1974 Road Committee Minutes ~ ~ 't\\OWS ollT tJl.10 · ~~~y.~ER Sf.SS10ll 1914. 'to 't\\E 'lItJl.DKll t<N'D ~~Y.RS Of TaR y. t.G 11\ C OUllT'f c ()\lNC 1 L 'to RE?~'t AS 10L\.01ilS' 'fQ\l\l RoAD CO~l't't'l.E ~GS ~ 'J.t.CO~lU) 1) do po. \. \. o~anc e \(.\ n~ t.ne ~oa \.8" be \lassea lII& 1. 't\\at a Y>y 'l111 'to."nshiP of. i. nS 'lll ana · bet.,een concess 0 0 a ~110...nce a.t tne ~oa n'tou~n \\\gn'4la1 lia\a.h\oe, a t . ~tS 1~ ana \6. bet ..,e e 1\ ....., t ti.o ?01ice Co\lege ection neaT the on a 'thiS 1.nteTS . d Syste\\l f. the countY Roa . on countY Roaa 32 is \laTt 0 . .. <<i.c cont1:o1s. i.thout ~",a.i.),. ana is vtesent\Y " F. S ?\!. CT 1\1 \.\. 'f S\lY>~1.'t't'l.'D. A\.\. 01 'i11\lC\\ 1S R \ \ C~li.~~ 51. 1\lOMAS, ONtARIO. DECEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 1. ROUSE A't 10:00 A.M.., ON DECEMBER 1\, 1974. TRt CO\lNTY 01 ELGIN ROI\D COMMI'tTEE \l&T A't T\I.E COURT ALL \l& MllERS WE~K l'RE SK NT, t-.LS 0 YRAllK CLARKE 011 TaR ~lNIS'tRY 01 TpJ>.l'lSPORTAT1.0N MlD COMM.UN1CAT1.0llS. T1\E y(LNUTES 01 T$ \l&ET1.1lC 011 NOVEMllER 13, 1974 WERE READ AND APPROVED. 1. 'David GoTdon has been accidentallY killed in an explosion 'tHE EllGIllEER B&~OR~E'D on the ~T~ to date as followS: of a paint dTum at the County GaTage on NovembeT 19, 1974. 2. Land PuTchase on Road 30 and Road 52 had been completed 3. 'the lights at the Intersection of County Road 45 and Rigb~ay 4t 4 had been eTected but weTe not yet ~r~ing. for the time being. 4. All snowfence had been erected and all sandeTS and snowploWS weTe opeTating. 1\eavy snoW had occUTTed in AldbOTough Township on DecembeT 1, but no usual pToble$S were encountered. 5. Paving bad been completed on Road 3 in Rodney. 6. CuTb and GutteT had been COmPleted on VictoTia Street in Rodney but that paving had been cancelled because 7. Drainage ~Tk on Road 3 soutb of Righway 3 .,auld be of the sno1A. continued if pTactical. 8. A staTt .,auld be 1II8de on tbe stoTlII dTainage system on CUTTie StTeet in the Village of 'Dutton. 9. MoTe Guide PostS ~uld be placed on Road 45 between calton and Righ1AaY 19. s't. 'IllOW\S, ONIAR10. DECEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 2. 10. Josepb pUTcell, age 74. had been ~illed on CountY Road 2 neaT 'Dutton when his caT 5~idded on an icy patch on Nove~~T29, 1974. The O.P.P. had been Te~uested to notify the County GaTage of any dangeTOUS locations as they obseTved them. 11. 'the lnsureTs of tbe County had settled the clailll of R. GoTdon and G. GoTdon of lona Station foT $750. out of COUTt foT an accident ~hich occuTTed when they hit a tTee, on July 29, 1971 which had blown oveT on County Road 20 neaT ~obeTt KetchUlII's. The EngineeT TepoTted that he had discUssed the 1II8tteT with the 1Tank cowan CO$9any as he felt that the settlelllent lIIight cTeate a dangeTOUS pTecedent. 12. The ~inistTY of 'tTanspo~tation and cOllllllunications had apPToVed a supplelllentaTY SubsidY Allocation of $25,000 being a 50% subsidY on $50,000 Municipal 'DTainage ASsessments. Committee felt that this subsidY should be ta~en advantage of and instTucted tbe EngineeT to goveTn the 1974 expendituTes accoTdinglY' 1.t waS antiCipated that the oveTexpendituTe on the County Road LevY would be in the oTder of $10,000. lt waS agTeed by committee that ~T. Jobn AaTtS of Road 52 should be paid tbe s~e pTice foT land used foT Toad widening fTO$ his pTOpeTtY, Lot 1, concession 'D, southWOld, as the propeTty owneTS on Road 52 near CountY Road 30, namelY $1,200 per acTe and $8.00 peT rod fTontage fence a11o~ance. ST. 't\\oMAS, ONTAltlO. D!.CEMB~R 11, \.974. p~GE 3. 't\\E C\\AUw..ll, WARDEll AND EllG1NEER ~POR'tE'D that a BoaTd of NegotiatiOn ReaTing on Nove~eT 28th had Tecomroended that W$. COTnwall be paid $1,500 peT acTe foT land used to wide~ countY Road 2 in 1971 fTom his pTOpeTtY on Lot 15, concession v111 and that the countY should paY legal and i. 1 costs The '6oaTd also Tecomm8nded that changes al?pt: a. sa. .. in dTainage be tlI8de. to the fTontage of the p-copeTty and that . f d4tck ift f-cont of the nTopeTtY be filled in. a p~t10n 0 a . M ~ r - A proposed meeting to vie~ theSe cbanges, between ~T. COTn~all, his solicitOT Mr. 'l11II. ReTOld, the ChaiTtlI8n, and the EngineeT, foT 'Dece~eT 6, 1974 had been cancelled because of deep snow. Collllllittee felt that the tlI8tteT should be held in abeyance until legal and appTaisal costS weTe ~nown and an agTee$ent Teached on the dTainage and ditcb chaTges. ,,~0'lE'D BY: B.A. LYlE, SECONDE'D BY: D. COOK 'tRA't TaR 10LL()'d1.NG l'AYL1STS BE APPROvE'D 10R PA'lNENi. PAYL1S't # 51 _ AMOUN'tlllG TO $ 24,025.72 l'AYL1ST jt 52 _ AMOUNT1~G 'to $ 181.61 l'A"{L1S't # 53 ~ A~OUNT1NG 'to $ 23,866.17 PAYL1S't i 54 _ A~OUNT1NG TO $ 119.78 l'AYL1.S't # 55 _ A~OUNil~G TO $166,281.90 Ct\RR1ED" (a) ShaTon GoTdon with than\<s foT the flowaTS' (b) o.G.R.A. TegaTding the 1ebcruaTY conventions. (c) Region of Raldilll&nd~NOdol\<. with Set Bac\<. By LaW. (d) Alan Reid, CountY of pete-cboToUgh with than\<s foT hOspitality shown him and congTatulatiOS .the County CORRKSPON!>KNCK 'itt.S lEJ\1l 1R0~: on itS Road system. ST. T1\OMAS, ONTAltlO. nECEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 4. (e) 'to,,",shiP of AldbOToUgh than\<.ing the County EngineeT and County Road COro$ittee foT itS assistance on the lnstallation of the 11e$ing CTee~ culveTt. (f) To,,", of AylmeT TeCluesting passage bY the County of a GeneTal TTaffic By LaW to applY on Beech and Klm StTeetS in Ay11118T. 'the roatteT waS TefeTTed to the 1975 Collllllittee. (g) McKaY and McKaY TegaTding the closing by the To,,",shiP of Yannouth of the Yannouth westlllinsteT To,,",line neaT 'RadiO Road. 'the roatteT waS TefeTTed to the 1975 Road Collllllittee end the EngineeT instTucted to obtain fuTtheT infoTlIIation. ,(h) W. K. 'tUTveY TegaTding the closing of CountY ~oad 29 at the St. 'tholll&S E1tPTessway, (i) To,,",shiP of }4alahide TegaTdio& the need foT a StOP Sign at the lnteTsectiOn of concession Vll and concession '4111 and the Toad betwaen Lots 15 and 16 adjaCent to County Road 32 neaT the ontaTio police college. ,,~OVED B'l: R · L. LAl(l!., ~c~E'DBY: W. CAvE~U T\\A't WE RECOM1l&ND 'to COUNTY COUNC1L T\\AT A BY LAW BE PASSE'DW-lUNG TaR ROAD ALLOWANCE 1l\1.'tWEEll c01lCESS10N V11 AN'D V111 W-LA1\l'DE, A T\lROUG1\ ~OAD A't 'taR ROAD ALLO\IAl'lCK BE'tWEEN LOtS 15 & 16. CARR1EDt' 'taR PRO$CTED E1PEN'D1T\lRE ALLOCA'tlONS 10R 1975 WElE ~1!.V1EWE'D and the KngineeT TepoTud that the initial e1tPenditUTe levels exclusive of Municipal 'DTainage Assessment would be oveT 1/2 $illion clollaTS in excess of 1974 spending allocation foT subsidY' 'the EngineeT TepoTted that it appeaTed that an incTease in the County LevY of $30,000 oT leSS would coveT the CountY shaTe and that the Test wsuld be pTovided by PTOvincial Subsidies · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 11, 1974. PAC:E 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Highway 3 Feasibility Study bringing the Committee up to date and was asked to transmit the feelings of the Reeves of Yarmouth and Ma1ahide on various matters. THE WARDEN AND ENGINEER REPORTED that the Personnel Committee had negotiated a settlement for 1975 ~~ages with the hourly rated Road Workers but that Supervisory l~mp1oyees and Clerical Staff had not yet been considered. THE REFUSAL of the O.M.B. to rezone the McCaig property north of Highway 401 in Southwo1d Township for a Waste Disposal Site was discussed. Committee ~ere of the opinion that either the Province or the County 1~u1d have to provide a site and that the proposed study meetings by the City of London would be the next development. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY t J. B. WILSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 8, 1975 AT 10: 00 A.M. CARRIED" ~ /' '/~ > ~/ /\~/ ~ /~~ CH~IRMAN ..../ /' /' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 13, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE COURT HOUSE AT 10: 00 A.M., ON NOVEMBER 13, 1974. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO FRANK CLARKE OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 9TH AND 16TH 1974 WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. That Harold Fawcett had retired due to ill health. 2. That Don Hagerty had resigned to become a Jail IGuard. 3. That curb and gutter was complete on Furniva1 South and that most of the paving completed. Driveways and trimming work had been completed for the winter although topsoil work and some sidewalk construction would bemain to be done in the spring. 4. Work on Victoria Street for the Village of Rodney would be started as soon as the Union Gas completed the laying of new lines on the Street. 5. Construction on Road 3 north and south had been completed with the exception of topsoil and minor trimming work. 6. Guide Rail work was continuing on Road 45. 7. Paving had been completed on Highway 73 at the Intersection of Road 45 and topsoil work was continuing. 8. McLsws Gravel & Crushing was crushing and stockpiling gravel at the McKinley Pit and were to crush some gravel at White Station when they finished. 9. Present financial forecasts indicated that the present allocation of funds would be barely sufficient to complete the year. 10. Culverts had been ordered for construction on Rload 30 in 1975. 11. Sand piles had been completed at Township of Ma1ahide, South Dorchester, and Dunwich Garages in Port Burwell and at County Garages at White J Station and Rodney. 12. 13. s't. 't1\o}ll>S, ONTAlt 10 · NOvEM1\ER 13, 1974. PAGE 2. A used ..VI' Snow Plow had been puTchased fo-c $500.00 fTo$ 1dn~ of Canada foT 'tTUC\c. # 63 (new 10Td 'tandelll)' The used Snow Plow and 'iling pUTchased fTC)'l\\ Wal~e-C BTos. had been mounted on 'tTUC\c. ,. 103. Bob ~yc\c.ttlliln and GeoTge pyatt had been engaged to Teplace Wal~eU BTos. and Ji$ 10Td foT sanding woT\c.. ~e,uest foT application foT Night Duty had bToUght no Tesponse and tbe -ce~uest had been changed and Teposted. lt appeaTed that all peTsonnel that could opeTate snow plows, sandeTS oT be eligible foT night duty would be utilized with onlY 2 oT 3 spaTe lII8n foT sic~ness oT otheT elll8Tgencies. SandeT and SnoW PloW TOUteS foT the cO$ing season 'll8Te sho,,", to the Collllllittee and the KngineeT stated that he hoped that the TOUtes ~uld give betteT seTvice than in the past. 'that theTe had been 3 fatal accidentS on County Roads in the past \'IIOnth but theTe was nO liability on the paTt of the CountY' 14. 15. 16. 17. T1\E KNGl1l\!.E~ lEP(Ill'tK'D tbat 1Tinlt of Canada had ~uoted on f e ...'fa" ,,10'11' with a ,uic~ hitch to Teplace the light a heaVY type 0 on ~ J r one waY ploW pUT chased f-Com'ilal\c.eT BTOS., and that deliveTY could be ..1'. ho. .".tl" if 1dolt could be tal~ed intO tII3~ing deliV8TY to the e1tpee teu"s .. J County of l!.lgin instead of the fedeTal Govenl111ent. ..~oVE'D BY: B · A · LYlE, SECoNDKD BY: 'D. COOK T\\A't W\1. ?\lRc\\ASK PRO~ 1RlllK 01 Ct>J{l\DA AT 'taR rs. Q\l(1tE'D J?"R1CE 01 $3,395, pUIS TI>Jt A 01l\!. WAY 440 SK BANANA S'tylE ROO\l.E~ 01l\!. 'ilAY SNOW PLO'il W1.'t1\ TOR- L01.{ DR1.vE Ml'D cAltBl'DE C\l'tTlllG E'DGl!.S & SlloES, CAB-RUD" s't. 't1\Ow.s, ONTAR10, NovE~~ 13, 1974. ?~G\!. 3. llMOVE'D BY: \h L. LA\<I!., SEC01:\llEll BY: ~.R. CAvE~LY, 't\\A't 't\\E 10L1.<)'tl1.NGPAYL1S'tS BE ;\pp~ovEll 10R PAyMENT. 4t 46 _ A}\O\l\(t 11:\G TO $ 25,006. 92. PAYL1S't Al4Otl\(ttNG TO $. 113.28. ~~~~~ ~ i:s -_ ;\1lOU\(tlNG TO $ 23,8~51.~. # 49 Al4OtlNTl1:\G 'to $ 1,... ~~~~~ i 50 -_ ;\1lOUNT1NG 'to $215,450.71. cABlllED\' (a) (b) CO\lPJ.SPON!lEl\C!. 'it;\!) lE;\1l 1"RO~: O.G.~.A. Te$aTdio& LooS aeTvice A_at:<\.. di policioS on countY ~, SolicitOT GeneTal TegaT n$ Geo'tge L'-e't't, (c.) nd co~nicatiOns stating that they ~inistTY of 'tunspoTtation a Td seT~ice ~oads fTQ$ local ToadS to ,.ould not contTibute tOwa f. b use of SeTvice cenue emPlOyees. the 401 seTvice CentTeS oT t e \toadS in E 19in. f the 1ett6't 'taR ENGl1l\!.ER 'itAS lNS't~\lCTE'D to send a coPY 0 1: of the se't~ice '" 1 ,"'..nicinalitieS involved. and the opeTatO s to tl.,6 oca.. ~J."" r (d) 1TO$ the Collllllittee of 1:\egotiations statin$ that Nove\1lbeT 23th had ~ . i lt was decid.ed. that the t 1:.01: the '11$. coTnwall ..eaT oS' been se 1. . · h d EnoineeT should. TepTesent the countY at t e 'daTOen, Chaipean an co cent'te s. (e) heaTioS' .. . i Te<lUesting the CountY's CTee~ conseT'lTation Auth01: ty 1TO$ the \{ettle .T~ neaT CountY RoaO t O. f eTosion contTol WO 1. in the cos paTtiCipat on d the letteT to the C tn1f.\ittee -refe't1:e t"'e 11. 'itaite pTopeTtY. 0 1,0 at.u · (f) 1. with the Official West Elgin plan foT 1Ttil$ the ~inistTY of 1\oUs ng 1915 Cotn1f.\ittee. co'[t\\'t\ent s. 5t. THOMAS, ONtARIO, NOVEMBER 13, 1974. PAGE 4. (g) 1rolll Jas. ~cLaTen with pTeposal to locate a Subm8Tged Sewage Putttping Station oo"a pTopesed tTaffic island at the inteTsection of John and currie StTeets in Dutton. Collllllittee was agTeeable to the proposal. 't1\l1. ENGl1l\!.ER REP(lllTED on the ~inistTY ef 'tunspoTtation and C~nications Righway 3 1easibility Study showing the Toute as Tecomm8nded by the ~inistTY of 'tTanspoTtatien and communications. lt waS pointed out that the TOUte would involve tha assumPtion of the YaTlIIOuth ~alahide Towoline betwaen orwell and ~oad 52 as a County Road, and ceuld affect the entrance to the OntaTio police College as County ~oad 32 could then Tun diTectlY south fTolll the college to join n6l4 Highway 3. 'tRt lIEE't1.NG ADJouRNED ,(Ill D1N1l\!.~. A1!'TER DUrnEll. . . . . . · REEvE DENlllS wt.S ABSENT. pTeceeding TeaonablY well and that pTopeTty had been pUTchased 'taR ENGl1l\!.ER RKPOR'tKD Land Purcbase on Road 3() was fTG$ Ralph Goodings and St. 'thomes SanitaTY Collection SeTvices Li$ited since the last meetiO&' meet next wae~ to consideT ~oad 'DepaTtment wages for 1975. TaR ENG1NEE~ lEP(IllTE'D that tbe flenonnel Collllllittee ~uld 'tHE ENG1NEER PRESENTE'D the attached RepoTt on GaTbage Disposal. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 13, 1974. PAGE 5. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: J .B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT' WE JOIN THE CITY OF LONDON GARBAGE STUDY ON AN OBSERVER BASIS AND THAT THE WARDEN AND THE ENGINEER BE APPOINTED AS OBSERVElRS. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to obtain as much information as possible on other Municipal Land Fill Sites and s,ny other information on Waste Disposal Sites etc. "MOVED BY: J . B. WILSON, SEOONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 11, 1974 AT 10: 00 A.M. CARRIEDt! ~~ /1 ~ )/ CHAIRMAl'l /j , ~~~~ -----"" '-------- COUNTY OF ELGIN GARBAGE DISP~AL SURVEY NOVEMBER 1974. PART "A" - SUllQary of Municipalities with pick up and disposal. 1. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOW Present contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Co11ec:tion Servic:es Limited expires December 31, 1976. Contract calls for ne~otiations in 1975 for an additional 5 year contract. Weekly pick up of not over twelve (12) cubic feElt of garbage from roadside in front of residence (domestic). Residents may dump additional garbage at a cont~liner site (KainsBridge) of not over two (2) cubic yards per month or twenty-four (24) cubic yards per year. Contract contains cost of living increase (basi!s of January 1, 1972) and population increase cost. Cost 1974 $26,265.92; Population 4,214; Cost l)er capita $6.23 :t; (1973 - $5.70); (1972 - $5.49); Population for 1975 is 4,245 persons. Commercial firms (Palmers, Shedden) charged extl~a. Industrial firms (Ford) charged extra. Contractor shall accept without charge, clean fil11 or wood chips delivered by the Township to disposal arel.. 2. VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY Village has a contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited, which expires March 31, 1977 (5 year contract). Weekly pick up of not over twelve (12) cubic fe4!!t of garbage from roadside in front of residence and twice WE!ekly service in June, July, August and September. . \. COUNTY OF :rU,cIN GARBAGE D IS PaiAL SURVEY NOVEMBER 1 ~.74. PAGE 2. 2. VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY (continued) Resielents may also dump as per Southwo1cl contrilct at disposal area. Commercial service is provided by six - 5 cubic: yard containers which are supposed to be emptied wbE~n full or at least twice weekly. (Two at old school, one behind Ber'ry's Restaurant, two at Stork Club and one lilt Arena.) Contract contains a cost of living increase (Altril 1, 1972) and population cost increase. 1974 Cost $13,522; Population figure 1,654; 1973 Cost $13,400; Population figure 1,602; Population for 1975 - 1,664. $8.17 per capita; $8.27 'per capita; COID_rcial firms are supposed to be able to UStt container!~ and not be charged .xtra (L.C.8.0. has solved i~ts problem, Stork Club has not). Ships charged extra.. Cb,Lrge for naval ship Rhea $26.00 per month for a container wbic:h rest of ships (and everyone else) uses. Contractor shall accept without charge. clean fill, wood chips, garbage refuse, junk or other matter brCllught by Village to disposal area. 3. TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH Present contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Co1letction Services Limited, expires December 31, 1976. (Sa.. coft,t:ract as South1lO1d Township.) Five year contract ano parties shall ift 1975 negotiate an additional five year contract. Weekly pick up of not over twelve (12) cubic fe!et of garbage frollD road on which his premises fronts. May also dump as per Southwold Township contrac:t. COUNTY OF lU..GIN GARBAGE DISPOSAL SURVEY NOVEMBER 1974. PAGE 3., 3. TOWNSHIP OF YARM~LH (continued) Contract contains a cost of living increase (Ja,nuary 1, 1(72) and population increase cost. 1974 Cost $56,652; Population 7,812; Cost per capita is $7.:l5; Each household is charged $20.00 per ,e,ar for garbage collection and disposal. Any business or commercial finD wishing pick up on same basis as bouseho 1d (ie not over 12 4::ubic feet weekly ) is also charged $20.00. Conl~ractor shall accept without charge, clean fill or wood chips delivered by Township to disposal area. 4. TOWN OF AYL}ER. Contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Se,rvices Lim:Lted expires September 30, 1975 and a new c01ntract shall be negotiated by June 1, 1975. Contract contains cost of living clause based oln September 1, 1971. Cost in 1974 $16,755. for pick up and $8,330. for disposal. Population 4,704; Cost per capita $5.33. Weekly p'lck up of not more than twelve (12) cubic feet of garbage from in front of residences. Extra gat'bage up to two (2) cubic yards per month may be dumped at container sit4!, soutb of Aylmer on Van Patter Road. Commercial firms charged extra. One collection of Christmas trees per yeat: shall be maele. Trade waste shall be picked up at no charge fro... public buildings O~ churches etc. COUNTY OF ELGIN GARBAGE DISPOSAL SURVEY NOVEMBER 1974. PAGE 4. 5. VILLAGE OF D~~~ON Contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for pick up and disposal expires December 31, 1976 and negotiations for a new contract are to be cOMpleted by June 1, 1975. Contract originally based on a cost of $7.50 per capita and contains a cost of living clause based on D~!cember 1, 1970. Contains a population clause (891 in December 1970). Weelc:ly pick up. All commercial waste seems to be picked up at no extra charge. 6. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Contract for collection and disposal with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited and with Advance Containers of Canada. Includes a waste transfer site on Highway 19 north of County Road 45 (contract indicates site shall be open four (4) hours per day, Honday to Friday). Contract contains a cost of living clause based on Decembe:r 1, 1969 and on population. Weekly collection from in front of residences. Payments yearly $8,301.60 to Advance Containers~ and $23,330.16 to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited. Population 3,9494 Cost per capita $8.01. C~bl~L Y OF I~LGIN CARBAGE DISPOSALSURVlY N'i~t.NBER 1974. PAGE 5. 7. CITY OF ST. THOMAS COiltract for pick up ano oisposal by St. Thomas Sanitary Colle ction Services Limiteo. Private disposal at no charge at under twelve (12) cubic feet per week at container site at !Cains Bridge (includes trade waste). COml~rcia1 container sites or extra material over twelve (12) cubic feet per week chargeable. Pick up from in front of private resioence of not more than six (6) receptacles weekly. Up to 20~ of receptacles during October to May may be tak.!n from in back of house and returned thereto. Up to twelve (12) receptacles at public buildings, churches etc., shall be picked up. Apa11:"tment house dwellers may have garbage collection without extra charge if garbage is set out at roadside. Containers are charged extra. Cost per capita for 1974 - approximately $6.70. Contract expires March 31, 1976 and negot iat ionls for a new contract shall be completed prior to December 31, 1975. Contract calls for present disposal site to be vacated by Apr:ll l, 1973 but is sti1~ being used. Bulk containers to be provided for all those wi,sbing them at a fee approved by the City Engineer. COUNTY OF ELGIN GARBAGE DISPOSAL SURVEY NOVEMBER 1974. PAGE 6. 8. VILLAGE OF VIENNA Contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for weekly pick up and disposal. Residents have use of waste transfer site in Ba~rham Township. Cost for pick up $2,040. per year; Disposal $672. per year; 380 Residents; Cost per capita $7.14. 9. VI Ll.AGE OF PORT BURWE LL Village has a contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for weekiy pick ,up and disposal. Rest.dents have the use of waste transfer site in Bayham Township. 10. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER Pick up by private contractor. Disposal at St. Thomas San:Ltary Collection Services Limited site. Residents have the use 0 f waste transfer site s,outh of Aylmer. 11. VI LUGE OF BE LMONT Weekly pick up by private contractor ~ Hr.. Harc.ld Davies from Nilestown. Commercial and residential disposal at St. Thor~s Sanitary Collection Services Limited site. Cost of pick up $3,600. per year. Cost of disposal per year $1.00 per 'capita ($769.); Total Cost per capita $5.70. c (}\llttY Of E LG 111 <!Ai-BAGE D lS pOSA'L S\l~vtl \.'2.. NO'lt }1&Elt \.91"". ?AGt, 1. V1LJ..AGE Of Sf\l.uG'lI1J> south of A"fl11l8T' f waste transfeT site ResidentS have "se 0 ELG11l CoutrtY BOA@ 01 E'D\lChT101l t Office (~ig~a"f 4 'thTee (3) cubic yaTd containeT site a school) $26.00 peT montn e1lltltied .,.ee~lY' S. _ $140.00 peT GOntn emPtied SE'cQl\IlAi-Y sc~OoL5:- ~.V.S. . 3 ti$es peT .,.ee\t. ~G' 00 ~eT~ntn e~tte4 ?a~\<.siGe - ~oJ. r \,1 "e8l'o.L." · ~ C 1. _ ~85.00 peT GOnth emPtieG C.s;.. .. ~ ~e\<.\" · ~\OO 00 ~eT dQntn e~ptied ~e~ El~n - ~ · · . ~e\(.\". 13. d ~ t Klgin nave tncineTatOTS, ?aT\tstde, C.f..C .1. an eS, NOVEMBER 1974. COUNTY OF ELGIN PAGE 8. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SURVE1 , - 1MT ..~ _ su_ry of. Municipalities .ntb eontaind site service. 1. 'tOWNSHIP OF MA~IDE ContUct witb Advance Containers of Canada Li$ited. conUineT site contTact witb Malabide, SpTingfield and South Dorchester jointly. Contract expiTes SeptembeT 30, 1975 and negotiations for a new contTact sbal1 be cO$pleted pTior to June 1, 1975. Contract contains a cost of living clause (December 1969) and population clause. 1974 Cost $9,620.97; population 4,589; Cost per capita $2.131 Original cost waS $1.74 peT capita in 1971. Contract calls for tWO (2) waste transfer sites. One is on Van Patter Road south of Aylmer. (Does not seelll to be another.) ContTact calls foT site to be open se~n (7) dayS per week, twelve (12) hours per day. (Not noW open on sundayS or Holidays.) Disposal shall not exceed twelve (12) cubic feet peT week per household except with extra cnaTge. Restriction alsO placed on trade waste. Lu$ber oT wood accepted. Comroercial opeTation (including police College) aTe charged extra. 1\oVE14IE1l \.914. ?ACt. 9. c~,""l Of t.LGll1 GA"R~Gf.' D1S?<6AL S\l1l'/&! h i WO diSposal aTeas, pAlt't "C" . llunicipa1itieS with t e T 0 ~ ~ To,,",shiP haS a Municipal GaTbage DisPOsal site appTOVed b'1 the lti tI UtT'1 0 f the E tlViT onooetlt · ~.a theiT oaTbaf,e to the site. ~esidentS uT ~tl& " T Q'<l1lS \\1 P 01 AUlBOR()\lG\\ ~ t~ iT own site (frolll CaTnie G~.vel Pit The Village owns ..e ....st of Blac"K'S Lane) in AldbOToUf,h'tO,,",sniP' GaTbage collected by Village emPlOyee, and ta~en to land f i \. \ .i t e · site coveTed peTiodicall'1' ~ I, i Cell1n:y 0' ELGIN JOVEltBllt 1974. !ApI 1 Q.:. GAllBAGE' DlSP(SA.L SUllVlY - -' -- !OlNTS pea CONSlDiUtIOl1 --' ......- (a) UnHora contTaet with the pT...nt eoatraeU, tbl:OUlDollt th. county for thos. Municipaliti.s wishing sa" could be baTgaiftad foT _ aot likely pTactieal as so.. ~nicipalities needa and eesiTes aTe diff.Tent than othe'ts. Coll.ction cost. coule vaTY because of distanc. fTo$ disposal site, $il.age to tTavel ..kio& pick ups .tc., aaount of co~Tcial oT tTade _ate includeO in contract, use or need of containeTS, us. OT need of waste transfer site. s.-o uniforaity would b. nec...aTY to have unifora bargaining. Dispoaal co.t. (i.e. eosts at di.po.al aTea) are constant no ..tt.T wbeTe garbale comes frolll. (b) 'th. offeT of the City of London to allow otheT IIunielpaUties to use theiT yet onobtain.dsite oT oisposal' .Tea at a T.te peT ton, should be examined. (c) 'utun aClluhition of. a suitable disposal aite for pre.ent OT future clevelop..nt OT the use of a pTe.ently owned _nicipal site if .uitable shoUld II. exe.illOd. (0) 'taeTe s.... to be v.TY littl. inforaation o. eo.t .f dispoaal f~ .e80010, oth.r poblic,..ilOio&., eo~Teiel anO incllastTial cone.rn. as th..e are not i.c:lueeO ill _aieipa\. eont'taets. COUNTY OF ELGIN NOVEMBER 1974. GARBAGE .D IS POSAL SURVEY PAGE 11. RECO~NDATIONS (e> Attendance at least on an observer basis by one elected and one technical member of the County at the meetings of the City of London Garbage Study. We wt>uld presume that the proposed Reclamation .l~lant would be included in the Study. Full scale participation by the County in the Study would be dependent on County Council's decision after receiving preliminary jlnformation from the County Representatives. Further information on the present problems, COists, contracts etc., of the Municipalities should be gathered by the County Road Committee and the Commissioner of the Local Government Study for any necessary action by either body. . (f) Examination of other joint Municipality Disposal Sites (such as Windsor-Essex) should be made. All of which is respectfUlly submitted, R. G . MOORE,. B. 5 c., p. E ng. , COUNTY ENGINEER.. , C~NTY fYi E1J;lll ROAD CO~l't'tEt RKIlOlt..! ~ 'US't."RE'~ 1l0'lEl'lBElt SESSIOll . \. 9 7 4 ST. TROl4A5, oNTAlt1.0 ..-.11\ ~~".i.S oil 't\IY. ELGlll C~NTY C~llC1L 'to TaR ...AltDt.ll ...- -...... 1~i. ROAD e~l't'tE' ~EGS 't 0 lE poRT AS 10L1,O'i1S' f i i wotk constTuction 1. 'that with. the exception 0 tT" ng , inc luding paving haS been co${I l.eted on ltighwaY 73 at thelnteTsectiOn of Count1 ltoaG 45. 1. 'that \\aTold 1a".cett (a Class V 10Te-n~ haS TetiTeG fToa the Coutlt, \'.oad 'DepaTt-nt because of ill health. ~~~~ That we patticipate in an ~Tea solid 'itaste~nage_nt b i . nG that tbe StU4Y with tne Cit' of t.onGOn, on an observet . as s a ~aTden anG the Count' t.ngineaT be appointeG as obseTvets. ALL Oi 'ol\\lC\\ ISlES pEe'!1\! LL'l S\lBtU't'tK'D · C\\Al"RMbN ~\ ,. \ \ \'~ ST. THOMASt ONTARIO. OCTOBER 16t 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE COURT HOUSE AT 11:00 A.M. t ON OCTOBER 16, 1974 IN CONJUNCTION WITH COUNTY COUNCIL. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED. that Mr. Frank Clarke felt that the Road Committee should request County Council to approve funds for Drainage Assessments and should forward this requE~st to the District Office of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications so that funds could be reserved for the County. "MOVED BY: B.A. LYLE SECONDED BY: R.L. LAKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ANt> COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL FOR A SUPPLEME:NTARY APPLICATION OF SUBSIDY MONEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,,000 FOR MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS. CARRIEDn GARBAGE CONTRACTS AND PROBLEMS WERE DISCUSSED BRIEFLY. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER 13, 1974 AT 10:00 A.M. >S;-" ....-~ .. . <. ...___ '" -:7 ".~. / ). A ,. I -""7 <- /1/~Avv~A .' k~ (",/ ~ CHA!lOON ./1 v?' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OC'tOBER <}, 1974. PAGE 1. TBl!. COUNTY OF ELGIN RoM> COMMITTEE \l&1 A't TI\E C()UltT 1\OUSE AT 10:00 A.~., OC'tOBER 9, 1974. ALL MEMBE~S lIl'lE PRESENT EXCEPT lEEVY. JO\\llS'tON. TaR ~IN\l'tES 01 TBl!. MEE'tlNG 01 SEPTEMBER 11, 1974 lIl'RE READ AND APPROVED. (1) McLawS GTavel & crusbing had been engaged to cTusb and stockpile THE E1lG1.NEER REPORTED on tbe WOT~ to date as folloWS: apPToximatelY 4,000 cubic yaTds of gravel at the ~cKinlay Pit on County Road 27 at a pTice of $ 1.75 peT cubic yaTd (ban~ cTOSS section measure). (2) Glen Robbins had been injuTed at woTk and wo61d be off WOTk foT appTOxi~telY 4 _ 6 months, SeveTal employees including 'Donald Mc~illan, MuTTay Mitcbell and 1\eTbeTt Cox bad indicated that they did not wisb to ~Tk duTing tbe winteT. (3) Paving foT PoTt Stanley on GeoTge and ETie StTeetS had been completed. (4) The Leitch house had been Te$oved by Mr. Jolley and ~ork ~as undeTway on tbe Robinson house. (5) surface 'tTeatlllent WOTk had been cOlllpleted in StTaffoTdville foT tbe To,,",sbip of Bayhalll and the BoaTd of Education. (6)WOTk bad been cOlllpleted except foT Guide Rail on Road 39, Road 42 east and west of port Bur'll811 and Road 45 bet'll8en Righ~aY 19 and Calton. (7) 'the motoT on 'truck 4t 44 had been npaind and that TepaiTS 'll8Te necessaTY on the 1I\OtoT of tbe Michigan LoadeT. ST. TROMA-S, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 9, 1974. PAGE 2. (8) The new 10TG 'tTUC~ had been received and modifications weTe being made. (9) Sand Base waS neaTlY completed on RoaG 3 soutb of New Glasgow. (10) curb and GutteT WOT~ waS cOmPleted on QUeen StTeet and continuing on 1uTnival RoaG south. Excavation WOTk was also undeTway on Furnival RoaG neaT Road 2; approxilllatelY 250 feet of Sanitary SeweT line would be placeG foT the BoaTd of Education. . (11) A lII8eting bad been held with the City of St. 'thot\1SS EngineeTing BepaTtlllent and the City plans foT WOTk on El$ StTeet seemed to be seveTal yeaTS in tbe futuTe. 'the County waS to be advised of developtnents. ( 12) 'D iscUSS ions had been held with Kl ~"nti:j,ilt E ngineedng Te ga Td i ng TestoTstion afteT tbe placement of SanitaTY Sewers and tbe ~inistTY of The EnviTonlllent haG been Te~uesteG to leave tbe grade at new pTofile gTade, place all tbe gTanulaT base (A & B t\1SteTial) ~nd tbe County to place cUTb anG gutteT, pave$ent and Teplace the stoT$ GUin. ()""" ct~ :3 i.f (13) Engineering work ~aS alsO unGeT~8Y on Roads 8 anG 15 in Button as the ~inistTY of the EnviTOnlll8nt planned an e1ll'ansion of sewe-age facilities in 'Dutton. (14) 'that the WaTden had openeG TendeTS foT Rot ~ix Asphalt Pavement foT 1\ighwaY 73 and County ~oad 45 lnteTsection and that tbe bids ~ere as follo'Ws: 1. Towland London (1970) Ltd. $15,727.25 if the WOTk ~aS completed in 1974 and $16,513.75 if the woT~ waS completed in 1975. 2. 'italmsley BTOS. Ltd. $21,725 if laid in eitbeT 19740T 1975. ST. TtlO}ll>S. ONTAlt 1.0 · OC'tO~'ER 9, 1974. ?AG'E 3. ..~()'l\!.'D llY: 'it.\l.. CAvE~LY SECONDE'D llY: J . B. WILS 01'1 't\\A't TRt 'tEN'DE~ 0' 'toWLAN'D (LONDOll) 1970 L'ttl., 10R \\(11: y(LX t.S~L't PAV1NG A't TaR lNTE~SEC't1.0N 01 1\lG1\'itAY 73 Ml'D cQ\lll'tY \l. OAD 45 BE ACCE l"tE'D . TaR TENDER 'to BE $15, 727 · 25 11 'tl\E \fORK lS CO~PLE'tE'D 11l 1974 AND $ 16 , 513. 7 5 11 T\\E WO~lt lS CO~plETE'D 11'1 1975. ALL S\lBJECT TO TRt APPROVAL 01 'taR y(L1l1S'tRY 01 'tRANS pORT A't 101'1 AND C ~lCA'tlO1lS · CARR lED" ..~()'l\!.'ll BY: B .~. LylE sECONDE'D BY: D. K. COOK 't\\AT 'taR 10LLO\l1.11G l'AYL1S'tS BE APPROVED 10R PA'lNEN't. PAYL1ST # 42 A~OUN'tl1lG TO 93.73 PAYL1ST It 43 A~OU1l'tlllG TO 25,662.45 PAYL1S't # 44 ;\l4OUNT1NG 'to 24,171.69 PAYL1ST # 45 AllOtlNT1NG 'to 131,945.83 CARRIED" (1) c()1llU'.SPONDENCE 'itt.S lEAD l'\l.0~: 'to,,",ship of Bayhalll than~ing the ~oad Collllllittee and EngineeT foT the WOT~ on County ~oad 45 betwaen 1\igh'llfaY 19 and Calton. 'to,,",shiP of YaT$Puth suppoTting the eadY \l.econstTuctiOfl of county ~oad 30 (~adiO ~d.). 'to,,",shiP of southWOld witb notice of zoning By LaW changes in (2) (3) 'Fingal. ~. K. McNeil than~ing tne collllllittee foT being adviSed of constTuction planned foT \\ighwaY 73. (4) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 9, 1974. PAGE 4. (5) Riverside Construction with 1975 prices. (6) University of Western Ontario requesting an extention of the lease on a portion of Lots 23 and 24 Concessi.on 1 Yarmouth. "MOVED BY: B.A. LYLE, SECONDED BY: R.L. LAKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE LEASE BY THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO IlE RENEWED ON A PORTION OF LOTS 23 AND 24, CONCESSION I YARMOUTH LYING SOUTH OF THE OLD LAKE ROAD AS SHOWN ON REGISTERED PLAN D 769 AND THAT THE WARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO RENEW THIS LEASE. cARRIEDft (7) Mi.istry of 'transportation and Communications stating tbat a meeting would be held shortly on the Highway 3 Feasibility Study. "MOVED BY: J . B. WILS ON SECONDED BY: W.R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT NO COUNTY ROAD INS PECTION BE HELD TllIS FALL. CARRIED'. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. DURING TH1~ DINNER HOUR VARIOUS GRAVEL SUPPLY AREAS ineluding the George Tapsell Property were inspected by Reeves McKillop, Lyle, Nemett and the Engineer. AFTER DINNER . · · · · · · · · PURCHASE OF THE TAPSELL PROPERTY for a gravel supply was discussed. S't. 'tl:\oMAS, ON'tARI0. OC'tOiE'R 9, 1974. PAGE 5. "MOVED 1\1: B.A. LyLE, SECOll'DED BY: R.L. LAKE 't\\A't W\1. 11l1(1ll~ TaR ES'tATE 01 GE(IllGE 'tAPSKLL 't\\A't liE AltE N(1t lNTERES'tED 11l w..KlllG AN 01i'E~ 1(1ll TRElR PROPE~TY AT 'taR !1tE 51 Nt 'tIME. CARRIED" on the County's petition foT service Toads to the HighwaY 401 SeTvice 'tHE ENG1.1lJ1,Elt lEPCltTED that no fUTtheT infoTlII&tion was available CentTe OT on the County's Te~uest foT the ~inistTY of 'transpoTtation and CollllllUnications to ac~uiTepTopeTty at the lnteTsection of 1\ighwaY 19 and Roads 38 and 44. thTOugh his SolicitoT the services of the Collllllittee of llegotiation 'tHE ENGl1lU~ lEPCltTED that Mr. VIm. COTnwall had Te~uested to Teach a settle1ll8nt foT land used to widen County Road 2 in 1971. 'taR EllG1NEER lEpORTED 1AV()'URl\BlL progTeSS in the pUTchase of land foT widening Radio ~oad. and ontaTio RydTO lllOve theiT lines on CUt:1:ieStTeet in Dutton that Tl1E EllGl1lJ1,ER RKP(lllTED that in oTdeT to have the Bell Telephone it would be necessa1:Y foT the County to assume a pOTtion of CuTde Street south of John StTeet as County ~oad. ,,~OVED BY: R · L. LAlE. SECONDED BY: B.A. LylE 't\\A't liE ~COMMEND TO comttY COUNC1L T\\AT A BY LA'it BE PASSED AssmtlNG t.S COUNTY ~OA'D 8, C\lRRlE S'tRKE't 11l tlIE VlLLAGE 01 'DlJ't'tOll nOM JORN sTREE't TO TBl!. NOR't1\ L1MlT of MARY STREE't. CAltRIED" S't. 'tl:lOMAS, ONtARIO. QC'tOiY.R <}, '1.974. PAGE 6. ..~OVED BY: W.~. CAVE~LY, SK CONDED BY: J · B. 'IllLSOll 't\\A't W\1. lEc()NMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1.L 't\\A't A BY LA'it BE pt.SSED DES1.GNA't1.NG CURR1E S'\1U!.ET (COUNTY ~0Ml 8) 11'1 D\1't't01l nO~ MARY S'tlEE't 'to J01\ll S'tRE1!.'t t.S A 'tRROIlG\\ RIGRWAY. CAllRl'ED" foT payment of Drainage Assess-nts fTo$ the llil1istTY of 'tTans'PoTtadon 't\lE ENGl1l\!.E~ lEP(lll'tKll T\l.A't subsidy Noney Cat SO"/.) waS available and Co\'lll'lOlnications and that it waS 1lOt known at the pTesent ti1ll8 bow much if anY of the 1IlOney would be needed. 'the EngineeT was instTucted to obtain fUTtbeT infoT$Stion fTOlll~T. 1Tal1~ ClaT~e of the ~inistTY of 'tTanspoTtat ion ana Co\'lll'lOlnica dons. Tl1E ENG1Nf.ER PRESEJ:I't\!.D the attached programm8 of ConstTucdon. A1tE~ D1SC\lSS 101'1 · · · · · · · · "MOvED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: ~.L. LtU<E 't\\A't W\1. ~EC()NMEND TO cQ\lll'ty COU1lC1.L 't\\AT 'tUE AT'tAC\\ED PR()GB.A'IIME 01 COllS'tR\lc't1.01l BE ADOPTED. cl\B.RIED" in 1975 that the ~inistTY of 'LabOUT had oTdeTed that oveTtillle be PE~SONNEL w..'tTE~S W\1.1$ D1SC'llSSED bdeflY, lt waS pointed out paid afteT 44 houn in al1Y wae~ WOT\ted. ..~OVED BY: B.A. LYlE, SEcCQN1l1!J> llY: BJ~L. LAO 't\\A't _ ADJ()UltN 'to NOVlnGE~ 13, 1974 A't 10:00 A.~' Draft 2 1975 :;...;;--- conrple~ion paving of paving of paving of Paving of ~ In COUNTY of E L GIN CONSTRUCTION PROG~ ~ t'o) I ~ of ..fork for 1974___including la) Rd. 3__-from ~~. 3 to Lake Erie Rd. 3__from concesSion lV-1V ~ldboroUgh, northerlY t.o Fleming creek Bridge Trimming and Cleanup ~ork on Roads 3 & 4 in Rodney . f R d " & 1" connection in Dutt.on complet~on 0 oa 0 ; . ,,' ' t.....' of t.he . . ~ S 'ta~ Se~er work by t.he ~~n~s 'J . conjunct~on ~~t" an~ .J Environment Rd. 15__soutb of penn central Tracks in Dut.t.on . ? bl" cchoo1 in Dut.ton Rd. 15__near DUt.t.on-Dun~~ch u ~c 0 Rd. 13_-East. of ~ckrtbUr st.reet. in Dut.t.on Rd. 2o__lcarloW Road) at. t.he Int.ersect.ion of Ct.y. Rd. 21 lltJarren st.) in port. st.anley tl,~ I.- curb gutt.er & drainage ~. 20~_near nRJ. ~. ' Rd. 34_-from ~~. 74 t.o t.be ltJest limitS of Belmont ~ tc) \ ,d) \a) t'o) 'tc) td) \ te) tf) ,3.) t'o) Rd. 51__from ~~. 4 t.o CountY Garage Rd. 30__from St. Tbomas CitY limitS to mid-point. of C .. n ~11' yarrr,outh TO~nshiP. and Rd. 52, oncess~o ~ ~t westerlY, appro~imat.elY ~ mile from Rd. 30 funds ~ill permit.) . t.' n ~it.h the Minist.rY of En~irOnment. completion of ~ork ~n connec ~o .. S. . ta....' sewer pro jectS that are not comple t.ed ~n 1975. above anl. l. J \ Both Roads as la) Rd. 30__bet.~een St.. 1homas Cit.y limit.s & mid_point. concent.rat.ion of work on t'o) tc) of Concession 1.111, yarmouth T6~nshiP . Rd '10.0 Rd 25 lltJellington Road). Rd. 52.._bet.~een .,}... .' Rd. 31_-from St.. Thomas limit.s t.o Rd. 52 october, 1974 page 2 of 2 coum'I Or ELGIN constructiOn programme 19'1' I and FOL1..01fl1NG 'IEI>. RS Completion of any work scheduled for 1975 or 1976 and not completed Draft 2 ~a. ) Rd. 52_-rrom Rd. 25 to Talbotville Rd. 16__Fingal '<lest limitS to Rd. ~ /1 Rd. 32_-from llwY.13to ontario police college Beginning Rd. 38 from llWY. 3 to llWY. 19 kND \b) {c) ~ The above progra~e is dependent on adequate funds being allocated by the provincial GOvernment for constructiOn purposes. If inflationary trends continUe, ~aintenance of the System will require most of the funds ~llocated. {d) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT FIRST RE PORT OCTOBER SESS ION 1 974 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS. 1. Curb and gutter work has been completed on Road 4 (Queen Street West) in Rodney and is underway on Road 3 (Furnival Road South) in Rodney. Asphalt paving will start shortly. 2. Construction at the intersection of Highway 73 and County Road 45 for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will be started next week. 3. Purchase of land for road widening is underway on Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth. Construction work will be started next year. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a County Council Road Inspection not be held this fall. 2. That the present lease 0 f University 0 f Western Ontario on approximately ten (10) acres of land owned by the County of Elgin in Lots 23 and 24 Concession I, Yarmouth, lying south of the old Lake ROcld be renewed for a five (5) year period and that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to renew this lease. The property on the banks of Lake Erie has been used for the past ten (10) years by the University's Geography Department for research and teaching on wind and water erosion. 3. That a By-Law be passed assuming Currie Street in Dutton from Mary Street to John Street as County Road 8. The assumption ,of this portion of Currte Street (approximatelyl180feet in length) is legally necessary for the connection between County Roads 8 and 15. 4. That a By-Law be passed designating Currie Street in Dutton between Mary Street and John Street as a "through highway". - 1 - C oull'tY '01 E LG1N 11. o All CO~ltTEE p.E pORT - 11RST Rl'. pORT · ---~ QC'tOBER SESS10N 1 9 7 4- st. T\\OMAS, ONTAltlO TO TaR WAltDl'.N AND 1I&MBERS 01 KLGlll CQ\Jll'tY CQ\JNCIL ~ RECOMMENU ~ 5. That the following constTuction pdoTity p"Cogremm8 be app"Co"ed. 1915 C01ll'P\edon of ",,"C~ f"ColII \974 including · .::-=-- Paving of (a) Road 3 frolll \\igh~aY 3 to LaKe E"Cie, AldboToUgh 'towt\shi:P · Paving of (b) Road 3 from concession IV - AldboToUgh, nOTthe"C\Y to 1\ellling creeK BTidge, AldboTougb To~sbiP' (c) 't dlllllli ng and c 1 ea nUP ",,"CK on Roads 3 and 4 in Rodney. (d) Completion of Roads 8 and 15 connection in Dutton. Nl'.'it ~OR~ _ In conjunction with sanita"CY se'll8T ""rK by the Ministry of -"~ the E nvi.:ronroent. (a) Road 15 . south of Penn Cent"Ca\ tTaCKS in Dutton. (b) Road \S _ nea"C Dutton-DunwiCh Pub\ic School in Dutton. (c) Road \3 _ east of MCATtbUT Street in Dutton. (d) Road 20 _ (Ca"ClOwRoad) at the inte"Csection of County Road 2\ (Wa"C"Cen StTeet) in port Stanley. (e) Road 20 . nea"C Uigh~Y 4 in PoTt Stanley - cUTb, gutter and d-ra 'inage. (f) Road 34 in lIe\mont f"Com \\igb~aY 74 to the 'll8st liroits of Belmont. ~~ (a) Road 5\ . from \\igh~aY 4 to County Garage, YaTtIIOuth 'township · (b) Road 30 _ fTom St. Thoroas City limitS to lIIid-point of concession XIII, Ya"CtIIOuth To~sbiP' and Road S2, westerlY, appToxiroatelY 1/2 mile fTom Road 30. 1~1o completion of WOTK in connection ~itb the ~inistTY of tbe En"iTon$ent ~ of above sanitaTY sewer p"CojectS that are not completed in 1975. (Both roadS as funds ~ill pe"Cmit.) Cont inuat ion of ""T~ on - (a) Road 30 . between St. Tbomas citY li$its and mid_point of ConCe s s ion 11 n, YaTtIIO ut b T o~s hip · (b) Road 52 _ between Road 30 and ~oad 25 (Wel\ington Road) YaT$PUth To,,",shiP' ' (c) Road 31 _ fTo$ St. ThomaS H$its to Road 52, Yal:11lOuth 'to~shi..'P · _ 2. - ~m~~1,~~.P~!!I~~' OCTOBER Sf-S51 ON 1 <:) 7 '.} 51. TH.Ol-lAS, ON'ttJ~lO to TUt ;It-RDtN P"ND ~l.\BtRS OF t1J;lN COUNTY COUNCIL \4f. Rt C OMl'1E NU ~ 1971 P"ND F01.1,OW!:-1C '{l'.t-R5. ..;.':..:-----,,-----_._---~ completion of any ~rk scheduled for 1915 or 1976 and not completed. t\ND (a) Road 5'2 _ frO"' Road '25 to ta lbotvi He. 5outh..ro I d TOVll1shi.P · (b) Road 16 _ F i n,.,a 1 'N,,.t \ imi tS to Road \ I,. southWO 1 d 1'ownshi. p. (c) Road 3'2 _ from \H g,h",a)' 7 '} to the Ontario ?o \ ice ~ol'Ebe, Ma\ahfde townshiP' (d) S ta rt '..urk on Road '\B from 1\ i gh",aY 3 to 1.\ i I;\""ay ,9, Ba~baro To~nship. the above t'ro;:,Tarome 15 depet\dent on adequate fund5 bel nl\ allocated by the provincIal Government for constructiOn purrOc,es. a<1d i tI ona I Govermt,~nt a nocat io115, ",.a i ntenanct 0 f the If inC.attonaxy trends cont.inue. ",ithout N01E. ~ present ;:;oad 5yst em .,1 1 \ require mo<t 0 f the funds allocated. ,\',.,- 0l' WUICIt IS RE.Spt.C'tFULL'f sUY,tlntED. -~ -' -,...,~ ---- (',Ut'. 1Rt!J\~~ .. '3 ... COUN1Y Of 1'-1,(',lN ROI\U CO~\lTI!,~~R~~~l """~=,,,,e='O=' =~",~~=,e===~=-" ~~~ ? ~ ~o~1!_ .~~E5~I}! -_..,-=-..~-,.-'" ..--..,--- 1: 0 1\\1'. \lllRU t N 1\% 1-\l. ~\l'>\'.R S Of l' W: E 1.01 N COt1 \-11'1 C O\l\-1C 1 L '10\1\< R (\I\tl C Ol1Hlt'ft \', $\';05 1 0 R \', I' ORT N" f 0 LLO"'S · OC'! OBt.R Sf..SS 1 ON 1 q '7 l~ S'!. 't\\01-<J...S, O~~"t'M~10 1. tbat a "."soludOO be ?asseQ requestiog. the MinisttY of 1raOWQrtation and (:o_""i c,at ioos to a?"tO?r iate the sum of $7 'i. nOO. i 0 S\lbsi,dylUOney fo" urai,oage hSsessroeotS 0" County Roads in 1914. 'file ;qio\,stli'i of 1liaO$1'ort"ldOn and co,"",uoieat ions ha S i ,,(lie at ed I' bat additional f\lndS available at a 50% ~,ubsid'i 'Rate to cov"r Munidp"l Dr aioage. 'ib is liIil \ a H o iii [u"ds tb"t ~re to have beeo used lor 4raio.~ costs to be used [6r other cOft~T~ctiOn a:re l'~rl'bses including the l'urrha,e of culvertS for St. Thomas su\,urbao Road 30 (RadiO '?;bad). ,\1.1. of \.ll\1 C1\ lS Rt S \'F. C'1' FU 1.1.'1 S u BM 11'Tl'.U · ------------------------ C l\l\ IF *'~ \. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE COURT HOUSE AT 10:00 A.M., SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT REEVE CAVERLY WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT F. CLARKE OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANS PORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 14, 1974 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. The Leitch and Robinson houses in Dutton had been given to Donald Jolley of Dutton for disposal. 2. Six {6} driveways on Road 40 and Road 36 had been paved by Peters Bros. 3. Work on Erie Street and George Street for the Village of Port Stanley had been completed other than paving. 4. Weed cutting was nearly completed. 5. Surface Treatment work had been completed. 6. Shouldering and topsoil work was nearly dOlne on Road 45 between Calton and Highway 19. 7. Topsoil work would start on Road 42 east olf Port Burwell in the next day or so. 8. The multiplate for Aldborough Township had been completed as had grading work for the Township. Grading waS continuing on Road 3 north. \ ; 9. Curb and gutter work was cont inuing on Roa,d 4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 2. 10., Motor repairs were necessary on Trucks IF 32 and IF 44 and the new tandem truck was expected shortly. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: R. LAKE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST IF 37 PAYLIST IF 38 - PA YLIST IF 39 - PA YLIST IF 40 - PAYLIST IF 41 AMOUNTING TO , 111.54 AMOUNTING TO 28,803.76 AMOUNTING TO 12.00 AMOUNTING TO 25,183.85 AMOUNTING TO 74,752.96 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Township of Yarmouth with Zoning By Law applications. (b) Wright & Associates, Solicitors acting for St. Thomas Sanitary Co llection Services regarding the proposed i.mprovement s to the Southwold - Westminster Townline. (c) Village of Port Stanley requestipg a reduction in speed on County Road 20 north of Port Stanley. "MOVED BY: B . LYLE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED REDUCING THE SPEED LIMIT TO 40 M.P.H. ON COUNTY ROAD 20 FOR 1,445 FEET NORTH OF WARREN STREET IN PORT STANLE Y. CARRIEDU (d) MRS. BLACKWELL of George Street, Port Stamley with thanks for ' a job well done. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 3. (e) City of St. Thomas requesting improvemen~s to.E1m Street from the City limit to Centennial Avenue. The Engineer was instructed to meet with the City Engineer on the matter. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Solicitor General Mr. George Kerr stating that two additional radar units had been placed in the District. Committee felt that transfer of existing personnel precluded use of these units to the fullest and decided to discuss the matter further at County Council. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED Tenders as attached for the County 1967 Dodge Van. "MOVED BY: .SECONDED BY: D. COOK, J. B. WILS ON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF BRIAN VAUGHAN AT $715.00 FOR THE SALE OF THE COUNTY'S TRUCK /1 35. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the only Tender received for the 1949 Ford Stake Truck waS $333.00 and that the truck was worth at least $700.00. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE REJECT THE TENDERS RECEIVED FOR THE COUNTY'S TRUCK if! 42 AND AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEER TO SELL THE TRUCK PRIVATELY IF HE RECEIVES A SUFFICIENT BID. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER RE PORTED that test ho 1e~s had been dug on the Tapsell property but that a proper evaluation had not as yet belen made. It appeared that the overburdened depth would be a deterring factor in the use of the pit. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. Al'lt.R DINNER . . . . WITH REEVE DENNIS ABSENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the petitions for service roads to the 401 Service Centres had been forw'arded by the District to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Hecid Office. NO FURTHER INFORMATION WAS AVAILABLE with regard to property purchase by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications on Highway 19 at the Intersection of Roads 38 and 44. FRANK CLARKE REPORTED that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had requested a meeting with the Engineer and District Personnel in London to finalize a request by the Ministry th~lt the County rebuild a portion of Highway 73 at Road 45 to improve vision at the intersection., "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B . LYLE, D. COOK THAT WE AGREE TO CONSTRUCT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 73 AND COUNTY ROAD 45 FOR THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSroRTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1974. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that no new information was (I"\- avc~11able on the Highway 3 Feasibility Study 6;:rt the Ontario Hydro Corridor Study fonrNanticoke to London. "MOVED BY: R. LAKE, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE PURCHASE A USED FRINK SNOW PLOW WING AND HARNESS FROM WALKER BROS. TRANS PORi' OF AYLMER FOR $2,500.00 SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED" CONSTRUCTION PRIORITIES WERE DISCUSSED at some length, and it wa.s decided that top priorities, should be given to the reconstruction of Road 30; Road 52 between Roads 25 and 30; and Road 31. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE ROAD WIDENING ON ROAD 30 AND ON ROAD 52 BETWEEN ROADS 30 AND 25. CARRIED" LAND PURCHASE POLICY WAS DISCUSSED Blt some length. ST. T\\OMAS, O'NTAR10, SEpTEMBER 11t 1974. pt\GE 6. "MOvED BY: B · LYlE, SECONDED BY: J. B. 'Q1LSON T\\AT 'QE PAY $1,200.00 PER ACRE 10R ROAD W1DEN1NG ON c01.lNTY ROADS 30 AND 52, AN'D fENCE ALLOWANCE t\T $8.00 PER ROD. CARRIED" ,,~()'lED BY: ~ · J.,Al<!'., SECONDED BY: D. COOl{ THAT 'QE p.J)JOURN TO OCTOBE~ 9, 1974 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" , ' () t~ '=0'" IJ ",J},'/'"" I <{yi" , L____ y" ,/../1-' , f' ~~y Septetltlber 10, 1974. BmDERS FOR USED TRUCKS. DOnGE VAN 1. Brian Vaughan, 354 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario ------------------ $ 715.00 2. Leon Geraldo, 332 T.lbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario ------------------ $ 311.75 3. John West, Box 66, Union, Ontario --------------...--_-__.._ $ 200.00 .-t". ,COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REP<JtT FIRST 1.1 PalT SEPTEMBER SESSION I 914 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAlD COMMITTEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS. 1. The County Road Department has been engaged by the Ministry of Transportat ion and Communicat ions to make impro,.,ement s to Highway 73 at the intersection of County Road 4~i, at the expense of the Ministry. The hill to the north of Road 45 is to be cut down to improve vision at Road 45. The work will start shortly and '1s expected to be substantially completed tbis fall. 2. Your COlllIlittee has made representations to the Solicitor Cen.rai of Ontario, Mr. George A. Kerr, regarding the el'llforcing of speed limits on County Roads in Elgin. Mr. Kerr has o,rdered, on an interim basis, a doubl ing of, from 2 to 4 of the radar units available to the 10 detchments of the Ontario Provincial Police that comprise the London District. He hopes to, budget for these units on a permanent basis next year. Closer liaison with the Traffic Section of the Ontario Provincial Police will be maintained in an attempt to improve the enforce.tent of speed limits and safety on the County Roads. 3. A new tandem dump truck has been purchased along, with a used snow plow, enabling the County to snow plow the County Roads this winter without hiring outside forces. Priv'ate truck. have been hired for sanding work. 4. An application bas been made to the Canada Transport Commission for :Elashing light signals ~tthe Canadian Pacific Railway crossing on County Road 30 (Radio Road). COUNTY or ELG1N !l0A:0 CO.It....u.E UPCJlT - FIRST REP<lt't:. '" SEt',Lt.lmER SESSION 1 974 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO TOTRE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COONTY COUNCIL WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By La. be passed prohibiting parking on tbe north side of County Road 2 in West Lorne from the east limit of Wood Street to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Spur. 2. That a By Law be pass'ed reducing the speed limit on County Road 20 in Southwold Township from 50 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour from the Port Stanley Vi llage limits at Warren Street, northerly approximately 1,445 feet to Finial Street (road next to Floyd Gillard property). 3. Theta By Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to signa Quit Claim Deed conveying a part of Park Lot J, Registered Plan 114, Yarmouth TOwPship, to Mrs. Kathleen Garnham. The property is approximately 15 feet wide by 82 feet in depth and facing on the Wellington Road. This will complete a commitment made when Wellington Road was widened some years ago. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 14, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET A'r THE COURT HOUSE AT 10:00 A.M., ON AUGUST 14, 1974. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT REEVES Nemett and Caverly were present. ALSO PRESENT, FRANK CLARKE of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of July 10, 1974 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows. 1. Surface treatment work would be completed in the next week. 2. The Straffordville School yard had been levelled for the Elgin County Board of Education. 3. Construction waS continuing for the Village of Port Stanley on Erie and George Streets. 4. Excavation had been completed on Victoria Street in Rodney and was underway on Queen Street (County Road 4). 5. The Fleming Creek Culvert had been erected for Aldborough Township and backfilling work was underway. 6. Grading on Road 3 would resume as soon as the Fleming Creek Culvert was backfilled. 7. Road 45 between Calton and Highway 19 would be, completed as soon as Queen Street in Rodney was excavated. 8. The new sweeper was working full time. 9. The three houses in Dutton had not yet been sClIId although several persons were interested. 10. Wa;lker Brothers used snow plow and wing had bE~en purcha.sed for $2,500. ST. T\\O~' Ot'l'tAlllO, AUGUS't 14, 1 q 74. FAG'E 2. "}lOVED 1\'l' 1\. 1. 'llJ!. , SECONtlED 1\'l' R. v-\O!. T\\J\T T\\E YOL1.0'dlllG 1'A'lL1STS 1\1'. A1'l'ROvED yQ11 1'A'lllElIT' 1'A'l1.1ST if 3'2 ~ A}lOUt'l'tlllG TO $ '27.788. S6 1'A'l1.1ST if 33 ~ ~O\lllTlllG TO $ '28. S74. 70 1'A'l1.1ST 1I 34 _ ~t'l'tlllG TO $ 109.04 1'A'l1.1ST it 3S ~ A}lOUt'l'tlllG TO $ '26.431.70 1'A'l1.1ST if 36 . A}lOUt'l'tlllG TO $198,494.38 cl\R1t!E'O" (~) (d) cQ1UU!.S1'ONtlElICE 'dAS REAtl YRQ}l,~ Townshi~ of south~ld resarding zoning for ~inOr ~ariances for hOUses built bY 'debb constructiOn on Road '20 north of Finga1. Townshi~ of south~ld regarding zoning for ~ste disposal, site for St. Thomas sanitary collection near south~ld Station. R. lIe~et~ regarding s~eed zones on Road '27. ~ttle cree~ Authority than~ing the county for their,interest in the Authority'S conser~atiOn ~roject and their e~cellent wor~ for the AuthOrity. (e) \'Irs.}l. Laid1a'" regarding signs mar~ing concession Road on Road 40. The Engineer re~orted that the Townshi~ had re<\uested the County ma~e the signs and charge the To..,nshiP' T\\E ElIG1NEER RE1'Q11TED thet prices for tande~ trUC~s had been solicited (<\uotations attached). "}lOvED 1\'l' D. COOK, SECONtlED 1\'l' J. 1\. W1J$Oll T\\J\T WE ACcE l'T 't\\E ~ (1tAT10ll OY ltJ\lIKlll yaW SAlJ!.S ( 1971 ) 1.l~TED yQ11 A YaRD 1.TS 8000 TRucK AT A l'R lCE.oY $19. 982. 1'LUS l'R0'l1llC1A1. SAlJ!.S TAX. cARR1'ED" (a) (0) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 14, 1974. PAGE. 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had met wit~h Ministry of Transportation and Co.""~.,,Jnic8tions Officials in Toronto reiarding additional aid for the construction of Radio Road (Rc)ad 30) but that none would be forthcoming. Committee felt that to mjake a political approach would unduly delay the reconstruction of Ro1ad 30 and that the project should be given high priority and the design of the road should be to standards similar to Wellington Road. WARDEN LAI<E LEFT THE MEETING. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that an agreementw8s being negotiated with Tapsells for ,the testing for granular material on their property in Concession V, Yarmouth. Reeve Cook also mentioned several alternative sources. MR. CLARKE AND THE ENGINEER REPORTED 'that the County's request for service roads ~o the Service Centres from County and Townsh~p Roads had been forwarded ~Mr. L. Walker, District Engineer to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Head Office. THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS WAS INVESTIGATING the purchase of property on Highway 19 at the Intersections of County Road 38 and 44 to improve the visibility c:lt the Intersection. NO REPLY HAD YET BEEN RECEIVED from the Honourable George Kerr with regard to the County's request for additic)nal enforcement of speed limits on County Roads and additional radar units in each Provincial Police Detachment. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 14, 1974. PAGE 4. Director for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding A MEETING HAD BEEN HELD with Mr. J. Blevins, Regional the Intersection of County Road 45 and Highway 73. It appeared that the Province might be requesting that the County do the improvement for the Province. Committee agreed to do the work if requested by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. had been held with regard to the Highway 3 Feasibility Study although THE ENGINEER REPORTED that no further technical meetings severa\ public meetings had been held. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER · · · · · · · · · · · lot on the east side of Wellington Road, south of Crescent Avenue in A REQUEST WAS READ from Mrs. Kathleen Garnham, owner of a Lynhurst requesting the County give her a quit claim deed for a portion of land occupied by her for many years and acquired by the County when they purchased the property of W. May in 1958 to widen Wellington Road. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO MRS. KATHLEEN GARNRAM FOR A PORTION OF PARK Lor J PLAN 174 Lor In HAVING APPROXIMATELY 12 FEET OF FRONTAGE AND 82 FEET DEEP. CARRIED" tWO County service vehicles were surplus to the County's needs and THE ENGINEER STATED THAT because of reduced operations, as both were nearly passed their useful life, recommended they be so I d. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 14, 1974. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SELL BY TENDER, THE COUNTY'S 1967 DODGE VAN (TRUCK /} 35) AND 1969 FORD 2 TON STAKE TRUCK (TRUCK IF 42). CARRIED" DISCUSSION OF THE ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY BY LAWS WAS TABLED. MR. CLARKE REPORTED that supplementary By Laws for payment of Drainage Assessments were available (Subsidy Rate 50%). THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Road Construction Priority Programme which was discussed briefly. Alslo distributed were the 1974 Update Summaries for the Road Needs Study. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE CANADA TRANS PORT COMMISSION FOR FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AT THE C.P.R. 'TRACKS ON COUNTY ROAD ,,30. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE ADJOURN TO SE~l~MBER 11, 1974 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIEDIt ~ ):,...-./') , ....,~.7.....~ (jHAIRHAN /' I ' S1. THOMAS, ONtARIO, J\lL"l 10. 1974. PAGE 1. R()\lSE hT 10: 00 h. M. Oll JULY 10, 191~. THE cG\lNTY 01 ELGI11 ROAll COMMITTEE llET hT THE cOURT THE llEETlNG REMOVED TO THE LIBRl\i.Y \\ol\i.D R001(. hLL blEM\\ERS 'lIERE 'PBESENT EXCEl't REEVE COO\{. THE MIll\lTES 01 THE llEETING 01 JUNE 6, 191 ~ 'lIERE READ AND APPRoVED. 1. The Elgin sweepel: had been delivel:ed. 1. Costs continued to l:ise, the latest example beiog salt wnich THE ENGINEER REl'(lltT1!'.D 00 the wol:k to date as fonows: 3. Mr. R. Glovel: had l:esi&ned to go into business fol: himself. would be up a $1.00 pel: ton at the mine. Don Ra&el:ty and DoO McMillan and LewiS StUll wel:e on leave of absence because of in1ul:yand illoess. to be dooe for the Ontario Flue CUl:ed TobacCO Mal:ketin& \\oal:d at Aylmel:, Tillsonburg and Delhi. ~. priming and SUl:face tl:eattnent work waS continuing with work 5. Stol:m QJ:ain work waS continui~ iil\,1\oeneyltn Queenc$tl:eet West, 6. Wol:k on the Fleming Creek culvert would be started around the FUl:nival Road and Victol:ia Stl:eet. 1. Gl:ading work was underwaY on Road 3 between llew GlaSgoW and 20tb of the montb. 8. Drains wel:e beins installed fol: the village of l'ol:t Stanley Lake Erie and would start shol:tlY on Road 3 north. on El:ie Stl:eet. subexeavation and granulal: backfill would be stal:ted as soon as d1:ain wol:k was done. 9. Td\'llllling work waS continuing on Roads ~O, ~1 and ~5 tn East Elgin. ST. THOMAS, C>NTARIO, JULY 10, 1974. PAGE 2. 10. Grass cutting was underway. 11. Duncan Leitch had moved and all other pre.perty acqui.sitions other than the Grahams had been completed other than final registration. THE RECENT ACCIDENT AT THE INTERSEC1~ION of County Roads 36 and 45 had been caused by the driver going through the stop sign on Road 36. IT WAS DECIDED to place rumble strips on Road 45 at Road 22. "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. D.. WILSON, THAT THE FOLLOWINGPAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST I 27 - AMOUNTING TO - PAYLIST I 28 - AMOUNTING TO ~ PAYLIST Ii 29 - AMOUNTING TO - PAYLIST I 30 - AMOUNTING TO - PAYLIST I 31 - AMOUNTING TO - $ 320.38 $25,'97.09 $ 142 . 06 $26,487.97 $183,797.32 CARRIED'. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: R. LAKE , THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATIONS AS NECESSARY FOR Ihlr.RIM SUBSIDYPJ1~YMENTS. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Ontario Government urging a "Buy Canadianll programme. A TENDER FOR THE Barnes' house in DtJltton was opened. It was for the amount of $1.00. st. 'tHOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 10, 1'74. ,PAGE 3. "MOVED BY t J. B. W1J.$ON. SECONDED 'BY: It. LAKE, tRAT WE lU1.JEC't ALL TENDE}!.S UCE IVEll F(j.t TRE BAlU1ES~i ROUSE IN DUTTON. CARRIEDtl TRE ENGINE!!.R WAS INSTRUCTED to try u sell the Barnes' · Robinson, and Leitch houses privatelY, situation on Road 2. in West !.orne in front of the cathotic Church TRE ENGINEER REl'ORTEtl TRAT be had revie1l8d the parking with Reeve Todd and that the West !.orne Council. wished to ban parking on the north side of Road 2. ")lOVED 'BY: R. LAKE, ,SECONDED BY: B. LYli, TRAT Wlt ucoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL T\\AT A BY LAW BE pASSED :P\lIOR1!BITING:;J!AllKING ON COUNtY ROAD 2. IN WltST LOllNE ON TRE N(j.tTll S1.1)E OF TRE ROAD 1ll!.tWltEN wo<<J STREET AND T\\11. CRESAP&A1G1. AND 01\10 RAILWAY s1'\l&. CARRlED" would be installed shortlY at the Intersection of llighway 4 and TRE ENGINEER REPORTED tllAT it appeared that i1.luIaination County Road. 45. Highway 73 and 45 stating that the Minister of llighwaYs felt that the hazard waS not of an urgent nature. The Engineer was instructed CQRRF,SPONlll!.NCl!. WAS UJ\t) FROM Mr. R. K. McNeil. regarding to again contact Mr. McNeil and have hila point out the problela to the authOrities. S't. 't\\oN.MI" ON'l:All10, J'UL1 10, 1..974.. lAG!. 4.. 't\\E t._~i.R Rtf{l1l.'tEl) 'tllA't the l!linist1:'1 of 'tut\StlO1:ution and conwaunieations Stud'1 'teall\ would soon sta1:t tlU~\ie taeetinsS on the aighwa1 3 Yeasi~i\ity StudY. 't\\E i._11:1\!.tR pPJ1.sv.N'l:tl) the 1:esultS of a Stleed Study done ~y the l!liniSt1:Y of 't1:anstlO1:ution and conwaunieatiOns on Road '20, Ca1:low Road and Road 1+5 in 1a1:1l\0uth 'townshitl. 'the 1:epo1:t showed that 01'\1 \/3 of the tIlllt01:iSts we1:e obeying the stleed \illlit on Road '20 in f1:0nt of the Po1:t Sun\ey sehoo\ and that 85"1. of the \IIOto1:iSts we1:e obeyins the \illlit on Road 1+5 nea1: the Stan cook tl1:otle1:ty. the A RtSoU)'t101l YROl!l't\\E 'to'dNS1\lP OY 1Alll!l~'ta RtQutS't1llG \owedns of s'Peed \i1llitSf1:0111 60 IIInes 'Pe1: \1ou1: to 50 UlneS' '-;. 1'a1:tl\OUth 'townshi'P and the insUnation of flashing 1:ada1: unitS and 'Pe1:60nne\. ~l> ll'l: 1l. 1.1'\1. I ,Si.COtrot.1> ,,1 t \l. LA-Rt , 't\U''t ~ yEil. 'tllA't t.AC\11>i.'tAC\1M\!.N'I: OY 'tllt ON'l:All10 1RO'slllC v..l. POl.1Ci. S\1~1J> llA vt. A lltJ)All \1)\1't OY l'tS 0'dN AND S\lY11CUN'I: S'tAYY 'to o~'tE 1't 111 \1l.1li.R 'to l\t't'tER PA'tROl. 'tllt lUllG' S \\lGl\'<1A1 A.1l1> c~N'l:1' RotJ>S. c1\B.1l1,&1)t' 't\\t t.RG~i.R '<lAS 11lS'tR\1C'tEl> ,to eonuet the ontadO ~ ~i ~ R K l!lellei\ and the Att01:ney Gene1:a\'S P1:ovit\eia\ EO' ee, ...... · tlepa1:tlllent on the enfo1:eetaet\t 'P1:0'o \eIIIs. 5T. T\\OMt\S, ONTAR10, JULY 1.0, l.914~ PAGE 5. De plaeed in tbe eomini year on Road 10, Carlow Road in port T\li. ENGlNEU 1!.EPOllUD TltAt SANltARY SEw&RS were to Stanley nortb of tbe publie sebool. It was reeol\lll8nded that tbe Road be rebuilt to urban stanaards after tbe sewers were install.ed. "MOVED BY: i. LYlE, . SECONDED BY: R. LAKE, TltAt w& 1!.EBUlUl CARLOW ROAD (RGAD 10) to \lRBAll STANDARDS 1'Oll APPROXUlATE L Y 650 1'E1!.t l11!.AR T\li. ll1't1!.llSECTlON 01' COUNTY ROAD 11 (WAnEll STaRET). CARRIED" reeeived from the Ministry of transportation and Co\llllll1nieations t\li. ENGlNEER stATED, tltAt NO l'1J1lT\li.ll WOltD BJ\1l been re&ardi~i the lladio-Rubrey Road link but tbat eorrespondence bad been direeted to the Direetor of Planning and a meeting was expected sho~tll. T\li. ~E't1NG AD Joual11!.D 1'Oll D lNl11!.1l. · AyrER Dll1l11!.ll . . . . . . · REEv& WlLSON WAS ABSENT. It WAS DEClDED to MAl<\!. reservations for the RtAC Convention in Toronto. a statement of the county's position regardini the purebase of T\li. ENGINEU WAS lllStRUC'niD to forward to Wtn. cornwall his property on Road 1 for road widening. S't. 't\t~, ()}l'tARI0, .roLl 10, 1914., pl\.G'E 6. 't$ Clth1l!.~ 1I11.OtJG\t't to the co_ittee' s attention the proble11l of the 81II\l10yeesat the Serviee Centres on \tighway 461 in "hicb a person would have to enter or exit at tluttonoT West Lorne. It was sUggested that , serviee road for e~10yees eou1d be built fr011lCounty 1I.oad 2 and the Coyne 1I.oad and eli11linate \llOst of the e~10yee use of \tighwaY 461. 'the 1!.ngineer waS instrueted to eonuet Lloyd Wallter, 'Distriet l!.ngineer for his ideas, Gl,U.vEL Slll'l'1."l 11'1 1$ future waS dise1JSsec1 and the l!.ngineer inStTueted to see if an option eou1d be obUined to test the 'tapseH property for granular 1Dllterials. 't$ ltNGIN&U \U!.p(j.t'tl!.tl 'fI\A't Wallter 1\ros., had given nodee that they would no 10n&er tTUelt for the County. 'thiS inll luded their snow plOW and sandtns worlt. 'the 1!. niineer reported f1Jrther that the onlY suiub1e CountY 'truelt (*44) that;eoU1d plOW snow hae 150,006 11I11es on it and that a tlut'II'P 1ruelt (*33) sbou H1 be replaced next year. \te alsO reportee that teneering for a truclt could ulte 1& or \llOre \llOntbs. \te sUggestee that a truclt be purchaSee without tende1:!.nS' "MOVEtl -.'1: 11. · 1J>.\O!., sEC()1'ltll!.tl -.'1, 1\. 1.'l1Jt, 'tlth't 't$ l!.NG 11'1~1I. lIE 1\\ft\\()1l1'lo'E'D 'to pURC\\ASl!. 1\ 'tANtll!.M ty.llClt ANtl 01l CALL 'tl!.Ntl1!.1I.S t01l A ,,!~1!.M UtJC\{. CAiltl11)t\ "MO'Iltl> 1\'1: 11. L'1~, SEC ONtl\!.1l 1\'1: 11. · 1J>.\O!. , 'tlth't 'dE A1)JO\lB.N 'to AUGUS't 14, 1974 A't 10'()O A.M. cABJ,11D" ~~~;r!~V)' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD C0t41ITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 1 974 ST. THOMAS~ ONTARIO. TO THE WARDEN .AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS. 1. That a Contract for Hot Mix Asphalt work on Roads It., 42, 45 and Roads 3 and 4 in Rodney, and a number of small I)atching locetions, was awarded to Walmsley Bros. Limited at $170,618.7S the lowest of two bidders. The County supplied the asphalt cement. All work other than Roads 3 and 4 in Rodne~r have been completed. Also included in the same Contract W8S ~rork for several other municipalities. WE RECOMMEND: 1. Th8t a By Law he passed confirming By Law 111819 of the Township of Bayham closing a portion of Centre Strett, Registered Plan 22 in the Hemlet 0 f Richmond. 2. That a By Law be passed which in effect will amend 13,y Law #2212 of the County by lowering the weight limit on Walker's Bridge on Road 15 (Dunwich-Aldborough Townl ine) across the Thames River from 10 ton to 5 ton. The Ministry of Transportatio1n and Communiclations recommends the reduced weight until extensive repairs lllre msde to the main steel truss. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 6, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m., on June 6, 1974. All members were present except Reeves Dennis, Nemeth, Wilson and Caverly. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of May 9th and 15th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: (I) The Employees' Association had accepted the allowance of $50.00 per year for safety footwear and the necessary authorization had been placed on the monthly accounts, however the deadline for the purchase of safety footwear had been extended to July 2nd due to the shortage of shoes in St. Thomas. (2) Asphalt paving had been completed on all County work except in Rodney. (3) Storm drain work was continuing in Rodney on Road 4 (Queen Street) and for the Village of Rodney on Victoria Street. (4) Some cleanup and other work remained in W,est Lorne. (5) Trimming and seeding had been completed in front of the County Garage, on Road 20 in Port Stanley and on Road 38 east of Straffordville. (6) No further work had been done on George Street in Port Stanley as the waterpipe had not yet been received by the Village. (7) Repairs had been made to a culvert extension on Road 5. The old pipe had collapsed and become clogged with debris. (8) Grass cutting would not start until later in the month. (9) Surface treatment work would be started as soon as p,ossible. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 6, \974. PAGE 2. (10) Road~WOTk was undeTwaY foT the CatfiSh CTeek conseTvation AuthoTity at SpTingwateT and fOT the Kettle CTeek ConseTvation AuthoTity at Lake WhittakeT. (11) TTuck Haulage Rates had been incTeased appToximatelY 15% fTom (12) An agTeement had been Teached with MTs. MaTY Ellen cTawfoTd 1973 and weTe as attached. Lucaa to pUTChase all the pTOpeTty to the east of a StOTage Building on Lot 31, RegisteTed Plan 163, Dutton, foT the sum of $4,000. Although excess pTopeTty was acquiTed than was TequiTed foT Toad widening, the TemaindeT could be amalgamated with otheT pTopeTty and sold afteT constTUction, foT building (13) TheTe waS a shoTtage of many goods. FoUT gTadeT tiTes had been lot put.'poses. oTdeTed to pTotect against futuTe needs. Additional cul~Tt pipe had been oTdeTed as it was undeTstood a pTice incTease in the oTdeT of 25% was due shoTtlY' (14) ~ecaUse of continued inflation, budgeting waS extTemelY difficult (15) DeliveTY of the y~.ming CTeek CulveTt waS expected befoTe the and in some cases neaTly impossible. (16 ) Don Me Milla n was still 0 ff WOTk (leave 0 f ab sence) becaUse 0 f end of the month. a heaTt attack and Don RageTty had bTOken his ankle and waS not expected to TetUTn foT some time. nMOVED BY: SEC ONDED BY: TRAT TllE FOLLO'd1-NG PA'lLISTS BE APPROvED yQ1l. !lA'lMENT B. Lyle R. Lake PA'lLIST it 22 _ AMOUNTING TO $ 197.79 PA'lLIST it 23 _ AMOUNTING TO $ 25,290.35 PA'lLIST it 24 _ AloIOUNTING TO $ 397.51 PA'lLIST it 25 _ AMOUNTING TO $ 24,903.89 PA'lUST /I 26 _ AMOUNTING TO $ 201,503. 32 CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 6 , 1974. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Elgin County Board of Education regarding crosswalk and school crossing signs on Road 20 near Road 21 and on Road 21 (Warren Street and Carlow Road, Port Stanley). THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. V. Black of the Board was examining the situation further and the Board 'would be changing their requests. (b) Township of Bayham requesting the County to pass an approving By Law closing Centre Street in Richmond. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK R. LAKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAtT TOWNSHIP OFBAYHAM BY LAW /1 l819 CLOSING A PORTION OF CENTRE STREET IN RICHMOND BE CONFIRMED. CARRIED" (c) Township of Southwold regarding Zoning a portion of land on the north side of County Road 52 immediately east of Talbotville industrial. Reeve Lyle reported that objections had been received. (d) Township of Southwold regarding Zoning t,o Residentia 1 a portion of land on the south side of Road 26 immediately west of Wellington Road. Reeve Lyle reported no objections had been received. (e) Constable Crane of the'O.P.P. and Village of West Lorne regarding Prohibiting Parking on the north side of Road 2 from the C. & O. spur track to Wood Street. After discussion the matter was tabled to the next meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 6, 1974. PAGE 4. (f) Henry Goos, the owner of a portion of Lc.t 1, Concession A, Dunwich, adjacent to County Road 2, requesting the County erect a new fence along their property em the. widened property line. The matter was left in abeyance until more funds were available. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the County ha.d signed the Drainage Petition for the Tate Municipal Drain on County Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem. WAGE INCREASES TO eOUNTY SALARIED EMPLOYEES were discussed. "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT ALL COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT SALARIED EMPLOYEES BE GRANTED A SALARY INCREASE OF $9.00 PER WEEK EFFECTIVE MAY 5, 1974. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER READ correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Structural Office with the recommendation that the Load Limit on the Walk,ers Bridge be reduced ~o 5 ton. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. LAKE D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED SETTING A LOAD LIMIT ON THE WAL~~RS BRIDGE AT 5 TON. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, CNTARI0, JUNE 6 t 1974. PAGE 5. Sl'EEDS ON COUNTY RoAD 45 ~RE DISCUSSED and Reeve Cook requested tbe Engineer to ascertain if tbe Ministry of Transportation and Communications would take a speed survey on Road 45 between Road ~'and Road 36. THE E~INEER WAS REQUESTED to pursue tbe intersection problems at Higbway 4 and Higbway 73 and erect 4' Stop signs at Road 22. TRE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR n.INNER. AnUDUNER.......... · TRE ENGINEER REPORTED tbat tbe Ministry of Transportation and Communications would bold several meetings in tbe next montb on tbe HigbwaY 3 Feasibility Study. TRE ENGINEER REPORTED tbat tbe Needs Study Update bad been completed and Construction Needs (roostly due to inflation) were some 40% over tbose shown in 1973. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that be was trying to gatber roore informatiOn from adjacent counties regarding their update and wben tbis inforroation bad been assessed an approach would be roade to the Ministry of Transportation and communications on tbe Radio-Hubrey Road connection. GRAVEL SUPPLIES IN THE COUNTY WERE DISCUSSED and the Engineer instructed to obtain further information. AS p1\A.LT EMULSION Q\larATIONS ~RE AS ATTACHED. "MOVED BY: B. LyLE SECONDED BY: R. LAKE THAT TRE QUoTATION OF EASTLAND BROS. (NIAGARA) LIMITED AT 24.7 CENTS F .O.B. FACTORY AND FOR 28.6 CENTS AFTER JIlLY 1ST BE ACCEPTED FOR CA.T10NIC EMULSION. CARRIED" --------- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 6, \974. 'PAGE 6. ~~ ENGINEER RE?OR~ED that negotiatiOns were continuing for a portion of property owned by Wm. Graha1l\ for the extension of Road 15. SI<U!. Of ~~ \lOUSES IN DUTtON WI<S DISCUSSED. "MovED 'BY' D. COOK SEC ONllED 'BY' R. 1J.t(l'. ~\ll<~ ~~ ENGINEER 'BE EM?OWE.RED ~O CI<LL ~ENIlERS fOlt ltEMOVI<L Of 'BARNES, RO'BINSOll, U!.1~C\l 1:\OUSES IN DUTtON I<S CONDI~10NS PERMIT · CARRIED" "MOVED 'BY: 'B. L ytE SECONDED 'BY: D. COOK ~w..~ WE. i\D J()\lRN ~O JU L Y 1. ()'t\l I<~ 1.0 ,00 1<. M. CARRIED" ~ ?~ ;UJ4~ ~ CRAIRMAN ~ x " ' .,,,,,J ARTHUR J. ,GORDON GENERAL SUPERINHNOl:~T \ C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONS TRUCTIOI-4 SAfETY INSl>ECTOR [ I ~ 79 STANLEY ST. rNGINHR AND POAD SUPERINTENDENT HI.EPHOtH 519.631.5880 (COURT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS. ONT. ~..l.92~ · ROBERT G. MOOHE. BSc P ENG COUNTY OF ELGIN ~'.':=.-= ASPHALT EMULSION - RS-1K CATIONIC EMULSION 1973 PRICE EASTLAND BROS. 15.9 + 4.5 TRUCKING = 20.4 CENTS PER GALLON MCASPHAl~ INDUSTRIES LIMITED~ WEST HILL) ONTARIO. 29.5 cents plus 4.4 cents trucking = 33.9 cents Increase in flux 4/10 of a cent per gallon per ton of flux. EASTLAND BROS. (NIAGARA) LIMITED, NIAGARA FALLS. ONTARIq. To July 1st _ 24.7 cents plus 4.9 cents trucking = 29.6 cents Price Rise On July Ist- 28.6 cents plus 4.9 cents trucking = 33.5 cents (Good to August 1st.) After July 1st _ Any price rise in flux 4/10 of a cent per gallon per ton of flux. THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED!i TORONTO, ONTARIO. To July 1st _ 26.4 cents plus 4.0 cents trucking '=: 30.4 cents After July 1st _ 30.4 cents plus 4.0 cents trucking = 34.4 cents (Firm after July 2nd.) CHEVRON ASPHALT LIMITED, TORONTO. ONTARIO. To June 26th _ 28.6 cents plus 4.4 cents trucking = 33.0 cents After June 26th 33.4 cents plus 4.4 cents trucking = 37.8 cents PRIME - CURRIE PRODUCTS. 1973 _ 17.4 cents per gallon plus 3.8 cents per cwt trucking 197 4 ~. 45 cent s per ga lIon plus 4.2 cent s per cr..rt: t ruck'i ng COUNTY OF ELGIN (&K)~~ J TRUCKING RATES 1974 - EFFECTIVE MAY 1. lq714. TONNAGE RATE STOCKPI LE --.III!II'__..__.____ 25 CENTS UNDER 1 MILE ---......----.-... 32 CENTS 1 - 3 MILES -...---------- 40 CE NTS 4 MI LE AVERAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - . SO CENTS 5 MILE AVERAGE ------------ 58 CENTS 6 MILE AVERAGE ------------ 66 CE NTS 7 MILE AVERAGE --.--------- 74 CENTS 8 MILE AVERAGE ------------ ~l CE:NTS 9 MILE AVERAGE -----------... ~~CENTS 10 MILE AVERAGE --.----------- QS CENTS 'p - 10 - 20 MILE AVERAGE Q5 CENTS PLUS 6 1/2 CENTS PER TON MILE. .. OVER 20 MILES - 1.60 PLUS 5 1/2 CENTS PER TON MILE. YARDAGE RATES 1 1/2 TIMES TONNAGE RATES. HOURLY RATES SINGLE AXLE $ 8. 75 PER HOUR ----- 7 ClJBIC YARDS. 'I'ANDEM AX,LE $13.00 PER l:lOVR ----..12. CUBIC YARDS. , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 15, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at 2: 00 p.m. on May 15th in conjunction with County Council. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Summary of Tenders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving which were opened in the morning by the Chairman, Engineer and Mr. F. Clarke of the Ministry of Tr~ansportation and COhUl,dnications. "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: 4\ B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD., FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING FOR THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS. CONTRACT 'At $89,305; CONTRACT 'B' $~.1,638.75; CONTRACT tc' $39,675; SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" I'MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD., FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING FOR THE FOL.LOWING CONTRACTS. CONTRACT tD' $23,417.50; CONTRACT tE' $ 4,860.00; CONTRACT 'F' $5,200.00; CONTRACT 'G' $19,250.00; CONTRACT 'H' $4,680.00; SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MUNICIPALITY ON WHOSE BEHALF THE CONTRACT WAS CALLED. . CARR lED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 15, 1974. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that quotations for Supply, Engineering, and Design of a Culvert for Fleming Creek Crossing for Aldborough Township had been received and eVcl1uated and that the quotation of Armco Canada was the lowest. "MOVED BY: R. LAKE . SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA IN 'THE AMOUNT OF $19,392.00 FOR:MATERIALS, ENGINEERING ,AND SUPERVISION FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH FLEMING CREEK CULVERT (LOT 8, CONCESSIONS III - IV) BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH AND THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JUNE 6TH AT 10: 00 A.M. ,;~ ;r) ];A( -. , CHAIR~V /1 / ,'/~. IJ --A-. ' I rJ'l' { ~ S\1~ C-c>UN11 Of lU;l'N .1; ~ .. CQunty MIlO$I+O. 4'2..45 ~tc;-' ~ .. County i.o,,,,os v~nJ",r60~Q.d' \4. ~ .. Count' i.OIl.afl , allO 4 ~(l'o*'" coNTllAC't 'DI _ To'llOant'P .ofllayb.ala (StraHorovfHe and Eoen). -. ~ .. Vi1hJe of Port Stante, <CeorJe sueet). ~ _ 1o""ant\> of SOl,ltn norenester. ~ .. i.oao 3i.Qone, - o....i..C. conuaetQ1:. ~ _ vtthSe of Vienna. -----_.._-----------------------~-----_..__.._---_.---- VlAU45l.i'l '6,,05. L'ID.. T~ (1,I)NDOll) 1.970 LTD.. ~..~ ~. LotUlOll 1.2 aNt · C oN't'RAC'I · A · $89,305.00 $108,550.55 CON'I"AC'I · '6 ' $4\,6~8.15 $45,289.00 CONtRAct 'C' $39,615.00 $44,850.00 C oN1RAC'I 'D ' $23,411.50 $25,3\2..50 CONtRACt fE' $4,860.00 $5,400.00 CON1:RAC'I ,y' $5,200.00 $6,500.00 CONtRACT tG' $\9,250.00 $20,190.00 coNtRAcr tH' $4,680.00 $5,980.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 9, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. on May 9, 1974. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT REEVES Caverly and Warden Lake were present. Also present Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and COiii,.~,~,Jnications. THE 'MINUTES OF THE MEETING of April 10th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Application of Calcium Chloride waS undl!rway. (2) Quotations to c lose on May 13th, had bel!n requested for steel culvert material for the Fleming Creek Culvert. (3) Fencing was underway on Road 40 and 45 ;and would be resumed on Road 3 north when the weather dried l:>ut. (4) Storm drainage and catchbasin work was underway on Road 4, Queen Street in Rodney. (5) Wood blocks cut last winter were being ]picked up. (6) Two culverts had been installed on Road 14 between Highway 3 and Iona Station. (7) A portion of the storm drain on George Street in Port Stanley had been completed. (8) Guide Rail work on Road 42 east of Port Burwell had been completed. (9) Perforated pipe was being placed in Fingal on Roads 16 and 20. (10) All sanders and snow plows had been cleaned and painted. <(11) Asphalt Tenders would close at 10:00 a.m. on May 15th. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 9, 1974. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: B . LYLE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PA YME NT . PAYLIST 11 18 - AMOUNTING TO $ 23,042.14.9 PAYLIST 11 19 - AMOUNTING TO $ 222.7'0 PAYLIST II 20 - AMOUNTING TO $ 22,288. 79 PAYLIST II 21 - AMOUNTING TO $ 49,384.11 CARRIEDU CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Township of Yarmouth re Zoning By Laws at Springwater Park and a Variety Store at the intersection of Road 25 and 26. (b) Village of Port Stanley re Zoning By La't<I on Carlow Road (Wakeling Plumbing Shop). (c) Township of Southwold re Zoning By Law.. residence on Lot 41 STRE and Lot C Clergy Reserve. (d) From G.M. Diesel stating that they were not going to move their Diesel Trucks in one piece and thlarefore would not require a permit. (e) From County of Bruce requesting change :Ln apportionment of costs for the installation of Signals on Railway Crossings. "MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF BRUCE RE THE APPORTIONMENT OF RAILROAD COSTS BE ENDORSED. CARRIED" 51. 1ROMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 9t 1974. PAGE 3. CORRESt'ONllENCE WAS READ FROM: (1) R. K. McNeil stating he would tlIeet with the MinisteT Te the InteTSection of Righway 73 and Road 45. (2) MinistTY of ConsumeT and commeTcial Relations Te Gasoline Randling Act. (3) MinistTY of TTanspoTtation and communications Te Highway 3 Feasibility Study. TRE ENGINEER REt'ORTED that ceTUin sections ,of the constTUction Safety Act TequiTed the weaTing of Safety FootwaTe when on constTuction WOT~ and it appeaTed that it would Qe mandatoTY foT County Employees to weaT safety shoes and bo.ts. The EngineeT SUggested an allowance ($50. peT yeaT) be made to outside employees to coveT the necessaTY safety equipment and Tequested that he be allowed to discUSS thiS matteT fUTtheT with RepTesentatives of the EmployeeS' ASSociation. It waS SUggested that casual employees be gTanted an allowance of $1.00 peT wee~ dudng theiT time of employment. Committee agTeed to these allowances sub}ect to the appToval of the EmployeeS' Association. TRE ENGINEER REt'ORTED that theTe waS nothing new to TepoTt on the HubTey-RadiO Road connection OT the RydTo.coTddoT StudY. tRE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER TRE THAMES RIvER BASIN STUDY WAS DISCUSSED and it waS decided that the County should ma~e a submission with TegaTd to the pToblems that could be encounteTed if the WaTdsville Dam was built. The ChaiTman, Reeve Lyle and the EngineeT weTe authoTized to attend the heaTing of the EnviTOrimental HeaTing BoaTd in London on,May 13th and pTesent the County'S BTief. S't. 't\\ oWS. oltt p.F.l0 · ~1 9, \974. 'PAGE 4. Ll'JIll iURC\\t>$Y. (C~N'dhLL) ~hS D1SCUSSY.D but no action \4aS ta\<.en. 't\\1!. y.NG11lEY.R ~t>$ y.l4.\,OVlER\'.D 'to v$'t\\ER IN'I\1.S't1Gh'tY. and adjUst machine and truckins ~ateS 80S the need a~ose beCause of inc~easinS costs. 't\\1!. y.NG11lEY.R ~NS hU!\\OR1ZED to ~e~uest ~uotatiOns fo~ i ~ he felt the y~iceS had stabilized. asyhalt ~ulS ons ~,~n Y.NF~CY.~ltt Of c0Ul"t1 1\1 1.l\.'dS ~NS D1SCUSSY.D at so- length but no action ~aS taken. "~O'l\1.D 1\1' 1\ ~ L 11J!. Sy.colilDY.D 1\1' ~~ 1\ · 111 \.SON 'tllb't VIE MlJOURN 't 0 11),00 h. ~.. JUNE 6. Cl\'B.i.1E'D" · ~~/ ,,/ COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCKING RATES 1974 - EFFECTIVE MAY 1, lq74. TONNAGE RATE STOCKPILE - _.... - - - -.. - -..... 25 CENTS UNDER 1 MILE ..,.---------... 32 CENTS 1 - 3 MILES -..--------...- 40 CENTS 4, MI LE AVERAGE - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 50 CE NTS 5 MILE AVERAGE --------...-__ 58 CE NTS 6 MILE AVERAGE ...-------_--_ 66 CENTS "MILE AVERAGE -----------_ 74 CENTS 8 MILE AVERAGE -..---_______ 81. CENTS q MiLE AVERAGE ---------...__ 88 CENTS 10 MILE AVERAGE ----..____..-_ QS CENTS r!Jp~ ~ ......~ - 10 - 20 MILE AVERAGE qS CENTS PLUS 6 1./2 CENTS PER TON MILE. - OVER 20 MILES - 1.60 PLUS 5 1/2 CENTS PER TON MILE. YARDAGE RATES 1 1/2 TIMES TONNAGE RATES. HOURLY RATES SINGLE AXLE $ 8.75 PER HOUR ....--- 7 CUBIC YARDS. TANDE M AXLE $13.00 PER HOlfR ---.....12 CUBIC YARDS.. / ~Ut _ 'f1N~~,,4- a"tl, ( ~. ! f COUNTY OFELGINRO~".q9MMITTEE REPORT MAY SESSION 1 9 7 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ,THE ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMI11J!.E BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS. WE REe OMME ND: That the Resolution of theCou.nty of Bruct:; requesting that Federal Legisl.tion be changed so that the appc)rtionment of the Crossing PretectionCosts which are now born.! 80t by the R.ailway lGracie Crossing Fund, l2it bytbeMunic:ipality and 7,,~ by the Railway be change4 to increase the cost to the Ra.ilway andt"educe the cost to tbe Municipality, be endorsed. ALL OF WHICH ISRESPEC1'FULLY SUBMITTED, CHA IRMAN . [11 /2; . r.1 ~ A/ .ltu.,.JP 04- COUNTY OF ELGIN EAST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION MAY 2_ 1974. 1. Leave Court House at 9:00 a.m. 2. Road 26 St. George Street to Road 29. 3. Road 29 - Road 31. 4. Road 52 - Carr's Bridge Replacement and Diversion. 5. Road 52 and Road 31 (East of Road 25) Construction scheduled for 1975. 6. Coffee - Township of Yarmouth. 7. Road 30 - City of St. Thomas Northerly., 8. Road 34 Belmont - Sewers Are Coming. 9. Road 37 - To Lake Whittaker' - Kettle C]~eek Conservation. 10. Road 48, & 49 to Springfield. 11. Road 40 to Highway 3. 12. Highway 3 to Road 38. l3. Road 38 to Straffordvllle, poor condition. i~ 14. Highway 19 to Port Burwell. 15. DINNER - PORT BURWELL. 16. Highway 19 to Calton - Asphalt Resurfac:ing 1973. 17. Road 45 Calton to Mount Salem, Asphalt Resurfacing 1974. 18. Road 40 to Road 42 - Construction 1973. 19. Road 49 To Springfield. 29. Road 52 to Road 32. 21. Road 32 - Police College Road. 22. Road 53 - Aylmer. 23. Highway 3 to Road 36. 24. Road 36 to Sparta. 25. Road 27 to Road 22. 26. Road 22 to St. Thomas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD INPECTION WEST ELGIN - APRIL 25/74. ~~~i~~ "-----------------.. Leave Court House - 9.00 A.M. Highway # 4 to Port Stanley. County Road # 20, Carlow Road Extension, - Complete Work and Seed, et~. 1974. Work on George Streett:, & Erie Street, for Vi11agE~ of Port Stanley 6) Road # 20 to F inga1. Road # 16 West - Fingal West Limits to Road # 14, Programmed for reconstruction - 1976. Road # 14 to Highway # 3. . Road # 14 from Highway # 3 to Iona Station. Scheduled for Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing - 1974. Road # 14 - Ions Station to Road # 13 - Complete Work 1974. Road # 13 to Dutton. . Diiversion Main Streett to Currie Street. Projec't to start 1975. Road # 2 to West Lorne. Storm Drain Work for West Lorne on various streets:. Road # 2 to Rodney - noting Cornwall Land Purchase. Road # 3 - Construction 1974. New Glasgow southerly. Construction in Rodney - Road # 3 from Road # 2 to King Street. Road # 4 - Queen Street West. Constructic)n on Road # 3 - Opposite Concession IV - A1dborough. Reconstruction of Road between Concession III & IV & Fleming Creek Bridge, for Township Of A1dborough. LUNCH - Clachan. Road # 6 to Road # 3. Road # 3 to Wardsville - Resurfaced & Shou1derE~d - 1973. Walker's or Tate's Bridge to Road # 9. Road # 9 to Road # 14. Middlemis~ Bridge Road # 14 - Repairs 1974. Road # 14 - Road # 20 - Road # 19 - Road # 17 to Highway # 4. Road # 11, Complete Asphalt Resurfacing - started in 1973. Road # 26 - Road # 52 Location of St. Thomas By-pass. Road # 25 - Road # 29" tt tt n Road # 31 - Road # 52 Relocation at Carr Bridg'e. Return to Court House over Road # 26 - St. George Street. 51:. THOMAS, ONtARIO, APRIL, 10, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COllNTY OF EJ.(;IN ROAtl CoMMITtEE 1Il8t at the CoUTt Rouse on ApTil 10, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. p-resent. also pTesent, Funlt ClaTlte of the MiniStTY of Al.l.. MElGERS EXCEPT llEEVES Ca"e-rly and Ne1ll8tt wen TTanSpGTtation & communications. THE MINlJTES OF THE 14EETlNG of MaTch 12th and MaTch 27th weTe Tead and appTo"ed. (1) snowfence had been TemD"ed and snowplowS and sandeTs weTe THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the WOTlt to date as follows: being cleaned and painted. (2) Four g-radeTS had been cleaned aad painted. (3) RepaiTS weTe made to se"eTal truclts and a pre"entati"e maintenance System foT "ehicles waS being e"ol"ed. (4) WoTlt waS undeTwaY on dTains for the village of West l.oTne. (5) Catchbasins and stoTmdTains would be undertalten on Road 4 in Rodney as soon as woTk in West \.Orne waS completed. (6) Cul"eTtS were being placed on Road 3 noTth of Rodney. (7) Duins had been repaiTed at the Court Rouse and at the (6) The sidewallt to the EngineeT'S ~uilding weS being Teplaced. (9) GuideTail bad been eTected on Road 42 east of PuTt ~UTwell Elgin Manor site east of Ay11ll8T. (10) It was not ltnowo when deli"ery of the sweepeT would be made. and fencing staTted on Road 3 soutb of New GlasgoW. Middle May see1ll8d tbe eaTliest date. (11) The M.T.C. bad gi"en pTeliminary appTo"al to the design of (12) SUT"eys and aligmaent design had been completed for Roads tbe Fleming Creek cul"ert foT A16boTOUgb Township, 6 and 15 di"ersion in Dutton. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 10, 1974, PAGE 2. (13) Catcnb&sins had been completed on Road 38 in Straffordville. (14) Spring breakup was not considered severe. Problem areas were Road 3 south of New Glasgow, Road 3 opposite Concession IV Aldborougn, Road 16 west of Fingal and Road 30. (l5) Wilfred McCallum had decided to retire as had Wilfred Fawcett (ill health). Eugene Forsyth was sti,ll absent on a leave of absence, however it was expected that Harold Fawcett would return next week. Arthur Gordon had been advised to take two weeks off work and had done so and returned te work. Various positions, had been posted aDd appointments made as follows: Sweeper Operator Kenneth Telfer Backhoe Operators Derk Sloetjes and Stanley Lunn Spare Operators James Chap low, Gerald Smith, David Hagerty, Donald Hagerty. (16) The Ministry of Natural Resources again had reduced the County's tree order and only a small portion would be available. (17) Application of calcium chloride and pavement marking work would be underway by the time of the next Road Committee meeting. (IS) The Engineer reported that the M.T.C. had delayed the improvement of the Intersection of Road 45 and HighwaYl3 until 1976 at the earliest because of its desire to programme the work with the reconstruction of Highway13 east of Aylmer and the general lack of funds. Committee instructed the Engineer to write to Ro'n McNeil and express its concern over the delay and ask hiull to do all he could to speed up the work. S't. 'tROMP-S, 0N't A1l10 , A.P'R1L 10, 1914. PAGE 3. p$'E\I"& 1l1!.N}11S 'Ell?\l.1!.SS1!.D his conee'!n fo'! tbe safety of the t'tavell.ing t>ubliC at a slide on Road 45 east of tbe Qtte'r c-reek. conditions at tbe slide as SOOn as t>ossible. 't~ 1!.NG1NE1!.R WAS l}1STRUCTEll to i~,!ove safety "MOVED >>1: SECONDi.D ,&1: 'tRA't 't~ iOLLO\l1NG ?h"fL1S'tS 1lE hP?\l.O'1ED iOR ?h'lllEN't. ?hYL1S't t \3 ~ A}\Olltn1NG 'to $ '14&.90 PhlL1S't f \4 _ tSOllN'tlNG 'to $ 23,802.30 pt>.lL1S't f \5 ~ Al4Olltn1}1G 'to $ 25,271.64 pt>.lL1S't t \6 ~ A}\O\fIl'tl}1G to $ 65. 596. 45 pt>.lL1St f \1 ~ A}\Olltn1NG to $ 200.00 1\. Ll1J'., J. 1\. lAILSON CARR 11 DU C oaR1!. S PoND1!.}1C1!. ",t>.S 1!.'1!.t>.1l 1?1!.0l4 I (a) 'tbe 'to""shitl of \\ayba'" '!el\uesting the '!econst~ction Gf RGad 38 f,!G'" Righway '} to RigblllaY \9 as ,soon as tlGssib\e. Co~ittee ag'!eed to bold the Resolution fo'! conside'!atiGn fo'! wben tbe county'S 3 "fea'! ,!oad tl'!Og'!a~e .as utldated. (1:1 ) \\ H 1 'tno~ son 't nnst>o'!t '!el\uesd'llg a let to'! 0 f '!eco__nda do n f'!o'" the CGUnty. 'tbe cosaittee felt that such a lette'! ~uld be in o-rde'r. (c) l4inist'!y of consu~r and cosmereia\ Re\ations '!ega'!ding the necessity of a p'!ovincia\ Lanou'! Licenee tG install (d) 'to""shitl of Not:fo\l<. acl<.no.\edgin& a county lette'! advising the county no longe'! bad ~u'!isdictiOn ove'! tbe t>.ceacia gaS tanks. a'lld 1!.ast 1!.den \\'!idge. 5't. 't1\0~' ()lTtA.R10, A'P1t1.L, 1.0, 1.q74~ 'PAGE 4. (e) VTomG.M. Diesel Te,uestiUS peT~iSsioa to mPve 5 Toe~ tTUe~s, appTOximat~ weight 105 toa each oveT vaTiouS count' Roaas in laT$Outh 'to~ship. A.f'tER CO\'l5'1DtV.~1$ D1SC\l5S10\'l · · · · · "MOvtD ~1: D. COOK, st eollDED t1: ~. L 11$ 'tv.'t '<II!. DO \'1m Gv.N't G. .14.. 'Il1tstL b. l'ERtn't 'to MOvt Rot K T\l.UCl<S oVER e 0\lNt1 R\)A.1lS \l\'l1$ 55 (a) G.14.. D U Slt L 1'OS't b. aR't tVUD cat Q\lE V()1l. 1/ '1 tnLL 1 ON D o1JJ.\l.S , (b) l' b.1 b. M0'11NG l'ERtn't VEt Of $ 500. b.l'ID (e) ENttR 1NtOA 1$Gb.L AG\l1.tbf. \'I't "'1't1\ 'tat e ()\1Ntl 'to PAl b.LL DAMAGES 't 0 'tat ROAD 'tv. VE L1$D oVER MlIl ( a) It Ntt R uno AN A.G\U!.lt}ll!.Nt 'to 1'\l.tJt11.e't t\l1!. e()\lNtl AGb.1NS't \)b.lU>GtS 'tv.'t 1'11\0'" uP v()1l. A 3 1'EAJ. l'ERlotl noM T\I1!. 'tlt-e of t'RE MO"fE. CARll1.ED" 'tat }ll!.t'tll'lG AD J()\lRl'It D v()1l. Ull~e\i. b.f'tER Ul~\i · · · · · · 't\l1!. ltl'lG1NEER \U!.1'OR'tE\) that ,uotations had been Te,uestea on 1,~OO feet of eOTTUgated pipe fTo~ 6 to 15 inch diamateT and that the.l0~,.,uotatiOn had been sub~itteob' A~o eanada Li_ited at $13,811.15. QtheT ,uotations Tangeo to $16,536.15. QuotatiOns foT ealeiU~ ehl0Tioe weTe $56.10 peT ton foT li,uid fTom l'ollaTa ~TOs. and $56.10 peT ton foT bul~ and $66.84 peT ton foT bagged matetial fTO- b.l1ieo ehe~ieal Li1.\\ited. s't. 'tl\(l!VS, ON'tA'R10, A,RIL 10, 1974, PAG'E 5. 'tgE E~1~E~ ~EfO~'tE>> tbat a ..atins bad ~een held ~th the ~.'t.C. and the count, of ~iddleses Inginee~ on the \lu~~e, Road _ Radio Road, tin\!. bet"een London and St. 't'noIllSS. 'the desi~abi1it' of tba ~oute bad been \lointed ,out and the ~.'t.C. 1if8~e nO" in~estigatiUg the financial i~\llicatiOns 1n"01,,e(.\. 'tgE E~l~E~ lltfOll'tE>> that ~th \lu~chase of a s1if8e1?e~ t\:l.e count" 5 \lOucieSOn 'llO~1r. in the u~~e.n \lIUniei1?e.litieS s'nou\d be upeateG. ,,~o""\) 'B~: J. 'B. \il1\.5011 stcoNt\E>> 'B~: 11. · L. LI\Ki 'tllA't 't- eOUN't~' S fOL1C'! Oll 'tllE cQU1ftY'S lltS?ONS1'B1LH1IS Oll cOUN't"l ROt.'!lS 111 Ull'BAN 'lro1l1C1fAL1't1ES 'BE A)!lr.lI\'lEll' AS tOLL()\iIS: (a) 'tllA't 'tllt cOUN't~ ACCEl"t lltSfOllS1'B1L1't~ tOll. S'IREETS~E pING · (b) 'tllA't AN'! L~AL _1.e1.fAL1't~ S\1"L ~ \ilA'tER tOll S\iI&E f1NG 'to 'tgE cOUN't1: A't NO ct\I>.RGE 'to 'tllE CO\1~l. CARRIi.tl" ut4O'fED 'B~: 'B · L'l1t, SECONDED '&1: J. 'B. '4\.501l 't\lA't R()1\D 111St'tc't10ll BA'tES 'Bt si.'t AS tOLLOVlS: AptlIL 25 - _51 \1. A 'l1}f:l 'tllt cOUR't \lOUSI A't ~ : eO A.t!. cARRIED" M!\1 '2 .. EAST ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 10, 1974. PAGE 6. IT WAS DECIDED TO HOLD OFF CALLING Asphalt Resurfacing Tenders until the price of aspb,alt cement became stabilized. Mr. Clarke stated that tender calls should not incluGe the price of the asphalt cement and this should be purchased by the County. POLICIES REGARDING WIDENING of Coun~y Roads in the granting of Land Severances were discussed. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT IN REPLY TO A REQUEST FROM THE COUNTY LAND DIVIS ION COMMITTEE FOR A STATEMENT OF POLICY, THE LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE BE INFORMED THAT IT IS THE POLICY OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE IN CERTAIN CASES, TO REQUEST WIDENING OF COUNTY ROADS AS A CONDITION FOR THE APPROVAL OF SEVERANCES. THE COUNTY IS WILLING TO PAY ITS STANDARD ROAD WIDENING RATE FOR THIS WIDENING. CARRIED" EMPLOYEE WAGES & SALARIES WERE DISCUSSED in the light of the current continued inflationar,' trends. "MOVED BY: SECONJ)ED BY: D. Coott, R. L. LAKE, THAT WE RECOMMEND TO PERSONNEL C:OMMITTEE THAT THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REVIEW ~rAGES AND SALARIES OF COUNTY ROAD EMPLOYEES. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL, 10, 1974. PAGE 7. t1MOWD BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: R. L. LAD THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 8, 1974 A.T 10: 00 A.M. CARRIED" ~ ". L~' {J .. ,t\".., ~ ,,,,, p^' ,""""l ~" ~~~7 ~,~ CHA.IRMAN ~) , 1~;;8~ ~ COUNTY OF Eln INROA.DCO~IT~EERE POR~ APRIL SESSION 1 9 7 4 . TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ElGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. '. WE RECOMMEND: That in a reply to a request from the County L4lno Division CORlDittee fOl' a. state.nt of policy, the Land DivisionC1o_ittee be informed that it is the policy of the County RoadColIBittee in certain cases, .to reCluest widening of County Roads asa condition for the approval of ~Ieverances. The County is willing to pay its standard Road Widening Rate for this widening. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEC'~FULLY SUBMll.LAD. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 27, 1974. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 3:00 p.m. on March 27, 1974 in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT AS WELL AS Reeve Hodgson, Chairman of the Elgin Manor Committee and Deputy Clerk George Leverton. IT WAS REPORTED that the Manor Committee had commissioned the erection of an angelstone sign approximately four feet high and twelve feet long which waS within 18 feet of the limit of the road allowance. Mr. Leverton pointed out that the County Set Back Law prohibited any structure within 35 feet of the property line. Reeve Lyle reported that he had received co~plaints that the sign was too close to the t'oad. Reeve Hodgson stated that he would have the sign moved back to the proper distance as it had been the intention of t.he Elgin Manor Committee to set the sign back further from t.he road allowance. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had :met on Marbh 19, 1974 with the County of Middlesex Road Committee and London Suburban Road Commi ss ion regarding Radio- Hub'rey Road and that the County of Middlesex Enginee~ C. Homer and L. Walker and other Representatives of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and himself. MEETING ADJOURNED TO APRIL 10, 1974. ~~ )~S r/ CHAIRMAN /I'~ ,S9~J<r~ ..2!-~l.G~~~i\D..s. Omll ~ RUO!!: FIRST REPORT ::...;;:---"" - SF,SS 1 ON 1 9 7 l~ TO TUE WARDEN AND MEMBERS Of TUE ELGIN COUN1'Y COUNCIL YOUR ROMl COmllTTEE BEGS TO Rf. PORT AS fOLLOYlS: 1. That the Ministry of Transportation and communications haS approved By La~ ~2280 ~hereby the County of Elgin assumed the road allo~ance bet~een Concessions 1\1 and \I, Yarmouth To~nship from High~aY 4 to South~old Townline as a County Road (Number 51). This road leads to the County Garage at White Station. 1. That a By LaW be passed confirming By La~S 2237 and 2244 VW. RECOMMEND: of the Township of Yarmouth, closing (a) the road allowance bet~een Lots 8& 9, concession Xl\1, (b) portion of a "By Law" road in Lots 20 and 21, concession \111 of Yarmouth Township. 2. That the Budget of the St. ThomaS Suburban Road Commission amounting to $44,000 for 1974 be approved. Maintenance on the 14.4 mile system is estimated at $36,000. The sum of $8,000 is reserved for construction (surveys, land purchases etc.). The commission's construction plans for Road 30 are being held up pending further diSCUssions between Counties of Middlesex and Elgin on a Hubrey-RadiO Road Link bet~een Highwa, 401 and St. Thomas. 3. That the' LevY for County Roads for 1974 be $560,000. This compares ~ith $540,000 LevY in 1973 and a LevY of $707,250 in 1912. 'l. 4. That a resolution be passed adopting the foHonng proposed Statement of Work and Expenditures for 1974 and that the Statement be for~arded to the Ministry of Transportation and communications for approval. - 2 - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT CON S T R U C T ION Completion of work in progress. Road 112 Road 113 Road 1114 Road 1116 West Lorne to Rodney (Aldborough Township) move utilities, cleanup. Wardsville southerly 4 miles (Aldborough Township) move utilities, cleanup. lona Station to Road 13 (Ounwich and Southwold Township) surface treatment, cleanup. At Port Ta Ibot (Ounwic h Townsh'ip) surface treatment, cleanup. Road #20. - Carlow Road south of Highway 4 Road /136 Road /j40 Road 1142 (Port Stanley) cleanup. Highway #3 to Sparta (Yarmouth Township) topsoil, seeding, gui,de rail, cleanup, move utilities. North limits of Mount Salem to Road #42 (Malahide Township) hot-mix paving north of Road #45, surface treatment, cleanup. Port Burwell easterly approximately one mi Ie (Bayham Township) surf~lce treatment, guide rail, topsoil, seeding, cleanup. MAP CI-l SE S5 ION 1 9 7 1+ $ 22,000. 7 , 000. 4,000. 3,000. 1,000. 8,000. 23,000. 7,1000. . ... 3 ... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT MARCH SESSION 197 4 c 0 N S T Rue T IoN Completion of work in 9ro~ress. (continued) Road 1144 _ Road 1146 to Highway #3 (Bayham Township) surface treatment, $ 3,000 cleanup. Road #45 _ Highway iil9 to Calton (Bayham Township) ditching, seeding, guide 15,000. rail, cleanup. ~ew WOTk. 40,000. Land Purchases su~veys, miscellaneous construction etc. 12,000. Road #38 _ Straffordville (Bayham Township) 35,000. drainage assessment. Road #3 _ Highway #3 to Lake Erie (Aldborough Township). 95,000. Road #3 '" Road 112 to King Street (Rodney). 95,000. Road #3 In Concession 111 & IV south of Fleming Creek Bridge (Aldborough 108,000. Township) · Road #4 Queen Street, Road 13 to Village 90,000. limits Rodney. Roads #8 _ Mary Street (Road 15) to John & #15 Street (Road 8) Dutton. (PaTtial completion of work only.) 75,000. Road #51 _ HighwaY #4 to White Station Carage - 12,000. New Machinery and completion of White Station Garages. 90..000. $ 745,000. - 4 _ COUNTy OF ELGIN ROAD CO~T1'EE REPORT Ji~~~ MARCR SESSION 1 974 Br1dges & CUlverts Winter Control $ 24,000. surface Treatment 130,000. Gravel ResurfaC1ng 34,000. Repa1rs to Pavements 35,000. ~1ntenance of GraVel Roads 30,000. ROadS1de ~1ntenance 15,000. DUst Control 11,000. Weed CUtting 26, .500. Weed SpraYing 18, .500. Tree Cutting .5,500. PaVement ~rk1ng 36,000. GUide Rails 19, .5 00. Signs 9, 000. Dra1na,e 1.5,000. Stteeping 10,000. Tree 'Iarat 1n8 6, 000. Rallroad ProteCtion l, 000. Dratllage Aases"'"h 14,500. ~ $ ~4. OO~ 4 , - 5- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH SESSION 197 4 SUMMARY County Road Construction ~~ 745,000. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Construction 8 , 000. County Road Maintenance 454,000. St. Thomas Suburban Road Maintenance & Overhead 36,000. County Road Overhead , 255,000. Rebates to Towns & Villages '(25% of their Road Rate). 34,000. Asphalt Resurfacing (roads to be designated later). 186,000. Less Credits: Reduction in stock balance $ 10,000. Sales Tax Rebate 4,000. Machinery Rentals - Townline Accounts - 35.000. 49.000. Credit $1.669.000. The Ministry of Transportation and CO,'''iolill,Jnications Subsidy on the above work is set at $1,123,000. The share of the City of St. Thomas towards the work is estimated at $7,000. and the County share at $539,000. To the County's share of $539,000 (subsidized expenditures) must be added non-subsidized expenditures including the net cost after rentals of a sweeper (delivery expected shortly). (Rentals of the sweeper but not the original cost are subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It is expected that the original cost will be recovered in a 6 year period through t he rentals.) Tota 1 County Levy. S 560.,000. - 6 - COUNTY OF EWIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH SESSION '1 9 7 4 Rate of Ministry of Transportation and Comnwnications Subsidy is approximately 67.64% for operations and 50% for Rebates to Town and Villages. Total Expenditures for the year including Accounts Receivable are estimated at $1,900,000. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met ~lt the Court House on March 12, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. , ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT Reeves Dennis, Wilson and Caverly. ALSO PRESENT F. Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF February 7th, 20th and March 7th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER RE PORTED on the work to date as fo llows: (1) An agreement had been reached with John Gardiner for land to widen Road 3. The only owner not de~alt with waS William Cornwall. (2) Legal work was proceeding with regard tC) the Duncan Lei.tch property and the McTavish property in D1~tton. (3) Winter Control work tho not heavy was steady and expenditures to date were over those in the whole of 1973. (4) Work at the Gara.ge was nearly completed except for outside painting and hanging of fibreglas doors on the old garage. (5) Tree Cutting was continuing to supply ~ork until weather conditions allowed other work. (6) Sanders and Snow Plows were being c 1ean1ed and painted. (7) Guide Rails were being repaired as conditions permitted. (8) More Catchbasins were being placed on R,oad 38 in Straffordville. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1974. PAGE 2. (9) The new Hough Loader had been received. (10) Sanitary Sewers had been completed on Queen Street (Road 4) in Rodney and were~being placed on Road 3 (Furnival) north of Queen Street. (11) The Prime on Road 29 had been ripped up and the road gravelled. (12) Major repair to pavements had been made on Road 30, Road 16 west of Finga1, Road 3 where construct'ion was scheduled this year and on Road 38 between Road 3 and H.ighway 19. (13) Road 45 had been signed for Long Range ~rraffic between Road 16 and the Norfolk County Line. (14) Material shortages were evident, prices were up 40% for steel fencing. Pavement Marking paint was quoted at $4.03 per gallon compared with $2.42 per gallon for 1973. Budgeting waS extremely difficult if not impossible. (15) It was hoped that the Sweeper would be delivered in the next month. (16) Mr. Art Gordon had been ordered by his lDoctor to take several weeks rest. It was hoped that Harold F,awcett would be able to return to work within the next two m~nths. Postings would be made for an Operator for the Sweeper and for the two Ba,ckhoes. It might also be necessary tl~ post for a Dozer Operator as Eugene Forsyth was off sick. "MOVED BY: R. L. LAKE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVElD FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST IF 8 - AMOUNTING TO $ 44'9.48 PAYLIST II 9 - AMOUNTING TO $23,993.04 PAYLIST 1111 - AMOUNTING TO $24,806.64 PAYLIST 1110 - AMOUNTING TO $ 1,33,8.27 PAYLIST #12 - AMOUNTING TO $121,529.43 CARRIEDU ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1974. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE W/IS READ FROM: (a) Township of Southwold and Yarmouth regarding change in their Zoning By La"'S. (b) R.K. McNeil MLA. enclosing information regarding changes in Legislation for operating school buses in varioUS speed (c) Ministry of 1:lousing requesting cotlllllents on the oHic tal p let! zoneS. for the centralE 19 i n Area. The Cotllllli t tee had no c Otlllllent s to forward to the Ministry. Road 20 north of Warren Street. The Engineer stated that the M.T.C. were willing to conduct a speed survey on Road 20 in the Warren Street area ~en the HighwaY 4 Lift Bridge waS back in operation. Cotlllllittee held the Village request in abeyance until the survey results were kt!ow'll~ By LaWS to close the Road Allowance between lots 8 and 9 in Concession XlV and parts of an old travelled By LaW road in Lots 20 and 21 concession Vll. (d) Village of port Stanley requesting a Reduced Speed Zone on (e) Township of Yarmouth. requesting confirmation of Township HMOVED BY: B. L yLB , SECONDED BY: D. COOK. TliAT WE RECoMMEND TO cOUNTY COUNClL THAT A ByLAW BE PASSED CONFlRMlNG TOwNS1:llP OF YARMQU'tR BY LAWS # 2244 AND #2237 CLOSlNG PORTlONS OF YARMQU't1:l TOwNSl\lP ROADS. CARRIED" DlSCUSSED And the Engineer requested to contact the M.T.C. to see TRE RADIQ-RllBREY ROAD LlNK BETWEEN ST. TROMAS lIND LONDON WAS if any further information waS available since last fall. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1974. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the M. T.C. wlere starting a Feasibility Study on Highway 3 between St. Thlomas and Tillsonburg and that Giffels Limited were acting as a consultant to the Ministry. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. AFTER LUNCH . . . . . . REEVE CAVERLY IN ATTENDANCE. REEVE COOK STATED that as part 0 f an ag:reement to service the Mid Erie Development on the Olde property on Road 28, the City of St. Thomas wished the County to rebuild County Roa,d 28 from Ma,nor Road to the easterly limit of the Mid Erie Development. Committee were of the opinion that the rebuilding of a short section of Road 28 at this time was not very practical at the present time. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the Draft 2 of the Budget as Revised and Attached. AFTER DISCUSSION nMOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A ROAD PROORAMME OF $1,635,000. BE APPROVED AT AN ESTIMA.TED COST TO THE COUNTY OF $560,000. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: R. L. LAKE SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THA.T THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PROGRAMME OF $44,000. FOR 1974 BE APPROVED. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1974. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 10, 1974 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" C~1 lY! ELGtl' · ROt.>> DEPt.J.1-~ f/ ,- RV% ~' 1/ \. 97" .. f,,,t)G!! D~rT . 1 ~~ch \914. ~, ~ '" A. Coil\? \ e tion 0 f 1110~" f ro- t'~iO~ .,.uU' Rd. '2. . '<lest Lo~ne to llodne'J '2.'2.,000. fl. i'2.. Rd. 3 . '<laTds~i\\e southeT\'" 4 .i\.s 7,000. Rd. \4 _ totul Station to Rd. \3 ",000. '3. Rd. \6 - PoTt Ta\bOt 3,000. f". 'Rd. 10 _ Ca~\o" 'Rd. Elttension POTt Stan\e.,. 1,000. .5. 'Rd. 36 . Riibwa'J 3 to St'a~ta 8,000. i6. 'Rd. 40 _ Mount Sate. no~th \ieitS to 'Rd. 41 '2.3,000. .t7 · 'Rd. 41 _ PoTt ~u~".\\ easte~\'J 7,000. ~8. 'Rd. 44 _ 'Rd. 46 to Riih"ay 3 3,000. ~9. 1\0. 'Rd. 45 _ Catton to Riihway \9 ~ 93,000. t.and'PU"CChpse SuT'le'Js etc., on neW WOT'" }(iSc. GTedini Const~. 'Rd. 38 _ StTaffoTd~i\\e DTainaie Assesseent 'Rd. 3 _ Riih..ay 3 to La"e t~ie, A\dbOTOUib TW{)' 'Rd. 3 _ 'Rodne'J f~01l\ 'Rd. 1 to \tin& St~eet 'Rd 3 _ G~adin&, GTanu\a~ ~ase etc., ot't'osite . concession IV, A\dbOToUgb Townsbit' ",000. 11,000. 35,000. "6. Ne" ~"C". 95,000. 95,000. 10&,000. 90,000. _ Queen StTeet West, 'Rodney 75,000. Rd. 4 Rd. 8 &. 15 _ Ma~'" StTeet to Jobn StTeet Dutton (PaTtia\ COIl\?\etiOn) 'Rd. 5\ _ Rigb"ay 4 to White Station Ga~aie 1'2.,000. St. 1noro&s SubuTban 'Road Co~ission ~udget ~ 510,000. Tota\ constTUctiOn PaTtS A ~ ~ 663,000. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1974. COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE DRAFT # 2 March 1974. LABOUR CONTE NT OPERATION 1971 1972 1973 1974 1974 Bridges & Cu 1 verts 19,217. 18,020. 34,850. 24,000. Winter Control 111,591. 122,466. 72,825. 130,000. Surface Treatment 32,218. 19,437. 28,135. 34,000. Gravel Resurfacing 46,825. 16,120. l4,206. 35,000. Repairs to Pavements 28,686. 30,992. 23,375. 30,000. Maintenance of Gravel Roads 11,108. 11,520. 14,395. 15,000. Roadside Maintenance lO,433. 6,136. l4,723. 11,000. Dust Control 19,955. 26,096. 22,307. 26,500. Weed Cutting 13,618. 14,674. 16,894. 18,500. Weed Spraying 5,185. 4,870. 5,500. Tree Cutting 23,104. 25,052. 11,242. 36,000. Pavement Marking 7,192. 14,797. 14,743. 19,500. Guide Rails 2,787. 1,165. 2,661. 9,000. Signs 13,533. 28,409. 20,383. 1 5 , 000. Drainage 10,812. 10,433. 19,406. 10,000. Sweeping - - - 6,000. Tree Planting - 1,027. 642. 1,000. Railroad Protection 9,557. 11,325. 17,817. 14,500. Drainage Assessments - 16,131. 5,022. 13,500. SUB-TOTAL 454,000. URBAN REBATES 33,524. 34,000. TOTAL 488,000. COONTY OF ELGIN ROAD DIPARTMlIT BUDGET 1974. - ... COUNTY OVERHEAD Draft,2 March 1974.. LABOUR CONTENT OPERATION 1971 1972 1973 1974 1974 Garages 28,200. 24,563. 32,937. 32,000. White Station & Pleasant Valley - 6,854. 358. 4,000. Pit Rehabilitation ' Tools 3,939. 2,876. 8,283. 4,000. Miscellaneous Repairs IO,160. 7,196. 7,548. 7 , 000. Superintendence 34,423. 27,429. 29,542. 32,500. Cl~rical l5,923. 19,129. 21,46l. 20,500. Permits Cr. 36. 24. 40. Insurance For Subsidy 8,504. 9,364. 10,504. 13,600. Machinery Overhead Cr. I, 528. 4,059. 4,607. 4,300. c Office 4,815. 7,207. 4,508. 5,000. " Medical 2,491. 1,849. 801. 1,000. Radio 1,756. 2,540. 2,949. 2, 500. Pensions 27,341. 28,379. 29,757. 33,500. Holidays With Pay 36,443. 39,990. 47,746. 55,000. Sick Benefits 18,169. 15,748. 21,054. 23,000. Unemployment Insurance 2,582. 4,289. 5,832. 9,000. O.H.I.P. 7,345. 9,321. 10,281. 13,000. Needs Study Update 350. 686. 111. 1 , 000. Tra ffic Counts 1,612. 2,228. 2, 728,. 3,000. Training Courses - - 469,. 600. Overhead Credits Townli.ne 6~ Accounts Receivable Cr. 21, 518 Cr. 23, 357 . Cr. 11 , 818,. Cr. 9 , 500. 255,000,. -- -. \Q1'2 \Q73 \q14 l-V\lN'tENAlI\Ct \q1\ 565. '26. 1 "q. \,500. ~~id&es and culve~tS 8,624. a,833. 6,537. q,OOO. "Wi.nter control '2,005. 3,164. 4,048. 4,500. Roadside ~aintenanee 3,701. 4,Oqa. 3,73Q. 4,000. \\a~d 'to\> ~aintenanee Q65. 1,\04. \,\5Q. \,500. LoOse 'toP Maintenanee 1,088. 1,410. 3,\40. 3,000. SafetY Device.s su\>e~intendenee & Ove~he8d q,54S. q,1\5. \\,513. \'2,500. 30,Q45- 36,000. \ \ \ \ s't. 't\\Ow..S SU~R~&N ROAD COMlUSS10N ~ut>G\!.'t 1(114. D~aft *2 Ma~eh 1914. ~~ 30,800. G~ade~ (Cha~ion) 1,100. lnte~natiOnal 't~8etO~ & Loade~ 26,400.. \\ougn Loader Co~lete Ne~ Ga~8&e. Rehabilitate Old GaTages ~ 90,000.. . SUMMARY - Coot inued. Draft 12 March 1974. St. Thomas Suburban Road Budget ~:Lntenance and Overhead COll1struction 36,000. 8.000. 44,000. Amount Payab14! by City of St. Thomas is 50-4 of Anlount Remaining Aft4!r Deduction of M.T.C. Subsidy and Amounts or Approxima t4! 1 Y $ 7,000. Total Budget Less M.T.C. Subsidy, Less 'City of St. Thomes Share County' s Sh8r~! 1,669,000. ,1,123,000. 7.000. 539,000. To this must be added aD amount not for subsidy which includes the net amount for the new sweeper (less rentals for the year) liability insurance etc., in total $ 21,000. This total County share is estimated ~t $ 560,000. (the levy in 1973 waS $ 540,000,,). RESUME OF PROVINCIAL ASSISTANCE 1973 1974 Subsidy Development Roads Winterworks 1,072,000.00 16,644.98 19.250.00 1,107,895.00 1,123,000. 1,123,000. Incre~se of 15,000. or 1.35%. ~, SU~ll'l ~. ~ 663,000. cot\st~uetiOn count, ~ainten3ne. count, Ove~heaG St. 'thotDaS SubUTban !(aintenance & o.teTheaa ~achine~' ~ Rousinl ~sVhalt ~esuTfacing ~eduction in Stock ~alance Sales 1aS c~editS ~8cnineTY ovneTsniV costS CnaTgea to 'to~line ^CCountS& ^CCountS ~ecei~eble etc. \JTbe.1l RebateS ~ 'totel subsiay fTOm ~.'t.C. foT lq?4 subs\dY ^VV liceb le to IlTben Rebates subsidY ~v~liC9ble to o~eTetions DTaft 12 !(aTch lQ?4. " 54,000 · 255,000. 36.000. 90,000. \86.000. 10.000.(c~edit) 4000.(ct:edit) . 35,000. (ct'edi t ) -------- 1,635,000. Rete of SubsidY by ~.'t.C. ~ \ 669,000. ~ --- 1 , 12'3 .000 · 17,000. 1 , 1 06 , 000 · 000. ~ 1,6'35. 0"' 67.6"". ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 7, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met ()n March 7, 1974 at the County of Middlesex Administration Building, Ridout Street, London, Ontario. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT Reeve Caverly and Reeve Dennis were in attendance. ALSO PRESENT WERE R. G. MOORE, Elgin Coullty Engineer, A. Auckland, W.E. Rowe and J. Hindley of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, Chairman Phil Chapman and members of the London ~/' Suburban Roads Commission, Warden Nelson <~ of Middlesex County, Chairman Don Nisbet and members of the Middlesex County Road Committee, F.B.D. Arnold Middlesex County Engineer, Ron E:ddy Clerk-Administrator of Middlesex County, H. Greenly and B. Sims of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE WARDEN OF MIDDLESEX WELCOMED the members from Elgin County to the meeting and introduced the members. Wclrden Lake and Chairman McKillop replied for the County of Elgin. THE ELGIN COUNTY ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to explain the Road System in the St. Thomas-London Area. It was pointed out that: (1) The M. T .C. had abandoned plans for the Extension of Highway 126 from Highway 401 to St. Thomas i.n the planning period. (2) That 1986 traffic projections were: 12,500 vehicles on Highway 4, 10,500 vehicles on Wellington Road and if Radio- Hubrey Road Link was built to a reasonable standard 4,500 vehicles would use it daily. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 7, 1974. PAGE 2.. (3) That the Elgin end of the road was :Ln very poor condition and that the portion near St. Thomas was being used by 1,000 vehicles daily ~:lnd the road would have to be improved in the near future. (4) Improvement of the Elgin end of the road would lead to increased traffic on the Elgin end and thus create a demand for improvements on the Middlesex end. (5) Pro jected costs under the present NE!eds Studies were approximately 40% of the Elgin sectjlon costs and in Middlesex, projected costs showed spot improvements only. (6) The future M.T.C. plans called for the reversion of Highway 74 to the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex. (7) That heavy traffic between London and St. Thomas was using Highway 74 and Elgin Road 52 clnd that a Radio- Hubrey Road would better serve this need. CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION fo',llowed on the proper solutions. Inasmuch as most members of Middlesex Road Conmnittee were unfamiliar with the road it was decided that Middlesex Rc.ad Committee and London Suburban Road Commission should meet and look over the road and that discussion should continue at a future time. IT WAS DECIDED THAT the Elgin County Engjlneer should go with the tour to explain the Elgin Road System to the Middlesex Committee. THE GENERAL MEETING ADJOURNED. S't. 't\\.O~' ONTARIO. ~CR 7, 1974. PAGE 3. ltEl'OR'tED that the house of Duncan and MaTY Leitch on CUTTie StTeet in Dutton had been l'UTchased. 'the CountY ~aS l'UTchasing al'TOpeTtY on NancY StTeet (163) foT the Leitchs, TeTDofing l'aTt of the hoUse and l'aying the sum of $S,SOO foT damages sustained. IN A SEl'ARA'f1!, l4EE'tlNG 'tRE C\IJ\lRlIAN AND 'tRE ENGINEER 'tRE l4EE'tING ADJOUltNED 'to MARC\\. 12, 1914 A't 10:00 A.M. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 20, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on February 20, 1974 in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that arrangements had been made to meet with the County of Middlesex Road Commission, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and London Suburban Road Commission on March 7, 1974 at 2:00 p.m. in London to discuss the Radio-Hubrey Road link. IT WAS AGREED to change the next meeting date of Road Committee to March 12, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. instead of March 14th. IT WAS DECIDED NOT to have M.T .C. Represent,atives from Head Office Planning Department at the March 7th meeting. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Ontario Hydro stating that a presentation would be made to elected represen1tatives and officials on March 13th at 8:00 p.m. on the proposed Hydro Corridors from Nanticoke to London. DEPUTY REEVE ROSS WALLS FROM PORT STANLEY met with Committee regarding the recent fatality on Carlow Road (Ro4ad 20) in Port Stanley. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that school signs had been erected and that a meeting would be held shortly with the Village Council to discuss sidewalks on Warren Street and Carlow ROcid after which he would report to Committee. ST. Tl\OMi'S, OttthR10. YEBRU~l 20, 1914. ?i\GE 2. T\IE t NG l~ttR \U!.l'OR'tttl that the 1't:o"<li nc ia 1 GO"<let:ntllent had appt:o"<led count'! of tlgin B,! La~ it 2280 assutlling the t:oad ". \. . 4 to the south'ilO ld past the ~ite'S Station Gat:age ft:otll p~g"~a'! Townline as count'! Road it 51. 't\IE MEtT1NG ilDJOURllttl TO Mi'RCl\ 12, 1914 at 10: 00 a.tII. .-' /) / ~<-' Jf;t)1'Y/- r)~ FIRST ROAlD COMMITTEE REPORT ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY SESSION, 1974. TO TRE. WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF EU:;IN, YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: We have been Doti fied by the Ministry ()f Transportation and Communications that the Subsidy Allocation f()r the year will be $1,123,000. This compares with Provincial ASliistance of approximately $1,108,000. for 1973 or an increas4! of approximately l.35t. As inflation costs are much greater the result will be a reduced programme of work in 1974. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By Law be passed confirming By Law lE 74-2 of the Township of Dunwich closing a portion of the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19 in Concession VI of Dunwich Township. All of which is re:spectfully submitted, CHAIRMAN l\l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 7, 1974. PAGE 1. TlIE COUNT'! 011' ELGIN ROAD COMMI'!TEE met at the court Rouse on 11'ebruary 7, 1974 at 10,00 a.m. ALL lIEMBERS WERE pgESENT except Reeve Dennis. TlIE MINUTES 011' TlIE lIEETINGS of January 11 and January 16, 1974 we~e ~ead and app~oved. (1) Winter contr01 had been heavy and the cost to oaue exceeded TlIE ENGINEER REPoRtED on the work to date as f011owS: (2) Tree cutting waS continuing and most work wou1d be C01llP1eud $60,000. (3) Two 11'ibreg1as doors had been ordered for the south side of the in the next tWO weeks. 01d Garage sO that entrances cou1d be made for that side rather than to the road wnich is the present case. (4) Renovations and rewiring work waS in progress on the tWO storage (5) Repairs had been made to the tIlOtor on Truck #37 and the sander buildingS. (6) The East Eden and ACcacia Bridges wou1d no.,1onger be a County motor on Rugh Brooks' truck. responsibi1ity on Apri1 1, 1974 as they were Boundary BridgeS on the new Region of Norfo1k-Ra1dimand. ~hey wou1d bec01lle the joint responsibHity of the Township of Bayham and the Township (7) The new Cbaropion grader wou1d be de1ivered on 11'riday (11'ebruary o f No~ fo lk. 8, 1974). TlIE COMM1TTEE \\AD NO OB$CT10NS to tbe use of the County Crest on the 1etterbead of tbe Road Department Erop1oyees' ASSociation. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 7, 1974. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: 'SECONDED BY: B . LYLE J. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT . PAYLIST # 1 - AMOUNTING TO $ 12,582.46. PAYLIST II 3 - AMOUNTING TO $ 26,203.98. PAYLIST II 4 - AMOUNTING TO $ 207.73. PAYLIST II 5 - AMOUNTING TO $ 23,803.38. PAYLIST # 6 - AMOUNTING TO $ 61,045.40. CARRIEDn LYLE WELLS OF THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY WAS IN attendance and reviewed the County's Insurance Programme and answered members queries. The matter of increasing the Liclbility Insurance to $4,000,000. was discussed and approved. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. AFTER LUNCH . . . . . . . . . . UMOVED BY: B. LYLE SEC ONDED BY: R. LAKE THAT THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLICIES BE RENEWED WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY: MUNICIPAL LIABILITY, NON OWNED AUTOMOBILE, AUTOMOTIVE FLEET, EQUIPMENT FLOATER, RADIO FLOATER, BOILER ANn MACHINERY, WEED SPRAY,COMPENSATION, EMPLOYEES BOND, VALUABLE: PAPERS, COUNCILLORS ACCIDENT, COUNTY GARAGE (FIRE, WIND & C OM PRE: HE NSIVE ) WITH LIABILITY INSURANCE LIMITS RAISED TO $4,000,,000. CARRIEDU S't. 't\l.0WJ>, 0N'tA1.10. VEBRUAR'l 7, \974. PAGE 3 · C 0\l.v.Y. S 'POllDE NCE 'dhS v.Y. M> fROM.: (a) M.inistT' of s01icitOT GeneTa\ ~th TecO~endations fTOlll the DeR,k 1n<\uest. (b) R.lt. MeNeil TegaTding, 'ta\botviHe Signal LightS. (c) Giffe\S Lilllited outlining the M..'t.C. TOUte foT \l.igh~a' ~02 fTOlll StTathTO' to \l.igh~a' 40\. (d) M.iniStT' of 'tTeaSUT' &dvising some of the F\anning functions of it'S DeFaTtlllent had been tTansfeTTed to the M.inistT' of \l.ousing. (e) 'townshiF of Dun~ch TegaTding the confi~tion of a ~oad Closing, B, La~\ "MOVED 'BY: R. LA~ SEcONDED B": D. CoOlt 't1\1>. 't 'dE p.E C 0-' llD 't 0 C O\lN't'f C O\lNC 1 L 't1\1>.'t h B" Lt.'d BE 'PhSSED CONf1RM.1NG B" Lt.'d .1~ 2 Of 'tRE 'to'llNS\l.1'PClY D\lN'd1CR 'to CLOSE h 'P0\l.'t10N Of 't\l.E ROM> hLLO'd;..NCE BE't'dEtN LotS \8 MID 19 1N CONCESS10N '11 DUN'd1C\l.. cARRlED" 'tRE tNG1NEER v.Y.'POR'tED ON ~ 'PIlRC\tI\St S'th't1NG that Land 'PUTChase ~aS continuing, on Road 3 and effoTtS ~eTe being, 1II8-de to obUin a 1I\OveT to look at the hOUse 1I\Oving, 3Gb in Dutton. "MOvED 'BY: 'B. LyLE SECOllDED B": J. 'd1LSON 't1\1>.'t 'tRE ENG1NEER BE EM.'PO'dEp.ED 'to ChLL 'tEllDtRS fOR Mt.'tER1hLS hllD SU'P'PLIES. CAlt\llED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 7, 1974. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT AN application was being made jointly with the Township of Yarmouth for a license for the County's Pleasant Valley Pit under the Pits and Quarries Act. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT THE ENG INEER BE EMPLOWERED TO APPLY FOR A PITS AND QUARRIES PERMIT FOR THE COUNTY PIT AT WHITE'S STATION. CARRIED'" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED BUDGET, commented on it and answered members queries. IT WAS DECIDED TO HAVE A MEETING with the County of Middlesex as soon as possible regarding construction on the Radio Subrey Road link and other mutual problems. "MOVED BY: R. LAKE SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 14, 1974 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" ~ r-..~~. (/'" , - ." . ,:.,~.d4/'-_/I':,1~., ""~ · ," CHAIRMAN~ if" 'I" ()'/l ' j 6V~p February 1974. To The Chairllllln and Members of The County of Elgin Road Committee. Attached to this report is a proposed budget for 1974. The M.T.C. has increased the Provincial Assistance by approximately $15,000. for 1973 <about 1.35~). This increase has been more than wiped out by the inflation. of the past year. Although no tenders have been called for materials and supplies we expect the minimum increase to be 10~ to l5~ and up to 40t to 50~ on asphalt products. Although this budget has taken some of this increased costs into account no budget can' reflect the total increase. Although there are no plans for a cut back in services at tbe present time, a review will have to be undertaken if the present inflationary trend continues. The budget has been developed using the latest Needs Study Update information (1973) and M.T.C. formulas to obtain the maximum M.T.C. subsidy. Any further increase in expenditure over the budget of $1,669,0000 must be done without M.T.C. assistance. The average rate without Urban Rebates is 67.64t. CONSTRUCTION Approximately $93,000. of the budget is for the completion of work carried Qver from former years. Over $20,000. has been paid to Ontario Hydro for pole line moving on Road 2 andapproxim~tely $3,500. is payable for work on Road 1 south of Wardsville. New work for the most part is programmed in conjunction with the present Ministry of the Environment Sewer Project in Rodney as excavated material for the streets in Rodney will be trucked to Road 3 grading jobs north and south of Rodney for use as shoulder fill. $75,000. is shown for work to join Roads 8 andl 15 in Dutton. Although the total cost of the job (other than Land Purchase) is estimated in the order of $100,000. it is not likely that the work north of John Street can be completed this year as the sanitary sewers will have not been completed by fall. It is not !ike1y that any work can be done on Road 13 (Shackleton Street in Dutton) this year for the same reason. ieb'tua't'J 19'''. !ale 1. To The ChaiT1llln and tteabers of the Count' of Elgin J.oad eo_ittee (continued). The ~epai~ and ~econst~uction of load ~l into White'S Station is estimated at $12.000. It is not exPected that thiS ~oad will last out the spdng b~ealr..P' The ~oad needs a .ini-- of a foot of gnnula~ base. shoulde~ing. ~esu~facing (double su~face t~eatmant) and d~ainage imp~ovemants. No concent~ated effo~t 'will be mac\.e to pu~chase widening but an, widening available should be pu~chased. A ainiGUa amount ($8,000.) is budgeted fo~ construction on the St. Thomas Suburban J.oad Co_ission J.oad s,ste.. No further funds are available unlesS the amount shoWll fo~ Count' asphalt resurfacing is 'te"ueed. The alllOunt of $231.000. for asphalt resuTfacing for 1914 ....5 subaitted to the M.T.C. in 1913 and approved in its entiret,. While it is c\.esirab1e that IllOst of this allocation should be left for thiS purpose it provides the onl, reserve fo~ additional Suburban J.oad Co_ission work and as a reserve if the cost of any p~o}ect haS been unde~estimated because 0 f inflation etc. Asphalt resurfacing is badl, needed on J.oad 14 f~o. High....' 3 to lona Station and on J.oad 4~ betwean Calton and lIount Saleta. The prioritieS of the rest of the prog~a~ will have to be conside~ed against the needs of the rest of the road progr.... and systea. ~~ANg for the most part. maintenance iteas reflect 1913 work at 1914 prices. Howevar winte~ control costS ,a~e up sharpl~Over $65,000. bas been expended to date this year. G~avel resurfacing should be done on J.oa4 18 and J.oad 20 north 0 f Road 18 in southWOld and Road 9 between Roacls8 and 14 in Dunwich. The remainder of Roads 9 and 5 should be gravelled in 191~. present gravelling policY is approximatelY 1,000 tons pe~ taile about every 4 or 5 years. Road$20 and 18 were last gravelled in 1969 and 'Roads 9 and 5 in 1.970. Febru.ary 1974. Page 3. To The Chairman and Hembers' of The County of Elgin Road Committee (continued). Surface treatment costs will increase greatly as the price of emulsion DUlY go beyond 30 cents,per gallon from last year's 20.4 cents per gallon. Centerline marking paint increased from $2.40 to $3.40 per gallon last summer and no new price is as yet available. Calcium chloride prices are up approximately 121 for material and all haulage rates are increased. Estimates for drainage assessment costs are for those drains now under ByLaw and thus likely to be completed and billed to the County this year. There is no allowance for any work from any reports that have not yet been received. OVERHEAD Overhead costs will again be higher in 1974. This increase is due in most part to increased wages but increased benefits le$islated upon us by other Governments (U.I.C., Workmen's Compensation, etc.) have also contributed significantly. Rehabilitation to both the White's Station and Pleasant Valley pit ar.!as must be undertaken to obtain licenses from the Pits and Quarries Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources so that granular and fill materials can be obtained from either as needed. Our Garage costs remain high as we are still in the process of moving from one Garage to the other and sorting materials, parts etc. While most of this cost is shoWl'll in the Machinery and Housing Section, some will appear in Garage Costs. Ovelrhead Credits are reduced this year from last year as there is no Winterworks Prograllllle this year to absorb par't of the costs. URBAN REBATES The Urban Rebates for 1974 are estimated at 25% of the Urban Municipality Road Levy as in 1973. It will be necessary to increase the 1973 Levy of $540,000. to $560,000. in 1974. This covers the under expenditure on St. Thomas Suburban Commission roads {approximately $12,000.> and the cost of the sweeper. {The rental of sweeper but not the initial cost will be subsidized.> Februat'Y 1974. To The Cbairman and Members of Tbe County of Elgin Road Committee (continued). Page 4. on St. Tboaas Suburban Road Commission roads and reducing tbe amount Tbe Levy could be reduced by increasing tbe alllOunt of wed!. spent on Count' roads. All of whicb is respectfullY submitted. ;!/} Tn~' j R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER. , {,o, B. New work. COUNTY OF ELGIN - ROAD DEPARTJlENT Land Purchplle Surveys etc., on new work, Hisc. GrAdina Constr. Rd. 38 - Strsffordville Drainaae Assessment Rd. 3 Rd. 3 Rd. 3 Rd. 4 Rd. 8 & 15 - Highway 3 to Lak. Erie, Aldborough Twp. - Rodney from Rd. 2 to King Street - Grading, Granular Base etc., opposite Concession IV, Aldborough Township - Queen Street W.st, Rodney - Hary Street to John Street Dutton (Partial Co~l.tion) Rd. 51 - Highway 4 to White Station Garage St. Thomas Suburban Road Co_ission Budget Total Construction Parts A & B 1. 30,000. 12.000. 35,000. 95,000. 95,000. 108,000. 90,000. 75,000. 12,000. 8.000. 560,000. 653.000. 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1974. .',.. COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE I Draft fll ~..._. -- ~-- LA B OU R CONTE NT OPERATION 1971 1972 1973 1974 1974 Bridges & Culverts 19,217. 18,020. 34,850. 24,000. Winter Control 111.591. 122.466. 72,825. 123,000. Surface Treatment i 32.218. 19,437. - 28.135. 34,000. Gravel ReBur racing 46,825. 16.120. 14,206. 35,000. Repairs to Pavements 28,686. 30,992. 23,375. 25,000., Maintenance of Gravel Roads Ii, lOa. 11,520. 14,395. 15,000.. . Roadside Maintenance lO,433. 6,136. 14,723. 11,000. Dust Control 19,955. 26,096. 22,307. 26,500. Weed Cutting 13,618. 14,674. 16,894. 18,500. Weed Spraying 5,185. 4,870. 5,500. Tree Cutting 23,104. 25,052. 11,242. 23,000. Pavement Marking 7,192. 14,797. 14,743. 19,500. Guide Rails 2,787. l,l65. 2,661. 9,000. Signs 13,533. 28,409. 20,383. 15,000. Drainage 10,812. 10,433. 19,406. 10,000. Sweeping - - - 6,000. Tree Plant i ng - 1,027. 642.. 1,000. Railroad Protection 9,557. 11,325. 1~,817.. 14,500. Drainage Assessments - 16,13l. 5,022.. 13,500. SUB- TarAL 429,000. URBAN REBATES 33,524,. 34.000. T ()TAL 463,000. 3. j . 5'r. 'r\\Ol-V>S SUY>URy>M\ RQAtJ CO~lSSl()l\ y>unGt:'r ,~~ ------ - ~, ~~ \<}7\ \q71 \<}73 \q74 l-\~ IN'tt~~Nct ~--- 56;. 16. 74q. 1,,00. B~\dges and Cu\veTtS 8,614. 8,833. 6,;37. q,OOO. ~\nteT contYO\ it 1,005; 3,764. 4,048. 4,500. Roadside ~sintensnce ),70'2. 4,O<l8. 3,73<l. 4,000. \\s~d 'rop \\sintensnce q6;. 2,\04. \ , \ 5q · \.500. LOOse 'rop \\Sinten8nce 2,088. 1,470. 3 , \ 40 · 3.000. Sa tet ~ ne'l1\Ces <l,545. q,7\'. 1\,573. \1,')00. supe~intendence ~ ONe~need ---------- \ \ 30,<l45. \ 36,000. \ \ \ \ , \ ~ ----- ~ 30,800. GTade~ (cnsropion) 1,700. Inte~nation.l 'r~.ctO~ ~ LosdeT 16,400. \lough 'Loaoe'f Coroplete ~e~ sTege. Rensbllitste Old Gs~Sges ~ 80,000. r)PERXfrON. -_.-~ ~.-. Gartl~~e5 COUNTY OF ElCIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1974. - ..,---- --...t-'-- I ! "';it1te Station Pit Rehabilit:atio1 & Pleasant Valley Pit Rehabil. : ';' () 0 1 s '41 scel1aneous Repairs S\.Jp+.~ri ntendencfl' (~leric8~ p ~ rm i t ~ !l'sur-snce For (;ubsidy Hfj,:-hinerv ()verheAJ Utf1ce Medical Radio Pensions Hol i uavs wi tb Pay Sick Benetits 'Unemployment Insurance O.It.l.P. Needs Study Update 'i'rs t l1 c Count <; ;" nl! 1) I r ),;:. ! ou r <:,e <; ~ '" r\ .: ~.1 (J r'. e C ~ -(' ., counts KecE'ivGible COUNTY OVERHEAD 1971 . 28,200. 3,939. 10,160. 34,423. 15,923. Cr. 36. 8,504. Cr. 1,528. 4,815. 2,491. 1,756. 27,341. 36,443. 18,169. 2,582. 7,345. 350. 1,612. Cr. 21,518 1972 24, 563. 6,854. 2,876. 7,196. 27,429. 19,129. 24. 9,364. 4,059. 7,207. 1 ,849. 2,540. 28,379. 39,990. 15,748. 4,289. 9,321. 686. 2,228. 4. [) rat t 1/ 1 . ~ +. _. ",- --_. .-. ,...." , i i I I 1973 I lQ74 -- ------'1"-'--' ,- ""--'- 32,937. ; 32,000. 15~. 8,283. 7,54R. 29,1)42. 21 , 461 . 40. 10,504. 4,607. 4,50~. 801. 2,949. 29,757. 47,746. 21,054. 5,832. 10,281. 11 L 2,728.. 469. Cr.23,3)7. Cr.ll,818. 4,000. 4,000. 7,000. 32,500. 20,500. 13,600. 4,300. 5,000. 1 ,000. 2,500. 33,500. 55,000. 23,000. 9,000. 13,000. 1 , 000. 3,000. 600. Cr. 9,500. 255,000. L.i\ 11; :t t 1-< z. i i>:''1''F ...'r' t q ';~, SUMMARY Construction 653,000. County Meinten~nce 42Q,OOO. County Overhead 255,000. St. Thomas Suburban Maintenance & Overhead 36,000. Machinery & Housing 80,000. Asphalt Resurfacing (As per need study update) 231,000. Reduction in Stock Balance 10,OOO.(credit) Sl!des Tex Credits 4,000. (credit) Machinery Ownership Costs Charged to 35,000. (credit) Townline Accounts & Accounts ReceiVAble etc. Sub-Total 1,635,000. Urban Rebates 34.000. Total Expenditu~e 1,669,OOO~ Total Subsidy from M.T.C. for 1974 1,123,000. Subsidy Appliceble to Urban Rebates 17.000. Subsidy Applfcpb1e to operations 1,106.000. Rpte of Subsidy by M.T.C. 1,106.000. or 67.64h 1,635,000. 5. .. SUMMARY - Continued. St. Thoma s S\lIburba n Road ,Budget Maintenance and Overbe~d Construction 36,000. 8.000. 44,000. Amount Payable by City of St. Tbomas is sot of A80unt Remaining After Deduction of M.T.C. Subsidy and ABounts Or Approximately $ 7,000. Total Budget Less M.T.C. Subsidy Less City of St. Tho..s Share County's Shal'e 1,669,000. 1,123,000. 7.000. 539,000. , To this must be "dded aD amount not for subsidy which inlcludes the n.t amount for the new sweeper (less rent~ls for the yeAr) liability insurance etc.. in total $ 21,000. This tot.l County share is estimated pt $ 560,000. (the levy in 1973 was $ 540,000.). RESUME OF PROVINCIAL ASSISTANCE 1973 1974 Subsidy Development Roads Winterworks 1,072,,000.00 16,644.Q8 19.250.00 1,107,895.00 1,123,000. 1,123,000. Incre~8e of 15,000. or 1.35~. 6. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 16, 1974. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on January 16, 1974 at 3:00 p.m. in conjunction with County Council. MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Warden Ronald Lake - Vi llage of ]~elmont Reeve Duncan McKillop - Township of Dunwich Reeve Bruce Lyle - Township of Southwold Reeve David Cook - Township of Yarmouth Ree~e Wm. Caverly - Township of Malahide Reeve John Wilson - Township of South Dorchester ADVIS'(1)I!.MEMBERS : Reeve Nelson Johnston - Tow~ship of Aldborough Reeve Jesse Dennis - Township of Baybam Reeve John Nemett - Village of:Port Stanley UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B . LYLE J. WILSON THAT DUNCAN MCKILLOP BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1974. CARRIEDtl THE CHAIRMAN THANKED THE COMMITTEE for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE M.T.C. Subsidy Allocation of $1,1.23,000 was approximatelyla3% over the Subsidy and Development Road Allocations of 1974, but unfortunately inflation would be greater than the subsidy increase. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 16, 1974. ;' I PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC IL THAT THE WARDEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE ROADS AND TRANSPORT.ATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. Caverly SECONDED BY: J. Wilson THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY. LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WAR8EN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATION PLANS. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM MCKAY, MCKAY' AND VEDOVA, SOLICITORS FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ENQUIRING IF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AS ONE OF THE ABUTTING OWNERS, WAS INTERESTED IN THE OLD WEST LORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS. "MOVED BY: B . LYLE SECONDED BY: J. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FIRM OF MCKAY & MCKAY SOLICITORS FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BE INFORMED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN IS NOT INTERESTED IN THE PURCHASE OF THE WEST LORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS FOR ROAD PURPOSES. CARRIED" 5't. 't\1.oM/lS, ON'tAltlO. JANUA~l 16, \974. 'PAG"E 3. 't \1.f. \'. NG lNE\'. R R\'. Vl\'. \oIl'.D 't\1.\'. OIl> TI.< ahead f 0 T the C 0",",1 t t ee · IIMOV\'.D B'h R. lAlO'. S\'.CONDED BY: D. CoOl{ 't\\A't \oil'. AllJ01lRN 'to VEBRUAltY 1, 1911> h't 10:00 h.M. CAR~ lBU" /1 /" J/~ 'A'/ ~ ::t~~t~i~MAN ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 11, 1974. PAGE 1. 'IHE COUN'IY Of EUnN ROAD CO~I'I'IEE lI\llt at the Court Rouse on January 11, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. 'IHE MINU'IES Of 'IHE MEE'IING of December 12, and 19, 1973 ",ere ALL ME M1ll!.RS ~Jl.E l'Rl!.Sl!.N'I also Mr. frank Clarke. ~ead and app~oved. 1973 and commented on it. It ~s noted that the signalS at the 'IHE ENGINEER l'Rl!.SEN'Il!.D the ~eport on E~enditUres for junction of Righ~YS #3 and #4 in 'Ialbotville were in use. "MOVED 'BY: SECONDED BY: 'IRAT 'IHE M.'I.C. 1ll!. coMMENDED ON 'IRE INS'IALLATION Of 'B . L 112. J .B. WILSON SIGNALS A'I 'IALBOtVILLl!. AND 'IHA'I MR. R.lC MCNEIL BE 'I\\lI.NKl!.D foR RIS EffOR'IS IN OBTAINING T\\l!.SE SIGNALS. CARRIED" (1) Winter control .,ork .,bile not severe had been constant and THE E tIC INEERRE POR'IED on .,ork to date as fo 11 o"'s : e~enditUres were going to be greater than 1973. (2) Work ~s continuing on the Garage. (3) cutting of dead trees and trees to facilitate construction .,ork ~s in progress. 'IreeS that had been set out along County Roads in the past .,ould be trimmed up. Some Pine trees .,ould be cut at White'S Station and possiblY GuysborO, to be cut into lumbe~. (4) Arrangements to order trees for spring planting ",ere being made. (5) Tree cutting .,ork would not take all winter and other projectS .,oold have to be undertaken to provide eGP10yment. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 11, 1974. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: J . B. WILS ON SECONDED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST # 42 - AMOUNTING TO $ 24,782.76. PAYLIST /1 43 - AMOUNTING TO $ 7,396.51. PAYLIST 41 44 - AMOUNTING TO $ 1,937.66. PAYLIST 41 1 - (1974) - AMOUNTING TO $ l2,582.l..6. PAYLIST II 2 - (1974) - AMOUNTING TO $ 67,937. '73. PAYLIST II 40 - (1973) - AMOUNTING TO $ 23,035.:29. CARRIEDtt CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Ministry of Labour regarding the Construction Safety Act. (b) Solicitors for the County of Elgin Insurance Company regarding the accident of Antonius D1eRyk. (c) W.L. McCallum requesting his term of employment be continued past normal retirement age of 65 as of January 31, 1974. "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE EMPLOYMENT OF WILF MCCALLUM BE EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 27, 1974. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from C. Homer, Transportation Planner of the M.T.C. regarding London Area Highway Transportation Study. It was decided not to arrange a meeting with the County of Middlesex until after the next Road Committee meeting. 5T. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 11, 1974. PAGE 3. THE CHAIRMAN THANKED THE COMMITTEE for their support and assistanCe during the year. "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE. CARRIED" ,/I ~ ~""//'/" /,,/ f' '4' k ~ 'CHAIRMAN ~ ./) ;/ ~. '\ f , ~ . rJ"1 ~- / "., fA., -111tb fi/ f\N~~__ First ~,ar't ~--- ROAD COMMITTEE St... Thomas, Ontario. January Session, 1974. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Costs of Construction and Maintena.nce on County and St. Tho~as Suburban Road Commis~ion Roads during 1973. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS 1. Road 11 2 from Road # 3 to Highway #76 - Villages: of Rodney & West Lorne & Township of Aldborough - Drainage, Seeding, etc. Road #3 from Highway #3 to Port Glasgow, d 9.019.07 Aldborough Township - Surveys, Storm Drains, etc. ----.-----------,- Road #3 from Thames River southerly for approximately 4 miles, Aldborough Township - Granular Base, Hot Mix Asphalt Paving, Shouldering and Guide Rails Road # 3 from 1 mile" north of Road # 9, northerly for 1 mile, Aldborough Township - Surveys, etc. Road # 3 in the Village of Rodney - Surveys, Engineering, etc. Road # 4 in the Village of Rodney - Surveys, Engineering, etc. Road #13 - Shackleton Street, Village of Dutton - Hot Mix Paving, etc. Road #14 from Iona Station to Road #13, Townships of Southwold & Dunwich - Surface Treatment, Seeding, etc. Road #16 - vicinity of Port Talbot Culverts, Township of Dunwich - Surface Treatment, Guide Rails, Seeding, etc. Road #20 - Carlow Road Extension - Village of Port Stanley - Curb, Gutter, Paving, etc. Road #,6 - Highway #3 to Sparta, Township of Yarmouth, Surface Treatment, Seeding, etco Road #40 from Mount Salem to Road #42, Township of Ma.lahide, - Grading, Granular Base, Surface Treatment, etco Road #42 from Road #50 (Ch~tham Street) easterly 1 mile in the Village of Port Burwell and Township of Bayham - Grading, S'tlrface, 1"re:atment, 10. 11. 12. 130 2. 3. 4. 15,152.83 163,780.05 ___ ____ _1.}}])__]l-_ 5. _________2_8]_-2)_ 6. 301.74 ------~~------~- 7. 80 9. 6,717.36 10,884.20 _ _ _ _ _ _ JJ..!:} 93 _. ~1~ 19 094.10 ------~-~---~-~- 42,434, .65 _ _ _ _ _1- J 3.J]. 32.: !r.9_ etc. 15,335.70 ROAD COMMITTEE :W~PORT * JANUARY SESSION 1974 - CONTINUED PAGE 2 14. Road #44 from Road #46 to Highway 113 in Township of Bayham - Grading, Granular Base, & Surface 45,282.55 Treatment. ______________ 15~ Surveys for New Work on various roads. _____jJJ2~_.)_~ 16 G C t t. (Wh' St t' ) 229, 969 · 04 . arage ons ruc lon lte a lon -_-___________ 17. Land Purchase _____~1~)}}~]~_ 18. New Machinery _____~~1.~~2~lQ 19 M. 11 G d' C' 1,635. 82 '.lsce aneous ra lngonstructlon ______________ 20 S 1 T ]~ f d (N tAft C'. .) Credit 31.279:.$$ . a es aX:1.e un e er ommlSSlon Deducted --....---- -_-___ Ministry of Transportation & Communications will claim nearly all of this amount as a Receivable as the Commission is not recognized as a subsidizable eX'Qepdi ture. . . 21. Machlnery OWnershlp Costs charged to Accounts R . bl D 1 t R d & if l' At. Credit 48.196. 70 J. ecel,va e, eve opmen oa s . own lne ccoun s. -------....------- TOTAL 757,403.60 ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THO~~S SUBURBAN ROAD CO~~ISSION 1. Road #30 (Radio Road) Surveys, Surface Treatment at Patterson Culverts, etc. Road #22 (F'airview Ave.) Surveys, Fencing. Land Purchase. 2. 3. TOTAL TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS 1. Bridges 2. Fingal Bridge 3. Wardsville Bridge (50% already charged to County of Middlesex.) 4. CuI verts 5. Winter Control (1972 Expenditure $ 122,466 & (1971 n $ 111,591 ), 6. Hot Mix. Asphalt Resurfacing (County Road 1140 Malahide Township) Road #45 Bayham Township, Road #3 north of Road #9 Aldborough Township, Road #11 Southwold Township. 7. Shouldering, Ditching, etc. Road #45 between Highway #19 and Calton, Bayham Township. E~. Should ering, ete. Hoad #40, aft er Hot ~1ix Resurfacingo 9. Surface Treatment _ _ __ _ _~..J .9_111:.. J J_ 4 757.69 ......-...........----.--.--.......... Crejj~___ _ _ J..? .9...1.9_ ______~.!.9~3_..9J_ 765,4h5.69 8 11~.lC __ - __ - _...:J_ _ -...1_ _;)_ 12 '3~9.81 _______'J....t!_____ 5 Lt-23.97 _______..1_______ 0. OC;i 56 _ _ __ _ _ _ 5!..J..;' ~ ~..! ~ ..;.:j... _ _ _ _ _. J J-..l2:2:2..: {)1_ 216,1+31+ .. 16,399.1h 1,584.89 -------------~- 28 l~) ~ .7 t:; ______.....J......w:t_._.L... Insurance Pensions (Canada & OMERSl Permits County Share of U.I.C. contributions Holidays -with Pay Sick Benefit.s County Share of Ontario Health Insurance Plan Employees' Medicals Needs Study update Traffic Counts Training Courses Machinery overhead Overhead charged to Townline & Development Road Credit 2,136.24 Accounts. . ' ---------------- ROAD CO~1TTEE REPORT :: JANUARY SESSION 121J: - cgNT1!UED 10. Gravel Resurfacing 11. Repairs to Pavements 12. Grading Maintenance 13. Roadside Maintenance 14. Dust control 15. Weed control 16. Tree cutting 17. Pavement Marking 18 Guide Rails 19. Signs 200 Drainage 21. Tree Planting 22. Railroad Protection 23. Drainage Assessments 24. Rebates to T~ns and Villages TOTAL OVERH~AD J COUNTYl 10 superintendence _ (County Engineer - General superintendent - Assistant superintendent) 2. Clerical Office Garage White Station IJliscellaneous Tools Radio Gravel Pit Rehabilitation Repairs 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lB. 19. 20. 21. PAGE 1 14,206.03 ...-_...... -.... ................. ---...- _ _ _ _ _:l2 ~ 21 ~:. ~ 1_ _----~l;:~12~:.1::1- _ _ _ _ _:;'1:.;..7.;::2. :. ~li_ 22 , )07 - ?56 ................................-.....*-'...... 23,925-76 .................-.........-....-...-........ _----~l:..~i~ ~~(L- 14,7h3.28 .....---........................-.......... _----3.!..E2.~~J:.l- 20 ' 383 . 34 -----.....-......-...................... _ _ _ _ _!.:.~:!:.- ~ ~ :.1:- ~- 642.20 -".,.......-...........-..-.....---... 12,817.29 ---.........--......------......--- 5 022.75 -------'-------- _ _ _ _ ))-t-:L,2_4:.. ~j-- ~03, 609 .89 29,542.54 ---------------- _- _ _11-,-4..6}-.-2-7--- _----~-'J2!~-J.9--- 32,937.14 ---------------- 358.22 ---------------- _-- _-1.;] !:3.:J!:---- _----3J]3)~~9--- _ _ _ _ _ J ..'!:; .l:r3..: 5}) - -- 10,504.39 ---------------- __--3J.!]~].:J!:--- 40.00 ---------------- 5,832.60 ---------------- 47,746.92 ---------------- 21,054.91 ---------------- _---~9.z~E~-=99--- 801.86 ---------------- 111.72 ------<---------- _----3l73~.!~7--- __-----!t92.!13--- 4,607.41 ---------------- ROAD COMNITTEE HEPORT - JANUAHY SESSION 1974 _ CONTINUED 22. Overhead charged to Provincial Municipal Incentive Programme (Winter Works) 23. Overhead Charged to Accounts Receivable Credit PAGE 4. 1 393.12 --__l.______ 24. Insurance - Not Subsidized by Nlinistry of Transportation & Communications. Credit ---~1.~Q2~!2 1 048.33 ____2.______ 25. Miscellaneous Unsubsidized Expenditures TOTAL OF OVERHEAD IifiAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COIIIIMISSION. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD FOIt COUNTY AND SUBURBAN ROADS. S U:MlViAR Y Construction ---------------________________________ Maintenance & Overhead ----------_____________.______ Sub-Total ----------------__________________________ Add 1973 Stock Balance -------______________________ Sub - Tota 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Less 1972 Stock Balance -------_____________________ GRAND TOTAL --------________________________________ Subsidy from the MTe for 1973 was $1,072,000.00. The Cost to t~e City of St. Thomas of St. Thoms Suburban Road Commission expenditures is 6,883.21 AND THE County of Elgin share of the total expenditures is 534,045.00 . The County Road Levy for 1973 was $ 540,000.00. 1~ In addition, the following work was done for others. Under the Development Road Programme from January 1st to March 31st 1973, (a) Development Road # 930, being County Road #45 from Highway # 4 to Road # 16 in Township of Yarmouth and Southwold. (b) -____~72!.Z~ 231,029.16 31,577.35. 866.216.40 765,445.69 866,216.40 1,631,662.09 40 . 599 . 34 1,672,261.43 59,333.22 1.612.928.21 5,482.25 Development Road # 1023 being County Road # 16 from Fingal to St. Thomas in the Township of Southwo1d. 11,162.73 2. Provincial Municipal Incentive Programme. (Winter Work) 19,250.00 3. Work on County Boundry Roads & Bridges and billed to 26,167.61 Counties of Middlesex & Oxford. 4. Work for local Municipalities, Provincial Government 202,011.47 City of St. Thomas and various Material sold. TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR 1973 This compares with $1,877,002.27 2,205,292. 2,285,296. 2,711,580. 3,081,820. 3 ,139,336. in 1972 in 1971 in 1970 in 1969 in 1968 264.074.06 WE RECOMMEND 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Assoc 1at ion Convent ion (formerly the Canadian Good Roads Association) and the membership fee for both organizations to be paid. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land as necessary to widen County Roads in 1974. It is necessary that such By-Laws be passed yearly. 3. That we notify McKay, McKay, Vedova and Cameron, 'Solicitors for the Elgin County Board of Education that the County of Elgin as one of the abutti.ng owners of the West Lorne Public School grounds is not interested in the purchase of the property for road purposes. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN