1967 Road Committee Minutes !:.. ~"'.~ "..-,/.- ., '~ r~/ " 3T. THOlJIJI.S, ONT/.RI'b. NOVENBER SESSION, 1966 TO THE 1,;,TP+RDEN /.ND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. YOUR ROf,D COMl',1ITTEE begs to report as foll~1/I1s: +. ~. ~. 4. s. h Contract for construction of Port Burwell Bridge has been let to Con Bridge Limited of Toronto at $732,821.50. T~t81 costs of the project (other th~n LAnd Purchase) are estimated to be approximately $860,000 with the Count.y's share to be approximately 15%. The work is now underwA'Y and is scheduled f~r completion in September of 1968, t Contract has been let to Donn Construetion Limited of Scotland, Ontario, at $45,555.40 for eenstruetion of the Belmont Bridge over Kettle Creek on Road )~, in the Townships ef South and North Dorchester. The work is underway and will be substantially completed this year. The Countyef Middleeex will contribute 1/2 of the eost of the pr.ject. h Contraet has been let to Walmsley Brethers Limited ef Lendon for Hot Mix ~sphalt.Pavement en County Read 52, (Dev- el~pment Read #840) at $91,482. ~ pertien ef the w~rk is tompleted and the rest will be eompleted in the early ~ummer ~f 1?6$. Hr>t Mix Pavements have been laid (')n the foll~'V']ing roads: (a) Road 27 from Hwy. 4 to Rd. 36 (Uni~n to SpartA) and en. Road 36 in SpArta. Jill in Yarmouth Tewnship. (b) Rd. a in the Village of Dutton (partial) and north te Hwy. 401 in the Twp. of Du~wich. (c) Rd. 2 westerly from Rd. 8 far appr8ximately 1.5 miles in the Twp. of Dunwich. (d) Rd. 52 (Development Road #840) from Hwy. 73 to Rd, 40 in the Twps. of South Dorchester, f'lalahide and the Village of Springfield. Wideni~g Grading, Granular Base and Placement of Culvert has been done on the following Roads. (a) Rd. 52 (Dev. Road #840) from Rd. 30 easterly tOI Rd. 40 in I the ~Jps. of Yarmouth, Malahide and South Dorchester and the Village of Springfield (approx. 12 miles) i~cluded in the work was a con~iderable amount of storm sewer, curb and gutter work etc. in the Village of Springfield. Granular Base Work is still underway and is expected to be completed early in December. Page #2, 5. ( Continued) (b) Road 35 from Hwy. 3 (Orwell) to Rd. 45 (Jaffa) in the Twp. of NAlahide and Yarmouth. Construction of the Springwater Dam bv the CB.tfish Creek ConservAtion Authority continues. (c) Rd. 11 from Hwy. 4 to Rd. 26 (Bost~7ick Rd.) approx. 1.2 miles in the Twp. of ' South wold. ThisV\1ork continues as weather permits and includes a grade crossing of the Canadian National Railroads Spur line into the Ford Plant. (d) Rd. 42 at Stalter Gully in the ~1p. of Malahide. Grading, Granular Base and Guide Rail work have been completed. (e) Removal of Stumps and Relocation of Utilities etc'. have been completed on Rd. 26 (Bostwick Rd.) and Rd. 29 (Edge- ware Rd.) in SouthTflold and YBrmouth ~7pS. to f8 cilitate the installation of the O.l~.R.C. pipeline to the Ford Plant. 6. The are (a ) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) following bridges and culverts hAve been completed or under construction: Port Burwell Bridge on Rd. 42 in the Village of Port Burwell. Belmont Bridge on Rd. 37 in the Twps. of North and South Dorchester. McNeil Bridge on former County Road 50 in South Dorch- ester TV\7p. The Catfish Creek bridge on Rd. 52 ne;gr Hwy. 74 in Yarmouth Twp. Underhill Drain Culvert (structural steel pipe culvert) on Rd. 52 west of Rd" 25 in Southwold Twp. Simpson Drain Culvert on Rd. 52 (Dev. Road #840) in Village of Springfield. 7. The floor of the Patterson Bridge on St. Thomas Suburban' Road 30 has been replaced. 8. Gravel Resurfacing has been completed on R.d. 43 from Rd. 3$ to Rd. 42 in the Twps. of B8yhAm and Malahide. 9. Flashing Light Signals hAve been installed on the CanAdian Pacific Railroad Crossing on Road 52 (Dev. Road #840) in Yarmouth Thlp. 10. Approximately 28 miles of County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads in various locations were surface treated with Bituminous ~futerial and Gravel Chips9 11. tll paved County and St. ThomAS Suburban Roads have been centre line markede page'#3 ).2. lled for the follo~ing ne~ m8chinery: Tenders have been c8 \a) 1/2 ton Truck \b) 1 ton Truck k d as-nhalt distributOr bodY' \ c) Tandem trUC 8n ,l" 2. Th8t a ~y_L8~ be p8ssed prohibiting parking on the R d 20 for 100 feet frOm the est side of countY 08 ) ~ '1' lice ITil18ge of Shedden' north side of 1:l'l'11' 3. \ 0 That a ~v-La~ be passed exempting all cou~t1 ~oads from 1:la{f Load RestrictiOns in MBrch and ,pr1-1. . ~ 1ear Road progra~e be That the follo~1-ng countY / . adO"pted~ 3 1BfR ROiD pROGR;VJ~ ~ ~: 1. ,- ~ BRIDGBS: ~ridge Road #37 #42 ~ complete Bel~O~~r~ell Br~dge ~~~d#42 complete p~ Iver Creek \1.1.111 hide ~()\rlln1ine. Culvert -. 1- e 1a:rmouth-~\a a OI'\f>Je11 BrJ..dg , p;~lNG: Double surface Treatment. ~ Roi'ld #35 _ Jaffa to o~~f~i8nt. Double surf8ce Road #11 _ south of F, 2" 1:lot 1!tix pavement) · Treatment, \ or RO;ld ff42 _ ',t Stalter GullY' GRi,DING RBW.lNlNG FROIII 1967 1. · B t of , JI. _ S ot Improvement 2 m1-1;e as \a) Road ff3~ p ~ _ ~81ham - 1!t818h1-de. · 'HJ..gh\N a 1 ) '~'7 ~ ,. to ROA d #40 2. 6 m1-1 e s \ b ) R08d #42 - 1:l1-gh'J'lay i / . M.a18hide. ORIGl1hLL1 pROGR'}I\l'\BD FOR 1968 # 3 0 milesfldborOugh, Road #3 _ Rodney to R08~ 'k' 0'5 mileS Dun~ich' Road #15 _ Into pe8rce ,ar' ' DBITBLOpIJ\BNT RO' ,DS : Pr:'iTING.: Road #52 ~ ~: Road #20 \Development Road #840) d #931) Fingal to \DevelOpment Roa I. luding Fingal Turvilles ~orners, 1-nC south~old ~p' Urban sect1-on. t @ 9 S Dorchester ~p. DevelOpmen RoadS #47 and ~~ '. ludinrr springfield and Ro:'1d 1t972, 1-nc, to r.von Urban sect1-ons, " d 47 S Dorchester Road #46 from 1:l~Y' ~3 to R' · ' DeV, R08d lf972 1969 i 1970 BRIDGES: PI~VING : Page #4 Road 45 - Player Bridge, over Catfish Creek Road 45 - Kettle Creek (New Crossing) Those Roads Graded in 196$. Roc:\d 22 from ROAd 24 to ROAd 27, 2.0 miles, YArmouth Southwo1d Yprrnouth IndustriAl Fr(:>4 ReRds if necessAry. (Road 26 Bostwick Road) and (or) (RdAd 29 - Edge- WAre Road.) DEVELOPMENT RorDS: P.'"VING: Development ROAds #931 And 972. GRf"DING: ROAd 1145 from Roc:\d #l() (Development RORd 930) !'~pproximately 12 miles (YArmouth And Southv.lo1d) BRIDGES: GRJ.DING: Carr's Bridge (ROAd #52) Yarmouth over Ke'ttle Creek.. l'!illys Bridge (ROAd #8) Dunwich TOv.lnship over ThAmes River r,1ileage for County By-Lc=nt\1 Fork, and for Development Road Work, shou:.d,cbr8 se18cted frOM ROAds listed b.elow. b,i.j (a) ROAd 1140 - ~d#5'2 to Glencolin approxiMAtely 2.5 miles (now scheduled for 1969 Development . ROAd Grading) MRIAhide. (b) Road #40 Hig}:lwny if) to 1/2.mile South of HOBd #45 (I Test) ;,pprox. 30 0 mileE~ .!:'k11;lhide. (c) ROAd 1152 -~hwnY /l4 TAlbotvilleto ROAd 1130. If not rclI~~{~d by St. ThorrlAlsBv~PASS. .t pprox.. 5.5 miles. 0outhwold f.1~ Ynrmouth.. (d) Ro~d 1130 S .~._, 1 RAdio ROAd. 3 .6mil,es . Yarmouth. (e) R08d #16 s. r..' lSt. Thomgs to FingCJl 7 .1 miles.. SouthvJold Twp. .. n ~ , -;. . ~. ..... ..;;. 4. tiS. JI' ~J . ;} ":; :~' :.: ~ T..J I i:~ ..~: ;';" ~~ ~.'........."'.....~ ........... ':).8:::} ::tr't ll()~.~d ~3ales (1963) 1tc1.:I Fea~n Fo~d ~ales ~td., T f ( 1 C' '~..,~ \ T t :~ ;.J}TOl'"tS . ,0 r:O rs .A. .,I ~.j \:) ;t..I (.~ 0 Si ;"'a vo 1?OJ:(':~:.l i~{)'to::S Ltt1.) ; , ~o I~id-fJ,,\)\llf. 1.~Ot()1~S IJt(l. $ Do 1 t 11cCa!Lll l.:e::{,:ur:l Sales l,t(1. ~ ~S:., p'_,~_~_~~'-2L~~_L~:-1t,,- __ .;.,-1~~~-,~~ :: ~~"....'..'... ...._..........~ <>..,.......s:....'......"W': .''''''''.- .. '..". .-..........;.....".'10,.< ............. -........4.................. .................... 1/2 ',Ccrr "J:rL"UG:~~ "[E:7D~:!~ 7:::: G:J: l.?j~~~'~ 19 C 7 . l.:st[;_ ::' ;:.~_c.a~~2.tS2}L2:.s.(le ~ !.:.~ A lJ ..:~j1c.e_ .de (~'t.ct.c.d -'~ J y:.c 11:1!i!!S. J]:p y!-P~.1_~~ -1~~:'. .................. ...'........."........... .... ,,,,.. .....,... _ ....-.......,..........................~..... a" 'i........ tl'.;.-..~ ...,...........'.... ........ .. ......._ _..~__... "'!. .._~~, __~..-..... 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'......... ...... .......-.,.........-~ ::as!::ett :~otO:i~S Dis~):'.o't':re l;oto:::s 1 jJ t e :,:r~ (.I.t. i C l"f.a.l I!a :::ve S te:: u:r: C ama(i.tt ~L t c.. ~ Gat~7isI~: Ca7: GOL!parl:~ "'~.ot1tlJ7 l~ :C'I~i llil')S ('"" V. ".r. .. S: ?~.s.e 2 ,~~~":'r;:,~~ S S ~.,......~ _.........~ .........-..-'..~ ?'1! C::: ~-.:.."':O St. Thomas, G:~ttt::...:to Gi~~C\1". Lfoccl. CS 109)4 $2$02.5.41 S t ... :l'11orac.s. C::rta7::i 0 t'>~.. ";..... '..;e' _. ..'.....; C~;t) 1 09 ~~l'" $2,052.75 1.112 })tt'u,das St::eet II011dot~~ D:1~:ltj:"io I :::~t. 11 OO-:"~ $2,052.75 ~\.:'rl:rlel* j CtrtD.::io ::' cr,l ~:..1 00 $2,093.70 :3c~ 57 Int. 11 GO.~~~ $2~029.75 ,. 1 L~j" t..1.C~:, Or~tario , .::.. 2. ,., ,;i. l'.-o 5. ........ l- '..J '......' ~ -; ":' i ~'~ ~: ~~ ~j ..... ~. .i. ,.,. ~ ...__ .....~'....."1. ~;.a:-:' ... .--;i ~: ~.~~ 1:~ :( ....___.......... c~.... '.. ........... ..01- .... .,..._..... .. :-'3(';~,~:~.=~C~..~ 1. 967 . I': ~:~_-,.??~;t c..~~...a. f~1:.~~~~,:;::::~(~.e_~..:L.~r~i:~ l":~cf~~~a.:~~~~ __~~e.dti<.~j:_C?51,!~, .. ,_~ J~<~..~.'t~t~ ~~-1;',..;::;;o V:~.._:? ~le.~.-':~~;:;..~_ s'u':e:,'."LXZ ;: .. ......-OJ:.-.~ .-..-........-.......,. 1lI. j!ea:::~~ l?o~:d ~J31es I.td..); J..:id-rtO;:1tl:.loto:t..s JA.:d. ~ }~an1~,ill l.~c,:~'d Sales (19:3) r.~~lr.J'c~s :~o~t~'"\~..s (' o'~'6' T tc' ,.. . - 'J -. ;.... .oJ '. : I .~, ~ 9 =- .::(;'Ctl:~~ ~~; ~?::il!5,.ps Ltd.. s' T '^- .," .:,H... \.~. Q , 'lOti fi:~:lr*j::: 320 ~;:el~...',.-}t St~;:eet St.. 1'.c~:.1.or.1t1s ~.:~)::r(;a~:io 950 Ta150t Street St.. i.l:I'~Oll1aS ) ():. tn ::"1. c; 1 j C; 5 :d)ul1.das S t~:ee t I..o ritlo l1 ;. G ';,:1.tai:io ijt~ttO~19 Cr.:.ta:::ic: :~:)}~ 57 ,,\~!lrne~, Cr:ta.:::io :J\)::(1 i :Ode 1 ~~50 'Do(1:c :~'!300 T!o :),:<1 J::t350 .~. 4f) r f" ~. -.;;.)\.J I'l"1to 1.300-:-; <<:''''.... "',f' .' 't~ ;.:..:.::a*-.~.2. $2,103915 :)2:; 150.l}Q $2~19no70 $2$'257.50 :)2~ 304. 75 .::..' . ..fS~L~_:L~~li.;~1:~;..~:r;:~~'2j~,,-..~.c],-~~.' 5~~ 6. 7. I"t ..:., .. 9. 100 110 Sl1P}?LI ::r',:, ..................~ .....,. ... ....___........~. -~ .-c Tlasr-:ctt :.'oto-::s (195l~) !.td.. ~ Dolt...l~cCa:'.:.n J.'~c=..~Ctn:y' Gales Ltd.>> B.L. Ford!~ ~ot0rs Ltd.~ Tiis2;7:0\ie :.-iotors I ~-,:tcr;cL~ltiot1al ~..:a::"J'estej: C~o. ~ !.) f Ga!~"tda L'::cl.). GatfisI:~ Car \;cllij/a.rlY 2~~.-? :;,' --~ ~I C~:~ .......... -........ .. - .~ 352 ~albot St~cet S to "rllor..1aS ~ C'lLta::::to C:.i.e"iJ'0 ;,~53100l~ $2$310.00 700 t.Lal.~)ot 8t:tlleet St. i".r~lCL1aS ~ (fLt.U:::i.;:) ~.=J50 $2~362.50 TjuttO!1, (;:c~tn::io CT ;be,"",] ~ G:~ 31. .J Ol:. $2,376.15 St. Thomas, Gt1.tnrlo G'] s:} t Gr.Jl:. $2~467.50 1. 712 ~)ttrl(las S't~7~Jct I-;J;t. l~,OO-.~~ $2, lJ.72. 75 r..01:1C011 J O..(r!:a:J.~"i 0 Jf\j"lrtle:'"~:I O!ltcZ'io :?o::d :7350 ;;~$l5-36oGO 10 2. #'<' ,;~ . l:." 5. , u. ;~V]?;~~..P: r;~~ !rlte:,~ulti(n:181 :1aZ'\lestO:;:'. Co. ~ c f Can.cJ.<:a r.iU1.i tad :.:.:&tl!:1":l ~~ c ~~.(}. :~~ a 10 S (' (')" ~) ., ~"'.f .'!.. ,.../t .:. ;,. ..:..J .1.IJ..l:L... c....t,;,;.~ T 'It'" ~~... . ... . . t .. ... (~ C'.~ I! ) ul0as ~O U~S~JvO ~iril:!. ~::oc. D1.s7.):.o~:e :~oto;:s ~~"ot!t 1y r.. ':~i!li 11il)S I.li..r~l:l tea :..';,~) 1 t ~:;Ca'~"I:n ::e ':~cu:(y 3a.les J,i.lli.tecl iLS~-!!~. .~. ''fr~:;'_2 ,,_..~~!.-~.I.._. .~..~:.::....: ...::~,,I _~~ .". .."'_~........... __ ........_..... .........,.... ..t- .:..........~.._..,.,.. ,.M , ~-..- _4ol"'..... .....<:....,.....' -- ..........-., -~,., ......................<It rZ:~..~]J-:1:.: 'i::~JjC:: rf~(r~i;~;~r:. 1<):07. he..t_-1?;':~E.('__!;;sl!:.c i..~A.Y~f_aM$,~_7. ab ......', ..................'......,...., t. ..........c.;.. _................. ....... f!" .~............... ..........,..... .... ..' . .....~~~.. _......;.... ..~.~-~ _...~.- .. - ...~ ..-4..........'.- . . :.:~~~~~~l;~P-- 171.2 ;'un4as L~ troet !..c)!ldon, C:l'!. tc<::1.o 1::1.j5 :0u:::":das ~i:~eet 1,O:'ld 0 :.-'~ ~ ():::t~::1. 0 :;)\.l1:tont O'ntl1;:!.o St. ~~I~lOl~1aS~ C!'~1.ta?io ::'(JX 57 f...yll;.tC5: t ()tl::ario 70n tialtJc';; ":!trcol; St. ~::~()Lt3S~ a!)..tej'~i() ').~ .~. ~ "'\'";\ ::"::'~.7'::.. ~~-. ~ 1":"" "':' .",'"" ~:::~,:"~ 1: t1: ~ ,'.7/1 t!)1, ~112~ lGG.GO ~7c::d '".t:G 50 $12,51.6.00 k!350 ~?13,132.i5 . c;: ~fJ ~.,o de 1 J"~2n 71 (t\ $13 ~ 324.. 50 '}.~ 't.~i.t . .FG} 1. 90 :~ 1.3" (;44. 75 f~9 50 ~:; 13 :I 32S. 12 t.::. 'r,:~~?~fNJ_q';i-1'~l })~1~..<;-2:f~'_~~.. 7. ~ u. 9. SUP?LIETt .-.....-.-..'. ...~.......~ Itearn. ?or{l Sales J"it:.u.ted Loadoa au. Truck aal!ls Ltd., :; .Iid TO't-m I7c,tors !"t(1., (iH)J~ .:\.CGl~I:ri'ADI':~ m rD~J...GI..,~::.:; 1.lDTO~:t. ) ~~))}~Ei NAUE ............... !::J (.;~ 329 Talbot St::oet s.t. T1lomas, Ontario 17 c~:cd ~':!J 50 $13,832.60 2074 Dundas nt~eet Lo"l,"ld Oil ~ (>l1.tario 'U111 to l~36l~ $14, 943.~.7 ~ralbot Street St. fl71oraas, {)n.tBrio :Jod:;e C7000 $11,250.75 E.a;:;.e. In ST. TH01J\AS, ONTARIO, DEC~~ER 12th, 1967. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~ITTEE met at the Court House, on Decerober 12th, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. ALL ~ERS WBRE PRESENT. AlSO in attendence was, ~. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal supervisor, ontario Department of High~aYs. THE MINUTES of the meeting of November 9th, 1967, 'ltere read and approved. 1. Sand piles had been completed, a.S well as Snowfencing. 2. sand Base and Pit Run Gravel, had been completed on Road ill, as far as grading had been completed. 3. Sand Base had been completed on Road #52, and Crushed Gravel ~ae continuing. ;.0' 4. A Detour around the ~ at springwater, on Road #35, will be in effect all winter. 5. construction is progresSing:ti8vorablY; on the Belmont Bridge. 6. construction is underway on the Spring Creek Culvert on Road #37. 7. constructiOn is proceeding on the port Burwell,Bridge, and the contractors _ Con Bridge, hoped to have bot~ p~ers, completed to above water, by Christmas. 8. 'I1ariouS Maintenance work, 'iol86 being done on Drains, Guide Rails, etc., thrOUghout the County. 9. A Road programming Study, have been received from the TOVlnshiP of Bayham. 10.A CopY of the St. ThomaS TransportatiOn Planning study na4 been received. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Road work to date as fol1OVls: CORRESPONDENCE WAS B,E!\D FROMl' t}) Jas. McLaren & Associates, re: Study for the Water Line from . port Stanley to port Burwell. t2) !l.H.O. re: Intersection Design, of Highway #3 and County Road #14- "MOVED BY: !\. !\UCKLt.ND SECONDED Bl: C. 'PHILLIPS THAT "nTH REGARD TO INTERSECTION OF H"lGHWA'L #3 & COUNTY ROAD #14, WE API'ROVE . p. 74-67, AS REV I51:1D t~OVEMBER 28th, 1967, AND SUGGEST THAT CURB & GUTTER USED FOR TRAFfIC CONTROL, ON THE CHANELI'ZATION oN THE NORTH SIDE OF RIGl'IWA! #3 CARRIED · ':0 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12th, 1967. PAGE 2 THE FORTHCOMING COUNTY NEEDS STUDY, was discussed, at some length, and the Engineer reported on the timing; of,' the VariouS aspects of the Study. It was pointed out that action on appointing a Consultant should b~ done early in the Spring. MR. FRANK CLARKE REPORTED, that a form of agreement, between the County of Elgin and the D.H.O., for work on the · Highway 119 Connecting Link, was not yet available from the D.H.O. . THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had received the Cost Sharing Report, for the port Burwell Bridge, from the Consultant, and had sent copies to the D.H.O. and Board of Transport. ~!INTERWORKS were diSCUssed and it waS decided to carryon as many Winterworks porjects as feasible, including' Fencing, and Removal of dead Elm Trees. THE ENGINEER SUGGESED that an adding machine which waS presentlY being rented should be purchased. llMOVED Ell: V. DE GRAW SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT \'fE PURCHASE A MODEL M-20 ELECTRIC MJLT1PLIER FROM OLIVETTI UNDERWOOD LTD., AT A QUOTED PRICE OF $280.50 PLUS TAX. CARRIED. \t MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ttMG1"ED BY: S'ECONDl~D BY: THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENTS: pA1LIST #32 $ 19,254.78 II #33 21,350.81 tl /t34 General 203,554.19 tt #34 D.R. #840 136,481.87 tl #34 D.R. #931 20.62 " #34 D .R. 1930 105.89 tt #34 D.R.{f972 12.60 CAB.R lED. U AFTER DINNER. J .B .~~ILSON V. DE GRA\f~ ~ PAGE .3 8T. THOI\.1AS , ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12th, 1967. TENDERS FOR 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 1 Ton Pickup Truck, and Tandem Truck, were presented, (as attached) and considered. tI'MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C. PHILLIPS THAT 1'~TE A.OCEPT THJ:t~ Tl:;NDEH. OF RANKIN FORD SALES (1963) LTD., FOR A FORD FI00 PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICEI OF $1,759.50, (INCLUDJENG TRUCK #20 AS A TRADE IN), SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAJ.L. CARRIED.U "MOVED BY: J . B. Vt~rILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST rfHA'1' ACCEPT ffEE TI~NDER OF FEAItN FORD SALES L 'rn., FOR A FORD IVIODEL 350 PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF #2,103.15, (INCLUDING TRUCK 1/:21 AS A TRADE IN), SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARRII~D . It "MOVED BY: V. DE G$AW SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT \~itE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF INTERNATIONAL HAnVE:STER CO., LTD., (LONDON), FOH A MODEL R.F. 194, INTEHNATIONAL TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OFt $12,168.60, SUBJECT TO 0.H.O. APPROVAL. CARR lED. tt TENDERS FOR A DISTFtIBUTOR were considered at some length, with the Chairman and Engineer, reporting that they exe.mined 3 Distributors, (Rasco, Littleford and Etn~re), 8.nd recommended the purchase of an Etp.yre.:fJistributor. tfMOVED BY: C. PHILLIPS ~:::.ECONDED BY: J. B. l~ILSON THAT ACCEPT THE TENDER OF GENERAL SUPPLY CO., FOR AN ETNYRE 3,000 U.S. GALLON DISTRIBUTOR AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $10,805.00, PLUS I]fiPORT DUTY (if any) PLUS ONTARIO 8AL11;S TAlC, SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARRIE;n . t, ttMOVED BY: A . AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C. PHILLI?S ADJOURN TO JAN.UARY 10th, 1968, AT 1;30 P.M. CARRIED". a~~/A~ c it A I R M~ N f,\ ,\ ,\ tVtV 'jY; '~ ~,~; v NG- ~ Road #35 _ Jaffa to OI"f'le~~. . Doub~e surface Treatment. Road #11 _ South of yord F~ant. Doub~e surf a ce Treatment, lor ZU 1:l'lt 1Jl.:UC Favement.) Road #42- kt Sta~ter GUl~Y' GRl\.DING REl'IklNlNG from ~967 - 1 -1 la) Road #38 _ spot Improvemen~ ~ m~ e East nf Righ~a1 3 - Bayham _ l1\alahide. lb) Road #42 _ Righ~aY #73 ttr ~oad # 40. 2.0 miles Ma~ah~de. ori ).na11 Pro ramIlled for ~968 Road #3 _ Rodne1 to Road #9. 3.0 mi~es A1dboroug,h 0 Road #~5 Into pearce Park- 0.5.mi~es Dun'W:Lch. There ~i1~ not ~ike~y be s~fficient fundS: for a~~ the grad~ng. ~Q!~ l~~~ ~~' comp~ete Be~mont Bridge Road #37. Comp~ete port BuI"f'le~~ Bridge Road ~42. cUlvert _ Silver creek HiU .Roadtr42~ 0I"f'l e1:.1. Bridge, 'Ya rmouth ~ Ma ~ah~d e T01NU~:J,.Il e. 196A ~GEg DEVELOPMENT ROkDS: ~ Road #52 ~ Road #20 l Deve~opment Road #840) l Deve~opment Road #931) Yinga~ ~~ Urban section souther~1 to 'l'Urvi~~eg , " . corners. Roads #47,48,49, $. Dor~ . · Deve~op~ad tr7:2, includ:J,.Ilg springfie~d & kvon Urban Sect- ionS- Road 45 _ p~a1er Bridge, over catfiSh Creek Road 45 _ Kett~e creek lNe~ crossing) ThoSe RoadS Graded in 196~. la) ThoSe Roads schedU~ed for and not graded in ~968. ' lb) Road 22 from Road 24 to Road 27, · l'Yarmouth) 2.0 m~~es, lc) south~old 'Yarmouth Industrial krea Roads lRoad 26 Bost~iCk Road) and {or) Road 29 _ Edge~are Road) ~ 1%RIDGBS: G. ~ G. ~ 1970 Page 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN (3 YEAR ROAD PROGRA~~) DEVELOP~1ENT ROADS: PAVING: Development Roads #931 and 972. GRADING: Road 1145 from Road #16 (Development Hoad 930) Approximately 12 miles (Yarmouth and Southwold) BRIDGES: Cf\J<RS, (l)~ (Road #52) Yarmouth over Kettle Crleek. (2) Wi,llys Bridge (Road #8) Dunwich Township over Thames Rivero GRADING: Mileag~ for County By.t..Law 1nTork, and for Development Road Work, should be selected from Roads listed below: (a) Road #40 - Road#52 to Glencolin approx. 2.5 miles (now scheduled for 1969. Development Road'Grading) Malahide (b) Road #40 Highway #3 to 1/2 mile South of Road #45 (West) Aprox. 3.0 miles. :Malahidleo (c)Road #52 - Highway 4 Talbotville to Road #30. If not reli~ved by Sto Thomas By-Pass. Approximately 5.5 mileso Southwold & Yarmouthe (d) Road # 30 SA - Radio Raado 3.6 miles Yarm0uth (~) Road # 16 SA St. Thomas to F:ingal 7.1 miles \ \ TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON CO~NTY ROAD # 4?_ YARMOUTH TOl/iTNSHIP Dear Sir or Madam: As you may have noticed, surveying is presently underway along County Road # 45 particularly from Highway # 4 easterly to County Road # 36. The pur~ose of this surveying is to gather sufficient information to allow the designing of an improved Road (similar to County Road II 27 bet111Jeen Union and Sp8Irta). It is " not expected, however that funds will be available for the building of this Road until at least 1969. In the rebuilding of this road it will be necessary for the County to obtain 17 feet of land on each side of the road to widen the road a.llowance from 66 to 100 feet. (This may be impractical in front of all buildings, etc., and these cases will be discussed with the property owner before any dE~ci5ion is made.) On large cuts or fills or curve reversion, it may be necessary to I obtain more than 17 feet. In due course, before any work is cormenced, you will be approached by a representative of the County, who will discuss any problems pertaining to the reconstr- uction and who is authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of the County for the purchase of necessary land for Widening. Payment for agricultural land will be made at a rate to be determined later by the County Road Committee (likely sometime in 1968). A new fence will be erected on the new property line~ or a Fence Allowance is paid, if a fence is not rE~quired. Speeial Problems, Damages and House Lots will be examined individually, It will be much appreciated if any problE~m pertaining to drainage (including location and size of drains), field and building entrances, etc. could be brought to the attention of our representative. Yours truly, ///Y'n- , K~ ~ '/I)/J ~..,_ R.G. MO~RE," B. S;.,' P'. ENG., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVE~mER 9, 1967. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CObIHITTEE met sttlle Court House, on November 9th, at 10:00 A.M. ALL }'ffi1>ffiERS except Reeve l'1.R. Caverly were present.~ Also present was Hr. Frank Clarke, Senior Hunicipal Supervisor of the Ontario Department of Highways. 'HINUTES OF THE :MEETI!:lG of October 12, 1967 were rend and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE as follows: 1. Paving was underway on Road 1; 52, between Highway 1f: 73 anei Springfield. 2. Sand Base, Crushed Gravel and Culvert Work continues on Road 4F 52. 3. Curb and Gutter liJork was completed in Springfield. 4. Grading continues on Road iJ: 11, as weather permits. 5. Donn Construction Limited was making good progress on the Belmont Bridge. 6. Con Bridge had started work at Port Buniell Bridge, with cl considerable amount of Sewer \vork having been completed. 7. Cleanup Work 't'1aS progressing on Roads If: 45 and 4; 27. CORRESPONDENCE vIAS READ from the Ontario Good RoadlB Association, announcing a new sew series of Road Superintendents' schools in 1968. THE PROPOSED PLAQUE on the Springwater Dam was disc:ussed, and tentative approval given to the latest proposals. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Ontario Department: of Highways, announcing a new Sign Policy at the Intersections of King's H:ight4aYs and County Roads. PAPJ<ING RESTRICTIONS on Road 4ft 20, north of Highway I 3 in Shedden, were discussed. nHOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND D. GILCHRIST THAT WE HEC01:1HEND TO COUNTY COUl:rCIL THAT PARKING BE PROHIBITED ON ROAD iF 20 NORTH OF HIGHtf1AY :fJ: :3 ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROAD FROH HIGRl'1AY ~! 3 NORTHERLY FOR 100 FEET. CARRIED" THE ENGTNEER READ THE ATTACHED LE'.rrr.;R, which was being delivered to Property Owners on Road iF 45, where surveying was underway. A COPY OF A LETTER to County Council from 'the Minister of Highways regarding a new Needs Study was read. Page 2 "MOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: V. DeGRA't-l THAT PAYLISTS I 29 amounting to 11 30 It n I 31 U U I 31 Dev. Rd. # 840 amounting to '31 U U I 930 n U $ 15,328.76 16,519.87 60,233.67 135,280.06 215.73 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED" SNOWPLOWING viaS discussed at some length, and it ,,'~lS concluded that some Stand-by Time for Snow Plowing would have to be paid. THE :MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINl\lER- THE ENGINEER REPORTED on expenditures to date, stat:ing that most items would be under the budgeted amount. COST SHARING on the Port Burwell Bridge had been di.scussed with the Ontario Department of liighways, and it appeared that the County.s net share of the project would be approximately 15% of the estimated $850,000 cost (exc~1usive of Land Purchase). AS ALL HONEY FOR NEW 14ACHINERY had not been expendE~d, the Engineer recommended the purchase of a Table Saw for the garage, a Phot:ocopier for the Office, rep lacement of 2 Pickup Trucks and a Tandem Truck, and a ne~1 Distributor. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE PURCHASE A HODEL iff 209 PHOTOCOPY l'1ACHINE FRO~1 THE 3 l:1 CORPORATION, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $1,695.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES T~,\{, SUBJECT 1:0 ONTARIO DEPARTNENT OF HIGH"t<1AYS APPROVAL. CARRIEDU u:t<lOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS THAT WE PURCHASE A BEAVER 1:10DEL i! 6200 TABLE SAt'l FRO~f THE CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $145.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO ONTARIO DEPART:t<1ENT OF HIGHWAYS APPROVAL. CARRIEDU "MOVED BY: V. DeGRA~v SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE ENGINEER BE El~1POWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A 1/2 TON .AND A 1 TON PICKUP TRUCK W1.TH THE COUNTY'S PRESENT 1962 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON AND 1963 CHEVROLET 1 TON TRUCKS AS TRADE-INS. CARRIEDU page :'3 n~10VED BY: D. GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: J .13. "tVILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEvI DISTRIBUTOR, AND A TANDEM TRUCK. CARRIEDn THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ontario Department ()f Highways required a Resolution of the Committee for a transfer of Funds to cover the expenditure of the Belmont Bridge. U110VED BY: J .13. WILSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO DEP~~TMENT OF HIGH"tvAYS TO TRMlSFER THE SUM OF $30,000.00 FROM PORT BURtVELLBRIDGE CONSTRUCTION TO BEL~10NT BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the 1966 D.~f.A. would rlaise the Provincial Equalized Assessment of the County to an estimated 74,000,000 from a County Equalized Assessment of 59,500,000. This would result in a mill rate o:f approximately 10.5 for Desirable Road Expenditure to earn maximum Development Road Entitlement in 1968. The effect of the new factors on Roads and other }<Iunicipal Expend:i.tures was discussed at some length. THE ENGINEER PRESE1''fJ.'~D AND DISCUSSED the attached ~rhree Year Road Progrannne. "MOVED BY: 'A. AUCKLAt~D SECONDED BY: J .13. WILSO~l THAT WE RECOl.WIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ATTACHED ROAD PROGRA~1ME BE ADOPTED. CARRIEDU "HOVED BY: V. DeGRAW SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEn.fBER 12, AT 10: 00 A.I"!. CARRIED" {LjJh ~.~C};r{:1t44V CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR, vlEST END" OCT.'l 1967 I . 1. Leave Court House 9:00 A.M. 2. Ka ins Bridge- under consideration by St tr Thomas Suburban Road Conmission for replacement 3., Route of Road # 45 ~ west of Kettle Creek. 4. 'Robbins Bridge 5. County Garage 6. Road # 27 to Road # 22 7. Ontario Water Resources Water Intake B. Road # 24, & Road # 23 to Port Stanley 9. Road # 20 to Fingel Development Road # 931 10. Road # 16 to Burwell Corners and Road # 1.5 11. If time, Road # 15 to Pearce Park 12. Road # 15 to Dutton 13. Road # 8 and Road # 2 - Hot ~~ix Paving 1967 14. Road # 2 to Rodney 15. Dinner 16. Road # 3 to Road # 9 17 . Road # 9 to Road # 8 ~d. Road # 8, Wil1ys Bridge over Thames River 19. Road #8 to Dutton, Bobier Home 20. Road # 13 to Road # 14 , , 21. Road # 20, 18 to Road # 17 22. Road # 11, Construction underway 23. Ford Plant 24. Road # 26 to Road # 25 25.. RetuI'n to' the Court Heuse. Job No. 67147 ITEM I . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DESCRIPTION 2. Temporary detour and detour protection (I ights, barricades, etc.) Demol ition and removal of existing struct ure Standard excavation for proposed structure and backfil I with granular material, including any stream al ignment Construction of roadway approaches within 100' each side of structure Construction of roadway approaches beyond 100' each side of structure Dewat er i ng Sheet Pi ling: (a) Supply of interlocking steel sheet p i I in g (5 g au g e ) I , 848 (b) Driving of interlocking steel sheet pi ling 1,848 Reinforced Concrete 371 Steel Beam Guide Rail 700 Miscellaneous Other Work CONTRACT AMOUNT: &~~' ~l~ Summary of Tender Price~ B rid q e No. 34, County Rd. 37 - Belmont East UNIT ARNOTT DONN L.S. $ 1690.00 $ 1500.00 L.S. $ 1900.00 $ 1500.00 L.S. $ 3100.00 $ 2500.00 L.S. $ 4315.00 $ 8000.00 L.S. $ 4300.00 $ 6000.00 L.S. $ 1200.00 $ 800.00 $ 2.50 $ 1.80 Sq.Ft.$ 4620.00 $ 3326.40 $ .45 $ .50 1. __. __.J.. _____ Sq.Ft.t 831.68' ~~4.UU 78.0 50.00 Cu.Yd.28938.00 18550.00 L. Ft 3.20 ' 2.80 In. · 2240 ~ 00 d 1960.00 L.S. $ . 300.00~) 495.00 $53434.60 $45555.40 LOWEST TENDER: $45,555.40 Donn Construction County of Elain '.. ELG IN, $ 3800.00 $' 5500.00 $ 6500.00 $ 8600.00 $ 6400.00 $ 3800.00 $ 2.10 $ 3880.80 If j663:~g 68.00 25228.00 3.50 2450.00 2000.00 $69822.00 MCLEAN- OWEN MAPLE ROGER FOSTER GAFFNEY ~K ING., ENG. MACEACHERN October 12, 1967 CARL HUGH '_ SCHAUM NICHOLSON $ 2050.00 $ 1460.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1400.00 $ 1800.00 $ 5057. 25 $ 200Q.00 $ 3500.00 $. 680Q..00 $ 6490.00 $ 950.00 ! I. 90 35 J J .20 1.30 12402.40 79.50 29494.5Q 4.00 2800.00 650.00 $59798.10 $ 4396.20 $ 5657.40 $ I 775 . 00 $ 4200.00 $ 5480.00 $ 900.00 $ 1.50 $ 2772.00 I~ 203~: kg 68.50 25413.50 3.75 2625.00 1000.00 $48923.30 ~ 1.75 ~) 3234.00 (' 1.35 f _~....~ __ ~ L4'='4.~U ~ 71 .40 i26489.40 5.50 3850.00 745.25 $57209.30 $ 1200.00 $ 1500.00 $ 1000.00 $ 1200.00 $ 3600.00 $ 4400.00 $ 4400.00 $ 600.00 $ 2.50 $ 4620.00 ~ __l.!~ 12032.80 74.00 27454.00 4.00 2800.00 780.00 $52886.80 $ 1600.00 $ 7000..00 $ 6475. 00 $ 975.00 $ 2.49 $ 4613.96 $ 2.00 ! 3696.00 75. 00 27825. 00 I 2.30 1610.00 350.00 $56844.96 St. 'rhotllas, ontariO, \'lctober 12, 1967. THE COtlN'f! \'l'1 E1.G1}'l 'ROAD CO'$l'rTEE tIlet at the court House on october 12 th., at 10 A.~' d 'R ~cCall~ ~ere A!.!. ~ERS except lIarden Auckland an . ee'\1e .. · d A ~ spriet of A. ~. spr~et .... '..10'" p.resent ~ere 1!'. Clarke an. · · presenv. ~ ij1'" Litnit,ed. 1I101ED B1 1 t. 1'hilli1>S SECO}'lD'ED B1 1 V. DeGra~ 'that J. B. '1ilson be chairtllan. CAR1tlE'D attached. . . i. .' ... Steel for the Beltllont Q~OTAT10}'lS ~ere o1>ened for 'Re~n orc~ns Bridge and ~ere as attached. ~ ~ere read and apprO'\1ed. 'tHE lUN~T'ES of tb.6 tIleet.in.S of october -' I TEE EliIG1NEE'R 1t'E'PO'B.'fED on t.he ~ork t.o date as follo~51 1 GradinS ~aS undervlaY on 'Road N 11. . . ..... if 2 . . ... , .. d Curb and Gut.t.er ~ere continuinS of 'Road . 5 · 2. sand Base, crushed Gra'\1e.1- an . lOt. ber 23 on 'Road #52. 3. l'a'\1inS ~ould st.art. a1>prox~tIlat.e Y . c. 0 . ' . .. .. .. .. e1l\ 'B... d )1,45 bet.~een caltOn and }1.ount. Sal · 4. 'FencinS ~as undet"Jf8:Y on · oa 'If . .. . "'.. .'-0. t.he tenders for t.he Beltllont. Bridge, It. ~. spriet, ha'\1~ng c ..ec"e · . . . 1.. t tender being nonn const.ruct.~on, , .' J' d.:i t.he accept.ance or t.he o~es reconnnen' e.u: . , 1 t. Bridge and ~ere as 'rE}'l1)'E'B.S ~ere opened :tor t.he Be tIlon. . 'Limited. 1i\.OlEn B11 'If. neGra~ SECONDED B11 D. GilchriSt. . 'that. ~ e 3. ccept t.he Tender of Donn Beltllont. Bridge at. t.heir tendered price of $ nepart.tIlent \'l:t Hig,b.~alS of ontariO e;ppro'\1al. const.ruct.ion 1.itllited, for t.he 45,555.40, sub~ect t.o CARR1ED · St. ~ho_as, OntariO, october lZ, 1967. Page 2 MOVED B"!: n. Gilchrist SECOND'll) B1: V. '\)eGraw ~hat we accept the quotat.ion of lIIyer salit at ~ 3,753 .OZ for reinforcing steel for the Belmont Bridge, subject to nepartment of HighwaYs of Ontario, approval. CARRIED. MOVED B1: C. 'PhilliPs SECONDED B"!: V. DeG:raw That the following t'aylists be approved for payment. Fay1iSt #26 payliSt 1/27 P8y1istff28 PayliSt #28 pay1iSt 128 $ 16,068.53 15,245.97 49,747.90 157,632.55 171.83 (Develop_ent Rd. H8~O) ~ {Development Rdf ~ CARRIED. Committee exa_ined the wording of a proposed plaque on the springwater 'Da-. After diSCUssion, committee requested that Reeve caverlY disCUSS the wording with the Authority. ~HE ENGINEER PROPOSED THA~ Co~ITTEE should consider extending the present ByLaW exe_pting a n'Ulllber of County Roads for Half LoaQ. Restrictions, to thOSe Roads i_proved in 1967. After so_e diSCUssion, it waS felt bY so_e _embers that Half Load RestrictiOns should be completelY re_oved fro- all county Roads. MOVED B"!: ~. PhillipS SECONDE'D If!: V. DeGraw That we recommend to County council, that a BY Law be passed exe_pting all county Roads from Half Load RestrictiOns CARRIED. Page 3 ;St. Thomas, Ontario. October 12, 1967. MOVED BY: D. Gilchrist SECONDED BY: C. Phillips That we adjourn to November 9th. 1967, at 10 A. M. CARRIED. O. 6~91t~C~ l'!') 1 I 1- 1968 1969 BRIDGES: PAVING: COUNTY OF ELGIN u~~. J-~ ~ ~ l YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME COUNTY BY-LAW. Complete Belmont Bridge Road #37.~ Complete Port Burwell Bridge Read #42. Culvert - Silver Creek Hill Road #42. Orwell Bridge, Yarmouth Malahide ~~CJW!lline. Road #35 - Jaffa to Orwell.. . Double Surface Treatment. Road #11 - South of Ford Plant. Double Surface Treatment, (or 2" Hot Mix Pavement.) Road #42- At Stalter Gully. GRADING REMAINING from 1967, - (a) Roa d #38 - Spot Improvemt3n1t, -i: mile East of Highway 3 - Bayham - ~JIalahide. (b) Road #42 - Highway #73 to Road # 40. 2.6 miles Malahid€t. Originally Programmed for 1968 Road #3 - Rodney to Road #9. 3.0 miles Aldbor~)ugh. .. Road #15 Into Pearce Park. 0.5 miles Dunwic~h. There will not likely be sufflcieint funds for all the grading. DEVELOPMENT ROADS: PAVING: . GRADING: i-RIDGES: PAVING: GRADING: Road #52 ( Development Road #840) Road #20 ( Development Road #931) Fingal S~uthwG:ld. Urban Section southerly to Turvi,lles , " , Corner~. Roads #47,48,49, S. Dorchester': Development Road 1t972, including Spring~ield & Avon Urban Sect- ions. Road 45 - Player Bridge, over Catfish Creek Roa d 45 ... Kettle Creek (New Crossi,ng) Those Roads Graded in 1968. (a,) (b) (c) Those Roads scheduled for and n.ot graded in 1968. Road 22 from Road 24 to Road 27, (Yarmouth) 2.0 miles. Southwold Ya rrnouth Industrial Area. Roa de (Road 26 Bostwick Road) and (or) Road 29 - Edgeware Road) ,1'70 ' Page 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN (? YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME) DEVELOPMENT ROADS: PAVING: Development Roads #931 a~ 9~w 1i, ':>~ GRADING: Road #45 from Road #16 ~ evelopment :Road 930} Approximately 12 miles (Yarmouth and Southwold) BRIDGES: (l~. (1) ~ (Road #52) Yarmouth over Ket~le Creek. (2) Wll1ys Bridge (Road #8) Dunwich Township over Thames River. GRADING: ' Mileage for County Byi..Law Work,'and for Development Road Work, should be selected from Roads listed below: (8') Road #40 - Road#52to Gl'encolin t':aPHrox. ". 2.5 miles (now scheduled for 1'69. Development-Ro~d'Grading) Mala~ide (b) Road #40 Highway #3 to 1/2 D)ileSou~h of Road #45 (West) Aprox. 3.0 'mi:l:~s. Malahide. (c)Road #52 - Highway 4 Talbotvills to Road #30. If not relieved by St. . Thomas By-Pass. Approximately.5.5 miles. Southwold & Yarmouth. / (d) Road # 30 SA - Radio Road. 3.6 miles Yarm'~uth (~) Road # 16 SA St. Thomas to F~ingal 7'.1 miles ~~ j; .~. J; .~ ~:::.--- 1. Lea~e CoUTt nouse at 9:00 A.M. 2., St. GeoTge St. Bridge, const:ructed by St. 'tholl\8.S Suburban cC)1IIIdssion, 1966 .- .- -- 3. Road t 2.6 (St. 'tholl\8.S suburban Road CC)1IIIdssion) E< Road t2,5 to Road n9 ~ ~1'tY c~'tO\l~~O~ER.l8' 1961 4. Road t 2.9, EdgewaTEl Road to :Road f 31, Route of ontario lJater ReSOurces CommiSSion Pipeline to Ford plant. 5. Roael j~ 31 to Road t 52. - Cains Bci.dge to Road t 30 6. 1te'Pl!.ira to Road t 30 and Patterson Bci.dge (St. 'tholl\8.S Suburban Road .. - - .- cC)1IIIdssion) dawaged by t:rucKing to ontaTio Water ResoUTces cC)1IIIdssion Pipeline. 7. Road f 52. (De~' Road f 840) noting Grading and Granular Base OpeTatiOnS, 8. Map1eton and McUei1 BridgeS, former County Road t 50, South DorcheateT .~- -- anclllew Bridge over catfiSh CTeeK, west of HighwaY t 74. .. .- .' 9. Belmont Bridge Road t 37, east of Belmont 10. Roads t 47, 48 & 49, South DorcheSter, designated. for pre_Engineering for De~elo-pment Road Purposes. ~- -- 11. Roadf 52., spTingfielcl, \lrban const:ructiOn 12.. Road t 40, springfield to Glen Colin _ uncler consideration for addition to county1s 3 yeaT Road Prog- 13. RighwaY t 3 to Road t 44 14. Rosd # 44 to RighwaY t 19 _ gTaded in 1965, surface treated in 1966, L atf.\tO.e " _ erosion pTotectiOn at OtteT CreeK Rill in 1967. 15. 'til1sonburg, Dinner, 'til1sonburg Rospital 16. RighwaY f 19 to Boundary Road in Vienna along OtteT CTeeK 17. port Burwell Bci.dge Site .'. ...... 18. Road # 4'l. _ Stalter GullY Cu1~ert and Fill .- ." .. 19. Road f ll2. _ Road 4~ 40 to RighwaY f 73 - prov:a\1IlI8d for Re_conat:ruction ELGIN COU}ITY C0U11CIL ROAD TOUR OCTo 18~ 1967 - continued, 20 II Road /1 40 210 Road i 40 from Road # 45 north to Highway # 3~ under con8ideration for addition to County Road Construction Programme 22Q Highway # 3 to Orwell Bridge ...- ...- -- 230 Road * 35 - Jaffa to Orwel1~ constructed 1967 240 Road # 45 to Road # 36 (Road # 45 from noad I 35 to Road # 16 designated for Pre Engineering for Development Road Purposes) n~r bridge required -- ~.- across Catfish Creek 250 Road # 36 to Raod # 27 (constructed in 1966$ paved in 1967)0 260 Road I/: 27 to Road fft22 270 Road IF 22 from Road IF 22 to Road 1/: 24, on County's Ros.d Conetruction Programme 0 -- .. 280 Ontario Water Resources CommiS'Sion Intake and Pumping Station 290 Return to Court House via Road 1ft 22 and Road IF 45. Tender Summary for Reinforcing Steel Companies for tt~~~~ BridSle No. 34 - County Road 37 "Count Y' ;'; 0 f E I gin ~. .. .". "il/l ,,,,,,., ,c' .,..c" .. . Job No. 67147 I. Recon Steel of Canada 2. J. Harris & Sons Ltd. 3. Albre~ht Brothers 4. London Steel Industr ies 5. Canada Iron 6 . Myer Sa lit L t d · ~~~;n _ s~rer Oat e Oct. 12, 1967 $ 3.980.00 $ 3.849.00 $ 3.800.00 $ 3~993.00 $ 4,019.00 $~i; 3.753.02 3 7 5' 3. tJ z- , co~~~" Arno unt: " 1':1 "'-" 0/1 ..... ST .TE[Ol1AS , ONTARIO, OCTOBER 3rd, 1967. THE COUltLI OF ELGIN ROAD coma nEE met at the C:ourt House, on October 3rd, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. ALL ME:t!lti~ WERE PRESENT. Also in attendence, Hr. Frank Clarke, of Department ofRig~*oYs, Hr. A. M. Spriet and Mr. W. Kelly, of A.H. Spriet & Associates. The Tenders for liot Mix Asphalt Paving on County Road 152 (D.R. fI840), were opened and were as follows: 1. Walmsley Bros. Ltd., London, Ontario. $91,482.00 2. Towland Construction Ltd., London, Ontario $96,780.00 3. Cayuga Quarries Ltd., Cayuga, Ontario $115,195.00 4. K.J. Beaftdsh Toronto, Ontario $135,194.00 Quotations for Reinforcing Steel for the Port Bu...*~11 Bridge l;7ere opened and were as follows: 1. Myer, Sal-it Ltd., Niag.ra Falls $28,796.45 2. Albrecht Bros. Kitchner $29,900.00 3. J. Harris & Sons Ltd., London, Ontario $29,989.00 4. Canada Iron St. Thomas, Ontario $31,145.00 5. London Steel lndustries Lond()n, Ontario $31)162.00 Tenders for the Port Burwell Bridge were opened and were as follows: 1. Con Bridge Ltd., Toronto, Ontario $732,821.50 2. Looby Construction Ltd., Dublin, Ontario $744,010.93 3. Gaffney Construction Ltd., Stratford, Ontario $752,160.00 4. McLean-Foster Construction Co., St. Mary's, Ontario $759,022.23 5. Graham & Graham Ltd., ) Joint Bid $770,936.19 McKay-Cocker Construction ) London, Ontario PAGE 2 ST. THlDMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 3rd, 1967. "MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE ACCEPI' THE 'LJt..l'lLJr.R OF WALMSLEY BROS., LTD., FOR PAVING ON ROAD 152, (DEV . ROAD 41840), AT THEIRlt.1I,JuERED PRICE OF $9l,482.0(} SUBJECT '1'0 ][).H.O. At'.t'l<.OVAL. CARRIED. It "MOVED BY: C. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: V. DE GRAW THAT WE ACCEPT Itm QUOTATION OF mER SALIT LTD., FOR REINFORC1NG Sl~L FOR THE PORT BlJRWELLBRIDGE AT QUOTATION OF $28,796.45, SUBJECT TO D.li.O. APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE HINU.Lr.S of the meeting of September 13th, 1Vlere read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: 1. The Village of Springfield, re: Construction on County RlDad 1152, and enclosing a petition signed by 50 Residents asking for changes in tbe design. J.~ ENGINEER REPORJ.w that he ha.d met with the Village Council and a number of the residents, and felt he had answered their querr~[es and solved most of the problems. After discussion, the Committee .feltthat in f'Llture, the Council of the Local Municipality, should be provided with plans for the Construction of any work in their Municipality, and the work, (particularly Urban Sections), should be discussed with the Local Council by the Engineer. .LtU!i ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work to date as ,follows: 1. Curb and Gutter Work was- continuing in Springfield on Roald #52. 2. Grading on Road 152, would be cVlUvleted within the week. 3. Sand Base llork and Crushed Gravel were continuing on Road /;52 between Highway #73 and HighlfaY 4;74. 4. Preparations were being made for Grading Work on Road #11. S. Fencing was continuing on Road 4;45 between Calton and Mount Salem. 6. Road 126 and Road 1;29, would be gravelled as time permitt,ed. 7. Asphalt Curb and Gutters were being placed on Road 1;'27 and on the Otter Creek hills on Road ;44. PAGE 3 ST. THOHAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 3rd, 1967. Mr. A.M. Spriet and Hr. Wm. Kelly, having checked the tenders for the Port Bruwe11 Bridge, recv~ended the acceptance of the Te111der of Con Bridge Ltd.,. UMOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. ~CKLAND THAT tm ACCEPr THE 'J:Al~1JER. OF CON l!R1DOI. "L'lD., FOR THE PORT BURWELL BRIDGE AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $732,821.50 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE n.H.O. CARRIED'! CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: 1. The Board of Trustees (5f'-the Bobier Home; asking that County Council inspect the Home on their Western Road Tour. The Engineer was reClues1ted to arrange the tour so as to arrive at the Home in the early afternoon. It was decided to engage a Bus from Skinner Coach LinesflDr the County Road Tour. "MOVED BY: V. DE GRAW SECV1\4uED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF BIGHWAYS FOR PAYMENT OF AN INTERIM SUBSIDY FOR EMt.lmI'l:lJ.dS INCURRED BY THE COnTY OF ELGIN FRO~1W1s~, 1967 TO SEPTEMBER 30th, 1967. CARRIED. The Engineer presented prices for a Large Chain Saw. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT. THE QUOTATION OF HOHEDALE WELDERS FOR A MODEL 850 PIOlNr.ir.iR CHAIN SAW, WITH 42 INCH BAR, AT 'I'tmIR QUOTATED PRICE OF $391.23 INCLUDING SALES TAX. CARRIED" MEETING ADJOURNED for lunch. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 3rd, 1967. AFTER LOCH, it was decided to again request the Ontario Water Resources Commission, to pay for the necessary easements required for the land for the Ontario Water Resources Commission Pipeline, to the Ford Plant on Roads #26 and f~29. Land Purchase on Road #20 was discussed at length. ftmVED BY: C. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. A1.JCI<.LA.NJ) TRAT THE RESOLUTION OF AUGUST 16th, 1967, .: LAND PURCHASE POLICY ON ROAD 1/20 BE RESCINDED. YES pmLLIPS WILSON AUCtaAND NO ~ GRAW GILCHRIST MC CALLUM f I , CMP,,~.~Jt 't'f\ ~ A,&g;t fU"t- '. 'ltt.r.. ENGINEER. PRESENTED the attached 3-year Road Programme, which was discussed at some length. It was decided to inspect as many of the Roads as possible, on the County Council Road Tour. It was also decided to insp1ect the Road into Vienna, at the end of tbe 2nd Concession of Bayham. f'MOVED BY: c. l:"l1J.LLIPS SECONDED BY: V. DE QRAW ADJOURN TO 10 A.M.., OCTOBER 12th, 1967. CARRIEDtt ~'A) A ~J~ () CHAIRMAN - ~~ .~~~ ST" THOHAS $> ONTAIn 0" HEPTEHBER SESSlon~ 1967, TO THE ~lARDE!~ APD HEr.IDEM OF COU1:1CIL OF THE COUnTY OF ELGIP~ Your Road Committee begs to report as fol1owsg L, Te~n.dera for the Construction of the Port Burwell Bridg4~,/ orisinally scheduled to close on September 19$ 1967 have been deferred to October 3; 1967" 24 Tenders have been called for Hot Hix Asphalt Paving on Road 41 52 (Do Ro f~ 840)0 It is hoped that paving will be completed from Highway 41 73 to Springfield~ this fall" 3" That the Contract for the Springwater Dam on Road # 35 has been let to Gaffney Construction Limited of Stratford" The County ahare of the project is 2le2 % to a limit of $34:;000" (which is subsidized by the .~~ ~- Ontario Departme!:.t of Highways)" 40 Tenders are to be called as soon as possible for the Construction of the Belmont Bridge on Road 1ft 37 $> east of Belmont" The Bridge is. joint E13in-Hiddlesex Bridgeo .......- -'" _.. The floor has failed in several spots~ and temporary repairs have had to be madeo vlE REC01:111EIID .. ~~ .~ 10 that County Council Road Tour dates be set as follows: East end of the County - October 18$ 1967 West end of the County -. October 31~ 1967 -.. .."" Leaving the Court Houae at 9:00 AoHQ on each dayo 20 that a By-Law be passed assuming as a County Road approximately 600 feet of Robinson and Erieus Streets in the Village of Port Burwello Tllie Road is now under the jurisdiction of the Village5 who have _ 100% connecting link agreement with the Department of Highw8YSo The &tStmlj!tion of thIs ~o~~~~!Ol1.'t.~o~~}m~!U~...99!illC1Lj..~!t.d)~G19! PAGE '! Road by the County will allow the County to ente~ int.o 8, connecting -.' --'" link agre&ll1Gnt ~th the Departtnent of liighwayll, .0 that the County \1I6Y ..- ,.- deal directlY ~th the DepartroBnt for their shar& of the coatt on the connecting link~ that a By_La" be passed amending By-Law * U\73 , affecting 30 parking on RDad * 16. in Fingal, by ramoving the present restrictions on parking in front of the business establis~nt of C. Jackson. 4. that th? letter from the tlinistel: of 'tl:ansport, the llon. 1rwin Raskett, under date of Janua~y 23, 1967 to the County Engineel:, re: section 59 (lOa) of the ~ligh_Y 'tl:affic Act be tabled. 5. that tn& 11inister of l1ig1We.ys be petitioned to allow the Oneario ,later ReSOurces co_ssion to contribute the amount of $6,010.53, toward the coat of repai1:ing 11oa4 * 30 and tne Patterson Bridge. 'tbi. contribution by the Ontario ,~ter ReSOurces commission, together .- ..' "it'o. normal subsidY by the OntariO Depart1l1Bnt of Uighways, ~11 cover -- -- the $14,711.65 cost of repairing !toad * 30 and repairing the. Paturaon .- ., Bridge, deJl1aged by trucks hauling to the Ontario \leter Resources commiSsion pipeline in St. 'thomaS, this Spring. ALL of ,ml C11 1S l$Sl'EC'rfULLY SUBHl'l"tED. . ----- CfiAl'B1-W1 ST. THOMAS, ONTIRIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1967. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court Hottse on September 13th., 1967, at 10.00 A.M. ,ALL MEMBERS >lfEREp PRESENT. Also present was Mr. Frank Clark, Senior Municipal Supervisor, Department Of' Highways. THE MINUTES of the .eeting of August 16th were read and approved. THE ENGIIEERREfORTED on the Road work to date as follows: 1. Construction was continuing on Road 52 with grading in progress west of Highway 74. Urban 'Work was progressing in Springfield. 2. The Catfish Creek Bridge on Road 52 was completed. 3. Jack Millard of Aylmer ha.s been engagjed to assist in the Office. 4. Weed Control was continlli;tlg. 5. TrimingWork was underway on Road #350 6. The County's Scales 'Were being repaired by Internation Scale Co., in Belmont. 7. Construction would start on Road #11 in several weeks. A Board of TransportOrde.r had been, received allowin.g the County to build the C.N.R. Railway Crossing. CORRESPONDENCE was read from:- (a) The Minister of Highways, advising that he d.id not feel that a meeting between The Ontario Departm.ent of Hi,ghways Officials., and the County Roa<;i Commission, should be heild to discuss the St. Thomas By-Pass, until such time as the 'I1ransportation report was completed for the City Of St. Thomas. (b) Members from the St. Thomas City Council requesting a meeting on September 13th. with the County Roadl. Committ.ee to discuss the St. Thomas By-Pass and the Extension of HighMay #1260 (c) Correspondence was rea.d from the Ontario W'at,er Resources COflUuission agreeing to pay the sum of $ 6,010.53 toward the cost of repairing Road 1130 and the Patterson Brid.ge. The Depa!rtment of Highways normal subsidy would pay the remainder of the cost of repairs. MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C. D. PHILLIPS THAT WE RECOMMElmTO COUNTY COUNCIL THJ~T THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS BE PETITIONED TO ALLOW THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION IN THE AM01.1HT OF 4> 6,010.53 TOWARD THE COST OF REPAIRING ROAD #30 AND THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO.. SEPTE~ER l~i 19670 CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from: The Township of Aldborough, requesting that signs for the protection of Pede~trians from the Beattie Home be erected on Road 113, near the Wardsville Bridge. The Engineer was instructed to have appropriate Signs ma,de and erected. A letter from the Tillsonburg Hospital re: an invation to Dinner was referred to County Council. MEETIIG ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH * * * * * AFTER LUNCH MOVED BY: SECON'DED BY: V. DEGRAW J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWIiG PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAILIST #23 AMOUNTING TO FA!LIST #24 AMOUNTING TO PAILIST #25 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST :/125 DEVELOP:MENT ROAD {l840 PAILIST 1/25 DEVELOPMENT ROAD 11972 $ 16,108.12 18,020.27 68,567.95 137,671.85 42.56 CARRIED. Minister Of Municipal Affairs re: Urban Works Project~. New York Central Railway re: Brush Control and Crossing Improvements. COUNTI COUNCIL ROAD TOUR DATES were discussed. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. D. PHILLIPS A. Auckland THAT WE RECOlv1MEND THAT THE COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR DATES BE SE'!' AS FOLLOWS: OCTOBER 18th. OCTOBER 31st. LEAVING THE COURT HOUSE AT~~A.}l. EiSTEND WESTE:ND CARRIED. S'f1. THOMAS , ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER,13,1967. MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST: SECONDED BY: V. DEGRAW: THAT WE PURCHASE It. CANOI: eM 225 A.C. WE~LDER AND ,ACCESSORY KIT FROM CANADIAN GAIGER, LIMITED, AT A PRICE OFI $261.51, INCLUDING SALES TAX. CARRIED. The Engineer reported on Expenditures to-date, stating that most items were within the Budget of May 1967, and until it was known how much Work would be completed on the Port Burwell Bridge this year, the total expenditure could not be determined. New Machinery Purchase was fiiscussed, the E:ngineer noting the need for a 2 man Chain Saw. The Engineer reported that the Department Of Highways had advised that the County assume part of Union and Robinson Streets in the Village of Port Burwell, so that the County could enter into a Connecting Link Agreement with the Department Of Highways, so that the Department Of Highways could pay the~ir share of the costs on Highway #19. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. D. PHILLIPS: J. B. lIi1s'on: THAT WE RECOJJJMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ASSliME AS A COUNTY ROAD, UNION AND ROBINSON STRE:ETS, FROM WELLINGTON STREET TOERIEUS STREET, IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, AND THAT J. CONNECTING LINK AGREEJIENT BE SIGNED WITH THEDEF>ART:MENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THIS PORTION OF THE ROAD. CARRIED 0 ~ \ MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON: D. GILCHRIST: THAT THE EN~INEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT ~UA PAVING ON DR i8~O, TO CLOSE ON OCTOBER Jrd. AT 10 A.M. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO. " SEPTEliIBER 13, 1967. ~lIY\. . A letter was read from Albert Gredig re: c~~ destroyed during construction of County Road 1/52. It was felt" t~hat Mr. Gredigr-a.J. ample notice of the reconstruction of the road. Land- Purchase on Road 1120 was discussed wit~h the Warden, Chairman B,nd Engineer, reporting on the meeting with various land Owners€>n the road, arranged by the Federation of Agriculture. Compensation was discussed at length and the Engineer instructed to discuss the matter with a number of the Owners and report at the next meeting. The County .3 YearRoadProgram~, was discusfled and referred back to the Engineer for minor amendments. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: v. DEGRAW: I. AUCKLAND: THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10 A.M. OCTOBER 3, 1967. CARRIED. (2 ~'9r{Y~ CHAIIDiIAN \",( ~_-, t:' STa THOHAS~ ONTARIO 0 8EPTEl1BER SESSION, 19670 TO THE ~lAR.DEl'~ APD NEliffiERS OF caUNCI L OF THE COUNTY OF ELGII:l: Your :Road Committee begs to report as fo11ows~ 1 ~ Tenders for the Construction of the Port BU1'"Wel1 BridgE~j orieinally scheduled to close on September 19~; 1967 have been deferred to October 3s 1967., 20 Tenders have been called for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road # 52 (Do Ro /1 840)0 It is hoped that paving will be completed from Highway 41 7'3 to Springfield~ this fall., 30 That the Contract for the Springwater Dam on Road # 35 has been let to Gaffney Construction Limited of Stratfordo The County share of the project is 21c2 % to a limit of $34s000o (which is subsidized by the Ontario Departmer:t of Highways)., 40 Tenders are to be called as soon as possible for the Construction of the Belmont Bridge on Road * 37$ east of Belmonto The Bridge is . joint E13in..Uiddlesex Bridge., The floor ha's failed in several spots~ and temporary ~repairs have had to be made. WE RECOHBErID - 10 that County Council Road Tour dates be set as follows: East end of the County October 18$ 1967 ~lle8t end of the County October 3l~ 1967 Leaving the Court House at 9:00 AoM. on each dayo 20 that a By-Law be passed assuming al a County Road apprl)ximately 600 feet of Robinson and Erieus Streets in the Village of Port JBurwe110 ' This Road is now under the jurisdiction of the Village~ who have a 100% connecting .... ... -~~ -... link agreement with the Department of Highways 0 The a:s-sumption of this ROAD COlOOTi.l!,r;'S RE.?OR~_TO WARDEN & 11E1:1BERS OF COUNCIL') SEPr. SESSION PAGE 2 Road by the County will allow the County to enter into a connecting -... -- -.. link agreement with the Department of HighwaYI~ 10 that: the County may deal directly with the DepS.i.;"lUent for their share of the costs on the connecting linko 30. that 8 By-Law be pa&sed amending By-Law 4J: 1873 affecting parking on Rbad ~1 16, in. Fingal^ by removing the present restrictions on parking in front of the business establishment of G., Jackson.. 4.. that the letter from the Uinister of Tran8port~ the Hono Irwin Ha~kettSi under date of .January 23~. 1967 to the County Engineer9 re~ Section 59 (lOa) of the llighTj18.Y Traffic Act be tabled.. 50 that the Hinieter of Highways be petitioned to allow the Ontario Hater rresoureea Commission to cont~ibute the amount of $6"OlOoS3, toward the COlt of repairing Road # 30 and the Patterson Bridgeo This contribution by the Ontario Water Relources Commie~ion~ together with normal subsidy by the Ontario Department of Highw~lYS~ will cover the $14; 711 I) 65 cost of repairing Road II 30 and repairir~g the Patterson ~ . .- - - ..,. Bridge~ damaged by trucks hauling to the Ontario v~ter Resources Commission pipeline in St. Thomas~ this Spring. ALL OF llliICH IS RESPEClruLLY SUBHITTED. CHAlm1Al! ST. ~~HOMAS, ONTAH.IO, AUGUST 16, 1967. THE COUN'I'Y OF ELGIN ROAD COM]JIITTEE met at the Court House on August 16th., 1967, at 16:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Reeve Emerson. THE MINUTES of the meetings of July l~~th and 24th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Road work to date a.s follows: 1. Surfa.ce Treatment work had been completed. 2. Centre Line ~i~arking '\!tlas nearly done. 3. Shouldering work had been completed on new pavements on Roads 2 and 27 and at Elgin Manor. 4. l'i.teed cutting was slow. Elgin'lnteed Control ha.d been hired to assist in the work in Southwold TO"Jnship., 5. Trimming and top soil work would be started on Road 35 shortly. 6. The McNeil Bridge had been completed. 7. The Catfish Creek Bridge wa s progressing favoura,bly. 8. Construction wa.s proceeding on Road 52 with (a) Grading work underway between Hwy. #73 ~lnd Hwy. 1/:74; (b) Sand Base was being applied between Springfield and Hwy. #73; (c) Crushed gravel placement would start shortly; (d) Urban work was underway in Springfield. 9. Mrs. Soper he.d tendered her resignation for the end of the month. CLERICAL ASSISTANCE was discussed a.t ~3ome length. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. PHILLIPS V. DE GRAW ~\ THAT THE ENGINEER BE GRANTED PERMISSION TO HIRE A I~LE OFFICE ASSISTANT. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1967. MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST ,,--- THAT THE PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FORPAYJJTENT: PAYLIST #20 - $15,601.31; PAYLIST #21 - $16,243.47; PAYLIST #22 - $155,751.99; PAYLIST #22. DEVELOPMENT ROAD #840 - $62, 156.61; PAYLIST #22, DEVELOPMENT ROAD #931 -. $2.94. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from: (I) John Root, Vice Chairman of the Ontariov\irater Resources Commission, and R.K. r'1cNei1, M.L.A., re damelge to Roa.d 30, B.A. (2) the D.H.O., approving purchase of vibratory roller; (3) the D.H.O., a.pproving Springwater Dam Project; (4) Ontario 'plater Resources Commission, outlining progress made towa.rds a water supply system for Port BurwE~ll; (5) Erwin Ha skett; Minister of Transport, re spE~ed in school zones; (6) George Gomme, Minister of Highways, designat~ing Roads 47, 49 and a portion of Road 48 as Development Road #972 for pre-engineering purposes; (7) Sta,ndeven t s Store, at South"vold, re dra inagE~ problems; (8) C.E. Jackson, Finga1, requesting the movement of No Parking signs. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND J.B .1N'ILSON THAT '1~;rE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BY-LAW HE PARKING IN FINGAL BE AMENDED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT CHANGES IN ENTRANCES TO C. JACKSON'S PROPERTY. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1967. LAND PURCHASE at Port Burwell was discussed. THE Ivm:.ETING \i!ilAS ADJOURNED Fait DINNER. AFTER DINNER REEVl'~ EMERSON IN ATTENDANCE. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: v. DE GRAW A. AUCKLAND THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO CONTACT THE CHESAPEAKE &, OHIO AND NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROADS \nlITH A VIE'\ItJ OF THE RAILRIADS IMPROVING THE COUNTY ROAD CROSSINGS OF THE RAILtl\iAYS AND THE VISION AT THE CROSSINGS DUE TO ~irEEDS AND BRUSH ON THE RAILROADS. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that with regard to the Port Burwell Bridge, (a) The Federal Department of Trt~nsport had approved the Navigable l\Ta,ter Plans; (b) an order from the Board of Transport Commissioners was expected shortly; (c) that the Consultant's plans had been checked by the D.H.O. and that minor revisions were necessary. IvrOVED BY: SI~CONDED BY: J.B. WILSON D. GILCHRIST THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE PORT BUI~JELL BRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CARRIED. MR. FRANK lJIILLIAMS met with the Road Committee with regard to the purcha.se of his buildings a,t Port Burwell. The Committee discussed the ma.tter at length and decided that their previous offer was quite adequate and instructed the Engineer to proceed to acquire the property. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1967. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY': V. DE GRA\'v c. PHILLIPS THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE BELMONrr BRIDGE ON ROAD 37 M.C.L. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CAHRIED . ARRANGEl~NTS for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention in Vancouver were discussed. RENTAL OF SPACE on the County's Radio Tower to Mr. J.J. Sleegers of St. Thomas was discussed. L'JIOVED BY: SE'CONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND D. GILCHRIST THAT VilE RENT ANTENNAE SPACE ON OUR COUNTY RADIO TO'l'ilEH TO J.J. SLEEGERS AT $15.00 PER MONTH, SUBJECT TO A SUITABLE AGREEMENT BEING DRA,\lilN UP. CARRIED. LAND PURCHASE POLICY on Road 20 from Flingal to Port Stanley was discussed. MOVED BY: C. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT LAND PURCHASE POLICY FOR ROAD 20 BE THE SA~~ AS, OTHER LAND PURCHASES IN 1967. CARRIED. ROUTES OF THE PROPOSED ST. THOMAS BY-PASS and the extension of Hwy. #126 were discussed at some length. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND C. PHILLIPS THAT THE MINISTER O:F' HWYS. BE REQUESTE:D TO ARRANGE A MEETING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PLANNING BHANCH OF THE D. H. O. AND rfHE COUNTY HOAD COll"ili,4ITTEE TO DISCUSS 'lIHE LOCA.TION OF ST. THOMAS BY-PASS AND THE EXTENSION OF HWY. #126 IN r.eHE COUNTY OF gLGIN. CARRIED. PAGE 5 ST. TH01~S, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1967. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED the 3 year Road Construction Programme (1967-68-69) B.nd sta.ted that he would draw up a Programme for discussion at the next meeting. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: c. PHILLIPS V. DE GRAW THAT ~m ADJOURN TO SEPT~~BER 13, 19671 AT 10:00 A.M. CAFtR IED . cA. tI3~.. 9ff( ~ (20(.'x- of, C'lfA. ( fE7 M 1-\ Iv" ST. THOllI\S, ONTARIO, JULY 24, 1967.. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court: H.ouse on Honday, July 24th, 1967 at 8:00 P.M. l\I$J"" lffi}ffiERS vlere present:. THE CHAIRN'AN AND ENGTNEER reported on the attempted purchase of the fish shanty of Frank 1iH.lliams (situated on Canadian Pacific Ra.il'N'ay Lands at Port Burt>1e 11, on Road t~ l~2. THEY also reported that the Quonset hut, ot~ed by the North Shore Packing Company was notV' up for sale by Tender, as the firm 1;*1<\19 bankrupt. AFTER CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION, the Commi.ttee decided not to tender on the Quonset hut, and passed the follmd.ng Resolution: Hl:IO.VED BY: SECONDED BY: COlD" PHILLIPS A" AUCKlAND TT.HT TT"I. 'l";' TI'''J'':'I "",j'l7TI'R.. R'R E1"'"fpOT/fjI;''Q1'1'D. TO O.1i'FE.tP F l,ITT I IA'MS." U.p. TO' $6. 500 00 wOR. llI~ I!'.JTRPRST X~.\., ,j;""t,j J....tJ,.~.\..:!l!.ilJ.....t.;:...t.-~.l".. ...t><"'./i.:.;! J:.J. j,ilJ,:::,Xw. ' , "~.: ...J:.<-.\. :.. :d,.1...~....,J..J" ,I...::.J", """, -'.,. - ... .t.,l' J../..I.. ~"" '\.~.. '." .j>.,.J:~-.,\..;-,..._J\", IN LAND IJEASED FR01'1 THE CANADIAN PACIFIC P...\IL't,lAY ON COUNTY ROAD i~ l}2, AT THE lmST S IDE OF THE PORT BUFH'ffiLL BRIDGE.. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the floor of the Belmont Bridge on Road 1ft 37 had failed, and that A.H. Spriet C'C Associates had been instructed to proceed 'I:'11t11 pla.ns for a repla.cement structure. It \.'1as felt that it might be necessary to build the new bridge in the fall. "NOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHIlIST ..T .B. WILSON Tlt.i\T HE AD,JOURN TO AUGUST 16, 1967, at 10:00 A.U. CAP..RIED" aM~CJlt(~ ~'-"" ,.. ....,........ CHAIIU1AN s't" T1:10~~S, 01'rrA1110, JULY 12, 1967. JulY 12, 1967, at 10:00 A.M. ALL MJ!,~'ERS eltCept Reeve 1<..C. Ell\flrson ~re present. Mr. Fran\< Clarke, Senior Municipal Supe1:'l$.Sor, ontario Departtaent of [ligh~lIS ~aa also in attendence. MlmrtES 01' 'tuE MJ!,E't1.1'lG of June 8, 1967 ~re read and appro"aa. 'ti\i'. 1!'.1'lG1.lI\i'.mt Ri'.POR'tED that he had had a dillcussi on with l'I.r. R. K. l:\.e1'lait, l!i.1' . P. regard in!?; tha cost of repairins Road if 30 S. A., and that the CountY had been requested to send the c~lete bill to the Minister of [ligh~aYs, for his info~tion. TuE coU1'l'!l 01' aWl1'l Road co~ttee ll\flt at the court [louse on wednesday, 7. Recent heaV1/ rains hadha~ered constructiOn work, Grading and Gra'\T6t1.in!?; ~re done on Road * 3S, but considerable tri~ng re1!l.a:tneo. , Grading ~aS unde1:WSY on Road if S2 near springfield and ~st of 11.igh~1I if 73, Cul"ert footingS ~re being poured in springfield, and sand base ~or\' would start. sho-rt1Y, Granular nase and 'top soil work ~re being done at Stalter Gullll, Gra"el Resurfacing bll Ruc\tle construotion was underwaY on Road if 43, 11.0t l!ii~ Pa'li n!?; had been cQtl\P leted on Roads iI' 2 & 8, Elgin 11anor, and on Road if 27, nridge conlltruotion waS ~ H ad"anced on Road if S'1. at catfiSh creelt and The l:\.e1'leil nridge on Vo~r Road * SO, Plans for the port nurwel 1 llridg~ had been forwarded to the ontario Dep8:rtll\flnt of 1:1igh1flays, 1.t waS e1t1lected that a De'\T610'l,l1l'8~t Road Designation in South Dorohester 'townshiP would be forthoQtl\inli\ shortlY, Fire 1.nsurance on the Rodnell Garage had been rene~d. TuE 1!.1'lG1.1'lJ!.1!.1l. llEPQil.'t1!.D on worlt to date stating: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. ~D 1URC~E at port llJ~ll waS diSoUssed, and the Engineer waS authoriZed to oonti'I\Ue negotiations will;n regard to the 'MatheWS and Epple residenoes and 1'. Wi-Hi.ata' s ViSh StOre, and to re'Port to the chai~n i.f he felt a settlell\flnt could be reached. lI}IDvED 1l"l: J .11. \UlS01'l S1!.C01'lDY!.D 1l'l: V. DeGRAW TtlAT T11.E 'FOLLOWl1'lG PA'lL1.S'tS llE APt'ROVBD\ 'FOR 1'A,llllW't · $ 14,829.97 16,116.66 258,281.66 6, 791 .'29 57.l\.3 (tentati-Vel1) ~ ia11i.st 4; 17 4~ 18 4F 19 * 19 De"elo'l,l1l'8nt Road if if 19 De'\T61o'l,l1l'8'1\t Road if 840 931. CAltR1.ED\1 PAGE 2, JULY 12/67. TIm ENGINEER REPORTED on discussions with official of the City of London~ with regard to School Zone Signs, and the matter lias discussed. ttMOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT irlE RECON'HEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TrIAT THE LETTER FROM THE ~rrNISTER OF TRANS PORT TO THE COUNTY ENGIl!q~f~R, OF JA'NU.l\RY 23, 1967, RE: SECTION 59 (lOa) OF THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT BE TABLED. CAP..RIEDH DEPARTNENT OF HIGIUt\YS PI.u;'U~S for reconstruction of Highway 4; 19 from Straffordvi11e northerly, and for the improvement of intersec:tions of County Roads ~~ 38 and4l. 'tiere revie't~ed and discussed. A Resolution of th4a Township of Bayham ,.,as read, which requested that the County Road Committee 8s1< for the removal of buildi.ngs on the North tJest, North East and South l-lest corners of the intersection of Road ff: 38 and Highway 1, 19. Hr. FP,ANK C!A..l{KE left the meeting. ~mETING JillJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER - nHOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A AUCKLAND THAT tVITH REG.l\RD TO \1.1'. 89...65 AND 90 ... 65 ... HIGID-lAY t& 19 RECONSTRUCTION AND PROPOSED INTERSECTION Il'lPROVE1'IENTS OF COUNTY ROADS ~~ 38 AND 44, iI-IE REQUEST THE ONTARIO DEPART1.1ENT OF HIGHt'lAYS TO IHPROVE THE I~tl:.!s1:r..sECTION OF ROAD If 38 AND HIGHWAY iff 19 BY PURCHASING AND RENOVING THE BUILDINGS ON THE NORTH-EAST, NORTH-WEST AND SOUTH... tVEST CORNERS, PRIOR TO RECONSTRUCTION OF HIGHtiAY # 19; AND TO IHPROVE THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHtnlAY 11 19 AND COUNTY ROAD iF 44 BY PURCHASING AND RE~'fOVING THE BUIlDINGS ON THE NORTH...l~ST CORNER, ~.nIEN SUCH BUILDINGS BE CONE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. CAIl7tRIEDtt A LETTER \.'lAS READ from the Catfish Creek Consc~rvation Authority stating that they had let the tender for Springwater D~lm to Gaffney Construe ion Limited, and asking for the County approval and for an additjlona1 cornmittment to cover the increase in cost. After discussion ... tlHOVED BY: J .B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT \,.jE APPROVE TIm LETTING OF THE TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPRINGWATER DA~i1 AND BRIDGE BY THE CATFISH CREEK AUTHORITY, TO GAFFNEY CONSTRUCTION LI1IfITED, AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $146,076.30, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF TIU~ ONTARIO DEPARTNENT OF HIGH~tA'~l'S, AiID THAT ~il1E AGREE TO PAY 21.2 % TO't'IAP..D THE TOTAL COST OF THE DA1:1 TO A LIt-ITT OF $ 34,000.00, v'iI'IICH IS BASED ON A TOTAL, ESTI~1ATED COST OF APPROXIHA,TELY $ 160,000.00. CAPJ1IEDlt PAGE 3, ..nJLY 12, 1967. "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: v. DeG!'U\ ~v A. AUCKlAND TlL.i\.T W8 ACCEPT THE TENDER OF THE GENERAL SUPPLY COHPANY 1,INITED, FOR A BROS ~~tODEL VP .. 4 VIBRATORY R01,LER l'l1TH DIESEL ENGIl\~, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $5,675.25. CARRIEDlt A LETTER FRO~1 THE TOl"n~ OF AYLl:1ER 't07as read re: the extension of Spnlce Street, in reply to a Resolution of the County Road Committee of ~~y, 1967. After discussion .. "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J .. 13. ~11I L.<)ON V.. DeG}~~;l THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO ~'mITE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AYLNER, STATING T1Lt\T THE COUNTY ROAD C01>fl;'fiTTEE IS UNABLE, FOR FINANCIAL REASONS, TO CONSIDER THE EATENSION OF SPRUCE STREET AT THIS TINE, AND THAT THE WHOLE 'HATTER BE REFERRED TO THE 1968 ROAD COHHITTEE. CARRIED" "HOVED BY: C .D" PHI LL11'S SECONDED BY: A. AUCl{J~\ND THAT lJE .ADJOURN TO AUGUST 16, 1967, AT 10:00 A. ~'1.. CA't'ffiI ED It .tl ~9}fcc~ CHAIRHAN fYy~~ jJ1J'Il1-o ./ ST G' THOMAS II ONTARIO;, JUNE SESSIONo TO THE HARDEN AND HEHBERS OF COUNCIL OF THE COUnTY OF ELGIN Your Road Committee begs to report as fol1o~m. 1.. A CONTP..ACT has been let to Ualmsley Broso Ltdo of London~ at $lll~l54000 for Hot HiJ! Asphalt Paving on Road if: 27 ~ between Union and Sparta~ and on Road 1/: 36, at Sparta:; in Yannouth To'tffiship;; on Jlo~~ds 1! 2 and 1ft 8 near Dutton$ in Dunwich To't'mshipsand the Village of Duttons and for the Driveways and Parking Lots at Elgin Hanoro The Uork is underwayo 20 A CONTP~CT has been let to McLean-Foster Limited:; of Sto Marys~ at $34$289091 for the construction of the Catfish Creek Bridge on Road # 52 in Yannouth Township 0 The TTork is underway.. 30 A CONTRACT has been let to Donn Construction Limiteds of Scotland,. at $20~200000 for construction of the LIeNeil Bridge on fonner County Road 1ft 50s in South Dorchester To't'mshipo The Hork is undElrwayo 40 A CONTRACT has been let to F oAo Stonehouse & Son Limi,ted$ of Sarnia,. at $15~200000 for supplying and applying Crushed Gravel to Itoad 4ft 43 in Bayham and l--ialahide To't'1nshipso The Road Committee~ has approved the subletting of this Contract to VoTlo Ruckle Constructi.on Limited~ of Brownsvi1leo TJork is eJ{pected to start shortlyc 50 A CONTRACT has been let to Johnston Braso (Botl~ell) Limited$ at $5~808000 for supplying and applying Crushed Gravel for Road If: 11 for Construction Purposeso Hork 't"li11 not start until lat;er in the sessone 6. THE FOLLOtJING NEi;..] HACHINERY has been purchased ~ (a) Ford$ 3/4 ton Double Cab Pickup Truck (b) Dodge Van (c) Case Tractor with Loader and Backhoe (d) Chevrolet Automobile with the County's Plymouth Automobile as trade in (e) Two International F - 140 Tractors and Side Hount l\ilowers with the County's International Farma11 A as a trade in "-- ?AG'E '2 l$'.<l Mt..C\1l~ER'L continued (f) 'three additiona1. 2 - 1:1aY 'RadiO \lnitll 10 'r:1E "RECOl1t'lBliD .. ' ~ d' nate the fol1.owing tbat the 'Minister of \\igl~laYS be petlotioneu to eSlog Roads as De~elo~nt noads for yre_Engineering YU1:\'Oses: " ~",. 0. "nrO:ltima tel y 1. · 8 tnil ell, (a) Road ~ 49 frOlll Road 41 52 to l>.Oau ... ....., ar r in South Dorchester 'to'lllt'S hip and the village of springfie 1.d, (b ) Road 4l' b,8 f rOlll 1:1 i ghTil& Y 4l' 7:' to Road 41 47, appro:lti!ll8. te 1 Y 3. 6 tnil. e s , in South Dorchester 'townahiP, I -0 d J~ "7 . "..ro:ltima te 1 Y 3. 6 tnile s (c) Road It 47 fro\1l Road II b,8 to ~_oa 'of" , ~rr in South Dorchester 'to'lllt'ShiP' v -0 d. Co-mittee be1.ie~es that these Roads should be progr~d J.ou1:' .(.\.oa. w.... C t. '"" ~'h~a.d of Road jl 45 in the 'to'lllt'shipS of 'LarlllOuth and fo't onst-ruc 1.010. e,;vlo."" southWold (noW designated as De~e1.opment Road 41 930) because of the e:lttretn6 spring breal~uP on these Roads. r_epairs present1.Y being made to these Roads are of a temPorery nature on1.Y' 2. , D d retu1:t\ing to the that the "lerden and C1.erl~ be authOrized to Slogn a ee . {; th^ ,.... nodd Estate the 1.and, appro:ltimatelY 8.4 acres, )!.:ltecutors 0 ~ ,~.",.. v . . . ~ "1.an ;~ D b,64 in Lots A and "B in the Go'!:e e1CP'!:ot''!:ial7.ed by 1J.eglostereu ' ., "'( 1.5 ~~ 46 ,"o-rth of. 'ta1.bot Road East, in the 'to'lllt'Ship of between ...ots" a..u , ~. 1.959 to obtain a '!:ight of Til&Y southWo1.d. 'thiS 1.and was e1CPropriateu lon' . . ,.' .' .m"s .J'- :3 Co ,1\ 4. A for the co-nSt1:Uction of He1.1.ington Road, !,.~.cr ""2." ,. · " h d b" tha St. 'thomas Suburban Road Co'L\lll- sett1.~enl7. haS noW been reac e , _ d e f the conditions is ission with the E:ltecutors of the ~state, an on 0 f. t.h^ 16nd e:ltnro,,'!:iated for the -right of TiI&'J' tha ,!:eturn 0 ~ ~r r 31) that the vlarden and C1.e-r~ be authOrized to sign a Deed, deeding to ~'_.tel" (51.) fifty-one acres in the south Ra1.f of Lula Jean ACre apt'ro~1;,~ J h '" h' not needed fo'!: Road ~~ d ~I. concession 1 'Lapnout ~o'lllt'S lot', LotS &" an &'" , 'P AGE 3 BEC01~~tmAT10NS continued Allowance purposes, and originallY purchased from the ?erey Boose Estate in 1963 for the relocation of Road # 24 (Development Road * 692)0 The committee put the property up for Tender, and the highest Tender ($4,500,00) ~aS accepted. ALL OF mUCU lS '.lESl'ECT"FULL'l SUBtItTTED. ---------- Cl-lA11J.l'tA'N !) ,'1. ,~, of.'!' (j ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANA :-!2R May 17. 1967 Pr0101ect No. QWRC-WP-65-2 R. G. Moore, P.Eng.. County Engtneer, Court House. St. Thomas, Ontario. De,ar Sir. Lake Ene Water SU12.o1v System lloe1ine. c::onstructlon-Road ReDa~,..,r,~ We have received your letter of May 12, 1967J requesting. an explanation of the basts which was used to ~.rri ve a t the 1 trot t . of $3000 as our contribution to the cost of repairs to County Road No. 30. A review of previous correspondence, relative to our pOlicy in such matters., will reveal that this Commission has been Willing to cooperate with local authorities 1'n making a payment towards the cost of repair of ,r.oads which were called upon to carry abnormal traffic resulting from construction of our p'tpelines. In the case of Road No. ;,0. we have had indications from you of possible damage in the order of $20,000 to $30,000 which we do n.ot consider to be reasonable. In addition, this Commission, by becoming involved in road repairs, was being put into a position of responsibility for road usa.ge which it cannot accept. As pointed out in Mr. Owers' letter of April 27, 1967. truckers. by contributing to the road funds through taxes, are . entl tIed to the use of public roads wi thin the .restrictions im.posed by ,stat~te. The recipients of these taxes are. in our opinion, re- sponsible for the repair and maintenance of roads and anycontribu- tion which we had agreed to make must be constdelred a gratuitous payment. made without ani prejudice or commitment. c c)n t I d.. . . . . . . . # f! 'f 't , ... - 2 - R. G~ Moore, P.Eng.. St. Thomas, Ontario. . May 16, 1967 Payments of this nature have, in the past, been based on a reasona.ble assessment of daiIlage and repair. At approximately the end of the spring break-up, we understand tha,t a. sum of . about $2200 ha.d been spent on road No. 30 for gra.vel and grading. We considered that the additional $800, for a tot.al of $3000, would be sufficient to cover the cost of the necessary dust control 1n gravelled areas and surface treatment at a later date. It must be clearly understood that, in gi v.tng you an indica- tion of how the $3000 was calculated, we are not committing our- selves to payment of an amount in excess of $3000 even though such ~'S ~er(fulY u vf ' c.,J-C ~ 1 ..;). aver Y. General Manager. .~;'.' L. ~I 1;~lM"" IIMW .....!ItIIlIilCJi\M1i~MotO;O'lM~.I..llktia (i) J. A. VANCE, LL.D. CHAIRMAN eOI BAY STREET TORONTO 5 ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION J, H. H, ROOT. M.P.P. VICE.CHAIRMAN TELEPHONE 3e!5- D. S. CAVERLY GENERAL MANAGER W. S. MACDONNELL COMMISSION SECRETARY May 24, '1967 Project No. OWRC-WJE>-65-2 Mr. R. G. Moore, P.Eng., Engineer and Road Superintendent, Court House I \ St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir, Lake Erie Water Supply System Pipeline Construction - Road Repairs The matters raised in your letter of May 12, 1967 addressed to Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., were discussed by the Commission at its regular meeting on May 21tth, 1967. I have been directed to advise you that the Commission cannot, for the reasons elaborated in Mr. Cavel:-ly's letter of May 17th, agree to any increase in the I1ml1; of $3000 to be paid to the Suburban Road OOu~l~slon. Would you please arrange to invoice us in the amount of $3000 so that payment may be made. ~~~t~l~ .;J ~~~ A. Shattuck, ~ CJKW/lh Director of Construction. c.C.R.K.McNe11,M.p.P.,Springfield. Jas.F.MacLaren Ltd.,'l'oronto, 'Att1n: Mr. T. W. Lumsden. 1 ~.. .. -:! ". " J ..1 i'. t . 0" I I_I . . it . .'. ..1. -. '.~'. .. I I j .~I:.II"..' 1'.1:=&1- i .' ..IH . 'I '\ I.i ' ~ I ! i.j : t f * : : ',,:1. .... ...Ii . . . ..;';~:Jff'.J~~::~jtt~~:~,~ .' i i h I' {: ~ ' ....,~, P"-'~~.-' ... . f" - .- .~ ~' .' '::. : ~ > ""'" .~..:. "~~ . . '{lJ . '. '" "" ' - . -. . . . "., '. 8T. TH01.fA.S ~~ ONTA.RI 0 ~ J'(JNE,8, 1967.. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court House on Thursday, June 8th, 1967, at 10: 00 A.14. ALL ~1EMBERS except Reeve K. C. Emerson '(fere prl!Sent. l'fI}l.IDTES OF THE l:1EETING of May' 10, 1967 were rl!ad and approved. COP~SPONDENCE FROM The Ontario Water ReSOUrCl!S Commission (as attached) was read and the Chairman, t"arden and Engineer reported on a meeting held ~'1ith Hr. John Root, H.P.P., ~'1ho is a member of the Ontario vIatar Resources Commission, and Mr. R.K. McNeil, M.P.P. in Toronto on June 7, 1967, at which time Mr. Root told the delegation that the Ontario \vater Resources Cvitlmission t4'ould have discussions with the Department of Highways to arrive at a uniform policy Wi1!:h regard to damage to l'iunicipal Roads. THE E154GINEER REPORTED on the ~lork to Date as :follo'fs: 1. The Base Course of Asphalt had been completed on Road' 27. 2. Repairs to Patterson Bridge ware underway. .3. Priro.ing and Surface Treatment was underway. 4. Construction on Road # 35 was continuing. 5. Fencing ~"as under\V'aY on Development Road 1; 840 and Crushed Gravel prices "l$re being solicited. 6. Removal of Stumps on Road IF 26 and Road :{; 29 had been c~ompleted. 7. Donn Construe,tion Limited had begun Construction of l<lcN.eil Bridge. 8. !1cLean-Foster Limited had begun Construction of the Catfish Creek Bridge on Road 4f. 52. 9. The International Tractors and the Ford Picltup Truck had been received. Uli10VED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND D. GILCHRIST THAT THE FOLLOtfiNG PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAY!4ENT: PAYI.,IST f# 14 PAYLIST 4f 15 PA\"LIST 1l: 16 # 16 Development Road :{; 840 I 16 Development Road I 931 amounting to $ 13,199.51 amounting to 15,174.14 amounting to 110,708.01 amount1'ng to 5,111.24 amounting to 14.56 CARRIEDU CORF~SPONDENCE WAS p~ from the Ontario Department of Highways approving the Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law if 1965, in the amount of $785,000. Approvals from the Ontario Department of llighways for b~chinery Purchase and Contracts were also read. PAGE 2, JUNE 8, 1967. TUE ENGI~~EER P~PORTED that Work Orders have be~!n received on Deve lopment Road !; 840 and 1ft 840 - 2, and that work wou ld be started short 1 y . CORRESPONDENCE WAS RE8.D from F.A. Stonehouse &: Son Limited requesting approval to sublet their Gravel Crushing Contract to V.W. Ruelcle Construction Ltd. tt~~OVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: V. DeGP~\W THAT PEJ.U.nSSION BE GRA~rrED TO F lOA. STONEHOUSE &: SOl~ LIMITED TO SUBLET THBIR GRAVEL CRUSHING COJ.lfrRACT TO V. tV. RUCKLE CONSTRUCTION LI1;lITED, ~nTH AJ~L TElUIS OF THE ORIGINAL CONTIt.~CT TO APPLY. CAPJtIED" A LETTER lqAS P..EADfrom 1.1r. ivilliam HcKay, Solic:itor, requesting that the County Engineer testify at a forthcoming Court Action on behalf of the Village of Port Stanley. After discussion: "HOVED BY: J . B. v'lILS.ON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THA.T THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY AND ITS S01.,ICITORS, HcKAY AND McKAY, Ili THEIR LEGAL ACTION REGARDING A ROAD ACROSS ERIE BEACH. CARRIEDtt TE~~DERS FOR THE PURCHA.SE from the County of Ellsin of approximately (51) fifty-one acres of land in Lots 23 and 24, Concession I, Yarmouth Township, not needed for Road Allowance purposes ,.,ere opened and were as follows: 1. James Acre, R. R. # 1, Sparta, Ont. $4,.500.010 3,027.00 2,152.00 2. Arthur }~rt)~, R. R. I 1, Sparta, Ont. - 3. Helen Gray, Aylmer, Ont. }mETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINlmR - "MOVED BY: C.D. PliILl,IPS SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAIID THAT THE TENDER OF JAl4ES ACRE FOR $4,500.00 BE ACCEPTED FOR THE THE APPROXIllJATELY (51) FIFTY-Ol~E ACRES OF LOT 23 and J.,OT 24 Il~ CONCESSION I, YAlU10UTH TOWNSHIP '\ CARRIEDft "MOVED BY: V. DeGR.:'\'til' SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST TllA.T inm RECO}DmND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TltAT TIm i;lARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A DEED - DEEDING APPROXI~1ATELY (.51) FIFTY ONE ACRES OF LOT 23 and LOT 24 IN CONCESSION I, YARMOUTli TmmSHIP. CARRIED" PAGE 3, JUNE 8, 1967. 1:1ESSRS. PHINEAS PRESSEY AND ~'1ARD DICKOUT of the Catfish Creek Authority, and }.lr. Robert Hodgson of Canadian Hitehe11 Associates 'fere in attendance. TENDERS FOR TlelE CATFISH CREEK AUTHORITYtg Springwater Dam Project on Road ~ 35 were opened and lfere as follows: '----, 1. Gaffney Construction Ltd. Stratford, Ontario $146,076.30 2. l'!cLean- FosterConstruc t ion St. l.farys, Ontario $152,224.3.5 3. Dean Construction Co. Ltd. Belle River, Ontario $155,080.94 4. Looby Construction Ltd. Dublin, Ontario $158,343.55 5. Arnott Construction Ltd. Arthur, Ontario $173,695.50 6. Graham & Graham. Ltd. London, Ontario $185,318.25 7. Pearce Oonstruction Co. Hagersville, Ontario $187,481.40 THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cviul.miSsion had reached a settlement with the lli11iam Dodd Estate, and that one of the considerations 'Iltlas the returning, to the Estate, of the property expropriated for a right of 'tfaY by Registered Plan # D 464. nl:.~OVED BY: COlD. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: D.. GILOI-01IS1' T1-L.~T \'m RECO~:DinUm TO COUNTY COUNCIL TliAT THE liARDElq AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A DEED - DEEDIli~G THAT PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED BY PJeGISTERED PLAN' If D 464 BACK TO THE ESTATE OF i~lIl,LlM.l DODD, FROH ~HI01'i IT \'lAS EXPROPRIATED CARRIED" . LAND PURCHASE AT PORT BUR"tmLL was discussed. TUE LE.rL~R. OF HON. IRlnN HASKETT of January 23, 1967 to the County Engineer was discussed, and tl1.e Engineer. instructed to ascez'tain the cost of the necessary sign. nr.fOVED BY: V. De GRAll SECONDED BY: A. AUCl<.t,M;ID THAT ~'lE ADJOURN TO JULY 12, 1967, at 10:00 A.l:l. CARRIE])U. a~~~ CHAIro'fAl~ ,Iii,~ ,,' .",It (i) $,~ ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION 801 BAY STReET TORONTO !l J. A. VANCE. L.L.D. CHAIRMAN D.S.CAVERLY G\l:NltRAL MANAGIC~ W. S. MACDONNELL COMMISSION SECIUrr.....V J. H.H. ROOT, M.P.F". VICE-CHAt.. MAN April 27) 1967 Mr. H.L.. Johnson, County Clerk, Court House, ST.. THOMAS, Ontario. Dea-r ,. Johnson, ~RC Lake Eri~ Water Su~plv Syst!m Reference is made to a letter dated March 17, 1967 addressed to Mr. R.G. Moore, P.Eng.) County Engineer, from 1\1r. C,J, K. Wilson of our Division of Construction regarding the repair and maintenance of roads in the area where pipeline construction is proceeding. A photo-copy of this letter is enclosed for your information. At the time that this letter was written the arrangement as set out seemed to be reasonable in view of the fact that we 't!1cre In the midst of the spring break-up. You will note that the letter points out that the arrangement outlined was temporary. This matter has now received turther consideration and I have been directed by members of the CU'Uillission to advise you as follows: (a) We understand that costs of repair' and maintenance to County Road No. 30 to date are approximately $2~200.00~ We agree to pay such costs up to a limit of $3,000.00c Expenditure above this limit will not be borne by tbe C\.htu.uis. ion . ....2 f' " ,. .. . ... .2 - (b) The coste of maintenance and excessive wear and tear on township roads which can be attr~buted to trucking operations associated with our contracts, will be negotiated with representatives of the town,ships involved. (c) Now that the spring break-up has passed we can no longer sustain the position,of having to prohibit trucks hauling to our contracts from U$ any public roads. A hardship has already been imposed on truckers in the use of long detours ,and we consider that, as contributors to the road ,funds' through taxes, they are entitled to use public roads within the restrictions imposed by statute. This is also consistent with the apparent fact that trucks associated with other works will be using the road in lquestion. Would you please arrange to submit invoices for materials, equipment for labour supplied to date 80 that payment may be processed as set out above. Yours very truly, .~~ ~:1. ~ .~. Manager Assistant G Job No. 66109 ITEM DESCRIPTION I. Temporary Detour Protect ion (I ights, barricades, etc.) 2. Demol ition and removal of existing struct ure _3. Standard excavation for proposed structure and backfill with granular material up to existing. grade, including stream re- a I i gnment, if any. 4. Dewat er i ng 5. Reinforced Concrete 422.2 6. Pr~tective Weatherproofing . 7. Mi sce II aneo us Ot her Work CONTRACT AMOUNT: LOWEST TENDER: $34,289.91 McLean-Foster Summary of Tender Prices Catfish Creek Bridge Bridae No. 62 County of Elain L.S. $ 3,364.80 $ 2,030.00 $ 4,916.00 $ 2,950.00 $ 2,400.00 L.S. $ 1,,550.00 $ I" 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,124.00 $ 325 .00 $ 64.05 $ 66.00 $ 73.00 $ 69.50 $ 70.00 Cu.YtI. $27,,041.91 $27,865.20 $30;820~60 $29,342.90 $29,554.00 L.S. $ 187.00 $ 150.00 $ 326.00 $ 200.00 $ 275.00 L.S. $ 516.20 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 340.00 $ 450.00 $34,289.91 $34" 845 .20 $38,971.60 $35,876.90 $35,754.00 . (Correct ed) ST. 'tHOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1967. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. on l'fay 10, 1967., ALL MEMBERS except Reeve W.lt. Caverly were present. Also in attendance was Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, and Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, for the Ontario Department of Highways. THE ST. THOl:fAS StJBtmBAN ROAD COMMlSSION met with the Road Committee, with regard to damage to the Fatterson Bridge Deck and damage to Road # 30 Pavement. Correspondence (as attached) was read from the Ontario Water Resources Commission, and discussed at length. The Engineer estimated that repair costs to Road # 30 would be in the order of $10,000 and to the Bridge Floor of $3,500.00 to $4,000.00. AFTER DISCUSSION: '''bIOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C .D. PHILLIPS J .'.8. WILSON THAT THE WARDEN, ntE C1lA1RMAN, REEVE J. McKtNIAY AND JAMES HINDLEY BE A OOMMITTEE TO DEAL WITH ROAD DAMAGE QAllSED BY OONTRAC:lTORS WORKING ON ntE ONTAR1.0 WALt.i< RESOURCES CONMISSI0N LAKE ERIE 't-lATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER liASREQUESltW to write to the Ontario Water Resources Commission and request an explanation as to how the $3,000 figure was arrived at. THE ENGIt"l~~1( REPORt';c,u on the work to date as follows: 1. Rainy weather had seriously hampered all construction and maintenance work. 2. Most broken sections of pavement had been levelled up with crushed gravel and calcium chloride placed on them, although grading was necessary, quite frequently, because of the recent rain. 3. CUrb and Gut:ter work was underway on Road # 27 at Union and Road # 8 at: Dutton. 4. Work at the Seminary School Rill on ~oad # 27 had been completed except for trimming. 5. Rot Mix Paving was not expected to start on Road /; 27 for several weeks. 6. Culverts were being placed on Road * 35 in preparation for Grading. 7.. D.J. Anderson had resigned from the ~oad Department to bee01llEl ~oad Superintendent of Aldborough. THE MINUTES 0' THE ~nNGS of Apt:il 12th, April 21st and April 26, 1967 were read and approved. )m. W.E. KELLEY of A.M. Spriet and Associates was in attendance at the meeting- TENDERS FOR THE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE on Road * 52, were opened and MAY 10, 1967, PAGE 2 were as attached. u~roVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT 1m ACCEPT THE TENDER OF McLEAN-FOSTER CONSTRUOTIONLTD. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE (BRIDGE iF 62), AT THEIR TENDERED FRICE OF $34,289.91, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTlYlENT OF HIGHWAYS. CARRIED" QUOTATIONS FOR REINFORCING STEEL for the Bri..dge were as follows: J. Harris & Sons Ltd. $4,361.00 4,475.00 London S tee 1 Industries UbfOWD BY: V. DeGRAll SECONDED BY: o.D. PHILLIPS THAT TnE QUOTATION OF J. HARRIS & SONS LTD. FOR STEEL FOR T'llE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE FOR $4,361.00 BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ONTAR.IO DEPARTMENT OF HIGm<fAYS. CARRIEDtI THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Department of~ Transport had approved in prineiple the Navigable Waters Plan for Port Burwell and tbat (2) two meetings of the Utility Companies involved, had been held. }1m.. KELLEY REPORTED that detailed plans were, underway and it was hoped to submit the plans for Ontario Department of Highways appr'oval by the end of the month. lfEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. .AFTER DINNER- "MOVED BY: J . B . lfILSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND TIlAT TliE FOLLOlnNG PAYLlSTS be approved for payment - :If: 11 iF 12 iF 13 4/ 13 Deve lopment Road ii 840 # 13 Deve lopment Road Ii ..849- Cf"jl $12,462.69 11,944.03 65,765.65 3,722.17 3.64 CARRIEDU l-1AYOR J:.lcKlBBON OF THE TOl<1N OF AYLl!iER met wit:h the Committee requesting the County to take over Spruce Street and extend it easterly to the Dingle St. Bridge. Correspondence was also read from the Town, on the matter. After Discussion - n~{OVED BY: V. DeGRAW' SECONDED BY : A. AUCKLAND THAT T1IETO'VlN OF AYUmR BE NOTIFIED THAT BECAUSE OF INCREASED COSTS AND COMMITMENTS ON THE PRESENT COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM, THAT NO ExrENSIONS OF TElE SYSTEM CAN BE CONSIDERED AT THIS TIME. CARRIED" !~Y 10, 1967, PAGE 3 THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Maintenance Exp,enditure to date, using the attached estimates as a guide, stating that a minimum increase of $23,000 in }:falntenanee Costsc.ould be expected even with a number of items of work eliminated from the budget. Construction items were examined, as was the Suburban Comrni.ssion Budget. It was(sadly) concluded that any funds that could not be sa~ved elsewhere would have to be talcen from New l1achinery and the Port Burwell Bridge COIllstruetion. THE )!ATTER OF CONSTRUCTION of the Roads damaLged in the spring Breakup was discussed and the Engineer present.ad the attached SUtnmaLry on Development Roads. It was decided to apply for Development Roads on some of the E~ads broken up this spring, and see if they could be programmed ahead of Road , 45. HI'IOVED BY: O.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY; D. GILCmuST THAT 1m RECO)~mND TO CO~'TY COUNCIL THAT THE l>IINIS,Lr.K OF ItI:GUtYAYS BE PETITIONED TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPl>1EbrJ: ROADS TUB FOLLOWING ROADS: ROAD iF 49 FROl>! ROAD :Ii .52 to ROAD ff: 48, ROAD :If 48 FROM HIGHtfAY If: 73 TO ROAD iF 47 AND ROAD iF 47' FROl-! ROAD /; 48 to ROAD :II 37,. CARRIEDU THE ENGI~!;~K REPORTED that all details had been cleared up so that the approximate (SO) fifty acres of the old Boose property might be put up for sale by tender. lAND PURCHASE re: Bogart, Carter, Vandervelcle, Dodd and Frank 11111iams was discussed. CORRESPONDENCE l'lAS READ from the C.N .R.., OU1:11ningseVeltal proposals for the Crossing of the C.N.R. Spur line on Road :f1 11. The Engineer presented estimates for the cost of building a crossing on the Diversion andtbe cost of a crossing on the present Road Allowance. After discussion - U}iIOVED BY: J .B. lnLSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND ~'" TrIAT lnTli REGARD TO THE PROPOSAL OF CA:tlADIAN NATIONAL RAILROAD DATED MA;l ;8. re; SOUTIUfOLD SPUR,. lYE ACCEPT PROPOSAL' 2 NAlrJELY A CONTRIBUTION OF $33,()OO.OO TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO,JAl.'J> THE COST OF THE OROSSING, IT BEING UNDERSTOOD THAT 1(F AUTOMATIC SIGNAL PROTECTION IS REQUIRED ON TUE CROSSING PRIOR TO JAlIDARY, 1971, IT lnLl~ BE INSTALLED AND lJAINTAI]lED AT nm EXPENSE OF THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILROAD. CAL"mIEDn }~Y 10, 1967, PAGE 4 tt}1!OVED BY: V. DeGRAl~ SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT TIm lntGINEER 13EINSTRUCTED TO BUILD A GRADE CROSSING OF THE CANADIAN NATIOlqAL RAILROAD ON ROAD f~ 11 ON TIlE PRESENT ROAD ALLOlnJANCE AND THE (34) THIRTY-FOUR FOOT WIDEl~IliG TO TIm NORTH. CARRIED" UJ10VED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: J .B. WILSON THAT WE GRANT TIlE TOlDlSRIP ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION THE SUl'i OF ($50.00) FIFTY DOLLARS. CARRIED" THE ENGI~mER 'tifAS INS.tltuCTED to make Reservat,ions for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention in Vancouver. THE ENGI1~EER REPORTED that the Township of D'ereham had passed, a Comprehensive Zoning,affecting the County's Avon Gravel Pit. n~iOVED BY: J .13. WILSON SECONDED BY; A. AUCKLAND THAT ,m ADJOURN TO JUNE 8, 1967 at 10:00 A.l'f. CARRIED't o. ~~cC~ CHA,IRl'fAN ~~J',,,W ' D1!.'1ELO?~IE}n: 1l0ADS - ".--- 't'l'IE ~ G1.VE1~ OppOS1.'fE u.cll. iQRT1.0N Of ROAD 1$ 'tR'E AMQ\J}1't Of }{OllEY 'tR'E ONTA1t10 nEp~m: OF R1~'lS ~n.LL nEDl1C't 'l.'ROM OUR El1't1'J:LE1ntN't. ~ntit1ement fo~ 1965 _ 1966 Estimated 1967 Total Estimated 1968 1ota1 $ 694,000 694,000 ~1~@ $ 2.,085,000 690 000 ~ Uo-rl<. UnderwaY Rosd * 45 (n.R. * 785) - $ 196,000 completed 1966 Road 4i 5~ (n.R. * 840). springfiela U-rban Spri~gfield to ll.~' *'73 ll.~. <Ii 73 to R~. * 74 R~. * 74 to Road <Ii 30 $ 45,000 113,000 ~9,OOO 179 000 $57'6'000 PrOgreJlll1l8d for , GTa4ing 1967 vTo~\<. Completed Pre _. E~gi~eeri~g neeignationll Road * 10 1!i~gal to Turvi,1l" Corners (n.R. <Ii 931) $ 338,000 5.3 1<I11e8 . ?inga1 Road 4F 2.0 Urban 51 000 ~ ?iOgreJlll1l8d for , Grading 1968 Total to here $1,161,000 ROad 4~ 45 Jaffa to Road li 16 (Mid41emareh) awrO:ltimate11 11 Miles neve1.optnent Road f 930 Road li 1.6 South 1 mile New Ali~nment 2 miles 11.~. ;~ 4 i~Ie8t 1: mile 11.~'. li 4 to Road * 1'2 110ad 4F 21. to Road li 36 Road 4F 36 to 1'",ad * ~.3 ~ $ 6},000. 113,000 < 51,000' 63;000 2,tO,OOO 418. 000 '$ 9V: 000 . (Fl\lS t 3-ridZ,es to be done b:7 the Cour-."tY under < By....L..'tIJ) ?regrat[4Ued for GTa4ing 1968 & 1969 pre.umi,~g that a11 this work '1Ou1d be done b1 tha e~d of 1968 the Total " __ ' ,,is _- $1.089,000 and A1.tocati.O~ earned ie avpro:lttmate11 - 1,775,000 Otl18r Roads and Entitl~nt Coate - ........ - ... 1',oaQ i 16 ri~gal Urba~ s~etiot\' $ 73,000 Road 4~ 4'2 11.~. f 73 to Road <Ii 40 ' (2.6 mi\OS) 104,000 ?rogreJlll1l84 fot 1967 .,.,' ,'_ ,_ but ~o 1llO~eY available Reconwnend that tbillihould be left ae Cou~t1 By-LaW aa about 6fY1. of the t~git\eeri.ng-ne'.ig~ ill ~o'<lf completed a~d if 1llOneY is available some work might be done thia fall. P~~;L.2?l.~!~T.,g2!':PQ. - continued J.J_~_'- ].968 .1968, 1.969 RO.Ml.E~~\~.._~E:.qg]tAl~1ED BJ~.99:Yl!~!..t.P _1-.JEAp~J?1l0GIlAlll1E ~ID ~~~]:R Eg1'_IJ~b.~~~!if__.9g.?1E.. Page 2 (Page 184~ 1966 County Council Proceedings) Road # 42 from Highway 73 to Road 1f 40 206 Hiles Road # 38$ Spot Improvement at Halahide Bayham Townline '" "" Road # 3~ Rodney to Road # 9 3,,0 Hiles A.ldborough 0.5 Hiles Dunwich Road # l5~ into Pearce Park Road 1ft 48 306 Hiles So Dorchester Road # 20~ Fingal to Turvillels (D . It 0 1ft 931) South\'10Id Corners & Fingal Urban Road if: 20 Road # 45~ Road # 35 to Road # 36 (D . R 0 1/: 930) Yarmouth Bridges .. Road 4,~ 45;; Catfish Creek Bridge (Re ~ D oR.. .- -~ 1ft 930) Road tf 37 Middlese:t County Line Belmont East Bridge Finish Port Burwell Bridge and Approaches: Road # 22> Road # 24 to Road # 27 200 Hiles Yarmouth / Road * 47~ Road # 48 to Road # 37 3.5 Miles S. Dorchester (including Avon) ) Plus Avon $16~500 or 1/2 charged against Middlesex TOTAL Sp.t Improvement$ Road # 40 loa Mile North of Mount Salem Yarmouth - South~rold Industrial Roads (no Roads specifically designated) Road * 40~ Road # 52 to Glencolin Springfield Urban (Planned for Development Road Grading) TOTAL Road # 455 Road # 36 to Road * 16 (D 0 R 0 4/: 930 ) Yarmouth & Southwold Br_idges - Road ff 45$ Kettle Creek (ne\'1 Crossing Re~ Development Road # 930) $204~OOO Ho Allocationt 177s'" 211~OOO 390~OOO 418~000 ,..1'\/ *' ;. " 1"" *1''' ~ 106~OOO 195J 000 l6~500 $211s500 $1215000 _ 33~00~ $1545000 $509>000 'Orwe 11 Bri dge Nalahide - Yarnlouth TO'tmline J II r if; q }'~. ,() 6'." .... ~,~h '"1 ? # 7)~ DE'iELOi?l$l~~ ROtJ)S - continued ...._:;:::.--..,...,-..'.............__A J?RO"BLEl1 RoADS no~ 1'RoG1Jtllllll?1? -,=....-------.. .....-... .,- Road 1,/ 30. . Lind-U to cone. :cr.1 Subu-rb&n L~-rea, CitY. 'l&-rtnOuth 3. 5 Hiles Road i,f 40, Righwa'l ~ 3 to Road * 45 (i:1ount sale\1\.) Road i,i 49, Road i,i 48 to Road 1,/ 52 Road * 36, South of Spa-rta 306 Hiles south Dorcbe9te~ &. springfield 100 1Ailes :ca-rtl\Outh raBe 3 $21'~". 249 ;J 000 93?OOO 51~OOO ,^/""' ' . , , 11A1.1Ttl!.l<A}'\CB ES'tl1\h'tES ~:U..Ih~' --- ...-~'" ~,.." -.-...-.... ._:;:;:..;;-- COUNT":! 0' BLGll-1 _.-"",._~_.....,~.- .~. ..~._.~-~-_. ;::...- Rail~oad ~~otection 7:iOOO i~OOO ES'tl1M\'rBD 'B:BVLSBD 'BUDGBt EltPEtID1TUR'E EST1\t$A'tE 'to Dtl.'tE ~~~>--,----~' ....---------'. $ lli1 $ 45s000 9;300 33~OOO 32~OOO 45~OOO 6;000 15'JOOO 11i 1. 267000 39 ,100 52~OOO 830 12~OOO 7;tOOO 8~OOO 1'1400 4~OOO 1:,500 5!>OOO A3:;00O 6,000 2~OOO 7:.000 1:H.1 4!>'OOO 150 9;.000 BUDGET ES'tlMhTE 1.'tBU ~,_._--~----.-'--'_... .~--". $ 45,000 Su~face T~eatment G~avel ~esu~facins 3!:,; 000 G~adi~g l~intenance 2B~OOO 15,000 23,000 llepai~$ to 'Pa.vements Dust cont'to1 tee f.t Sno'W cont~O 1. 45:1000 t2~OOO 'i~Teed Cont.~o 1. 8:rOOO BrUshing 4s000 Utains u~e:l:na.g e l\SSestll\entS 35>000 Signs cent~e Line l1a.~ki.ng 5\1000 9$000 l:1 i 1. Guide Rai 1. 'Ni1. -..------- $271~000 Seeding and 'i'tee Planting 3;.000 ...-......,..--'*' .,...~.-....,:- $243 s 000 F~evio~S ~~dget Esti~te Costs no~ Esti~ted Inc~ease is $23,000, at a cost of $11,500 to the county. $2487000 211~000 'tota.ls 1. 'tE \vi s't. 'ti\Ol'lAS S\lBU1t~ C01-lt1."i?S1.0!1-~!t.~~. -- .--....-.. ....-.....---- BunGE'E SFE1'1't 'to D~..'J:E tS'E1.11A'tED ..-------- :::;;..;.--"-'-'- - pJ?,V1SED BUDGET EST1.1it~1E --_._-~ \linte't Contoro 1. $ 6~, 500 $ 5~200 ~1il $ 6,500 3~500 Su~face 'treatment "1ECESS;\1t"i ~..BSO~E1.."i St. Geo~ge St~eet and one liile of l'i.nga1 Roed 60000 , (305 l'1i1.es) 1.7600 3;,900 2~500 _......,~_-t~~ $16~400 "Repairs to 1?ave1t\ents 2$300 1,.400 ...,~~......,t:>......_.~ i-leeds and ~rusl,ing >~Q9. $16~400 OtheT costS as ~stiroated 'Page 2. ~ C' .1'Q11~'I')1\.,.,: CO..MtnsS1.0tl 11.S'tlUfl.'t1>S - continued S't 't1:\Ol:~ Sv "v,""","''.'.- .-=------. .. -- --- .._..:?- -'.~"-' .- -- ....-........ ._- :.;;...-' ., . to Road ,'~ 30 'thiS does not include "e,;,a1.1:S . ' cost l~ni~ ~10,000 and patte1:Son B1:idge $3,500 ~3 000 00 l:eceived f1:~ onta1:iO water 99P~o.S9~'!f. if no >!\Ore t'aan " ReSOU1:ces conuaission Q & cj 000 00 beinq (10,000 - 3,000) ~ $ 1,750.00 r.oad cost - 2.51, O' ",' '" 350000 Bridge cost - 10'/. of ~3,500.00 "" .---.- 1Uil'tltER \~o.~:g,l .. ..".~...,....,.~._-"....."..-......-- io. 'Oainti'O.g b _de b)' eli1l\inating Br ge '" So'l!\ll Sa.n.t\BS can e _' """,ert Maintenance could be 't Q'tL\t . ibl b~ceed $85.000 budgeted ove1:nead costS ~ll poss )' ~ 38' 000 (no 1.nsU1:anee Cost to date appro)l.itllll.tel)' , paid as )'et) $ 2~100000 a6 count)' 1lone)' $1;1.00. 'B'Y...t.e.w '1 ,ooos> reduced onl)' if. shedden D1:ain does not sta1:t until 1968. ..,p.ll ove1: 1;\1n b)' $2., 000 tnini~ \linte~1:\~S Uet cost to count)' 'Deficit 1.e;nd 11U1:C'aase \fill li~el)' 1;\1n a · !ll}:}S~}l9J}91~~2J!-9ge:cl'. 0. ~ 2.1 _ Budget ~sp'aa1t paving $140,000 !t2!-,...--.-- probable Cost lB,OOO tOns @ $6.75 · ?1:eparation, 1.nspect1.0n, etc. $1.21.~500 6,000 1 _ Budget cost $2.0,000 0 2...1:-*!\..~R.' "tC . ~ 2.8,000 to .-39..>-09-- cost (se1l\ina1:Y scbool nill, etc.) $151 $ 500 $ 2,500 'total Cost 'total 1!.stitllll.ted savingS ds l~ 2. & * 8 _ Budget for paving ~50,000 ~9~-.---."~'-'#"--"- -- cost 4,000 tOnS @ $7.50 $ 309000 39000 ?~e~a~a.tions etc. Clean Up, Etc. - Budget cost ~10,000 ..............-.......~..--~ .,. 1.4s000 Esti~ted Cost 1. G~a.~l 'aauled in sP1:ing) (hdditiOna '". . . $ 3,000 'total 1>sti'l!\llted Savings $ 17 '; 500 1)y'" La.~ Esti_ted Deficit to Date o't $ 8,750 CountY vunds pro~ectS not yet f.ullY c~itted · .s I~ '15 G~6din" and ?ort BU~1.1. 1?>1:idge 'B,oflU :;r J "" ~l;;) ST. THOHl\S, ONTARIO, APRIL 26, 1967. THE COUNTY OF ROIl> CON,NITTEE met at the Court House on Aprll 26 at 9: 00 A..1L. l\LL HE1{BEI1S e~!cept ~Reeve Caverly V1ere present. Also present was Frank Clarke, Senior liunicipal Supervisor the Ontario Department of IIigh,'C'Ta)"s. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON '1m:nck to date, stat:tng - 1. That the deck the Patterson Bridge had fa:i.led under the pounding of loa.ded gravel trucks ha,ul):ng to th.e Ontario l'J'ater Resources Commission P:tpeline in St.. ThofilaS. 2.. That he understood that a letter 'tlas on the 't-TajT from the Ontario Water Resources COflmlission stating that the Ontario Water Resources Commission would pay only $3,000.00 toward repairs on Road # 30.. 3.. That an application had been n~de to the Board of Transport Con~issioners for a Grant toward the cost of the high level Port Burwell Bridge. l~. That l'lOrk at the Serninary School Hill on Road # 27 '!traG undert'lay'.. IT 'Hl\4S DECIDED to make temporary repairs only to Road 1~~ 36, South of Sparta.. ENGINEER REPORTED that the C.N.R. ha.d decided not to build the di.vel"sion to the 80t1t11 of Road :h~ 11 and the Bostick, Road, as they relt the cost too high. The C.N.H. had applied to the Board of Tl"ansport Comm.issioners to be relieved of any other than to build a crossing on the present allo~mnce, to TOi;'11'1s11tp Stl).ndarcls" some discussion, it t'laS dec1.ded to "I,7ie1'1 the site. SALE OF THE BOOSE PROPERTY, 10t23(5,:24Co11.c. I, Yal"'ffiouth, lyi.ng north or Old LaJrce not needed for Road Allo'\iiance %'1a9 d:tscussed. HHOVED BY: BY~ .} .. B.. sIr !JSON V.. DeGRAH THAT \.,,m SELL BY THE OLD BOOSE PROPERTY, LOTS 23 6~ 2l}., CONCESSION I, YARl''1OUTH, LYING NORTH OF THE OLD LArD'!: ROAD, %"rITH THE HIGHEST OR ANY TEl'IDER NOT NECESSlJ!.l(ILY AGCE PTED .. CARRIEDtl PURCHASE OF BUILDINGS from Frank l'lilliams fot' the Port Burt,;ell Bridge '1;'18.S discussed at some length, ~lith the Engineer being instructed to obtain more information on the cost of provlding aimi lax- faci lities to those no'ttl mmed by Nr. Williams, or the cost of moving the present facilities. PAGE 2 THE ROAD C01:<tHITTEE~ W1TH F. Clarke, A.B. Campbell, N.J. Chap 10';'1 and the Engineer, toured var:tous Roads :tn ,{;'lest Elgin, :tncluding Patterson Bridge and # II and the C.N.R. Crossing. DINNER ivAS ENJOYED at Rodney. DURING THE Roads # 2, 15, 16, Road betwreen Fingal and Port Stanley and the site of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Pumping Station ,\,?lere toured. THE l':!EETING RESUMED at the Court House. Repairs to the Floor of the Patterson Bridge or Replacement of the Bridge was discussed. tllJOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C <lD" PHIIJLIPS D.. GILCHRIST THAT l,JE REC01'.11iEND TO ST.. TH011I\S SUBURBAN ROAD CO~.11f.[SSI ON Tl1!\T A NEi"l DECK BE PLACED ON THE PATTERSON BRIDGE, AS A TENPORl\.RY HEASlTRE. CARRIED" IT 1~\S DECIDED to take no action with regard to the Ontario Water. Resources Con~ission's stand on repairs to Road # 30 until a request was received from the Suburban Road Conmlission. THE C.N.R" CROSSING of Road 4tb 11 1;'1a8 disct.1ssed at consiclerable len.gth and, the Eng:tneer instl"ucted to make a complete estimate for a crossing to County Road Standa.rds~ on the present Road Allo~\7ance and on the diversion, to ascertain the axnount of land needed for a divers:ton on the east side of Road 1ft 26 and to approach the C.N.R. to find out how nmch money the C.N.R. would contribute to'l;>1e,rd both routes. HHOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C.D" PHILLIPS V" DeGRAY.iT TH~-,T tolE lillJOURN TO Hp"Y 10th, 19679 at 10:00 A.H. E.D..8.T. Ck\RRIEDtt (\\ [!L~~~ ~'_:>>-- : -.,...........,.. . . ,_.~-,....,._- CHAIR1JAN 1" 2" 3.. 40 5. 6.. 7. 8.. 90 100 11.. 12. 13. 140 noad If: 27 Road If: 36 Road I/: 35 Ro ad 4f: 42 Road If: 40 Road 1; 42 Road IF 42 Road :If: 45 Road If: 43 Aylmer Road 4F 40- Roads 41 4<) ~ 47 & 48 Road If: 52 Road 1~ ,30 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD TOUR APRIL 21.. 1967 Union to Sparta Pavine shortly~ Seminary School South of Sparta to cemetery Springwater Dam Highway # 73 to # 40 - broken pavement Broken Pavement Stalter Gully Port Burwell Bridge to Calton Calton - Richmond... G.&.Gl1'el Resurfaeing t:his year Spruce Street Extension, etco Glenco1in to Springfield - broken paVeInEmt Broken pavement Development Road # 840 - Bogart Broken pavement - OoHoRoC.. '" DEVEL01?HEt-1T ROADS ~ - Tnt ~ GIVEN opp091.1E EACll. ?OR'tI011 01 ROAD 1$ 'J:}$ AMQUN't or ~"t 't"llE oN'tARl 0 DEWJl.'nIEll't or ~'l$ "au.. l)El)UC'I yt\.()M OUR El1'fiS13J.4E'N't. Entitleroent for 1965 _ _, 1966 Esti~ted 1967 Total Estimated 1968 Total $ 694,000 694,000 J7-LOQQ. $ 2.,085,000 690 000 ~ U01:1.<. UnderwaY Road * 45 (D.R, * 785) - $ 196,000 co~leted 1966 Road * 51 (D,R. * 840) springfielQ Urban springfield to R~, *-73 l.l.~' * 73 to l.l.~' * 74 l.l.~' * 74 to 1'.oad * 30 $ 45,000 113,000 239 ~ 000 179 000 ~,OOO progrananed for Grading 1967 vlo-rK Cot1l.Pleted Pre _ Engineering Designationl , Road 4' to 1ingal to 'turvi 1.1. ' · corners (D.R, * 931) $ 338,000 5.3 1:111ell ' Finga1 Road 4~ 2.0 Urban 52. 000 $39~ 000 p.rogranane4 for Gradi.ng 1968 'total to h~ $1,162.,000 noaa f 45 Jaffa to Road * 16 (Mid41emar~h) appto~matelY 11 Miles Development Road t 9,0 1'.oad'" 16 South 1 mile N~ Alignment ~ mile- U\'lY. 4~ 4 'VleSt ! mi1.e l.l.~'~ * 4 to Road '" ~ Road '" ~ to Road * 36 Rosa 4' 36 to Road * 45 $ 61,000 11.3,000 51~000 63;000 210,000 __ 418 4) OQQ. $ 92.1,000 (PlUS 2. p'tidZJ6S to 1)e done b'y the CO\!'cJ;;Y under B'Y..L.~) ?'t'ogt1l11J1184 for Grading 1968 & 1969 1resuming that .1.1. thiS wor\<; would be40ne by the en4 of 1968 the 'total .' .' _ .,it ." $1.089,000 .n4 Allocation earned ia .ppro~imatelY · 1.775,000 other Ro.as and Entitl.-nt Cost'S · -...- -' ..,.... !toaa '" 16 Fingal Urban Section' $ 73,000 Ros4 t 41 U~, f 73 to Road 4' 40 - (1.6 ~\oa) 104,000 prog~~4 fo~ t967 ,'" ,,_.' but no 1IIOney .".ilab1.e RecolllQen4 tht-t thiS ihou14 be left $8 County 1IY..1.&" '.. about 6rJ'f. of the Engineering-Design is noW c01llPlete4 an4 if 1IIOney is available 1l()ln8 work 11Iight be done thi' fall. Page 2. DEVELOPl1ENT ROADS .................. . Othe~ r~ads & Entitlement Coats (continued) Road 4t 3 Cone. -VI' ~ v 'Ala to Rodney $ (leas 401 area) 20 7 mile's Road 4~ 3 Rodney Urban Road # 40 Springfield Limitl to Glenc.olin 2.-~3 miles Road iJ: 40 svrir:.gfield Urban 177,000 prog~ammed for 1968 no t co ate,d Roael # 40 Hwy. it 3 to Roaa it 45 East _.- 3.6 miles -. " (prograJllllled 6 to '10 year period) Roael # 30 S.A. City Limiti to Cone. XlI _ 305 miles $ 270~, 000 (Bridge to-~e done by Courtty Under By-Law) . React t~ 47 Avon to Road 4t 48 3e5 miles 121,000 33000 $'164000 suggested for Development Road --Gradi ng 19"69 $ 249,,000 ~ Pot Programmed llot progr8nunec! _ 110t Programmed. $ 195<;000 programmed for 1969 Road 4t 48 nwy 0 4t 73 to Road 4~ 47 '06 miles $ 211,000 programmed for 1968 Tentative estilllates woulel luggest--that 4 miles would be the maximum grading possible by the County in 1968 (l~jor Expenditure ~ Port nurwell Bridge) 1~ 20 30 40 5. 60 70 80 90 100 110 12. 13. 14.. Iloed i; 27 Road if: 36 Road if: 35 Road If: 42 Road :II: 40 Road iF 42 Road :If: 42 Road if: 45 Road :If: 43 Aylmer Road :If: 40 Roads If: 49 ~ 47 & 48 Road if: 52 Road if: 30 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD TOUR APRIL 21.. 1967, Union to Sparta Paving shortly, Seminary School South of Sparta to cemetery Springwater Dam Highway # 73 to # 40 - broken pavement Broken Pavemen~ Stalter Gully Port Burwell Bridge to Calton Calton .. Richmond .. Gravel Resurfaeing t:his year Spruce Street Extension, etco Glencolin to Springfield - broken paVet1lEmt Broken pavement Development Road # 840 .. Bogart Broken pavement - OoWoRoCo Ttl'! ~ G1VEN OP1'OS1.'fE tt.C1l. pOR'tlON Of 1tOAD 1.$ 'tl'\E ~ Of ~'l 'tHE 0N'tAR1.0 DE1?Alt~ OY Kl~'lS tn.LLn1U)11CI ~U OUR El1't1.'tLEleN't. Dl!NELO?l'IE}1't ROADS -- _..~ Entitlement for 1965 _ 1966 EatimateO 1961 'total Estimated 1968 ~otal $ 694,000 694,000. ~91iOQQ. $ 2.,085,000 690 000 $1;715:000 'Har\<. Unde-rwaY Road ~ 45 (D.R. ~ 185) . $ 196,000 completed 1966 Road ~ 51. (D.R. 4/' 840) springfield U-rban springfield to n~. 4/"73 1l.~. 4/' 13 to R~. ~ 14 R~. ~ 14 to Road 4/' 30 $ 45,000 113,000 139 ~ 000 119 000 $576',000 1?rogratfl'll6d for Grading 1967 \~or\<. Completed Pre . Engineering DesignationS Rosd ~ 10 fingal to 'tU1:'1itl' I cornen ('0. R. ~~ 931) $ 338,000 5.3 uitel . Fingal Roa4 4F 2.0 Urban 52. 000 $S~ 000 ~graJllllll4 for , Grading 1968 'total to here $1,161,000 nea4 * 45 Jaffa to Road ~ 16 (Mi441emareh) approsimata1Y 11. Uilea De~elopment Roa4 4/' 930 Road ~ 16 south 1 mile ~ew Alignment ~ mile. 1:\~. 4~ 4 \"Yest ! mi 1e 1l.wY'. 4/' 4 to. Road 4/' 1.'l Road ~ 2'2 to Road ~ 36 Road 4~ 36 to Road 4/' 45 $ 61,000 113,000 51,000 63,000 2;2.0,000 418 000 ~ (?lUS , n~iaZes to 1)e doue. by the Ccru*:J::Y under By..La~) ?rogt'a~c1 for Grading 1968 & 1969 prell_ins that all th1l work would be40ne by the en4 of 1968 the 'total .. .. _ ..ia .- $1..089,000 and Alloeetion eatned ia approsimatel1 - 1.,115,000 Ot\lar Roadl an4 Entitlement CoatiS - ........... .... Roa4 4/' 16 l1'inga1 urban Section' $ 13,000 Road * 41. 1l~. t 13 to Road t 40 ' (~.6 ~i\O.) 1.04,000 progr~4 fox t967 .__," .,_" but no 1IlOne1 available Reco11lll&n4 tb$t tbill sbou14 be left a. county1I1-1..aW 'n about 60% of the 'Engineeritl~(Design is now completed and if 1IlOne1 is available some work might be done thiS fall. Page 1. ~~ , .... ~., ,,~titt_ent CostS {continued.) CtLte'!: ..oa- '" "'.. ,.' ' 1\Osd ~ 3 conc.' V1 '~ ,,'1\.til to 1\Odne'l (tell! M)1. a-rea) .. _, 2.. 7 mile's ltoad. ~ 3 1\Odne'l urban ", Road ~. M) spriM\fietd t.im~t' ,to " Gtencotin 2;.3 1Jl1.tel! 'Road ~. M) S-pri!l\!,fietd urba!', $ t11,000 1?ro~d. for 1.968 not coate4 1'2.1..000 33000 $~ SUI',ceSted. for Devetopment 'Roao .--G't'.e.d.ing 1.9'69 " " 3 1!,Cl ~ ~5 East $ i~9" 000 · Hot pro g~O 1\0..0 .fl' M) "~..... to. 0& -- ~'ot ft"t'OtTratntnec1 " 3.6 llli1eS ,. ..- '" . {progre.tiJll60 6 to to 'l88-r veriOO) .. ~ A. C' t Limit-9 to conc. 10'.1 'Ro"o .fl' 30 ".... 1. '1 " "10 000 ~ ,'ot 1'rOg~a , 3.5 mites ~.. , {Bridge to"De ooce by County \h1.<1e'r n)T..La~) , 1lo"O ~ ~1 1\,-von to Roao t 48 3 e 5 tn1. leS $ 195,000 1?rogr~eo for 1969 __ ...,,, ' --':'t'~ illiteS ~ut-a be the tll6,o,\lIUt1lgre.d.ing '!efltati-ve est1.tll6tell '\rIOU~~ ~~~~e(~la\or E1t1?enoitUre · port 'Burwe'l.1 'Brioge) possibte boy the Count'l 1.,. ' . 1loaa t 48 \\~. ~. 13 to Roaa ~~ ~1 ~o6 mi1.e~ $ 1t1,000 1?rog~O for 1. 968 ST.. TJ:I01.:!t\S, ONTARIO.. APRIL 21, 1967.. 1967. THE R041\D C014,HITTEE f,mT at the Court House at 9:00 A.N. on April 21, ALL NEMBERS except Reeve i'T.R. Caverly ':>101"e present. Also present ''las ~;1r. Frank Clarke~ Sen5.or ~.jt1nlcipal Supervisor of the Ontario Department of Hight'lays. THE ENGINEER presented Quotations for Reinforcing Steel for vartous projects~ which were as follows: l~~lgTEl? '} HcNei 1 Bridge Road # 52, Springfield Culvert Road # 52, Hoover Culvert Road # 8, Bennet Drain Culvert $1~623.00 1,802.00 902.00 l{-26. 00 ffcNeil Bridge Hoad t,; 52, Springfield Culver.t P.oad t& 52, Hoover Culvert # 8, Bennet Drain Culvert $1.,700.00 1,930.00 986.00 l{-oO.OO tTJ~KnrED BY: SECONDED BY: J " B . 1j,IT LS 01.'.7 "l. DeGRA'Yf TH"I\T THE QUOTATI0'N OF .J.. HARRIS 0: SONS Ll1ITTED FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR THE 1:1cNEIL BRIDGE, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $1,623.00, BE ACCEPTJ~D CAB.RIED,t H!'lOVED BY: SECO~lDED BY: D. GILCHRIST .J.B. THAT THE QUOTATION OF ,J" Hl'.l"tRIS IS" SONS LIHITED FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR THE SPRINGFIELD CULVEH,T ON RO':~!l.D 1,& 52 FOR $11)802.00, FOR HOOVER CULVERT ON' ROAD 4i~ 52 / FOR $902.00 AND FOR BENNET DPJ\IN CULVERT ON ROAD # 8 FOR $426.00, BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED Quotation for (3) three additional. Radio Units, a Transfo:rmer ~',relder and a Steel Nibbler. ft}lOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. C.D" 1?HII1LIPS THA.T T,m (3) UNITS COHPJ~'STE AND INSTALLED IN COUNTY VEHICLES / FT.\OH THE CAn.~illIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COl'lPANY LIi>lITED, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $.3 , 300.. 00 PLUS ONTARIO SAU1;S TAX.. CAltI'tIED" "!',10'lED BY: SECONDED BY: v. De GILCHRIST THAT l>m PtJROIL6..SE A CONOX HODEL - 225 TR";.NSFORlmR ~'mI.DER FH.OH HOl\.fiDALE H'ELDEHS, k\T THEIR QUOTl~D PRICE OF $214.00. CARRIED" PAGE 2 HHOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A i~lUCKJ..J~\ND V., DeGItA T"T THAT l'JE PURCHASE A FLEX I:tODEL D. K. -950 11ll.ND NIBBl~ING 1:JACHINE FROH l'JELDERS q 'l7tnrr f'F (PPT'f:' ... I-n. J1'?O"'!) I Tn 1'!. T ~~.. ..;;.,",J:\. 'lr.,.~ '...)..;,.,1 :~.,d..!",'.....,.,.i-:->l .. ':. ;'..!-",:<.l.,. ;..1.. ;,;,.,.J" .kil1..*'" QUOTED PRICE OF $393.90 PLUS SALES TAX. CARIUEDH QUOTATIONS FItOH BROS. for Crushing Gravel for Roa.d # 35 and Crushing and StocJ.tp:t 11,ng at 1;,'1hi te t s Station ~"ere conside:red. T '1>'fO~]'gD BY; SECONDED BY: .J .:B. HII$ON D.. GILCHRIST THAT 1j'iE ll.CCEPT TIm QUOTATION OF ~ijli~~TTERS . LTD. FOR CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING GllAilEL, SCREENING AND STOCKPILING SAND AT HHITE'S ST""'.\oTIO:tJ, AT A QUOTED PRICE OF ( 42) "l?OPTY... trpo C'P'\"'JT~ p:."PP TOv,J "'-_';'" '" .&. -.",.~;.;", "'.... k ...1'..." '..)wl"..:",w ',:-A:,,'.)o ~ -J-I'" EP.OS" TO PROilIDE SCALES" CAltRIED" n}iOVED BY: l~u BECOlmED BY: C.D" PHILLIPS THfl...T I,m ACCEPT THE qUOTATION OF l'TATTERS BROS.. LTD. TO SUPPLY, CRUSH A!<m ELEVATE TO THE BIN, CRUSHED GRtl.'r..n~L FOR ROAD :;~~ 35 AT (75) SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER TON" CARR! EDH THE E'NGINEER lli~PORTED on the 1"lork to Date as follm'lIs: 1. Tenders had been called to close May 10, 1967 for Catfish Creek Bridge on Road # 52. 2. Calcium Chlori.de ,-rould be appl:i.ed on gravel spots on paved Roads, shortly. 3. t"Tork on Road 'i;~ 27 at the Seminary School 't-rould start shortly. 4. Curb and Gutter wo~{ was underway in Union and would be started at Dutton shortly. 5.. Gary Gordon had obtained a mark of 81 and ranked sijtth in a class of 34 in the Ontario Dep~n:tment of Hight>1ays sponsored Hunicipal Surveying Course. "l'.'!O~lED BY: SECONDED BY: C "D. PHILLIPS V.l DeGI1A '\,1 TliAT 'I,JE PAY THE T01,JNSHl P OF BAYHt:\.H THE SUH OF $ 24241 23, BEING INTEREST CHARGES AND CltERICAL t-'1ORK IN CONNECTION ~"rr.TH DEin3:LOPlofl~NT ROt!\D ~~ 785. CAl1RIED" ~ LAND PURCIL:\SE PROBLEHS 't'1ere discussed. THE CILt\1R!'.lAJ:1 AND t,TAROEN reported that they had met '{,dth l'h:. l,eo Bogart on April 17, 1967 with regard to widening on Road # 52, but n~de no progress. THE ENGINEER that no progress had been made with Carters on Road 1ft 29.. 1? AGE 3 ~ ~.. ",~.~~r.4 fo~ $100.00. . . . '1 " '90 ~ ut on t"e "oau "" .v,,~,,-~ , . ~elet.sa all cla1.tt\ to ,\1.S "e.' ..' ~, . . Rant O'Ciffin on 1'.oa4 ~ ~5 'ilou1d ~1tE t 11.!\ t ",,~.o'fF>'D Sl~C01:0,1jED T:>"l ~ $1J)O.OO h1>1. ll.1G;rtS to 11.1.5 1'01.1:1't 01:1 ROpJ) ~ ~5. TilE .." n. b' "",1' Y1" 1 chat' 1. 0'\'7 . t~" 'f.' C' "\ ............. :li"e. .' A-'" "af(\ll.. v .., ..."' . · ,~h p ,.v'" , ..- · T1~\T inclu4in~ Roads 4p 27, 40 uinna~ ~$ enjoyed . "d~~ ot'" noad$ in East tbe 1'.nlf,inae'C, t01.\1:0U v...~." ,!> ..~ . ~ Ct~'~e'" ~,ilv .bd ?o~t ~u~11 ~~idge$' and ~.1.neo ,,<..... 3...' .." 1.'t1;! .,~ .1 Jh "),0 ~5 43 40, 47, 48, 49, 5'1., and the after\lOon, ,:.oaus " ". ' · . . ~~e e'll!\\\\ineil. to ~p'Cil '1.6, 1967 at 9:00 ~.M. at. "Ji.e11nS,.. S~'t1.M:,~e St'teet i\1 a... . fA I ~ //() /I/L~. ..~....,,~......~--- .-';..-~~.---'-_.... ST. THOl4AS, ONTARIO, APRIL 12, 1967.. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COHHITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.H" on April 12, 1967. AJ--lL HENBERS except Reeve K.C.. Emerson ~'lere pretsent. Also present '!flaS HI'.. Frank Clarke., Sentor Hunicipal Supemr:Lsor of the Ontario Depa.rtment of High~!1ays, and Hr. A. Spriet of A.N. Spriet and Associates, constdtants on the Ncl;Jeil and Port Btn"l1!~e 11 Br1.dges. TENDERS HERE OPENED auel t'1e.:re as a.ttached for ..' (f.'!\) H",.t. \,f4..,.. 1'ft\ri......o, An T!f">!!!O..'!e db 2~, p "'7 ~,' lI)~ ...nrl "'It P.'lf"'fl'n '!'.,1""n"'lI" . f~. ~.... !.;.,i' t,,, ). "...Jo+ (l::. -- ~~ . ..,.... :!;1~L} It,) !.. ,., .,;,.l,o:-:.;J Q U~., u ~ <}- (, , I:. t..,.. J t~} ~...,.,~ '-Q(.. '1.;i!& - .........,. 4,':;;1 ' ,;~ .J~ .~Q , ''t:J::~ (b) rn"et-,~ti~n Af' t.11^ VCNA41 nJ>p44na ....:,' t,.)-{.}' ~ r.~.iil ' ,t... :tUr.'!,,, ;~ -... .~'" ;0:.;. ':.i,~1 -.. _ h- t.:: J." ',' ;... '; ~,:z:~ &.. ..J ~ .;::,.. \;.~c:) -..~ (c) Gravel Crushing on Roads 1/: 43, 35, 11 and at White t!l Sta.tion tt'~.'iOVED BY: SECOIIDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS V" DeGRA 11>1 THAT THE TENDER OF 1(;lAL1I...<H",EY BROS. !~TD. FOR HOT lITX PAVING ON ROADS 1ft 27, 2 0~ 8 AND ~ EI)GIN NA.NOR AT THEIR TENDEHED PRICE OF $lll, l54.00 BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTNENT OF HIGHtvAYS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J .13. Hl1.s0N A. AUCYJAND THAT THE TENDER OF nONN CONSTRIJCTIOi'0 LTD. FOR CONSTRUCTION OJ:~ THE HcNEIIJ BRIDGE AT ~r "'UTi'I'P TP",1D'P.'PWD' p. 1?T CR ()1i' Q 2 O' 20..0 00. B' '!7 A"CR PT. VD g.' 1m meT TO A, 'P't)NO"A. L ()Tf TTr.m o~,;rT' API 0 '.... E,.!..J^",.,.; L".'~ .::41-,:, M,i'.-1,..."},J'~ _ ~:~;'.J;... . .",4 ~~f~ \.( - l, '"... -~" ",;;~ "'\wI .#~;J' o!h,(~..J.,...)' '. .,~~~!:JJ~. 01.>0 ._;t.,..,V...,"", 'l.... ,...-,1,: - :W,'j _~"'!.,,~ .:...,. ",,:, DEP,A.RT1.:,mHT OF HIGH%'JAYS CARRIED" Ht~ro1lED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST C .. D .. PIlI I,J..1 1'S TIL.\T THE TENDER OF F lOA. STONEHOUSE lS: SON LTD.. BE ACCEl:'T0;D FOR SUPPl.,Y1NG AND CRUSHING '-" AND HAUl,ING TO ROAD 1~b hI'S AT THEIR TENDER]~D PRICE OF $l5,200,,00 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTliENT OF HIGBJ,TAYS CARRIED't "}':10'V'ED BY: SECONDED BY: v. DeGRA~'1 D. GILCHRIST TP"'T THV TF'1\7DVP OFl Tnln~qT" O'N H'Pog..(nOT'llT)"!'1'LI ) lTD'. 1<'O:R SlJPP I V1r1;,JG~ l:VTTg.l,T1Ii'>JGy AMD 11~'lJI 11;,JG v ~,~l.t':'t.. ..<l..i".:~J . ..~~,' ....~........ 0 .c~, r....<..,:.....,ojo:I1.,Jo; ...~'t ,;o.,....,..'..:~~.~-'... ,.J),) ,..~.t~''t):~1o -.-'. ;,.,j- ...,;:;. ~.f""_" l.,'. .' . .AJ.Js.l"",,~, v.;-;.-t~V\.. ~.. ........:.'. 1':1.. .rtt~l..;.:.,6.l" ~ TO ROAD # 11 AT THEIR TEJ:-IDERED PRICE OF $5,808.00 BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPART1"iENT OF HIGl11\TAYS CAJ1RIEDn PAGE 2 nl":TOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A" AlJCKIAND .J . B " \'IT J.JS ON THAT THE TENDERS FOR ITEH Blt CR1JSIU'NG FOR ROAD tb 35 AND ITEH D, STOCKPII4ING AT T'lHITE'S STATION BE NOT ACCEPTED. CARRIED" THE j:yITNUTES OF THE 1':ffi:ETINGS of Narch 8th and ~nst, 1967 "tV'ere read and approvertl. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date as follovlS, stating: 1. Spring Break up in East Elgin and on Road i~~ 3 near Rodney and Road t~ 20 between Fingal and Port Stanley was extremely bad and a large amount of crushed gravel had been hauled to repair broken are~~. It 't>TaS felt that considerable (utpense t"Quld be required to repair thE~ darnage. 2. Recent heavy rains had caused drain failures in Fingal, Corinth and Spring- field, and repairs or replacements were unde~fay. S.. Culverts ,fare being installed on Road t~ 52 to replac:e several 't.;mshouts, a \l7eek ago.. I}. No further 't!1ord had been rece:i. 'led from the Ontario ~'later Resources Connnission re; repairs to Road * 30. 5. S erection was continuing~ 6. RemcJ1,1al of SnO'N' Fence "fl'Ul~ l1ndenlsy. 7" Preparations 1'lere made for Dust Control meast).l~es. 8. A umed Brush Ch:tpper had been l,urchased and repa:i.re(i for use ,on the County 9.. A used Floor Jad(~ Transmission .lac1-: and some t'lrenches had heen purchased Jac1: Brooks 1:10t01:8. 10. 1>10r1,;:: on Developm,ent Road t~ 8l~O - 2 had been completed and 'l)'1aS under "',I'f.\>";" ,""1' D''''HA1 f'lnm.. ;::.nt. nt"l~d r};~ O~l (Pt"lad' :If 2f\) ~..tt.~:tl. ~/ ';..'1';0.".. J1J~-;; 'v g ,...~;,...4 ~.tf.Q?~-.~.. ~"":,~,,,':\fA '"" (J j,;;).,.,. <-,\i./;;>,'G...,: if ' ')....~ ' tJ 1L. A complaint Gt> BO'lJ'lel1" 11 Parkins Ave., St. Thom.as re: %\later Damage had been referred to Frank Cowan Company. Nr.. Phg" SPRIET COHx'.:iENTED on the progress faad(a to date on the Port BUr1l!!le11 Bridge Plans, stating that Plans ltere nearl:y complet~~ t{) be referred to the Bc,a,rd of Transport Comml.ssioners and that: the l1avigable ~;rateJ~ Plan t.'1as nearly ready to be sent to the Department of Transport.. GORRES PONDENCE HAS FEP"D FRON: - 1.. Tho Ontarlo Department or High'\<1I.YS, rsvolclng the delsignation of Development Road t~ 785. 2.. The Ontario Del,artment Const~jction Agreement. Highways, enclosing Copy of Develo~ment Road # 840 3" The Ontario Department of Course, Hr" Collard ~ anclos:tng thE) Rl!uUJlts of the lh,t Ni;~ placed 5th out of 24 i,~.th an average of 87%. PAGE l~ not to request tl1e Ontario Department of to make the port:ton of Road 1i~ 16 Fingal a Development Road. 1m. A. of the Ontario Department ox Highways Planning Branch, London~ joined the meeting and eA~lained the Ontario Department of Highwayst plans 'lid.eh regard to High'\e1a)t t~ 3, Aylmer, easterly, the improvement of the Intersection of County Road # 14 and Highway # 3 and the transfer of two sr~ll parcels of property at the intersection of Highway :;~ 3 and Road ~! 14 from the Ontario Depa.rtment of High't,rays to the County. HcConnell ans't'l'ered questions from various members on these matters and about the proposed St. Thomas By.Pass. AFTER DISCUSSION "l,:iO"r,}ED BY: S18C01'1DED BY: i>~. AUCKlAND D. GILCHRIST THAT" AT THE 01i' ONTARIO OF HIGHWAYS, .~,m APPR~~.l~ .:: PInNel PIJE , r1" ". q.. .",.It ....... . (:n::I1;t., 'V' :!~ ..... 'l:i',~" '1',. n "I' 1'""J.1,T 179 ol. HI'-,~1\~AJ. /I .... ,l;~nS_E_.,Il.):.. THE AI~IGITtmNT Al'ID GI'U\.DE, ETC.. OJ:'{ \.,nUTE CAF:.RIEDU 1JOVED tlY: SECONDED BY: D" GIIJC:HP~IST C.D" PIITLLIPS TIU\T 1\ AT THE Or't THE Oi'~TARIO DEPARTHENT OF HIGlfi',;AYS, '[11E APPRO'\lE IN PRINCIPLE THE ALIGNl'-:U:INT OF T'tu1 INTERSECTIO!:~ OF HIGITIilAY 1f. 3 COIH'1TY ROAD ;/ft Ii} AS FOR1'Tl!i.RDED TO THE COUNTY UNDER DATE OF l,:t!\RCH 23~ 1967. CARRIED" H}fO'V'ED BY: SECONDED BY: V.. DeGI::~\W J .13. \,nLSON Tl!A.T, l.\.T REqUEST OF THE DEPARTNJ~NT OF HIGlft'lAYS, HE AGREE TO ACCEPT Ti'10 SNAIJL PAH.CEIJS OF AT THE INTI~H.sECTION OF COUNTY ~~ ll~ Ai'ID HI GI-n'TA Y 1;~ 3 AS INDICATED IN THE DEPARTNENTtS LETTER OF APRIll l~f 1967. CARRIED" TENDERS FOR ~'THICIr \>Tere ooenen bv the Chainl1an and \,'Tarden on "" ' '''-t' . . Ap:r5.1 7" 1967 '1)'1ere SUfDrJ:uu:ized and \,rere as attached. TENDERS l113RE and discussed and the follo\.n.ng Resolutions passed: "HO'VED In: ~ SECOlIDED BY: v '" DeGRA\,\",j D.. GI I.lCHRI ST THAT 1m ACCEPT THE TENDE'R OF lUKE HUTCHINSON l.TD., AYliHER FOR A CHEVROLET BlSCA),11E C07;''''OT PT'" ti' 'lr','l"l" '1"1.1' T. ~"ln p' A'" "".V" A f'l"l1 AT ft'lt'G'In T"l1 l<,mti' Tl'l:;lD' '011T OR fl~ "'1 6 ~4 I'U! ( COl.,fDT t?T' 'l? T,:rTTIl ~ '~'I ti'S J..~....c'L.t;,..J~t:~ ,La klL.,1.....:O .-J;;'loln!,....~.,. :,.,.tJ.i,.\,t1.'i..':;~,;1;.;i, .it;:~. ;l!..lI~ _.'i~riO. --..LH,,'~JjJ.!,.;p:'.J~J.;':; :;...,;:.';....._.J~.;j 'l:../f} V.;..-~ ,-..~l .tGJ - J\ JtJ~.:~.., ,Ji~_ ~'l..f......~.... ~,.,Ib"!I. .d.;'\..,: TAX) 10JITH THE COUNTytg P!~\rr:l0UTH Cli.Jt AS A TFJ:\DE IH, SUBJECT TO THE APPFtOVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPART],~1ENT OF HIGFIl,lAYS. CARRIED" PAGE 5 "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCRRIST O.D. PHILLIPS THAT t,.m ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ['fID-TOWN NOTORS (aT.. THONAS) LTD. FOR A DODGE VAN AT THEIR TENDERED PInCE OF $2,617.65 (COHPLETE WITH SALES TAX) SUB.JECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPAT~TNJ~NT OF HIGIIHAYS. CARRIED" "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: .J .B. %,ITLSON A.. AUCKI4L\ND THAT ~;n~ ACCEPT THE T1INDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LTD.. FOR A FOPJ) DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TIJUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $3,269.70 (INCLUDING SALES TAX) SUB.JEGT TO THE APPROVAL ,,/' OF THE ONTARIO DEPART1'iENT OF HIGIR'lAYS.. CARRIEDn "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST V... D eGP""l\.ljT THAT ~,.m ACCEPT THE TENDER OF LONDON FARN AND UTILITY FOR A CASE 580 COHPLETE tnTH TOfl.DE'P !:!-''''JD 'P~CTJ.'llO'E" A:,'I\1D D'IE,g'.'r1'l "MO.T.01' llT' T. 'uE'I"!? T. Rli,JnF.R".E.D. pnICTl' .OF. $'9 0"82 5"0' STjnJRCT ....~..,;1.. .,..\. ./:"1I.1,".~ .1,)&$.1.,...,. ... j;... .......,.;lU ..~...",,'. .... Xi. ."L _....l'HJ"...~..h u,..~ JU e" 'll. .D~_." ~ TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTHENT OF HIGHWAYS. CAFRIED" "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: ,J ..13.. WILSON C.D.. PHIl,lIIPS THAT I.m ACCEPT THE TEl'IDER OF IN'!'~RNATIONAL lu\.i'tVESTER COHPANY FOR Tl.l10 INTERNATIONAL 1 ... 140 TRACTORS AND Hm'offiRS AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $5,338.64 WITH THE COUNTytS /' FAPJ:t~LL J;~)" AS A TP""WE 11.1. CAHRIEDtt nI'.lOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A.. AUCKLAND .]" .. B... HILSON THAT ~'JE RENT Job),. BH.OS ~,;[ODEL V" p" l~ VIBRATORY ROIJLER ~lrrTH DIESEL ENGINE FRON GENERAL SUPPIIY CO.. LTD. FOR A RENTAL iRATE OF $520.00 PER UONTH A1\,ID IF SUITABLE PURCHASE THE VIBP~\TORY ROLLER AT THEIR TENDER PRICE OF $5,675.25, THE RENTAL TO APPLY ON THE FtJRCFJ;\SE PRICE, ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPAl'1TtllENT OF FIIGIHijAYS. CARRIEDt' QUOTATIONS RECEIVED FOR A VIBP",'\TORY TANPER 'tV'E!re as attached. "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: V. DeGl~\T.,j C OlD. PHILLIPS THAT 1i'JE PURCJ:IASE A TERRY T ... 18 VIBP\t\TORY TANPER FItOH DRAK.E...ROBINSON-VICARY LTD.. AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $700.00 PLUS SALES TAX. CARRIED" ( PAGE 6 REEVE .J.B. bITLSON STATED that he had been unable to reach an agree- ment with ~lr. Leo Bogart on Road # 52~ and stated that Mr. Bogart wished to meet i>ll. th the ~'larden and Chairman to d:tscuss the matter. ROAD TOUR DATES were discussed. "NOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST C .D. PHILLIPS THAT HE ADJOURN TO APRIL 21st, 1967 AT 9.00 A.H. - RoAD TOUR (EAST), AND APRIL 26th, 1967 AT 9: 00 A .1:t. .. TOIJR. ({,met!) ;J..;.. ....'t ,....... ',l'lXJ:!...J' . CARRIED' , a_~~~ CFf1\IRHAN. l R(~~ ' I if r'~ ITEH Road # 43 Gravel Road # 35 Gravel ........- ....-~----lt Johnson Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd. ! i ! I j r---' ! $ Road # 11 Gravel -..---"........-...-.-.....-----"""'-- -- -~_.....-,........._. _.......--. ...,..->-_...- 5,808..00 Stockpile, v~itets Station ____1- COUNTY OF ELGIH GRAVEL CRUSIUNG 1967 F.A. Stonehouse & Sons Ltd. $15,200..00 15~625..00 6:>160.00 24,300000 John No Corbett Gravel Supply $18,905.00 t--_.~_._..._.- . l ~ + t V.Wo Ruckle Construction Ltd.. $19,475..00 18,750..00 Remarks FoA.. Stonehouse & Sons Ltd.., Tender Accepted All Bids Rejected Johnson Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd.., Tender Accepted All Bids Rejected ITEH A 1 HL 8 on Road 27 ITEH A 2 HL 4 on Road 27 ITEH B 1 HL 8 on Roads 2 & 8 ITEM B 2 HL 4 on Roads 2 & 8 I TEl,! C HL 4 at Elgin ~mnor Walmsley Bros. Ltd. $47,712.00 38,269.00 4,464,,00 17,856,00 2,853.00 COUNTY OF 2LGIN HOT HI X AS PHP..LT PAVING Towland Construction Ltd. $54,336.00 44,891.00 4,896.00 19,744.00 3,780.00 Riverside Construction Co. Ltd. $71,040.00 53,900.00 5,872.00 24,768.00 3,465.00 f~ ~...~- ~ Stebbins Pavings & Construction Ltd. $ 3,397.50 e 0 U N tt () r i L (.; IN ~'.:':''''''II'''' "I":~:J~I"I"I" ,"1 J'" A,r1.1 10, 1961 QUOTA-UONPOR .V1IRA%OlY. .~~ .",'...I""',.._.'!I,',"I'"''.''''''''''''' "",~"""",,,,,, 1. SlMtridan Iqu1'pment L:f.tn1~ed Vt.bre Plus !~cm 1 eM. 10 Vibratory Tamper 2. General Supply Company Skt.t Maginni. 3. Drake Robin$on Vleay Ltmtt$d teny T .. 18 (3a111.6 l'iaeldne as Vibro Plus) ( Last Year's Price from Sheridan Equipment Ltm1tedfor a }fodel eM .. 10.. $690.00) fbu ---' ~ ~~ $710.00 $723.00 $700.00 SUPPLIER 10 Drake-Robinson-Vicary Ltd. London 20 General Supply COo of Can. Limited Toronto 3. Sheridan Equipment Ltdo Toronto 40 Ray-Gordon Limited9 Toronto l. 50 Compressed Air Equipment Ltdo Toronto 60 Fanshawe Equipment Co. Ltd. London HACHINE Rosco Vibratow 111 Hade in Hinneapolis liinn. f; U.S .Ao COUN ~ OF ELGIN TENDERS OF VIBP~~TORY ROLLER SIZE MOTOR 5 Ton Impact Bras Model V.P. 4 5 Ton Impact 11ade by Jaeger Machine COo~ St. Thomas under license Vibro-Plus 5 Ton Impact Hodel CK-ll ~~de in Stanhope, New Jersey~ U.S.A. Hausan Thrum Model VR-60-G Hade in V1ausau~ Wisconsin3 U.S.A. Aveling-Barford Hodel VR 2 Hade in Great Britain 5 Ton Impact 5 Ton Impact Aveling-Barford 5 Ton Impact Hodel VR Made in Great B~itain Deutz Diesel (Air cooled) Complete with electric starting & Remote Control Wisconsin Model AGN 12.5 HoPo Gasoline Deutz Diesel (Air cooled) Complete ~nth electric starting & Remote Control Uisconsin Nodel THD 15 H.P. Gasoline Deutz Diesel (air cooled) Complete with electric starting & Remote Control Wisconsin THO 15 HoP. Gasoline Allis Chalmers G 138 Water Cooled Hatz Diesel Ruston Air Cooled Diesel No Gasoline Model Quoted Ruston Air Cooled Diesel ~~~~ (Prices are Net including 5% Sales Tax) DRUl:1 LENGTH (60" REQUESTED) 54 inches 60 inches 55 inches 60 inches 60 inches 60 inches PRICE RENTAL FOR HONTH $5,538075 $627..00 4~473.00 627000 5~675025 520000 5,033070 520000 6,390.75 595065 4,674060 595.65 6,444..38 7,336088 840.00 6,615000 754.00 7,308.00 728.00 TENDERS OF VIBRATORY ROLLER t SUPPLIER 70 Blackwood Hodge Canada Ltdo London 80 Central Construction Equipment Toronto \- continued Page 2 lli\CHINE Tampa Model VC-80 Hade in UoSoAo COUNTY OF ~LGIN SIZE MOTOR 7~ ton Impact vffsconsin Model VGHD 36 H.Po Tender Incomplete, and does not meet Specifications it nrrUH LENGTH 60 inches PRICE $10,920000 RENTAL FOR HOHTH $836000 t\ COUl~TY OF ELGIN ApTil 13, 1967. To LI1 Tenderers~ Gentlemen~ Tharuc you for your recent tender for Trucks and an Automobile. We wish to advise that the County of Elgin Road Committee, at a meeting on April 12th~ 1967 $ a't'larded tenders as follow!~: Automobile - to Hike Hutchinson llotors Limited, Aylmer. Truck Tender A - Van ... to Uidto't1m Hotors (St. Thomas) Lj~mited. Truck Tender B - Double Cab Pickup to Fearn Ford Sales Limited, St. Thomas. A Summary of Tenders is enclosed. Yours truly, 1l.G. Hoare:. County Engineer. ,~ COUNTY OF EL,9IN TENDERS FOR AUTOMOBILE Net Hith Sales Tax? ~'lith County's Plymouth as a Trade In (Cost of Taxi Package is Extra) SU.p,p 1 ier Vehicle Tendered on Net Price inclu~;~g __ 5i'?....-~a1esJax 10 Mike Hutchinson Ltdo Aylmer Chevrolet Biscayne $ ls572035 81.90 Taxi Package Extra Total $ 1,654025 2. Disbrowe Motors Sto Thomas Beaumont (no taxi package available) 1,617.00 30 Rankin Ford Sales (1963) Limited Ford Custom 1,7851100 London 4. Fearn Ford Sales Limited St. Thomas Ford Custom 1:1949085 5. Sinclair Pontiac Buick Ltd. Beaumont ls992.67 London 6. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd. Plymouth ls995.00 Aylmer 7. Mid-Town Hotors (St. Thomas) Ltdll Plymouth St. Thomas 2s054.85 8. Melrose Mercury Sales (1965) Ltd. Comet St. Thomas 2,130.45 9. Mplrose l1ercury Sales (1965) Ltd. Meteor St. Thomas 2s239.65 TRUCK TENDER HAn VAN Net Price including 5io Sales T~~ 10 Mid-Town Motors (St. Thomas) Ltd. St. Thomas Dodge $ 2,617.65 .. . i': .:':! ~ '. i !': "' ~. .~ 2. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. Sto Thomas Ford 2,626005 30 Disbrowe Motors St 0 Thomas G.HoC. 2,667.00 4. Mike Hutchinson Ltd. Aylmer Chevrolet 2$1717084 5. Melrose Mercury Sales (1965) Ltd. Stoa Thomas Ford 2$1718045 60 Sinclair Pontiac Buick London G.M.C. 2~731054 'C TRUCK ~ER nAn, continued Page 2 7~ Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd. Dodge $ 2,767.80 Aylmer 80 Rankin Pord Sales (1963) Ltd. Ford 2,782050 London 9. Page Motors Ltd. Chevrolet 2,887.50 Dutton 100 Haskett Motors (1954) Ltd.. Chevrolet 2~887050 St. Thomas ~a~t Year's SueEJ1~ - Haskett lfutors(1954) Ltd. St. Thomas Chevrolet Van 2,470.11 TRUCK. TENDER liB" . -. DOtLBLE CAB PICKUP Net Price including 5% Sales Tax ~p.arn Ford Sales Ltd. St. Thomas Ford $ 3,269.70 2. Mid-Town lfutors (St. Thomas) Ltd. Sto Thomas Dodge 3,326040 3. Rankin Ford Sales (1963) Ltd. London Ford 3,349.50 4. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd. Aylmer Dodge 3,360.00 5. Melrose Mercury Sales (1965) Ltd. Hercury 3,374.70 60 International Harvester, London, on behalf of Harold Ross St. Thomas International 3j/584.22 7. Mike Hutchinson Ltd. Aylmer Chevrolet 4,917.15 Last Yearts Supplier - Greenway Ford Sales Ltd. - . <) ThomaS: 2 purchased @ 3,009.62 (I"I? COUNTY'_ OF ELGlN Court House~ St. Thomas, Onto~ April 13~ 1967. To All Tenderers Gentlemen~ Thank you for your recent Tender for Tractors. We wish to advise that the County of Elgin RQad Committee~ at a meeting on April 12th, 1967~ a~~rded tenders as follo~e tender A - Industrial Tractor~ Loade~ & Backhoe ~ to London Farm & Utility~ London 9 Ontario. Tende1: B - Farm Tractors & Industrial lio't.rer .. to Internatiotk'11 Harvester qf)o Jt Londonsa Ontario. A Summary of Tenders is enclosed. Yours trulY$l R.G. l1oore~ County Engineer COYl!!'~l~g!,_ ELGIN TRL\CTOR TENDER HA" .. -~ Industrial Tractor~ Loader and Backhoe (Net With Sales Tax) Supplier 1. London Farm & Utility London 2. Edward & Jerry Reek St. Thomas Vehicle Tendered on Case 580 (with Diesel Hotor) Case 580 (with Diesel Hotor) 3. International Harvester Sales Internatior41 Model 2500 &. Service (with Diesel l-lotor) 40 Beckham Ltd. Hoodstock 5. London Western Tractor Ltd. London G. .D i xi.e. Equipment Co. thxie 7.Tuckey Farm Equipment Sto Thomas 8. Plested Equipment Ltdo London 9. EoP. Abey Ltd. London 10. Dominion Road r.~chinery Goderich 11. Equipment Sales &. Service Ltd. Rexdale l~ssey Ferguson Model 2200 Gasoline (does not meet specifications) John Deere 400 (with Diesel Motor $400.00 extra) Cockshutt 770 Hassey Ferguson Hodel 304 Gas Hassey Ferguson Hodel 304 Gas Allis Chalmers I 600 \-Jain-Roy Dynahoe hast y~~~~ Supplier - Edward &. Jerry Reek Case Model 530 (Specifications changed slightly and Model has been changed) @ Net Price i .fl.GJud.. i~g 5% S~~es Tax $ 9,082050 9,245025 9~292065 9,633075 9,797055 10; 556 4.1.,. 11,901,,75 12~106.50 12,862050 13,860.00 15$1953.70 8,811000 COUNTY OF ELGIN TRP...CTOR TENDER "Bn Tender For Farm Tractor and Industria 1 HOl1er (Net for 2 tractors less trade in~ with 5% Sale!; Tax) Supplier Vehicle Tendered on Net Price inc It~":J.d.g 5% Sales Tax lv International Harvester Coo London International 1 - 140 $ 5,338.64 2. Schneider Farm Equipment Rodney International B 275 (Live BeToO,) 5,880.00 3. London Farm & Utility Equipment London Case 440 & Hydraulic Mower 6~247,,50 4. Schneiders Farm Equipment Rodney International 1 - 140 6~279.0G 50 Ostrander Sales & Service St. Thomas, Onto International 1 - 140 (l1o,\'ler does not meet specifications) 6J1360090 6. Plested Equipment Ltd. London 7. Beckham Limited Woodstock 8. Tuckey Farm Equipment St. Thomas 9. Routly & Phillips Ltd. Aylmer 10. Lee Farm Equipment Ltd. Rodney ~ , lLP. Abey Ltd. .wi.Jndon Hassey Ferguson 135 6,608.70 Hassey Ferguson 135 6~61~,r\('l Hassey Ferguson 135 6,814050 International 140 6,823.95 Hassey Ferguson 135 6,930.00 Allis Chalmers I - 400 9,450000 ~.~ .@) ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES' COMMISSION J. A. VANCE, LL.O. CHAIRMAN eOl BAY STREET TORONTO 5 J. H. H. ROOT, M.P.P, V.lCE.CHAIRMAN D. S. CAVERLY GENtRAL MANAGER W. S. MACDONNELL COMMI$S.lON SECRETARY March 17, 1967 Pr.oJect No. OWRC-WP-6.5-2 Mr_ R. G. Moore, P.Eng., Engtneer and Road Superintendent, Courthouse, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: Lake Erie Water Supply Jystem . l?inellne Construction - Road Ren~irs Further. to discusslons whtchwe had with you in St. Thomas on March 16, 1967. and my telephone conversationw1.th you on March 17, 1967. Iwtsh to confirm the following po1.nts: (a) This Commission will bear the costs of temporary repairs . to county road No.JO caused by 'trucking operations asso- c.latedwith pipeline construction on March IJ,14 and 1.5,1967. (b) This Commission will similarly bear the costs of maintenance due to excessive wear and tear on the gravel road north of the gravel pit between roads No. 30 and No. 25.. (c) No trucks hauling gravel to OWRCcontracts will be permltted to use roa.d No. 30 unless the owners or the cc~ntractor's 'are willing to pay the costs of repair to road No. )0. WQ.uld you please co'nsider this as a temporary arrangement. We are at present.tnvestigatlng possible extra costs because of ex~endedhaUl routes. We would appreciate it, if ;you would endea.vour to prepare estimates of costs of repairs and maintenance of possible haul routes. We anticipate being i'n a post tion to discuss this matter further with interested parties: wtthin a few day: s _ y....o. u.rs.!....."".. e.fY Y t.>l'U1Y,. .-( l L~-10~ , CJKW: jSC-L". K. Wils()n, P.Eng. c .c.. Mr. L D. House '. / Cla,irson Construction - Mr. V. Simp , n, P.Eng. James F.MacLaren - Toronto- Mr.T.W. Lumsden James F. MacLaren - Pt. Stanley - Mr. W. Knowles s'l:. 'l:}\ol:lAS. O~'l:~10. 1:h\RC11 21, 1.96'7. ""\ C 11. }\oUse at 2~00 CO~'l:'tE1!. toet at the .0u1: 'l:t\E C~ 01 at.G1~ ROAD . . con3unction with a\~in county Counci1. "lI. on'Ma1:Ch 21. 1967. 1.n .~e lI.'t. Ja11\eS \\ind1eY ~. .' A190 n1:eSent ~e. ~ -re n'tese:nt. r t\'LL ~1!.lW we. r . . 0 d lI.'t. 11:an\< 9uoU1:ban Road Cl)'llUlliSll1.0n. an f tbe St. Tbot't\3S and lI.'t. G. \\. C't09S. 0 0 tlena1:t11\6nt of \;1.igh-;lllY9. i901: of the Qnte't1.or C1a1:\<e genio1: lI.unicipe 1 9UP. 01:.. '3 .... '.' ...... . '.. ". ..:l', b' c 01:ea\<1111 of 9uou1:ban Road . n 11. a cons1.ue'ta - 'n\l!. 1!.~G1~aE'l.\ ~1?OR't1!l 11. aes Con'4l\i9Sion on. Onte1:iO ~ate1: 1tellOU:rc lts hau'\.1.n$ to 11. e n ~ 30 had been caused oj' t:rl1c .. \/.\, snd 15. and that on the \511. 'th toeS on 'Ma'tch 13. · 1?ipe\ine con9t:rl1etiOn in at. 0 ~. .e. p. toeeting had been " ~ to \'l.B\t 11\o1:e .,at<ICg lose the ~oau. t .. had bcen fo'tcod 11.0 e ... con'4l\iSsion. and CounY ,,0 . , . Vlate:r Resou'tces . . of t.ho ~ta't"o . ..~ \d with 'te1l'tesentat1.VCS . . ..to 14ate1: ResOU1:ces cot!1l1\1.ss- "V · \. the onta:r.. ' of \\i~h-;lllYs offiC1.a s. d onta'tio nepa:rttoent " an . ..' n the attached 1et.te1:. ion c()1llllli.ttinS thalt\f~e\'3es as 1. 00 . . d autho'tieed thC 1l.nsinoC't d the S1.tuat1.0n an 'l:1iIE c~'l:'l:1l.1!. dillCUSlle . on t.he onta'tio '<late't o 11.0 eont.inue diSCUssions W1.t t n1:0cced with tC1\'lPo,:a1!j1 1:epa1.:rs. · d as\<cd that both the o r _..nent 1:epa1.':s. an o h :rcna:rd to pe-.- 0 s Cl)'llUllission W1.t " · rt the sitUat.1.on. Resou'tee b" \<.ent info~eu 0,1. 'tl.. a co~iSsion . at' Cl)'llUllittee and the 9ubU,:oan ,.oS s' 0 . h d been he1d with an 1l.nginee:r 11!l that a. toeet1.nS a 'l:t\E 1l.'lI1G1'N1l.ER ~pOR . . 0 d with :rega.:rd to h po:rt t\u'C'fC1\ t\:r1. Set C u\tantS fo': t e 0 of the t\. 0 . 'l:. C . and tlhe onS . . . .' .......... ioution to the eonst:rl1ct.1.on '" n fo1Z a con"-}. o . to the "B.O.HV' the basiS fo't a su'\)'(!l1.SSion 0 . ... \ app'toVC\ of the app:roach . ae't \i(.:\S ').0. ge:ne-r& of t.ha t\:rid\l>e. 'the t\oa:rd' s Enj!,1.n . . .. oceedinj!, on e su\)tlli.ssion to the d t.he consu1t.ant.s we'te p:r ,. ~~ the consu1.ta~t,an ta..en U J ~ .. s nosSib \e. .. d .... Leo t\oa'td as :rapiu-j' a r .. ... . t had been :reac"e. "'? :tED that nO a\l>:ree11\Cn 'l:t\E m\G1~1!.~ ~1?0lt . .. ",. fU:rtne:r inst:rl1ct- . . . .... . ...... ~ ,~ " 2 and as\<ed "o:r 1: n unt'l,1 1\oau 1r J , , widenin\l> 0" ,,0 " of an t\oSa:rt fo:r neeeslla~ ". .... .:l.." witb lI.1!. "BOga:rt to see 1. 1: t he \'10ui.u 1t\e.a,,- J ~ ~ilson stated tla 'Q<~e",e · t;! · ~dt1.l!'Dt' ~~ C\\~t1t~1A~ i/;; hAt-;' ~ I~ ry- ~_.~<^' '!o- 5't. 'tUO}ji;.S, Obl'tArJ.O, Ul\RCR SES~"(,~"! ., ^'.'" 'to 'tU"E ',TM1DE~ MID CO\lNC1 L 01 't1lE cQUt'I't'l 01 J?J,G111 1. "'tQ1Jl.t RObD C01\tUTtEE begs to re-port e.S foltoWll: 'tEND~ na~e bee~ called for Gravel crushi~g o~ varioUS Roads. 'tJ!.lIDE1?$ nave a1110 bee~ caned for Rot l~i:.t hSpnalt l'avi~S o~ C()\1~tY Roads * 2 &. ~~ a ~ear Dutto~ a~d o~ Road ~~ 27 i~ Yartllouth 'townshiP' 'tENDERS have alsO bee~ called for the co~structiO~ of the McNeil ~ridge o~ former Cou~t-Y Road 4~ SO i~ South Dorchester. 2. 'tU"E o~tariO Depart;ll1e~t of UighWSYs ~n 1llIJ.\<.Q fU~ds a."ai1ab1e thiS year n, .! .,'- 040 bei.<ng cou~tY Road 4t 52 frOlll for the co~structiO~ of Developroe~t ,.oa" 1< 0 · Road * 40 to Road 4~ ~O (i~ the 'townships of Ya-rtnOuth, liala1:dde a~c\ south Dorchester a~a the Village of spri~gfield). Clearing of trees haS been cO'l!lPleted and it is expected that co~structiO~ -..Ii\.\. begin when weather cot". . S i <.' ciates Ltd. o~ the ?ort 3'. mlG1NE1!.R1~G 1Tor\<. co~t1.nue.s b-yl~. pr et '" "s'o · lIu:rwen ~ridge. J:.. l're~e~tat1.o~ to the ~oard of 't~nsport Co_ss1.O~ for a Gra~t frOlll the "Mard is to be f'<tde shortlY, 1t is not all -yet \<.~own ",he~ 'te~ders can be caned. "''\'\~ re-rtni t. GEt''tLEHB\~ ~ ~~~ f 11.1 ~"'s the fono-..ling reso 1'" 1. 'tW>'t at the re<l.uest of the Departl1l0~t 0 3' . "" D -r-t:t,nt "'that ttfe tion be passed i~ regard to our 1\.nt\1)8.1 Retur~ to t...e epa....- '" D'.1 0 to _~\te the fono~ng tra~sfe1:: 'transfer $13.96l.l0 fr01\l request tue .n.' ~ constt\1ction ~ridgeS a~d culverts to co~struction 1l0adsll. . _ ",,,,,,,,,,-s Subu1:ba~ Road Co1!ll\ission for 1967 2. 't1\A't the Estitnates of tne ",t. '3( totalling ~.OOO be approved. b sed to be alloca~P~ 3. 'tW>'t a Norroal Road 1!.~pe~ditUre By.LaW e pas . CON5't1'JlC't10~ M/I1l1'tE~ ~ tonows: ~-~ ~ $ 6B,OOO $ 274,300 $ 342,300 'Road.s 50~OOO 36,000 86,000 ~~idgeS & culvertS 50,000 nil 50,000 l~QW 11a.chine-ry sU1>eri~te~denee &. oqerbead --1~ --~ -~ ~~ ~ 0J~ ..:::::=::---" ~ TO THEHAllDEtl AND NE~mERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY Com~CIL l-1A.t"'1.CH SESSIOll . . PAGE yt:~1 4. THAT a Supplementary Road ExpendituraBy'~La.w".~b$ .paaaad to be al1ocf_~' as follows: C011STRUCTI 01~ Roads $ 438~OOO 347.000 $ 7850000 Bridges BREAKING THESE ITEHS DOWN: (RecVulUlenda.tions 3 and 4) (a) COUNTY E}~ENDlTURES: Construction Roads-----.----------"--------.~----------$ 485,000 Construction Bridges and Culverts -------.-----.------- 396,000 Construction New ~mchinery ------------------"--.------ 50iOOO 11aintenance Roads ------------....----....---..-----.------ 273pOOO ~~intenance Bridges and Culverts ---...-....-.---------., 35,000 Overhead ------..-..-----..----....------.-----..----------- 85.000 -$1.324,,000 (b) ST. THOMAS StmURBAN ROAD C0111:118S101'1 EXt'~rmITUr~S: Construetion Roads...-...----........-....--..........--....-.... $ 1.000 Construction Bridges and Culverts ..-......-........-...-.... 1,000 21,300 1,000 l:r.1a..i::rl:tenanee Roads...................-..-..--.........................-...... l~intenane~ Bridges and Culverts .....-...........-.-...... Overhead .'..'......-.... .....-.... -. - --........... - ......-... - .......... 60 700 $ 31,000 TOTAL MONEY APPROPRIATED J $ 1,35.5.000 at: an estimated c~ost to the County of $544,076 (9.3 Mills on the present County Assessment). THESE Ro.t\D BY..LAl~ prov1.de money fol:' Construction on C<)unty Roads as fel1o~lS: (a) Land Purchased for Roads being constructed. (b) Payment for Installation of lla11road Protection on County Road II 52 at Springfield, and County Road # 37 east of Balmont. (e) CVAuj;J1etion of Grading, Curb, Gutter & Hot Hix Asphalt Paving, etc. on Roads fJ: 2 and iF S near Dutton, in the village of Dutton and the Township of Dunwich. (d) Completion of Grading, Curb, Gutter, Hot l1ix Asphalt P'lving, O.::Co C:1 Road 4} 27 between Union and Sparta~ and on Road 1} 36. in Sparta, all in Yarmouth Township. ~\!.1~ AND ~~1'.1tS Of 't1\l!. ELG'.!!'-~ ~ Clea'ting .of t'tees, G'tUbbing and Hoving .of Utilities .on Roads *' '26 and i~ 29 (\!.dge~'te and lI.oSt'llic\t) in 'ia1:\l\.outh and S.outh<1lO1d 'to'lt\shipS. G'J:3ding, G'tanu1a't 1\ase, etc. .on Road *' 11 f't.om \\igh",ay *' 4 t.o Read iI' 26, 1?AGE n?'^ (e) (f) south~la 10~shi~. G'J:ading, G'tanU la't 1\a se , etc. .on Read if 42 at S tal te't Gull'! 1\'tidge, (m) fencing .on Read if 52 (Devel.op1ll0nt ]!.Oad if 840) f't(llll ]!.Oad *' 40 t.o ]!.Oad if 30 in S.outh D.o'tcheste't, Ma1.ahide and 'ia'J:\l\Outh 't.o'lt\ships. G'tading, G'J:8.nu1.a't ilaSe, etc., Read if 35 f't(llll Jaffe. t.o 0~1.1., in l1a1.e.hide and 'ia'J:\l\Outh 't.o'lt\shipS, inc1.udinS the c.ount'!' S s\la'te .of the Sp'tin~te't Dero being app'te~i~te1.'! 21..2% .of the t.ota1. c.ost. CoroP1.eti.on .of the Map1.et.on cu1.ve'tt and the Rep1.ac~nt .of the l~~ei1. 1\'tidge .on f.o'J:lll6't Read if 50 in S.outh D.o'tcheste't 't.o'lt\ship. 1. t f th^ c~tfish creek 1\'tidge .on Read *' 52 ('ia'J:\l\Outh Rap acetllan 0 '"' '"" 7~ 't.o"lt\shiP) "lest .of \\igh~'! *' '1}1. Sp'ti ng cree1t CU 1. VS1:t .on ]!.Oe.d if 31 l1.o1:th and S.outh D.o'tches te1: · Pert 1\U~l1 1\1:idge and hPP1:.oaches. ((}230,000 is sPP1:.op'tiated in 1. 96 7 1\y ~ Le:,IS . 1',et\lll.i nde1: 'IIi 11 \lave te be app't.op1:ia ted in 1.968.) 'tW\'t A. 1\'i-UI\.'H be passed auth.o1:izing the "larden and C1.e1:k t.o sign an hgre~nt 'llith the Depart1ll0nt .of \\igh~'!s f01: the const'tUcti.on .of Deve1..opment 5. Roa.d 4~ 840. 6 . 'tW\ 't 't1:1:E 1J!.'!."tER Of Jl\NIll\J1'i 23. f 1:(lIll the Ui niS te1: .0 f 't'J:8.nllP.o'tt, 141: · 1'['o1in Haskett, te the CeuntY Engineer Re: sectien 59 .of the \\igh~'! 'traffic hct be referred t.o C.ount'! council.. , (g) H.a.1.a.b:1.d.e 'to't;1t\ship. (b) (1.) (j) '. " (1) ,J,.'L Of ,1\\1.C\\ 1S l'.ESPEC'tl1ULL'i S\lll1fi.'t'J:1!.D. C-aA1R1.1l\1:1 ~-~/ ...1- counTY 01? ELG1Y\ ---'.:;:..::::---- -..---'-"--'. EOT lilY.. LSl?fi.LT 1?f..vtNG -'- ~,.~,_."... --,,-'#' .-. -.. .__._~_..._-_.''''._'_.~ nWCDliLT1011 TO 1\lDD:G~S --.- ,.-,.... -..".......-- ,...-.- "'... ,.-.--.-." 1. . ]"lg-9!_p'001l'2m~~- 1. Info;:mntion to 3idders. (ThiS Sheet) 3. General conditions and conditions LPplyin3 to lndividual. Tei."\de'17 1 tOt'llS co 20 Tender Conditions 4. Tender Form and Envelope, 5. Count'] leap sho,.!.ns contract LocOtion. 2. ~_ co~~~E. of supplyine and laying: '"(a) app1:o;tioatelY 7,700 TonS of 1:1.1.. 4 , and " 9,600 Tons of :1.1.. 8 on County :toads {f 27 and if 36. (b) 3,200 Tons of ~.L. 4 and 800 Tons of 11.1.. 8 on County Roads * 2 and # 8 nea1: Dutton. (c) 450 TonS of U.L. 4 on variouS D1:ivewaYs and Parking AreaS at :!olein llano1: on County :toad "~ 1.6, a1?pro:timntel'] 1.5 miles "lest of St. Thomas. a. T3l\DI\:'S :JI.LL :BE :\ECElVZD B'l TiB Ul1DE'XlIGl1ED until .......-...-...,.' ..,----..... 19..;.99-1,..1':'" __.._.J':.1'~ ]...J1J:~J.92~' ,4. U2-P~~- is required for rlanS and S1?ecifications. !:m~-2Y:-.N1!-1!~ not necessarilY acce?ted. 5. ,."T_.,.,.,'!jT;''n i1"l"''''''''' ",\rt'10~1 i '\..' d t: "",1 U d . d ~;.~.;:.:...:~ maY De oor.a:!.ne .rOr.1 ..."e n ers1.gne · 6. ~1" G <It 1100;:':2 ~ "'2.. ~~l1G.., caUlT!'! EUGll1EE:.7,,:; couwrYOF ELGll1, COUIt'i naUSS? STo TR01~$9 OUTI~~Oo TELIT.;?l1.0nE 631..SB80 I. ...2- COUNTY OF ELGIn HOT 11I}~ LSPHflLT PAVING TEND~'l_C_0l'1DI1! O~l.~~ 1. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the County EngineeJL, at his office in the Court House until - 10: 00 i:.di!~,_.__!-:.~-11 l~::.h. 1967. 2. ALL BIDS must be on the forms and in enve1opesprovidlad by the County and be accompanied by e. certified cheque pay.~ble to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin in the amount of 10 per cent of the total Tenderc This deposit will be rla1eased 't'then a Contract is signed by the successful Tendere:ro 30 THE SUCCESSFUL TBIIDE:~..En. must sign a Contract and post a 100 per cent perfo~ce Bond from a recognized Bonding C10mpany doing business in the Province of Ontario vlithin 10 days of being notified that he is the successful Tenderero Should he fail to do so~ his tender cheque ~'li11 be forfeited to the County of Elgin to compensate the Count)T for damages sustained. 4. TI-IE SUCCESSFUL TElmERE~ must also post a 100 per cent listeria1 and Labour Bond to ensure payment will be made to all employees and to all sub..contractors and their employees and to all suppliers of materials supplied by the Contractor for the Contract. s. THE CONTJ111.CTOn. shall visit the site of the ~lork~ examine all plans and specifications~ and satisfy himself of all conditions of the vlork.. 6. Ta~ CONTnP~CTOrr will furnish all 1ights$ barricades$ flagmen, signs, etc., necessary in the opinion of the County for the preservation of the traffic and the safety of the worle.. 7. !l~cr2:'..L UO:1IC '\;,1il1 be allowed unless authorized by the County Eneineer in 't-rri ting. 8. BIDDE::1S must be capable of perfonning the various items of work bid upon. .- They may be required to furnish statements covering: (a) their experience on sioi1ar work$ (b) Personnel, machinery, plant and other equipment available for the proposed 't'lork, and (c) financial resources to complete the Cont'ract. 'The County reserves the right to reject the Tender of any Contractor 'tr;Thom they believe does not have the financial resources or the experience to successfully complete the work. (This Clause does not prohibit sub-crmtracting a portion of the work. All sub- contractors must be approved by the County.) 9. 1~1Y U1~BAu\~CED BID or qualification of the tender will liable the Tender to rejection. 10. PROGRESS PAY1JENTS. will be made on appro}cimately the 10th of the month for 90% of the "lork done during the previous month. Complete Payment 'tnll be made within 60 days after c~mpletion of the work as certified by the County Engineer. 11. THE HOItI!.. mUst be cvm1:'leted before the date stated in the Individual Tender Item Specifications~ and the Contractor agrees to pay to the County of Elgin ONE HUl1DIlED. DOLL/~'lS ($100.00) as liquidated damages per calendar day that each item of the contract remains incomplete after the dates stated. -3- C0Ul:1T'l OF El..Gll: _ TE1ID3:l COlID"LTlOl1S (continued) ROT H!:.~~ ~..Elg:*-~_f!,~pG 12. TllE COl1TPJ,CTort is to carry Workmenl s Compensation "Lnsurance and Third ---------j?artY Liability Insurance to the satisfaction of the County. 13. 110 DEPOS"LT is required fro the Plans and specifications. "",........- ............................""" 14. Tl~ DEl?lillTI!!ill.L\2E:...."';~}0:P:ll1air HageS Regulations apply to this Contract , as the as\::m::,ted Tender Value is in excesS of $35,000. (1 te1:l.S A a B) 15. LOUES T 01: ['.11'[ TEtIDE7.. not ,_....."..,.-- n~ccGs~~ily acco?tedq -q.- COUnTY OF ELGIn - ~ HOT 1:1IX ASPHALT ...-~~,._.._.,~~ PAVING GEHERiiL CONDITIons 1:..11n COIIDITIOHS f:..PPLYI11G TO INDIVIDUAL TEliDER ITEl-iS 0 -_.~---~- - ..---........"-......-..-. ----~.""......-_..'-..--- 10 TIlE 011TL\.:."1IO Departnent of Highuays Specification General Condition of - Contract for laO, Revised 1966~ shall apply to this Contract. (including truck haul rates) reading nCounty of E1ginU for nOntario Depart:ment of Hi3hw'oysH ~ and except for the following changes ~ 101-9 101-11 103-1 1 Ol~-l 106...3 107...2 107-4 107-5 108-4 108...6 108-7 108-9 Departflent ~ Substitute Corporat:ion~ meaning the Corporation of the County of Elgin, Engineer - meaDS the Enginssr engaged by the ounicipality to supervise the work; Delete Paragraph 2 ... thc~ contractor shall give notice in the form p1:secribed by the Corporation to the Engineer; Her Majesty the QUBGn in right of Ontario is not to be included 8S an additional insured9 substitute County of Elgin; For llint ster s s'..1bsti. tute County Engineer ~ For Hini,ster, subntitu.te County Engi.neer; Fo~ L8gisl~tu~G, sub~tt~u~e Cou~ty Engineer; Eqt2::Lpm1?n~.:: ;:te,::,tal to be 8';:: 80% of FOrf..1 527 s Do HoOo Schedule of Rente'.l J.e.tcs;; Om.it p~::::."'.p;r':.?ho Otr:it third p2.re.gra;?h '9xcepting the first 8s~~~nce thBreof; Delete For Depa17';:rJ.011": of 1lieh"";\":;.yo s Y0,,,:d Co!:porationo 2. HOT NIX ASPHA~:! Bhall conform, shJ.l1 be applied and sh.all be protected in strict ac~cor<~:~~:;.':3 v:ti.th the Ontario Department of High'liJaYs Specific:-..:~ion FO:C['1 3109 latest Revision April 1966Q 30 THE CONTP~\.CT9rr shall furnish all equi..pment9 labour and materials (except asphalt) nec.essary to perform the worko 4. THE COUNTY OF ELGIU 'lidll furnish 85/100 penetration a:3phalt at the Imperial Oil Plants Sarniao Trucking 'li1!ll b\~ the responsibility of the Contractor 5. THE COUNTY OF ELGIn 'Ii:ill design the mix and the Contr~~ctor shall supply any-materi.a19 analysis of the aggregates9 etc.:; necessary to facilitate the designing of the Uixo L.1l material must be approved before work cvuu.uences. .. 5'" .. ,~'D~"1\'\'rl'\ .,)/\.1:f'T'l'G G"1f'';'IL COl1Dl't1.01iS (continued) C",..\""l 01 "1 Gll' - 1:10! \Il.l' h" .cu.,.... ~ '-----=-~~-"_._-- ~~...:--------o_~o_-'- - , OG 'tHZ COmi!'! O"i!ZJ.,Gl11 .rin p"lovide line sta~es at suitable oftsodt;t;, :e on .-:._-,---.....---.--;'"d-.... __._- 100 t:.,..~~ 0'" t"'no,.......t 50 feet on cuJ:Ves an LO ' s1. 0 eve'J:Y .~~.. ,. o,.,,~'" · .' < cl1aunolizatiOns. hdditio'(l2.1 sta'..~es a'J:O tho 'J:esponS1.b1.11.tY 0> the co-n.t-racto-r 0 . 1 't -ice based on ouantitieS l' h'll'll?li! .ri 11 be pane accO"ld1.n3 to t':o un1. p. ' - · __-" sho'1'n on app"lOVOd 'lei3ht t1.c':.etS onlY' ;\ :.\" ds ,_ e"coss of. local litaitS liO O\Tl1.C':LOL.DI11G ,rill bo to lo"lateu, ana l.oa ~ ,. ~ v :c---'------. .' .' ; "(I1ill not be "\i1e1..gtl.eo.. ..' to contractC b~ the countY of. !i{lS COliT'J.C'f ,JaY bo c\1.v1.ded l.ntO sopa'J:a 0 ~ J. :b · __--~win Road CotJl.ittoe. 'thuS a cont'J:acto'J: oaY b1.d on flnY,nuw. er of.vltonS he chooses. !ho nead co~i:tee 'J:oserves the ~.ght not to a~'J:d anY section, if. thoY SO desl-re. D ~ 0 o~ecif.ication 310. 't1$ COli'tl'J.C'fO:'. shall supplY scales as po'J: .,:. ,.,,~ d 1 '. _~ountY .rill provide tic1~etS, .101.g(l!ilan an c,oct'er. 1. B. 90 10. \ ...6.. !mlDBR FOR$~~_JSln~lG ---~...--~ COU1Y!"l O"F ELGll1 ~-,,-'-"'-_._' ,_~,,-,-'."-'~ 1. 110tlt cousistS of Suppl~r\.ug pud Layiug n.1,. 4 & n.1" B, not 11iJt !,.spholt 1'0.\1el,lleut on county Roo.d jf 21, betWeen llirJ1'''lo.y jf 4, nud Roo.d if 36, and on r'.oad I,f 36 southerlY frorn Rend jf 27, to tie into the rreset.<: po.vernent. COU1n~ ROI~3 27 G 36 -..,.~-_._,-_'"--'_'_''''' +.--~ '!BIIDE?.. 1 'tEll H AU ... --~...~.---:.::;:.:;:--'-- VO~ o.lsO includes the 1.'o.vin8 of nIl intersections. (Ronds ate shOwn in Ted oU accomponying maps. n.L. B sholl be lnid in one lift of 2 inches depth. (!he ptesent paved section neo.t the Semi~rY school is to teceive oue lift n.L. 4 onlY') 011l'. L1F! of n.L. 4 of 1 1/2 inches depth sholl be Inid ovet tbe entite job II 1?k.V1!oll!i.l1! llidth to be 22 feet, e;tcept in arMS 'Ihete cutb and guttet is placed (Spat:ta & Union). Rete I.Sphalt sholl be laid full widtb, guttet'tO gutter, and shall match with the guttet heigbt. !be County of Elgin will ptepo.re and shope tbe gtanular g~de, in ftont of tbe layine.of aspbalt, e:ltcej?t within 25 feet ef tbe e:lt1.Stinl1 PaVel,llent on 1:1igbw.>Y jf 4. " b' '!be conttactot sba11 supplY 0.11 necessatY labout, etc., as part o~ t 1.S conttact, to tie tbe new j?uveroent into tbe l'teSent l'nveroent on RighwaY 4~ 4. !be contractot is to ~ive tbe CountY of ~lgin teasonab1e notice as to when grade j?rel'nration is necessatY nnd afte. the CountY of Elgin hos shaped tbe grade, he sr.all ptOt!l1?t1y laY the llot 1:1i't j,.sl'ho1t so as to preserve thegto.de. !he contto.ctotl s o.ttention is dta'ln to. the fact that cutb and gutte~ wotk will be tesuroed by the County ef 31gin, ns seon as weather condi- tions perroit. Uo eJttraS will be allowed if the conttactot is fotced to wotk atound this areO and cerne back to it latet. 6. 20 3. 40 5. 7. !he Ceunty of 31gin is desiroUS of statting Lsphalt 11ot\< as soon as weathet conditions pe~it, and the conttactot maY cororoence work l.'tior' to. 1my 1st, 1967, if conditions permit. j,l1 work undet this Item "I." of the !endet must be col!l1'leted by JulY 15tb, 1967. (See l'enalty Clause 11, !ender conditions') BII -7- COUnTY OF ELGIN _.----,,---_.-~-..,----... -""-....- _..~-- T2l~~~1:Jl,__1~g~_1~91.,_,1~1L-1~_~-:;~~:~~,_ _y A Y1T!Q TElmSR IT!ZH "Hn - _...----._...._,,_.._-~ .9 OUI ITX ;;~L;pI~"i(:~) _,.~~J/ 8.. L~ UOJ.:C on County !load i~ 3 consists of Lnyin:..; II.. Lo 4 & II.. L. a fror:1 t~1e Southerly limit of gl~~in Co-operative to the South side of the Chanellization for Hi;:::hvmy 1ft l~Cl 0 Pavement Hidth to be 22 feet except 't'Jhere curb and 3utter is placed. Here LsphBlt shall be laid full ~7idth? ~utter to ::3utt(~r, and shall n~tch with sutter heiGht. . HoLo 8 shall be laid in one lift of 2 inches depth. (The present pa.ved section9 Horth of }load 1ft 2 to Hi::1"'JnY if. 401 sho.ll receive one lift of HoLo 40nlyo) IIoLo 4 shall be laid to a depth of 1 1/2 inches over the .entire job. '\lork also includes the Intersection of County '!,oad 1ft :2, (also east)~ and the driveway(n.Lo 4 only) into the Provincial I'ol:i.ce Stationo (Road is sho~m in yellow on ncconpanyin3 L~po) 2. ON COUHTY J.OLD 4/ 2 uorl~ consists of layin:=; 2 inches of H.Lo 4 in n single lift from Road :If: 8 to approximately 105 miles ~:!est of :',ond 1/: 8 to tie into the e~dstin2 pavcmento \Jork also include:s the Intersection of County Road 1J: 15 (also North) 0 (:toad is ShO\'ffi in green otlaccompany- ine naps,,) Pavement ~!idth to be 22 feet 0 3. THE COUl1TY OF ELGIN uill prepare and shape the eranular gtade in front of the loyin~: of the asphalt 0n both lloads ://= 2 Ct 'i~b 80 The Contractor is to sive the County of Elgin reasonable notice as to ~nlen orade preparation is necessary and after trill County of Elein has shaped the ~radc he shall pror.1ptly lay the Hot Hix L.sphclt so as to preserve the ~~radeo 40 TIill COl1T:!J"CTOJ.JS attention is dra~Jn to the fact that curb and gutter 'l;Jork is not yet cvwpleted in Dutton. ~loV1ever ~ this vlOrk ~1ill be resumed by the County or Slsin as soon as weather conditions pernito no extras will be allowed if the Contractor is rorced to work around this area and come bac!: to it later ~ 50 The County of ElGin is desirous of stnrtins Asphalt Hork as soon as weather conditions permito 60 All work under this Item B of the Tender Dust be conplcted by July 31st, 1967.. (See ?enalty Clause 11, Tender Conditions.) ....8- COUI1TY OF ELGIl1 _.....,.~.--,~- TE11D2:1 F g~Z....__J~.9T -.lIT l~~_.!~ 1?HLJ~!___':p' ]:.\71119 'EEl:DE!l ITEH Hcn _ ELGIN l:U::.NOr.. . ____,..,."._._..........-...-...~ ..__....t',_..:-~ ,.. 1. -,OIlle shall consist of the Supplying and Placing of approximately 450 rons of 1101. l> Hot llix Pavement to a depth of 2 inches~ on the follovring prepared areas. At Elgin Hanor in Lot 39, Concession 11. T .R. East Brandl, 'ro\..mship of SouthvJ'o ld~ County of Elgin9 on County ::load 4f: 16 S ..Lo approximately l05 miles vkst of Sto Thomas.. ;, -')\'":1 i 1<1 (1) ~ Tf' I't,:r "':"'11'1'7:> J\ -11C" i.:J......\ll..,t."..!,o J.'~O. t.lt~ !."l J.!.:..l.LA-.'t.,C'"J...... ~ Straight rortion _ approxunately 325 Line Feet to be paved 13 Feet ~rideo Circular Portion - approximately 175 Lino Feet to be paved from Curb to Curb.. (1305 Feet).., (2) H[tl~1 Pl'J]J{IHG l~A _ approximately 810 Sq.. Yardso (3) SERVICE ENTfu~NCE _ appro}dIr.ately 635 Lino Feet to be paved 13 Feet wide.. (4) "n",' n ~'),~;..,....tI't'1G ".,";")'\? '~. wI.J...4Li...... J;L"J.\.~. 1. L~""...,-,i... (0'" S17nVI (1'7 ) .!... .1....:.1. ...vu _ appro;.{imately 990 Sqo Yards to be paved 'V1ithin Curbed Area.. 2.. Prepa.ration a.nd Shaping of the Grude and all necessary worl':. prior to paving shall be the responsibility of th~ County of Elgin. ~easonabie notice shnll be given to the County of Elgin so that this work can be carried auto Lfter the County of Elgin has shaped the Grade~ the Contractor shall promptly lay the Hot llix Lspha.lt so as to preserve the Grade" 3. ALL WORK under this ltem "c" of the Tender must be completed by July 31st~ 19670 (See Penalty Clause ll~ Tender Conditionso) COUnTY OF ELGIn -,..-"'-.....,......-._~-- nOT HIX ASPHA.LT PAVIl1G --,--"'.,.....-._-~ TENDER FORH TO THE CI-If'J.IRHAI:1 AIm HEl1:3EItS OF THE COUnTY OF ELGIH JI01J) COHllITTEE I/TTE have exc,mined the Specifications for supplying the materials and laying hot mi=~~ hot laid asph it pavement on the various Roads and at Elgin Hanor, and have e~:am.il1ed the sites of the 'VJork nnd fully understand the uor:: to be done 0 11HZ hereby agree to supply all materials specified and shall complete all 't'lork by the time ShO't1rL in the General Conditionss Special Provision 1~~ 1111 and agree to pay to the County of :J;lgin ONE: HUND:1ED DOLLAllS ($100.00) per working day, as liquidated damages each day the Contract remains incomplete after this timeo (See Section if: 11, General Conditions) ~ ITEH DESCRIPTIOn ESTIHi\.TED QUANTITY IN TOi 18 UNIT PRICE L.l.!OUNT L 1 Supp1,ing & Laying H.Lo 8 on Road 27 & Rond 36 9,600 L 2 B 1 Supplying & Laying ll.Lo 4 on R02d 27 ! & 36 i I _I_^ Supplying & Loying HoLo 8 on Rood 2 & ::load 8 7,700 800-'- t 1 i i I I .L_,___~,.._._,_.__.~~_.+ ..._.__._ I B 2 ; -- ,- Supplying & Lnyin3 HoLo 4 on Road 2 Cc B 3,200 --...-.-.--........--.---. . - i c Supplying & Laying HoLo 4 at Elgin Honor 450 J.__.~_..__ I!vlli enclose n certified cheque ronde payable to the Treasurer of the County of E1gin~ for 10 per cent of the amount bid, beinG DOLLARS. LOm1:ST or AI1Y TEUDETI. not necessarily nccepted. HI Tl1ESS CONTRAI.CTorr DATE ADDRESS TELEPIlOl1E lJUIlBETI. co1j1'l't'l 01!. i!.1!}1.1l .,,_:--'---~~ t.'Il'tOl101\1.~~ -,;;.--'~-- '11 be ~ecet~ed bY the \!' d S to contentS, W1. ~~,~ 't~,mi!.~' vlatnlY ~~.e a ~-------- \1nde-rst?;ned \1ntH ~ ~n~11 1tb 1961 10 00 ' 11 r'." '-' '"---.---- ~-~--~._-'-- . "t:' 0" <,jUttets Statton, St. 'tho~s, fo-r S\1VV1Y1.ng .. .p. ' . b. "oo~ Sedan k.\1totllobtle, 1967 1,ode1. one ne'V.., .).J , ,obne. HaY be seen by 1964 1?1 ytnO\1t(\ 4 Doo-r ,,,\1tOtll . _ . t,'" ,1~ "orman J. ChaV 10'"' avvo1.n~ent ,~" · ~ 633-0576 fo~ a?Votn~ent. 'tele1?hone 110. ~ "t. 'tho~s h 2 \-lay Radto Eq\1t1?~nt and the Co\1nty Reserves t e , . be ~emo~ed by the Co\1ntY. 1t~e E~ttng\1iShe~. ~1.ch ~11 '1"1;1 " 1"\ i? ... J,. ~ 't de~ 1?0'ttl\ o~ the 'tende~ ..Ii. n not be ~ tn1lst \1Se the Co\1nty en cot\side-redo ~ de~ wtl1 not nece99a~tlY be accevted. LO\~S't. o~ any ,en ;:.::----- '1 ble f~ota the \1nae~9igned. 1\1~the~ tnfOrmatton a~a1. a "f,) G 'tji'OOR'E. 'P. El~G 0 9 ;.\. 0 ., 0 ~~ 9 coU1Yt"i 'Z1:1Gl1:-11?11R 9 coU'R't ?oUSE? S't. 'tl\Oljl\S. Ol~!\R1.0. 'tE~1?l\O~t: 631~5SBO COUIJTY OF ELGIN TENDER Forr 4 DOOR SEDI..N -"-'-..'------,----:..------'--',- ..,.. AUTON:OBI LE --..-.......-- TO THE CHl\.Iill~\.N AIID liEl/BEllS OF THE COUHTY OF ELGIn ROAD C011l1ITTEE 0 I/UE hereby agree to supply to the County of Blgin~ FoOoBo ';-Yhitets Station~ Sto Thomas~ one new' 1967 Hodel Vehicle as per specifications" Give make and model tendered upon~-----~-~------~~~~--~-~--'~---------~---- Hheelbase:.. 112 inches Hi nimum 0 State vJheelbase_._ Engine: .. 8 cylinder~ 270 cubic inch displacement minimum:~ complete with full flow oil filter; 1 quart capacity minimum; air cleaner; 37 ampere alternator; 70 ampere hour battery; 12 volt electr- ical system; pern~nent type anti-freezeo State engine specifications and describe accessories: Clutch Diameter~- 10 inch minimumo State Clutch Diameter----------------- Transmission:- 3 speed synchromesho Describe: Tires:- Size 750 :K 14, 4 ply minimum~ rear tires of mud. and snow type; spare tire regular tread; all tires shall be first line quality nylon cord~ Genera1:- Vehicle shall be equipped with the fol1o~nng: Fresh air type heater and defroster, Dual electric windshield ~npers1 Dual sun visorss COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR 4 DOOR SEDiJ~ AUT0110BILE ~~..-...--.-",.,..-'" ~........." ...-._~:.",. ~ . PAGE 3 Genera 1 ~- contlclo One side morror and one inside mirror~ Two jet type windshield washers~ Cigarette lighter and ash tray~ Direction signals~ Two C.SoAoapproved seat belts for rear seats Two CoSoAo approved seat belts for the front seat~ Licence~ County's choice of standard colours (metallic paint)~ Jack and wheel vrrench~ and Manufacturer's standard warrant Yo State extra cost of heavy duty suspension~ etco, if availableo State extra cost of undercoating, if availableo State e,ctra cost of taxi package~ etco ~ if avaiLableo LIST PP~CE OF VEIUCLE as equipped~ Less Trade (1964 Plymouth)~ $ -~~-~~--~-----~~--~~-~-- Net Cost to the County of E1gin~ $ --..------------~-------- $------------------------- Plus 5% Provincial Sales Tax~ TOTAL COST~ -~-.,.,,-,.-.,,----....... $ ---------..-------------- $ STATE DELIVERY DATE~ DEALER 19670 Date ADDRESS ATTACH Mf~NUFACTURERtS literature and specifications 0 List any optional equipment and cost that you believe the County of Elgin may be interested ino r.: COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK TENDER tffi.~ INFOIU1ATION TO BIDDEr~ SEALED TE~IDERS plainly marked as to contents vnll be received by the undersigned until - 10:00 A.H. APRIL 7th9 1967 for the supply of: 1 only Van, new 1967 Model. No trade -in. BIDDERS must use the County Tender Forms or the Tender will not be considered. Lo~mST or AtlY TEtIDER not necessarily accepted. ReG. HOOUE, P. ENe.; COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, ST. THO!-U\.S, ONTt..JlIO. TELEPHONE 631-5880. \ " COUll'tY OFELGl~l -" --- .-- 'tE1IDElL 'E'9.r~ v A.li TO THE c~tr..}IAN AND ~1E~lBERS O'F THE COUNTY O'F ELG1N RObD C011l'llTIEE. l/\rE hereby agree to supply to the County of Elgin, 'F .0.13. .fuite1S Station, St. ThomaS, One (1) new 1967 Model Van, as per County specificatiOns. STATE 110DEL TE~mERED upon:_ --- -- The following accepted: Dodge Transivan, 'Ford Econoline, G.l'(.C. & Chevrolet Randi-Van. ------ -- ---- . G.V.W. of Van shall be 4,900 lbs. minimum. - - .- State G.V.\Je__ 6 cylinder, 225 cubic inch displacement minimum, complete with floW oil filter; 1 quart capacity minimWD; air cleaner; 37 ampere alternator; 70 ampere hour battery; 12 volt electrical System, and 10 inch minimum diameter clutch. State engine specifications and describe accessories: ---- Engine~ ---- ...----- ------ -- ------ --- --- --- ------ ----- ---- -- ---- Transmission: Shall be 11.eaV)' Duty 3 speed forward and 1 reverse. Describe: -- - ---- --- -------- --- Cl-l}..SSlS & BODY: Shall: be Van type with 2 rear doors opening outward. Shall be equipped with 2 side body doors opening outwards on right side. Length from bacl~ of front seat to rear doors approxi'llllltelY 106 inches. '~eelbase approxi1DlltelY 90 inches. Shall be furnished with 2 front seats and second seat full width (seat shall be left loose and will be fastened in by the county). Shall have windows in back doors, side doors, rear quarter panel, and on left side opposite side doors. (windoW van option.) Describe: ---- ---- --- ----- ---- -- -- - -- .---~-~ -- --- ------ ------ - - ---- ---- - ----- -- -------- ---- ,-- - - -- ---- li\. 1--0>- 1?A.GE '2 .. ~ (contla) Capacitil 2,1.50 1.bs. tll-initllUllh State capacitil: II' 11.ea1: k.\tl.e~ ------------ l1ront springS: capacitY at .ground 950 1.M. each, 1IIini1lJ,Ut!l.. State capa.C1.t'Y~ --------~.. capacity 2,900 1.bs. 1IIinit\lUlfi. State capacity: ,-ront l:\Jtle: . ----------- ------- Rear springS: capacitY at grouna 1.,400 1.bs. tll-ini1lJ,Ut!l.. State capacitY: ---------------------- S'l).QC~ b-bSorbers: \\ea'll"/ autY front ana rear necessarY' pescribe: ------------- Van sba.1.1. be equiPpea ,.p.th: Gen6-rs,1.':. ?ertnanent type anti-free~e, ~o C.S.b-. approved seat be1.tS, for front seatS, seat Cushions - foatll- rubber, Ba.e~rest - standara, 'Dua1. sun Viso-rS';l pua1. E1.ectriC ~~nashie1.a ,.p.pers, tWO jet t~e windshie1.d washers, l1ir1:ors _ tWO outside 1IIirrors 6" )t 1.1.", l1resh air type heater ana defroster, ~cba.nica1. parldng bra~e, Turn Signa1.S - 4 ~~y f1.ashing type, Dome light, Stat> 'Light, 11'!:c.,t.. and Rear 13mnPers, JaC\t and V1hee1. wrench, ~~~~~~t~~~~:\:~~~~:~~C:~~' 011 ELGi.11" t 34 on tWO doorS sitll-i1.ar to other County 'truc~s' COUNTY OF ELGIN .. TENDER FOR VAN (continued) PAGE 3 Tires~ Five tires to be supplied, two front and spare to be standard type tread, two rear tires to be mud and snow type. Si~e to be 7:00 x 14, 8 ply truck type (not passenger car) or bettero Describe: TOTAL COST OF VAN to the County of Elgin as equipped $ PLUS 5% Provincial Sales Tax $ TOTAL PRICE $ _:-- STATE DELIVERY DATE: 1967 DEALER DATE ADDRESS Attach Manufacturerls Specifications of Van tendered on. List any optional equipment and cost that yoU believe the County of Elgin may be interested in: - - COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK TENDER "Bn TENDER FOR DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCK INFOPJ~~TION TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until - lO~OO A.Mo APRIL 7th~ 1967 for the supply of: A 3/4 ton Double Cab Pickup Truck~ new 1967 modelo No trade-ino BIDDERS must use County Tender Forms or the tender will not be consideredo LOrmST or ANY TENDER not necessarily accepted. Ro Go MOOrrE9 Po ENGo~ COUNTY ENGINEEn~ COUItT HOUSE, ST 0 THOl:W~S, Ol~TAllIO 0 TELEPHONE: 631-5880 ~ 'tElmER 1?OR DO\JBLE cAB 1'1C113J~ 'to 'tllE Cw.1.m.j.1\.1.~ t..~D MEMBEr.s 01? 'tllE co1%t'l 01? ELG1.1:l ROM> co}\lo\1.'t'tEE 1./V~ he~eb~ agree to suppl~ to the Count~ of Slgin, 1?O.B. ~ite'S Station, St. 'thomas, a neW 1961 110del 3/4 tOn Double Cab pickUP truc\t as pe~ Count~ specificatiOns. State t1ode1 'tende~ed upon: G ;'1 .1:1. 0 f 'truck shall be 1, 500 lbs. 1l\inimum. State G.V.W, ~ E.ngine ~ 6 or 8 cylinde~; 280 cubic inch diSplaceroGnt minimum; co~lete with flow oil filte~; 1 qua~t capacit~ min~; ai~ cleane~l 31 awPe~e alternatO~; 10 ~ere hou~ batte~~; 12 volt elect~ical s~stero; and 11 inch 1l\ini~ diameter clutch. State engine specifications and describe accessories: -- ------------ - ---------- - 't~aneroisSion: 3 speed forwa~d and 1 ~eve~se. Desc~ibe: ------ ---- and Bod~: 'I'lheelbase shall be 140-148 incheS. Bod~ shall be ~ickUP t'J1le and shall be 6-6 1/2 feet long, with fende~S ins1.de the BoX' Cab to be 4-doo~, 2 seatS, 6 man Cab type. ChasSi.s Describe ~ ----- -- 'Front b.~le: -- ------------- capacit~ 2,100 lbs. minimum. State capacit~: 1?~ont sp~ingS: capacit~ at g~OI.11\d 1,500 lbs. each tt1ini~' State capacitY: ---------- Capacit~ 5,000 lbs. 1l\ini~' State capacit~: -:tea.-r J\.~le~ ------------ ---- capacit~ at g~ound 2,500 lbs. each 1l\ini~' State capacit~ and desc~ibe sp~ing (number of leaves, etC.) and whether or not helper springS are needed to attain thiS capacitY: -------.. ------- ------------ ----- ...----- ------ ---- Rea-r SpringS: -------. ----------- I'" COUNTY OF ELGIN :.- TENDER FOR.. DOUBLE _ Cl~B PICKUP TRUCK (continued) Page 2 Shock Absorbers ~ Heavy duty front and rear necessary 0 DescrjLbe ~ Genera1~ Trucks shall be equipped with~ Permanent type anti-freeze~ 4 CoS.A. approved seat belts, 2 front seat and 2 for rear seat, Seat cushions - foam rubber~ Backrest - standard~ Both seats shall be full width~ Dual Sun Visors~ Dual electric windshield wiperss Two jet type windshield washers~ Tvl0 outside 'tvest coast type mirrors 6" x 11" Fresh air type heater and defroster of sufficJLent capacity to heat entire cab, Mechanical parking brake, Turn signals - 4 way flashing type~ Stop light;~ Jack and wheel wrench, r~nufactureris standard warranty, Painted red and lettered ilCounty of Elgin 35"'f on tvlO doors similar to other County Trucks. Tire s ~ Five tires to be supplied; two front and sparE~ to be standard type tread; 2 rear tires to be mud and snow type; size to be 7:50 x 16, 6 ply; tire carrier to be supplied for spare tireo List any other recvullhended tire options and additional cost~ if any: TOTAL COST OF T~UCK to the County of Elgin as equipped $ PLUS 5% Provincial Sales Tax $ TOTAL ~ICE $ STl:l.TE DELIVERY DATE ~ 1967.. DL\.Tn DEALER lJ>DRESS Attach ~~nufacturerfs Specifications of truck tendered upon. List any optional equipment and cost that you believe the County of Elgin may be interested in~ COUNTY OF ELGIN TRi:. CTOR TENDEH H An !ENDER FOR INDUSTEIAL TRACTOIL LOADER & BACKHOE INFORTJ\h TION TO BIDDEllS SEJ\LED TENDERS, plainlv marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until BIDDERS must use County Tender Forms or the Tender will 10 A.M., April 7th, 1967, for supplying F.O.B. tfuite Stati~n. St. Tho~as, 1 only Industrial Tractor, Loader & Backhoe, new 1967 model No Trade-in not be considered. Federal Sales Tax is not applicable to this tender. LOvlEST or AN1-TENDER not necessarilv accepted. R.G. MOORE, p.ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, . ST. THOH~AS, ONTARIO. PHONE 631-5880 ~ TB'N1YZR FOR I'NDUS'rRIkL TRkCTOR LOkDBR 8t BJ;,Cl\.UOB TO 'tHE CUkIRw>N kND l~BBRS · ,'" ,,' OF TUB coUNt'l OF BLGIN RO~>D COH~tI,'J%B. 1 to the countY of Blgin 1/'1TZ hereb'1 agree to supp '1 ' . "'h _, ,). ne\'! 1967 }~odel FOB Vnite Stat1-on, St. ' o.,as,' . , . h per county Industrial Tractor, Loader & Back oe as specificatiOns. T 'S n~t applicable \fG' ""'DBRST1,ND that Federal Sales aZ 1- ,- d ..,.jJ vl.\l h t ur Tender "es t" thiS purchase, and t a 0 not include Federal SaleS TaZ, e. th t '\fIe are required to 1[~E UNDBRSTftllD that if requeste a', del "f sho\'! Count1 representat:l.ves the mo , d lo~der unon ,.,hich 'lle are qUOt:l.ng. tractor an 0 r d t be of make an Tractor and Loader mUs . and be of the ~odel in current product1-on, u' '11 be latest nodificatiOns, preferen~e"'~ given to a model for \'Ihich serv1-ce 1-S . . hle It is desirable that eas1-11 obta1-nav · the Loader frane be an integral part of Tr3 etor frame. I d t ' 1 tVpe tractor State v.odel of Tractor Tendered on \ In US r1-a ' onlY _ Fa~ t'1pe tractors not acceptable): State ~odel of Loader tendered on~ State l~odel of Backhoe tendered on: 'n diSplacement Gasoline or Diesel; 159 cu.1- ; sneed 139 ft.lb. torque at rate r minimum. l-\a){. . d' th full flo\'l Vrpe , ' T be eqU1-ppe ,.,1- ' ' f m1-n1-mUffi' 0 ' ,d ~ith ra1-n trap 1- oil filter; muffler \eqU1-ppe , 12 volt electriC . precleaner, necessarY) and a1-r desired) 90 amp.hr. \altern~tor starting svstem " ,U d & Foot " & keY ign1-t1-on, an bat ter'1 m1-n1-mum ' - . ti_freeoz.e; horn, 1, ermanent type an thrott e, P , ucre ammeter, "1 ~ressure ga ~ ' hour meter, o~ t' ~~, ';> Page 2. TENDBR FOR TNDUSTRIAL TRA.CTOR LOJ\DBR &, B!,CYl-lOE cont' d. Tllr_CTOR ~MOTOR COnt'd. ~ heat indicator gauge, tachometer, oil convertor temperature gauge, and engine block heater, Describe stating cu.in. diSplacenent, mP~imum torque at rated speed, and Draw Bar Horsepower. lNebraska Test) -- -- -------- ----------- ~ Shall be Torque Convertor Type. 4 speed forward and reverse minimum. lmanual shuttle transmissions not accentable) Describe and state speedS available: -- ~N~AX1~ Shall be Industrial type with fixed width tre0d and shall be heavY enough to support loader. ~ires to be 9.00 x 16 - 10 plY multiple rib. Shall be equiPped with power ste~i~' Rated capacity BPprox. 10,000 lb. Describe and State Rated Capacity: ~ Shall be HeavY Duty type of sufficient strength to support a loader. Tires to be 14.9 x 24 or 26 6 plY minimum- " All tra ction utility" type. Shall be equipped with rear fenders. State tire size: Industrial ~,RD. Shall be equipped with an HeavY duty type grill guard. ~ To be provided. SEAT Shall be spring mounted, padded, ~ with backrest. Describe: deluxe type Page 3. TENDEn FOIt Ir'JDUSTRIAL TEACTOR, LOADER & BACKHO~ cant f d. CAB Shall be equipped with fully enclosed steel cab (glASS windows), to be similar to County Tractor #11'0 and to be complgte with Heater and Defroster FAn for Cab. Describe: PAINT Manufa cturer f s standard calor a cCE::pta ble. Shall be lettered County of Elgin #12 on Hood in black lettering similar to other County Tractors. BRAKES Rear vmeels shall be equipped with service brake pedals of which shall be foot operated either individually or simultaneously. Hydraulic Brakes desired. State if available and extra co~t, if any, Describe: LIGHTS Shall be equipped with 2 head lights, 1 rear White Spot light and I Red Tail light, which shall be built into the tractor so that d2nger of breakage is at a minimum. LOADER Shall be designed for Tractor bid on. Shall be Industrial type Loader; farm type loaders unacceptable. LIFTING CAPACITY to full height. 3,000 desired, minimum 2,500 lb$. Shall be equipped with 2 Double Acting Lift. Cylinders, Bore diameter minimum 2 1/2Yi diameter. Shall be equipped with 2 Double Acting Bucket Cylinders. Bore Diameter minimum 2 1/2" diAmeter. Describe: Shall be equipped with 5/8 to 3/4 eu.yd. bucket approx. 66 inches wide, ":self levellingt? type (digging bucket) Shall have f?floatn position. Describe: Shall be equipped with front end mounted hydraulic pump or pumps to a capacity of 22 gallons per minute minimum, and have an operating pressure of 2,000 lbs. per sq.in. minimum to operate both loader and backhoe. D~scrib e: Page 4. TBNDER FOR INDUSTRIhL TRACTOR, LOADER & BACKHOE conttd LO~DER contfd. A. · Clearance minimum 99\1 (bucket dumped at 450). StAte clearance: Rea ch at Maximum height, minimum :24~? bucket dumped at 450). State Reach: Hydraulic lines to be built into loader frame as much as possible. BACKHOE Shall be supplied. Shall be easily mounted and dismounted. Shall be specificallv designed for the tractor that it is mounted on. DIGGING DEPTH ( E . I . ~1. C. de f i nit i on ) Sha 11 be 13' 4 n minimum \Jith 24fi bucket. Describe: BUCKET DIGGING FORCE 8,700 Ibs. minimum (E.l.M.C. definition) , State digging force: CYLINDER SIZES State size: Boom 4ff minimum diameter Grovid 4Y? minimum diameter Bucket 3 1/2n minimum diameter S'tJId.ng 2 cylinders 4t? diameter Stabilizers 3 1/211 diameter minimum PUHP SIZE Shall be equipped with front end mounted hydraulic pump, 22 gallons per minute minimum capacity. (See L02der Specifications) BUCKET SIZE 24", 5 cu.ft. SAE Struck 4 (minimum) replaceable teeth. ST!~BILIZER SPREADER hydraulic operat ed 10 f Of? minimum. LO!iDING HEIGHT Shall be 9 f Ion minimum. Shall be equipped with padded Operator Seat, and padded bRck rest. Controls to be conveniently placed. Swi.ng l..rc 180 degree minimum Hydraulic Lines to b e built into frame as much as possible. Page 5. TENDER FOR INDUSTRIhL TR~CTOR, LOADER & BhCKHOE cont'd. B~CKHOE cont'd. Entire Unit shRll be covered by ffiAnuf?cturer's standard warranty. Operator's manual and spare parts list is to be provided. TOTtL PRICE TO COUNTY OF ELGIN 8S equipped $, Pl 5~ p .' 1 c. T ~ us ~ rOVlnC18 caLes aX ~ TOTtL PRICE ~ ST1'iTE DELIVERY Df.l.TE: ,1967. DEALER l~DDRESS State Additional Cost of Diesel Engine. and give specifications. Attach manufacturer's specifications on equipment tend~ed on. List any optional equipment 9nd cost that you believe the County of Elgin may be interested in: comrfi O~ .;;---~. 'tw>c'tOR 't1!.lIDER "jl" ~------:;;;;;----_.-- SEIJ,.ED 'tElIDEl'$ plainlY tnar1~ed as to content!! will be reeeived by the ----_.~ underSigned until - ~~~~ for supplying 1? .0.1:1. 'i1bite' s Statio1\' ~~ as per specificatiOns. 't1'.lID1!.R 1?OR 1?1\1ll~ 'tW'o-C't~~~~ _::=---~ St. 'tham3S, 01\tariol \-1hite' s St.a.tion, (5th C01\cesSion, 'la1:\llOUth 'to'l'l1\ship, j~ 4. 1:1.igwnay, St. 'thotnaS, 01\tario), ~~AC~nsl specifications to ecc~anY each'te1\der. ::,:::;.;;--'-'--~:"'- C t ~o-ms a.nd fill in varioUS specifications of their ~ must use oun Y t .~ partiCUlar 'tractors. illDD1!.R5 will be required to sho~ coU1\tY representatiVes the 'tractors and ~'- lIDwers up01\ which theY are quoting, if requested. ~~ is ~ applicable to thiS te1\der. ~~ !.! applicable to thiS tender ~ or ~ not 1\ecessarilY accepted. lnternational 1?a~ll h 'tractor 'the trade-i1\ tnaY be viewed at the county Garage, 't~..D 'B - iJ.~ ....----- R.C, 1100nE, ? 11$l., CO'\Jl~'t"i El~G1.~EEl'" COU1tt1 at tLG1.1:1 COU11't \lOUSE S't. 't\1.O\!lhS, 0l~t>Rl0. 't1!.t.1'. ?1:1.0W.' *j~ \,- 5880 ~ ~ VOR Vlu'Ul. TRp,CTOl''s f'}1D~~ TO T\1E C\\A1.l'J,lAi~ t.11D blElffiERS 0'l1 T\\E cout<T'l oV EWU1 RObD CO}\tnT'tEE: 1.f~m hereb~ agree to suppl~ to the county of Elgin, 'l1.0.B. ~Thite'S StatiOn,St. Thomas, t~O ne~ 1967 Uodel Tractors and Uowers, as per Count~ specificatiOns. MAlee J\'ND nODEL t<e~ Tractors and blo'lers must be of a make and ro.odel in current production and be of the latest ro.odifications. ?refere~e ~ll be gi~en to a ~odel for which service is easil~ obtain- able. Utilit~ or offset ~odel necessary. s~ate Model tendered on: lA1m.UUU 1)1U\W-BAR a.? - 20 Nebraska TeSt. State R.P. ------- GAS01.:I.'tlE: ------------~ Engine _ H3 cu. inS. disP lace~ent tninit\lU1ll. To be equipped with oil filter full flow type, muffler and ai'r l?'reeleaner. To be equi.pped with electriC sta~ing s'Jstelll at'lG key ignition, including 2 headlightS and 1 reer ~ite spotlight and 1 red tail li~ht. DESCR1.'BB ----- ---------- El1G1 ~lE : Tl'~$lA1SS1.0N: .. Shell be selecti~e straight line slid~ng gear, posit~~e roash type, and ha~e not leSs than 4 speeds forward end 1 re~~rse, and ha~e a gear suitable for weed ~owing, and a gear su~table for highwaY tra~el. State ~inimu~ speed in varioUS gears: ----------------- -- ------ - . ------------ shaH be 9 inch diaroater ~inimu~, heaVY duty type. Gi~e Details: CLU'tCtl ':. --------- ?O\mR Tt,t{!!. O'l1V:. d shall operate at 540 R.?U. h guard ovar ?T.O shall be supplie · State ~ether or not li~e type and e~tra cost of li~e type, if a'1aila.ble41 --------------~- VRON! hla..E: shaH be heaVY duty an.d sufficiently strong and braced to tra~el o~et rough ground. Gi~e Details: -------- --- 'Pa.ge 2 'tBl'IDE'R 'FO'R 'FA1.U~ ~~1D~~~ (continued) :;;;---~ ~.---- SEh't: Sba11 be spring mounted and padded, delu~e type, Give Dete.i1s~ ---- 'Front"- 600 :It 16, 4 plY minimum, 'tib type. seate Size & PLY, Rear _ 1100 :It 24 or 28, 4 plY, mini~m, lug type. State Size a.nd 1?\'Y. ~th ba.c\t 'test. Tl'RBS~ :tEAR ~nmEt. VE~nERS ARE ~ECESSK;J."'i. -------- -- ---------- ------------------- l~nufactUrersl standard colou't acceptable. Sh 11 be lettered Ilcom1't"'i oV EV:;~W', 1~13 & ~1.4- respect;iVe1Y o~hood, in blac~ lettering, similar tP CountY of Elg~n 'tt'acto't :jp 9. 1?l\.'l1'l't : A nw>\.mAR S1:\t\t.t. 1}E 1?l',o\[!.U"ED. . ~ear ~heelS sba11 be e~UiPped with servi~e ~r~kes, etc., pedalS of ~hich sba11 be foot ope'tated, eithe't ~nd~~duallY or Sift\u1tane.ous\,Y. Give Details: 'B:u~Y-ES ~ liOvmr" ~ -------- State Model 'tendered on: Shall be side mounted ahead of rear ~heels on 'tight side. Shall be of an ~ndustria~' designed for heavY duty work · 1 (Compara~asseY 'Fe'tguson Model 135 lio~r, or ~nte1:'l\9ot~Ona asrvester Model 110) l~~erroust be designed especialll for ill tractor tendered on. 1:l.o~ers ~it~ convent;iOna1 type p t1llS:t ~1 b ~de~ad. preference ~~11 be g~ven to those mO e s not e conS~ .~. · d. i1 for ~~ich partS and service can be obta~ne eas y. Gi '\fe Dete.i 1s ~ --~ -- --------- -' ----------- five feet. ~degrees belo~ horizontal, contrOlled uydraulicallY. vTI.D't'H. O'F CUT ~ CUT'tll\\G AHG'L'E: ----- 1:lEc1;lA}1~ CAt. U'R~ VE: 'F rom 1'. 't · 0 · ------------- ------------ ? f':.Gn. 3 . .,., i\ 11'ID'IlS'tR1M.. l'i.O\fiW:i (cont 'd) "'1"'''''''' 'Fa" 'F t-,l'JJ 't?JI.C'!o<.s ,,'l.1!L----------- ~,,!!~~..-.--- 'l~JJ~L1C L1fT: cont~011ed f~om ope~ato~,sSea~ba;{.~~l e~~~~~~~~~~e al~;~~auliC without cableS '. c~a1.ns, etc(o, ':mum li.ft 7~1\) cu~b lift fo~ l.ns1.de shoe ~n1.' Desct'ibe ~ . h tions fo~ each unit. S'Il??L1 4 ~lVE ~LNDES, complete Wl-t sec ------------ ---<,--~-_.--- ---..-.-,----------.- ---- ----.---..-------.------.---- .------- --------------. --.---.----'----.--- ----- 110\TE"l ~ . ----------. ------------------- lG'l1!E n.hCl-t o~ cA>-'<J.1El'., to be 1?ro"ided. ------.--- . ---------- -------- pe1;."e1:1 of eottl1?\ete Uni~S ~s'e be ~ae b1 Jut\e 1, \96'7. state pe\ive1:1 Date. ..------------------ ------------- n b' ~h~" 1 g;.n cout\t1 Roan J.,O'iIES't 01', tJirt: 'tID'IDER t\ot t\eces$a~ilY aceepte '! U cot'{1tt\i ttee. 0 TO' f r1"t'O rf\":"" (. of't'\O""- IJ:'ID llO'\fi:t$ as pe~ specificatiOt\S ?Rl CI!. or'" .,,,.. ,,,-, . 1 varroa11 I a~d tESS t~LPY~cE fo~ cout\t1 It\ternat1.ona . side ro.o'\.\t\t 11o\~e't' crost have safetY ~e1ease. DE'L!~!l"l: ----.---------.. ---~.--'-~--'--- ---.---,....--'.....--.-- \;\'I!.'t \?t',1 cE for 't'\l0 ml1 'tS tl ",n ^' ,..11"t'" ~" c"'''''''' ,S S ?EC1 V1 Ch'tl 0\,5 'to 't1!.\~I)I!.R. P..rr:r.t).C~L ~.u:~lVl:.t:.. ,).vJ.-\.J,:.I...." L1S't tJi'/. o1"t10lilliL EQ'\l1'l?1lBU't /\lW CoS't 'tW,'t 10U 1\1!.L1EV'l 't1:\E comn:'l oV }ltS ?jl!. l1:1'tERES'tEP 1\1: ELG1.~~ -.-- ------- -----.---.- ---- ------------..- .---------- ---------- -------------------------- --------- -------------- ~--,._._-- ---------~ ----------------~ __----~tE11 ....---...-.--.--.------- -----~ -.----....-.=;;-;;:;;-.------. _---TBLB'F1-l011'B 1:nJlre~1... ---~------_.-- __.--- Dt:..rrE 2.9"Ul1~~_"gF ELGIN TENDER FOlt V1BrJ~TO}lY ROJ..ILEJ. 11 --...- -...."..--- IHFO~'llJ1~J.gn TO BIDDE~ SEALED TENDEP$ plainly marked as to contents ,/i11 be received by the Undersigned until - lO~OO A,H. APRl~-1~ 1967. for supplying F.O.B. rn1itelS Station, St. Thomas, Ontario. One only Vibratory Roller? new 1967 Model 11'.lpact Force appro~timately 5 Tons 'No Tra.de-in. 1ll-'p~EItS~ must use County Tender Forms or the Tender will not be consideredo LOlffiST or tJ:TY TEllDER not necessarily accepted. '20 G 0 1:iOO!'~ , P 0 El'lG., COUNTY EHGIHEER, COURT ROUSE s ST 0 TH01:1AS ~ O'NTP.TI.I0 0 TELEPUOUE~ 631-5880 COUNTY OF ELGIN ~_...._~,-,-----~.-_.",...... TENDER FOR VIBlli\TOnY ROLLER ...2.. TO THE CHAIPJ.fAN i;.ND Iv1EHBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGI11 ROAD COlvjll1TTEE I/HE hereby agree to supply to the County of Elgins E~.O.Bo Hhitets Station, St. Thomas, One New' 1967 Hodel Vibratory RollE~r, as per County Specifications. ~m UNDERSTtJ~D .. that Federal Sales Tax is not applicable to thi.s purchase and that our Tender does not include Federal S~lles Tax. STATE 110DEL .. of Roller Tendered on~ IlOLLEU: shall be of a Vibratory Drum Type, diameter of drum appro,c- imately 60 inches. shall be designed to give an Impact of approxir~tely 5 Tons. DESCTI.IBE~ ROLLER: sha.ll be of a type enabling it to be easily to'v1ed by a Farm Tractor. STATE Overall Uidth~ STATE Turning rradius: (Radius shall be such that it may easily 06 turned around on a two lane road.) STATE Vibratory Frequency~ STATE vThether or not Vibration Frequency is ad.justab1e ~ ENGINE: may be Gasoline or Diesel, Air or Hater cooled, but must be complete in all respects including necessary gauges and fuel tank. DESCRIBE Engine: Preference will be given to those Models for v1hich Service is easily obtainable. DESCRIBE facilities for Service and STATE County that Roller and Engine are manufactured in: j c~U~nY,OF ELGIN. TErIDER FOR VIBRATORY ROLLER (continued) ..3- IT IS THE INTENTION of the County to try out t:he Rol1er~ on a one month approval~ before purchasing the Rc.ller. If the ;:toller is not satisfactory to the County for smy reason il1hatsoever $I at the end of the month the Courity is to be free to return the :loller to the Supplier with no obligation other than to pay the one month's Rental$! which is c~oted belowo THE ROLLER TO BE DELIVERED to the County by HclY lq 1967lil and the month's rental is to be calculated from the time the County begins to use it (which is estimated at: Hay 15, althoush this date is not guaranteed) 0 If thE~ County desires to keep the Roller $I no ::lental shall be paid!) ;;Lnd the Total Tendered Price of the Roller shall be paido ENTIRE UNIT shall be covered by the l1anufactul~ert s Standard Uarrantyo OPEnl\.Tollt S UL\.NU.!\.L AND SPLillE P~TS LIST is to be providedo DESC~IBE Warranty~ TOTAL PRICE TO THE CO~1TY OF ELGINt as equipped: $ PLUS 5% PROVINCIAL SALES TAX: $ TOTAL prrICE: $ RENTAL FO:t ONE 110NTH: $ (including Delivery to vfuite's Station~ but not return to Supplier~ which l'1ill be paid by the Coun~y) PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX ~ $ TOTAL UJINTAL ~ $ NOTE: Uental Price will be considered along with thla Total Price of the rroller~ in awarding the Tendero 19670 DJ..TE DEALER ADDRESS Attach Manufacturer's Specifications on Equipment tendered upon. List any optional Eq,uipment and Cost that you believe the County of Elgin may be interested in: ~() ~. . " '1" ~----i ,~- ~- COUNTY OF ELGIN 1967 TENDERS FOR ..1.1t\TERIf..LE-1:t~_. SUPPLIES GROUP 1 -.- ....- 3/8" .an~ 1/~~~ STONE___CHIPS FOR ~UIlFl.CE~.1'R~~TNEN! 10 Dufferin Materi~ls & Construction Ltdo~ Hagersville~ Onto 20 Il~; ldimf~nd Qu'rries & Constructiori Limited. Hagersville~ Onto 3 0 C~.yuga (luarries Limi ted~ Cn yugP~, Ont 0 4, C.!.1n?da Crushed & Cut Stone Limi ted Hamilton.. Onto 50 Riverside Construction Coo Limited, London:. Ontario 0 $1045 per ton ... 31au & ~j 1 ~ 50 per ton l/4i'i Limestone Chips not washed~ F oQoBo Hagersvil1E~ 1045 per tono LimestonE~ Chips not washed FoOoHo Hrgersvi11e 1045 per ton ... 3/8" 8.nc1 $1050 per ton 1t 4" Limestone Chips H~\shed~ F oO.Bo Cayug,? 1045 per ton... 3/8H and $1050 per ton 1/4" Limestone Chips H!lShed5' Freight $1.25 per ton via CoNoRo 1 0 33 per ton 3/8" 2nd ~n 0 00 per ton 1/4" (round) FoOoBo Pit:., Fanshaw Road " Crushed Gravel 60 The Flintkote COo of Cano Ltd P?ris, Onto 1.30 per ton 3/8" E".nd ~~1020 per ton 1/4" Gre.vel Chipso F ClOjlB9 Paris /'7~ Consolid~ted Sand and Grrve1 Limited: P.qris. Onto vao V9' RoSa C1~rk Limiteds Ingersoll~ Onto Cecil McRae Limited London, On.t", ~o Johnston Broso Ltdo~ \I J.\ Bothwell Ont" GROUP 2 BITUHINOUS Hl..TERIAL r:'~'Iinperi-:~~r-6-[i Limited DoBoOo Primer 110 I " P 0 RoCoOo-RoCo4 2a The British t.~erican Oil Coo Ltd" London~ Onto ".... D " H 0 0 a . ~ CU,rrie pr,oducts Ltdo~ ~_o H~milton, Onto Tar Primer Tar RoT 0 5-12 40 B.Po Canada Ltd. DoHoOo Primer EHULSIOl'lS ~~he ;~intkote Co. of V-- Canada Limited5 Toronto Onto Cationic .90 per ton - 1/4" ChjLps FoGoBo Paris 1050 per ton - 1/4" to l/S" FoGoBo Ingersoll 1030 per ton 3/8" and ~?lClOO per ton 1/4" (round) FoOoBo Byr()n.Pito Washed 1060 per ton - Komoka 2070 per ton - ~~rdsville & to tfuite's StaG FoOoBo Sarnir. 1608C per gallon l6.8C per 8['110n (for tnulch) 1709<;: per g2.llon (for lsurface treatment) 1606c per gallon FoCoBo Hamilton 1505(; per g~".11on 20.7<; per g"'llon (for mulch & surface treatment) . FoOoBo Bronte 1604c per gallon F.OoBo Long Branch Emulsions 1908c per g"'11on (Aecl!pted by Road Connnittee) COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR l~TERIALS ~}ID SUPPLIES P....GE 2 G~Q.U.?~2.~~lv1ULSIONS - continued 20 RoE. L~w Crushed Stone Ltd~~ Port Colborne~ Ont.. 3.. T.J" Pounder (Ontario) Ltd.~ Brampton~ Onto 4. Canadian Bitumuls Co. Ltd.~ Toronto~ Ont. GROUP 3 _. ......... HOT HIX .{BPfu~',.LT FOR PATCHING .. ~~rWalmsley Bros.. Limited~ V London, Onto ~2o A. Cope & Sons Limited, London, Ont.. 3. Riverside Construction Co.. 'Ltd.. It London, Ont" 4. Towland Construction Ltd.~ London~ Ont.. GROUP 4 COLD J>1IX ASPHl~LT /' -_.._._- .- --.- . ~ Dufferin Materials & \~ -. Construction Ltd.._ Hagersville> Onto 2" Cayug~'. Quarries Limited~ Cayug0.:; Ont" 30 Riverside Construction Coo Limited;l London~ Ontario. 40 Towland Construction Ltd.., London~ Onto GROUP .2- CALCIUM CHLORIDE ,;",..:/' ~qUid ~ 1. Poll~rd Bros. Co. Ltd,,? Harrow:, Ont.. 2.. Hiller Paving Limited, Toronto, Ont.. Bulk /1. Allied Chemical Can~da Ltdo~ Toronto)l Onto F.OoB. Port Colborne C2tionic Emulsions - 19.8~ per gallon F .O.B. Bro.mptort. Cationic Emulsion - 19.9C per g::'llon F" D. B.. Leaside (I' ":," Cationic Emulsi"""-s - 1908(; per gallon F..OoBo Putnam.. $5~75 per ton.. F..OoBo Londono $6,,00 per ton.. FoOoB. Plent, Hamilton Road~ Londono $5085 per ton. FoOoB.. Plents London East. $5085 per tono F.DoB 'H0gersville.. $5..90 per tono Trucking to St.. Thomas $1050 per ton via Thompson Trucking. FoDeB.. Cayugcl... $6000 per tono F..OoBo Londono $7.25 per ton. FoO.B. London.. $7025 per tono Delivered per flnke ton equiv8.lent .sny ro~d or spot spr~ying> including Federal Sa.les Tax.. $45..50 per ton.. De 1 i vered per flake ton equi VE', lent on road including Federal Sales Tax.. $46..00 per ton.. F.OoBo Lmherstburgo Delivered per flake ton equivalent any road - $45000 per ton.. Twenty ton loadso Hork by Thompson Trucking~ St.. Thomas. Q9Ul1TX....9! }~.hG!l:l"""':.~J'~~~A ,.~~9.P:...ft:t!:~.!~~~S__:}~ SUl-:P~I ~.?. P:'GR ~ .J.. .......'.'.:....# .:) 9RQ~'p._5..-_ _9l:.~Q!Y!!_9.H~Q;l!PE c2P.!=~i:.~~ed B~A! "/"1,, Lllied Chemical Cr'.n..-.da Ltdo ~ CI Toronto~ Onto G TlC?V2. ~ .?P~~~Y~~9~j:-mll! /' St" Ht.ryl s Cement Coo Toronto:. Ont" Ltd,,~( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 20 Sto Lawrence Cement Coo, CL:~rkson~, Ont" Delivered to Sto Thom~s in twenty ton lots - $49016 per ton" Delivered to Sto Thomas in bulko $3097 per b:rrel~ including 11% Federal Sales T~.x (Less lOC per b'.rrel discount)o High Early Strength - $l~o 75 in bulk per b"r1:elo (Less 10~ per b~rrel discount) 0 3. Ct;i.nada Cement COo Ltdo $ Toronto. Ont" . // ' 0" HD.rltltt Fuels ";.nd Lumber Ltdo~$1,,26 par bago Less 2% - 30 dfl~So Sto Thomc,s~ Ont" .5" Big n4" Builders Supply Ltdos $1030 per b~'g. Less 2% - 30 da.ys Sto Thomas:. OntQ GROUP 7 ~- ~.-.. ...... .~~,l,:.D . !~1! -,,' . ~ Dellerls.Tile Limited, V . Bro''1l1sv~l.le,: Ont.. GROUP 8 ....-..-..... --_..,. 901lQ:~~~.E~_~~l1J1A ?I:?E - _Ls.~.,~.~.2p'! l~ Concrete Pipe Limited, London~ Onto c/ C~n.",:dr:'> VitJ:ified Products I..imi ted:; Sto Thomps~ Ont" 3.. Brantford Builders Supplies Limi ted 5 Brr.,n.tford~ Ont" 4~ Brantford Concrete Pipe Co. Br'.'1.ntford, Ont.. 5.. Schulz Concrete Pipe Ltd.. Kitchener~ Ont" 6. Bestpipe Limited~ Kitchenet"!I Onto F.DoB" Bro~msvil1e ~1 0 $65000 perUo Lino feet. Sft 0 $90" 00 par 110 Lino feeto 6" 0 $120000 per 11,. Lino feet. ~t @ $165000 per Mo Lin" feet. au C $185000 per J:.:1" Lin. feet.. 10" (~: $290000 per H" Lin. feet.. 12it @ $415000 pt;rr 11., Lin" feet.. 16" \1 $775..00 per 1L Lin" feet. 3" !ll 66Q per foot 10" G 88~'per foot l~i 0 $1042 per foot - Less 5% Diseounto pooono St..Thomas Stonn ':Tater Pipe - Vitrified 2nd clnss Clay an 0 52C per footo lon @ 78C per foot" 12" (l 9705 ~ per foot - Less 5% discount ~'~.s per list as per list as per list as per list COUNTY OF ELGIN -=- TENDER~!_OR M2.TERILLS LND SUPPLIES GROUP 9 CORRUGATED CULVERTS -.......-...~ _.... 10 Armco Drai.nc.ge & l1etal V" Products of Cano Ltdo Islington$ Onto /~ ~: ~Ilesteel - Rosco Limited:. Torontos Onto Canada Culvert Coo Ltdo, London~ Onto 40 Corrugated Pipe Coo Ltdo~ Str':itford Onto ~: Ont;:rio Culvert & Het?l Products Ltd.. ~ Hater1oo,; Onto P l.GE 4 1966 Price List 1966 Price List No asbestos bonded asph21t pipeo 1966 Price List.. 1966 Price List 1966 Price List 60 The Pedlar People Ltdo; 1966 Price List Toronto" Onto 70 F"=l.wcett Het~l Products Ltd.. > 1966 Price List U~ter1oo" Onto 80 EoS. IIubbell & Sons Ltd..~ 1966 Price List Thamesville, Onte 9oRobertsteel (C'n~da) Ltdo~ 1966 Price List Hsmi1ton Onto GROUP 10 ......,.. .. /", r ~CING H?,TERIALS V 1. Steel Compr:'ny of Cana.da Hqmi1ton~ Ontario 0 Ltd.,~ F..OoBo ':-Thite Stationy; St.. Thomas 24~ 000 lbso minimum loe.ds 948-12 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls $135010 per 100 rods 7' T-R~il Posts & Clips $ 92090 per 100 16' x 48H Fflnn G~;tes $ 22..94 each No.. 9 Ga.1vp:.nized Br')ce Hire $ 11013 per lOO lbs.. 1 3/4" G~ 1 v".nized Fence St'''p1es $ 12..76 per 100 lbso 48" Snow Fence in 50 & 100 foot rolls $ 16035 per 100 lino feet 20 Elgin Co-oper~tive Services~ St.. Thomas" Ontl> 948..12 Fence 7' T..B~r Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates No 0 9 Ga 1 V": nized BrA,ce Hire 1 3/4" Galv".nized Stp~ples Snow Fence 30 Lundy Fence Coo Ltd~~ Toronto Ont 0 (supplying) 948-12 Fence 7' T-B~r Posts & Clips 16' F2rtn Gates no 0 9 Ga 1 v~.nized Br8.ce Hire 1 3/~1 Ga1v2nized St~p1es Snow Fence $137085 per 100 Rods $ 94070 per 100 $ 23..49 each $ 11030 per 100 1bso $ 12093 per 100 Ibso $ 16040 per 100 feet FoOoEo in truck lo~!d lots;; delivered at Sto Thom3s, Ont" $138000 per 100 rods $ 95072 per 100 $ 23..10 ef:ch $ 11039 per 100 1bso $ 13006 per 100 1bso $ 16093 per 100 feet COUNTY OX__El~~N - TEND~R F-9R l~~TERIALS AND SUPPLIES gROUP 10 continued 40 Topnotch Feeds Ltdq~ St.. Thomass Ont.. 948-12 Fence 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates 1 3/~t Galvanized Strples Noo 9 Ga1v~nized Brace Wire Snow Fence 50 Hesteel - Rosco Limiteds Toronto~ Ont" 16' Fnnn Gates 7' T-Bp,r Posts Snow Fence 6., Fawcett Het?1 Products Ltdo $' Uaterloo. Onto Snow Fence Posts 7.. Ao Fennell & Son Ltdo~ Newbury, Onto 948-12 Fence 7' T-B~r Posts & Clips 16' Gates Noo 9 Brace Hire 1 314ft St-:,ples Snow Fence SOT lOOt GROUP_.l~_ '~'100DEN POSTS /L GoLo Edwards Thedford~ Onto 5" top mino Peeled 8' long 7" top mino Peeled 8' long GROUP 12 REINFORCING STEEL 10 Jo Harris & Sons Limited~ London. Onto 2.. London Steel Industries, London~ Onto GROUP 13 -.----.. ./GRL\DER BL1\DES ~ 1. J.D. Ada:: Co. Ltd., Pariss Onto 20 Hestee1 - Rosco Limited... Toronto.., Onto $137075 per 100 rods $ 94..00 per lOO $ 23..25 each $ 11..35 per 100 lbso $ 13000 per 100 1hso $ 18000 per 100 ft.. roll $ 24027 each $ .92.35 cents each plus clips $ 16..81 per 100 foot roll $ 17075 per 100 feet $ 97010 per lOa $137..00 per 100 Rods $ 95..72 per 100 $ 23..11 each $ 11039 per 100 lbs.. $ 17000 per 100 Ibso $ 8047 $ 16043 FoOoBo St.. Thomas $ 080 each $ 1..40 each ) ) ) 'tJill :~uote on Det.C'.iled List ) ) P<~\.GE 5 Delivered to St.. Thomas~ Qu.....ntity over 200.. Sian x 6" x 6 feet - $7080 ee-,ch Delivereds Quantity over 200 5/8" x 6" x 6 feet - $8050 each Non-sharpened.. P/.GE 6 COUNTY OF ELGIN _ TErIDER FOR HL.TERILLS AND SUPPLIES ._-,,--~_.,_.*.~".-. - ".---- G rou\?... l3.~~nt i nu.~.s! 3~ E.So Hubbell & Sons Ltd05 Thamesville~ Onto 4" Bucyrus Blades of Cano ~ Br.~).m~...le8 Onto 50 Crothers Limited> Toronto$ Onto 60 Valley Blades Limited~ Preston5 Onto 70 Federal Equipment Limited~ Toronto., Onto GROUP B ~1?R 10 Marlett Fuels and Lumber Ltdo, Sto Thom~s> Ont6 r~rchantable Spruce - 2 x 4 2 x 6 Construction Grade 2 x: 8 n " 2 x 10" " 1 x 10 tt n 1 x 12 11 1t $ 8030 each~ delivered." qunntity over 2000 $ 7090 each (less l%)~ deliveredo ~1uantity over 2000 $ 8,,75 each, Plus Federal Sales Tax" $ 8,,02 each~ delivered $ 10..20 each" $112000 per MoBoFo $115000 per MoBoFo $128000 per MoBoF" $128000 per lioBoFo $132000 per MoB.Fo $140000 per M"BoFo (Plus $5000 per llaBoF" for specified lengths on IH sheeting) Above Prices include Federal Sales Tax. ,:_11 less 2% - 30 days 20 Big 4 Builders Supply Ltdo~ St 0 Thomas ~ Ont.. Merchantable Spruce - 2 x 4 Construction Grnde 2 x 6 n Vi 2 Jt 10 1 x 10 Spruce Sheeting 1 x l2 " n $112450 per M"BoFo $115000 per NoBoFo $126000 per MoBoFo $142000 per MoBoFo $142000 per M"BoFo I.bove Prices include Federe,l Sales Tax. All less 2"1. 30 A.. Fennell Newbury) Ontario 0 2 x 4 Construction Grade $102,,00 peL UoBoF.. 2 x 6 ti " $110000 per MoBoF" 2 x 10 11 " $120.00 per 1ioBoFo 1 x 10 t1 H $115000 per MoBoFo GROUY_J:1 ROAD SIGNS & POSTS ................._.,..-....- ,.------....-.:.....-.....-. . 10 1~chanicG1 Advertising Ltdo~ FoOoB~ OShCW20 Osht''\;va Ont" H,\1" Series ... 24 x 24 $ 9035 each for over 15 l1"VJ" Series - 30 x 30 $ 15095 e~ch for over 15 nRtt Series - 24 x 30 $ 11 c l~9 e8.C h tnil" Series - 12 x 36 $ 7080 each for over 15 Bridge End Harkers 1?!'.Gt 1 ,.. '\' "'~RI 'LS '11D SU?1'LIES COU11'1:'" or' l!.LGIn - 'tf.11Dl!.1?$ r'O'~,,~:~,,-.e..__c~'--'_:::--- ...;..- .....~--"--=--------- 1.0hD stGrr, . 1111' ?o!313-' - --,..---. ,. ,~-_...,.....~,-~- I. Uech~~ical ha"'e~tiSing Ltd., co~ti~ued 10 ~oot r'langed ,1\1" 1'ostS co1l\tllete L . $ 5.31 each Gr.1 van,.zed 12 ~oot "1)" ?lr~ged 1'osts eo1l\tllete ,. ~ . $ 6.30 eD.en Gal '\Ta.nl.zed Roseo 11etal 1'J:oduetS Ltd. 1:oronto~ Onto ,.1.1. l'J:iees 1!. O. 'B. St. 'thoftlll-s. 5 o'! more signS "~T" seJ:iell - 2l> 1t 2l> ",," Seriell - 2l> 1t 30 ~ c rostS _ appJ:o~i~telY 12 ,t. ~ 10015 each ~ 13000 e::"ch $ 5.90 e~ch (deliveJ:ed) :.1.1. pric e'll 1'.0. 'B. 'to ro~tO ~~Y ~~beJ: of signll' 20 . J.L. UattS & Co. Ltd. " Don 11i11s~. out 0 ~ 8..65 e:?ch ~ 13..55 e2.ch ~ 6.BB ec,ch 30 1'\]" Seriell - 2l> ~ 24 ~/ "W' seJ:iell - 30 )t 30 " '1\1" SeJ:iell - 12 )t 36 . 'Bridge l!.nd'lbJ:lterS "W' Seriell - 2l> )t 30 $ 1.0.95 ea.ch rostS _ 10 foot co1l\tllete _ 12 foot complete ~ 5..25 cnch $ 6,,1.0 each GROU1? 16 .,.,."...... --.,.~,.,..~ ~ . d " : nti_CO~osive 1'eint ~'1'1'1: _ llrid"e Peint - Red ~~~~e~?_.-:---'- ...------- E~:;;....-:c-...-...P. -- -" ,..---- 1. Glidde~ rai~t ce~tJ:e, St. 'thomaS, ant.. (2) Glidde~ 470R Rea Lead (b) Gree~ L~ti_CO~osive Itu S ttna $ t.e r $ 5.85 per gs1.10~ $ 7.28 per gal1.0~ 2. Reia'S rai~t seJ:vice, St" Thomas. Ont" (r\) Rea Lend . (b) GJ:ee~ ~ti_cOJ:ros1."'e 3. NortheJ:~ 1?"i~t r.~a \j'.rnish, O'fAen sound:. ont.. $ 8.75 peJ: gallO~ $ 6.75 peJ: gallO~ (a) Red Lecd . (b) GJ:ee~ L~ti Co~OS1.ve $ 5.43 per ga1.10~ $ 5.43 pe~ gal1.0~ Gr..OU1? 16 -"~ -~-- i~ 45 g~llO~ druros - ~o~ reflectoJ:ized l't~'l't _ ';1hite~ic ~ ~-~ ;.:;;--- 1.. Reid' s Paint se-rvice. St 0 '1\1.0'((\.8.9, ont 0 $ 5.10 peJ: g~110~ 2.68 per gallon (used lallt yeaJ:) 2.56 pe~ gallon (soroe used last yeaJ:) $ 2. Glidden raint centre, S t 0 TbotntJ:~ ~ onto 3. nisga~a psint & Chemical Co., $ HamiltOn ont" 4. northern l'ai~t & \10.r~iSb... owen Sound, ont~ $ 2.44 "e~ l'",1.lon tI (l COUNTY OF ELGIl1 - TEHDER FOR llc',TERIl'iLS .~J1D SUPPLIES GROUP 16 fJ:.Jl1T - Or....?:n.8_~_._G~.i_4.~~?:.i.1_, p~.i-}2.t:. 10 Glidden Paint Centre~ Sto ThomascOnto 2" Reidts Paint Service Sto Thomas~ Ont" 30 Northern Paint & V:-rnish) Owen Sound GROUP 18 10 Aylmer Tire Service Ltdo; ,',.y1mer ~ Ont 0 Truck Tires Grader Ti.res Farm, Tr" etoI' Tlres P,3.ssenger Tires 20 Noore Tire Limited~ St. Thomas ~ Ont 0 ...."'1'i'uck Tires c/ GrQder Tires .. Farm Trn.c~or Tires . Passenger Tires Retreading (Truck Tires) Repairs (Truck Tires) 30 Firestone Stores~ St.. Thoffi2,s, Onto Truck Tires' Grader Tires P2.ssenger Tires Farm Tre.ctor Tires Retreading Rep~'irs (Truck Tires) Pt.GE 8 $ 8072 (Used last year) per gBllon . $ 4050 per gallon $ 4087 per g~llon Goodyear Tires 43% Discount from list 43/'0 iV n tv 30% n n tv 30% It if n Goodyear Tires 47 1/2 % Discount from list 50% VI n it 42% H 'it tt 37% It tv " 35% n ti Y1 $ iloo 00 each Firestone Tires 47 1/2 % Discount fram List 47 1/2 % n " " 30/'0 n If 'It 45% '/1 it u 35% Ii tV tf $ 3050 each All Less 2% if pnid by the 10th of the month following 43 United Tire Sales (London) Ltdo$ London ,; Ont 0 (Service through l100re Tire Ltd,,) Prices Retre2.ding Repairs 5" Hcl1anus Hators Limited~ London~ Ontario Repqirs GROUP 19 -..- -..---- B.:'.,Im.ICADE RENTAL \" (' l:S81 t .--.---- Vi. Safety Equipment I' Galt >.Onto /2. Owl Lite Equipment Fort Erie~, Onto Coo Ltd,,~ Ltd" as per List 35% Discount from List $3000 each (St" ThomRs) Remington Tires Discount 50% & 5% from List $ 4,,25 eBch (London) $ 025 per day per barric.2:de on ,:, consignment basis $ 025 per d~y per barricade on a consignment b2Sis ST. THOHAS, ONTARIO. l'!ARCH 8t 1967. THE COm~TY OF ELGIN ROAD COMi.~iITTEE met at the Court House at 2: 00 P.M. on March 8, 1967. ALL 1>mmERS were present. Also present w'as 1,111:. Frank Clarke, Senior }IIunicipal Supervisor of the Ontario Department of Highways. THE lilI't\'!lJ'l:~S OF THE t'fBETING .of l"larch 2, 1967 Wlare read and approved. THE COUNTY ENGINEER RBPORu1.lIJ as fo110~fs: 1. That further discussion had been held with }<Ir. Donald F(:>ster, Re: larger CuI vert across Road 1f: 52, and that an agreement would b~a drc:rtm up. 2. That revised specifications were expected shortly on thla SprinS"fater Dam. Ul'iOVED BY: J .B. ~,n.LSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT THE FOLLO~'lING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYl-mNT: PAYLIST I 5 amounting to PAY14IST 41 1 D.R. 41 840 amounting to $12,624.67 10,706.22 34,265.55 53t721.91 PAYLIST # 6 amounting to PAYLIST * 7 amounting to CA,.ttRIEDU CORRESPONDENCE WAS REi\D from :(1) T .S. Caldwell, District :'Hunicipa1 Engineer t re Regulations under theOonstruction Safety Act, ~:lnd (2) ~llestern Farmer \ileather Insurance Company, stating that the County Garage was insured, if the Radio Tower fell on it. ttMOVED BY: V. DeGR..iI\W SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT BRIAN HINDLEY BE DESIGNATED A REGULAR E1:<1PLOYEE, AS OF :t.flutCH 1, 1967. CARRIED" "t1fOVED BY: J .13. "taLSON SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS TltJ\.T ~,m RECOl,n.m~ID TO COUNTY COUNCIL TMT A BY-L.l\lf' BE PASSED AUTHORIZINGTllE \lll\PJ)EN AND CLEPJiC. TO SIGN i\N AGREEtmNT laTH THE ONTARIO DEPe\RTtml'lT 01F HIGffif'AYS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOP}'1ENT ROAD iF 840. Ct\P...RI EDII TENDERS FOR 11ATERIALS .A.J:~D SUPPLIES were presented as attached and were discussed. n~fOWD BY: l1.. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: V. DeGRAlf' TI1A.T TElIDERS FOR ~L\'l'~RIALS i\ND SUPPLIES BE ACCEPTED AND THE :ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PURCrL\SE 1>fATERIALS WITH REGAPJ> TO QUALITY AND PRICE. Ci\RRIEDtl PAGE 2 P~\NS RECEIVED from the Ontario Department of' High'tiaYs, re the rebuilding of Highway I 3 from Aylmer easterly, were examined and discussed and it 'tf&S decided to asl( ~.lr. A. }'leConnell of' the Ontario Department of Highways Planning Branch to attend the next meeting of the Road Committee. ltHOVED BY: J .13. v'TILSON SECONDED BY: D.. GILCHRIST TFL\T THE E~!GINEER BE El'1PO~liERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE HcNEIL BRIDGE CARRIED" "HOVED BY: A.. AUOKLAND SECONDED BY: V. DeGF~W THAT l~1E 1\DJOUR1~ TO APRIL 12th, 1967 at .10:00 A.l:!. CAPJtIEDtt o. ~9J?~ CHAIPJ':fA'N s't. THOMAS, ONTARIO. M,l\'RCR, 1967. TO THE C1:lA.IRMA"tl & 'HElmERS OF TUE COUNTY 01' ELG1N ROAD COMMl'l"tEE GENTLEMEN: County Road system is composed of approximatelY 300 miles of Road, of Which 22 m11es are under control of St. 'tholllSS suburban Road Co_ssion. This is an ATTACUED TO TU1S REPORT is a Proposed Budget for 1967. The present increase of approximately 8 miles in the past year, because of roads assumed in the area of the rare Plant. TUE PROPOSED BUn<>ET is based on an expenditure of 9.3 Mills, which supplies sufficient County Funds ($532,600.00) to obtain our maKimum entitlement under the Ontario Dep$rtment of UigbweYS Development Road Aid l'rogrllJllllS' 'In addition, fundi are re~uired to provide for non lub,idizable items and work not on desirable County Roads. l1A.INTENANCE :..;;.;.0.- COSTS FOR MOST MA'lNTENANCE lTEMS "re limi1e.r to last year, with 8% to 10"1. being "adecl to provide for the "dditiOt\lll cost of providing the eame c1."sa of service ,,~ in 1966. Gravel Resurfaeing costs will be do~, as the onlY major job recoll'lllllncled ill Road 1 43 (Malahic1e-Bayham Townline) from Richmond to Road 142. Spring breakup on variOUS Roads, and anticipated probleme on P-oads after the Ontario Water Resourcea cQIlIIlIission Contractors complete work, will re~uire approxi_telY 40"1. of the amount budgeted. SURFACE 'tREATMENT COSTS are expected to be lower, a. it would appet.r that onlY a1\ProxilllStelY 25 miles of work would need to be done this year, instead of "pproximatelY 35 miles done in 1966. GU'lDE !lA'lL COSTS will be higher, as the work done in 1966 was a minimum and Guide Rail Ihould be erected on the Cook and l'hilmore hillS on Road 1 43. CULVERT MA'lN'tENAllCE will be up considerably, as the work clone in 1966 was a minimum. lt is "lao expected that the Shedden Drain will be cOlllPleted thia year and culverts worth appro"lti_telY $7,400. will be supplied by the $40,000., a portion of which is charged to ConstructiOn and a portion to uRBAN REBATES, based on 25"1. Rebate on 9.3 Mills. are est illIl1ted at County. Uaintenanee. TO CHAIRMAN & MEMBERS q ELGIN COUNTY ROAD C011HITTEE PAGE 2 OVERHEAD COSTS due to rising Payroll burden, Insura'nee costs (The Workmen's Compensation Insurance about $2,500.00 more in 1967 than in 1966 alone) are estimated at $85,000.00, which sum is again split between Construction and Haintenance. BRIDGE PAINTING should again be carried on, (Walker's Bridge to be finished, Tates Bridge to be done, as well as handrails, etc. on other bridges such as Dingle Street~o CONSTRUCTION SUFFICIENT FUNDS are not available in the Budget to carry out all the work scheduled by County Council in November 1966. No funds have been estimated for Road IF 42 from Highway 1ft 73 to Road IF 40, and for the Spo't Improvement on -. ...- Road If: 38 near Highway If: 3. Funds allocated in the Budget ar1e not sufficient to complete the Port Burwell Bridge, (we would be extremely fiortunate if the By-Law covered 112 of the amount). As no money is allocated ~under Road Constr- uction, the County Cost ($46,0000) in the Budget will likely 'be only about 30% of the funds needed. "t-lhen a Contract can be called for the Cionstruction of the b7:idge is not known, but it would be hoped that 40 - 50010 of the work could be done in 1967. If we find that we are unable to complete that much of the work, the remaining fund a should likely be transferred to Road # 42 Construction. ~~JOR ITEMS of Bridge Construction include, besides the Port Burwell Bridge, completion of Stalter Gully (approximately $23,000. has been spent to - -- .... .. . date this year), Road # $2 Catfish Creek Bridge so that grading on Development -..~. ~-... Road # 840 may be completed, and completion of Mapleton Culvert and the McNeil Bridge. INCLUDED IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION is payment for County's share of Rail- -~1 Protection, ~Llready installed on Road # 37, Middlesex County Line, east of Belmont on the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and on Road # 52 east of Spring- field on the New York Central Railroad. NEW 11ACHINERY COSTS are estimated at $50,000.00 (value of County Vehiclea and Equipment when purchased ~~s approximately $400,000.00), and .... _. . included a new car for Norman Chap low, a survey Van and a double cab pick-up Truck. (It is expected that it will still be necessary to rent 1 or 2 pick-up trucks for several months this summer). Two Tractor Mowers should be TO CHP..IRHAH & l~HBERS ~ ELGIN COUNTY ROAD C011HITTEE PAGE 3 purchased~ one to replace the present Fanuall "L,n and another to assi9't in the cutting of the increased right of way acquired over the past 10 years. AnOTHER TP..ACTOR equipped vlith front end loader and backhoe, similar to the one purchased last year should be purchasedo Purchase of a Vibrating Packer for Granular ~~terials should be considered. HISCELLAI1EOUS EQUIPl'1ENT needs include Chain Salls, Office Furniture, Garage Equipment, another Plate Compactor (as we will have t~~ cre'lS on curb and gutter 'tV'Ork' 51 another -':Tater Tank (ue have been using :latters :Bros. Tank for Borne time), a Tool Shanty and ahout three more P~dio Units. UE AIlE ALSO CONSIDERING the purchase of a smaller Lloader to load gravel, sand and pipe, etc It at the garage, as our Hichigan L04ader is usually engaged in other worko LAtID PU~Cl~SE is estimated at $60,000.00 with over 1/2 of this expenditure being on the Bostwick and Edgeware Road. If Land Purchase costs are much over $lO,OOO.OO to the County at Port Burwell, this estimate could well be 1 o't'1 0) CLEANUP AND C011PLETIOll OF '\lORK on Road if/: 2 end !toa.d ~F 8 at Dutton is estimated at $12:1000.00 with paving at $50,000.00, 't'lhich 't'lou1d provide 3~ inches of Hot 11ix Asphalt on Road 1ft 8 from Uigh"laY 4f.l}Ol to the Elgin Co-Operative, and 2 inches on Road # 2. Three and One nalf (3~) inches of Hot Hix Asphalt P,aving is reconunend- ed on Road # 27, because of the present heavy traffic, and the likely increases in the forseeable future. This cost is estimated at $140,000.00. Needless to say, these costs will not be final until Tenders are received~ and I would recommend that Tenders be called for both jobs as soon as possible. THE COST OF THE COUNTY COHIUTT1:1ENTS 'to c lea!:!, ':fQl:XlV& tad atU1.1ipe, fence, and move the Utility Lines on Itoads # 26 and # 29 are estimated at $11,000.00. IT IS p~COln~NDED that Road # 11 from Highway # 4 to Road # 26 be graded and gravelled. The cost of grading from Highway # 4 to the Ford Plant Entrance, plus the cost of putting the remainder of the Road into -- -- passable condition~ will nearly equal the cost of a complete Grading Job. TO THE CHAIRl4AN AND }IEHBEltS. ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMUITTEE. PAGE 4 portion of Uoad * 42 that is outside the limits of Bridge Subsidy at Stalter IT IS ALSO NECESSARY to provide funds to complete grading on that Gylly. !lrovided, as ~rell as the completion of fencing between Calton and Hount Salem. -- -. 110I!EY FOR FENCli,G on Development :load it 840 (Road it 52) must be $125,000.00. Land Purchase here ill nearly complete, as is the clearing. THE COST OF GRADING Road # 35 from Jaffa to orwell is estimated at GENERAL THE CO'lThITYIS ESTIMATED GROSS EXPENDI'1'\D1E of appro:ltimately Two and One Half (2~) Million Dollars, is approximately One (1) Million tnDre than in 1966. Mox. Personell have been hired by the County in the past year, in anticipation of this work, and others retrained, although we will still be short staffed, and short of equipment and supervision. Engineering and Land Purchase are much further advanced than they were at this A NUMBER OF MAJOR HURDLES have been overcome since' last year. time last year. Undoubtedly many decisione will have to be made quickly to keep up to the growth of the area.. ALL OF UHICH IS nESPE<.a.XlJl,LY SUBUITTED. R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER. "- -~~~'" ,~ FEBRUARY COUNTY OF ELGIN 1967 ESTIMATES MAINTENANCE ROADS 1964 COST 1965 COST 1966 ClOST 1967 ESTIHATE Surface Treatment $51,768. $37,502. $60,601. $45,000. Gravel Resurfacing 18,585. 26,602. 59,758. 34,000. Repairs to Pavements 11, 7l~1. 22,145. 20,562. 28,000. Grading 1'laintena,nce l211873. 11,449. 13,358. 15,000. 'Vlinter Control 45,162. 31,626. 41 , 5,41. 45, 000.. Dust Control 17,097. 15,000. 20,266. 23,000. vleed Contro 1 11,372. 9,9020 10,1:23. 12,000. Brushing 3,076. 4,394. 6,4106." 8,000. Dra.ins and Cateh :Basins 2,986. 4,689. 3,7H6. 4,000. Drainage A8seesment 2,742. 2,58.5. 1,012. 3,000. Railroa~ Protett1on 4,009. 4,697. 5,964. 7,000. .. Signs 6,8760 9,214. 8,8:21. 7,000. -- Guide Rail 1)~21. 1,696. 4:5!. 3,000. -- Centre Line Marking 7,7730 5,839. 9, 3~20. 9,000. ~ . Seeding arid Tree Planting 443. 1.31. ! , 8j~7 . 3,000. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1964 COST TOTAl, : $248,000. LESS : 15.000. TOTA]~ : $233.000. 1965 COST 1966 COST 1967 o ESTIMATE $14,898. $14,9:29. $25,000. 5,597. 6,000. Culvert l~intenance Bridge Painting Miscellaneous Bridge 11aint~ enance 861. 4,000. $35.. 000.. Rebates to Urbans $58,216. $39, 4~' 5.> $40,000. ($20,000. to Construction) Overhead $49,19a. $58,216. $74,967. $85,000. ($32,000. to Construction) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission l~intenance $29,000. PAGE 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMAT~ c. FEBRUARY 1967, TOTAL }1AIt-1TENANCE, County Roads $233,000. AT. A COST TO.'Tl-1E COUNTY OF ELGIN OF $116,500. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissi6n 35,000. 29,000. 53,.000.. 7,OOO~ 7,275. County Bridgeaand CulveTts TOTAL 20.000.. $370tOOO. 2a;soo., lO~OO(). Ovorhead Urban Rt\bate-s $167,215- &OUNTY OF ELGIN ESTI1~TES, FEBRUARY 9 1967 PAGE 3 CONSTRUCTION St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Sto George Street Bridge $ 21000. Co~ntv ~ridge ~nd Culvert Construction Road # 42, Stalter Gully Fill (Completion) 40,000. Road 1/: 52~ Catfish Creek Bridge, Hest of H't>1)1" 1): 74 44,000" Road # 8. Culvert Extensions at Road # 2 4,000. Road # 35, C.l.P. Construction and Springwater Dam 30,000. Road # 11, C.l.P. Construction, Southwo1d Township 2,000. Road 1~ 37, H.C.L. Spring Creek Culvert (County of Elgin shar,e) 7,000. Road 1f: 5'2, Culvert Cona.truction (Underhill Drain) 3p 000. (lTGfst of tiGllingt'on Road) . Mapleton Cu1ver~ (former Road. fJ: 50~ S. Dorchester) 6,000. HcNeil. Bri~8e (fonner RO$4 41 50, S. Dorchester) 30,000. Port Burwell Bridge 230.000. Total of Bridges, County Bridges and. Culverts $~96,OOO. ROADS Urban Rebates (Total $40,0000) Overhead (Total $85,000.) $ 20,000. 32,000. InstallatIon of Railroad Protection: Road 4f: 37, }fo"C.L. (CoP~Ro) and. Road # 52, east of Springfield (N.YoCo) 4,0000 Surveys, Traffic Countsp Miscellaneous Grading Construction 8.000. New Hachinery 50)lOOO~ Land Purchase 60,000. Roads IF 2 & :/ft 8, Clean up, Curb & Gutter completion, etc" (Dunwich & Dutton) 12,000. Roads # 2 & # 8, Asphalt Paving 50,000. Roads :If: 27 & 4f: 36, Curb & Gutter at Union, Gravel shouldersi, Clean up, etc., (Yarmouth) 20,000. 140,000. Road 4/:27, Aspha.lt Paving Roads # 26 & # 29~ (Yarmouth & Southwold) Bostwick Road & Edgeware Road (Re: OoWoR.C.) 11,000. Road # 1t, Southwold, from Hwy" # 4 to Road # 26, Grading, Granular Base, etco 30,000. Road 41 42', Halahide, Grading, Granular Base, etc. near Stalter Gully Bridge , 6,000. PAGE 1+ counTY O'F BW1N BSTUlI\TES, ~ ~O~D2. continued Road * 52, (S. Dorchester,'Malahide & Yarmouth) 'Fencing on Development Road * 840 ... . ...- Road 4~ 45, (Malahide) calton to Mount Salem, CoUlPletion of 'Fencing $ 16,000. 3,000. Road 4~ 35, (Jaffa to O-rwe11 r Halahide & Yarmouth Townships 3.2 miles, Grading, Granular ~ase, etc. .--- ... ~. $587,000. Total Roa.ds ~ S2.1~:tU.-9Tl01l AT. A COST 'to THE ~ $ 200. r,. $ 2,000. 396,000. 2B7 ~. $985,000. 79,200. St. Thomas Suburban l'-oads County Bridge construction ..... ..a ~~ $372,900. Road const~uction construction $985,000. 370,000. 1.\T. A COST. TO 'tHE ~T1 O'Fywll!- Q!. $372,900. 167,275. 2,000. TotalS ~i:~D~ . . :. ..; "1:':. e '(\'0. nc e a,OOO. _ 2.0QQ.. $544,175. "vIi nte~wo~kS ltems not ~,or SubsidY ~. ~y_LaWTotal $1,355,000. (not counting Hinterworks and ltema not for subsidY) 9.3 Mills on the County Assessment of $58,502,788. raises $544,076. ,-.-" .' ' '\lork that does not count toward Development Road Aid Allocation, and that ~~~11eil 'Bridge 30,000. 2,000. AT A COST. 'to 'tUE 2.9UN~ $ 1,200. 6,000. 2,000. is included in the Budget is as folloWS: Hapleton Bridge $ 6,000. 'totalS cost to the County of projects that count toward Development Road Aid ~o $ 46,000. ~. $ 11,200. Item~ not for subsidY '\linte-nfo-rkS $544,175. lesS $11,200. is $532,975. (Estimate of County Money needed to earn Maximum Entitlement is $532,600.). (See Direct Aid calculation) COU1ITY OF ELGIN ESTI1~TES~ FEBRU1L~Y 1967 PAGE 5 Development Road Expenditures are estimated at appro~:imately $900,000., which includes Construction on Development Road # 840 and P;~e Engineering on Development Roads 4/: 930 and 4/: 931. THE AHOUNT :Receivable from the Department of Transpor1l: with regard to Port Burwell, is practically impossible to estimate at this time~ but is in the order of $150,0000 - $200,000 {if the Construction chargeable to the By-Law is approximately $230,000)0 Ordinary Accounts Recei'~able, including .~ - - - - '~ 8urfaca treatment for local municipalities and To~mline Acc()unts will be approximately $100,000. GROSS EXPENDITURE By-Lali $1,3.5.5,000. Development Roads 900\)0000 Receivable, Department of Transport 200,000. Ordinary Receivables 100~000o TOTAL $2,555,0000 DIRECT AID BY ONTARIO DEP.ARTHENT OF HlGlG1AYS. A Formul~e of Direct Aid based on the needs of the various County Road Systems es indicated by the Needs Study has been developed by the D. H. o. This Formulae is as follows: 2 (Mill rate for Roads - 6) (0095) + 0.05 ( ) ( 3 - -'--) ( Unmet Needs at 6 11i 11 s ) This Formulae is simplified in the following table showing the Mill Rate and the Percentage of the Unmet Needs the D. Ho O. will pay toward by Direct Aid (Development Roads)" 6 Mills 5% 7 Mills 15% 705 Hills 29% 8 Mills 47% 8.1 Mills 52% 8.2 Mills 56% 803 Hills 61% 8.4 Mills 66% 80.5 Mills 71% 806 r1ills 76% The Ontario Depcn~tment of Highways uses certD.in terms which .~re defined as follows ~ 1. Defined Needs (in Dollars) = 100% of Fixed Costs (in any year) + 70% of Cc)nstruction Needs of the Desirable County Road System for the Per.iods shown in the Needs Study as now plus 1 to 5 years. . C:.s we are now into the I to S yep.r group ste.rting in 1965 - 1969 inclusive) 2. Mill Rate is always Provinci~lly equalized · not County equ~lized. 3. County must meet or exceed 6 Mills before Direct Aid is considered. 4. Aid for 1965 t:nd 1966 will be allocated on basis of 1966 expendit- ures. 1961 allocation of hid will be based on 1967 expenditures. 50 The fact that -~. certain Dollar amount of Aid is calcul2.ted does not necessarily mean that the money is immediately forthcoming. It means that we are eligible for that money when it is available and l'lhen we ha.ve received approve.l of pre-en&ineering~ etco on approved mileages of Ro~do 6. The dollar value work of the Development R02d Aid will be the cost estimated in the Needs Study whether or not the actual cost is more or lesls. . 'Page 2. D'1Jl.ll.C't I.'LD ~'i D. \\. O. continued 1. 'Fbted Costs (see 'Ltetl\ jf 1.) a~ costS of' d. 1l od both CountY and (e.) Me,intenance of ~ridges an .0-> s, Subu-rban $)1stems 0 (b) h~inistration and overhead. I n\. st in "ny year). (d) urbe.n rebates ,actu<. CO .. t......at~d. b" the consultant in the \'leed Study for each year. L'...1'\. as e S 1.:"~",",,'" J b ~er or under these 'the county cost for theSe ite\1l.S in any year \1l.e.y e 0 (c) \'le'lll Me,chinery. e.Stitnate9, ~'Pt \JrbanReoetes.. fi used bY the D. \\. o. 10"/. (seA 'Ltetl\ 11 1) ~s an e.rbitra~ gure h b,e11!1ight ha~e n n tl" based on the fUndS theY. thoUg t t . . (:~P'P~'ten ~. ~ the D \\ o. for ca1.cU1- 'the fo1.10'di'(lg figures are being used b1 .' . tl frO\ll the totalS that'din a1?1.lear in the at1.on 1?u1:\lOses and UIll-y ~erY sl1.~ y ~ t anllferteel several Roa" lleeds Stud.'J. 'thiS 1.11 because the ne1?a~nt has :~ .ed' t the 6 to 10 year 'Per1.od, a'(ld baS ~ 1. te1l\S f'tQtl\ t\l.6. 1. to> ~ 0 1.d lleeel to a ROad \lee4. f St _ "t.er ou1.1.'1 frO\ll [. 'Br ge.... . . tbe costs 0 a..\. ",R'LDGll. ~EnS (llO'~ 1?UlS 1 to 5 'l ear) ~_.~ 10"!. of thiS !\1I\Ount &0 a'\Tai.\a.b\.eo ::=: $ \. /21 l.\., 000 hlllount 'Per year o~er 5 years '" 254,800 $1.l}&20,OOO $8,6e5~OOO ~ R'\J1.U~'L 000 $5,917, 000 ~ 019,500 -:.::: $6, U'R'BA't' 1<r1. of thi.S A\lIOunt hverage o~er 5 years -- 11''L1$D cos'tS (frO\lllleeds StudY for 1961) -~ 14aintenance, countY ROads !i subu-rbat\ RoS.as countY !.~1.ni$trat1.on G overhead suburb~n h~n1.stratiOn G O'\le-rhead. 'Ne~ l1e,chi:ne-r1 ~ota\. Vi~ed costS \.\a1.ntenl!.nce 'Bridges CountY . d ~ hu'tb~''(\ Me,intenr,nce 'Br1. geS "u - ~ota\. -;;:::; $1,2.\.6~000 1s21.5,900 259,300 3\.,300 56,400 5,600 $ 423,600 11..000 .--------- $ \6,BOO ~.Q9- $ 1..9,1.00 DIRECT AID BY Do Ho 00 continued Page 3 Our Defined Needs for 1967 are~ Bridge Cost Maintenance $254,800 19~100 $ 274~OOO Fixed Costs 423~600 Road Construction 1,216~000 Urban Rebates (estimated on basis of 903 Mills) 399500 TOTl..L - $l.~ 953 '1l00 ASSESSl1ENT FOR 1967 Rural Townships~ County Equn1ized Provincially Equalized $41,512:;000 4:3, 038, 004 This is done by using Provincial Dep2rtment of Municipal L\ffairs Factors for 1964, 1965 and 1966 in accordance with the following Formulae: Local /..ssessment for 1966 (Used by County for 1967) 1965 DoMoL. Factor x 1966 Dolt./~o Factor 1964 D.HoL.,o Factor The 1965 Factors are the same as 1966 Factor:> with the exception of Southwo1d Township which has dropped from 38 to 33) thus the ,::.Slsessment is increased proportion~tely. Urbnns~ County Equnlized Provincially Equalized $16,990,788 19,179,580 Total ProvinciQl1y Equ21ized (Rural & Urban) $6:2,217,584 6 Mills raise on Provinci~lly Equalized Assessment of $62~2l7,584 $373,305 1/2 Nil1 from City of Sto Thomas will provide (whether more or less is collected) 189500 $ 391,805 The Costs of Various Items of the Defined Needs to the County are calculated as fo1lows~ Cost of Bridges (Maintenance & Construction) C01L1!l~.Y Costs $274,000 80% Subsidy $ .54:1800 Urban Rebates 39,000 50% if 19,500 Fixed Costs 423,600 50% n 2119800 $286,100 Tot~l County Costs This leaves $391)805 less $286,100 or $l05~700. for Road Construction which with 50% Subsidy becomes $2l1~4000 Thus our Unmet: Needs at 6 l1il1s are $15'216:1000 less $2115',400 or approximately $1,005,0000 It is on this amount that Direct i~id is calculo.ted on a p1ercentage, using the Formulne on Page 10 By a Tri~l Gnd Error Method we find that '':-', fir '" r'"' :Page 4 pire~<LlIJ- D. ..lh-.9.._continued 8.47 Mills is the desirable Mill Rate. E~tra Revenue from 2.47 Mills on $62,217,584 is · Subsidy @ 50% is - Direct i.id 69.4% of Uru:net l1eeds ($1,005,000) is - $ 153~677 153\1677 --~~ $1:1004~824 'total .. which is nearly $l,005,OQO' $ S26s983 ThuS the Desirable Mill Rate is 8.47 on the provincially Equalized Assessment of $62,217,584 which will raise Because of the pa'jltnent of Debentures on i-lellington Road, the Cost of the 1967 St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission programme to the City of St. ThomaS will not be 1/2 Mill or $18,500 but an estimated $7,275. Thus to the 8.47 Mills we must add 1/2 (D.R.O. Ruling) the difference between what the 1/2 Mill would raise and what will be spent. (18,500 .. 1,275) $ 5,6130 or ------.--.----- Thus the total money needed is $526,093 + $532,596 to earn our To this desirable Mill Rate must be added the costS of Bridges not of Ma~imum Development Road Entitlement of appro~imatelY $697,000 in 1967. 2 County Roads, such as l~Uiell Bridge, llapleton Bridge, items not for subsidy, and the County share of Uinter ,lorks, etc., all of which costs are estimated at a Net Cost of $11,000. to the county. Thus the Totr..l Honey Needed is appro~imatelY · $ 543~600o On the County EqualiZed ASsessment of $58,502,788., a 1~11 Rate of !t would appear that a Mill Rate of 9.3 Mills should be set. 9.3 will raise $544,076. 81. THOMAS, ONTARI0, MARCH 2, 1967. THE aoUN'I'l Of ELG'IN ROAD CoMMiTtEE met at the Court Rouse at 10.00 A.M. on March 2, 1967. ALL MEMBER.S were present. THE MlNU'IES Of 'IllE _'I'll'll!; of februllry 8. 1967 were read and approved. THE c()llN'l:'Y ENG'INE'I!.R REPORTED on the work to date as foll.owe. stating. 1. lee and Snow control had been spotty. 2. Brushing wes cont1nuing on variouS Roads in East Elgin. with work having been completed on Roads t 26. i 3' and * 52. 3. That the Ontario Department of Highweys had stated that money wes to be made avaHable for construct1on on DevalOplll8nt Road t 840 and that money had been set up for eulvert Purchases on the Road which had been completed. and the majority of the orders had been delivered. 4. ll.aH Load Regulations wel'e outuned. ,. Tendel'S for the O.W.R.C. pipe11ne on EdgewarG and Bostwick Road would close ea-rl.Y in March. 6. Jack SimpSon. a County employee since the late 1940's had retired. 7. 'Ibe Department of Labour had set up standards for false work for bridges and eulV'e1!tS. a larger culvert on Road f 52 was diSCUssed. Mr. foster weS present and addressed LMlD pURCRASE W1TH RESl'8C'!: '1:0 Mr. Donald foster 1 S requil'ement for the c~ittee on the matter. After further diSCUssion ulJ!OVED BY ~ SEcallD!D 'BY: 'I:'IlA'I: WE AGREE '1:0 PLACE A LARGER CULVERT. APPROlUMATELY 5 feet 9 inohes ARCH DIAllE'fER ON c()llN'I:'Y ROAD t '2 fOR DONALD FOSTER. APPROlUMATELY 4.00 feet VIES'!: OF THE ROAD BE'!:- WEEN LOTS , AND 6. CONCESSI0N 'IX. MALAtUDE. MR. FOS'IER '!:O 'PAY. '!:HE D'Ifll'ERENCE BE'IWEN THE COS'!: OF THE LhJlGER CULVER'!: AND 'IllE 24 inch CULVER'!: NECESSARY.. mn CR COS'!: IS ES'!:lMA'IED A'!: $1.700.00. J .1\. WILSON D. GILC1iR1ST CA'RRIEDtt Penhale'S request for a larger culvel't alSO. THE ENG'INEEll. WAS INSTRUCTED to find out pa1:ticulars with regard to Bridge. stating that a meeting had been held with the ontario Department of Highwaysl MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. Ali'1tER D'INN'Ell.. THE ENG1NEER REPOR'IED on the pr081'esS of 'Port BUrwell. Planning Engineer and it was agreed 1Ihat a l'ep:resentation should be made to tbe Boal'd of Tl"anSport Go_ssione1"9 as soon as possible to ascertain what grant would be PAGE 2 available. The Ontario Water Resources Commission had been c:ontacted and they felt that the status of the l-later Distribution Network in Port Bux:well should be known in ~IIareh. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that Oanadian }'fitcbell Associates, who were Oonsultants for the Catfish Oreek Authority,had supplied plarls and specifications for the Springwater Dam and that these had been examined and conm~nted on, and returned to the Consultants for minor changes. TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF Cationic Emulsion WEire opened and were as follows: 1. Flintkote Company 19.8 cents per gallon F'.O.B., Long Branch 2. R.E.Law Orushed Stone 19.8 cents per gallon FI.O.B., Port Colborne 3. T.J. Pounder 19.9 cents per gallon F'.O.B., Brampton 4. Canadian Bitumuls 19.8 cents per gallon F'.O.B., Leaside U~iOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAh1l THAT Tl-m CONTRACT FOR SUPPLY OF CATIONIC El>1tJLSIOlH3 BE AlolARDED TO THE FLINTKOTE CO~~ANY AT THEIR QUOTED PRIOE OF 19.8 CENTS PER GALLON AT THE P~\NT. CARRIEDn THE ENGI~lEER PRESENTED the costs of obtaining Easements on Roads if/: 26 and fF 29, for the Ontario \iater Resources Oommission. After discussion, the Engineer 'ti1as instructed to 't~1rite the Ontario tolater Resources Commissioln and request them (the O.vv.R.C.) to pay for the extra cost of obtaining the necessat'y Easements in accordance with the Resolution of the Road Committee passed on Septembet' 15t 1966. THE Et~GINEER PRESE1'fJ..'r.i'D the attached Report on Direct Aid Allocations by the Ontario Department of High,~ys, and ans~~red members' questions. THE ATTACHED BUDGET REPORT was read and discus,sed. "HOWD BY: SECONDED BY: v. DeGRP..~'l J .13. \'lILSOl'l THAT 11'lE RECO~ft,mND TO COUNTY OOUNCIl, THA.'1' ROAD BY-LA\.'JS BE PASSED APPROPRIATING $1,355tOOO. FOR CONSTRUCTION AND HAINTENANCE AT A laLL RATE OF 9.3 !'lILLS. CARRI ED 'II THE BUDGET of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ~ras examined. H~ifOVED BY: SEOONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST A. AUCKLAND THAT lie: p~OOl'n,mND TO COmlTYCOU1~CIL THAT THE ST. TH01.fAB SUBUB;lW~R.OAD COl'1!,nSSlON BUDGET OF $31,000. BE AJ:'f'ltOVED. CARRIED'l! ;.' PAGE 3 n~i1OVED BY; C .D. PUI LLIPS SECONDED BY: V. DeGRAW' THAT THE El'lGIINEER BE El>1POlmRED TO CALL TEh11)ERSFOR 'HOT ~nx PAVING FOR ROADS {; 2, # 8, #27 AND I 36. CAPtRIEDU U!10VED BY: J .B. t-lILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT THE ENGINEER BE E~1POimRBD TO CALL TENDERS FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR ROADS I, 11, 4; 35, 11: 43 Al~D i~lHITB STATION. ct\PJtIEDn "1'IOVED BY: A. AUCKLAllD SECONDED BY: O.D. PHILLIPS Tl'~T THE ENGINEER BE E~WOw~f~D TO CALL TENDERS FOR _ (.) A NEi~l CAR, i;lITH THE COmqTY PLYl'IOUTH AS A TRADE IN (b) SURVEY VAN (c) DOUBLE CAB PICK-UP TRUCK (d) 'rtvO (2) TRACTORS AND },10\,'lERS, t;lITH THE COUNTY'S FAmfALL A .t.t\S A TRADE IN (e) A TRACTOR LO.t.~ER Al~ BACKliOE (f) A VIBRATING ROLLER FOR GPu\NULAR HATBRIAL CAP..R.IED" U!,fOVED BY: V. DeGP~ti SECO~IDED BY: J.B. ~nLSON THAT THE ENGI~TEER BE EMPOlmRED TO ASK QUOTATION FOR A PLATE CO!,fPACTOR, AND A TPvU1SFORl',1ER 'fEWER. CARRIED" "~ifOWD BY: D. GILCHRIST SECO~IDED Ill'; J .13. WILSON THAT THE El~GIl\IEER BE E~.fi)O\VEP-.BD TO PURC1IASE, WIlEN AVAILABLE, A. WA.TER TANK AND A TOOL S HANT'l . CAPJtIEDtt DAY LABOUR l~mTHOD of lfork was briefly discusse,d, as 'o1as the Renting of a Chip Spreader. CO~~STRUCTION SAFETY was discussed. REEVE C.D. PHILLIPS SHOWED theComrnitteea pla,n of the Town of PAGE 4 A}11m.er for extending Elm Street to the north of Beech Street. "HOVED BY: J .13. lilILSON SECONDED BY: V. DeGP<At>l THAT t'lE ADJOURN TO ~ifAR.CH 8, 1967, AT 2:00P.l'f. CA.T:tRIBDtt (Road Committee ~feeting April 12, 1967 at 10:00 A.M.) (Open Tenders April 7, 1967 at 10: 00 A.H. , Warden and Chainnan) a ~/Jr~ CHAlIDifAN ,,,,,,.~ 1t::" 101 ~'''\r-~;''/U'' < ),..r',Jt,,< INS U RAN C E' '....... List of Po1icies~ Due Dates~ Amounts~ etc~: 1.. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY POLICY, Gore Mutual Insurance, ~hrough Frank Cowan~ $l~OOO,OOO.OO Limits. Premium $1,862..97, due January 29th, 1967. Premium in 1967 abnut the same. A Portion of the Premium, is charged to Liability on Non-Licensed Equipment, Insurance ~h Roads1 Court House Area, etc., daes not include; Heed Spraying and Elgin Manor. ~. NON O'{ilJNED AUT0110BILE, Gore Mutual InBUr~nee!. through , , Frank Cowan, $1,000,000.00 Limits, Premium $190.00, due January 29th 1967. Premium in 1967 About the same. PrfJtects County in damAge suits invc,l ving vehicles not owned by County but working felr the County, . (example:) Dump Truckers, Contra et~~rs, and County Engineer, etc. 3. AUTOMOBILE FLEET Gore Mutual Insurance, through . Frank CowAn $1,000,000.00 Limits, $100.00 Collision Deductible, Guaranteed Value Replacement Clause~ due JAnuAry 29th, 1967. Premium will be up, due to General Increase in Auto Rates in Ontario. Total Cost estimated, $2,600.00. 4. EQUIPMENT FLOATER, Subscription Policy with a number of Companies, through Frank Cowan. All NOll-Licensed Equipment, Materials, and Tools, etc., pro1~ected against, Fire, Theft, Upset, etc., for 1% of the value, GUaranteed Value Replacement Clause. All items ef over $250.00 Value, named in policy, miscellaneous amount of $20,000.00 carried on Tool~ & Supplies. Floater on Equipment rented by County And operated by County Employees, due January 29th, 1967. Last years Premium $2,322.40, up this year to include Equipm.ent purchased in 1966, and a number e)f items not ~ bUt. cl\ergi:ld 'to toolS. previOuslY ~iSt~d sep9ra~e~1' e thl'O ugh "Frank Rl\' utO "FLOJl. T1I.R. Gore ll\\lt ua 1 In sura nC , ' 11 Radio Bquipment, To~er, setS, Co~an, protectS a ' 'F.. 'the f"t etC ,,'j" against all damages, such as, . ' 1.~e, , , 42~ 2uO.OO, premi~ ~ ~lind, uroppage, etc., Value <l' .Il . 1 @2.~~ 00 due January 15th, 1967. jl.pproJt1.ma~e Y 'l' (.", , , SURVB1 BG\)ll'VlBnT "FLOf,Tl1R, Gore Mutual Insurance, , 11 surveY f,Quipment, thrOUgh "Frank Co~an~ protectS a , thl 47~ 00 premi~ of against all damage, Value ;p, ", , '..:l J \It:'1r'tr 1 t:."t 1'1, 1969 II $65 .55 1'eOr 3 1 eel'S ,,,ue an n J " BOILBR & Mjl.C~INBR1 POLIC1, General ~ccident, thrOUgh, B 'leI'S & pressure vesselS, prank Co~an, Insurance on 01. ' , t [,nnual premi~ such as l\ir compressor, TankS, e c., ~ 1 aI'S due 1ebt'.UarY $11.6.46, polic"! Y'ritten for" e , 6th, 1968. _ 2. - INSUR~NY~ ~ continued~ ,. 6... '7. e through 'Frf'lnk $. \:-;BBD SPR~.1, Gore Mutual Insuranc " 9 h 1967 premi~ $260.00 1ear1:Y' Co~an due Jf'lnuar"! 2 t , ' , through Frank 9 COMPBNShTION, Gore Mutual Insurance, .' 1967 Rate for Road ~orkman Cowan, due Januar"! 1st, ' $1.75 per $100.00 of P8"!roll. h ugh Frank Co~an, 10. Botm,Gore Mutual Insurance, t ro" . ,,' '"', 1 eS protect1.on $10,000.00 'Blanket on all ",mp oye , b~ CountY Emplo"!ees. aseinst Theft, Vandalism, etc., J . 966 v'e paY a portion 3 1ears, due March 24th, 1 · of the premi~' lTotal $365.37)' , , . nrough Frank Co~an 11. V t\LUl\BLB 'l'f,P'ERS, General f\cc1.dent, t in Court ~ouse. 3 $65,000.00 on all ~aper5' etc., . J 2~nd 1966, 'l'remi~ $325.00 for 1ear.Term, due une " ' '3 "Lears'. - 3 - INSURANCE - continued: 12. OFFI CE E (!UIPFlENT, noW protect ed a ga inst Fire, et c · I by Blanket Policy, covering Court House, Registry Office, etc. MaY be changed to b e charged to each Department, Office Furniture , Type\"riters , etc., (Replacement Value, f,pproximately $7,000.00). 13. VHITE STJ;TION Li,RGE GARAGE, Yarmouth Mutual Fire Insurance, $45,000.00 on ~~in Garage (Fire), due January 30th, 1968, - - Premium 3 Years $360.00. $5,000.00 on Small Garage (Fire), - - Premium $40.00 for 3 Years. 14. VHITE ST:,TION Gr.nAGE, Festern Farmers 1 Veather Insurancej ",,('\^rind) _ $45,000.00 on IJ1ain G?rage, $4,000.00 on Old Garage, due January 30th, 1968, Premium $250.10. 15. RODNEY GARAGE, Dunwich Mutual Fire Insurance Co., $2,500.00, on Garage, due July 8th, 1967. Premium $25.00. 16. RODNEY G!,RI,GE, 1fjestern Farmers I ".Ieather Insurance, $3,000.00 on Garage, due January 30th, 1968, Premium $15.90. 17. POLICY ON .ISSUf,NCE OF MOVING PEmHTS. Continuing PolicY, Gore Mutual Insurance, through Frank Cowan. Protection of County against suits because of issuance of Moving Permits. Costs $6.00 per Permit. S'J:. 'tliOMA-S t ON'J:l\RI0, FEBRUARY 8, 1967. A. 1!-. on 11eb'tUary 8. 1967. ALL MEtG1!.RS elteaptl Reeve J. n. "u'son wera presentl. Alae p1'esent 1!-r. 11ranlt Clarlte. Sanior l1unieipal supervisor of the Ontlario Department of 'f:\1gnwa:Ys · ':t$ cO\ll1T'l 011 1!.LG'Il\ ROAD C01!Ml't'I:EE met at t.he CoU1ttl Rouse etl 101 00 "~'" were read and app1loved. _ c()IlNT't ~i.}1En inlpOlttED on tlb.e worlt to date as folloWS, st.atitl$l 1. i.ee and snowcont.rel had been light. 2. considerable Road Damage had oecU1!1!ed duritl$ the reeentl nd-ld weatlher. 3. Land purchase wee continuing on Road t 35 and Road il' 52 4.. CountlY l!lachinery wes beitl$ repaired and readied for spritl$. 5. i.tI 'll&S elttlectled tlhatl Development Road tllOne'Y would he available for t.ne _ }f1}Ul'l:1!.S 011 _ ~}1GS of January 10 and January 18. 1967 purchase of CUlvert. Pipe on Development Road il' 84.0. 6. fbe Mepletlon Culvert. had been hacltfilled and t.raffic wes usitl$ tlhe Road. nll0VED 1\'Y l c. 1). ?R1 LL11'S SECOllD'ED n'll A. AUCKJ.,AND T\lA't 'tHE 110u..o1.>l1NG PA'lLi.S'ES nE Al.'l'ROVED 110R 1.'A~ 1 PA"tL1S'1: 4; 2. amounti:ng to PAYL1S! 4; 3 att\ount:l:nss to PA1L1S1 4; 4. atnounting to PA'lL'IS't f 4. Development. Road t 84.0 amount ins to $11,755.86 14, 2.7,053.51 98.1+7 CARR1ED" (a) ':tha Departtaent. of ':transpo:r:t. approving ny.LaW f 1.956 wi\\h respectl \\0 ret\lOvitl$ tha \\elf Load L:l.nd-t. fr01l\ various Count.1 RoadS. (b) ':the 'Minister of ':transport. the llon. 'Irwin \\esltet.t. re Sect.ion 59 (lOa) of tlb.e llign'll&1 'l:1."affic Actl. COBllRSpOllDENG'E VlAS READ 11R()}!.1 AY'tiR DISCUSSION "MOVED 'By t SECollD'ED >>'ll n. G'tLC1lR1S't 'ttlA'l: _ t.'l?o'J:1ER 011 JAtWAl\'l 13 no'M _ ML1'Ii.STER 011 'J:llANSYGR'l:, NR. i.R1.>l1N RM.KETJ:, 'to 'l:HE c()IlNT't 1!.NGi.NEER inl SEC'lt01'l 59 011 "tRE 1:\i.GmlA'l ~i.O Aat >>E REYERltiD 'to c()IlNT't v. neGllA'" C1\'RRIED" COID1ClL. PAGE 2 CORltESPONDB'NCE WAS ALSO READ FROl!: (a) Ontario Water Resources Commission re their Pollution COlntrol Study in Elgin. (b) Tbe Department of Labour re Construction Safety Seminar. (0) G. Duncan Black Limited re Yarmouth To~mship Scbool on Rload Ii 27. (4) Ontario Department of Highways Planning Engineer re futu:l:'e plans for Highway' 19 from Tillsonburg to Straffordville. (e) Township of lvestminster requesting support of the County of Elgin, to have the Towline between Elgin and J.liddlesex from Belmont to Higbway :/fi 401 designated by the 1\1inister of Highways as a Development R.oad. AFTER DISCUSSION UHOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE P..ESOLUTIC)lq OF WESTMINSTER TO~'ltlSHIP WITH REGARD TO AN APPLICATION BY THE TOl4NSHIP FOR A DEVELOPlfBNT ROAD FROM BELMONT lmSTERLY TO HIGl:nvAY ifi 401 BE REFERRED TO THE ST. THO!1AS ELGI1~ PLANNING BOARD FOR R.ECOMMENDATION CARRIED" l.m. PJ\LPH HeLAUGHLI1~ OF TIm FRANK COlvAN INStJRANlCE CO. was in attendance and discussed tbe County Insurance Policies, and answered l>lemlberstquestions. HERTING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. A'F',1;.e;f( DINNER, Reeve J.B. lililson in attendance. Various Insurance matters were further discussed. "MOVED BY: J. B. In:.LSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT THE FOLL01.nNG INSURANOEPOLICIES BE RENEWED THROUGH FRANK COWAN CO}.fPANY LIMITED: l>1UNIOIPAL LIABILITY, NON OlmED AUTOMOBILE, AUTOMOBILE FLEET POLICY, EQUIPl.m;NT FLOATER, F:ADIO FLOATER, BOILER POLICY, i4EED SPRAY AND COMPE1~SATION. CARRIED" CORRESPOtmENCE WAS PJW> from '1'.. S. Caldwell, Districtjunicipa1 Engineer, requestf.ng a resolution of Council re a Transfer of Funds with regard to the Countyt s Annual Return. tf}iOVED BY: V. DeGRA.lv SECO~IDED BY; A. AUCla..AND THAT lm RBCOl:l1.mND TO COmlTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE PASSED: TllAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIG1IWAYS TO TPtA1~SFER $13,961.10 FROl\:t CONSTRUCTIONS BRIDGE AND CULVERTS TO CONSTRUv.L'LON ROADS. CARRIED" / \ PAGE 3 VAlUOUS LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS were discussed, ineluding DQnald FQster Qn Road # 52, with respect tQ a Catde Pass. The Engineer was instructed tQ further approach Mr. FQster with the infQrmatiQn available, and the committee agreed tQ meet Mr. FQster, if Mr. fQster so wished. THE ENGll5lEER SUGGESTED THAT another Chain Saw be purchased, so that County workmen would not be delayed in case of a chain saw breakdown. U}iOVED BY: V. DeGRA\v SECONDED BY; C.D. PHILLIpS TRA T WE PUR(lllASE A MODEL 750 PIONEER CRAIN SAW FROM liOHEDALE WElDERS, AT THE QUOTED l'1l.ICE OF $244.55 INCLUDING SALES TAX, StlllJECT TO THE ONTAlUO DEPARTMENT Of (" l:l1G\l'vA YS APPROVAL. CARRIEDtt REEVE SUTHERLAND Of PORT BURWELL AND MR. A.M. Sl'1l.1ET, Consultant on the Port Burwell Bridge ware in attendance. Mr. Spriet and the Engineer out Uned the Engineering WQrk to date Qn the bridge, variouS proPQsals and CQsts estimates. After some discuSSiQn on the matter, the committee instructed the Engineer and the CQnsultant tQ proceed with plans fQr a high level structure Qver the c. 1'. R. railroad and the Otter Creek, and tQ meet with Ontario Dtrpartment Qf HighwaYS persQnnel to further these plans. Permission was given tQ the Engineer to begin prQperty negQtiations and to obtain the ,servicea of an Appraiser, if necessary. CONSTRUCTION Of THE COMBINED DAM AND BRIDGE AT Sl'1l.INGWATER was briefly diSCussed and refeXTed to the Engineer fQr further study. 8vlJ(ri?1' PRELIMiNAR'l DISCU~SION with regard tQ a ",,~,,'.I!le foUQwed, it being agreed that tha County shQuld set a mill rate so as tQ receive maximum Direct Aid from the Department of Highways. The CQmmittee Suggested that the Engineer mail a copy Qf these calculatiQnS to each member Qf the committee. SERVICE MAINTENANCE WAS DISCUSSED and it was decided to attempt tQ spend as much mQney Qn CQnstruction as PQSSible in Qrder tQ lessen maintenance IT WAS DECIDED TO NOTI" as many persQns as PQSSible thrQugh the mails expenditure in the future. and by advertiSing, of the CQunty'S Ralf Load Restrictions fQr March and April. PAGE 4 t-lEID SPRAYIJ.l16 lvAS DISCUSSED. u~110WD BY: J. n. t~1ILSON SECOl~DED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT i'iE ASK TIfB TO\~lNSHIPS TO Sppu\y i~mBDS ON COUNTY ROADS, ON ~t'HE SiU.fB BASIS AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED" "!lfOVED BY: J. B. In:LSON SECO~~DED BY: V. D.eGRAli THAT l'lE ADJOURN TO l'1ARCil 2, 1967, ATUhOO A.~r. CARRIEDn a/2J~1 ~ (JHAIRHAN. is't. 't~, 0N'tA:Rl0, JA~UAR~ 18, 1961. 'tliJ? C01%'t1 01' RtP11'1 ROAD CO~TtRR 1\\et at the coU1:t RoUse at 3 ~ 1)1) l' ,l~. , ,0 '961 in con~unction ~ith countY council, . on J a:n.us:t'Y l.O, ). ?RES'E~1't : ~a1:0ep p" lbe1:t p"uc\<:.lano 0.'0. ?hil1.i1,)S J .1). vli 1. S()'t' ~. 'B. 1:1cCs,11.um D. Giic\'\'rist 'J. DeG-ra~ Reeve of iSouth,~lo Ree:\Te of 'Bayhe.m Reeve of 13 ,D01:cheste1: 'P..ee'\1e of nun~icb Ree'l/El of p"ldb01:0Ugh Ree'\1G 0 f RodneY Ree'l/El of 'l:a~uth Reeve of l-lalahide 11ee'\1e 0 f \lienna. AtWliSOR1 \.Il!,lmERS ~ J. 1:~e\tin1.a1 ,~.R. ca'\1e-r11 \<,.0. 'Eme:rsot\ . J .\~ilson II}\OVED 1\'l. ~ . C ,D. 1'bill ipS "w,r 1'0R 1961, SECo~ED 1\. . , cM..t.~1 1\1:. C1.1)..l" · " dO 11:t:!'1'fCE he 1\ '''J'Pl''G''t''\ 'tRt> 't RRt v l> v.," c...'>>' "'" (1.) (2) (3) Roao system. 1961 Road Estimate 1\Y-t.a~. ^,'t"\ &. m the 'O.1:l.0. :ce COR1tES1101'1Dl'.l<CF. Yl~S ;>J!JW ~1:0. . . f the bonoU1: acco1:deo hi1\\. Reeve ~callum tban\<:.ed the oo~~ttee 01: '" 'If to date sutipg ~ 't1\i!. E\lGl1\El!.R RE1'OR'tED on t"e ~1!" lce and Sno~ oont1!ol bad been light. " 0. 52 ?oad 29 and Road 165A 1\1!USbinl> waS continuing on "oa .,'" . de-rwa" on Road 35. t.anO l'U1:chase fo1: ;tiden~nfl, waS un ' .on b 1966 1!."tlenditU1:es 't1\i!. 1!."lGl~?1!.R 1\Rl1!.l't.'I: 1\i!.V11!.""''' t. e '.. . · Ot\ tue Count'Y Illo10VED 1\'1: ~ D. Gi"\.cb1:iSt S1!.OO1:lDtD 1\'1:: \[. DeG1!a~ 'or 't1\i!. ,.bJ1DlW p,,1'1'01\{'t DttJ!.G~'t1!.S " . .' 'to 001%'t'l: 00\l1'1C1t. 'tW' · . 'tRt>'t \ill!. R1t001:..~~ . . 't'''' ~u.1'1 :I f\ ""1) Dt.'L'EG!'1.'tt.S 'to p.P '. ~SSOC1P,,'tl01il C01'l\[1!.ll'J:l0h ...' 'to 't1\i!. 01'1.'tI>.Rl0 GOOD RQADS ,,' · ntS 1'0R 1\0't1.\ 1\.1313001.1.'1:1011.13 , ~ 'tRt>'t 't1\i!. 1:IE'M1lt"S rl.'l.1' ~ 1"'18 . <;! SOC'!.~'tl Ol'l 00W1l!.N'tl011, , GOOD ROi:W" j;).V J CA1""ltlB'O' 'BE 'PA1D. A AUc'\f:.1.a.nd II HOVED 1\1: " e' D 1'bi 11 i,!?S . ..' ... 1'I\.SSl!.U 1\.\l't\\OR'l.t.l~G stOO~ED 1,.: .., . . ~t. 't;ti\'t I\. 1\'I:-1AYl 1\.. - .. , 'to OO\l~"fi cOU1'lO... . . ~'t1 t\~ '1,1'l4' '{?.:ECO}ft1E1.~D . ..,. ... ".111, C"C'~S, ft.'O'" 1~ 1. <}6l. J. '''' J. .'U ' . . . . . ' l't.I\.l'Iq AS "...t.'" "". 't ^'. "."" ... ~ 0 1'R'l.I\.'tl0f. · o SlG1:1 l$J.1.'U.J ~.l'\.:t.]. 't1\i!. \~I\.11Dl!.~ p,,~ OtJ!.Rl<. 't cl\.RR'l.ED " PAGE 2 H~'fOVED BY: D. Gilchrist SEeOlimED BY: C.D. Phillips THAT TVE REC01-.rn1END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAlV' HE PJ:'\SSED REl'fOVING THE HAl..F LOAD LI~ITT IN HARCH AND l\PRIL FR01.f THE FOLLOinNG ROADS: (a) Road 9 from Cowal Side Road to Road 14 (b) Road 23 (c) Road 24 (d) Ros.d 27 (e) Road 36 from Road 27 to Road 24 (f) Road i+O from Hount Salem to 1% miles north of ~'iount Salem (g) Road 45 from Highway 73 to Road 40 (h) Road 45 from Road 40 to the Houghton T0'\1m11ne CAJRRIEDtl rr~'1tOVED BY: V. DeGr.en., SECONDED BY: J.B. ,~vilson THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TE}{DERS FOR HATERIALS AND SUPPLIES, INCLUDING TIRES. CARRIED" "HOVED BY: A. Auckland SECONDED BY: O.D. Phillips THAT tm P~PORT TO COUNTY COUliCIL THE P~PORT OF THE 1966 ROAD CO~~fiTTEE ~'1ITH REGARD TO A~iit!\..LGA~'JATI0N OF COUNTY AND LOCAL ROADS. Ct'\RRIED" "NOVED BY: J. 13. T!Ti.l sQn SECONDED BY: C.D. Phillips THAT i'iTE .ADJOURN THE HEETING TO FEBRUARY 8, 1967 at 10:00 A.H. CARRIED" a ~ 91rCIL~ CrlAIRl/1i\N st. THGNAS, 0NTARI0 JANUARY SESSioN, lf61..~ TQ THE ')ARDEN AND COUNCIL ~F' TH~ CQUiin OF,..ELGI~. tOUR ROAU CQ.lJIT\IITTEE begs "to r-ep<;ert ~~ t.llews f THE FOLLOT;IIJG i$ a SU11~!1~rv of CCl.ts of Construction and. l~aintenance on Count~' ot Elgin Ro~d. during 1,~66:' CONSTRUCTION, ., .... ROADS. 1. . noubla Surface Treatment and Completion of Gr&d.... 1ng tt~:rk ete. in the 'Township ot Southwolel, Rd.19$ ~, 762..60 2. Double Surface 1'reat.tent 'and Completion oj: Grading ll1rork e'tc. Road 44. between Hwy. 1 and Hwy. 19 in the Townehip of BayhA~. 9. J.O. 11. 12. 21,785.21 3. " Double Surface Treatment.and Completion .j~ Grading tT$rk ete. Road 45, '.1ount Salem te Calten in the "ownship or IjIalahide. l. 2 . f") 1".". ..'i~:;{ii1~;n+, 4f- J 7 \!);.)IZ...!!i"';~'v, 4. Grading, Granular M.se ete. former County Road 52 ea$t ot N~w York Centr.l Rallroad Croeting t$ th. Dereham Townline in the Townahips of S. Dorchester And Mal.hide 2(),41t!.'2 5. Grading, granular Baee etc. former from the Browris~ill~ Road to the Malahide Townline in the Townships ot S. Dorche!ter and Dereham. (County of Elgin sh~~e only) 1).496.S4 noad 5l~ 6. Gra9.fng, 'Granular B~'se ete.. Road, 21;';be,twe.an ;'HwY,:/4 8nd SpartA (including cur"b .gutter (' . :.,'; drai't1ageete .1n Union And Sp~rta and - a pc,rticn of'R~),ad 36 South of Road 27 in Sparta' in ~he Township of Y~rmouth. Gra4~'hg . Qr~nui~r Bl!jj'e etc'. \Ro~'d~:';~'fr'6~.'~i~Y~ No .:;t.J.Ol to Dutton Rnd Road 2 "'H~stet:tf' tr~lrn Road, 8 approximAtely-l.O miles'.( inO+lhding , pur~::f. gutt.',:?r And dra. i. nag~ ~n th~ Vi~lag~, lbt Dut'~n) i8~the'Village of Dutt~h Ahdth. TOlIJtf'bip ,.9f D\lowich. ;,",,;, ,'-,.':-".. . . . . . . , . . :ihs~a~lat~tt)n qf> Ga~.e.~ an~,!\F1Cl~h:i.t1~tLight ,~igtl-~ls . #l~';' Ra~*~b~l~' Crl?~'~;~ng on Ro:ad 14 (Tona :Statibn) ,and R<1ed.;; Aylile~ New Rach1tlery t8tl~.... Pur6hasetlneitid1ng Land l1\irfeys ana tolleitoft~ Fet~) "\ 2j.)21,24 l, 28., tl4 4.911" 'J . . 262~l$j.49 1. 11~33j~i9 e. 11,'9gt.,16 63,S84.21 l,~iscellah:~~S ;~lradihg C&f.1.struc'tloit. i'i),: .,\, .:,. ", ,.: :i'-i;;J,:. "< . ,: '. '..'.. .r '.. .... \ ~u~~eys ~na Tr~rtie Gounts etc. TO THE T:AHDLN AND COl:r'.CIL JAl,:UARY SESSION 1967 Page 2 ROADS - (Continued) 13. Need Study (St. Thomas Suburb:1n Road-Conmission not charged ~ith their shAre of the Study (1.,680..60) until 191)6. $ 1,344.63 (Credit) TOTAL hOl\D COVSTRUCTION (COUNTY) $541,900.18 ROAd Construction by St. ThomAs 0uburb~n Road Commission 1. Needs Study Land Purchase, Surveys etc'~'. 2. Portion of St. Georg~ Street Bridge Construction chArged to Roads Total Road Construction by the Commission 2, )f.6.. 41 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION 11,Sg~.)a t.. .. ' $ 14,l91~~9 $556,091;97 tsRtJ4\1E AN]) CU1VERT CONSTRUCTION ." ~'. il . 1,. Stalter Gully Culvert and Fill Ro~d 42 Township of Halahide \- '( $13;,926.. )2 2,. Pipe Culvert Construction in ConjUnction with Grading Road 27 Township of YArmouth J. Pipe Culvert Construction in Con.lunction with Grading Roads 2 and 8 Township of Dunwi(~h $ 31,635:.98 7,540.21 5. HApIetonCulvcrt former County Ro~d 50 Township of South Dorchester HcNeil Bridge former County ROAd 50 Township of South Dorchester (soil tests only) Port Burwell Bridge ROAd 42 Villpge of Port Burwell (Soil tests and.,'surveys) 23 ' 505:.68 4. 533:.00 6. 1 , 68g~94 TotAl County Bridge and Culvert Constructi.on $200,S3Q.l' Bridge Construction By St. Thom~s Suburb~n Road Commission Portion of St: George Street Bridge Con5tr.uctiQ~45 229. 37 ch~rged to Br~dge ' ~. TOTAL BHIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUcTiON' $34of 059. 50 TotALS: TOTtL ROAD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL BRIDGE AND cULVERT COr<:BTRtJCTION TOT!~L CONSTRCCTION: $556,091.97 346,059..50 8902,151.47 ...., ,...... TO THE. V'vARDEN AND COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION 1967, Page 3 HAINTENAR8E ROADS 1.' ~inter C~ntrol 2.' SurfAce Treatment $ 41, 541.16 60,601.28 59,758.17 20,562.63 3. Gr8ve1 Resurfa'cing 4. Repamrs to PAvement 5. Grading (including rmintenance of Gravel Roads) 13,358.66 6. . Dust Control 20,266.67 7. Weed Control 8. Brushing 9. . Centre Line Ma rking '10. "Guide. Ra,i.l. -' $ 10,123.47 6,406.r'J5 9,320.24 453. e2' 8,821.40 3,847.07 3,786.86 5,964.65 1,012.39 11. Signs 12. Seeding and Tree Planting 13 . Dra ins . 14. Railroad Protecti<.l. IS. Drainage hssessmente 16. St~p Gap Grading Road 9 from Rd. 8 to' Rd. 14 Township of Dunwich 7,459.06 17.. Stop Gap Grading _, R~~ 43 fr~m ROAd 38 t. Ro~d 45 in the T01A;nship~ of B8Vhrll' ;Jnd:; ~~Alahide . 18. RebAte tc Towns and Villages 11,4n8.25 39,475.12 TOTflL no! D E/).Ir\;TEr':;d'~CE $324,227.5~ BRIDGES rLD CULVERTS 1. ~1iscellane~us Bridge Maintenance 2. Bridge PAinting 3. J1iscel1aneous Culverts $ 861.50.:;'> 5 ,59' .. 76 14,929.28 TOT/,L BRIDGE iJ.::D CULVERT Ili;INTE~U~NCE $ 2l.,38~.54 TOT:1LS: TOT('iL RO/,D II/.,INTEFI.NCE ~3324, 227.58 TOTLL BRIDGE .r~ND CULVEr,.T I<U"INTElIi~t:CE 21, 38~~. 54 TOTf.L H.t~INTElJI_NCE $345,616.12 ~~~ I!~ tt ~: ';~ ;;~l ;i;' :~,~ . ,:V 1 :~~ ~ IT "iIfIftF 'Page 4. TO TUE V 11.1) E.n ; Jm COUl) ell> - J f ,n\l i Jl."I ).96., 7. B. 9. 10. 11. ToolS Radio l~i~e~nce Insurance n .' IOmers "::In" Canada pension ~ < ens ~on \ ,,,' ".' 1 Ce contributions \lne~\,p)..o1ment .. nsur::m nolidBJS ~ith paJ Sick T~enefitS ~~ 20, LI:79 · B4 5,559.01 359.17 4,176.7'3 , <3,679.57 35.95 6,566.72 2,556.62 272.96 4,135.86 9 , 407 · ,9 1,057,.06 10,538,3' 1,,329.,0 132...00 COU):'!''! ~ ~ ."v / ~, 'neer kSsistBnt 1 superintendence \ CountY Dng:1. " . Engineer Bnd General Foreman) 2. Clerical C. ',1-\ lea"e l County Engineer) 8 r }..,.i- t> 3. 4. ,. Office GB,rage 6. Rodnel GB!'Hge ~&tnllBneoUe Re?Birs 1'2.. 1},. 11+. Cr edit 17.. 18 · perr<litS jt 735 jf 340 overhead charged to D. R.' .' credit and 'l'o~nline ~lcCount Count'/' nachinerY overhead b .d'~ed E~~enditUres 1Aisce1.1aneous \lnsu s~ ~" . ToT:J.J credit 2,874.43 195..96 1,482..47 ~ 15.. lb. ~Uburbari Road commission d. St. ThomaS ' .,.. l' .tenance and overheB Road and Br:1.dge .2:1.n . ~ 'nce nnd overhead Total Road p,nd Bridge lJ\a~n"ena . 2,6,869-,51 449,47,.,r., 19h6 Stock rBlance sub-Totpl l>ess 1965 Stock Balance G"H.,X,1) TCTI~L $ \902,151.4'7 449,473.19 i(, l~ ~ $ 1,352..507 .09 . 49,605,1'7 ~ >>1.. ) '32, "(01.. 92 S.- ~. CTI0l'l COl1 STRU '\', ,r :' 11\ tEX:; .:.r CB s.'" fi1 0 tal !.',j:' . \1U-.l. I: TO THE VI/JU) ,_<N D COUL ClL - J.rJnJ/~HY SESSION 1967, page 5 In addition., vCirious VVinterwork Projects including bl.'-Ushing and erection of fence were carried out on County and . SuburbRn Roads and totalled - $ 7,71li89 1rTork was also carried out on Middlesex Boundary Roads and Bridges, in addition to work on Former County Road No. 54 on the Oxford County Townline. These Amounts billed totalled - $ 19,874.56 Hot J'fix Paving vv8S laid on County ROC1d No 45 being Development Road No. 785. Other miscellaneous work was also done on the road. The totAl of this work was - $ 63,477.80 And billed to the Department of HighillJays through the Township of Bayham. Pre Engineering work was carried out on County Road No. 52 being Development Road No. 840 and Totalled - ~ 10.032.59 Work was also performed for various r~nicipalities and others and various materials sold. Total of County Road Vouchers for 1966 was - $1,503,420.82 Expenditure By-Laws in 1966 appropriated $1,340,000. and ~534,722. was raised by County Road Levy. The.total estimated Cost to the Q~unty of the 1966 program is $534,700. We Recommend: 1. That ,the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Assoclati.n Convention and the Canadian Good Roads nssoclatr.n Conventien. 4 ~ 2. That a By-La\il1 be pa ssed alJthoriz ing the VTarden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land necessary \. widen County Roads in 19~7. It is necessary that such By-Laws be passed yearly. That By-law No. 1915 (passed in January 19A6) respecting the \,;Teight of Load to be carried on Vehicles be repealed and a new By-Law be passed adding the following Roads to the Schedule. 3. (a) Road 9 from the Cowal Side Road t. Road 14. in Dunwich Twsp. .~ (b) Road 23 .ia Yarmouth Township. ~ . (c) Road 24 from Road 23 to Hwy No. 73 in Yarmouth and r1alahide Townships. (d) Road 27 from Hwyo No.4 t, Road 36 in Yarmouth T,wnship (e) Road 36 from Road 27 to Road 24 in Yarmieuth Tovvnship.. (f) Road 40 fr.m ~10unt Salem t. "ne mile north of Hount Salem. $, ~ ,;.t~ (g) Road 45 from Hwy. No. 73 to Road 40.. (h) Road 45 from Road 40 to the Houghton Townline This will all~w the carrying ,f Full Loads by Commercial Vehicles in f1arch and hpril .n these County Roads. ~ . TO THE vJARDEN AND C01.iNCIL - JANDA1\.1 SESSION 196'1 'Page 6 The follo~ing Report is submitted bY the 1966 Road committee) ~hich ~as requested bY 1966 c~untY coun~il to studY the Amalgamation of County and Local Reads ~n the C8unty. We ~ish to report as roll~~s: That as requested bY the september session ~f county council, the 1966 Road eoromittee haS made a studV ~f County and Local Road Aro8~gamatiOn and ~ere ~r the f~llo~~ng opinions: 5- That the amalgamation of county and Lo~al R&ad~ System requireS further studY and in the long range V~e~) amalgamati~n may become a reality. That the present services rendered bY the C$Unty to Local MunicipalitieS should be continued, and ~here practical expanded. Areas where thiS ~ould be practiCal include;- . · Bulk Purchasing, Rental and ()tNner~hiP ~f speci~l~'l\ed Equipment, and in due COurse) Eng~neer1ng serv~ce!. ,That all 'P-.uordeCiSi01ls.'madG .tJ1 Local and county Roa~ svstems should be based on the premi.se 't~t...amal.g811\!'lt:l.e-1l 'tJ ' may become a reality. That County Road service l~intenance p~licies sh~uld b~ reviewed with /) vie~ to iI1lpr~ving serv~ces, part1CU1- arlY in the e:lCtremitieS of the county. That consideratiOn should be given to the establisbmen~ of depots in East and West Elgin, to improve the service ll\aintenance in theSe areas. That unifnrm policies and By-La~S be ~ev~loped~~here 'practiCal, t~ control Set BackS ~fBu~ld~ngs, v~gns, Entrances and Road crossingS, etc., t~ applY on both County and L~cal RoadS. '6. 1. 2. ,. 4. ALL OF v1HICH IS RESPECTFULL1 SUBMITTED "r- C HA lro1U\N .~.. .~ {!ft~ .... ~~ cr~o/~ 7 ~- ~ -< . . -. COUNTY OF ELG IN ROAD CONIJYII'I1TEE FtEPORT HE: AHALGANJ.\TION OF COUNTY AND LOCAL ROADS We wish to report as follows: That as requested by the SepteMber session of County Council, the 19h6 Road Committee has made a study of County and Local Road Amalgamation a]~ were of the following opinions: 1. That the ama1~.~.amation of County and Local Roads System requiref> further study Bnd in the long range vie~l amalga- mation may become a reality. 2. That the present services rendered by the County ~c; Local municipalities should be continued, and where practical expanded. Areas 't\1here this would b€~ practical include;- Bulk Purchasing, Rental and Ownership of Speci.alized Equipment and in due course Engineering Services. 3. That all policy decisions made by Local and County Road Systems, should be based on the prenise that amalgamation may become a reality. 4. That County Road Service ~~intenance Policies should be revie'\'lled with a vi.ew to improving Services, particul- arly i.n the extremities of the County. 5. T:h~t consj.deration should (.)6 given to the establishment OJ,. depots in East and Hest Elgin, to improve the service Maintenance in these Areas. 6. That unifi€lt'tn policies and By-Laws be develope.d,.. where practical,. to control Set Backs of Buildings; Signs} El1t;ranees~nd Road Crossings" etc., to c9pply on both County and. Local Roads ~ ,,;"'''' ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, JA~mARY 10, 1967. TIlE COUNTY OF EI~IN ROAD CO!'1UITTEE met at the Court House at 10: 00 A.I:'~f. on Januar}l' 10,1967. ALL ~ml,mERS PRESENT. Also present ~1r. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor of the Ontario Department of Highways. THE ~n~mTES OF THE HEETING of December 9, 1966 \fere read and approved. THE COUNTY ENGI~~EER P..EPORTED on the 'I;'1ork to date as follovls, stating: 1. That work had been completed at Stalter Gully until Spring. 2. Mapleton Culvert, with the exception of one Wingwall, had been completed. 3. Land purchase was continuing on Roads No. 35 and No. 52, and no serious obstacles had been encountered. 4. The Harry Stephens expropriation had been settled. 5. Gross Expenditures for 1966 liV'ere over $1,500,000. and By-Law atnount was approximately $1,325,000. "l:,;!OVlsD BY: ~J. BARKER SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOLI-IOlV'ING PAYIJISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYNENT: PAYI,IST t~ 35 amounting to $11,320.05 11,158.72 37,195.83 64,581.59 PAYI~ST # 36 amounting to PAYLIST # 37 amounting to PAYLIST # 1 amounting to PAYLIST # 1 Development Road #840 amounting to I'.... 70 CARRIED't CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: The Minister of Transport Re: Speed Limits. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Insurance Policies had been reviewed with Mr. J.R. }.fcI,Ia,ughlin,of Frank Co'tll'an Company, 't'7ho '\'1ould attend a Heating of the Road Committee in February. TIm ENGINEER PRESENTED quotations for Chain Saws and Office Furniture. "MOVED BY: J. }:tcKINLAY SECONDED BY: J.B. 1i11LSON THAT 1ilE PURCHA.SE 2 1"10DEL 750 PIONEER CHAIN SAWS AND A MODEL 11-10 HODEL PIONEER CHJ.t\.IN SA~~l FROH HONEDA1,E tmLDERS AT A QUOTED PRICE OF $640.77 INCLUDING PROVINCIAleJ SAI..ES TAX. CARRIED" PAGE 2 "HOVED BY: .J. B. ~!lIL'sON SECONDED BY: C.D. PHII...IJIPS THAT 1(il1E PURCHASE FRO~;:t RICl-L\RD CaCHRILL LIlfiTED, TIm FOLLOWING OFFICE EQUIP11mNT AS PER THEIR QUOTE 1 CLE~roO TYPEvmITER DESK 1 SUNSHINE STEEL DESK 3 StrNSln~1E BOOKCASE 1 SUNSHINE FILING CABINET $188.80 220.80 115.20 EACH. 104.00 ALL PlAUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Ci\.P~IEDt' HERTING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER the negotiations for the required easement for the o. ~1,1.R. c. through the property of James l'lcBain 'ti'erediscussed and the Engineer instructed to proceed with negotiations. THE COUNTY BY-LA.l't for exemption of various County Roads from Half Load Restrictions was discussed, and it vms suggested that the 1967 Road Committee recor~lend to County Council that portions of Roads No.9, 23, 24, 27, 36, 40 and 45 be removed from Half Load Restrictions. CONCLUSIONS REACiffiD by Committee on their Study of County and Local Road An~lgan~tion were discussed at length. T1HOVED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A. AUCIDLAND THAT lffl REC01':lHEND TO THE 1967 ROAD COMMITTEE TIU\T THE ATTACHED REPORT BE PRESENTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL. CARRIEDU t'l',fOVED BY: ,J. B . l.TI L8 ON SECO~NDED BY: J. BARK.ER THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO RE}-10VE IRON SURVEY B,ARS ON FORI'fER COUNTY ROPJ.D NO. 52 ON THE PROPERTY OF l'lACK BEl\,RSS AND Y..EN BUCKNER. A POLICY ON ENTP-ANCE CULVERTS l'lAS DISCUSSED AT ..sOl'm LENGTH AND THE En~ineer instructed to obtain further infonnation. ,~ Nr. N.J. CUl\,PLOl;'l JOINED THE I,mETING in a discussion of the Claim of }1.C. Ratz, who claimed that tile was damaged in his property during the Construction on Development Road No. 785. The Committee suggested that Mr. Chaplow continue his negotiations. "1:ii10VED BY: J.. HcKINLAY SECONDED BY: J. BARKER THAT ii7E P.tD.JOUItN SINE DIE. CARRIEDU PAGE 3 u. (J~ 9ft(~ CHAIRHA.N.