1970 Road Committee Minutes Q ~ O}JP-~~r DEctMBtR SESS10N, 1970 fIllS'! \tE POll'! "'" .... "':Bt 9.S Of 't \\I'. t LG 1 N C ()1lllTY C O\l~C 1 \. 't 0 't \\I'. '<l~\lDEN Asov ........ 1. 'to Rtl'Clrt AS YO\.LO'flS: ROAD COl'l>>I't'tEt :BEGS +45 at t(ett \.e cree\<. 1 t d on \loa.d has been cott\'P e e . 'that graciing .,.or\<. be cione unti \. next . t\<. ~ 1 \ '(lot '. anci tOl'S01.1 .,.0 1t Cu \. vet t. Tt1.1I01'i ng t her per1lli t s · . .. _...... ,"^",t.inues as ~ea O.lace of oranulat o..~" ~V'-- su'{l\1t\e1' . 1: <<:) is not \<.no~ ~oetoer or not toe 9.oaci can be opened to traffiC YO~ before next sl'ting. \,.,..~...ove1llent of tOacis in . e~att\ine tue lu'r~ 'that the 1971 countY Roaci co1lO1'1.ttee '. vie~ of toe fact toat a c toe A~\.1ller l'o\.ice college 1.n ' the a'tea 01. .} ~ be establisheci in coniunction ~tO toe btanco of Yanshawe Co\.\.ege ~J ~ F$CO~~\)~ ~. 'Poli.ce college. be ado'Pted~ \loaQ i''tOg'tamtne That the fo\.\.o~ng .:_ ,:nO ~ithtOeDepatt1llent of 2. 110\ The c01lO1'ittee is ot sooulci be ta\<.en of pel'att1llent of b the Count~ in 191\., aici and that eXl'enciitutes ~ . h 1116 as in \.910. should be appro$i~te\1 t e sa . b i tOe ...rol'oseci l'rogta1lO1'e ~y e S01lle changes n r i f tOe ontariO '<latet 9.esoutces necessitateci b~ the ti1ll ng 0 i . .~~\<. in utban ~nicipalities. Coucn SS1.o'(\........... . .tS roa~ have to i~\.e that s01lle l'rO)eC J It is ~uite Voss v t ft01ll the tec01lO1'encieci ptOgra~' be acivanced or de \.ayed for a ~ea n i \ 1..J-:-- (a) ~lDGES~ ~..~..~ban 9.oaciC01lO1'iSSion) : ..l (St 1b.otnas i;)....V"".. pattetSon :6t.~ge · y.oad .30, Yatt\\Outh 'to~shil" \l d tn nun~ch 1o~shi~. 1 ce~ent - 08. ~, ~iscel\.aneous cu\.vert rep a \. t. 2. 2 (b) PAVING: 1. Road #40, Springfield to G1encolin in Malahide Township. 2. Road 140, Highway 3 to Mount Salem, Malahide TO~lShip. (c) GRADING: granular base, culverts, etc. 1. Road 12, West Lorne to Rodney (Highway 76 to County Road 13) in villages of Rodney, West Lorne and Township of Aldborough. 2. Approaches -, Patterson Bridge, Road 30. 3. Road #16, Urban Section in Finga1, West of Road i~20, Township of Southwold. 4. Start garage facilities. (d) DEVELOPMENT ROADS 1. Complete Road /;45, Centennial Ave. to Road ~/16, Townships of Yarmouth and Southwoldo 2. Complete Road #16, St. Thomas to West limit of F:lngal, Township of Southwold. 1 9 7 2 (a) BRIDGES: Talbot Creek Bridge - Dunwich Township. (b) PAVING: Roads graded in 1971. (c) GRADING: Granular base, culverts, etc. including Dev,elopment Roads. - Road #16 - Talbot Creek Bridge Approaches. -, Road 121 - Warren Street, Port Stanley. - Roald #30 - St. Thomas City Limits to Road 152. (Approximately I mile) Yarmouth Township - (St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) - Road #36 - (1) Sparta urban section southerly for approximately 1 mile (2) Road #27 (Sparta) northerly to Highway 13 including urban section in Sparta, Yarmouth Township. (d) Complete garage facilities. i 3 1'9 7 3 (a) BRIDGES; Road #52 - Kettle Creek Structure (to replace present Carr's Bridge, Yarmouth Township.) (b) PAVING: Roads graded in 1972. (c) GRADING: Granular base, culverts, etc. (including Development Roads if any). - Road .#5~>', from Road 4125 (Wellington Road) to Road 4130 (Radio Road) Yarmouth Township. - ROcld #31 from Road 4152 to City of St.. Thomas limits, Yarmouth Township.. -Road #13, ShacKleton Street - urban section, Village of Dutton. - Road #3, Highway #3, southerly - Township of Aldborough. .. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ST. THOMAS, ON'tARIO DECEMBER 9, 1970 TnE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the CouTt House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on Wednesday, December 9, 1970 at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS except WaTden Caverly and Reeve DeGTaw were in attendance. ALSO, in attendance were Mr. Roward GTeenly and MT. Frank Clarke, both of the DepaTtment 'of HighwaYS of OntariO. THE MINUTES OF THE meetings of November 13, and 17, 1970 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as followS: 1. The tWO new SandeTs pUTchased from King Seagrave had been mounted on tTucks owned by Rugh BTooks and Walker Transport. All otheT Sanders and Snow PloughS were operative except a FTink Sander which should be available by JanuaTY 1, 1971. suitable standby aTTangements had been made with hired truckS. Sand Piles had been completed and snow fence erected with an additional 3,000 feet of Snow-fence haviug been pUTchased. 2. The Earth Fill oveT Kettle Creek culveTt had been completed and Granular Base was being placed as weatheT permitted. Drainage work would be undertaken in a fe~ ~eeks. 3. CulvertS were being Teplaced on Road #3 betWeen Highway #3 and Rodney. 4. Minor DTainage and Catch Basins jobS were underway in the Dutton aTea. 5. Drainage Work continued on Road #16 and on Road #~O. 6. CUTb and Gutter work had been completed on Road #53 and paving would depend on the ~eatheL. 7. The Canadian 1:lational Railway had agTeed to the conditions foT the Spur-Line acTOSs CarlOW Road, Road #20 in port Stanley and had completed it. 8. Prices had been solicitoTed foT 6 neW Chain Saws with 6 of the County'S saws as trade in and the lowest price obtained fTom Howard Machine of Rodney. ST. T1\OW,S, 0l'l1l\P.IO DECEMBER 9, 1970 PAGE 2 9. That it appea~ed that all countY funds appropriated for Roads ~uld be used and that there would be a surpluS of approximatelY 4~ o~ $35,000.00 in the Department of HighwayS of ontario subsidY Allocation. "MO'I/Etl 1'>)': D . M. MC~l 1.1.01' S 1i. c ollD 1'. D B)': J .1'>. WI LS 01:l T\\1\T 't1\E FOLLOWI~G PA)'LISTS B1'. Al'J'RO'I/Etl FOR 1'1\)'ME1:lT: 1'A "{L1ST #33 AMOtl1:lT11:lG TO $ '21, 911>. 06 · 1'A )'1.1 ST # 34 AMOllllT1NG TO $ '21, 195.5'2. PA)'L1ST #35 I\MOlll'lT1l'lG TO $ 250,112.43. CARRIED" CORR1'.SPOl'lD1'.\'\C1'. was read from: (a) Department of AgricultUre regarding ~eed Spraying. waS instructed to forward a copY to all TownshipS. (b) The TownshiP of southWold ~equesting that Road #16 The Engi.neer in l'ingal be improved i.n 1971. (c) ontario Good Roads I\Ssociation ~egarding Annual convention. (d) ontariO Good Roads ASsociation stating that Mr. \,\orman ChaploW ~uld receive a 40 year-long Service Award at the Annual convention. Rarold Stafford,M.P. ~egarding port Bu~well Bridge asking for more information. The Co~ittee waS of the opinion that little could be added to the previOUS information and further representatiOns to the Transport (e) Co~ission were p~obablY a lost caUse. . ." f Jl.l i . I\dvisory (f) That a letter had been written re'l.Uest1.ng the countY 0 '" . gn Co~ittee to conside~ Ringts 1\ighwa, connecting LinkS in TownS as desirable as countY RoadS. (g) Mrs. Mc1:laughtOn, Road 4149 rega~ding ~ater problems on Road 41M and the l\e~e'( Dra.in- Reeve ~ilson reported that a culvert under the 'townshiP Road ~uld have to 1 d the count~ had diverted extra wate~ during construction of be rep ace as J Road 4~49. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9, 1970 PAGE 3 After discussion · "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PLACE A CULVERT ACROSS THE ROAD J. B. WILSON L. MCIl\1TYRE BET\mEN CONCESSION Xl AND xn SOUTH DORCHESTER AT THE HE\mR DRAIN. CARRIEDU THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER · Warden Caverly in attendance. THE COUNTY'S APPEAL on the Winters Drain on Road #55 ~as discussed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: THAT THE APPEAL TO THE COUNTY JUDGE REGARDING THE WINTERS DRAIN J. B. WI LS ON L. MCINTYRE ASSESSMENT BE DROPPED. CARRIED" requested to obtain more information for the next meeting. The Charlton Drain on Road #40 ~as discussed and the Engineer Reeve Emerson in attendance. THE COMMITTEE discussed the attached Policy regarding Lay-off of Regular Employees. UM.OVED BY: SE CONDED BY: THAT \m RECOMMEND TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE ENGlNEERtS RECOMMENDATIONS W.R. CAVERLY R.B. JOHNSON REGARDING THE POLICY RE LAY-OFf OF REGULAR EMPLOYEES BE ADOPTED. CARRIED" Reeve Emerson reported further on proposed medical check-uPS for County Employees. After di.scusSion · 51. 'tHOMAS, ON'tARI0 DECEMBER q, lQ70 PAGE 4. "M.OVED B'l' L. M.Cl1:lT'lRE SEC01:lDED B'l: J .B. WlLSON TllAT ~ Rl'CoMMJ!.1:lD 'to TRE PERSONNEL COMMl'tTEE 'tllAT I\N MmUAL MEDICAL CRECR-UP BE I\RRI\NGED FOR 1\1.1. COUNT'l EMPLO'l1l.ES. Ci\RRIED\\ Reeve1l.merson left the meeting. The payment of the Department of Righ~Ys of Ontario Invoice for Sign erected at Righ~Y *73 and CountY Road 1/52 ~aS discUssed. "MOVED B'l: 1\. B. JOllNS01:l SEC01:lDED B'l: D. M. M.C1O.1.1.0P TllAT ~ PA'l TRE INVOICE OF TRE D1l.PI\RTb1E1:1T 01' RlGRYlA'lS OF 01:1TI\RI0 IN 'tRE AMOUNT OF $61.56 R1l. SIG1:l ER1l.C'tl01:l I\T RIG1\WA'l 1173 I\ND C01J1:1T'l ROi\ll *52. Cl\.RRIEDH Charlie Clarke resarding ,.the putnam Drain and felt that the Clean-out of ~a.rden the entire drain under an Engineerts Report ~s the onlY solution. TUE ENGINEER reported that he had investigated the Complaint of caverlY agreed to look after the matter. TUE 1l.NGl1:lEER reco~ended purchase of the curb and Gutter M.achine which had been rented for curb and Gutter work in l\yllller. "MOVED B'l: J · 1. · Me 11:1T'll\E SE COmlED B'l: J · B. Wl LS ON TllAT WE pURCllAS1l. A USED "POWER CURBER" CURB I\m> GUTTER w,CRl1:lE fROM G1l.1:lERA1. SUPP1. 'l COMPI\NY LIMITED I\'t $ {, ,200.00 PLUS PRO\l11:lCIA1. SALES TAX suilJECT TO D1l.PI\R'tb1E1:1T OF RlG1\WA'lS OF 01:1Tl\RI0 l\PPROVl\L. Afte~ diSCUssion · -CARRIEDU Tl\E 1l.~GlNEER stated that he would attempt to put tOgether general statementS of poliCY on ~arioUs Road items intO one general book and bring such policY to the Co~ittee for l\Ppro~al. It was felt that thiS lIlight take up to 6 1IlOnthS to co~lete. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9" 1970 PAGE 5 THE WARDEN reported that there was a possibility of enlarging the Aylmer Police College at its present site in conjunction with a branch of Fanshawe College. After discussion . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY J. 1B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND 'fO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE 1971 ROAD COMMITTEE EXAMINE THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN THE AREA OF THE AYLMER POLICE COLLEGE IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT A BRANCH OF FANSHAWE COLLEGE MAY BE ESTABLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE POLICE COLLEGE. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER presented the Attached Draft #2 of a 3 year County Road Program. Considerable discussion took place with Reeve Johnscm pointing out that little if any work had been done in Bayham in the past few years and none was scheduled for the next three years. "MOVE D BY: SECONDED BY: D.M. MCKILLOP J. L. MCINTYRE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ATTACHED ROAD PROGRAMME BE ADOPTED. (DRAFT #2, DECEMBER 1970). CARRIED" "MOVED BY: H. B. JOHNSON SECONDED BY D. M. MCKILLOP THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10:00 A.M. JANUARY 13, 1971. CARRIEDU ;f)~~ CHAIRMAN ....J COUNTY OF ELGIN (SENIORITY) POLICY 1tE LAY-OFF OF REGULAR EMPLOYEES This Policy shall apply only to regular employees (not casual) . l.e. employees that have worked continuously for the County of Elgin foy' over six months and have been certified as regular employees by the Committee of CountY",Council,which employs them. 1. Notice of lay-off shall be at least seven calend~r days. lilt 2. Lay-off shall be on the basis of seniority as far as possible witb the person with least seniority being laid off first, it being understood that if the type of work available cannot be performed" by an -=-...~loyee with more seniority. An employee with less seniority who is able to perform the 'WOrk shall be retained and the man with greater seniority but unable to perfo~ the work shall be laid off. 3. Recall shall be on a seniority basis wi~th preference given to the employee with most seniority that is capable of doing the work available. 4. Seniority of. the employee~ laid off shall continue if the employee works eight or more months of a calander year. If the employee works less than '" eight months in a calendar year seniority shall only be accumulated for that time actually worked. If any ~mployee is laid off for a continuous period in excess of 12 months he shall lose all his seniority. s. If an employee does not return to work within seven calendar days of being notified by Registered mail that work is available he shall be deemed to be no longer in the employment of the County, and if re-employed by the County he shall be subject to the regular. probation period (unless leave of absence is given by the Head of the Department). 6. No Sick Time or Annual Holiday Time shall be accumulated. during' period ,of Layoff. 7. Holiday Time accumulated prior to lay-off may be used after date of lay-off at the option of the employee. 8. No payment shall he made for S,tatuatory holidays after date of lay-off. 9. No Sick Time shall be paid after day"~~ of lay-off except as in Article 10. 10. One half day per pay period of aceumulated Sick time may be used by the employee (if,'he wishes) to pay, his share of Health and (or) Hospital Insurance. The County wll pay any money over, and above that needed to pay I the" employee's share of Health Hospital Insurance and Pensions to the employee. t~ DECEMBER, 1970. G THREE YEAR COUNTY ROADPKOGRAMME 2nd DRAFT . ,-- TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: . Attached hereto is the Revision of the Proposed 3 Year Road Programme which was requested by the .Committee, at their November Meeting. To save time and space, no background material presented in October is r1epeated in this Report, and the October Draft should be read in conjunction wi.th this Draft. NEW DEVELOPMENTS since October Ci (a) O.W.R.C.. Sewerage System i.n Port Stanley has been delayed by Right- of-Way problems for easements and the lagoon property. (b) O.W.R.C.~ Sewerage System in Dutton not likely to be underway before' 1972, as preliminary plans are yet to be started. (c) O.W.R.C. Sewerage System in West Lorne - no further information available - may not be underway until late in 1971. (d) Railroad Relocation Studv may affect reconstruction of Road # 52 between Road # 25 and Road # 30. - Study Results will not be known until the middle of 1971, and Surveys cannot begin before then. Construction will have to be delayed to 1973. (e)~ Committlee has reqnested Talbot Creek Bridge on Road if 16 to be added to the programme. ALL OF WHICH IS llESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED. .p Jj /L. 6~ Ij"'.- rYl R. G. MOORE, COUNTY E~NGINEER. t TENTATIVE 1971 PROGRAMME (DRAFT 2) (All costs are from Needs Study modified as necessary) BRIDGES Available for Bridge Construction $ 585,000. Patterson Bridge Road I 30 S .A. $ 147,000 Culverts - Road I 2 West Lorne to Rodney 25,000 Miscellaneous Culvert Road :/I 9 40..000 Replacement $ 212,000 Funds remaining available if no other Bridge Projects are choses -$373,000. The County share of this is $ 75,000, and if used for Roads this becomes $ 150,000. ROADS Ro~ds Available (See Page 15 of October Report) Less Maintenance and other committments Leaving a Balance of - From Bridge Construction not used - Road # 2 West Laroe to Rodney 4.1 Miles Road I 2 West Lorne Urban 0.3 Miles ~oad # 30 Approaches to Patterson S.A. Bridge Road I 16 Fingal Urban Road /1 20 West Start Garage Facilities In addition - As Development Roads (a) Complete Road # 45 $1,108,000. 830,,000. 278,000. 150,000. $ 428,000. $ 300,000. 70fOOO . 8,000. 30,000. 20.000. $ 428.000. Centennial Ave. to Road # 16 (b) Complete Road I 16 St. Thomas to Fingal - Grade, Granular Base and Pavjl ng Total Expenditure - $ 500,000 .' TENTATIVE 1972 PROGRAMME (DRAFT 2) BRIDGES Available for Bridge ConstructLon $425,000. ($450,000 less $25,000 for maintenance) I Road # 16 Talbot Creek Bridge Culverts Road I 30 S.A. from City of St. Thomas to Road # 52 Culverts Road # 36 approximately 7 Mi.les $ 138,000 5,000 50.000 $ 193,000 Funds remaining available if no other Bridge Projects chosen - $232,000. County Share $46,000, which if used for Roads becomes $92,000. ROADS Available from By-Law (See Page 15, October Report) Not used for Bridges Development Road Aid (Earned in 1970 & 1971) ROAD CONSTRUCTION Complete Ro,ad I 2, including Top Course of Pavement $. 40,000 Road :# 16 Complete Garage 40,000 Approaches to Talbot Creek Bridge Road /1 21 ,Warren Street, Port Stanley Road /; 30 S.A. From City of St. Thomas Limits to Road' 52 - 1.0 Miles Road :/1 36 (a) Sparta sout.herly ,(1) One Mile (b) Sparta Urban (Rd. Ii 27 North) 0.2 Miles (Needs Study - $30,000) (c) From Road # 27 to Road' 45 _ 2.0 Miles (d) From Road #: 45 to Hwy. f1 3 - 3.9 Miles 8,000 30,000 100,000 50,000 20,000 140,000 280.000 $ 708,000. $380,000 92,000 200.000 $672,000. Road # 36 Construction will not be able to be completed. NOTE: It appears that Tentative Costs exceed Budget Amount - It May be that BRIDGES ROADS TENTATIVE 1973 PROGRAMME (DRAFT 2) Available for Bridge Construciion - ($285,000 less 25~OOO for Maintenance) Road # 52 Kettle Creek Structure Road f~ 52 Culverts from Road # 25 to Road /1 30 Road # 31 Culverts Road I 3 C~lverts $175,000 20,000 5,000 10.000 $210,000. Funds remaining - $50,000. County Share $10,000. which can become $20,000 when used for ~oad Construction. Available from By-Law (Page 15, October Report) Not used from Bridges ROADS CONSTRUCTIOl~ Road I 16 Approaches to Talbot Creek Bridge Road I 30 Paving (1) One Mile S.A. " Road # 36 Completion and Surface Treatment . Road '/I: 52 From Road 4F 25 t.o Road II 30 - 3.3 Mi 1 es Road 11 31 From St. Thomas Citv Limits to Road # 29 - 0.8 Miles Road # 13 Shackleton St., Dutton - 0.4 Miles (Needs Study - $80,000) 5 Road I 3 Hwy. I 3 to LakE! Erie 1.2 Mi les $, 5:000 1'5,000 70,000 160,000 80,000 60,000 95.000 $ 485,000 $260,000 $450,000 20.000 $470,000 f , I ! " PRIORITIES AFTER 1973 (DRAFT 2) I These Projects will likely, form priorities for 1974 and 1975, or could be done earlier (1973) if "ore funds are available, or costs less than estiIIlated. \ (a) Road iF 4 (b) Road /1 8 (c) Road II 16 (d) Road iJ 40 (e) Road I 42 (f) Road # 30 S.A. (g) Road II 25 S.A. (h) Road I} 22 S.A. Queen Street, Rodney Urban Section, after the o. W. R. C. completion of work. Currie Road Extension to Road' 15, Dutton Finga1 Urban Section westerly to Road' ll. Mount Salem Urban and southerly to Road # 42 Port Burwell easterly, includin~ replacem4!nt of VanOrder Bridge Road I 52 northerly for approximately 3 MIles Hot Mix Resurfacing (Fairview Ave. ) From St. Thomas City Limits to Road 11 27. NOVEMBER SESSION, 1970 SECOND REPORT ( tV .Y \l r ~.. Jvv ~. ~// ". TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMHITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOHHF.ND ...1 1. That n By~Law be passed amending the County's Parking Restrictions with regard to Road 153 (Beech Street) in Aylmer. We Recommend that Parking 'be prohibited on the North side of Beech Street from Elm Street to John Street, (Highway #73), and on the South side of Beech Street near the intersections of John and Elm Streets and in front , lli. of the Elgin Co!'"'operative Services Building. Ii: ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 17, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on November 17, 1970, at 3:00 P.M., in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS except Reeves McAlpine and DeGraw were present. ALSO, in attendance was Reeve Emerson of Vienna, Chairman of the Personnel Committee. Certain personnel matters were discussed at some length and the matter left: in obeyance until the next Committee Meeting. THE ENGINEER reported that he had received an offer from Springwater Mills for a number of trees at White Station. The Warden suggested extreme caution should be taken in the matter and a written agreement p;rocurred. No further action was taken. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to December 9, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. ~/??~ CHAIRMAN !< i r I i,. ,'t I I '1 L tt.f NOVEMBER SESSION, 1970 FIRST RE PORT ~ ~ /?rA TO THE WAltDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. Willeys Bridge on Road #8 in Dunwich Township has been compl.!~ed as have been the Warren Street Bridge on Road 121 in Port Stanley and Players Bridge on Road #45 in Yarmouth Townab.ip. 2. Kains Bridge and approaches have been completed on St. Thomas Suburban Road COlllllission."s Road 133 by McLean-Foster Limited. Guide Rail on Road #33 on the Horseshoe Hill has been replaced using County forces. 3. The el~eetion of Structural Plate Culverts on Road 145 at KettlE! Creek has been completed. Concrete thrust beams and ertd protection has been completed as has granular backfill. Placement of fill o.ver the Culver,ts is underway. 4. Graditlg,. Granular Base, and Surface Treatment worlk has been complEtted"on Road 145 (Dev. Road #930) between Jaffa and Centelmial Avenue in Yarmouth Township. Minor Tr:lmming work remains to be completed. s. Gradirlg and Granular Base has been completed on Rl:>ad #45 from (Dev. Rc)ad #930) Centennial Avenue to.. Highway #4 a~d Westerly from Uigh".y 14 for approximately a mile in the Tl:>woship of Yal'1llOuth. Considerable Trimming work and Surflflce Treatment work remains to be completed. 6. Most of the Grading and a portion of the Granular Base on Road 145 (Dev. Road 1930) has been completed from East River Road to Middlemarch in the Township 'of Southwold. Grading contirlues East of the .East River ,Road and Granula1!:' Base will continue after Grading has been completed. 7. Grading and Granular Base and Culvert work has beE~n completed on approximately three miles of Road 116 (Dev. ROllLd 11023). Layi"8 of Bot Mix Asphalt Paving continues as weather permits. Triaa1n. and Top.oi 1 work wi 11 be camp leted next ,rear. . . 2 - '2. - 8. Grading, Granular Base and culvert ~rk has been completed on Road #40 between Gleneolin and Road #52 in the Village of springfield and the towoshiP of ~lahide. curb, Gutter, Stot:1ll Drain and Asphalt Paving work have been done in the 9. Grading and Granular Base ~rk is nearly comPleted on Road #40 village of sp~iftlfield. between lligbwaY f3 and Mount salem in the To,,",ship of Malahic1e. 10. curb. Gutter, Stot:1ll Drain ~rlt and Asphalt Paving have been , limit comPleted on Road #3 at the North^of the village of Rodney. n. The Beecb Straet' (Road #53) Storm Sewer in Aylmer has been f comPleted and Grading and Granular Base bas been completed. curb and Gutter ~rk and Paving are proceeding as weather 1'2.. surface 'treatment and Tri~ing ~rk have been completed penaits. on Road #'2.2 between.Road #24 and 127 in Yarmouth To,,",shiP, 13. It is hoped to present a proposed 3_Year Road progra~' at tha Decesber Session of County council. 1. That the Resolution from the Borough of North york regarding W lECOMMENll: 2. That By-La-S be passed _hich -ill, in effect, amend the countyts Studded TireS be filed. present By-La- regarding Load Li_itS on County Bridges, b1 rewoving tbe Load LiGit on Kains Bridge (.hich has been ~eplaeed). ALL OF W\lICll IS RESl'EC'tFULLY SUBMITTED - --- - CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO NOVEMBER 17, 1970. PAGE 2 Reeve Emerson of Vienna was in attendance and discussed certain personnel matters with the Committee. He, also" brought to the Committee's attention that plans being made to have a Spur Line into Vienna from the Water Line proposed between the Ontario Water Resources Commission filtration plant on Road #24 at Port Burwell. He, also, suggested that the water should be placed so as not to interfere with the reconstruction of the Brown Side Road and The Second Concession of Bayham. Reeve Emerson left the meeting. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON D. McKILLOP THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #30 AMOUNTING TO $ 22,774.34 PAYLIST #31 AMOUNTING TO $ 23,915.76 PAYLIST 1132 AMOUNTING TO $217,100.72 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (a) The Township of Southwold and the Town of Aylmer stating that applications were being made to the Ontario Municipal Board requesting changes in the Municipalities Z.oning By-Laws. No objections were raised. (b) From Vern Higgs regarding distribution work for hourly rented equipment. The Committee were of the opinion that there present policy of hiring equipment from persons with the place of business paying taxes in the County should remain with second choice being made from the City of St. Thomas residents if equipment was unavai lab le from County residents. (c) From the Township of Bayham regarding decision of Court of Revision on the Winters Drain. The Engineer stated that because of lack of information as to the reasoning of the Court of Revision, he had appealed the decision to the County Judge. The Committee felt that the appeal to the Judge should stand until further information could be obtained. S't. 't\\ow-.S, ~'tA~10 ~OvEMBER 13, 1970 onta:rio , _",'" oV ELGl1:l ROAD CO~T't\!.E met at the court \louse, St. Thomas, 't1;\lt CO"," ,'- on FridaY, ~ove~er 13, 1970, at 10:00 ~.M. ~ rden caverlY, Ree~e Johnson, and A~ ~MBtRS were present. except a .. frank Clarke of the Department of Righ"ays of AlSO, present "as ..r. onta.ri.O · 15 1910 ~re ~ead and app~oved. 't1;\lt Ml~\J'tE5 of the meeting of. octobe~' ' ,~ d te a.S fo110~s: 't1;\ltE1:lGlllE11.R ~eported en '<lOr... to a 11 1970 had been very T 5 ca\dwell on 1:love~er' , 1. That the Banquet to · · tl, d d Do na~s had been co nec ted f.o r a gi ft. pleasing and One ~un ~e d 'ustmentS to the hand~ai1 ~~~ ~~i.dge other than some a 1 That all '<lOrk at ...."ns 2. had been coropleted. \ ltee'\1e DeGra.~. 3. ~. 5. 6. ,. 11. and that placement ". ~.",,-- . ~.:.....o 1)Ut up. . nter cont ro 1 were D'" "U - That sand piles for ~ Ri h~Y i3 ~uia begi.n shortlY, R d ~~3 between Rodney and g That culvert .,o~k on oa d Road 4145 at Players tructed on~oadsill, 4133, an 'that guide raiil had been cons . ,,~ d if weathe~ permitted. 1) d 4f3S south of RiCL....on b dertaken on "oa J ~ill and would e un " h d been sold to oe , ..ld at Saunders \.um"er a 'that the bui\dings not previouslY so Dees of vinga\ for $35.00. 8. 9. 10. 12. S1. 't\\oWS.1 0~1A"10 ~O~NBE~ l~, 1970 ?A.GE 3 , i ion to croSS CaTlo~ (d) iTOm the canadian ~ational Rail~aYs re~uest~ng perm SS . . L' to ShalllToc\t Chemicals. "oad (Road #20) in port Stanley with a Spur ~ne ,,~~D B1' L. Mcl1:lT'{YJ\ SEC01:lDi.D B1' J. 1\. ~LSO~ 'C'",'f1t? c'llADIA~ 1:lA'tl()bU\L RA1l.LWA1S CROSS11:lG CA~LOVl ROAD ~'tR A S?U" 't\1AT WE A?PRO~ O. ."",'" . . L1NE 'to S\1A1!ROCl<. cm:.M1CALS PRO"IDl~G ALL CoSTS OF co~STl'-uarl01:l AlUl MAl~i.l~A1:lCV, }lD 't\1A't Ii A1:lD mn'-ll SlG1:lALS A1$ A1$ PA1U B1 't\\E CAllADIA1:l 1:lAT10llAL RAILWA1S A 1\.'" ",'I.ta S~n>.. ALL CoSTS Of I~STALLATI0~ AblD W,lllTEllA1:lCE BE PAlO 111 'tm:. 'REQ.\11'RED l:\.J. J. PoP rvlo"', CA~AUIM'l 1:lA'tl0llA\. "A1LWA1S, CA'R'g,lE'D" 'D Mcl<.lLLO? ,,~~U B1' . ~lSOll ,~T BE' Si.COmlV,D B'h J. B. . ... LARIUV, il1$ DV, pl\R'tB\'. . :ND l\\Ul'ffiElt 2 I:JI:1o Tm:. TO'dl'lSRIP OF SoU't\\WOUl A . . .1$cE1:l't ROAD l~SPF.arlO1<S, T\1AT . "....1 COU1:lCIL 01:l 'tm:. CO'F'FEE 'to COUt'llo 't\1A1:l~D iOR SE~"l1:lG . cA?$lEU D Mcl<.lLLO? "l4.0~D B1':'{ L' l4cl~T'{YJ\ ""E AS OF llO~MB1!!'- 16, SEComlEU 1\' . GULA" cou1!\'t'l v,MPLO.'" ESIG1:lATEU AS A 1$ T\1A't 1\1!.RT ROUG\\ BV, D cA~ltlV,D" 1970. 'tm:. B\'.V,Tl~G AUJoUF-NEU for uinner. 1\'F'tE'R nl'Nl\\E'R · · · '. the CountY Parkins PTohibition By-La~ Tm:. v,1:lGl't\Ei." recoUlll\ended changes ~n b in~ ~idened and Teconstructed. .s the street waS e 0 foT 1\eech Street in Aylmer ~ ..~'JEU B1' J. 1\. ~lS~ SEC01:lDV,D B1' L. l4.cl1:lT1R l<.1.llG B1- LAVI BV, A1$llUV,D 'J:U 1:lClL 't\1A't Tm:. Comrt" pl\R 't\1AT VIE Rf.COMME~D 'to co\l1:lT1 cOU . oW IT Oll 't\\\'. SOUT1:\ SIDV, 0" ....." 1:l0\l.'t\\ SIDE OF 1\1!.EC\\ s'tRf.v,'t A.l'lD ALL ?A1tl<.ll-1G 11.'1 J. ~ CA'R'g,lED" ,.. C in to widen Road #8 in Uunwich frott\ }la.llse L"J.C a ?'ROl:\.lBl't O'F BEECl:\. S't'REE1. Purchase of prol'erty _s o:1.SCUssed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 13, 1970 PAGE 4 "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. McINTYRE J. B. WILSON THAT WE PURCHASE 17 FEET OF LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD 4,8 FROM MANSE McCANN ON LOT 1112, CONCESSION II, DUNWICH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED" Personnel matters brought to tbe attention of the Committee were discussed and laid over to a special meeting when County Council was in Session. The 3-Year Programme was discussed at some length and the Engineer instructed to forward a revised copy to the members scheduling improvements in Fingal, and building of Talbot Creek Bridge on Road #16. The latest Ontario Water Resources Commission scheduling was, also, to be taken into account. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. McKILLOP L. Me INTYRE THAT WE DO NOW ADJOURN TO MEET DECEMBER 9,. 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ~/t?J~-t. v . // . CHAIRMAN ....t< iJ COUNTY OF EU:IN COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION Wednesdav.detober 28. 1970 WEST EWIN 1. Leave Court House at 9:00 A.M. 2. Kettle Creek Culvert, Road 1145. 3. Warren ,Stireet Bridge, Road 121, Port Stanley. Warren Street scheduled for reconstruction 1971. 4. Road 120 to Fing~l. 5. Fingal Township Hall. 6. Roa6 116 Construction. 7. Road 126 S.A., St. George Street. 8. Road 129 to Road 131. 9. Carrs < Bridge, Road 1152. _ 10. Road 130, Patterson Bridge. 11. Road IS2, to Talhotvil1e Road. 'l. 12. Highway to Road 114. 13. Road 114 to Road #13 to Dutton. \ i 14. Dinner. 15. Road 12, to West Lorne. . ~ ~ '.~// ,~~ ~~~'r~~ C"~ .<<<<<<<.--- 16. Road 12. West ~rne to Rodney, Construction scheduled, 1971. 17. Road 13, Highway 13 Southerly. 18. Construction Road 13, North limits of Rodney. 19. Road 19 to Road 18. 20. Willeys Bridge (if time). 21. Road #9 to Road 118 to Road 119. 22. to R084'#16. 23. To Court House via Road #16 (Construction 1970). ~' ~. tV "~ ~ ~ ~edne&da-octobe~ 2\ 1970 ~\ Leave court Rouse 9:00 A.M. \.. \<8.in5 Bri.dge. 2. Righola'/ 414 t~ \tOad *"5. 3: Road .105, Ea&t to Road 4135, De'" Road #930 const-cuction, \.969 and \.970. . ". Road 4135 to sp~in~water Dam. RecentlY completed b,/ catfiSh c~e~~ AutnOTit'. Road #53, />.ylmer _ construction Beech Street, 1970. StOrm Se~eTS \.970. 8. Road #40, Su~ers corners - Malahide Fire Hall 412. Road ."0, G\encolin'tO springfield, con&tructiOn 1970. Road *49, #~, and *"7, DeV' Road .972. 9. Road *37 to La~e Whit;aV.er (if time)' Road i~ to Bro~s"il\e ~ southe~l'/ to Road #46. 1\. Road .46 to Road It"". 12. Roa d .44 to Ri gh"aY 4119, 'ti\ \ sonburg. Dinner _ Ti\\Sonburg ~os~ital Board. ~igh..,a'/ *\9 to Vienna. Bro~ Sideroad to provincial Pa~~ at fort Bu~\l. Road #"2, Ero&ion East of fo~t Bu~ll. Road .42 to Road *"0. 5. 6. 7. \0. \.3. \.4. \5. \.6. \ 7. 18. Road i"O , construction 1970. 19. Road *"5 to Road *36. 20. Road *36 to Road i24. 2\. Road #2" to Road #22 - Noting construction 1969-70. 23. Road i2" to Road i23 - fort Stanle,/' Road i21 _ Warren Street Bridge, \969-70. RetUrn to court Rouse "ia Mee~s Bridge and Yarmouth 1o~shiF RoadS. 22. 24. ~,. ST. T\\QW.S, O~Tk>RIO OC10V>E'R 15, \910 \\ eSt Thoma S , Tl\l1. co~'l 01' F.\.GI1:l RoAD coMl'\IT'tF.F. t1\et at the court oUs, · 5 1970 at 10:00 A.~' ontario, on Thursday, october 1, . , A~L ~MBBRS ~re present. .. l\o",ard GreenlY and Mr. Frank Clarke, both AlSO, present ~~e ~r. of the Departmant of \\igh>lSYs of ontario. e~ 9 and 15, 1970, ",e~e read Tl\l1. ~lllU1ES of the t1\eetings of septemb ' and appro'\1ed. k to date as folloo,lS: Tl\l1. F.~Gl~F.R reported on the o,IOr o hO h o,IOuld be done as \<. O_nleted at ~tns B~tdge except pav~ng '" ~c A.l1 ~o-r ~as C wt' SOon as ~athe~ pertnitted. ..1 t d concrete end treattl\ent ~ culvert had been cotl\\l e e · T~e Granular to ~ettle c~ee rtt ot ea~th till ~as "" . . \<. 1>1 aceme a.. C \, dive-rs~on ~o-r · s ~as -reel'- o,IOrk 'ASS under",ay a o oroxitnat~~Y a week. expected to beg~n ~n apP be follo~d by pa~ing .1 'Ooao. 4f3 in 'Rodney to d t beg...n on p. Pa~ing ",as eXpecte 0 S ringfteld. .. on Road ~t>0 in p . roximatelY a wee... ..1 'Road 4f16 in apP ill be cotl\pleteu on Granula~ BaSe o,IOrk '" 0 did 'topsoil o,IOrk " h se o,IOrk cont~nues as . . and Land I:Urc a n-rainage, Yenc~ng, 4. 1. 2. 3. 6. ",hen ",eathe~ pertnitted. ~. er Road to ~iddletnarch. _'. " . ,g,t>5 frotl\ the East ~v \eted on p'oau Sand BaSe had been cotl\P <.1 f \\igbifSY ~t> and had o 0 on 1l0ad j~45 "est 0 . Tritlll\ling ",as cont~nu~ng Topsoil anu t \\igh~aY 4f4. been completed F.aSt 0 d · Road ~40. Sand Base f Grading had been complete on APproxtmatelY to,lO t1\iles 0 . roxttl\atelY one mile of ~oad. _~. ~.. been cotl\\lleted on apP o,IOrk using MotOr scraP"'~ ,,~- sand ~ase o,IO~k using tTUCks o,IOuld start shortlY, The ~eech Street StOrtl\ nrain had been co~pleted and reconstructiOn of the St-reet 5. 1. 8. ~Uld sta~t sho~tlY' f o,IOrk done to contro\ e~osion on Road j~42 had not, as yet, 'the effectiVeness 0 9. been ascertained. o . red 'Aithin budget litl\itS' All itemS of construct~on appea 10. 8T. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1970 PAGE 2 11. Application had been made for three employees to attend Department of Highways of Ontario Inspectors courses. "MOVED BY: L. McINTYRE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAY LIST #26 AMOUNTING TO $ 28,187.98. PAYLIST #27 AMOUNTING TO $ 23,775.72. PAYLIST #28 AMOUNTING TO $ 24,302.99. PAYLIST f~29 AMOUNTING TO $260,241.76. CARRIED" Tenders for buildings at Saunder's Lumber Mill in Dutton were opened and were as attached. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D. McKILLOP THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WM. SAUNDERS AND SONS OF $50.00 FOR BUILDING /F1, OF THE SAUNDER'S MILL BUILDINGS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: L. Me INTYRE SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MR. GORDON AGAR AT $25.50 FOR BUILDING f15, OF TIm SAUNDER'S MILL BUILDINGS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: H. B. JOHNSON SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE REJECT ALL TENDERS ON SAUNDER' S MILL PROl'.[l.;J:<.TY BUILDING /14, AND THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUffHORIZED TO REMOVE THE BUILDING AND USE THE MATERIAL FOR A SALT STORAGE BUILDING. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: L. McINTYRE SECONDED BY: D. McKILLOP THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS FOR PAYiNENT OF INTERIM SUBSIDY ON EXPENDITURES MADE BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FOR JANUARY 1, 1970, TO DATE. CARRIED" S't. 't\lOw-.s, Q1<'tARI0 OCTOBER 15, 1970. PAGE 3 CORRESpONDE~CE ~as read from: (a) Ontario Municipal Board stating that a hearing regarding appeal of Mr. John Ankersmit from decision of co~ittee of AdjUstment ~uld be held. (b) De\lartment of Righ~aYs of ontario regarding the queries of the C()1lllllittee regarding constrUction of \\igh~ay *73. (C.) Joint Co~ittee of lIUnici\lal organizations on PitS and Quarries stating their recommendation to the provincial Governroent regarding proposed legislatiOn ,on PitS and Quarries. (d) From the Borough of North york requesting endorsement of their resolution endorsing the provincial Governroent ban on studded tires. "}\OvED 'BY: SECONDED 'BY: 't~'t WE REco~ND TO coullTY COUl'lCIL T~T 'tHE l\ESOLU'tlO1:l FROM 'tHE BOROUGR 01' NOR'tR yoRR REGARDl1:lG STUDDED 't1l\E5 BE FILED. D. }\cl<.lLLOP H. B. JOllNSON CARRIED" 't. S. "S\li ke" Ca 1 dwe 11. Rat. i rement Banquet were di scU S sed. CouNTY R()II.D I1:lSl'ECTI01:l arrapgements and arrangell\entS for the THE MEETl1:lG ADJouttNED for Dinner. AFTER D 1J'NNER · · · Absent were Reeve Renneth McAl\line, Dunwich, and Reeve Laurence ~clntyre, south~td. THE ENGINEER re\lorted that Mr. Oscar Vanacker had requested the CountY to plant trees along county Road *42 to re\llace those destroyed during construction. After diSCUssion, the co~ittee agreed to undertake a progral!\ll\e of tree replacement on ~idened Right-of-Ways u\lon request of affected owners, if the ownerS ~uld undertake to look after the trees. 'tHE E1:lGlNEER re\lorted that Mr. Robert Fulton had Tequested that the County build a line fence bet~een his neighbOUr and himself rather than fence the frontage ~here widening ~aS purchased. The Co~ittee felt that thiS should not be done. s't. 't1:\OW-s, m\'tt.v.10 oe10~~~15, 1970. "Pl\Gt 4 ( ) f ther ~e~resentatiOns bau been roaue T~ E1:lGl~EER re~orted that a u~ h .h \larolu stafford M. ~., for ~a'Y"'ent t the Fede~al Department of 'trans~ort t ~oug o ' 't s ort co~iSsion for the .~f " G~ 'lit frotl' the canau1.an ran ~ of the rest 0 tue a ~o~t BU~ll ~ridge. fo~ the ~u~chase ied on ~ith the General Su~~11 C~panY (b) 1:legotiations we~e carr h' h ~ll as a ~ater pum~ ~ l.C o{ one of t~ Vibrator1 Roile~S Rented thiS su~r as had been ~ented. Mr. Fnn\C. Cla~ke anu the Engineer countY Roaol 113, ~o~th o{ Roc!ney, anu were o{ U. \d ba"e requirec! the ~ep lacement o{ the countY 'tt1O reportec! that the1 haU inspected the o~inion that the ~rk uone b1 the side'Oll11k on the East side of the ~oad. After di.SCUssion · · · -c1 '0 Cl\'1ERL1 i\fE'O !.1. w. 1.'. "~~C01:lDED' B1: D. Mcttl1,LOP O~ C01lli't'l ROAD l~3 1~ T1\E V1.LV.GE 0" 01 T\\t Sl'Ov..~A."L\{ T\1A't WE p-sslJRE T~ COSTS ... 'l 't~ 'I1LV.GE Of R01l1:lE'l. \lIP 0" p-1,DBOi-Q\1G\l pv.CltD B ROD~'l A'ND 't~ 'tO~S o.RRIED" d Stud~ co_orc!i.nating f the ~ee s J . . d the ~inutes 0 't~ 1'.lllG1.~EER ~e"1.ewe .. .o.th the re~ort. C ~itteets prog~eSS hich ~eporteU the 0 d S1ste'l\l C()tlllllittee meeting ~ ' desirable county Roa i\ ~egardl.ng a , . Count1 counc d been RecO~enc!at1.on to h 3_'lear progra~e ha the matter left under t e ~aS uiScUsseu, and diSCUssed. f ThankS to R. tt. Mc~ei1, MV., and A Jded to send a \ette~ 0 lt ~as U.ec.lo , .:\tin them {or thei~ assistance t o{ \\iah'Oll1Ys of ontar1.0, Than g the De~arttnen " . h 't lbot . "' f'iC Sianals at the intersection of Righ~aY 1I~ anu tea in obta1.ning .ra · " Road (COuntY Roau 1116). B L ~ nt t S Loau Limit on Briuges Y- a T~ 1'.~Gl1\E1'.R re~orteU tbat the Cou Y shoulc! be u~uated as the l<ains B~idge had been repiaceu. "MOvED B1' J. B. Y11u>01:l S1'.Co'NDED B1' D. Mctt1.LLOP 't\1A't WE REcOMl'\E~D TO COm<T'l AMElUl 't~ ?RESE~'t L~D 1,IMl't .."." ..." . ,~S BE PASSED '<Il\IC\l 1~ 1'."yEe'! ~11,1, CO\J~Cl \.. 1. tlJ:'\o.l. 1J l--1.P 01< Com<'t1 ~RIDGES B1 REMO"'I~G 't~ LO!\D 1,1M1-'t O~ Cl\'B1l1t'O " ~l.llS Y,Rl'OG"€.. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 15, 1970. PAGE 5 Reeve Roberts, Yarmouth, left the meeting. The attached 3-Year Road Programme was presented by the Engineer. Discussion was adjourned to the next meeting. "MOVED BY:' SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON D. }.1[cKILLOP THAT WE ADJOURN TO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ~ U l'\. ,~ V1/U/~~ .. ./ CHAIRMAN f~~' SAUNDERS MILL BUILDINGS Summary Building #1 - 1. Wm. Saunders & Sons, Dutton, Ontario - $50.00 2. Mary McCallum 217 Currie Road Dutton, Ontario - $35.00 Buildings #2. #34 #6 - No Tenders. Building #4 - 1. Wm. Saunders & Sons Dutton, Ontario - $250.00 2. Eugene Sutton Wa1lacetown, Ontario - $325.00 Building #5 - 1. W. Gordon Agar R. R. 4!4 Iona Station, Ontario - $25.50 Mr. Robert Brown R. R. 4/1 Fingal, Ontario - Bid $500.00 To be paid to Mr. Bro~m to remove buildings. i"f ~ ~ 'to 'tttt C'AA1'R~ t>.l1ll l\t~t!.R5 O'F 't\11'. COUll't'l O'F t!. U;1.ll 'RoAtl CO~1.'t'tt!." , i a ftT090sed ~_'leaT ?TOgTa~ Attached to thiS Te90Tt s r , , d St 'tho~s SubUTban 'Road foT the constTUction of Count1 an · cororoiSsion'Roadsand ~Tidges. onsideTable nu~beT 1.n Teco~nding a 9TO~Osed 9TOgTa~' a c , b t ~en intO consideTation. of outside influences ha~e to e a ' 'these i nc\uo.e ~ (a) f RighWS1S foT TeconstTUctiOn 'the 91ans of the tlellaTt\l\8f\t 0 of \lighWS1S in the coUnt'! of l!.\gin. RailToad Relocation Stud,! lITesent11 underwaY b1 the cit1 (b) of St. 'tno~s. , ' tS b1 the QntaTio ~ateT ResoUTces (c) se~ge and ~ateT ~in ~TOJec cororoission thTOUghout the CountY. i tl Tt\l\8nt of Lands ?lans by the conseT~ation AuthOTit eS, e9a ~ TecTeation aTeas, TeseTVOiTS. and VoTestS foT 9To~incial 9aT 5, (d) etc. (e) Changing land use. (f) (g) ~1 co~ntS on tne~~ VA'- affect a CountY of Elgin Road ?TOgTaroroe aTe as t~tlO~' A. tl1!.?A'R'tl'f,ll't O'F R1.GRW>'lS oV Qll'tAR1.0 RIGRW>'l \l1!.COll~ ~n9 fTO~ 'tHlsonbUTg to StTaHOTdville - ~lanning is (a) Rig~1 ' col\\t'lete foT TebuHding RighWSY *19 to a tWO \ane highWS1., S()'Ill8 ~~nstTUctiOn not li~e11 until afteT 1912 but \a1'\d -pu-rchased. \.I" li~e11 ~thin ~ 1eaTS, theTeafteT. ? ~ ~ll _ no ~lannl-U'" (b) \lighWSY .19, StraffoTd~ille to oTt u ' if RiahWS1 +19 is undeT constTuction. li~elY until lloTth sect on 0 0 - 2 - (c) Tillso:nburg By-Pass (Highway f13) a Tender Call likely this fall. Effect of Highway /119 Reconstruction or Tillsonburg By-Pass on County Road System - very, little. (d) Highway 13, Tillsonburg Westerly to Lot #103 (White Church), work cOrrlpleted.' (e) Highway /13, Lot f/103 to Aylmer, planning completed, reconst- ruction likely in next three or four years. Little E~ffect on County Road System. (f) Aylmer By-Pass - no planning done or likely for several years. Effect on County Road System is unknown at this time. (g) Highway #3 - Aylmer to St.. Thomas, work completE!d. Will remain two lanes for most part, four lanes likely neE!ded for commercial and local Traffic from St. Thomas to St. Thomas Airport and Road /136 in ten to. fifteen years. Reversion to County likely when completely, By-Passed. (h) Highway 1173 Aylmer to Port Bruce - no work planned. (i) Highway #73 Aylmer Nerth - Planning completed. Reconstr- uction 1971-72 (including Aylmer connecting link). Reversion to County likely when Highway #126 completed. (j) Highway 1174 - No work planned. Reversion to COttnty likely when Highway 11126 completed. (k) Highway /13 - Ta lbotvi lle West - No major work planned. (1) Highway #401 - No interchanges or major work plclnned. (m) Highway #76 - West Lorne Northerly completed. (n) Highway {176 - Throu'gh West Lorne, reconstruction 1971-72 after Sanitary Sewers are completed. Also, resurfacJlng and minor work to Highway /13, no effect on County Road S~rstem. (0) Highway /14 -. Port Stanley, reconstruction of Highways West of Kettle Creek after Sanitary Sewers are completed 1971 - 1972 no effect on County Road System. (p) Highway 114 - Resurfacing and minor drainage work etc., from Chesapeake and Ohio Tracks in St. Thomas Southerly to Road #27 within three years. (~top Gap work only.) Planning (in conju.nction with Highway #126 extension) from ROcld 1145 Norther1)1' to start shortly. Little effect on County R~ad System. . . 3 _ '3 .-. (q) St. '!:hO~s t>t'\lTess.,a1 (llOTth ~1_?asS) ?lanning just c~leted. , A -~a~ nO const- 9To~eTt1 9UTchase un~e.~ J' ?hase +1 . tTo~ ~iSh.,ay Design ~ill ta~e one yeaT. , f \912 ~Te li~e11 191~. Tuction be oTe' · jP.lloTth of 'tal"ot~i1\e to centennial A~enue. S ~,(li~e to start as Phase *2 . centennial A~enue to lIe~ a i eSs Toad to RiSh.,ay +~ u'" "1 is co~91eted). 1.nteT ~ aCc soon as x; uase 1r , t Ri h.,aYs 0 f Of\ta do ~ 1\ ~Hl be f\ecessar1. De~aTt~ent 0 l!, the t>t'\lTessWSY and \.i~e11 TeouHd centennial A~enue bet.,eef\ \\'t~h~1 ~~. , 'ri +126 to St. 'tho~s and RiSh.,aY '4 ?hase i~ _ ~ighWS1 '4 to Rig ~y i ' t li~elY co~91eted until S9Tinl!, South ot St. 1ho~s. p\ann ng no . _.... n not H~el" besin betoTe col\\t'letion of 1911. constTUct.on W' oft>t'\lTess.,ay (1915 oT so). V. TesSws" a~~v f\26 ~~ --. (a) llo Telief of ~oTth-south 1Tattic on ~ellinSton Road oT t cin ~ll be necessaT~ " d *~O befoTe abOut 1916. (ReSUT a g ~oa Id b 191~ oT t914 and a se~Te S9Tins bTea~u~ cOU on,~e\\ingtOn ~ TendeT Road *~O il\\t'asSib\e;) d "'~ <tic reHet Uf\til 1914. (St09 Ga9 ~T~ (b) lIo "ast-~est ..a. 'D 0. ~~29 oT Roads .~l a'l\d i52 i~9TO~ed to should be done on ~oa ' · <noT4J o"e.-r 400 .. _^ .~... ......~e"C CO\\1\tS aTe ,. \ . and ~1\ no longe'< .....- t i' ,. Ui C1\.\~'Y ~otUS atteT col\\t' et on U' - to local "road s~~ ....t. roa'" be '{\eeu~-. 1.nteTi~ DTainage ~.~ J .. Jl.51\ t t f. C~R (L &. r:~ Jl.\'" _.... t 1 cTOSS Road" L as 0 (d) Righ.,ay" /.0 W' ' 11 aTade se~aTation, i \\ li~elihOOd and e~entua y a 0 t-r8.c\(.s 1'\ a ) ~\l be built. oTif WSTTanted,an inteTChange neaT Road +26 (southWOld () " d i52 ~ll be se~eTed by1!.>t'\lTess.,a1 ,e 1.'0 a ' , R d Cororoittee haS lITotested thiS 'townshi9councH and countY oa ) ~ fO~\ Te~l~ haS been Tecei'led fto~ the nRO. c\.osi.ng. l'lO " 'i26 and 'talbot~i1\e ~1\ be Te~Tted u) Road bet.,een ~oa~ . 1. C \11\t~ of E\gin. , t RiahWSYs of ontaT 0 to 0 J fTO~ ne9aTt~nt 0 0 4 4. - , 'R d .25 (~ellington (g) Road.52 ~ll still be Te~uiTed between oa , se~ice Road and a Road) and Road i~O (RadiO Road) as an aT8a , TOUte foT countY 'tu~l. 'ReseTVOiT is li~e~'! ~u - .a \\'V .af Roads *5'2 and i~l aTe il\\t'];U;~A- elt-pecJ.a 1 J.. . that 'Road +29 shOuld be closed .,neTe it inteTsectS the Righwa'Y .126 (li~elY neaT the 9Tesent CllR CTossing). . ~ ~i 1 Rill and ne~bTidge acTOSs ~ttle 0) v.oad .16 fT()tI\ 't09 0 L , nga Ri h .126 is c05Pleted CTee~ ~ll not be oeeded oT usetul unti\ I'. wa1 Ash fSt 'tho~s (1916 OT lateT). to' ~oin RiSh<ol&Y ,,4, out 0 · ~ndatiOns Te (a) Rebuild 'Road .~O as a local n ti ~ bet~en cit1 of . n tteTSOn ~Tidge. LoT 0'- ' Te~lace\l\8nt O' ,a ' ' d '0 . 0. f<'2 and re~ lace11\8nt of ?atteTSon ~Tidge St. 'tho~s an "oa r ~ t'ftOst itt\-pOt:ta-nt. n 0. ''''2 tTo~ Road *25 to 'Road i~O inclUdins a (b) constTUct "oa ,,~ ( ~ Cd\~TtS) aCTOSs ~ttte CTee~. stt"Uctut:e 0... "" '0 0. "~l fTO~ Road 152 to city of St. 'tho~S (c) con$t1:Uct "oa " Road +52 and Road +29. includif\g il\\t'TO~ed inteTsections at ' , 1 R d +29 undeT (d) St09 Ga9 iI\\t'TO~e11\8nt i~diate 'Y on oa ' . .af Road +5'2 and i~l aTe not goinS to be TeconstTUcted 1II3intenance. · ' d ?Ti~ns ot sUTface toT in 1911, includes easing ot cUT~es an \91\. (e) Stot! Ga9 _ nuinage It1\t1To~e11\8ntS on 'Road +26 St. GeoTge StTaet to seT~e foT fi~e ,eaTS. (f) ?TOgTa~ ResUTfacing foT ~el\ington v.oad toT 1~1~ oT 1914. . \t Road +'26 lloTth of Road +25 \lotil 'tTaffic (g) ?tan no woT on ~atteTn.'ha~e indicated a 'need. n d +16 (Vingal Rill) shOuld be designed, (h) ~oT~ undeT'll&Y on "oa foT a lite of at least si. to eight ,eaTS, e . _ 5 - . o~ s'" 'tROMl\S w.1JjtOAD RtLOCA'tlOll s't'J\'l'l 'Pl. Cl1"f 11: . 1. · ? b blu ~ll not be col\\t'leted until StudY haS iust begun. to a J '~id 1911. 'the St.ud'Y is to de;teTtl\ine teasibHit' of diV8Tting , e lif\e (?OSSibHitY ~Tesent. cll'R oT all Tail 'traftic ontO on · h ,f St 'tbO~S). ni~eTSiOf\ of \.I..ne c()lll" 1 ete 1 1 llo Tt 0 · tOa ne'" 'r 'h t St. 'tho~s not feasible and is not 'RailToad 't.raHic to sout 0 · being,con5ideied~ ' , d i~~ should be neld ~' 'ReconstructiOn of Roa . ..,,~t.&\ TesultS ot Stud~ aTe a'llailable.'dhile ?Te- in obe'Yance ~i' ... tngineering ~oT~ can be co~~leted on 'Roads i~O, i31 and .~2. , tiof\ should be staTted unt.il Stud, is co~~leted no actual const.TUc and TecO-..ndatiOnll ate ~f\o>fl\. · ?1.AllS ~ 'l 0 N't t>.R1. 0 ~A 'tV. R RV, S OURct'S Co~1.S S 1. oll \l1!.GA\l.D 1.llG Sv,\$W\Gt Alltl ~A'tV,R M1\lll \'\l.~ _~~~ 91anned toT 1912 oT 191~. ~ill c. 'P\ace. , 1 nned toT 1 971 ~th ~osslb le (b) ~eSt. \.OTne _ se.,eTage \jlOT'" 9 a caTryo~eT intO 1912. , ,< Ri h.,a" 1t16 to 'to>fl\'1i~itS to be Tebuilt. Road i2, ~est. O' I'. J b seweTaSe WOT~ cO$~leted. CUTb, GutteT and necessaTY dTainage " en ..." f Riahwa'J .16 _ \lnceTuin asl'lans aTe ~OT~ on 'Road ~2 ~ast 0 0 not a~ailable, as ,et. .~T~ ~lanned foT 1912 at. eaTliest.. (c) nutt.on - Se.,eTage "'" ' ~' h Road +l~, but ~n affect Road +ll llot li~el' to inteTteT8 t ' d ..d fl~ Shac~leton StTeet. llorth end, an ~oa 0. R d fl~ should be Tebuilt. afteT Road ill to John StT8et an oa . \ t d tsti~tes ~ague as nO 91ans foT se.,eTa~e wo~ col\\t' e e · seweTage a~ailalbe as ,et. T~ 91anned foT 1911. (d) 1'0Tt Stanle, - seweta~e WO S t TeconstTUctiOn necessary. 'Road f21, ~aTTen tTee -Plan1\ed foT 1911. (contI d) . . 6 _ 6 - vi lei) (C01'\t'~) "'" St et \\'1.1\ to t:. 'D d lt2~ fTO~ 't09 of Jose9" Te 'iloT~ ~n af.ect "oa C t WOT~ not needed. , neaTlY V\\lage li~itll, but f~TtheT oun '1 , S ~th 'Road +20, . . 0. to itS to~T condition. a~ 'Road to be TetUTne carlO" 'Road. 1!.1 StTeet ~eech StTeet (e) ~yl~T _ llo futUTe 91ans TegaTding ~ ' U"~e~ ~econst~cti01'\. nO~ ,.U> . . . f ~ains should not n \1 ~ateT syste~ - Locat~on 0 (f) port p~rA8 , ' t AfteT se~Tage inteTfeTe ~th count' Roads to any e~tef\ · \ 0. R d lt42 tTo~ RighWSY lt19 Y.ast should M syste5 instal e, os , , i of 'ilatennain TeconstTUcted to il\\t'TO~e n~ainage constTUct on \910~1\. , ~ ~ll ?i~eline constTUctiOn 1910-11 (g) ?oTt Stanle', to ?o~t u " . +24 and i42 located to ~ini~iZe effect on along countY "oa..s' ' count., 'Roads. (h) iaenna ~ateT ?roiect StatUS un~no,.n. (i) S9T{~Sfield _ llo 9TOiectS in i~diate futUTe. , d T diSCUssion. consideTatiOn 0) ~el\llOrit _ se~Tage ~ lanS un e ~i~ht be ,gi~en to il\\t'TO~ing dTainage on Road +~4. n. ?\AllS ~'l callSY.RV A't1 all A\l'tROR l't1.1!.S nY. ?~'R'tl4tll'\1 oV ~ iOit.S't~ ~ i llot ~no~ l'lans foT (a) OtteT CTee~ conse~atiOn AUthoT t' - 9~ojectS atfecting,CountY Roads. , i _ s9TingwsteT ?ar\<. (b)CattiSh CTee~ conse~ation AUthOT ty . R d lt~5 i:ebuHt should seT~e 9aT~ needs just o~ening. countY oa llo otheT ~lanS ~no,.n. foT ~n' yeaTS. S \1\8 diSCUssion tio1'\ Autho~it1 - 0 \c. conse-rva (c) ~ttle CTee Tding AuthOTitY f S t rrhot't\8. s -rega it~ a1'\d cit1 0 · \ bet_en AuthoT '., h Ti ty to de~e o~e . iT foT the ~ut 0, , 'tho-s ReseTVO f , ta~ing oveT St. . d develop\l\8nt 0 , t beginning, an ' niscussions iUS ,iod ~-'leaT Road ?~OgTa~ geT · \ . . _ 1 - . loW TetUm ~s. cost. nodd$ CT8e~ not li~ely,uue to ' , , A bit' - t<ot ~now plans ( d) Lo....11 'tha\l\8S Va fl.e' conseT~a t ion ut oT hi ti~ ~aTds~ille ni~eTSion is not , fot UanS on'tha\l\8S at t s · · feaSi.ble. _ John y.. ?earee ?aT~ at ,(e) ne9art\l\8nt of \,af\ds and VoTeStS ' .---&\1 li~e 1" be 'i.I\\t'To~ed toT e>ttTa call11'siteS etc., ~allacetown W' } 0. b i\t and ~ll se~e ~TatfiC needs foT ~nY but ~Tesent Toa Te u . ,eat'S- ,and *~1 aee~uate ~oT iS~To~ected in the 5_'leaT ?eTiod. ft u -..11 via the ~Town side Toad ~ll Vienna to <OTt gU'~- ' ,be needed in the ~Tesent ~_'leaT ?TOgTaroroe ?eTiod. li.\<.e\1 not y'. CllAllG1.llG tJJ'1'O USE d ~ h~. llo 'liIOT~ is (a) notaSCO Suel ?lant - ~\ahide an aY a \ t< d .~thin the 3_'leaT ?TOgTa~ ~eTiOd. contett\t> a e '" , " (R d 1t40 +42 and 1t45) could caTT'l ?Tesent Toads in the aTea ' oa S · ' t ~th onl'l ~inOt' inteTsection double oT tti91e 'tTaftic at 9Tesen tt'~attl\ent. t nO e~ansions oT additional (b) VOTd?lant &Tea · At pTeSent t \1\8. II hot St. 'thO~as and thiS 'tTafHc industTY is ~nown ot in aTea oTt -~ll t be affected by industTial gTowth. ~olu~ in the aTea W' no __ ~ft use Righwa'l i4 ~th ~erJ little (l,o\ost VoTe ?lant tTaHic se""'s effeeton otneT aTea Toads.) , \l.'t~ll1 OV, R1GmtA'lS " VlllAllC1t>L L1}o{1'tA't1~Y 't\11'. UY.?A ~ ~ (a) subsldies ~ ~a>ti~~ subsid~ foT lq11 ~ll be $1,046,250. ~>ti~~ subsid'l toT 1911 will li~ei'l be $950,000 i S ~ id" toT 1913 ~l\ li~el' be $850,000 i \i\8.1ti1t\utn uvS J , (b) niTect Aid' f niTect Aid by the VOT 1911 _ Col\\t'letion, of 9ayment 0 . ~ . the 1964-69 ?TOgTa~ ($1,501,000 outstanding at 'Pt'ovi1'\Ce 1.t'()tt\ ~ ln10 leSS e>tgenditUTe in 1910 of a~9TO>ti~tel' begi n1'\i.1'\F.; 01. "7 f ftftTO>ti~tel.Y $600,000 $900,000 Mill lea~e, an e~enditUTe 0 arr . . 8 ... 8 ... of $ 1 00,000. 'thu s, · - - $100.000. toT 1912 _ niTect ~id could oc and foT \91~ _ ii~elY $50,000 or less. toT \911). Add niTect ,Aid eaTned in \910 ~Atal ne~e\O~\I\8f\t Road in 191\ could be ._ a~9To~i~telY $100,000 tTo~ thiS 9TOgTa~ . b th subsidies and niTect Aid, aTe (c) Reeo~ndation: nS 0 · . 0. jt is hiah\' desiTable to ~ee~ a balanced l'TOSTa~ declining an' 0 Id eaT that all ~Tidl\e of .,oT~ and ot count' tasation, it""'u a~~ ~ ible snould be done in the eaTl, 9aTt ot and Cul~eTt,WOT~ ~oss (1911 and \912) of 'the 3_'leaT ?TOgTaroroe ?eTiod. G. IICR1't1.cALL'l ntV1C1~~ AS tne lle~ StudY is not, as yet, a~ailable in 9Tinted t: t' he toHo~nl\ tableS aTe re9Toduced tT<)tll the Stud, tOgetheT .0T1l', ' of the 'Roads and ~TidgeS. ~th ~ Teco~ndatiOns conceTnif\1\ so~ \ t d in the StudY. (~OT~ underwaY costS sho1j!1\ aTe thOSe as est ~ e , .0. j \969 oT 1910 haS been o~itted foT sa~e ot ot' COt'l\'Pl.et.e 1.1'\ , ,__..' ~ \910. but not to be col\\t'l ete d ,unt it _ _... _ '\ n1\9. bT8~itY and WOT~ unde"",a, ." - lq1t ~ H ha~e to be sho1j!1\ in a Tecororoended 9TOg"....... ~th an esti~te ot itS co~91etion costS.) ,~ ( b id e) ?rioTit'f 100; " d .40 Glenco lin - ne~ T g 1 . "oa · · La d ?uTChase could be a ~o ~Ttdge at 9Tesent location. n Cost ... 138,000 .'Pt'ob\.ett\. \. CTee~ _ ?TiOTitY 6&; 'Road .'52, CaTT ~TidSe o~eT ~tt e cost... \.16,000 '1.. , CTee~ _ ?TiOTitY 65; 3. 'Road f4~,?hill~oTe o~TOtteT , led ~ction ~ost90ned b'fcount' ~Tidl\e flOOT haS been Te9 aC .' , t Toaches ~s gTeater < El in Road cororoittee because ot cost 0 a~~ 01- g . \.d be 'ustified tOT'tTatfiC ~otential. than cou J Cost... 25'1.,000 0. ~ OtteT CTee~ - ?TiOTit, 65; \!.Oad +4~, coo~s ~Ti ge o~e. ' cost... 253,000 4. 'Re~~\(.S as befo~e. ~ ttle CTee~ - PTioTitY 60; " d +30 ?atteTSOn ~Tidge o~eT e " 5. l\.oa ' . cost... 141,000 C ~ _ 101j!1\shi~ Road, llOTfol~_Elgin , Acacia o~eT OtteT Tee Cost.. 50~OOO 6. ?TioOTitY 56; ~o 'tT3HiC. , 1"~:::~~.;~':\~Y~~~"i'~ - 9 - 7. Road #~, Walkers over Thames River - Middlesex Boundary Bridge, Priority 54; Cost seems to high for 100 + veh:Lcles per day. Cost - $252,OOO~1&in Share (More like $325,000.) 8. Robbi.ns Bridge over Kettle Creek - Yarmouth-Southwold Townline, Prio'rity 54; .Traffic likely very limited after Road #45 :t.s compt'eted this fall. Cost - 2l~0,000 9. Fulton Bridge over Kettle Creek - Yarmouth-Soutru~ld Townline, Priority 47; Traffic likely very limited after Road #45. 1.s completed. Cost - 200,000 10. Tates Bridge ove.r Thames River - Middlesex Boundl!lry Bridge, Priority 43; Some maintenance work on approach spans ~lii 11 be needed within several years. Again, replacement cost seems too high for 60 + vehie les pelf day. Cost - 2lf.8, 000 ll. Jamestown Bridge over Catfish Creek - Yarmouth-~!llahide Town1ine, Priority 43; Bridge floor has been replaced and other. repslirs made. Again, cost seems high for amount of Tra ffic irlVO 1 ved. Cost - 219,000 12. Meeks. Bridge over Kettle Creek - Yarmouth-Southw.:>ld Townl1ne, Priority 34; Again, cost seems high for amount .of Traffic. potential. Cost,- 160,000 13. East Eden Bridge over Little Otter Creek - Prior:Lty 28; Again, little Traffic. Cost - 17,000 14. Roadfl16,. Port Talbot Bridge ovex- Talbot Creek - priority 20; Deficient in floor width by l~ feet. (Actual 18.5 feet; shou ld be 20 feet.) Cost - 1.56,000 15. Road #9, Largie for Currie Drain - Priority 15; Deficient by One foot in floor width. Rest of structure good. Cost - 24,000. Other problems identified since study completed include: (a) Road #42 - Van Order Bridge, East of Port Burwell should be reconstructed when road section rebuilt (likely a culvert . job). (b) TurkE~y Creek (Out let 0 f Hunt Drain) Deck 13'6" w:lde not deficient because it '~is on Township road. Abutments should be checked. (c) Several Culverts on Road 19 between Road #8 and i~14 should be replaced. Additional report on Bridges to be presented soon. 8 23 30 S.A. 29 14 42 36 " 43 " '10 - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS NEEDS STUDY John Street & Currie Street Dutton 2 miles (urban) Joseph Street Hill Port Stanley 2 miles (urban) Radio Road (City Limits to A. Coulter Cprner) Road 1125 to Roadf~31 (Edgeware Road) Iona Station to Road #13, 0.7.miles Port Burwell Easterly 1.0 mi les Urban Section North of Road #27 in Sparta Road #38 (Richmond) to 1 mile North of Road #45 63 62 Deficient Remarks Diversion Kains Bridge rebuilt 1970. Project decisions should be held in obeyance until after Railroad Relocation Study completed. 40,000 Held up regarding sewers. now 92,000 Sanitary Sewers 1971-72. now 58 29l,OOO . now 57 26,000 now Cost, to tolerable standards only. Likely a local road in the future. 56 56,000 now Stop Gap 'repairs have improved road. 53 100,000 1-5 years Replace Van Order Bridge in conjunction , with cortstruction. (Stop Gap Paving done on Van Order Bridge Approaches.) 51 31,000 now Programme with rest of Road #36. Engineeri.ng work underway. 50 188,000 To tolerable'standards orily, not likely unless Cook & Phillmore B~idges are replaced. now . . II Road 'Number 2 21 31 2 38 40' 2 36 3 37 36 26 16 42 - 11 Priority Section Ratina Cost West Lorne (urban) West of Highway #76 49 105,000 Warren Street, Port Stanley (urban) 49? 49,000 Road #29 to Road #52 Aldborough-Dunwich Townline Easterly toward Dutton Richmond Hill East to Straffordville Mount Salem (urban) West Lorne to Road 113 Highway 13 to Sparta (urban) Lake Erie to Highway #3 Highway #73 to Belmont (Highway #74) Sparta southerly for 1 mile Road 125 to Road III Fingal '(urban) West of Road #20 Port Burwell (urban) 48 49 46 46 45 44 43 43 41 41 40 '40 139,000 218.000 402.000 74,000 347,000 404,000 95,000 13,000 61,000 44,000 67,000 80,000 Ratin,g Critically 1-5 now now 1-5 1-5 6-10 1-5 1-5 now now . now now 1-5 6-10 De ficient Remarks Sanitary Sewers 1971 Programme with rest of Road 12. Prog~amme after sewers in Port Stanley 1971. Repairs have improved road to tolerable stage'. Programme with Road .140 South of "Mount Salem. :if;; , ~.~ ~~ I '.1. .~~ Progranuned 1971 Engineering Work underway. Engineering Work underway. To tolerable standards only. Programme with rest of Road #36 Engineering work underway. To tolerable standards unless industry comes. Programme with Road #16 West of Fingal Programme with Road #42 to the East. . . 12 12 .. p-rio-ritY 'Rat ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 40 ~ount Salem to 'Road #42 39 180,000 nOW 52 'Road +25 to 'Road .~O 39 158,000 noW 55 No't'fo1k countY Li~e 39 38,000 noW 28 centennial and tl~ StTeet 38 269,000 1-5 20 Road +1& to Middlese'lt county Line 38 29,000 noW 22 S .A. 'Fai:rview Avenue 36 - 610,000 6-10 16 Vingal (uTban) to 'Road #14 31 3\'2~OOO 1-5 Deficient ~ EngineeTing ~OT~ unde~Y. To toleTable standaTds onlY. Saniurt Se.,eTS 1i~el,. 'Re~atTs ba"e _de SUTfaee Tole~.\l\e. Se~eTe SpTing bTea~up could ~~e Road impassible. EngineeTing WOT~ underwa'. OJ. . 13 - \~ - OtheT VToble~S idendfied since Stud, ..,nichcould be consideTed foT ~_'leaT Road ?TOgTa~' (S~e~' be in the , 9Tesent si1\ to Un yeaT cate$OTY) , 'Road +4 _ 'Rodney, fTo~ 'Road +~ to 'Rodne' H",its (ti~ing de~ends ~ ' on sanitary se,.en) costed si1\ to ten yeaTS in lleeds StudY - 54,000. Road +~ '~ 'Road *2 to Cb.esagea~e and Ohio tTaC~s (d~ing de~ends ~ on Sanitar' Se,.eTS, ,dTainaSe, cUTb and gutteT, and TesuTtacing needed) cos~ed onlY ass90t i~9Tovement TegaTding dTainage. lloW. ?TioritY Tating 29. Cost - 16,000 Cost ~ll b~ conS ide': ablY ~oTe than thiS al\lOUnt. 'Road n _ RighWSylI16 t!.asteTIY to vH\age 1i~it. ' 1!.1\tent of ~ WOT~ needed Uf\~no1otll untHSanitary se,.eTS c01l\'Pleted. StoT\ll nTainage in the aTea is onlY fiaT and geTha~S should be iropTO~ed at same time sanitaT, se,.eTS are 91aced. ~ _ ni~eTsiontO Road is fTO~ inteTsectiOn of John StTeet and CUTTie StTeet ~ll ta~e 91ace of John Street. constTUction 9T0gert' is nOw being acquiTed. Necessary dTainage shou~d coincide ~th sanitaTY se,.eTS in nutton. ?TO}ect costed as impTO~e~ent of John StTeet and llOTtheTl' at $40,000. ~ _ Shac~letOn StTeeto tTo~ 'Road .14 to taS li~it ot nutton. ReconstTuction atteT installation ot sanitary se,.eTS. Sho1otll as a si1\ to ten yeaT need- Costed at $SO,OOO. ") 14 - , Calculation of tunds a~aHab te for constTUction ot ~Tidge and ~_'lEA'R 1l.0AD l'R~'AA~ l~ ~ ======- =-- ,Roads 197\-74: the onl' dTa~ac~ ~ll be lac~ ot funds eitheT on the ~aTt of As theTe is nO stOTage of 9TO}ectS foT the next ~ ,eaTS, J the nepaTt~ent of l\ighWSy5 ot OntaTio oT the county. De~elo~nt Road Aid outstanding at the end of the ,eaT is e1q)ected to 9TO~i~ sufficient funds to col\\t'lete 'Road i45, (t09l1oil WOT~ and pa~ing) and Roadi16 tTo~ St. 'tho~s to Vinga1 (including th~se pOTtions not gnded in 1970). 1t is not e1q)ected that much, if an" t\\Oney ~ n be left fTO~ the De~elo~roent Road Aid ,PTogTaroroe to do any otheT Toads in 1971. Any surplus ~ll not acceleTate the 9T090sed 9TOgTa~ to any ~;reat degree. Calculation to DetertllJne 'Balance bet_en ~tidge and Roads' (a) Vunds a~ailable tTO~ MuniCipal' Level - 1971 from the Cot\nt1 ($665,000 Tai'ed in 1970) ($5.000 toT non_subsidized ite!ll.s) fTo~ the CitY of St. 1ho~s contTibution to St. 'tho~s SubuTban Road CorotniSsion _$660,000 -~ ~ ~ximu~ subsidy a~ailable fTo~ nRO - $1,046,250. 'total BridgeS Roads Cost ~ 000 615, 000 ~ ~, ~ f 000 492, 000 ~ ~ ~ 123.000 ~ ~ (b) vunds a~ailable fTo~ Municipal Le~el - 1912: 680,000 ~ ~ 360,000 ~ ~. (c) vunds a~ailable tTo~ Munici~al Le~el - 191~' BridgeS 'Roads Cost ~ 000 450. 000 ~ ~ ~~ 90,000 ~ ~ 680,000 !. nl\O subsidy - 950,000 nRO SubsidY - 850,000 . . 15 calculatiOn of ~oneY a~ailable foT Road and ~Tidge constTUction, , lleeded foT ~aintenance and OtheT constTUctiOn 1'uT~Osesl ~y_La~ costS on ne~elo~ent Roads -, 10,000 Plan ~etbod 'Road consolidation B,-~a~ 'thus, 'total a~ailable for Road constTUction - $218,000. Vollo~ng a si~ilaT 9TOceeduTe, it wOUld apgeaT that j .t tv ~~QO 000 is a~ailable foT \912 and a~9To~i~tel' aY9~o~~roa eJ ~Ja , $450,000 is a~ai\able foT 1913. _ \.5 - (c) lq7'3~ S ha re ~ 000 '228, 000 ~ ~ Bri.dgeS Roads Cost:. ~ 000 285, 000 ~ ~ (a) 1910 ~Tidges - 'total a~ailable _'~eed toT ~aintenance _ A~aitable toT constTUctiOn 1910 'Road _ 'total a~ai table - 1,108,000 countY Road ~aintenance SUbuTban Road ~ain~enance urban 'Rebates overhead Surve,s, ~isc. GTading const. et~. - Land }>Urchase DTainage ASsess~ntS ~e" Machi neT'Y ~achineT1 awneTshiP costS ChaTged to ne~elo~ent 'Roads Col\\t'letion of,~OT~ 'Road i40, s9Tingfield to Glenco\in including sudace 'tTeat\l\8nt . Col\\t'l.etion of ~OT~ Road +40. Righws'Y *~ to ~ount Sale~ including SuTface 'tTeat\l\8nt \ Share ~ 000 57 t 000 ~ ~ _ 6\5,000 -~~ 585,000 _ $'360,000 '25,000 60,000 160,000 10,000 100,000 20,000 50,000 30,000 (cre.dit) 5,000 25,000 -~ 8'30.000 ~ -- .. ~ , . \.6 16 - ~n l'ROGRA.~ !!!~ A~ailable toT ~Tid~e ConstructiOn . _ $585,000 (Costs aTe fTo~ Needs Study Modified as Neeessat''9) _ $\47,000 ?atteTSon ~Tidge Road 4~0 Cul~eTtS Road +2 . ~est LOTne to Rodney · $ 25,000 ~scet\an~US Cu\~ertS Ro~d '9 etc. · $ 40,000 Cu\veTts Road'~6, s\>arta to Road '45 · ~ $2\5,000 Vunds Te~ining available if no otheT aTidge \>TojeCtS aTe chosen $370,000. (CO\lnty ShaTe $74,000; if used toT Toads, thiS becOmes $148,000.) .. $1,108,000 ~~.! A"ailable I.ess: ~intenance and other cororoittments - ~ .. $ 278,000 Leaving a ~alance of fTo~ ~Tidge Constructiof\ not used, ~lUS 'total .. ~OOO L--~ ~ Road *2 _ ,>!est LOTne to Rodney 4. \ ~i \es including base coat \>a~ing _ $290,000 Start Garage Facilities .. $ 70,000 .. $ 20,000 $ 5,000 Roa d . 2 _ >!eSt LOTne U rba nO. 3 mH eS (lleedS Study $105,000) Road +~O . A99Toaches ?atteTSon ~ridges Road '21 . >!aTTen StTeet ?oTt Stanley 0.\ mi\eS (Needs Study $49,000) · ~O.OO~ $415,000 1n addition, De~elo~ment Roads: complete Road '45 centennial to 'Road .16 complete 'Road +16 to vinga\, GTade, GTanulaT ~ase, and 9aV8 a1>9TOxi~te\Y 3 ~iles. 'total miles, ne~ construction including nevelo9ment , Road a91>Toxi~telY 7.5 ~iles. \7 ,~ ~ A~anable tor "Bridge co~structiOn ' ($450,000 leS $15,000 tor Maintenance) , Kettle CTee~ StTUCtUTe, ~oad *52 .. $425,000 .. $\76,000 Cul"eTts, ~oad i51 tro~ ~oad *25 to 'Road *:30 - $ 20,000 .. $ 5,000 Cul~eTtS, ~oad i:31 Cul~eTts, ~oad.:30 fro~ cit' of St. '1:ho~s to - $ 5,000 Road 4~?2 Cul~ertS, ~oad ':36 ...~ $2\1,000 vunds Te~ining a~~itable it nO otheT ~Tidge ?ToiectS aTe chosen" $214,000 S~^ c'.3 000 ~hich it used foT 'RoadS beco~s county \~~e" v~, ' $86,000 A~ailable from ~~_La~ (see ?aSe 1~) - $~SO,OOO .. $ 86,000 ~ ~ot used toT "BridgeS ne~el09~f\t Road hid, (eaTned in lQ10 and 1911) .. ~.JlQ9. $666,000 ~ 'Road i1 _ Co~?lete ~oTk ('1:0iCoUTse ?ave~nt) - $' 40,009 <It $' 40,000 Com~lete Ga~age GTadins and GTanulaT ~ase (?a~ing in UTban sections) 'Road ,~6 _ (a) 'Road +45 to Road +21 2.0 ~iles - $140,000 (b) UTban ~oT~ in s?aTta 0.2 ~iles (lleedS Study $~O,OOO) - $ 20,000 (c) s?aTta southeTl' 1 ~ile - $ 50,000 Road '1:3 _ Shac~letOn StTeet nutton 0.4 ~iles (lleedS Study $SO,OOO) - $ 60,000 Road 'lt51 _ f~ 'Road '15 to 'Road ,~O :3.:3 ~les - $15S,OOO Road ,:31 _ tTOm St. '1:ho~s CitY Li~its to 'Road #29 0.8 miles $ 80,000 Road i~O S .A. _ VTO~ city ot St. 'tho~s ,Li~its. , to Road +51, 1.0 ~ne - ~ 'total ~SS~O~ \ Total Ne~~onstTuctiOn including ne"el09~nt RoadS S.1 ~iles. . . \8 ... 18 - tEN.m1.\1F Vf,. 1 \. q '17 1_~3 . PROGRAMME ==-~ ~es. A~ailable for BTidSe co.struction $260,000 ($285,000 leSS $25,000 tor ~aintenance) Cul~ert constructiOf\esti~ted at $50,000 Vunds Te~inins $210.000, Count' shaTe $42,000 ~hich can become $B4,OOo,~hen used fdT Road constTUction. ~, Ava~laDle'fro~ ~y_La~(page 15) - $450,000 Not used fo~ B~idgeS - L 84..QQ.Q. ~o~ ~oad 131 - 0.8 miles _ $ 30,000 _ $ 33,000 _ $ 10,000 _ $ 10,000 !!vi1\~ Road f~6 _ 3 miles SUTtace TTeat~ent Road #52 - 3.3 miles Road #30 S.A. - 1 mile GTading, GTanu\aT Base (including ?a"ing in Ut'ban section): Road f4 _ Queen Street, Rodne,. Urban section 0.3 miles (Needs Study $54,000) - $35,000 Road +B _ CUTrie Road txtension to 'Road +15 (Dutton) Urban Section 0.1 ~ile -.$ 50,000 Road _+36 _ Road #45 'to Righ-., f~, ~.9 miles - $280,000 'Road f~ _ Righ_y,f3 to La~e ~Tie 1.2 ~iles -~, total i24.3~00 ~ Ne~ Wo~k - 5.5 miles !!lOR.!!lES A'F'tJ,R 1913 ~~ 'these ~TojectS ~ll li~el' foTm pTioTities toT 1914 and could be done eaTlieT (1973) if moTe funds aTe a~ailable oT costS aTe less than esti~ated. (a) Road +16 _ vinsa1 UTban and ~esteTl, to Road f16. (b) 'Road +40 _ MOunt Sale~,UTban and soutbeTl' to Road +40. (c) 'Road +42 _ ?oTt ~uTwell t!.asteTll 1.5 ~iles, including Te~lacement of Van oideT ~Tidge. , (d) Road #~O S.A. _ 'Road +52 lloTtheTIY a99TOximatelY 3 ~iles. (e) Road +25 S.A. - Rot MiX ResuTfacing. 1971 1972 ,.. 19 - SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COSTS OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PROGRAMME .and CITY OF 5T. THOMAS SHARE No Surplus or Deficit carryover to 1971 from 1970 Road Costs: Maintenance - $25,0100 Approaches Patterson Bridge - $ 5,000 Miscetlaneous - $ 6'. 000 $3(),OOO Bridge Costs Patterson - $147,000 City Share - 25% of Roads of $36,000 = $ 9,00.0. 10.% of Bridges of $14,700 = $14.700. $23,7QD From City of St. Thomas $17.700 Deficit $ 6.00.0. Road Costs: Maintenance $ 25,0.0.0. - $ 5,0.0.0. Miscellaneous Road #30.. Grading - $100..00.0. City Share 25% of,$l3a,DaD = $130.,0.0.0. = $32,?pD From City. of St. Thomas = $18.50.0. Deficit $14.00.0 (Accumulated Deficit $20.,00.0.) 1973 Road Costs: Maintenance - $25,0.00 Miscellaneous - $ 5,0.0.0. Road #30., Surfacing - $ $40.,0.0.0 City Share - 25% of $40.,00.0. = $10.,0.0.0 . From City of St. Thomas = $19,000. (Accumulated Deficit $11,00.0, 1971-73) . . 20. ., 20 - Outlook for 1974 - Resurfacing Road #25, Wellington Road, or reconstruction of Road ft30 from Road 1152 Northerly. Therefore, in 1972 ,or 1973, C,ounty will likely have tC) assume some of Commission's expenditures. CLOSING REMARKS: Unfortunately, the assembly of the necessary information and the writing of this report has taken longer than boped for and advance sending- of this r~port has been impossib14!. . It IflClY be necessary to delay the recomme~dation c)f the Road Committee to. County Counci.l until December, in order to give the Committee an opportunity to Study and discuss the report fully. (It would appear impossible to have another C4ommittE!e meeting prior to November 1, 1970. The 3-Year Road Programme. should be examined annually and updated as necessary to take any new Needs (such ,as Bridge collapses etc.,) into account and programme them. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SU~BMITTED . . ) t?~// /1 I'.K .,/ /., / /]/ /~~" _ '. ,It' , ( '"11" .R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER. , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 1:5, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on Tuesday, September 15, 1970, at 4:00 P.M., in conjunction with the County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve Kenneth McAlpine. CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. Eugene Stirling, Solicitor for the Barnes Estate, stc:Lting that the Estate was willing to sell the property to the County of Elgin for the appraised value of $6,500.00. After Discussion. . . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON L. Me INTYRE THAT WE PURCHASE THE BARNES HOUSE IN DUTTON FOR $6,500.00. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER reported that November 11, 1970, had been set for the Retirement Banquet for Mr. T. S. "Spike" Caldwell, and final arrangements 'would be made. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to Thursday, October 15, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. ~~ CHAIRMAN 51. 1l\O~S, O~~10 SY.?t'E~"E\t 9, \970 't\11'. coUll'll"f OV t1J.;1.ll RQA.tl CObllU't'tEt ~et on ~ednesdaY' Sel'utnbeT 9, 1910, at 10:00 I>..ll., at the CoUTt \\o11Se, St. 1h01\l8.S, ontaTio. ALL I\l!.~t!.'RS ,..eTe pTesent. t. u.... i....an~ ClaT~e of the tlepaTt\l\8nt of Righwa'Ys of 1>.1SO, pTesen was ~.. · ontariO, 'London. 'tt!.llD1!.'RS foT Rot lli~ AS9halt ?a.ing weTe opened and weTe as follo~' VOT ltoad H6 and tlgin ~noT' 1. 'dal~sle'Y ~TOs.. Li~iUd, London,- $58,180.00 2. 'towland construction Li~ited, London, ~ $59,692.00. VOT Roads i3, i40, and i5~: 1. 'dal~sleY ~TOS~ Li~ited, - $26,885.00 2. 10wland constTUction Li~ited, London, - $~2,6~0.50. t'1\oV\!.tl ~'l' 'd. R. cA 'lTEltL'l St!.COll1)1!.ll ~'l, R. ~. JO\\llSO~ 'tl\A1 vlll. A CCt!.1?'t 'tl\V. 'tt!.l1llt!. R OV 'dALllS lJ,'l BROS. L1.\6. 't1!.1> V OR ROt tn1 AS?lIA L't ?I>. V1.llG O'N c()llll't"f R QA.tl 'It 16 1>.l1ll I>. 't 't\11'. t Un'N MAllOR A't 1l\1!.1.lt 'tt!.l1ll t!.1tt!.tl ?tt1.C1!. OV $ 58, 180. 00, S uy,JtC't 10 't\11'. I>.? ?ttO'lI>.L oV 't\11'. 1)1!. ?l>.llnlt ll1 OV R1. G \\WI>. 'lS oV oll't~ 1.0 · CA.Witl'E'Otl "llOV\!.tl ~"f: J. ~. m1.SOll S1!.COllDt!.1> ~1' tl. tro g.lL1J)? 1l\A't wv. I>.C C1!.1?'t 't\11'. 'tt!.llD1!.1\. oV ~I>. LllS lJ,1 ~ROS. L1.tn'tVo1> V O'R ROt \6.1 AS?W<L't ?I>. \/1. 'NC oll C omrt1 RQI>JlS *' ~, i 100 , I>.lltl i 5 ~ A't 't\11'.lR 'tt!.l1ll1!.1tt!. tl ~1. C1!. oV $26 ,885 · 00, S ll~Jl!.c't 'to 't\11'. A?~OV!,L OV 't\11'. tly.?t>.\l.1I\l!.'N't oV ~\1.G\\WA.1S oV 0ll'tAR10. CA.~l'El)tt 't\11'. tnlllJ'tVoS of the tn8eting of I>.ugtlst 12, 1910, weTe Tead and appTo~ed. 1\11'. t!.'NC1llt1!.'R Te~oTud on tbe WOT~ to date as fo no~ , .& &. 1<1.... 'Wi\\i611l coo~ a longti\ll.e el\\t'lo,ee of tbe County of 1!.lgin, 1. 'the ~ass~ng o~ ..... ~ ' was noted ~th gTeat TegTet. 2. 'the tle9aTt\l\8nt of Righwa,S of ontaTio had a'l'~TO",ed the count, of 1!.lgin\ s SU9~letn8ntaT'Y ~,_LaW in total and sufficient funds would be a",ailable to ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEr!.r..MBER 9, 1970. PAGE 2 2. (cont'd) complete all work planned. As the Department's approval TAras for Total Subsidy and Bridge expenditures might not be as high as estimated, a deficit of County money of .1 to .2 mills might occur. The Committee felt t:hat all the work should proceed and all of County Road #40 from Highway /;3 to Mount Salem should be constructed. 3. The Department of Highways of Ontario had explained their 1970-74 Aid to Counties Programme at a meeting in London on August 26, 1970, at which the Chairman and E,ngineer had attended. 4. Traffic would use the new Kains Bridge by the weekend. 5. Assembly of Kettle Creek Structural Plate Culverts had beE!n completed and placement of the Concrete Thrust Beams was underway. 6. Curb and Gutter work was underway on County Road /}3 at thE! North Limits of Rodney. 7. Grading would be completed for the year on Road #16 early next week, and Granular Base work was continuing. 8. Granular Base work on County Road 145 out of Fulton Pit hlis been completed and arrangements to take Granular Material from Mr. C. Du:rnisveld had been made to comple~te the section between the East River Road and the River Road and for approximately 3/4 of a mile South of Middlemarch. 9. Curb and Gutter work had been completed in Springfield. 10. Work was prog'ressing favourably on the Beech Street Drain. 11. Arrangements for Grading on Road IJ40, South of Highway 113, had been completed. 12. Dead trees had been marked for winter cutting. 13. Maximum 50 Miles Per Hour signs had been ordered but not, as yet, delivered. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON L. MC INTYRE THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED FORPA YMENT : PAYLIST #22 AMOUNTING TO $ 26,202.11 PAYLIST #24 AMOUNTING TO $ 27,848.84 P.A?YLIST /,25 AMOUNTING TO $225,957.52. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 9:, 1970. PAGE 3 CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. Harold Stafford, M.,P., stating that he had been unable to accomplish anything more with regard to the paYment of more Engineering money regarding the Port Burwell Bridge. The Engineer was authorized to make further representations as necessary, and if necessary, go to Ottawa. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the County of Lambton requesting endorsement of their resolution regarding increasing the deposit on glass bottles. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION FROM 'rHE COUNTY OF LAMBTON REQUESTING AN INCREASE ON THE DEPOSIT OF RETURNABLE BOTTLES IN ORDER TO HELP REDUCE THE LITTERING OF THE COUNTRYSIDE WITH BROKEN BOTTLES BE ENDORSED. CARRIED" County Council Road Tour was discussed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY ROAD TOUR DATES BE SET AS FOLLOWS: OCTOBER 21, 1970, EAST ELGIN. OCTOBER 28, 1970, WEST ELGIN. TO LEAVE THE COURT HOUSE AT 9: 00 A.M. EACH DAY. CARRIED" Arrangements regarding the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention were discussed. Arrangements for a retirement banquet for Mr. T. S. Caldwell was discussed and the Engineer instructed to obtain further information with regard to a banquet at the St. Thomas Golf and Country Club in mid November, 1970., THE MEET[NG ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER . . . Tenders for a Sander were opened. Only one Tender from King Seagrave Limited was received. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. Me INTYRE J. B.. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF KING SEAGRAVE LIMITED FOR TWO ONLY 8 - 10 cu. YD. POWER SANDERS AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $11,047.00, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED" 1:' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO Se..\>-tc=..vr-.bc.ll (1./ tq 1.0 PAGE 4 THE ENGINEER reported that an Agreement had been rea.ched with Fr:t.nk of Canada to build an experimental Sander for the use of the County in the coming winter using the motor from the County's old Frink Sander. Sale of the Saunders Mill Buildings in Dutton were discussed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON L. Me INTYRE THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS ON THE SALE AND REMOVAL OF THE SAUNDERS MILL BUILDINGS. CARRIEDtt THE ENGINEER present,ed the attached report on the De!partment of Highways of Ontario 1970-74 County Road Programme, and answered members~ queries. THE ENGINEER'S recommendations in the Programme we rEI tentatively approved and he was instructed to prepare a 3-Year Road Programme for discussion at the next meeting. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 15, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" j~, v / CHAIRMAN st tt\1~~\1v., // ~/ . 'to 'tR\!. ~ARlltll ....:t'l CoUllC1..L 'tR\!. 'E. U;lll' CO"" !>\\ll \o\f.~tRS ot t L01/5 · \l1!. ?OR't AS VO... · O. t\ C()~1.'t'tt'E. y,tGS 'to 10$ \t ~ d all the cou~tY's n "Ie a.V-p'tO"le f ~\g~~YS a G \t 'the ne~aTt~ef\t 0 d\tUTe ~~_La~s an \. 'T Road 1!.1lt>e~ ' d s~~~ le\tlenta ~ he yeaT ~ 11 llo~l an ~d foT t , " t a \ 1 ,.oT~ l'TOSTa \S antiC\~ated tha d th\ s ,eaT. 1910. 14 ?TOgTaroroe be co~t>\ete , t toTt~ the\T n_1$ 'has se 't~e ne'\laTt~e~t ot ~ig A\d -thiS ?TOSTaroroe '2.. nd n\Tect · d subsidies a eaTS f count'! Roa \ttee. 1..t a~~ o G bY yoUT Cororo 1 u~deT stU ~ \ tel' is ~Tesent ~ ill be al'~~o1l ~ ' G entitlett\8nt ., that the ll\Tect Ai o~Ta~ co~aTed to G~ the~"l'T ' e $100,000 ~eT ~eaT un fOT the 1965-69 ~UgTa~ · 00 000 ~e~ ~eaT . 050 000 \\tIStel' $1,0 , \~~ of $1, ' a9\lT01l ~ fTO~ a _1l aec \ i.:(\eu. ~1li~~ subsidies, also, $1!'lO,OOO in 1914. 'the "o~i.t1\9>te\' f T \911 to a99 d ?TOgTaroroe a~a\table 0 fteo. 3_1ea't \toa o'to'Qo"", 'tese1\t a. r cororo\ttee noges to 9 session. t at the ~o~e~beT L\~ited of LOndon, a f ~a\\tISleY ~TOS. i ..... t t~e 'tef\Ge~ 0 " t ~i1l AS9ha\t ?a~ ng ~. ,..a d f T the ,,0 en accel'te 0 d ~102~). $!'l1, '2.~0.00 has be d ~16 (ne"elO~f\t ROa !'l i les of Roa < ftftT01li-te\Y~. ~ · of LOnGon, at 0' arr ..~oS L\~\teu, f ~ \\tIS ley v' · 't~at the 'tendeT 0 a ~\1l AS~halt "a~in\l. on 4. teG foT ~ot \',\',!'l 00 has been acce~ d nd Road ~!'l~ ~16t . '0 \ s~Tingfiel , a ltoaa 4~4 1\ ~ .n. ~ \.1\ \toG1\e1' '\toe.u. 1t h StTeet) in ~yltt\8T. ~~9 1~!'l.!'l0 fo~ (~eec L\\tI\ted at q , II R. R~C\<'pn d the 'tendeT of . ~as bee~ acce~te 9 to 't1\' 'D 't a:\. '(\ ~eech street ' f the llTa\n f tne cost 0 !\. 'Qo'tti..01\ 0 5. ,!na. t the Road ~!'l~, T~ is unde'C~Y. and ,.0 < ~~l~T. t,'he 't o~ o}. } ~ll be l'a\G b~ .t t'J t.ne 1. 'tequest.....1\t., t,"" 0 t -eee h Co~n 1 d tTO~ t e ~\stO~\C an to set \):Q a. ~~~u~ '(\ 't\.o '\t1?CO~ll-" \ut.1.0 01\ta. v$' -reSo s ot tne 'h~1 0. 'that f ~\g tile . 1. \l\8nt 0 ion be 'Deva.'tt 'D\.~i..s ltoaas e\,\1.C SC . . 1 SE PTEMBER, 1970 PAGE 2 , (WE RECOMHEND)~ Cont'd 2. That the resolution from the County of Lambton It''equesting a higher deposit on returnable bottles in order to help reduce the littering of the Countryside with brl)ken bottles be endorsed. 3. That the Resolution from the County of Bruce regarding uniform Speed Limit of 60 miles per hour on all two lane highways be filed. 4. That County Council Road Inspection Dates be set as fo llows : October 21, 1970, East Elgin. October 28, 1970, West Elgin. Leave the Court House at 9:00 A.M. on both days.. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN (\" ~. ~-tn'''fl- .~v"'''' ~' *, coull't'l oV t!.U;1.ll R()l\tl ?\l.OCuMM1!. Rt!.?O'R't all 1910 - 1914 .. ~ 'to, 't\\E VlA.itDE'N Alltl l\EtmE'R$ oV 't\11'. CO\Jll't'l Of tU;1.ll R()l\tl COl9U't'ttE 'this Te~oTt ~ll su~Tize the accO~91isnments of the 1965-69 Cou~tY Road PTOSTa~' and ~ll attel\\t't to e~lai~ the ne~aTt~nt ot Righ~Ys of ontaTio PTOgTamroe of assistance to the countY Road syste~S in the 1910-14 ?TOgTa~. h. ACco~ lisbroentS of the 1965-69 Road ?TO Ta~ ln the 1965-69, s~ending by the cou~ty of t!.lgin on . i~te\1 6 ~l\\S to count, Roads inCTeased sbaTplY fTo~ a9~TO~ a~9To~i~te11 10 ~ills in 1969, (9.~ ~illsin 1910). thiS s~ending alone dTa~ticallY il\\t'To~ed the Count"s Road and Bridge System. the 1964.\69 pedoa. .,.~- i ~ Po __h.atelY 1 ~ilUon tOTWSTd intO 1910-14 ?TOgTa1\1llle ~eT 0". pV.--- ' dollaTS will be s~ent thiS ,eaT, and the Te~ining 500,000 nollaTS ~ll be sgent in 1911.) 'this niTect Aid of Vi~e ~illion n?llaTS baS built oT ~ll build a9~TO~i~tel' 42.4 ~iles of 'Road, oT a~~To~i~tel' _ ~tmilaT i~9TO~e~ntS ba~e 14.3% of the 'total count, System. -- been ~ade in ~n' otheT count, 'Road s,ste~S if\ the ?TO~ince. into the in the 1. 'the 'Pro'lince" s "no \d 2. 'the ?TOgTaroroe is designed to ~ee~ the count' 'Road syste~S of ontaTio as a whole in as good a position Vi~e ,eaTS 'P'to"ince.. ... '2 ... ~. f ontaTio ?TO~ \<);O_..'4,tle aTt\ll8nt of R~~s substd" and UiTect Aid to ~ ,;=-- ;...-- d" 'that. is the bac~lOg of constTuction fTO~ no~,as the' aTe to a,. ' d f 1914 as it waS at the .,oT~ should be no STeater at. the en 0 2. (Cot\t' d) i'\ ftTo~ide tle9aTt~ent of Righwa'S ot' 'the ?TOgTaroroe "'. r . d otheT fi~ed costS ontaTio SUbsid,rooneY foT maintenance an b d n the esti~tes . -a. chineT" and o~eThe ad costs. ase 0 such as ne'IJ au ] ndi.n?, t'tends). . d S d (~hiCh .,eTe based on 9ast s~e of tne ~ee. tU" ide 45"/. of the needed II\One, 'the ?TOgTa~ .,i.1\ ~TO~ ' (~no""" in tle~aTt\l\8nt. ot Righwa'S toT the COf\stTUCtiOn bac~loS, . L~ ,"'M"" lleeds), 91uS 45"/. ot the beginning ot 1910. 3. 4. of ontaTio teTtl\inoloSY as tc"~ '''v- deo to 100~ atteT COf\stTUctiOn of t.hose Toads '((\ot\e~ nee no'" and 1911>, (KnO.,o as the that ~ll bec~e deficient bet1ll8en ) ~L I>5~ in thiS study geTiod is co~l'aTed to 1_ 5 'leaT lleeds. · "e · ('tbe constructiOn &. ;cn in the 1964-69 ProSTaroroe. ' the ob)ecti~e 0. · t Ri h1ll8's of ontaTio, Vunds ",ill be 9TOvided by tle~aTt~ent 0 g n d tliTect Aid in co~bination.) county ~ate an (tliTeCt Aid) ~ll be a~ailable SU991e~entaT' ASsistance , f theiT abilit' to thOSe countieS ",bOse needs aTe in e~cess 0 5. 6. SU~91e\ll8nt.aT' Assistance (tliTect Aid) ~ll ta~e the foTtl\ of tle~elotl\ll8nt Roads as in the 1964-69 StudY. . 0. ~ n be "feed" to countieS as tle~elo~ent ~oad vun s countieS aTe entitled to the~. it beco\ll8S a~~aTent. that the d ~ll be the Tes~onsibilit' d Co.t tsti~tes on atl Toa s Sut:'\1e1s an ~ d ~ll be designated foT constTUction ot the countY. ue~el09\1\8f\t Roa s to 'Qa~. ;. , i co~tlleted and &. . \\ land ftUTchases and sUT~eY~\\S s ot\\"t a1.tel" a l' il ble 1.t is ~ossible that an' constTUction cost est.i~tes aTe ava a · Job ~, be a co~bination tle~elo~\Il8nt 'Road af\d ~~-La'" Job. i'\ be ftaSsed on ?TovinciallY equalized AbilitY to 9a' ~ · r ' u i i 1 AffaiTS factOTS.) (1 ludina tletlaTt\ll8nt of ..un c tla ASsess~ent. nC 0 , d ~~49 03~ 000 (atl~lying bctoTS 1910 Count~ tquaUze - ~ ' · ' 8. to 1910 A~~oTtiO~ent ~~-La"') \i 0. _ ~~1~ 215 000 (not including 1911 count' t!.qua ze ~ ' ' l 'ieu of 'ta~es). (See Anne~.) G~antS 1.1.'\ ~ ... 3 ... 9. Aid can be Tecei~ed and is on a sliding Scale based on a ne9aTt.-nt ot RighWS~S of ontaTio fo~lae tOa ~~i~~ ~ill Rate ot 1.815. 10. ne9aTt~ent of RighWSYs ot OntaTio SubsidY ~11 be li~ited in 1910-1'4 ?TOgTa~ to the obiecti~e ot 45"1. ot constTUction ll~eds (91US ~intenance etc. )oT to the 1969 SubsidY in 1910 and 1911 and then Teduced in 1912 and 197~ by One 'thiTd (each e -r) of the diHeTet\ce bet.,een the 1969 Subsidy to Teach the y a . . 45% obiecti~e in 1974. ~ Mill 'Rate of 1.25 is necessar1 betoTe any UiTect I. 1\. Subsid' Te~uested in 1910'was $959,600. ~~i\I\U~ subsid, 'obtainable in 1971 .,in be $1,046,250. Ma~i~~ subSidY obtainable in 1914 ~n be al'~To~i~telY 'B,-La~ SubsidY at't'To~ed in 1969 .,.s $1,046,250. $148,000. in Annex). ~a~i~~ SubsidY obtainable in 1972 ~ll be at'9To~i~tel' $950,000. , ~~i~~ SubsidY obtait\able in 1973 ~ll be a~9To~i~telY $850,000. 12. ~axi~U~ niTect Aid is eaTned b, county s~ending to obtain the 45"1. obiecti~e. hS ouT st'ending in 1910 ~ll be o~eT thiS obiecti~e, .,e ~ll autO~tiCall' eaTn ~xi~~ niTect Aid in 1910. 'this niTect Aid is 9Teliminar1 esti~ted at $ll~,OOO. (1.n 1911, it is eXt'ected to also be $llO,OOO~) (See hnt\ex.) 13. contTibutions fTO~ the city of St. ThO~s to the " ) (5 "G" (~ased on Cost lleeds l'luS Maintenance. ee ~ St. 'thO~S'SubUTban RoadcororoiSsion ~ll be based on a city assess~ent set b"the ~iniSteT of Righ".ays and ~n be 1i~el' ~ "t ....oc~ the boat" and ~eet' the conUibutiOns designeuSO as not O. to neaTl, the t'Tesent le~el. ($16,900 if\ t970). 'thuS, a ~udget of $10,000 to $15,000 (Road '\lOT~ SUbsid,) foT the cororoission .. \lftdoubtedl', SubUTban ?To~incial Go~e T naent. t4. ?Toiected Sgending, 1969 'total t!.xPenditUTe - $3,081,820 1910 'total'EXt'enditUTe - $2,800,000 (t!.sti~ted) 1971 sub,si.d' 1,046,000 Total ~ight be 1,800,000 500,000 niTect Aid fTo~1964-69 ?TOgT~ ' - 4 - . 14.' (Cont1d) Direct Ai.d Earned in 1970 1l3.000 Total ., 2,4l3,OOO :t - $1~600,OOO l10.000 $1,700,000 $1,500,000 50.000 + $1,550,000 - $l, 400, 000 Nil 19i2 Subsidy 950,000, Total might be Direct Aid earned in 1971 Total 1.973 Subsidy 8S0,000, Total might be Direct Aid Earned in 1972 Total 1974 Subl,idy 750,000, Total might be Diretct Aid Earned in 1973 l5~ Declining Expenditures will be gradual and, thus, give the Committee sufficient time to reduce staff (if necessary) without disruption. A decline by retirement and severances i I f I !, ~ of approximat'ly 10% per year is normal and more specialized work in the future will likely make full use of most of the available staff. 16. Department of Highways of Ontario formulaes may be adjusted in the Five year period if (a) Considerable, more or ;i ~ I~ . , i : ~~, q:~ [: . ;'( ~' ~ i. less Provincial money is available; thus, the 45'7. C:onstruction objective may be raised or lowered, (b) the Provincf.al Equalized As.essment factors change across the province so thslt the 1.25 Mill Rat1e is not realistic, (if the factors drop, tbe Mill Rate will also have to drop as the Provincial Equalized Assessment wi 11 i nc'rease. 17. Direct Aid Entitlement is based on an Urban repute of 25%. An additional rebate over 25% will have raised by increased County rate over basis County Rate. (Add:ltional rebates are still eligible for Subsidy.) 18. The Needs Study will be updated ,early stating in the early spring of 1971 (called the 1971 update). This update will apply only to those roads that work has been dlone on in the previous year (or years 1969-70), and to those roads that would come into 1-5 years period for Construction. (Including problemll identified during 1971 spring breakup.) Thus. the percentSlge of the system inventoried every year would quite limited (Spring breakup on the County system are becoming less significant on a percentage cost basis every year as more and more roads ..re' rebui lt ). As it i.s expected that, in most years - 5 - 18. (cont' d) the update work will not be a great burden, the hiring of a Consultant to do the update wi 11 not be necessary in most Counties. 19. Townline Bridges are not (as in 1964-69) Programme) totaled into the needs and any funds spent on ConstnJlction of Townline lBridges do. not count toward the earning of Development Road Entitlement but do have to be added in with rega,rd to ma~imum Subsidy available to at least 1972. C. Recommendations Based on Proposals of Department of Highwavs of Ontario for 1970-74 Programme 1. That the County continue as in the past with a Programme County Road and Bridge Maintenance and Construction. 2. That this Programme continue as in the past: under the control of County Council, the County Road Committee, and the County Engineer. 3. That Maintenance work be handled as in the past by County fo:rces, supplemented as necessary by outside 81ssistance and where economical and practical County forces to take over mai ntenance work not now done by County forces. (Thi. s may take a pe~riod of years. (i.e.) All Weed Cutting donE~ by County in 1970. Snowplowing and Sanding by County may ,be sOlme years in future.) 4. That Construction work will be by Day LCilbour using County equipment and local Contractors and local assi.stance wherever possible so that as much as possible of the County's Construct.lon budget goes to residents of the County. 5. That only those jobs that are impractical to be done by Day Labour (such as large bridges and Hot Mix Asphalt Paving) be Contracted out. 6. That Consultants be employed on only those projects that i$ of a specialized nature such as large bridge!:l, deep storm sewers etc. and that every effort be made to f(llr the County to do as much of its ()wn Engineering as possible. 7. That the County should spend sufficient fUr.lds to take advantage of all the Direct Aid possible. (Present s~pending _ 6 ... 1. (conttd) n' t Aid foT 1970). in 1970 ~ll assUTe ~~i~~ u.Tec 'that the countY Should taU 'ad~antage of t.he ~~i1l\U~ 'd~ailable foT 1911 and f Ri hWS"'s ot ontaTio subs' y a ne'Pa.1:t1.t\e'C\t 0 g 1 B. ensui-ng yea1:s. d t ftTesent a thTee- 'that the t!.ngineeT be instTUcte 0 r sible foT the diScussiOf\ ot yeaT Road ?TOSTa~as soon as ~os , ~ be ftTesented to 0. that a thTee-yeaT ?TOgTa-- r the co_ittee a'C\ .-. C ci1 t.his ...eaT if ~ossible. countY out\ 1 , be balanced to ta~e a.d~antaSe 0 t 10. 'that the ?TOgTa~ . t f RiahWS"'s of ontaTio subsidized and still not the tle~aTt\l\8n 0 0 } ) \. 1I\Ount Taised foT the countY Road s,ste~ Taise (undulY t,~ a 'tniS "H 1 \l\8an the building of any bTidges by the countY Rate. .. d thiS ~tl also seT~e in the eaTIY ~aTt of the ?TOgTa~ an , ' h ?TO Ta~ to a constant to ~ee9 the Road constTUctiOn aSgect ot tel'. ' le~el e~ening out el\\t'loyroent ot countY foTces and local contTactOTS q~ \1. . the St. 'thotll3S SubuTban Road 'that the ?TOSTaroroe O' t ot a total Toad ?TOgTa~ co~iSsion be consideTed as ~aT . ~he co~ission in consultation ~th and a ?TOgTa~ set .0T ' and 't't\1C~e1:tf. 1'2. k. U d co~ittee instruct the lleeds StudY 1nat tue l'Oa u.... ., d Study cotllt'leted as i C ~ittee to ha~e the ~ee s co_OTdinat nS OUO. ' i theTein ~de a~ailable soon as ~ossible and the intoT1l\Bt on, ' the con\t\\i.ssion. 1~. \. the Study ~n be u~dated ~thin 'that, inaS1.t\UC11 as, 1 s nossible and -:h.at the StudY be ~el't as sil\\t' ear th1:0Ugnout the fo1: use. \.4. count'! be studied as soo'll as l'ossible. b _~de a~ailable to local 1l\Unici9alitieS 1nat se~ices e 1~- i 0. if the demand "\ittle" ~Tofit baS s an as in the ~ast on a , the COUf\tY shOuld al!io ~ditional seT~ice WSTTantS it, fo1: anY au \5. ide the Se~~ice. attewPt to 9TO~ reC'tVULL'l SU~~'tfED ALL oV '\ll\1.CR 15 \ll!.S R. COUNTY OF ELGIN (ANNEX) . DIRECT AID 1970 - 1974 A. Constl~ction Road Needs County and Suburban Road Commission Combined Road Needs. Now - 5,464,000 1-5 Years - 3.428.000 8,892,000 Less: Work Done or Committed prior to January 1, 1970 1969 By-Lc!w expenditure on Desirable County Roads inventoried in Needs Study - 449,000 1969 Devetopment Road Expenditure - 1,124,000 Outstanding Development Road Aid from 1964-69 Progranne at end of 1969 - 1.507.000 Total - $3.080.000 Construct:ion Needs in 1970-74 Programme 8,892,000 Less: 3.080.000 5,812,000 45% Objective of this Need for 5 years is 45% x 5,812,000 or $2,615,400 Yearly objective is 20% of this (2,615,400) or $523,000 B. Construction Bridge Needs Now - 2, 708, 000 1..5 Years Nil Tc)tal 2,708,000 Less: Work Completed 1969 - 529,000 Outstanding Needs 2,179,000 45% Objective of this Need::for 5 years is $980,550 Yearly objective is 20% (980,550) or $196,000 C. Needs in Any Year Equal Construction Ob1ective Plus Maintenance and Fixed. Costs (Bein~ Overhead. Mac:hinerv..l.. and Carage Needs) For 1970 Roads - Construction Objective Road Maintenance (Needs Study Estjlmate) Overhead (Needs Study Estimate) Machinery and Housing (Needs Study Estimate) - 523,000 - 357,000 - 148,000 113.000 1,141,000 - 2 c. (Cont:tel) For 1970 l [' Bridges .. Construction Objective - 196.000. Maintenance Objective 16.000 $212,000 D. Ascertain Money. Available in 1970 at Mill Rate of 1.25 Mills or Provincia11v Equalized Assessment. Urbans (reduced by -12.5% to take care of Urban Rebat,e at 25% (50% Subsi.dized) 76,233, 752 x 87.5% = 66,704,533. Rurals = 272.798.77~ 339,503,306 at 1.25 Mills = $424,380 From City of St. Thomas (contribution re Suburban Roads \ Mill requirement) == $ 16.900 $441,2ao Of this amount, the County Share of Bridge expenditures is calculated first (80% Subsidy, 20% County Cost) 20% of $212,000 (yearly Bridge costs) = 42,400 Money left = 441,280 Less' = 42.400 398,880 This which subsidy from DHO (matching at 50% becomes $797,760 or $798,000 Thus, the unmet Road needs @ 1.25 mills or 1,141,000 Less 798.000 343,000 E. The Formulae to Calculate Direct Aid is as Follows: The unmet Road needs @ 1.25 mills (2.432) (optimum m.ill rate - 1.25)2 + 50% of Unmet Road Need @ 1.25 Try l.~O as an optimum Mill Rate 343,000 (2.432 (1.60 - 1.25)2 + 5t~(343,OOO) = 834,176 (1.60 - 1.25)2 + 17,150 = 834,176 (.35)2 + 17,150 = 834,176 (.1225) + 17,150 = 102,186 + 17,150 Direct Aid. 119,336 or $ll9,OOO - 3 .. E. (Cant' d), Subsidy Payable by DHO = 80% Bridge Costs of 212,000 or 169,600 = 5<rf. Road Costs less Direct Aid or 1,141,000 less 119,000 = 511.000 Total 680.600 As a check: Subsidy, Plus Direct Aid, plus, County Rate at 1.60 mills, plus City of St. Thomas Contribution should equal total exp.enditure ~ 1,141,000 Roads 212.000 Bridges ~,353,OOO Oity of St. Thomas - 680,600 - 119,000 16,900 Check: DHO Subsidy Direct Aid 1.60 mills on 339,503,306 is - 543.205 1,359,705 Checking a Mill Rate of 1.59 we find: Direct Ai.d - 113,500 DHO Subsidy - 683,350 City of St. Thomas 16,900 1.59 mills or 339,503,306 - '39.800 1,353,550 Thus, an expenditure of 539,800 (plus Urban Rebates) would give the maximum Direct Aid of $113,000 :t in 1970. (Actually, the County Rate raised approximately $660,000) F. 1971 Forecast on Direct Aid (Assessm,ent figures for July, 1970, Ontario Gazette) Road Construction Needs (5-Year average) - 523,000 Road Maintenance 366,000 Overhead 153,000 Machinery and Housing - 152.000 l,194,000 Bridge Needs - Construction 196,000 Maintenance 17.000 213,000 Assessment in 1971 Urbans - 80,728,644 Rurals - 292,.545,"15 I' r eM 4 - Funds @ 1.25 Mills = 87.5% x 80,728,644 = 70,637,563 Ru ra 1 s 292.545..415 @ 1.25 mi,llJJ 363,182,978 - 453,979 Estimated from City of St. Thomas - 18.000 471,979 Deduct CCllunty share of Bridge Costs 20% (213,000) 42.600 429,379 With Subsidy - $859,000 Total Road Needs 1,194,000 Less 859..000 335,000 as Unmet Road Needs This will again work out to a Direct Aid contribution of approximcLtely $110,000 from the DHO for 1971 at an optimum Mill Rate of 1.58. (However, Maximum Subsidy will be based on 1969 expenditures and the County Rate will have to be in excess of this. Mill rate to raise the County Share to take advantage of the maximum Subsidy obtainable. G. Calculation of 1974 Subsid! These ne4!lds are likely to change with the 1971-72&73 update but the E~stimates used are from Needs Study as present ly formu1atE!d. Construction Road Needs - 523,000 Road Maintenance - 393,000 Overhead 169,000 Machinery etc. 67.000 1,152,000 Bridges Construction - 196,000 Maintenance 19.000 215,000 DHO Subsidy - 50% on Roads of 1,152,000 = 576,000 - 80% on Bridges of 215,000 = 172.000 Total 748,000 Differen4::e between 1969 Subsidy (1,046,000) and 19714. Subsidy (748,000) = approximately $300,000 I~ (~ - 5 - COUNTY OF ELGIN PROVINCIALLY EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT 1969 1969 1970 1970 Municipality Factor Assessment Factor Assessment Aylmer 24 35,991,833 24.9 35,087,935 Belmont 19 4,783,789 19.8 l~, 702,476 Dutton 30 3,536,217 22.5 L~t 797,897 Port Burwell 23 3,659,109 18.9 L~, 229,538 Port Stanley 25 13,825,240 20.3 16,754,673 . Rodney 23 5,603,022 21.8 5,783,635 Springfield 27 1,472,037 2l.9 1,835,208 Vienna 23 1,648,630 29.6 1,312,656 West Lorne 24 5,713,875 22.5 6,224,626 Aldborough 18 30,116,500 15.2 351 ,932,068 Bayham 19 31,891,158 14.1. 4:S, 118,198 South Dorchester 23 9,027,426 17.5 l2,03l,079 Dunwich 21 21,467,452 23.5 19,021,762 Malahide 17 49,634,059 18.2 45,562,004 Southwo1d 20 77,169,910 19.1 80,645,607 Yarmouth 19 53.492.268 18.1 56.234.697 TOTALS 349.032.525 37:3.274.059 ~, <'f,.I,...."",,:.:. <lIl SEPTEMBER, TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN~ COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Department of Highways have approved all th4! County's Norrrta 1 and Supplementary Road Expenditure By-La~jfs and it is anticipated that all work programmed for the year will be completed this year. 2. The Department of Highways has set forth their 1970-74 Programme of County Road Subsidies and Direct Aid. This ]~rogramme is presently under study by your Committee. It appears that the Direct Aid entitlement will be approxitnately $100,000 per year under the new programme compalr:"ed to approximately $1,000,000 per year for the 1965-69 Prcrgramme. Maximum Subsi~ies, also, declined from a maxilDUlD of $1,050,.000 available for 1971 to approximately $750,000 in 1974. The . . Committee hopes to present a proposed 3-Year Rond Programme at the November Session. 3. That the Tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited of London, at $57,230.00 has been accepted for the Hot Mix Asphalt Paving of approximately 3.5 miles of Road #16 (Developr~nt Road #1023). 4. That the Tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited, of L()ndon, at $26,885.00 has been accepted for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Road #3 in Rodney, Road #40 in Springfield, and Road #53 (Beech Street) in Aylmer. 5. That the Tender of D. R. Ryckman Limited at $39tl735.50 for the Road 153, Beech Street Storm Drain has been accepted and work is underway. A portion of the cost of the Drain will be paid by the Town of Aylmer. WE RE COMMEND: 1. That the resolution from the County of Peel requesting the Department of Highways of Ontario to set up a H~.storic and Scenic Roads Division be filed. . . 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on Wednesday, August 12, 1970, at lO:OO A.M. ALL MEMBERS were present. Also, present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES of the meeting of July 10, 1970, were re:ad and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on work to date as follows: 1. Partial approv~l of the County's Supplementary By-Law had been received and all projects except Road 1;40 Grading would be completed as, progranuned and a start would be made on Road 1140 Grading South of Highway 11'3. 2. The opening of the Willeys Bridge had been quite successfu.l. 3. The Deck of the Kains Bridge had been poured and work was continuing on the approaches. 4. A settlement had been reached with A. M. Spriet and Associ,ates Limited regarding the cost of Engineering services for Players Bridge. S. Work would start on Road #3 in Rodney within several weeks. 6. Grading on Road 4/16 between St. Thomas and Middlemarch would start by the weekend. The Department of Highways of Ontario would be contacted to see if arrangements could be made to grade a mile beyond Middlemalrch. 7. Grading on Road #45, the area West of the East River Road, had been suspended because it appeared that the fill placed already was unstaLble and it would have to dry out. 8. Sand Base was being placed West of the River Road. 9. Grading was complete East of Kettle Creek and Granular Base and Top soil work was continuing,. 10. Placement of Curb and Gutter was underway on "Road 1140 in Spripgfield. #. 11. The Department of Highways of Ontario had approved the contract of D. R. Ryckman Construction Limited for the Beech Street Storm Drain and work would start shortly. 12. Surface Treatm'ent work was completed for the time being. S't. 'tRO~' 0~AR1.0 ~'\JG'\JS1 \'2 t \910. 1.> AG'E '2 \4. 'the CountylS ~aT~ing ~,_La- bad been a9l'TO~d and Signs eTected. centTe Line ~T~ing _as undeT<,fllY. R' d it40 south of su~TS COTneTS ~Te ?Te~aTations foT gTading on oa ' \3. 15. unde't-:Y · ..~'lttl ~'l' VI. 11.. CA 'ltRL'l S1!.COl1llt'O ~'l' R. ~. JOlU'lSOll 't\\l\'t 't\11'. 'FOLWVl1.}1G ?k.'lL1.S'tS ~1!. A?mtO'lttl vOV> ?A'lMEll't' ?A'lL1.S't i20 A~1Jt''t1llG 'to $ 25,280.55 ?A'lL1.S't it21 A~1.}1G 'to $ 26,996.08 ?A'lL1.S't i 23 A~Oull't1.}1G 'to $ 244, 589 · 15 CA'RR1'ED" enc 10S i ng tle~e 10p1ll"nt Roa d p.g~~~- "t. , ti that tnp (b) t!.lgin ~noT Gororoittee TeC\.ues ng " d ~t16 'the cororoittee agTee6 to thiS Te<!.~~- at the saroe tiroe as ~oa · i i nS in Shedden. (c) 'the 'to"",shi~ of south".old TegaTding a6~ance .-Tn ng s g' ? ..' ,i 1 ?olice constable ATboUT yegaTdinS (d) ~T. }1e~ll Vltight and ontaTio TO~nc a 'tTaffic Road +42 in ?OTt ~u"Cll'ln. ~ ~ Stud~ n'tioities. (e) A.~. StlTiet TegaTding ",eeus 'J r ' ~ . . tTees foT ~T. C~aTence ~ 10. ~ ~.c}1eil TeaaT6ing 'tTee Sa~eT. o~~ng U) ~T. ".ona ' M ., 0 'to~lin on Road i48. 'ta sen I s tTUC~s foT hiting ~T. GeoTge ~ ~T. Ronald 1<-. ~clleil TegaT6ing . should not be hiTed inas\l\Uch ~_'\ to 1_1......... the t'tuc\<.s .. 'the Cororoi t tee "..., "..... countY ".oT~. . i h h count' in the 9ast. ~ ~1 nad failed to co~o~eTate _t t e as M.'t. 1. a'{)se '). f TesolutiOn Tequestins the countY of ?eel Tequesting endOTS81llent oT a Scenic and RistOTic Roads t 0& 11io. h'-"s 0 f ontaTio to set ul' a De:pa'tttnet'\ .1. [1. oJ (g) (h) 1. MC 1~'t~'E ..~'lttl ~'l' .. . l<1LLO? S1!.cOlltlt!.tl ~'l, 11.~' ~ . 't1.0ll VRO~ 't\11'. COUll't'l oV ?ttL COUll't'l C01Jt'C1.L 't\\l\'t 't\11'. R'f.SoUl 't\\l\'t 'l!E\l1!.Co_ll'D' 'to . '. t't \I? A R1.S'tOR1.C Alltl sctll1.C oV R1.GRW> 'is oV Oll'tAR1.0 'to S R'f.Q\lt S't1.}1G 't\11'. tl1!. ?AR'tME ll't ROADS tl1.V1.S1.0ll y,t 'F1.1$D. Y>'tanch. CARR1'ED'\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12_ 1970. PAGE 3 THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER . . . CORRESPONDENCE from the Town of Aylmer requesting that the County accept as a Direct Charge, the $4,000 estimated cost of Sand backfill. After Discussion . . . "MOVED BY: D. M. MC KILLOP SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE AceE PT A CHARGE OF $4,000.00 (PLUS PRO-RATED ENGINEERING COSTS) AS A DIRECT CHARGE AGAINST THE BEECH STREET ROAD RECONSTRUCTION FROM THE TOTAL COST OF THE BEECH STREET DRAIN PROJECT THE CHARGE BEING FOR THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAND BACKFILL FOR THE DRAIN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Highways of Ontario requesting approval of their plans for resurfacing and recons,truction of Highway /;73 North of Aylmer. The Engineer was instructed to write the Department of Highways of Ontario and suggest that two buildings in Lyons should be removed to improve vision at the intersection. A request by the Department of Highways of Ontario that the County accept the road between Talbotville and Road #26 was left in obeyance until the resultso of the present Needs Study were known. "MOVED BY: L. MC INTYRE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ONTARIO CULVERT AND METAL PRODUCTS LIMITED AT $2,680.20 FOR A STRUCTURAL PLATE CULVERT FOR ROAD #40. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. M. MC KILLOP SECONDED BY: L. Me INTYRE THAT THE ENGINEER BE EN POWERED. TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING FOR ROADS 4J:40, (SPRINGFIELD), ROAD /;53 (BEECH STREET) AND ROAD /;3 (NORTH LIMITS OF RODNEY) . CARRIED" s't. 'tROWS, (lll'tAR1. 0 AUGUS't 12, 1.970. "PAGE 4- nMQvttl ~'l' R. ~. JOlll'lSOll stCOl1llttl ~1' J. ~. vn1S0ll 'tllA't 't\11'. EllG1.ll'6Y.R ~t tll?Q1RI!.REtl 'to CALL 't1!.l1lltRS VOR Rat 14.1.1t AS?fIAL't ?AV1.llC all ROt>Jl 41'16 1.V tlt!.vtLO?NEll't ROAD YUllDS A.1lt!. AVA11A~\..11.. CA'R'R lEU" "N.ovtD ~'l' J. B. vn1S011 StCOl1llY.D B1' L.}\C 1l\'t'l\l1!. 't JA't 't\11'. tllG 1.l\tY.R BY. t!.ll ?omtR11. D 't 0 CA. LL 'tt!.l1ll ERS V OR 'tTAO ?Omt'R SAl1ll t!.RS · CARRl'EU" 1.t was decided to assiSt M'll\CO Canada. Li~ited to the amount of . \.. \.. T\ ....t-ent of Righw8,'\1S of onta-rio $200.00 in theiT pT090sed ~nspection uY tL~ uepa. ~ J and ~unicil'al t!.ng~neeT'S of the ~ttle CTee~ on se~tembeT 23, 1910. 1.t waS decided to 90stpone an official 0gening of the TAaTTen StTeet ~Tidge indefinitel,. ~tteT left until the nest meeting. 1.t WSS decided to eTect "N.aSiutnU~ 50" N.Hes peT houT signs on ?a~ed u ~ S C 1d~~11 waS diSCUssed and the A TetiTement paTtY foT ~T... · a.w- CountY Roads wbeTeveT necessary. "N.ovtD ~1' TA. 'R. CA.vtRL'l StCOl'ltl1!.D 1\1' tl. N.. }\C R1LLO? 'tllA't mt t>Jl JOURll 't 0 mttllltSDA 1, St!. yrE~t'R 9, 1910, A't 10,00 A. N.. ct\1UtlEDtt cree~ cul~eTt fol&owad AdjOUT~nt. 1.nsgecdon of constTUction on Road i45 af\d the asse~blY of Rettle JULY 10, 1970 ST. THOMAS, Ontario THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on Friday, July 10, 1970, at 10:00 A.M., in the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. ALL MEMB1~RS except Warden Caverly were present. Also, present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario, and Mr. Cyril Demeyere, Consulting Engineer, of Tills,Q,nburg, Ontario. Tenders for the Beech Street Storm Drain in Aylmer, Ontario, were opened and were as attached. THE MINUTES of the Meetings of June 10, 1970, June 16, 1970, A.M., and June 16, 1970, P.M., were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on work to date as follows: 1. That the Minister of Highways had approved the revision of Road /116 to the County from the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, and that a Development Road Agreement was expected shortly. 2. That the Department of Highways of Ontario would install Traffic Signals shortly at the Intersection of Highway #4 and Fingal Road. 3. That no official work had been received re Supplementary By-Law approvals, but in a conversation with the Department of Highways of OntaI~io Head Office, it had been indicated that a partial approval would be forth coming shortly. 4. That the Count,y of E 19in By~'Law restricting Parking had not, as yet, been approved. 5. That the Plan far the Willeys Bridge opening had been comj)leted. 6. That prelimina,ry discussions had been held with Mr. E. Stirling re purchase of the Barnes house on Road #15 in Dutton. 7. That no furthe'r word had been received from the Federal Government re additional grant on Engineering for the Port Burwell Bridge. 8. That Weed cutting was slow as delivery of the new John DeE!re tractors had not, as yet, been received. 9. That Surface Treatment had been completed in West Elgin and that the City of St. Thomas had accepted the Tender of Municipal Spraying c:tnd Oi ling Limited. 10. That Gravel Resurfacing had been completed on Roads 115 and #9 in Dunwich and Aldbol1oUgh. 1\. s't. 't\\OWS' Oll'tAttl0 JULY \0, J 910. -PAGE 2 \2. 'that \'Iil le's and \'IaTTen StTeet ~Tidge had been co~~ leUd. 'that the ~ea~s had been l'laced on Rains ~Tidge. 'that one Cul'ieTt had been co~91eted on Road ~45 and asse~bl' of the ne1tt 1.3. Cul'ieTt ~as 9TOceeding. . . 0. 0. C~shed GTa~el ~uld d nO. San.. at\ ... ~ 40 had been col\\t'lete a 'that Gnding on Road t . . d d ~uld be ta~en fTO~ ___ ~he Teroaining shouldeTing nee e \4. soon be c~leted, aLSU. -- ~eech Styeet in Ayl\\\6T ""en it .,as Tebuilt. 1 . d . '. Road "45 tast of lligh.,a, ~t4 b' the ~iddle 'that GTadi.ng ~uld be col\\t' ete on \, .0. 1 cina of sand base ~uld staTt eaTIY ne~t ~e~. of the ~e" an . tl a 0 0. Tl~ col\\t'lete, also. . 'D 0. 4'45 b\iddleroaTCh SideToa , .,as nea J 'that GTad~ng oP ..oa r , underwa' on Road "45 and a11 ~T~ 'that 't09 soiling >IOT~ and c leanutl ~T~ .,as 1.5. 1.6. t!.ast of Road i\~6 col\\t'leUd. R d ~~16 in about thTee ~e~s. 18. 'that Gnding >IOuld staTt on oa 1Ib\<)Vt!.tl ~'l ~ J. ~. vnLSOll ~C~tlt!.D~~' R.~. JO~S~ 'R R'lC~ll COllS'tl'IlC't1.0ll L1.tn'tttl. VOR 't\11'. c~STRllC't1.0ll 't~'t 'ilt ACcY.?'t 't\11'. 'ttl1ll1!.R oV tl. · .. S1!.'iltR A't 't\11'.1.R 't1!.lltltRttl ?R1.ct oV $39 ,1~5. 50 S1l1~JtC't 'to oV 't\11'. ~EtCR STRV,tlt S'tO'8:.' . . A??RO'1AL OV 't\11'. tlV}?AR'tlltll't O'F m.G\t\tl~'lS oV Oll'tAR1.0 all1l ~??RO'1AL OV 't\11'. collll't'l'S " '" ..1 ...'l 'tlU> tlV- ?AR't}oll1.ll't OV lUGR~h> 'lS oV 0ll'tAR10 · sU ??Jl!.llE ll'tAR'l ~ 1 - IS''' " 11. CA'R'R1EU" 1I\40Vt!.D ~'l' J. ~ · vn tS Oll St!.coll'DtD ~'l ~ L. ~ 1.ll'J:"iRt!. 't~'t 't\\i. VOLLOvnllC ?A'lL1.S'tS ~V- A??RO'l1!.tl VOR ?A'lllEll't' ?A'lL1.S't i11 h>b\O\lll't1.llG 'to $ 22,196.52 ?h>'lL1.S't ,i18 h>~'t1.llG 'to $ 24,211.16 llb<'lL1S't ,,. 1 9 h>~o1Jll't1.llG 'to $ ~8 5,891 · n CA'R'R1EU\\ f the ?olice Village Co~S?OllDV.llcY. Te 'tTaffic Sl'eed f~o~ the 'tTUStees 0 ~ i of the s~eed d . ided that a Te~uest foT c..ang ng AfteT disCUssion it.,as eC C. . 1 and be en!loTSed by the count'] Li~it should co~e fTO~ the south~ld 'towt\shil' ounc~ of Shedden ~aS Tead. of tlgtn 'Road Cororoittee. 5't. 't\\0w.s, 0l\'t~10 JUl."l 10, \ 910. ?AGi 3 obeyance · t the ~iddlese~ 'Road c~ttee 't\11'. 1!.llG1llt1!.R Te~oTted the s01l\8 \I\8~beTS 0 n Id be l'laced on the 1Jli\leYs llTidge. C01\'lll\itUe felt that 1jfOndeTed if a 9 ll\~,.,.e s oU h 5 nO otheT countY ~Tidge had 91a~ues on a 91a~ue was not necessaTY' inas'II\UC a, S t ~Tidge was left in &<icial oftening foT ~aTTentTee A decision on an o~~ r thetn. h C untY councHIS &-.o~ the countY of ~TUce waS ~ead as~ing t e 0 . ~. _ d\l Toacis built t.o the \1 B\ JomlSO}l ..~O~tl 1l'f'" L. ~ 1.ll'tYR1!. 't\11'. cOtlll't'l oV llRtlC'E stCOlltli.tl ~., . 't\11'. \l1!.SOLtl't1.0ll oV ll't'l C Qtl1l\C1. L 't llA't 'tllA't \$. 1l.1!.CO-lltl 'to cOO .' . 't'dO-lAblt R1GRW>'fS ~t!. V1.1.Etl. ? R ?\!.R ROuR Oll l'.LL 1l.1!. tlll1.VO~ s?Ettl O'F 60~. · · t>.fuT tli:,scussion · · · C1\'RRliD" 11 IdTight and const. l'.TboUT of d f1!otn l\1!. }le~e cORRtS?Olltl1!.llCt was Tea . i f county Road i42 ?olice ~e 'tTaffic l'Toble~ at 1nteTsect on 0 the QntaTio ?TO~incial .f the 09inion that t.he \\ 'the cororo~ttee waS 0 i ?o1!t Bu1!~e · and \1ietOTia StTee!t n d li~it on Road i4'2 in the t of the 30 l1l-.~.h. s~\I\4 onlY solution waS enfOTCe1l\8n \1illage of ?oTt ~uTwell. ,d tl~ St~eetS, l'.yl~eT, to Sale of 'Land at the 1nteTsection of lleech an ~T. Leslie ~Quiggan waS diScUssed. 11 JO\\'NSO}l "MOvED B"l: 11. 1).. . . ...1> SECOlltlEtl ~'ll tl. ~ lULLO ' crt 4t82 llcR'tR 'tl'.L~crt 'RQI\\l V,S't C~1.G(l1\.ll A ?OR't1.0ll oV L ' 'tllA't \$. Si.LL 'to ~. 1.ESL1.t ~ Q' " llcrt ll'Ei.tltD VcR COUll't'l RQI\1) 'E't l'.lltl ll'E'ECR S't'R1!.i.'t 1.ll A'iL),\E'R. A't 't\11'. C01l.\'11!.R oV tL~ s'i1l.1!. . ' ,~'l1.b1G l'.lltl 1.EGAL COS'tS. }\R }o\C Qtl1.GGAN 'to ?A'l ALL SuR VOR 't\11'. S~ 011 $200.00 'dl'tR · lIt1!.'t1.llG AD J OuR),\E tl f oT tl inn e T · 1\V'tiR Dl1\\}lilt · · · C1\'R'RliD" 5't. 'tROMAS, ()\\'l:.L'.10 JUL1 10, 1910. F~GE l+ fot' Ree~e WillSon Te~oTted that l!.T. Wi\1ia~ L,ons on 'Road 4t~1 had as~ed an v.ngineeT' s \B.e~oTt on TetlaiT oT Tel'laee\l\8nt of e1tUting dTain in his 9TOl'eTt'. c()llJ1J!.S?Ol1ll1!.llCt!. waS Tead fTo~ the tletlaTtment of Righwa'S of ontaTiO Te<\uesting a99To~al of the location of the St. 't\u)tl\3s 'E1ttlTesswaY. tJl!.O\lttl ~'ll L. l!.C utt'lltt!. St!.COllDttl ~'lIJ. 1'>. WlLSOll 't Wo. 't WI!. 1\??'R O\lt 't\11'. J.OCA 11 oll 1\ll1l 1l1!icQW11!.lltl1\ 't1. oll V ()ll. 't\11'. s't. 'tROW-S tX?RtSS W> 'l 1\S ?JlF. sv.ll'tt!.D 't 0 't\\'E cOUll't'l oll A?R1. L 10, 1910 , .!\l1tl 1ll!oQU'E S'tED 'tWo.'t s'E\l10\lS C ollS 1.tl\?t!.l\ 't1. oll y,t G1.\ltll 'to 't\11'. ~~l.U>1.llG oV 1\~ O\ltRl'1\S5 1\'t 't\11'. 1.~'t'E\lS1!.C't1.Oll oV 't\11'. tx?JlF.SSW1\'l All1l collNt'l 'R QJ\ll 4t 52 (1?OS'tWl C R R OAtl ) · AfteT Te~ie~ng tl\ans and c!.isC\1sSion. · · CA'R'Rl'EDtt 't\\'E v.NG~~t!.'RTe~oTted that the Canadian ?acific 'Railwa' ~shed additional Col\\t'ensatiOn foT tands at ?oTt ~uTW811 used by the County of 1!.lgin toT a seT~ice Toad. 'the Co~ittee felt that the a~unt tlTe~iouslY agTeed u90n waS ~Te than adeCluate. 1.t was decided to incTease the ViTe 1.nsUTance on the Roaney GaTage to $ 5,000 f TO~ $2, 500 ~ t h the Dun~c h Va 1:tII8TS l!.utua 1 1. nsuTance CoI\\t'any. 'the metteT of Sl'eed Li~its on CountY Roads waS left in obeyance. HMO\fED '81: SECO~D'ED '81: 'tWo.'t WI!. AtlJOURll 'to 10,00 A.M... A\lG\lS't 12, 1910 · J. 'B. \ULSO~ L. MC 1~1RE CAR'Rl'ED" C~lRMl\~ '\\ ~~ . c-> COUNTY OF ELGIN Beech Street Storm Drain 1. D. R. Ryckman Construction Ltd. R. R. #5 St. Thomas, Ontario 2. >J. M. Brandow - McDonald Ltd. R!t R. 13 St. Thomas, Ontario 3. Elgin Construction Company Ltd. ll03~ll05 T~lbot Street St. ThdmaS, Ontario 4. 'fundt & McCann Construction Ltd. Box 100 Stratford, Ontario 5.JRobert Simon Construction Ltd. Ji. R. 12 Water ford, Ontario 6. lPramat Construction Ltd. JR. R. #6 :London, Ontario . - $39,735.50 - $39,804.85 - $39,9~~7.90 - $4lt205~OO - $44, 6B:5. 00 - $56,905.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE SESSION~ 1970 (Thi rd Report) TO THE WARDEN 1\ND.. MEMBERS OF THE EUGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: WE.RECOMMEND: 1. That l!l By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agr.eem~nt with the Minister of Highways for the Construction of Road 4116 from St. Thomas to F'ingal as a Development Road. This Agreem~nt wi 11 permit the Department of Highways to set up funds for Construction of Road #16 in 1970 and 1971. A portion of the work will be done this year. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO , . JUNE SESSION, 1970 (Second Report) TO THE WARDEN- AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD CPMMlTTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a "By-Law: be passed consolidating all By-Lawl; prohibiting parking on County Roads and in the same By-Law pclrking be prohibited on the following roads: (a) Overnight Parking on Road #3 in Rodney. (b) Road 1121 near Road /;20 in Port Stanley. (c) . Road #35 near Springwater. (d) Road #42 East of Highway #19 in the Village of Port Burwell. (e) At the intersection of Roads #47 and #48 in South Dorchester. ~ (f) Road #49 in the Vil1~ge of Springfield. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ~)NT ART 0 JUNE SESSI0N~ 1970 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF 'THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: l. Thatatl official opening of the Willeys Bridge is planned for July 15, 1970. It is expected that the Hon. Wm. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture will officially open the structure. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to Charles Futcher Begg and John li'utcher Begg for a portion of Lot #7, Range III, West of River Road,. Township of Southwold This will give the Begg's Ii clear Deed to a portlon of Lot ff7, cut off by Road 1145 from the rest of the land owned by them and was a condition of purchase of the Right of Way for Road #45 from them. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEC1~FULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN li' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, at 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, June 16, 1970, in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS except Reeve McAlpine were present. THE ENGINEER reported that he had been notified by the Department of Highways of Ontario a few hours previously that the Department of Highways of Ontario was prepared to enter into an Agreement with the County for the Construction of Road #16 from St. Thomas to Fingal as a Development Road. "MOVED BY: L. MC INTYRE SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DE PART ME NT OF HIGHWAYS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD /116 FROM ST. THOMAS TO FINGAL AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED to July 10, at 10:00 A.M. $~~t<-6~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE l6, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St.. Thomas, Ontario, at 10:30 A.M., Tuesday, June 16, 1970, in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. Parking Restrictions on various County Roads were discussed at some length as was enforcement of any restrictions imposed by By-Law. After Discussion, it was decided to leave the enforcement of Parking restriction on County Roads to the By-Law enforcement officer of the Loacl Municipalities. "MOVED 'BY : SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED PROHIBITING PARKING ON ROAD #35 NEAR THE SPRINGWATER CONSERVATION PARK, ROAD #21 NEAR ROAD #20 IN PORT STANLEY, ROAD 4149 IN SPRINGFIELD, ROAD 413 OVERNIGHT PARKING IN RODNEY, AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROAD 4147 AND ROAD 4148 IN SOUTH DORCHESTER, ROAD 4142 IN PORT BURWELL, AS WELL AS THOSE ROADS NOW COVERED BY COUNTY BY-LAW. CARRIED" Reeve DeGraw and the Engineer reported that they had inspected the Barnes' house on Road #15 and were of the opinion that the value of the property was between $5,000.00 and $6,000.00. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE D. MC KILLOP THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO NEGOTIATE THE PURCHASE OF THE BARNES 11 HOUSE ON ROAD 1115 IN DUTTON. CARRIED" Chairman Moore reported that no decision had, as YE~t, been made by the Council of the Town of Aylmer with regard to the proposed set back on the ptToperty at the corner of Beech and Elm Street now zoned for a trailer park. THE ENGINEER reported that Cyril Demeyere estimated the cost of backfilling the Beech Street Drain with sand rather than with the excavation material would be approximately 4,000. This would allow the rebuilding of Beech Street this year providing the Department of Highways of Ontario approved the County's supplementary Expenditure By-Law. It was decided to back the drain with sand. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to July lO, 1970, at 10:00 A,.M. CHAIRMAN s't. 'tROW$, O~t..1t10 JU~ 10, 1910 't\11'. COUll't'l oV 1!. U; 1.ll RO/ID CO~1.'t'tt!.t \l\8t at the coUTt Rouse, St. 'tho~s, ontaTio, at 10,00 A.~.' Wednesday, June 10, 1910. ALL ME~ERS e>tcept' Ree~e WHson ",eTe pTesent. Also, ~Tesent ",as ~T. FTan~ ClaT~e of the tlepaTtment of Righ>ll)'js of onta'tio. l11llU'tES 01' 't\11'. ~eetings of MaY 14 and 20, 1910, weTe Tead and ap~To~ed. . ArransementS toT the opening of the Willeys ~Tidge WeTe diSCUssed. 't\11'. 1!.llG1.ll1!.ER TepoTted on t he ",aT~ to date as fo t1o"'s' WOT~ on the Willeys and WaTTen StTeet BTidgeS ",as neaTlY completed. 1. 7. Good pTOgTeSS ",as being ~de at the Rains ~Tidge. AssemblY of the Kettle CTee~ culveTt ",as undeTW8Y. GTavel ResuTfacing ",auld beccompleted on Road ~9 ne>tt ",.e~. ?a~e\1l.ent ~T~ing .,.as undeTW8Y in West 1!.lgin. SUTface 'tTeatment ",aT~ ",auld staTt ne>tt ",.e~. Rot ~i>t ?atcbing .,.as undeT.,.ay on Toads to be SUTbce 'tTeated. Road ~20, south of vingal and Road ~41 ",auld be SUTface 'tTeated using countY funds TatheT than tlepaTt\l\8nt of Righ.,.ays of ontaTio tunds. GTading ",as continuing on Road i45 west of t!.astRi~eT Road. AlthoUgh, slo'" ~ i-de conditions weTe betteT than eaTlieT encounteTed. pTOgTeSS .,.as.ue ng'..a , GTading .,.as unde1:.,.ay on Road ~40, South of Sl'Tingfield. Cenual l'i~etines ",eTe ~~ing v,eTY slo'li 9TOg1:esS on tIlO~ing theiT l'ipetine. 'the WaTden and Chaiyroan agTeed to meet with cential ?ipe Lines to see if pTOgTeSS could not 8. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. \2. be speeded u\,. Cleanu9 WOT~ ,.,.as undeTW8Y on Roads ~~41, i48, and ~49. Rot ~i>t Asphalt ?a~ing had been co~91eted bY Walmsley ~TOS. Li~ited on Road ~45. An AgTee\1l.ent had been Teached with Stan Coo~ to allo'li the gTade of the Toad to Teroain as constTUcted in fTont of his l'TOpeTty. 'the CountY 'thToUgh Righ",ay ~y_LaW passed in ~aY had been~ap9Toved by the tlepaTtment .' 10. \1. 14. of T'tanspo'tt. tleli~eTY of the ne'li caT and t",a ne'" tTUC~s had been made. cyril tletll8yere Li~ted 'lias pTocessing ~th ~lanS foT Beech StTeet StoTm nrain. 13. 15. S't. 't\lOMt>.S, oll'tJ\R 10 JUNE 10, 1 ~170. 'PAGE '2 17 · i126 intO the CitY and the 1.n-City TOUte of the txtlTesS\<lllY. 11 10. S t:.f Td ~? to assist the Count' 18. 1!.ffectS weTe being ~de by MT. oaTO ta. 0' .., in obtaining tha TeroaindeT of the funds fTQ~ the Canadian '1:Tan!ll'OTt cororoiSsion llo SUl'pletnentaTY ~y_La'<A ~oneY had, yet, been ap~To"ed by the tlel'aTt\l\8nt of Righ\<lllYs of Ot\taTiO and no fiScal l'olicy foT the next fi~e yeaTS set. 'the St. 'thoroas CitY council had ap9TO~ed the Westeern tnUance of \l.igh\<lllY 16. Te the ?oTt ~UTwell BTidge. "MOV1!.tl ~'l' L . ~ 1ll'tY\l.t stCol1llED ~'l, tl. MC 1.Cl.LLO? '1:l\l\'t '1:\11'. VOLLO\il1.llG ?A'iL1.S'tS ~t A?'l?ROV1!.tl VOR ?A'lMEll't' ?A'iL1. S't ~~ 14 A.MQ\lll't1.l1G '1: 0 $ 20,841. 62 ?A'iJ.1.S'1: ~~15 AMOmrt1.llG '1:0 $ 20,838.08 ?A'lL1.S'1: H 6 AMomrt1.b1C '1:0 $ 113,884.61 CA'RR1ED" CoRRES?ONDE~C1!. \<IllS Tead fTO~' (a) tlgin constTUction C~9anY Li~ited Tequesting fUTtheT consideTation of the clai~ foT ti~e lost on the ?layeTS ~Tidge. "MOV1!.tl ~'l' L. 'MC 1.ll't'lRE stCONDttl B'l' tl. MC 1.Cl.1J.,0? 'tl\l\'t llO VUR't\11'.'R CO~S1.tltRA't1.mt ~t!. G1.'JV.'N 'to 't\11'. C:Lt\lM oV 't\11'. 1!.U;lll COllS'tRUC't1.0ll CoMl'PJi'l L1.M1.'tt!.tl ~OR ALlEtlCttl LOSS oV 't1M\!. A'1: ?:Lt\ "{tiS ~R1DGt. CA'RR1ED" AYtE'R D1SCUSS10~ · · · A Rel'OTt fTo~ the constTuction Safety 1nsl'ectoT Te a fatal accident at the OntaTio WateT ResoUTces C~ission filtTation plant \<Ills Tecei~ed and TefeTTed to CountY council. A' letteT fTo~ the West 1!.lgin Lions Club \<IllS Tead ap~Teciating the pTivilege of closins Road ~8 foT theiT fiTeWOT~S dis91aY on Vic~OTia Day. f G t t:.~o- the Elgin CountY Road supeTintendent ASsociation A Tequest oT Tan .. ~ ~aS -read. tlMoV1!.tl ~'l' W. CA V1!.RL 'l St!.CONDtD ~'l t D. MC J{1.LLO? '1:l\l\ 't VIE Mt>.l<t A GRAll't oV $ 25.00 'to 't\11'. t U;1.~ COUllTt'l RQAtl SU?ER1.ll'ttl1ll1!.ll'tS ASSOC1.A't1. oll. CARR1EU" 51. TROMAS, ONT1\Rl0 JUNE 10, 1970. PAGE 3 TepTesenting the ~aTnest Estate ~ndeTing if the County of Elgin waS inteTested in pUTchasing the house on Road *15 to roa~e a Di~eTSion to ~oad *8. Ree~e tleGTaW THE tNQ1Nt1!.R TepoTted that he had Tecei~ed a letteT fTo~ E. StiTlinS and the t!.ngineeTweTe as~ed to Tel'OTt as soon as possible. pTopeTty of vutcheT ~egg on Road #45 and that he should be Deeded back the pOTtion cut off by the Road *45 Di~eTsion. THE ENG1NEER repoTted that l'Toceedings weTe co~plete with TegaTd to the nMOV'ED BY: SECONDED BY: 'tllhT 'WE. ro!.coMMtNtl 'to COUll'tY COUllC1L TllhT A ~'l-l.AW Bt ?ASSEtl AUTROR1.Z1llG T\11'. WARtlEN Al1ll CLtRK'TO S'1GN A tlEEtl TO c. 1'UTC\11'.'R BEGG AND JORll v. BEGG FOR ?ART 01' H. B. JOHNS ON L. MC INTYRE LQ'r in, RANGt n1, 'WE.S't ov R1Vt!.R ROA.tl. piece of 9TopeTt' in Ayllll8T from the County of Elgin at the inUTsecdon ot Elm 'tHE tNG1llEtR Tead a Tequest' from MT. Leslie McQuiggan to pUTChase a CA'R'RIEDU and Beech Street. by the Town of Ayl\l\8T on the setback TequiTed on the coTneT. AfteT tliSCUssion, the roatteT waS left in obeyance l'ending a decision enfoTcelll8nt of the By.Law discUssed. 'the entiTe roatteT waS left in obeyance. tlecision on Sgeed Limits waS again postl'oned. 'Requests foT ?aT~ing RestTictions weTe discUssed and the roatteT of nMoV'ED BY: SECONDED BY: 't1lh't 't\11'. ROAD COMM1't'tt!.E BE ADJOURNED 'to JULY 10, 1910, AT 10,00 A.M. L. MC INTYRE D. Me KILLOP CARRIED" J/;~ - CMIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 20, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on May 20, 1970, at 2:00 P.M. in conjunction with the County Council. ~. ALL MEMBERS except l~~~~~Reeve Wilson were in attendance. An official opening of the Willeys Bridge was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE HOLD AN Or'FICIAL OPENING FOR THE WILLEYS BRIDGE ON JULY 15, 1970. CARRIED" It was decided to request Premier Robarts to offici,ate. Deputy Reeve Whalls of Port Stanley, was, also, in .attendance re an official opening of the Warren Street Bridge. Mr. Whalls :was advised to contact his Council and report to the County Engineer on their decision. MEETING ADJOURNED to June 10, 19.70, at 10:00 A.M. ~ CHAIRMAN S'I'. 't110W-S, Oll'l't>.RI0 ~"i 14, 1910 ~aY 14, 1910, at 10.00 A.~. ALL ME~tRS. e~cel't ~arden Ca~eTIY and 'Ree~e ~ilson, ~ere pTeSent. AlsO l'Tesent ~aS ~T. VTan~ ClaT~e of the tlepaTtroent of Righ~aYs of ontaTio. 'tUE ~1.~~ES of the meetings ot Al'Til 10, 23, and 30, 1910, ~eTe Tead 't\11'. COUll't'l oV tLG1ll ROIID coMl'll't'ttt ~et at the CoUTt RoUse on 'thUTsdaY, and a1?p-ro"\1ed. \1~oV1!.tl ~'l. L. l!\C lll't'l1lE stColUlED '\\'l' R. ~. JORllSO~ 't\1A't 't\11'. l'$SOUl'tlOllS Mm p,.C't10~S oV 't\11'. COUll't'l R()l\tl COMl'll't'tt1!., A't A MEE't1llG ON p,.1'R1. L 10, 1910 , ~t COllV1.~tl Alltl A ?1'ROV1!.tl · CA'R'R1EDU 2. 't\11'. EllG1.NBER TepoTted on the ~T~ to date as follo~s' 'the ne~ ~illeys ~Tidge waS 0gen to 'tTaffic. Good pTOgTeSS ~as being ~de on the constTUction of the Rains ~Tidge. All ~T~' otheT than cUTb, gutteT and paving, had been col\\t'leted at the ~aTTen 1. 3. 10. St-reet "B-ridge. tlust control ~T~ waS cor091eted. GTa~el TesuTfacing on Roads ~~5 and ,",9 would staTt ne~t ~ee~. l'Ti~ing ",oT~ ~uld staTt in about a wae~. Rot ~i~ 9atchins ~as undeT~aY. So~e ~a~eroent ~T~ing had been cOl\\t'leted. Relocation of vutcheT tlTain had been co~pleted. Cul~eTts waTe being ~laced on Road i45, south of ~iddte~Tch. ~ 0. t 0. ~4 500 00 foT the Right-of-~a' thToUgh his ~T. vutcheT '\legg...a accep e ~, · I; :00. JI.45 ~th.the countY to l'To~ide a sepaTate deed foT paTcel 9TOpeTt' .0T"oa " , se~eTed tTo~the ~in fa~. 9. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. 12. 0. We.st of the 1!.aSt Ri~eT Road, but ~ery wat conditions GTading ~oTk ~aS uneTwaY had been encounteTed and pTOgTeSS waS slo~. StO~ tlTain ~Tk ~aS undeTwaY on 'Road j~45, ~est of Righ~Y ,",4. \1. 13. 5'1'. 'I'11.0w..5, 0}\'I'AIlI0 NAY 14, 1970. PAGE 2 TEllDERS foT \1.ot ~i>t ASl'halt ?a~ing on Road i45 1lfeTe ol'ened and ",eTe' ~a1~sley BTOS. Li~ited _ $12,050.00 lIMOVJ1,D ~'l: tl. Me lULLO? S E C Ol1ll1!.tl ~ 'l , L · Me lll't'lllE 't\\AT m> ACCEpt 't\11'. 'tt!.lltl'ER OV'dAL~U:'l ~'ROS. L1.lfi'tt!.D VOR \1.crt M1X ?AV1.NG oll ROAtl ~'45 A't T\11'.1.R 'tEll1lERttl l'R1 cE OV $ 1'2,050.00, SUBJt!.CT 'to A?l'ROV AL OV T\11'. tlt ?M~,TME llT OV 'to1lfland constTuction L\~ited - $15,200.00 1:\1 G \\vU\ 1S Or' O'N1A'R 10 · CA'RttlED" I1~OVf.tl ~'l: \1.. B. JoaNS oll SECOll1lEtl ~Y: L. Me lll't'lBE 't\\A't 't\11'. VOLLOl81NG ?A 'lL1S'tS ~E A?l'ROVf.tl VOR ?A YMEll't , ?A'lL1.S't ~n AMOUN't1NG 'to $18,454.91 ?A'lL1ST H'2 A~OUll't1NG 'to $1 9,680.0~ PAYL1.ST ~l~ A~oUNT1.NG 'to $90,361.41 CORRESPOll1lt!.llCl!. was Tead tTo~ the County of O>tfoTd asking a Tesolution CA'Rt.tlED\' Tequesting the ban of studded tiTes be endoTsed. lIMOVf.D B'l, L. MC 1.ll't'll\ll StCOll1l1!.D ~'l: 1\. ~\. JOmlSON T\\A't m> Rt!.COMlAtl1ll to couNT'l cO\lllC1L T\\A't T\11'. t$SOU1'tlOll O'F 't\11'. COUll't'l OV OXFORll Ar'1ER D'~SCUSSI0N . . . RBQUES't1.NG T\11'. BAll oV S'tUtlD1!.tl 'tlRES ~t Ell1lailSEtl. CARRIED" lIMOVf.tl BY' D. MC lULLO? St!. CO ll1l Etl ~'l: L · MC 1ll't'll\ll T\\A't m> ACCEpt T\11'. QucrtAT10ll oV ARMCO CAllt>.tlA L1M1.'ttD Vail AN 84 lllCR tllAlItTE'R S'tRUcT\JRl\L STEtL CULVf.'RT VOR ROtJl ~45 A't 't\11'.1.R QUoTEtl PR1.CE OV $1,915.00, SUBJEc't 'to tlE?AR'tMENT OV W1G'!\WA'lS OV OllTAR1.0 A?mtOVAL. T\11'. EllG':DlV.tR nl'OTted that the De\>aTt~ent of RighwaYs of OntaTio had a\>\>To~ed the 91ans of Apnco Canada foT the Kettle CTeek CulveTt on Road ~45. CARRIED" ST. Tl:\O~S, OllTt\RI0 MAY 14, 1970. PAGE 3 "MOvEtl ~'l: R. ~. JORllSOll SECONt>Etl B'l: L. MC lllT'fll.E 'tfll\'t ~ ACCt!.l!r 't\11'. QUO'tAT10ll OV A'RMCO GAllAtlA L1.M1TEtl VOlt T\11'. SU??L'l ANt> SUl"EtlV1S1.0ll OV E'Rt!.C't10ll OV KE,TTJ.;E CREEK CULvKR'tS, 3 S ?AllS, 36 VEt!.'t BY 26' 7" Alltl 244 VEt't LOllG, A't T\11'.l'R QUOTEtl l'Rilct oV $1\4, 992.00 SU~JECT TO A?l'I.OVAL OV T\11'. tlt!.?AlrtMtNT oV R1.GRWA'lS OF ONTA'R 10 · CA'R'RIEDtl obsolete and that ~inoT a~endments and changes ~eTe necessaTY to up date it. 1 't\11'. ENG\l.NEtR TepoTted that the county's thTOUgh 1:Iigh~aYS By-La~ >illS "MOVED ~Y: tl. MC K1. LJ..O? SECONt>Etl ~'l: H. B'. JOaNSOll Tfll\T ~ REcoMM'ENt> TO coUll't'l COUllC1.L Tfll\'t A NEW ~'l_LM;J Bt pASSEtl W1:I1.cR \l1.LL AMtNt> ANt> ~RU1G U? TO tlA'tt!. T\11'. cOUNr'l'S THROUGR R1.G1:IWA'l B'l-lAW. CARltlEDU 'RobeTts and the E~g\neeT instructed to meet ~th MT. COO~ to see if the pToblem T\11'. Gv.Mlt!. on Road #45 at MT. Stan Coo~t s >illS diSCUssed, and Ree~e could be settled. ~th 'Reeve Blyth and told heT that the. Committee felt that a Munici9al tlTain was 'the tngineeT TepoTted that he had diSCUssed duinage on Chatha~ StTeet the solution. that he would atteropt to get fUTtheT information on the development of the 1ToquoiS 1.ropTo~e~ent of the Vienna Rill ~aS diSCUssed and the EngineeT stated Beach ?aTk fTom the tle~aTtment of Lands and VOTests. T\11'. MEEnllG ADJOllRN1!.tl V01l. D1.llNER. extTa payment foT tWO daYs lost ~hen waiting foT deli~eT' of reintoTcing steel. A'FTE'R DINNER. A letteT was Tead fTomElgin constTuction Company Limited Tequesting AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOvEtl ~'l~ D. MC K1LLO? SECONt>ttl ~'l, L. MC lll't'fll.E 'tfll\T m: tl1.SALLOW 11\11'. ClA1~ OV EU;1.ll CONS'tRUC't10N COMl'All'l OV $1,900.00 V01l. T\11'. U)SS OV TWO WO'RK1NC tlA'lS ON T\11'. BU1W1NC OV 1\11'. ?lAYF.tlS ~'R1.tlGE AS T\11'. COUll't'l fll\tl llO COll'tROL OvE'R 1\11'. tlEL1.VERY OF 't\11'. REUlV01l.C1.NC S'tt!.EL. CAR\tIEDtt ST. THOMAS" ONTARIO MAY 14, 19'70. PAGE 4 Erosion at Kaufman's was discussed and the Committ,ae felt that the erosion should try to be stopped by use of old fence, stumps it car bodies, etc. It was decided that Connot"', Weed Spray rate could nc)t be set, but every Township rate would vary on the equipment used. Discussion on Speed Limits was postponed to a late1r meeting. THE ENGINEER reported that no decision had, as yet:, been made gy the Department of Highways of Ontario on a financial policy for the County's Need Study. No decision had yet been made by the City of St. Thomas on the location of the By-Pass and Highway #126. TIm ENGINEER presented and discussed the attached Priority ratings of Deficient Bridges and Roads. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE D. MC KILLOP THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH ENGINEERING SURVEYS ON (1) ROAD 1136 FROM HIGHWAY /13 'I'O 1 MILE SOUTH OF SPARTA, (2) ROAD 4140 FROM MOUNT SALEM TO ROAD /142, (3) ROAD f13 FROM HIGHWAY 413 SOUTH, (4) ROAD 4116 FROM ROAD 41210 TO ROAD 4114. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: H. B. JOHNSON SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JUNE lO, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" /f2/rA/J~ V' -/ - """" CHA IRMAN I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD TOUR West E1Rin. April 30. 197Q 1. Leave Court House - 9:00 A.M. 2. Road #22 - New Construction. 3. Warren Street Bridge, Port Stanley. 4. Road 420 to Fingal. 5. Road #16 to Wallacetown. 6. Road #15 to Dutton. 7. Road #2 to West Lorne, Rodney. 8. Dinner - Rodney. 9. Road t~9 to Road #8. t. 10. Willeys Bridge Construction. .11. Road 19 to Road #14.. 12. Road #14 to 116. 13. Construction Road #16 Finga1 to St. Thomas. _: ~~ . J$,~ ~-'l.~.amlAA.fl\~-.j.Yll'l4 -~ PRIORITY RATING - - . .(MaY. 1(70), c()1lN'I'y AND 5T. THOMAS SU~U1l.l\AN MAD COMM1SS~ON ~R1.tlGE5 . /loado 4~40 j Road ~~52 Road ~t43 Road ~t43 J Road ~~30 S.A. 'Acacia ~oad 4~, 5 Robbins Fulton TateS Jamestown Meeks East Eden Road ~t16 , Road 4F <) Road f42 \ Glencolin Ne~ Bridge 100 CaTT Bridge (Kettle CTee~) 68 PhillmoTe (OtteTCTee~) 65 Cooks (OtteT CTeek) 65 (St. Thomas SubuTban Road commission) Patterson Kettle CTeek 60 Township road, NOTfolk-Elgin (OtteT CTeek) 56 WalkeTS (Middlesex County Line) 54 To~ship Road (Yarmouth-southWOld) Kettle CTeek 54 Township Road (Yarmouth-southWOld) Kettle creek 41 'township Road, Thames RiveT, Middlesex County Line 43 Township Road (Yarmouth-Malahide) Catfish Creek 43 Township Road (Yarmouth-Malahide) Kettle CTeek 34 Township Road (NOTfolk-Elgin) Little OtteT CTee~ 28 ?ort Talbot, Talbot CTeek 20 LaTgie, CUTrie DTain 15 Van Order, Little Otter Creek Road Number ~ection 40 At G1encolin 33 S.A. Kains Bridge to Chesapeake & Ohio tracks 16 S.A. Kett Ie Creek To :/:Middlemarch 16 S.A. Middlemarch to Fingal 26 S.A. St. George Street Kettle Creek to Road /126 S.A.(inc1udes subway) 53 8 23 40 30 S .A. 29 14 42 Beech Street Aylmer (urban) John Street & Currie Street Dutton 2 miles (urban) Joseph Street Hill Port Stanley 2 miles (urban) Highway #3 to Road #45 Mount Salem Radio Road Road #25 to Road #31 (Edgeware Road) Iona Station to Road #13, 0.7 miles Port Burwell Easterly 1.0 miles COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS Priority 100 79 75 68 68 68 63 62 60 58 57 56 53 Service ~ating 23 39 41 49 45 44 50 46 37 33 43 46 Rating Critically now now 1-5 1-5 now 1-5 now now now now now now Deficient Remarks Diversion Kains Bridge 1969-1970 D.R. //1023 Held up by St. Thomas By-Pass Decision. (Not likely to be needed.) 1970 Supplementary By-Law Held up re sewers Sanitary Sewers 1970-71-72 1970 Supplementary By-Law Held up by Highway 126 Decision Held up by St. Thomas By-Pass Deci>sion 1-5 years Replace Van Orden Bridge in conjunction with construction COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS Page 2 Roa d Number Service Rating Section .Prioritv 36 Urban Section north of Road #27 in Sparta 51 49 43 Road 1138 (Richmond) to 1 mi Ie north of Road 4/45 50 38 2 West Lorne (urban) west of Highway #76 49 53 21 Warren Street, Port Stanley (urban) 49 55 31 Road /129 to Road 115 2 48 41 2 Atoborough-Dunwich Townline easterly toward Dutton 49 53 38 Richmond Hill east to Straffordville 46 59 40 Mount Salem (urban) 46 60 2 West Lorne to Road #3 45 61 36 Highway #3 to Sparta (urban) 44 55 3 Lake Erie to Highway #3 43 50 37 Highway #73 to Belmont (Highway #4) 43 38 36 Sparta Southerly for 1 mile 41 58 Rating Critica 11 v. now now 1-5 now now 1-5 1-5 6-10 1-5 1-5 now now now Deficient Remarks Programme with rest of Road fF36. To tolerable standards only, not likely unless Cook & Phil1more bridges are replaced. Programmed 1971 with Road #2 West Lorne to Rodney after municipal drains completed in West Lorne. Programme after sewers in Port Stanley 1971 Held up by St. Thomas By-Pass Decision Programme with Road fF40 South of Mount Salem Programmed 1971 To tolerable standards only Programme with rest of Road #36 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS Page 3 Road Number Service Rating ~ection Priority 26 Road #25 to Road #11 41 39 l6 Fingal urban, West of Road #20 40 60 42 Port Burwell urban 40 59 40 Mount Salem to Road #42 39 62 52 Road #25 to Road #30 39 47 55 Norfolk County Line 39 42 28 Centennial and Elm Street 38 65 20 Road #18 to Middlesex County Line 38 44 22 S.A. Fairview Avenue 36 70 16 Fingal (urp,an) to Road #16 Rating Critical1~ now 1-5 6-l0 now now now 1-5 now 6-10 ? ) Deficient Remarks To to lerable standa'rds unless industry comes (held up by By-Pass location) Programme with Road #16 West of Finga 1 Programme with Road 1;42 to the East Programme as soon as St. Thomas By- Pass location is known. To tolerable standards only Sanitary sewers To tolerable standards only Severe spring breakup ",;'i ....,_ ~ ~" ~ ------ .,..'l'Vf~~~~ ~.- ~"'.,<.,---"..,.......,..,~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY SESSION, 1970 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLU)WS: 1. That a Tender for Construction of the Kains Bridge and Approaches on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Road #33, has been let to McLean-Foster Limited of St., Marys, at $128,806.10. The work is underway. 2.. A Tender for Hot Mix Asphalt and Asphalt Curb and Gutter, on R04'id 1145 on the Players Bridge Hi 11, (approxirrlate ly 1 mile)~, has beet) let to Walmsley Bros. Limited of London at $12,050.00. , f 3. The Following Machinery has been purchased: 1. An Etnyre Stone Spreader. (used) l! I" 2. Two John Deere Tractors and Side-Hounted Mowers. 3. A Chevrolet Cars 4. A Chevro let Pickup Truck. 5. A Ford Double-Cab pickup Truck. 6. A John Deere Bulldozer. (used) Used County equipment was traded in on Items 113, i~4, and 15. ,4. The Engineer has been instructed to proceed with l~ngineering Surveys on the following roads: 1. Road #36, from Highway 113 to 1 mile South of Sparta, in Yarmouth Township. 2. Road 1140, from Mount Salem to Road #42, in Malahide Township. 3. Ro,ad 113, from Highway 113 Southerly, 1n Aldboro1ugh Townshipe 4. Road #16, from Road #20 to Road 114, in Southwold Township. r . . 2 ( I It;' sr. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 2 WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the resolution of the County of Oxford requesting that studded tires be banned by the Province of Ontario be endorsed. 2. That the resolution of the County of Lambton requesting changes in the E~propriations Act 1968-69 be endorsed. ,. 3. That a new Through Highway By-Law be passed to rleplace the present By-Law which is over five years old. A " number of minor changes have been made necessary by the Road improvements of the past few years. ALL OF WHICH IS RES PECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN * 5T. THOMAS, ONTAR10 A.PRIL 30, 1970 't\11'. cOUllT'l OV E'LG1N ROAD CQMM1'tTEE ~et on Al'Tn 30, 1910, at Rodney in conjunction ~tb",:he Road Coll\tllittee 'Roads 1.nspection in West tlgin. A letteT to the WaTden fTom MT. Rull, John StTeet, tlutton, Te tbe County pTClposed use of the SaundeTs pTopeTty on 'Road ~8 waS Tead and diScUssed. 'the 1!.ngineeT waS instTucted to WTite MT. Rull and infiTm him that the County did not pT090se using the land as a ~cbineTY depot. Land l'uTchase foT Road ~45 Right-of-Way fTo~ VutcheT 'Begg, Lot ~1. Range 1~ West of Ri~eT Road, southWQld, was discUssed. 1t was felt tbat tbe EngineeTIS offeT o\f $8,000.00 foT the 12.5 acTes (includit\g cut off) waS CJ.uite faiT. Ree~e LaUTence Mc1.nt,re was TeCJ.uested to assist tbe EngineeT in further negotiations. MEET1.llG ADJOURNED to ~y 14, 1910, at 10:00 A.M. ~ l'i: .~ CHAIRMAN &'!. 'r\\O~S' mttt3.10 A\?\tIL 23, 1970 't\11'. COUlllt'l 01' tU;l N RoAD CO~1.'t'tt!.t ~et on ApTil 23, 1910 , at 1: 15 ?~. at the NeW Vienna Rotel, Vienna, in conjunction ~th insl'ection ot CountY Roads in East E 19'i.n. hLL MEMBERS e~ce9t Ree~e Wilson weTe ~Tesent. 1) 1T C E_eTSon of Vienna and )IT. VTan\!. C\aT~e 1\:150, 'P1!esent weTe .,ee~e "'. · .' ' of the tle9aTt~ent of Righways of ontaTio. \." d ,of 'tendeTs toT 'tTactOTS 'tUE tNG1NtER pTesented the attaCUe s~T.es and Vehicles and 1!ecO~nded the acce'Ptance of the loW tendeT. tt)lQVl'.tl ~'l' L. )\C lll't'lRt SECOllDt!.D ~'l' tl.}o\.C R1.LLO? 'tRA.'t WI!. ACCt!.?'t 'tUB 'ttlltlER oV \l.1!.NMI\\ 'tltl\C'tO'R AllD 1!.QU1.?lItll't L1.~1.'tE1) VOR 't~O JORll tl1!.E1lJ!. 1020 RU 'tRAC'tORS AllD ~100 )loWl!.RS CO}o\.?IE'tt!. vn'tR ROU. GARtlS AllD chllO?1.tS h't 't\11'.1.R 'ttllDt!.1lJ!.tl ?R1.Ct oV $6, 6~3 .90 lllCUltl1.llC ?'ROV1 NC1.hL ShIES 'thX SU~J1!.C't 'to 'A??ROVhL oV 't\11'. tlt?AR'tMtll'tOV R1Gl\Wt.'lS 01 0ll'tbR1.0. CARRIED" tt}o\.O'lj1!.tl ~ 'l : ~. CA 'Ij1!.RL'l St!.cOllDt!.tl B'l: R. ~. JORNSON 'tRA.'t WI!. ACcv.?'t 't\11'. 'ttllD1!.R oV Ctll'l'RA.L c\11'.VROIE't OLtlSl'10~lIE L1.lo\l.'tttl VOR A cUEVROIE't ~lSCA'lNI' Cl\R 1.llCL'I!)tl1.llG 'ttJU ?ACKAGt Alltl ?OWl!.R ~RA~S A't 't\11'.1.R 'ttllDE1lJ!.tl ?\l.lC1!. OF $ 2. 258. 46 lllcLUtl1.lIG St.IES 'tAX vn'tR 'l'\11'.COUll't'l4 S 1961 cUEVROIE't AS A 'tlWlt!. lll, ALL SUBJ1!.C't 'to 'tUE A??\l.OVAL oV 't\11'. tl\1.?t.'R'tMEll't oV 111.Gl\WA'lS oV 0ll'thR1.0. CA'R'RIED" tt}o\.OvED ~Y: R. B. Jo1illSON S t COllDt!.tl B'l: W. CA'Ij1!. RL'l 'tRA.'t WI!. ACcv.?'t 't\11'. 'tElltlER OV cv.ll'tRAL c\11'.VRQLt't OLtlsl'1OB1.IE L1.~1.'tV.tl VOR t. c\11'.,^"oIE't \ 't Oll 'tRUCR A't 't\11'.1.R 'ttllDY.RY.tl 1''R1 ct oV $ 1 ,801 · 0'2. lllc L\1tl1llG si'J.,E S 'tAX vn'tR 't\11'. coull't'l ?1.CRU1' 't'RUCR i26 AS A 'tlWlt 1.ll ALL SUBJ1!.C't 'to 't\11'. t.??'ROVt.L OV 't\11'. tlt1'~'tMtll't oV \\1.Gl\WA'lS oV oNtt.'R1.0. CAR~lED" ('\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AFRIL 23, 1970. PAGE. ,2 ,11 ttMOVED BY: D. MC KI LLOP SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LIMITED FOR A FORD 350 6-MAN CAB TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $2, 723. 70 INCLUDING SALES TAX AND THE COUNTY'S PICKUP TRUCK 1/27 AS A TRADE IN, ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED'. THE ENGINEER, also, reported that prices .had been solicited for Crushed Grave 1 loaded on trucks at Komoko. and prices received were A lex Newbigging Limited @ 75 cents and Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Limited 74 cents per ton. In as much as, the haul from Johnston Bros. was over a mile further the net saving from Newbigging.s would be 4 cents a ton or about $1,000.00 for the amount of gravel required for ,,,l~a.d$L /;5 and 9. MEETING ADJOURNED TO May 14, 1970. " U2~~~-c - /-' . CHAIRMAN /~~~ .~ ,COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE TOlffi Leave Court House - 9:00 AoM. 1. Kains Bridge. 2. Road #45 Kettle Creek Cr:ossing. 3. Garage? 4. Road #45 - Construction West of Highway #4. 5. Road /145 Construction East of Highway #4. 6~ Players Bridge - completed. 7. Road #35 to Aylmer. 8. Beech Street Aylmer. 9. Road 4140 South 0 f Surmner Corners. 10. Road #45 to Highway #19. '1I 11. Dinner - Vienna. 12. Port Burwell - Road #2 East Erosion. 13. Road #55 to Road #45. 14. Straffordvil1e to Road #38. 15. Road /138 to Highway #3. 16. Highway #3 to Road #40. 17. Road #40 to Springfield. 18. Road #48, #49, #47. 19. Road #52 to Road #30. 20. Road #52 to Road #25. 21. To Court House. ~ .". COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDERS FOR \ TON TRUCK \ 1970 (Price Net after Trade In including Provineial Sallas Tax) 1.. Central Chevrolet Oldsmobile (London) Ltd 128 Fullarton Street Chevrolet London 12, Outario CS10934 $1,807.02 2. E. L. Fordham Motors Ltd 241 Furnival Road Chevrolet Rodney, Ontario CSI0934 $1,869.00 3. Haskett MOtors (1954) Ltd 852 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Chevrolet $1,949.85 4. Disbrowe Motors Ltd 827 Talbot Street GMC St. Thomas, Ontario CS15934 $1.949..85 5. Faam Ford Sales Ltd 1012 Talbot Stree.t Ford St. Thomas, Ontatio F100 $1.9-84.50 6. Rout1y and Phillips Ltd Int&rnati8nal Aylmer, Ontario Hodel ll00D $2,031.34 7. Larry Snider Motors Ltd Ford Exeter, Ontario F100 $2.032.80 8. Middlesex Motors Co. (1965) Ltd 100 Queens Avenue Ford London 12, Ontario F100 $2,086.35 9. Lyons Motors (1966) Ltd Ford Dutton, Ontario F100 $2,090.50 10. Rankin Ford Sales (1963) Ltd 1365 Dundas Street Ford London, Ontario F100 $2,188.41 COUNTY OF ELGIN AUTOMOBILE TENDERS 1970 (Pric~ is Net after Trade In and Provincial Salee: Tax) 1. Central Chevrolet Oldsmobile (Londnn) Ltd includes taxi 128 Ful1arton Street Chevrolet package and London, Ontario Biseayne $ 2 , ~~ 58. 46 power brakes 2. Larry Snider Motors Ltd 586 Hain S. Ford includes taxi Exeter, Ontario Custom $2,269.05 package 3. E. L. Fordham Motors Ltd 241 Furnival Road Chevrolet ineludes t~xi Rodney, Ontario Biscayne $2~~~86.l7 package ,. 4. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd 1012 Talbot Street Ford ineludes taxi St. Thomas, Ontario Custom $2,3121.45 p.ackage 5. Lyons MOtors (1966) Ltd Ford Dutton, Ontari() Custom $2,350.'5 6. Middlesex Motors Co. (1965) Ltd 100 Queens Avenue Meteor London 12, Ontario Rideau $ 7. Disbrowe Motors Ltd 827 Talbot Street Pontiac St. Thomas, Ontario Stratochief $2,425.50 s. Rankin Ford Sales (1963) Ltg 1365 Dundas Street Ford London 35, Ontario Oustom $2,518.25 COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCK 1970 (Price is Net after Trade In including Provincial Sales Tax) 1. Larry Snider Motors F350 1 Ton Exeter, Ontario S' Box $2,723.70 2. Fearn F&rd Sales Ltd 1012 Talbot Street Fcrd 250 St. Thomas, Ontario 6~1. Box $2~8~6.90 3. Rankin Ford Sales (1~63) Ltd 1365 Dundas Street E. Ferd L()ndon, Ontario 250 $2,~12.60 4. Middlesex Motors Co. (1965) Ltd lOO Queens A venue Ford London, Ontarie 250 $2, 979.t}O 5.. Rcutly and Phillips Ltq Box 1030 Interna.t:t.fta~ Aylmer, Ontario 12'00D $3,01.5.68 6. Lyons Motors (1966) Ltd Ferd Dutteft, Ontarl~ 2~O $3,O~17..50 COUNTY OF ELGIN TRACTOR TENDERS 1970 .(Price for 2 Tractors inc.ludin~ Provincial Sales~ Tax) 1. Renash Tractor and Equipment Ltd 85 Bessemer Road London 52, Ontario John Deere 1020 RU and 3700 Mower ineludes live $6,633.90 P.T.O. Roll- Garcl, Canopy, Seat Belt 2. Crib1ey Limited,.. Essex, Ontario Massey Ferguson 135 & 135 Mower $6, El40. 75 includes live P.T.O. 3. Lee Farm Equipment Ltd Furnival Road Rodney, Ontario M.F. 135 and 135 Mower $7,062.30 includes live P.T.O. 4. Baker F arm E,,~u1pment Charing Cross, Ontar1ft~ M.F 0 135 Speeia1 & 135 Mower $6,699.00 not live P.ToO. 58 Plested Equipment Ltd 430 lat Street London, Ont;irio M.F. 135 Special & 135 Mower $6, ir20. 00 no t 1 i ve PoT 0 O. 6., Larry Snider Motors Ltd 586 Main S. Exeter, O~,tario Ford Bl023B live $7,032.90 P.T.D. 7. Tillsonburg Farm Equipment Ltd Box 128 Ti11sonburg, Ontario International F140 and 1/110 Mewer live PoT.O. not $7,344.7' available 8. International Harvester eft. Ltd 425 Third Street London, Ontario International 140 and 110 Mower live PoT.O. not $7.438.14 available 9. McCallum Ford Tractor and Equipment Belmont, Ontario Ford 2000 live , $7,455.16 P.T.O. 10. James Bennett Motors Ltd Dutton, Ontario F~rd 2000 live $7,504.35 P.T.O. 11. J. A. Brownlee Ltd Hyde Park ~oad London, Ontario Ferd 2000 $7,644.00 12. P1ested Equipment Ltd 430 1st Street ~ London, Ontario M.F 0 20 I nduat ria 1 live $8,988.00 PoT,O, 13. Marcos Company R. R. 1;3 Sto Thomas, Ontario John Deere 1020 RU and 30 Mower $t)a3'6.S3 ~UNTY OF ELGIN R_~COMMITTEE TOUR ,~~'~~. Leave Court House - 9:00 A.M. 1. ~~ins Bridge. 2. Road #45 Kettle Creek C~assing. 3. Garage? 4. Road ~45 _ Construction West of Highway #4. 5. Road #45 _ Construction East of Highway #4. 6. Players Bridge - completed. 7. Road #35 to Aylmer. 8. Beech Street Aylmer. 9. Road #40 South of Summer Corners. 10. Road #45 to Highway #19. 11. Dinner - Vienna. 12. Port Burwell - Road #2 East Erosion. l3. Road #55 to Road #45. 14. Straffordville to Road #38. 15. Road #38 to Highway #3. 16. Highway #3 to Road #40. 17. Road #40 to Springfield. 18. Road fF48, 4fr49, 4~47. 19. Road #52 to Road #30. 20. Road #52 to Road #25. 21. To Court House. s't. 'tROW'>S, 0ll'tA'R10 A.VR1L 10, 1910 't\11'. COUll't'l 01 1!.U;1.ll RObJl CO~'t't1!,1!, \l\8t at the CoUTt Rouse, St. 'tho~s, on A~Til 10, 1910, at 10,00 A.~. , . ~ooTe and ~arden ca~eTl' ~Te ALL ME~1!.'RS e1tce9t 'Ree"e ~'1. Ison, Ree~e ' 'P-resent. ~, 1Tan~ ClaT~e fTom the tle9aTtment of Rish~'s of Also, ~Tesent ~aS ~T. onta-rio. "~O'/V.tl ~'l' 1). ~ R1.LLO? SECOtID1!,tl ~'l, L. ~ 1ll't'l?J!. 't w., 't RO'RAC1!. B. JO l\llS 'tOll ~1!. C w.,1. 'RW'> N VO'R 't \11'. ME1!. 'tU1G oV A?'R1. L 10, CA'R'R lED" 1910. and a'P'P'toved. d 't af\t!{loTt cororoission had been 'tHE 1!.llG1.llEtR TepoTted that the Cana ian T h ? Tt ~uT~ll ~Tidge, foT~Tded fUTtheT detailS re the tngineeTins costS on t eO' and the assistance of ~T. RaTold StatfoTd, ~.?, had been Te~uested. t d that the canadian ?acific 'Rail~Y had 'the 1!,ngineeT, also, Te~oT e 3 11 and 18 1910, ~Te Tead 't\11'. toU-llU't1!.S ot the meetings of l4aTch 1,' ' 9aid theiT shaTe of the ~Tidge. 1t ~s agTeed that the ~8:,n>ent and the canadian ?acifiC 'Rail~Y to~Td the to the Village ot PoTt BUT~ell as soon as 90ssible. ~ ~ to date as follo~S' 't\11'. 1!.NG1llE1!.'R Tel'OTted on t...e 'WOT ,.,' & T had not been se~eTe and Te~aiTS to l'a"ementS, 1. Sl'TinS bTea"u~ so .a Teceived by the countY fTo~ the ~oaTd cost of lighting should be fOT~Tded etc. , 'WOuld not be tOO seTioUs. Sno~ fence had been Te~ved. 1. Sisn 'WOT~ ~s continuins. All Steel Guide Rail 1!.nds had been bUTied. CleaTing ~s continuing on Road i16. . .. ~O' on 'Road 4~\6. Land ?uTChase ~as contl-~l-"O R d il16 'WOuld be TelocaUd shortlY. 'the vutcheT D~ain at ~iddle~Tch on oa R d il45 and Land ?uTchase ~s continuing. 1!,nSineeTing 'WOT~ ~s co~plete onoa 2. 3. 4. s. 6. B. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 10 l4~70. , PAGE 2 9. Gravel Resurfacing would start approximately May 19, 1970, and prices were being solicited from Johnston Bros., and Mr. Alex Newbigging for Crushed Gravel from their Komoka pits. 10. Application of Calcium Chloride on gravel roads would begi.n shortly. 11. Storm Drain work on Road #40 in Springfield was underway. 12. Fencing on Road #40 would begin next week. 13. Grading work would begin on Road 4F45 at the East River Roa.d as soon as conditions permitted. 14. Mr. Wm. Dietrich would relocate branches of the several municipals drains East of Highway #4 on Road #45 as soon as conditions permitted. 15. Tenders for Kains Bridge and for New Machinery would closEi on April 15, 1970. 16. As yet, there was no Department of Highways of Ontario money policy. THE ENGINEER reported that the Department of Highways of Ontario had required that quotations for the proposed Kettle Creek Culverts on Road IF45 be solicited from pipe companies producing structural plate culvert pipe in Ontario. Quotations were as follows: (a) Ontario Gulvert and Metal Products - No Bid. (b) Westeel-Rosco Limited - Total Cost approximately $263~,OOO. (c) Armco Canada Limited - Total Cost approximately $200,000. Armco had been requested to complete their plans so that they could be submitted ;to the Department of Highways of Ontario for approval. A final estimate of costs would not be available until the final Department of Highways of Ontario approva l. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP L. MC INTYRE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 8, AMOUNTING TO $l9,282.05 PAYLIST # 9, AMOUNTING TO $l8,588.0l PAYLIST #10, AMOUNTING TO $55,876.16 CARRIED" S't. TllOMt>.S, OlttARIO 1.>A.GE 3 "MOvED 'By t SBCONDED 'BYt 't\1J>.'t ROAD 'tOUR tlA'tV,S ~1!. st't AS VOLLO\ilS: tAS't tND' ROAtl 't OUR ~ A l'\l.1 L 23, 1910, ~S't E~D 'ROAD 'tOU'R ~ Al'\l.1.L ~O, 1910, ~Q'l:R DA'lS A't 9,00 A.M. CA.'R1.tIED" L. MC IN'tY'RE D. M.C K1LL01.> CO'R1lEsroNDtllCE weS Tead fTotll (a) county of La~bton ~equesting atllendtllllntS to the tx~To~Tiation Act. ..~ovttl ~'l' L. l4C' lll't'lRE stCOlltlttl ~'l' 1). l4C '[(1L1J)? 't\1J>.'t ~ \l1!.COMMElltl 'to COUll't'l COUllC1L 't\1J>.'t 't\11'. RtSOLU't10ll oV 't\11'. COUll't'l oV lA~'tO~ R1!. 't\11'. v,Xl'\l.Ol'\l.1A'ttOll AC't ~E V,lltlORSt!.tl. CA,'RRIEDU (b) Oneida ~and council Tequesting Teplacetllllnt of the 'to~line ~Tidge \ilest of southWOld Station. 'the Corotllittee decided to vie~ the bTidge on the spTing 'Road 1t'\spection. 1.t weS decided that eitheT wood oT steel 90stS would be used in the eTection of Road fences, ~hicheveT the o~eT l'TefeTTed. OtheT cororoittee ite~S weTe 90stl'oned until the next ~eeting. 't\11'. }lEt'lll~G AtlJOURllEtl foT tlinneT. A.Y'tE'R D1NNER · · · }IE~t'RS of the St. 'tho~s SubuTban 'Road cororoiSsion,'laTfllOuth 'to~shiP and southWOld 'to~shiP Council and the St. 'thomas ?lanning ~oaTd in attendance. ^' ...& C \ "",d"~ " ltint.on."' of the tle9aTt~ent ot RighweYs of ontaTio l1T. ". ..c onne au .... "" ' ?lanning ~Tanch ~de a l'TesentatiOn on l'To~osed location of the St. 'tho~s txpTessweY and Righwe' ~~l'lli and answeTed questions. '1M-OVED 'By ~ SECONDED 'B'Y: 't\1J>.'t ~ AtlJOURll 'to M[I.'li: 14, 1910, A't 10,00 A.M. D. MC RILLO? L. MC 1N't'lRE CA.RRIED" C\:\A.IRMAN I . . I Item. Car Tires List Discount .Net Truck Tires List Discount Net 750 x 20 List Discount . Net 900 x 20 List Discount. 'Net 900 x 20 List Discount. Net 14.00 x 24 List .Di scount Net Service 900 x 20 Firm A: Firm ]g: Firm, C: H78 X 15, 4 Ply 6 Ply Rib 750 x 16 10 Ply Rib 12 Ply Rib 12 Ply Lug 12 Ply Grader TIRE TENDER SUMMARY rJ /J . " . /. f' ,. (] I.A__tL/'~ -^- ~c"~.A..'P' /J 1 I?nrv n~ ~" Moore Tire Limited. "Genera 1. Tires" Firestone Stores "Firestone Tire" St. Thomas Tire Service "Uniroyal Tires" Firm A Belted Jumbo 780 50.35 45% $27.69 Jet Commercial 68.60 45% $37.73 Jet Cargo 93.50 45% $ 51. 43 Power Jet 157.25 45% $86.49 L.C. M. Lug 180.80 4~% $'1G~. .59 Grader T T $165.00 .... $3.50 per call Firm.B S5 Deluxe 50.30 32% $34.20 Transport 11.10 68.60 37.5% $42.86 Transport 1110 93.50 ' 37.5% $ 'S8. '44 Transport IlI0 157.25 37.51. $98.28 Roek Lug 180.90 37.5% $112.55 405.40 39% $247.29 $4.50 Firm C F..trak. 78 50.30 32.5% $33.95 . Fleet Carrier 157.25 33% $105.35 391..95 34% 260.61 $4.50 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO l HARCH 18, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE, met at th.e Court House, St. Thomas, on March 18, 1970, at 3:00 P.M. in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. Construction. of the Beech Street Storm Drain was discussed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE PROCEED WITH THE BEECH STREET STORM DRAIN, THE COUNTY TO PAY 57% OF THE COST AND THE TOWNQF AYLMER 43% OF THE COST. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP THAT C. J. DEMEYERE LIMITED BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE BEECH STREET STORM DRAIN. CARRIED" Reeve Wi.lson enquired as to raising the speed limit to 60 M.P.H. on County Roads that have been recently reconstructed. After some discussion, it was decided to postpone a decision unti 1 mo.re infonnation could be obtained. THE MEETING ADJOURNED until April 10, 1970, at 10:010 A.M. J~fl., ~ '" CHAIRMAN {~#' s't. 'tROw.s. ONtA'R1.0 l' MaTch session, 1910 ~ '[0 't\11'. ~A'Rtltll Mltl ME~t!.RS oV '[\11'. "U;1.N COUll't'l COUllC1.L 'l0\lR ROAtl CO~1.'t'tE1!. ~"GS '[0 J.U?,?0R't AS VOLL~S' 1. Notice haS been'Tecei~ed tro~ the DepaTt~ent ot Righ~a,S that the ~inisteT ot RighwaYs has adjUsted the ASsess~ent of the CitY of St. 'tho~as tro~ appro~i~te}y $42,000,000 to $~3,800,OOO. toT SubUTban Road ~UTPOses toT 1970. '[he St. 'tho~s SubuTban 'Road cororoission haS had to ....~end theiT Budget acco~dinglJ. 2. '[~~ the tle~aTt~ent ot RighwaYs haS been Tequested to eTect '[Taffic SignalS at the InteTsection of Rig~a' *4 and '[albot\l.oad (CountY Road j~16 "~tension). 'the tlepaTt~ent is, 9Tesentl', ~a~ing a StudY ot the 1nteTsection. vre. REcoMME~'O: 'that the follo~ing Tesolution be passed ~th TegaTd to the 2. county1s 1969 RetUTn to the DepaTtr08nt ot Righ~aYS, ."that .... Tequest the DepaTt1l\8nt of RighwaYs of OntaTio to ~~e the follo~ing '[Tanster in the countylS 1969 'RetUTn' 'tTan~teT $33.515.16 fTo~ constTuctiOn Roads to constTUctiOn ~TidgeS and Cul~eTts. '[ranster $3,238.39 {Taro ~intenance ~TidgeS and Cul~eTtS to Maintenance Roads". 'that we concUTT ~th the Tesolution ot the County of ~T~ce .nth TegaTd to changes pToposed by the~ in the Ei<PTOpTiatiOn Act 1968...69. 3. '[hat a ~,-La~ be 9assed authoTizing the ~aTden and CleT~ to sign a Deed to J. A. RaT~eY 1.n~est1l\8ntS Li~ited Temo~ing a 90Ttion of the 1!.ase~entS obtained on ~T. RaT~eyls land foT the ~dening of "l~ StTeet in ....ylr08T in 1962. '[hese t!.ase\l\8ntS ....Te obtained foT constTUctiOn 9UT~Oses 1. 4. and aTe nO 10ngeT TequiTed. 'that the Budget of the St. 'tho,.as SubuTban 'Road cororoiSsion toT 1910, amounting to $201,000, be a99To~ed. 1.ncluded in ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 2 '....1 the Budget is the sum of $1601'00t1for the Construction of ) the ~lins Bridge and approaches on Road 133. The City of St. Thomas has agreed to contribute the sum of $5,000.00 (as in 1969) to the Commission over the ordinary one-half mill levy to help in the building of the Bridge. 5. That ~l NormalRoad Expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Construction Maintenance Total Road$ $361,000 $384,000 $745,000 Bridges and Culverts 417,000 25,000 442, .000 New Machinery 52,000 nil 52,000 Superintendence and Overhead 154.000 6.000 160.000 TOTALS $984.000 $415.000 $1.399.000 (a) Count V Expenditure Construction Roads - $303,000 Construction Bridges & Culverts - 267,000 Construction New Machinery - 52,000 Maintenance .Roads - 337,000 Maintenance. Bridge & Culverts - 24,000 Urban Rebates (tentative) - 60,000 Oyerhead - 150.000 $1.193.000 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure Construction Roads (including Kains Bridge Approach - $ 20,000 Construction Bridges (Kains) 150,000 Maintenance Roads 25,000 Maintenance Bridges and Culverts - 1,000 Overhead 10.000 $206.000 (Items Not for Subsidy $1,000) . . 3 ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 3 The Normal By-Law provides for the following itE~ms of Bridge and Road Construction: (a) Completion of Wi1leys Bridge, Road fIR, Dunwich Township. (b) Warren Street Bridge, Road /;21, Port Stanley. (c) Players Bridge, .Road !'45, Yarmouth Township. (d) Crossing of K~ttle Creek, Road #45, Southwold To~'nship. . . (e) Culvert Construction, Road #40, between G1encolin and Springfield. (f) Needs Study Payments during 1970. (g) Land Purchased for widening County Roads. (h) Fencing on Road 1148 and #49 (Deve lopment Road.f,972) and Road #45 (Development Road #930). (i) Completion of Work and moving Uti lities on Road .fl42 between Highway #73 and Road #40, Malahide Township. (j) C lean up work, Surface Trea tment, Road /'22, betwE~en Roads /,24 and /'27, Yarmouth Township. (k) Erosion Control on Road #42, East of Port Burwell in Bayham Township. (1) Preliminary work on Road #40 between Highway 113 Bmd Mount Salem in Ha1ahide Township. (m) Preliminary work on Road #16 between St. .Thomas Bind Fingal in Southwold Township. (n) Preliminary work on Road #2 between Rodney and We~st Lorne in -Aldborough Township. (0) Sufficient money for approximately 60% of the Graiding work, etc. on Road/,40 between Glencolin and Road #52 in Malahide and Springfield. (p) Miscellaneous Surveys. 6. That a Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Roads Construction - $227,000 Bridges and Culvert Construction - $ 15.000 $242.000 ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 4 The Supplementary By-Law provides for the following items of Construction: (a) Completion of Grading Road #40, Springfield to Glencolin. (b) Storm Sewer, Road #53, Beech Street, Aylmer. (County Share 57% of Total Cost.) (c) Road #53, Beech Street Reconstruction, Aylmer. (d) Road #3, Curb and Gutter, Drainage, North Limits of Rodney. (e) Grading, (Culverts, etc.) Road 1/40, Mount Salem to .Highway #3, Malabide Township. (Total funds estimated tC) be available, $ 6 7 , 000 ) . It is not known to what extent (if any), that a Supplementary By-Law will be approved by the Department of Highways. Cost: to the County of the Normal and Supplementiary By-Law is estimated at 9.3 Mills on the present Assessment ~ approximately $660,000. It is expected that sufficient Development Roads will be availablE! to complete Grading, Granular Base work, etc., on Road #45, Westerly to ,Road #16. It is, also, expected that funds will be available to Surface Treat that portion of Road #45, East of Highway #4. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN I \ t. , i!ft)../J-. 5T. THOMAS, ONTARI~~~' f'\.l........f.t , . J) -:/} ,../0- March Session, 1970 l~dA1 ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT it2 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That with exception of the Town of Aylmer, the Rebate to Urban Municipali~le5 remain at 25% of their Road Levy for 1970. . 2. That Rebate for the Town of Aylmer be 35% of thei,r Road Levy for 1970. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ". ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 17, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on March 17, 1970, in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE ENGINEER reviewed the Correspondence which was reviewed to the Committee from County Council and it appeared that all matters had been dealt with previously by the Committee. THE ENGINEER stated that Truck and Tractor Tenders had been scheduled to close on April 15, 1970, and an attempt would be made to have Kains Bridge Tenders close at the same time. THE ENGINEER stated that gravel prices from Komoka would be solicited from Gravel Pit-s in the Komoka area for presentation at the April 10, 1970, meeting. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Town of Aylmer stating that the Town was agreeable to pay 43% of the Beech Street Drain providing the Urban Rebate to the Town was raised to 35%. After Discussion . . . The Meeting Adjourned to the Call of the Chairman. J~th.)~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 13, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on March 13, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve Wilson. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES of the Meeting of March 6, 1970, were rE!ad and app"roved. THE ENGINEER reported on the Work to Date as follows: 1. Snow fence was being taken down wherever possible. 2. That Clearing was .underway on Road 4/45 along the Ontario Hospital and was continuing on Road #16. 3. That Land Purchase was continuing on Road 4/l6. 4. That the Department of Highways of Ontario had revoked thE! Construction Development Road Designations on Development Road #840 (Road 4152). 5. That Mr. Kleinsteibber of the Department o.f Highways of Ontario would meet with the Engineer on Monday with regard to the Kettle CreE~k Crossing on Road 4/45. 6. That the programme of burying ends of steel beam guide rail was continuing. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. Me KILLOP H. B. JOHNSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #5 AMOUNTING TO $19,220.29 PAYLIST #6 AMOUNTING TO $19,157.04 PAYLIST 417 AMOUNTING TO $3l,586.02 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Canadian Transport COullu;'ssion stating that the Commission would not pay toward Engineering charges Jln excess of 10% of the Contract and Materials costs of the Port Burwell Bridge. The Engineer stated that representations would be made to the Commission to pay the additional amount invoiced on the Engineering charges. The atta,ched revised Budget was presented and discussed. MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MA'RCl:l 13, 1970. PAGE .2 AFTER Dt'NNER... 'the ~udget and the subject of IlTban 'Rebates ~eTe again discUSsed. "MOVEtl ~'l: ~ . l!.. CA VEl!.L'l S" C OllD" D ~'l: L · Me 1 m'lR" '!BA '! \<II!. RE coMMEllD '!O CO\Jll't'l cOllllc1 L 'tBA't A B'l-lA~ Bt ?ASSEtl A?l'I!.0?'R1A '!1llG 't\11'. SUM ov $ 1 , 399 i 000 V O'R llO'RMI\ L 'ROAD EXPf,llD 1 'tIlRE s · CAR'RIED't "~OVED ~'l: tl. Me K1LLO? stCONtlEtl ~'l: R. B. JORllSON 'tBA '! \<II!. RE coMME llD '! 0 C 01:lll't'l CO\JllC 1 L '!BA '! a BY -lA. ~ ~t!. PASS "tl A 1'?l!.0 ?R1JI. 't 1.llG 't\11'. SUM OV $242,000 VQR S'Il??l$MEll'!AB.'l ROAtl EX.?EllD1't'\l1l.ES. CARRIED'l 'I}o\OVEtl ~'l: L. Me lll't'lR" SECOllDED BY: R. ~. JOllNSON '!BA't \<II!. RECoMMEllD 'to couNTY CoUNC1.L TBA't 'IlR~All REBA'tt!.S REMI\1.N aT 25% OV '!\11'.U ROAtl 1$ V'l Wl'!R UCF. P't1. ON OV a'lLlItR Wl\lCR ~E Il.A1. St!.D TO 35% VOR TRY. Y\!.AR 1910. CARRIED" 'tendeTS foT ~tedals were pTesented and ~eTe summadzed as attached. 'tendeTS toT Cationic "roulsion weTe ol'ened and ~eTe as attached. "MOVED ~'l, L. Me IllT'lR" SECOllD"D ~'l: tl. Me K1. LLO? 'tBA't \<II!. ACCEl"t TRY. 'tENtlt!.'R oV t!.aS'tlAllD ~'ROS. OF NlaGA1!A VaLLS VO'R ca'!10ll1C "MIlLS1.0N RS 1 K a't 15. 5 CF.ll'tS l'U 1l'1?V.l!.1.AL GALLOll V. 0 · ~ · 't\11'.1B. ?lAll't A't NUGARA VALLS. CAlt'RIEDU "MOVEtl ~'l: R. II. JORllSOll sv. cOllDt!.tl BY: ~. R · CAVERL'l TBA'! 'tV.llDERS VOl!. MI\'tEI!.lALS aND SUP?LltS ~E ACCEPT"D aND 'tUE t!.NG1NEE'R ~E t!.ll?OWEI!.Etl TO P'\l1l.CBAS" as NECtSSARY Wl'tR I!.EGARD 'to Q'IlaL1.T'l AllD ?'R1CF. CARRIED'l' 'the ?\It.chase of Ne~ and used MachineTY was discUssed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 13, 1970. PAGE 3 "MOVED BY: L. MC INTYRE SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON THAT THE ENGINEERBEENPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR 2 TRACTORS AND SIDEMOUNT MOWERS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP THAT THE ENGINEER BE ENPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A PICKUP TRUCK, A DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCK AND AN AUTOMOBILE WITH 2 COUNTY PICKUP TRUCKS ANn COUNTY CAR AS TRADE INS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON D. Me KILLOP THAT WE PURCHASE A USED JOHN DEERE 350 TRACTOR AND BULLDOZER F'ROM RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $8,490.72 WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE TRACTOR IS SUBJECT TOe 10 MONTHS -WARRANTY ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER stated that Tenders would be called for the Construction of the Kains Bri.dge by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission as soon as possible with Tenders closing mid April. Cost sharing on the Beech Street Drain in Aylmer was discussed and postponed to give Chairman Moore an opportunity to discuss the. matter with the Aylmer Counci l. THE ENGINEER reviewed the location on County Roads fJ:24 and 1;42, proposed Watermain from the OWRC filtration plant on Road 1;24 to Port Burwell. Tentative approval of the location was given. Payment to the Ford Motor Company for land used to widen County Road #26 and Road #11 was discussed and approval was given for payment at the rate of $400.00 per acre providing the Ford Company was willing to contribute a like amount to the County toward the cost of rebuilding County Road #11 in 1967-68. '?- t....:.'....'.. . f ! t. / t', f ! ~. ~:. "',I, .~ 1 I ~ i ~; r f ! ~ ,: \ t }. " COIRTY RESPONSIBILITY 1. Con.truetio.and Maintenane. of Pav...nt to res_reile... of wielth. 2. Construction and Maintenance of Pavement of intersecting streets to property line. .3. . Haintaunee of Shoulders, incluel~nl Bradinlt etc. 4. laplac..ent of.Si....lk made neces.ar, by reeo..traction of the roadway. 5. Contnctlon and Maintenance of Curb and Gutter. 6. . Constructionanel Maintenance of Catebbasin. 7. Coaatraction and Maintenance of Stor. Sewers (onl!,) (for eroaion contro 1 anel draiMse of the riaJ;t.t.,.of",..,.) reserv1na the right of tbe County to request a municipal drain where there is a silnificant awount of drainage. from outside the 'Roacl Allowance. I. Construction and Maintenance of outlets for stom drainage slst..., reserving the right ot the COUt~Y to request a municipal drain where there is a siaDifieant amount of drainage fro. outside the Road Allowance. 9. Irection and Maintenance of all necessary .1sns fCllr Guidance Regulation and Traffic control sians, such as parkins signs and maximum speed sians. lO.. IrectillUl and Maintenance of Village entrance signsl, ex..ple "Dutton" "Population xx persons". ll. Ice control on pave..nt. 12. Pl.win, Snow froa the pavement to the Curb line. 13. Gui.. Ja11 necessary for vehicle safety. 14. ConstAction and Maintenance of Bridges and Culverts (except lights on bridges.) 15. Centre Line Harking of pave.nts. 16. Railroad Crossina Protection. /11 I , J~;Ltf.fi~J- ~ ~2 . (V'. I~ .~. COUh.L L ROADS IN UlBAN AlEAS (Towns and Vll1a~es) ..... ' .' . ~ 1. These eli.cussions assume that the Road is an ASSU1!1led County Road and not ,8 connecting link. ~ . 2. The Rebate paid to the Urbans shall be the mini1llU1B (2S~) a.s allowed by the H1'ghwa, I1IIprovement Alet. 3. The extent of ~ny work deemed to be a County responsibility. shall be determined by the Road C01llD.itt~ae only. 4. The extent of any' work deemed to be an Urban resp4~nsibility shall be determined by the local Council only. URBAN RESPONSIBILITY );. Normal Repair Maintenance and replacement of side'lI8lks, (See H.l.A.) including sanding. 2. Cleaning of existing Catchbasin, streets, curb and gutter (including spring clean-up) (whenever n4itCessary). 3. Trimmina and removal of Trees except that necessitated by road reconstruction. 4. Parkins markings necessary for Parking and Pedestl~ian Safety (crsswalk~, etc.) .5. Installation and Maintenance of Parking Meters. 6. Street LigAting including lighting on bridges. 7. Traffic Lights. 8. Guide Rails, steps, etc., for pedestrian safety. 9. (.) Re1llOval of Snow from Road Allowance by trucking after it bas been moved to the curb line by the .(:ounty. (b) Re1l1lOval of Snow to open Catehbasin, etc,. lOt Construction and Maintenance of Sanitary or Combirled Sewers. 11. Erection of Street Name Signs. 12. Band cutting of weeds and grass. .~\-,^".". c\ ;:,... \ "0 .~ \ " ~' COMPARISON ON URBAN REBATES \:\) ~ Assessment Urbans (local) Share not taking into Expenditure After DHO Mill Rate Account Grants on Urban Streets Subsidy Deducted County Net Cost for Urban in Lieu of Taxes Const. and Maint. Assumed at 500k Rebate to Urban Streets Belmont 1965 738,990 3,298 1,.649 1948 ( 3 5% ) $ 299 - 0.4 1966 785,500 3,897 1,948 1718 231 0.3 1967 825,315 4,271 2,135 1826 310 0.4 1968 850,360 16,572 8,286 2145 6141 7.2 mills 1969 906,970 to Oct 31/ 4,762.26 2190 Dutton 1965 990,646 8,000 4,000 2550 (35%) 1450 1.5 1966 1,014,497 12,500 6,250 2375 3875 3.8 1967 1,036,237 9,418 4,709 2431 2278 2.1 1968 1,026,229 9,708 4,854 2775 2079 2.0 1,030,855 to Oct 31/ 9,969 2721 Port Burwell 1965 851,290 8,071 4,035 2224 (35%) 1812 2.1 1966 857,485 7 ,603 ' 3,80l 1979 ,1823 2.1 1967 863,270 8,552 4,276 1993 2283 2.6 1968 848,908 8,904 4,452 2244 2208 2.6 1969 832,585 to Oct 31/ 11,280 2214 Port Stan Ie! 1965 3,148,612 22,718 11,354 8363 (35%) 3001 1.0 .1966 3,057,612 37,153 18,576 7400 11176 3.6 1967 3,.148,418 41,602 20,801 7191 13610 4.3 1968' 3,251,491 56,747 28,373 8319 20054 6.2 1969, 3,404,690 to Oct /69 36,456 8501 . . 2 '~". - -..~,-~';~q:~,.-,> '" .~_ a ~~~~.~--''-~:.<~''-~..-~~~:" _ ~"';.;.~.v.,_.__.,---. "-_~ ~"""~. Assessment (local) not taking into Account Grants ,in Lieu of Taxes . Expend! ture on Urban Streets Const. and Maint. Urbans Share After DHO Subsidy Deducted Yr Assumed at 50C4 .Rodne~ 1965 1,183,401 8,345 1966 1,225,895 7,102 1967 1,227,205 7 , 564 1968 1,240,244 5,798 1969 1,265,185, to Oct 311 4,846 ~J)rinsfie1~ 1965 366,417 3,415 1966 365,841 4,330 1967 373,810 4,316 1968 390,090 -, 4,396 1969 393,975 to Oct 31/ 6,631 Vienna 1965 363,530 2,299 1966 359,900 2, 9'34 1967 360,293 3,861 1968 3~5,670 4,308 1969 379,185 to Oet/69 . 1,632 I West Lorae 1965 1,245,526 15,283 1966 1,281,000 8,493 1967 1,304,764 . 8,825 1968 1,333,862 3,724 1969 1,370,595 to Oct 31/69 8,664 4,172 3,551 3,782 Z,ft9 . 1,707 2,165 2,158 2,198 1,150 1,467 1,930 2,154 7,642 4,246 4,413 1.,.862, '-~~~~' .~._-~~,--- ~~- -"G":"' ;';;''''_ ~_ """ ." .-.1"_~'_='_ ~.;~. ,,;,:., ..,li.:,:';-:. "~'i./ .it.f- ,-. - -'---'--'- ..,.......... ..--.. "._-- ~:."~-,...'" .-'-"~,,.-,~. ,<..,.., ',,'- .""""'c..... _ .. ~_'':; ...~~ "'::--~---- -'<-'-;':"'-',*.'''': Co'!uty Rebate 3061 (351) 2785 .2904. 1251 3254 962 (35\) 860 858 980 952 (35%) 845 836 936 941 3182 (35%) 2897 2980 3394 3436 _~""<'""-.;,:,~,-_,..__.;~;.c.,,.,;; Net Cost to Urban 1111 766' 878 352 - 745 1305 1300 1218 198 622 1094 1218 4460. 134. 1433 1532 - Mil IRate for Urban Streets 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.3 - 2.0 3.5 3.4 3.1 0.5 1.7 3.0 3.3 . 3.5 -~l.O 1.1 1.1 - PAGE 2. '-'~-~:""".':'.' .:"':.,-._.__:'/~:"._::0;' .~~-"".~,4<;;::-",~;;;,'.;_,i'.'...:""~~....,--~_..~ r:[' --. ,~ AYLMER Assessment Expendi ture Urban Expenditure Net Cost Loca 1 not on Urban Share after on King Hwy Net Expenditure Column 4 Taking Into Account Streets DHO Subsidy Connecting on Connecting Plus 7 Yea.r Grants in Lieu of Taxes Const. & Haint. Deducted Link DHO Subsidy Links County Rebate Less 8 Mill Rate (Year) ... ..--... ,. ,,--. ,,-,- '............._ .'-11 _.__....._ I ._u L I 1965 7,925,400 53,089 26,544 Unvailable- 20,663 (35%) 5,881 0.75 1965 Maintenance only 1966 7,897,425 64,944 30,282 Maintenance 18,612 25,040 3.15 1966 (including 7,097 @ 90% 6,387 710 7,303) B & C 1163 (~ 50% 581 581 Construction John St. North 120,788 @ 90% 108,710 12,079 1967 8,011,575 . 94,845 47,422 Malntenance 18,481 41,754 5.2 1967 3,730 @ 9crt 3,350 373 (Debent- 723 @ 50% 36l 361 u'r~d) Construction John St. South 120,788 @ 9<n. 108,710 12,039 1968 8,292,611 lS1,426 75,713 Maint. only 21,066 55,810 6.75 1968 . 4,134 @ 9M 3,720 413 (Debent- 1,500 @ 501. 750 750 ured) 1969 8,546,435 116,000 58,000 Maint. only Estimated 21,587 37,613 4.4 1969 Estimated 1,200 Estimated (I sti- (125,500 mated) By-Law) .~~~,..,.."._"......"......"".,... ...~-- -' COUNTY OF ELGIN 1970 Budget Roads Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - $31,000.00 Roads 1967 Cost Winter Control 72,952 Surface Treatment 34,927 Gravel Resurfacing 31,798 Repairs to Pavements 43,446 Grading Gravel Roads 22,977 Roadside Maintenance (included in Grading) Dust Control 24,39l Weed Contro 1 15,783 Brushing 9,645 Pavement Marking 7,147 Guide Rail 1,449 Signs 7,838 Drainage 5,863 Railroad Protection 6,422 Drainage Assessment Less: Reduction in Stock Balance 1968 Cost 62,696 53,800 20,957 18,702 7,840 11,060 18,810 13,659 9,479 9,015 3,669 9,826 11,457 6,321 Total 1969 Cost 89,262 25,263 22,560 26,591 16,111 7,889 19.729 13,624 22,441 8,158 2,348 14,627 13,400 7,708 1,174 -'!elvV-~ J5 ~-I' , If v,j JI"A.. ....:.;-- 1970 Estimate 80,000 55,000 75,000 35,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 16,000 15,000 10,000 6,000 l3,000 15,000 8,000 2.000 375,000 ,40.000 335.000 .J Brid~es and Culvert~ St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - $ 1,000.00 County BridgE!s and Culvet'ts - 24.000.00. $25,000.00 Overhead 1967 89,000 1968 104,000 1969 134,000 Urban Rebates - 18,342,420 @ 9.3 mills @ 35% = 60,000 Roads S. A. County Culverts Urbans Overhead - $ 31,000 3.35,000 25,000 24,000 $415,000 1970 150,000 Construction Bridges and Culverts St. Thomas Suburban Road Commi. ssion - Kains Bridge - $150,000 County - Complete Willeys Bridge Complete Warren Street Bridge Complete Players Bridge Culvert Construction Road #40 (Road #52 to G1enco1in) Road #45 Kettle Creek Crossing - 17,000 3,000 7,000 15,000 160.000 Total $352,000 Construction Roads St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - $ 24,000 A. Needs Study (75%) B. (50%) Overhead 10,000 150,000 Urban Rebates - 36,000 Surveys Misc. Grading Construction - 6,000 Land Purchase - 85,000 Drainage Assessments - 35,000 New Machinery - 45,000 Plan Method of Road Consolidation By-Law - 5,000 Development Road Fencing - 30,000 Road #15 Construction Surface Treatment - 2,000 Road 4142 Road 4140 to Highway 1173 Move Utilities etc. - 3,000 Road #22 Cleanup Surface Treatment etc. - 15,000 Road #21 Warren Street Bridge Approaches - 3,000 Road #8 Wil1eys Bridge Approaches - 7,000 Machinery Ownership Costs Charged to Development Roads - 50,000 Credit Road #2 Surveys etc. - 5,000 Road #40 Construction Road #52 to G1enco1in - 180,000 Road #40 Construction Highway #3 Southerly - 15,000 Road #53 Beech Street Drain - 26.000 County Total @ 50% $598.000 Roads - $632,000.00 Bridges - $352.000.00 $984.000.00 t<cf L( A rcn;t; ~ 'r < ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 13, 1970. PAGE 4 Reservations for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention in Montreal were discussed. A Uniform PaYment Method for Weed Spraying to the various Townships was discussed and the Engineer was instructed to obtain more information. CORRESPONDENCE from the Department of Highways re the Intersections of Highways #19 and County Road #45, Highway #73 and County Road #45, Highway #73 and County Road 4152, and Highway /174 and County Road /152, was discussed at some length. THE ENGINEER was instructed to write the Department and express the Commi ttee' s regret at the lack of any concrete recommendation~l for improvement s at these intersections. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY L. Me INTYRE THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 10, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIEDft J~,t, ,.) ~ --.... CHAIRMAN . <~ , . j. ..,t " i~ ~.6. 3.~ /~ ;1 ~ (; COUNTY OF ELGIN ~~,.,.:.~ !fk;-;~ ~ 1970 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS, AND SUPPLIES GROUP 1. 1/4" Stone Chips for ~urface Treatment 1. Dufferin Materials & Construction Limited Hagersville, Ontario $1.70 per ton l/~' Limestone Chips, not washed, FwO.B. Hagersville. 1.90 per ton to Elgin County by Rail. 2. Cayuga. Quarries Limited Cayuga, Ontario 1.70 per ton 1/4" Limestone Chips, va sbed, F. O. B '. Cayuga 1.90 per ton to Elgin County by Rail. 3.' The Flintkote Co~pany of Canada Limited Paris, Ontario 1.60 per ton 1/4" Gravel Chip~, F . 0 . B . Pa ri s. 4. Consolidated Sand and Gravel ~imited Paris, Ontario 1.10 3.75 5. R. S. Clark Limited I~gersol1, Ontario per ton 1/4" Chips, F.O.B. Paris per ton 1/4" Chips, F.O.B. White's Statioln. 6. Riverside Construction Limited London, Ontario 1.10 per ton l/~' (round), F.O.B. Byron Pit, 'Washed 2.30 per ton F.O.B. White's Station. 7. Johnston Bros. Limited Bothwell, Ontario 1.69 2.78 2.69 8. Canada Crushed Stone, Hamilton, Ontario 5.35 J 9. Stebbins Paving and Construction Limited London, Ontario 2.15 per ton 1/~' Chips, F.O.B. White's Station. GROUP 2 Bituminous Material 1. Currie Products Limited Hamilton, Ontario Tar Primer - Tar R.T. 5-12 15.5 18.5 Emulsion,s (Last years tender Flintkote Company 12.6 16.2 per ton - Komoka per ton - Wardsville per ton - F.O.B. White's Station. per ton F.O.B. White's Station for 1/4" Chips per gallon, F.O.B. Hamilton per ga lIon (fOll" Mulch and SU1:,face Trea tment ) per gallon F.O.B. Factory) per gallon P.O.B. County ) The Flintkote Company of JIo~(") per Gallon F.O.,B. Long Branch Canada Limited Toronto, Ontario dO.,;). per Ga lIon De 1 I'd Elgin County Cationic Emulsions R.' E. Law Crushed Stone Ltd. It.tper Gallon F.O.B. Port Colborne Port Co1borne, Ontario '>1() I per Gallon Del'd Elgin County i E 1 c/..", Cation c mu sions 1. 2. Canadian Bitumuls Co. Ltd. 1~8 ~ per Gallon F .O.B. Leaside Toronto, Ontario ~ ~ per Gallon Del'dElg!n County Cationic EmulsionsdO,') Eastland Bros., /:"5, per Gallon F.O.B. Niagara Falls Niagara Falls, Ontario Cj "per Gallon Del'd Elgin County Cationic Emulsions 1,- -1' 3. 4. .. .. ? COUNTY OFELGtN ~. 1970 TENDERS FOR MAr~~!~~S AND SUPPLIES PAGE 2 GROUP J !/ Hot Mix Asohalt For Patehing j 1. . Walmsley Bros. Limited, London, Ontario 2. Riverside Construction Co. Limited London, Ontario CROUP 4 Co 1d Mix Aspha 1 t 1. Dufferin Materials an~ Construetion Limited Hagersville, Ontario 2. Cayuga Quarries Limited Cayuga, Ontario $ 5.50 per ton FoO.B. Putnam for H L 4 and H L 6 6.10 per ton F.OoB. Plant, Hamilton Road, London 6.60 for H L 3 7.00 per ton FoQ.B. Hagersville 1.75 per ton via Th~mp5on Twucking (d.e livery) 7.50 per ton FoO.B., Simcoe 3. Ri vet'side Cons~eti~n C&., 1...50 per t.on F40 0., B., Len~n Limited London, Ontario 4. Consolidated Sand &: Gravel 7.25 per ton F.O.,B. Paris Compa.ny Paris, Ontario s. Stebbins Paving &: Const. 7.40 per ton F.OoB.,~ Londo" Limited 6. Canada Crushed Stone 10.20 per ton White f \5 ~tation Hamilton, Ontario CROUP .5 Calcium Chloride Lic:ruid 1. Pollard Bros. Ceo Ltd., Harrow, Ontario 2. Miller Paving Limited Buttonville, Ontario Bulk Allied Chemicals Canada Linli ted Toronto, Ontario Basts Allied Chemical Canada Ltd. T~ronto, Ontario 48.30 per ton ($47.60 last year). Including FedeJi:'al Sales Tax, De 1 td per flak,~ ton equi va lent to any road or spot spraying. 48.50 pe~ ton including Federal Sales Tax, Deltd per flake tpn equivalent on 1::'oad. . F.,O.B. Amherstburg 47.90 per ton, Del'd per flake ten equivalent any road. Twenty ton loads, Work b~, Thompson Truek~ng, St. Thomas, (Lc:lst year $46,..85). ;$ . ho 5J.tper ton, De 1 t d to St. Thoma s in Twenty ton lots (Last year $52.20) . . 3 COUNTY OF ELGIN '. 1 ~70 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUP1PLIES .I!-......._ .11l_.lIJ,...- PAGE 3 GROUP 6 Portland Cement No bids Received. GROUP 7 Fie ld Ti Ie 1. Deller's Tile 'Limited Brownsvi1le, Ontario As Per List GROUP 8 Concrete Sewer Pipe Canada Vitt1fjLed Preduets As Per List GROUP 9 Corrugated Culverts /1. (Last year - Ontario Culvert - less 20% on old list Armco Drainage & Metal Products of Canada Lindted Is1ington, Ontario Lic.t. Priee . less 25% 2. Westee1-Rosco Limited Toronto, Ontario List .. less 1~5% 30 Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Limited Waterloo, Ontario List .. less 1B% 4. Fawcett 11etal Products Ltd., Waterloo, Ontario List .. less 14.6% GROUP 10 Fencing Materials 1. The Steel Company of Canada Limited Hamilton, Ontario 948-12 Farm Fence in 40 rolls 7' T-Rai1 Posts & Cl.ips 16 f x 48" Farm Gates fl9 Galvanized Brace Wire l~" G'a1v. Fence Staples 48" Snow Fence in 50 and 100 ft. rolls r&d $160.S0 per 100 reds 114.70 per 100 25075 each 13.10 per 100 1bs. 16.00 per 100 lbs. 20.35 per 100 1in. ft. 2. Lundy Fenee Company Toronto, Ontario 948-12 Farm Fence (contfd) 156.30 per 100 rods .. . 4 COUNTY OF j:LGIN _ 197Q..:!ENDERS FOR M/l.TERlALS AND 5UPPLl~ PAGE 4 - '" - - 1encin~ Materials / 2. Lundy Fence Company (cont1d) 71 T-Bar Posts & Clips "16 t Farm Gates 1\" Galv. Fence Staples #9 Galv. Brace Wire SnoW Fence $112.07 per 100 25.17 each 12.80 per 100 1bs. 15.88 per 100 1be. 19.77 per 100 ft. roll 3. Fawcett Metal Products Ltd., Waterloo, Ontario SnOW Fence (2000-4000) fto Posts 18.45 per 100 ft. 138.00 per 100 J 4. Lennox SnoW Fence Co. Ltdo Napanee, Ontario SnoW Fence 17.95 per 100 ft. '..OoBo White!s Station, 12,000 - 15,000 Lot. GROUP 11 , ' Wooden Posts j 1. Go L. Edwards Thedford, Ontario FoOoBo St. Themas 5" top min. Peeled 81 long .95 each 7" top min. Peeled 8' long 1070 each GROUP 12 ~einfor~ing Steel Standard Priee List of J. Harris and Sons GROUP 13 Grader Blades, 1. J. D. Adams Company Ltd., Paris, Ontario Del'd to St. Thomas, Quantity over 200. Size'" 5/8" x 6" x 6t $a.34 each 2. Valley Blades Limited Preston, Ontario 7.63 each, Quanti~y' Over ~OO Carbide Tipped Blades 39.20 per lineal ft. ($470.40 per Grader) GROU~ 14 Lumber No Bids Received I) . 5 ^ COUNTY, ~~ ELGIN .. 1970 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 15 Road Signs and Posts. PAGE 5 (Last year Fawcett Metal Products) 1. Mechanical Advertising Limited Oshawa, Ontarioo 5-24 "w" Series .. 24 x 24 "WI' Series - 30 x 30 "R" Series .. 24 x 30 "W" Series - 12 x 36 Bridge End Markers 10 foot Flanged "un Posts, complete, Galvanized 12 foc>t "U" Flanged Posts9 ;. comp lete 9 Ga 1 vanized 2. {~sco Metal Products Ltd., ~vr~oronto, Ontario "w" Series .. 12 x 36 "w" Series .. 24 x 24 j uR" Series .. 24 x 30 Posts .. 12 fto j- Bennett & Wright Downsview, Ontario "w' Series .. 24 x 24 "W" Series .. 30 x 30 "wn SE~ries .. 12 x 36 Bridge End Markers "R" Series - 24 x 30 Potts - 10 foot complete .. 12 foot complete 4. Faweett Metal Products Ltd'9 Waterloo, Ontario "WI' Series - 24 x 24 "tv" Series .. 30 x 30 "R" S€!ries .. 24 x 30 12 x 36 Posts - 12 foot complete 5. Highway Products Sales Thornhill, Ontarie 1fW" Series .. 24 x 24 "w" Series .. 30 x 30 "R" Series .. 30 x 30 "w' Series - 12 x 36 GROUP 16 Paint ~ White Traffie Paint 1. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas, Ontario FoOoB. St. Thomas $ 12025 each 17.30 each 13095 each 9025 each 5064 each 6049 each All priees FoOoB. St. Themas 8089 each 13.11 eaeh 13..73 each 5.11 each All Priees FoOoBo Toronto Any numbet' ef sign.s 8.90 eaeh 13090 eaeh 6095 each 11.15 eaeh 4.35 eaeh 5.15 each F oO.Bo St. Tholmas 11 or more of eaeh 11.00 ) 17045 ) 12090 ) Less - 3(% 9.25 each) 6035 eaeh) F oOoB. St. Thomas Priee pe.r 'Cart~on 9.40 18.7(') 1.5095 7.15 In 4.5 Gallon n,r:ums . I Non-Refleetorlzed (Last years p~r ~Q $2.28) .- I / / ~..9' per gallon . 0 6 I COUNTY OF ELGIN -- 1970 TENDER FOR MATERl~b~_~t\.ND .SUPPLIES PAGE 6 ~aint - v1hite Traffic Paint 2. Sherwin-Williams Toronto, Ontario 2025 per gallon (Used Last Year) j 3. Brandram-Henderson Company Toronto, Ontario 20 lq~ per gallon Paint - Orange Guide Rail Paint. 1. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas, Ontario 6.73 per gallon 2. West Elgin Paint & Varnish Rodney, Ontario No Price Recei.ved GROUP 17 Glass Beads For Centre Line Markin~ 1.. Flexo Lite St. Thomas, Ontario Type C Moisture Proof Beads 10.64 per ewto FoO.B. St. Thomas GROUP 19 Miscellaneous Red-D-Mix Conerete Company 3,000 lb., 6 Bag Mix Conerete $16050 plus additives COUNTY OF ELGIN ! I' .:/ : " 1 L t l ~ I. e" ~. 1970 BUGStet ~~ c/V '~~ Ih+~ .___....D.ItA~F'l'.,..".2,.._._...._...............,,. M" .........".. .....,.... """ ,,,,.....,................,,,,,...J Mal~ch 13, 1970 ....4. ....intenance St. TbOMsSuburban Road Commission - $31,000.00 1967 Cost loau Winter COl\tr4)1 72,952 34,927 31,798 l , I~ I t ~" " Surface Tr..t..nt Gravell.,urfacing ( l I Repairs to Pav..ents 43,446 Cradin. Gravel Roads . 22,977 Roadside Mail'ltenance (inc luded in ,Grading) f Dust Control 24,391 15,783 i' I I j: Weed Control Brushina 9,645 Pavement Markinl 7,147 Guide la11 1,449 , f, I ~ , . ! ; Signs nr'!inale. Rai 1road'''Pro'teetion 7,838 5,863 6,422 f ! Drainase A8S~tSSment Less: Reduction in Stock Balance I t ~ Briel,._ ."d Culvert Maintenance St. Tho.s Suburban Road Commission Bridge & Culvert Mai'nt. 1,000 1968 Cost 1969 Cost 1970 Estimate 62,696 89,262 80,000 53,800 25,263 55,000 20,957 22,560 75,000 18,702 ,26,591 40,000 7,840 16,111 15,000 11,060 18,810 13,659 9,479 9,015 3,669 9,826 11,457 6,321 Total 7,889 10,000 19,728 20,000 13,624 16,000 22,441 13,000 8, 158 10,000 2,348 6,000 14,627 13,000 13,400 14,000 7,708 8,000 1,174 2.000 377,000 . 40.000 337.000 County Bridge and Culvert Maint. 24.000 25,000 Overhead - 150,000 Urban Rebates - 60,000 Totals loads (Suburban) County Calv.t'ts and Bridges - Urban.,aebates Overhead - $ 31,000 337,000 25,000 22,000 1 I f 0 I ! $415.000 .' - 2 - DRAFT 2 Mar'ch 13, 19701 NORMAL BY-LAW (' Ii,:., . , . " { , . CONSTRUCTION Brid,es and Culverts . St. Thoma!. Suburban Road Commission - l~insBridge, Road #33 - $150,000 County - Complete Wil1eys Bridge, Road #8 . (:ol1)plete Warren Street Bridge, Road #21 - Complete .Players Bridge, Road #45 Kett Ie Creek Crossing Road #45 Road #40 ( Road #52 to Glencolin), Culvert C~nstruction 17,000 3,000 7,000 223,000 17.000 $417,000 Roads (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - Road Construction - $ 24,000 8,000 (2) Ne_ds Study (75t Subsidy) (3) 50\ Subsidy Items Urban Rebates - 38,000 Overhead - 150,000 Surveys, Misc. Grading Const. etc., - 6,000 Land l)urchase - 95,000 Drain.ge Assessments - 35,000 New Machinery - 52,000 Mechinery Ownership Costs Charged to Development Roads - 40,000 Credit Development Road Fencing Road #48,.#49, #45 - 25,000 Plan Method of Road Consolidation By-Law - 4,000 Road #21 Warren Street Bridge Approaches, Port Stanley - 3,000 Road # 8 Wi1leys Bridge Approaches, Dunwich - 7,000 Road f115 Construction, Surface Treatment, Dunwich 2,000 Road #42 (Road 140 to Highway #73) Move Utilities, Malahide - 3,000 Road 122 Cleanup, Surface Treatment, Yarmouth 15,000 Road I 2 Surveys, Aldborough - 4,000 Road 140 Construction Road #52 to G1encolin, Malahide - 101,000 Road #40 Construction Highway #3 to Mount Salem, Malahide - 9,000 Road 116 Construction St. Thomas to Fingal, Southwold - 20,000 . . 3 - 3 - DRAFT 2 Mal:'cb 13, 1970 Roads (cont'd) Road 142 Protection from Erosion East of Port Burwell, Bayham 6,000 Total Roads $~)67. 000 Total Normal By-Law - $567,000 B~idge and Culvert Construction - $417.000 $984.000 - 4 - SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW Bridle and Culvert Construction ltoad #40 (Highway 13 to Mount Salem) Malabide Roaci Construction (a> Road #40 Grading, Granular Base, etc., . (load #52 to Gleneolin), Malahide, Springfield (b) Road #53 Beech Street Drain, Aylmer (County of Elgin share is 57't of Total) (c) Road 153 Beech Street Reconstruction, Aylmer (d) Road' #3 Drainage~ Curb and Gutter, Granular BaSE!, Paving, Rodney (e) Road: 140 Highway #3 to Mount Salem, Grading, Granular Base, etc. Totals - Bridge and Culvert Construction - $ 15,000 Roads - $227.000 $242.000 Total By-Laws, Normal and Supplementary is - $15,000 85,000 26,000 44,000 22,000 50.000 .$ 227.000 - $1.641.000 - 5 - COST OF COUNTY OF ELGIN 'St. Tho... Suburban Road Commis.ion Budaet r: , f' County Share of $207,000 (including 1,000 for Items NOT for Subsidy) County ~oad Kaintenance 501. of $33',000 = - $ 29,350 168,500 County BJ~id.. and Culvert Maintenance 20~ of $24,000 = 4,800 Urban Re~ates (Maintenance) . sOt of $22,000 = 11 ,000 . County Bridge Construction (Normal By-Law) 20~ of $267,000 = 53,400 Roads Construction (Normal By-Law) Needs Study 25~ of $8,000 = 2,000 Road Construction 50~ of $535,000 = 267,500 Bridge and Culvert Construction (Supplementary 'By-Law) 20~ of $15,000 = 3,000 Roads Construction (Supplementary By-Law) SOt of $227,000= 113,500 1 tams Not. for Subsidy 2.000 $655.050 ( Assess.ent for 1970 is $70,442.486 9.3 Mills on the Assessment raises $655,115 Esti..te Cost to County of Elgin of Budget of $1,641,000 is $655,050. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ) ~. ~ // M Irv'-'L- " ( R. G. MOORE County Engineer. ST. THOMAS, ONTA:RIO MARCH 6, 1970 THE COUNrry OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on March 6, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS except Reeve Wilson were present. THE MINUTES of the Meeting of February 19, 1970, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work to Date as follows: 1. Winter Control had been normal. 2. Clearing was complete on Road 1140 and was proceeding as quickly as land could be purchased on Road #16. 3. Guide Rail repairs were being made and end of steel beam guide rail hurried. 4. Old fence was being taken down on Road 1;40 North of Glenco1in. 5. A car had run into a County Sander a week previously and had suffered heavy damage. 6. Studies were continuing to determine whether it was more E~conomica1 to cross Kettle Creek on Road #45 with a Bridge or with Culverts. .~ 7. Payments received from the Canadian Transport Commission lfere approximately $10,000 short of those requested. 8. Agreement had been reached with Mr. Thomas Carrel re the Strong Municipal Drain. It was agreed that the West B.ranch would be eliminated and the County would pay Mr. Carrel $850.00 to look after a number of Drains now draining into a tile on the County Road. 9. That a recent meeting had been held in West Lorne and it clppeared that Sanitary Sewers would not be installed before 1971 at the earliest.. 10. That the locat!ion of the By-Pass would be shown to St. Thomas City Counci 1 on March 31, 1970. 11. That the Engineer had been asked to act as an Advisor to the Elgin Planning Board. 12. That the Depar:tment of Highways of Ontario had not formulaed any fiscal policy for 1970-74 period as yet. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 6, 1970. PAGE. 2 CORRESPONDENCE was read from (a) Department of High,.,ays of Ontario stating that the Minister of Highways had reduced the AssessmE~nt of the City of St. Thomas to $33,'800,000, (from $42,000,000) for Suburban Road Purposes. (b) Mr. L. E. Walker, District Engineer, acknowledging the County's request for Traffic Signals at the Intersection of Talbot Road and Highway 1/4 and stating that the Traffic Branch would look into the matter. (c) From the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with a revised budget. (ci) From Sumner Equipment quotating on a Post Hole Auger at $640.00. The Engineer stated that the Auger had been ordered. THE ENGI!NEER presented the Attached Budget. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DI!NNER . The Budget was again reviewed and discussed. UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE D. MC KILLOP THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ROAD BY-LAWS BE PASSJ~D BASED ON A C OUNTYMILL RATE OF 9. 3 MILLS. CARRIED" Priority of Construction ProJects were discussed and the Engineer instructed to present a revised budget for the next meeting b,ased on 9.3 Mill Road Rate and the ,Construction priorities as agreed on. Urban Rebates were discussed at some length and the matter postponed to the next meeting. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON D. MC KILLOP THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1970 AMOUNTING TO $207, DOO, BE APPROVED. CARRIEDt! THE ENGINEER reported that the one had asked for a location on Roads /124 and 1142 from the fi Itration plant on Road /1-24 to Port Burwell. Mr. L. E. Walker had requested a meeting on the location before County approval. Ii ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 6, 1970. PAGE 3 CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. Bruce Graham on bebalf of Mr. J. A. Harvey requesting 'release ofa portion of the easement obtained for construction of Elm Street Briqge. "MOVED BY: W. R. CA VERL Y SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE RECOMMEND THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED RELEASING A PORTION OF THE EASEMENT ALONG ELM STR)~ET IN AYLMER OBTAINED BY THE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ELM STREET IN 1964. CARRIEDU THE ENGINEER reported that the Ford Motor Company had requested that the County pay the Company approximately $5,000.00, for land used by the County for land used to widen Roads if: 11 and /f26. The Company was wi 11 i ng to contribute a like amount toward the cost of bui lding of Road /;11. No decision was made. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 13, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ~>>-:hl/t:<..-1f?"l/ CHAIRMAN ."'~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH, 1970 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COutrrY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE Attached to this Report is a proposed Budget for 1970. To date, we have not received a policy s.tatement from the-Department of Highways with regard to the:ir 1970-75 fiscal policy. Thus, we do not know the County B,'-Law allocations for 1970, the rate-of subsidy, whether Supplementary Assistance will b~! forthcoming or not, and if forthcomi'ng, the type or amount. We, also, have no idea what method will be used to pay to the County the remaining funds for Development Roads from tbe 1965-69 progranune or when they might be received. Thus, the task of recommending this Budget is the most frustrating budget t,hat I ever encountered and is ,a task, nigh unto, impossible. 1 have divided the Budget into three parts (a) Maint- enance for which a sum of $415,000.00 has been allocated by the Department. (b) Normal Construction for which the amount of $984,000.00 has been allocated. 1 have divided Construction into two parts; <.) that Construction for whichcommittments have been made and work will ha've to continue, and (b) that for which, although, some committments,. etc., may have been made, the project could be left for a year or more without a large increase in cost to the County. Maintenance il, ~: I' !. f f: r Although, tbe amount allocated for MaintE!!tlance by the Department of Highways of Ontario is larger in 1970 than 1969, the costs and the needs are growing at a faster rate than the allocation. All work, other than Surface Treatment and Gravel Resurfacing, is estimated on the basis of last year. Any .S in'crease or improvement in the operation will have to be buelleted t for, acc.ordingly. The only incre'ases are for inflation. - 2 - Gravel Resurfacing is necessary on Road #9 and #5, (22 miles). t " It is suggested that Crushed Gravel be imp~orted from the Komoka area for these roads. Although, this gra've1 is more expensive, the cost will be well worth it in the long rUn with better materials that will ,last longer being placed. Surface Treatment work has been badly negl,ected in the past few year's 'and, although, the amount budgeted will not catch up the programme by any means, it will be ,a step in the rigpt direction. Also, Repairs to Pavements are expected to inc~ease ~V in l~ Road #2, West of Road #15 in Dunwich, is showing serious deterioration from unknown causes and it may be necessary to resurface approximately 1 mile as .well .as make other repairs. At this time, serious spring break up is indicated. A percentage of'Urban Rebates must be agreed upon before a budget can be finalized. Cons truction (a) Brid~: Money will have to be allocated, to complete Willeys Bridge, Warren Street Bridge and Players Bridge. Also, committed is Kains Bridge by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commlission. To complete Road #45 with Development Road Funds, a crossing of Kettle Creek will have to be provided. As Engineering work proceeds on this project, it ,becomes increasing more evident that costs will be greater than originally estimated. .(b) Roads: Money will have to be allocated for the St. Thouas Suburban Road Commission, Road Construction, Urban R.ebates, Overhead Costs, Completion of the Needs Study, Land Purchase, 1 I t i.',... " f i i. t t' Drainage Assessments, and Plan Method of Road Consolidation' By-Law. New Machinery costs are estimated at $52,000.00 which is partially offset by a Credit of Machinery Ownersbip costs - 3 - charged to Development Roads. New Machinery should include: a Stone Sprl!ader, '~ (already purchased), two pickup trucks and a car (tr~ide existing vehicles), two Tractor and Mowers (which would eliminate our renta 1- pt'oblems), two Sanders, a sma 11 Crawler Tract4:>r, and a start on new Garage facilities. A considerable number of jobs from last ye,ar should be completed including Warren Street and Willeys Bridge approaches, Fencing on Roads #48, #49, and #45, Clean up Work on Roads lIS, /142, and 122. In order to cover costs incurred to date, and necessary /1 iJ work in 1.9~' to provide for Construction in future Yjears, money will have to be allocated for work on Road 12, Road i~40 (north and south) and Road #16. Construction~upplementarv) As the amount of Supplementary By-Law mone'y available is not likely to be known for sometime, it is recomm,ended that the projects listed be carefully examined and priorities set against them so that if and when funds are available, we will have completed tbe Engineering work so thatConstrucltion work can proce.ed with undue delay. Mill Rate It would appear at this stage that an arbitrary Mill Rate wi 11 have to be set by the Committee so that a Tot.a 1 County Budget can be set at the March Sessi~n of County Council. l feel that it is extremely likely that an April Session of County Council will be required to pass the necessary Supplementary By-Laws., Additional Reports will be made to the ComRittee as soon as information is received from the Department of Highways of Ontario. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED if!~~~1~ '" R. G. MOORE, COUNTY RNCINRRR. Ma.t~cb, 1970 COUNTY O'F ELGIN 1970 BU,dRet \ Roads Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - $31,000.00 Roa d,s 1967 Cost 1968 Cost 1969 Cost: 1970 Estimate Winter Control 72,952 62,696 89,262 80,000 Surface Treatment 34,927 53,800 25,263 55,000 Gravel Resurfacing 31,798 20,957 22,560 75,000 Repairs to Pavements 43,446 18,702 26,591 40,000 Grading Gravel Roads 22,977 7,840 16,111 15,000 Roadside Mai,ntenance (inc 1uded in Grading) 11 , 060 7,889 10,000 Dust Contro.1 24,391 18,810 19,728 20,000 Weed eontro1 15,783 13,659 13,624 16,000 B,rushing 9,645 9,479 22,441 13,000 Pavement Marking 7,147 9,015 8,158 10,000 Guide Rail 1 , 449 3,669 2,348 6,000 Signs 7,838 9, 82~:, 14,627 13,000 Drainage 5,863 ' ll, ~S7 13,400 14,000 Railroad Protection ,6, 422 6,3~1 7,708 8,000 Drainage Assessment 1,174 2..000 Total 377,000 Le s s : Reduction in Stock Balance 40.000 337.000 Marlch, 1970 Bridaes and Culvert~ St,. Thomas Slllburban Road Commission $ 1,000.00 County Bridles and Culverts 24.000.00 $25,000.00 [ ? Overhead 1967 89,000 1968 104,000 1969 134,000 1970 150,000 Urban Rebates. - $18,342,420 @ 9.3 mills @ 35~ = 60,000 Roads S.A. County Culverts Urbans Overhead - $ 31,000 337,000 25,000 22,'000 $415.000 I NORMAL BY-LAW March, 1970 q ~ ~ (}<r6 ~ ~ ~yI5~~~ " CONSTRUCTION Brid~es and Culverts St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - Kains Bridge. Road #33 - $150,000 County - Comp lete Willeys Bridge, Road /18 Complete Warren Street Bridge, Road #21 Complete Players Bridge, Road /145 Kettle Creek Crossing Road #45 17,000 3,000 7,OQO 223.000 $ ~~OO , 000 Roads (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - Road Construction $ 24,000 8,000 (2) Needs Study (75% Subsidy) (3) 501. Subsidy Items Urban Rebates 38,000 Overhead 150,000 Surveys, Misc. GradingConst. etc., 6,000 Land Purchase 95,000 Drainage Assessments 35,000 New Machinery 52,000 Machinery Ownership Costs Charged to Development Roads ~~O, 000 Credit Development Road Fencing Road #48, #49, #45 25,000 Plan Method of Road Consolidation By-Law 4,000 Road #21 Warren Street Bridge Approaches 3,000 Ro.d # 8 Willeys Bridge Appr~aches 7,000 Road #15 Construction, Surfa'~e Treatment etc. 2,000 Road #42 (Road #40 to Highway #73) Move Utilities etc. 3,000 Road /122 Cleanup, Sur face Treatment etc. 15,000 Road # 2 Surveys etc. Road #40 Construction Road #52 to Glencolin Road #40 Const,ruction Highway 113 to Mount'Salem Road .f!16 Construction St. ,Thomas to Finga1 4,000 '6 , 000 9,000 2~0. 000 $466,000 Bridge - $400,000 Roads - $466.000 $866,000 Normal By-Law Construction 98:4,000 Less: 866.000 $.118.000 Could be A4ded '11, 'I" -:: ~ , COSTS OF BUDGET 'St. Tho~s Suburban Road Commission Construction and Maintenance Culverts & Roads $ 29,350 County Road Maintenance 50% of $337,000 = , 168,500 County Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 20% of $24,000 = 4,800 Urban Rebate (Maintenan~e) 50% of,$22,OOO = 11,000 County Bridge Construction 20% of $250,000 = 50,000 Roads Normal County 25% of $8,000 (Needs Study) - 50% of $434,000 = 2,000 217,000 Item Not for Subsidy 2.000 $484,650 1 Mil1.provides $70.442.49 (A.ssessment $70,442.486) Mill Rate approximately 6.9 Mills (486,053) When $118,000 worth of Road Work is added to Normal By-Law Cost to County of Elgin will be $543.650 (7.8 Mills) ~ A Mill Rate of 9.3 will allow the addition of approximately $210,000 worth of Road Work @ 50% Subsidy over and above$l18,OOO of Road y~rk that can be added to a Normal By-Law (for a total of $ 328,000). ~ t () \J&'0~) Thi~ will give a toeal By-Law of $l,~,OOO.OO. " r By-Laws were approved to a Limit of $1,741,500.00, by the Department of Highway s of Ontario 'in 1969.. ,t'~ 'I ~JA '1 -r :~, ... Construction Projects under consideration, (All amounts ,ar~ ~ 11- ~<- ,,'" addition to amounts shown on Normal By-Law).' (a) Road #40 - Gradin&Granular Base, etc. Road #52 to Glencolin - Malahide and Springfield Culvert Construction (b) Road #53 - Beech Street Drain, Aylmer CQunty of Elgin share is 57%'of'Tota1 (c) Road #53 - Beech'Street Reconstruction, Aylmer, }- ~T1Y6 inc ludi ng feet of Curb and Gutter (d) Road !,3 Drainage, Curb and Gutter, Granular Base, Paving, Rodney (1550 feet of Curb and Gutter). (e) Road #42 - Protection from Erosion East of Port Burwell, Bayham Township (f) Road. /140 - from Highway #3 to Hount Sa lem, Gradi.ng, Granular Base, Culverts, etc., 3.5 miles Malahide Township. - $180,000 17,000 26,000 44,000 22,000 6,000 280,000 (g) Road #16 - Grading, Granular Base, Culverts, Drainage, etc., St. Thomas to Middlernarch (full width Granular) 2.6 miles, Southwo1d - 300,000 '" (h) Road #16 - Grading, Granular Base, Culverts and Drainage, Middlemarch to Fingal, 3.5 miles Southwold. - 420,090 v~ !'-1~ f ~ f:uv;vilt d/ru I ~ /~ 1;!7 J . t-( (' ^~ 4\5: ;J ~6' ,1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 19, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on February 19, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. All members except Reeve Wilson were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of February 11, 1970, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the Work to Date as follows: 1. That Winter Control work had been normal. 2. That a portion of the furniture had arrived for the office. 3. That Mr. Harry Herrington had broken his leg at work on Road 1145 and would be off work for approximately three months. 4. That Mr. Les Sawyer was, in the Hospital with a suspected heart attack. 5. That Clearing was continuing on Road 1/40 and had been started on Road /116. 6. That Land Purchase was proceeding as rapidly as possible on Road /116. 7. That a second Post Hole Auger should be purchased in orde'r to speed fencing work in the Spring. The Committee approved the purchase for an Auger. Progress of Engineering work on various jobs was discussed at some length. Road /;16, THE ENGINEER reported that with regard tOl\the Department of Highways of Ontario had stated that no work was to be done on Fingal Hill pending the decision on location of the By-Pass and Highways /1126 as the D.illion RJeport indicated that Wellington Street should be directly connected t.oFingal Road a.t some future date. Petitions were read from the staff of the Southwo1d Central Public School and the members of the Middlemarch Women's Institute requesting the installation of Traffic Signals at the Intersection of Road 4/16 and Highway 1/4. After Discussion. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. ,MC INTYRE D. MC KILLOP THAT WEh REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO TO INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 1/4 AND TALBOT STREET ON A TEMPORARY BASIS UNTIL ROAD RELOCATION WORK IN THE AREA IS COMPLETED. CARRIEDn 5T. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRYARY 19, 1970. PAGE 2 THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Studies were still being continued to find out whether or not the installation of large Culverts on Road /145 at Kettle Creek Crossing was practical or not. Mr. J. Harris of the Department of Highways of Ontario Hydrogoly Departrne.nt was to view the site on February 20, 1970. Land Purchase for the Diversion off the Road Allowance of Road /145, 1 mile south of Midd1emarch, was discussed and the Engineer instructed to proceed and make the best purchase possible. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER. THE ENGINEER reported that the Strong Drain Report for work at G1encolin on Road /140 had been read and that appeals against the Drain were expected. Most of the Engineering work on Road /140 from Highl'l,ay /13 to Mount Salem had been comp leted. A 11 property needed other than a few smalll ho Idi ngs had been completed and clearing was well underway. It appeared that sanitary sewers work would not begin in Port Stanley before next Winter and it would not be necessary to budget funds for Construction on Warren Street, Road /121, other than for the Warren Street Bridge approaches in 1970. Sanitary Sewers work in West Lorne", also, would not: likely begin unti 1 1971 and funds would not be needed for Road /12 re Constructi()n unti 1 1971 other than for the Graham Road Drain Assessment. CHAIRMAN MOORE reported that he would report on desires of the Town of Aylmer re proposed Beech Street Storm Sewer at the next meet:lng. After a brief discussion, a decision on a Mill Rat4e was postponed until more information was available. Rebaees to Urban Munici.p.a1ities were discussed at some length with the Epgineer presenting the attached information and reporting on the current practice of the Counties of Kent, Middlesex, Oxford, Norfolk, and Brant. The Chairman read a brief from the Village of Vienna. After considerable discussion the matter was adjourned to the next meeting for a decision. S't. TROMAS, ONtARIO YEBRYARY 19, 1970 PAGE 3 seve1:al lIletnbe1:S that Roads ,*,5 and ,*,9 should be g1:avelled this yea1:. Va1:io.uS itelllS of Maintenance .,e1:e discUssed and it was pointe"d out by 1HE ENGINEER stated that a SU1:face 11:eatlllent p"t'og1:a1llllle \lOuld have to be inc1:eased in 1970 f1:olll 196B and 1969 in o1:de1: to catch up on ..ro1:k defer1:ed for seve'ral yea'rs. that they would not have to depend on 1:ented Units in the cOllling season. Reeve Robe1:tS SUggested that the County pU1:chase sufficient 1IlO.,e1:S so PU1:chase of Sande1: unitS fo1: East and West Elgin waS diSCUssed. 1\.1sO diSCUssed was the const1:uction of illlp1:0ved Ga1:age Facilities 1HE ENG1.1:lEER presented and ans.,ered ~uestions on the attached p1:elilllina1:Y at White'S Station. budget. nMOVEU BY: SECONDED BY: 1RA.1 WE I\.DJOURN 10 MA.RCli 6, 1970, 1\.1 10,001\..M. W. R. CAVERLY H. B. JOHNSON CA.RRIEU" /(lI _._~------ ,_...~~ --' c tf A / R fYl AN' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 11" 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on February 11, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. All Members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of January 7, 1970, and January 21, 1970, were read and approved. THE ENGI NEER reported on the Work to Date as follows: 1. That the Engineering Department had moved to the former Assessment Commission Building. 2. Winter Control work had been steady. 3. Cutting of scattered dead trees throughout the County was completed. 4. Clearing was underway on Road 1140 between Highway 413 and ~Iount Sa lem and in the Kettle Creek Area on Road #45. 5. Land Purchasing was underway on Road 1116 and clearing would begin shortly. 6. One of the McCulloch two man Chain Saws had developed engi.ne problems and was beyond repai>r. Prices had been solicited for a new Pi.oneer Saw to replace it with Greers at Eden submitting the low price. 7. The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission at a recent meeting, had reverted Road #16 to control of the County (subject to the approval. of the Minister of Highways) so that the County could enter into a Development Road Agreement with the Department of Highways of Ontario. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: w. CAVERLY D. Me KILLOP THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #1 AMOUNTING TO $20,504.83 PAYLIST #2 AMOUNTING TO $20,508.33 PAYLIST #3 AMOUNTING TO $22,522.98 PAYLIST #4 AMOUNTING TO $62,971.95 CARRIEDH CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of High~ffiYS of Ontario requesting a Transfer of Funds with regard to the County's Annual Return. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY Il" 1970. PAGE 2 "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION BE PASSED: THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO BE REQUESTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFER WITH ,REGARD TO THE COUNTY'S 1969 ANNUAL RETURN. TRANSFER $33,575.16 FROM CONSTRUCTION ROADS TO CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES AND CULVERTS. TRANSFER $3,238.39 FROM MAINTENANCE BRIDGE AND CULVERTS TO MAINTENANCE ROADS. CARRIEDU A RESOLUTION from the County of Bruce re the Expropriation Act 68-69 was discussed. "MOVED BY: H. B. JOHNSON SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE CONCURR WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE WITH REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE EXPROPRIATION ACT 1968-69. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W . CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. MC KILLOP THAT THE ENGINEER BE ENPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. MC KILLOP SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE NEEDS STUDY CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE BE APPOINTED AS FOLLOWS: WARDEN ti. R. CA VERL Y, CHAIRMAN F. MOORE, A. AUCKLAND OF THE S'T. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION, R. G. MOORE - COUNTY ENGINEER, MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, AND DHO NEEDS STUDY ENGINEER. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: L. MC INTYRE SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION REQUESTING AN ORDER FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SIGNALS AND FLASHING LIGHTS ON THE COUNTY ROAD 1;45 CROSSING OF THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CARRIEDU ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 11, 1970. PAGE 3 Mr. Ralph McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan Company was in attendance. MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER. Mr. McLaughlin explained the various Insurance policies and answered members querries. UMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING POLICIES WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY: MUNICIPAL LIABILITY POLICY, NON OWNED AUTOMOBILE, AUTOMOBILE FLEET, EQUIPMENT FLOATER, RADIO FLOATER, SURVEY EQUIPMENT FLOATER, BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY, WEED SPRAY, COMPENSATION, BOND, COUNCILLOR ACCIDENT POLICY ($100.00 PER WEEK COMPENSATION) VALUABLE PAPERS. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER presented price from General Supply Company Limited re used Etynre Chip Spreaders and reported on his inspection of the units. AFTER DISCUSSION. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE PURCHASE A USED ETYNRE CHIP SPREADER SERIAL 1;K-3447 FROM THE GENERAL SUPPLY COMPANY AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $19,500.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED!' THE ENGINEER presented prices for furniture needed for the office and answered members querries. "MOVED BY: D. MC KILLOP SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE OFFICE FURNITURE FROM RICHARD COCHRILL AT A QUOTED PRICE OF $867.58 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED't Various Engineering Problems were discussed including the Strong Drain on Road 1/40. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 11:J 1970. PAGE 4 It was decided that the entire Committee would deal with the problem of Urban Rebates. "MOVED BY: W . CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 19, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" M~ ,- . ~ CHAIRMAN 1 j j .~ "..,.,.1 !' i i 11 i I. f. ~ ~ ',Ii; ."" _1 ~',;,:,,~t)jl"Wi~~l~.~.~.li'.tl;;. <l ,Ia1 ~'. f~---- r~~. u ~. ST. THOMAS, o~rARI0 JANUARY SESSION, 1970 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN YOUR ROAD COMM1TTEE begs to report as follows: THE FOLLOWING is a sunmary of costs of Construction and Maintenance ,on County of Elgin Roads during 1969. CONSTRUCTION: ROADS 1. ,Road li11 from Highway #4 to Road /126 in Township of Sl)uth. wold, Surface Treatment, Completion of Grading, etc. 2. Road #35 from Highway #3 to Road #45, in the Townships of . . Yarmouth Clnd Malahide, Surface Treatment, Completion of Grading etc., Road Portion of Springwater Dam. 3. Road #42 at Stalter Gully, in Township of Ma1ahide, Hot Mix Paving, Clean up et~~ 4. Road #3 from Rodney to 1 mile North of Road #9, in the Village of Rodney and Township of Aldborough, Hot Mix Paving, Drainage, etc. 5. Road /1:15, ,Entrance to John S. Pearce Provincial Park in Township of Dunwich, Paving, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 6. Road /138 at the Ma lahide-Ba,yham Town1ine, Paving, C l4!!an up etc. 7. Road #42 from Road /140 to Highway #73 in Township of Mala- hide, Paving, Grading, etc. 8. Road #52 (Development Road #840) 1n Townships of Ya~mouth, Malahide and South Dorchester, Fencing. 9. Road #20 (Development Road #931) in Township of Southwo1d, Fencing. 10. Roads /14'7, /148, 1/49 (Development Road 1972) in Township of South Dorchester, Fencing. 11. Road #45 (Development Road #930) in Township of Yarmouth, Fencing'. 12. Road #40 from Road #52 to Glencolin in Township of Malahide, and Village of Springfield, Surveys, Clearing, Drainage, etc. . . 2 $ 2,084.57 21,876.36 3,094.16 72,028.69 24,083.39 2,234.49 67,521'.50 265.29 Credit 1,191.08 18,114.43 4,918.69 4,823.55 JANUARY, 1970 PAGE 2 13. Road #22 from Road IF24 to Road #27 in Township of Yarn-lOuth, Grading, Granular Base, etc. 14. Road #40 from Road #45 to Highway #3 in Township of Ma1ahide, Surveys. 15. Orwell Bridge, Yarmouth-Malahide Townline, Creek Diversion and Fencing.' 16. Road 1127, Union to Sparta, Township of Yarmouth, Movement of Utilities~ 17. Road 4121, Village of Port Stanley, Approaches to Warrlen Street Brtdge.. 18. Road #8, Township of Dunwich, Approaches to Wi11eys Bridge. 19. Road #21, Village of Port Stanley, County Share of instal- lation of Flashing Light Protection on Canadian National Railroad Crossing (Interim Payment). 20. Road #42, Village of Port Burwell, Port Burwell Bridge Road Portion. 21. Road #53, Beech Street, Town of Aylmer, Engineering Studies re Drainage. 22. Land Purchase. 23. Drainage Assessments (Construction). 24. New Machinery. 25. Machinery Ownership costs Charged to Development Roads and Townline Accounts. 26. Miscellaneous Grading Construction. 27. Surveys and Traffic Counts. 28. Needs Study. TOTAL jO ROAD CONSTRUCTION bv ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road 1/1.6, in Finga 1, Township of Southwo1d, Completion of Urban Construction. 2. Road #25, Township of Southwold and Yarmout, Drainage. 3. Drainage Assessments. 4. Land Purchase . . 3 $115,746.12 1,258.39 1,755.40 5,715.54 2,400.11 5,464.40 1,000.00 500.92 953.44 136,661.33 35,714.01 60,447.62 94,238.41 Credit 918.03 1,995.34 14,218.13 ,$ 512 . 215. 99 6,750.83 1,410.74 2,079.33 13,360.47 JANUARY, 1970 PAG1E 3 5. Traffic Countt Surveys etc. TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE COMMISSION TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION 1. Road fl8t Wi lIeys Bridge t Dunwich Township (Middlesex Portion.c~arged to them). 2. Road #21, Port StanleYt Warren Street Bridge. 3. Road #45, Players Bridge, Township of Yarmouth. 4. Road /142, Stalter Gully, Fill, etc., Township of Malalllide (Bridge Portion of work). 5. Road #42, Silver Creek Culvert, Fill etc., Township of Malahide, (Bridge Portion of work). 6. Road #35, Springwater Dam~ Township of Yarmouth and Malahide (Bridge Portion of work). 7. Orwell Bridge, Township of Yarmouth and Malahide. 8. Road #43, Cooks Bridge, Completion of Engineering Study Township lof Bayham and Ma lahide. 9. Road 4;42, Port Burwell Bridge, Village of Port' Burwell, completion of work (Portion of subsidy by DHO). · 10. Road 1142, Culvert Construction in conjunction with gl~ading from Highway 4173 to Road 4140, in Township of Ma1ahid4!. 11. Road #40 Culverts Construction from Road #52 to G1encolin (Materials in Stock) Township of Malahide. 12. Road 4/.22, Culvert Construction, in conjunction with grading Road #24 to Road #27 in Township of Yarmouth. 13. Road 1;3, Culvert Construction in conjunction with grading, Township of Aldborough. 14. Road #15, Culvert Construction at Pearce Park in conjunction with grading, Township 'of Dunwich. 15. Road /137, Spring Greek Culvert Construction, Township of South Dorchester, completion of work. 16. Road #52 Township of Yarmouth, Miscellaneous Culvert Installation. COUNTY BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION . . 4 $ 53.43 $ 23.654.80 $535.870.79 $203,404.91 1 1..8 , 632 . 84 165,354.25 4,863.23 2,239.25 9,063.32 7t608.24 445.88 1,890.40 2,214.46 11,557.12 13,481.34 191. 31 Cre~it 972.21 232.11 2.164.80 $573,933.05 JANUARY, 1970 PAGE. 4 ~ridge construction by ST. TRO~S SU~URRAN ROhD CoMMISSION 1. Road ~33 Kains ~ridge, Soil Tests and Engineering. TOTAL ~RIDGE AND CULvERT CONSTRUctION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (ROADS & ~RIDGES) ~ ~9. Q2. t1.12~2~ MAIN~ENt\'NCE :--- - - 12. SignS $ 89,262.44 25,.263.81. 22,560.12 26,591.35 16,111.59 7,889.71 19,728.31 13,624.24 22,441.69 8, 158. 71 2,348.46 14,627.59 13,400.63 111.00 credit ROADS ~ .' t. ~inter control 2." surface treatment 3. ,Gravel Resurfacing 4. Repairs to Pavements 5. Maintenance of Gravel Roads 6. Road Maintenance 7. Dust control 8. 'Weed contTol 9. ~rushing and Tree cutting 10. Pavement Marking 11. Guide Rails 13. Drainage 7,708.50 14. Seeding 1,174.05 15. Railroad protection 16. Drainage AssessmentS (Maintenance only) 17. Rebates to To~s and Villages ~861J!2. ~36.6~. 3Q. -- =- 2. Jamesto~ ~ridge, To~shiP of Yarmouth, Replacement of floor. and ~ayham, Replacement of floor. 6,216.07 TO~AL ROAD MAINTENhNCE ~ ANp C1JL~ 1. Road #43 Cook and Phillmore Bridge, To~ship of Malahide $ 4,561.30 3. Tait'S ~ridge Repairs, Dun~ch To~nship 1,058.34 (Middlesex portion Charged to them.) 878.96 5. MiscellaneoUs CulvertS TafAL BRIDGE AND CULvERT ~INTENANCE .J1.s 92~~ 3~ ~ 4. MiscellaneoUs Bridge TOTAL M/l.INTENANCE (ROAD AND ~RIDGE) JANUARY, 1970 PAGE 5 COUNTY OVERHEAD - .....--- - 1. superintendence (County En~ineer, Assistant to the Engineer $ 29,736.59 and Assistant Engineer and General Foreman.) 15,797.24 2. C1eTica1 1,031.41 3. Car. Mileage (County Engineer) 5,211.98 24,143.14 '4., Office 8,771.95 5. Garages 6. Miscellaneous RepaiTS' 7. Tools 8. Radio 9. InsUTsnce 10. Pensions 3,196.08 1,503.40 9,916.79 12. Holidays with Pay 23,960.08 2,273.69 30,613.35 6,229.15 11. UnemplOyment Insurance contributions 50.55 13. Sick Benefits 14. PeTmits 15. Ontario Medical services Insurance Plan 3,655.83 3,440.67 16. Ontario Hospital Services commission Insurance 17. Overhead Charged to Development Roads *840, *930, *931, 37,074.85 CTedit *972, *1023 and town1ine Accounts. 572.83 18. Machinery oveThead 668.62 19. Insurance not subsidized by Department of HighwayS. 20. Miscellaneous unsubsidized expenditures. 177 .~ $133,876.35 TOTAL st. tHOMAS SUBURlIAN_ RO~D cOMM!SSION 39,736.85 Maintenance and overhead totAL MAINtENANCE AND OVERHEAD lQTALS, CONSTRUCTION' $1,121,729.88 MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD 53~t!99.~ 1,658,629.04 1969 Stock Balance 73,~84.2.2 1,731,913.33 Sub-Total LesS: 1968 Stock Balance 47.8~0.5~ $1.6~,:p82. 7~ Sub".Tota 1 GRAND TOTAL ~ JPr.~'\J~R'{, \. q 70 PhGt 6 $\.,q;O,OOO.OO 709,587.00 1,74\.,500.00 \.,046,250.00 and 1he ue?a~t~nt of ~\gnwaYs ~\th a subsidY l\~\t of est\1lll'ted at $l,(),26,584.00, the C t~\but\on to 5UD~'-- the CitY of St. 1ho1lll'S, on , ' est\1lll'ted a??~o~\1lll'~~-' \. c ~ \.969 Road ?~Og~a~e ~s 1b~ su't? US )..0" u~o subsidY on 'the 01" l tn1.11. ) f R d 4~ 40 to R d jl840 {Count 'I Ro ad 11' 5 2. ~01ll oa (~) uevelO?~ent oa '. f\ ld and the 10,"",sh\? Road #30 \n the 'in lage 0 f Sl'r~ ng e ~lahide and ~a~uth. of South uorchester, R d 4t930 (Road 4t45) fro~ Road 11'35 to Road 4'2.2. (B) Ue~elo?~ent oa ~ th Grading G~anula~ BaSe, etc., 10,"",shi? of .a~u , ' ~ h\ of south~ld R d #931 (Road lt2.0) \n ,o'""'s ? (C) ue~elO?~ent oa 31 ,411 . BO 458,679.38 48,435.70 )' 1 sh\? of south R d jl912. -1 (Road 11'41 ~n 0'"'" ' (U) Ue~e 101'~ent oa Clean u~ ~1"~ etc.' 89,335.74 (t ). UO~cheste~, Clean ul', ?a~\ng, etc., JI. I. t\ ) 1. n 10 -W\\ S b 1." 0 f- A #912-2 {Road #48 - .~ ' ue"e10?1t\ent. Roa~ , d 'i\llage of s?~\ngf\eld, Grad\ng, scuth uOJ:cnesteT an n' etC G~anula~ Base, <a~~ng, · & south~old p1"e- " d #1023 \0 10,"",sh\1' 0' ne"elO?tt\ent. 1-'0s. 455,ql'2.45 6,\.19.38 . \~:Ogineet'i..ng. d of 1~ans?0J:t co~\Ss\ons, u 11 u~\dae Snare of BoaT port pur~e U" 0' d u~o connecting L\nk. Canadian l'ac\f\C Ra\l~a'l aO '0 and Road ~a\ntenance. -c~nt'l of ~\dolese~ re ~\lle'ls Br~ ge . . < ...,..\OUs ~un\c\?al\t\es and 7,603.53 240,547.31 (?) (G) $3,081,810.85 JANUARY, 1970 PAGE, 7 A Summary of Costs of the Port Burwe 11 Brtdge and Approach~!s in 1967, 1968, lq69 is as follows: Contract by Con-Bridge Limited Reinforcing Steel Engineering Costs (A. M.. Spriet & Associates Ltd., ~est1ng Materials, Weighmen, Checkers, etc.) Flagging on. Canadian Pacific Railway Illumination of ~ridge Day-Labour by County on Road to CPR Station Contributions Received or Receivable are Estimated as follows: Canadian Transport Commission Canadian Pacific Railroad King Highway Connecting Link, Agreement re Highway #19 ~ Vi llage of Port Bunotel1 re Illumination The Balance of the Cost ($494,790.92) is eligible for subsidy by the Hunic ipa 1 Roads Branch of the DHO at 80% and 50io. The $ 753,374.91 29,421.07 108,111.71 .5,078.58 4,946.31 3..193.17 9'04,125.75 321,916.67 20,244.80 64,329.23 2,844.13 409,334.83 Net Cost to the County of Elgin is estimated at approximately $140,000. In addition, a Grant of $24,500.00 is receivable from the Canadian Transport Co~nission and Canadian Pacific Railway toward the purchase of Land for the project. Total Cost of the Project including Land Purchase is estimated at approximately - $950,000.00. JA~UAlt'l, 1910 ;,. 'PAGE B '2. ~hat the ~a~den nawe con~ention and to the u 1 .3 ~e nassed authorizing 1nat a D~_ua~ v r , \ nd as necessa~~ Land ~lans e~~~o~~iatin~ .a . t such ~~_La~s be ~assed ~ea~l~' in \969. lt is necessa~~ tha i Good RoadS hSSociation delegates to the onta~ 0 ~'",,1'"1 Good Roads hSSociat1.ort con~ention. can8.u\.c;r." ' the ~a~den and Cle~~ to Sign to ~den count~ RoadS ~0?~~ 1. ,9 'oM1 C 1\ 1 S RY. S 1'1'. (;1:Y\l \,L" 5 \lY> "" ~'tY.U 1\' ,\ . ('i , .--------------- -,- -------- ,---- C \\1\ 1 R~t-\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 21) 1970 THE COUN[Y OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas on January 21, 1970, in conjunction with County Council at 2:00 P.M. Present were: Warden W. R. Caverly Forrest F. Moore Don M. McKillop H. B. Johnson J. B. Wilson Laurence McIntyre Advisory Members: T. Y. Roberts - Reeve Kenneth J. McAlpine Reeve V. DeGraw - Reeve - Reeve - Reeve - Reeve - Reeve - Reeve - Reeve of Ha1ahide of Aylmer of A1dborough of Bayham of South Dorchester of Southwo1d of Yarmouth of Dunwich of l~odney UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. M. MC KILLOP H. B. JOHNSON THAT MR. F. MOORE BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMlnTTEE F:OR 1970. CARRIED" THE CHAIRMAN thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. 'THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Winter Control work had been steady. 2. Brushing work was nearly completed in East and West Elgin. 3. Clearing was continuing on the route of Road 4145 through Southwo1d. 4. Land Purchase on Road #40 and #45 was going well. 5. Mr. Carman Lyons' lot in Dutton had been purchased for $1000.00. 6. Renovations to the house formerly occupied by the Assessment Commission was continuing. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Highways of Ontario in which they stated that the limit of Normal Road Expenditure for 1970 would be $1,399,000.00. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON J. B. WI LS ON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 21" 1970. PAGE 2 "MOVED BY: D. M. MC KILLOP SECONDED BY: L. MC INTYRE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK 1'0 SIGN LAND PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1970. CARRIED'. THE ENGINEER reviewed briefly some of the work necessary by the Committee prior to March County Council. UMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 11, 1970, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" NhA~ - ~ ,,- . CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1970 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas on January 7, 1970, at 10:00 A.M. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of December 10, 1969, was read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on work to date as follows: 1. Wi11eys Bridge would not be opened to Traffic until Spring. 2. Warren'.Street Bridge and Players Bridge were opened to Tra~ffic. 3. Snow Plowing and Sanding had been heavy. 4.. Minor drainage work had been completed 001 a number of roads. 5. Cutting of Dead Trees on various roads was underway. 6. Clearing was underway on Road #45. 7. Land Purchase was continuing on Road 4/40 and Road 1145 in Southwo1d T~wnsbip. 8. H. Q. Go1ders were making Soil Tests on the Road /145 crossing of Kettle Creek. 9. The Department of Highways of Ontario was to make Soi 1 Tests on Road /116 shortly. 10. Survey work was underway on Road /12 between Rodney and Weslt Lorne as weather permitted. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: H. B. JOHNSON A. ORCHARD THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #39 AMOUNTING TO $ 17,897.22 PAYLIST #40 AMOUNTING TO $ 18,093.15 PAYLIST #41 AMOUNTING TO $252,631.54 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from (a) Department of High~mys of Ontario acknowledging the County's request to purchase propetty of Highway /119 and County Roads #38 and #44 Intersection to improve visiop. ST. THOMAS, ONTAtIO JANUARY 7, 1970. PAGE 2 (b) Canadian Transport Commission that a meeting re Road 1;45 crossing of CNR would be held shortly. (c) Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario re meeting with Minister of Highways re Road subsidy to Cities. (d) Department of Highways of Ontario re Invoice re ~k)'l\ring Signs Road 1152 and Highway 4173. Left in abeyance until the report of Department of Highways of Ontario Study is received. (e) Mr. L. D. House, City Engineer, requesting assistance of County Engineer re forthcoming Railroad Relocation Study. THE ENGINEER reported that Mr. Carmen Lyons had requested the County to buy his Lot on Currie Street in Dutton which would be neede:d for proposed County Road 4;15 Diversion. The Engineer was instructed to mee:t with Mr. Lyons and purchase the Lot if a reasonable price could be reached. THE ENGINEER reported that it would be necessary to purchase three new Chain Saws and had obtained prices as attached. ltMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. WISE K. Me ALPI NE THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF W. E. GREER FOR 1 ONLY PIONEER 1770 CHAIN SAW AND 2 ONLY PIONEER 11-30 CHAIN SAWS AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $600.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL TAX. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER reported that we would request permission of the Property Committee at their next meeting to move his offices into the Btuilding formerly occupied by the Assessment Commission. It was hoped t~a.t the move could be made in early February. THE ENGINEER reported that the General Supply Company Limited had a used chip spreader for sale at a considerable saving over nE~W price and would give a new Machine Warranty. The Engineer was authorized to e~xamine the machine and report back to the Committee. THE MEETING adjourned for Dinner AFTER DINNER . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1970. PAGE 3 Various aspects of Assessment Policy, Municipal Affairs factors, and Rebate to Urban Municipalities on their Road Levy were discussed. Department of Municipal Affairs Representatives who were scheduled to be at the meetfng, did not show up. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. ORCHARD J. WISE THAT WE ADJOURN "SINE DIE". CARRIED" -41J.r?/c(~ CHAIR~1AN I PiJ,/,fl /'. fi. . 12 j(.' \! rd1' l~.b t CHAIN SAW QtlOTATIONS - 1970 I 1. Greets, Eden, Ontario Pioneer 1770 1 only Pioneer 11~30 - 2 only $600.00 plus Provincial Tax 2. Howard Machine & Equipment Limited, R()dney, Ontario Pioneer 1770 Pioneer 1200 - 2 only ", $608.00 plus Provincial Ta~ 3. R. H. Futcher &Sons Farm Equiprne~t, St. Thomas, Ontario Pioneer 1770 ~ 1 only PiOneer 11~20 ~ 2 only $600.00 plus Provincial Tax