1.M'N~tion -$105000 per l\lL.ILoJ? '" 2 :it 6 C()ft8tr'Uct1oft ~ Grade $110000 per M"B$F,,) ~$120000 p~~M.~..~n M>l$120(.JOO per MlIiB"J1 n ;~I:!~ . Spr'uce 5hea1t1ng Pll1ti(~e8 irH~l1ix~ii, Feeh!ral Sal4u:, , Ti!x ~$llOoOO per M$B~F~ \ ROAll SIGNS & PQS'S <lI~~u~oii4iny ~umber @f fJigft$ from S1t, b Thaisl2?H~ JiY~~talS1gl18 Ltde $) St0 !homes ~ Ontario:: ~'tiW~'f S,f!~rie8 <ro 24 x 24 m;j $ul (t\ 59 ea 05 fil1lt9 S~~r1el <=I> )0 x )0 ~ $1L2 @.19 eact1 ~;R9~ S4!~r1e~ '=> 24 x )0 ~$9 0 69 ~a (':b ~~1~ Series .~ 36 x 12 ~ Bl<':i.dge End Markers $6l1,59 ~9qJb 10 !.if'Of!J~t 'tun Flarnged Po~te Co mpl~te - (;alvanlsed $4040 ea~h 12 '~~t "UW Flanged Ji'@e;ts Complete- neilvanizea $5 <;; 00 each 1964 TE~mE:R.s. FOIl }.1A'l'ERIALS AND SUPPLIES ~....................~,,~,'~L",' .' """.""~"'~",L, """~"""'-"''"'''''''"'''''''_''''''''~'''_P',.~.'''''''''''''''''''''''''_.''\''',.",_"":,,~,,,,""',;;'.',I..'''''''' ~~ ..,.""."~"~",,.,.,:;._~ 8 Q:E!P~,~ _~ ~ nOA D SIGNS &: POSTS.. ( cont1rlued ) ~~4"""""""""~~""""""'''~'''''''''''''~''';''''''_'''''~ 20 Mechanical Adverti$ing Ltd~ OSha'i'l61 >1 Oi1.tario 1r Price on 15 ,~ 34 s1gnl'& ~ ttt'!"Serles ~ 24 x 24 "~!;tt S~)1:"le8 "'" 30 ,t 30 "an SGr1es ~ 24 x )0 Wit]n Sf.u~1es "'" 12 :2t 36 Bridge Ewui Markers lO Foot Flanged. "U'" PeH!Jts Comple"te~ GalvaniKed 12 Foot; "Uti Flanged Posta !~ Comple~e ~ O~Al vailimed 30 Porcelain and Metal Products )~t,d. tl Orill i,a 1& Over S signs "W" Se1l11:1ee <:;:.. 24 :It 24 "'it" S~J;"1el ~ )0 )t ,0 "R- 'S\t!"'lel = 24 x 30 "W~ Seri~3 ~ 12 x 36 Bridge Erld MeurkeJ'"s 4Q Rosoo ltiIetaJL Products Ltd$ ~ TorOrlto III ; ~ 10 SlgllS Q iVl'/'w S~11~1es <w 24 x 24 .wR" S~rie8 ~ 24 x 30 ~$ 8060 each -$13(,1'20 each -$lOI",;fiQ ~~<nh ~l%:~ - $'" 040 '~cb .$ 5024 each ~$ 5096 each -$ (6@1' each ~$12050 each -$10$45 each !ill$ '1 t>40 each -$ 9055 each 8!iId$lOo1d .ch 5 0" ~ JJJarlatt~ Fu,~18 & l...umber I",td. ~ Bto Thomao$ "un Fle~nged Pos't. e l' 10 FOtO>t 1> compl~~e with fiAler bloeka~ -$, 006 eaoh "U~Y Fll.lftgsdl Posts f> 12 Foot, f) comp.le'te liri'th filler bJt.ock:~ i:lil$5096 et'lch 6~1 J I) A 0 't:/l Tor$S it CO. LTD ~ Don Mills~ Ontarioo 5 ~, 2; slgiii5. t~t" Seriee 24 x 24 flitl"''l Sel""ie8 ;0 It 30 ~~~ Series 12 x 36 Bridge End :Markers RR" Series 24 x 30 ~$ 9030 each -!l)QSO eac~ l!tii1V 1 ~ 95 eo etA -$11025 each !~~J~~~!!~ ~~".~~~.!~~AIA3 ANE""..~Y,~J:.~!~~ GROUP 16 'Il>IIl" PmRge '9 Q BrjL~s~...,~.~.~~~.~."..~,:;l". ;~~,~.,..,!,11~ ..~g~!!~.. J.t) The St~eeleote J,~nurac.turing COo ,.. of: CaDI de, j"td., Rodney (e) Red Lead Primer (b) Halts Rust Anti",'> Corrosive Green & Grey 1 2 \;> Glid.d(ift Fa int. Company ~ at ljl TbOl1ll'48 Q Green Anti~Corr08ive GP-6,Q Gov. Spaco ~ $,,{) per gallon {~," Federal Sales Tax included; l+f;, F,edflE9>al Sl'11es ~f8't Extra) .)@ Reld ft~~ Pai.nt Servicoil S't (s, Thema So (a ) l{ed I"ead (b~ \1r88n Anti~Corroslve (6~ 1ederal Salee Tax Extra) l (a) Cb) 40 'lhe (a) (b) '0 The (8 ) (b) Glidden Y50~ Red Lead Cjs"OW:r.~ . Diamond Pa 1n1# Comp~uty Ltd6. ~ Toronto $ Rt~ Lead ftJ"een. Bridg. (6~ Federal Sales Tax Extr@) . Impe!-ial FIo-Glase Pain.ts I,,1id.~ 'J To:r.onto Red Lead CI'ileen Ant~~,=eorros:l.ve (6% Federal Sales Tax Extra) 60 Niagara FAint & Chemical Co~ Ltd. H.am11tofto (8) (b) Rt)d !"ee d. Green Bridge {8~ Federal Sales Tax F:Jctra) 10 Marlatt ~lels & L~~er Ltd~~ S1ti {) ThOA'lU:l S 0 Red Lead (Pltteburg) (Less 2~ ~ 30 days) g~ Big 4 Builders9 Supply Ltd., St,OI Thomas (Q) ~ $j~~5i) (~t) per ~~allon dtl ".. li!IllI llfI :>~) gallon liWJ$ P 8):'"" gall Oft -$4.01S per giellon -$)Q10 per ~~11on -$4. 00 per gallon -$9~,95 pl~r galloltl -$3~ (; !t,' gallon -$31025 peI~ gGllon -~~~)o41 par gallon De~IJU5l1.' ]~1st Pl"ll1ce ((}l~~dden Pllitl't) 1 TE!IDERS l;-On }.\1j\ 'En I I\LS ArID SUPPI,IES ,....,..~.,......".",..,".,...~.._..'>'''~'l\'Ulllt~Mi~.lllt.hloo~~.~.,....o..J.'lJ."'~'I"""""~"""""""",;",,,,,,,"""iloI..;~I.,....,................,_,,,,,,.....""'".....~~ (lROiJP 16 ~ or. ~~ .,*, :i " PAGE 10 Paint ~ in 4S Oall@~ Drums; '.0..'.....,""., Non"""I"etlector1medu let Crown Df.amond Paint CO'll Ltde. ~ Toronto (8~ Federal Sales Tax extre) 20 Reid flS Paint Servi.cef) St . flru.)ma e \1 <<g" Federal Sales T~t~t extra) lib 0 Gli.dt\ell C00 L'tdo . StOll Thom,a,2 <<4% F~deral S81e~ Tax included; 4"~'ederal Sales TSJt extl'8) r~~fl.agara P8iJ'll.'t &. Chemiealv Ham11torl (S" Fedel"al Sales Tax extra) .. Marlatt Fult)B &. Lumbe140 St It) tlhomas . < ~ 'ederal Sal(iis Tt:ut includedllU. LeBs 2"~ )0 days) Imperial F~lo,,"..OlalSe Paints Ltd. f Toronto ~~ 0 ~8" Federal Sales Tax extra) S CJ . 6() 1~ St~elcote Co~ Ltd~, Rodney ., .9!l~~~~ ~ Q~J!2.~.. Q~~~_~,~!t.!;rL PA~~~: ll,1 Steel cote Itianutac:turing Co 0 ot Can.. Ltd 0 ?J RodneY'J (J ?9 A 'Ie;) k30 $3 p~r gallon Benj~min~Moo~e Brand $20'19 per gallon $2e/i'O per gallon $2 0 50 ~?er ga:llon $3~3) per gallon (Plttsburl $2 i.' galloD Glidden. PQit~t, Centre S~\) TbtlmaS $3<)~)J per galloil <<4~ Federal Sal~s Tax included- 4~ Feder~l Sales Tax extra) Reid ~ 6 Pa1xtt Bani.c. ~ 51;, tl ~110tl1la 8 Fla t . (8~ Federal Sales ~x extra) 4n "the CrCffi1tl. JJiamond Paint COlo Ltd. ~ 1Dor~:n.1t(j~ $4,,,l.S per gallon $4 (}lO .g.~ll()~\ (~ l?'$Jderal Sales Ta x extra) 'l.h~ Imy>e:rr-le.l Flo~.Qlam* Paints Ltd.. w Torontl:P $~,o 15 pet" gallon (g~ Xi"ederal Sales T~~x ~xtra) ;0 60 Mar.latt Fuels & Lu.mber Ltd& f) $7'Gl~ pe:c" gel10D (P1't~sbu1r S't '" Th()m~a,& Federal Sales T(~x included@ Less 2~ = )0 days) !\liagara P~:lint & Chemi.~sl~ Ham11t.QD ~~1l>95 ~'er l~eJllon. (6" Federal Sales Tax extra) 11>1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 10TH., 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M., April lOth., 1964. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work as folloWS: 1. Gravel had been applied to Road 15 and l5A in Dunwich, by County Trucks, as time permitted, and some gravel would be hauled to Road 17 M.C.L. Roads thrOughout the County were in~Od condition. Nrushing had been completed for the time being. Land purchase waS being continued on Road 16, and a surveyor'S Pland had been filed on Road 52 east of springfield. Guide Signs and Road Number Signs were being erected. Trees would be set out as soon as possible on widened RoadS. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Guide Rail work waS being undertaken on Road 20 and would be continued for several weekS on variOUS Roads throughout the system. 8. A programme of culvert maintenance in East Elgin waS being undertaken. 9. An early meeting with Bell Telephone Company officials was being hel(\., re the burying of telephone lines on County Roads in West Elgin. RUSSEL MC KIBBIN NOBLE TUFFORD MOVED BY ~ SECONDED BY~ THAT PAYLIST #9, AMOUNTING TO $1,839.08; PAyLlST #10, AMOUNTlNcri TO $10,038.61; pAYLIST #11, AMOUNTING TO $16,379.22; PAYLIST #11, DEVELOPMENT ROAD, AMOUNTING TO $271.25 BE , APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIE'D · . PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 10TH., 1964. ~, THE ENGINEER PRESENTED a comparison of road mix mulch prices and hot mix asphalt prices for Road 20 from-Shedden to Hwy. #401. He also reported that the D.H.O. would insist that tenders be called if the Committee wished to apply Hot Mix pavement. As it appeared that the saving would be very slight, if any, with 2 inches of hot mix asphalt pavement, compared with 4 inches of mulch and also tha.t tehders had been called for mulch gravel for Road 20 It Committee decided to contin~e with plans for laying mulch pavement on Road 20. GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS were opened and were as fQllows: 1. Watters Bros. Construction, Springfield . $50,485.00 2. Law Construction Ltd., Rexdale $71,490.00 Watters Bros. tender is as attached. MOVED BY: R.N. MARTIN SECONDED BY: G. WOOLNER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WATTERS BROS. FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $50,485.00 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the D.H.O. had approved of the awarding of the G~oline & Fuel Oil Tender to Canadian Petrofina Ltd., and had approved a resolution of the March Session of County Council re transfer of funds in connection with the County's Normal Road By-law. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Elm Street Bridge Tenders would close at 9:00 A.M., April 21, 1964. ROAD TOUR DATES were discussed. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH N.G. TUFFORD THAT ROAD TOUR DATES BE APRIL 21, EAST END, AND APRIL 29, WEST END. COMMITTEE TO MEET AT THE COURT HOUSE AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. 1~HOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 10TH., 1964. .....--.,"' THE ENGINEER AND SEVERAL MEMBERS OF COMMIT1~EE r~ported re the meeting with Mr. Reynolds of B.O.T.C. on April 1, re the Elm Street crossing of the C.N.R. It appeared that there would be no difficulty in obtaining a work order for the crossing of tracks, but it appeared that there was very little chance of the County receiving a grant from the Railway Grade Crossing Fund. The Engineer was instructed to write to Mr.. J .A. McBain, M.P.,' and ask his assistance in the matter. THE ENGINEER STATED THAT THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION was soon sponsoring a construction machinery show on May 4-7, in Toronto, and also that Norman J. Chaplow would attend the Road Superintendent's School- on May 5 and 6. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the D.H.O. had approved of plans to replace the floor of Tate's Bridge with bridge plank, and the quotation of Armco Drainage & Metal Products Ltd. had. been accepted. OVE3r Rosco Metal Products, being a little more than 1/2 of the price submitted by Rosco. This work would take p+ace in May. At the same time repairs would. be made to the Port Burwell Bridge (approximately 20 feet on east end of the deck). THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. AFTER LUNCH, TRUCK TENDERS were examined, and were as attached. After discussion, it was MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: RUSSEL McKIBBIN NOBLE 1~UFFORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DISBROWE MOTOHS LTD. FOR A MODEL G.M.C. C93603 CAB & CHASSIS AS PER THEIR TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $1,669.63 (INCLUDING SALES TAX) WITH THE COUNTY 1959 MODEIJ B-130 INTERNATIONAL AS A TRADE-IN. 3100 LB. REAR SPRINGS TO BE ~DDED IN LIEU OF 2400 LB. REAR SPRINGS AT A COST OF $5.00 NET. ALL SUB(JECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D. H. o. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 10TH., 1964. p!\,.GB 4 G. 'W001JN'ER R.N. Mt\RTIN MOVBD B 1. ~ SBCONDBD B1. ~ J.(E RA.CK 7' x 9' "WITH NECESSA.RY THA ~ "WE pUR eA. HSE A SO~ "WIL ~ S IE "WOO D'IIO RKING, AYLMER, MODIFICA~IONS AND CAB FR ~S TA.X) SUBJECT ~O THE A.~ A PRICE OF $546.00 tPLUS SA. ' "'0 B" PLA.CED oN ~HE ~RUCK , 1J 0 THE Rl\.CK.\. ~ A.PPRO\! A.L OF ~HE D.". · . PURCHA.SED FROM DISBROlh'E MOTORS. CARRIED. RUSSEL McKIBBIN MOVED BY: D. C. LEITCH SECONDED B1: OF ] A.CK BROOKS MO~ORS FOR THA. ~ "WE A.CCEP~ ~HE ~ENDER 'CK' l\S pER HIS TENDER A.ND N I, ~A.NDEM TRU " . A.N RF-194 INTERNA~IO A.. S TENDERED PRICE OF $11,021.00 COUNT'! SPECIFICA.~IONS AT HI X) "WI~H THE COUNTY'S 1954 /INCLUDING PROVINCIA.L SA.LES TA 1~' THE TRUCK TO BE , TRUCK A.S A TRA.Df.,. ". IN~ERNA.TIONAL ~A.NDE,~ tl 3/16" FLOOR) A.T A. COST OF O'tSEN BODY t "WIT fl EQUIPPED "WI~H A.N .., ,OR) ALL SUBJECT TO THE $40.00 NB~ INSTEAD OF A. 10 GUA.GE FLO APPRO\!A.L OF THf. D.H.O. CA.RRIED. TENDERS 'FOR MA TERIA.LS &. SUPPLIES were reviewed ~-y the ttached tLoW Bidders or Suppl~ers Engineer and are as a · as marked) , R.N. M1\RTIN MOVED BY: G. "WOOLNER SECONUBD BY~ SUPPlIES BE A.CCEP~ED A.ND THA.T ~ENDERS ON MATERIl\LS & " D TO QUl\LI~Y THE ENGINEER BE INSTRueTED ~O PURCHl\SE "WI~H REGA.R . l\~D PRICE SUBJECT ~O THE A.PPROVA.L OF THE D.H.O. "" ' CA.RRIED. ~. ')=' . .. . Road S-ystem l\ DISCUSSION re joining of Elg~n- . . decided to vieW the roads at Kinglake followed, and ~t was . the East End Road ~our' in quest~on on ~HE ENGINEER REPORTED that the county' s Double Dr~m · and asked perm~ss~on Hoist had not been used for some years, to sell it bY Tender. PAGE 5 ST. ~rHOMAS, ONTARIO, APHIL 10TH., 1964. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. TUFli'ORD R. McKIBBIN THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE SALE OF THE COUNTY'S DOUBLE DRUM HOIST, SUB~rECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. DISCUSSION ON APPOINTMENT of a Safety Const.ruction Inspector was postponed indefinitely. AFTER A DISCUSSION ON CATTLE CROSSING SIGNS, it was decided that the farmer must look after the signs when the Crossing was not in active use. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: THAT Tfffi MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL MAY N. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH 8, 1964, at 10:00 CARRIED. A.M. 7~ I ,4' ~ d~ ~ CHAIRMAN ,J' , i t- r \ , ~ ( I ~ t I, i , j'-". ,., COUNTY OF ELGIN GIIIiIiilElr- ""...."."'......, .".".".Ja..~"',.....""""'"-.....................I.I~.....................4f,.l......._.~ INFORMATION TO BIDDERS "":'O"'~,..-~,.,"-~.~...-"-"..."'..~......'"'.""',l!!IIr_'""'...__.......__....:....,_-'''-i.......~_...~''''.,'l.,....'"'."-........"'....'~~....'......- SALE of Lelol M@tor and Double nru. Winch Tend.r.~ ~~l ~~101~ Sl!t!II.'*'.I!nlift~_""_~~ by the urutf2~1j1 until ....., ,for the pl.1rChaS8" of th~ COqmt.,ta LeRt;1 Motor and D~1!uble DnDI Winch Skid Kou\ntedll THIS EQUIPMUT 18 ~old on a its.8 is \~lfiher. le~ b,ag,;ls 8nd maT ......~J..s~.......l'"".",~,..."....."~....."'-."",,.......~',.............I"~..11n31 be viewed trOll 8:00 a~.* tit,) 5:00 p"Wl. 'at the COl.tlty ot Elgin G~rag.t.Vh1te StatioDt Ontario~ ~~.J[~R~ for the ~111 amount of the bid 18 to accompany the .( tm\d.er. HIGHEST or ANI BID Dot necessarily aeceptGd$ ~.......!.O~~ .~"'),..~;".''''JL,"$.........;>4......,.."...".Q;l .. . i 'I l I.Q., MOORE!, Fe ENli" r~UNn DlG,IiEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN~ COURT HOU:~I $) Sft ~ THOMAS & ONt'fAR:lO(jl '(1$(1'.., ,~ ,,'*, . "~"!~~r J:#i.. "..:,,,, ~~ .l$ ~:_d ~~. "-~' ,,'I Il' "1 ":~: i:i"~~",I; '~-~\..,.. .. 'J.l :;\ ~ :i ~1 it) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ';' :] Sl~ll': O:~~ LERO:! MOTOR AND DOUBLE DrUt~ lalXCH ~l(.ptiI'in;y"'f~~~,~t5I:Jli~J'l'f~~~..,~,-".._...:..m~$~.~-,-~.",~-,""",~...u-,--.......,~....xqf!>":l:',!'f';;'lll~)Il~mT.i:€llf>~~l~.l'1;li,--...'",..,~.,,, TO THE CHAIRMlN; AID K~~SERS 0' TH~ ~X}UNTY OF ELGIN R01D e~ITrII:~ HllV:Dfa vi_~d tb~ C!lwtY'1l l;eR@l ~.tol"<' ~ild Do,ibl49 I)r~. Wine,it and ~und.r8t.~nd1ng !,ts 8~le 1f!il on, M. -as 1~~ ~her($ i~~1R 1)as18~1 we hert!bw otter the County of Elgin the ~nm Ktlr~ Df)ll$iJ,ll>il . for ite WE heir'fN~.th ~ru:lo~e 0\-11''' chequf.l in 'the fUll>:L mmoun.t of OU1~ b1d~ We under!tand thst the higbest. bid u~y not neee~8arily ber aceeptettiJ v., t;.....'.."'.",.,'.';".,"""loiJ.;;.J.,"'~.""............,.......!'1 a..~.::~....._,~._..........,.~_Jht.~,N.,.;.d;,)J"-'",.........~".....".;...'.""Atin,,.~JjI..,.:.,..oJkl-1../.# BInDER <'I o1EmA'1Jnt11,.,....""Illll~~~.......l.o......._~ ~~t1~ I.~ ~ ~-:~~~~~~..........,...."..,~~$~Afli&'i:t"&'C'" .,..~...-;~~.~ WITfi'ESS ADDRF.JlS I' <M.tJo,\",.',~f#Jt~~ o<'Ut~~J;,;'~..~...~MI~'-~"~;"'..'.l"""i' ~~ <MJIiD t..J..........~.~.....L.J._i",~,,_....-,....,--...:~,.. .........;..",~,::..j'.....~~1.'a7Jf:G1Ii~~1/tIl........".o,h,.................-.-....""'"..~.~,.....~~'-~;."'"'"~.;;"';~ " :~ kf)A TI TELEPHOliE liO <,) t: f t. .', ST e 'BOMAS. OJitAI;O" . MAllCK SIS!IIOH, 19640 TOtE W,A.ID. J~tJlJ JemBaS OF 'HI BLOX. OOUIrlI OOWelL:; Mrso McCaf1Jby ;JlndC..tl_..~ t~ nolI> CONMI'l'1". beg. ~o lMIf,lOl't .. t~ow.. -- N.~ . ~_.; It' , . . 10 .-.m'IDERS WJ:tt II: OAI,LID, fox- the OObltrllct1oft of 'the 11m $t..~' Jil..~q. o;n. .~. ,,, 0\"..... Catfish Creek in .tbe -'.l'ow.rl ot .&,.1M.. II . lat... tllthe IIOntb. l~ 't1SRlCOJlSi1D: ,tHAT - $$~It'~.fQl" tit. St. Thollius.$ub\U"hb !tOad ~.$.- ~..t9~,UlOl.atUil. " .',000..00 .,. 'PPl"O'fEld" . or th18 _O_t, $).,000000 18 .It_t.d.rop OOft~~':rlttt1oft' r (1d4 ,.,.~.} Oft the W.l1~tOn lto.ad, ud the 1"_:l1Kl.er ~ . ....$22,OOO:~OO to 'e Uled tor the _In'''80$. o~r the Sto' 'T!tOllla$ S1Jh~. Road CottIId.se:lozl ant. (.P.P~t"'lY 2' m~lea); '.. . t t.. ' 2d 'tHA'A7't.t~aq~!O' )If,. H. >>SmtUR. Dt~tl"'l.e~; _:1n..,.' ,o:t the D",I.>Q(J t' Ib.. toUotfi'B 1.'.1_'108' be ,..a'~d "'aard. - 11 1irr4i,);titflr ot 1l0n18., "it". ,i-eaant 10 'hG'OG.~tyftl' Annual .:!)'ta4:J.t\#". Hoed Be'.... tor 1'6': . . . . I It.~~ ....'.eet the D08000 to ..'re..te,.. 'Oh. '~f of $2.429'GJ29 '!~ o.~D.~O'1o.' itoa.. . 'oCoa.'~a~1o. l.idC'8.11~d(,_1.v~.,' 1ft 00Jll.'80t10n w:1th. 0'" Ro~)~ load _fi!lld1t~. S,-law tor 196$'." . . 30 'liA~ A NaltMAL aoADBX~BNJr.rU.B aX-LAW bepa..td" to b.. .UQo.1ied a.' tol1owfl : : " ',,, . ROADS . BRIDGES (\ CULVIR'S KilT MACHINERY' SU'IRIIftIDJAtiOB & OVIRHlAD 'ION _,~"~,,, !,.ll.~ $ It;Q,.fOOoOO NCE ~I!'\l~".,,,,,~,,,..,.....~.. ~I l~ 411~, aooooo $ 2'6_700(100 14$1 500,000. as ,. c>OO. . .. )l~'~o.~ ail' 46i1.000.~.~ 2$ $)000 ~tOO ... .. ... 46..600000' 46'.600'~,OO MALSt ~ I I 1 ,Ill.." m fsIr lt1 "I U ,... $ _,000,,00 t 33',001looo ~~ S".OOOa'OO .~ r11r, n "u l!li '.". ...." " :'" . '.,~ 11 m hI, '.1IlIIlIt \lilli, '.....""'"''''''".1.''''''''''''''' ".,:.'''....'~i= 'II.,l,l(P\~.I!ilII!.I,"tfl'J .....tnm'",,,. ur{J'ii'''''ii.ua lIIlI111J1 ~(l!R!M1J"U . .2. S1. 'II_S.OlnABIC> MARCil srl8stOtl, 1961.", /to tHA' A SVl)Pt_tAIY ttOAD IXPIIDI'tURE 8'I-LA'l be to, be al.1JJ,eated .IS fallow.: 'ROADS BIIDGBS & CULVERTS TOTAL: ~.~!~~~~ $ '0,,000000 110'_000 ~L,IN 1t~L',1t'.'-~b~ $ 41S,OOOo~ ~l~,':;.:':'" ~~~t!~q.!Jg~!;..:,~~~~~,~!,: (Ie~._bloas 3 I; 4) ell )OOQHrX.. U1LalD.I!UU8: ',II.~I:~/i..,I",1 ,~ COHSlaUCnON BOADS COHS~aUCnOI BaID0I8ACULVIR..8 .. ... MACHlh.-! MAllftRAIICBaOADS ., '1IIDlI. . CUL'.'. OfIlDAD 1O'tALi: * 462.,SOOflOO $. 124,.,a~oOO , I' 1) oa~o 00. 4\ a,8.~~QOO $ 30.,,:;04)000 $44 fO~~Ct 00 '.'M.....",". .~,i........~ .~ 9I~tJ~)~OC ..... '>"r". "'~ 1l~"'."'" (8) ST 1~!'I~~.J ~~III! I ROAD COII4$SIOI cols_enol' .Aiis'~"""''''''.''''.'''~'!'i'''!'' !I~"".,.j!,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, $ OOISIIUO'lXOa SUDOM.taUtv..,. * . '" MAItJi~IIAICI 10AI. $ lit . mune-., 091.'.1'$ _ O'DH~.D * 3,.00()oOO ~ lliJL l' t> 1OC)oOO l"OOC)oOO 5.'OC)oOO \ TOTAL :B ~ ~.. '. .-'.' ',- ".', ' ,,'-', :1.I'i~-"i',.'~.IA~~~...~.,J~ " !O!At l101E~r APpaOPaIAl'.IW, $9'O'_~OOtl ,at;.. ..timated ~C8~ to ,1\" 00"'10t$41, $ 9QOoOOC.,.... ....lpO ot s.ie.'fax lebe". t(fJIf" .1961,~ 62 aa. .')" · f1 1u'.1.11sCJ. Ube p:rel..' .8....,...' will ,..at.. $411gs,a6400. 'lIES! ROAD ,'BY-LAlIS 'IOYI.8 MOIII tOr! COfAlt~ctt.o. OD CcUft'ty lioadlalt-llowl = (a) land Ncha.e for 'tI1..._Baa.....,.c..._..'ftc4,.o (b) ''')'I18ftt tOJ~ iDnaUattoJl ot Haill*Oa' 'l'.'.~tlol~ on Road 15, $.n ..~o. IUllti 10.4 a ..., ot 't1e., to.... (0) DoUbl.S_~rae.'Ir'._.t.. Road Sl~ tnRI'Read 40...'_"1,. lmle lft 8,._t1.14" Soutb De,eb..,... artd Mal,.bt4elJ 01..ft~up ".~_ ud $eefJ",OD Road 201ft Port S~;aDl", 'itd SGuta"41il\t 'o".btp~. tJtom Rl$bwa., I 4 tlo~h~.rlYt approxllJatel" 2 mil... .. P.~Road ~O, $he4dennortherly tc Read 16 (E~);Cep1~ 1fw'1. #1.01.) in Sou~wold Y"'"btp~ " Paving 30a(l., 4'$1 from ltOld 40 ...'orl, tor ap'ftJ,xi1Jt!'tely , m11eGtl tlil1cb was sr*ade4 in 1963i1 1ft. :Malabide aDd ".,.ham ~OWA'hlp.o .. .Gra4tas~ O:a~..ul.rBaself .to.!f. Rca,d 16tJ}. ~cItr To_~tilpp .' &0. ,Roeel t'toit'a;lbot Creek ~ a,p!"'O~1aI.t.11 6 81l11e. 0 . ft OradiGltI Q2~actclar ...~~ .'tCt~ load 651 Aldboro'bgta ,..., itraaoad j~ to 11.ok~~ !An., 8ppr*ox1ltately 2~~ .:tl..t~ . - I II a"&d.iaa~ Orwau18,. Jaae, etcfP ~:eoad 4!~ Port BUltrG11, w..t.~1.,..ppro:t:laat;.l, 2 m11el$ in Ba1hlm !W,~ and Po.. _'t,.J~l () *' ( j) 'Ora":l8I, OJ-aau1atr Iaa.~. ~c. 9 I1aS~..et <<1084 ,,) :itrJ theToWft o!~A,1...o (t>> Co*"..'t'~,. 01 tli.l1m I~rl.' ""4a_o'f"" Catt'~shC~..ko (4) (e) (t) (,> ltA) . (i) * 3 ". .,. 'fHOMAiS ~.ON"AftI9. JiA.RCH SESSION., 1964" (1 ) Con.,naotioll.ot..,ret'IJII,..el._lt. ...el t .t..l ptp. ~u1..~.om~ a... 6.~ 16~ 42 aatl 'e>3'1J ..._.e4l11ft aotrl.IUftction w:ltb s.adSQlo .ltlX1!H 1.lto'..., ROAIIXt'IIDl_ (Doubl. I.-til.."."- _.ton' ...10,1,_t ..."IG9fa, H..d _toP.", J",~.~ .4 'mil.a,) aadAte..,. Iec:t1"fd.lltS)tt i'"..,,, thlt "eattQfUl ....nd.. It..,elwt11 be i,Q tile cr<$el' ot*l~lCO,)OOO~OC. ~. J.tu,f'.. .._".t. INI. ..-v .t........~ ." ,.., "_1ft".. 1It_,'.".. he Iii.. ALL OF' ~IRICH USPICTFllJttY SUB'MI1wiJm.... "';~~J~',~ili IIi' li"1 ,.., ,I~~!':UIII"~ i11,~II~ "~~~I"'.II~'II~~"'#tc ~ ALl..~, '_'.J.........".......oR.,~nK ' 'J, '.' L all CHAXJUSAI I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 17TH, 1964. Cou~t House at 2:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County council. THE COUNT'! OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met a t the 1. Mr. James A. McBain, M.P. re the Elm Street Crossing of the Canadian National Railway in Aylmer, advising that and Engineer 'of the Board of Transport commiSsioners for Canada would meet with representatives of the County of Elgin for a site inspection, as soon as possible. 2. Mr. W.C. McDowell, Assistant County Engineer of Norfolk, requesting a meeting between the Road committees of the countieS of Elgin and Norfolk with regard to the Development Road, etc. at Kinglake. The committee agreed to a meeting on April 25th at 10:00 a.m. at the TownshiP of Bayham Hall at Straffordville. THE FOLLOWING correspondence waS read from: THE CORRESPONDENCE from Mr. J. McNair of the Department of Labour re the construction Safety Inspector, waS laid aside until the ne~t Road Committee Meeting. A RESOLUTION from the County of wentworth re the construction Safety InSpector requesting that the provincial GOvernment assume the cost of such a County Safety Inspector was read. Moved B'! ROBERT MARTIN SECONDEUB'! RUSSEL MCKIBBIN THAT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNT'! COUNCIL THA T A RESOLUTION FROM THE COUNT'! OF W ENT'NORTH RE THE CONSTRUCTION SAFEty INSPECTOR BE FILED. CARRIED · THE FOLLOWING resolution waS passed: ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 17TH, 1964. PAGE 2 THE ENGINEER reported that the Gravel Crushing Tenders, to close on April 7th, had been called and that onlY one tender had been requested as yet. THE ENGINEER reported on the tenders for trucks, to close on April 2nd, and requested that the Warden and Chairman be authOrized to open and summarize the same. He also had investigated the cost of obtaining a stake rack and special cab for men to ride in to be built on the rack. The Engineer felt that a saving could be made by buying a stake rack with the special cab from Frank Wiltsie of Aylmer and \ calling tenders for a l~ ton cab and chassis onlY compared with calling tenders for a truck complete with rack and then modifying it to meet the county'S need for a special cab. The Committee agreed with the Engineer's rec()mmendation. The Engineer stated that he had investigated the size of the motor for the Tandem DumP Truck and felt that a 450 cubic inch motor waS warranted as the truck which was being traded in had a 450 cubic motor. ThiS restriction would eliminate a tender from Dodge Trucks although InternatiOnal, Ford, G.M.C., White, etc. could meet the specifications. The Committee also agreed with thiS recommendation. REEVE ROBERT MARTIN of the TownshiP of 'Yarmouth reported that hiS Council had accepted the offer of the County of Elgin to place gravel on the Road betWeen King'S Highway #4 and White Station with the TownshiP supplying the gravel. THE COMMITTEE adjOUrned to April 7th, 1964. > ..,,,,, ...--....... ~---------- \ COUNTY OF ELGIN lVf..ARCH' 1964 TENDERS FOR GASOLINE AT WHITE STA~~ION MINIMUM OCTANE 92. PRICE PER GAL/LON INCLUDING TAX 1. Canadian Petrofina Ltd. 32.25 32035 32.97 3300 3300 34.5 35.0 37.5 2. Robert Fo Lacey Fuels - Sunoco Dist. 30 Cities Service Oil Company Ltd. 4. Texaco Canada Ltd. 5. British~American Oil Company Ltd. 6. Imperial Oil Ltd. 7. Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 8. Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. LAST YEAR'S SUPPLIER - Canadian Petrofina Limited 30.25 (+ 2 cents tax increase) TENDERS FOR DIESEL FUEL AT WHITE STATION 1. Canadian Petrofina Ltd. 36.1 36.9 2. Canadian Oil Companies Ltdo Cities Service Oil Company Ltdo 36099 3. 40 Imperial Oil Ltd. 37.9 38.4 38.9 38.9 5. Supertest Petroleum Ltd. 6. British-American Oil Company Ltd. Texaco Canada Ltd. 70 LAST YEAR'S SUPPLIER - Canadian Petrofina Limited 34.4 (+ 2 cents tax increase) COUNTlO'F ELG1.N ,.....# .. a - GASOLINE REQU~TS ~ ......,.,:."...........' .-" ~AL~ T~g~ plainlY ~rked as to cont.ents wiU be received by t.he dders1gned unt.il 5:00 pQMo MARCH 2ND $) 1964 for supplying Gasol-iM required by t,he Count.y of Elgin Roads Depar'liment for a 12 month period from March )Ot.hi 1964 t.o March 30t.h, 1965. . nm-. GA~()L:t:l$ is t.o be delivered in approximat.elY 2,000 gallon lots to 'the Count.y's ),000 gallon t.ame at. the County Garage at White StaM.on in larlllOut.h TownshiP. THE F\lMP and tank are the property of the Count.y 01' Elgin. ..' .. ......- . OCTANE RA'rING tor thiS gasoline must. be 91 oct.ane min1mU1ll. ~ . :7 _~.-4-- ~'r~!f\!)!lE. requirEl1llents for the year are 36,OOOgallOJl.lilo M-L T~~S to st.eM Q..R.~,JI)Jl: OCTA~ and ~~g$,. including ~ T~ of gasoline. ~QWlSSl or "'~ TEN.Q~ will not necessarilY be accepted. R. G. l~OORE, p. '!!iNG. D COUNTY' ENGINEER 9 . cOURt HOUSE>> S'r . THOMAS , ONTAR1.0- lr' QQ.l1l!!!"'. ... 9E___._~T~ ...~.~~~~~~......~_~~~"__~"~QUIREMENTS. SEALED TE~D~R1!plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 21..9~Q_____,~~~.. _....-._J~~!1:9H -~~~~.~.._.",...~.2~~ for supplying Diesel Fuel required by the County of Elgin HO~id Department fora 12 month pe:r':l.od f'r{)m MB.rch 30th 9 1961~ to IVfarch 30th>> 196;0 THIS 'l'ENDEH inclu.des only our Ga.rage at Wlite Stai;ioJn$J Yarmouth ,. '.' " , llU~:ililf~~~<;;'''''... ?J Township 9 ~'nd does not include our outpost Gradel" S.tations a.t Rodney~ Dutton and MOunt Salerno THE PRE~.~~!2000 gallon ta.nk!) pump and installat:ion belongs tiO 'Canadian Petrofina Lim:lted~ and the ~9uccessfulTend~~rer is to make aJ:J.angements W11th the Canadie~n Petrofina 15..m:i. tad to purchase this installation and give t;he COl,1,nty uninterrupted sE~rv:tcec D~.~.~~!~._..~~~X.JQ is 'to be suitable for the County's Di.esE~l equ:lpmellt~ Pour po:L winter c.,> 450 F and in terummer <= 200 F 2J and a maximum Sulphlu~ Cont.ent of not over 00l~ per cel1to ESTIMATE]) requiremen.ts for tht~ yea:r are 89500 gallons 0 .~_._,-,.;"'-...._~.~,~ " ALl., TENDERS to give SpEH::ifict:!tiona of Diesel Fuel and Price ~.......... '~"'~""""''''''-~~--.'''-'''--"'''.'''''- including the Provincial Motor Vehicle Tax which is applicableo I10~'EST or ANY' TJr!;NDER not necessarily accepted 0 .......,,,,, . ".... ,.".-~ ..,;....'." ~"...,.."'_..".",._..'".......~.. """"'h..Q R. G<l MOORE~ Po ENGo~ COUNTY l~NGINEER9 COURT; HOUSE Z) ST Q THOI\(lAS;; ON'1.'ARIO 0 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO,. MARCH 9TH, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the February 18th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as followS: 3. 4. . Ice and Snow Control had been light. Clearing on Road 6 was nearly completed and work would be started on Road 16 shortlY, Gravel Resurfacing was being done on Road 15 at Tyrconnell. Half Load Regulations were in effect. 1. 2. MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED By D.C. LEITCH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #6 _ $1,566.60; PAYLIST #7 - $9,101.91; PAYLIST #8 - $19,683.10. CARRIED. THE FOLl,OWING resolution was passed: Chamber of Commerce contratulating the Road Committee on the Grading Work on Road '42 west of Port Burwell. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the port Burwell THE ENGINEER reported that the Rebate for Sales Tax paid on Road Accounts in 1961, 1962 and 1963 would be forth- coming shortly and that approximatelY $11,300.00 net to the County would be received. " ..",....~'. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, MARCH 9TH, 1964. PAGE 2 THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of High~ays had approved preliminary plans for the Elm Street Bridge and that the final plans had been forwarded to the Department for approval. The Engineer sUggested that tenders be called as soon as the final plans had been approved. MOVED BY RUSSEL MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY ROBERT N. M~RTIN TH~T THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE ELM STREET BRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CARRIED. Curb and Gutter Grades ~ere being designed by cyril Demeyere, Engineer for Aylmer, and it ~aS e~pected that theSe ~ould be built in the spring. CORRESPONDENCE re the Elm Street Crossing ~aS read from the Board of Transport commiSsioners for Canada asking ~hether or not the County ~ould pay the entire cost of the installation of the crossing and the necessary protection. After disCUssion, it ~as decided to ask the assistance of James McBain, M.P. for Elgin, on the matter. THE FOLLO~~NG resolution ~aS passed: MOVED BY RUSSEL MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE REQUEST THAT THE BO~RD OF TRANSPORT CoMMISSIONERS FOR CANAD~ GIVE CONSIDERATION TO THE ~PPORTIONMENT OF COSTS BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, THE CANADIAN NATION~L RAILW~y AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RE THE APPLICATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO EXTEND COUNTY ROAD 53 ~CROSS THE C~N~DIAN N~TI0NAL R~ILWAY TRACKS BECAUSE OF PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 9TH, 1964. THE CONGESTION CAUSED BY SWITCHING ON JOHN STREET NORTH IN AYLMER. CARR lED. THE ENGINEER reported that he had been assured by W.R. KINnear, Regional Planning Engineer of the Ontario Department of Highways, that the proposed interchange on Road 3 at King's Highway No. 401 would not interfer with the build:tngs of Farm Implement Dealer, Arnold Lee. THE ENGINEER stated that the Ontario Department of Hi.ghways had requested that public tenders be called for Gravel Crushing needed for 1964. THE FOLLOWING resoluti.on 'was passed: MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY R.N. MAR'rIN THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED .TO CALL TENDERS FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING FOR MAINTENANCE GRAVEL FROM THE AVON PIT, MULCH GRAVEL FOR ROADS 20 AND 42 AND CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR GRADING ON ROAD 42 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. THE PRICES submitted by Johnston Sand, Gravel and Stone Company for supply and delivery of Gravel to Road 6 were discussed. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY R.N. MARTIN SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT WE ACCEPT (JOHNSTON SAND GRAVEL STONE COMPANY FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY TO ROAD 6 OF GRAVEL AS FOLLOWS: SAND CUSHION 42 CENTS PER ST. THOMJ\S, ONTJ\RIO, MARCH 9TH, 1964. p1\GE 4 TON, PIT RUN 52 CENTS PER TON, CRUSHED PIT RUN 85 CENTS PER TON AND CRUSHED GRANULAR "A" $1.35 pER TON. DIRT NEEDED FOR ONE-HALF MILEAGE OF THE ROAD TO BE FREE. CARR1ED · THE }.I\EETING adjOUrned for dinner. UPON RESUMING the meeting, the tenders for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel were e:x:amined and were as attached. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G. '1JOONER SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CANADIAN PETROFINA LIMITED FOR GASOLINE AT THEIR TENDER PRICE OF 32.25 CENTS PER GALLON INCLUDING TAX AND DIESEL FUEL AT THEIR TENDER PRICE OF 36.1 CENTS PER GALLON INCLUDING TAX ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED · THE SALE of a piece of , property on Road 20 not needed for Road Allowance from the property originallY purchased from Mrs. M.J. McIntyre, waS diSCUssed and it was decided to vieW the property during the spring Road Tour. MACHINERY PURCHASE waS diSCUssed with the Engineer reporting that the Buckeye Chip Spreader could be used for the coming year. No change waS contemplated with regard to the distribut~ either. The Engineer reviewed a long range program of machinery replacement and sUggested that the 1954 Tandem DumP Truck and the 1957 One Ton Stake Truck should be traded in thiS year and another Sander purchased. AlsO diSCUssed waS the replacement of the J\ir compressor and projected purchases for pA.GE 5 ST. THOM~S, ONT~RIO, MA.RCH 9TH, 1964. 1965 including the replacement of the 1956 Galion Grader. The installatiOn of a Two-Way Radio in 1965 waS also discUssed. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH N.G. TUFFORD TH~T THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE EMPOWl'~RED TO CALL TE,NDERS FOR A NE~J TANDEM DUMP TRUCK lIJITH THE COUNTY'S 1954 TANDEM AS A TRADE-IN AND FOR A NEW ONE TON STAKE TRUCK WITH THE COUNTY'S 1957 STAKE TRUCK AS A TRADE-IN. CA.RRIED. LAND PURCHASE problems were discUssed as follOWS: 1. Road 6 _ McCallum Brothers. It waS thought that the necessary property would have to be expropriated. 2. Roads 20 and 52. The land plan had been completed and the matter waS nOw in the hands of the Lawyers. 3. Surveying was continuing on Road 42. 4. A letter from Mrs. J. Smith re land purchased on Road 45 waS read and filed. 5. The Engineer waS authorized to negotiate with Herbert Lunn on Road 16 re additional compensation that he Id~A~~ requested because more than 17 feet waS being taken.L1~~~' - 6. The Committee waS of th~ opinion that no further compen- sation should be given to~~&-' Robinson re the widening of Road 2 in the TownshiP of Dunwich. REEVE MARTIN asked the County of Elgin to assume as a County Road the Road from King'S Highway No.4 to the London and port Stanley Railway trackS past the County Garage, because of the large number of County vehicles using the Road. PAGE 6 ST. TI:-IOMAS, ONTARIo',. MARCH 9TH, 1964. THE COJ.Vfi\1ITTEE agreed to renew their offer of May 5th, 1960 in which the County had agreed to place Gravel and Calcium Chloride on the Roads if the Township of Yarmouth would supply the materials. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY RUSSEL MCKIBBIN R. N. MAR~rIN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO APRIL 7TH, 1964 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ""'..,---."_._...^'"....."~~,...'"-,.,,...._...-...."\ ...... ..... rf?j/ ',~, . ~J'/>:~, ..... /~~? ,./~/ ~-~ (~./ L.--r<'" ~~AIRMAN FEBRUARY 18TH., 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. ALl, MEMBERS PRESENT EXCEPT REEVE PHILLIPS. N. TUFFORD R. 1JlARTIN ~ MOVED B1- - SECOND"B~D BY THAT RUSSEL McKIBBIN BE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED MINUTES OF MEETING of February 6th. were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the following: (1) Tenders received for Chain Saws. (2) The work to date as follOWS: (1) Ice &; Snow Control had been light since last meeting. (2) Brushing waS nearlY completed on Roads 18 &; 42, and work would be continued in southwold &; BayhaIll TownshiPs. (3) The new car had been received from Dunn Motors. (4) Land purchase was continuing on Roads 6 &; 42. (5) Repairs were being made to the small garag~ at White'S Station, and the Court House basement. THE COMMITTEE were of the opinion that Dunn Motors should not be granted any extra money to purchase a license for the 1961 Plymouth car which had been traded in. REEVE PHILLIPS IN ATTENDANCE. THE ENGINEER presented preliminary plans for the Elm Street Bridge in Aylmer. THE REQUEST OF THE LONDON &; PORT STANLEY RAILWAY to abandon their rail line through Elgin County, was brieflY diSCUssed. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a neW floor would be needed on the Tate'S Bridge, and work should be done in early Spring. VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE BUDGET were diSCUssed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18TH., 1964. PAGE 2 MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY R. MARTIN THAT WE ASK THE VARIOUS TO~~SHIPS TO S~RAY WEEDS ON THE COUNTY ROADS IN THEIR TOWNSHIPS, AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED G. WOOLNER N. TUFFORD ~, 1JlOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT WE RECOMME1'1D TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ROAD BY-LAWS BE ~AWSED APPROPRIATING $950,000.00 FOR COUNTY ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AT A MILL RATE OF 7.5 MILLS. CARRIED AFTER LUNCH, VARIOUS MATTERS ARISING OUT OF THE BUDGET and the county'S method of constructiOn, were diSCUssed. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. THE COMMITTEE WERE IN AGREEMENT that all grading work would be done by day labour, using rented equipment, giving preference to thOse contractors whose work had been satisfactory in the past. Trucking rates were left in abeyance, and it waS decided to request prices for crushing gravel. D.C. LEITCH N. TUFFORD MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT GRAVEL CRUSHING PRICES FOR THE YEAR 1964 BE SOLICITED FROM WATTERS BROS., McLAWS CRUSHING, PETER HEPBURN AND AyLMER CONSTRUCTION. CARRIED · AN APPLICATION to the Board of Transport Commissioners for installation of gates and flashing lights on Road 14 at Iona Station and Road 20 at Shedden, waS diSCUssed. N. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT COMMISSIONERS FOR AN ORDER FOR GATES AND FLASHING LIGHTS ON ROAD 14 AT IONA STATION AND ROAD 20 AT SHEDDEN ON THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RLY. AND THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RLY. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO., FEBRUARY 18, 1964. ADJUSTMENTS IN EMPLOYEES' SALARIES and wages were discussed. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER H. MARTIN THAT THE ENGINEER'S SCHEDULE RE "\/'JAGES OF EMPLOYEES BE APPROVED AND INCREASES BE GRANTED TO PERMANENT EMPLOYEES OF 10, 8, AND 6 CENTS, AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES TO $1.25 PER HOUR, AND THIS SCHEDULE BE RECOMMENDED FOR 2 YEARS, EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1964. CARRIED. MOVED BY D. C. LEITCH SECONDED BY N. TUF~~ THAT THE SALARY OF MRS. HOBBS BE INCREASED TO $240.00 PER MONTH, AND THAT OF MRS. CONNOY TO $9.50 PER DAY, AND THAT OF RAY COLLARD TO $390.00 PER MONTH, EFFECTIVE 14ARCH 1, 1964. CARRIED. MOVED BY WECONDED BY HUSSEL McKIBBIN R. MAHTIN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MARCH 9 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ///',./...>..../.~~(Y~,..":;-~/.~.~/.~~..~.._"~~"~. ...... ,v' I ~(' ._~// ~/ ~/7- . --- CHAIRMAN /, $'r. 'rHOl'lA$, ON'rARIO 9 <# "FEBRUAR1, 1961to 1Q _ C\U.~N AND ~ -" 91 T~ COUNTL~~~~ \tOAP C_l~" iG1tIl1L_- : A'fTACHE'D to ~niS repor~ is a PROPOSED BUDGET for 1961t. The pre8en~ eoun~'Y \toad Mil~ge 18 .Ppt'Q)t_~el.Y 2.~6 mile8 of Coun~'Y Road, and 1.; ,l!li1es of'S~. Tho_s Su))~rbAUl }load foX' a .toW of appro;d.1lIAte'lY 2$1 ~s. Added to the s,..~em in ~he past year, "a8 ..ppro~i1lU1 te11 1/2 mile (eount. y Road 2) bet."een count~ RoadS 1; and S and a rull years 11l8intenance on county Road )7 9 . . 'Middlesex Count.1 'Line 9 be~"een Belmont. and King' 8 Hignway No. 7) · ~ 'tHE PROPOSED BUDGET ~ota1.8 appro;d.llla~el'" $9;0,000,,00, _considerable increase frotll $$2;,000.00 of last. year. Co$ta on all io'tetn8 snown on ~ne COUnt-V' 8 'r}U.'e6 leal' }lrOgratd for 1961t are pre.en~ed. The coat to the eounty is es~iJII8ted at 7.6 mil1.8" 11' a r!educt.ion in total budget is desired. I lIOuld suggest 'this reduction be 11l8de in the eons'lit'llct.lon Sect.ion. We all tend ~o overlOOk ~~enance hOpins t.hat. i'l'. can be o.rast.iCtlllY reduced t.bJ'Oush s.ncreased construct.ion" While it 18 t.rue t.bat gooel constructiOn lowers Maint.enance cos'liS, increased pUbliC demandS hS'fe 1li8de it necessarY to increase main~enance itemS such a8 "inter con~rol and cent.re line 11l8rking. The Maint.enance '8Udge~ has been reduced alight.1Y from las~'1~ in~cat.1.ng a catching up ion some areaSo 14l\IN"rENANCSt ......... .~ SURFACE ofRF.k~'r is est.imated a't ....;,000.00 "bicb "ill provide 'money tor ap~t'o)t1tnate11 ,30 m11e6 ot lfOrko . ,.ca~e of itllPt'Qved t.echnictue6 and mat.erials, "e are able 'to keep oUl' surface Treatment at. thi$ level event.hOugh our paved m1.1eage 18 increasi:ago ," . ~ I',. ~ PROPOSED DUDOfET - cont t d . ,. I ~ I. 1,11111 1 I, 1"--'" ...2 .. FEBRUARY, 1964 Q~AVEL RESURFACING 1s planned tor ICounty Road 4S b~._ Coun~y Roads )6 and 22 being dOne by our own trucks th1s I . " i. wlnter, aad. C,ounty Road. 37 and 50 1n. 'the Townsh:1lP of South .' , Dol'che.tero,the estimated cost 18 somewhat under that ot last ".U-o " If :La HOPED thetRepairs to Pavemen'ts andWj,nter Oontrol coati will be reduoed from last year6 OTHER MAINTENANOE items areest1m$t;ed 81# costs similar to laBt year. expenseso WORk ON SIGNS this year will bring near completion our p~lram oJ~ Road NumeralSlgns and. DtJ:'~~tion Ma.rkers on all. COUft~Y Roads ;~d County Road Inter8ectlohS~ i I .DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS.are estimated to be somewhat reduoed. as we know of no large dral.n the County will be asked to share 11'. at the preaent >tlmeo CENTRE LINE ~mRKING costs are estimated at the 8ame a$ la.s-t ,'ear although more miles wl11be markedo Some of the expens80f premark1ng will be eliminated9 It 18 too ,soon to tell :l.t any.mileage done last year could beomltted tromth.. work and still glye satisfactory serviceo URBAN ~BATES are est1rrurted a't 3S pIer cent, of the Road Rate OD 1'0) mills. TIlis will vary on the ml1:L rate anel ,percentage of ,rebate as decided by 'the R oed Comm11~teeo OV1ilHlAD 18 estimated. at $44,000000 ,..bls: yeaJ'o A - credit'which occurred in overhead'oharges, charged to De,elopment , " . Road~' 'wiil not oocur as '1n the' P1l~t'o Oarage and ~lchinery pver- '. , head will 11keJl., i~crea8. trom 1&8't yearo FE'BRUARl ~ 1961t f}~'$'l)~ - cont.'do - 3 - CULVERT MAINTENANCE wUl be increl'l sedo"er laet. year becauae a n~ber of cul"er1is '\;na'\; snould he"e been replaced l8.s't fall could not. be c01l\plet.ed" BRIDGE REPAIRS will. ba"e t.o be made to tone Port. 'But"fell Bridge (approJtitn8t.el1 zO feet. of floor wi1.l na"e to be . replaced) 0 R~ll8.irs sbOu1d be made t.o t,ne 'rate Bridge and 1:,he orweU 'Bridge 0 l-\inor repairs sbOuld be made t,o ot.bet' 'BridgeS S8 well 0 'rbe Kaine 'Bridge and t,he ~dd1.em18S Bridge shOuld be 1>aint.edo 'rbe Kain8 Bridge waspaint,ed in ).9;7 and it 8.1>P8ar8 t,hat. oUt' program of bridge paint,j.ng should be st,art.ed o:'1er again- ~: BRIDGE CONSTRUCtION is increased from laSt, year. the largest, it.~ is the const.ruct.ion of a new Bridge ~"er CatfiSh Creek on countY Road;) in J.1:unero Tbe amount of $601000000 baS been estim8~ed b1 the consul t.ant. 0 preli:llIj.nar1 plans ba"e been forwarded for 8PPro"l8). ~he ont.srio Dep8~ment of RighWays and t,ne 'Bridge snould be readY for Tender CallS '01 lat.e 1Jlarch or earl1 l~:pril 0 CONCRETE and liIULTI-P1.h'rB CONSTRUCTION of $2;~000000 · it'> es'ti~t.ed for cUl"erts on' Co~t.Y RoadZO (nott.h of Highway #40).) i Count.Y Rot'ld 1,"/. MiddleseJt ~unt.1 Line (Hun'\; Drain Cul"ert.) and Count.1 Road 16', TalbO't Road~ (2 re'Plac~ent.8 and'} e)Cten6iOns). Plli'B CULVBR'r CONSTRUCTION in cOn~unc'tion wi'th grading i8 es'timat.ed a't $;O~OOOoOOo p\JRc\lASE or NE\tl w>CH'l}lER't is est.itll8'ted a't $Z;,ooOoOOo '!:be eoun't1 owns appro}C.itn8t.el1 $Z~O ~ 000000 'flort.b of eC\uipmen't t 'tbe '" A o~ coUt'se t,he replacement. "slue of 'tnis value wnen pUt'cuas6v.. .. ' " eC\uiPtl\ent. is considerablY Il\OX'e 'than 'this amount.. 'l.'bus$ 'ten per cent. of 'the orif,inal. cos't is probablY a minimum rep).ac~en't cos'to It. , ' .... ')..1. be schedUle of me chinerY replacement. is being drawn up and W'.l. . presen'ted 'to 'the commit.t.ee when eomplet.edo fE'BilDAt\t, 1964 'P\\O'OS perhal'lS 'tbe b~e&'t (J.,ielf\'>iOn 'lllarlt on N4nI 1l8cbiner1 . 18 _etber 01' '$~ 'the on~io De1lart.tn-en't of ~a18 ,dl.lillSilSt. , on t,beUs6 of a self propelled cbiP spreader for SUt'face -rree;\,Anent. ... 4 - A}l)G'E't - cont. t 40 , \iork t\ 'We na"e putchased several Chain $a'Ws' and a ne\i Car. I suSioElst. 'tha't 0\U' oldes't Tandelll -rruck ,{bOught. in 19;4) be t-raded .in as soon a8~e can dO so. Qt.her p\U'cbases ~il1. be recommen4ed in the scnedu1le being dra~n up. LAND PURClU.$E is est-1'lll8.t.ed bigher 'than last. .,ear, as ~e e1tPec1i 'tM t.and surveyor 'to complet-e hiS ~rk 'this spring. , I 11 Rl\.lLROAU PRoTECTION 0 $1,000.00 i8 est.i;lnatoed tio co-"er tine Co~t.1'sshare of the inst.a1-la'tion of RailroadProt.ectiOn on Co~ty ~adl; in uu'ttonand Coun't1 Road 2 east. of~e8t. Lome. We expect. 'Flash1ng U.ght.s and Gat.est.o be inst.al1ed on COunt.y Road ~ at. 'the Black Lane and Ken't T~line t.bis year e-fI "8 ha....e recei.ved' BOard of TransPOrt. orders re 'the inst.alladon. I ~ould suggest. 8.pplicat.ions for Ga'tes and flashing Lt&bts be 'lllade for crossings at.,Sbedden and Iona St.a'tion. 'tHE A}llOUNT of $3',000.00 i8 est.iJ,ll8.'ted for }l\.iscellaneoUS 'Work including Traffic coun'ts and surveYS for Gradin@; 'Work in f:u:ture 1ea.~s 0 i1 'MONEtie eetit\l.8.t.ed {$;,OOO.OO) to provide a . d Cl :un 'f/I!ork on Count.1 Road Double surface Treat.'lllent., 1l'encing an " · ean 'r · . p &~$ 000 00 is est-imat.ed for ;2 east of springf1eld 0 'the sum 0.. <VJ'. , . }llUlch pavement. and minor c1.eanu'P on Count.1 Road 20 from Shedden '0. d 1" 'the cost of completoion of CrVBhed Gravel 'to county ~oa o~ ' {last December and ear11 January) Fencing, and other cleanuP work on Count.y a.oad 1t2 on ~hicb Grading '4'laS done in 1963 is est.iJ,ll8.t.ed at. $12',000000. }!Ulch Paving ror t.he ; 'llliles li',raded is eet.i;lnat.ed at $60'>>000000.' 'the cost. or Const.ruct-iOn on Elnl ~reet. {ot.her tohan t.he Bridge o"e1' cat.fish Creek) includinli', Grading" Gran~ar Base, Guide Rail', et.c.' bUt. excluding t.he cost. of prot.ect.ion at. t.he PROPOSED ./......~ III I I. I _'''~'''.''';.''1''~~~;' ~ contfdo ..... , - , . FEBRUARY, 1964 Canadla.nlati0n.81Ral1roadCrol.tnc, 11 $25.000000.. ' The sum of . . . "0,000.00 1$ 'the e8tilllated coat ot ~dlng Base, etc. to~lnplete CoUDty Road 42 to Port Burwell. this work will be cat'*rlfk1 C)nly '8. .tal' .a necesHt"y to ~vlde tOI' . new llrld&. (either lJlgh or ,low level) 0 ~ ,The eost of O~ad1l\3County Roa. 6sJlould be IJomewhat lower than aveJrage cecause ot the cloe.ae.s of thtl Granulal. ,Ma'.rlalaana 1~be Ift1I.l1er 'han u.sual 'yardage or eQJ:"th t.obe moved" Tbe co.t ot Orad.:lnsCouaty Road 16 ",ill be fairl., bigh a$ 'he~e, :L. a consl<l.rable amoUftt or earth to move in some · areas and G~ab1.tlar BS8e may be difficult '0 loceteQ' IF THE ROAn COMlVlD'TBidecldes to reduce Construction ., ,. if _en~ltures, J~ WOllld suggest 'tihet Elm Stree~, AylJrller,and County RGads 42 and 6be oompleted tl~t . and tbat wot-k on C~OUJlty noad 16 be started at 1~albot Oreek and be c021'ttnued. westerly as tar ias funds permit., ;\ '.'/ i .' q9.U~~'......c)r EtG~~,~STlMA_:r~S, ,+~ ~~~??~~!\~CE ROADS 1261~Q~T 1962.008'l' """'" I"', Ii 126, ~~! Surtao~ Tr~a_8Ilt $ '49611~16 11) 45pS69~62 $ 44t328~S9' \" , .' ..~ .. '" . .' . .'. ' .. .. .. G~8ve~ R~8ur~aclng 36>>)61~83 2398)~~4S 29g~31~42 . ";' . ~ #' ..... .. R8pa~8 to .P~Vfimen'ta' 11>>.600.11 101160104.9 26~140093 . , :Malntenance or ' , . O:rtlVel Ro'ct. Winter:' Cont~()l . DU~~ ~ntrolt . , , . W.,d. Control:; BruShing' ,Dralns & Cat'chbasit:l8 1?r~~,riag~ . Ass'essment;s .~i'i,road Pr.o~ectioll Signs Guide.' Raii 159720036 11+,796':190 ' ,16,068.!.ll 8,SSOq18 . ~ ' '9,22'023 , .' lt9003~66 . ' : '. 2,229036 4.756~43 2,1+54027 .. . .' <. . 21>"3053, 14>>018Q57 ., '. .' . 31!~;~.,84 ' 13 j) 5110:2.1 " : " ~~,92~~63 , ~.g61 ~6) ,,' 19970007 , . ,496709.81 , '. ' ',39062~28 4, 71~:916 tI ~ . " 2)18;~02 C~tre Line' .Marklnj~ Seeding Be Tr'ee ," . " .' '~lantl'_ " 3~.048026 Reba~.8 to Urban n\K~.1c1.palltles -'!. ' . .( ~~". .()f 16 m111.B ~ , Total'Aasessment fot'~1964 ..' .' . ; $16,2269006\100), ,29,~84S'o73 '. . 21}699962 129109939 , 4~'.2S~~~~, 19~173~~3 9".73,2~49 3>>176012, ~" . 2~~9206~' 7 9 36S'~ 90 3~211()3S . ~ . 4~4891oQ4 22?' 089 9$ 53010,25, 1>> 784'056 31,802oSS . ,,36'9921.055 TO~~AL : , 1'OTAL': ~;23t~,p 500000 ~ AT A OOST TO THE COINT:f QF:: OVERHEAD t964 ," EST'IMA TE ~ . $ 4.S,090~OO ;:, 2~). 9CJqO ~ 00 . ' - . :,; ..'. " . :.' l' , 0(.)0 ~'OO 1~3 1) OQO ~,OO . . 3~9()~~~O' l.~ 000 ()O ',' 7~., .,.. 0 lO,OOO~'OO .. :, 9000';'00 '~9 ~,Q(j ~~O . 16 $ Q90.,<<' ,00 ,3,}) '00000 S~QQQ~()O ..29)Oq~:OO ' . "', 19, ';OO,(}'OO . , >>,. " I I : I '~9000.~,OO , 42' ;:'00 '06 · $17, .f"O , , , . .' ~ '",,' ~.' " ""'.~' $238~ $.QO~00 " ~"r.. ' ,;$.i~9}~.~P.o.g9 . $ 40901S.,72' $ 44>>656'194 $ 41~479021,' $ 44pOOOaOO , 1.-. TOTAL: $ 44~QOOQOO ~ AT A COST ,TO THE COUNTY OF: ,,_.., . &~." I I, ". '" .,,, 1 . I" , I.tenul not subsidized by the Department of Highways .. . t W~nter::;,;'Work8 Cost,s. -(Net to qounty) $,229QOQ.OOO , ., ,.., ,J! ............-.,- '$ l!~;Ot;OO . $ .2p,OOOoOO" 'Pace 2 S12~Q'-~ i$ct~~i'6It...~~~~ ... con~'c1.. $ 22,000000 St.. ~. ~ ~_iJ)l\ .. 1U>$c1lS atlc1 ~lclgeS ~ $,5.500.00 ~ ;~:e::.. A't A COS'r 'fO ,_ ooUN'r1 or, ',...- , ,$ 5tOOOOOO . " . 8~OOO~OO .. '7.000.00 ~~ .'- '-'$ 20.,000.00 . 'Bt'ld&e 'hi.n\- '8l"l"..l$--. Q1'l"~ .1__-ce A'f A CQ$'ll1O'- to~ 01': .,\\ltitOOO'.OO __'_ ,_.1~ ~ , count.1 1\0.4& Of...b..d s.. ').'tl.--' , Sub~ RQad& an4 9'r~d.;.. eoui\t.113r\Gg.e and Q~'f.~8 l~.- .-~.... aldl.$Ii 'b1 ~b.e ne'P~~' of tti.,h~a"'. ' ... .$23$,500~OO . . . ... $ ...,000.00 A'r .I\. COS'r Of A't A. co&! Or $119t250~OO . $ 22. ~ooO. 00 'rO co\lN't'! 10 OOUtl'ft 1:~~~Jl'~ .,. \\ a2,000.00 ,.."". COS~ Of $ ;t~OOoOO 'to COUll"" .. \\ lO,OOO.OO 1.1 A. COS'll Of $ It.OOO.OO era co'UN'rt I\tt'A COStt 0" $' 3.250000 "--. .,...... $l5"-t~.OO ,'to CO'UN'rt ",."."."... -- 'fO co'UN-rt ,- $ $,a"-,,oo,,oe 1'r.ll. COl~iJ: of ~' .-r- ~ - ~otLi~"..,p; ~qI~",..,,,~~"'~~'~ ,:,.!~~ CONSTRUCTION .. I ' ., ' ,,, ".~'OI I ." . " . eoil.truotloll ora - $ 3.~OOOoOO AT A COST 0' $ 8t." thOma_ Subur";' b..nAx-.. Road.s 'U4.BrldS.' COVNn .' BRIJ)OtS& CUI.;VEaTS, .....' ,I II ...1 I, 11",1, I I': ,I'" ,'......, 1,1,1 " . Elm Street; Bridae, :Road53>> Aylmer.... Concrete and }J!ulti-:Pla1;$ Oulvert OonltructloAS on .:' Roade20, 11 MGlC'oL. 'and 16 - . Pipe 0u1. vert C onetrlllct1on on New Grad:.i..nc .. 1~O 0 00 ' TO OOUNTY . , At. A .COS'l'l'OTHE boURn OF: ROADS ,. Hew Machinery Land Purchases .(lnc3.udlnl Road. 36) - InstalJ..ation of Ra11roadProtectioa ~ Road is. Dutton and. ReId 2 ~.West 'Lorne, ... .' , Grading, Q~anular Base! e'tc... Township. 1 3/4 m1 e8 . Gt'8dins, GranuleX"' B4$.! e'too, Road 6, i~. Aldborough ~1nsh1p - 2 1/2 lmi es - . . Oradins, Granular'Basep .too9 Read 161 in Dunw1ch Township and''lalbot Creek to Road 5 - 6 miles .. 45 60',000000 $ 25. QOO .,'00 $' 5a~OOO.Oo ,~ .$].3S~OOO.OO ., .' ,~,: .21,000000 ./ ......: $25~,OOO.OO , .. . 22,,000.00 '7900QoOO . . . 39000~OO 5,000000 3SIPOOODOO 12~OOO~OO 60,9000000 2!l9 000 000 S09000GOO 6O.~OOOoOO 160,000000 ,..".... ". I. ': $4~7', 0000'00 AT A COST TO'THE COUNTY OF: $243,Sooooo ., 'Pa~. 2 co\lN'tl. . OF '~~. ~~'t~).~ ;.' CON$,;.~~10N .. cont.' d. 'rQ'tAl- CQ!1S'r1\ucr19J! 8~ .'rhosae . , . suburban, 1\08.4. 'a$ 91'141.. . (>>'Q1\t.1' 'Br1de.s ' . · , ' and culv~s .. ~)5.000"OO 1't l\ COST 011' OO'Q1\t.1llbad.El, ot.co .. $4$7,000.00 . At A eQ$T OF .. $ 3, QOO..OO AT A COST CfI $ 150,,00 'EO C{)uN'!:'f ,. ,- 'i'Q'!:AL CONS'rtiUO'tlOltl .. $625.000.00 AT A COS'!: OF ~ ' - ;ij" ' ~ $ 2'(,000.00 'EO COUN'ff $2i!-) ~5t~.QG 'TO' COUNll --~...........- -------- $21l a 250,,00 ~ co\lN'f! ~ ~'C ~~ALl ~~lcrrNA.N($. CQ'Na'rl\tlC'nO'N ... $625,OOO~OO _ $,2ll- t;OO;, 00 ~. ',- $9&..9.f;00 000 ;;:: .' 'i% A'I: A casTO' $2?l,250,,00 'f\') a:>UN~ . ' ' ' . AT A COS'!: 0' $:1.Si!-. 000 ~ 00 Tel cOOltl'f! ;'." ....---"-- ~ "" . fl.'!: l\ cOST OF $1125,250.00 TO COUl"r! ~:~ . . ~~::::: 't1lE UiA'fZ on Sa:1... 't~ 18 est.-'t-'- at. $9',500..00 for :1.96:1. t~niOn'tb.S) '1962 and 1963. tri't is't1lliA'rIP ~Dl- i:e $Jt:l.5~"'50.00' .. sEV~ 'PQtN't sI11111:1.1s on coun't1 Ass.S-ent. of . $51+',630: t :U..... 00 v11').. raise $Jtl6, ?09 .00 · ' ," . . SEViN lllillS on COunty Al;tstaSSlllen't of $5i!-,B)0.:1.4It..00 , ~ . .,n.u. ra1&e appro,o.m.ate:l.1 $)$3,$:1.1.00" IN ADnlT10Ne1t'P6nl;l1tures on ne'Velo-pllten't 1\oI1d . " . NO.. 692 vill. be in t.be order of $30,oOO.~ and.worlt done fOl.,Ot.Mt' t(Un1C1-PBli:t.1et;, et.c. in 'the order of 1\1II-0,000.00. tRUS', TO'tAL voucltElt E1.'PE'N1;)l'tURE,.ill not. :U.ke11 , . <t . be ai5 bigh as laS't 1~ l$l,Q6t.,70)'''SO). A ].' ALL O1l1RtCll IS 'RES,E(}'tFULt.l suma.'trSD. . i. 0 . G. ,llOO1J.'E t ----== ,--- , . COUN'f! ENG~. I COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY OF CHAIN SAW TENDERS ALL PRICES PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX: 1. ROBERT HARVEY, SPARTA. Pioneer Model NU-17 with 20 inch bar and one chain - Pioneer Model 700 with 24 inch bar and two chains - 2. R.B. FUTCBER & SONS, St. Thomas. Pioneer Model NU-17 with 20 inch bar and one chain - Pioneer Model 700 with 24 inch bar and two chains - 3. HOWARD MACHINE & EQUIPMENT LIMITED, Rodney. Pioneer Model NU-17 with 20 inch bar and one chain - Pioneer Model 700 with 24 inch bar and two chains - 4. THOMAS A. BREEN & SONS, Wallacetown. Pioneer Model NU-17 with 20 inch bar and one chain - Pioneer Model 700 with 24 inch bar and t wo cha ins - 5. RALPH MERCER HARDWARE, Shedden. McCulloch Model #200 and Model #440. - 6. BROMLEY'S FARM & GARDEN EQUIPMENT, R.R. No.3, St. Thomas. McCulloch Model #200 and Model 11440 - Canadien #175 and #270 - NET: NET: NET: NET: NET: NET: NET: $380.00 $385.00 $390.60 $410.00 $425.00 $LI-28.40 $LI-2l.20 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1964. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~ITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the January 7th and January 22nd meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Ice and Snow Control in the past month had been extremely light. 2. Fencing work was nearly done on that portion of Road 42 that had been graded. 3. Brushing was nearly complete on Road 37 and would be continued onto Road 48. The trees were also being cut on Road 42. 4. Brushing on Road 45 between Roads 22 and 36 was nearly ~ > complted and work would be done on Road 30 S.A. 5. Re:p9. irs were being made to the motor on Truck No. 18 and new tires installed on the rear. 6. Land Purchase was nearly comprl,~d on Road 42. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY D.C. LEITCH SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #3 - $1,650.41; PAYLIST #4 - $10,481.11; PAYLIST #5 - $15,089.28 and PAYLIST #5 DEVELOPMENT ROAD - $2,793.98. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMA.S, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1964. THE CHAIRMAN read the resignation of Mr. Lloyd G. Gurr, Safety Construction Inspector, and the Committee agreed that no further action could be taken until after the March Session of the County Council. THE ENGINEER reviewed the County's insurance coverage with the Frank Cowan Company Limited of Princeton. c THE CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. W.E. Dernier, District Engineer, requesting a resolution re the Transfer of Funds in connection with the County's 1963 Annual Return. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE PASSED: ltTHAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO TRANSFER THE SUM OF $2,429.29 FROM CONSTRUCTION ROADS TO CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES AND CULVERTS IN CONNECTIO~ WITH OUR NORMAL BY-LAW FOR 1963. CARRIED. ARRANGEMENTS for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention were discussed. THE ENGINEER reported that: 1. The Ontario Department of Highways had reverted the old portion of King's Highway #3 through New Sarum to the Township of Yarmouth. 2. The Department of Transport had approved the County Bridge Loading By-law No. 1826. 3. The Department of Transport was investigating the County's Half Load By-law No. la56. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, FEBRU~RY 6TH, 1964. p~GE 3 MR. RAl.PH Me l.~UGHl.IN of the Frank cowan Company Limited was in attendance and disCUssed the County'S Municipal Liability Insurance and Non-owned Automobile Insurance with the committee. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY D.C. l.EITCH THAT WE RENEW OUR MUNICIPAl. LIABILITY INSURANCE AND OUR NON-OWNED AUTOMOBIl.E INSURANCE WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED. C~RRIED. THE MEETING adjOurned for dinner. 1. The Board of Transport commiSsioners for Canada Order had been received for the installation of protection gates and flashing lights at the Black l.ane and Kent Townline Crossings of County Road 4 and the New york central Railway company and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway CompanY · 2. A work order re the reduction in funds allocated for Development Road No. 692 had been received. AFTER DINNER the Engineer reported that: A RESOl.UTION from the TownshiP 0 f Aldborough re the rebuilding of Road 3 from Rodney to King's Highway #401 waS read and diSCUssed. The Engineer waS instructed to meet with the Planning Branch of the ontario Department of Highways re the interchange at King'S Highway #401 and Road 3, and if necessary make a survey on Road 3. A GENERAl. DISCUSSION on Half l.oad Restrictions fol101Ned. PAGE ly ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1964. A PLAN from the Ontario Department of Highways showing the proposed channelization at Road 38 and King's Highway #3 was examined. The Committee were in agreement with the channelization but suggested that curb and gutter be placed on the outside of the right-hand-turning lane! off King's Highway #3. A DISCUSSION of the condition and repla.cement of the Port Burwell Bridge took place. THE ENGINEER explained the need for two more small Chain Saws. Invited Tenderers were as attached. MOVED BY G. WOOLNER SECONDED BY R. MARTIN THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE A MODEL NU-17 WITH 20 INCH BAR AND ONE CHAIN AND A MODEL 700 WITH 24 INCH BAR AND TWO CHANINS FROM ROBERT HARVEY OF SPAR'l'A AT THE TENDERED PRICE OF $380.00 PLUS THE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that: 1. The preliminary Bridge Plans for the Elm Street Bridge ha.d been forwarded to the Ontario Department of Highways for approval. 2. The Hydro-Electric Power Commission had been authorized to move a high tension line hydro pole tha.t would be in the way. 3. The Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Gro~'ers Marketing Board had given the County sufficient land to extend Elm Street to Beech Street in Aylmer. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1964. THE COUNTY'S application for a crossing on Elm Street over the Canadian National Railway was discussed and the Engineer instructed to proceed to the best of his ability and to keep Mr. tJames McBain, M.P. for Elgin, informed of the situation. MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES INCLUDING GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL OIL CARRIED. THE PROPERTY purchased from Mr. Stephens and Mr. Wonnacott in Port Brude to widen County Road 36 were discussed and the Committee felt that the offers made some time ago for the property were quite satisfactory and instructed the Engineer to inform the County Solicitor. THE BUDGET of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cornmissionfor 1964 was discussed. MOVED BY R. MARTIN SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION ESTIMATES FOR 1964 AMOUNTING TO $25,500.00 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. PAGE 6 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1964. A PROPOSED Budget as attached was reviewed by the Engineer and briefly discussed by the committee. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. WOOLNER R. MARTIN -----. THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 18TH, 1964 AT 10~OO A.M. CARRIED. rR~ "rr1 e-(~ - -- - - - - CHAIRMAN f,: ST$ THOMAS\) ONTARIOn 4 ~ JANUARY SESSION}) 19640 TO THE WARDEN A~ID COUNCIl.. OF TH}t~ COUNTY OF ELGINo MRS. Me eARTHY sand GENTLEl\fEN~ YOUR nOAD COMM~TlrEE begs to report a,s follt"WI! ~ THE FOL!..OWING is F.t summary of the costs of' Construre:tion and Maintenance on County of Elgin Roads during 1963~ CONSTRUCTION: " "'. ,.~...,."a_ HOADS 'l1ll -..."'" 10 20 30 41) Paving'and completion of Gradingp etcG9 Road 2>) Village of Hest Lorna, am the Townships IOf Aldborollgh and DunwichQ Paving and'completion oTOrading and Gravelling~ et@Ob\ Road 20 from Kingt?s Highw~kY #4 to Turvilles Corners}} jtn the Village of Port Stanley and Township ot SouthwoldQ DoublE~ Surface Trec1'tmen't and compl~tion of Grf.ading and Oravelling$ Road 16 from Buniella Cornel"-s to fralbotCreek ~.n the Township of Dunwicho So Grading~ Granular BaBe~ etcop Road 20 from Shedden northerly to Road 16 (except at Highway #~Ol> in the Township of South\',101d 0 Gradingp Granular Ba~e~ etcog Road 52 from Road 40 easterly to the New York Centr~ll System Railroad Tra eks in the Village of Springfield and the Townships of South Dorchester t~nd Mala hide 0 60 Grad111g~ Granular BafH~$ ate"'1) Road 42 from !load l$oO easterly for approximately S miles in the To'tlnshipsof Mslahide and Bayha.n1o Miscellaneous Grading Constru~tion (1ncl\ldin~ 'f'lork on J.toad 53 in the Town at Aylmer I 0 Su" '. ejre $I Traffic Counts~ etCtlt Installation of Gates and Flashing Light Signals at RailroadCrossi,ngs on Road :3 in tht~ Village of Jtodney (Chesapeake 8& Ohio Railway Company) and Road 40 in the V111a~~e of Springf:i,eld (New York Central Sy.ten:.) " 10 s~ 90 $ 32>> 274'043 .3S~86)o62 139979Q66 7,; 9910041 24~OO,3c39 124}}275011 576023 lp97;o71 4$1589043 !Q.!~~ ~ARfJ.EN ~,~D ,COUNC.~~ .,..~.,...,.,.~A~!!~R~__~~.~~..;r.Q~_.196~, ROADS - cont~d~ ....' '''' ,""""".. 100 110 New Ma,chinery Land Furchase (including Land Surveys and Solicitors9 Fees)o . ,Land Purchases for Development R.o.ad :{I692g '. Road )60 Fenci~gp Road )6~ Development Road #6920 120 130 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION RE COUNTY~ ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE STo THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION RE THE WELJLINGTON ROAD g TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTIONg BRIDGES AND CULVERTS = -----:--_.,.~,.~_...,..-....:-;~~_.._--- 10 Completion of,the Dingle Street Bridge in the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahideo 20 Chute l~oncrete Culvert~ Road ,429 in the T~~nship of ~~lahideo 30 Kettle Creek Drain Concrete Culvert9 Road 379 in the Township of South. Dorchester (County of Elgin Share~ ' 1/2 ch~lrged to County or Middlesex) 0 40 Governlaen't Drain No '? 2 Concrete Cul vert p Road 17>> in the Township of Southwold (County of Elgin Share~ 1/2 charged to the C01Ulty ~f Middlesex) 0 . 50 Multl.....Plate Pipe Construction ~ !toad 42>> in the Township of Malahi,deo 60 Pipe Culvert Construction 9 ~ad 42~ in the, Townships of Malahide a~d Bayham 70 Pipe Culvert Construct1onv Road 20~ in the Township of Southwoldo 8e> Pipe Culvert Construction~ Road 521) . ~ 90' Surveys~ etcQ'p Stalter Gully Bridge!} , Road 4~~ () Page 2 4> 269179QOO 13964g024 3) 9 7~~6066 20908043 "_~",____~",,,,".~......J~,", $38799180;2 19$113094 .,__..,u. $407 ~ O:i 2 () 46 $ 14 ~ 521(~99 g~542013 3>>944022 49694()91 g~) 983022 19909EL,51 99339064 ~ 3))620040 507'Q40 'T~)TAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTIONg $ 73 252048 .-.-.............. ". "--.. ..--. ....-,....-.-,-...,--,......... ..... ..,-.......~-~.......,............ ..... .,..",. ..,. .._...._......~,_...__..._."'" 9 , <<--__...__~l " .",..,.....,.lililCt ~ TOTALg TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION RE C()UNTY~ TOTAL EtOAD CONSTRUCTION RE SUBURBAN AREAg TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONS1~RUCTION ~ ~~~.~~8~ $3879918052 19 ,)L13 094 TOTAL CONSTR~~TION~ ~:':;...'::::::-,'::;;",;:':~ ':;:::"'.~'~:::::'.:".".':'~, ""'" ., .'.~:.~,f~ t-_. .:":---:"'-..~Qd~~__~....-.--:"~ ~,~~.~.,.~...~~~-~.~~ ."""". ",,' ""'" ." .',...... ,.'.h'O... .,' .".....,'......,.,...",_.-__ $ 44>>;2al,59 ,.,~951020 . ' 26,140093 , '29>>43l~42 l<L'rHE WARDE~ 92UNCll.._=_.lMitJARi~ESSIbN i i:)6'" MAINTENANCE: - ~ 'lOADS 111" ~ ........ 10 surface Trea~mento 'Wint.er contro1o Repairs t.o pavemen~s, Gravel Resurfacing Grading tincluding MaintenSllCe of Gravel Roads) · .. DUs't control 20 )0 40 ;0 60 70 80 90 100 ll~ 120 'f~~eed cont,ro1 Bl'Ushil$e cent,reune 1J\8rki,ng Signs Guide Rai.l ReforestratiOn and Seeding Railroad prot,ection Drains . St,01'lll Drains, Road it; ,Cal t,on t,o tins' s RighVaY 119, in ~he To\'lllsbiP of Baybam Drainage AssesS$ent,s Rebates to TO'4Ins and Villages 130 140 150 160 1'7 TOTAl.. ROAD w..lNTENA.N~ ~ - '!!Sc~-.EQ~ ~ 1. Sup erint, endence 2. (I 01er1ca1 3. Car Mileage ....0 pension ;0 unemployment. In8Urance commission 6. RolidaYS wit.b Pa1 7. Sick Benefits ao otfice 9. Garage and '\flite St.a~ion Gravel Pi~ 1.0. Rodne1 Garage U. MiScelun~~R~a~s 12 (I Tools '\ ".l .. Ins uran c e Pa1~e 3 12})109Q)9 19,/173023 9,132o~9 39176012 " ' 995)0025 ''~4a900~ 22?oa9 197eL.o58 , . 39211035 , ' 211492062. 69201036 '1t)36ao90 , 3B9921~55 ~ $2629170091 $ 119550000 )~331020 . 19l5103a . 39130059 669073 . "" /la~ 046 . li1'35oBl I 2?OS9015 , , ;,,416QO; ,12092 2~4t6Go05 857075> 393240","0 TO TH$ WARDEN AND COUNCIL .,. JA.NUARl' SE8S:tON '1961t ,,"."....".'.,. "....,........ ,....._,. ..-.... ..-.....--.,....".......' ..,.........- Page I1t MISCELLANEOUS - cont~d0 ........- .....,.. ~-"'''-' lit. County MachineX'Y Overhead 150 permitiS Credi't 16. DevelOpment Road No. 692 Overhead - Credit 17. Miscellaneous unsubsidized Ex.penditures TO'rALSg ....." .-- TOTAL ROAD Mt1INTENANOE~ TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS'~ $2621>'''' 70 () 91 U !l479 021 TOTAL ROADS. &. MISCELLANEOUS Bl THE ST. THOlMS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION: _.,2~~3~p22. $329>>0t10e17 MAINTENANOE~ .~.,' ."....... ..."-..-.......... BRIDGES ....AND CULVERTS ~ ,,,..... ...--~.,... ."" .-. ..",.......... -.............- 1. Port BurWell Bridge 2. Bridge . Painting (Meeks &. ShelbourneJ . $ 193063 - ). MiscellaneOUs Bridge Ntce. It. Miscellaneous CUlvert Mtce. 2~600~97 4geo.49 _....3~,~7,oll . . $ 7 ~.190Q22 BRIDGE AND CULVERT lMINTENANCE .,. _. .-" ._... ._.'-",.",...._._~... .-, St. Thomas Suburban Road Collllllission .,. 1-.1&~.'t3~ ~~:,1~)7h~~~ TOTAL ~U.INTENANCE:' $336,455025 ~,...,..., . ..:;....~~'~ ,,,. _..~ 10TA~:- CONSTRUeTI0N: $4$O,2elt094 lMINTENANCE: ~6.lt5?~ Sub-Total: $t316,7ltOo19 . ' 1963 STOOK BAUNCE~ ~,li.t 7.2JolJ.. Sub-Total: $t332 alt67 0)1 LESS 1962 STOCK BALANCE: ,~lJk899~ GRAND TOTAL: 'F~'..... ~ .:.;.~ $$21956708~ ~. . ..._~~~ TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL - JANUARY SESSION 1964 ~, "'.",,,,..0'-',1'" I "," '" '.I""~,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,.,, ,,-,.,"~l "",,,.""'. ., "" ,.JY.~,., ,d"",,.., ..,,'....'.."'.,,"'_~ '..' Pa,ge , BY. LAWS in 1963 apprcpriated~~66>>OOO~OO andl 1 mills @n 4 the County Assesl,ment raised approximately $370>>)O)o()Oo The estimated cost oj~ the Road Prograrl1 in 1963 to the CO\llnty was . $377,~3()(joOO and 1~he estimated deticit$7i)OOOOOOo Th11la occurred, . ' because.& ~y-law ~ppropriat1ng $40~OOOQOO (estimated eost to the County $20>>OOOoO~)) was passed in September for constl'uct~Lon 'on, Road 42 in the Tc)wnship of Bayhamo The County.fi IS port;ion of 'the cost was 'to be t~lken from the Countyis surplus or thEt prev1ousyearo IN ADD:rTION work was performed and billed t;o the Countle:a of Middlesex and Oxford and the Ontario Department o1~ Highways, re , . ~ Development Road #;a; (Port Burwell) 9 Development ROBLd 1)692 (R,oad 36 to Port Bruce) and for repairs to Roads 8 ~ 14 and 3:6 for damages by Contractors haulir~ to King~s Highway workQ WORK was also performed tor various "MuniciJ~llties in the County of Elgin and othersQ THE ON~rARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIG~lAYS was 1nvCl.1ced tor . $177~004092 tor work on Development Road #692 (Road 3~6 to Port Bruce)o Inadditlon the ()ntario Depa'rtment or HighWays providled engineer~.rig 4 ' assistance and materials to the value of $lO~631013 1br this Hbado and TOTAL OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WAS - $243>>128Q33 TOTAL AMOUNT OF COUNTY ROAD VOUCHERS FOR 196) WAS - $190649 ~'03og0 WE HAV1~ RECEIVED notice from the Ontario DE,partment ot Highways that nOl~al expenditures tor 1964 must not Etxceed ., . d . $200pOOOQOO for '~onst~uction and $33S~OOOo~O tor Maixltenanceo These, l"imits are the same as in pas't yearso SupplemEtntary 'By-laws are available as in paet years tor approved Construct,:!.on Pr{~ject.8 0 THE FOLLOWING is a resolution passed by thE~ 196) Road . Committee at' a m4aeting on December 17thf) 1963~ "THAT WE RECOMMEND '1'0 THE COUNTY COUNCIL TllAT LLOYD auRa. BE APPOINTED AS CONSTRUCTION SJl~FJ$TY INSPECTOR 9 HIS DUTIES, TO ,START FEBRUARY JJ.f~T., 1964 AT A S.(\LARY OF $4>> 000 0 00 PER ANNUM" ~ which was, n~t c011curred with by the 1964 Road COKumittieeo IQ~HE w~~. ~\lA 6~ Page 6 WE RECON)IiEND ~ 10 'that t.M resolut.ion 1'ro1l1 t.he CQunty of'B'l'llCe re OlalSlS "'Bit Road. and ref\lnds on be"leI"age bOt.t.les be filedo 2. That t.he resolution fr01l1 'the County or HalStings 1'8 cost.s of t.he 1I1o....ement. of ut.ilitie& on RoadS be filedo 3. 'rhat. a 'BY~laW be passed l!l.uthoti~ing t.M Count.'Y of Elgin to enter into an agree1l1ent 'tli'th tone vi1.1age of West Lome for 'the laying of wst.erma:i.ns on County RoadS. The 'By~law rind agreement would be si1l1ilar i:;0 that passed b1 t.he county Council last. september t.o allOW 'the Vi'llage of nut.ton 'to lay wst.ermains on County. Roads 0' This agreement will allOW tohe village of West. Lome to enter into an agree1l1ent. for la)r:i.ng of a watermain on COuntY Road 2 ~sterlY from West Lorne 'to a On'tar1o Depart1l1ent. of' Hi~wa1s 8ervtce Cen'tre on King' s Higbwa1 #,.,01 in t;he 'tQWnsM;P of 1)utlWich. 11; haS been agreed be'tween the Vlllagfls of West Lorne and nutt.otl that t,he Village of . weISt LOme rather than nutton will ~inta1n the wat.ertll8in and sell wat.er to t.he 01'l:\la ria nepart1l1ent. of HighWa1l.\1" ,.,. 'that. the Warden na1l1e delegates toO t.he Ont&rio Good ROads Associst.iOn convent-ion and t.he eanadian Good ROadS Association con....ent.iono ;. 'rbat. i3y-la'W Noo le32 (passed laSt. March), ,respect.ing the weight. of 'lQads t.o be carried on vehiCles, be rep~led and a new 'BY-law be passed adding t.ha following Roads to <the schedule: County Road :3 fro1l1 t.he nort.h liJlli;t of Rodney to King' 5 Higbwa1 1401, and Count.y Road e fro1l1 Count.1 Road 35 t.o K1nI&'s 1:1igbwa1 #4010 . 'rhiS w.111 allOW t.he carry1ng or fUll loads b1 co_ereial vehicliea in MarCh and April f1'01I1 King'S }lighWaY #401 int.O nutit.on and ROdney (weet. Lorne is se~ed. bY Kini's HighWay #76). Au.. or WHICH 15 RESI''EC'rl.nn..t.l SUBN.l'torED ' ~- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, I 4 JANUARY 22ND, 1964. Court House at 11:00 a.m. in conjunction with the County Council. THE 1964 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the THE MEMBERS are as follOWS: WARDEN: MEM.BERS: RUSSELL MCKIBBIN, GORDON \tJOOLNER, DONALD C. LEITCH, NOBLE G. TUFFORD, ROBERT MARTIN, CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, REEVE OF AYLMER RE~E OF ALDBOROUGH RE~E OF DUNWICH REEVE OF SOUTrMOLD RE~E OF YARMOUTH REEVE OF BA'.nlAM. ADVISORY M.EM.BERS: JOHN B.WILSON GEORGE B. BROWN REEVE OF SOUTH DORCHESTER RE~E OF MALAHIDE MOVED BY ROBERT N. MARTIN SECONDED BY GORDON WOOLNER THAT CHARLES D. PHILLIPS BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1964 OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE. THE FOLLOWING resolution waS passed: CARRIED. as folloWS: 1. Ice and snow e~penditures had been light for the past three THE ENGINEER reported brieflY on the work to date 'WeekS · 2. Gravel waS being applied to Road 45 betWeen Road 36 and Road 22, in the TownshiP of Yarmouth, when County Trucks were available. 3. Brushing waS continuing on Road 37 and would be continued onto Road 15 when Road 37 waS completed. 4. Fencing work on Road 42 waS being continued in the TownshiP Bayham. pI-GE 2 ST. THOMA.S. ONTI-RIO, JI-NUI-R1 22ND. 1964. 5. I-pproval had been received for the thinning of the County owned plantation at GUysbOrO as a Winter Works Project, by the Federal and provincial Governments. 6. That the new Plymouth Car had been ordered from Dunn Motors of I-ylmer, as per their tender, and that a ta~i package at a cost of $43.70 had been included as an e~tra. 7. That disCUssions had been held with several members of the Tobacco Marketing Board for the property required to e~tend Elm Street north of the Canadian National Railway Tracks and that a presentation would be made to the Board shortlY' THE ENGINEER reported the e~penditures on Road construction and Maintenance for 1963. I- RESOLUTION waS read from the Village of Rodney asking the removal of half load restrictions on County Road 3 betWeen King' s Highway #401 and the Village of Rodney. It was felt that half load restrictions on Road 8 betWeen Dutton and King'S Highway #401 should also be removed. MOVED B1 GORDON WOOLNER SECONDED BY DONI-LD LEITCH THI-T WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THI-T By-LI-'W NO. 1832 BE REPEI-LED I-ND I- NEW B1-LI-W PASSED I-DDING TO THE DESCRIPTION IN B1-LI-W NO. 1832 THE FOLLOWING~ ROI-D 3 FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF RODNE1 TO HIGRWI-1 401.I-ND ROI-D 8 FROM ROI-D 15 TO HIGWI-1 401. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: CA.RRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, i JANUARY 22nd, 1964. PAGE 3 ""'"'" MOVED BY NOBLE G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY ROBERT MARTIN THAT WE REcOti\MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THkT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTkRIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIkTION AND THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE pAID AND THAT THE WARDEN NkME DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTIONS. CARRIED · Hastings referred to the committee by the county council ~ere THE RESOLUTIONS from the Counties of Bruce and diScUssed. THE FOLLO,nNG resolutions ~ere passed: MOVED BY ROBERT MARTIN SECONDED BY DONkLD C. LEITCH THkT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COuNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION FROM THE COuNTY OF BRUCE RE CLASS "B" ROADS kND THE REFUND ON BEVERAGE BOTTLES BE FILED. CARRIED · MOVED Bf NOBLE G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY DONALD C. LEITCH THAT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THkT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF HASTINGS RE COSTS OF MOVEMENT OF UTILITIES ON ROADS BE FILED. CARRIED · k REQUEST from the Village of West Lorne ~as read asking permiSsion to lay ~atermains on County RoadS. It was ezplained that the Village of West Lorne rather than the Village of Dutton ~ould take over the ~atermain from the OntariO DepartmE of High~aYs, ~hich ~aS to be built to the ontariO Department of High~aYs service Centre on King'S High~aY #401, in the To~nshil .... T\..,Y\,^Ti ch . pA.GE 4 ~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, I JANUARl 22ND, 1964. THB MEBTING adjourned for dinner. A.FTBR DINNER the fo11o-wing resolution -waS passed: MOVBD 131 DONA.LD C. LBITCH SBCONDED 131 GORDON 'to OLNER TillS 'WE RBCOMMEND TO COUNT"! COUNCIL THA. T A Bl-LAW BB pA.SSBD A.UTHORIZING THB COUNT"! 011' BLGIN TO BNTBR INTO AN A.GRBBMBNT WITH THB V11,LAGB OF WBST LORNB FOR THE LA.1ING OF WATBRMAINS ON COUNTY ROADS. CARRIED · THB BNGINBBR gave a budget forecast for 1964. A.DJUSTMENTS in the Bngineer'S sa1ar1 -were disCUssed. The fo11o-wing resolution -waS passed: MOVBD BY ROBBRT N. MARTIN SBCONDBD 131 NOBLB G. TUFFORD THAT WE RBC01~ND TO THE COUNTY FINANCB COMMITTBB THA.T THB j3]:.SOLUTION pA.SSBD 131 TllB 1963 ROAD CoMMITTBB RBGARDING TllB BNGINBBR'S WAGBS BB RBCoMMENDBD TO COUNTl COUNCIL FOR A.PPROVAL, i.e., RBSOLVBD WE RBCoMMEND TO COUNTl COUNCIL THAT TllB COUNTl BNGINBBR, R.G. MOORB, BB G1'JBN A RAISB IN , ' SALA.Rl OF $1,000.00, BRINGING HIS SALA.RY UP TO ,I $9, 500 .00 PBR ANNUM. SA.LARl TO BB BFFBCTIVB AS OF JANUARl 1ST, 1964 AND TO BB FOR A pERIOD 011' TWO YEARS. CARRIED · THE A.PPOINTMENT of L101d Gurr as construction Safet1 Inspector -waS diSCUssed at length. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 22ND, 1964. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY DONALD C. LEITCH SECONDED BY NOBLE G. TUFFORD WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT LLOYD GURR BE APPOINTED AS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR. HIS DUTIES TO START FEBRUARY 1ST, 1964 AT A SALARY OF $4,000.00 PER ANNUM AS RECONWIENDED BY THE 1963 ROAD COMMITTEE. CAR ALLOWANCE TO BE AS PER D.H.O. REGULATIONS. 1_. MOTlDN J...~$T · ~ MOVED BY ROBERT MARTIN SECONDED BY GORDON WOOLNER THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE 1963 ROAD COMMITTEE BE REPORTED TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL BY THE 1964 ROAD COJ.VllVIITTEE: "THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT LLOYD GURR BE APPOINTED AS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR. HIS DUTIES TO START FEBRUARY 1ST, 1964, AT A SALARY OF $4,000.00 PER ANNUM. CARRIED. MOVED BY RUSSELL MCKIBBIN SECONDED BY GORDON WOOLNER THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO FEBHUARY 6TH, 1964 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. .",..11It 811' ~ THOMAS>> O~TARIO 8 it1 ... JANUARY 9 1!~4o TO THE CHAtaMAN AND MElVlBERS OF '1'.HE ST. THOMAS SU8URBAN ROAnOOlJJMIS.S ION 0 THE FOLLOWING 1s my ANNUAL REPORT to the OO1!ln1$siono Attached to th~. Repo~t 18 a 8ttmmary or expenditureas on Sto '.I~homa8 Sl.1burbanComm.ll,elon Roads in 1963 and an estlmatec>fexpend1.tures in 19640 i I "", '"-, THE (~OMMZSS:tON has 2400 miles ot paved r(J~ad8 and 1015 miles, ot, grevel. road.s under i,ts jurisdiction" . DtJRlflG 196) ccn.'ructlon was cOllpleted QI)~ the Wellington , Road with' the E,xception ot leed:Lng' the slopes which. will be done ~n the$pring tj.ltth1$year~ NEAlU./fall property settlements have been completed and ... , ;..' . . f it ia hoped. 'o.ettl.et~e rema1nina propert1eesnortlyo XN 1916) maintenance. expenditiures tor' repa:lrs to pa".ents , , and w1nterma1n,tenance were' .xt~.mely high and 1..$'eramol.U'1t8sare budgeted tor 'bis yearlQ Other expend1:t~e. were of ~o,*,'~llal amountso The exptbclitureofteiiB8 tll1,1 be somewhat lese 8.- l~lst year t as " cost1noluded road. rtumber marker-tie 0.1'1 "all Suburban R~t)ad8o Th..ium of $3,100.00 1$estluted fot' $'Urf'ace t:rElat..ntwo:rk. '!'hie w~ll' do appronmatel,,2 m11esot work. If more m~ney' 1s ava11ablE~,t' more work shoul;d be done as much of Road. 16 has Bot been d.one tor I ....' .'. ..'... . '. .' . '. .._ nearly 10 yea~$o Severalm.iles ot Road 22 at'e also in need of ,surface t~eatllle~tQ OTHER maiQ:tenance item$ a~e budseted tOf.' ~l8 1n preVious y.a~,o ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY ~~UBM1TTBD: ..- - a.o.,. MOORI. P. ENG., . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMM1:SBJJON ENGINEER. :STs THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION I,.. . ".."...""""...,,,,, .,..,..... ""';.'''., .." ,;....,.._".,.,."'''~".."',.,,,....,,.~, _".11..""....... STATEMENT OF 1963 EXPENDITURES ,. ....,,,'. ,.."".... l.1llilttJ"., ':".""'", -'." ",,,I '..... , ,.,,~. CONSTRUCTION ON THE WELLINGTON ROAD _ 1,1 I I I'" , Surveys Grading Clearing Movement oj~ Utili t 1ea Land, Purchase Con8tructi.(~n on Road 16 So A () , (BOAl) 2,S~0 A () t - $ -17jro84 8927J.000 9'. ~, S . 42~.())9 9~, 97" G2S ~66~Gll .TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTJ:ON: $19 l13Q94 .'"'' ...." .... .", .. ..., ,,, ".. ". ,'" .".. , . "". " , >> MAINTENANCE ON ALL SUBURBAN. ROADS _ . ""_. . ." '. '. I,ll. , "., ',".,1" I, ,,1.1 , L, " I. I,. . .,.......... '"." .. I , . I. "". ".. .~I BRIDGES AtlDCULV'ERTS ~ - I. I. , II......... I' , Ste> George .Street Br~)dge :M1sctll,aneou8 Bridge :Malntenance M18cellaneo~8 Culvert Maintenance 36~09 14'025 134052 "'....l. , "." ..1 ... 'ltO'J)IAL OF BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAINTENANCEg ........... ." I .....'.1".." I" """""""", "" ".tIlII'lI;,.. , :IS '$ lfl4086 r . ~ I I r, I, f ROADS - ",. ,,,,,IlL' Winter Maintenance Repairs to Pavements Weed Control Centre Line ~rking Railroad P~otectlon Grading Maintenance Gravel Resurfacing Brushing Signs Drains Retorestration Guide Raile Drainage As.sessments (repairs) Super11.ntend'en~~},} Clerical and (Ca.1'" Mileage Overhead 7~4)Ooll 79194~51 lD38S~S9 17)213032 643096 411050 280612 397~73 451~36 16S~76 40Q89 26021 1001 29359096 20682065 II., ,. ., IIl(!ItlIIed:Ii .. . , "I ,. ,.", . II~ _'. $24>>7'1028 LESS Material in Stock 86 of January lstf) 1963 and Transferred to Construction in 196) ~. ~.,~~?,~~ TOTAL OF ROAD MAINTENANlCEg $239924076 ITEMS PARTIALLY SUBSIDIZED BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF .,1 ._.,_.........." ""H,_", 1.1"" I.""""" Id~.,",I""""""".""""".,,,., """",",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,, ''''.<'-"",,,'d...'. ...."."..", ~"~. "",.,.,..",,,. II I I , HIGHWAYS r_ Dra1nage Assessments (construction) $ 240,",59 $ 240059 ITEMS NOT SUBSID:IZED BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTI~NT OF '" 11 1lII r: _ I~ I" ,'. .. I I,. ""'. ,i,,"'. .'.. """ I " ',""'''. .'" ....."."...:.. "".....~,....'. ".....~...' HIGHtnIAYS "'" Committee Member Fees and Expenses Ontario GoOld Roads Associa:tion Membership Fee Weed Spray Insurance Road Liability Insurance $ 300,100 20 l~ 00 281:100 ,~4,~J! ~..."A,?,~,ol.~ TOTAL EIPENUITURES ON STo THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS;g $4)~Jg96o)) ~~;AtpUL~ 01,1i~ ta:p.fJ.,J.:1.,'tIIt~! - coattd Pace 2 AMOUlTPA,fASLE ,BY 1.'1$ CI'l'r.. 0'8'1'.. THOMAS .- . " ,""'.' I'",".'" ,,,,,I.. "'. ,,,,II ',' ,II " . ,," . . I I, "'._, ", ~I CONStRUCTION - I 1"01 . , , . 2,_'ot $19.11'.94 $ 4, 1~76049 MA.D'lENAROI .. ...', ""."..", ,.." l~ ot $16'[..086. 2S" of $23:~924076 , (# .JL8049 ',9~llo19 . ITEMS PARTIALLISUBSIDIZED IY 1).8.00 .. ' I. I," 'I 1._.1,' ...I.,~ ,11" 111.' 1;".." ..,.'. "'I..,, "',' '''. I, ,""" I.~,dl':'" !I "',' ',1,1 .1,. ,'" ""w"-,I,,,-, I': ' ",.".') ,~ of $24()oS9 ~~O '> 22 JT~ ~~~rSUISJl)XZBD ~~ 1!~,!,~4)p"o. - , , . S~ of $4)~!o18 ,,~,~,~,,~,~9, ~!~~,:;?~~. II}~F~~~j~~S: $~~,!2e4.,~ ~.., 'I.' ,.... PAID Br'l.CIn~OF8T.mOMAS .. I", " ," '''.' I'. !,.I:"J},'..I~,;~Y',~,i','~""._,., I, I... II" .10, 1\ilII;,., "'.....'_..~q'... ~"..; ..1 . 1/'1, Mill LESS Pa)'meJlt of Well1fJ.1'bon Road >>ebent... .. , . $119,*,00.,00 StJRPLUS trc~~ 1962 Operations .. $la;~IS16() 00 ... "", ',I' ,I" '''',' ...I_'l".';'~. ':'" , ".,I..,i,. ',,1',1'''' ....' , .. .' $ 4gS~4\)OO , .. .' . ~..,,?},~7Aj. tit' 4. $11,95tu8S , ' $l.~,~~~~ LESS Ixpend,itures tor 1963 ,~~~~P~,.!9,,~~,: . 6140,31 ....; "-. STQ 1~HOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1964 l~STIMA'J.~'~ .,,,,,,,,,-,,,.,..,,,,~.,IWIi...,.,,,. ... .', ,,,~. j",,,,,,,,',,,I..-' ,.",,, ..,.'.~ ' ....1. CONSTRUCTION - . . , . ROADS - ."-- ,""~ ";'''.'''. Wellington Read Land Purchase Seed1ng TOTAL: MAINTENANCE - BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE - -""".,.",.....,,,.. '1,,'."..'" ,.""""',.";,,,..,,.c....,,,.,'.,I.,,~ ROADS - Winter Maintenance Repairs to Pavements Surface Tr4i!latment Brushing and Weeds Signs and Centre Line Marking Grading, Dust Control and Gravel Resurtac~ing Railroad Protect.ion Guide Kailas Superlnten(lence~ Clerical and Car Mileage Overhead TOTAL: TOTAL MAINTENANCE: """,.,1',,,.,,,.., '.1.. I ,...",...... ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY D.H~Oo - _,,, ,j I I, '1' 1,__ ." ._,~,.,:~"t:l,. TO,TAL ESTIMATE FOR ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN - , . "... ,.-,..."" "-' ,',," ROAD COMMI:9SION- SHARE OF THE CITY OF ST 0 THOMAS g 1/2 MILL FROM THE C lIT OF ST. THOMAS will provide approximately: LESS PAYMENT OF WJ~LLINGTON ROAD DEBENTURES: SURPLUS FROM 1963 OPERATIONS: TOTAL: ( . F<.', ' CITY SHARE $ 29600q()Q '," ,~QOo()~ ~ ' $ 3tOOO~()O $ ?'SOGOO $ l!>OOO<,;()O $ 1.00000 $ )gOOOQCJO 3vOOOoOO 39100~()O 19400o()O lp400~OO SOOoOO 700 ~ C)O 300o()O 2p;OOo()O :'2~,~P9! ()9 $21s000t;>()O $ 592:50900 6 $22>>OOOo()O $ 500o()O $ 2:50000 $2S 9 SOO \I) ()O :{; 6,350000 $179700o()O " $120266 Q,()O c,,'~"',. ".._....,1.,.. ",....~~_ . fI .. . . $ ;~434.()O ~, ,,~~~lZ $ 6&30g.~~7 COUNTY OF ELGIN CHAIN SAW TENDERS 20,t- BAR 1. R.H. FUTCHER &. SONS. St. Thomas. ModE~1 NH-17 Pioneer Saw Less trade-in - County's used NH-17 Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: 2. ROBERT HARVEY, Sparta. Model Nfl-17 Pioneer Saw Less trade-in - County's used NH-17 Net~ : Plus 3% Provincial Sale s Ta:K: 3. HOWARD M.ACHINE &. EQUIPMENT LIMITED, Rodney. Modl:91 NU-17 Pioneer Saw Less trade-in - County's used Nfl-I? Neil: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: 4. HOlVl~uALE WELDERS, St. Thomas. 17" Homelite XL-12 Less trade-in - County's used Nfl-17 Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: $181000 90.00, $ 91.00 $180.00 80.00 $100.00 $181000 60.00 $121.00 $202.00 60.00 $142.00 3. 4. COUNTY OF ELGIN - - , , , . . . , . . . . , CHAIN ,SAW TENDERS 24ft BAR. 1. ROBERT HARVEY, Sparta. Model 700 Pioneer Saw, 2 Chains Less trade-in - Countyfs used 600 Pioneer Saw Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: 20 R. H . FUTCHER & SONS., St. Thomas. Model 700 Pioneer Saw, 2 Chains Less trade-in - Countyfs used 600 Pioneer Saw Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: HOWARD MACHINE & EQUIPMENT LIMITED, Rodney. Model Super 620 Pioneer Saw Less trade-in - Countyts used 600 Pioneer Saw Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: HOMEDALE ~~LDER~, St. Thomas. Model 663 Remington Saw Less trade-in - Countyts used 600 Pioneer Saw Net: Plus 3% Provincial Sales Tax: $250.00 100.00 $150000 $~~53 000 93.00 $160000 $248000 80.00 $168000 ,$232000 70000 $162.00 ~tJJ:>P~TRR Cen~ral Car Companys Aylmer 0 Jack Brooks Motorss St. Thomaso .L- Dunn Mo1;orsi1 Aylmer 0 Lyons Sales & Service, Dut'tono a.........'.. .,--"",.-...."" ,.'-.'.., D1sbrowe Motors Ltdos St" Thomas 0 Haskett; Motors (1954) Ltdog Sto Thom~so Qo~m".,._Qr.... E~XJ! l;9~4,.,Q~~ .',,'J;~P~ YEHICLE MODEL LIST PRICE j'- . , , TRADE-IN (1961 plYmouth) $19401000 Ford Custom . ,Sed.an,. , , $.3~lOOoOO R~mhler Classic SSO $2$,978000 $1~228000 January~ 1964Q ,NET NET p~US SALES TA~ .. . $1$699000 $1..74..9...97 te lIv.r-_iiiJ $1$750000 $1$802050 Plymouth Savoy $3,230000 $1>>460000 $19710000 $1>>82)010 . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. '" ....... ,..........- Ford Custom $3~20'oOO $19410000 Acad.ian Be$umont $3>>001000 $19201000 Chevelle 300 $2,957000 $19107000 -C""---~-~_........_." ,--..,.-."..~,--..,...~.~,- -'-..."...--..-..''''..-',.".......-..".-,.,....._,. _., ._,~._ ~._'_w, -,..-_,,' -1""1" ',__ _'" ,,"...'~ , ; Spackm~", Motors LtdQ~ St. Thomas. t~'.''';''_.'''-- ,,__. ...' __ ",.,.,.,. .-._ '._.'''r'__''r_'.......'''.'__,.~''......._..... __".",. ~_"..'_ .. . Ford Custom $3~076000 $19209000 ..........~......~....~..~ .~. $)9323000 Disbrowe MOtors LtdG~ Pont1acS~rato Sto Thomas 0 Chiet. '; $19423000 -...... '* - ..~ ".,... $ls19;000 $19848ogs $1,600000 $19654000 $1~850000 $1>>905050 ",-,,,...,,---- ..,...,.~..~'.."-,' .-,,-.... """ ,,. .....,...... '.'-..' ."......-- ,.',....-."'...,..... ..._,-, '".'~'.".."" ""'" ,",-.,'" 'f1'_'_-' . I $lj867000 $1l)923001 $1 il 9000 00 $1)l9S7~OO \ C9]J~,TX . or ;Ezp;tI't....... , =.., 'H;L,9Q~ .QA~._.,~rnJ,~...".~~ ..=. JANYA~X~...:l9Q~ = eont'do Page '2 ~_.,-""""---,....._"","~,..,_.",,._,. ........;.-..,'''',._.,._......._...~,'''.........., ""w,.. ~...,.,--...,..." "~''''' _...,._,....',..~,......-".' ~."...,,"_..._.. ,"., "'....".,,,.~. ".,.~... . '<"""", _, ...........~~~'.~"'T.~._.....--",....-,._. . "'.........-. ...__,____ ..,.~~__._. '''........,'.,.,.~...".'...,~_~...,. ...........',.....,~~ ,- .,...,.,.......,.. -,' _,_, ........ '-""'_."'-"'__ -" ,,,....,C--."~ .~T PLtl~ _~A~:l.?,~.., .':f!~ ~.V~p~.:I:~~ VEHICLE MODEL LIST PRICE .............~..~<-_____.....__~,.__'"""'.,~ r:"-~" ~ .. ... TRADE<<>IN , (1961 piyin,outh) ~->..;.-=~___~''''''''''-'''~-'''-'"1ll..,..,.-,.....,..,...~,..., ,-,., ,._-''""'-,.,...,...."-~.-.'-_..,'"~"_.,'..,."....,"..,,'..,,..--.............__......_.,,........,. -~..,-.........--_.. .-..... ~-~....,.,,,-"'-~.....-',., ......,..,-~_..,..,. ~'~ ~ . - ~. Iv1id= Town lvlotors. ~ (Sto Thomas) L1;do 9 Sto Thomasa n'il __.....to ~ C! ...."'...?'l>... .rdl.lmv\.!.~u IlJQV""'7 ~~ Qi. a;: no "t'''''g7''''t..,~......., ~ oost_no T ,......""v...... ~ - ":__''''~' "~.:",..,__ ~.~~,,"_... n, .~~_'_, .,,' _, ~" .___.~ ___'h "~"""'~'.........__ ...~.....-.....-".__"'.,..-'_,~,. ".~,...";,,, ~'~'''i.''ql...,'.,.. r 'l'M\ ~lelrose Mercury Sales Ltd c s Sto Thom~S9 l\leteor $3il)2000 $1f)019Q70 .:,gr------....5t~.::~;:~~-,.,-.,. .......,....,".'i....'._...".""r'-...",~~ .__........_~ ",,,., "-"',,,,,.,,,.,,....,-.-,,,,, '_~_'."'" ""0-'"'" .."...-............'1'" I"...:.'....... .....'1......".,......'. '"..' ""'''''. ' ~ EoLe"Fordham MOtors Ltd e ~ Rodney 0 Chevrolet; Biscayne $3,120000 $1s>,020000 :w~:....ill.~"--"",,~.._..,., -....,.-, _.,--,,, ~-,'-.....,..., ,- ..,....,-;,,,..;.;'.,,,,."'".,...,..,... (".-,..."",.",,,,~ -,,,.._.......~,,~"-,,.,.,. ,~-....".--_.... .,,-,.,., ......:"...."~._.~ ."... '"..,..".." ."." .,. ;.,....~ ,', ," .." ...,,.. . .,-.-.... .,........_",.., "'~'M_'=--" ,,,.......... ~~1~ m?_o~?~OO T-~~""~~-"'" .....-...........,.. "l!"'.._.."., 1'...-.'.-......".........-.,..... ...~"', $2~O;2050 "","~., "~""'~ $2~lOOoOO ..."..............!:'I..,..~;,.':'.......:."..-..".._'_.--...- . ""-- ,...~.~'..'.T-,.,-~.,,'-,-;~__'~'.,_--.'_~'"'._..........--.. m2_0Qg^11 T-~-"---- ...._,. - $2pl14007 ,.~.",...,~"".", $2~16)~OO ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1964. THE COUNTY 0 F ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were in attendance with the exception of Warden K.C. Emerson. THE MINUTES OF the December lOth, December 13th and December 17th meetingS were read and approved. 1. Ice and Snow Expenditures in December had been heavy but the past week had been quite mild. 2. Government Drain No.2 culvert on Road 17 Middlesex County Line was being backfilled and reopened to traffiC. work on Road 20, the Scidmore Hill, port Stanley, had been completed. 4. Fencing was continuing on Road 42 as there was very little frost in the ground. 5. The purchase of land from Andre Cosyns for Development Road No. 692, Road 36, had been completed. 6. The Doktorick Drain Report had been filed by the TownshiP of AldborOugh. 7. The County ~ Winter Work Program had been approved by the provincial and Federal Governments. 8. APproximatelY $821,600.00 had been spent on County and Suburban Roads and Bridges in 1963 at an estimated cost of $376,500.00 to the County of Elgin. The Accounts Receivable include Development Roads totalling approximatelY $243,000.00 in addition to the $821,600.00. Estimates for Construction were extremelY close to expenditures. Maintenance costs for Repairs to Pavements and Winter Maintenance were higher than usual. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: PAGE 2 ST. 'fHOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1964. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY' GEORGE BARBER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #36 - $6,430.15; PAYLIST #37 - "$19,966.99; PAYLIST #37 DEVELOPMENT HOAD - $583.07; PAYLIST #1 - $5,381.43 and PAYLIST #2 - $25,763.75. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that soil tests had been made in preparation for the construction of the Elm Street Bridge over the Catfish Creek. THE ENGINEER also reported that it would be necessary to obtain property from the Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board for the extension of Elm S1~reet to Beech Street in Aylmer. The Committee were of the opinion that the Engineer should negotiate with the Board for the required property. THE ENGINEER reported on Chain Saw Tenders which were as attached. THE FOLLOWING resolution w.ere passed: MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT THE TENDER OF R.H. FUTCHER & SONS BE ACCEPTED FOR A NEW MODEL NH-17 PIONEER CHAIN SAvJWITH THE COUNTY'S OLD NH-17 AS A TRADE-IN AT A NET DIFFERENCE OF $91.00 PLUS SALES TAX SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.e H . 0 . CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. ~~HOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1964. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY M. T ANSLEY THAT THE TENDER OF ROBERT HARVEY BE ACCEPTED FOR A NE1il MODEL 700 PIONEEH CHAIN SAW WITH THE COUNTY'S OLD MODEL 600 SAW AS A TRADE-IN WITH A NET DIFFERENCE OF $150.00 PLUS SALES TAX SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. THE TENDERS for a new County car were opened and were as attached. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER the following resolution was tabled: MOVED BY GEORGE BARBER SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CENTHAL CAR COMPANY OF AYLMER FOR A NEW FORD CUSTOM CAR FOR THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $1,699.00 WITH THE COUNTY'S CAR AS A TRADE-IN PLUS SALES TAX. ' THE CAR TO BE EQUIPPED WITH HEAVY DUTY SUSPENSION ---------- AS AN EXTRA. ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. MOTION LOST. PAGE 4 ST. 1~HOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1964. MOVED BY SECONDED J.B. WILSON M. T A.NSLEY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DUNN MOTORS LIMITED FOR A PLYMOUTH SAVOY FOR THEIR: TENDERED PRICE OF $1770.00 WITH THE COUNTY CAR AS A THADE-IN PLUS SALES TAX. THE CAR TO BE EQUIPPED WITH A TAXI PACKAGE, HEAVY DUTY SUSPENSION, ETC. AT A NET COST OF $43.78. ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE. G.E. BROWN J.B. 'WILSON CARRIED. . /// /~ ~C:::/?::~) C!~ -'"."-,."...._""'~--e1IA IRMA N