1968 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12, 1968. THE ROAD COMMITTEE, of the County of Elgin met at the Court House, St, 1?homas, Ontario, at 10: 00 A.M., December 12, 1968. All tnembers except Reeve J. B. Wilson were present. THE MINUTES of the meeting of November 7, and of the meeting of November 19, 1968 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Snow fence had been erected, and Sand Piles were nearly completed. 2. Storm Sewer Work and Guide Rail Work was underway on Road 41 42 at Silver Creek 3. Storm Sewer Work would be started shortly, weather permitting, on Road 41 42 at Stalter Gully, and on Road # 35 at Springwater. 4. Material had been received for repairing the Cook and the Phillmore Bridge Floors. 5. Grading was complete for the year on Road # 47. 6. Work on Road # 15 would be completed by the end of the week. 7. Plans for the Wi1leys Bridge had been submitted to the Ontario Department of Highways for approval. 8. A breakdown on expenditures on the Port Burwell Bridge was still being made, and it appeared that the total cost of the project would be slightly under $900,000.00. Pi. LETTER WAS READ from the Supervising Coroner containing the recommendations of a Coroner's Jury with regard to a fatal mlDtor vehicle accident on Road 4# 26. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A.B. McCALLUM J. WISE THAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO AMEND THE 1968 ROAD PROGRAMME ATTACHED TO BY-LAWS # 2012 and 2013 BY ADDING UNDER BRIDGES AND CULVERTS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PRE-ENGINEERING ON THE WARREN STREET, COOK ,~ND WILLEYS BRIDGES. CARRIED" A LETTER WAS READ from Ferne McKay requesting exemption from the payment of Unemployment Insurance. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST J. WISE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A CERTIFICATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING REGULAR EMPLOYEE PAGE 2 December 12, 1968 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR EXEMPTION OF CONTRIBUTION AS PROVIDED UNDER REGULATIONS OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT - FERNE McKAY. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED QUOTATIONS for the purchase of 6 chain saws with 2 County chain saws being traded in. "MOVED BY: F.F. MOORE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE PURCHASE :3 MODEL 1750 PIONEER CHAIN SAWS FROM HOWARD MACHINE AND EQUI PMENT LIMITED AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $798.00 (INCLUDING TAX) WITH 2 PIONEER 450 CHAIN SAWS AS TRADE INS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A.B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT WE PURCHASE :3 McCULLOCK 5-10E CHAIN SAWS FROM R. MERCER AT HIS QUOTED PRICE OF $694.31 INCLUDING SALES TAX. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REQUESTED PERMISSION to sell the County's C.M.C. Concrete Mixer, as it was no longer needed. "MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: A.B. McCALLUM THAT WE SELL THE COUNTY'S 1949 C.M.C. CONCRETE MIXER. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REQUESTED PERMISSION to hire additional office help due to an increased office work load, and permission to purchase the necessary office furniture. "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: F . F. MOORE THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO HIRE ADDITIONAL OFFICE STAFF, AND TO PURCHASE THE NECESSARY OFFICE EQUIPMENT. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A.B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Paylist * 32 amounting to 11 32A It u /1 33 n u , 34 n It $19~280.30 $ 2,539.50 $19,002.26 $26~, 566. 41 CARRIED" Page 3 December 12, 1968. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER: COSTS for the Springwater Dam Project were discussed. It was decided to discuss the matter further when mole information was available. SPEED LIMITS on Road # 16 and Road # 20 in Finga1, Road # 28 and Elm Street ard Centennial Avenue, and Road 4~ 26 (St. George Street) were discussed. "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED SETTING - (a) A MAXIMUM SPEED OF 35 MILES PER HOUR ON ROAD # 16 and ROAD 41 20 IN FINGAL (b) A MAXIMUM SPEED ON COUNTY ROAD 41 28 OF 40 MILES PER HOUR (e) A MAXIMUM SPEED ON COUNTY ROAD iF 26 FROM THE CITY LIMITS TO ROAD iF 25 OF 40 MILES PER HOUR, AND THAT THE EXISTING BY-LAWS GOVERNING SPEED ON COUNTY ROADS BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THESE RECOMMENDATIONS INTO ONE BY-LAW. CARRIED" A LETTER from the Township of A1dborough regarding payment for Land on Road # 3 obtained from the Township to widen the road was read and discussed. "MOVED BY: A.B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: F.F. MOORE THAT WE PAY THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH THE SUM OF $141.00 FOR THEIR PROPERTY ON ROAD # 3 (BEING PART 7, REGISTERED PLAN # 933) REQUIRED TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD # 3. CARRIED" AN AGREEMENT BY-LAW for the construction of the Wi11eys Bridge between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex was discussed, and the Engineer was instructed to prepare a draft agreement for discussion by both the County of Middlesex and the County of Elgin. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that construction standards had been set by the Department for Development Road # 930, and called for 20 feet surface of Prime and Double Surface Treatment, and for 4 feet of shoulder and 2 feet of rounding. Page 4 December 12, 1968. AFTER DISCUSSION - , "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GI LCHRIST F.F. MOORE THAT THE CHAIRMAN, WARDEN. AND REEVE WISE, AND THE ENGINEER BE A COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH RONALD K. McNEIL AND JACK SPENCE TO DISCUSS THE STANDARDS SET BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ON THE DEVELOPMENT ROADS. CARRIED" THE MEMBERS OF THE NEEDS STUDY ADVISORY COMMI'lTEE reported that the Consultant had completed, and the Committee had approved Pop1u1ation and Fixed Cost Projections. A Desirable County Road System had been approved with the following changes from the present system: (a) addition of Victoria from County Road # 42 to Highway # 19 in Port Burwell (b) deletion of Road * 26 from Road # 11 to the Middlesex County Line (c) deletion of County Road # 41 in Vienna. These changes, and various roads in Aylmer were discussed at some length. The matter was left in abeyance for action by the 1969 Road Committee. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that it appeared that the total expenditures in 1969 would be approximately the same as in 1968. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a new Expropriation By-Law was under consideration by the Provincial Government, and that the procedures could lead to some delay in acquiring Land for widening purposes. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: F.F. MOORE D. GILCHRIST THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 8, 1969, at 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" L./" ~fl~~ , , I CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 19, 1968. THE ROAD COMMITTEE, of the County of Elgin met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on November 19, 1968 at 11:00 A.M, in conjunction with County Council. All Members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that recent wet weather had delayed grading on Roads /1 15, 42 and 47, and paving on Roads /1 16 and 20 in. Fingal. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Michael Popovich requesting permission to lay a two inch Waterline on Road # 3 northerly from the Rodney Separate Se~ool to the properties of Popovieh and Jack Strieb. AFTER considerable discussion. _ MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST J. WISE "THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND JACK STREIB AND MICHAEL POPOVICH, TO ALLOW MR. STREIB AND MR. POPOVICH TO LAY A WATERMAIN ON COUNTY ROAD 41 3. CARRIED" REEVE BLYTH of Port Burwell reported that Mr. Jedriak of Port Burwell had contacted her regarding poor drainage on Road # 42. The Engineer was instructed to meet with Mr. Jedriak, to see if a solution could be reached. REEVE GILCHRIST reported that the Well at thE~ Township of Aldborough Garage had been contaminated by calcium chloride which was tlsed on Road l' 3. After discussion, it was suggested that the Township put the Clainl in writing and that it would be forwarded to the Insurance Company. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to December 12, 1968. f A?/J /~4-/1: CHAIR~ f'.,. COUNTY OF ELGIN NOV. 7, 1968 PROPOSED ROAD PROGRAMME 1969 DEVELOPMENT ROADS (a) Pavin~ Development Road # 972 Road # 47 graded in 1968; Roads # 48 & 49 graded in 1969 (b) Gradin~ Complete Development Road # 972 - (Roads # 48 & 49) Start Development Road /1 930 - (Road II 45) BY-LAW (a) Pavine: Road II 3 Rodney to 1 mi 1e north 0 f RO~ld # 9 Road # 15 Pearce Park Entrance Road # 42 Road # 40 to Highway /1 73 & Stalter Gully Road # 38 Spot Improvement (b)Gradin~ Road /1 22 from Road IF 27 to Road /1 24 (Yarmouth Township) 2.0 Miles Road II 40 from Road 11 52 to G1enco1in (Ma1ahide Township & Springfield) 2.5 Miles including Urban Wot~ in Springfield Road # 8 Approaches to Wi11eys Bridge Road # 21 Approaches to Warren Street Elridge (c) Brid~es Road # 45 Players Bridge over Catfish Greek (Yarmouth Township) Road II 8 Wi 11eys Bridge over the ThamEls River (Dunwich Township) (1/2 to Middlesex) Road # 21 Warren Street Bridge ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Start Kains Bridge, Road # 33 ~ !llO!OS'l';O 3 '{EAR 'ROAD !ll()(l~ 4t nU'FAVT 'NOV. 1, 1968. ~ ~ (a) ~ nevel~nt 'Road * 912 9.oad t ~1 gTaded in 19f!8j 'Roada * ~ &. 49 gTac1ad in \.969 (b)~ CQ'lll'Pleta nevelopent 'Road * 912 - ('Roada * 46 &. 49) StaTt neve 10pll\6nt 'Road t 930 - ('Road * 45) ~ 'Road * 3 'Rodney to 1 llIue no'ttb of Road * 9 Road * 15 peaTce PaT~ EntTance 'Road t ~2 'Road t ~O to RigbWIY t 13 &.sta\.teT GullY Road t 38 spot tmpTovement Road t 22 f~ Road t 21 to 'Road * 24 (Ya~utb) 2.0 Mites 'Road t 40 Road t 52 to Glenco\.in (Malabide &. sPTingfield) 2.5 ~ilea including UTban Woik in spTingfield Road * 6 ~ppToacbea to Willeya ~Tidge Road t 2\. ~ppToaches to Warren StTeet ~Tidge i 'Road * 45 PlayeTa ~TidgeOveT catfiah CTee~'(Ya~outb) Road t 8 Willeys ~Tidge OveT T~s River (nun~ch) (1/2 to ~iddleseX) Road t 21 WaTren s~reet ~TidSe ~ ~ ~ ST. Tl\OlM-S Sll~UR~ 'ROAD coMM'lsstO}1 StaTt Keins ~ridge, Road t 33 (b)~ Tbat portion of neve\.op1ll6nt Road j~ 930 (ROad t 45) ""icb ,.as graded in \.969, and an of Road t 45 tbat can be pre,ared for ,aving in 1910. Complete tle'\1,~\.opent !tOad t 930 - (Road 4~ 45) \910 ,::..:;....;-- ~ (8J~ COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME - 4th DJMFT (Cont:Lnued) Page 2 1970 BY..: LAW Pavina Those Roads graded in 1969 Gradinit Brid~es Road /1 45 - Kettle Creek (new crossing) Yarmouth-Southwold) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Complete Kains Bridge 1971 DEVELOPMENT ROADS Complete Development Road I 930 (Rd. # 45) Paving (if necessary) Gradin~ depends on 1970 - 1975 Needs. A general id.~. of Development Roed allocation will likely be known early jln 19.70. The mileage of Road should be chosen from By-Law Grading List. BY-LAW 1970 - 71 Gradins. should be chosen from the following listt after the new ~eeds Study and the location of the St. Thomas By'.Pass are availahle: (a) Road /140 - Highway f! 3 to Road /1 45 East, Ma1ahide Township - 3.5 Miles (b) Yarmouth-Southwold Industrial Roads and Connections to the St. Thomas By-Pass (c) Road /1 52 - Highway # 4 at Talbotvil1e to Road :# 30, if not relieved by the ~t. Thomas By-Pass. Southwo1d-Yarmouth - Approximately 5.5 miles (d) Road I 16 - St. Thomas to Fingel. Southwold - 7.1 miles (e) Road I 30 - Radio Road - 3.6 miles (f) Road I 2 - Urban Section of West Lorne (if drainagc~ i$ completed) (g) Road f1 36 - Highway # 3 to Road IF 45. Yannouth - 3.9 miles (h) Road # 36 - Road # 45 to 1 mile south of Sparta. Yarmouth - 3.0 miles (i) Road # 26 - St. George Street !rid~es Road # 30 - Patterson Bridge Road ~ 26 - C. N. R. St. George Street Underpass Road # 52 - Carr's Bridge (Yarmouth) Boundary Bridge - Hunt Drain Extension. Southwo1d Township (1/2 to Middlesex) S'I. 'I\\oMk-S, Ol'l'IAJUO, 'NOVEMBER 1, 1968. St. 'Ihomas, ontaTio, at \O~OO A.~. on 'IhUTsdaY l'lo~beT 7, \968. ftt n.ee~e .,~ R Ca~eT\V and Ree~e Duncan Gi\chTist. 9Tesent, escer ~ · ww.' J /- 'IRE ROAD co}\lU't'tJ!,J!, of the County of J!,\gin mat at the CouTt Rouse, All ~e~bers ~eTe "'MOVED B"i: SECOl-1DED y,'l: J. vnSE A. B. 'McCAL1,tJ'M 'IRA'I VORRJ!,S'I ~OORJ!, 1}J!, CRA1RMk-l'l ~l'lUTJ!,S oV 'IRE ~J!,'Ill'lG of octObeT \7, \968 weTe Tead and a99To~ed. Cl\RR1ED" 2. 'IRE J!,l'lGll'l1!.J!,R rol,?OR'IJ!,D Ol'l "OR\{ 'IO DA'IJ!, as fo HOWS I 'Ihe 0gening of the ?oTt 1}urwe\\ 1}Tidge waS quite succesSful i f tbe. o. -..,eH 1}ddae waS continuing with the dec\< ha~ing been const1:l1ct on 0 · " " 9 oUTed , and ~st of the stTeam di~eTSion ha~ng been co~\eted. sand 1}aSe waS neaTlY co~\eted on Road * 47, and crushed GTa~\ "OT\<waS 213 done. "OT\< at Si\~eT CTee\< by "estee\.ROSCO Ltd. ~as neaTlY c~9\eted, and GTading 1. 3. 8. 'I\\J!, 1!.l'lGll'lJ!,J!,R R1!.?OR'I1!.D that he haa Tecei~ed info~tion fTOm the De9aTtmant of ~unici9a\ AffaiTs on the 1}ToadWSy.CouTtwTight DTain in s9Tingfie\d, and had calculated the 9a~ent due to the Village to be $\,006.65. "MOVED 1}'l1 A. 1}. McCALLUM S1!.COl'lDtD 1}'l1 J. 1}. 1J\. \.50l'l 'IRA'I 'IRE VOLL01J\.l'lG ?A'lL1S'IS 1}l> A??ROVED VOR ?An\1!.l'l'I I i JL 2^ A~unting to 'Payl st if ., ~T\< waS neaTlY done. Road * 20 c\eanU9 ~otk waS neaTlY corop\ete, with about one daY of pa~ing left. Sand 1}aSe waS being 9\aced on Road * \5. crushed GTa~\ "oT\< had been completed on Road * 3 A PTe\iminar1 plan foT ~aTTen StTeet 1}Tidge had been sub$itted to the OntaTio De9aTtment of \\ighwaYs, 4. 5. 6. 1. $ 20,422.14 Atl\Ounting to 2\,803.22- 31B,348e8B (\ 'PayliSt 4~ 30 'Pa:yliSt 4~ 31 Atl\OUnting to CARR1ED" PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7, 1968 CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from - (a) The Village of Belmont, requesting the County of Elgin to pass a By-Law to enable the Village to lay Watermains on County Roads. (b) Ontario Good Roads Association, requesting reso1utionsl for its Annual Meeting. (c) Ontario Department of Highways, stating that a traffi(~ report on the intersection of County Road 1; 45 and Highway 1; 73 would be forthcoming shortly. (d) The University of Western Ontario, requesting an extension of their Lease on the County's property on Lot 23 and Lot 24, Concession I, south of the Old Lake Road (Plan D 769), for a further 5 years. "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO EXTEND THE LEASE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO ON THAT PART OF LOT 23 and LOT 24 LYING SOUTH OF THE OLD LAKE ROAD (PLAN D 769) FOR A FURTHER 5 YEAR TERM, FROM SEPTEMBER 30, 1969. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A. B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEE BE DESIGNATED AS A RE'GULAR EMPLOYEE, AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 1968 - J. PAUL WALKER. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A CERTIFICATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING REGULAR EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR EXEMPTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS, AS PROVIDED UNDER REGULATIONS OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT - ROBERT DOYLE, REGINALD ESSELTINE, GEORGE FICKLING, HARRY-HERRINGTON, JAMES LaFORGE, MILLARD McKENZIE:~ EDGAR McLEOD, GERALD SMITH, DONALD ZELLAS, RONALD ZELLAS. CARRIEDtt (\\ REEVE FORREST F. MOORE REQUESTED the Committee to change their Resolution of October 17,1968 with regard to the Beech Street Storm Drain. He PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7, 1968. statet!. that the council of Aylmer woult!. sooner proceet!. unt!.er the Authority of the Local Impro~ement Act. rather than the Municipal Drainage Act. as the Town hat!. not been t!.oing any t!.rainage work unt!.er the Municipal Drainage Act for some years. After DiSCUssion: "MOvED 'BY: SECONDED: TRAT Tl'lE MOn ON OF OCTOBER 17. 1968. JlJ!.GA1IDING BEECR STJlJ!.ET STORM DRAIN BE JlJ!.SCINDED AND Tl'lE FOLLOWING JlJ!.SOL1l'tl0N SUBSnTUTED: "TRAT Tl'lE COUNT'l OF ELGIN WILL PA'l Tl'lElR J. WISE A. 'B. McCALLUM SRAJlJ!. OF A NE\II DRAIN ON BEECR STJlJ!.ET IN A'lLMER IF IT IS UNDERTAKEN B'l Tl'lE TOWN OF A'lLMER 1JNDER Tl'lE LOCAL Il>fl'ROvEMEN't ACT AND/OR Tl'lE MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT MID PEnTI0NED FOR B'l Tl'lE RATE PA'lERS AFFECTED. OR B'l Tl'lE TOWN OF A'lLMER" CARRIED" MEETING ADJOURNED for t!.inner. ~ " with the Minister of Righ~Ys on No~~ber 5. 1968. regart!.ing the location of the A'FTER DIl'l'NER - Reeve \IIise. \IIart!.en McCallum. ant!. the Engineer reportet!. on the meeting ,~ ;,.. ~~C~ St. ThomaS 'By-Pass. to recomment!. a 1969 programme only to the County council. becaUse the location of Tnt ATTACl'lED ROAD PROCRAMME (4th Draft) ~s t!.iscusaet!.. It ~s t!.ecit!.et!. the By.PasS is still unt!.eeit!.et!.. "MOvED 'BY: J. WISE SECONDED B'l: D. GILCRRIST TRAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNT'l COUNCIL TRAT Tl'lE ATTACRED ROAD PRoGRAMME FOR 1969 'ilE ADOJ7tED. A oNE 'lEAR PRoGRAMME IS PROpOSED AT Tl'lE nME. INSTEAD OF TRE USUAL TRBEE 'lEAR PRoGRAMME. BECAUSE OF Tl'lE UpCOm,NG NEEDS STUD'l AND TRE INDECIS1.0N ON TRE LOCATION OF TRE S1:. 1:ROMAS B'l-PASS. 1:RE PROpOSED ONE 'lEAR PROGRAMME BEING AS FOLLOWS: DEvELOPMENT ROADS --- ~ (a) !,!vin.!, Development Road # 972 Roat!. ~ 47 grat!.et!. in 1968; Roat!.s ~ 48 & # 49 graded in 1969 Complete De~elopment Roat!. ~ 972 (Roat!.S 4~ 48 & 4F 49) 1969 .;;;;..;-- (b) ~adin~ PAGE' 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7, 1968. BY-LAW (b) Gradin~ cont'd. (a) Pavin~ Start Development Rload If: 930 - (Road If: 45) Road # 3 Rodney to 1 mile north of Road # 9 Road if: 15 Pearce Park Entrance Road If: 42 Road If: 40 to Highway If: 73 &. Stalter Gully Road If: 38 Spot Impr10vement (b) Gradin$t Road # 22 from Road # 27 to Road # 24 (Yarmouth Township) 2.0 Miles Road if: 40 from Road If: 52 to G1enco1in (Ma1ahide Township &. Springfield ) 2.5 Miles including Urban Work in Springfield Road # 8 Approaches to Wi1leys Bridge Road # 21 Approaches to Warren Street Bridge (c) Brid~es Road II 45 Players Bridge over Ca.tfish Creek (Yarmouth Township) Road 41 8 Wi 11eys Bridge over Thames River (Dunwich Township) (1/2 to Middlesex) Road # 21 Warren Street Bridge ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Start Kains Bridge, Road # 33 CARRIED" MR. CLAYBORNE CORDON, the County Weed Inspector, met with the Committee to discuss Spraying of County Roads, and the Licencing of Weed Sprayer Operators. "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: A. B. McCALLUM THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10:00 A. M., DECEMBER 12, 1968. CARRIED" c;d' /J rm,4 yed//, / CHAI;MAN / 1969 1970 DEVELOPMENT ROADS (a) Pavint;. (b) Gradin~ BY. LAW Pavin~ Gradin2 Bridaes COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME 3rd DRAFT OCT. 1, 1968. Dev. Road * 972 Road * 47 graded in 1968; Roads * 48 & * 49 graded in 1969 ClI.p lete Dev. Road I 972 - (Roads , ~.8 & # 49) Start Dev. Road # 930 - (Road I 45) Road /# 3 Rodney to 1 .ile north oj~ Road # 9 Road II 15 Pearce Park Entrance p:> y Road # 42 Road I :40 to Highway # 7:l & Stalter Gully f Road /1 38 Spot Improvement 0 S . Road * 22 from Road # 27 to Road * 24 (Yarmouth) 2..0 Miles Road # 40 Road /1 52 to Glencolin (~falahide & Springfi,eld) 2.5 Miles including Urban Work in Spl~ingfield Road 41 8 Approaches t'o Wi lteys Bri.dge Road I 21 Approaches to Warren StrElet Bridge Road I 45 Players Bridge over Catfi~.h Creek (Yarmouth) Road :/1 8 Willeys Bridge over ThamEls River (Dunwieh) (1/2 to Middlesex) Road I 21 Warren Street Bridge ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT ROADS eel Pavin~ (b) Grading Start Kains Bridge, Road # 33 That portion of Dev. Road # 930 (Roa~l :fJ: 4S) which was graded in 1969, and ,all of Road /1 45 that can be prepared for paving in 1910. C01Ilp1ete Dev. Road:# 930 - (Road "45) ff' COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED 3 YEAR RO.m PROCRAMME - 3rd DRAFT (continued) Page 2 1970 BY.LAW Pav1nS. Those Roads graded in 1969 Gradin~ Road # 40; Hwy. # 3 to Road # 45 (East) (Malahide) 3.5 Miles Road # 36 _ Hwy. # 3 to Road I 45 3.9 Miles (Yarmouth) Bridlles (a) Road * 45 - Kettle Creek (new erossing) (Yarmouth- Southwo1d) (b) Boundary Bridge - Hunt Drain Extension (Southwold 1/2 to Middlesex) 5T. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Complete Kains Bridge 1971 DEVELOPMENT ROADS Complete Dev. Road # 930 (Road # 45) Paving (if necessary) Gradinl depends on 1970 - 1975 Needs. A general idea of allocation will likely be known early in 1970. The mileage of Road should be chosen from By-Law Grading List. BY. LAW Gradin~ should be chosen from the following list: (a) Yarmouth-Southwold Industrial Roads and Connections to the St. Thomas By-Pass (b) Road # 52 _ Hwy. # 4 at Talbotville to Road # 30, if not relieved by the St. Thomas By-Pass. Approximately 5.5 miles. (Southwold- Yarmouth) (c) Road # 16 _ St. Thomas to Fingal 7.1 miles (Southwold) (4) Road * 30 - Radio Road 3.6 miles (e) Road i 2 _ Urban section of West Lorne (if drainage is completed) (f) Road # 36 _ Road # 45 to 1 mile south of Sparta 3.0 miles (Yarmouth) (g) Road # 26 - St. George Street Brid$2;es Road # 30 - Patterson Bridge Road * 26 . C.N.R. St. George Street UnderpasS Road /1 52 - Carrts Bridge (Yarmouth) S1. TEO't1.l\.S, Ol~1AR10, OCTO~ER 17, 1968. St. 'thomas, onta~io, on octobe~ 17th, 1968, at 10100 A.M. 't$ ROAD co~l't'tEE, of the County of Elgin 11\et at the Cou~t House, 1. 1ilo~1.<. on the l'o~t 1\u~ll 1\~idSe waS ap1>~oKimatelY one week fr<l11\ completion. ALL l'!E11BllllS we~e p~esent. MlmJ'tES of the llllleting of septembe~ 11, 1968 we~e ~ead and a1>p~oved. 't$ 11.~Gl~11!.1!.1l. 1tJ1,l'()1l.'t1!.D on 1~0 ~1.<. to Date as f 0 11 oWS 1 2. G~ading waS co~lete on Road # 47, and Sand ~ase1ilo~1.<. and Culve~tS we~e continuing. 3. 'the culve~t at Silve~ c~ee1.<. on Road # 42 waS p~oS~essing slowlY' 4. 'the old abutmentS of the Stalte~ Gully 1\~idge had been ~emoved. 5. Cleanup 1ilo~1.<. waS unde~y at the spdng c~eek culve~t on Road # 37. 6. Paving was underwaY on Road # 20. 7. Grading was unde~waY on Road 4f 15. B. 't01> Soil was being placed on Road # 3 9. ~etal 1\~idge l'lank had been o~de~ed f~om 1ilesteel Rosco Limited, fo~ the Cooke and l'hillmo~e 1\~idges. 10. p~e llnginee~inlil Studies we~e unde~waY at the Willeys and 1ilarl"en St~eet 1\ridge. eKtension of tilllll fo~ the completion of thei~ cont~act at the ?o~t 1\u~well 1\~idge. D11.'tAILS 'FOR 'tfll!. Ol'El:11tiG of the Po~t 1\U~ll 1\~idge we~e diSCUssed. CO~SFOtiD11.tiC1!. was ~ead f~ot\\ con-1\~idge Limited, askins fo~ an Afte~ diSCUssion - "1~~OVED 'BY: SECO}\U'E.1) BY: 't1:l.A't m\ 11.y:r11.~ 't$ COM.p1J;Tl~ DATE O'F CO}1_~RIDGE LIMlTED COl:1'rAAC't 'FOR 't1:l.1!. COMPLll'tlOl:1 Of T$ FORT ~ilRm\LL 1\RIDG11. AS 'FOLL01iS 1 (II) TO OCTO~ER 27, 1968 Wl THOU'! PE}1ALT'l (b) AfTER OCTO~ER 27, 1968 'FULL l'El'1ALT'l Of $ 300. 00 'I'ER DA'l, AS i'ROVlDED 1\'l 1$ COlilTRAC'l', S1:I.ALL Al'?L'l. A. B. }.{cCA'LL'U1:1 J. \USE C1\F.:R1EU" "l:~OVED BY: SECO}1DED BY: 'tHA't l'A'lL1S't # 26 ~ounting to $ 19,397.28, # 27 amounting to 19,992.37, # 28 amounting to 82,966.431 and # 28A amounting to 223,788.50 ~1!. A'I'l'ROVED fOR PA~N't J.1'. V111$O~ J. \nSE C1\1:1R1ED" OCTOBER 17, 1968 PAGE 2 requesting a new By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a CORRESPONDENCE was read frOlU the Ontario Department of Highways, Revised Agreement for the Construction of the Ontario Department of Highways' connecting link at Port Burwell. H}10VED BY: SECOl'1DED BY: THAT 1m RECOI1MBND TO CO\lli'TY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW :IlE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE 'WARDEN D. GILCHRlST J. B. WILSON AI1D CLERK TO SIGN A CORRECTED AGREEMENT REGARDING THE l<1NG'S HIGHWAY CONNECTING LINK AT PORT BURvffiLL. CARRIEDH requesting that a By-Law be passed to authorize the County to submit estimates for CORRESPONDENCE was read from H. C. Dernier, District Engineer, Highway * 19 Connecting Link at Port Burwell. Hl10VED BY: 3ECOl:-1DED BY: THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE pASSED AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY F. F. HOORE A. B. HcCALLUl1 TO SlffiM1T A COST ESTIMATE OF THE l<1NG'S HIGHWAY CONNECTING LINK IN PORT BURWELL TO THE MINISTER OF HIGrrnAYS. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (a) Ontario Department of Highways, enclosing a Work Order for $200,000.00 for Construction on Development Road * 972, (b) Ontario Department of Highways, approving purchase of a Vibrating Roller and Scales, (c) C. Jackson, regarding curbs in Fingal, (d) Minister of Municipal Affairs, stating that there would be no winterWOrks Programme in 1968 - 1969. (e) K. Buckner, regarding former Road * 52 east of Springfield. The Engineer was instruct.ed t.o take appropriate action, (f) Ontario Department of Highways, requesting that the County enter into an Agreement with the Ontario Department of Highways 50 that the Department could pay 75% on tbe present Needs Study. n110VED BY: SECONDED BY: THAT WE RECoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE 'WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMEN'I OF HICl:lWAYS 6< THE COUNTY TO ENABLE D. GILCHRIST J. 13. WILSO!-~ THE COUNTY TO - (continued on Page S) OCTOBER 17, 1968. PAGE 3 OBTAIN 75% SUBSIDY ON TIm CURP~NT NEEDS STUDY. CARRIED" }mETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER, Tenders for the Sale of the Cooper, Epple and Hatthews Houses in Port Bruwell were considered. Tenders were: Cooper House Ralph BrO'li'ffi $ 2, 500i. 00 Hatthews Sf, Epple Houses Ralph Bro'tm 2,000.00 Jonas Lycks 200.00 tt~10VED BY: A. B. HcCALLU~4 SECONDED BY: J. lnSE THAT 'tVE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF P~'\LPH BRO\~1 AT $2,000.00 FOR PART OF LOTS 26 and 27, PlAN 12, PORT BURWELL, INCLUDING BOTH HOUSES, AND WE P-ECOJi.'ft1END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-IAl.l BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE l~APJ)EN AND CLERK TO SIGN THE DEED TO MR. BROllrn. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A.B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF RALPH BROlVN AT $2,500.00 FOR PART OF LOTS 28 AND 29, PLAN 12, PORT BURvlELL, INCLUDING ALL BUILDINGS, AND liE RECOHl'i'E'I\1D TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LA~'J BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE '\:.JARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN THE DEED TO HR. BROI,.TN. CAHRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had investigatedl claimants regarding Beech Street Se''1er in Aylmer t and was of the opinion that thE~ Sewer was over- loaded. After discussion: "110VED BY: D. GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: J .B. WILSON THAT THE COUNTY OF Er.nIN tfII,L PAY THEIR SHARE OF A NElli DP~IN ON BEECH STREET IN AYLMER, IF IT IS UNDERTAKEN BY THE TOiiN OF AYLHER UNDER THE HUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT, AND PETITIONED FOR BY THE RATE PAYERS AFFECTED. ('\ CARRIED" "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: F.F. MOORE J. WISE THAT AN APPLICATION BE ~~DE TO THE }fiNISTER OF HIGlflvAYS FOR PA~mNT OF INTERIM SUBSIDY ON EXPENDITURES MtADE BY THE COmiTY ROAD DEPARTNENT FOR JAN. lt 1968 TO SEPT. 30, 1968. CARRIED" OCTOBER 17, 1968 PAGE 4 "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. B. McCALLUM J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOl:iJING EMPLOYEES BE DESIGNATED AS REGULAR EMPLOYF.:ES, AS OF OCTOBER 15, 1968: GORDON BEDFORD, THEO AFMAN, LESLIE GILES, ORRIE OSTRANDER AND RALPH WEBSTER. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Load limits were nc) longer required on the Orwell and Port Burwell Bridges, and that with repairs the Load Limit on the Cooke Bridge could be raised from eight to fifteen tons. "HOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. lVILSON A. B. McCALLUM THAT A BY-LAt" BE PASSED WHICH IN EFFECT "l1LL AMEND BY-LA~v 4F 2021 BY MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: REMOVE LOAD LIMITS ON ORWELL AND PORT BURi-lELL BRIDGES, AND RAISE LOAD LIMIT ON COOKE BRIDGE FROM EIGHT TO FIFTEEN TONS. CARRIED" A REPORT from R. C. Dunn & Associates regarding settlement at the Wardsville Bridge was read. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that John Nargalas had felt that $80.00 per acre was not sufficient compensation for damage to his corn c~rop on Road 4F 3. The Committee were of the opinion that this compensation was quite adequate in view of the present price of corn. PLACEMENT OF WATERMAINS on County Roads was di.scussed, and the Engineer reported that he had been contacted by the Township of Yarmouth and by the Village of Belmont, with regard to location of lvatermainsl. "~lOVED BY: J. B. ifILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOMNEND TO COUNTY COUNCIl, THAT A BY-LAW" BE PASSED AUTHORIZING AN AGREEt.1ENT BET\~EN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE TO"\fflSHIP OF YARUOUTH, ~1I1~H REGARD TO THE PLACElmNT OF WATER~~INS ON COUNTY ROADS BY THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. CARRIED" "NOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. lrJISE F. F. MOORE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-l,AW BE PASSED AUTHORI ZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE VILLAGE OF BELMONT, WITH REGARD TO THE PLACENENT OF ~vATERMAINS ON COUNTY ROADS BY THE VILLAGE OF BELMONT. CARRIED" OCTOBER 17, 1968 PAGE 5 THE COUNTY ASSESSl>1ENT on the Broadway-Courtright Drain in Springfield was discussed, and the Engineer reported that he was awaiting further information from the Department of Municipal Affairs. DEDICATION OF ROAD WIDENING as a condition of Severance Approval by the Committee of Adjustment in Yarmouth and Southwold Townshj~ps was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. WISE A.B. McCAl.,LU~1 THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO REQUEST ROAD \~DENING DEDICATIONS IF HE DEEMS IT NECESSARY AS A REQUIREMENT OF SEVERANCE OF PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF YARMOUTH AND SOUTH1I}'OLD. CARRIED" ENFORCE~1ENT of County Parking By-Laws was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON D. GILCHRIST THAT ire RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY BY-LAW 11:{;203 2. REGARDING THE ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY PARKING BY-LAWS BY LOCAL BY-LAW ENFORCE:MENT OFFICERS BE EXTENDED FROM JANUARY 1st, 1969 UNTIl.. THE NE1v BY-LAW IS REPEALED. CARRIED" THE WARDEN AND ENGINEER REPORTED that the Needs Study Co-Ordinating Committee had studied the present Road System at some length" and had studied a number of Roads that might be added to the County Road Systenl. Before a decision would. be made on the recommended system, an inspection of thE~ Roads in question would be made. THE ATTACHED THREE YEAR PROGRA~1ME was discussE~d, and it was decided that because of the indecision by the Ontario Department of Highways on the location of the St. Thomas By-Pass, only a programme for 1969 could be recommended to County Council. The Engineer was instructed to prepare the fourth draft. "NOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. 1;\I1SE F. F. MOORE Tt~T~ffl ADJOURN TO 10:00 A. M. ON NOVE~mER 7th, 1968. CARRIED" R~ CHAIRMAN f~~ ~~~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR - EAST END, OCTOBER 9. 1968 I~ 1. Leav, Court House at 9:00 A.M. 2. St. George Street - Road 4ft 26 S.A. Work in abeyance until the By-Pass location is determined. 3. Roads # 29 and 31 to Road , 52 & Carrs Bridge 4. Development Road 4i 840 (Road 4F 52) Road 4F 30 to Springfield. Work nearing completion 5. Roads 1ft 48 and 49 Development Road IF 972. Construction 1969 6. Road # 47 Development Road # 972. Construction 1968 7. Road 4F 40 Springfield to Glencolin. Programmed f,or Construction 1969 8. Road # 38 Improvement near Richmond 1968 9. Straffordvil1e, Tillsonburg 10. Dinner Hillcrest Restaurant 11. Port Burwell Bridge and Approaches 12. Road # 42 Construction Road # 40 to Hwy. # 73 1968 13. Road 4; 40 Road 4f: 45 to Highway 4F 3. progrannned for 1970 14. Road iF 35 Jaffa to Orwell and Springwater Dam. Construction in 1967 and 1968. 15. Road IF 45 from Road iF 35 to Road 4F 22. Constructilon Programmed for 1969 and 1970. Players Bridge 1969. 16. Road # 22 Road' 27 to Road # 24. Programmed for 1969. 17. Return to the Court House. ~. ~ COUN't"l COUNCtL ROAD 'tOUR Of IdES't EWtN - OC'tOBER 16 1 <J68 Leave CoUTt ~ouse at a~~TOximatelY 10t15 A.M. 1.. , Road 41> 21 1'0 Tt Stan ley \-Ia TTen S t Teet 1\Tidge Re1l1acement floC bedu led 196<J Road ~I 20 constTUction to 1'inga1 1968, Developlllent Road 41> 93\ Road 41> \6 and Road off: 20 \)Tban constTUction in 'Fittga1 southW01d 'townshi~ Municilla1 Offices Road ~I 15 1'eaTce 1'aTk constTUctiott 1968 Dutton Road"" 8 1\elmont Dnin culvert J!,xtension Road ~I 2 to Rodney Ditching \-lest LOTne 1968 '2.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dinne't at Rodne'Y constTUction Road ~I 3 196t\ Rodney noTth 1.0. Road # 3 to \-IaTdSville 11. \-IalkeTs BTidge oveT 'thames RiveT 1.2. Road ~I 5 Ditching 1968 ReconstTUctiOn \-lilleYs BTidge 1969 Roads ~I 9, "" 14 &: "" 18 to C. GOTdon 1.3. 14. 15. Road off: 11 constTUction 1968 16. Road # 26 to CouTt ~ouse 1. 7. St. Thomas, Ontario, September 11, 1968. -' THE- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE, met at the Court House September 11th. at 10 A .M. All Members were present, also F. Cla,rke of the D. H. O. MINUTES OF :MEETINGS of August 9th. and 20th. were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work 'b>-date as follows: 1. Rain had slowed Work on all Projects. 2. The Deck had been poured a,nd the Handrail completed at the Port Burwell Bridge. It appeared that the Contract would not be completed at the end of September. 3. Gra.ding on Road If 42 wa,s cpmpleted except at Silver Creek. Installation of the Culvert was proce~ding slowlyo 4. Grading and Granular Base vvork had been completed on Road #:38 at Richmond. 5. Grading had been started on Road 1147, but heavy rains had stopped the work. Sand would be purchased from Ha,rold Rowe a.nd Crushed gravel from John Corbett. 6. Granula,r Base would be completed on Road #20 by the weekend - Curb and Gutter work was proceeding in Fingal. 7. Ditching on Road #5 was proceeding quite well 8. Granular Be.se Work would start on Road #3, next week. 9. Pavement Marking wa,s completed. 10. Work was proceeding slowly a.t the Orwell Bridge. 11. Weed Cutting had been completed. 12. The Federal Government had announced that there would be no Winter Work Programme. 13. Ra.ins he.d also held up work on the Bennett Drain Culvert on Road 1/8. 14. The Parkins house had been purchased and had been rented for $ 100.00 per month. 15. Expenditures to-date appeared' to be within budgeted a,mounts. "MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST nSECONDED BY:J. WISE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 23 AMOUNTING TO $ 22,282.45 PAYLIST # 24 AMOUNTING TO $ 21,720.48 PAYLIST # 25 AMOUNTING TO $ 302,841.86 CARRIED't PAGE 2. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTE}~ER 11, 1968. CORRESPONDENCE v'IAS READ FROM D.H.O. approving purchase of a Sander and 3 inch Pump. (b) N. J. Chaplow re: Fatal Accident to Jan Luth. INSERT Correspondence to the Minister of Highwa.ys was read from the City of St. Thomas and the County Engineer, requesting an early meeting on the location of the St. Thomas By-Pass. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from G. Jackson on Fingal re: extension of Curb and Gutter on Road # 16, west of Road #20 Intersection. After Discussion, "lJlOVED Bytt F. MOORE ""SECONDED BY'- B. McCALLUM THAT C. JACKSON BE INFORMED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN CANNOT EXTEND CURB AND GUTTER ON ROAD #16 WESTERLY FROM ROAD #20 AT THIS TIME FOR FINANCIAL REASONS. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT AT LONG LAST THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HAD FORWARDED THE AGREEMENT FOR THE PORT BURWELL BRIDGE AND IT APPEARED TO BE IN ORDER. "'MOVED Bytt J. \vILSON uSECONDED Bytt D. GILCHRIST THAT THE AGREEMENT OF AUGUST 30th., FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, RE: SHARING OF COSTS ON HIGHWAY # 19 CONNECTING LINK IN POiT BURWELL, BE APPROVED. CARRIEDt\' CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM CON-BRIDGE LIMITED requesting an extension of time for the completion of its Port Burwell Bridge. After Discussion: "MOVED BY: B. McCALLffivr ftSECONDED Bytt F. MOORE THAT WE EXTEND THE COMPLETION DATE OF CON_BRIDGE LIMITED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PORT BURWELL BRIDGE AS FOLLOWS (a) To October 14th. 1968, without charge to Con-Bridge Ltd. (b) October 15th. to October 26th. 1968, with Con-Bridge Ltd.. to pay the cost of on site supervision, Weighman and Checker, etc. (c) After October 27th. 1968, full penalty of $ 300.00 per day as provided by the Contract, shall apply. CARRIEDft CORRESPONDENCE RE: the naming of the Port Burwell Bridge from the Village of Port Burwell was Discussed at length. MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. St. Thomas, Ontario, September 17, 1968. Page 3. After Dinner discussion continued with regard to an opening for the Port Burwell Bridge and its name. ttMOVED BY: J. WISE uSECONDED Bytt' D. GILCHRIST THAT WE HAVE AN OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE PORT BURvmLL BRIDGE. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER v'qAS INSTRUCTED to invite Premier Robarts:: to open the Bridge. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Canadian Transport Commission requesting a Submission from the County reI the modernization of Railroad Protection at the Ca.nadian National Railway Crossing on 'VJa.rren Street (Road #21) in Port Stanley. UMOVED BYt F. MOORE ""SECONDED BY B. McCALLUM THAT WE AGREE TO PAY l2i% of the cost of modernizing the Canadian NATIONAL RAILWAY CROSSING PROTECTION ON ROAD # 23 (WARREN STREET) PORT STANLEY, AND 50% OF THE MAINTENANCE ON THE MODERNIZED PROTECTION. CARRIED'" THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED THAT THE Cooper, Epple &, Matthews property in Port Burwell be put up for tender so that total costs could be ascertained and the Canadian Transport Commission billed for their share of land purchase costs. After Discussion UMOVED BY: J. WILSON >>SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY AT PORT BURvmLL , AS FOLLOWS - (a) Cooper House, Garage & Property, - in block. (b) Matthews & Epple Property & Matthews Barn - in block, with or without Epple or Matthew House. House be moved to new position on lot. (c) Sale of Matthews or Epple Houses to be removed. CARRIED" REMOVAL OF THE PERRY HOUSE was discussed, with Reeve Wise pointing out the need to remove the house and repair the drain on the property as soon as possibleo ttMOVED BY: J. 'WISE "SECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO REMOVE THE PERRY HOUSE AT UNION, COSTS TO BE SHARED - 50% COUNTY & 50% TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. CARRIED" St. Thomas, Ontario September 17, 1968 Pa.ge 4 "MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST "SECONDED BY: J. WILSON THAT COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD TOUR DATES BE SET AS FOLLOWS: EAST .* OCTOBER ( 9th.) WES~ * OCTOBER (16th.) TO LEAVE COURT HOUSE AT 9 A.M. BOTH DAYS & TOUR TO BE BY BUS. CARRIEDU tf.'TJIOVED BY: B .McCALLUM tt'SECONDED BY: F . MOORE THAT KENNETH GORDON BE DESIGNATED A REGULAR EMPLOYEE OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, AS OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1968. CARRIEDtt ARRANGEMENTS RE: THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN 'l"'ORONTO WERE DISCUSSED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Scales & Vibratory Roller rented in mid July from The General Supply Company, were still in use and would be needed for some time and that he had received a quotation on the equipment as used equipment and suggested that the equipment be purchased. After Discussion ftMOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST nSECONDED BY:F. MOORE THAT 'WE PURCHASE USED BROS. MODEL V:P4D ROLLER,SERIAL # 225 FROM THE GENERAL SUPPLY C O]JIPA NY , AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $4,700.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. v CARRIEDtt 'tMOVE,D BY: J. \vILSON ItSECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT \vEPURCHASE A USED CANADIAN SCALE (30tTON) SERIAL # 22567, FROM GENERAL SUPPLY COI~ANY, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 6,058.46, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. /' CARRIED'. IMPOSITION OF SPEED LIMIT on Road # :3;; a,t Orwell was discussed, but it wa.s decided to erect 2 (Watch for Children) Signso A LETTER FROM THE YARMOUTH TO\nTNSHIp SCHOOL BOARD was read requesting that the 40 mile per hour zone on Road # 27 at Sparta be extended Westerly. After Discussion. "MOVED BY: F. MOORE t'SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOM1JIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE IvlANIMUlv1 SPEED 40 ZONE ON ROAD #27 AT SPARTA, BE EXTENDED WESTERLY TO THE WEST LIMIT OF THE QUAKER CEMETARY. CARRIED!\' St. Thomas, Ontario, Page 5 September 17, 1968. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED tha.t a Needs Study CO-Ordinating Committee meeting should be held in early October. DISCUSSION on appointment of By Law Officers for Parking Restriction was postponed to the next meeting. THE CHAIRMAN PRESENTED A PETITION signed by a number of residents of Beech Street (Road 53) in Aylmer, re flooding. The Engineer was instructed to investigate the situation and report back. REEVE MOORE PRESENTED A PLAN on the extension of Spruce Street in Aylmer. The Plan was referred to li.. Mo Spriet with instructions to examine the Road a.s a desirable County Roa.d while conducting the County Needs Study. THE ENGINEER reviewed Engineering Studies to-date, on the Willys, Players & Cooks Bridges. He reported that it appea.red that the cost :!of approaches and the cost of the Cooks Bridge would be in excess of $ 300,000.00, with the Cost to the County in excess of $ 90,000.00; and it did not appear feasible to build the bridge without doing all the approach work at the same timeo It was suggested that; the Cost of the Phillmore Bridge would be in excess of that for the Cook Bridge. After Discussion nMOVED BY: J. WILSON u'SECONDED BY: Jo WISE THAT ENGINEERING STUDIES ON THP; COOKS BRIDGE BE LEFT IN ABEYANCE FOR THE TIME BEING AND THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEF~D ~lITH REPAIRS TO THE FLOOR All SOON AS PRACTICAL. CARRIEDtt THE ATTACHED 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRA!vlME was presented and discussed. It was decided to proceed with Plans for replacement of Warren Street Bridge. UMOVED BY: J. tnlISE ttSECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT THE FIRM OF A. M. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES, BE APPOINTED AS CONSULTANTS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WARREN STREET BRIDGE ON COUNTY ROAD # 21. CARRIF.~Dn THE ENGINEER was instructed to proceed with a 3rd. Draft of a 3 year Road Programme. "'MOVED BY: F. MOORE uSECONDED BY:J. WISE THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 10 at 10 A.M. CARRIED. ~J4t,~ V17 Chairman.! ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 20, 1968 THE ROAD COMMITTEE, of the County of Elgin met at the Court House, on August 20, 1968, at 10:30 A.M., in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE ENGINEER presented Tenders for a Tandem Sander which were: 1. King Seagrave Ltd. $4, lOa., 2S $4,441",50 2. Swenson of Canada Ltd. _ "MOVED BY: J .B. WILSON SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF KING SEAGRAVE LTD. FOR A MODEL HDT _ 88 SANDER, AT THEIR TENDER PRICE OF $4,100.25, 'INCLUDING ONTARIO SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPART~mNT OF HIGHWAYS. CARRIEDn THE ENGINEER REPORTED __ 1. that the Ontario Department of Highways had approved Plans for Proposed Work on Road /1 47, and that a Cost Estimate had been f~)rwarded to the Ontario Department of Highways, 2. that grading would be completed on Road I 3 by the weekend, 3. that grading would start on Road # 38 as soon as work 'wascompleted on Road !; 3, 4. that heavy rainfall had again disrupted work on Road /1 20, and Storm Drains on the Turville Hill had been blocked by sand washing 'into them. MEETING ADJOURNED to September 11, 1968. .' ' (j~If.., ,~... ...... #K:J. I l . CHAIRMAN/ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1968. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. ALL MElmERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT CHAIRMAN CAVERLY &. Reeves Todd and Wilson. Frank Clarke of the D.B.O. was present. MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: D. GI LaHRIST THAT BRUCE McCALLUM BE CHAIRMAN FOR AUGUST 9TH. CARRIED. TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT for Road 20 (Dev. ROlad :(1931) and Road 16 S .A. were opened and were as fo 1 lows : (1) Walmsley Bros. Ltd. $ '70,652.40 London, Ontario. (2) Towland Construction Ltd. $ '72,605.00 London, Ontario. (3) Huron Construction Co. Ltd. $ 97,734.00 Chatham, Ontario. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETIlIiGS of July 11th and 24tb were read and approved. MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT THE TENDER OF WALMS LEY BROS. LTD. BE ACCE n:ED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O., AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $70,652.40 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING ON ROADS 20 &. 16. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to elate as follows: (1) The centre beams of the Port Burwell Bridge had been placed, and deck work was continuing. (2) The footing and a portion of the abutments of the Orwell Bridge had been com- pleted by Brandow-McDonald. (3) Engineering and Land Purchase had been completed on the Spot Improvement on Road 38. (4) The Land Plan for Road 15 was expected shortly and approv~l of the Department of Lands &. Forests was expected in due course. (5) Grading, except at Silver Creek, had heen completed on Ro'ad 42, and sand base was being placed. lvork on the Silver Creek Culvert had been held up by recent rains. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 9, 1968. PAGE 2 (6) Gaffney Construction had completed their work at the Springwater Dam. (7) Surface Treatment work had been completed. (8) Centre Line Marking was under way. (9) Sand Base work was continuing on Road 20 and Urban work was continuing in Fingal. (10) Grading was under way on Road 3 north of Hwy. 401. (11) Work at the Bennett Drain Culvert had been held up by recent rains. (12) Ditching on Road 5 would start shortly. (13) l>1ork in West Lorne would be done after ditching on Road 5 was completed. MOVED BY: F. MOORE SECOl\'!J)ED BY: J. WISE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST 120, ,.j;MOUNTING TO $21,304.39; PAYLIST #20A, AMOUNTING TO $18,408.86; PAYLIST 121, AMOUNTING TO $24,480.63; PAYLIST #22, AMOUNTING TO $288,830.16. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that settlements had been reached with F. Nargelas and Mike Soos on the basis offered by the Committee on July 24th. F. Popovich had not accepted the offer and expropriation proceedings had been completed. Correspondence was read from ~Ir. Popovich, in which he offered to settle for $1,000.00, including damages and the County to erect a new fence. After discussion, it was MOVED BY: D. 01 LCHRIST SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT WE PAY FRANK & ROSA POPOVICH THE SUM OF $1,000.00 FOR LAND, DAMAGES, ETC. OCCASSIONED BY EXPROPRIATION D933 PLUS A FENCE ON THE NEW PROPERTY LINE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: of (a) R.C. Dernier, District Engineer, stating that the Committee request/an investigation into the intersections of County Road 45 and Hwy. 173 had: been referred to the Traffic Branch. (b) 1I.C. Dernier, re approval of Orwell Bridge Contract. 'PAGE '3 (0) c. Jae~son. Vlnga\' 1. t _a eeelele4 to ..,lew tne l\l)ad. on tne neltt Roae 'tou';' S't. 't\\O~' ()\\'tAR1.0 A'UG'US't <), \ 96~- ~ eomP\eted. ana fo~~ee to tne D.n.O' a~e funds ~u\e be a..,a1\ab\e fo'; ~ik. \969 to ,a1 fo~ tne ent1,;e ~ob. Afte'; eueusalon. lt _s N,O'1B:O 'B'l ~ SEGO~1.D y.'h J. 'iTtS1. 'tUA't 't1\E E1<<l1."",tll 1'>1. 1.l'S'tll.'\le'tED 'to 'P1l.OC1.l.D ~'t\\ ~Rf- ()l'l 1l.0.tJl 1.\11.1' ~ tts""'1. C1.1!.l<'t }1()l'l1.1 1. S 1'O't A\.t.OCA't1!.D y.1 't\\1l. D. \\.0. 1.N \968. ,. 1\OO'Ri 41 (Dl.~' ROAD .(12) CAR'R1E'D · enee ane _n aa fo\1.0'<l&1 't1.~1!J!S VOR A SA~ER 1'>001 fo'; a 'tanee'lll 't'J:\1e'lt _~e 0' · $ ~,\OO_'15 f-lnS SeaS1.'ave \.t4. '\iloodatOe~. Ot\ta,;lo. S_naon s,,;ea4e1.' of canada. Gteneoe, onta~io. 't1\E 't1!.~,,1l.S 1illRl. -a!V1!.1UlJ!.D to tne 1!.'lI&lnee'; fo'; a ,;eeo'Ollll8n4atl0n fo'; the neltt $ 5,38\.'15 (a) (b) 11\eeti.nS- f the Wi.t\e,'. 't\\1l. 1.'!!G1.l11!.l.R Y,R1.1!.VL1 o'\l't\.1.'!!l.D \oeat1on ,,;ob\etI\So,; . ~.. ,nd tne Coo'lt(a y,,;lege on Roae 4:'h y,,;ldge on l\l)au " a MO'IE'D 'B1 \ Sl.CO~!.D y,11 D. Gtt.Cl\1l.1.S't . ' C' O..~l GO'llNctL 'tUA't VALL RO.tJl 'tOUR DA't1!.S y.1!. Sl.'t y,1 't\\1l. 'tUA't 1ill -a!Co~'!!D 'to IU" CARR1ED · J. 'iI-SE co'lJN't1 1l.O.tJl GO_'t't!.!.. '\ill\aon _a In attendanee. A'f't!.R 1l1.~1l. Ree..,e .. l' 0 ~ee ts 1 n !.aat 1. \.gl n. S ROADS & Gonat'J:\1etl0n 1.' co_'t't!.l. 'to'lJ1l\\D ~AR1. ()'\l .' .. ne\d) \ Road 40. south 0 f 0, ~ 40 (South of S,~i.\\g 52. 149 6t 1 \ ~oa~ 1.ne\u4ed _~e lloads n. ..' , . \\. y,,;i.ese. l\l)aea 4'1 & '1'1. 4 38 the l'o,;t y,urwe \\W1' .3 to l\l)ae 45 ane lloa · 't1\E l11!.i.'ttllG ADJomn'l!.D VOR D1.~R. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 9, 1968. PAGE 4 )IOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: F. MOORE THAT THE MEETI}..1G ADJOURN TO SEf'J.1t.MBER 11TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~/4 fllJ ! IV"~ CHAIR~N lid "'" , \(.~:.~~ , OJ " , r ST '. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST SESSION, 1968. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOT.,LOWS: 1. A Contract haa been let to Brandow-MacDonald Construction Ltd. of St. Thomas at $62,960.36 for construction of the Orwell Bridge. The work is underway. 2. A Contraet has been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of London at $70,652.40 for Hot Mix Paving on Road 20 (Development Road #931) and On Road 16 in Fingal. The work will be done this Fall. WE RECOMMEND: that the County Road Committee be authorized to set County Council Road Tour date.. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMIt l.t,D. W.R. CAVERLY CHAIRMAN '" ST. THO~S, ONTARIO, t,TULY 24, 1968. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMl'I.IITTEE met a,t the Court House at 7%30 P.M. in conjunction with the County Government Committee. ALL MEMBERS v{ERE PRESENT. Also pre:sent was Mr. N.J. Chaplow. REEVE GILCHRIST and 1~. Cha,plow reported on negotiations ror widening Road 3. COMMITTEE DECIDED to (a) offer Mike Boos damages a,t the ra,te of $350.00 per acre for the land taken over a,nd above the sta,ndard price or $650.00 per acre; (b) to offer Frank Popovich $17:5.00 damages, lump sum, 'ant! $20.00 each for the fruit trees. Land at thEirate of $650.00 per acre; (c) not to change their offer to F. Nargelas. THE ENGINEER was instructed to proceed with expropriation proceedings if agreements could not be reached on the above basis. REEVE WISE reported that Mrs. Perry would accept the Coun,ty's and Township of Yarmouth 'a offer or $3,000.00 for her property in Union. THE ENGINEER REPORTED tha t grading ~tha" could be done was nea,rly completed on Road 42 and work would be started on Road :3 within the week. Engineering a,nd Land Purchase were proceeding on Rd. 38 so that it would be ready when Road 3 was completed if the Silver Creek Culvert Was-not completed by that time. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that some fund.s would be a,vailable for construction on Road 47 and that if the County wished to do additional work, the County would likely have to fina,nce it until April of 1969. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Chas. .Jackson, of Fingal. THE MEETING ADJOURNED UNTIL AUGUST 9TH. Ot ~7l1tUL CHAIRMAN .r~ ST. THOMAS, ON~ARIO, JULY 11, 1968. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met. at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. on July 11, 1968. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Also present were F. Clarke, D.H.O., William Kelley or A.M. Spriet & Associates Ltd., TENDERS FOR THE ORWELL BRIDGE construction were opened and were as attached. TENDERS FOR REINFORCING STEEL for the Orwell Bridge were also opened, a,nd were as attached. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met with the Road Committee, and reported that the Parkins' property at 117 St. George Street was for sale, and would be needed eventually for an underpass under the C.N.R. tracks on St. George Street. The Commission recommended that the property be acquired by the County Road Committee, with the understanding tha,t the Commission would include the expenditure in thei,r 1969 budget. After die cuesion, the Committee agreed to view the property at dinner time. MR. CHAPLOW AND MR. CAMPBELL met with the Committee with rega,rd to Land Purchase on Road 3 of the properties or Frank Popovich and Mike Soos. Both owners wished damages for cut ofr corners of their property. Reeve Gilchrist agreed to assist Mr. Cha,plow to see if agreements could be reached. MOVED BY: B. McCALLUM SECONDED BY: J. vUSE THAT THE QUOTATION OF J. HARRIS & SON LTD. AT $3,594.00 BE ACCEPTED FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR THE ORvmLL BRIDGE, SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THA T T HE TENDER OF BRANDOW -MacDONALD CONS'F'l.l1CTION LTD. AT A PRICE OF $62,960.36 BE ACCEPTED FOR CONSTRUCTING THE ORWELL BRIDGE, SUBJECT TO D.11.0. APPROVAL. CARRIED. TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORWELL BRIDGE 1. Elgin Construction $ 64,175.75 2. Kelley & Maloney $ 79,985.00 3. Donn Construction $ 75,000.00 4. Graham & Graham $ 94,234.35 5. MacLellan $ 76,397.00 6. NcLean-Foster $ 64,136.50 7. Lenford Canst. Ltd. $ 74,806.96 8. Bra,ndow & MacDonald $ 62,959.86 TENDERS FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR ORWELL BRIDGE 1. Canron $ 3,925.00 2. Salet Steel $ 3,773.00 Less i of 1% .3. Albrecht Bros. $ 3.652.00 4. London Steel Industries $ 3,711.00 5. J. Harris $ 3,594.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1968. PAGE 2 WM. KELLEY REPORTED on t he progress of' the Port Burwell Bridge 'bo date. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of June 12th and June 18th were read and approved. REEVE GILCHRIST REPORTED that he and the Engineer had met with Talbot Kirpatrick re his drainage problem and concluded tha.t the drain was a priv:ate matter between Mr. Kirpatrick and the D.H.O. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. THE COMMITTEE INSPECTED 117 St. George Street. AFTER DINNER Reeve Wise and Reeve Johnson were absent. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as fol10ws: (1) Grading with motor scra.pers had been completed on Road 20. Sand Base work B.nd Urban work in Final continues. (2) Grading was underway on Road 42 and installation of the Silver Creek Culvert, held up by recent rains, was ex- pected to start shortly. (3) Design had been completed for Road 15. (4) Design was underway on Road ,38. (5) $9,000.00 had been receivedfrom the C.N.R. for work on Road 11, completing their payment to the County. (6) Gaffney Construction had nearly completed their contra.ct at Springwater. (7) Top soil work was underway on Road 52. (8) Surface Treatment work was continuing in East Elgin. (9) Extensions on the Hoover Culvert were underw"lY. (10) The General Meeting of the Suburba.n ROled Commission Ass'n. on June 26 at St. Thomas had been quit,e successful. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 11, 1968. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM J .B. \vILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING .PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #17 - AMOUNTING TO $18,966.4; PAYLIST #18 - AMOUNTING TO $ 20,021.88; PAYLIST #19 - AMOUNTING TO $277,849.50. CARRIED. PAGE 2A ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1968. PAGE 3 THE ENGINEER REPORTED the t site invest,igations w'ere underway at both the Willey's and the Cook Bridges. ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING REGULATIONS in Aylmer and Dutton were discussed. It was decided to advertise the Regulations in the 10 csl press. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED prices for a 3 inch pump from General Supply at $716.10 for a Jaeger Pump, from, Drake-Robinson-Vicary at $750.54 for s, Gorman Rupp pump. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST J.B. WILSON THAT WE PURCHASE A 3PT JAEGER PUMP FROM GENERAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $715.60 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER STATED THAT IT MIGHT BE NECESSARY to rent scales to enable two Road Construction jobs to be ~arried on at the same time. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED permission to c,all tenders for paving on Road 2&.+/ tol MOVED BY: F. MOORE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THA.T THE ENGINEER BE EMPOl'mRED TO CALL TENDERS FOR PAVING ON ROAD 20 (DEVELOPMENT ROAD #931) AND ON ROAD 16 S.A. IN FINGAL. CARRIED. REEVE ORCHARD PRESENTED a petition signed by various property owners in Fina1 requesting tha,t construction be extended westerly on Road 16 from Roacl20. After discussion, Committee felt that .as desirable as the project might be, the 1968 budget had been set, cand it appeared that. there would not be any extra funds in the budget to finance the work. ST. TH01QS, ONTARIO JU~Y 11, 1968. PAGE 4 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B. MC CALLUM J.B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALLI TENDERS FOR A SANDER FOR A TANDEM TRUCK. CARRIED. CHAIRMAN CAVERLY REPORTED that there had been a fatal accident at the intersection of County Roo.d 45 and Hwy. 73 on July 6, and drew the Committee's attention to the fact that the intersection wa.s extremely hazardous. After discussion, it was MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: F. MOORE D. GILCHRIST THAT THE D.H.O. BE PETITIONED TO INVESTIGAWE THE NEED FOR FLASHING LIGHT STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 45 AND HWY. 73 BECAUSE OF THE LARGE NUl~ER OF ACCIDENTS IN THE RECENT PAST. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a cha.nge in truck ra.tes at some of the low mileages might ha.ve to be considered, as hired truck earnings were often insufficient to meet rising costs. PURCHASE OF THE PARKINS PROPERTY on St. George Street was discussed. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM D. GILCHRIST THA T WE PURCHASE THE PARKINS PROPERTY ON THE EAST SInE OF ROAD 26 AT THE C.N.R. TRACKS AT A PRICE OF $12,500.00 WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THA T THE 5T. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD GOMMISSION ASSUME THE COST IN THEIR 1969 BUDGET. CARRIED. THE WARDEN, Chairman s.nd Engineer reported on the Needs Study CoOOrdinating Committee meeting of June 27th., stating that the desirable County Road System had been discussed at some length. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1968. PAGE 5 IT WAS DECIDED to attempt to discuss the County's J Year Road Programme ,at some length at the next meeting. MOVED BY: F. MOORE SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 9TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. a ~7;rCIL CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JmlE 18, 1968. THE ROAD COMMrrTTEE, of the County of Elgin, met at the Court House, at 2:00 P.M., June 18, 1968, in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had received an Agreement from the Ontario Department of Highways with regard to division of Cos:ts on Union Road. in Port Burwell, in connection with the construction of the Port Burwell Bridge. Although some minor corrections had to be made, he recommended that a By-Law be passed to authorize the County to enter into the Agreement. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED ,A.UTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTER OF HIGRWA YS WITH REGARD TO THE PAYMENT BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF CERTAIN COSTS INCURRED BY THE COUNTY IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF UNION STREET, IN PORT BURWELL, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PORT BURWELL BRIDGE. CARRIED" MEETING ADJOURNED to July 10, 1968. 4JdW ,-,".p ( /I .. . I CHAIRMAN St. 1homas, ontariO, June session, 1968. TO THt 'ilARDt~ A~D ~tRS · OF THt COUWf! OF t'LGl~ COU~Cl'L. 'LOUR ROAD coW'llTTtt ~tGS TO RtPORT r-S YO'L'LO'lIS: 'ill!. RtCoM1J\E~D: d authOri7,ing the '#arden 1. That a by-1a'W be passe , t 'With the 1,\ird.ster and Clerk to sign an agreemen t b~ the d t the -pa']1l\en J of '\\ighVlaYs Vlit.h reg;ar 0 ... r St rtn . of the cost 0 · 0 Department of ,\\~gh'WaYs, and '\\ot and GutterS, Granular Base S~ers, Curbs. h C unt'1 in the re- Mi~ pa'1ing incurred bY t eO. ~he ~illage of port constructiOn of Union Street ~n ' Burwell- . t.I IS <>\t.sptC"'YU'L'L'L SUBln1TtD. A'L'L OY 'l1'\\lCn n ' C{.~. ~q i . ~ CH~l~~ · . .,0 ..,' "\ st. ~~OMAS, ONTARIO, ~~E SESSI0~, lq68. ,TO TllE WARDEll AND llEMBE1I.S 01' TllE couNTi 01 EWIll ComtCIL' yOUR 'ROAD COMMlTtEE 'BEGS TO 1I.Ero1l.T AS 1'OLLOWS: 1. Tende~s fo~ the orwell 'B~idge, on the Yarmouth-Malahide 10~line vill be called sho~tly. 2. Enginee~ing Work fo~ the Replacement of the following 'Bridges vill begin sho~tlY' (a) Willeys 'B~idge ove~ the Thames 1I.ive~. on Road * 8. (b) Cook 'B~idge ove~ the 'Big Otte~ c~eek. on Road · ~3, (c) Playe~ 'B~idge ove~ the CatfiSh creek. on Road # ~5. 3. Tbe folloving cont~actS have been co~leted' (a) 'Bel~nt 'Bridge on Road # 37. by Donn construction Co~anY Ll_1ted, (b) Bot Mi~ Aspbalt Paving on Road # 52 (Development Road f 8~0), by Walmsley 'B~os. Limited, (c) crusbed G~avel on Road * 11. by Johnston ~~os. (~otb~11) Limited. h Tbat a Reaolution be peased autborizing the Ws~den and Cle~k to sign WE RECOMMEND ~ a certificatiOn rega~ding tbe following permanent emplOyee of the Co1;pO~ation of tbe County of Elgin. fo~ e~e1llPd()'l\ of contributions as p~ovtded und.~ 1l.8g\l la tions of the Unemp 10Y"'ent 1 nsU ranG e Act - 1. That a 'By_Lawb. pass.d autho~iSing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Sharon Gordon. Agr....nt vith the onta~io D.partment of nigh'-Ys. for construction of D.velOpment Road f 971 (Roads t ~7. 48 and ~9) in South 3. That a 'By-LaW be paas.d p~obibiting Parking on CountY Road. 53. in the Town of Aylme~, as follOWS' Dorcb..tel'- (a) on 11m Stre.t, within 150 f..t of 'Beech St~..t. on both the East ana W.st si4.S of Etlll Stre.t. 'Page '2 'to 'tRE WARDt'll A'l1\'l tetmEllS Of 't~ COUll't"! Of tWIt' ~ ~ ~ continued (b) on ~eech St~et fTom tl- StTeet to John StTeet. on the South Si4e of ~eeeh'StTeet. (c) on ~eech StTeet _ithin ~O feet of John StTeet. on the'llOTth side of ~eeeb StTeet. (d) on ~eech StTeet. vithin the distance of 115 feet and 315 feet of John stT88t. on the 'llOTth si4e of Beech StTeet. the.e ~stTiction. vill a..i.t 'tTaffic contTol. neaT the tlgin ~ Se~f~ee. an4 the EntTance to the flue cuTed 'tobacco GTOVSTS1 co_o,.~at~.. ~~~ ~iketing ~0.T4 W.~house. ". that . ~y-\.o.- be ,.sse4. ,TOhibiting 1'.iking on County Ro.4 · 1. in the Vill.ge of ge.t \.Orne. .. follo'-: on the 'lloTth si4e of '!lo.d · 1. fyoa the E..t \.oi_it of 9004 StTeet vasteT1Y to the Che..,e.~e .nd ,Obio 1..11.' Spu-r. 'that . ~y_t.a- be ,....4 ."ointing .. countY ~y_La- EnfoTce1ll8nt OffieeT.. .11 ~y-t.a- EnfoTce.ent OfficeTS of the ~.TiOUS local _niei.,.\itie.. foT the ,u'rtIOse of enfoTeing county 'Pe-c\ting ~Y_t.a".' thiS ~y-t.a- to be in effect onlY until J.nuary 1. 1~6~. /' ~. 6. 'that .,-t.a- ."01&. ."ointing ATthUT l'i~e as a ~y-t.a- tnfoTee1ll8nt OffieeT. be Te,e.le4. A\.o\.o Of ll\\1Cll 1S \\1!.s1"&cffU\.o\.o"! SU~l41't'1'Etl. c'AA1 tll4l\ll ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1968. THE ROAD COMMITTEE, of the County of Elgin, m4at at the Court House, at 10:00 A.M. on June 12, 1968. All members were present exc:ept Reeve J.B. Wilson. THE MINUTES of the Meeting of May 22, 1968 we1t"e read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work to Date as ~rollows: 1. Grading and Gravelling was underway on Road 41 20, as was Storm Sewer Work in Fingal, 2. Land Purchase, Clearing and Removal of Stumps had be4~n completed on Road f! 4211 3. It was expected that installation of the Steel Culve1t:'t at Silver Creek would start shortly, 4. Land Purchase was underway on Road I 3, 5. The Belmont Bridge had been completed by Donn Const~Jction, 6. Con-Bridge was making good progress at Port Burwell JBridge, 7. Gravelling on Road I 37 had been completed, 8. Gravelling on Road # 11 had been completed, 9. Paving and Gravel Shouldering had been completed on Road I 52, and Top Soil Work and Fencing Work was underway, 10. Surface Treatment Work was well underway, and the SU1~ply of Cationic Emulsion from Eastland Bros. of Niagara Falls seemed quite satisfactory, 11. Gaffney Construction were completing their work at Slpringwater, 12. The Extensions to Hoover Culvert were underwa.y, 13. Repairs had been made to the Motor of the Michigan Lloader. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST /1 14 $ 18,615.93 PAYLIST if: 16 19,901.92 406,789.03 PAYLIST if: 15 CARRIED" PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from: (a) The Ontario Department of Highways, approving the County Supplementary By-Law Expenditure, (b) The Ontario Department of Highways, enclosing a copy of Development Road # 931 Agreement signed by the Minister, (c) F.B.D. Arnold, County Engineer of Middlesex, stating that the County of Middlesex approved the replaeement of tbe Wil1eys Bridge, (d) Talbot Kirkpatrick, regarding Drainage on Road /1 3 at New Glasgow. The Complaint was referred to Reeve D. Gilchrist and the Engineer, (e) The Department of Transport, approving the County of Elgin Parking By-Law, (f) Sharon Gordon, requesting exemption from the payment of Unemployment Insurance. "MOVED BY: BRUCE McCALLUM SECONDED BY: JOm1 WISE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOTJUTION BE PASSED DECLARING SHARON GORDON A REGULAR EMPLOYEE, FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that final plans had beE~n completed for the Orwell Bridge. "MOVED BY: FORREST MOORE SEC01l1DED BY: JOHN WISE THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE ORWELl, BRIDGE. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ontario Departn~nt of Highways Bridge Office had approved Westeel-Resco Limited Plans for Silver Cl~eek, and that their bid was approximately $1,500.00 less than that of Armco Drairlage &: Metal Products Limited. "}.10VED BY: SECONDED BY: BRUCE McCALLU~f DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT ~m ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WESTEEL.ROSCO LIMITED, AT $3~~, 625. 00 FOR SUPPLYING AND INSTALLING A MULTIPLATE CULVERT AT SILVER CREEK ON ROAD ~. 42. CARRI ED" REEVE FORREST MOORE AND THE ENGINEER REPORTED with regard to Parking PAGE 3 Restrictions on Elm and Beech Streets, in Aylmer. "MOVED BY: FORREST MOORE SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE RECO~fEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED PROHIBITING PARKING ON ROAD iF 53 AS FOLLOWS: (a) WITHIN 250 FEET OF BEECH STREET ON ELM STREET ON BOTH THE EAST AND WEST SIDES, (b) ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BEECH STREET THROUGHOUT, (e) ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BEECH STREET, WITHIN 40 FEET OF JOHN STREET, (d) ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BEECH STREET FROM 175 FEET OF JOHN STREET TO 325 FEET OF JOHN STREET, OPPOSITE THE CO-OPERATIVE LOADING RAMP. CARRIED" ENFORCEMENT OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS on County Roads was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: BRUCE MeCALLU~1 SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE RECO~1MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY.LAW 4! 2028 BE REP'EALED, AND THAT A BY-I~W BE PASSED APPOINTING AS COtffiTY BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, Tlm LOCAL ~1UNICIPAL BY-LAW OFFICER IN EACH MUNICIPALITY,_ T~ ENFORCE COUNTY PARKING BY-LAWS IN THEIR OWN MUNICIPALITY, FOR THE BALANCE OF 1968. CARRIED" n~10VED BY: J.:8. WILSON SECONDED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED P'ROHIBITING PARKING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF COUNTY ROAD if; 2 FROM THE EAST LIMITS OF WOOD STREET WESTERLY TO THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD SPUR. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER. DINNER, Reeve J .B. Wilson was in attendslnce. THE RESPONSIBILITIES of the County and the Urban Area, with regard to installation of and maintenance of Parking and Speed Signs WItS discussed. UMOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: FORREST MOORE THAT THE POLICY OF DIVISION OF ~vORK ON STREETS IN URBAN AREAS~ ADOPTED IN MARCH, 1966, PAGE 4 BE AMENDED BY DELETING ITEM 41 5 OF THE URBANS' RESPONSIBILIT'~ REGARDING ERECTION OF SIGNS FOR CONTR.OL OF SPEED AND PARKING, AND MAKING THIS A COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY. CARRIED'! (\ LAND PURCHASE WAS DISCUSSED. It was decided 'that Industrial Land owned by Arnold Lee, required for widening of Road 1f: .3, should be paid for at ten (10) times the assessed value, with no fence allowance. Intlerim Payments to Owners whose property was used for Road Widening was discussed. "MOVED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE PAY LAND OWNERS ON COUNTY ROADS AN INTERIM PAnmNT 01~ 75% OF THE MONEY OWING FOR LAND PURCHASES FOR WIDENING. CARRIED'! THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Needs Study Co..ordinating Committee would meet on June 27, 1968 to discuss the desirable County lRoad System. THE COUNTY THREE YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME was discussed, and it was decided to appoint consultants on the Catfish Creek, Cooks and Willeys Bridge. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE APPOINT THE FIRM-OF A.M. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES AS CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE COOKS BRIDGE AND PLAYERS BRIDGE ON ROAD :IF 45. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: FORREST MOORE SECONDED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT WE APPOINT THE FIRM OF R.C. DUNN & ASSOCIATES AS CONSUr.;:rANTS FOR THE WILLEYS BRIDGE. CARRIEDU "MOVED BY: FORREST MOORE SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT WE DO NOW ADJOURN, TO lfEET ON JULY 10th, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ~d(/U / / ..~p '~l. ... ... .... u/ C/ CHAIRMAr-y ST. T'HOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY SESSION. 1968. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THI KLOtN COUNTY CooNeI L t tOUl lOAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO DP011 AS FOLLOWS ~ l:ffl RECOMMEND ... 1. That a By-Law be pa.sed allowing uParaile1 p.:Z'klnaft ()nly, on County Road' 15,. in the Village of Dutton. (This will be incorporated into the County's By-tAw J:~estrictlng Partd.ng 1n ct'ftaln locatlo,ns.) ALL OF WHlOll IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN ~ K) ST. THOMAS. ONT. HAl: stSS10N t 1.968. 'to '"" .-.... .-- Of '"" ILOl' cauwr't C()UllCl.'lo1 1QUt. ~ C0tll1't't11 Bf,GS fO ldtpOtt A$ !01J,I)\1S I 1. A CO'lltnet 'baa been \CIt to Jobn.tO'll 'lie.. ('&ot\l1lCl\\l 'lot4., at $11,710.00 for SU'(l,lyi1\l an4 Ap,lyi1\l crushe4 cnvel for Roa4 t 3. for con.trued-on Purpo.... Work wl\\ 1\I)t be,l" ontU lat.r In tb. ....01h 1. 't'ba fo\\owl1\l 14aehl1l8'f'J 'bas been pore'ba.elll (a) t4ere1l'f'J lf 1 toa Plek'o' 'truek (b) 'ori. Van (e) CUllIPlon llotor Gn4.r. eOlllP l.te wlth 51\0" \'\0" an4 Wi1\l (4) Io1llh 1\ e1l. y4. freat In4 1..Oa4er (.) u.e4 Jobn 1).ere f 350 'tpetor an4 1I1e4e (f) U..4 lire. 5'ba.,sfoot RoUer (,) 3 A441do1l8\ 'b410 Unlte WI 860"- ~ \. t'bat. ..-\odO" b. ,....4 .1lthorltll1\l the War4." .nd Cl.rk to alS" a c.ttlfleatlO'll nl.rIll1\l the fo\\owl1\l ,erB81l8nt .-plo". of th. Corpor.tion of Illln for e.elllPdon of C01ltrlbUd01\S. .. ,rovi4e4 und.r 1leSU1.dons of tb. helllP\o,...."t l1lll1SrellCe Aet · laltb na,er. 1. t'bat. .,.La" be ,...ell .,polntln, Albert Av.ek\.n4 .. t'ba CoUlIt, of nsln repres."t.dve on tbe St. -r... S1lbUrb&" 1\0&4 C~.aio" for · term of flve (s) ,..rs, frGa J1l\' \. \968 to Ju". 30, \973. 3. t'bat. .,.La" be palle4 .1ltborlsl"l tbe Warll." a,,4 Clerk to .1S" an t.gre.-nt wltb t'ba tle,.rt-.et't of l\llbW&'s, for con.truedon of 1).velllP"nt 1\0&4 f 93\ (Roa4 t 10, Port Stan\CI, to Ylnaa\l. 5" . ,.HOMA-5. ON". MA1 SISS10N, \q68. 'ale 2. 10 _ __ .. .......... - - 1'\.G1.1\ CtJUllfl C(llI\IC1.1.. e.._'4. ... tlC~ eo"dnUec1 4. tbat a 11"t.aw be ,...aa re.tnedt\l 1'arltlt\l ofl COIlntl lloaa · 110. "s.thln thl~l (30) feet of CoU.tllloaa . 5'2. In tba '1u\a,e of s,nt\lfle\a. AI tbare are .e"'n.\ C(t\l1ltl11-t.aWS a_\lt\l "s.th 1'.'t'&lt\l l.e.tned". 011 C,,1Itllloaa.. lt ba. been ae.-el acl'risab\e to ,a.. a neW l1-t.aw eo.tal.lt\l a\\ tM 'te.tnetlO1lS atlll tte,,,\ a\\ otbe't l1-LaWS aea\lt\l "s.th 1'a't'&lt\l. b ~ -..t.....cb -t \\ 1" afleet .-na 11-1..atf. \9\6. _ie" 5. tbat a 11..LaW · ,...... -" ... ....\. "s.tb tM a1\...."\. u>>aa. to b. cartl.a on vanO\l. lna,e. in t". count' of 11.ll1h 'tM.e ~1\.U are I (a) ae\.dn, tM \l'lllt .. Sta\u't G\l\\11na... St. Geo't1e Stnet lnaSa, atlll1a\llOnt ia.t lna,.. a. 1Iew"na... ba'" been bGl\t .lnee l1-LaW . \9\6 ,... ,a..ea. (b) \o...nt\l tM \l'lllt 011 COO~. lna,. f'fOl& \5 t01l. to 8 tons (e) 1owartt\l tM \i'lllt 011 Wl\\el. lnelS. f-roa '2.0 ton. to \0 t01l. (el) \....nt\l tM \l'lllt 011 warren Stnet l'tiaSe f~ '2.0 t01l. to \0 tone 6. tbat a .,-LaW be ,a.saa (\lncle't the a\ltbontl of seetl01l 59 of tM 1'o\lee Mt) a,pointlt\l t.~b\l't !i.~.' of the City of St. 'th--.' a. a COIl.tyl,.-t.atf 'I.fo-re.-nt Offlee't to enfo-ree 1'a't'&it\l tte.tnetion. on COIl\\tl1.oaa t '2.1, n.ea't S,.~a. at a _\a'l:1 of $1.00 ,e't a\\'Jllll&. t.1J.. _ _Cll 1& tls'PBC'tf'11J."i SU1l11't'tE1l. w. 'B.. CA'l!1\L 1 C\lA1.~' ST. THOMAS~ONTARIOJl MAY 22, 1968. 1968 in conjunction with the County Council. TIlE ROAD COMMITTEE, of the County of Elgin, met on May 22, ALL MEMBERS except Ree\l'e Wm,. Caverly were present. the Village of Dutton for the County to ,ass a By-Law changing the method THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had recei V~!d a request from of Parking on Road '# 15 in Dutton from Angle Parking to Parallel Parking. "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED, RESTRICTING PARKING ON COUNTY ROAD /1 15 IN DUTTON TO "PARALLEL PARKING ONLY". CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to June 12, 1968. JlM1 tftA (//1' ,. C!lAIRMAN I '\ COUNTY OF ELGl! PROFOSED 3 YEAR ROAD nOGRAMME ).969 DEVELOPMENT ROADS , MAY 7th, 1968 DRAPT (a) PavinLD.R. # 931 (Roa6 # 20) if not eomplete6 in 1968. D.R. it 972 (Road # 47) tMt portion graded in 1968. (b) Grallin~ Complete D.R. # 972 Roells # 48 & 49) Start D.R. f 930 (Road # 45) By-LAW la,vi n~ Road f 3 Road # lS Road I 42 Road # 38 Gradin! Road # 22 Road # 40 Bri4&es. Road f 45 Road # 8 Road # 42 Rodney.to Road f 9 Pearee Park Entrance Road f 40 to Higbway f 73 Spot Improv...nt from Road # 27 to Rosd f 24. (YanDOutb) 2.0 miles (Malahide & Springfield) Road # 52 to G1encolin 2.5 milea including Urban Work in Springfie16 Players Bri6ge over Catfish Creek (Yarmouth) Will y. Bri 6ge over Thalll8 sRi v"r (Dunwie h) (1/2 to Middlesex) Cooks Iridge (Malahide.Bayham) Sf. TftOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD coMMtSSl0N Start Kains BriGleRoad # 33 1970 DEVELOPMENT ROADS (a) pavieJ. complete D. R. # 972 (Roa6s # 48 an6 49) That portion of D.R. # 930 (Roa6 # 45) ~ieh was gra6e6 in 1969. (b) gradina complete D.R. # 930(Roa6 # 45) BY-LAW Pavina tbose Roads graded in 1969 Rwy. f 3 to Road * 45 (East) (Malahide) 9radi!.l Road.t 40 3.5 miles COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOS!D 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME, continued Page 2 1970 BY-LAW Gradinl Road I 30 Radio Road 3.6 miles (Yarmouth) Bridaes (.) Road # 45 Kettle Creek (new crossing) (Yarmouth - Southwold) (b) Road # 30 Patterson Bridge (c) Road # 43 Phillmore Bridge (Yarmouth) (Malahide-Bayham) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Complete Kalns Bridge 1971 DEVELOPMENT ROADS Co.plete D.R. , 930 (Road # 45) Paving Grading depends on 1970 - 1975 Needs. A general idlY of allocation will likely be known early in 1970. The mileage of Road should be chosen froll By-Law Grading List. BY-LAW Gradin, should be chosen from the following list: (.) Yarmoutb-Southwold Industrial Roads and Connections to St. Thomas By-Pass (b) Road # 52 - Hwy. # 4 at Talbotvi11e to Road # 30, if not relieved by St. Thomas By-Pass. Approximately 5.5 miles (Southwold-Yarmouth) (c) Road f 16 - St. Thomas to Fingal 7.1 miles (Southwold) (d) Road I 2 _ Urban Section 'of West Lome (if Drai'nage is coqpleted) (e) Road # 36 - Hwy. # 3 to 1 mlle soutb of Sparta 7.0 miles (Yarmouth) (f) Road # 26 - St. George Street Brldaes Road f 26 - C.N.R. St. George Street Underpass Road I 21 - Warren Street Port Stanley Road # 52 - Carra Yarmouth Boundary Bridges Hunt Drain Extension (Southwold) (1/2 Middlesex) ~ I~~~'~ ~~ ~ ..----""'~"~. ELGIN Rt)AD~__CqW,flTTEE ~2An OF E LGI N :MAL.!. lQ"8 14> l~ave the Court Houa. at 9: 00 A. t-1. 2. Road f 16 to Pingal ... on the Pro~ramme of SU~u!.9ted ReCOTlstt'\Jction 3. Road * 20 to Port Stanley - Construction 1~68 4. Warren Street Bridge , 5. Return to Fingal 6. Road' 16 to Road /1 15 7.. RQad /1 15 Entrance to Pearee Park... Construction lq6~ 8. load I 15 to Dutton 9. Roa'. I 8 & f 2 - Co..truetlon completed in 1961 10. Road f 2 to Rodney 11. Dinner at Rodney 12. Road" 3 ... Itecon.truet!on in 1968 13. ~.d f 3 from Road' 9 northerly for 1 mile .... breakup i 14. RQad f <} to Roa" 5 15. load" 5 - Ditching, etc., in 1~68 1~. ~lk.T. Bridge 11. Tat... lri.dge 18. Wiltey. Bridge 19. Roa" 9 to Roa' , 14 20. Road # 16 to Road f 19 to Road I 17 Ii. Road f.1 i-Construction in 1968 22.. Itoact' 26 to Road 'IS 2!. Return to the Court Houle 1 2.. l', 3. bto 5. 6. 7. .8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. , \'t,) 1.7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. .~ ~ , ~f C01!N1'Y Q' ~/-. ft~ ~ ~_ .. ,,-,---,,~JfM1,!T!li . .. .. . ' Court House~ 9:0n t<a;.n~ Road 41 ~3 CaraRe To Road !; It-5 ... to Road 4F 22 Road. !~ 22 to Road f1 24 (Road :fit 22 from Road 41 27 to Road :f!: Pro~rammed for 19hq) Road * 24. - Beech Tile Road * 36 North to Highway * 3 Road , 35 Springwater Dam, etc. Road # 45 ... Road , 35 to Road * 36 (Playet's Brl.dge) Road 11 40 to H1,ghway 41 .3 and to Road if 42 Road I 42 ... Highway * 73 to Road H 40 Road '* 42 ... Stalter Gully Port Burwell Bridge Dinner Road I 42 ... East of Port Burwell Road I 55 - Norfolk County Line Road /1 45 to Road *' 43 Cook and Philmore Bridges Aylmer .. Elm and Spruce Streets Road' 40 .. High_y * .3 to Springfield Road * 49, * 48 & * 47 Road * 52 to Road 11 30 Road # 30 S.A. Patterson Bridge 1 f time permttl, Highbury Ave. Extension Road f 52 Carra Bridge Roads :fit 31 f.f 29 Road ~ 25 & I 26 St. George St. Hill and ~ridge. St. Thomas, Ontarioo May 7, 19680 THE ROAD CO~~ITTEE, OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, met at 10 A .M, at the Court House. All members were present, a,lso t. Clarke, Sr. Municipa,l Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. MINUTES OF THE N[EETING of April 17, 1968 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORT on the \V'ork to-date as follows: 1. That D. Gordon and J. Livingstone had received Honours on the Municipa.l Sur~eying Course - Examina.tiono 2. That Grading on Road # 11 had been completed and Pipe Installation was continuing. 3. That Ma.intena.nce Gravel is being applied to Road # 370 4. That Paving would start on Road # 52 in Springfield, before the week-end. 5. That Construction was underwa.y on Road # 20 between F1nga.l and Port Stanley. 6. Tha.t Clea,nup Work was continuing on Road # 52 in Springfield. 7. That Dust Control Measures had been completed. 8. That Work was continuing on the FQrt Burwell Bridge, and that trucks of Con Bridge Construction, had caused some pavement damage on Road # 42, east of Port Burwell. 9. That Amco Metal Products and Westeel-Rosco Limited, ha.d been asked for quotations for Tunnel Liner Work and Extensions at Silver Creek Culvert on Road # 42. THE REQUEST OFH. BEECH to lay tile along County Road # 24, was discussed uMOVED BY: J. \1ISE "SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THA T WE REFUSE PEHMISSION fro HARRY BEECH TO PLACE A TILE ALONG COUNTY ROAD # 24, EASTEHLY FROM HIS PROPERTY. nCARRIEDU A LETTER viAS READ FROM THE MINISITER OF HIGHVvAYS, with regard to the St. Thomas By-Pass. The letter was discussed and the Committee instructed the Engineer to ma:iilta.in liaison, with the City of St. ThQmas. THE ENGINEER READ-VARIOUS MACHINERY &.CONTRACT AP;PROVALBr:fromc~the Department of Highways of Ontarioo WARDEN McCALLUM REPORTED the Russell Miller, on County Road # 15, was building a machinery shed closer to the Road than allowed by County By-Law # 1814. After Discussion UMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON nSECONDED BY: F. M:OORE THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO TAKE LEGAL ACITION IF NECESSARY, TO ENFORCE BY-LAW # 1814 WITH REGARD TO BUILDING BY RUSSELL MILLER ON ROAD # 15. nCARRIEDtt MAY 7, 1968, Page :2 "MOVED BY:J. WISE uSECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON 'fHAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYJJJENT. Paylist #. 11 amounting to }... 14.. Pay1ist -II 12 amounting to (16,867.25 Pay1ist #: 13 amounting to ... 94,759.91 "CARRIED'" U'f'~OVED BY: J. .WISE uSECONDED BY:D. GILCHRIST THAT WE PURCHASE A USED BROS. SHEEPSFOOT ROLLER FROM THE GENERAL SUPPLY CO. OF CANADA, FOR $ 3,700.00 plus ONTARIO SALES TAXo uCARRIIGDu 1tMOVED BY: F. MOORE .SECONDED BY:J. B. WILSON THA T "tillE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL, THA T A RESOLUTION BE PASSED DECLARING KEITH PLAYER A REGULAR EMPLOYEE FOR PURPOSES OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CO~IISSION ACT. UCARRIEDtt "MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON uSECONDED BY: F. MOORE THAT WE RECO!JIMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED, AUTHORIZING THE ~vARDEN &, CLERK, TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD # 931. UCARRIEDU ttMOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST "SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT WE RECOMJYIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THA T A BY-LAW BE PASSED, AUTHORIZING THE W.ARDEN &, CLERK, TO SIGN AN AGHEEMENT \nlITH THE ONTAHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD # 972. nCARRIEDtt Meeting adjourned for Dinner. After Dinner ttMOVED BY: B. McCALLUM "SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT \hJE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LA"tPl BE PASSED APPOINTING ALBERT AUCKLAND AS THE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOFJIAS SUBURBAN ROAD CONlMISSION, FOR A 5 YEAR PERIOD, FROM JULY 1st. 1968, to JUNE 30th. 1973. >>CARRIED+n "MOVED BY: J . B. vlILSON "SECONDED BY" B. McCALLUM THAT ~vE RECOMlVIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL, THAT A BY-,LAvl BE PASSED RESTRICTING PARKING ON COUNTY HOAD # 40, WITHIN 30 FEET OF COUNTY ROAD # 52, ( IN THE VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD.) ttCAR.RIEDu r May 7, 1968, Page 3/ ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY BY-LAWS, w:ith regard to Parking, etc. on County Roads was discussed at some lengths, and the Engineer wa.s instructed to obta.in further informationo nMOVED BY: B. McCALLUM "SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT viE RECOJIIIMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL, THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED, APPOINTING ARTHUR PIKE, AS COUNTY BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENFORCING THE COUNTY BY-LAW REGARDING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON ROAD # 27. ttCARHIED" MR. G. M. FRASER, OF THE DEPARTMJ5NT OF HEALTH, lVIR. TAYLOR, DISTRICT WEED INSPECTOR OF THE DEPAHTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND MR. C. GORDON, COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR, WERE IN ATTENDANCE, with regard to necessary licences and permits, for the various Townships to Spray Weeds on the County Roads. tt'MOVED BY: B. Mc CALL UM nSECONDED BY: F. MOORE THAT WE GRANT THE TOiilNSHIP ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ASSOCIATION, THE SUM OF $ 50.00. 'teARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. & Mrs. Cooper, wished to sell their property in Port Burwell, as they felt it would be adversely affected by the building of the Bridge. The Engineer reported that the Coopers would accept payment on the same basis as Matthews & Epples; na.mely: appraised value plus 10%, plus $ 500.00 for moving. After Discussion uMOVED BY: J. WISE uSECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT itVE PURCHASE THE PROPERTY OF ERNEST COOPER, BEING LOT 28 & 29 EAST OF ROBINSON STREET, REGISTERED PLAN # 12, FOR THE SUM OF $11,500.00, ( $ 500.00 PAID PREVIOUSLY TO APPLY ON THE PURCHASE PRICE. ) "CARRIEDtf. CONTINUANCE OF GRADING ON ROAD # 3, north~rly from Roa.d # J9, was discussed. uMOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST nSECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM THAT WE RECONSTRUCT ROAD # 3 FROM ROAD # 9 NOR~'HERLY FOR ONE MILE IN CON JUNCTION V'vITH OUR GRADING vfORK FROM RODNE;Y TO ROAD # 9, in 1968. UCAHRIEDn May 7th., 196e Page 4. REPAIR OF THE FLOOR OF THE COOK BRIDGE was discussed and it was decided to tentatively schedule the replacement of the Bridge for 1969. ALSO DISCUSSED WERE THE FLOOR CONDITION OF THE WILLEYS AND WARREN STREET BRIDGES. THE ENGINEER STATED THAT THE FELT it would be necessary to reduce the Load Limit on the 3 Bridges, which would necessitate the revision of the By-Law on Load Limits. At the same time, the Load limits could be removed on Stalter Gully, Belmont East and St. George Street, as they had been replaced. UMOVED BY: J. B. V'lILSON "SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT WE RECOl~~END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAvv BE PASSED WHICH IN EFFECT WILL AMEND BY-LAlV' # 1916, as follows: Delete limit on Stalter Gully Bridge. Lower limit on Cook's Bridge to 8 Ton. Delete the limit on Belmont East Bridge. Delete the I1mit'on~St._Gebrge~!tfle.t~lridge. Reduce the limit of Willey&s Bridge to 10 Ton. Reduce the 11mi t on ~~larren Street to 10 Ton. uCARRIEDft If.. PROPOSAL FROM A. M. SPRIET ASSOCIATES for the County Needs Study, was examined and discussed. ttMOVED BY: J. WISE nSECONDED BY: F. MOORE THAT \lvB ACCEPT TH$ NEEDS STUDY PROPOSAL OF A. M. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES, LIMITED, DATED MAY 7, 1968. ttCARRIEDtf THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Draft of a Proposed 3 Yea.r Road Programme for discussion. tfMOVED BY: B. Me CALLUM "SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE ASCERTAIN THE FEELINGS OF THE COUNTY OFt MIDDLESEX TOWARDS THE BUILDING OF WILLEYS BRIDGE, IN 19690 nCARRIEDU UMOVED BY: J. WISE uSECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE ADJOURN TO JUNE 12th. 196e, at 10 A.M. nCARRIEDU J;~ ff ~/. ... v ... / CHAIRMAN ~.,:."".",.:-~"'-.~.i~' .,.~; """'" (;~ . ()F EJ.GIN GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS APRILjl 19t)8 Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd., Box 239. Bothwell, Ontario. Item A 129000 tons for Road' 37 $14,760 It_ B 12,000 tons for Road f 42 $20,280 1 tem C 8,000 tons for Road' 3 $12,720 Norman Vogler Construction Ltd., R. R. , 4, Blenheim, Ont. Talbet Send & Gravel Ltd.; R. R. # 7, St. Thomas, Ont. :1 $19,800 VII W. R'fJckle Box S9, $14,400 $21.240 $18,320 :1~-=-_ -'--_ci..3~ I.t d 9 ~ lIe, Ont. The Road Committee, at a meeting on April 17, 1968, rejected All Tenders for It... "An and "Bn, and aeeepted the Bid from Johnston Bros", (Bothwell) Ltd~ for Item "en, at $12,720. i_ $17,200 i ,~~ .p. 3.. 4. ;:: .",:It,. ~~ 7. Q '.. Q.. . 1. 0.. SUPPI..IER - ... Bolt-McCann Mercury Sales Limited Lyon$ Motors Limited Rankin Ford Sales (1963) Limited Haskett Motors (1954)l.imited t.. 1... Fordham Motor Sale. Limited Di$brl)ft Motors Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. Hid...Town Motors (St. Thomas) Lim.ited Mik~ Hutchinson t~imited Int@rnational Bar\?@ster Company l,imited COU~"TY OF ELGIN TRUCK TEI\1DER "An. _1/2 iON PICKUP TRUCK, ~PRIL.. 196A NET ~RICE~ INCLUpING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX ADDRESS ~ . 700 Talbot St., St.. Thomas. Onto Dutton. Onto 13~5 Dundas St., London, Ont. 852 Talbot St"9 St~ Thomasf Ont. Rodney, Ont. 827.39 Talbot St., St.. Thomas, Ont. 329 Talbot St.9 St. Thomai, Onto QSO Talbot St.. St# Thoma., Onto 110 Talhot St., Aylmer9 Onto 1712 Dundas St., tendon. Ont. MODEL Me rcury t-l 100 Ford F 100 Ford F 100 Chevrolet CS 10934 Chevrolet CS 10-934 G.M.C. C q S lOQ3& Ford F 100 Dod$!& D ... 100 Chevrolet CS lOQ34 International 1100 - C '~~.$- $ 2~079..00 2,178$75 2~216~55 2,22l~$q5 2,251..20 '11255..40 2,259.60 2? .35 2,411$ 7it. 2,517462 1. 2. 3. 4. ~. CquNTY OF ELGI~ TENDER FOR 150 H()RSEPO!E.R~R GRADER WITHS~W l'LOW ANY:) WING. i\PRI~. ..19~8. SUPPl..,IER ADDRESS ~.AKE AND MODEL PRICE, INCLUDING P'ROV. S"IJ"g TAX Dominion Road ~~chinery Sal@s Co. Ltd. 40 Victoria St., Goderich. Ont. Champion D - 600 $24.307.50 with 6 - 71 G.M.C. Engine LW M.nuf.eturln~ Limited Box 38, Adami Ave., Pari a , Ont. WABCO 660 B with 6 - 71 G.M.C. Engine 25,594.80 Capital Construction Equipment Co. Ltd. 2 Royal Crest Rd., Rexdal8, Ont. Galton 160, Series B 36,750.00 Ceo. w. C~th.ra (1965) Ltd. One Crothera Drive, Toronto 17, Ont. Caterpillar MOdel 14E 42,427.35 SUPPLI E R 1. Fed~ral Equipment Limited Ceo. W.. Crothers (1965) Limite' 3.. Cepit:al Conltruetion Equitment Co. Ltd. BlackW&od-Ho'ge Equipment Limite. 5. Sheridan Equipment Limited 6" Equt,...nt 8.1.. & Service List ee' 7 if Dougl.. I.ipment Campen:y" ,~.....(j(J~~D~~n Chafl~.ide (Manufaeturer) '., ."'" Dou?la, !qtltpment Company Equi.~nt Lind ted COUNTY OF ILGI N !ErIDJ!R FOR 1\, ~. YD. .AIfr.ICU~TED .li!HE~,~W~E~, ~P~ILjI l~68 ADDRESS P.o. Box 2213, London, Oot. One Crothers Drive, Toronto 17 JII Ont. 2 Royal Crest Rd., Rexdalef Ont. 120 Faleon St., London, Ont. Box 901 St.. "U", Toronto 18, Ont. 1030 Mart i ngrove Rd., Rexda 1e, Ont. P.O. Box 339, Lambeth, Ont. 4450 South Service Rd., Burlington, Ont. P.o. Box 339, Lambeth, Ont. P.o. Box 901, Sta. "Utt, Toronto 18, Ont. I ~..AKE AND MODEL Hotl~h H .s5C with Cummins Diesel C - 160 En~ine 2~ Cu. Yd. Capacity Caterpillar ~~del 950 2\ Cu. Yd. Capacity MtchiJran Model 75 Artic.ulated 2~ Cu. Yd. Ca~acity Euclid Model 72 - 31 2\ Cu. Yd. Capacity Allts Chalmers Model 645 3 Cu. ,Yd. Capacity Trojan MOdel 3000 3 Cu. Yd. Capacity Case W 26 3 Cu. Yd. Capacity Ch...side SL 2000 Case W 10 B AC 545 H ~'-):;jF PRICE, INCLUDl~~ PROV~ SALES TAX ~..,..,.,--~,~ S28;863.45 29,,804.00 30,439.50 3=;~668.25 35,290.50 35,889.00 (Demonstrator). 38,272.50 (New) 36,652.35 1;> 2" 3. 4. r::. .;'" fl" 7.. i5. SUPPLIER Bolt McCann Mercury Sales Limited Disbrow Motors Rankin Ford Sales (lq63) Limited Haskett Motors (1954) Limited Mid Town Motors (St. Thomas) Limited Fearn Ford Sales Limited Lyons Motors Limited Mike Hutchinson Limited <7.' COUl\1"fY OF ELGI N -;. \, nVANn TRUCK TENDER nBH ~PRILt 19684> ADDRESS ~T. PRICRll INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. MODEL PRICE $ 2,586.15 2,601.15 2,636.55 2,665.95 2,618.70 2,760.45 2,782.50 2,892.01 700 Talbot Street~ St. Thomas, Ont. 827 .... 39 Talbot St., St. Thomas, Ont. 1365 Dundas St., London, Ont. 852 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. QSO Talbot St., St. Thomas, Ont. ~2q Talbot St., St. Thomas, Ont. Dutton, Ont. 110 Talbot St., Aylmer, Ont. Ford E-200, Econoline G.M.C. GS 16000 Ford E...241, Econoline Chevrolet GS 11005 Dod$!,e A-100, Transivan Ford Econoline Ford E...200 Chevrolet GS 11006 St. Thomas, ontariO, Kpril 17; 196eo if THE ROAD COMMITTEE, OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, met. a-t. 10 ~.M. at. t.he Court. House. All members except Reeve Gilchrist. were present. GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS were opened and were so \ attached. ttMOVED BY: J. WISE ugOONSDm: W. B.W~~ THAT WIt. REJECT GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS for it.ems It uRoad II 37" and B' ltRoad # 42. uCARRIED'! ''MOVED BY: B. MCCALLUM USECONDED BY: F. MOORE "- THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF JOHNSON BROS. {BOT~lELL) LTD., for Crus~ed Gravel t.o Road # 3 (It.em C) at. t.heir tendered price of $ 12,720.00 subject. t.o approval of t.he Ont.ario Depart.ment. of Highways. ttCARRIEUU "MOVED BY: J. WISE "SECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM THAT WE GRAVEL ROAD" 37 using Crushed Gravel from John corbet.t'S, (at. .50i per t.on) and hired t.rucks. ttCA.~RIED't THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF MARCH e, 13; 19 Be 20; were read and approved. THE CHAIE}J!.AN, WARDEN Be, ENGINEER reported on t.he meet.ing wit.h the Minister of Highways, the DepUt.y Minist.er and the Director of Planning {Mr. Biddell) and County and City Officials, reS the Location of the By-Pas5. They reported that they had received a reception, but nothing fUrther had been heard from the OntariO Dept- ment of Highways. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to-date as follOWS:; 1. Huron Crane service was removing the Stalter Gully Bridge · 2. Land purchase had been completed on Road # 47. 3. The ontariO Department of HighwayS had called a contract for Resurfacing Highway # 3, from Shedden to Iona Be ChannelizatiOn work at County Road II 14. 4. spring. BreakUPS were not toO severe with worst areas being on Road # 22, Road # 3 and the West End of Road # 9. 5. Clearing had been completed on Roads # 20 Be # 47. 6. The Wing Wall on the Mapleton Culvert had been completed. 7. Traffic was going over spring Creek Culvert. e. Drains were being completed on Road # 52. 9. Dust control Measures would be taken shortlY. 10. Repairs were being made to Guide Rails in West Elgin. 13- I"Q.l:::)- ~pri~ ~7, ~968. G ~as being undertaken as . d ~enal..ntind of the ,arage Repa:\.rs an · l"~ '" time permitted. .ed b~Oom at a reasonab~e '.. .'b~e to ~ocate a uS · r..s it han been :\.mpoSS:\. ,d to the county'S . . '~a and modificatiOns ~ere be:\.ng ma e pr:\.ce, repa:\.'~ ~ present brOom. . .n Sheepsfoot Ro~~er It han been impossib~e to-nate to ~ocate a use ' at a reasonab~e price. 11. 12. ~ It'lllO''\11\'.D 131 t J. B. lIlILSO'~ "SECO'~DED 1311 B. 'lIlcC~LLU1!i .... . . .... .' p~1ME~T T[\AT TH1\'. fO'LLO'ill!~G PA1LISTS BE ~PPRO'"I!ED fOR · PA1LlST , 8, A'lIlO'U~TI~G TO' ~ ~,,275.,3 PA1LIST i 9, ~O'U~TING TO' $ ~4,848.~6 PA1LlST 4f~O', AMO'UNTING TO' $ 72,62~.O'O "C~RRlt'D " l!\1' C R Doran & l!\1" c. THE 1\'.NGIN1\'.ER '!l.'EPO'RTED that · · .,,:n ~chOO~ Course, the T. J. ~honey ",0 ' Qordon, had be. en. acce'P~ed Giord ">oanS ASsociation. The Engineer h O'ntar:\.o 00 ",. .. H' O'\:l:Vlays sponsored by t e h' O'ntario nepartment O.l. :\.",. .ed. on hiS attennance at t e reporv S · .r ~nagementem:\.n;O'R~SPO'}lll},ENCE lIlAS RElI.D ]'RO'}!l .... b n Road h.' st. Thomas, SubuI' a ~~in and referred to t e 2. 3- THE ~tlNG ADJO'URNED fOR tll~N1\'.R. After dinner, Tenders for ~chinerY as attached, ~ere diSCUssed. \! }!lO'\j1\'.D B1 1 J. 1Il1SE " SECO'NDED B1 \ 1!'. MOO'RE. ......... RCUR1 S~LES LIMITED, OF $ 2,0'79.0'0' THAT THE TENDER O'f BO'LT_McCA~N ~ BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO' APPRO'VAL OF 'FO'R A MERC\iR1 M ~OO' PICKUP TRUC THE O'NT f.,R 1 0' DEl' ARTMENT 0' f HIG i\1Il'A 1 S . ttCt>.RRIED It "}!lO'VED 131 t B. }!lcCA'LLU1!i "SECO'NDEn B1tJ. lIlISE .. . .' ... ".1 SALES LI1UTED, AT. $ 2,,86.1, T[\A T THE TENDER O'r BO'LT ..1JicC~N'N MERCU~NO'LINE 'II AN SUBJECT TO' APPRO''\1 ~L BE ACCEPTED rO'R t>. 1969 fO'RD E_2O'O' EC ... '. .... "... O'F THE O'NTARIO' DEPARTMENT O'f HIG~~1S. "C~RRIED" "MO'\1En B11 B. }!lcCALLU1!i ttSt.CO'NDED 131 t .. J. 1Il1St. . .' .. ... '. w.CRINER1 SALt.S CO'li\PA'N'i 'LUUTED, TRAT THE TENDER .of D01U~IO'~ ~~DA CHAli\P1€1J:n-6O'O }IlOTO'R GRAtlt.R, BEll. cC t.PTt.'l1l AT $ 24, 30'7 .,0' f . 11 SN 0'111 'PLO''tT & 1Il1NG, SUBJECT TO' CO'MPLETE 1Il1TR 671 G,1Jl.. t.1:\G IN1\'. ,. . . . . .' APPRO''\1 AI, O'f TRE O'NTARIO' DEPARTMENT 0'1" HIGW.~A1S' ttCARRl'&U" Pa g e J, April 17, 1968. UMOVED BY: D. GILCHRIS'IJ uSECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF FEDERAL EQUIP1VlENT LIMITED FOR h. HOUGH H-65 C LOADER AT THEIR TENDERED FRICE OF $ 28,863.45, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF' THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS." "CARRIEDtt' THE ENGINEER SUBNtI'l.'TED QUOTATIONS FOR It, Crawl er Tra.ctor and Bulldozer Blade, 3 Radio Units and an Adding Machine. "MOVED BY: B. McCALLUM t.SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT vvE PURCHAS,E A USED JOHN DEERE 350 TRACTOR & 6305 HYDRAULIC BLADE FROM LONDON WPiSTERN TRACTOR LIMITED AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 7,087.50, SUBJECT TO THE DEPART.MENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO APPROVAL. (THE UNIT TO EE UNDER FULL WARRANTY.) nCARRIEDtt UMOVED BY: J. WISE "SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST' THAT vifE PURCHASE 3 ADDITIONAL RADIO UNITS FROM CAN~DIAN GENERA:L ELECTRIC COMPANY L IMI TEll, AT A QUOTED PRICE OF ~~ 3,300.00 plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS APPROVAL. nCARRIEDu ttMOVED BY: F.. lvIOORE "SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THA T WE PURCHASE AN M-24 MULTIPLIER FROM OLIVET~rI UNDERWOOD A T THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 445.50 plus PROVINCIAL SALES ~~AXo nCARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT lVlR. ,1,,, BROOYMANJ;NROAD If 20, had agreed to accept 1/2 of the damages that he had been asking with regard to the widening of Road # 20 by his orchard. After discussion uNOVED BY: B. PJ,{cCALLUM SECONDED BY:D. GILCHRIST . THAT WE PAY MR. A. BROOYMAN THE SUM OF $ 225.00 DAMAGES OVER THE STANDARD LAND PURCHASE PRICE FOR HIS PROPERTY, ON ROAD # 20. nCARRIED"! THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED THAT' THE 'rERM OF EMPLOYMENT OF w. McKELLAR, L~BOURER, ON THE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT ,WHO V~TAS 65 on APRIL 16, should be extended until the Fall of 1968. "MOVED BY: D. GILCHRIST "SECONDED BY: B. McCALLUM THAT WE REGOIvIFbmND TO PEH.SONELL CO~jl1v1ITTEE THAT W. McKELLAR BE GRANTED AN EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT TO OCTOBER 31, 1968. tlCARRIEDU Pa.ge 4, 1968. April 17, 1968. RESERVATIONS FOR THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN TORONTO in September were discussEldo ~. LETTER OF RESIGNATION from Geo. Cross from the St. Thomas Suburba:n Road Commission, which had been referred to the Roa,d Committee by County Council, was rea.d and dliscussedo nMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON "'SECONDED BY: J. WISE THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER BE APPOINTED A COMMITTEE, TO PURCHASE A SUITABLE GIFT FOR G. CROSS.. nCARRIED" nNOVE~D BY: D. GILCHRIST "'SECONDED BY: F. lJIOORE THAT THE lNARDEN BE AUTHORIZED TO APPROACH ALBER1~ AUCKLAND TO ASCERTAIN IF HE \t!lOULD ACCEPT THE APPOINTMENT AS COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOlYIAS SUBURBAN ROAD COlvIMISSION.. n Ci;;,~RRIED n THE ENGINEER RECOIJlMENDED THAT TRUCK RATES FOR HOURLY WORK, be increased because of Increased costs in the past 2 years. UMOVED BY: F. l400RE t"SE,CONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT RATES FOR DUMP TRUCKS BE AMENDED TO $ 5.60 per~ for axle Trucks a.nd $ 9.00 per hour for Tandem Trucks. Ton mile remain the same as in past years. single rates to nCARRIEDU THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE CONSULTANTS for the Orwell Bridge, A. M. Spriet Associates, ha.d completed prelimina,ry plans and estimates and that the.e plans had beE~n forwarded to the Department of Highways of Ontario for approval. The Engineer felt that the Consultant tenative estimates of $ 92,000.00 were somewhat high. HOAD COlvTIVIITTEE TOUHS WERE DISCUSSED and the Engineer reported that decisions would have to be made with regard to the -~'Y > repair ~ replacement of the Cook Bridge, as thE~ floor was in poor condition. THE ENGINEER ALSO SUGGESTED THAT Grading Work on Road # 3, should be extended from Road # 9 to one mile further North as Spring Breakup had been extreme. Committee agreed that discussion of their 3 year Construction Programme should bE~gin at the next meeting. UNOVED BY: B. McCALLUM "SECONDED Bya D. GILCHRIST THAT ROAD COMMITTEE TOURS BE HELD ON APRIL 25TH. EAST END. MAY 1ST. 'VtlEST END. LEAVE COURT HOUSE AT 9 A.M. uMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON nSECONDED BY: B.McCALLUM THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 7TH. AT 10 ii.M. "CAHRIED" UCARRIEDn U~ ~..."" ...l~~ .... ... CHAIRMJ\N ( 5t.. Thomas 9 ont.ariO 9 March 209 1908. E coUNT"! OV 11:;l,OIN 9 met. at. TItE ROA:!) coWllJ.TTEE 9 OV. TI1, 't.h t.he 'Elgin count.1 11 use in con:l'unct.1.on '111. 3: 30 ., .1J\.. 9 at. t.he CoUrt. . 0 9 eve Gilchrist. 'IIere present. .~lsO C...o..,ncil All mem.b.e.r.s e:lC.c.....e ...p.t... Re. ...... .... .1 e......;... . """r~ 60r of th.e. on.t.a.rio ..... .' .' or 1J\.UII.iC1.pa ",upe~ · .. 9 'Present. 'lias 'f. Clarke 9 Sen1. .. . T>'.. Chairman or t.he $t.. Thomas t.! ' ", ..rs and ~. '&. "o'lle 9 ~epartment of u1.g,~aJ ' · ...... ." on Suburban Road COm11\.1.SS1.. ., . "'~VE ~leE, ~. RO'/li. AND TItE TRE ~AE.DEN 9 CRAlR1J\AN 9RE1: . T' ... '.. CitY council eeting, bet.'IIeen the 5t. holllas ENGINEER 9 reported on the 111. , .." held on March 19 9 1908 · , .' . special Com11\.1.ttee9 and the Road Com11\.:!.ttee .., .' , ,'. d 'lias reached on the IT ~AS REpORTED the full acc:rt the count1 Enfl;ineer d ~t 'lias ag,reed t,~ locat.ion of t.he ~y_p.a.ss an ~ .1" .renaring a brief to present. t.o c't OffiC1.a :!.n P r shOuld assist t.he .1. Y '. '. March 269 1968. , '. t I' of RighVla1S 9 on the 'l>eput1 lUn:!.s e .' '. .. . ........ D A. 'l>'f.t.EGATI0N consiSt.ing, of t.he IT ~A'l> D$C!PE~ TO SEN . . Tnto to meet. Vlit.h , ,... o'lle and the Engineer 9 t.o 01'0 , ~arden9 Cha1.rlllan9 }Ilr. R '.' .' .' 'IIiton t.he Oit.1 'l>eleg,at.1.ono t.he 'l>e'Put.1 1I\inist.er in con:lunct.1.on . \\'}J\.QV$D 131' J ~ ~.'WlLSON 5ECON1)$'I>. ~1 : J. ~ISi. -t1 ~ CUNi. SERVICE Of 1\)100.00 9 i'A.n~L$ "'RAT W1\'. A CC$?T TRE T$NDi.R Of . ." ....."f 0" "" TRE OLD ST ALTER GULL 1 BRIDGE · J. ' ." ". ..... . .G.. IN YOR TRE RE1J\.O'...... · TG TRE COUNT"! Of i.1i . CAllRIEDtI ~ d de the Count.y'S TRi. ENGINEER REPORTi.D t.hat. he ,.a ma .... . t. U 'on t.o ~ 1err1, &0&0 &0 ell 'l. 000.00 for t.he 1errY propert.1 a. . n1. 9 0>- >- er 0>- >l' .I 9 · SOliCit.or, E. O. yani01. IT ~A.S 'l>ECIDED TO CONTI~ 'IIit.h e:lCpropriat.ion procedure .. . 1).' d. J/. 20 from t.he d d for Road llfiden1.ng, on .,oa tr 9 against. t.he land nee e 'Propert.1 d' J,c. Broo~n. . ..' ...... .. f t. . Tl.\!. t,NGINEiIlR REFORT$'!> t.hat. he had invest.ig,at.ed Sheeps 00 rO:lCimat.e11 ~ 39200.00 t.o ~ 59300.009 ttoller fI'iC8S Vlhich 'II.er.e ..from..a ....pp,. d n"rchase one if suit.able. 1'\; llers ne1Ct 'IIeel'> an r'" and he ~ould vieVl t.hese. .0....... ..' d . ...,1e" t.raet.orlil t.o pull t.he riceS of use cra.. ~ A.lsO invest.ig,at.ed9 VlereP . . . ..d. t.hat. he had received a The 'Ing,1.neer r8porve Count.Y Vibrat.or1 Roller.. .' ..... . J jln Deere" 350 Tract.or 9 bUt. ~uot.e of a'P'Pro:lCimate11 I\> 7,000.00 for a 0 'lias invest.igating, further. 1 COWllJ.TTl!o'S jl.,GRE$D TO TRE fuRCRAS$ of a ttoller &. CraVl er .. ~~~ ~.rice range indicated. 'tractor '1n \Ju.~ 1'" Pa,ge 2. March 20, 1968. REEVE BAR.KE:B. REQUESTED that Parking en County Road # 40 &: # ,2 in Springfield, be investigated and the necessary action be taken to improve;_the. vision at the intersection of Roads II 40 &: 52, and at the intersection of Roads , 52 & 49. MEETING ADJOURNED TO APRIL 17, 1968. d~~LA~/. ."... CHAIRMA;;N ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 19, 1968. THE ROAD COMMITTEE, OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, met at 3:00 P.M, March 19, 1968, in conjunction with The Elg.1nCounty Council. All members were present except Reeve D. Gilchrist. ONE TENl')ER. FOR THE REMOVAL OF STALTER GULLY BRIDGE was received from Huron Crane Service, London, Ontario, offering $100.00 to thE~ County. THE TENDER was referred to the Engineer for further -information. THI ENGINEER STATED that it would be necessary to set up . Needs Study Co-ordinating Committee. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: F. F. MOORE THAT THE COUNTY NEEDS STUDY CO-ORDlNATING COMMITTEE BE SET UP AS FOLLOWS: WARDEN McCALLUM, CHAIRMAN CAVERLY, W. E. ROWE OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION, T.S. CALDWELL, DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, OR HIS APPOINTEE, R.D. MARTELL, MUNICIPAL STUDIES ENGINEER, OR HIS APPOINTEE, AND R.G. MOORE,. COUNTY ENGINEER. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the City of St. ,rhoma.s, seating that the City has allocated 1/2 Mill (being appreximately $20,186.(0) for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commiss1onfor 1968. RE,EW J. WISE REPORTED that the Perry propart:r (old hotel in Union) could be purchased for $3,000.00, and that th.e Township of Yarmouth would contribute 50" of the Coet- of the property' and the demolition of the bu:llding. "MOVED BY: J. WISE SECONDED BY: A.B. McCALLUM THAT WE PAY 50% OF THE COSTS INCURRED (IN CO-OPERATION WITH 'tHE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH) IN PURCHASING THE PROPERTY OF MRS. PERRY AND REMOVING .THE H01~SE FROM IT. COST OF PROPERTY -$3,000.00 Total (PLUS LEGAL COSTS). CARRI ED" MEETl IfG ADJOURNED TO MARCH 20 J 1968. ~,a~ CHAIRMAN! ST. 'rHOrvIAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 13, 1968. THE ROAD COIVJM:ITTEE OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN met at the Court House at 4:15 P.M. on March 13, 1968, in conjunction with the Fina,n c eCommi t tee. ALL MEMBERS were present. REEVE JOHNWIS,E REPORTED that the~ property in Union on the South West Corner of County Road if 27 and old Highway /I 4 (now under the jurisdiction of the Township of Ys.rmouth) could be purchased from the Owner, Mrs. Perry, for $3,000.00. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Delmar Smith ha.d signed an Agreement on Road I/: 20, but that A. Brooymans had not. The Warden reported that he a,nd Mr. N. J. Chaplow hald met with Mr. Brooymans on lVIarch 12, 1968, but that no settlement could be reached. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMITTEE then viewed both the property in Union and Mr. Brooyma,ns' orchard. THE IIIfi5ETING ADJOURNED to March 19, 1968. .~ Z7 OHAIRtN .~ ,(1 ~t)~~^^/~ f3th~1nff COUNTY OF ELGI~ 1968, TENDERS FOR _MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 1 114" S~NEC1:IIPS FOR SURFACE TREAT.MEN~ 1. Duff$ria Materids &: $1.60 per ton 1/4" Limestone Chips, Con$truction Ltd., not washed. F.O.B. Hagersvil1e. Hagersville, ORt. 1.60 per ton to Elgin County by E~ail.. 2. HaldiJQllndQuarries&. Conatruct;i,on Ltd., Hageraville 3. Cayug-e. Queries Limited, Ca. yuqe. , Onta ri o. 4. The Flintcote Co. of Canada Ltd., Paris,. Ont:. S. Consolidated Sand & Gravel Ltd. I Paris, Ont. J6. 17 · if 8. R.S. Clark Limited, lng-erllell, Ont. Riverside Construction Ltd. , Lend.on, Ont. Johnston Bros. Ltd., Bothwe 11, Ont. GROl1P J. BITUMINOUS. MATERIAL ......." " , 1. Currie Products Ltd. , . I HiUlil ton, Ont. " Tar Primer Tar R. T. 5-12 1.50 per ton, Li.mestone Chips, not washed. F.O.B. I~gersville 1.60 per ton to Elgin County hy Rail 1.60 per ton 1/4" Limestone Chips, washed,F.O.B. Cayuga. 1.60 per ton to Elgin County by Rail 1.00 per ton 1/4" Gravel Chips, F . O. B. Pa ri s . 1.00 per ton 1/4" Chips, F.D.B. Paris 3.00 per ton 1/4" Chips, F.O.B. White's Station. per ton 1.05 per ton 1/4" (round), F.O.B. Byron Pit. Washed. 2.10 per ton F.O.B. White's Station. 1.59 per ton - K:omoka 2.70 per ton - Wardsville 2.59 per ton - F.O.B. White's Station 15.5~ per gallon lB.5t per gallon (for mulch & surface treatment) EMULS!ONS 1. The Flintkote Co. of dO (,t per Gal. F .O.B. Long Branch Cana.da Ltd., d Toront.o, Ont. ;).3., 0 per Gal. Del'd. Elgin County Cationic Emulsions Law Crushed Stone Ltd.,~.;:to4Jbper Gal. CQlborne,Ont. 'J' cationic Emulsions - (';;'1,) per Gal. " ~ (f-Oj per Gal. 2. R.E. Port F.O.B. Port eolborne Del'd. Elgin County 3. T.J. Pounder (Ont.) Ltd., Braxnpt on, Ont. /' ,< Ca.tionic Emulsions - '/@ () per Gal. Del'd. Elgin County 4. Canadian Bitumuls Co. Ltd. dO i) '-/ per Gal. :P .O.B. Leaside Toron.to, Ont. . 8~ ~ Cationic Emulsions - cJ,...,~O per Gal.Del'd. Elgin County Eastia.ndBros*, , Nia.gara Fa,11s, .Ollt. Ca. t i onicE$uls ion.s F.O.B. Brampton /bi;9> per Gal. F.O.B. Niagara Falls -~()"~ per Gal. Del'd Elgin County Vpl; ~I 9OUN1!..OF~S r:OR ~~1Ji,LS~ GROUP 3 ------- . llOT~l21- _~?~'LEg~ ?j\19H1~ $6.00 per ton F.O.B. Putnam Walmsley Bros. Limited, London, Onto 2. Riverside Construction Co. Ltd. , London, Ont. jio .~. Towland Construction Ltd., London, Ont. ~OUP ..J. gOLD YIX Am'HA.1! \ 1. Dufferin Materials & ~ : Construotion Ltd., Hagersville, Ont. ~. Cayuga Quarries Limited, J;f CayUga, Ont. ~. Riverside Constructi~n Co. .- Ltd. , London, Ont. 4. Consolidated Sand & Gravel . Co., Paris, Ont. ~ .:)AL.9.l}!M~O~ ~ , 1. pollard Bros. Co. Ltd., Harrow, Ont I$' 2. Miller Paving Limited, Toronto, Ont. Bulk ~, ... ~ l\llied Chemicals Canada Ltd., '1ioronto, Ont. 6.10 per ton F.O.B. Plant, Hamilton Rd., London. 6.20 per ton F.O.B. Plant, London East. 6.50 per ton F.O.B. Hagersville 1.50 per ton via Thompson Trucking 6.50 per ten F.O.B. Cayuga 7.50 per ten F.O.B. London 7.00 per ton F.O.B. Paris $46.50 per ton ($45.50 last year) Including Federal Sales Ta:lC, Del'd. per flake ton equivalent to any road or spot spraying. 46.75 per ton including Federal Sales Ta:lC, Del'd. per flake ton equivalent on road. F,a.B. Aroherstburg 45.50 per ton,Del'd. per flake ton equivalent any rcad. Twenty ton loads. Work bY Thompson Trucking. st 0 Thomas. ~ ~~. Allied Chemical Canada Ltd., 49.56 per ton, Del'd to St. Thomas Toronto, Onto in twenty ton lots. 2. Bathe & McLellan, Osnawa, Ont. APpro:lCimatelY $50.05 per ton, Del'd. to St. Thomas. Twenty ton loads PAGE 3 ~g~Q11L~~@~~~~ GROUP 6 -~- ~ 4.. st. Mary'S Cement Co. Ltd., . To:ronto" Ont.. ,I. ~1 \ . ~ 1. Deller's Tile Limited, B:rownsvil1e, Ont" I \ (up approzimatelY Deli'1ered to St. Thomas in bulk $3.97 per barrel, including n10 Federal Sales Taz (leSS 10~ per barrel discount) until June 1, 1968 ill-~ ~r~trength - in bulk $4.7 per rrel (lesS 10~ per barrel discount). NOTE: Add 17~ per barrel after June 1, 1968. F.O.B. Browns'1ille 4~ @ $70.00 per M. Lin. Feet 5~ @ $100.00 per M. Lin.Feet 6~ @ $135.00 per M. Lin. Feet 7" @ $180.00 per M. Lin. Feet 8" @ $200.00 per M. Lin. Feet 10" @ $320.00 per M. Lin. Feet 12~ @ $450.00 per M. Lin. Feet 16~ @ $850.00 per M. Lin. Feet 1010 O'1er last year) ~ ~ GROUP 9 -~ CORRUGATED CULVERrS 1. Armco Drainage & Metal products of Canada Ltd., lslingtonv Ont" 2. ~esteel-RosCO Limited, To:ronto, Ont" 3. Canada cul'1ert Co. Ltd., London, Ont. 4. Ontario Cul'1ert & Metal " products Ltdll, Waterloo, ontario. 5. Fawcett Metal products Ltd., LesS than T:r\l.ckload Lots ~aterloo, Onto $1.52 per ft. for 12" 4.68 per ft. for 24" 'If No Tenders recei'1ed. $1. 74 per ft. for 12" Plain Gal'1. · 16 Gauge. 5.35 per ft. for 24" Asphalt coated Bonded, 14 Gauge.. 1.46 per ft. for 12" 5.19 per ft. for 24" 1.51 per ft. for 12~ The 24" Not A'1ailable $1.43 per ft. for 12" 4.39 per ft. for 24" 1.35 per ft. for 12" The 24" Not Available 6. T P L Industries Ltd., lE9~ ~ 1. The Steel Company Limited, Bamilton, Ont. of ea.nada F. O.B . White' s station, St. Thoroas in 24,000 lb. minimum loads (Fencing continued Page 4) couNTY OF ELGIN _ TENDERS FOR "t-'lATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - .' ~ . -- -- -' . - - - -,,- -. FE~CING l~TERIALS ---- . --. ..:;.....--- PAGE 4 l' · The steel Company of Canada (continued) 948-12 Farro Fence in 40 rolls 78 T-Rail Posts & Clips 16' '}c 48"; Farm Gates 1t 9 Galvanized Brace Wire 1%.... Galv. Fence staples 48" SnoW Fence in 50 and 100 ft.. rolls rod $138.90 per 100 rods 97035 per 100 22.65 each 11.25 per 100 lbs.. 13.70 per 100 1bs. 16.95 per 100 lin. ft. 2. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., st. Thomas g Ont. 948-12 Farm Fence 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates 1iUG Galv. Fence Staples # 9 Galv. Brace Wire Snow Fence 142.55 per 100 rods 100.11 per 100 23.22. each 14.57 per 100 1bs. 11.55 per 100 lbs. 17.91 per 100 ft. roll 3.. Westee1-Rosco Ltd., Toronto, Ontl! 16' Farm Gates 7' T-Bar Posts SnoW Fence 241122 each 108..90 per 100 18.75 per 100 ft. roll 4. Fawcett Metal Products Ltd., Waterloo, Onto SnoW Fence Posts 17.25 per 100 ft. 106.00 per 100 5. Lennox SnoW Fence Co. Ltd., Napanee, Ont. 17.00 per 100 ft. SnoW Fence GROUP 11 ----.-- , WOODEN POSTS r - F.O.B. st. Thomas }.. G.L.. Edwards, :' Thedford, Ont. \ 5" top min. Peeled 8' long $ .95 each 7" top min. Peeled 8' long 1.50 each GROUP 12 ~. No Intention of Tendering received. REINFORCING STEEL .;.--- .~. - G~OUP 13_ GRADER BLADES r- - 1. J.D. Adams Co. Ltd., PariS, Onto Del'd to st. Thomas, Quantity over 200. Size - 5/8" x 6" x 6' $7.90 each COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PAGE 5 ORADER BLADES continued 2. Westee1-Rosco Limited, Torontog ant. /3. Valley Blades Limited, Preston, Ont. Delivered, Quantity over 200, Size - 5/8" x 6" x 6 feet. $10.89 each Non-sharpened $ 7u33 each, delivered (subject to reviE~w after March IS, 1968) 4. Drake-Robinson- Vicary Ltd., $ 8.25 each London, Ont. GROUP 14 ~UMBE~ No Tenders received. GROUP 15 ROAD SIGNS AND POSTS .. - .~ ~. Mechanical Advertising Ltd., F~O,B. St~ Themas Oshawa, Oni:. awn Series - 24 x 24 $ 9.35 each for ove'I 15 "W" Series - 30 x 30 15.50 each for over 15 "R" Series - 24 x 30 13.95 each "W" Series - 12 x 36 7.35 each for over 15 Bridge End Markers 10 foot Flanged "un Posts, complete, Galvanized 5.32 each 12 foot "un Flanged Posts, complete, Galvanized 6 . 31 ea ch t 2. Rosco Metal Products Ltd., All Prices F.O.B. Toronto, Toronto, Ontll 5 or more signs "WU Series - 24 x 24 "R" Series - 24 x 30 Posts - Approximately 12 ft. $ 9. 70 ea ch 13000 each 5.60 each ~. J.A. Watts & Co. Ltd., All Prices F.O.B. Toronto, Don Mills, Ont.. Any number of signs "- UW" Series - 24 x 24 $ 8. 80 ea ch "W" Series - 30 x 30 13.75 each "W" Serie~ - 12 x 36 6.95 each Bridge End Markers uRu Series - 24 x 30 11.05 each Posts - 10 foot complete 5.10 each - 12 foot complete 6.00 each 4'11 Fawcett Met-a.l Products Ltd., F.O.B. Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. 5 or more of each "WIT Series - 24 x24 "W" Series - 30 x 30 "R" Series - 24 x 30 \ . 12 x 36 ~ Posts - 12 foot complete $ 8.85 13.40 11.05 6.80 each 5.25 each COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - PAGE 6 GROUP 16 PAINT - Bridge Paint -.~ed Lead,and Gre~n Anti-Corrosive 1. Glidden Paint Centre, St. Thomas,Ont. (a) Glidden 470R Red Lead (b) Green Anti-Corrosive Rustmaster ':' 2. Niagara Paint & Chemical, Hamilton, Ont. (a) Red Lead (b) Green Bridge Paint 3. West Elgin Paint & Varnish, Rodney: Ont. (a) Red Lead (b) Green Anti Corrosive PAINT · White Traffic Paint $5.85 per gallon 7.28 per gallon 4.05 per gallon 3.25 per gallon 6.75 per gallon 6.75 per gallon In 45 Gallon Drums ... Non-Refleotorized $2.80 per gallon (used last year) 1. Glidden Paint Centre, St. Thomas, Ont. 2. Niagara 'Paint & Chemical Co" 2.39 per gallon - Thinners Hamilton, Ont. needed ~. Sherwin-Williams )4. West Elgin Paint & Varnish Rodney, ant" PAIM1 - prange Guide Rail Paint 1. Glidden Paint Centre, St. Thomas, Ont. 2. Niagara Paint & Chemical, Hamilton, ant. J. West Elgin Paint & Varnish, Rodney, Ont. GROUP 17 - 2.30 per gallon 2.65 per gallon $8.72 per gallon 41150 per gallon 3.95 per gallon GLASS BEADS FOR CENTRE LINE MARKING '\ 1. Flexo Lite, St.. Thomas, Ont. 2. Cataphote Corporation Toronto, Ont. GROUP 18 -..........' VEHICLE TIRES Type C Moisture Proof Beads $10.08 per cwt. F.O.B. St. ThOJJlrU:~ Moisture Proof Beads $10.25 per cwt. F.O.B. Toronto. Dunlop Tires .1. St. Thomas Tire Service, St. Thomas, Ont. Truck Tires 900-20 Hard Rock $112. 5it Grader Tires 14 x 24 264.97 Passenger Tires 8.55 x 4 26.36 Plus Installation of New Tires PAGE 7 cOUNTX OF ELG1~ . TENDERS fOR M1\.TERl~ ]\ND SUPPLIES ~ continued 2. Moore Tire Limited, st. Thoma.s, Ont 0 G oodyea X' Ti re s Truck Tires 900-20 Hard Rock $103.00 Grader Tires 14 ~ 24 244.01 Farm Tractor Tires Passenger Tires 8.45 ~ 15 Retreading (Truck Tires) Repairs (Truck Tires) 24.58 3510 off List $ 41100 each ~o Installation chg. on ~ew TireS . Firestone stores, Firestone Tires st. Thomas, Ont. Truck Tires 900.20 Hard Rock $102.17 Grader Tires 9. 00 ~ 20 227 · 09 .. Passenger Tires 8.45 ~ 15 25.46 Repairs (Truck Tires) 4.50 each rJ>>fl /' ~1~/ , ( " 5'1'. THOMAS. Ot-l'1'ARIO I Ml\RCH Sf,SS10N.. '1'0 TfiF. V1ARD"E~ AlID MEMBERS OF 'rHE n..Glt-l COUt-lT'f Co:mC1L y()\JR ROAD Cot<'M1'J."TF.E BEGS TO RF,POR'1' as f o1l0~6 : T\".tnYf,RS Rl\'fE BEEN CALlY.,D for the ap-plication of 4. gravel on various Roads. GOOD PRoGRESS is peing made on the construction of the port Burwell Bridge bY the Contractor, Con. Bridge Limited. 1'1' IS "EXP"EcTED that DevelOpment Road funds ~ill be _de available bY the ontariO Department of HighwaYs to (a) complete the ~ork on Development Road # MO (Road # 52 from springfield to Road # 30) (b) to do Grading, Granular Base and Urban ~ork in Fingal on Development Road #931 (Road if 20, fi,ngal southerlY) (c) some of the Grading and Granular Base on Development Road # 972 (RoadS jf 4. 7, 4.8, 4.9, SQ'Ilth Dorchester). ~ Fl~ 01" A.1!I. spriet & Associates have started Engineering ~ork for the replacement of the orwell Bridge on the Yarlllouth . 1J!alahide '1'o~n1ine, north of High'Wa Y :It 3. 1.. 2. 3. ~" 3. ~E m:CoMME"ND~ TRJ\T ~ ESTllAATES of the st. Tb.omas SubUrban Road co~ission for 1968, amounting to $68,000.00 be a ppl"O"ied. TRJ\T, AT ~ REQUEST of the 1!Iinister of HighwaYs, ~e again participate in a County Needs StudY, and that the firm of A.M. spriet & Associates pe appointed as consultants for the Stud)'. TRJ\T A 1'loRlAAL ROAD E XPE lID 1 TlJRE \3"'( .lJ\V1 pe pa 5 sed to be allocated as folloWs: 1. 2. TO T'HE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE E.LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAGE 2 RECOMMENDATION # 3 continued - CONSTRUCTIOl'! Roads $ 45,000. MAINTENANCE $321,500. 25,500. 'llOTAL Bridges & Culverts New Machinery 70,000. $366,500.. 25,500.. 70,000. Superintendence & Overhead 85#000. $200,000. 23#OOO~ $370,000. _10 8,t. O.Q_9-!'- $570,000. 4. THAT A SUPPLEMENTARY ROAD EXPENDITURE BY-LAW be passed to be allocated as follows: Bridges $ 497,000. 533 J"lOO. $1,030,000. Breaking these Items Down (ReCOllutLendation. 3 and 4) Roads (a) COUNTY EXPENDITURES Construction Roads $ 481,0001. w ~ Construction Bridges & Culverts Construction New Machinery Maintenance Roads (including Urban Rebates 533,000. 70,000. 325,000. Maintenance Bridges & Culverts 25,000. 100,000. $1,534,000. (b) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPEUDlTURE~ Overhead Construction Roads $ 29,000. Construotion Bridges & Culverts Maintenance Roads 28,500. Maintenance Bridges & Culverts son. OverheadS.OOth $ 66,000. (Not Including Items Not for Subsidy - $2,000.) TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNfrY COUNCIL PAGE 3 .",.......,... ""'", ,;, TOTAL MONEY APPROPRIATED by Supplementary and Normal By-Laws - $1,600,000., at an estimated cost to the County of Elgin of $620,847. (lO.4 Mills on the present County Assessment). IN ADDITION, normal Accounts Receivable, Expenditure on Development Roads and Grants from the Board of Transport on the Port Burwell Bridge are estimated to total $1,700,000. Gross Road expenditures are estimated in the order of $3,300,000. SUPPLEMENTARY AND NORMAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY-LAWS provide money for Construction on Roads and Bridges as follows: (a) Road Construction by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission on Road # 16, Southwo1d Township. (b) County Roads Needs Study, during the current year. (c) Land purchased for Road Widening. (d) Completion of Grading, Granular Base and Surface Treatment on Road # 11 from Highway # 4 to Road # 26 in Southwold Township. (e) Completion of trillWl.ing, etc. at SprinqWi!lter Dam, and SUI-face Treatment on Road #- 35 between Road # 45 and Highway # 3 in Malahide a.nd Yarmouth To'wnships. (f) Completion of trimming, etc., and Surface Treatment at Stalter Gully on Road # 42, Malahide Township. (q) Fencing on Road # 52 (Development Road # 840), on Roa.d # 20 (Development Road # 931 )a.nd on Roads # 47,48 and 49 (Development Road # 972). (h) Grading, Granular Base on ROt\d # 42 from Highway # 73 to Road # 40, Malahide Township. (i ) Grading, Granular Base, ete., on Road # 15, Entrance to Pearce Park, Dunwich Township. ,TO THE WARDEN AND l~BERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAGE 4 Grading, Granular Base, etc., on Road # 3, North Limits of Rodney to Road # 9 (except Highway # 401), Aldborough Township. Grading, Granular Base, etc., ,on Road # J8 at the Bayham-Malahide Townline. Completion of Port Burwell Bridge and Road # 42 from the Bridge to Road I/: 39 in the Village of Port Burwell. Completion of Belmont Bridge, Road II 37 t North and South Dorchester Townships. Completion of Spring Creek Culvert on Road II 37, North and South Dorchester Townships. Extension of Bennett Drain Culvert on Road # 8, Dunwich Township. Engineering Work on Bridges on Road II 4~) over Catfish and Kettle Creeks, Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. 5. THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Certificate regarding the following permanent employee of the Corporation of the County of Elgin tor exemption of Contributions as provided under Regulations ot the Unemployment Insurance Act _ Joseph C. Livingstone. 6. THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED amending By-Law # 1818, being a By....Law authoriz ing Speed L1mi ts, by add:l.ng to under Schedule itA" - Maximum Rate of Speed - 35 miles per hour on that portion of County Road II J in the Township of Aldborough from the South Entrance to PClrt Glasgow Memorial Park in Concession XIV northerly to the Road Allowance between Concession XIII and Concession XIV. This will restrict the speed of vehicles: in the vicinity of New Glasgow Park. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN .1> '),( 'l COUITT or ILCtB - 1968 'UW MCBt11BltY "An - SPRtS 1. ./150 ft.P. Gracler and Snow Pl.w 2. 12. 2, cu. ,ct. ProBt Ead Loa.er V hV"1rv'A.h 6>:;)-A,,, ------ (0 3. Cn"ler Tractor an' 11." (to ,.11 Yf.bntol'1lol1er) (- OJ' ..........01.',) 4. JPicku, Tnek J Van 5. t ~ t 6. ;1&410 Uaf. ta (3) 7. S.e,_foot 1011er (Uae.) 8. Water Tauk 9. Brooa (Re. or 1J .ed) 10. jOffiee a.4 Dnftt.. 10.. l4'd.,...t., 1_1..S... .....t.. ..eltt..<$I,OOO.l.: 11. GaraS8.fI1Il,..at ($500.) 12. .f..cell..ous 8.11 ECf'lt,...t ($2,000.) "In - FALL 1. Saa'ar, 10 cu. ,.... 2. Heater (v...) ($400. ) 3. St_ J8nny 4. Chain Sa. ~A, ~tp 195'3 A~~ - .,. cJj t.;,- 0 .....- (q J 10/ b ch:-r" ./ 10/ to 11 fl~-r'/ . ST. rorHoMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 8, 1968. THE ROAD CO}~1ITTEE of The County of Elgin met at the Court House. St. Thomas, Ontario, on March 8. 1968 at 10:00 J..M. All members were present, also Mr. Frank Clarke, ~)r. Municipal Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. THE MINUTES OF THE ~mETING of February 21, 1968 were read and a.pproved. (1 ) (2 ) () ) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date B.S follows: Ice and Snow Control ha,d been light Clea,ring was underwa,y on Roa,d II 20 (Development Road # 931) All Concrete on the Spring Creek Culvert h~l,d been poured. A.M. Spriet &. Associa,tes were working on Surveys at the Orwell Bridge. Con Bridge Ltd. was making good progress at, the Port Burwell Bridge. Tenders for the Removal of the ata,lter Gully Bridge would close on P~,rch 19, 1968. The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission had a,ccepted the recommendation of the County Road CommitteE~ with regard to the reconstruction of Road 11 16 in Fingel. The City of St. Thomas Oouncil had requestE~d a meeting with the County Specie.1 Committee on Roads in the St. Thomas Area and with the Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Roa.d Commission. The Ontario Depa.rtment of Highways had approved the principle of a. Tunnell Liner in the present Silver Creek Culvert on Roa.d II 42. Design on Development Road II 931 {Road (I 20) was nearly completed. A Gra.de had been set on Roed# 47 and La,nd Purcha.se would sta,rt shortly. ttlVIOVE,D BY: SECONDED BY: A.B. McCALLUM J. WISE THAT THE FOLLOiN'ING PA,YLISTS: BE APPROVED FOR PAYlVlENT: PAILIS.T #' 5 ;; 6 # 7 $14,819.75; 13,605.7Et 64,166.19 CARRIEDtt. MARCH 8, 1968. PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from - (a) Ontario Department of Highways regarding Intersection of Highway If .3 and Road {I 14 (b) Ontario Depa,rtment of Highways approving the Road Committee Resolution regarding Transfer of Funds on the 1967 Annual Return. (c) Joseph Livingstone regarding Exemption from the payment of Unemployment Insura.nce. ttMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. \llILSON D. GILCHRIST THAT ';1'vE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL 'fHAT A RESOLU1~ION BE PASSED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL CONFIRMING JOS,EPH LIVINGSTO]~E J..S A !(EGULAR EMPLOYEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CONID~ISSION CONTRIBUTIONS. CARRIED n .. CORRESPONDENCE ~IAS READ from - Royel Paving Limited of Lindsay offering the Sum of $800.00 for the County's old Distributor. ttMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST F. F. MOORE THAT WE 8,ELL OUR OLD DISTRIBUTOR TO ROYEL PAVING I..IMITED FOR $800.00. CARRIED'" ., THE GOUGH MUNICIPAL DRAIN on Road 1140 wa,g discussed and the Chairma,n reported that the Drain Report held been a,mended to open cut Roa.d II 40 rather that to bore under it. LAND PURCHASE ON ROAD II 20 was di.scussed, with the Engineer reporting that agreements ha,d been reachE,d with s.ll pa,rties except Delmar Smith s.nd A. Brooyman. THE S'T. THONIAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~l.lMISSION Budget wa.s presented for approval. ttlvIOVE:D BY: SECONDED BY: A.B. McCALLU!v1 J. WISE THAT V\fE RECOMNIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDG1~T OF THE 8T. THOMAS SUBURBA.N ROAD COM1-iIS8:ION FOR 1968, AMOUNTING TO $68,000. BE APPROVED. CARRIEDtt. 1JU\RCH 8, 1968. PAGE ;, T$NDERS VOR CATIONIC EMULSIONS were opened, and were as attached. After diSCUssion - \\MOVED B'!: J .B. "tn'LSON SECONi)ED B'!: J. 'WISi THAT _ ACC$PT THE TEND1!\R Of EASTLAND BROS. FOR CATIONIC E1JI).fLSION, AT THE'IR TltNDER$'O PRIC$ OF 16.8 C1!\NTS p1!\R GALLON, f. O. B. THEIR FACTOR'!, SUBJECT TO TH1!\ 'FOLLOWING CON'OITIONS: (1) lIlateria1 must be available when needed bY the County, ('~) our transport must be able to load at anY time (night or day or sundaYS), (3) All material must meet OntariO Department of Highways specificatiOns, (4) All material supplied to be satisfactOrY to the County, (5) All material must be weighed on the Tank Truck. If ANl Of THESl!'. CONDITIONS ARB NOT MET, THE Tl!'.NDER Of fLINTKOTE COlY'iPAlf1 AT 20.4 CENTS pER GALLON AT THEIR PLAN! IS A CCEP'fE'l) · CARRIED" MEETING ADJOURN~ ror dinner. AfTER DINNER, Warden A. B. McCallum absent. '}$NDERS fOR MAT'j'.ll.IAL AND SUPPLIES, as attached were \ . examined and diSCUssed. uMOVED Bl t J. 'WISE sECONi)~ '81: D. GILCHlUST THAT TiNDERS fOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BE ACC$p'!:ED, AND THE ENGINEER B$ AUTHORIZED TO pURCHA5'E MATERIALS WITH RBGARD fOR QUALITl AND PRICE. CARRIED- CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES ANi) METHODS were diSCUssed, and it waS decided to continUe with the naY LabOur method of construction. "'MO'1E'O BY: J. B. WILSON S1!iCONDED Bl: J. WISE Tl\.~T T\$ ~G1:N$ER BE AUTHORIZED 'IO CALL T$NDERS fOR GRAVEL CRUSHING 'FOR (a) MAINTENANCE GRAVEL FOR ROAD # 37, (b) CONSTRUC'IlON GRAVt.L VOR ROAD # 42 FROM HIGlMA1 if 73 to ROAD if 40, (c) CONSTRUCTION GRAVEL ON ROAD * 3 VROM RODNEl LIMITS TO ROAD if 9. CARRl'ED\t · MARCH 8, 1968. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER presented the attached list of recommended purchases of New Machinery, and discussed the various items. U'Iv10VED BY: S;ECONDED BY: F. F. MOORE D. GILCHRIST THA T THE ENGINEER BE E1VIPOvrlERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING NEW EQUIPMEN'l' : (a) 150 Horse Power Motor Grader and Snow Plow (b) 2 to 21 cu. yd. Front End Loader (c) Pickup Truck (d) Va.n (e) Three Radio Units (E) Adding Machine CARRIEDtt ~, "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. \V"I BE J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING USED EQUIPMENT: (a) Water Tank (b) Sheepsfoot Roller (0) Broom CARRIED tt ~. REEVE D. GILCHRIST asked consideration of a Speed Limit on Road # :3 from the Road between Concession XIII 8.nd Concession i<IV, southerly past the Port Gla.sgow Park. HMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST F. MOORE THAT WERECOl\f.IMEND TO COUNrry COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED REDUCING TO 35 MILES PER HOUR THE MAXIMUM SPEED ON ROAD {I 3 FROM THE NEW GLASGOW PARK ENTRANCE NORTHERLY FOR 1,000 FEET (TO CONCESSION XIV SIDE ROAD). CARRIED't '. MARCH 8, 1968. PAGE 5. "'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: F. F. MOORE J. WISE rrHAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO APRIL 17, 1968 AT 10:010 A. M. THE. WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN TO OPEN lV.lACHINERY TENDERS ON A.PRIL 10, 1968 AT 10:00 A. M. CARRIED'" . ~~~. L7" .... IV r-..... / CHAlm~~ ,~, ST. THOMAS, ONTltRIO, FEBRUARY, 1968. TO THE CHAIRMALN & MEMBEiS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE GENTLEMEN: ATTAcm:D TO THIS REPORT is a Proposed Budget for 1968. The present Ccnlnty Road System. is composed of appx'oximately 300 miles of Road" of which 22 miles are under the jurisdiction of The 8t. Thoma'3 Suburban Road CO'm'Q!JissiQn. The Total mileage of Roads is the same as in 1967. t THE PROPOSED BUDGET, totaling $1,600,000, is based on an expenditure of 10.2 Mills to obtain the maximum entitlement for DIrect Aid Allocated from the Ontario Department of Highways, and an additilonal 0.2 Mills to cover the cost of the Orwell Bridge and certain unsubsidized expenditures, and the County's share of the Winterworks Program~.. MAINTENANCE COSTS MOST MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES are based on past trends, with a slight increase to take care of increased costs. WINTER MAINTENANCE COSTS are based on previous costs, and costs are estimated on a payment for "services rendered" basis in the calendar year. In the past, (until 1967) many t, ,~ costs incurred in December have not been paid until the next year (January). SURFACE TREATMENT WORK in 1967 was cut back to obtain funds for oth.er projects, and approximately 40 miles of work is the minimum work necessary. GRAVEL RESURFACING COSTS should be somewhat lower, as we continue to i.mprove a small mileage of Gravel Road yearly. Count,r trucks are presently, as tim.e permits, applying qravel on Roads # 26, 29, 31 & 51, in the area north of St. Thomas, and ,rest of Road If 30. Road 37, Middlesex County Line, from Hiqhway # 73 to the Oxford Ceunty Line should also be gravelled. Money is also estimated for Spring Breaku;p, &8 well. " :rO GHAIRMAN &: MEMBERS, ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CGmITl'EE PAGE 2 IT IS HOPED that Repairs to Pavement Cost will be reduced from last year. GRADING WORK: has been split into 2 categories, Grliding, which is dragging of Roads, and Roadsi,df:l Mainten~. The names have been changed to assist in accounting, DUST CONTROL, WEED CONTROL, BRUSHING, SIGNS, RAILROAD PROTECTION COSTS will re\llllin reasonably constant. PAVEMENT MARK:ING COSTS sill increase, because the lllge carry Oyer of paint from 1966 to 1967 has been reduced. GUIDE RAIL WORK: should be greatlY increased, as little work has been done in the past several years and most Guide Rails need minor repairs and painting. Work scheduled for Road II 43 between Richmond and Calton was not completed, and should be completed. DRAINAGE COSTS are increased because of the large increase in the number of catch basins, drains, etc. on County Roads, in the past few years, and the assumption by the County of certain drainage work in Urban areas. Some. costs incurred in repairs to a drainage system on Road II 14, in Iona, have also been carried into 1968. Drainage Assessments are at best a guess. BRIDGE AND COLVERT MAINTENANCE COST will be increased, as very little Culvert Replacement was done last year. URBAN REBATES will be increased because of a small increase in Urban Assessment and an increase in Mill Rate. OVERHEAD COSTS are increased as they are based on total expenditure to a large extent , rather than subsidized expenditure. A REDUCTION IN STOCK: BALANCE will assist a heavier than usual Maintenance Progra..",e. It would appear, however, that we should request the Ontario Department of Highways for an increase in our Main"tenance By-Law for 1969. CONS'f@.CTION . GOSTS THE CONSTRUCTION contains all items requested by the County Road committee, at their last meeting. The Total Construction Budqet is estimated at $1,170,000. II.. . TO. GM+._N t$ MEM~RSt..ELGIN COUllTY, R!()AD ..CQ~Irn:E fpNST].YCTION. COS~ continued PAGE 3 if the St. Tho"~s Suburban Commission elects to do Road Work. An increase in the total Bud-qat will occur if Bridqe Work is under- taken. Included in.Constructioni..a portion of Urban Rebates and Overhead, not budqeted for under Maintenanoe. A Credit from Development Road charqes for" Machinery will reduce the tQ~tal of the Mew Machinery expend! tures. LAND PURCHASE COSTS are reduced from last year, as we expect some Credits from Property in Port Burwell and from land obtained for The Onta3rio Water Resources COlll'lJd ssion in 1966 and 1967. MONEY IS ESTIMATED under Construotion to Improve Drainaqe on Road /I 5 a.nd to complete Paving Work, ete. on Roads 11, 35 and 42 (Stalter Gully). Money is also esti",.ted for Fenoing on various Development Roads. Money is esti..ted for Grading and Granular Base, etc. on Roads # 3, IS, 38 and 42 (from Highway # 73 to Road # 40) and at the Port Burwell Bridge. BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION includes the completion of a nnmher of projects, including the Port Burwell and Belmont Bridqe., Spring Creek Culvert, Springwater Dam, Stalter Gully and the Bennett Drain Culvert. Money is also estimated for Culvert Work in conjunction with Grading on Road # 42 (including Silver Creek Culvert) and on Roads # 3, 11, 15, 35 and 38. A sm-Il amount of money is esti'm"ted for Pre Engineering for Bridges on Road # 45 over Catfish and Kettle Creeks. . IT IS NOT ANTICIPATED that there will be any trouble reoeiving Ontario Department of Highways approval for any work necessary for us to obtain our optimum Development Road Aid. However, &J)proval for Orwell Bridge may be delayed until Total Expendi turEls throughout the Province oa.n be assessed by the Ontario Del~rtment of Highways. 'w ,TO ~l:ltMAH &: MEMBERS. ELSIJ. COll~tyIQAD 9OMMIT'fEi: PAGE 4 MOST PROJle~ h.ve th.e Enqineerin.,Work r....onably well advanced." Land. Pureh&a. .i.ua.rwa.y,. par'ti.onlatly on Development Road #: 931.ndoa C~ltt., load # 42. C1..'r11\\. will start on Development i..ell.. 931.shortly. A detailed. l'.t of Equipment hreha.e. "ill _ pre..nted .hortly. ALL. OF WHICJI iSRESPECtP'tJt.LY SUBMITTED. o . MOOt&;, p'" ;n;. , COtJ N..t: I . ENGINEER. "'" FEBRUARY 1968 eOOITY OF ELGIN ESTIMATES PAGE 1 MAINTENANCE ESTTM4.TES 1965 COST 1966 COST 1967 COST 1968 ESTIMATE ROADS Winter ContrQl $31,626. $41,541. $72,952. Surfaoe Treatment 37,502. 60,601. 34,927. Gravel Resurfacinq 26,602. 59,158. 31, '198. Repairs tQ Pa:V'ements 22~14S. 20,562. 43,446. Grading 11~449. 13,358. 22,977. Roadside Maintenance Included in Grading Dust Control Weed Control 15,000. 9,902. 4,394. 5,839. 1,696. 9,224. 4,689. Brushing Pavement Marklnq Guide Rail Signs Drainaqe Seeding & Tree Planting 431. Railroad Protection 4,697. Drainage Assessments 2,585. 20,266. 24,391. 10,123. 15,183. 6,406. 9,645. 9, 320. 7,147. 453. 1,449. 8,821. 7,838. 3,786. 5,863. 3,847. 27. 5,964. 6,422. 1,012. 8,884. $ 65;000. 60,000. 24,000. 35,000. 15,000. 8,000. 25,000. 15,000. 12,000. 9,000. 7,000. 7,000. 10,000. 2,000. 7,000. 6.000. Total: $307,000. Less Reduction in Stock Balance: 27,000. TOTAL: $280.000. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Bridqe and Culvert Maintlenance $14,898. Rem tes to Urblns 25~ Rebate on 10.4 Mill levy 58,216. Overh.a.d St. Thomas Sub\\rban Road Commission Maintenance $21,387. 39,475. $13, 461. 39,503. 74,961. 89,000. $ 25,000. 45,000. (32,000. to Construction) 100,000. (85,000. to Construction) 37,000. SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE ESTIMATES FEBRUARY 1968 Roads Bridges & Culverts St. Thomas S'\JLburban Road Carom i s s; ion Overhead Urban Reba.tes PAGE 2 AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN OF - $140,000. 5,000. $280,000. 25,~OO. 37,000. 15,000. 13.000. $370,000. 9,250. 7,500. 6.500. $168,250. ~..' COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMATES, FEBRUARY, 1968 CONSTRUCTION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PAGE :3 Road Construction $ 29,000. COUNTY ROADS 1. Urban Rebe.tes 32,000. 2. Overhead 85,000. 3. Needs Study 10,000. 4. Surveysj Traffic Counts, Misc. Grading Construction 4,000. 5. New Machinery and Garage Facilities 70,000. 6. Machinery Ownership Costs Charged to Development Roads and Townline Accounts Credit -(18,000.) 7. Land Purchase 40,000. 8. Drainage Road 5 - Aldborough-Dunwich Townline 4,000. 9. Road 11 - Southwold (not including $9,000. owing from C.N.R.) 6,000. Clean up, Double Surface Treatment (Hot Mix to Ford Gate) 10. Road 35, Clean up, etc. Double Surface Treatment Road Portion of Springwater Dam - Malahide 28,000. - Yarmouth 11. Road 42 -Malahide, Double Surface Treatment, etc. at Stalter Gully 4,000. 12. Fencing on Development Roads # 840, 930, 931 & 972 20,000. 13. Road 42 - Malahide,Highway # 73 to Road 40, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 120,000 14. Road 15 - Dunwich, Entrance to Pearce Park, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 18,000. 15. Road 3 - Aldborough, R~dney limits to Road 9 (except Highway # 401) Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, etc. 120,000. 16. Road 38, Spot Improvement - Bayham-Malahide Town- line, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 15,000. 17. Road 42 - Village of Port Burwell, Port Burwell Bridge Approaches (Road Portion) 110,000. TOTAL ROADS $668,000. COUNTY BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Port Burwell Bridge (Bridge Portion) 2. Completion of Belmont Bridge, Road 37 3. Completion of Spring Creek Culvert, Road 37 4. Completion'of Springwater Dam~ Road 35 $335,000. 5,000. 8,000. 7,000. P AG'E '4t c<JJWf! OF ELG1. ES't1lAATES }'ElJRtlAR"! 1968 B"Rl'pGE & cm..VEYl: COllS'fRQCt1011 continued $ 5. CollPle'\:.ion of stalter Gl1l11, pa vinCi, l)1'ai1\il.ge, eto. 6. tie nne tt 1)1& in C11l ve 1:t, "Road 8, Dumri ch 7. "Road 4:2, Silve1: creek Culvert 8 "Road 4:2, C.1.p. const1'11oti01\ in OOl\jl1noti01\ ~th . G ra ding 9. "Road 3, C.l.P, C01\5t1'11otion in conjl1l\ction ~ith G'l1L4inQ 10. "Road 15, C.1.p. const1'11otion in oonjunotion ~ith Grading 11. "Road 11, C .1.1". const1'11ction in oonjl1t\c'\:.ion ~i th Gradin<J 1~ "R d 35 C.l.P. const1'11ction in conjl1nction ~ith I.f. oa ' Grading 13. "Road 38, C.1. p. const 1'11cti on i1\ con jU'l\Cti on ~ th Gradin<; 14: P1:e 'E'l\CiJinedil\liJ, "Road 4:5, B1:idges over Catfish . and J,:ettle Creeks 'toTAL B"R1DGt AND C\1LVE'Rt 8,000. 4,000. 50,000. 20,000. 12,000. 6,000. 4,000. 3,000. 6,000. ~ $473,000. st. Tho.s Sub'l1rbELn "RoadS Cou:o.t1 Roads C01\.ntY Bridges & Culverts $ 29,000. &66,000. ~ $1,,110,000 · AT A COST 'to 'tHE C<JJWf! OF EUllll OF $ 7,250. 334,000. ~ $435,850. 'toT}\\.. COllS<J:RQC'fl 01 'to'fALS. construotion M.a.intenance ~ $1,170,000. ~~~ , , . $435,850. - 12,000. O~ll Bridge, "Road 35, "'!aneDuth-_lahide, north of Kiqh-Y '* 3 1t.- llot Fo1: SubsidY & 'tf in te rworkS prOC1ra....... 60,000. ~ $621,60l 'toTALS l for B1-L&~ ParPOses) ." .1 \tillS 01\ 01\.1' Asses....at of $~g, .90, 8&S ~i).). raile $620,8 ---------- $1,600,000. PAGE 5 v J' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 21, 1968. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'1"l'~E met a t the Court House, St.Thomas, Ontario, on Wednesday February 21, 1968, at 10:00 A.M. All members except Reeve Wm. R. Caverly were! present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipat Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. " MOVE D BY: A. B. McCALLU:M SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT J. B. WILSON BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE DAY. CARRIED IJ' THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work to Date as follows: (1) Clearing had been started on Road # 20, (2) Work on Spring Creek was continuing. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he, a long with Mr. T. S. d/ Caldwell and Mr. Frank Clarke, had conferred with Ontario Department of Highways Officials in Toronto concerning Development Roads Construction. It appeared that sufficient money would be forthcoming to complete Development Road #: 840 (Road # 52) and Development Road #: 931 (Road # 20), and to start on Development Road # 972 (Road # 47). In 1969 work would likely be completed on Development Road #: 972 and started on Development Road # 930 (Road # 45). It also appeared that the enti tlement earned to date and the estimated entitlement for 1968 & 1969 would balance the cost of present designations for pre-engineering. ThE~ Engineer felt that the Roads programmed for 1968 could be handled by day labour const- ruction as in the past without difficulty. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION was in attendance. Problems of mutual interest, including the location of the St. Thomas By-Pass, the Extension of Highway # 126, the Improvement of Radio Road (Road # 30), St. George Street (Roiad # 26), and Kain's Bridge were discussed at length. The Committee was informed that the PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 21, 1968. Commission had approximately $29,000.00 availab,le for Construction in 1968. It was felt that Engineering problems would not allow the rebuilding of Kain's Bridge in 1968. Extension of Road # 22, by the Suburban Commission, was discussed. It was felt that Construction should be done on Roads presently under the control of the Commission. MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER - "MOVED BY: FORREST F. MOORE SECONDED BY: A. BRUCE McCALLUM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE ST. THOW.tAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION THAT THEY CONSIDER CONSTRUCTION ON ROAD # 16, EAST OF ROAD # 20, IN THE liAMLET OF FINGAL, IN 1968. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Budget, and answered Member's queries. After discussion - "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ROAD BY-LAWS BE PASSED APPROPRIATING $1,600,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE, AT A MILL RATE OF 10.4 MILLS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: FORREST F. MOORE THAT THE FIRM OF A. M. SPRIET AND ASSOCIATES BE APPOINTED CONSULTANTS FOR THE ORWELL BRIDGE. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED that the' old Stalter Gully Bridge be advertised for Sale. "MOVED BY: A. BRUCE McCALLUM SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE TENDER THE OLD STALTER GULLY BRIDGE FOR REMOVAL. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: FORREST F. MOORE THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 8 , 1968, at 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ,_ 11~ '1 // / \," l I ~A l{(itl(j~JAI ST. T~O~S, ONTkR10, FE13RUAR1 1..4, 1..96$. f t.1..gin met at the THE RO/l.D C01/iMlTTt.E, of tne coun~Y 0 .. . '\jIfed;eSdaY, February ontario at 1..0 A.M. on ' court ~OU$e, st. Tho~$,.. t .t, a1..50 Mr. yrank C1..arke, :b 5 ..ere presen , 1..4 th., 1..96$. ~1..1.. lJtem ~r . "the uepartment of ~igh\'lay5. ..i 1.. Sunerv~sor, o~ d senior Mun~c par . 31.. 1..96$ 'flere rea MlNUTES 01 THE lAE'ET1NG ne1..d on JanuarY' , and appro'\fed. . . . .... .. W ..k to Date as fo1..10\'lS1 THE 'EliIG IN'EER REPORTED on the orK . t t1 e Cat fi sh and , .... \'lideSpread on the e ' '1..) se'\fere f1..ood~ng ..as .... from 'February 2.-5th., \ nd the Thames R~'\fer, Otter creeks, a .'. 1947 being; recorded. ..ith the highest \'later s~nce 1 CostS had been a'\ferage. Water contro ' · ~.o.n \'laS cont~U~ng. 1.. 13 'dge constrUCV~ port 13Ut'\"le1..r~ .. . .. d d out but ..ork \'laS 'the Spring; creek cul.'\fert had been f1..00 e ' again undet'\"laY' " " .d 'trees \'las continuing. l5) Remo'\f a1 0 ~ uea '''lAOV'ED 1311 J. Wl SE .., F MOORE .. . .. u'6ECOND'ED B~' ... '. . .. .... 13'E APPROVED 'FOR PA":l}JIENT. "i:~b.'B' THE f01..LOW1N.G l' A11..16T 6. ".\ G.. "'0. $ 1..5,597.39 . JL /I.~OuNTl" l pl\'11..16T 1r 2. /I.~OUliIT1NG TO $. 1..9,0$4.57 p/l.1L1ST I 3 "'0 mO $ 75,176.93 . jJ; p:M0 UliIT ll' l l' /l.1LIS'l1 1r 4- U C/l.RRIED ". \~) \3) \I.v) " tment of ~igh\'laYs, CORR'ESpONDENCE WM> READ from theVepar ... .. . ~"nO". ~ transfer of fund.a ..ith regard. to the /l.nnua1.. Return. re<.lUe6 v'l.~J.e:> Q "MOVED 131 t J. 13. W1LSON \~5ECONDED 1\1 t .. J. W1SE .. · ..11.. Ti\A T THE 'FOLLOWING RESOLUTION Ti\A T WE REC01!llJl.END TO COuNT1 COUNC BE l' /l.s5$13.. . '.. .... . ... ,.. 67 /l.NNUAl. RETURNS, WE REQ.U'EST THE TR/I. T WIT~ REGARU TO OUR 1.. 9 'filE 'FOl.LO'iflNG 'tRANS'F'ER, D'EPARTlAENT OF ~IGBW/I,1S 'to ~1<E . .TRUCTION BR1UGY.!> Be CULVERTS, 'to 'tRkNS'F'ER $ 7,459.2.2. FROM CONS CONS'tRUC'tlON ROADS, .. / .. .1NTE.~hNCY. BR1DGES Be CUL',fERTS, TO TRhNS'FER $ 17,92.9.64 FROM ~ ' 1M.llilTEN/l.liICE. ROADS... .... lSTRUC'I'10N BRIDGES Be CULVE.RTS, TO TR/l.NS'F'ER $ 40,644.03 FROM CON · 1M.IN'l'ENAliICE. ROADS. "C/I,RRlED" FEBRUAR1 1li-t 19/;>$. t' 1\. u j,;j. "" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had been accepted for seminar on Highway ~nagement & Administration, sponsored by the ontario Good Roads Association, from March 31 to April 5, 1968. WEED SPRAYING on County Roads was DiSCUssed. ItMOVED BY: BRUCE MCCALLuM ItSECONDED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT WE REQUEST THE TOWNSHIPS TO "jEED SPRAY THE COUNTY ROADS ON THE SAME BASIS AS IN FORMER YEARS. tt\CARRIED,t THE BNGINEER REPORTED THAT LAND PURCHASE problems were still being encountered on Road # ZO and that he had examined the problem in some depth with Mr. A. Campbell & N. J. Chaplow and presented the attached Report and ReCOmmendatiOns. AFTER DISCUSSION: ItMOVED BY: BRUCE MCCALLuM ItSECONDED BY: J. 'IUSE THAT WE AMEND OUR LAND PURCHASE POLICY AS FOLLOWS: Basis _ 10 times the Assessed Value. - -- TobacCO # 1 $ 950.00 for land assessed at $ 95.00 per acre. TobacCO # Z 850.00 for land assessed at 85.00 per acre. orchard 750.00 Fa~ Land # 1 500.00 Fa~ Land # Z 400.00 scrub for land assessed at 50.00 per acre. for land assessed at 35.00 & 40.00 per acre, including bush if level. ZOO.OO for land assessed at $ ZO.OO per acre if unworkable. Fence Allowance (\; 4.00 per rod for any fence not erected. small Holdings _ up to 150 width, (\; 1,500.00 per acre, with nO fence allowance, or present fence moved to neW property line. Damages as occassioned. nCARRIEDtt \ \ MAINTENANCE STAND.UtnS ON COUt~Tl ROADS were diSCUssed as waS a recommendation of past Road Committees, with regard to the erection of Maintenance facilities in East & West Elgin. The Engineer reported that a neW Salt Storage was now necessary and that another building for Machine Repair would be needed within the next tWO or three years, committee felt that it waS not desirable to erect any more buildings than necessary at thiS time, because of the proposed changes in County Government. It was felt that a new Salt Storage should be investigated. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER - Til.E EXTENSION OF SPRUCE STREET IN AYU4ER waS diSCUssed at some length with 'Mayor McKibbon of A:ylmer. It waS decided to leave the matter with the Town Of Aylmer & the TownshiP of Malahide to present a ~oint proposal to the County Roadeoromittee at a future date. l' ~,J.oJ~- and t.he propoeed loca"~--' U~ V"". pt. \1igh~aY # 12.6 at. some lengt.h. JlJur t.he follt:>wing Reso1ut.in ~aS passed., 'IlI\.OVioD 'B1: J. 'B. '1/11.$0\'1 \\$tCO\'lDtD 'B1: DU\'ICI>\'I GlLctmlST .. T'.ltl' 't.t"'l~1G. ....,,""""'0 'Bt I> COif&.~ITTtt TO . .. .. . 11 FJ$'J'F Vll$t &, n'" ",,,. ..."","''' , T\1I>T TBt \'iI>RDt\'l, CR!\1~'.' 0 ~ C01lctRNI!~G T\1t 5T. T\10W>S 'B1-1'JI$S 1>1ID yUi'.tT AN1 ~NICIPAl.IT1 OR 1'tRS \'I ..... . .. j\.1N T\1t colfNT1 ROI\D CoMl:JtITTtt T\1t \11G\1'BUR1 l\ vtN'JF.tXTtNSI0\'l, AND TO tXPl. 1'OS1T10\'l \nT\1 RtGARD TO T\1tSt ROADS. ttC!\RRIB'Dtt 0. calculat.ions ~hich indicat.ed ",,,,,,, tNG111tta 1'RtStNTED t.he at.tache .' .- L "'" '" '\1 tOea rn the maY: '1.1ll:"'" p 10 2. mills ~ould be nece-sarJ t.hat. a lI\.ill Rate OL · Development Road tntitlement in 196$. llll\.OVED 'B1: J. B. ~11.S0N "SECONDED 131: J. ~1St ... .'. I\N ExPE\'ID 1 TURt 01 .!I.l'1'aOXIW,J\ TEl. 1 10. 2 Tl1.!I.T 'Ilt stT A ROI\D B\lDGtT BASED ON 1 TEll\. 1\'1 ORDEa TO FJCEI'ITt w>xnJIDlI\. 1UtLS ON T\1E DtSIRI\'Bl.E COUNT1 aol>D S 5 ' D EVE1.0 l'yUi'.\'IT EN TITl.EMENT · \tCARYtlt1)'~ 0.' cussed at some lengt.h and ,. l'ROl'OStD BUDGET 'FOR 196$ ~a.S ~s f. 11 ~ork programmed for 19M, rovide est.'1.roat.es or a the Engineer ~aS instructed to P , '" ..11 'Bridge and alSO Drainage along; ~'1.th the v't"rie bY the ) year Road prOgramme, ,. .:1.' e It ~as decided that. the .It J\ldboroug,h - Dunw'1.ch 'town '1.n · ~ork on Road 1f 5, c. . H' aoads was adectuat.e. f ~intenance on oun"J ' present standard 0 . a ~"rban Road commission, , th St. 'thomae, pUU'-' IT \ifl.S DtCIDtD to ~r'1.t,e e'.. t Road Commit.tee 1I\.eeting" ~n~4tat.ion to att.end the ne~ d' <1' to t.hem an ;,.' ~ .. ' e:l':ten :1.n", . . . t' on program W:1.th them. to disCuse their 1968 constrUC :1. llll\.ovtD B1: 'FORREST 1I\.00Rt "SECONDED B11 BRUCE 1I\.CCI\1.l.mti .. . . 68 T\11\ T 'Ilt AD JO \lB.N TO 10 .!I. .11\.. FE BR U I\R1 21, 19 · nCARRl1\~'DU; 1}1:t': LAND PURCHASE POLICY -------- FEBRUARY.. 1968 () l' LAND IS ASSESSED II 3 GENERAL CATEGORIES (a) Tobacco varying from a low of $55.00 to a high of $95.00 per acre, with most No. I at $95.00 (example - Stan Smith) (b) Orchard land, generally at $75.00. (c) General Fa.rm'land .,. (1) approximately 11. of total land, mostly in South Yarmouth at $60.00 per acre, not really applicabl.e to County Roads. (2) $50.00 per acre, better land in ~outh Scmthwold, mostly south of Fingal, and some along ~~albot Road in South Dunwich. . ~ 'ti (3) $40.00 and $35.00 per acre - lower clas~; farm land ( very little land under $35.00 per acre cultivated.) (4) Pasture (Rough Land) $20.00 (5) Bush land - $10.00 Actual Assessment is done at 8510 of these figurE~s, and if the farm is on a paved Road, $1.50 - $1.75 per acre is added to the Assessment. Example: 100 acres bare land" on pa.ved road, assessed at $50.00 per acre, is assessed at $4250.DO + $150.00, or $4,400.00. PRESENT POLICY ~ .~ \ . Tobacco Orohard General Purpose land, (and level bush land that could be worked if the bush was not the re- ) Scrub Fenoe Allowance $4.00 per Rod for any' fence: not erected. Small Holdings, $1,500.00 pe'r acre up to lSO ft. frontage, with no fence erected, or present. fence moved. ~$ 800.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 '~ '. . LAND PURCHASE POLICY~ FEBRUARY, 1968 continued Page 2 RECOMMENDED Basis - 10 times the Assessed Value Tobacco # 1 - $950.00 750.00 Orchard - Farm Land # 1- I 2. 500.00 for land assessed at $50.00 400.00 for land assessed at $35.00 & $40.00, including bush if level Scrub 200.00 for land assessed at $20.00. for leyel, if unworkable Fence Allowance $4.00 per rod for any fence n.ot erected Small Holdings - up to 150 width, $1,500.00 per acre, with no fence allowance, or present fence: moved to new property line 'i.. DIRECT AID B~ ONTARIO ?EPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, FE:BRUARY 1968 A FormulaE~ of Direct Aid based on the needs of: the various County Road Systems, a.s indicated by the Needs Stu.dy, has been developed by the Ontario Department of Highways. This Formulae is as follows: 2 (0.95) + 0.05 (Mill rate for Roads - 6) ( 3 ) (Unmet Needs at 6 Mills) This Fo.ua~lae is simplified in the following t.able showing the Mill Rate and the approximate Percentages of the Unmet Needs \ \. I~ that the D. Hu O. will pay toward, by Direct Aid (Development Roads) . 6 Mills 510 7 Mills 1510 7.5 Mills 2910 8 Mills 4710 8.1 Mills 5210 8.2 Mills 5610 8.3. Mills 611- 8.4 Mills 6610 8.5 Mills 7110 8.6 Mills 7610 The Ontario Department of Highways uses certain terms, which are defined as follows: 1. Defined Needs (in Dollars) = 10010 of Fixed Costs (in any year) + 7010 of Construction Needs of the Desirable County Road - System for the Periods shown in the Needs Study as now plus 1 to 5 years (as we are now into the 1 to 5 year group starting in 1965 - 1969 unclusive). 2. Mill Rate is always Provincially equalized - n.ot County equalized. 3. County mUf;t meet or exceed. 6 Mills before Dire~ct Aid is considered. 4. Aid for 1965 and 1966 was allocated on basis olf 1966 expenditures. 1967 allocation of Aid will be based on 1967 eixpendi tures, and 1968 allo<,ation of Aid will be based on 1968 expenditures. to ~ 5. The fact that a certain Dollar amount of Aid is calculated does DIRECT AID BY D. H. O. continued Page 2 not necessarily mean that the money is immediat.ely forthcoming. It means that we are eligible for that money when it is avail- able, and when we have received approval of pre-engineering, etc. on approved mileages of Road. 6. The Dollar Value of the Development Road Aid will be the cost estimated in the Needs Study, whether or not the actual cost is more or less. 7. Fixed Costs (See Item # 1) are Costs of: (a) Maintenance of Bridges and Roads, both COullty and Suburban Systems. (b) Administration and Overhead. (c) New Machinery. (d) Urban rebates (actual cost in any year). All as estimated by the Consultant in the Needs Study for each year. The County cost for these items in any year may be over or under these estimates, except Urban Rebates. 8. 7010 (See Item :# l) was an arbitrary figure used by the D .H.O., apparently based on the funds they thought they might have available. CALL;ULATIONS. The follow~ng figures are being used by the D. H. O. for calcul- ation purposes, and may vary slightly from the tot.als that will appear in the Needs Study. This is because the Delpartment has trans- ferred several Road Items from the 1 to 5 year to the 6 to 10 year period, and has transferred the costs of Stalter Gully from a Bridge Need to a Road Need. BRIDGE NEEDS (Now Plus 1 to 5 Year) $1,820,000 70% of this amount = $1,274,000 Amount per year over 5 years = 254,800 ROAD NEEDS RURAL URBAN $5,977,000 2,708,000 . $8,685,000 70% of this amount = $6,079,500 1,215,900 = $1,216,000 Average over 5 years - FIXED COSTS See Page 3 Page 3 DIRECT AID BY D. H. O. continued FIXED COSTS (from Needs Study for 1968) Maintenance: County Roads $268,300 Suburban Roads 32,400 County Administration & Overhead Suburban Administration & " 59,200 5,800 62,500 $ 17,600 2,300 $ 428,200 New Machinery TOTAL FIXED COSTS Maintenance Bridges, County Maintenance Bridges, Suburban TOTAL $ 19,900 OUR DEFINED NEEDS for 1968 are: Bridge Cost Maintenance $254,800 19,900 $ 274,700 428,200 1,216,000 Fixed Costs , Road Construction Urban Rebates (estimated on basis of 10.5 Mills on the Rebate of 25% of Urban Assessment of $17,352,022) 45,500 TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1968 $1,964,400 County Assessment (using Apportion Rates adopted in 1968) is factored by the following Volume to obtain the Provincial Equalized Assessment for Road Purposes. (The Assessment obtained would not be the same as might be used for school purposes in 1969. See separate sheet.) Loca'l Assessment for 1967 (used by County for 1968) X 1967 D.M.A. Factor 1965 D.M.A. Factor 1964 D.N.A. Factor D. M. A. - Department of Municipal Affairs On the attached Sheet is a detailed calculati.on of Assessment. The Total County Assessment (Provincially Equalized for Direct Aid) is $72,106,718. 6 Mills on this Assessment raises $432,640 1/2 Mill from the City of St. Thomas will provide (whether more or less is collected) 20,186 $ 452,826 The Cost of various Items of the Defined Needs to the County DIRECT AID BY D. H. O. continued Page 4 are calculated as follows: Cost of Bridges (Maintenance & Construction is $274,700 80~ Subsidy COUNTY COSTS $ 54,940 Urban Rebates 50"k Subsidy 45,500 22,750 Fixed Costs I I , I 5010 Subsidy TOTAL COUNTY COSTS 428,200 214,100 $ 291,790 This leaves. $452,826 less $291,790 or 161,036 fo:r Road Construction which with 50~ Subsidy becomes $322,000. Thus our Unmet Needs at 6 Mills are - 1,216,000 less 322,000, or approximately $884,0010. It is on this amount that Direct Aid is ca1,culated as a percentage, using the formulae on Page 1. By Tria.l and Error Method, we find that 8.33 is the desirable Mill Rate. Extra Revenue from 2.33 Mills on $72,106,718 is $ 168,008 Subsidy @ 5010 is 168,008 Direct Aid 62.281. on Unmet Needs of $884,000 is 550,555 TOTAL $ 886,571 which is nearly $884,000. COST TO COUNTY The Desirable Mill Rate of 8.33 on $72,106,718 will ra i se - $ 600,648 To this must be added 1/2 (D.H.O.) of the Deficit of Suburban Road Commission from previous years, and Non Subsidizable Items (1/2 of $3,600) 1,800 Thus the total amount of money needed to earn the maximum Development Road Entitlement in 1968 is $ 602,448 To this must be added the Cost of Construction of Bridges not on Desirable County Roads. {Orwell Bridge, Total Cost $60,000, Cost of Bridge to County 12,000 TOTAL $ 4,000 1,500 5,500 $ 619,948 Winterworks Items Not for Subsidy DIRECT AID BY D. H. O. continued Page 5 Thus the 'rotal Amount of Money Needed is approximately $620,000. On the County Equalized Assessment of $59,696,883, a Mill Rate of 10.4 will raise $620,847. Thus to earn the maximum Development Road Enti tlement of $550 ,555 in 1968, it would appear tha t a Mill Ra te of 10.4 Mills will be necessary. f!', MUNICIPALITY A1dborough Bayham South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth 1967 ASSESSMENT AS IN APPORTIONMENT BY-LAW 5,280,790 5,855,971 2,002,760 4,387,680 8,014,030 7,272,880 9;530,750 TOTAL FOR COUNTY: 1964 D.M.A. FACTOR 1965 D.M.A. FACTOR 96.134 28 96.878 29 98.463 30 97.276 35 98.489 3S 103.022 38 99.419 29 52,039,823 (Townships) 20,066,89~ (Towns & Villages) 72.t:l06,71~ (A) 1967 D.M.A. PROVINCIAL EQUALIZED FACTOR ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECT AID PURPOSES -' 23 6,687,319 25 7,011,835 23 2,653,072 30 5,262,304 27 10,547,935 28 9,580,804 27 10,296,554 52,039,823 ~ _:11'; (B) MUNICIPALITY 1967 ASSESSMENT AS IN APPORTIONMENT BY-LAW 1964 D.M.A. FACTOR 1965.D.M.A. FACTOR 1967 D.M.A. FACTOR PROVINCIAL EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECT AID PURPOSES ("\ Aylmer 8,102,540 88.756 32 34 8,592,005 Belmont 825,315 89.754 28 28 919,530 Dutton 1,067,342 88.875 39 30 1,561,231 Port Burwell 863,270 86.403 37 28 1,320,265 Port Stanley 3,199,763 96.688 32 29 3,651,717 Rodney 1,250,715 77.648 30 31 1,558,789 Springfield 377,285 82.217 36 31 532,903 Vienna 360,293 89~477 36 38 381,472 West Lorne 1,305,499 84.281 28 28 1,548,983 20,066,895 St. TtlOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1968. THE ROAD COMMITTEE, of The County of Elgin, met at the Court House St. Thomas, Ontario, at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 31, 1968. All Members were present, also Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, of The Department of Highways. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS held on January lOth and January 17th, 1968, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work: to Date as follows: (1) Ice and Snow Control has been moderate, but it had been necessary to replenish the Sand Pile at White's Station. (2) The recent thaw had flooded the excavation at the Spring Creek Culvert, and work: was suspended. (3) Removal of dead Elm Trees was continuing. (4) Construction was continuing at the Port Burwell Bridge. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from: (1) The Department of Transport, approving County of Elgin By-Law # 1986 __ Removal of Half Load Restrictions. (2) The Minister of Highways, enclosing Criteria for Desirable County Roads in Urban Areas, for use in the forthcoming County Roads Needs Study_ (3) The Ontario Department of Highways Training Sector, stating that David Gordon and Joseph Livingstone had been accepted as candidates for the Municipal Surveying Course, with marks of 84 and 83, respectively. (4) The Village of Port Burwell, regarding naming the Port Burwell Bridge after the late John Sutherland. The request was held in abeyance for future consideration. MR. R. McLAUGHLIN, of The Frank Cowan Company Limited, attended the meeting, and reported on, and answered Members' queries on the County's Insurance. niE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER - "MOVED BY: BRUCE McCALLUM SECONDED BY: DYNCAN GILCHRIST THAT WE RENEW '.fi1E FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLICIES WITH '.fi1E FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED _ MUNICIPAL LIABILITY (INCLUDING LIABLE AND SLANDER ENDORSEMENT), A'tf1iOM@mt:.s FLEET, NON OWNED AUTO, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, SPRAY LIABILITY, BOILER, EQUIPMENT FLOATER (RADIO), EQUIPMENT FLOATER JANUARY 31, 1968, PAGE 2 (NON LICENSED), COUNCILLOR ACCIDENT. CARRIED" FIRE AND WIND INSURANCE on the County Garage at Whi te ' s Station was discussed, and it was decided to raise the insurance to approximately $75,000, from the present $45,000. "MOVED BY: J . B. WILSON SECONDED BY: FORREST MOORE THAT WE RENEW OUR WIND INSURANCE POLICIES ON THE COUNTY GARAGES AT WHITE'S STATION AND RODNEY, WITH THE WESTERN FARMERS WEATHER INSURANCE COMPANY CARRIED" "MOVED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST SECONDED BY: FORREST MOORE THAT WE RENEW OUR FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES ON THE COUNTY GARAGE AT WHITE'S STATION, WITH THE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from The Ontario Water Resources Commission, stating that payment would be made for the Property acquired by The County of Elgin for easement purposes for The Ontario Water Resources Commission Pipeline to the Ford Plant. Various details Qf the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention were discussed. lVIr. A.B. Campbell and Mr. N.J. Chaplow' attended the meetin<:i. Purchase of Land for Road Widening purposes on Road # 20, and associated problems were discussed at some length. It was felt that the County's Land Purchase Policy should be amended. "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT THE LAND PURCHASE POLICY BE SET FOR 1968 - $400.00 PER ACRE FOR ORDINARY LAIID, $600.00 PER ACRE FOR ORCliliRD LAND, $800.00 PER ACRE FOR TOBACCO LAND, $200.00 PER ACRE FOR SCRUB LAND, PLUS FENCE OR FENCE ALLOW- ANCE OF $4. 00 PER ROD. SMALL HOLDING (UP TO 150 FEET IN WIDTH) AT THE RATE OF $1,500.00 PER ACRE, WITH NO FENCE ALLOWANCE. CARRIED" I JANUARY 31, 1968, PAGE 3 IT WAS DECIDED not to divert Road # 20 across Theo T~rville's Orchard, at this time. REPLACEMENT OF THE SILVER CREEK. CULVERT on Road # 42 was discussed with Mr. Campbell, and the Engineer reported. on a meeting held wi ththe Ontario Depa.rtment of Highways Bridge Office l' with regard to replacement of the present culvert by a new Multiplate Culvert. The Ontario Department of Highways had requested that a S()ils Investigation be made at the site. "MOVED BY: BRUCE McCALLUM SECONDED BY: FORREST MOORE THAT WE HIRE H.Q. GOLDER AND ASSOCIATES AS SOILS CONSULTANTS FOR THE SILVER CREEK CULVERT ON ROAD # 42. CARRIED" THE ST. THOMAS TRANSPORT STUDY, the Bypass and the Extension of Highway # 126 were briefly discussed, and it was decided to discuss the Study fully at the next meeting of the Committee. THE ENGINEER STATED that he would mail out a report containing the necessary calculation to set a Mill Rate that would produce the maximam Development Road Expenditure. THE ENGINEER ALSO STATED that The St. foL1homas Suburban Road Commission wished to meet with the County Road Committee to discuss its Road Construction Programme for 1968. A LETTER FROM THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS regarding the County Needs Study was read and discussed.. "MOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED 'BY: J.B. WILSON I 'rHAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE AGAIN PAR~rICIPATE IN A COUNTY NEEDS STUDY, AND THAT THE FIRM OF A.M. SPRIET AND ASSOCIATES BE APPOINTED AS CONSULTANTS FOR THE STUDY. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: BRUCE McCALLUM DUNCAN GILCHRIST CARRIED" ~~ FEBRUARY 14, 1968. ~~ TO 10. 00 A. M. , THAT WE ADJOlJRN, CARRIED" S{;,14't I~ CHAIRMAN eTn THOMAS, O~TARIOo JANUARY 17 thf 1968. THE COUNTY OF EL9IN ROAD COMMITTEE, met B,t the Court House at 4. P.M. on January 17 th, 1968, in conjunction with County Council. PRESENT: Warden - /4... Bruce McCallum. Duncan Gilchrist. John WIse. W. R. Cavelry. J. B. Wilson. Forrest l~oore. Reeve of Dunwich. Reeve of Aldborough. Reeve of Yarmouth. Reeve of Malahide. Reeve of South Dorchester. Reeve of Aylmer. , , , ~dvisory.Members: 11/. Or cha,rd. H. B. Johnson. D. Todd. Reeve of Southwold. Reeve of Bayham. Reeve ofW'est Lorna. ftMOVED BY: D. GIteHRIS'll' SECONDED BY: 4;;. B. MCCALtUM THIT W. R. CAVERLY BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1968. CARRIEDft' Reeve Caverly thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to-date as follows: 1. Ice and Snow Control had been quite: heavy bE~callse of the rfj!cent storm. 2. It would be necessary to replenish the sand pile at the A:.ylmer Police College a,s it was nearly depleted. 3. The 'Engineer reported on several aspects of expenditure in 1967. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Minister of Highwa.ysand the Ontario Department of Highways, re: expenditures for 19680 ttMOVED BY: JOHN WISE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE REC01JfMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE l'IA.RIJEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION & DELEGATES TO THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS CONVENTION & THAT. THE MEMBERII.HIPFEES FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BEl PAID. CARRIED. Page 2. ST. THOMAS, O~TARIO. JANUARY 17 th, 1968. ltllJIOVEll BY-:' F0RREST MOORE SECONDED BY: D. GILCHRIST THAT WE REC01VJrJIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A. BY-LAll' BE PASSED AUTHORIZING IrHE WARDEN & CLERKS TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATIION PLANS AS NECESSARY, IN 19680 CARRIED. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: JOHN WISE THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS lilOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES INCLUDING TIRES. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REfORTED that he had received from the Ontario Good Roads Association, certificates'f that Mr. N.J. Chap10w and Mr. It". J. Gordon had successfully completed the""" J. Mahoney Road School. He suggested that these be presented at County Council on January 1S3 th, 1968. The Engineer stated that there were a considerable number of problems facing Committee, including: (a,) Budget (b) Desirable Ivtill Rate for Maximum Development Road Aid. (c) St. Thomas Transporation Study Reporto (d) Needs Study. (e) Insurance Renewals. (f) Meeting with the SUburba.n Road Commission. (g) A study of Maintena,nce Standards , particularly in the extremities of the County. He a.lso stated tha,t he felt that 5 or 6 meetings would be necessa,ry before Ma.rch Session of County Council. "MOVED BY: A. B. Me CALL UM SECONDED BY: DUNCAN GILCHRIST THAT \fu'E ADJOURN TO l~ET AGAIN ON JANUARY 31 at, ci.t 10 A.Mo CARRIED. .~~ U~ Chairmai P;.-. I'~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, I JANUARY 8ESSIO~, 19618., y~< ~ >'" TO THE. WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: THE FOLLOWING is a summary of costs of Construction and Maint'enance on County of Elgin Roads during 1967'. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS - 1. Hot Mix Paving, Completion of Grading etc. Rd. a from Hwv. 401 to Dutton and Rd. 2 Westerly from Rd. 8, approximately 1.0 miles, in the Village of Dutton and the Twp. of Dunwich. 2. Hot Mix P~:lving, Completion of Grading, Gran- ular Base etc. Rd. 27 between Hwy. 4 and Sparta and a portion of Rd. 36 South of Rd. 27 in Sparta in the Twp. of Yarmouth. 3. Grading and Granula~ Base on Rd. 11 from Hwy. 4 to Rd. 26, (Bostwick Rd.) in the Twp. of Southwald. (Total does not include an interim billing to the Canadian National Railroad of $24,000 ). 4. Grading, Granular Base etc. on Rd. 35 from HwY. 3 (Orwell) to Rd. 45 (Jaffa) in the Twp. of Ya~mouth & Malahide. (Total includes Road portion of the County share of Springwater D~Hn). $ 45,21.3.34 164,509.04 .3 .3, .3 54.27 100,986.78 .5. Grading, Granular Base etc. Rd. 4.2 at Stalter Gully (Road Portion of Work) in Twp. of Ma1ah:ide.) 7,.376.88 6. Removal of Stumps~ Relocation of Utilities, Granular Base, Clean-up etc. Rd. 26 (Bostwick Rd.) and Rd. 29 (Edgeware Rd.) in Southwold Page #2 .<:l JANUARl 1968 - . - ....- /:, 6. (continued) and Yarmouth Twp. to facilitate the install- ation of O.w.R.C. pipeline to the Ford Plant. $ 11,405.92 7. Fencing Rd. 52 (Development Road #840) from springfield to Rd. 30 in the TwP. of S.Dor- chester, Malahide and Yarmouth. 14,961.16 8. Fencing Ud. 45 from Rd. 40 (Mount Salem) to Rd. 43 (Calton) in the TwP. of Malahide. 3,131.41 9. Road portion of Belmont Bridge on Rd. 37 in S. Dorchester, (Middlesex County portion billed to them). 3,114.0e 10. port Burwell Bridge. progreSS payments, ..' $121177.08 Materials and Eng1.neer1.ng. Total ' to date. 55.l5~ of the Total exPenditure is eligible for D."'O. SubsidY (Rest is payable by Board of Transport commission, Canadian pacific Railway and the King'S Hwy' re Hwy. 19 connecting Link). portion chargeable to Roads - 24.61 ~ of 55.l5~ of the Total expenditure. 16,446.66 11. McNiel Bridge. Former County Rd. 50, Twp. of S. Dorchester. Road portion of work. 900.00 12. Installation of Gates and Flashing Light SignalS Rd. 52 springfield and Rd. 37 Belmont. (Middle- sex County portion billed to them). 2,778.19 64,226.00 13. New Machinery 14. Machinery OwnershiP Costs Charged to Develop- ment Roads and Townline ACCounts eRE I) 11: "' "\. 'j h) S ~- 3 i:; \ ..'.: ~. .; ,/ ,. ..... 15. Land purchase (including Land surveys and Solicitors Fees) 68,422.92 517.17 16. Miscellaneous Grading construction 17. surveYS and TraffiC CountS etc. ~ T~T~L ROAD CONSTRUCTION (COUNTY) $504,731.35 ". JAlfUARY " 1968 Page #3 " ..:. ". ROAD CONSTRUCTION by Sr. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION " ~. . Completion of St. George St. Bridge Cha~ged to Roads $ 254.94 2. Surveys, Land Purchases etc. 2,384.52 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE COMMISSION 2,639.46 TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION $507,370.81 BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Port Burw~ll Bridge Portion chargeable to Bridges 75.39% of 55.15% of the total. $ 50,382.50 2. Belmont Bridge (Portion Chargeable to BridgeB~ Middlesex Po~tion Billed to the~). 20,748.97 3. Catfish Creek Bridge, Rd. 52. Twp. of Yarmouth. 42,54.9.74 . 4. Stal tar Gully. Rd. 42 .., Twp. of Mala hide, . Grading, Granular Base, Guide Rails etc. (Bridge Portion of Wo~k'. 36,464.52 5. Bridge. Portion of Springwater Dam. Rd. 35 Twp. of Yarmouth & Malahide. \~ i 18,469.95 6. Rd. 35. Pipe Culvert Construction in conjunction with Grading. 13,007.12 7. Rd. 11. Pipe CuI vert. Construction in conjunction with Grading. 4,750.71 8. Underhill Drain Culvert. Rd. 52 in Twp. of Sou~hwold (near Rd.. 25). 3,260.30 9. Bennett Drain Culvert. Rd. 8, in.Twp. of Dunwich. 426.00 10. Spring Creek Culvert, Rd.' 37. Twp. of S. Dorchester. (Middlesex Portion billed to them). 4,304.43 I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' '" 00- -..J a- Vl .;:- V) IV I-' :S:. >-3 I-' tJj I-' I-' I-' . a- Vl .;:- VJ IV I-' 0 . . . . . . . . :>> 0 . ::>:J V) IV I-' tJj . . . . . . \~ H >-3 H . . . ::>:J Z :>> t:l H >-3 r:-' Q t:l .>;d :0;: ~ txJ :s:: Q ::>:J t:l ::>:J (J) t:l (J) Q tJj t:l Q ::>:J Q (J) :;;: tJj tJj >-3 - ::>:J 0 ~ 0 :s:: .... txJ (1) '1 Q) (1) '1 .... s:: Q) ~ (1) s:: '1 (1) '1 s:: .... :>> ::>:J '1 0 0 (J) 0. ..., ..., 0 "' ct Q) .... (1) Q) (Jq .... <: (1) "' Q) 'J:l Q) '1 ::s Z H >-'0 0 >-3 ct . 'J:l Z () R" Q) ..... I-' 0. ..... ::s 'C 0. (1) "' 0. ct 0. Q) <: ...., ct 0 t:l 0. Z :>> (1) (J) I-' (J) (1) (1) ct ::s '1 ..... ::s "' (1) ;:l ct >-'0 >-'0 (1) Ql (1) txJ Q (Jq Ul t"' 0. IV . (1) . ..... I-' 0 (1) Q) 0 ::s Q) (1) ..... 0 0 ~ '1 I-' n '1 txJ (1) >-3 0. 0 ct I-' I-' c:: "' (Jq Q) (Jq C'l ::>:J ::s ::s 0 0 "' (1) ::>:J 0 (1) . t:l 0 t:l Q) ~ (1) 0. ('0 '" ct C'l ::s ::s ::>:J 0 :>> 'U c:: 0 ::s 0 ::s 0 tIl ::s ct Ql ..... ct ct - ct (1) >-3 0 Z 0 0 c:: 0 '1 '1 '1 (1) ~ 0 :>> '1:l ::s I-' ~ '1 '1 ..... 0 "' '1 ::s t:l '1 >-3 Z t:l . n tJj g. >-'0 0 "' '1 0. (Jl 0 0 ::s s:: (1) ct ct H >-3 '1 H ct '1 0. s:: >-3 >-3 "' 0 '1 I-' I-' () '1:l '1 '" '1 0 ..... 0 >< Q) . ('0 >-'- (1) C'l "' 0 (1) ct >-3 ;0;- I-' Q) ..., ct 0 c:: 0 z ..... '1:l "' 0. en ('0 ~ ::;! "' (1) '1 ..... s:: <: II> ;:l I-' ~ ::s tJj ::s . ct C'l ct tJj 5;: >-3 ::s {/l n (1) ::s 0. (1) () (1) tJj '1 ~ (1) (1) (1) .... '1 H 0 "' ;:l ct (1) C'l >-'0 ;:l >-'- ::s txJ 0 >< >-'0 0 '1 '1 ...., :>- .... z >-3 (1) >-'0 ::s (1) ~ ct ::>:J ...., 0. 0 . . 0 Z 0. >-3 :>> R" ::s 0 C'l ::s >-3 (J) (Jq ::s ...., ~ c:: (Jq txJ r:-' ct ::s .~ ct>," (J) >-3 (1) "' 0 :>- (1) z "' ''''tIi " ct . ct ~ ('0 el :>> ::>:J 0 . '" '1 '1 ~ Z 0 >-'- Z >-3 ::s C (1) 0 :>> ::s ':.fJ Q ;:c 0. n '1 0 I-' ..... txJ t:l ct >-3 (1) 0 ct 0 '" ::s (1) ::>:J 0 :s: 0 ..... 0 s:: a- ct ::s c:: '1 :>> s:: 0 0 ::s 00. (1) II> 0 (Jq (f) I-' ::s s:: ct ::s ::s >-3 (1) <: ::s '< Q) n H (J) (1) (f) ct ::s ('0 0 (f) c:: '1 ct '< ::>:J () Z ct OJ ct (1) 0. (1) 0 . c:: 0. ::>:J . ...., ;:0 0 0. 0. tJj tJj 0 (1) . Vl fl' '1 :>> ::s ::s 0 >-'- Z "' V1 . '" 0. ct Z 0 <: (Jq 0 '1 0 't (1) (1) 0 s:: '1 I-' . ~ 0 ct ~ >0 ct ct . ;:0 H >-'0 ('0 0. (f) 0 '1 . "' (f) ::s I-' ..... H '< '1:l 0 II> Z C'l' (1). .f#. .f# .f# .f# ~ V) IV .;:-, V) V) I-' IV IV .;:- V) V) -..J V) IV I-' V) '" 00- a- V1 -..J I-' -..J '" V1 .;:- N V) I-' .;:- IV I-' IV 00- V1 V) w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w .;:- 0 V1 00- .;:- 00- 00- .;:- I-' a- -..J V) '" .;:- -..J '" '" 0 0 .;:- V1 -..J -..J a- 0 00. IV IV a- V) .;:- .;:- .;:- 00- '" -.J .;:- '" IV V1 '" .;:- 0 V) .;:- 0 0 V) .;:- IV -.J V) 00- '" -..J V1 V) I-' -..J '" 00- -..J IV a- I-' V1 0 VJ -..J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a- 00- 00. I-' 0 '" -..J 00- a- V1 00- a- -..J I-' IV IV '" 00- '" 00- 0 0 IV V1 '" I-' IV IV 00- VJ V1 VJ .;:- '" .;:- V) VI '" '" 0 V) IV .;:- 00. a- 0 .;:- 00- ;,.,,! JANUARY '19,64. BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE (Continued). 2. TOTALS: Miscellaneous Culvert Maintenance TOTAL BRIDGE & CULVERT MAINTENANCE TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT r~INTENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCR COUNTY OVERHEAD 1. Superintendence (County Engineer, Assistant to the Eng:ineer, Assistant Engineer, and General Foreman). 2. Clerical 10. Pension 11. Unemployment Insurance Contributions 12. Holidays with Pay 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sick Benefits Permits Credit Overhead Charged to Dev. Roads #840, #930, #931, #972 and Townline Account. Cr'ed:i t Machinery Overhead Miscellaneous Unsubsidized Expenditures. TOTAL Page #5 :tJJ.... QQL07 $ 13,461.76 $333,060.81 13,461.76 $346,522.57 $ 2),319.73 8 977.19 , 995.96 5,521.59 10,651.64 8,785.14 2,183.38 1,509.51 7,771.96 14,111.88 1,313.94 15 , 912.4 7 3,847.60 17,7;"')0 1,590.73 403.73 $ 89,080.51 Page #6 ,; ~ANUARY 1968 ..- ST. THOMti.S SUBURBAN ROAD coMMISSION - - -- -' - . Road and Bridge Maintenance & overhead $ 40,560.27 476,163.35 TOTAL Road and Bridge Maintenance & overhead TOTALS: - -- - $ 740,507.75 CONSTRUCTION - - .......... 476,163.35 sub-Total LesS 1966 Stock Balance $ 1,216,671.10 59,753.13 ---- ----- $1,,276,424.23 30,882.43 MA INTEN AN CE sub-Total 1967 Stock Balance ---- GRAND TOTAL $1,245,541.80 Expenditure By LaWS in 1967 appropriated 1,355,000 and the Road LevY of 9.3 Mills Raised. 544,076 A direct contribution of $6,010.53 was received from the Ontario Water Resources Commission to assist in defraying the Cost of repairing St. T\1Omas Suburban Road 30 and the Patterson Bridge. This contribution was used to reduce the cost to the County and the City of St. Thomas of the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. The total Cost to the County of the 1967 programme (including County's share of winterworks) is estimated at $539,000 Also, variouS Winterworks projects including brushing and erection of fence were carried out on County and Suburban Roads and totalled $18,333.88 In addition the following work was undertaken and charged to others. (a) Development Road #~40 (County Rd. 52) from Road 40 (Springfield) to Rd. 30 in the Village of Springriel~, and the Twp. of S. Dorchester,Malahide and Yarmouth (approximatelY 12 miles) (paid for by the D.H.O.) ~76,716.~ during 1967. total expendi'ture (b) Engineering on DeV. Road #930 (Road 45) larmouth Twp. u JANUARY 1968 Pag'e #7 (b) Continued Dev. Road #931 (Road 20) and Dev.'Rd. #972: (~oad$ 47, 48,49) S. Dorchester Twp. (all paid for by the D. H. o. ) Total expenditure $10,130.33 (c) Port Burwell Bridge. Share of Board of Transport Commissioners, D.H.O., Connecting Link Branch, and the Canadian Pacific Railway. Total in 1967 $54,347.92 (d) Middlesex County's Share of Bel.mont Bridge, Spring Creek Culvert and Road Maintenance.. $38,673.88 (e) Interim Billing to Canadian National Railway re building of grade crossing of C.N.R. Spur to Ford Plant on Rd. ll~ $24,000.00 (f) Paving \f{ork was Supervised at Elgin Manor and totalled $4,112.08 Work was also performed for various municipalities and others and various materials were sold. Vouchers for 1967 totalled $2,340,971.40 WE RECOMME~1): 1. That the Warden name delegates to the O.G.R.A. Convention and to the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land necessary to widen County Roads in 1968. It is necessRry that such By-Law~, bepass.ed yea r1y . ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. eHA IJ:tMAN St. Thomas. ontario. JanuarY 1.0 th. 1.968. Tl1f. COUll'!"! Of 'E1.Gl~ 11.0).11 CoMbltl'tT'El met at. t.he court 1. .."..~' on JanuarY 1.0 th. 1.968. RoUse. at. ..JV" .1'" ~1..'L ~B'ERS 1l"ER'E 'PR'ESt.'NT. Jl.1.50 in attendence 'llas. }I\r. 'Frank C1:.ark e , geni 0 l' }\'Uni c i pa1. Supervi 50 1', ont ari 0 nepa rtment o t: t\iE~:n'tfia 150 . ~ nhr 1.2 ~ 'llere TR'ElU'NUTES of the meet':l.ng OJ. ",ecem e ' read and approved. TrlE l'NG1NEER REl'ORT'En on t.he Road work to dat.e as; rol10'W6 · ce and Sno'll contro1. had been moderate. . .' · 1.. 1 .., · .:.' .' t. the port B'\l!"IIe1.1. Br':l.dge. 2. construction 'llas cont':l.n~':l.ng :er nam nad been suspended for tne 3. constructiOn at. the $pr':l.nli,Wa 'llinter. · d '^ d nroO'ressed to the point . . . th Be1.mont Br':l. ge ..a r' '" ' 4- c~nhs~r~~~ff~ca~oUld use tne Bridge. " a .' . S 'n{; Creek cUlvert. S construction 'll..9..s cont.i.n.ui..n...g. o....n...the.. ......'P.r...:I...... ill. . I. . '. ired on 1I.0sd 1T1."'- at ona. 6 Storm llrains 'fIere be':l.ng repa. ... . d Jt 84{) at . . . . ...1'0. on neve1.opment ..oa 1T 7. gtOrm nrains 'llera be':l.ng l' aca Righ'llsY * 73. ..' '.' .... .' . 0. !"daY thrOUghout tne county. $. Remova1. of dead '$'lm Tre~s 'llas un e $ 2 3",-0 971. ",-0. 9. The Gross ~penditura for 1.967'llas . ';0. ba' presented 'llit.h a 1.0. Tnat r. Be1.1., }O~er C;:>UUY ~ng~~~e~rit.~~iO Good RoadS AS50ciat.ion, ,0 year 'Long SerV':l.Ce A'llar, Y \f. 'OEGRA'll, . . ... ...PA1~NT: u~OVE1l B1: " C fR1'L1.11'S.. . '.' '. t. Afl'ROV'ED 'FOR ." 82 $'EC.O.1ID'ED. B10~1.0\l.....~.. N......... G l' A.......1.. L...I............S.....T. e 13 \....I.;....'So.7.4...6..0........ TR~T TrlE ., l'JffL1ST if(~l,9.436.\t f~"i'L1ST 11:) . ". 65 ,221.. " " F~"i1.16T'37 C~lt'Rli>1). 11 (1968' COlt'R'ES'PONllt.'Ncf. w~S READ rRO~: . ..... '. et fresent.atiOn of certificate 1. ont9..r... i. o. . G.ood RoadS A~~C':l.~~~~ 'Road $choo1. t,o }I\r. W. J. Chap1.o'll g,raduatiOn from .t,h~ l' · a.nd lJir. . 10. J. Gordon. <> . 1. mentarY t.1Cpe~ditUre BY'La'lls. . . '. t of RiglWay5 ret oupp e 2 . Tne ~::Ln'1. s er . .' .' e t 1.96$'~endi t 'Ill' eBY'La'll , . 3. ontario 1)epartlllentOf~fi~~~n~it'Ure 'llou1.d be $ 200,000.00 roT advising, ~hat NOd~a~70 000 00 for Wlintenance. constr'Uct':l.on an 'I'.J ' · Page 2 f~t. Thomas, Onta.rio, Ja,nuary 10 th, 1968. 4. ;. Department of Labour re: Safety Construction Seminar for Safety Construction Inspectors. Onts.rio Department of. Highways acknowledge receipt of County's Resolution re: Road 1114 & Highwa.y (I 3 Intersection. The Engineer reported on La.nd Purchase on Rc~ad il: 20, and Committee examined and referred to next yea.r's Committee, a plan to stra,ighten the Roadat Theo Turville. The Engineer reported that Mr. Burkhard't; of the Bridge Office he,d inspected Silver Creek Culvert on Road 1/ 42, and suggested that a new structural Plate Culvertrrl),f 13 feet diameter and approximately 260 feet long be constructed to replace the present concrete Culvert. 6. 7. 'tMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND C. PHILLIPS THAT 1lJE ADJOURN SINE DIE. CARRIED. o4mi!k!t . CHAIRMA'.