1975 Road Committee Minutes S't. 'IR0w,s. ON'tAR10.. DECEMBER 10, 1975. "PAGE 1 MuniciVal Building. An ~ers Vl8re Vresent. C01.lN'I'l O'F ELG1N ROAD Co~l't'tEE J:4'E't at 10:00 a.m. at the AlSO V~an~ Cla~~e. ~ltl\l'tES O'F the meetings 0 f No"ember 1'2. r. 1.7 were read and $pt>~o'\1ed. 3. 'IRE ENG1NEER REPOR'tED ON 'IRE \'l('ltR 'to 'OA'tE S'tA'tlNG: 'that ~rs, E. Jacobs had been protl1Oted to the vosition of Office lAanager with the retirement of Jac\<. ~inard and that an ad"ertiSement had been placed for office assistance. 'that personnel eosmittee had met and diSCUssed wages for 1976 and that t~~ir recosmen!latiOn would be in the framewor\<. of the 'Federal Go"erntl'8nt guide lines. 'tbat all casual assistance and ~. ~itchell had been laid off G '0 1..1..i ' L S-~ n R 'La forge were 0 ff because 0 f and that . ~ouu nS, · u~ , · 1. 2. 5. illnesS. 'that tl\Ost accounts would be paid at the year end. 'that tl\Ost \'linter control VroblemS hae been sol"ecl with snow 'FenCes erected, SnoWillowS and Sander Rates, etc., ane an sanders tI\OUnted including receiVt of sander from Ring seag~a'\1e. 'that wor\<. for the Board of Eclueation at 1l.Odney waS cO!llilleted and wor\<. for the 'Jinage of Rodney on drains would surt 4. 6. sho't"tlY. 'that Elm Street and Argyle Street had been finished and P9:\160. · 1.. 'O.t 8 in-'Outton waS finiShed for the winter. That 1RO~~ on .L,-08.\ol 'that drains would be instanecl on the easterlY end of 'Mary Street for the 'Jillage of 'Outton. 7. 8. 9. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 10, 1975. PAGE 2 10. That work was p,.rogressing in Vienna on the Oak Street ora.in for the Village. 11. That storm drains on Road 3 north would be lplaced if time permitted, as well as a perforated pipe on JRoad 39 tn Port Burwell. 12. Culverts to ease flooding problems on Road 45 near Road 36 had been received and would be placed if possible. 13. Johnston Bros. were gravelling Road 5 & 9 in Aldborough and Dunwich Township. 14. That an agreement had been reached with Harley Babcock to remove some gravel from Cat fish Creek and the necesss.ry approvals had been received. 15. That M. McLawSwas crushing gravel in Pleasant Valley Pit S~~ and that the material ser~e to be very good. 16. That he had been approached by Mr. & Mrs. D. Whitney to ascertain if the County of Elgin was interested in the purchase of approximately 30 acres of their property South of the Road through Concession V West of the County Pleas8.nt Valley Pit. Some gravel had been located along with send. An asking price had not been set. The Engi.neer W8.S authorized to negotiate with the Whitneys to see if the property could be purchased. "MOVED BY: A. H. Liebner SECONDED BY: D. Cook THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST #54 - AMOUNTING TO $ 30,128.10 PAYLIST 155 - AMOUNTING TO $ 128.76 2PAYLIST /;56 - AMOUNTING TO $ 247.60 PAYLIST #57 - AMOUNTING TO $ 28,632.64 PP~YLIST #58 - AMOUNTING TO $ 124.85 PAYLIST 4;59 - AMOUNTING TO $ 231,504.30. CARRIED" "'-, S't. 'n\0~' ON'tA1tl0. DECEMBER 10, 1975 'PAGE 3 "MOVED 1}"'l: L. "R. CaTroll SECONDED 1I'l~ J. 11. WilSOn 't\\A't \OE }dt>l<E J!,. CON'tR111U'l:101:< O'F $ 100. to Jaclt }\illa1:d \1pon hiS 1:eti1:eUI6nt. cJ\R'R1ED" c()RRESPONDENCE wAS REEJ) 'FRoM (a) Onta1:iO ~nicipal 1\Oa1:d setting dates fo1: ~earingS' 'townshiP of 'la1:tIIO'1th with Zoning 1Iyla'llll' RNerside const"t'lCtion with their 11)'76 prices and utes. onta1:iO Good Roads NlSOcution 1:ega1:ding Long se1:'1ice J!,.wa1:ds. R. \to }\cNeil and John WiSe 1:e cont1:ibutions to repair, fa. E1:osion Protection Wall along the east beach of Po1:t 1Iurwell. 'the Engineer was inst"t'lCted to rende1: the village of Po1:t 1\Urwell assistance in dealing with tne Provincial and 'Federal Gove1:t\\I\&nt> andlnginee1:S for projects. JaS' 'F. }\acLaren,and tne contracto1:. Logan cont1:acting. Village 0 f port 1Iurwell 1:e<l'1esting tM.t pa1:lting nea1: Post Office on Road 42 be litnited to 15 minutes. (0) (c) (el) (e) the (f) I1}\O'lED 1I'l~ D. eOOlC, s,1J,CoND ED 1I'l ~ W. cJ!,. VERL '1 'that we recotllll\llnd to CountY Council that a 1Iy LaW be passed littliting parlting on the no1:th side of Wellington St. being CountY Road 42 in port 1Iurwell fo1: a 15 minUte period from tne west litnit~rieus St.. wester'l.Y fo1: 120 feet. cpJ.UtlEDu (g) 'From Reg. Esse'l.tine 1:e<l'1esting an extension of his eroPloytnent to Jul1 30/76. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10, 1975 PAGE 4 ''MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON That we recommend to Personnel Committee th,at the termination of ~nt'loyment of Reginald Esseltine be extended from his normal retirement date of January ,31, 1976 to July 30, 1976. CARRIEDtI (h) Township of Southwoldre sale of portion of Lot 7 Concession V for building purchases. The Engineer was instructed to draft up pro:posals of Severances for Committee discussion. (i)' From James Crane requesting return 0 f a portion 0 f Lot 1 Concession V Southwold given to the County lof Elgin by the University of Western Ontario to the Cranes as the County of Elgin was not using it for park purposes. It was decided to contact the Cranes in the matter and 8,lso the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DIN1:~ER. AFTER DINNER .... THE ENgINEER REVIEWED the reports of R. C. Dunn & Associates with regard to the Walker & Middlemiss Bridges. It was decided that the County of Middlesex and the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority should be informed of the condition of the bridges with the suggestion that a meeting should be held with the County of Middlesex to discuss the drawing of plans so that all necessary approvals would be ready if the bridge had to be replaced ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 10, 1975 PAGE 5 Solid waste was discussed at some length and the Engineer was iJnstructed to provide a written report for Cc)unty Council. It was decided that the Chairman and Warden should review a draft of the report. "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: A. LIEBNER THAT WE REQUEST THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT TO REQUEST THE MINISTER OF THE GOVERNMENT SERVICES TO ALLOlf1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO USE A PORTION OF THE LANDS OF THE FORMER AYLMER AIRPORT AS A COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J. WILSON SECONDED BY: L. CARROLL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MEET WrrH THE CITY OF LONDON TO ASCERTAIN IF ARRANGEMENTS COULD lBE MADE TO TJSE ;,'THEIR CLARKE ROAD DISPOSAL SITE ON AN INTERIM BASIS FOR DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE FROM THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: A. LIEBNFR THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 14 at 10:00 a.m. or at the call of the Chairman. CARRIED" --...\ i ;d/?R CHAIRMAN .---- COUNTY OF ELGI~ ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1 975 TO TH~ WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. MOst construction work has been substantially completed ~.r the Winter. Road 8 in Dutton has been opened although all curb and gutter work was not completed. The delay in the completion of this work was caused by the several months delay in the award by the Ministry of the Environment of the Sa.nitary Sewerage Contract from the time originally planned by the Ministry of the Environment. WE RECOMMEND That a By-Law be passed limiting the period of parking in front of the Port Burwell Post Office 4:>n County Road 42 to a 15 minute period at anyone time. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted, CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVE~ER 19, 1975t PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at 3:30 p.m.t on November 19, 1975 in conjunction with County Council. All members present. THE WARDEN AND ENGINEER REVIEWED matters of Solid Waste Disposal stating that overtures had been made to the City of London for Waste Disposal at their Clarke Road Site and that they were encouraged but probably an environmental application would be nec~ssary to enable any Elgin County Waste to go to: the London Sit_a. The Engineer reported that James MacLare:n Limited were still running information into their computer a,nd would have a mor. comprehensive report next week on logical waste sites. THE COMMITTEE FELT that the proposed meeting with McCaigs should be proceeded with as soon as pos,sible. MEETING ADJOURNED TO December 10, 1975 or to the call of the Chairman. #! A ~LL, CHAIRMAN ./ \. - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 12, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at 10:00 a.m., on November 12, 1975. All members present. Also present Frank Clllrke. MINUTES OF the meetings of October 8, 9, & 31st were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Road 30 had been gravelled and paved. Some should.er materiel remained to be hauled. 2. Construction was continuing on Road 52 and a base coat of asphalt would be applied before Winter. 3. Sand Piles were being placed at White Station, Rodney and Dutton. 4. The base for the Dutton Sandpile had been compleited and would be aspbalted along with Roads 8, 13, and 15. All curb and gutter would not be completed but the most important sections: would be. 5. Work would be started shortly for the Village 0 f West Lorne for the Reconstruction of Elm and Argyle Streets. 6. The Sewage Force Main for the Board of Education at tbe Rodney School would be started next week. 7. Drains for the Villages of Vienna and Rodney would be started shortly. 8. Side~alk work for the Village of Port Stanley wc>>uld be completed for the 'Winter in the next few days. 9. Pavement Marking was complete. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER l2, 1975. PAGE 2. 10. Culverts in front of several residences on Road 45 near Road 36 would be replaced to a greater size or twined tOI prevent flooding in the future such as took place in August of this year. 11. The $ravel stockpile at the Pleasant Valley Pit had been depleted and Mac McLaws engaged to crush another pile frem the bank. Inasmuch as more than 15,000 ton had been remove~d from the pit this yea]r a new licence would have to be applied fox'. 12. Five Spare Operators had been accepted f~omthel recent posting for Operators. 13. An{'.Offic. Manager would be required by the end of the year. 14. A posting for Night Personnel had not brought i.n sufficient personnel and a lottery for additional help wotllld be necessary. 15. The financial picture was excellent and it appElared that there were sufficient funds to run to the end of the year plus the purchase 0 f material for stock including catchbasin frames and grates, structural plates culverts for Road 30 and Road 52 and small pipe fer;'(isteck and 1976 work. 16. If there was sufficient time before Christmas, some gravel would be drawn from White Station to Road 43 near Rosld 42. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Land Purchases had been concluded with Wm. Cornwall en Road 2 and Mrs. Gladys Graham c.n Road 8 in Dutton. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED I~OR PAYMENT PAYLIST # 49 - AMOUNTING TO $30,914.56. PAYLlST fF 50 - AMOUNTING TO $ 292.44. PAYLlST # 51 - AMOUNTING TO $30,328.93. PAYLIST # 52 - AMOUNTING TO $ 1,256.25. PAYLlST fF 53 - AMOUNTING TO $ 273,709.70 CARR IEDu ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 12, 1975. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Ministry of Transportation and Communications lllpproving subsidy allOcation 0 f $6,000 for assessments for drainage. (2) Ontario MUnicipal Board regarding an appeal by the Village of Port Stanley against a decision of the Elgin CG1unty Land Division Committee on Hetty Street. THE ENGINEER UPDATED Winter Maintenance procedures. It appeared the only problem area would be the sanding of hills on Roads 38, 43, 44, and 45 in Bayham Township at the same time. The Engineer was instructed to proceed as best he could in the ma,tter. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . . Messers. Jim Janse, John Bray and McTavish of the Ministry of the Environment and Robert Kuzyk and Dave Whitney of the firm of James MacLaren in attendance. Mr. Kuzyk reported on his preliminary findings to date for solid waste disposal sites in Elgin and stating he was eva1uating the sites on an economic transporting distance using i i a figure of $3.00 per ton or less as a disposal charge. It appeared that the best site in Elgin would be a site as close to the St. Thomas City Hall as possible. A site south of Road 45 and west of ~oad 22 was tentatively suggested but some members of the Committee felt it would be poor from an environmental and political viewpOint. Ministry of the Environment Officials felt that they could not go further with the Ministry regarding the Fingal Site unless the MeeL.ren Report showed it to be e suitable site. THE VIS ITORS LEFT THE MEETING. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 12, 1975. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED Tenders for Trucks as attached. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: D. 1<. COOK, THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MIKE HUTCHINSON LIMITED AT $7,662.99 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FOR T'WO CHEVROLET CG21305 VANS WITH COUNTY VEHICLES iF 4l AND /F 45 AS TRADE- INS, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LIMITED AT $8,002.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FOR TWO FORD F-250 SUPER CAB PICKUP TRUCKS WITH COUNTY VEHICLES /149 & /1 50 AS TRADE- INS, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS t APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED quotations for Structural Plate Culvert Pipe and Stock Pipe as attached. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LIMITED FOR STRUCTURAL PLATE CULVERTS FOR THE FOLLOWJCNG PROJECTS. SALT CREEK ROAD 30, BAKER PEN BALE ROAD 52, MCBANE ROAD 52, BLEWETT OUTLET ROADS 52 AND 29 AT THE PRICE OF $45,458.00 SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIEDft ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER l2, 1975. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION 9' ARMCO CANADA OF NOVEMBER 1975 FOR VARIOUS DIAMETER AND LESGTHS OF PIPE AT A 23.6% DISCOUNT FROM THEIR LIST PRICE OF JANUARY 1975, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND. COMMUNICATIONS t AJ!~OVAL. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Limited has been requested to submit a price on gravelling Roads 5 and 9 in Aldborough and that their price was approximately $1.00 per ton lower than the County could purchase gravel for and hire t.rucks to haul it. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF JOHNSTON BBi0S. (BOTHWELL) .' . LInT ED AT $3.29 PER TON FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL APPLIED TO COUNTY ROADS 9 AND 5 IN ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICA'r'IONS t APPROVAL. ., CARRIEDU CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Ministry of Transportation and CODm1n1cations Regional Traffic Engineer stating that although the County's long range signing programme was quite coma~ndable on Roads \ 45_ and .52, the Ministry 0 f Transportation and Ciool,~.u.nications was reluctant to sign through traffic off the Kings' Hig~way because of poor Ministry of Transportation and COnllu\Jnications' maps, lack of services, and no signing in the Norwich~Haldimand Region. " I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 12, 1975. PIAGE 6. THE ENGINEER ALSO RECOMMENDED THAT both the County Road Number and the Name be used in signing 0 f the County Roads from Highway 40l. Committe4l were agreeable to tIlis suggestion. THE ENGINEER STATED that he felt an overhetad flashing beacon was not the answer for the Road l6 and Road 20 Intersection in Fingal. The Committee agreed and requested the Engineer investigate the use of a red fleshing light on top of the existi.ng stop sign. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. Norm Warnex' of the firm .of R. C. Dunn and ASSociates was examining the state of repair of Walkers, Middlemiss and Wardsville Bridges and would make a detailed report shortly. It appeared on preliminary investigation that the movement of abutm,nts 0 f the Walker was such that a major exptenditure on. the structur~a was not justified and that probably replacement 0 f the bridge would be necessary within the next few years. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT THE ENGINEER AND COUNTY SOLICITOR Al-iID WARDEN BE EMPOWERED TO MEET WITH ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED WITH REGARD TO A DISPQS.AL COST FOR SOLID WASTE FROM THE VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: w. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER lO, 1975 AT 10:0(1) A.M., OR AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" 1/ ~ )JU;~ "CHAIRMAN '/ '. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT 111111 . "....,1".,,,,,....',, FIRST REPORT N OVEMB ER S ESS ION '1 9 7 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. We have purchased two new pickup trucks and two vans with 'four County vehicles as trade- ins. Delivery is E!xpected by thle year end. 2. Appro:Kimately 1/2 mile 0 f Road 52 has been complE!ted west of Ro,ad 30 to the point where a base coat 0 f asphal t has been placed by Walmsley Brothers Limited as an e}l:tension of thleir contract for paving Road 30. 3. A basle coat 0 f asphal t will be placed in Dutton o.n those areas 0 f County Roads 8, 13 and 15 now under construction. WE RECOMMEND 1. That ~a By-Law be passed that will amend the Count:y's Road Consolidation By-Law as follows: (a) Assume the present diversion between Main Street and Currie Street in Dutton as a portion of County Road. (b) Change the number on present Road 15 in Dutt,on and Dunwich Township to Road 8 except for that portion of Road l5 between Road 2 and the diversion between Main Street and Currie Street in Dutton. (c) Revert John Street and that portion of Currie Street lsouth of the diversion to the Village of Dutton. These changes will in effect give a continuolUS County Road from the Lake Road in Dunwich Township to the Thames River which will be known as County Road 8. Cont inuEld . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. WE RECOMMEND (continued) 2. That a By-Law be passed making (1) County Road 8 a through Road (except at Highway 3) from the Lake Road in Dunwich Township to the Thames River. (2) County Road 15 a through Road from Road 8 tOI Road 2. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitt.ed, CHAIRMAN. ~,y\ I.V / ~ \ .\ cout1'l'''l Of "E"LGll' ROAD D~ ~~~ NO\lEH1)F2, '\ en t'). f (1\) v-os after 'l'rade-to (not includ!n>, sales tB")' Net or t\tlO f,. ~ Cbevrolet CG2\30S )/ ,F\f)?..Q9 1.. l-\i\<.e 1\.u t chi n SO n \..i mi t ed , 188 'ralbot. 'West, hylmer, ontario. ~,~,22S.00 2. Oa~ridge ford sales Limited, 601 oxford street ~est, London, ontario. ford. 'f.100 Club -Wagon SPl,662..00 rO'r(l 3. Ran~in fora sales (1911) Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. S9,OOO.OO Cl'\C '2.1306 4. 1\.ighland pontiac Buic~ Limited, 200 Main Street, 'Out.ton, ontaTtO. sC),noo.OO Che'-" GG'21306 5. f.. L. for oh"m Mot.o r s \.. imited 241 furni'ial Road, Rodney, ontario. $9, 05~h 00 Gl\C 2\306 6. Uisbro~e Hotors, B27 1e.lbot Street, St. 'l'homas, Ontario. s q , 06t" .. l\ 0 ford 3. Middlese" MotOrs Lonoon, 100 QUeens h'\1enue, ~ndon, ontario. Dunn Motors (~J\mer) Limited, 326 Joun l;,ort.h, hylroer, Ontat'1.o. 9. fearn fora s~es \..~ted, 1012 'l'a1bot Street, St. Thomas. ont"rio. '$<),300.00 7. Dodge 'B200 $q,314.OO 'fot'O Y.l ')0 $. q ,357 . 00 \0. Ct 'l'hOIl1"s Pl","out'\ ChrJS1er Limited, ~ . . ,_ Dodge B200 21'J ,"e \ 1 tnf,tOn street, . , St. 'l'hoIl1SS, ontario. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ?<< ~~ .TENDERS FOR 2 PICKUP TRUCKS (VEHICLE TENDER A) l',et after Trade..ln (not including Provincial Sales Tax). 1. Fearn Ford Sales Limited, 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 2. Oakridge FOlrd Sales Limited, 601 Oxford Street West London, OntClrio. 3. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited, 326 John North, Aylmer, Ontario. 4. Middlesex Motors London, 100 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario. 5. Mike Hutchinson Limited, 188 Talbot West, Aylmer, Ontario. 6. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Ltd., 275 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 7. Rankin Ford Sales (l975) Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street East, London, Ontario. Ford F2S0 Super Cab Ford F2S0 Super Cab Dodge D200 Club Cab Ford F250 Super Cab GMC Bonus Cab Dodge D200 Club Cab Ford F250 Super Cab NOVEMBER 1975. $8,002.00 $8,307.80 $8,400.00 $8,455.60 $ 8 , 46:~ . 94 $8,' 519.00 $8,908.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPi\R TMENT November 1975. QUOTATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL PLATE CULVERTS. SUPPLIER ARMCO CANADA KOPPERS WESTEEL ROSCO Culvert I S a1 t Creek $ 19,796. $ 22,042. $ 21,497. Baker Penhale $ 5,100. I $ 5,476.64 $ 5,706. 'McBane $ 2,898. I $ 3,038.40 $ 3,266. Blewett Outlet $ 17,664. $ 18,892.80 $ 18,096. TOTAL FOR ALL 4 $ 45,458. $ 49,449.84 $ 48,565. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOE.ER 3l, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET !Lt the Count.y Building on October 31, 1975 at 1:30 p.m. All members were present except. Reeve Wil son. Also present Deputy Reeve Mc:Lean & Councillors Atchinson and Longhurst of Southwold Township. THE QUESTIONNAIRE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOlD (A COpy OF WHICH IS ATTACHED) WAS DISCUSSED at some length. The Chairman solicited the views of the Southwold Council Members with regard to the questionnaire and solid waste disposal in general, and asked their views on the County's proposed landfill sitE~ at Fingal and if they were in favour 0 f a County site or not. The Road Committee pointed out the reasons (economic) for the County being interested in the: waste disposal business. Several members pointed out that the County was doing this for the general good of all members and not for one particular municipality. MESSRS':i. MCLEAN, ATCHINSON, AND LONGHURST LEFT THE MEETING. A DELEGATION FROM THE ELGIN .l1".t.uERATION OF AGRICULTURE with John Smith as spokesman and John McInerney as fieldman presented a brief urging the recycling of solid waste and the use 0 f non..agricul- tural :land as site for landfill as a last resort. Thedelegation also esked for better communications between the residents and the Road Oommittee on the County's proposals. The Committee stated that liason with the residents would be held when certain political.obstacles had been overcome. ST., THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTO:eER 31, 1975. PAGE 2. After the delegation left it was decided to press the Ministry 0 f the Environment for the early complet:i.on 0 f the McLaren Report on suitable sites for Solid Waste Disposal Areas, and to press for the reasons that the Ministry 0 f Natural Resources had refusen to a~low the County to use Finga1 Hunting Grounds as a site for solid waste disposal. Mr. HcNei! was also to be contacted to ~lscertain if he had heard further from the Honorable Leo Bernier or the Honorable Georgel Kerr with an answer regarding Fingal. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAR1~ AN APPLICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR A SOLID MUNICIPAL WASTE DISPOOAL SITE FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY THE '~OWNSHIP OF DUNWICH ON LOT 6 CONCESSION V SOUTH OF "A", TO~1NSHIP OF DUNWICH. CARRIED" THE ~mETING ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER. 12, 1975 OR AT THE CALL OF THEi CH.AIRMAN. ~duJ.l,/rU CHAIRM~~ . ... . I .- ~ 0 U N T Y 0 Y ~ L GIN w,Q!\>li}lINs:PEC'DION ~ WNS'Jr ELGIN ~ 6. Lea~~ Coun~y Buildings 9:00 a.m. Count'1 Ga:rag eo Fort StanleY _ BostiCk &. Het'\t,J StreetS, Construction lor Village 01 port stanley. Road # 20 (!}onstruction . - At Highway ~ ,4 - Drainage Control on hill - construct~on. construction on Road # 20 at 'lTarre~ S'tree:t" aftetl sanitary sewer construct~on. TownshiP of southWold - Wingal - COlfee. R... ~ jJ. 16. _ Yincta1 Hunting Ground - Solid 'W.aste DispOsal oa.... 11" '" Area 1 Road # l6 _ Yingal to Road # 14 _programmed fo~' construction. Road # 14 to Road # 13. <COl1etrnctiO.n. _ Duttdon#.. ,~i! tiRtnea-d #.. 15. _ <constru..ction. Itoad..*. 15 Di verSl~on Roa 0 ,,0 o. . . .. '\11'11 O"a; South _ Road # 13 $ackleton, MarY 5tre~' .Lor v'~ a",' of Duttt:on. Wes~ ~orne _ construction for Village. Storm ~ains. Rodney _ eompletien ofFuX'n~val Road, QUeen Stree~ West, and Victoria Stree:t" for v~llage. Road # 3 &. 6 to Clachan. {constructiOn Roa~ # ) north.) DINNB1ffio 'lTards~ille 'Bridge. walker Bridge _ Road # 5 _ nunwicn_Aldborough - Townline. 1JU.llWich TownshiP 'Waste 1JI'isposal Area). construction in Dutton il not covered in A.M.. RoadS # 13 &. 14 _ north of 5outhWo1d Township. Mccaig Waste DispOsal ~ea). Road # 5 to IliOad # 25 - E'Jtpres6way Route. Return to County BuildingS.. 7- 1.. 20 3. 4. 5- 80 9. 100 110 12. 13. 140 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21- 2p'. C 0 U N T'Y 0 F E L GIN ~. ROAD INSPECtION - EAST ELGIN October 23. 1975 1. Leave County Buildings 9:00 a.m. 2. St. George Street. Road 25 SA. 3. Road 25 to Road 29 and Road 31, Proposed Trai ler Parks.", Atcheson & Kettle Cre.E~l( Conservation h . J;",( Aut or1 t y. ~~:;~:; 4. Road 31 to Road 52 - View but not travel over Carr's Bridge. 5. Diversion Road 52 to North 0 f Carr's Bridge. 6. Yarmouth Roads to Road 30. 7. Construction Road 30 and Road 52 in 1975. 8. Via Highway 3 to Road 35. 9. Road 35 - Asphalt Resurfacing 1975. 10. Malahide Rioads to Wm.Caverly' s - Coffee. 11. Highway 73 to Road 45. 12. Road 40 to Road 42. 13. Port Burwell. ,( 14. Iroquois Park Provincial Park. 15. Erosion Protection East of Port Burwell. 16. VanOrder Culvert Construction 1972-74. 17. Road 42 East of Port Burwell Erosion. l8. Norfolk To'woline Road to Road 45. 19. Road 45 to Highway 19 - Asphalt Resurfacing 1975. 20. Road 38 and Road 44 if time - if not - Road 44 a fter Dinner. 21. Road 38 - Straffordville to Highway 3 to be added to County's Construction Programme. 22. Road 44 - Highway 3 to Highway 19 - Asphalt Resurfacing 1975. 23. DINNER - Til1sonburg Hospital Board. 24. Road 32 to Ontario Police College. 25. Inspection Police College. 26. Road 49, 48 and 47 to Lake Whittaker~ 27. Lake Whitt'aker - Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Project,., 2.8. Road 37 Belmont - 1 - -: cOUll'I"! Of ELGI-1! R~ l11Sl'EC'IION - ~'I ELGIN ~ 29. Road 34 _RebUild aftet: saniUt:Y Sewet:s. 30. \\igh"ay 14. Road 36 to county' s Pleasant 'Sall.ey Gt:avel Pit. 31. Road 45 to centennial Avenue. 'iI: "",''1. 32. centennial Avenue {t:olll Road 45 to Elm Stt:eet assumed as a countY Road in 1915. Road It1\'Pt:OVelllet\ts in St. 'Ihotaas in at: ea 0 { E 1 gin Ma 1.l. · RetUt:n to county "BuildingS. 33. 34. _ 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 9, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET nt the County ,I' Administration Building at 2:00 p.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Also present Ron McNeil M.P.P., and Jalck Spence, M.P.P. THE WIJIDEN, CHAIRMAN, AND ENGINEER, REPORTED on developments on the: Disposal of Solid Waste. REEVE CAVERLY REPORTED that the Township 0 f Malahide was in an extreme~y poor position inasmuch as it had no contract even on an interim basis although it was likely that St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited would continue 'the die~posal on an interim basis. IT WAS DECIDED TO REQUEST the M.P.P.fs support and assistance in the! Solid Waste problem and Mr. McNeil was req'uested to set up a meeting with the Minister and Deputy Minister of the Environment as soon as possible. Mr. Spence was given a copy of the Brief given to the Deputy Minister in August along with the suppc.rting infox'mation. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS TABLED FOR FURTHER DISCUSS ION AT THEI NEX! MEETING . . t'MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE SUPPORT THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE IN DISPOSING THEIR SOLID W~TE IN THE DUNWICH DISPOSAL SI'l:E AND AGREE THAT ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE SHALL BE SHARED BY THE COUNTY AS A WHOLE. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF COUNTY COUNCIL.1t '.tABLED ON OO'.tOBl~ 8TH AND 9TH 1975. ST. THOMAS,. ONTARIO~ OCTOBER 9, 1975. PAGE 2. UMOVED BY: w. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE ADJOURN TO NOVEl-mER 12TH AT 10:: 00 A.M., OR TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIEDU ~~~~ ( CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET ~lt the County Admini!stration Building at lO:OO a.m., on October 8, 1975. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. A.J.30 PRESENT ... FRANK CLARKE OF the Mi:nistry 0 f Transportation and COulluJnications41 THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER lIth and 17th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DA'l~E N3 FOLLO~1S. l. Crushed Gravel was nearly completed on Road 30 and Paving would start in about two weeks. Some trimming and topsoil work remained but would likely be left until better weather in the Spri,ng. 2. Grading Work on Road 52 west of Road 30 would begin short.ly. 3. Pa~V'ing had been completed on Road 35, Shouldel~ing was underway ana gravelling of shoulders would be completed by the weekend. 4. Pa',V'ing 0 f Road 45 east 0 f Highway 19 was undel~way and wou ld be completed in the next week. 5. Pa',V'ing would start in Port Stanley on Road 20 about the middle of next week. I I 6. Curb & Gutter Work was underway on Mary Street: in Dutton and excavation would start again on Road 8 in about a weeks time. 7. Drainage work on Jane and Walker Streets for the Village of West Lorne was underway. 8. Drainage in Vienna and Rodney along with a Se,mge Force Main for the Elgin Board of Education remainded to be done before freeze-up. Some work in Port Burwell for the Ministry 0 f the Ew"ironment also remained to be done. 9. Pavement Marking for the County of Oxford would be completed within the week and additional work for the Ci.ty 0 f St. Thomas relnained. SoT. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8, 1975. ltAGE 2. 10. An Agreement had been reached with Steven Timewell, owner of Lots 15 &: 16 N.T.R.E. on Road l6 in Southwoldl for 17' widening for Road 16. ll. Salting and Snowplowing Routes would be established in the next month for the 75-76 Season. Ray Ball and Ken Phillips would rent T,andem Trucks for the Season and cover West E:lgin. Bob Ryckman and Hugh Brooks would again work in East and Central Elgin along wlth County Trucks. 12. A Posting for Spare Machine Operators would 'be made shortly. 13. Q~otations for the Supply of Pipe for Salt Ct~eek and Road 52 Baker-Penha1e Culverts would be made shortly with the material to be delivered before the year end. 14. Ai number of Chain Saws would be traded in and prices for Pioneer Saws were being solicited from HowardMachinE~ of Rodney and Greer's oif Eden. l5. It appeared that expenditures would be withirL budgeted limits. THE ENGINEER RECOMt-1ENDED that four light: Trucks be;! traded to take advantage of the Provincial Sales Tax Rebate until the year end. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on Solid Waste st~lting that h,e,had been informed by the Deputy Minister of the Environment: that (1) The County application to use the old Fingal Airport as a Wae~te Disposal Site had been verbally rejected by the Ministry of Natural Resources. (2) That in his opinion that an emergency did not exist ancl that waste from other municipalities would not be allowed to gotc> the Dunwich Site even on an interim basis without a Hearing. CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION TOOK PLACE and jlt was decided to have Mr. McNeil arrange a meeting with the Hinistry of the Environment and the Hinistry of Natural Resources as soon as possible. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OOTOB,ER 8, 1975. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J. B. WIlSON, THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE AUTHORI2:ED FOR PAYMENT. P.AYLIST NUMBER 45 AMOUNTING TO $ll8.36. PAYLIST NUMBER 46 AMOUNTING TO $31,516.57. P.AYLlST NUMBER 47 AMOUNTING TO $30,568.00. PAYLIST NUMBER 48 AMOUNTING TO $256,623.33. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER . · · · .AFTER DINNER WITH REEVE COOK ABSENT. . CORRESPONDENCE WM READ FROM (1) Township of Yarmouth with a Zoning By Law on Road 22 near Road 45. (2) O~M.B. approving Road Closings at the St. Thc~mas Expressway. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT it appeared that the Ministry of Transportation and CChllltl..1nicationst request to hasten the completion of Roald 52 between Road 30 and Talbotville was designed to remove pressure from individuals who were opposing the continuancE~ 0 f a new Highway 3 east of St. Thomas to Aylmer rather than a request to use Road 52 in lieu of the St. Thomas Expressway. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. M. Sealey of the Ministry of Transportation and. COmutiluications had examined the long range signing on County Roads 45 and 52 as well as the signing of County Roads 3, 8, 14, and 20 as connections between Highway 3 and Highway 401. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOB,ER 8, 1975. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ministry 0 f Transportation and COlllUllunications had agreed to erect signs on various Highways denoting various CQunty Roads and places to better inform the motoring public of proper directions. "'MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE REQUEST THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS DESIGNATE THE COUNTY ROADS FROM HIGHWAY 401 BY NUMBERS RATHER THAN NAMES AND REQUEST THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS CH,ANGE THE SIGNING OF COUNTY ROAD l5 TO COUNTY ROAD 8 AT HIGHWAY 3. CARRIED'I THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED that with the c'vLuJ:'letion 0 f constrtJction in Dutton, Road 15 should be renumbered as County Road 8 to provide for continuity between Highway 3 and Highway 401. "MOVED BY: J. B. WIlSON, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THJ\r BY LAWS BE PASSED WHICH WILL IN EFFECT CHANGE THE NUMBER OF COUNTY ROAD l5 TO COUNTY ROAD 8 EXCEPr FOR THE PORTION OF MAIN STREET IN DUTTON NORTH OF THE CURRIE ROAD DIVERSION. THE SAME BY LAW WOULD REVERT PORTIONS OF JOHN STREET AND CURRIE STREET '.LO THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL '.LHAT A BY LAW BE PASSED DESIGNATING COUN'rY ROAD 8 AND COUNTY ROAD 15 AS A THROUGH HIGHWAY. CARRIED'1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8, 1.975. l?AGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS REM from Mrs. M. A. Lazenby 0 f Fingal urging, installation at the Intersection of County Roads 16 and 20, of flai;shing lights. Committee felt that inasmuch as the Mini.stry of Transportation and Communications had been requested for a report, they would await the report. ROAD INSPECTION ITINERARIES WERE DISCUSSED. REEVE MONTEITH LEFT THE MEETING. CORRESPONDENCE WJ\S READ from the Minist1:~Y 0 f Transportation and CO~uu,Jnications requesting approval of a revisEld line and grade of Highwa:~ 3 easterly from Aylmer, toward County Road 38. ItMOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT WE ,APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE THE REVISED PLANS AND PROFILE OF HIGHWAY 3 FROM AYLMER EASTERLY TO LCn: 103 N. T .R. MALAHIDE AS PROPOSED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS }S OF SEPtEMBER 1975. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Pat Daugherty requesti.ng that he be all'owed to purchase some 0 f the surplus land in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwold which was cut off by the Diversion of County Road 20. Committee suggesited that Southwold Township be contacted fol:' their vie~,s on the use of land for Residentia\ Purp~se$. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 8, 1975. PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING TRUCKS WITH COUNTY VEHICLES AS TRADE. INS. Y 2 - ~TON PICKUP TRUCKS. 2 ., VANS. CARRIEDU LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS WERE DISCUSSED as follows: The Engineer was instructed to attempt to obtain ill settlement with Wm. Cornwall for his property on Road 2 along the linEis 0 f the suggestion of the Board 0 f Negotiation last Fall. THE ENGINEER WIS ALSO INSTRUCTED to carryon negotiations with M'1~. Wm. Graham for the portion of property required from his lot in Dutton for the Diversion 0 f Road 8. He stated that he had offere4 $740.00 but that Mr. Graham had requested double that. Committee were of the opinion that the double price seemed out of line and something less was more realistic. IT WAS DECIDED to carryon with the present policies 0 f paying for Road Widening when requested as a condition of severance approval through the Land Division Committee. Payments would be made on the basis of the present payment of agricultural land i.e., $l,200per acre for land and $8. per rod for fence allowance. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Road Programme and comment.ed on it. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS TABLED UNTIl. A FUTURE MEETING. ST. 'rHOMAS, ONrj~IO, OCTO:BER 8, 1975. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY:A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE SUPPORT THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE IN DIS POS ING OF THEIR SOLID Wi\STE IN THE DUNWICH DISPOSAL SITE ANI> AGREE THAT 'ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF HALAHIDE SHALL BE SHARED BY THE COUNTY AS A WHOJ~E. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF COUNTY COUNCIL. n TABLED ON OCTOBl~R 8, & 9, J.975. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 9 AT 2:00 P..M. CARRIED" ~ J1M, '-" , CHAIR~1AN' I L 'eVB'Y OF BLGIN ~fi~ tvv~:---- CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME DRAFJ~ I 1 OCTOI~ER 1975 PAGE 1 1 9 7 6 (A) Completion: of Work from 1975. fa) ,Urban Sections Roads 8, l3 and 15, Dutton. (b) Side~alk Urban Section Road 4, Rodney. (c) Trim Work on Road 2 and 36 (Minor Expenditure). (d) Fencing Road 3 and 45 (Minor Expenditure). (e) Roed ,30 Work in Concession X, Yarmouth including Salt Creek Cu 1 vert. (B) New Work. (a) Road ~4 Urban Section Belmont. (b) Road '52 west 0 f Road 30, westerly as far as possiLble toward Talbotville. (C) Asphalt Re:surfacing. (a) Road ,34 west of Belmont Urban Section approximat4tly 3/4 mile '(Yarmouth Middlesex Townline). (b) Road l19, Highway 3 to Southwold Station (Southwold) inclu:ding some ditching and Granular Base for 1.l1dle north 0 f Highway 3. (c) Road 42 from Highway 73 to Road 40 (Melahide). (d) Road '45 at Kettle Creek including granular pad (Southwold). I 9 7 7 (A) Completion of Road 34 Urban Section if not completed. (B) New Work (8) Compl,ete Road 52 to Talbotville (Southwold). (b) Road 31 from Road "29 to 52 (Yarmouth). (c) Complete Road 30 through Concession XI (Yannouth). (C) Resurfacing to be designated later. C 0 U N T Y 0 F E L GIN CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME DRAFt' , 1 (x~TOBER 1975 P~~E 2 1 9 7 8 & FOLLOWING YEARS (a) Road 16 f~om Fingal west limits to Road 14 (Southwold). Priority of this prrograDllle will depend on use of Fingal Airport Site as a Waste Disposal Site. (b) Road 32 f~'om Highway 73 to Ontario Police College. Plt"iority of this project will depend on speed of completion and u:se of Onter:lo Police College. (c) Road 38 from Highway 3 to Highway 19 including Urban Section on Rosd 38 and 43 in Richmond and Urban Section on Road :38 in Straffordville. (d) ROlld. 42 ~md 50 in Port Burwell when Ministry 0 f the lEnvironment instells Sanitary Sewers. GENERAL NcrrES (a) Progranme is dependant on adequate funds being allocalted by Provincial, Government pu~poses over and above inflati4t)nary incre.ases. (b) An Agreem.nt on a suitable County Waste Disposal Site could alter prioritiesl. (c) Asphalt Resurfacing Programmes should be developed yearly rather than 3 years in advance. (d) R.structured Government will change priorities. (e> Repairs ~.ll be necessary to Thames River Bridges in 1976 (Wardsville, Walker and Middlemiss). COUNTY OF ELGIN RO/D COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REP(E.T OCTOBER S:ESS ION 1 9 7 5 TO THE WMUlEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN cOUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROM> COMMITTEE REPORTS IS FOLLOWS: 1. Walmsley Bros. Limited have completed their contract for paving on Road 35 (Jaffa to Orwell). 2. Tow1and (London) 1970 Limited are expected to complete their contract for paving on Road 45 today. 3. Paving will start shortly on Road 20 in Port Stanley and in approximatelY 10 days on Road 30 (RadiO Road) in Yarmouth Township. \ 4. Tenders have been called for two vans and two pickup trucks with County vehicles as trade-ins. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted, CHAIRMAN · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SiPT~MBER 17, 1975. l?AGi" 1. " THi COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE Ml'T AT the County Municipal ~ ^ - 1"'\"'" 1'\ BUilding! on September 17, 1975 at 11:00 a.m., in conjunction with County Council. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED tenders for Hot M1~~ Asphalt Paving on .....1'\ A", ~ Roads 35 and 45 as attached. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, ~ ~ THAT wt; ACcEPr THE TENDERS OF WALMSLEy BROS., AT $56,392. FOR THE HOT "'MIX ASPHALT'" PAVING OF COUNTY ROAD 35, CONTRACT ,., J, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS t '" APmOVAL. CARRIED" ,.., "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, '" SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE ACcEPT THE TENDER OF TOWIAND (LONDON) 1970 LIMITED AT $4l:S03.S0 FOR "'THE PAVING OF COUNTY ROA.D 45 (CONTRACT"'K) '" SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ,., '" AND COMMUNICATIONS. '" CARRIED" ,., ROAD INSPECTION DATES WERE DISCUSSED because of the A.C.e .R.O. Convent 1.~)n. '" '" "',., 1'MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, TUT>'wE RECOMMEND TO Cotn~TY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION Bi HELD AS FOLLOWS: 1'\.." ..... OCTOBER 23 - EAST ELGIN. ,., .....,., OCTOBER 29 - wEST ELGIN. TO LEA vi COURT'" HOUSE BOTH DAYS AT 9: 00 A. M. ,., ,., CARRIED" ,., ST., THO~S, ONTARIO, SE1~EMBER l7, 1975. PAC:E~ 2. ~ '" THE CHAIRMAN AND WARDEN REPORTED that the Special Cornmittee o t'I .... .... on Solid Waste had. met on September 15th with Mr. James Snow, !![inister of Government Services at the opening of the Minist'l~Y of Transportation and COm&~~ll1nications Regional Office Building. Mr. Snow requested that the Wardien send him another letter requesting the u~~e 0 f the Fi.ngal Airport as a Solid Waste Disposal Site. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, ~ ~ ~ THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 8, 1975 AT 10::00 A.M. t'I .... CARRIED" ~),~U ..;. CHA IRMAN' I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROI\D COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REP~T SEPl'EMBER SE,SSION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROt\D COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOliS 1. Contracts for Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing have bet!n let to the low bidders as follows: (a) C:ounty Road 35 (Yarmouth-Malahide Townline} from Jaffa to Orwell - to Wal_ley Bros. Ltd., of London at $56,39:2.00. (b) C:ounty Road 45 easterly from Highway 19 to Hlaldimand NOlI:" folk Regional Boundary - to Towland (London) 1970 Limited at ~.4l, 803.50. In both cases the County of Elgin will supply the asphalt (~ement. WE RECOMMEND 1. That County Council Road Inspection be held as follows: East Elgin - October 23, 1975 West Elgin - October 29, 1975 Transportation to be by bus and leave the C:ounty Buildings each day at 9:00 a.m. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, eRA IRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at tho Municipal Building! on September 11, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. All mElmbers except Reeve Netnett were present. Also present Frank Clar~~e and Howard Greenly !()f the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 1975 WERE READ AND APPROViD. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) ClOranup work in Rodney was complete except for a portion ell f sid.walk on Queen Street. (2) Addiitonal Drain Work for the Village of West Lc>>rne would begin nexit week. (3) Exc;avatlon and sand backfill was underway on Rctad 8 in Dutton. (4) Curb and Gutter Work was underway in Port Stanley with excavation andl sand backfill complete. (5) On Road 30 work was continuing but recent rainu had made the dit~hes very muddy and topsoil and trimming work would not likely be ;comp leted this year. (6) Work on Road 52 would not be started until Road 30 was completed. (7) Sur,veyfor Drainage Work in Vienna was underwa~,. (8) Pipe had been ordered for a Sewer line for the Elgin County Board of Education at their Rodney School. (9) W01'1k for the Ministry of the Environment at th.a Elgin Aria Water System intake plant at Port Stanley had been cc)mpleted and some work done for the Ministry of the Environment at Port Burwell, but no ma~erial had as yet been received. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPT~m3ER 11, 1975. PAGE 2 ~~ (10) G~ass Cutting had boen completed. (11) Se'eond round of pavement marking was underway.. (12) Weit weather would hamper the completion of Tri.m and Grade Work tOi the point that funds would be available fOJ~ other work such aSiAsphalt Resurfacing. Mr. Greenly at the request 0 f the CommittEte explained. the Ministry' of Transportation and CO".....",,Jnications' position on the assumption of Road according to the Ministry 0 f Transportation and Co...iO..I..1nications criteria. He and the Committee reviewed the Roads in the Tryconnell, Duttona Beach, Pearce Park area in Dunwich Township, Million Side Road. and Centennial Avenue in Yarmouth and the extension of Road 52 between Springfield and Tillsonburg. He stated that only the extension of Centennial Avenue from Elm Street to Road 45 met the criteria at the present time although a portion c>>f Bayha~Tillsonburg Townline might be when Livingston Wood Products' entrance on Highway 3 was closed. Committee also discussed. the ro le 0 f Count'y Road 52 and correspor~ence from the Minister of Highways was read stating no additonal, subsidies money was available for construction pUrpOSl!S on the Road. Inasmuch as previous correspondence with 1the MinisteiC' indicated that the Planning Branch was concerned with the Road, it was decided to approach the Planning Branch and ascertain if that Branch had any further observations. MR. GREENLY LEFt' THE MEETING. S'J~. THOMAS, C)NTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED from the Ontario MUnicipal Board stating ;that hearings would be held on appeals from decisions of the Land Division Committee. "MOVED BY: W. R. Caverly, SECONDED BY: J. B. Wilson, THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED "OR PAYMENT. PAYLIST * 40 AMOUNTING TO $1,286.18. PAYLIST # 4l AMOUNTING TO $32,157.50. PAYLIST I 42 AMOUNTING TO $136.85. PAYLIST I 43 AMOUNTING TO $30,322.22. PAYLIST I 44 AMOUNTING TO $l60,444.80. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIzED TO CALL F'OR TENDERS FOR ASPHALT RESURFACING ON <a> ROA.D 35 BETWEEN HIGHWAY 3 AND ROAD 45 AND (b) ON ROAD 45 EAST OF HIGHWAY 19. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT COUNTY TRACTOR /;16 was in noed of repal~ and as it was 6 years old suggested it be traded in on a larger tractor. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILS ON , SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE .fuKCHASE A USED 4S9-C JOHN DEERE CRAWLER TRACTOR AND BULLDOZSR BLADE FROM RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $18,000 WITH THE, COUNTY TRA,CTOR 116 JOHN DEERE MODEL 350 AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF - TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS t APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPrEMBER 11, 1975. PAGE" 4. THE ENGINEER pRESENTED QUOTATIONS FOR A NEW 35 TON FLOAT WHICH wElti AS FOLLOWS, WITH" THE COUNTY KING FLOAT AS A TRADE- IN. " ~ TRUCK ENGINEERING, WOODSTOCK - KING FLOAT $ll,410. ,.., ",.., FREUHAUF TRAILER CO. OF CANADA - $8,275. UMOVED BY: L. R. CARR.OLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT WE PURCHASE A FREUHAUF MODEL C35L- 52 LOW BED FLOAT ...... _........... ... FROM FREUHAUF TRAILER CO. OF CANADA AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE ......... ..~. ~'. OF $8,275.00 WITH THE COUNTY'S 15 TON 1959 KING FLOAT AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND '" ~ COMMUNICATIONS 1 APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ..... -"'''''' AFtER DINNER . . . . . . . . . . . THE ENGINEER PRESENTED tenders for Power Sander as attached. "MOVED BY: w. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT wi PURCHASE FROM KING SEAGRAVE LIMIT,ED TWO (2) ONLY 8 TO lO CUBIC YARD POWER SANDERS AT THE IR "QUOTED PRICE OF $12,248.00 (INC~UDING INSTALLATION) SUBJECT TO "MINISTRY OF '"' TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS t APPROVA.L. CARRIED" " "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, THAT wE PURCHASE FROM FRINK OF CANADA A DUMP BOX FOR TRUCK #: 63 AT THEIR QUGrED PRICE INSTALLED OF $2,424.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF,TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ON~ARIO, SEPTJiMBER ll, 1975. PAGE'"' 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Township 0 f Dunwich requesting ~ ~ ~ ~ the County take no action on the request of Ross Campbell for a Quit Claim Deed for land at the Tates Bridge. UMOVED BY: A. R. LliBNER, "" SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT ROsS CAMPBELL BE NOTIFIED THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH HAS REqUESTED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ TAKE NO ACTION AT THIS TIME ON HIS REQUEST FOR A QUIT CLAIlil DEED ON A PORTION "" ,.., f"\ OF LOT 7, CONCESSION A, BRO~N FRONT, DUNWICH. - '"' CARRIED!' THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to ascertain "rhethar or not in ~~ ~ the opiatotl 0 f the Ministry of Transportation and C:omtnUnications District: Traffic Engineer, flashing light signals should be installed in Fingal at the Intersection of County Roads 16 and 20. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. IfiLSON, THAT wE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED""ASSUMING CENTENNIAL AVENUE FROM COUNTY ROAD 45 ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ TO ELM STREET AS A COUNTY ROAD. CARRIEDU lrnovED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT wE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY lAW Bi~ PASSED'" DESIGNATING COUNTY ROAD 28 (cENTiNNlAL AVENUE) FROM "'COUNTY ROAD 45 TO ELM STREET AS '"'A" THROUGH HIGHWAY. CmIED" ,.. ST. THO~S, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975. ~ "" f\ PAGE 6. f\ "MOVED BY: D. l{. COOK, ... SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT wE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION BE HELD OCTOBER 22 EAST ELGIN AND OCTOBER 29 WEST ELGIN, LEAvE COUNTY BUILDINGS AT 9:00 A.M.: """!i """ """- TRANSPORTATION BY BUS. CARR lED" SOLID WASTE PROBt..EMS W'ERE DISCUSSED at SOBle length and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it was nc)ted that Mr. James Snow, Minister of Government Services would be in London on Monday for the opening of the Ministry of Transportation and COI"i"u.tnications' Regional Office. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, " THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN, REEVE CAVERLY AND ENGINEER BE AUTHORIzED" TO MEET WITH Tili MINISTER C)F 'IIi iNVIRON,-NT AND MINISTER~OF GOVERN~NT SERVICES AS~SOON AS"POSSIBLE. ... <"""; - CARRIED't "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, ('l; ^ A ...... THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIzED TO TA~ ANY STEPS ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NECESSARY TO D IS POSE OF SOLID WASTE AS AND WHEN HE IS NOTiFIED THAT ANY MUNICIPALITY REQUIRES THE DISPOSAl.. OF ,...., SOLID'" WASTE. f'\ CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975. p~GE <'\ 7. " "MOVED BY: w. R. CAVERLY, ~ ~ SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT wi ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 8, 1975 AT lO:OO A.M., ~ " OR AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED'" ~/LL/ CHAIRMAN ~ COW11 Of tLG]! ~ 1\i4 on tWO (1) unitll on\.Y. no 111:&4e-1n. \tin& Sea~a"e Lilllite4, 813 tle""n~i1:a ..venue. '<l004StOe\r.. ontar io · YritUt of canada, 111 Laurel. Street, t'Xeston, Ont~iO. \\ano"er 1XUe\r. 1\04i8S. \\&1\0"81:, ontario. \ " septeUloet 1.915. $ 1.1,148.00 $ \6,486.00 unit clo8s not ..at speeifieations. ~o >>id. I ~ , p COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1 9 7 5 TO THE WAJRDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR R~D COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS 1. Contracts for Hot Mix Asphalt Resur facing have bElen let to the low bidders as follows: (a) County Road 35 (Yarmouth-Malahide Town1ine) from Jaffa to Orwell - to Walmsley Bros. Ltd., of Londcm at $56,392.00. (b) .County Road 45 easterly from Highway 19 to Haldimand Nor folk :Regional Boundary - to Towland (London) 1970 Limited at ;$41,803.50. In both cases the County of Elgin will supply the asphl~lt cement. WE RECOMMEND 1. That County Council Road Inspection be held as fCl.llows: East Elgin - October 23, 1975 West Elgin - October 29, 1975 Transportation to be by bus and leave the County Buildings each day at 9:00 a.m. ALL OF WHICH IS RES PECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CHA IRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROt\D COItiITTEE REP<JlT FIRST REP<RT SEPTJ~MBER SESSION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN ,AND ~MBERS OF ELGIN COONTY CooNC IL YOUR ROl\D COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLl~OWS: 1.. We have purchased the following equipment. (a) Freuhauf 35 Ton Low Bed Float with the County's 1959 Float as a 'Trade-In. (b) Two ~2) only King Seagrave lO Cubic Yard Tandem lPower SandeJrs. (Tbis: purchase will enable the County to use pOWlar sanders 4)n all their sanding routes this coming winter.) (cJ A Used John Deere 4500 Bulldozer with the County"s 1969 John Deere 350 Bulldozer as a Trade-In. (d') New 1:4 Cubic Yard Dump Boxes for County Dum.p Tru~~ks I 63 and I ~4. (The present hoists will be utilized.) 2. As ConstX'U;ction has been delayed by recent heavy rain:s, some toplsoil and trinntng work will not be complete. this Fallon County proj4!ctS. So~ work in Dutton and Port Stanley Urban Projects ~Lll be delayed until next year as well because of the delay in the a,.rd ofSan:ltary Sewer Contracts by the Ministry of the Environment. The COlll1lititee has decided to proceed with Constructiolll on Road 5:Z westerly from Road 30 to utilize the available funds land to call Tenders for additional Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing woJrk. WERE COMM!ND : ~. That tbe Resolution of the County of Bruce regarding t~he nec..sit:y for Re ference Plans. for Road Allowance Plans be filed~. 2. That By-Laws be passed which will in effect assume Centennial AV4!nUe (Road between Lots 10 and 11) as a County Road from Elm Street ((:ounty Road 28) to Road 45 a distance of 2.0 miles. Centenn:Lal Avenue "ill be known .s County Road 28 and Elm Street will be knOlfD as County Road 56. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has stated that Centennial Avenue meets the criteria for a County Road and will approve the By-Law. 3. That a By~'Law be passed to naake CeDt.nnial Avenue (County Road 28) a through 'Highway from Elm Street to Roael 45. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. eRA IllK'N COUNTY OF ELGIN - Hot MIX AS PtiALT PROJECT WALKiLEY BROS. County Road,35 Bid ~01 ~ )'2,00 -"9:2, ~7Z. 72, '>J5S/ 7~~7Z Asphalt C~ft'l"nt TOTAL County Road4S Bid Asphalt Cement 7'4/ 9~~-:oo /':7> .y~ I. 7~- "~;j, 3C;<;;-Yd' TOTAL RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTlOO /D01 ;;?j/'YdO ;;28) b7'r:;, ye #/~8) 9~.G8 September 17, 1975. TOWLAND LONDON (1970) LTD. s~} .;) / /. fa 0 .30, 9 //, G,;~- 19o)/:':<3,:;~ - ;//1 g03~~o /l3} 7Z7,~( ;1 ~ ell ~:3 2 . 7/ \ \ \ \ /--------...... // '\ /- I f ~,~ ~. \;\ ~ .~ ~ ~ '", ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 26, 1975. PAGE 2. 1~HE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 13TH WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER RE.PORTED on the Work To Date as follows: (l) Surfa~e Treatment was complete. (2) Pavement Marking would start shortly. (3) Rodney Work was nearly complete. (4) Work in Fort Stanley was underway. (5) Excavation in Dutton would start in about two (2) weeks. (6) Gravel Crushing was continuing at Pleasant Valley. C:ORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE (a) Ministry 0 f Transportation and Communications regarding By Laws for 8c:hool Bus Loading Zones. (b) NoticE~ of Hearings by the Ontario Municipal Board regarding County Land Division Committee decisions. 'J:HE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . . THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a meeting had been held with Mr. Jim Blevins, R~gional Manager for the Ministry of Transportation and COIi",..il,l,Jn- ications regarding the acceleration of construction on Road 52 and the extension of Road 52 east of Springfield to Ti1lsonburg. Mr. Blevins stated that the Planning Branch was examining the role of Road 52 and would repo~t shortly. Mr. Blevins also stated that Mr. Seeley of the Ministry of Transportation and COuuu-lnications would review signing of Roads 45 a8d 52 to make it more effective to th~ough motorists. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 26, 1975. PAGE 1. 1:HE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the County Administration Building on August 26 at lO:OO a.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE CHA IRMAN, WARDEN AND ENGINEER REPORTED on the recent meeting with Everett Biggs, Deputy Minister of the Environment and subsequent conversations with Mr. John Bray of the Ministry of the Environment in London. The Ministry had requested the County to make an application for approval of a site on the old Fingal Airport. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . . "'MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE MAKE AN APPLICATION TO THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR APPROVAL OF A lANDFILL DISPOSAL SITE AT THE OLD FINGAL AIRPORT ON COUNTY ROAD l6. CARR IED11, UNANIMOUSLY "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, 'SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE APPOINT JAMES MACLAREN & ASSOCIATES AS CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION OR DEVELOPMENT PLANS NECESSARY TO HAVE THE FINGAL AIRPORT SITE AS A SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 26, 1975. PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT sufficient funds were available to make a s~tart on Road 52 west of Road 30. Conunittee were agreeable to construQ.tion proceeding on Road 52 west of Road 30. 1~HE ENGINEER REPORTED the estimated cost of Flashing Ligbts at tbe Intersection of Roads 16 and 20 in Fingal at approximately $800.00. The Engineer was instructed to find out if the Ministry of Transportation and Communtcations'approvals were necessary and if the flashers would be subsidized. A QUOTATION FROM FRINK OF CANADA for a Dump Box for Truck # 64 at $2,424.00 was read. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, 'SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, lTHAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK OF CANADA OF AUGUST 14TH lAT $2,424.00 FOR 14 CUBIC YARD DUMP BOX FOR COUNTY TRUCK 4t 64 SiUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPCJiTATION AND CO]~NICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" IT WAS AGREED THAT IN RESPONSE to a further ~~equest from Mr. Clarence Mo.rrow that the County of Elgin would place an extension to a culvert on :Road 20 if Mr. Morrow would pay for the pipe. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEnEMBER 11, 1975 A.T lO:OO A.M., OR TO iTHE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIEDn ~~1YJ{Y) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 13, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the County Administration Building on August 13th at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS PRESENT EXCEPT CHAIRMAN SCHAFER. Frank Clarke also present. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT LORNE CARROLL BE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED'] THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 12, 1975 vm: READ AND A1:'J:"KOVED. CHAIRMAN SCHAFER IN ATTENDANCE. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF JUNE 18, July 4 and July 9, WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON mE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: l. ThE~ Federal Parks Board had erected new gates at the Southwold Earthworks on County Road 14. 2. Grass Cutting was continuing. 3. Surface Treatment work was underway in West Elgin with East and Central Elgin having been completed. 4. ROelds 6, 40 & 44 which had been asphalt resurf.aced had been completed. 5. Wo!'k on Road 3 north of Road 9 was completed e:x:cept for Guide Rail, son~ Storm Drain work and Fencing. 6. WO!lk on Road 3 south of New Glasgow was completed except for Surface Treatment and 2 Catch Basins for F. Jocius. Mr. Jocius had been offered a proposition with regard to a ditch outlet tile :tn which the County of Elgin had offered to pay 1/2 the cost of a tile 1:0 drain the West ditch. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 13, 1975. PAGE 2. 7. Work was continuing in Rodney with the end in sight. 8. Sewer Construction in Dutton was slow and several problems had been brought to the attention of the Engineers, James McLarens. 9. Work would start in Port Stanley shortly. 10. Gr$ding and Granular Base work was continuing on Road 30. 11. Gravel Crushing by Mac McLaws was continuing at the Pleasant Valley Pit for Road 30. A~proximately 14,600 cubic yards had beEm piled for cru shing. "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORI ZED TO MAKE APPLICATIONS AS NECESSARY FOR INTERIM SUBSIDY PAYMENTS. CARRIEDU. "MOVED BY: A. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST # 35 AMOUNTING TO $ 32,289.36. PAYLIST 1ft 36 AMOUNTING TO $ 30,658.69. PAYLIST # 37 AMOUNTING TO $203.61. PAYLIST # 38 AMOUNTING TO $ 30,509.73. PAYLIST # 39 AMOUNTING TO $ 148,960.52. CARR lED" . SOLID WASTE MATTERS WERE DISCUSSED. The Warden and Chairman reported that a meeting had been held with thie Township 0 f Westminster requesting permissdon from the Township for the County to use W-12A Site of the City of London. Township of Westminster officials wished to adopt a wait and see attitude until the site was in operation. S't. 'tUOW-S, 0~'tb-Rl0, ~UGUS't 13, 1915. 1?~GB 3 · C ()l$ESj>ONDl!.~Cl!. ;ll\S Rl!.AP from the l1in istry 0 f ~atur a 1 t ti~g that the l1inistry ~as eva~uating the effectS ResOurces sa" . of a land fill site at the 1inga1 b-irport property and ~uld be reporting to their l1inister. 't\\l!. 'ile.RDl!.~ llJ!.POR'tl!.D that as a11 avenues open to the county .' ith the l1inister .A t be blocl<.ed he had requested a tneet1.ng '" appeare<> 0 ' of the tnvirontnent. c()1l.Rl!.SPONDl!.~Cl!. w.s 9J!.AP YROl1~ (1) f 'D. . ",.'fith a resolution requesting support to have couut'Y 0 .Dt:uce '" legislation atnended to pertnit registration of Road 'ilidenin.g pa'l!ce1 ",ithout Reference Plans. "110',/E.D ~'l: J. ~. 'ill1S0~, Sl!.CONDl!.D ~'l ~ 1... c/l1l.R01..1.. n.~",1T'\ ""0 CO~"''''l COU~Cl1.. 'tw>'t 'tUl!. llJ!.S01..1J'tl0~ 'tW> 't 'ill!. Rl!.C Ohl:'" '''' · ,.. 01 't\\l!. C O\ll'\'t'l 0 1 ~RUCl!. Rl!. 't\\l!. t1l!. Cl!.S Sl't'l 01 llJ!. 'Fl!.llJ!. ~Cl!. ?~t-1S 'BE 'Fl'LE'O. C~R1BU" (1.) ". f S 1 'ta1t Rebate in the l1inistry of Revenue ",ith t<ot1.Ce 0 a eS (3) . 'th ~roposed outlines Rettle creel<. conservation b-uthor1.ty ~1. r , f it and developments foll method of dealing ~ith requestS or perm s ..:1. co-ittee had no cotntnent to add. pt:oceuut:es. ~~~.. d C 1 on county Road 20. '\1.11.... 0 tl l!.vans regallding'ilee ontre 1.',U. s. . Ii.. amOunt of $15,167.57. (4) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 13, 1975. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY THAT THE LETTER OF ~S. O.H. EVANS OF JULY 31ST REGARDING WEED CONTROL ON ROAD 20 BE FILED. CARRIED" (5) To~mship of Yarmouth with cppy of By Law to zone a portion of Lot 8, Concession V adjacent to County Roads 22 and 45 residential. Reeve Cook reported that objectionsto the By Law had been received. (6) The Engineer read his reply to the Minister of Transportation and Couuuunications regarding the construction of Road 52 from Talbotville to Road 30. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFl'ER DINNER . . . . FRANK CIARKE ABSENT. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Township of Malahide regarding the petttion of Ja~. Verdun, Vie Bardawill and others with regard to the Highway 3 Feasibility Study between St. Thomas and Aylmer. AFl'ER DISCUSSION the Engineer was instructed to meet with Ministry of Transportation and Communications officials and to ascertain the Minister's feelings on the completion of Road 52 between Highway 3 and 4 at: Talbotville and County Road 30 and the assumption of and improvement of County Road 52 east of Springfield to Tillsonburg, the assumptjlon and improvement of Centennial Avenue, Orwell to Road 52 etc. It was also suggested that County Road 45 could carry a larger share of the traffic if the route were signed properly at King's Highway and County Road Intersections. The Engineer stated that he would bbtain the guidance 0 f the Ministry 0 f Transportation and COul111unications on this matter as well. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 1.3, 1975. PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) To~mship of Malahide with objections of Wm. Kellestine to the opeming of a gravel pit by Township of Malahid,e in Lot 25, Concession IV, Yarmouth. Reeve Caverly report1ed that Mr. Kellestine had withdrawn his objections. (b) Mrs. M. A. Lazenby regarding installation of flashing lights at Firlgal. The Engineer stated that he was endeavouring to obtain fu:rrther information on such lights and would r1eport at the next meE~ting. (c) R:I: .A.C. with apology for making air reservati'ons for Convention to Calgary without approval. (d) WOl~kment s Compensation Board stating that the !maximum earnings frc.m compensation had been increased from $12,000 to $15,000 anr:lUa11 y. (e) To~mship of ~outhwold regarding problems with the Futcher Municipal Dr~dn. The Engineer reported that a petition for improved drainage had since been received by the Township and a new survey of the drain would be required. (f) Township 0 f Bayham confirming the name "Dennis Side Road". (g) Newell Wright regarding a four way stop intersection at County Roads 42 and 50 in Port Burwell and excessive traffic speed on County Road 42.1 The Engineer stated he had requested the Ontario Provincial Police to enforce the maximum speed on Road 42. Committee were of the opinion that four way stop intersections did not promote trlaffic safety and instructed the Engineer to inform Mr. 'Wright of thE~ir thoughts. (h) Clarence Morrow requesting reconsideration of the County's rejection of lengthening of a culvert on Road 20 which would be used as an entrance culvert by htmself for school buses. The Engineer was instructed to review past Road Committee minutes on the subject ana report at the next meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 13, 1975. PAGE 6. A PETITION SIGNED BY John Morse and other residents of Richmond asking for a hard surfaced road on County Road 43 was read. Committee were of the opinion that consideration should be given to the Rec0nstruction of Road 43 in Richmond when Road 38 was Reconstructed. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED A REQUEST by the Ministry of Transportation and Cow~nications for approval of the realignment of County Road 29 at the St. Thomas Expressway. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of Transpol~tation and COuilul.lnications had sub~itted revised plans to meet County Road Standards. Committee felt that the realignment was practical and requested the Engineer . inform. the Ministry of Transportation and COuu.ul.lni~~ations that the a1 ignment met with their approval. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Mr. H. Greenly, District Municipal Engineer stating that the Mini stry 0 f Tra.nsportation and CO~hlUl.lnications would approve a County By Law to ass,ume Centennial Avenue ~s a County Road between E 1m Street and County Road 45. He was not prepared at this time to recommend approval of a By Law to assume Millions Side Road or Roads in the area of the Duttona Park. COMMITTEE REQUESTED that Mr. Greenly attend the ne:x:t Committl.ee meet ing to further exp lain the rejefC:t<~()Q~,. THE ENGINEER STATED that Frink 0 f CanadCl~ were being request1ed to quote on two larger dump boxes for trucks #63 and 4/64 with the present hoists being utilized and requested permission to accept the quotations if they were reasonable. Permission was granted by the Committee. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 13, 1975. PAGE 7. THE ENGINEER A.LSO STATED that he was about to ask TE~nders for a float and two sanders and requested permission to have the Chairman accept the Tenders if they were reasonable,. Permissic)n was granted. COMMITTEE REVIEWED the Needs Study Reporlc as updated, the Engineer pointing out that while all tables and financial calculations were outdated, updated charts and tables had been attached and that information on the desirable County Road System was still valild. 11MOVED BY: L. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. CAVERLY, THAT WE ADJOURN TO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ll, 1975 AT 10: 00 A.M., OR AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" //j JJtflt CHAIRMA'N . " ( ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 9, 1975. PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal BuildiI)g in,-conjunction with County Council on July 9th at 3 lp.m. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPl' REEVES WILSON AND NE:METT WERE PRESENT. "MOVED BY: C. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT THE FOLLOWING PA YLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PA YMENT PAYLIST # 30 AMOUNTING TO $ 30,864.46. PAYLIST # 31 AMOUNTING TO $ 179.23. PAYLIST # 32 AMOUNTING TO $ 30,288.95. PAYLIST IF 33 AMOUNTING TO $- 5,500.00. PAYLIST # 34 AMOUNTING TO $228,490.54. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ministry of the Env:1ronment had examined test holes on the Fingal Airport on July 8th and the ground seemed to be suitable as a solid waste disp4Dsal site. He also reported that Ministry of Natur,al Resources officials and Ministry of the Environment officials had been advised of the situation to date and that an early meeting had been requested by the !County withthe Minister of Natural Resources to discuss the use of the iFingal Airport as a Solid Waste Disposal Arlea. THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN REPORTED on the meeting with Southwdld Council on Monday ~uly 7th. WASTE DISPOSAL SITES WERE DISCUSSED AT SOME LENGTH. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 9, 1975. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TRl\T WE PROCEJ&D TO ACQUIRE A SITE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF :SOLID WASTE AS RAPIDLY AS POSSIBLE AND ARE PREPARED TO ENTER INTO THE DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS IF NECESSARY. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO AUGUST 13, 1975 OR THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. ~ A' .J C0 /'L I ' CHAIRMA.N ST. 'tllOMl-S, ONTAR10, JULY 4, 1.9"75. PAGE 1.. Offices on July 4, 1975 at 10,00 a.~. T\IE COUNTY Of ELG1N ROItD C~l't'tEE MET at the Municipal ALL;}I\!.$ERS E)tcEl"t REEvES vnl.SON AND N\?ME't't 1N ATTENDANCE. Al.SO ERESENT, VRANK Cv.RK\!. Of T\IE M1N1STR'! Of 'tW>NSl'ORTAT10N AND CoMMUN1CA110l'lS · T\IE ENG1NEER REPORTEn on Solid Waste DiSPOsal stating that Rep1:esentati'i1eS of the MinisUY of the Et\V'i1:0nroent had exatnined the Pleas.nt Valley Pit site at some length and we1:e conce1:ned that the pit contained gravel laye1:S and dykeS and that leachate frotll ga1:bage would ente1: catfiSh C1:eek unless clay was irop01:ted and used as a be1:~ and as cove1: t'(Il1te1:ial. The Minist1:Y 0 f the Envi1:onroent also was conce1:ned that the silt in the a1:ea would leak cont~ineted wate1: unless a claY blanket was sp1:ead ove1: the botto~ of the pit. The Enginee1: p1:esented and 1:eviewed the attached estit'(ll1ted costS of ope1:ating the Pleasant valley site and the Dunwich Site. AUlERMl-N v.1NG, ENG1NEER L. D. \lOUSE AND C1TY CLERK R. ~'t't J01N\?D Tl\I!. MEET1NG. as both a terop01:ery end pertl\anent site. 1T VIM> DEcmED to try and obtain the Yingal Ai1:port Site The co_operation of the city of St. Thot'(ll1S in using a County site if it was available was 1:equested of the city RepresentatiVes. Tl\I!. MEl?'t1NG ADJOURNED fOR D1NNER · · · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 4, 1975. PAGE 2. AFtER DINNER · . . . . "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: w. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE MAKE APPLICATION TO THE MINISTER OF NATURAL RESOURCES TO OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY FOR THE USE OF A PORTION OF FINGAL HUNTING AREA AS A 'WASTE D IS POSAL SITE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER BE DELEGATED TO MEET WITH THE SOUTHWOlD TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ON JULY 7TH REGARDING SOLID WASTE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT ANY MEMljr.J:<. OF ROAD COMMITTEE AND 'IHE ENGINEER THAT IS ABLE TO ATTEND,' BE DELEGATED TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC MEETING ON JULY 9TH REGARDING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAl.. AT THE SOUTHWOlDPUBLIC SCHOOL. CARR lEDn THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Paving would start on Victoria Street in Rodney on Monday. 2. Clearing workmd shouldering was underway on Road 3 from Highway 3 to New Glasgow, Road 3 in Rodney, Road 3 north of Rodney and Road 6 between Road 3 and Black's Lane. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 4, 1975. PAGE 3. 3. Hc.t Mix Asphalt Patching had been done on Roads to be Surface Tl1.eated. 4. ~ime and Surface Treatment would start Monda:y. 5. Pillvement Marking was completed in Elgin for the time being and considerable amount of work had been done for Oxford County. 6. G~ass Cutting was underway. 7. Work at Lake Whittaker for K.C.C.A. would be l::ompleted next week. 8. A iPile of Gravel was being placed at the Plea:sant Valley Pit. Mac Md,Laws would start crushing in about 10 days 1~ith the majority of toe material to be used on Road 30. 9. G~ading on Road 30 would start the end of the month. lO. Storm Drain would be started in Port Stanley next week. 11. Su.rveying was continuing at the Laur and Higgs Pit. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: 1. Minister of Transportation and Communications stating that: the officials from the London Office of Planning and Design staff would meet shortly with the County regarding the Completic)n 0 f Road 52 from Road 30 to Talbotville. 2. Miri.istry of Transportation and CO,tl.lll\lnications regarding Signs to Vieinna and Port Burwell from Road 45 at Highway 19 and to Port Bur!well from Highway 73 at Road 42. 3. A l!etter to the Ministry of Transportation and COUIUlunications from the County Engineer regarding the Intersection of Highway 19 land County Roads 44 and 38. 4. Township 0 f Yarmouth regarding Zoning By Law 2283. 5. To~nship of Malahide copy of letter to Minister of Transportation and Communications regarding ownership of Road!; at Port Bruce. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 4, 1975. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT (1) representations had been made to Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the entranc~e to the Red Oak Trailer Park at Road 46 and Highway 3. (2) Space had been rented on the County Radio Tower to Oxford Communications for an antenna at $300. per year plus 1/2 of any additional rental received by Oxford Communications for any rental from their antenna. (3) Taat no response had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the desirability of certain roads as County Roads in Yarmouth and Dunwich T()wnships. IT WAS REQUESTED THAT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COWMUNICATIONS EXAMINE the Town1ine Road from Springfield to Tillsomburg and the Road between the Town of Tillsonburg and the Townshilp of Bayham to see if these Roads met the criteria as desirable County Roads. THE ENGINEER STATED that a request had been received from Twin Valley Schools in Aldborough to Surface Treat approx. two (2) miles of Roads for the School. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT WE PRIME AND SURFACE TREAT ROADS FOR TWIN VALLEY SCHOOL PROVIDED THAT A CERTIFIED CHEQUE IS PROVIDED BY THE TWIN VALLEY SCHOOL PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE FOR THE TOTAL OF THE WORK BEING DONE. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 4, 1975. PAGE 5. I'MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST l3, 1975 AT 10:00 A.M., OR AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN WHICHEVER IS SOONER. CARRIED" / /. tJ 11 1"1 · ?':J~A / .L/"'jV; CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~~~$j ~~~ SOLID WASTE DISPOOAL ~ (1 . J \17 Thoma. V \,.,/'~ / '/' Approximate Haula8e Distances from Limit of St. - to Dunwich - 26 Miles - to McCaIg - 9 Miles - to P. V. Pi t - 8 Mi 1 e s Gravel Haulage Rate!s (1975) - 8 Hiles - 93C - 9 Hiles 1.01 - 26 Hiles 2.20 Extra Cost from St. Thomas - say $1.50 per ton. Weight of Compacted Garbage 1200 lbs./cu. yd. PLEASANT VALLEY SITE Space available 60,000 cubic yards or 37,000 Ton (1 year). COSTS (a) FIXED Preliminary Te!sts, Consultants, Approvals etc. $ 5,000. 8, 000. 8,000. II ,500. 5,000. 35,000. Clearing Site & Clay Pit Temporary Building, Heat Light etc. Scale Installation and Rental Fencing, Policiing &. Misc. Charges Moving Clay Rehabilitation (topsoil, seeding, etc.) 4,000. TOTAL FIXED $ 66,500. (b) VARIABLE (Depending on the length of time operation is open. Costs figured for 1 year.) Labour - 2 Hen, 12 Months @ $7.00 per hour (44 hour week) $ 32,000. Pickup Truck TOTAL VAR !ABLES ~~, 000. 23,000. 6,000. 7,000. 7.000. $ 77,000. Dozer $10.00 per hour (unoperated) Leachate &. Pumping Supervi sion et;c. Contingencies I, TOTAL COOT $ 143.500. COOT PER TON ON 37,000 TON OR $,3.85 If site could be de.veloped for 1 1/2 years - say 55,000 Ton or 90,000 cu. yds. (add extra clay $10,000) COST WOUW BE $192,000 OR 3.48 PER TON. Page 2.. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DE PART ME NT SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL NOTES - To Develo;p Granular Pit, Clay must be removed anyhow.. - Topsoil to Rehabilitate Pit will come off gravel str:Lpping areas. - Close supervision will be required because of the nature of soil and closeness to Catfish Creek. - No Road Costs taken into consideration. DUNWICH SITE COST ( a) FIXED Preliminary Tests, Consultant Approvals $ 2,000. 1,000. 1,500. 8,000. 2,000. 4,000. ') ( $ 18,500. Si,te Preparation Scales, Installation & Rental Temporary Bu!~lding Fencing Policing, & Misc. Charges etc. Rehab i 1 i tat ion Payment to Township 0 f Dunwich (b) VARIABLE (Depending on length of time operation is open. Cost figured for 1 year.) Labour $ 32,000. 2,000. 23,000. 1,000. 6,000. 6,000. 4,000. 55,500. $ 129,500. Pickup Truck Dozer $10.00 per hour (unoperated) Leachate & ~umping Move Clay & Digging - extra machine time Supervision Contingencies Extra Haulage - 37,000 Ton ~ 1.50 per ton TOTAL COST $148,000. (1 1/2 Years Total Cost) Cost for 1 Y1ear (37,000 Ton) $ 4.00 per Ton for 1\ years (55,000 Ton)$ 3.85 per Ton NarES: The Big Question is ton mile haulage of waste the extra l5 miles. Wasted Man Hours etc. Probably 1.50 is far too low. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 18, 1975. PAGE 1. ~ THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the County Municipal Building at 2:00 p.m. on June lBth. All members were Government Services to the Minister of Natunal ResOurces CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Minister of presenti · reques~ing Natural Resources examine their property at the Fingal Hunting Grounds (Fingal Airport) to see if a site for Solid Waste Disposal would be available. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Ministry of the Environment personnel had examined the Pleasant Valley Site and the TownshiP of Dunwich site and requested excavations and borings which were being undertaken. Ministry of Natural Resources personnel had visited the Fingal Site and requested a letter from the County asking for permission to use the Site. Aft er considerable discUssion . " . . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ROAD OEl_TTEE BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED TO ACQUIRE A SITE (OR SITES) FOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ON BOTH A T~MPORARY AND PERMANENT BASIS. \N. R. CAVERLY, A. . H. LIEBNER CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JULY 9TH OR THE CALL OF THE CHA.IRMAN. ~/ L1.~1 ,; !l 1 I I Y 1 /?v/. /! . a.l. . '~., I , CHA.IRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT ---- JUNE SESSION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND 1. That the County of Elgin Road Committee be authorized to proceed to acquire a site or sites for Solid Waste Dispo~al on both a temporary and permanent basis. All of which is respectfully submitted. -e HA1HMAN d COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REP@R'T FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOJ.Vll.VIEND 1. That a By Law be passed confirming By Law # 838 of the Village of Dutton to close a portion of Allen Street. (This is a different portion of Allen Street than was confirmed at the May Session.) 2. That a By Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement to enter a Study on Solid Waste Disposal with the County of Middlesex and Cities of London and St. Thomas. (A copy of the Proposed Agreement and the Terms Of Reference under which the Consultant James F. MacLaren Limited is undertak:hngi::.the Study, was forwarded to Council Members last week.) All of which is respectfully submitted. C HAIRl\IrAN s~r. THOMAS 1I ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 1. j THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~[TTEE MET at the County Municipal Building on June 12th at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF MAY 8TH AND 28TH WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Work was continuing on clean-up on Hoads 3 and 4 ~nd Victoria Street in Rodney. 2. The drain on Road 2 edst of Wood Street in West Lorne was completed. 3. Drainage for the Village of West Lorne was completed for now. 4. Fencing had been completed on Road 30 for the time being. Stumps had also been removed. 5. Fencing had been completed on Road 2 for L. Gal. 6. Work on Road 51 including grading,granular ba.se and paving had been compl~ted. 7. Work for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications at the Intersection of Road 45 and Highway 73 had been completed. 8. Chester Gordon had been hired as a mechanic. 9. James Chaplow had been appointedt~he stockkeeper vacancy. 10. No applications for machine operators had been received from the present County personnel. 11. A drdin on Road 15 in Wallacetown (extension of Douglas Drain) had been completed. ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 2. 12. Paving had been completed on Road 40, Road 44, Road 51, Road 2 and for the Township of South Dorchester, Bayham and Village of Springfield. 13. Work for the Kettle Creek Authority at Lake Whittaker was underway. 14. Road 45 between Calton and Highway 19 had been seeded. 15. Cleanup work on Road 3 at New Glasgow and on Road 3 north was underway. 16. Test holes at the Laur Pit had been dug and had shown a reasonable large amount of gravel and sand. 17. Shoulder gravelling on Wellington Road had been completed. 18. Purchase of a new typewriter might be necessary as the present electric typewriter had broken down and it was not known if repairs would be practical. "MOEED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS B]~ APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 25 AMOUNTING TO $:26,895.40 PAYLIST # 26 AMOUNTING TO $342.62 PAYLIST # 27 AMOUNTING TO $:27,641.29 PAYLIST # 28 AMOUNTING TO $51.06 PAYLIST # 29 AMOUNTING TO $234,158.21 CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that legal work was being continued. with regard to the acquision of the Laur and Higgs Pit. s~r. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 3. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL WAS DISCUSSED AT some length with the Chairman, Warden and Engineer bringing the Committee up to ~ate on the most reeent developments. It .,was decided to meet with Mr. R. McCaig of St. Thomas San~tary Collection Services Limited at 3:00 p.m. THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT FOH THE LONDON AREjA SOLID WASTE STUDY AGREEMENT WERE DISCUSSED. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT (AS ATTACHED) WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND THE CITIES OF ST. THOMAS AND LONDON TO l~NTER INTO A STUDY ON SOLID WASTE AS t'~Ji ~rHE ATTACHED TERMS OF REFERENCE. CARRI]~D" REEVE COOK REQUESTED the CoumGY assume a portion of the expense incurred by the Township of Yarmouth in obtiaining,'a Pits and Quarries Licence for the Laur Pit at 'Pleasant Valley. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE WILL ACCEPT AN INVOICE FROM THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH FOR THEIR COSTS INCURRED HEGARDING THE LAUR GRAVEL PIT AS FOLLOWS: 1975 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO LICENCE PITS AND QUARRIES ACT $100. SURVEY OF PIT COUNTY OF ELGIN CHARGES $477.61. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ON~rARIO, JUNE 12, 1975.' PAGE 4. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . . CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Village of Dutton requesting confirmation of the Village By Law to close a portion of Allen Street. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING BY LAW # ~338 OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON TO CLOSE A PORTION OF ALLAN STREET. CARRIED" (b) No further correspondence had been received from Gent & Park regarding Cyril Pigram severance on Road 37. (c) Employees' Association requesting a contribution to Mr. McMillan should be made at the June Session of County Council. (d) Union Gas Company stating that a request had been made to the Ontario Energy Board for the replace- ment of the gas line between Ridgetown andPaynes Mills. (e) Vic Bardawill regarding the article in the London Free Press regarding Highway 3 Route from St. Thomas and Aylmer. The article was noted by the Committee. ST. TtlOw..S, ONTARIO, JUNE ~2, ~975. PAGE 5. (f) Dr. Grant ~ebster stating G~en Robbins wou~d not be ab~e to work unti~ at ~east Ju~y ~, ~975. (g) c~arence !'lorrow re<luesting the ~engthening of a cu~vert on county Road 20 near the C.N.R. tracks north of Shedden. committee fe~t that W. Morrow shou~d paY for the pipe to e~tend the pipe. JeSse 'Dennis re<luesting that County erect a sign denoting the side road on which he resides. The sign to be erected at Jr. Dennis' e~pense. committee agreed to the proposa~ provided the wording is approved by Bayham ToVfO.ShiP Counci~' JeSse Dennis stating that his tobacco crop had been damaged by recent f~ooding. The Engineer stated that the c~aim had been forwarded to the (11) (i) (j) county' s Insurance company. The Emp~Oyees' ASSociation accepting the Committee'S proposa~ for a $50.00 credit for safety footWear a~~owance and re<luesting that footwear cou~d be purchased from Reuben's !'len's Store, Economy ShoeS, or E~gin co-Op. The Committee agreed that the County wou~d paY for safety footwear up to $50.00 for each regu~ar emp~Oyee and that the emp~Oyee cou~d purchase from any of the above stores. o)tford communicatiOns Limited re<luesting the County rent it space on their radio tower. The amount of $25.00 per month was sUggested. (k~ ST. TROM!S, Ol'lTARI0, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 6. "MOVED B"L: A. . R. LIEBl'IER, SECOl'lDEU B"L: D. COOK TRA.T 'NE A.GREE Il'1 PRll'1C1PA.L TO REl'IT TQ1IlER SpA.CE TO OXFORD CO~l'IICA.TI0l'lS SUBJECT TO A. SUITA.BLE A.GREEMEl'IT A.l'ID REl'ITA.L BEll'1G NEGOTIATED. CARRIED" THE El'IGll'1EER REPORTEU that Frank JoneS a Cla.ss V Foreman had req.uested bhat he be gi ...en a full e:lCrperience rating in the Class V as he had pre...iouSlY had full experience rating and had taken a lo""er classification position at the county' s req.uest. ''MOVEU B"L: A.. R · LIEBl'IER , SECOl'lDED B"L: L. R. CARROLL TRA.T 'NE RECoWllEl'ID TO pERSOl'll'lEL coMMITTEE TRA.T FRA.NK JONES BE pJI..1D A.T THE FULL EXPERIEl'ICE RA.Tll'1G FOR CLA.SS 5 FOREM!l'I CATEGOR'Y · CARRIED" THE El'IG1NEER REPORTED that the Ministry of ~ransportatiOn and communicatiOns ""as concerned ""ith the entrance to the Red Oak Tra...el park on County Road 46 at Righ""ay 3 as the entrance ""ould be on the cnannellizatiOn of the Intersection. Committee felt that ""hile the entrance ""as a problem the proposed Trailer park fulfilled a community need and that the entrance problems should be ""orked out 'llith the M.T.C, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 7. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Emulsion and prime Tenders. UMOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF R. E. LAW CRUSHED STONE LIMITED AT 29i1l pER GAL"LON FOR RSIK CATIONIC EMULSIFIED ASPHALT F .O.B. THEIR PLANT AT PORT COLBORNE. IF THEIR SERVICE OR PRODUCT PROVES mlSATISFI\.CTORY TO THE ENGINEER WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF NORJOHN CONTRACTING LIMITED AT 29.3 ill PER GALLON FOR RSIK CATIONIC EMULSIFIED ASPHALT F.O.B. THEIR PLANT AT NIAGARA FALLS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF GULF OIL OF CANADA FOR ASPHALT PRIME F .O.B. THEIR PLANT AT CLARKSON FOR 31.65 CENTS PER GALLON. CARRIED" Rodney for a parking Ban on Road 3 near the property of nonald Somerville was reviewed. THE REQUEST OF DECEMBER 1974 of the Village of "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE DO NOT FEEL THAT A PARKING BAN IS NECESSARY ON ROAD 3 SOUTH (FURNIVAL . ROAD) IN RODNEY IN FRONT OF THE DONALD SOMERVILLE PROPERTY AT THE PRESENT TIME. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 12, 1975. PAGE 8. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Township of Yarmouth requesting that the County assume Centennial Avenue between Elm Street and Road 45 and the Sixth Concession of Yarmouth from Highway 4 to Centennial Avenue. THE COMMITTEE REVIEWED the criteria. for County Roads. It was decided that, the Engineer should request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to review the request to find out if the roads met the M.T.C. criteria. The Committee agreed that the Coyne Road in Dunwich should also be examined to see if it met the criteria as a County Road. MR. R. MCCAIG OF ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED MET with Committee and presented the attached Proposal for pickup and disposal of Solid Was.te for Yarmouth and Southwold. THE PROPOSAL OF MR. MCCAIG WAS DISCUSSED AT SOME LENGTH. MAYOR NEAL OF ST. THOMAS IN ATTENDANCE and was brought up to date on the Solid Waste Disposal situation by the Committee. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 9 AT 10:00 A.M., OR AT THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIE:D" r/%V7-< ! L~ CHAIRMAN S't. 'tllOl4Ml. Oll't~ 10, }U\l 2.8, 19'15. !AGE 1. · 'tllt COUlttY Of tLG1N RoM> C~'t'ttt Hi\'t at the ..dtnin'Lstration Building at 1:30 p.~. on NaY 28, 1975. ..11 ~embers were present. 'tR& tllGlNttR ~stllTtD the attached Report detailing alternatives with regard to solid \laste DispOsal. 'the "p'(l't:aisal of Egerton ..ssoeiateS of the McCaig Landfill Site waS diSCUssed in detail. ..fter conside't:able discUssion · · · · · · "MOVED '61: 'M. R.. CAVER.'Ll, stCOlltltD BY: J. B. \lltSOll, 'tllA.'t \II!. ~~ ..N Of JEll. foR 'tR& PROpER'tY O'ilt'ltD lI'l LatS 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, COllCtSS10ll 111 SOU'tll'Il0Ul BY 't\\i. S't. 'tllOW.S Sl>lll't~Y coL1J!.C'tlOll Stl\.'i1.ctS Llb1l'ttD ..S ..ppRt<lSttl BY .. tGtll.'tOll lISSOClt-'ttS Ll141.'ttD ..S fOLLO~: (1) Of JEll. 'to Bt $450,000 pUIS" NtGatl..'tED PR1Ct ON 'tllt CbllDB~D y,LtR >>lD ca,.sOL1Nt 'tM'\(S. (2) OffER SUBJEC't 'to PROl'tll.'tY it lNG Rt ZOllED "S .. \llIS'tt D lS pOS..L S l'tt BY 'tR& OllTblllO }IllN 1.C lP..L Bo;.iD' (3) OffER S1J1lJEC't 'to ..PPRO'i..i. Of COUN'tY COUNC1L. CAl\.R1.tD: 14.... SCllA.fER" "MovED >>1: 'L. 'R. CAlt'RO'L'L, stCOlltl!!.D BY: ... ll. L1!BNtl\.. 'tllA.'t \II!. collT"C't 'tR& b1lN1S't!!.R Of GO\IERN14\!.ll't S!!.R'ilCtS \ll'tll Rt~ 'to J.,ttJ>lNG 'tllE nNG..L ..Ul'oR't ..S .. Sl'tt fOR A \llIS't!!. 1)lSp~A'L Sl'tE. CJ'llRltD: 14.... SC~JEll." ~;-~ ------- ARTHUFI J, GORDON GENERAL ;>UPERINTENOPH C" ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR ROBERT G. MOORE, B,Sc, P ENG ENGINEER At'lD ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TEI.EPHONE 519-631-5880 , 79 STANLEY ST. (CO,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. GENERATION OF SOLID WASTE A Report received suggests the following W.ste Gener.tion. Residential onl,\! .. 1.8 lbs. per capita per d.y= 657 lbs./year = .33 ton per year (1/3 ton). Residential and Commercial - 2.44 Ibs. per c.pit. per day = 12~40 lb.. per year = .62 ton per year. All Waste including Trade W.ste etc., etc., 6.0 lb. per capita per d.y = 2,l90 lbs. = l.l'ton per year. Township of ,Bavbam. Villaae of Vienna .nd Villase of Port Bur,rell. Averages 4 full - 20 cubic yard loads per week, = 80 cub'le yards or at an averase weight 0 f 6 ton peir load = 24 ton per week or 2080 ton per year, on a per capita basis .4 ton per person. In addition from December 1973 to November l2, 1974. Tbere were 87 loads - 40 cubic yard container wbich IUY or may 'Rot have been fUll and 54 loads closed container. LAND FI LL SITES MIlER THAN l<<:CA IG <a> Village of Rodnev-Needs a new Progr.... of Management. Bec..use of distance from rest 0 f C,ounty the haulage cost beeo..s too expensive except .s ,m emergency site for West Elgin. (b) Dunwicb Townsh:L~ - Probably the best site on an emergency basis .s alre.dy ticeneed by the Ministry of the Environment and operating satisfactorily. Sand being preuently used as backfill but there is likely cl.y in the bottom and SI.IO'excav.tion would provide suit.ble cl.y for b.ckfill and cover. Area large enough .to be worked, remote enoush to cause mini1llUl11 interference, only 1 1/4 miles from. paved road. Little :road improV4...nta other th.n Dust Control required. Only drawback weuld be hiaul.s. cost 8. site is quite J7emote froll centre of County. - 1 - .~ /;":i (~,.' . .." '?~ ,,":- /:; I~~ '<', " cf. , ,..., ~:""'___'" .,",CJ-.' , 0, r ',It( '( ... . i~: !~~.; i'\'~\ . ~\~. ~~~ ,1 . \"q.~ . .,'..,. ,~)ifJJ <.~ ;': .""~...-.,, ~'If /' '~~~}:.\~~~y~ .....,..~ /\ r~T H U F-? J G(lRDON ~~ GfNHIAI SUPfRINH:ND[~r C F?C"Y DORAN ASSISTANT ',U"[RlrHENDf.~~T ('ONSrlWC\lON "Mf.TY ''''5I'F(1:01/ f~OBERT G tI/iOClF(F, HS.,' f> E>~c; 79 STANLEY ST. ENGINEER AJ',jD ROAD 5lJPflllNHNDfN r lHfPHONf S:Q 6)lS~8(j i'.:OUHT HOL'''jC' C/'i. THOMl\S, ONT. GENERATION OF SOLID WASTE .~ (c) Finsal Airoort- Probably the best Long Term Site already in public ownership. Centre remote from Housing, served by County Road. has an :internal ROlld system with old roads and runways. Any Drainage could easily be rerouted. The land inside the runway area would serve the County for years without going out to the edge of the property. Probably the cheapest haulage CClstS. Only drawbacks would be negoti.ttions with the Provincial Government for a lease on the property and the Rezoning and Environmental Hearing required. (d) White Station Prooertv - Not a very good prospect because of ground water problems and built up area to the north. (e) Pleasant VallevP1t - A section could ,be used on an emergency basis. One section above ground water level. Area is remote and screened by tree!>> and surrounding land owned by the County. 3/4 Mile of gravE~l road. stte reasonably close to centre of the County, not a long term prospect at the present time but could be a short term one. (f) Guvlboro Sand Pit: - Township of Norfolk. County owns the area on the east side of Bayham-N()rfolk Townline. Problem is distance from centre of County, ground water and lack of clay cover material. - 2 - 1Y\ ~fi I~ ARTHUR J,. GORDON GENERAL SUPIRINTENOENT C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR ROBERT G. MOORE, B.Se. P.ENG ENGINEER A~IO ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TElEPlofONE S19. 631-5880 79 STANLEY ST. (CQ,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS. ONT. COONTY OF ELGIN SOLID WAST! (CONTINUED ).. HAY 27, 1975. To Tbe Chairman and Members of The County of Elgin Road Committee: Attached to tbisReport is a su..ary of costs, advantages, disadvantages l 'and other points to be concerned with regard to, Solid Waste Management. If the County becomes Restructured the County may bec:ome responnible for the Disposal of Solid Waste but we understand may make a cbarge for the use of this service. One of the largest proble.. encountered to date bas been trying to equate the cost per capita charge presently used in the County with most c>>f the infor....tion avai lable from other sources whose information is princip~llly in tonnage. The City of London sUAests that 1,240 lbs. per year is a reasonable figure for residential and light commercial solid Wllste. ~;I ))/N- R. G. MO(l{E, COUNTY ENGINEER. COUNTY OF ELGIN - SOLID WASTE (CONTINUED). 1. CITY OF LONDON SITE W-12A Advantages - Long term Contract would solve disposal probleDls for a considerable period of time, no responsibility for site, hallll roads etc. Municipalities could be billed and County would have no itllvolvement. Haulage costs would be no greater and perhaps less than fOlr McCaig Site. Cost - Probably initially in the $3.00 per ton range: for dispos,al. Disadvantaaes -Site will not be ready until Fall of 1976 at earliest, if ,land pUlr:chase problems are encountered it may be the Spring of 1977. Negotiations required with the City of London and the Township of Westminster. An Environmental Hearing would be required (likely. ' no problem). As a number'of Contracts expire prior to the Fall of 1976 sOlDe intertm method 0 f DispoS~ll (or) Contract would be required (either by the present Contractor or ell!;ewhere). Contract would be required for baula~e from individual Municipalities to the London Site. 2. COUNTY SITE (other than McCaial Advantaaes - County owned and controlled and operated as a utility. Site lshould take care of all solid waste for the next 15 to 20 ~,ears. Local Municipalities charged at cost. Haulage costs ,~uld also likely be a minimum. Cost - ]Probably the cheapest in the long run although site costs 'iIOuld have to be charged out over 15 years at the most to 41nsure that there were no remaining costs if the Provincial liaste Recovery Progr8DlDes became practical. Contract would be let or County would do actual site work. Disadvantages - County oWQS no long term sites although two sites are MUnicipally 4)woed that could be used a. a short term or _.rgency site.-. ]~operty acquisition i. costly and ti.. consuming and with J~nvironJDental Hearing Boarels and Rezoning applications to 1the Ontario Municipal Board, it could take two years or 10, \ COUNTY OF ELGIN - SOLID WASTE (CONTINUED) 2. COtrnTY SITE (other than McCa1St} (continued) D isadvantaStes - so the interim problem becomes as bad or wc>>rse than the wait ing for the City of London site to open.. Contracts would still b. required for picktlp from indi.vidual ., Municipalities. 3. MCCAIG SITE PURCHASE OF SITE BY COUNTIY The KcCaig Site has been appraised at $450,000'. Using a ,fii~ure 0 f $500,000 (add slcales, completion of improvements,etc.) OV4!lr a 15 yeaI' period the annual cost becomes $62,000 plus an operating cost. I f the total Ownership and Operating Costs are $e~O, 000 per year, the cost per capita would be approximately $1.37 for the popullltion of the County now served or $1.21 per capita for the entire population nc.t taking into account any cost of ownership etc., chargecl back for Industrial. If 1/3 of tbe cost was a chargebaclk, the cost would be reduced ,to approximately 90 or 80 cents depending on th1e population serve,d. In addit ion, to these costs, would be the costs incurred by t,he Road Department for Road Improvement either on the Middlesex To..mline or 0111 the Concession Road to Road 19 to the West. (Undoubtedly Middlesex Count)r will be hesitant on the assumption of a section of road that set~ves the Elgin Re~idents and eleonomy only.) Advantages of ~rchase of McC.i~ Site Count~)' would have long term control overmetbous of Disposal, .nd through it ultillllately the pickup. Tenders could be called for pickup alone thus encouraging some competition. Undoubtedly cheaper in the long run than p~iv.te ownership, as risk cost of ownership is removed from the Contr.ctor. A portic:m of approvals h.. already been obtained and much of the information for Rezoning application is available. Disadvant'a~es Large capital investment IllUst b.p.lei off througb user f.es. Many . bui ldings on site that are n~t really n.c....ry for County,r. operation, the cost 0 f which Wlould have ~o be charg.d out or .charged .s.inst the op.l~atlon. c~N'I'l OF ELGIN _ 501-ID "t-stE (CONtINUED) 3.~ 1'Illl.C\\,s E OF SItE 1I'l C OU N'I'l ~ (continued) , UndoubtedlY Mr. ~cCaig will want a long terro contract to look atter DispOsal "nereas atendeted contract CQuld be cheaper (althoUgh it ...ou\d be difficult to find an e~erienced contractor). fj. lIunicipal 1I0ard \\ead.ng is stH 1 re<\uHed and there is a\...ays the possibility of a rezoning application being rejected. 4.~ OWNED OFERt-tED 1I'l MeCt-IG t-ll contractS (or PickU'P and DiSPOsal by local lIunicipaHties. ~o further in"o 1 "eroent by the county. ~ ~ u-C iQ ..,ould ha"e the only a'P'Pro"ed site in the ~o free tendering as ~ a ~ . l.d rise because of lack 0 f coro'Pet itioll. ,,0 county and in the long fun cost cou auernati"es if disagreelllents arose. no "",nici'Pa\ control.. t ~line and rebuild it ("hiCh ..,culd CountY roight be forced to assUllle 0 f if ;laste DiS'POsal Site "as else...nere). not be re~uired in the forSeeab\e utUre 'tentat i "e M.cCai changes in 'Po'Pulation). On a 'Pro rated charge depending on any changes in the Doroinion lIureau b .t 'sub'ect to yearlY challge as assesSlllent reported On a 'Per capita as,s' J SoU t \\,..,0 1 d ) · of StatistiCS Cost of Li"ing. 01Atle'tshi'P of site $1.00 'Per capita (a'P'Pro~' 60.000 yearlY) Di~Osal Cost at site \\aulage b collection transfer Site (St.tholllas) $0.26 per capita PluS \\aulage 'PlUS wages at transfer site. ---- ' $1.96 pet capi.ta $).29 pet' capita $B.51 S1. 1110~S" ON1A'R10, _1 28, 1975. PAGE 1. ~uildi~g at 1130 p.~ on May 2&, 1975. All ~be~s we~e p~esent. ~~ cOUNTY Of ELGIN R~ CO~T!EE ME~ at the Administ~atiOn alte~na:tives with ~egard to Solid 'daste DisPOsal. ~he APp~aisal of Eget<ton Associates of the NeCdg Landfill Site was disCUssed in ~BE ENGINEER PRESEN~ED the attached Repo~t detailing detail. Afte~ conside~able discUssion · · · · · · ttl40vED ~Y1 'd. R. CAvERL'i, SECONDED ~'i: J.~' WllS0N, ~RA~ \IE ~1.(E AN OfFER fOIl. 't~ PROpER~'i OIll'lED IN LcrtS 20, 21 22 23 24 CONCESSI0N 111 S(l\]'tR'dOW ~'i ~RE S~. ~ROMAS , t t t $A.Nl'tt.R'i COLLEC'tl0N SERVICES Llbl1TED AS APpV.1SED B'i .. EGER~ON ASSOClA'tES Llbl1'tED AS roLLO'dS: (1) OffER ~O BE $450,000 pUIS A NEGcrtlA~ED PRICE ON ~RE CARll~()/o.ll.D lIALEll. Al'<D GASOLINE ~Al:<KS. (2) OfFER SUBJEC~ 'to PROpER~'i BEING REZoNED AS A 'dAS~E DISPC13AL Sl~E ~'i ~~ oNTt.R10 l4\1NICIPAL BQA1U). (3) OffER SU1\JEC~ 'to APPROVAL Of COUN~'i COUNCIL. CARRlElll M. A.. SCRAFER" "MovED ~"l: L. R. CAlU.tOLL, SECONDED B'i1 A. R. LIEBNER, ~RA~ \IE CON~AC~ 't~ MIN1S~ER Of GOvERNl4EN~ SERVICES 'dl't1\ REGARD ~O J..EASING ~BE nNGAL AU'OIl.'t AS A. SlTE roR A 'dAS'tE D1Sp~AL $111. Ct.RR11!.1l1 M. A. SC\lAfER" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 28, 1975. PAGE 2. I'MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE PAY THE INVOICE OF EGERTON ASSOCIATES LIMI'TED OF $1,100.00 FOR THEIR APPRAISAL OF THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED PROPERTY. CARRIED: M:. A. SCHAFER" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Property of Mrs. Norman Higgs comprisdng approximately 11 acres in Lot 25 Concession V Yarmouth was for sale. Tests indicated that sand was available in amounts in the order of 80,000 to 100,000 ton. Some gravel might be available under the sand. llMOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE PURCHASE THE PROPERTY IN LOT 25,CONCESSION V YARMOUTH WEST OF THE CENTRELINE OF CATFISH CREEK, OWNED BY MRS. NORMIN HIGGS FOR THE SUM OF $6,000.00. THE COUNTY TO PAY LEGAL AND SURVEYING COSTS. CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFERu "MOVED BY: J. B. WII.SON~r SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT WADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN OR JUN1& 12, 1975 AT 10:()O A.M. WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFERllt dJ1U - CH~IRMAN s't. 't\\OlU>S. ON'tMt1.0. ~"l 8, \,<)75, yb,.GE 1.. 't\\E cOlll'ft'l 01' 1'.t.G1.N R~ll CO_1.'t't1'.1'. ~ A.'t 't\\E COIll'l'tY A.J) \'\1.N1.S 'tRA. 't 1. ON BU 1. W 1.NG ON lU> Y 8. l. 915 A.'t l. 0 \ 00 A.. M. A.t.t. M1!.Mll1'.RS 'AtR1'. PRES1'.l'l't eltCe,t Che,irman M.. A.. Sche fer. A.l.so ,resent 1'ran~ Cl.ar~e. "M.()V1'.1l B'l \ J. B · ~ 1.$ ON. S1'.CONll1'.tl B'h W. R. CA.V1'.Rt.'l. 'tU't WMtll1'.N t.1J!.BNioR A.C't A.S CU1.'I!.M.Ml c,t...Ri.1ED" 't1'.Ntl1'.RS 1'OR \\(11: Ml.X A.Sl'UA.t.'t l'A.V1.NG 'AtR1'. Ol'EN1'.tl frOtll Wal...~eY BroS. t.t.tted, 'towl.and (l.910) London t.t.tted. and Stebbtns l'a~tng and were as attaehea. 'tRlt \'\1.J>\U't\!.S 01' 't\\\!. _ E't 1.NG I'll' t-PR 1.1.. 9, l. 915 'AtR\!. REA.ll ~N'O ~!Pi.OV!.'O. REEVE M.. A.. ScU1'ER 1.N A.'t't1!.J>\tlWCE Mll> A.SSUMEll 'tltE CUl.R. (1+) (5) (6) 't\\E EJ>\G1.J>\E1'.R REl'OR'tEll ON T\\E WORR 'to llA.TE A.S 1'OLt.a'llS. cal.ctu. Chlortde haa been a"l.ted to gra~el. roads, Sboul.ders of ,a~ea roads wers betng gradea. crushea gra~el. fro. the StOC~,t1.e at the M.eRtnl.8Y l'tt on \!.oea ~1 wes betng ,l.aced on the sboul.aers of Wel.l.tngton Road. The newllodge 'truc~ bad been recet~ed and was wor~tng. Stor. llratnS were betng {llaced for the vtna,e of West Lorne. in A 1.~ tn lluttOn haa been coropl.eted as wel.l 'the StOr. llra n on ~oa~ J as StOrlll llratna,e on Mary Street for the vtne,e of llutton. Cl.eanU{I wor~ and stdewal.~ woul.d begtn tn Rodney on Roed ~ sbortl.Y. The East 1'0reh of the court \\oUSe woul.d be eOlll{ll.etea shortl.Y and ,fenctn' surUd on Road 30 (RadiO Roall). (7) (8) (1.) (1) (3) ST ~t THOMAS,' ONTAR 10, MAY 8, 1975, PA(;E 2. (9) R.epairs haG been mad.e to the Player's anG Pcu:'t Burwell Bridge floors. (10) Sweeping was underway anG all curb and guttell:' areas swept at least once. (11) ~opsoil and cleanup work for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications at Road 45 and Highway 73 would start next week as would topsoil and cleanup work on Road 45 between Calton and. H.ighway 19. (l2) P~avement Marking would start on Thursday but delivery of paint .as expected to be slow. (13) 'rIhe Kettle Creek Authority had reCluested the County to build some more roads at Lake Whittaker this SUmmell:'. (l4) Tihe County assessment on the proposed Fingal Drain on Rcu~d 16 ~~uld be over $9,000. (lS) trhe County assessment on the proposed Somerv:Llle Parker Dre.in on County Road 24 would be $2,900. (l6) The purchase price of corrugated pipe had so far been held to last Fall's prices. (17) C:rader Blades had been purchased in a lot of 400 a.t a Sllving of ~pproximately $3.00 each. (18) A.n order had been received from the Canada Tlransport COlnmission for the erection of flashing light signals on the C.P.R. Crossing em Road 30. (19) l'he Ministry of the Environment had advertis~ed for Sewer Tenders t;o c lose May l4th for Port Stanley and May 21st for Dutton. (20) l~hat a meeting would be necessary with the Elltlployees' Association IlS a ruling had been received from the Income Tax Branclh th~t I C,lirect financial contribution would be regarded as ta.xa1b1e. Frank Clarke also reported that the County should provide safety shoes directly rather than paying a contribution. 51. tHOMA-Sf 01~ARIOf MAY 8, 1975. PAGE 3. (11) Bosting had been ..de for a Class V fore..n with frank Jones being appointed and for an Instrument ~an with Danny Welcb being appointed. position openings were being ,osted for a Stockkeeper and for Spare E~uip..nt Operators. (11) 'Dhat the tWO County MechanicS were unable to keep up with the workload of ..chinery repiars let alone institute a progratlllll8 of periodic e~uip..nt cbecks anG pre"entati"e ..intenance and that a third ~echanic shaulG be hired. "lIo"ed by: D. K. Cook, Seconded by: A. \1. Liebner, lhat the Engineer be autborized to hire an additional licenced mecbanic. carried: ll.. A. Schafer" rectuested the County to install approxi..telY _00 feet of SU pipe 1$ 1'.NGINE1\'.R REPQRl1'.n that the Ilee'" of West Lorne bad on the ;north side of Road 1 east of Wood Street in West Lorne to facilitate the building of 4 or 5 houses and eli~inate the deep ditch and widen the shoulder of the Road. tlMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Tl1t:t 'tllE l!.NGlNE1\'.R lIE A\l'I\1ORIZ1'.n 10 PROCl!.En Wll\1 1l\E ExtENSION Of A nUIN ON RoM> 1 (NORl\1 SIDE) USl 01' WOOl> SlREEl IN ';l1'.Sl LOllN1'., APPROXll1AlELY _00 fEEl Of PIPE AND 6 CAtCRBASINS. A. R. LtEBNER, L. R. CARROLL, C~RIED : ll.. A. SCHAfER" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8, 1975, PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION H..M) REQUESTED that the County match their $100 Retiremant Contribution to Donald McMillan. ttMOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT WE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION OF $100 TO ][)ONALD MCMI]L,LAN ON HIS RETIREMENT TO MATCH THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFER11! CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Eugene Sutt4:)n in Wallac:etown asking for the right to install a drain along Road 15 for approximately 250 feet from the end of the Douglas Drain. AFrER DISCUSSION . . . . "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE PUT IN A DRAIN IN WALLACETOWN FOR EUGENE SUTTON IF HE PAYS $250 TOWARD THE COST. CARRIED: M. .A. SCHAFER" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AYlER DINNER . . . . HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING TENDERS WERE CONSIDERED. S't. 'Ill OM..A5 tON! J\R 10 , MAY 8, 1975, PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: D. K.. cOOK., SECONDED BY' L. R. CtlRROLL, T\\AT WE ;.ccEPT TlIE 1'OLLOWING 'tENDER 'OR \\Ot MlX ASP\\ALT pA ~_llt . TO'lt),ND (LONnON) 1. 970 L1l'11'tED 1'OR CONtll.ACT D AT TlIE 1R TENDElIED PRICE 01' $1.6,950. 50 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL 01' T\\E MlN lSTRY 01' TlLANSPGRT!'t10N ANn collMUN lCATl ONS · ctlRRlEll: M. A. SC\\Al1ER" "MovED BY: W. R. CAvERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, T\\AT WE ACCEPT TWit TENDER 01' WAU\SlEY BROS. LIMITED FOR CONTJUl.ct A, AT $76, 1.40l CmlTRACT B AT $37, 31.lh CONtRAct C AT $1.2.,900; CONTRAct E j,'r. $1.<),32.0; CONtRACT l' AT $74,2. 50; CmlTJUl.ct G AT $37,630; CONTRAct \\ AT $53,21.2..50. .t..LL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL 01' TlIE MlNlSTRY 01' TRANSPORTATION ANll coMMUNICAtIONS · c,t.B.RlEll' M. A. SC\\Al1ER" ,,}lOVED BY: L. R. CMUlOLL, SECONllED iY' J. B. WlUlml. T\\AT TlIE 1'OLLO'llNG PAYLI!nS BE APPROvED FOR PA'OlItN't. PAYLlST ~R 1.9 AMOllNtlNG TO $500.00. PAYLlST N'J16ER 2.0 AMOllNTlNG 'to $2.7.77. PA YLIST NllM8ER 2.1. AMGUblT ING TO $2. 5,003 · 65. PA'lLIS't NllMBER 2.2. A}1O\1NtlNG 'to $2.84.88. l'A YLIS't NllM8ER 2.3 AMOllNTlNG TO $2.4,32.8. 34. PAYLIS't NU16ER 2.4 AMOUNTING 'to $1.1.1.,51.2..88. CARRIED: M. A. SC\\Al'ER" l $'t. 't\\obltS, mrtt.lllO, ~'l S, \915. ,~G'E 6. the Laut: \It:o\let:ty an" ~.. ..~. - 01. e 1\ost.,ick Roae fot: a d. ght 0 f Vlay to the \It:o\le t:ty · \.. Sgt. c()1l.1l.11.l>~i.NCf. 'l1~ "BEi-l> fRO\4.: 1.i ti g ~i1.1. and Det:\< \1.ut:1.bitt of the Dutton 0.1.'.1.'. coG!\? .",en n -;:t:\< in assisting stt:anded \tlOtot:istS. Cotlnty of i.\gin. to \lass a >>y La'" confit:tlling ~. Vinage of DuttOn t:eq,uesdng the countY i . . f ~1.l.an $tt:eet in Dutton. the c1.osing of a \lot:t on 0 RellO 1.ut ion 0 f the "'". · ..-- f. "ad 30 not:th 0 f the Salt c;:e~\< Cetlle....ry that \lot:tion 0 ..0 3. "MO'IED 'B'l1 ~. li. Ll'E'Bb1'Ea, SECONDED ~'l: D. R. COOR, 't\1.t.'t 'oil!. "BECO~"n 'to C01.l~'l C01.lNClL 't\1.t.'t ~ y,'l v.'l1 >>1!. ?~S1!.D cONy1.R\4.1.lIG "B'l 1J>'" +$36 011 't1;l1!. V1.Lv.G" 011 nU't'tON 'to CLOSE ~ P01l.'t1.ON 011 ~M\ S't"BE1!.'t. C~ l1!.D : \4.. ~. SC\1.~ytR.'" i. f Co_ittee of ~diust",el\t. 5 'tlil"",shi\l 0 f 'lat:1ll0uth >lith not ce 0 . . . 11. d 1.6 \leddoning the 'to'lft\shi? of 11t:\)tII 1l.ate\layet:s on countY oa South."o1.d fot: insta1.l.ation of a _tet:l1\llin. . f. t: cyt:H l.'igt:atll stating that 11to'" Gent and ?at:k, so1.iCt.tot:s 0 the deed desct:i\ldon and the 1.and fenced did not agt:ee fot: f Road 31 at the net:eha'" 'to'lft\1.ine ft:o'" Lot ~, tn. \4idening 0 6. 1. 1".. i. o~ 1 south DO'tcheste'J:. \Jon-ceSs ....a , t d to obtain fut:thet: detailS. 'the 1!.ngineet: ",as il\struc e ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8, 197:5. PAGE 7. TENDERS FOR AUTOMOBILES, PICK UP TRUCK AND TRACTORS WERE PRESENTED AS ATTACHED. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON, THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DUNN MOTORS (AYLMER) LIMITED FOR 3 DODGE MONACOS AT THEIR TENDERED I PRICE OF $9,135 (INCLUDING ONTARIO SALEl3 TAX) WITH THE COUNTY-S :3 FORD AUTOMOBILES AS TRADE- INS. ALL S;UBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS t APPROVAL. CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFER". "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, THAT WE ACCEpt THE TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LIMITED FOR A FORD 350 PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDEREDPRICle: OF $4, 13l. 75 (INCLUDING ONTARIO SALES TAX) WITH TH]~ COUNTY'S TRUCK 11 36 AS A TRADE-IN SUBJElCT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMlJN ICAT IONS , APPROVAL. CARRIED: M. A. SiGHAFERt'. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF LONDON FORD EQUIPMENT SALES FOR A FORD 3550 TRACTOR AND LOADER (COMPLETE WITH LOADED TIRES P--ND SELF LEVELING BUCKET) AT THE IR TENDERED PRICE OF $6,390 (EXCLUDING .PROVINCIAL SAL:ES TAX) WITH THE COUNTY'S TRACTOR 41 6 AS A TRADE- IN. ALL SUBJECT TO MIN ISTRY OF TRANS PORTAT ION AND COMMUNICATIONS t APPROVAL. CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFER" S't. 't\\014I>S, 0ll'ti.R10, ~"i 8, 1.915\l l.>~GE a. \\}\QV"ED 'B"i: D. K. cooK, Si.COlllli.'D ~1 ~ L. R. CAlUlOLL, 't\\A't WE ACCE1't 't\\1l. 'tEN'DER of \9.!l. vb>B.~ EQU1?l4EN't voR ~ ~st1 VEi-GllSON 1.35 'tR~C'tOll M'll ~OWER ~'t 't\\1l.1R 'ttNlltREll pR1CY, oV $1>, GOO (y,XcUJ\ll11G pRO'll11C l~L rr'ft1: COill'''''1'S 1FJ.C't0ll f 9 ~S ~ 'fRMlv.~ 11!l. S ~\1. S 1 A)t) '<Il't \\ ..... ... 1\.'\.1. sU~ JtC't 't 0 ~1J.'\ lS1R 1 of 'tR~ l'oR't ~'t 10N l\.1!l1l c~1!llCl\.'tl01!lS' l\.l'pRO'l ~L. Cb>B.RUoll ~ ~.~. Sc\\AVtR" t ~tt\l. Ri'\fe'ts'ide 't\\1l. Y,llG'U\Y,tR REl1oR'ttll that an l\.i1:ee\l\en . . el t the ',401:\<. to 'be elone i "'a.d 'been conc 1.ueleel wi,.th 1:eia1: 0 const'tuct on ,~ n ~ ."2 at the spdnie1: G1:a"e1. Pit anel a1.thoU~ the on countY )."10.0&'" I- el . t 0 f the 'lI01:\<. hael 'been cotII'P 1. euel ~~ee....nt hael not 'been siine \I\OS 'b1 Ri"e1:Siele const1:uction. Rtt',/\? COOl. REl'oR'ttll that the union Opti1!list C1.u'b hael h C t1 anel 'to..nshiP not lD8>ee an"! fu1:the1: 1:e",uest to use t e.oun p1:0pe1:t"! at Union. i el . . e inf01:lD8>don 't\\1l. tllG11!lttR RE l1oR'ttll that he hael uce "e so\'Ol d to. fl.ashini Hihts fo1: nnia1. 'but 1:e",uit:eel fu1:thet: 'Atth 'tega't ~."iele a cost estilD8>te. infot:\l\ation to 1',0 attacheel anel co~enteel on the\l\. ~ S \.'\f 'tende'ts as 't\\1l. t1ilG1J.'\\l.i.R PRtSEll'ti.'D llatet:ia1. an" . upP 1 "N.o'\TED 'B"i ~ D. K. COOK, S\!.C!il1!lll1!.ll ~1' ~. \\. LUo~J.'\\l.R, "'0" ...'ttR1P>L M'll Slll'l'Llts ~i. p,Ccv.1'ttD 't\\~'t 'tEl'ID'ERS J: 1)."10. E'JP Mill 't\\1l. i.1!lG1J.'\\l.tR ~t lNS'tRUC'ttll 'to l'\lRC\\Ast \I1.'t\\ REGI-R'D 'to ~ ~Ll't1 ~1!lD l'R1Ci.. Ci.R\!-Uo'D ~ ~.~. SC\\A\'l!.R" ST. TROMAS, ONTAllIO, MAY 8, 1975, PAGE 9. 1:llE ENGINEER MADE TllE At'UCllED RECOMMENDATION with regard to Truck Rates for 1975. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK, TRAT TllE ENCINEER'S PROPOSAL FOR TRUCK RATES FOR 1975 BE APPROVED. CARRIED: M. A. SCHAFER" London Area Solid. Waste Study Steering Collllllittee of May 7th and TllE Wt.llDEN, TIlE CHAIRMAN A!Illl ENGINEER REPORTED on the stated that James McLaren Limited had been appointed as EngineerS for the Stud.y. The cost to the County of Elgin would be approximately $3,400. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, TRAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNtY COUNCIL THAT TIlE CROICE OF JAMES F. MACLAREN LtlflTED AS CONSULT ANTS FOR 'IRE LONDON AREA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY BE ENDORSED. CARRIED: M. A. SCB,AFERt! "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT WE ADJOURN TO JUbjJ1. 12TR AT 10:00 A.M. (TRURSDAY). CARRIED: M. A. SCRAFER". . ~41rirf, ~) C~tl't1 Of f.\.Glll RIY-D CO~l't't!.'f. if. fcJl.'t ~~ ~1 Sy,SS10~ 1 9 , 5 . "U. cOlltl't1 C~\lC1L 't 0 't\l!. ~!'ll t.llD It\!.lGtJl.S Of 'f. "" 1()\l\l. RIY-D CO~l't't'f.!. if. foR'tS t.S tOu.O\IS: ~. ~a\_s\eY' ~~os. Lieited as fo\\O~s, , R d 3 and 6 t.\dbO~ou&h 'to~shiP - $16,\~O. cont~act 't.' countY oa ' ,u' Roads in Dutton t.~ea - $31,3\8. cont~act p 5\ t.rea (~ite Stetion), cont~act 'C' countY Road 1a~uth 'to~shiP - $\1,900. f ~ ~ot~iS t.spba\t favinS have baen let to cot\t~actS 0" '2. t. cont~act for 'Rot ~is t.spha\t favin& haS been let to f i in the fo~t Stanley I ~.) \910 Li_tUd fo~ t.spba\t aV ni 10,,1&1\0. ,Lonuon t.rea (cont~act D) at $\6,950.50. ~ayhatll 'townshiP - $\9,310. count'! Road 44 _ ~ayhatll 'to~.hiP - $1~,150. countY Road 40, sp~in&fie\.d and "~1 630 south Dorchaste~ - 'I'" · Road 30,' 1ar1l\OUth 'to1ll\shiP - $53,11.1. Contt: a~t ,y,' cont~act 'V' cont~..ct 'G' contt:act ,~, he countY of !\.,in ~n 1n addition to theSe contractS t C t for tba "spha\t \4.is. \. the "spba\t e.-n sutP ,'0 \t'ce_nt 1. ost Of e\.\ cont~actS and the t.sp a ' 'the tota . c . "391 910.55 to the countY of !.\,in. is esti.-ted at. 'I ' ) f t'ne 'f.nvi~o~nt {OntariO · \1,183.11 to the \4.inist~y 0 ' 5\. 519.16 to \Oca\. Municipa\itieS in 'f.\iin CGOntY' ~ -- 3. , i \. nd ,..ehtnary ~e 'neve pu~chased the fono~ni ne" vah c as a & 'f.\.vin vehic\.esand .achine~y as t~ad..ins' \1fi. tn count., o}.. 0 (e) 3 Dodie "utOllObi\.es, (0) (c) (el.) \ 'ton tic1l.-\lp 't1:Uc1l.. 't~actO~ and stde \4.DUnUd \48_r. 'tractOr and front 'f.nd \.Oaoer. C(Jl}(tl Of E\.Gl~ RotJ> COll'>l't'tt!.'" tlE p(j..'t t1.\lS't U !01l't ~1 S'ISSI0N \97~. 'P~GE 1. -. 1lf,Col4\4iNt>\ \. 'taat a ~., La" be ,a...d confittainv, ~., La" 836 of tne 'linage of tlutton to c\o.. a -portion of ..\\an sue.t. f t~ firta of Ja". f. MacLaren Li~t.d 1. 'that tne a"ointtaent 0 ..e t.- ~t.s for tne LOndon ..rea so\iG 'ola.te Stud, b., the as consu "",a..~ .& f' .". t~- Stud" be .nGor.ed. ('olaroen Liebn.r Steering Co__~tte. 0.'- .,t anG Reeve senafer are tne count., of t!.\v,in Re,re.entadve. on tb.e co_it tee. ) A for....\ agree..-nt to ent.r into tne Stud, "U\ be t" to the June Se.sion of count, Counc:U' reed1 for ,reseota ~Otl 'the Couot, of E\gitl .nare of the Stud, ie ..d....t.d .&, \ ~~ ~OO after a SaL sub.ia, b, tne ~itli.tr' of at. ap'P~01tJ.1l\ate ., ..,:;) t the 'En",i~o~t\t.. An of "hien ill re.,.et f1an, .ubtaitteG, ,---- C~U:_ll COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PICK UP TRUCK TENDERS N.t after Trade-In (Truck I 36) including Sales Tax. 1. rearn Ford Sal.. Limited, 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 2. R. A. Hiller Motors I~i.ited, Rodney, Ontario. 3. Middle.ex Motors, 100 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario. 4. Rankin lord Sal.. (1~~7S) Limited, l36S Dunda. Street, Lonclon, Ontario. arB!R BIDS Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Ltd., 275 Wellington Street:, St. Thoma., Ontario. Talbot Mercury Sal.. Limited, 700 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Ford 350 Ford 350 Pord 350 \ Ford 350 Dodge 200 Dodge 200 Ford 350 (6 cylinder Motor) Hay 1975. $ 4,131.75 $ 4,289.25 $ 4,384.06 $ 4,402.65 $ 4,092.90 $ 4,35,8.55 $ 4,281.90 May 1975. C(lJlrry or ILGIN IOAD DEPARTMlNT TENDER FOR TRACTOR & MOWER ": Net after Trade of Tractor ". t:1 J (Including 'Provincial Sales Tax.) 1. Lee Farm EC(1Jip..nt Limited, Rodne,., Ont~lrio. 2. Bennett Motor. Ltd., 204 Main StlC'eet, Dutton, Out ~t 3. Ford Equip.~nt Sale. Ltd., P.O. Box 10~~, Hyde Park, ()nt. 4. R.na.h Tractor & Equip. Ltd., P.O. Box 670, Lambeth, Ont:. 5. Elli. Fara IttluipMnt R.R. I 7, St. Tbo..., Ont. 6. Plested Equjlpment Ltd., 430 First Street, London, Ont~lrio. Massey Ferguson 135 Trllctor & 135 Hower (Die.el Enl!~in.) 8 Speed Transmission. (3 Week Delivery.) Ford 2110 Tractor & Triumph' 2.500 Mower. (120 Day Delivery.) Ford 2110 Tractor. \ John Deere JD301A Ford 2110. Massey-Ferguson MF135 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,579.05 $ 4,737.60 $ 5,549.25 $ 6,195.00 $ 6,426.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPART~NT May 1975. TRACTOR AND LOADER TENDER Net after Trade-In (Tractor # 6) without Provincial Sales Tax. 1. London Ford Equipment Sales, Box 108, Hyde Park 2. Bennett Motors Limited, Dutton, Ontario. 3. Lee 'arm Equip_nt Limited, Rodney, Ontario. 4. International Harvester Co., 3338 Mainway, Burlington, Ontario. 5. Plested Equipment Limited, 430 First Street, London, Ontario. 6. Case Power 6& EquipMnt Ltd., R.R. # 2, La.eth, Ontario. Ford 3550 Tractor 6& 735 Loader. $ 61,390.00 Self Leveling Bucket and Loaded Rear Tires. 21.5 gallon Pump. Ford 3550 Tractor 6& 735 Loader. $ 61,889.75 Self Leveling Bucket, and. Loaded Tire., and 19 gallon Pulllp. Mas.ey 'erguson KF-30 6& MF-34 Lc)ader $ 71,300.00 Self Leveling Bucket. International Harvester 2400B T1ractor $ 81,000.00 and 2050 Loader. \ Ma.a.y Ferguson 30 6& MF-34 Load4!r $ 81,270.00 Ca.. 480B Tractor and Loader. $ 8,:'48.00 $ 8,~)67.00 7. aena.h Tractor 6& Equipaent Ltd., Jobn Deere JD300B Tractor & Loader Box 670, L..beth, Ontario. 8. Ellis Farm Equip.ent, R.I. I 7, St. Tho.a., Ontario. Ford 35S0 6& 735 Loader. $ 8,700.00 \: '\: II (HUl'nat i"e ~). . (3) inc\'\ldin\l. 5'1. OnVdo Sa eS a 'th1'ee~uto~bi\.es with'tl'ade-lns , . . ~a'Y \:915. ~ C ()1l\\'t1 oV E U; 11\ R oJ>,\) D Y. ? ~R'tto\E1\'\: ~ \)odge Monaco' \..Dunn MotOTS .l~'!\.tael') t.itaited. , ~'\t\_1: Onta'tl.o. ) 1 . ~ ~ 06 centS + ge1' tai\.e lcost to t1:a..e ... - 'fo-ro. custo\'t\ ~. 1eal'n Vol'O sates Utai-teo. \O\.2 'ta\.bot stl'eet, St. .'thotll&s. ontal'iO' Yo"' d 3. . Ranir.inVol'd S.a\.eS (\.975) \..itaitec!. , 1.365 Dundas,Stl'eet. 'London, Ontat iO · l'\e teol' ,,y. ideau 500. ~ .\~ tMel'CU1'Y Sa\eS \..ita1.ted. ,. . ).. vo 700 'ta\.bQt Street, St .'tholllas. ontal'iQ. ?\yt"Outn , ;. St. 'tbolllaS ?\.~llth Cnr,!s\.er \..td.., 275 lAeHinston Street, St. 'tbotll&s. Onudo. , . . l. "k" t pO tl' ade- i p ) ( wi th sa\.e stall)' ~1.te'Cnat "Ie 1:'- , to-rd. ,\. Veal'P Vol'd S a\.es \..i\'l1i ted, \.0\.2 'ta\.Mt stte8't. St. 'tbonta S . Ont a1' i 0 · \)oo.ge n . MotQtS (~y\.\II8l') \..1.1ll1ote4. ,~. vunn ' ,t.., \ me"t. Ont 8.1: i. 0 · ,'FO'to. 3; Rap~iP Vol'd Sa\.es (\.975) \..itaited, . \.365 Dt1pdas Street, 'London, ont8."tiOe t'\~utn ", n\....-Uth C'nl'Y s \el' \..iilli ted, 4. St. 'tbotll&s < ,.-- . 275 lAe\.\.inSton Street, St. 'thotaa., ontariO. o $ 9,\35.00 $ q,20;!50, $,9,'2.95.65 $10,165\.0; $\0,551'.00 $13, 4Qf.\. 00 />,,"'--::::?>"<~-~''''~ At '.\,545.00" .) ,( (.? . spq (Q" / , )/ // ~./ $14,010.65 $ \.4, ,08. 10 $\5,'2.05~50 ~eteol' RideaU 500. 5. 'ta\bOt l'\el'c\ll'Y Sa\.es \..illlited, ...,,(\ 'lalbot St:,ee.t, , r\.... t' a. l' '\0 · " Stockpile Under 1 Mile 1 - 3 Miles 4 Mile Average 5 Mile Average 6 Mile Average 7 Hi le Average 8 Mile Average 9 Mile Average 10 Mile Average 10 - 20 Hi les Over 20 Miles I'vC~'vJC0-(:v .~ .------- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL FOR TRUCKING RATES FOR 1975 (EFFECTIVE HAY 1, 1975). NarES: 191'4 Ton-Mile Rates were approximately 15% over 1973, and it is proposed 1975 Rates be approximately 15% over 197:4. Riverside Construction charge out Single Axle Trucks @ $17 and Tandems @ $20 and paid $11.25 for Singles and $15.50 for Tandems. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Rates. are: Single Axle - $12.50 Tandems - $16.00 County of El~in Road Department Rates. 1973 1974 Proposed 1975 Single Axle 7.60 8.75 10. .50 Tandem ll.50 13.00 15.25 TON MILE RATES (YARDAGE RATES = 1 1/2 TH.rns TON RATE). 1973 (per ton 1974 (per ton 1975 (per ton Rate mi 1 e ) Rate mi 1 e ) Rate mile) 22C 25e 2ge 28C 32C 37C 35C 11.7C 40e 13.3e 46e l5.3C 43e 10.75e 50e 12.5e 58e 14. 5e 50C 10e 58e 11.6e 67e 13.4e 57C 9.5e 66e lIe 76c 12.7e 64e 9.1e 74c lO.6e 85e l2.1c 70e 8.75c 81c 10.lc 93e 11.6e 76c 8.4e 88c 9.8e 1.01 11.2e 82e 8.2c 95e 9.5e 1.09 10.ge 82e plus 95e plus 1.09 plus 6e ton 6\C top 7\e ton mile mile mile 1.42 plus 1.60 plus 1.84 plus 5e ton 5~ C ton 6e ton mile mile mile Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL F~ TRUCKING RATES FOR 1975 (EFFECTIVE MAY 1. 1975). PAGE 2. MINISTRY OF TE~NSPORTATION COUNTY OF ELGIN & COMMUNICATIONS RATES. PROPOSED RATES. 1 - 2 Hi 1 e s 40<; 46C 3 Hiles 47C 46C 4 Miles 54c S8C 5 Hiles 61<; 67<; 6 Miles 68C 76<; 7 Hiles 7SC 8Se 8 Miles 82C 93e 9 Miles 8ge 1.01 10 Hiles 96e 1.09 Over 10 Hiles Plus 6<; Ton-Mile Plus 7\<; Ton-Hile H. T .C. Rates IJlre Minimum Rates on M. T.C. Jobs. Usually on H.T.C. Jobs over 10 Hiles - Material is hauled by Dump Trailer. We do little hauling over 10 Miles if we c,an avoid it. , . {I\', . d::~~ Ij ^-'~ Note: Liquid Asphalt Cement Content Calculated @ R.L. 8 - 5.8~ H.L.. 4 - 6.0~ Contract tAt (Walmsley Bros.) For County of Elgin (Roads 3 & 6) r^n~~~~~ 'R' (WA1_el.v Rrn~_ ) """,.a'-"~",,'''' - '-~"'.""'aIiJI"""'J -.--..,." ror County of Elgin For The Ministry of the Environment For The Village Of Dutton Contract Ie' (Walmsley Bros.) For County of Elgin (Road 51) Contract 'D t(Towland London 1970 Ltd.) For County 0 f Elgin For The Ministry of the Environment Part 2(a) For The Village of Port Stanley Part 2(b) " COU~'TY OF ELGIN BREAKDOWN OF AS PHALT TENDERS - 197 5 CO~TRACT Item H.L. 8 H.L. 4 H.L. 8 H.L. 4 H.L. 8 H.L. 4 H. L. 8 H.L. 4 H.L. 8 H.L. 4. H.L. 8 R.L. 4 B.L. 8 R.L. 4 , H. L. 8 R.L. 4 H.L. 8 H.L. 4 Estimated Tons Contract Unit Price 4050 4050 9.40 9.40 925 1875 9.40 9.40 335 335 9.40 9.40 250 250 9.40 9.40 750 750 8.60 8.60 200 555 10.71 10.82 120 120 15 15 10.71 10.87 17.09 17.20 265 265 10. 71 10.82 Tender Amount 38,070.00 38.070.00 $76,140.00 8,695.00 ,17.625.00 $26,320.00 3,149.00 3.149.00 $6,298.00 2,350.00 2.350.00 $4,700.00 6,450.00 6.450.00 $l2,900.00 2,142.00 6.005.10 $8,147.10 1,285.20 1,298.40 256.35 258.00 $3,097.95 2,838.15 2.867.30 $5,705.45 % A.C. 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.0 Ton A.C. 234.9 243.. 0 477.9 53.65 1l2.-5Q 166.1"5 19.43 20.1Q 39.53 14.5 ,15.0 "29.5 43.50 45.00 88.50 11.60 33.3Q 44.90 6.96 7.20 0.87 0.9Q 15.93 15.37 15.9Q 3i.2i Price A .C. Per Ton $62.43 $62.43 $62.43 $62.43 $62.43 $57.75 $57.75 $57.75 Amount A.C. Total Contract $29,835.30 $105,975.3~ $10,372.74 $36,692.7~ $2,467.86 $8,765.86 $1,841.69 $6,541.69 $ 5, 525.06 $18,425.06 $2,592.98 $10,740.08 $q19.Q6 $4,017.91 $i,805.84 $7,5ii.29 ~ote: Liquid Asphalt Cement Content Calculated @ H.L. 8 - 5.8~ H. L. 4 - 6 . 0% Contract 'E' (Walmsley Bros.) For Township of Bayham Contract 'B' (Walmsley Bros.) For County of Elgin (Road 44) Contract 'G' (Walmsley Bros.) For County of Elgin (Road 40) For The Village of Springfield For Township of South Dorchester Contract 'H' (Walmsley Bros.) For County 0 f Elgin (Road 30) Summaries: Totals - County of Elgin Ministry 0 f the Environment Other Municipalities COU~lY OF ELGIN BREAKDOWN OF ASPHALT TENDERS - 1975 CO~TRACT Estimated Contract Tender Price A.C. Amount Total Item Tons Unit Price Amount t A.C. Ton A.C. Per Ton A.C. . Contract H.L. 8 805 12.00 9,660.00 5.8 46.69 H.L. 4 805 12.00 9.660.0Q 6.0 48.30 $19,320.00 94.99 $62.43 $5,930.23 $25,250.23 H.L. 8 4500 8.25 37,125.00 5.8 261 H.L. 4 4500 8.25 37.l25.0Q 6.0 270 $74,250.00 531 $62.43 $33,150.33 $107,400.33 H. L. 8 1750 8.25 14,437.50 5.8 101.50 H.L. 4 1750 8.25 14.437.5q 6.0 105.00 $28,875.00 206.50 $62.43 $12,891.80 $41.766.80 H. L. 8 300 8.90 2,670.00 5.8 17.40 H.L. 4 350 8.90 ,3 . 115. OQ 6.0 21.00 $5,785.00 38.40 $62.43 $2,397.31 $8.182.31 H.L. 4 300 9.90 $2,970.00 6.0 18.00 $62.43 $1,123.74 $4,093.74 H. L. 8 3225 8.25 26,606.25 5.8 187.05 H.L. 4 3225 8.25 26.606.25 6.0 193.50 $53,212.50 380.55 $62.43 $23,757.74 $76,970.24 $397,970.55 12,783.77 51.579.26 $462,333.58 A (f~ fvAJ./"/ ~ COONTY OF ILGIM SVIlaRY or ASIllALT U.... - 1975 CCIITRACT TOWLAND (LONDON) 1970 LIMITED, Box 2815 Terwdnal A, London, Ontario. Asphalt Cement Price Quoted @ $57.75 Per Ton Tender Bid Value of Asphalt Ce..nt Total Tender Value 78,417.00 40,411.80 )7.598.73 13~581.65 $106,015.73 $53,993.45 13,477.50 5.11Q.88 $18.588.38 16,950.50 20.286.85 83.745.00 5.318.78 5..485.6~ 30.665.25 $22.269.28 $25,772.52 $114.410.25 42.916.50 lS.182.~ $58,098.98 56,598.75 21.976.76, $78,575.51 STEBBiNS PAVING & CONSTRUCTI:QN LIMITED, R.R. , 4, Thames ford, Ontario. Asphalt Cement Price Quoted @ $55.50 Per Too Tender Bid 57,247.40 20,430.00 22,547.50 57,534.00 Value of Asphalt CeNiit ,ot t\cll Lft L ft." '7C C. ,,, cc. ." t1n c.'l .L~.UJ"."'7 ....7.1..1..'..1 J..I..I..I..JJ .~.~.Y.J~ Total-Tender Value $70,299.89 $25,341.75 $27,659.05 $78,654.53' Ma'Y 'V", t l'i' J ~ (frr& ~ )~~--------"--- \. 1) d f!)o t i.n need 0 f t eeonst TUc t i.on) · " 'th -..s Subutban "oa'" r. \ 2.. St. Geotge Street, "t. 0.... Lea~e count1 Engi.neet's Offi.ce 9,00 a.~' cO'll<'t1 ,-OIJl 1.l<S'PEc't1.0l< - E~'t i.1.G1.l< f St. 'tnotll8S E 1tptes s.,a1 and teal. i.gn\\l8nt 0 f 3. ,-oad 16 to Read 52 (~::~es ;2 and 26 at the i.~teSS.,a1)' 4. '-oad 52 to 'tal.bot~i.1.1.e. 5. \\i.gh.,a1 3 to '-oad 1.9. i, ' 1.1. $OUth.,o1.d (Road l.9 shou1.d be tesutfaced i.n 1.916). 6. '-oad 1.9 to concess on ~ 11 to' Pronosed \.ano fi.1.1. Si.te. concesS;L01'l r 8. t 4 '1Ui.t Ci.t' of 9. De l.a",are- "'es t~i.nstet-South.,o 1. d 't o>lll H ne to \\ i.gh.,a, · \.OnOon Si.te "'_1.2J'.1 1.nspecti.on of 1.and fin si.te. 1. 1.0. count' Road 1.1. to Road 26. 1.1.. Road 26 to ,-oad 19. 1. 2. Road 29 and '-oute 0 f St. 'tnotll8S E1tpt ell lI",a, · \.3. , . " , onnecti.on bet.,een St. 'thotll811 E~tesS.,a' and \.', centennial. ..~e"ue 1I0tth (c . n. fl-) ... \\i.gh.,a," " · Coffee _ lat~uth 'to>lllShi.P Offi.ce. 1.5. RaCU\O Road, Road 30. d R' d 31. (rep1.ace\\l8nt of catr 1\ti.dge)' 1.6. Road 52 _ Kett1.e Ctee~ crossi.ng an oa 1.1 . Road 30 to "i.dd 1. ese1t '-oad. \.8. 1. 9. Road 31 _ 1.a~e 'Ahi.tta~et, Kettle cree~ conser~ati.on ..uth. 1. 916 . neonjut!C t i.on ..0. th S ani.tar, se.,et. '-oad 34 .1\e l.tIIOnt _ urban .,or~ i.n 1. '. \ \-~ "" '>>8"ha11\ 'toVlt\.\.ine. _ 1) .t 54 1\to>lllS~i.1.l.e sout" to J . 20. Road 4& - "oa... conti.nued · · · · · · · May 14, 1975. COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION - EAST ELGIN PAGE 2. 21. Along Ba~vham Town1ine to Ti11sonburg-Bayham (New Liv'ingstone Wood Products Factory). 22. Dinner Tillsonburg - 1:00 p.m. 23. Highway i~ 3 to Road 44. 24. Road 44 Resurfacing 1975 - Waterproofing Deck of Ede!n Bridge. 25. Highway 19 to Straffordville. Road 38 to "Highway 3 Reconstruct.ion needed. 26. Road 40 to Springfield. 27. Road 52 to Road 32. 28. Ontario Police College Construction. 29. Road 53 I. Beech and Elm Street (Check Highway 3 Real.ignment). 30. Road 35 '. Orwell to Jaffa. 31. Laur Property. 32. Road 36 to .Port Stanley if time. 33. Road 51 .Construction of Road to County Garage. 34. Inspection of County Garage. 35. Return to St. Thomas. ~~~~;W- <. ; -- COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDERS FOR MATERIALS .AND SUPPLIES - 1975.. GROUP II 1/4" Stone Chips for Surface Treatment 1. N. J. Spivak Limited, 3.40 per ton FOB M.T.C. Yard Iona. London, Ontario 2.25 per ton FOB Plant - Byron. 3.25 per ton FOB White Station. 2. Consolidated Sand & Gravel Co., Paris, Ontario. 3. R.S. Clark Limited, Ingersoll, Ontario. 4. Riverside Construction Ltd., 2.25 per ton 1/4" (round) FOB Byron Pit Washed. London, Ontario. 3.35 per ton FOB White's Station & M.T.C. Yard at lona. 5. Canada Crushed Stone, Hamilton, Ontario. 6. Cayuga Materials & Construction Company Limited, Cayuga, Ontario. " 7. Johnston Bro~. Limited, KotllOko, Ontario. GROUP UIA Crushed Gravel 1. Riverside Construction Limited, London, Ontario. 1.85 per ton FOB Byron Pit. GROUP #2 Bituminous Materi.al 1- PRIME Currie Products Limited Hamilton, Ontario. 51 cents per gallon FOB Hamilton Delivery via Thompson Transport (subject to review and escalation). II. CATION EMULS ION (RSIK) Prices to be submitted at a later date. COUNTY OF ElGIN _ TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - 1975 - CONTINUED - PAGE 2.., ~GROUP #3 ~;Hot Mix Asoha1t for Patching 1. Walmsley Brothers Limited, London, Ontario. 2. Riverside Construction Company, London, Ontario. 3. Tow1and-Hewitson Const]~uction, London, Ontario. GROUP #4 Cold Mix Asohalt 1. Riverside Construction Co. Ltd., London, Ontario. 2. Tow1and-Hewitson Construction London, Ontario. GROUP /~5 C~lcium Ch10rid~ Liauid 1. Pollard Brothers Company Limited, Harrow, Ontario. 2. Miller Paving Limited, Buttonvi1le, Ontario. Bulk 1. ~llied Chemicals Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Ba&,! 1. Allied Chemical Canada Limited Toronto, Ontario. GROUP 16 .::=:----=-. , Portland Cement, 1. Big 4 Building Centre Port Stanley, Ontario. 2. Elgin Co-Operative Services, ~~_ Thomas. Ontario. 9.80 per ton FOB Putnam for HL4 & HL6 13.75 per ton FOB Plant, Hamilton Road, London, Ontario. 12.75 per ton FOB Plant, Concession V., London Township. 13.75 per ton FOB, London, Ontario. 13.75 per ton FOB Plant, Clarke Sideroad, London, Ontario. 66.15 per ton including Federal Sales Tax, Del ivered per flake ton equiva14ent to any road or spot spraying. 66.50 per ton including Federal Sales Tax, delivered per flake ton equivalent on road. 66.15 FOB Elgin County per ton, delivered any road. Twenty-ton loads. Work by Thompson Trucking, St. Thomas. 82~40 per ton delivered to County Garage in 25 ton lots. 1.85 per bag (80 lbs.) FOB White Station. (Less 2%) (in 40 bag lots). 2.00 per bag (less 5~). COUNTY OP ELGIN - TENDERSPOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - 1975 - CONTINUF::O _ PAGE 3. GROUP #7 I I, J I Field Tile Concrete and C1av 1. Charon Construction Prloducts Ltd., Brantford, Ontario. GROUP 18 Corru~ated Culverts 1. Armco Canada Limited, Islington, Ontario. 2. Koppers, Waterloo, Ontario. 3. Corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd., Stratford, Ontario. 4. Fawcett Metal Products Ltd., Waterloo, Ontario. 5. Westeel Rosco Limited, Toronto, Ontario. 6. E. S. Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Thamesville, Ont. GROUP I 9 Fencin~ Materials 1. The Stee 1 Company 0 f Clilnada Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. 948-12 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls 1048 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls 7' T - R ail Po s t s & C Ii P Ii 16' x 48" Farm Gates 19 Galvanized Brace Wire 1 3/4" Galvanized FenC4!! Staples 48" Snow Fence in 100 foot rolls 2. Lundy Fence Company, Toronto, Ontario. 948-12 Farm Fence 1048-12" Farm Fence 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates #9 Galvanized Brace Wire 1 3/4 Galvanized Fence Staples S now Fence ~s per list of March 19, 1975. See Summary Attached. As per 1 ist of January 197.5. As per list of March 1975. No discounts. Ps \per list of September 1974. As per list of February 1975. 15% Discount from list of February 1975 in truckload lots FOB Elgin County. 5% Discount in less than truckload lots. As per special list of March 31, 1975. 243.38 per 100 rods. 287.10 per 100 rods. 187.65 per 100. 38.10 each. 21.15 per 100 lbs. 23.85 per 100 Ibs. 39.90 per 100 1in. foot. 283.03 per 100 rods. 333.45 per 100 rods. 218.69 per 100. 46.97 each. 23.97 per 100 1bs. 29.73 per 100 Ibs. 42.41 per 100 foot roll. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - 1975 - CONTINUl&D - PAGE 4,. GROUP 19 (continued) FencinR Materials 3. Fawcett Metal Products. Limited, Waterloo, Ontario. Snow Fence over 5,000 feet 39.90 per 100 feet. Snow Fence under 5,000 feet 43.90 per 100 feet. 7' T-Rai1 Posts 2.69 each. 4. Westeel Rosco Limited, Toronto, Ontario. 47.96 each. 16 foot Gates. GROUP 110 III .". Wooden Posts 1. G. L. Edwards, Thed ford, Ontario 5" Top minimum Peeled 8' long. 6" Top minimum Peeled 8' long. 8" Top Minimum Peeled 8' long. 4" x 10' long 6" Top x 6' long. FOB White Station 2.00 In truck loed lots. 3.25 4.25 2.95 each. 1.95 2. H. Nordquist, Bracebridge, Ontario. 4" Top minimum 12 feet long Pee led 5" Top mi nimum 8 feet long Pee led 6" Top minimum 8 feet long Peeled FOB White Station In Mixed loads of 600. 3.00 each 3.05 each 3.20 each GROUP III Reinforcing Steel London Steel Industries, London, Ontario. GROUP 112 Lumber 1. Big 4 Building Centre, Port Stanley, Ontario. fts per list. 2. Elgin Co-Operative Services, St. Thomas, Ontario. As per list. COUNTY O}l' ELGIN _ TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - 1975 - CONTINUED - PAGE 5. CROUP I 13 1raffic Paint in 45 gallon drums (1973 Supplier Sherwin Williams @ 2.42 per gallon) (1974 Supplier Nia~ara Paint @ 4.03 ~er ~allon). 1. Sherwin Williams, Toronto, Ontario. 4.42 Yellow Per Gallon. (Including FoS.T.) 2. Niagara Paint & Chemical Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. 3.90 Yellow Per Gallon. (Includes 5% F.S.T.) Oran$iCe Guiderail 1. Niagara Paint & Chemic~ll Company, Hamilton, Ontario. 6.56 Per Gallon in 1 gallon cans. (Includes F.S.T.) 2. R. E. Lee Paint Compan~~, St. George, Ontario. . 6.86 Per Gallon in 1 gallon cans. (Includes F.S.T.) GROUP #14 ,. '" .. Glass Beads for Centre Line Marking 1. Flex- O-Li te, St. Thomas, Ontario. 10.85 per cwt Type C Moi sture Proo f Be:ads. FOB St. Thomas (Including F.S.T.) Miscellaneous 1. Concrete - Red-D-Mix Concrete Co. 25.25 cubic yard - 6 bag Mix with additives. 27.25 cubic yard - 6 bag Mix with additives for curb and guttElr machine. ( A 11 1 E! s S 270) Plus dE!livery for points over 15 mi lE!s from St. Thomas. TIRE TENDERS 1. St. Thomas Tire Service Limited, (Uniroyal) f..s per list - cost plus st,lited amount per tire~ SUMMARY OF CCE.RUGATED CULVERT PRICES SUPPLIER .ARMC 0 KOPPERS CORRUGATED PIPE FP-WCETT WESTEEL ROSCO WESTEEL ROSCO HUBBE LL TRUCKLOftD LESS TW<.N TRUCKLOAD PRICE IS PER FOOT 10" 16 Gauge ~ n~ .., ~.., " 'l/. ? 1.7 2..48 2.77 2.15 L.?L '.7' '.J~ .... ~, '^H 16 Gauge 3.56 3.56 3.2'2 3.40 3.03 3.38 3.00 , !. 15" 16 Gauge 4.33 4.33 3.92 4.14 3.68 4.11 3.60 13" 16 Gauge 5.10 5.10 4.62 4.87 4.34 4.$J5 4.20 24" 16 Gauge 6.75 6.75 6.11 6.45 5.74 6.41 5.58 24" 14 Gauge 7.62 7.62 6.90 7.28 6.48 7.24 6.30 24" 14 Gauge 11.30 11.30 10.23 t\OT lVi\ILi\BLE 9.61 10.74 NOT AVAILP-BLE Coated on fsbestos Bonding 8" 16 Gauge 2.16 2.16 1.81 NO PR ICE 2.05 1.84 1.80 Galvanized Galvanized Gp LV f NI ZED,," 6" 16 Ga"uge 1.63 1.63 t\O" PR ICE NO PR ICE 1.55 1.39 NO PR ICE Galvanized r ! f I \!/'1. ~/' 2. V 30' 4. V5. 6. r~~a ""^' Av.~~. WEST ELGIN ROAD' INSPECTION .A:pril 23/75 Leave Engineer's Office - 9 &.M. Road ,# ~~ (St. Thomas Suburban Road). Kain's Bridgei. Present StoThomas Sanitary Gollection Services, D'ispcisal Site. Road # l6 to Fingal. ,Request for flashing light at Intersection. Road # 16 -Finga1 to Road # 14, scheduled f()r future', construction. ~~ 7. Road # 14 to Highway # 3. /;/8. Road # 14 to Road # 13 - A:'sphalt Resurfacing in197~r. V9(/l--o,)~^Park Request for fencing at rear. "'~10." Road #'13 to nutton. ~ 11., Pro jects in Dutton in conjUnction with the ,Ministryoj~ the Environment on Roads # 13 and 15. ~~~ 12~ Connectors ,- Road 15 To Road II 8 Dutton. /' 13. Road 2 from Road 8 to Roa'd15~ Asphalt Resurfacing 197$. ,#'" 14. Township of Dunwich Disposal Site,. Road 2. Drainage - East. 'Ea,st of West Lorne. Road 3 south of New {tlasgow -Clean-up& Surface T:rea"c:ment 1975~ ' Roa.d 3 ]~urniva1 Road, & Road 4 Queen St_reet, West - Rodney. . Request for Par~ing Ban Road 3t near south limit of Riodney. Village of Rodney Waste Disposal Site. Road 3 (North) Cleanup & HotM1X:,Paving -' 1975. Roa.d 6 from Road 3 to Blacks: Lane - R'esu:rfacing 1975. ,Dinner -" Clachan?, 23. To County of Essex Waste Disposal Site. 240' Return via Highway 401 to County Road # 20.' 25. Road # 18 & Township roads to St. Thomas Sanitary GoJ.lection , Se^rvicesProperty. 26. Townline Road to Highway /1'4. 27. "County Road north of St. 'Thomas' as time permits and I.eturn to ,Court House.' ,~ 15. " 16. :r 17. ."... 1 $ . r 190 ~' 20., '/21. ' 22. iT. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 9, 197,5, p.AGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Administration Office at 10,00 a.m., April 9, 1975. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MJ,RCH 25, 1975 WERE READ AND APPROVED · 1. The snow st01:m of last week had been the most severe of t,he seeson. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Work To Date as folloWS: Although crews were unable to work on Thursday they had worked most of Thursday night, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The snowplow on Grader #17 had been damaged When it broke loose from the mounting an'd was run over. A c 1 aim would be made in due cour se on the Insurance. 2. Snow Fence was being removed. 3. Dr,ainage work had been completed in Road 8 in Dutton and Road 51 and on Road 53 in Aylmer. 4. Dllainage work would start next week for the Village of West Lorne and on Road 15 in Dutton. 5. Mac McLaws was crushing gravel at the County Pit as conditions permitted. 6. The County's oldest King Seagrave Sander was being rebuilt as an alternative to scrapping it and purchasing a new one. 7. Repairs were being made to Grader #13 (GaHon). The fifth wheel and air control were being placed on Truck #44 and a rebuilt motor and brake repairs were being done on Truck #22 (Pavement Marking Truck) · ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 9, 1975. p~\GE 2. 8. That Don McMillan bad retired because of ill bealth. 9. Tbat tbe Sales Tax reduction of 2% will be most beneficial and tbat it appeared that construction Equipment etc., would be sales taX exempt. 10. Tbat- the Dodge Tandem Truck was the lowest bid and would be delivered in a week to 10 dayS time. 11. That sweeping curb and gutters was underway as weather would permit. 12. That the Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental AHairs was making grants available for oHicial Plan and lly Law p-reparatiOns. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED llY: J. 11. WILSON, TRAT THE FOLLCMING pA yt.lSTS lIE APPROVED FOR PA '{MEN'! PAYLlST * 15 _ t>.MOIlNTING TO $25,549.69. PAYLIST it 16 _ AMOIlNTING TO $310.09. PAYLlST it 17 _ AMOIlNTING TO $25,343.71. PAYLlST t 18 _ AMOIlNTING TO $68,588.56. C~R lED" Estate of tbe late llesSie Laur regarding the sale of ber property on CORRESPONDENCE WAS REM> from Peter Cloin, executor of the Lot 25, concession V Yarmouth. Tbe Engineer reported tbat the County'S last offer had been rejected and that tenders were being accepted to noon on April 11. Reeve CaverlY reported tbat tbe Townsbip of Malabide was negotiating for a gravel pit in tbe same general area. 51. 1\\OMAS t ON1.M{ 1 0 t APRIL 9, 1975. pl\GE 3. .H"tER CONSIDERABUt D lSCUSS 101' "MovED lfit L. R. C~ROLL. SECONDED BYt A. ll. LUBNER, 'tllA't 't1\l!. \!.NC1NE\!.R B\!. AlJ'tll<l'-lZJ!.D 'tOpJ.,ACE A 'tENDER ON 't1\l!. t'll. 0 l1Ell.'tY 01" B\!.S S U J.,AUll. , LCIt 25 C ONC\!. S S 101' V y~~MOU1R ~1 $23,529. CARRIED" Middlesex-Klgin-St.. 'thoroas Solid Waste St.udy and answeTed questions 't1\l!. \!.NC1NE\!.ll. 1!I!.ESENtED t.he at.tached TepOTt. on t.he London- on the S tUGY · 't1\l!. ME\!. 't1NC AD J QURN'ED YOl\. D lNN1!.ll. · .~I:rrER DINNER · · · · · 'IRE ENC1NEEll. PRES\!.NtED t.he at.t.ached ll.epOTt. on t.he Tesult.s of pTeliminaTY negot.iat.ions by t.he special Commit.t.ee on Wast.e Disposal. 'the W&Tden, t.he ChaiTroan and Reeve l4.ont.eit.h TepoTted at. some lengt.h. Ar.l~'R DISCUSSION · · . . "MOVED BY: w. R. c~VERLYt S\!.CONDED BY t D. COOK, 'tRA't WE ll.\!.coMMJ!.ND 'to cOUNtY COllNC1L 'tRA't 't1\l!. COUN'tY RAvE AN APpp.f,1SAL MADK 01" 't1\l!. PRoPRll.'tY OWNED BY S't. 'tllOMAS SAN1'tAR'l COLUtC'tl0N S\!.ll.V1Cl!.S L1M1'tED IN CONC\!.SS10N 111, SOll'tllVlOW. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: L.R. C.M{ROLL, Sl!.CONDED BY t D. COOK, 'tRA't WE J.l.\!.CoMMEND 'to cOUNtY COUNC1L 'tRA't WE PAR't1Cll'A't\!. 11' AN AREA SOLID WA$'tE MANAC\!.MENt s'tUDY Wl'tU 't1\l!. cOUNtY 01" l4.1DDUtSEX, Cl'tY 01" LONDON AND 't1\11. Cl'tY 01" S't. 'tll()}!b.S. CARRIED" 51. 11:\ oMAS, ON1AR I 0, APRIL 9, 1975. PAGE 4. UMOVED 'BY: w. R. CAVERLY, SEC oND ED B'h D. C OOR, T\\AT \il!. REcoMMEllD TO coul'l'tY cOUllClL T\\AT T\\E EllGlNEER AllD w;.RDEll Bl!. APPOlllTED bS T\\E cOUl'l'tY Of ELGlll'S TEC\\lllCAL REPRESEl'l'tATl'fES Oil T\\E AREA SOLlD WASTE ~NAGEMENt stUDY. CARR lED" "MOVED BY: J. B. WlLSOll, SECOllD1!.D BY: L. R. CARROLL, T\\AT VIE REcoM\.'IEllD TO COUllTY COUllClL TflAT T\\E WARDEll AllD C\\A1Rf\A1l Of T\\E ROAD CoMM.lTTEE BE t..?POll'l'tED bS T\\E coul'l'tY Of ELGlll REl'RESEllTATl'fES Oil T\\E AREA SOLID wbSTE f\A1lUlEMEllT STUDY'S STEERlllG COMMlTTEE. CARR lED" 1. Mrs. Jack Simpson tha~ing the Co~ittee for flowers re the CORRESPONDEIlCE Wt..S REiJ> "FROM 2. Kettle Creek Authority with thanks for work at Leke \lbituker. late Jack SimpSon. 3. To.rnship of YartnOuth re Rezoning of :property on \\igh..ray 3 for eotnmercial use. LETTERS TO T\\E EDlTOR of the "-yl,,,er ExpresS by Vietor Bardawill and Jan Verdun on the \\ighway 3 feasibility StudY were 'lMO'lED 'BY: VI. R. CAVERLY t noted. SECOllDED B'l: D. COOK, T\\A't ROAD lllSPECTIOll DATES Bl!. SE't ,,-S fOLLOWS, EAST ELGlll · lo\A.Y 14T\\, VlEST ELGlll - APRlL 23Jl.D, TO LEAVE COUll'tY EllGlNEER' S OyYlCE 1>,'t <}: 00 ,,-.14. CARR lED" S't. 't\\oMJ$, ON'tJ>.RI0, 1\1>\1.11., 9, 1915. p~GE 5. 't\\l!. l!.NGINl!.l!.R llE1'OR'tl!.D that he had reco1lllll8nded that the b t"'e 'to-shin of 'larll\Outh and Riverside const<ruction ~greeroent et~en u W" r for the rezGning of land on Road 22 for a \\ot Milt ~sphalt 1'lant ta\(.e note Gf the necessity for an p,greet1\8nt bet~en the county of l!.lgin and Riverside constr\l.ctiGn for certain physical construction re~uired ~ ll.. alsO reported that he for berms, entrances, ditching, trees e~C' had t1\8t with representatiVes 0 f Riverside construction at the that ~greet1\8nt on the wor\(. to be done had been reached. site and Reeve Coo\(. reported that an agreet1\8nt bet~en the Union Optimist Club and the 't01ill\shiP of 'larll\OUth was being considered and that the 't01ill\shiP' s InsUrance Cotlll'anY had SUggested the ~greement contain a "hold har1l\leSs"clause in the ~greet1\8nt with respect to 't01ill\shiP and County protlerty at Union. 'tllE l!.NGINl!.l!.R llE 1'OR'tl'.D t bat a tentative co st 0 f $2, 500 might be incurred for a flashing light signal at the Intersection 0 f Roads 16 and 20 in tingal. \\e was instructed to obtain Il\Ore detailed information. "MOvED ~'Y~ Sl!.CONDl!.D "B'l: P,. \\. Lll!."BN1!.R, 't~'t 'dl!. J:'IlRC\VSl'. SU"BJ\!.C't 'to lUN1S'tR'l Of 'tMNS 1'OR't~'t10N ~ND COttroN1Cp.'tloNS ~1'PRO'1~L ~ D()l)G\!. MODl!.L cN't800 'tMIDl!.M 'tRUCK 'FROM. S't. 't\\ow.S 1'L'll'iOU't\\ CRR'iS \l.R LllU'tl!.D e.s 'tllE 11< QU<1th't 10N ot ~C\\ 26 IN 'tllE ~M.OUN't ot $20,890. C1\'RR lED" D. COOK, 't\\l!. l!.NGINllER llE1'OR'tf,D that tenders as attached had been received for the CountY used Wayne A.ir Compressor and Steam JennY and reco~nded the highest bid be accepted. ST. THOMP$, ONTARIO, APRIL 9, 1'975. PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: D. COOK, THAT WE SELL THE COUNTY OF ELGIN tg USED STEAM JENNY TO GARDINER INDUSTRIAL SALES LIMITED AT HIS TENDERED PRICE OF $310. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL, THAT WE SELL THE COUNTY OF ELGIN USED WAYNE AIR COMPRESSOR TO KENNETH STADDON AT HIS TENDERED PRICE OF $279. CARRIED" TENDERS FOR GASOLINE & DIESEL FUEL AS ATTACHED had been received and evaluated as all tenders had not agreed to buy Petrofina1s interest in the tanks or supply pumps. n MOVED.BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY, THAT WE ACCEPr THE QUOTATION OF STERLING FUELS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL AS l'.I;!;l(. THEIR QUOTATION OF APRIL 4 AND THE COUNTytS TENDER CONDITION AT 5.9 CENTS PER GALLON DISCOUNT FROM TANK WAGON PRICE FOR GASOLINE AND 7.3 CENTS PER GALLON DISCOUNT FOR DIESEL FUEL. CARR lED" MATERIAL AND SUPPLY TENDERS WOULD BE PRESENTED at the next meeting as evaluation had not been completed. Tenders for pic:kup truck, automobile and tractor tenders had been called to close April 30. S't. 't\\014~.s, ON'tJUl.10, ~,1'R1L 9, 1975. FAGE 7. nMOvED 'B1: D. COOK., SECONDED B'l' A. \\. L1EBNER, 'tl\A't 't1lE C\\AlRMM'I 1\11. A\l'I\\()ll.1ZED 'to OPEN 'tENDERS fOR 1'1CK uP 'tRUCK, 'tRAC't()ll.S, AND A\l'I0140B1LES DuE APR1L 30, 1975. CARR1EDll 't1lE ENG1NEER REQuES'tED pe-ctniSsion to calt tende-CS fo-c \\ot 14i~ Asphalt -cequi-ced fo-c const-Cuction jobS in 1975. \\e also -cecOl\1lllended that the Mphalt Resu-c facing 'do-clt planned fo-c Road 4'1. bet~en \\ighway 73 and Road 40 be deleted and that it be -ceplaced with wo-clt on Road 40 f-cotn sp-cingfield to Glen Colin. "MOvED '61: D. coOK., SEcoNDED B'l' L. R. CARROLL, 't\ll\'t 't1lE ENG1NEER BE. A\l'I\1()ll.1ZED 'to CALL 'tENDERS f()ll. \\t1l' 141)( l\Sp\!l\L't PAV1}1G iN CONJU}1C't10N 'd1't\1 't1lE COUN't'l'S CONS'tRUC't10N l'ROJEC'tS ON RoPJ> 3 N()ll.'t\\ Of ROAD 9 n1 A11) B()ll.OUG\\ 't O'dl'S \\11' , 1N D\l'I't ON ON ROADS 8 , 13 &. 15 NlD A pAD fOR 'd1N'tER SAND1NG A't 't\\E 'toWNS\\11' Of DUN'd1CU GARAGE 1N p()ll.'t S'tANLE'l ON RoPJ> 20, ROAD 30 'lARM~\\ , 'to'dl'S\\1P, ROAD 51, 'fp,RMOU't\\ 'to'dllS\\1P AND 't\\E l!.N'tRANCE AND 1N fRoN'! Of 't1lE COUN't'l GARAGE ;,'t 'dl.\1'tE S'tA't1ON. CARR1ED" "MOV\!.D B'l' 'd. R. CA V\!.RL'l, SECONDED B'l' A. \\. LlEBNER, 't\ll\'t 't1lE ENG1NEER BE AU't\\()ll.1ZED 'to CALL 'tENDERS f()ll. \\('ft }l.111 ;,$ pl\AL't Rl!.SUR fAC1NG ON (A) RoPJ> 2 fROM ROAD 8 'to RoAD 15, (B) ROe-D 6 fROM RoPJ> 3 'to Bv.cK LANE, (C) RoAD 44 fROM \\ 1Gl\WA'l 19 'to \\1G\\'dA'l 3. (I) RoAD 40 fROM L1M1'tS Of V1LLAGE Of Sl'R1NGYlELD 'to GLENCOL1N. CARR lED' , S't. 't~oWS' O~bR10. bttR1L 9, 19'75. p~Gt 8. It}\.oVf.D B1: ". R. Cto.Vf.RL1. SECO}11)ED B1: D. COOK, 'tw.'t \1F. t>,U't\\OR 1z.E 't\\E E \'1G 1\'1EER 't 0 Cto.LL 'tE }11)ERS 1\'1 S 'tE}11)ER VOR \\crt lU)( C O\'1.J1l\'1C't'l!O\'1 ,,1't~ 't\\E c 0\l\'1't1 ' ..."" '. " 1'" L't lIEEDS oV crt~ER ~n' 1C 11.'to.L1't1ES ?to.V1l'1G VOR ."'" "",tlP to.}11) to.GE1:'IC 1\!. S 11:'1 't\\E C 0\l\'1't'l. c~'R tED" "M.ovED r,"i: l). COOK, SEC01:'lDED B1: ". R. Cto.Vf.RL1, 'tw. 't \1F. to.D J ()\JR\'1 't 0 \oil'> 1 8. \. 9; S to.'t \.0: 00 to.. }\.. (REGULt>.'R l\EE't 11:'1G ) · ct>..R'R tED" ~/ ~ -.. ~ ~ ;/.,:r / .,>~.~ ".//' ", i .r- " COUNTY OF ELGIN coultr,rENGINEERIS REPORT ON SOLID WASTE DISP~AL April 1975. To The Cbair.lR and Members 0 f The County of Elgin Road Coaaittee. In January 1975 I reported to you on the Proposed Study of Solid Waste Djlsposal for Middlesex, Elgin, London and St. Thomas. Attached is a copy of the Report given at that time plus Terms of Reference of f~he Study. Sineethat time the Terms of Reference to the Consult~nts have been refined and presentations requested from the Consultanfta. E 14!ven presentations were received and the Tec,hnica1 COlDlllit tee (wh:lch I act 'on as an observer) narrowed the cboice to fourwhieh arl! to be interviewed, on April 11th and a recCllmmendation _de to a Steler,ing Committee. (The Consultants chosen fClr intervielili's are James MacLaren, Dil10ns, Gore and Storrie, and Proctc.r Redfer.n.)i These Consultants have been ,requested to provide a firm price that the cost of the. Study will not exceed. In order to provide this price t)le Consultants vill have to know whether or not the County ()f Elgin and City of St. Thomas propose to participate in the Study. It appears that the selected Consultant will ~llso be ablE! to acquire considerable information from another Study nc)w underway in London for the erection of a ,processing" front end", reco',ery plant. This will 101ller the cost of the Study and the Technical C011UDittee hc)'pes to do the Stuldy for under,the ten cents per capita esti1lllate previouls 1 y suggested. Tbe ,S tudy wi 11 now concentrate on prob 1ems 0 f an intermediate and long range nature (3 to 15 years) as the City of London has sol'"ed its most prtu_sing problems and the Study will not be completed in tilDe to solve the short range E1gin~St. Thomas problem although certain in format ion gathered in the next coup Ie 0 f months might he 1p us somewhat. i' <' , COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY ENGINEER'S IlEP<JlT ON SOLID WASTE DISPOOAl.. To The Cnairanan ano Members of April 1975, The County of ,Elgin Road Co_ittee - continued. Page 2. , ~. to---- , The ,CoDllittee 'sbould make a decision on the p~lrticipation' in ,the, Study and make arecolII'Rendation to County Council as soon as possible. I would reconnend that the County 0 f Elgin palot ic ipate i 11 the Study as I feel that the information from such a study would far outweigh the cost of the Study to the County. Partic ip,t ion in the Study will also k.e~p County Officials in close touch with Ministry ()f' the Environment Officials whos~ assistance we ,may requir4! in the neJ(t few months to help us solve our short range problems. I f participation in the Study is approved by the Committ4!8, two persons should be appointed by County Council to a Steering Committee (whose purpose ,it is to review matters approved by the Technical Committee and to recolllllend action to theirreSlpective Councils). TbeCounty of Elgin Representatives on the Tec:hQ1ca1Comi:nitte~ are the Warden and ,Engineer ~o could also serve on the Steering 'Committee if Council so wished. All of which is respectfully submitted. 1~. J'J', I' f'-.-~ . . " ) .1-1.- ~ R. &lC. MOORE ,/ ~ ;itg. , COUNTY ENGINEER. .! :~ ~ i'" e.1 \n""r CITY OF LONDON.. SOLID WASTE' STUDY PARt'ICIPANTS Organized by the City of London, County of Middlesex h~s ~greed to join 1.'0 partnership. County of Elgfn and City of St. ThotllPs : ~ave be.n requested to. join. Study will be directed by 8 Steering Committee being two members, 'from each Municipality (and e,Tec'hnical Committee, pgfdn t'#o -members from eaeh Munic ipa 1 i ty).' TYPE OF .STUDY Study t~ be done, by Consu~tants. . The t;e,rms of re ferenc.e (which are attached) are heing forwat'~ed to various qualified consultants who are being requested to submit' infot'rnationre,garding their firms' ,interes,t tn the study. The Technical' Committee will choose, a Consultant 1.\n<j recommend" their"appointment tot he Steering. Committee for approva 1. It ts hoped to pick a ,Co,Dsultant in late February aryd hElve the Study' " ' completed by summer or early fa 11. COSt. COst of Study is estimated' at $70,000 and will be subject to e 50% Mini.stry of.the Environment Subsidy. Remaining cost 'w~lJ be divided between participating Municipalities on a per capita basis. (Approxlmatel'y 10 cents per capita.) The ,City of London would admInister the payment of accounts, make application for subsidy.a.nd bill the other Municipalities the net amount. Purpose of Study is to determine the most economic and efficien~ system of handling, transporti.ng,tl"eating (including recovery of soli.d w~\ste) within ~heCounty of t-1icidlesex and the County of Elgin (i.f Elg1ln parti'c.ipF,tes),. 'Other matters than solid waste could be examined if preliminary examination shows there could be a problem with these materials. ; The Study is to determine what parts,' if any, of the two CountiE~s could be more efficiently served by other schemes and if ar~8S out~ide th~ two Counties should be served by schemes within the two CountiE~s. Special attention. is t'o be paid to the Province' spr()posed W~stE~ Recovery System tq,""ascertain ho~ i~ ~uld fit into the pr'esent wa:ste disposal schemes. The complete terms of Re ference 0 f Study are attached. ~. ;." ., . .. J.... '~; . J.~' :(l j \. .1, .~! .",'.~' ~. . . AREA SOLID ~lA~.L~ MANAGEt1ENT STUDY TElU-{S .OF REFERENCE .OBJECTIVE OF STUDY: ~rhe principal 01> jective" of the Study 1s to' Icfetermine the most efficient and most economic systems of handling, transportation,treatment (including!: recovery.) and dispos,al of solid wa~te gene.rated within the -'7;ea. However, <)ther classifications of waste generated shall be investigate~ to an adequate extent to determine whether problems may resultt now and in the future, tC) the constituent municipalities due to th~ handling olr dispo's,al , 'of oth~r lli'aste matcrials"pr whether it would be advantageous to consider their inclusion in any r~commended system. Consideration, to an adequate extent,shall also be gi.yen to whether the area undeJ;' study is the most suitable area for ~hispurpose; whether s~)me portions of the area might be more efficient 1y ser'viced by other> $Y~1~ems j . whether locations Qutside the Study Area might be most ':~ll"\', . ,.,,,,~",,,>'~' ":~i",,'~~'~li," . '. ..i~~:....,~. .~~~ _ . ':-"~. . c:.:f.L1.ci-L:...,".i -~..v!~'-.... ';j'.the ar:;,", .....:.i........U.tl..;2;; 1',.. .H, "',....:........~.H .' ;. l' dnd' whether fa'ci1.itics owned by other agencies might be utilized by the area. Sp~cificattention shall be \paid to the effects of ex1,sting and ,propos~d t~c:lste mnnagement systems' on other services including trans.., ports'tion and on urban and industrial developnlent.' 'Also, what effect. future urban and industrial development will have on. the proposed waste . management systems. In partt'cular, the reviews and comparatiVE! analyses required under terms of reference 5, 6 and 7 below shall include an examination of such effects which shall be taken into full con~Jider,iti.ot\ in the 'pr1eparatiori of t he,recommendlltions incorporat.ed in the Itrogress Repor,t. ,- ," DETAIl,ED TEP~tS OF REFERENCE: 1) , Establish types, soutces of generation 'and ~eights of privately, commercially, and ffiunicipal1y collected: solid wastes in the ~tudy Area at present. (For lllrger residential areas the zones of generation should be identified.> .' 2 . . . If sufficient records nnd data a~e already nvrtl1able regarding per cllpita refuse production, the consultant will not be rcqu:i.red to monitor this phase of th€~ study. however, commercial wastes must be adequately investi- gated by on-site evaluations~ 2) Prepare an Invent()ry of and tabulate the presently employed' methods of handling, transporting, treating, recovering and disposing of the wastes included in Item I, including industrial liquid wastes, agricultural ~astes, d1.gested sewage sludge, filter cake or any similar waste material. Any environmental, or oth~rproblems resulting fI~om such present methods must be identified. The follo1rling typical.chart provides guidance as to the investigative effort required by the Consultant. Investigative Effort Extensive I ' . Cursory Not Required Medium Der~lict Motor Vehicle and Equipment Sites Licensed Haste Haulers x x On..;Going Recycling and , ReclDma t ion Prograrrne x Industrial Liquid Wastes x x x x x x x Agricultural Hastes Pathological Wastes Food Pro c e s stn g h~ as t e s Sewage Sludge Septic and Holding Tnnk Wastes Others Hotor. tires , . " ;.. ,r~ " . ~.'.; '. ~ I , ~ .. 4' . . . 3 3) Review existing planning dataavai.lnble'to determine anticipated future development of the Study Area for a ,e> ten and twenty year period, with respect to: a) Iricrease of population snd its probable location; b) Extent, ~y,pe and location of future commerce and Industl'Y'. 4) Provide estimates of types, sources of g~~neration, quantities and weights of rPunicipal and .:lndustrial ".solid waste arising in the Area for the ten year and twenty year periods. 5) Consider, evaluate and compare other methoda and processes "of waste handling, transportatjlon, treatm.~nt and disposal and make recommendations on the most suit-. , able 'alternatives for the Area. 6) The Provincial Resource Recovery Program and the Study being carried out in relation to the waste ,processing plant for the City of London shall be incorporated into the Study and recommendations of the Consultants. 7) . Make reconnnendations on a Waste Managemelllt Master Plan for a waste management in the Study Area for a ten year aud/twenty year period. This Waste Management l-1aster Plan will include:' a) Proposals for the improvement of present systems to the current Provincial standards, ~lth a comparative analysi~, including'a cost analysis, of the most suitable alt~rnativcs. If immediate action is required to solvE~ an existing and critical environmental Jl,roblem arising out of waste 11k1nngem~nt pr<1ctic€~n, the con~.ul t':Uit should 80 note. in a pre! iminlll ry report, however, th is nct i vity would not includE~ llny detailed site'studicn or lnvesti~ntibns. 4 . . . b) Proposals for the most efficient and economical systems to serve the area for the ten year and twenty year periods, with a comparative I" analysis, including a cost analysis, of the most suitable alternatives. c) Proposals for the development of the system from stage (a) above to stage (b) above. 8) The Consultant will review other pertinent ,reports or studtes undertaken for the Stu4r Area and incorporate important f~ctors including any environmental impact factors into this Area Study with appropriate references to these previous reports. 9) A list of all reference material istlobe prepared and included in this report. ' 10) Provide regular Progress Reports based upon the require-, ments of the Terms of Reference 1 to 9 above for the '~i' con~iJel.'.~Lioi.l of the ':L'ecnnic.Jl Cor.;r.litt:2e. " l1-~esc Pr.:;grcss Reports may be of letter type and .. ~P. . . copies shall be provided. 11) Upon receipt of instructions from the Technical Committee, develop a detailed staged program for implementation of the approved Waste Manag~ment M2ster :Plan including capital .... and operating costs, locations of transfer stations, pro- ~essing and/or disposal sites transportation routes, and -,j: timing for staged implementation. 12) The Waste ~..anagement 1-Iaster Plan shall also include recot1lG1enda... tions on sy~tem adtriinlstration, operation and finapclng. 13) Two hundred copies of a final report' shall be provided containing a conpletc. account of the investigations ylith cone lusiot'ls and recommen.drttions and the approved Wnste M.1na::,ement ~taster Plnnand program for its 1mplcment.ation. ]l4) Preparation for the attendnnce tit mc<<!!tinBs of senior - \ pcr30nncl HI' to t! total of rlCt(lcn ,nlc1n-dnyn t'o~ .19Sf:'1t in pref;C'l1f:.1t ion of th,! rcpor.t~.., I '~ ~~ . . 15) Assist in the obtaining of all approvals nnd the' implementation of the program after mutual agreement has been reached between the psrticipntin'8 Munic:ipal,~ties if this assistance is requested~ (The cost of this ,assistance is not to be included' in the Area Study but may be the subject of a further agreement). '" City J~n~tncer' s Department .... I>K[: /bw JanualrlY 9. 1975 .~r~ ,'~ . 5 '. tfr:-~~ ./ "f""> , > , ~"';)? ~" r' COUNTY OP ELGIN ROAIl"DEPARTHE,NT 'REVIEW 0' DiSCUSSIO~ OP SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTI~ WITH R. M:~CAIG APRIL 4, - 1975 POPULATIONS City of St. Thomas -'-----------------,--------------.--------- 26,241 County of Elgin now served by'St.Thomas Sanitary C.:>llecti~n .3:~,643 T otal.5H,884 Oounty' of ElgIn not '~erved by St. Thomas Saqitary Cl:>llection l,534 Tot.al P4lptilat ion' 66,418 City o~ St. Thomas to Area Served -----------------.---- 44.6'0 City 0 f St. Thomas to Whpl, Co~nty (including City) 39.6% Portage of Whole County (including City) Not' Served ---'" 11.3% D IS POOAL ' SITE ," St. ThotlllaS Sanitary Collection Services" Limited has, t:finistry,\,'of the Environme,nta1 Hearing Board approval for a Solid Waste Disposal Site on Lots 21,22, and 23~ Concession III, South1rold. (Area approximately' '320 to 140 acres.) St. Thomas Sanitary Collection '. Services Llmi ted has been turned down by the Dntar ioMuidc ~pa 1 Board in a reques~ to have the Site rezoned from Agricultural Land to a Solid Waste Disposal 'Site. The" central 100 acres of Sitl! has had a number of improvements made to it in(:lud~ng -new housejE!rected 197:3 - rough berm placed along Higbway,40l - ro~dway into property - some excava.tion for land fi 11 - some tree. planted 3 phase 550 V'olt hydro, line installed ' - 2 gJrage b\Jli1dings erected and partially completed - corruga.ted paper container ba.ler and conveyor installed - 10 bore holes 40 to 100 feet deep to monitor ground water and:, hydJr8ultc; gradient ditching tel 'co11ect surfaee water ~o ditch along Highway 401 two 5,000 gallon fuel tanks "'J"ough pond for water supply for washing trucks etc. West farm has some 0 lder bui ld i,ngs and' now vacant house. East farm has an old barn. no recent tile in any farm. - 1 - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT , I REVIEW OF DISCUSSIONS OF~PECtAI.. COHHITTEE ON. SOLID WAST'E WITH R. MSCAIG APR~L4, 1975 TRANSFER STA1~10NS (1) Bayham Townsbipat tbe'1ntersection of Highway 19 and Road 45. (2) Malllhide Township - Old Aylmer' Dump East 0 f Highway 73 South o fAylmer. ' CONTAINER SITE Present Disposal Area Westo of Kains Bridge St. Thomas. TENTATIVE PROPOSALS BY R. K::CAIG (subject to error, and correction) D IS POOAL Cool'S Ownership costs (amortized over 20 years ,at 10 3/4%) of 100 acre of property, 90 cents per capita per year if all persons,. in the County were served. Pro rated increase if all perso~s were not served. (ClOst of ownership per year based on 1975 population $59,776 ($60,000). C4:>st per person fCllr actual landfi11ing operation $1.96 per, capita. TRANSFER SITE: COSTS (1) For new site at St. Thomas $50,000 or $8,248 per year 'or if spread over St. Thomas, plus approximately one half of Southwold and Yarmouth (i.e. over 32,000 persons) about 26 Cents per capita per year. (2) West Elgin site 1.00 pe~ capit~. (3) East Elgin - Aylmer and Bayham 10 cents per capita fixed~ost. HAULAGE From Corltainer Sites _. EAST ELGIN - Bayham Site - .10 fixed 1.18 haulage plus wages (1.50~per capita) $ 1.28 Aylmer Site .10 fixed .92' wages' .65 wages $ 1.67 per capita WES'r ELGIN - Haulage 1.48 to landfill siteo - 2 - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REVIEW OF DISCUSSIONS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE WITH R. H::CAIG APRIL 4. 1975 COSTS Yarmouth - Southwold (per capita) Collection 5.29 DitiPosal '1.96 O,mership of Disposal Site 1.00 (without West'Elgi'ti), ' Transfer Site (St. Thomas) 0.26 Plus'Hau1age Plus Wages at Trans fer'S ite $'8 . 5l MunicipiL1ities using Disposal Privileges only would pay $2.86 per capita (this compares to say $1.00 per capita which Belmont is now paying f~.r Disposal Privileges). St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited wish a contract of 10 years in length. Escalation in cost would he tied to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics Cost of Living. There W(Jluld be no cost per capita increase for 1976 but populat ion figures of the Fall of 1975 from the Ministry of TEGA Assessment Brianch would be usedl for 1976. Cost for 1977 would be present cost figures per capita times Cost of Living Index of January 1977 January 1976 and. ensuing )rear Cost of Living Index of Januarv (vear) January 1976 Ownershi.p cost per capita would remain constant and would not ~rise with the cost of living. Present contract terms, will be honoured and ensuing contracts,llrill be signed on the above basis. St. Thonlas Sanitary Collection Services Limited would sell their property. Appraisal would be required. (Some indication that St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited would divide.. costs IOf an appraisal.) All of which is respectfully submitted. , ' ( II' I) 'j' }'- ii' ... -) J '. , './ ! / I, ,,'-.... . ,It. G. MOOJlE ~ /p .Eng., COUNTY ENGINEER. - 3 - COONTY OP'E WIN R<>>J>DEPARTHENT REVIEW OF DISCUSSIONSOP SPECIAL CO!filITTEE ON SOLID WASTft: WITH R.MGCAIG APRIL 4. 1975' (PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL) rrese'ot Disposal Costs to Areas not having pickup by St. Thomas San1ltary , Collection Services Limited- '$ 1.00 per capita ~roposed Cost' '- $ 2.86 per capita Proposed St. 'Thomas~anitary Collection Services Ltd. Di~~posa1 Charge $ 2.86 per capita ", County 0 f Essex charge, to Windsor $ 2.00 per ton Disposal of Material - St. Thomas Sanitary Co11ectionService.s Limited - $ 1.96 per capita County of Essex - $ 1;43 per ton (1975) - $ 1~52 p~r ton (1976) Ownership Cost as proposed by St. Thomas Sanitary Cc)llection Snrvice$ '.0 Li1ll1ted - $~O,OOO per year for 1975 and in 10 years at a 2% increas4~ in population per year, the Total Cost to. 198~ is 66,244 and in 1985 is 73,,138. Total Cost for 10 year period beginning in 1976 would be 670,150. (At no growth, cost would be $600,000.> CostQf MoneJ -: Equal Annual Payments at 9% Interes1t ;.. $100,000 borrowed. .10 y.:ears - 15,5"82 i>er year 15 years - 12,406 per year 20 years - 10,954 per year at 10% Interest 10 years -' 16,274 per year ;15 years - 13,147 per year 20 years - 11, 746 P~l. year Debt cost to County of Esse~ is approximately 48,000 per year. ,Ord!nar,'operating costs for 1975 County of Essex $ 38.,000. Flossie Janes Property - 170 acres in Lots 20, 21, and 22 in Coneessi,on II listed at $1,16,000 or approximately $680 per .cr~!. -if- li. Sterling Fuels" , 263 Batbur:s,t.Street, .Bo](' 2963" . Lol'lc.l'on, -OntarioN6A 4~J1. 2. Lacey Fue 1s ,. 265 Pirst Avenue, St., ,Tho,mas"Ontario. ~3. . CuI fOt 1 Canada Limited, p.a; Box621~~ StationD, LOndon" Ontario. '~ ','; .4. . .,S,u~.Qi l,Company Limit:ed, ,Oxford Street East, ',P.O. Box 2543, T,rmillal "An, ,London,. On~.rioN6A ~.G9. 5~ BP Oil Limited, Lond~n Agencies Dist]~ict, 660 Richmoncl Str.~t, LOnd~n, Ontario. ' 6. Shelf Canada' Limitedl,.' c/.o 14 Dunkirk Drlve,t,: St. Thomas, Ontario.. ' 7. Arrow Petro 1eums tim:l ted, '246 Waterloo Street, p.o. Box. 2844, London, OntarioN6A,' ~~H8. 8. Texaco Canada L~mited, 493 Dundas Stre.t, London, Ontario,. 9,. Petro fine Canada Lilft:~ted, "461 Second Street, 'London, Ontario. 10. Imperial Oi 1 Li.mit,dl. 1 Duncan Kill R~ad" Don Mills, 'Ontarl~KlB 1Z2. Present S~pplier - P4atro fina COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD 'D8PARTMENT DIESEL FUEL TENDERS TANK WAGON PRICE 41.8 41.8 '41.3 40.3 40.3 40.3 " 42.'9 40.5 40.5 /)/} i, .if. .;(~.~ ~. ~ l~'t/'>.-A <------- APRIL 19i7,S. DISCOU~T TAX NET 7.3 25 59.'5 7.0 59.8 25 5.9 25 60.4 4.8 25 60.5 4.35 ~. 25 60.95 4.1 15 61.2 6.7 251 61.2 4.0 25 61.5 4.0 25 61.5 25 62.5 >; 64.5 . . , ~ SUPPLY , EQUIPMENT YES NO NO YES I I , .1 I it .", , . ~;. 1. Lacey 'Fuels. "265 Firat Avenue, St. ThORA.,.. Ontario. 2.Gu1 fOil Ca;nada LiDli1~'d, 'P.O~'Box 6218, Statio~ D, London, Ontario. 3. Ster1i;,ng Fuels, '263 ,B~thurst Street, Box 2963, Lon~on. Ontario N6A ."'J1.' 4. ,Sun 011 Company Limilted. 'Oxford S treetEast, P.O. Box 2543, TermilOa1 flAU. London, Ontario N6A 14G9. 5. BPOil Limited, London Agencies 'Dist'rict, ,660 a'iehmond Street, ;London~ Ont,ario. 6. , Shell C.anac1_ Limi ted, c/o 14 DunkirkI)'rive, St.. Thomas, Ontario. 7. ArrowPetro1euDls Limlited, 246 W.terloo Street, P.q. Box 2844, London. Ontario N6A 4H8. 8. Texaco Canada Limited, 493 Dundas Street, Lolulon ,Ontario. 9. Petrofina 'CanadeLimited., 461Sec'ond \ Street, London, Ontario. 10. Imperial Oil Limited, . . 1 I)uncad Mill Road, DonHl11s, Ontario }lI3B lZ2. COURTYOP ELCIN R'OAD DE PARTMENT GASOLINE TENDERS TANK WAGON PIt ICE 43.7 . 43.3 43.9 42.7 42.5 42.6 44.6 42.8 42.8 Present Supplier ~ Petro fina Canada 'DISCOUNr 6.5 5.~ 5.9 4.7 4.35 4.'1 6.0 4.0 4.0 .~ APRIL 1975~ TAX.;" NET. SUPPLY EQUI PME NT 191 56.2 NO l~l 56;.5 NO 19 57.0 YES 19 57.0 YES 19 57 . 15 I lC~ 57.5 19 57.6 1'9 57.8 19 51";, 8 19 58.8 59.8 I, I It'.' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR USED STEAM JENNY (ALL PLUS ONT. SALES TAX.) () t~>/ OJ APRIL 7', 1975. 1. Gard'lner Indust1;ial Sales Ltd., Box 129, Lamb~e t h. 2. Dave Brackstowe, 96 Hloman 'Street, Lolldlon, Ont. "3. Kenn.eth Staddon, R.R. /I 2, .Port Stanley. 4. Frank Williams, Bo x ' :B 1 , Port Burwe 1'1, Ont. 5.' Vern1eHiggs, 542 J&lm Street, St. Thomas. - $ 310. - $ 150. - $ 135. - $ 101. - $ 75. C O\lN1: y 0 l' E. LG IN R (1.D D EP />,.R 1: ME tl1: 1:E.NDER fOR USED w. yll\!. HR COMP\ttSSOR V. n Pl.us ontario S al.eS 1: a><. ) bpri\ \97:;. Kenneth Staddon, R.It. i 2, port: Stanley $ 279. to.. \'e1dhuizen, R.R. f 4, St. 1homas $ 275. KeitbS Mil.'ll 1:t:ans~ot:t Ce). R.R. f 3, lona Sta ti;On $ 252. Ua~e B,-cac\tsto~' '96 \\otnan St'Ceet, Lond.on, qnt. $ '2. 00.' JaseS Ra" R.It. t 4, St. 'thomas $ \51. 'v et:,ne'\\iggs, 542 t 1\\\ Street, St. 'thOm&5 $ 125. St. 1:b.o\lla& 'tit:e Set:vice Ltd.- 90\ rralbotStreet, S't. 't'o.C'18 5 $ \.00. Gaidinet: InGUStrial. sates Ltd.. 1',0)('\29, Lambeth $ 116. ~rnold,\o\i.l\iga'(\, R.i.. # 5, St. ..1\:\0-5 $ 46.12 ~.11 /nJ;' ~.. SESSIoN flJ \~ ~p..P1tIL 7 5 J.,r\ 1. .9- E 'PORt j- - Vli-St"R 'to 't\\E 'tI~IlDEtl ANl }Il!.}(B\!.RS oV Et.CIlt COUlt'tY COUltCIL Y()\l\\. R~ 'cO~I't'tEE 1\EGS 'to REPOR't AS tOLL()'tlS: 1. 'tie have purchased a 'taQdes'truc~ (niesel) to replace a 1966 .Intecnational 'truc~ ~ich has been scrapped. 2. 'tenoeu haVe been called for \lot llilt ~sph.lt Resudacin% on. the follo~n~ Roads: (a) Road 2 fr01ll Road S to RoaO 15 in nun~ch 'to'll'l\snip. (b ) Road 6 fros Ro ad 3 to 1\ lac~' sLane i n ~ ldboroup,b 't o'll'l\sM p. . (c) Road 40 fros south \isits of springfield to GleneoHn in Malahide to~ship. Road 44 teotil \l i%h".' 3 to \\i%h....Y 19 in 1\aYh.... 't o'll'l\shi' · 3.. 'tenders have been called for \\ot llilt ~sphalt pave.entS in conjunctiOn ~ththe countY's constructiOn ?to%ra.-e on the (0) fo1.10~ng Roads: (a). Road 3 ."rolti_telY oM .1\a north of Road 9 to ,Vlemin% creek in ~ldborou~h 'to'll'l\ship. (b) portions of RoadsS, 1.3 and \5 in nuttOn after inlltaHation i ._~..." tb.e ~iniatr' 0 f the E nvitot\lllllnt. of santary sew~.s u, .. . _ _ f 1) ..1 ~() in Pol:, t Stanley after insUllation of (c) portions 0 ~oa.... i . ..-""5 ..." the llidlltry of the Envil:ot\lllllnt. san taT' seVf-Ao U I . (d) Road 51 teom t b.e county Gar a%e at 'tlbite stat ion to \\i%b"aY . 4 i~ the 'to'll'l\lhiP of Ya~uth and the entrance to the Garage and a ~rtiOn in front of the Gar..%8 at 'tlbite sution. (e) portions of RoaO 30 (RaOiO Road) in ~atlllOutb 'to1ll\lbiP' hPR1L SESSION 1. <} 1 5 iUS'! REPORT _ '2. - 'dE iEC~Ml4!:tll) 1. 'that the county ofl!.lp,in have an appceaiSal made of the . ..~ d b~ St. 'th~s sanitarV collection services pccopeccty o....e J. . . . . ' . Li.ited in Concession 111 south'lolOld 'township. 7.. 'that ~ participate in an ~ceea Solid \Iaste lIanap,ement StudY .,ith the City of St. 'tho-tl, CountY of Middlese1t and the 3. 'that the countylS RepccesentatiVes on the 'technical Co~ittee of the Study be the \Iaccden and the County l!.np,ineecc. city 0 f 1,onG01h 4. 'that the County'S RepccesentatiVes on the SteeccinP, Co~ittee of the StudY be the \Iaccden and the Chaiceman of the Road co~~ttee. ,.,11. of which is ccespectfu11.Y sUb",itted. C~lR~l'\ 5T. THOMAS, OlfiAR 10, MARCH. 25, 197;;. PAGE 1. Elgin 'Municipal Offices at 1130 p.m., on March 25,1975. All TRE COUNTY OF ELGIN R ()A.D COMMITTEE MET at the County 0 f members except Reeve Scha,fer and Reeve Caverly present. Also Frank Clarke. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: J. B. WIlSON, THAT AB LE liNER BE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" TRE MINUTES OF TRE MEETING OF MARCH 12TH AND 19TH WERE READ AND APPROVED. 1. That Drain Construetion was continuing on Roads 8 and 51. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 2. Snow Fence Removal would start next week. 3. Sweeping had been started and the Village of Dutton completed but further work bad been postponed by bad weather. REEVE SCRAFER IN AttENDANCE AND ASSUMED THE CRAIR. on meeting with Bob and Don McCaig regarding Solid Waste Disposal WARDEN LIEBNER, REEVE MONTE IT1\. AND TRE ENGINEER REPORTED in the a.m. The Committee had requested Mr. McCaig to present alternatives to the committee which had scheduled a meeting on April 7th. Peter Gloin regarding the Laur property and that he haa requestea TRE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had met further with Mr. that he receive an unconditional offer of $15,000 for the executors' interest in the property. st. t\:\.O~S 1) ONtARIO, ~C\:\. 2.5, 1975. PAGE 2. - "MOVED ~'l: J. "B. 'WILSON, ~" SECONDED BY' D. COOK, 'I1J.A'I lIE pURC1J.ASE 'IlIE INtERll,S'I 011 'IlIE v,.'IE BESS 1E v,UR IN lIER 1'll.OPJ!.i.'IY 1N LOt 15 CoNCESSION -q, YARMcNt\\ 11011.. 'IlIE Sill'! 011 $15,000. CARR lED" Cowan CeGPanl had indicated that the most ecenomical fleet poliCl would be an a1.1 peJ:il. $100 deductible policl and would save the Countl appJ:oxi_tell$450. foJ: tbe J:e_indeJ: of tbe it\sUJ:ance teJ:m. 'IlIE ENGINEER RE poR'IE\) tbat Ll1e 'liens 0 f the 11 J:alUt ..MOVE\) BY' A. \\. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY' L.R. Ct>1\."ROLL, 'I1J.A'I lIE A14\l.ND OUR 11U!.E'I INSuRANCE POLICY 'II1'I\\ "FRANK Co_N COMPAN'l 'IO $100. ALL 1!..lSR DEDUC'IIBLE. CARRIED" Optimist Club J:equestin~ peJ:mission to use joint countl-'IownsbiP of 'laJ:roGutb pJ:opeJ:t1 in Union as a communit1 plal&J:Ound. Reeve cOJ:J:espondence .,as J:ead from tbe Soutb 'laJ:1IlOutb Union COO~ stated tbat tbe 'Iownsbip was loo~in& into tbe _tteJ: of liabilitl on tbe pJ:oject and .,ould repoJ:t lateJ:. 'IlIE ENGIN1!.\!.R ?RESENtED tbe attached Budget foJ: Macbit\8J:' and \:\.pusing items- "MOVED BY' D. COOK, SECONDED B'l' J. B. V/IU30N, 'I\U<'t 'I\\E ENGINEER BE AU't\\O"R U.ED 'IO CALL 'IENDERS 110R 1 oNL'l 8 _ 10 CUBIC 'lARD l:lOPPER SANDERS W'fi)RAULIC DRIVE. CARR lED" st. tROW.S, ONtARIO, ~RC\\ 25, 1975. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. R. CAllROLL, SECoNDED B"{: A. R. LlEBNER 'tliA't 'tUE ENGINEER BE MI't1\ORlzED 'to 'tENDER 'FOR 'tUE 'FOLLOWING vERICliS' 1 _ 1 'tON !?lC\Ql!? 'tRUCK AND 3 AU'tOM01l1liS 'dIU 'tUE COUN'tY AU'tOMOBlliS (3) AND 'tRUCK i 3() AS 'tRbJilE_INS. CARRIED" UMOVED B1: J. B. "WILSON, SECONDED BY: D. COOK, 'tliA't 'I\lE ENGINEER BE AU'tRORlzED 'to 'tENllER 'FOR A 'tRAC'tOR AND MO'WER 'd1'I1\ 'tRAC'tOR i 9 AS A 'tRADE-IN AND 'FOR A 'tRAC'tOR AND 'FRONt ENll LOMlER 'dl'tR 'tRAC'tOR i 6 AS A 'tRbJilE- IN. CARRIED" "MOvED BY' A. 1\. LIt BNER, SECONDED BY' L. R. cARROLL, 'tliA't 'tn ENGINEER BE AU'tRORlzED 'to SOLICl't QuatA't10NS 'FOR A 20 OR 25 'toN NEW OR USED 'FLOA'I 'dl'tR OR 'dl't1\OU't 'tUE COUll'I"l IS PRESENt 'FLQA1 AS A tRADE-lN. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: D. COOK, S EC ONDED B"l, J . B. WILSON, 1liA1 'WE pURCRASE 'FROM'tUE ELGIN Co-O!? SERVICES, A 'FolUlE"l MODEL '215 'WEUlER A't 't\lElR quO'IEil PRICE 0'F $()95. !?UlS ONtARIO SAUtS 'tAX SllBJEC't 'to M'lNlS1R"l 0'F 'tRANS!?OR'tA'tloN AND Co-'1'IICA't10lilS APPROVAL. CARRIED'" ::iT. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH. 25, 11975. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the work load for 1975 was being assessed and that as soon as the amount 0 f work that 1~oca1 Municipalities required became known a programme would be drawn up. Postings would be required for a Foreman (to replace Harold Fawcet.t who had retired) and for an Instrument Man as well as several Machine Operators and Spare Operators. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED property purchase requirements from the Graham property in Dutton and the negotiatUns to date with Wm. Cornwall on Road 2. IT WAS DECIDED that the Warden and Engineer should continue as the County of Elgin's observers on th.e City of London Solid Waste Disposal Study. The next meeting was scheduled for April 4th. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: D. COOK, THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 9TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARR lED" .J) 1/./ I '1 CHAI~ CoUNtY Of f. LGIN RoNl Uf.l'J>.RtMEm: ~ 1. Replace 'I ruck j~ 36 2. Replace 'ract~ · 6 1968 1 'Ion ford l'ickUP 1960 Case 440 traCi.tor and 'Front End Loader 1965 ~assey ferguSon tractOr a.nd Mowet' '\ -r- f'P / $ 4, 500~, $ 4,200. $ 4,000. 3. Replace tractor j~ 9 1958 l<.ing float (5 'Ion) 'With used float Heavier Capacity 20 _ 25 ton $ 13.000. 4. Re-p\ace 1973 Nodel'Cars (3) 5. Re-place Cat'S 6. 1'urchase 2 Sanders 8 _ 10 cubiC yard Sanders (~est E \gin) 7. 1'urchase tandelll UutIIP truck Di.eSel 8. ~isc. f.~UiPlllent, Garage CotllPressor, ~asher, Welder etc. 9. 1'aving udve'Way at Garage and Part of Lot 10. Granular Pit (Laur) t? 10,000., $ 18,000. $ 27,000. ,-,;;(1, if"" t $ 4,300. $ 5,000. B\1DGE't 000. i.', '2.0,___ y---. - 000. $ ,::0, ~ tlll ST. THOM~S, ONTARIO, MARCH 20, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building in conjunction with County Council on March 19, 1975 at 3: 00 p~,m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Meeting with representatives of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service~s Limited to discuss Solid Waste Disposal. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: L.R. CARROLL THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN, REEVE OF SOUTHWOLD AND THE ENGINEER BE A COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH BOB MCCAIG. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. Hennessey had suggested that if the County was interested in the Laur Property it could make an offer to the estate subject to the County being able to obtain releases from those parties with partial interests at a reasonable price. Committee instructed the Engineer to meet with the Executor 0 f the Estate to determine the conditions ~r an option on the property. "MOVED BY: A. H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: L.R. CARROLL ADJOURN TO 1:30 P.M. MARCH 25, 1975. CARRIED" ST. TROMAS, ON1lARIO, MARCH 12, 19751. PAGE 1. March 12. 1975 at the Municipal Offices. All members were present. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at 10,00 a.m. on also Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and collllUUnications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF M/lRCH 5. 1975 WERE READ AND APPROVED. 1. Winter control had been heavY in the past week especially on THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE pS FOLLOWS: the weekend. 2. Tree Cutting was completed. 3. Work for the Ministry of the Environment at the Elgin Area Water System Plant waS nearly done. 4. Work waS to resume on the Storm Drain on Road B in Dutton on March 13th and on the Drains on Road 51 next week. 5. The motor had blown up on Truck #33 and as the truck would cost approximatelY $3,000 to repair for use as a dump truck, it had been scrapped .nth parts being salvaged for 3 other t'ruckS of the same model. by Vic Barda.nll regarding the Highway 3 Feasibility Study was THE lETTER TO the Editor of the St. Thoms Times-Journal noted. Also noted was an announcement by DofascO of a new basic oxygen steel furnace and cold rolling mill at their Hamilton Plant. "MOVED BY' W.R. CAVERLY, SECONDED 'BY: D. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAyMENT. PAYLlST # 7 AMOUNTING TO $25,095.11. PAYLlST iF 9 AMOUNTING TO $BB.05. PAYLIST iF 10 AMOUNTING TO $25,370.01. PAYLIST # 11 AMOUNTING TO $33B.39. PAYLIST iF 13 AMOUNTING TO $35,415.97. PAYLlST # 14 AMOUNTING TO $94.42. PAYLIST . 12 AMOUNTING TO $27,666.46. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS:. ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1975. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Solid Waste hlld been discussed by the St. Thomas City Council on March 10th. The Engineer WlllS instructed to contact Mayor Wayne Neal for further information and to report to County Council on March 19th. THE BUDGET AS PRESENTED on March 5th was further dil;cussed. Rebates to Urban Municipalities were discussed with Chairman Schafer bringing to the attention of the Committee the request 0 f the Town 0 f Aylmer for an increase in the Urban Rebate. Warden Liebner also requested an increase in Urban Rebate as well. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . THE BUDGET WAS FURTHER DISCUSSED. The Engineer reported that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission had adopted a Revised Budget in order not to have a deficit at the end of 1975 and had passed a Resolution reverting that portion of Road 30 north of the Salt Creek Cemetery (approximately 3.45 miles) to the County of Elgin. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: L. CARROLL, J. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC IL THAT THE ROAD LEVY FOR 1975 BE $581,000 AND THAT THE URBAN REBATE REMAIN AT 25% AS IN FORMER YE ARS . CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED ADOPTING THE ATTACHED PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK (AS DETAILED IN THE BUDGET) AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1975 AND THAT THE STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS" ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1975. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: A.H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: L.R. CARROLL THAT WE CONCUR WITH THE RESOLUTION OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF MARCH 11 REVOKING THE DESIGNATION OF ROAD 30 AS A SUBURBAN ROAD FROM 1,000 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF ROAD 52 TO COUNTY ROAD 34 BEING A DISTANCE OF 3.45 MILES AND AGREE TO ACCEPT THE ROAD AS A COUNTY ROAD. CARR lED" "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: W.R. CAVERLY THAT THE AMENDED BUDGET OF MARCH 11, 1975 OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISS ION IN THE AMOUNT OF $214,000 BE APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED TO COUNTY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J.B. WIlSON, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANS PORTATION AND COMHUNICATIONS TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF $6,000 IN SUBS IDY MONEY FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY ROADS IN 1975. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Township 0 f Malahide requesting the County of Elgin assume the road between Concessions VIII And IX between Highway 73 and County Road 32 as a County Road. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1975. PAGE 4. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK, A. H.. LIEBNER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ASSUME THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSIONS VIII AND IX MAUHIDE BETWEEN HIGHWAY 73 AND COUNTY ROAD 32 AS A COUNTY ROAD, BE FILED. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Kettle Greek Conservation Authori.ty regarding erosion at the Jim Waite property on County Road 20. It: was decided to view the erosion during Spring Road In:spection. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED the route 0 f the St. Thomas Expressway and presented the latest plans of the Ministry of Transportation and Communi.cations for the relocation of County Roads 26 and 52 at the Express:way. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Wm. Turvey regarding the purchase 0 f the Road 29 Right 0 f Way between County Road 25 and the Expressway after it was closed by the Expressway. Committee 'were of the opi.nion that the Road Allowance could not be closed as thle Ministry of the Environment and Ontario Hydro had rights of way for water and hydro lines. The Committee also felt that the gravel surface should be left as it would facilitate maintenance of these lines. They also felt that some method 0 f keeping unauthorized vehicles 0 ff thle Right Of Way should be devised. ST. THOM~S, ONTARIO, MARCH 12, 1975. PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Village of Rodney regarding parking on Road 3 near the property 0 f Donald Somerville. It was decided to view the problem during Spring Road Inspection. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the request of Glaude Van Velzen to the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment who had r4~quested a variance from 65 feet to 30 feet for a front yard in the OS I Zone in Lot 3 Concession V Yarmouth adjacent to County Road 45. THE ENGINEER POINTED OUT that the County By Law required a front yard 0 f 52 feet minimum. THE ENGINEER RE PORTED that he had been c~::>ntacted by Peter Gloin ~rho was the Executor 0 f the Estate 0 f Bessie Laur, wondf!ring if the County 0 f Elgin were interested in acquiring approximately 20 acres in Lot 25, Concession V adjacent to the County's Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit. The Engineer was authorized to pursue the matter further with Mr. Gloin and the County Solicitor Mr. Hennessey and to llscertain a probable cost of property. MATERIAL AND SUPPLY TENDERS WERE DISCUSS1~D ,and it W~lS decided that the Engineer should Tender for gasoline and diesE!l fuel. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W.R. CAVERLY, D. COOK THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 9, 1975 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRmD" &A ~A~~ ,"-,U - - - C'HAIRI1AN (I.. I l, 1975 ROAD BUDGET February 1975. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND HEMBERSOF THE ,COUNTY Or' ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE This Budget Report is present,d in conjunction witb a Report on the _th~ds used by tbe Ministtyof Transportation a~d COJllllUnications to al10~ate subsidy fpnds and establish spending allocations. The 19'75 Budget as attached follows the custom of spending only to the limit o'f the Ministry of Transportation and CommunicBltions spending allo,tationso th.!lt maximum subsidy is obtained. Unlike somel other counties in Ontario, Elgin has not done' an appreciable amount of roaq work with",ut Ministry of Transportation and Communications$ubsidy. In presenting a budget in these inflationary time!l, one cancm1y. surmise the cost of materials by mid-sulII'ner or fall. .An in(~rease in o1l1 prices would have a very substantial effect upon our budget a,nd could result in theelimlnationor reduction.of some projects. CONSTRUCTION 1975 Construction is divided into two parts being (a) clean up I ' of old work and (b) new work. of which Clean up of old work, r;nost>1.was substantially completed la$t :year, i nc ludes: Road 2 Bet~,een West Lorne and Rodney. A small amount of fencing iB.nd trir1tltl.ing work near Wm. C,ornwall' s. Road 3 From New Glasgow southerly. D~JJble s~rf.ce treatment,fina 1 trimming, some drainage, seeding and moving some hydro poles. 'Roads 3 &. 4 In, Rodney. A considerable amo~nt of sidewalk, paving.a number of driveways, general trimming and seeding work. Road 3 From Fleming Creek southerly. Grading near fleming Creek including widening of some shoulders, top soil and seeding, and three inches of hot mix asphalt paving. Road 36 From Highway 3 to Sparta. Widening of several fills south of' t,he St. Thomas Airport. some top soi 1 and seed1.ng work. Road 40 From Mount Salem to Road 40. Some ditthing,t:rimrning and moving several hydro poles. Road 45 From Calton to Highway 19. Completion of trimming, seeding and guide rail work. ' Ne~ work inc 1 udes: E ngi neering work and surveys on work for f.urther years that is qot under active construction. Land Purchase with the largest co'st. b4!ing the acquisition of land for construction in 1976 on Roads ,52 and 31 and completion of land purchase on Road 30 north of Road 52. Amajority expenditure will be for land to divert Roed 52 across ~ttle Creek north of Cerrs Bridge. Our programme of joint reconstruction with the Ministry of the Environment Sanitary Sewerage Projects should continue in 1975. .' I'? ~QlcP y:v,' i/ 1975.ROAD BUDGET 41!' 2 - FI~BRUARY 197~) TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY Oi" ELGIN ROAD COMl~ITTEE In Dutton a~ter, completion of the Sanitary Sewers the County 'of Elgin should complete the reconstruction at the easterly limit of Shackleton Sttee,t, (east 0 f McArthllr Street) started in 1972,. This project is a rel,pc>nsibility to be borne entirely by the Couulty Qf Elgin. The re:construction of Road 15 between tbe Penn Celrltral track:s and the south 1i,mit of Dutton is proposed being a shared pr4)ject with the Ministry of the Environment paying the cost of restorat:lon of the ,gral\ular base and pavement and the County of Elgin the cost of storm drains and curb and gutter on the portion where sanitatysewers are instaLl'ed by thei Ministry. The County of Elgin will pay thje cost of asphalt resurfac:i~g on portions where sewers are not placed by the' Ministry. The di.version of Road 8 to Road 15 in Dutton is also pro,posed in 1975. The County of Elgin will pay the full cost of the project. fr4)m Mary Street (whi.ch is the main intersection of Dutton) to the south lilnit of the Elgin Co-Op property. The Ministry of the Environment will pay t.Qe entire cost of road restoration north of the south limit of the Elgin Co-Op pro'petty. A portion of storm sewer (which is now an IQ1d tile dr/Bin) may have to be replaced by the County of Elgin from the north limit: of the pre$e~t curb and gutter section to the Bennett Drain at Road 2. This replacement is necessary for added capacity for the flow from catch ba:sins to be const);'ucte!d on the new road diversion. InPo1:'t Stanley, also after completion of sanitary sewers by the Ministry of the, Environment, an urban section is proposed on Road 20 B.t the intersection of Warren Street (County ROBd 21). This will eliminate complaints of drainage and lack of traffic control in the a,r,ea. It will also permit the placement of sidewalks by the Village of Port Stanley ;along portions of Warren Street and Carlow Road to the Port Stanley Public School. Curb, gutter and drainage work is proposed on Road 20, Carlow Road, no'rth of Highway 4, to c()rrect drainage problems and complaints attheProvinci.BI . Liquor S:tore and neighbouring properties.' On both projects the costs will be the complete responsibility 9f the CQunty of Elgin. The rE!construction of County Road 51 from Highway 4 to the County Garage is imper~ltive a$ the present surface is not expected to last out the Spring. A1thoul~h planned for 1974 the rec.onstruction of the. Copeland .Municipal Drain (which crossed the road near the County Garage) forced postponement of the project. As the portion of the drain affecting the County has been completed, the project shouldproeeed this Spring. As the ROBd will be uS4!d mainly by trucks and ()t~er vehicles to and from the County Garage, it is r4!co,mmended that the surface be hot mix asphalt (3 inches). It is recOlllllend4!d that the driveway to the Garage andia portion ()f ,the lot in front of the Garage be surfaced at the same time as the surface treat~nt which waS eppli4!d last ye.e.~, 8S a temporary measure has failed in 8 number of places. It is not proposed to widen the road allowance as the lD8in functf'on of the road will be as a service road to the County Garage. RAD 10 ROAD (ROAD 30) Radio Road or .Road 30 is the princip1econstructi.on project in 1975.. The road is presently under control of the St. Tholllas Suburban Roads Conrnissi'on. The project can be divided into three stages. First Priority - Through Concession XII as the granular ba!~e will COmEt from the north, this section will require 'rebuillding to talke the heavy trucking for ,the rebuilding of the rest of the road and Road 52~ Also of first priority is. t.he section of the road from the Salt Creek Cemetery to the St. Thomas city limits. 1975 ROADBUDGE1' - 3 - tiE BRUAR Y 1975 TO THE CHAIRMAN ANDMEMB~RS OF THE COUNTY Oi" ELGIN ROAD COHl~ITTEE -RADIO ROAD (ROAIlI 30) (continued). Second Priority -i"rom the Salt Creek Cemetery to Patt'erson Culvert . including replacement of the Salt Creek Culvert. The rerouting of the present route to a straight line route in Concession XI north of Patterson Culvert. Eartb from the hill north of Pattersons will be used for fill on adjacent projects (Road 30, 31, 52, etc.,). The filrat and second priority projects should proceed as soon as funds are 'av~~ilable. The third priority will have to wait until as much fill as pO!lsfbleis used which Deans that Road 31 and Road 52 to Talbotvi1lewill likely be completed before this stage is started. Third Priority The St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission cannot complete all the first prior1lty work without incurring a considerable deficit with regard to the ll2 mill contribution of the City of St. Thomas. Be,cause of the financial needs on other Commission Roads, this deficit would be 8, continuing and increasing deficit for quite a number of years. As Provincial Legilllation states that costs on the Suburban Roads System are to be divid.~d equalty between the City and the County after subtract- ing Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy, it would appear that the best practical method to solve the problem, is the assumption by the County of 8 portion of Road 30 for construction in 1975. (Regions and Restructured Counties do not have Suburban Roads Commissions.) It aPI)earS that the Commission would have sufficient funds to rebuild Radio Rc)ad from the St. Thomas city limit to approximately 1,000 feet north of C()unty Road 52. 'The County should aSsume the costs north of this point (that is the area near the Salt Creek Cemetery and in .c-()nc~ssion XII.) CREDITS Credilts which will reduce the cost of work in 1975 inclt,tde reduction in th4t amount of materials in stock for construction proj_cts by $60,000; a p4!nding Sales Tax Refund(s) tentatively estiml8ted at $6,000 and credits of ~>24,000 on workperforme.d for others (after the deduction of labour overh4aad costs etc., which are shown in the Overhead Budget). ASPHALT RESURFACING Although the Ministry of Transportation ,and Communicat~ons has allocated $237,000 for asphalt resurfacing, the sum of $300,000 is budgeted for this work p]rogramrne. The resurfacing work also includes the work required to bring the road to standard (such as shouldering, ditching, etc.). A tentative progr..nme (subject to spring break-up is as follows). (I)' - ~d 6.. From Road 3 to. Black's Lane, Aldborough Township. , ".J l -"".----.J4!?; Double surface treatment in 1965. Three inches of () G Jf I~ pavem. ant to be placed. Work to be tendered in conjunction d" . I ' . with pavement on Road 3 south 0 f Fleming Creek. (II) - !load .2.. From Road 15 to Road. 8, DunwicbTownship. .'():'. A single Ii ft (two inches) should be placed over a . ..~\:~~previous single lift of pavement placed in 1967. The \ ,~ port ion from Road 15 to the Ecker Drain ha s been ~" covered previously }>_causeof poor perforn18nce. The 1]/ work ~.hould be tendered in conjunction with the' pavinl& in Dutton. 1975.ROAD BUDGET - 4 - FEBRUARY 1975 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND ~MBER,S OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMM1TTEE . .,' . . ASPHALT \RESURFACING (continued) (III) -&0,,(1 44 - F]~om Highwl'Y 3 to Highway 19. Dc)ublesurface treatment in 1966. Thr.e. inches of pllvtUnent to be 'placed. Work for Bayhem Township cc)u1dbe included i.n this tender. (IV) .. Road 42 - Fl~om Highway 73 to Road 40. Stngle li.ft: (two inches) should be placed over 8 p'tevious single lift of pAvement plae-ed in 1969. A porti9n.of road has already been cQvered because of poor performance.. FIXED COSTS Meintenance';; estimetes ere for the most pert a continuance 0 f present County practice and st~ndElrds of service with costs updf.lted to a 110w for 1n f18t ion.. Although the Ministry of Transportat~on .andCommunicAti<).ns hAd only allocBted ~;lOO.OOO. for winter control, it 'is Antfcip8ted thpt .in following the'prElsent County Road Committee policies an expenditure in ex;ce$~oft~t amount will occur even though the winter hAS been relafive.ly mil~ to date. A long term agreement should be entered into with the Towns,hip of Dunwieh. for the construction ofeproper .are~ to pile sand on pt their Township'Garage in1)utton. Sufficient granular mpterials should be pleced end the prea hot rni}t. paved. . Sur fpc~ tt'eatment work will. be nec~ss:a ry on approximate 1 y 22 miles 0 f road in "1975 and again in 1976. The estimated cost of this work at preseritoil prices Is $50,000. . The 1975 Dlaintenance allocation by the Ministry of Transportation end CommunlcatlonStll,as'based on the gravelling of Roads 5 'and 9 in ,. A'ldborough Township and Dupwic h Township. The rCtads were last grave lled in 1970 f..nd'ordi~ar1.1y approximAtely 1,000 ton of gravel per mile is p1pced. Itis reconmte.nde4 '.that this work proceed as we try to gravel roads pt. 'least every four yeArs and this work is now overdue. W. h~ve be!en notified that calcium chloride 'prices wil'! rise. by at lepst 20% this, year." It Is also expected that the price ,of p;d.nt for pavement msrking will 'be considerElbly mo,re in 1975 then 1974. Other tn8h1Ite'nance' i~tems pre estimetedon approxim8t~ly the Spme .stpndprd'of service ::\,.5' in former years with en allowpnce for th, increAses in cOlt.,' Sweeping costs will rise because ourswe,per WAS notd.livered until lAtei~ the, 1974 Se8$On. When we received the sweeper the'Co~nty Assumed,. the cost of sweeping curb ~nd gutter on County Roads tn the Town of Aylmer pnd the va.rious Villpges (previously this hAd been an .urban responsibi Ifty). Inflatfon has carried over into our Overbead Costs AS well. 'Most"servicepnd COSits pre estimpted on those.costsof previous yeprs witl1. en increpSe fot' pdditionel wages etc~.Unemplc)yment Insurance'premi~ms have been r.p {sed by the Federe 1 Government.' . .. lnsurance costs will be l~wer as' the 1975 Workmen's Compensation Premium (due'Dec~be~r 1974). wes paid in 1974'~ By increasing thet'etes o.f our e.quipment chargeld to operat ions we hope to reduce' Ol:\rMachiner, Overhe,ed Costs. The Overhead Budget, is about 9'0 over our costs in 1974 (vs ~ wE'ge increl!lsi of ppproxinlAtely14% for 1(75), -;. . . ;~, FEBRUAR'f 1975 \975 ROAD BUDGET to THE C1\A11UIAN AND MEtlllf.R5 Of TI\F. COUNTY 0'1' f.u>lN ROAD C0tt11I'tEE - 5 - ~--"" -:---~-------- ------------- l'Iaintenanee "I'd overhead CostS on t.he St.. tho....s Suburban Roads Systelll are esd....te4 at $61,.0.0.0. The MiniStry of transportatton ancl ,coll!ll"1nie.tiOns-AllocatiOn for Ne" l'Iachinery and Housing (again based on inforlll8don' frolll the Needs StudyIJpdate) ".s $1\0,000. The cost 0 f hOt railt asphalt pa"ing at theCa'tage "ill be chat:gec.l to thiS caUgor'y. A Schedule of proposed Machinery Replacelllent. "ill be presented at a hter lIIeeting. 1\5 "ith asphalt resurfacing t.he MiniStry of transporutiOn' .nd CO\lllllunic.dons is stronglY $Uggest ing that. the funds ,,\located fo'; this category be used for Machinery Rephcelllent and 1I0using. , " our total Desirable Spending Allocation haS been set at $2,169,0.0.0 by the Ministry of Transportation and Coll!ll"1nications (being t.be SUIII 0'1 construction and filted cost i tellls). To thi s ex:penditure III\\St. be ac.lded the cost of urban rebates (being 25% of the urban ~ni.cipalitieS Road Le"y) of $36, .000 ,ndo f"DrainaseAsseSSlll8nts $ 12, .00.0 .,bich aU eligible for a 5.0% Subsidy (f a supplementary lIyLa" is passed by CountY council. SUMMAR Y ;;;.-------- Tbe cost of itelllS that are unsubsidued by the MiniStty of T ran spor t.a ti 0 I' and Coll!ll"1 n ica t ion s "ill ,be 0 ff se t by the re nta 1 frolll the sweeper "hich ..as not subsidized (the rental rate to our operations is $ per hour presend y), - AH of "hich is respectfullY SUblllitted. ---. R.O. MOORE. \I.S!! .;. 1'. i!. ng. · COUN1:Y E NGINE'ER.' \ COUNTY CONSTRUCTION A. COMPLETION O~ WORK fROM PRIOR YEARS (1) Road 2 - West Lorn~~, to 'Rodney (2) Road 3 - New Glasgow Southerly (3') Road 3 - Urban Section Rodnej (4) Road 3 - Fleming Creek South,rly (5) Road 4 - Queen Str.et W., Rodney (6 ) Road 36 - Sparta to Highway 3 (7') Road 40 - Mount Sal.!m to Road 42 (8 ) Road 4.5. - Calton to High.~'.Y r9 A1dborough Township ~ldborough Town'ship Rodney Aldborough Township Rodney Yarmouth ToWnship Malahide Township Bayham Township. SUB-TarAt B. NEWWORK (1) Engineering and Surveys on New Work (2)' Land Purcha se Vi llege'of-Duttior. (8) Road 13 Shackleton Street (b) Road 8 Main Street South (c) ~oad 8 and 15 Diyersion (4) Vi llage of Port Stanl~y (8) Road 20 lntersection of Warren Street (b) Intersect ion 0 f Hi~'hway 4 (5) Road 51- Township ()f Yarmouth (6) county Road 30 - Ro.~d 52 Northerly, Township of Yarmouth SUB-TOTAL ~ CREnITS Reduction in Stock Balance $ 60,000. 6,000. 24.000. $ 90~OOO. CREDITS Sales Tax Refund Cr~dits on Outside Work '($42,854.1n 1974) ''SUMMARY COUNTY CONSTRUCTION (a ) Completion 0 f Prior Yea rs' Work. $ 146 t 000. (b) New Work 633,OOO~ (c) Less Credits 90,000. TafAL $ 689,000. February 20, 1975. ESTIMATE $ 3,000. 22,000. 17,000. 80,000. 6,000. 5',000. 3,000. 1 O,O~~ $ 1 46,,000. $ 15,000. 62,000'. 22,000. 24,000. 152,000. 35,000. ,10,000. 46,0010. 267,000. $ 633,000. 1'. ". . , coUlCt1 ~ t,1J;ll\ lLOAll nt,~1-lCt - ,lJ1lG!.1 \97~. . . LA"OU ~ 191' \97" \97~ CONtENt ; I \971 \91~ 17,"19 19t~41 31,7~C} 37,000 14,563 31,937 44,100 48,000 6,854 .358 i \,500 3,000 } 1,876 8,283 5,974 7,000 1,1.96 7,548 7,385 8,000 1.,849 801. 767 1,000 2,54.0 2 ~:94.9 1,207 3,000 39,990 ,. 7 , 146 56,731 . 65,000 \5,748 2\,054 20,336 '2.3,000 686 \.1\ 840 \ ,000 ' ,1,228 2,728 '2.,\4.1. 2,500 ~69 94\ \,000 ... \9,129 2\,46\ 2\,018 23,000 40 \44 ... 24 9,364 \0,504 '2.3,825 4,000 . 7,207 4,508 5,705 6,500 28,3,79 '2.9,757 3\,731. '35 , ()Oo 4,289 5,832 8,750 \.\,000 \ \O,~8\. \.3,043 . \5,000 9,321 ... ... 5,000 \ 23,357~ \\.,8\.8~ 33,34.8~ 20 ,00o<.]!.:. tS 4,059 4,607 1.5,694 7,000 . 262,384 286,000 "qO,374 229,69~ \ o'lE R\\t.An supe-cintend.enee G,:re.,es "'<lhiu sudon1'1.t Reba'll. ) " .' ) 1'\e..a nt 1/ an e, 1'i t Reba'll.) ToO \" l4.ise. 'Re,e.i'ts l4.ed.iea1. Re.cl'iO fRo\.idaY' ~ith ~aY Sie&',lenefitS Needs Stucly \J'Pdate T re. fft c C O!~tit;& /'",-,-/', ~ Training Cou'tses , c\erice,\ l'e'tt'llit" . lnlu"anee to" subsid' Office ~en.ion Ut\e~\O~nt lnlu"ance 'OntadO \\ee.\th In!lUnnce 'and 11\ue C"OIS Plans 91.!le'lli11.t' Inlunnce .p\an Account I Rece i "ab \ a C red i .~chiner, overbead \ \ Su~'l of f,X\lf.lID1'tU\lf,S reb~U8~' 20, 1q75. ~ Collnt, Roa,d ~nd \\tidge ~aintenance Collnt, Road o~eYhea,d St. 'th~~- Sllbllyba,n Roa,d- co~ission ~eyhead and Maintenance Ne~ MachineY' and \\Ilildings ,~ . St. 'thomas Sllblltban Roads co~iSsion Land purchase St. 'tholl\8s f>ubutban Roads C01l\llli.Ssion Land construcd-on Road 30 Asphalt Resutfacing countY Roads SUB- 't 01 A\.. countY constTu6ti n pesiyab\e f>pending Allocetion 'to 'thiS ~ust 1\e Added: (8) U~be.n Reba.tes $ 570.000. 286~000. 6\,,000. 1\0..000. .----J-- $ \,021 \1000. $ 8,,000. 145,000. 300,000. . 689,000. ~--- $ 1,142,000. $ 2,\69,000. 36,000. ~~ $ 2,217.000. ~=- (b) Draine!;e Assessll\ents 't 01 AL '6\JUGt't \ \ Match 10, 19.7'5. to TheChat,rll.an and Hembers of The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission: Since the, presen~ation.lI~d acceptance' of tl;1,.,tent.tive 1975 Budget in' J.rlu~ry, 'inquiri~s ha,ve been made t,o, t:he Ministry, 0 f Transport'ltic.n 'and Communicat.ions with regard to the financing 0 f any long ranged4!t ficit the Comml'ssion would encounter in the rebuilding of RadloRoad.i ' Tht! County 0 f E 18in RoadCommttteehas, agreed that the eommi,stor'l should not' contact a long range de licit at this time as most of tbe Commission's. Roads require construction ~ork in the , next rew ye~li~!h,Thus there will not be any appropriate year that the deficit c:ou1dbeeliminated, in the forseeable future. If proposed restructuring '~f the County oJ Elgin occurs irt the next few yea..-s, any deficit 'rom the Commission would 'be the responsib,ility of the County and the .ConnjLttee wishes to carry on with t'heir "Pay as you go Policy" if ,8~a11po,a"ib1e. The financial position of the City, of St. Thomas seems to,prec:lude any additional contribution to 't~e Suburban'RQad System,.t:thfs't ime. , ,Our enquiries to ,the HinistrY9fTr:ansportation and , Communications indicate' that expenditures on a Suburban R()ad System ~ust" "e sbar4~d' ~qua 1.1 y between a County and a Ci tya fte ~ deduction of the ~inist:ty of Transportation and Communications' Sub.tel,. It appears the c)n1 y way to cut the de fici t is to cutt.he Budget. Our estimat~s indicate that the- north limit of work on Road 30 by t,he Suburban COmt1nission should be in the area of the Salt Creek Cemetery north of Road 52. Th~tCounty of Elgin Road Committee feels that.s much work 8S possible !Ihould be completed on Road 30 t~is yeAr. In order that work north,ofthe ..Cemeteryc$n proceed this'year, it will' be nec~ssary for theSubtn~ban RoadCommlss'ion to revert the rest of the Radio Road north of the Cemetery to the ,County. This can be done by, Resolution a.pproved by the'Minister of Transportation and Gommun'ications. Th.tBudget has been amended to take these chan,ges into account and is atisched. 'All of which is re~pectfully s.ubmitted. ,-) I~ .' "C 1\, , .."l/ ,.'"./" c i t-./" ". R. G. MOORE;' .. Eng., ENG1NEER TOTHR 5T.THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEE. '..... ',", \ ~..y""j . ,Of t ~ ~ 'l I 51. T\\O}!tS SU1\\JRlIAll1U>~5 COMM15S lOti 1\UDGE'!: 1 ~5 --~ ' " , - (UTe ft. f) Mereh 10, lcnS. ~l~NA~! 197~ 1911 ~~ 'BridgeS end.9ulverts " 26 749 ,,714 :Wintercontro 1 8,833 6,537 10,800 "ROAd.tde Maintenpnce ,3,764 4,048 4,610 l:\ard Tot) Me intet\"nce 4,098 "3,737 ' 2, 7 07 Loose ~o~ M"intenpnce 2,104 1,159 ' l, 314 ~e fet, Devices '2,470 3,140 4, ~ 81 '. . 5ut'e~i(\tende(\Ce& Ove~hepd 9,715 11, 573 t2~q74 197 5 Es~J~8t.-! -- 2,000 9,000 ' 13,000 14,OOC\ 2,OOC\ 6,000 15,000 - - $ 61,000 ~ $ ~,OQO ~UC'Il0~ LendPUrc.hpse 145,000 ,;...;..;;-:--- $ E4,OflQ Ropd30 Radio Roed. (a) ~rotn City 0 f St. TholMs Litnit to Sa lt c~eek. CeiiieterY, YertftOuth,TOWl\shtP ToTAL SUBSIDIZED 1\UDGET ITEM; NoT fOR M. or .C. SUBSIDY - ~ $ 650'. co"""itte~ Metnbe~ ,fees and Expenses \50. LiebiHtY Insuunce and Mise. Expenses Weste~n OntllrlO Suburblln Road Co"""Utee MeetinS ~ $ 1,200. ..............- - OF S't. 't\\OMAS CALCU\.A110N ,OF $ 6\,000 ~intenpnce pnd overhead ~OOO $ 214,000 - -- cC)n str.uction M.T .C. SubsidY is E'sdlMted at 72. ~8'!. or S 156. 171. Bahnce is E~upllY Shpndbet".een City of St. ThotllllS end County of 1!.lSin. Add lt2 of ItetnS Not SubsidiZed - 600~ $ 29,5\.1.00 surplus f~otn 1914 8.649;31 l/'l }+in frotn City of St. Thol\lllS In 1915 Provides ~.150.QQ Anticipated Deficit To 1~16 - S112. \ ,/\-- '--- COUNTY OFE LGTN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRS T RE PORT MARCH SESS ION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS: ~, 1. We have been notified by the Ministry of Tr~ns~ortation:and Connnunications. that the Subsidy Allocation for 1975 will be $1,6,01,000 and that the Spending Level (other than Drainage ASS4!SSments and Urban Rehates) for this Ai location is cal(~vlated at S2,169"OOO. This co.mpares with a Subsidy Allocation of $1,123,000 in 1974. The Subsidy Allocatirin end S penq;i ng Leve 1 s have been i ricreesed because 0 f the increased Construction Bnd Mainten~nce Needs ~n the County Road System as indicAted by the 1974 Needs Study Upd~te. WE RECOHMEND = 1. That Fl By L~w be passed limiting the ~.roight to 30 tone; on the Middlemiss (HcIntQsh) Bridge over the Thames River on County Road 1!~ (Dum...ich-So'uthwold Townline). This reconunen- dation follows B recommend~tion of the Ministry of Transpor- tattoo and Communications whose Bridge Personnel have made 8 Report on the Bridge's condition at the request ~f the County. 2. That a. Resolution be passed approving the proposed route :of ' new Highway '3 from St. Thomas easterly to County Road 40 as outlined by the Ministry of Transportation and Communicati,ons ~nd we sug'gest th;qt the route foJlow the pr<?posed 1l,orthern boundpry of the Town of Aylmer with Malehide Township. The Committee feels thpt the route of the proposed Highway 3 "shO'Jld be slightly altered so thAt it does not split the 1 ndls the Town of Aylmer proposes to annex from Ma1ahide Township. 3. That. the Resolution of the Township of Malahide requesting the County of Elgin aSsume the road between Conc~ssion VIII and Conc:es s ion IX Malah ide between Highway 73 and County Road :32 be filed. - 2 - MARCH SESSION 197 5 GOUt-."TY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT .4. The.tthe Amended Budget of March 11, 1975 of thE~ ,St. Thomas Suburbpn Ro~d Commissi,on in the amount of $214,000 be ppprclved. Maintenance and Overhead Costs are estimated At $61,000 on the",. Suburban Road System. Construction and Land Purchase Costs are, estimp,ted at $153,000. The Commiss'ion proposes to construct . ROAd ,30 (Radio Road) from the St'. ThqJl\8s City L:!mits northE~rly to the area of the SAlt Creek Cemetery (north o'f Road 5'2) ,this year. The Commission does not have sufficient fund.s. in 1975 for l~ork on Road 30 neiih of the Salt Creek Cemetery and they have reve~rted the remainder' of Road 30 ,(3.45 miles) to the County. The County's programme provides for additional work north lof :the Salt Creek Cemetery area and in Concession XII. 5. ,That the County Levy for County And Suburban ROAds in 1975 be $5.g1,000. Thi,s compares with A Levy in 1974 of $560,000 plus pn E~xpendlture from "contingencies" of ;:\pproximately $20,.000. In 1973 the Levy WB~ $540,000 and in 1972 the Levy w~s $707,000. n. That a Re~olution,be p'Assedadopting th.e following proposed Sta1t:ernent of Work 8ndExpenditures for 1975 and that the Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. CON S T R U C T ION A.' COMPLETION 'OF WORK FROM PRIOR YEARS Road #2 - West Lorne To Rodney (AldboI'ough Township) cleanup. $ 3000. ,', Road #3 New Glasgow southe'rl y (A1dborou&h Towo$hip) double surfpce treatment and cleanup. 22,000. Road #3 - Urban Section Rodney (Rodney) side~!lk and cleanup. 17,000. Road #3 - Fleming Creek southerly (Aldborough Township) aspba1t paving and cleanup. 80,000. \ \ - 3 - MARCH SESS ION 1 Q 7 5 COUNtY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT CON S T Rue T IoN ~:,,'_.. !:. COMPLETION OF WORK FROM PRIOR YElIRS (continu!!d) $ 6,000. Road #4 _ Queen.Street West Rodney (Rodney) sidewalk and cle~nup. Road #36 _ Sparta to Highway #3 (Yarmouth Township) 5,000. cle..nuP. Road #40 _ Mount Salem to Road .1142 (Ma \ahide Township) 'J,OOO. cleF.lnup. Road 1t45 .C. Hon to Highway 19 (llayham Township) guide 10.000., rail an~ cleanup. S 1 ~~).J-~ ..b NE W 'AlOR K S 15,000. Engineering and Surveys on New Work 62,000. Lpnd Purch#:\se Village of Dutton (a) Road 13 Shackleton Street east 22,000. of McArthur Street. (b) ROAd j~8 Hai.n Street South of Penn 24,000. Central Tracks. (c) Road #8 and #15 Diversion from Mary 152,000. Street to Elgin Co-Op. Village of Port Stanley (e) Road 120 Intersection of Warren 35,000. St reet. (b) Intersect ion 0 f Highway 114. Dra inage 10,000. end UrbAn Section. Road #51, Township of Yarmout", Highway 114 to County Garage 46,000. County Road 1130 from Road 52 northerly, Township of Yarmouth, 267,000. $ 63:~,OOO. as far ~s funds will permit. '!'" 4.- COUNTY OF ELGIN aOAD COn4ITTEE REPORT CONSTRVCTION "~ CRED1TS Reduction~~[nStock Balance $ 60,000. 6,000., . 24.000. $ 90,000. Se.tes tax Re fund Credits. on Outside Work' D. NEW MACHINERY. AND EQ:UIPMENT HOUSING. GRAVeL 'PITS SUMMARY COUNTY CONSTRUCTION A. Completion, 0 f Work, from Prior Years $ 146,000. B. New Wc;>rk 633,000. C. Less Credits 90,000. D. New Machinery 110,000. TOTAL $ 799,000. MAl N TEN A N C E Bridges & Culvert' $ 18,000. 130,000. , 50,,000. 96" 000. 50,,000. 15j;000. 16~000. I 361,000. 21,000. 6,000. Winter Control Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Maintenance of Gravel Roads Roadside Maintenance Dust Control Grass Cutting Weed Spraying MARCH SESSION 197 5 $ llO~OOO. -5 - COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADCOt+!ITTEE REPORT MARCH SESS ION 197 5 M A I N TEN A N C E (continued) , T r~e Cu't t ing " , $ :30,000. Pav:ement' Marking 22,000. Guide R.il 11,000. Signs 16,000. Drain~ge 20,000. Sweeping 10,000. Tree Plant i ng 2,000. Railroad Protection 19,000. Drainage Assessments 2,000. TOT AL $ 570,000. SUMHARY OF EXPENDITURES Coqnty Road Construction $-799,000. 'St. ThomAs Suburban Road Construction '153,000. County Road MaintenAnce 5'70,000. County Road Overhead ,2~~6, 000. ~sph&lt Resurf~cing County Roads (Roads to be designated later.) 300,000. ,St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Maintenance and Ovenhead 61,000. Urban Rebates (25% 0 f their Road Levy) 36,000. $ 2,205,000. - Suppl~mentary Request to Ministry of T ra,nsportat ion and Communicat ions for TOTAL 12.000. $ 2,217,000. Funds for Draine.ge Assessments. _ 6 - H.P-.Rcn SESS10N 1 9 7 S COUll'ty or ELGIN lto!\D COJ:o\M1't'tE'E \l,Y:PCR't ~ U M M~ o 'F RECt:1J)1:S $ 53\,000. Count1 Road LevY 1915 ;contdbuti6n city 0 fSt. 1:uotoasand 1914 surplus Re,'St. 'thoroas Suburban Road . ?9, 000 · cornroission Minis;trY of 'tu.nsporutionand Co\lllllunicat ions \,60\..000. subsidy ~\\ocation Ministry of 'transportatiOn and Co\lllllunications SubsidY Allocation on Urainage AssessroentS 6 ,~OO. ----- - $- 2.'21.7..000. .",;....--------- ( 5 Ql7/J 'the Ministtcy 0 f 'thns{lO,rut ton ~nd Co\lllllUniC at iotlS Sub s tdy t. te 7'1"1' C .. \''''15 co'ronated to f,1. 1'1., tn \9,,4. for o\leta t ions is ~\l?'ro l<itt\ll.te 1 yO" ,o'r' · , (subsidy Rate for U'rbpn' Rebates and Urainage MsessmentS is 50'1..) 'Non.Su\;lstdiZabH tteros are el<\lected to be !) ffse~ by 'rente. t s froro the S~e\le'r ~hicb ~aS \lu'rchased in \974. (Rentat Rates ate substdiZed but the o'riginal cost ~as not.) 'toul el<Penditu'res tnctuding AccountS Recei.;,able a're estitt\&ted .t ~2.800.000 in \915. 1; 'that.. Re'SO\ution be \lassed requesting the MiniStry of 'tr3ns\l0'rtation and COn'&\\unications aP'P'rO\l'r ia tel:heSuro of ~6. 000 'in subsidy rooney for R d ' 1915 'thi" sum tep'resentS tlroi nage Asse"sroentS on county . Oil. S ,n · .' " ~O'!. subsidy on est1tt\ll.ted Ureinege Msessroent" of $12.000 on R .J.' .t 1975. \('the e:..nenditU're is dete iled in RecO\lllllend.don countY o&us ,n' ~r 6 ~bO"e.) All 0 f .,hich is 'respectfullY submitted. CRAll\MAN --- S't. 't\1.oM/lS, 0~t.R10, ~C"\:\5, 1915. 'P~GYo 1. 't\1.E C OU~1 01' E 1J;1 N ROM> C OMlo\.1:t'tEE ME't a t the }\.u ni c i pa 1 1: co. 5 1915. hll ~nb 61: s ",e1:6 p1:e sent ~uilding at 10tOO a.~' on Ma ' .. f the }\.inisU"j of 'tunsP01:utiOn and and also 1'1:an~ Cla1:~e 0 'I\\1'. lUmJ'l'E S 01' 'tl\i'. MEE't 1NG 01' 1'\!. ~ Ut.R 1 12, 1915 \4\!.Rl!. REhU co'{t\t\\uniC at ions. d te as fo\101Hs: 'tl\i'. E NG 1 Nf,ER Rl!. pOR'tE U 0 n the ljf01: ~ to a A~ Ai'?RO'JtD. 1. Ylinte1: cont1:ol had been ItIllde1:ate. i i g nd so~ togs 2. 't1:e6 cutting in b1:idge a1:eas ~as cont nU n 8 ",e1:e being cut at Ylhite Station. '- . tIl3in doOft\stai1:S office in the Count"j 3. Renovations to t..e Enginee1:'s Office ",e1:e unde1:~a"j. '- f Road 52 had co~pletel"j b1:0~en up unde1: 4. Road 30, sout.. 0 b t ~ Some b~eak up R d 29 ~aS not ~uch et e · heav"j t1:Uc~ing. oa R d 40 south of sp1:ingfield. ~s e"ident on oa <_,. ~ '-~ }\.i nis t1:"j 0 f the E nvi1:ontll6nt at 5. Ylo1:~ ~aS continuing ,u - 1."- 1'1 nt on Road 24. the Elgin ~1:ea Ylau1: S"jste\ll a t the U1:ain in uutton on Road 8 befo1:e 1t ~as hoped to sta1: long. 6. f1:0~ the }\.ini.St1:"j 0 f 't1:ansP01:ution final 1:ep01:t on the \1.igh~a"j 3 council'S end01:Sement of C ORRE S pOlIDE NCE YlAS REM> ;\ ~ ino tnei't and cot!lll1'1nica t ionS e~"o ~ " 1'ea sib il i t"j S tud"j and 1: e<\ues ti ng count"j thei1: p1:0posed aligntll6nt. I1}\.0'll'. U ~ 1 : ld . R · C~ 'J"F.R L 1~' SECOlIDEU 1\1 t J .1\. ld1 LS ON, 'C'co.""'lID 'to coUN't1 COuNC1L 't\V>'t ~ Rl!.SoUl't10N 't"\:\A'l ~ RI:A Ir~u.a 1\E pASSEU hppRO\llN<' 't\1.E PROpOSEU RO\l'tE 01' \1.1G1:\Ylh1 3 AS ~U 't\1.~'t Vl\!. SUGGES't 't\\JI.'t 't\\1'. OU'tL1Nf,U ~1 'tl\i'. }\..'t.C. AR '"'l 0'" 't\\Yo RO\l'tE YOLLOYl 'tl\i'. PROpOSEU NoR'tl\i'.RN ~oUlID . ..,n Yl1't\1. W'ov,\1.1DE 't(1<lllS\1.1p. 'l0~~ 0' 1\.'"'lL~J,D1.' CARR tEn" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 19'75. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE attached Report on Waste Disposal in the County of Essex. The Chairman and Warden reported on the meeting with the City of St. Thomas Representatives on March 4, 1975 regarding Wast'~ Disposal Sites. It was decided to discuss the matter at some length in County Council and ascertain the feelings of Council toward the purcha.se of/or Agreements with others for a suitable site. "MOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: J. B. WILS ON THAT WE REQUEST THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD TO POSTPONE THE PUBLIC MEETING CALLED BY THE TOWNSHIP TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSED SANITARY LAND FILL SITE AS THE COUNTY WISHES TO PURSUE THE MATTER OF SANITARY LAND FILLS FURTHER. CARR lED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER ............ WITH REEVE COOK ABSENT CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from J. Millard requesting an extE~nsion in his employment past the normal retirement date of March 31, 1975 to the end of 1975. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A.H. LIEBNER, L.R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE EMPLOYMENT OF JACK MILLARD BE EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 26, 1975. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH. 5, 197 5. PAGE 3. reported that four employees would be attending the O.G.R.A. T. J. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on R.T .A.C. Reservations. He also Mahoney Road School in May at the University of Guelph and that Ray Collard had been re~uested to teach surveying at the O.G.R.A. C.S. Anderson Road School. Robbins waS not fit to return to work either physicallY or mentally. CORJU!.SPONDENCE WAS READ from Dr. G. Webster that Glen from the Ministry of Transportation and Co~nications that the THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had received a recommendatiOn Middlemiss Bridge on Road 14 over the Thames River should be limited to single trucks at a time and that the weight limit should be 30 ton. "MOVED BY ~ SECONDED BY ~ Tl1AT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNtY COUNCIL Tl1AT A BY lJ\.W W.R. CAVERLY, A.H. LIEBNER BE PASSED LIMITING THE WEIGl1T OF VEl1lCLES ON MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE ON RoAD 14 TO 30 TONS. CARR lED" agriculture land ($1.200 per acre and $8.00 per road fence allowance) IT WAS DECIDED to paY the County'S present price for to Mrs. Forbes on Road 32 for widening re~uired by the County of Elgin as a condition of severance before the County Land Division committee. to replace the County's air compressor (which had been preViOUSlY THE ENGINEER REPoRTED on the purchase 0 f an air compressor approved by the 1974 committee). l1e alsO reported on the trade.in of the County'S vehicle washer on a unit that would be more satisfactOry. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 1975. PAGE 4.. "MOVED BY: W.R . CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON TllAT WE PURCllASE A BUlKS AIR COMPRESSOR MODEL 33-1041- 7 1/2 1l0RSEPOWER COMPLETE WITll EXTRACTOR AND BELT GUARD FROM B & M AUTO SUPPLY, ST. TllOMAS, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE 01' $2,235.52 pU]S PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE M. T.C. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A.H. LIEBNER, SECONDED BY: W.R. CAVERLY TllAT WE PURCllASE A PRESSURE puMP AND IMPACT CLEANING UNIT lIRO MODEL it613-104 FROM B & M AUTO SUPPLY WITll THE COUNTY'S OLD UNIT AS A TRADE-IN FOR THEIR QUcrrED PRICE OF $926.20 PLUS SALES TAX. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W.R. CAVERLY, SECONDED BY: L.R. CARROLL TllAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTllORIZED TO SELL BY TENDER THE COUNTY'S PRESENT WAYNE AIR COMPRESSOR. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: L.R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTllORIZED TO SELL BY TENDER THE COUNTY'S STEAM JENNY ClEANER. CARRIED" \ ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 1975.. PAGE 5. (a) Township of Yarmouth regarding Zoning By La"s for Rezoning of CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM:- AreaS not adjacent to County Roads, for Residential Purposes. (b ) Helen Ca 1 d",e 11 .rlt h thanks for flo",ers for the funeral 0 f Spike Caldwell. (c ) A Fa irvie" tra ve 11er r ega rd i ng condition 0 f Road 22. (d) Insurers of the To..,oship of Malahide regarding a suit by Donald Grass against the To..,oship of Malahide regarding salt from the To..,oship Sand pile into his "ell and advising if the To..,oship "8S liable the County might also be liable because of its adjacent sand pile. (e) Ministry 0 f Transportation and Cot\llllUnications regarding programme of seatbelt publicity. ( f) T 0..,0 ship 0 f Sou th..,a 1 d re<lue sting fla s hing 1i ght sat the Intersection of County Road 16 and 20 in Fingal. The Engineer "as instructed to make en<luiries regarding cost and other liabilities that might be incurred. (g) Elgin County Board of Education regarding Lights on County Road 20 at the entrance to port Stanley School. It ~s felt that the proposed rebuilding of County Road 20 near the school might have an effect on entrance visibility and any ..,ark should be postponed until the rebuilding "ss completed. REEVE COOK IN ATTENDANCE. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 5, 1975. PAGE 6. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Report on Road Expenditures for 1975 and the attached Budget which were pa.rtially discussed by Committee. IT WAS DECIDED that the Desirable Spending A1locBltion of 2,169,000. by the Ministry Of Transportation and Communi,cations should be expended so that the maximum subsidy could be obtained from the Province. IT WAS ALSO DECIDED that it was undesilrable that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission should have a large deficit from 1975 into 1976 as the Commission had ample mileage of deficient roads on which to expend the Budgets. The Engineer explained that the Commission would be able to complete the portion 0 f the RO~ld between the City and Road 52 and that the remainder of the Road would ha.ve to be reverted to the County so that the County could assume the remainder of the costs. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the County Levy would be $581',000 for the maximum subsidy allocation by the Province. This compared to the County Levy of $560,000 plus an expenditure of $20,000 for~' contingencies in 1974. REEVE COOK AND THE ENGINEER REPORTED Ion a Townsh'ip 0 f Yarmouth Zoning By Law to zone a portion of Milt Springer's Gravel Pit on Road 22 as property for an asphalt Plant for Riverside Construction. S't. 'tltoM!\S, (Ntl\Rl0, MARCll 5, 1975. PAGE 7. R l'IERS l'O1!. CONS TR\lCT 10N Al!lll T\1\!. TOwNS \1.11' A\U!. l'I?$ S 1!.l!l'I Lye nt ering intO an AgTeeroent foT ceTtain phases of the zoning and TestTictions on the lS,nds. Teco~endatiOns (as attached) to the TownshiP and Ree~e CooK stated that these TecommendatiOns would be placed in the AgTeeroent. T\1\!. 1!.l!lG ll!l1!.1!.R llE pOR't1!.'O T\1.AT he had f 0 TW& T de d ce Tta in ttM.O'IE'O BY t '0. COOK, S1!.COl!lll1!.'O BY t J. B. ldlt.SON T\1.AT \'II!. All J ()\lR.N ToMAR C\1. l2T\1. AT 10 I 00 A. M.. CARR1ED" ----- COUNTY OF ELGIN RE: . AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWNSHIP OFYARMQUTHAND RIVERS IDE CONS~rRUCTION. Replace Clause (d) with the following Clause. Restriction 011' Use of Roads Under Control of Township of Yarmouth and County of E l~i n. That the f4:> llowing CQunty roads shall be4esignated asH,aul Route,s to and from the lands shown on Schedule A and Bfor allma.terials, aggregatesartd hot mix asphalt. etc. As Jast-West Routes .' County Roa~ 27.a~d_Cotinty Road 45 and County Road 28 Elm Street. As North-Sc.uth Routes - County Road 22 {north 0 ( Road 27),. Road 28 (Centennial Avenue) and Road J6it I , ~ (If' hot m1.)l~,asphalt i,> destined for any loc'ation in the Totmship iOf Yarmouth ,.south of Highway 3, the above routes' are to be used as ,far as possible.) These routes may be varied by written agreemetjtbetween the perti4!s from time to time as the need may arise. .Riy.erside.Constructi'O'nshall,.exercise control over not only' of th4!ir own"vehicles but arso those vehicles oWned by others hauling materials to the 'lands shown" in the Sche'dule 8ndhotmix asphalt from .the lands shown in the Schedule. Add the following Clause to the Agreem~nt. tr8~ as a. Clondition of this Agreement, Riverside Construction 'C()mtMny shall enter into an Agreement with the Coun~.y ofElg!n coneernini~ (fl) 10cat1.on, types, width etc.',. o'f entrances to the property from ROt\d 22, (b) location, height, slope, character etc.; of any berms along County Road 22, both on COlunty Road 22 proper and on the lands shown on Schedule A, (c) the location and ty'pe of fencing,gates,. etc:., adjacen't to. County Road ,22* (d) removal of existing; .trees', end the planting .and caring for of replacement trees, (e> ierection and maintenance of a~y tr~lffic c;ontrol signs and device.s deemed. necessa'ry'by the County fromt 1me to tjlme. ...., ~ ! l , ,J' }. ,{lfL/v . ;; 1-1<< .' II.. J-... }::.1 ~/ 12. n .~ r --r /' / ,," i/\A:/./V""/ ~ ,,;....-"'" FE BR U ARYl 975. TOTHECHAIR1~N AND . MEMBERS OF COUNTY Or' ELGIN ROAD COl+IITTEE. '~" . REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1975 In view of the' number cif cha.nges ill Road Committee from 1974. s Committee thls report.. is a review of the methods that the Ministry of Transportatic)t~ and COlbmunicstions u!Jesto calculate Expenditure Allocation and Sub:sidie!1 . for Counties and Regions. In 1973 the Ministry of Transportation and Commu;nications adopt;ed . apolic,y of ~lsinglesubsidy rate (o,ther than Drainage Assessments on Urban Rebates) for: Counties and Regions. This single system replaced' the old system whIch is stt 11 used for Townships and Villages of 50"4 Subsidy on Roads, 80% Subsidy on Bridges and 100% Subsidy on Development Roads (Direct Aid) . OnE~. of the biggest asset$ o'f the newsyst"m was that the bookkeeping on County work waS to be simplified (actually ,this had occurred). ThfJ~ Mini'stry of Transp~rtation and Communications has adopted a policy of allocating subsidy funds based on proven needs and of setting a , desirablesp4!!~riding a'11oc;:ttion. An expenditure over the desirable expenditure ~llocation w:t~ll not be subsidized and any spending under the allocation will result in 10!ils of subsidy at the'inaximumsubsid'y rate (approximately 91%). Subsidy is a matching 50~of that money that the County would raise at 1.2~. mill~,Oi1 its Provincial Equ.alized Assessmentpltissubsidy at 91% 'for any of the desirf'ble expenditure allocation in excess of the amount subsidii'edat 50%. In 1975 the eff~ctive subsidy rate is approximately 72.98'70 wh~reas in 197467.7%. . DESIRABLE SPENDING ALLOCATION Thei de.sir~ble spending allocation is the total of'Needs shown in thepreceeiding years Needs Study Update as approved by the Ministry of TrSl'lsporta,tion and Communications. This total 8110cation is divided into three parts. ',(a) Construction (b) Asphalt Resurfacing' (c) Fixed Costs. ' . (8) Construction. Approved Construc,tion Costs are the costs of thos,eRoads lilnd Bridges'which are .pri!sently deficient or will become deficient in the coming five year period. The deficiencies are catalogued and listed acc()rding to,M:tnist;ry of Transportation and Communications criteria. Also included in C'onstruction Costs aresPQt improvements such as D:r:ainage Costs necessa ry to bri ng ,a sect ion ,of road up to to 1erah 1e standardl!. r:: The Cost,s are based on Ministry of Transportation and COIbIDunicatiops approved costs which represent the costs of construction as they welre in 1973. (This cost index is reviewed about every five years.) InaslIlUch as the Ministry of Transportation Bnd Communications or the Municipalities do not have enough, money to complete all the constructiQn in a five yell,r period or 9% per year on a reducingb'alance. f 't 0 't\l.!. Cw.1R\4t'.N 1-N1>,\4!.l4>>!.'RS Of C OOtn:'t Of !.l-G '[tl 'R ~ C 0~1't't!.!. - 1'1-G!. 2. k'E~R\JAR'l \915. R !.1'O'R't ON it ()AD !. Xl'E N1> 1'tU\l!. S f ltl. \ 915 · -------- (b),~ I-sp ha \ t itesudac i ng is the a ppt:o'lt8d t:eSut: faci ng 8 nd tIIi not: associated costS of t:oada that at:e 8\t:e8dy built to Phopet: ~eo~t:iC sight standat:dS and .ndthS. 'the t:oads "1 iStedl' at:e t e t:oa s a should be t:esut:taced in the coming fi"e yeat: pedod. 'the P'rOgt:alfltll8 pto"ides that: doeS . the '/ 01:: 8 Double Sut:face 'tt:eattll8nt Roads should be co"e'J:ed,~ith th'J:ee inches of Uot Mix in the B to 10 yeat: pet:iod aftet: constructiOn and eat\iet: if se".t:e b'J:eaKuP occuts. Mu\Ch Roads and };lot Mix Road shOu1d,be co"et:ed in the 15 to 20 yeat: pet:iOd a fter'constXuction. \tot }\ix Roads of 1 112 to 2 incheS in depth should be co"et:ed as soon as possible to stOP bt:eaKup (elephant t-cec\C.ing). Inasmuch as the }liniStry of 'tunspot:udon,and c~unications not ha"e enouih money to complete all the resurfacing necessary . b ~ i . f 1 ~'/ of thiS ....,rK in the fi"e year pet:iod ha"e set an 0 Ject "e 0 J' yea t: 1'! ob} ec ti"e 0 f 15'" (\) (2) C~) (c)~ '1:hese costs inc luding Maintenance of Roads and BtidgeS hon dthe C . ..i Ct iho\\\C1S Subut'banR ..oad Cof(lll\iSsion Road System, (Ner ea ountY anu ~ . ' " Idi 1 t: tll8nts. ~ Chllrges, , and Machine'J:'! (RePlacement an~ :~rhe:~ c"';:'r~::) ~aS requHed tentati"e 1915 Budget ~intenance an ' r in 1914 as ~aS a Machinery Replacement schedule for f1."e yea s. d' . . d ot cut In out: case 'thiS Budget ",as re"ie".ed an ,appro"e , · dC f(Ill\unications cut baCK our request the Minist'J:Y of '1:ransporution an 0 00 000' f'J:otll $\65 000 estipted. fot: 'tIinter Maintenance ~nocation to $\, · $11~') ~he MiniStry of (In 1914 our 'tIinter Maintenance CostS ".ere' h t ut: standardS of '1:nnsporution and COf(lll\uniCa~~O:s 'J:8::~n~:~g::U~i:g ~ounty' 5 costS 'tIinter Maintenance ".ere tOO g a~s Gra"el Resud'acit\\!. is about the n.er mile ".ere considet:ab\Y leSS. tt Joat ~i~te1:: ~ai'l\tenance ~' ft d in out: Maintenance ,uuuo~' .. on\y cost that is not xe 000 amount ~il\ ha"e to be taKen ft:om thiS costs in, eXCess of thiS $\00,' i nd co,...unications haS a\\o".ed c 8 tegot:y'. '1:he}li n iSt'J: Y 0 f '1: t:8 nSpOt: ta ~ i:n : cO S t s other t ha n 'tI inter cont'J:o 1. \O~ of the appt:oved eX1'enditU'J:es on e Out: \915 Spending ~nocation is pde up e.s fO\.\o"'s: , 6\ 000 905 000 Co nSt t:uc tio n _ 9"1. 0 f Const t:uc t ion Needs 0 f $\0,0 , ' 1-9phalt Resut:facing _ \5"1. of ~spha\t Resut:facing ~:;~~,~~o 231,000 \ 00'. 0 f the fo l\o~it\g nxed Costs - ~pp'J:oved St. '1:homas 5ubut:banRoads Cof(lll\iSsion and county Road and Bt:idge ~ i ntenance Costs 5 t. '1: \\011\$ s 5 ubut:ba n Roa ds Commi 9S ion and County cwet:\\e8. d 613,000 304,000 ~ 2,1.69,000 Ne'" Machinet:y and Bui\dings '1:ota1 spending ~\\ocatiOn T.o THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS .of COUNTY Of ELGIN ROAD COMl1ITTEE 'PAGE 3. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES 1"00 1975. fEBRUARY 1975. , j The Ministry of Transportation and Communicattons has set the Provincial Equalized Assessment of the County at 362 million dollars .for grant purposes. This figur~ has been derived by applying a growth ,factor the Proyincial-Equal Assessment of 1969. This method will probably be used until reasseSsment is completed by the Provincial Government. The calculation of the Provincial Subsidy is shown on t,he atta.chedsheE~t and is set at $1,601,000 (including 50% on Urban Rebates.) Additional Subsidy at 50% is av,ailable on those Drainage Assessments made tinder an Engineer's Report. County Levy is estimated at $581,000 which includes all l-1lunicipal Costs on Road 30 over the 1/2 mill levy in 1975 from the: City of St. Thomas and the Surplus from 1974. SUMMARY 1975 Spending Objective ------------------------..----------- 2,169,000 Urban Rebates ----------------.------------------- '36~OOO Drainage Assessments ------------------------------______ 12,000 2,217,000 Ministry of1~ransportation pnd Communic;ationssubsidy on Spending Objective 8nd Urban Rebates ~--------...------- 1,601,0'00 Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy on Dr.inage Assessments -------------.------------------- 6,000 1/2 Mill Contribution of St. Thomas and Surplus frOm 1974 Toward St. Thomas Suburban Roads System -----------,--- 29,000 County Levy (In 197.4 $S60,OOnL----------------..,--______,___ 581,1000 2,217,1000 Thel Ministry of Transportation,and Gommunicat.ions has indicated that the AIICllcation shown for Asphalt Resurfaci,og and fo:r New Ma,chinery should "e spent on these Allocations a'tthough there is no objection to increasing these Allocations. Major Maintenanc.e Allocations such alSo Gravel Resurfacing and Surface Treatment should as far as possible, be budgeted as allocated as it waS on the need for these items that th.a Ministry of Transportation and Conmunications Allocation~s were made.. ,;) I 1l ,coUN;tyd" ' 197.5~' .0011 , ;.':"'::(;;'ALCti~ATION()t'GRAN;r, UNP~RUPPEItTIER PROGRAJ:1 . . . STEP 1 Appr~oV:(,(f Exp.n.dit~re()nR<?ad8 and B ~idi~e8 to w~i.ch Or'ant 'A.pplie8 (Item: Il" . . $ 2,169,000. STEP Z, COUn1~y Effort of 1. 25 Mill. on Total Coun1tyA'88~8.ment'(Item F) 'l.Z5 x ItemF;: 1'.'Z5'x$ '.362.000.000. =, $ 4.52.500. . 1000 " 1 000 . ' "'AM,) ~ ': ' . "q.. rr-llL,'-" ..~ft'~. Plus Sep.', U rbanCpntribution at O. 5 Mills' ,0. ,5 x Item G =0. 5 x $ 41,.500 \ $ 1000 " j J' ,1000 Total Local Effort at 1.25 Mills = ': $ ,STEP 3 Road Effort at 1. 25Mill~ equals the total Local Effo':rt 'in Step 2 plus an , ~ equivalent amount:of grant ;'. a,x St:ep 2 = 2, x.: $ 473,250. 20,,750. 473~250. $ 946. ,.500. STEP 4 Unmet Road 'Effort at 1. 25 Mills = Step II minus Step 3 (.Unles s Step 3 i s grE~'ate r tha.nStepl) 'STEP5(.A), ,." ,.' . , , , , Whe rle the re is an UnrnetRead Effb rt at 1. ~~S' ~iltsGraJ?t apply~n.g to it is Step ~~ x O. 90909= "-0, $ 1.2~22.500~ x 0.90909= $ 1,111,363. $ 1,222,50.0. Plus Grant equivalent to Total Local Effort (Step 2) $ jr.73. 250. $ .1 '.;584,61 ~_~_. Total Calculated Anl0ulit of ,-,.trant - or ~ 80')/0 of Approved Expen(U' ..re ( It'e m I) = 0.'8' x $ = $ Whicheve,r is' the le sse r " 5 (A) $ 1,.584,613. OR -.. \ STEP Sf E) , Subs,id., Rate 72. 98'4 W he re th.e re is no Unmet Road Eifo rt at 1. ~:5 Mills Gran!.._!JL-.~of Approved Expenditure lltet1"(1) := O. 5 .x Step 1 ;;: . ',..r-' : O. 5 X $///" 5 (B) $ ~_/ - STE.P 6 Grant applying to Urban Rebate Paid 50010 of Itenl H ;;: 0.5. X $~J 73 ;1.. = $ 1'7.866. , Plus Grant applying to Approved E,x.j>enditure,:{Step S'fA) or Step 5(B) $1..584.613. Minus 'Receipts from Property Di,sposal*~ , (;~ of ItemN :;O~ x $ = $ Total Grant $ 1.602.479. STEP 7 Total Grant Payable under Upper Tier Program is' The Allocation (Item A) or St~p 6, whichever is the lesser $ 1,601,000. " '" ", ,......... Percentag~ to ,be used is that ~pplicab,le to year in'whichproperty was- purchaf~ed. If more than. one rate applies, attach'sepatate calcula.tion to.. support amount of subsidy claimed and note years in which pu rc ha.se s made. DATE '.~ru.ry 11, 197.5. , Page Z of.3 .' '." I., ,..._", '_'" .",,,,,,, '... ".'1'''''../'.' "'" . "".,.. " .,.. In'.". .,,; A"'I .v~-~ / ' /ff1 PROGRAIt4E. ~O~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD, DEPARTMENT RE PORT OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX SOLID WASTE DIS PQSAL Mar't:h 1975. Loea t,ion _ In Concessilon IV Maidstone Township, on Essex Road 25 approximately 2 , miles. north of HighWay 401. ',. Owned by CO,unty of- E$sex; approximately 250 aer'es and approxttnately 15 miles from Downtown Win~sor. Ownership By County of ES,sex. For USe .of local municipa.lities and the CityoL Windsor., Initial cost 6fland (250 acres Wa$ $210,000 ,arid improvements to property including sel9.le ($26,000) Scale Hous.e, fencing, paved centre roadway, we re about $1:63,000). ' All Capital Co'sts were Debentured 20 years for land and 10 years for equipment and yearly costs for Capital OWnership are approximately $47,745 per yeRr. Operation Under control of the County of Essex (County Engineer's. Department) Sealem~n a.ndClerical work by County. A contrBct waS called for actu~l disposal including excflvRtion l~nd c.overing at$1.4J ~er ton for 1975rand$1.S2 per ton in 1976. (Estirn~ted quantity of wAste 240,000 ton in 1975 and 250,000 tn 1976.) Depth of waste, approximately 10. feet below ground and 23 feet above. Costs 1; Using a figure 0 f2f.iO,OOO ton; the"'; estimated c.ost per.. ton (without administration) is estimated .at $1.82 per ton. The City of Windsqr is charged an admini strat: ivecha:r.ge of 1 Oi~. trhustota 1 cost is $2.00 per ton to Windsor 8') Windsor is estimated to supply apprQx:imately> 224,000 t9n of the 240,000 w'ith other m!Jnicipalities thet?remainder. (As there is an()ther site with low volume operation (20,OOO'ton ,pe:r year) that is being used by s'ome Townships, the cost to the Towru;hip is a pproxima. te 1 y $ 2.. 6,0 ple r ton.)' Management No charge is ~de to private individuals but charges are all made to the municipality wher,e the vehicle comes from. . Hours - 8:00 a.m. - 7:00p.m. Summer. 8:00 a,m.- 5:00p.m. SaturdaYS and in" the Winter. Closed on Sundays ~nd LegQl Holidays. There is. no transfer station on the si.te thus all cars" pickup trucks, etc., .8re req'uired t.o dump at ,the site. , A fence WaS erected along the County Road 8ndscreening trees planted. A pAved road WaS constructedt'hrough the; middle 0 f the <p.roperty. ~..." ~ f: 1975 ROAD BUDGET February 1975. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY Of' ELGIN ROAD COMM.I..I.1EE This Budget Report is presented in conjuneti.on with a Report on ~he methQd'$ used by the Ministry Of Transportation and COlllllUnications to , allocate subsidy funds and establish spending allocations. The 19'75 Budget as atta'ched fol101fs the custom of spending' only to tbe limit 0 f the Ministry of Transportation and Communications spend.ing allocation so thlllt maximum subsidy is obtained. Unlike some! other counties in Ontario, Elgi'n has not done an apprecfable amount of road work witho,ut ,Min~s~ry o,f Tra,nsportation and Communications SUbsidy'" ,In presenting a budget in these inflationary. tim~s,one can <Jln1y surmise the cost of materials by mid-summer or fall. An increase in 01.1 prices would have a very substant.ial effect upon our budget and. could result in thee1i~ination or reduction of some projects. . CONSTRUCTION 1975 Construction is divided into two parts being <.) clean up of old work and (b) new work. of which Clean up of old work, mostJ1was substantially completed last ~rear, includes: 'Road 2 Bet~~en West Lorne and Rodney. A.small amount lof fencirtg land trinning ~rk near Wm. Cornwall's. FromNe~ Glasgow southerly. Double surface tre,atment, fiO/II trimm'ing, some draina~e, seeding a.nd moving some hydro pol,es. ROlld 3 Roads 3 &. 4 In Rodney. A considerable 'amount of sidewalk, paving a number of, driveways, general trimming and seeding work. Road 3 Froin Fleming Creek southerly. Grading near t'leming Creek including widening of some shoulders, top soil and seeding, and three inches 0 f hot mix aspha It paving. , Froln Hfghway 3 to Sparta. ,Widening of several ff11s south of the St. Thomas Airport, some top soil and seeding work. 'Road 36 Roac;i 40 from Hount Sa lern to Road 40.. Some ditching, trbllning and moving several hydro poles. Road 45 FrOlmCalton to Highway 19. Completion of trillll\ing, seeding and guide rail work. New work includes: Engin,eering work and surveys on work for further years t1l&t 1s not under acti\l'e construction. ,Land Purchase with the largest cost b<<~ing the"acquisitiol"li of land for construction in 1976 on Roads 52 and 31 and ' completion of land purchase on Road 30 north of Road 52. A majority expenditure will be for land to divert Road 52 across 'Kettle Creek nOlt"th of Carrs Bridge:. Our programme of joint reconstruction with the Ministry of the Environment Sanitary Sewerage' Projects should continue in 1975. 4 ; 1975 ROAD BUDGET - 2 - n: BRUARY 1975 TO THE CHA~RMAN ANDHEMBERS OF THE COUNty Of' ELGIN ROAD COHt1ITTEE, InDutt~n after completion of. the Sanitary Sewers the County 'of Elgin should complete the reconstruction at the easterly limit of Shackleton Street (east of McArthur Street) started in 1972.. This project is a, responsibility to be borne entirely by the COUlr-aty of Elgin. "> The reconst,ruction of Road l5.between the Penn Central track:; and 'the south, limit of Dutton is proposed being a shared ptc)ject with the Ministry of the Environment paying the cost of restorat:Lon of the granular base at1ld pavement and the County of Elgin the cost of storm drains and curb and gutter on the portion where sanitary sewers are installed by the Ministry. The County of Elgin will pay th4! cost of asphalt resurfacing on portions where sewers are not p1ace~ byt,he Ministry.. The diversion of Road 8 to Road 15 in Dutton is alsoprop'osec1 in 1975. T'he County of Elgin will pay the full cost of the project, frc)m Mary Street (which is the main intersection. of Dutton) to the south, limit of the Elgin Co-Op property. The Ministry Qf the Environmeltlt will pay the entire cost of road restoratiqn north of the south limit of ,the. Elgin. Co-Op property. A por'tion of storm sewer (which is nOw an 401d tile drt~in) may have to be t;:epleced by the County 0 f E 19tn from the' north 1 imit of the present curb and gutter section to the Bennett Drain,at Road 2. This replacement is necessary for added capacity for the flow fr40m catch ba!iins to be constructed on the new road diversion. In POl't Stanley, also after completion of sanitary sewers by the Min1.stry of the Environment, an urban section is proposed on Road 20 at the intersection of Warren Street.(County Road 21). This will eliminate complaints of dr'ainage and lack of traffic control in the area. It will also permit the..p1acement of sidewalks by the Village of Po:rt Stanley lllong portions of Wart'en Street and Carlow Road, to the Port Stanlley Publi~ School. 'Curb,gutter and drainage work is proposed on Road 20, Carllow Road, nOlt'th of Highway 4, to co.rrect dr'ainage problems and, complaints at the Provincilill Liquor Store and neighbouring properties. On both projects the costs will be the complete responsibi1ity of the County of-Elgin. The re!construction of County Road 51 from Highway 4 to the Clounty Garage is imperaltive as the present sur face is not expected to last out the Spring. A1thou~~h planned for 1974 the reconstruction of the CopelaJld Municipal Drain (which crossed the road near the County Gar,age) forced postponement of the project. As the portion of the drain affecting thle County has been completed, the project should proceed this Spring. As the Roed will be USE!d mainly by trucks and oth~r vehicles to and from the County Garage, it is rE!commended that the surface be hot mix aspha'lt(3 inches). It is reco11lftendEld that the driveway to the Garage.and a portion of the lot in front of the Garage be surfaced at the same' time as thesurfacetreliltment whic,h ~8.s app1iEld' last ye~r as a temporary measure has .fai1ed in a number of plac'es. It is not proposed to widen the road allowance as the main function of the road will be as a service road to the County Garage. RADIO ROAD (ROAD 30) Radio Road or Road 30 is the principle construction project in 1975. The road 1s presently under control of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. The project can be divided into three stages. First Priority'. Through Concession XII as the granular base will come from the north, this section will require rebuilding to take the heavy trucking for the rebuilding of the rest of the road ano Road 52. Also o-f first pr,iority is the section of the road fro", the Salt Creek Cemetery to the St. Thomas city limi'ts. ' l ~ \, 1975 ROAD BUDGET - 3 ~ rl:BRUAR y 1975 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY Ot' ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE . RAD 10 ROAD (ROAD 30) (cont i nued ). . ./ Second Priority.. r'rom the Salt Creek Cemetery to Pa~terson Culvert including replacement of the Salt Creek Culvert. Thir,d 'Priority - The rerouting of the present route to a straight linE! route in Concession XI north of Patterson Culvert. Earth from the pi 11 north 0 f Pattersons willI be used for fill on adjacent proj~cts (Road 30;, 31, 521' etc.,,). Thef~rst and second priority projects should proceed as soon as funds are 'available. The third priority will have to wailt until as much fill as possible is used which means that Road 31 and Road 52 to Talbotville will likely be completed before this stage is started. The St. Thomas, Suburban Roads Commiss,ion cannot cc)mpleteall the first priority work without incurring a considerable oeficit with regard "to the 112 mill contribution of the City of St. TholNiLs. BeCaUSE! of the financial needs on other Commission Roads, this defic:itwouid b~! a continuing and increasing deficit for quite a number of YE!ars. As Provincial Legislation states that costs on the Suburban Rands System are to' be divided equally between the City and the County after subtract-. ingMinistry of Transportation and Communications subsid,y, 1lt would appear that the best practical method to solve the problem, is the assumption by the County of a portion of Road ~O for construction in 19750 (Regions and Restructured Counties do not have Suburban Roads COmmi$ISions.) It appears that the Commission would have suffici~ult funds tn rebuild Radio Road from the St. Thomas city limit to approximately l,OOO . feet north of County Road 52. The County should assume the costs north of this pofnt (that is the area near the Salt Creek Cemetery and in Concession XII.) CREDITS Credits which will reduce the cost of work in 197.5 include reduction in the amount of materials in stock for construct:Lonproj.ctli by $60,000;' a peinding Sales Tax Refund(s) tentatively' esti~lted at $6,000 and credits of $,24,000 on work performed for others (after tbe deducti~)n of labour overbead costs etc., which are shown in the Overhead Budget )it ASPHALT RESURFAC:I~G Althoulgh the Ministry of Transportation and Co~nications hllls allocated $237,OOQ for asphalt resurfacing, the sum of $300,000 is budl~eted for ~his work"programme. The resurfacing work' also includes the work ll."eq\\ired , to bring the roa,d,to standard (such as shouldering, ditching, etc.). A tentative programme (subject to spring break-up is as follows). (I) - Road 6 - From Road 3 to Black's Lane, A1dborough T01llf1lship. Double surface treatment in 1965. ' Three inches of pavement to be placed. Work to be tendered in conjunc:tion with pavement on Road 3 south of Fleming Creek. (II) - Road 2 - From Road 15 to Road 8, Dunwich Township. A single lift (two inches) should be p1ac.d over a previous single lift of pavement placed in 1967. The portion from Road 15 to the Ecker Drain has been covered previously 1>eeause of poor perfor.ance. The. work should be tendered in conjunction with the' pavinll in Dutton. .- n:&RUAR"l 1.975 1975 1l()Al) ~UDGE't 'to 'tRE Cl\AiR~AN tt.Ntl teMBtRS Of 'tRE C~ll'n Of ELG1N ROt.D CO~EE ~'- - ----- ~ (continued) (111) _ Road 44 _ 1rC)lll Rig):\"''' 3 to Rig):\"'y 19. Double surface treat_nt in 1966. 't):\ree incheS of ~a~_nt to be ~laced. work for"aybam 'to~ship could be included in thts under. _ ,. - (l:V) _ Road 42. _ from \\1gh,..y73 to Road 40. Single Hft (t1lO inches) should be placed o'ler a previoUS single Uft of pa'le_nt placed in \969. A .~ortioh of rOad haS alreadY been cov,ered because of \:>00"' perfortne.nce. ~ Mainte1\Snce estit\l8.tes are for the t'lIOSt part a continuance 0 f present county ~ractice enc1 sta.ndards of service .o.th costs updateel to &llo~ for inf\atiqn. AlthoUgb the Mintstr,! of 'transportation anelCot1JlllUnicatiOns beel on\'! allocated $100,000 for winter control, it is anticiPated that in fonOwing tbe present county Road Coll\ll\tttee po1.iciell an expenditUre in eltCess of that at'llOUnt wi1 1 occur even though the winter bes been relativelY mild to date. A long te~ agree_nt should be entered intO witb the 'townsbiP of Dunwich for the constructiOn of a proper area to pHe sand on at their 'townahiP Carllge .in Dutton. sufficient granular matedalS should be placed and the area hot eilt as~halt ~aved. surfacetreat_nt 1IOrk will be necessary on a~~roltill\lltelY 22 ei\es of road in \975 and again in 1976. 'the .estit\l8.ted cost of thiS 1IOrk at present oi1 ~dces ts $50,000. 'the \975 maintenance allocation by tbe ~inistry of 'transportation and Cot1JlllUnlca dons ,.. s ba sed on the grave 11 i ng 0 f Roads 5 and 9 in AldbOTOugh 'townshi~ and Dunwich 'townshi~. 't\le roads ...re last gravelled in 1970 and ordi1\Sril'! a~~roltit\l8.te\Y 1,000 tOn of gravel ~er mile is ~\eced. 1t is recOt'/lllended tbetthh 1IOrk ~roceed as we try to gravel roaels at least ever" four years and this work is now overdue. We beve been notified that calciu~ chloride ~rices will rise by at least 20'1. thiS "ear. !t.. ts a\So expected tbet the ~ric.. of paint' Eor ~a vemant marking will be considerablY t'lIOrein 197 5 than 197 4. Maintenance estimates are for the t'lIOSt part a continuance of present County practice and standards of ser'lice with eosts updated to 8\\O~ for inflation. AlthOUgh tbe Ministr,! of 'transportation and communications had onlY allocated $\00,000 fot winter control, it tsanticipaUd that in fonowing the present County Road COll\ll\ittee.po1.icieS an expenditure in eltceSS of that at'llOunt will ~ccur even thougb the winter has been relativelY mild to date. A long tere agreet\l8.nt should be entered intO with the 'town.hi~ of Dunwieh Eor the constrUC don 0 f a ~ro~er area to ~ile sand on at their 'township Garage in Dutton. Sufficient granu\er materialS should be placed snd the area hot milt asphalt paved. surface treatment work will be necessar" on a~proltimatel" 22 . ",ilea of road in \'175 and again in 1976. 'the estit\l8.ted cost of thts work at present oil prices is $50,000. \ \ I \ \ \ , 197 S ROAD BUDGET -5 ~ FEBRUARY 1975 TO THE' CH:AIRHAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE !IXED tOSTS (co1tltinued) The 1975 maintenflnce allocation by the Ministry olf Transportation and Communicati'.)os was based on the gravelling of Roads 5 and 9 in Aldborough Township and Dultlwich Township. The roads were last gravelled in 1970 and ordinarily apprc)ximately 1,000 -ton of gravel per mile is placed. It is recommended that this work proceed as we try to gravel roads at least eve):"y four years and this work is now overdue., Other maintenance items are e.stimated on approximately the same' standerd 0 f service as in former years with an a 11o~.nce for the increases in cost. Sweep:lng costs will rise because our 'sweeper was not delivered until l-ate inthtf 1974 season. When we rec'eived the .sweeper the County 'assumed the cost of sweeping curb and gutter on County Roads in the Town of Aylmer and, the various Villages (previously this had been an urban re sponsibi 1 i ty) 4. Inflation has carried over into our Overhead Costs as well. Most service and costs are estimated on those costs of previous years with an fncreas~~ for additional llfages etc. Unempl'oyment Insurance premiums have been raised by the Federal Government. Insur~lnce costs will be lower as the 1975 Workmen's Compensation Premium (due December 1974) was paid in 1974. By increasing the rates of our equipment charged to operations we hope- to reduce our Machinery Overhead Costs. The Overhead Budget is about 9% over our costs in 1974 (vs a w,age i ncrea se 0 f approxima te ly 14% for 1975). MaintEmance and Overhead Costs on the St. Thomas Suburban Ro,eds System are estimated at $61,000. The Ministry of TransportAtion and CommuniCFltions Allocation for New Machinery and Houf)ing (again based on infQrmation from the Needs Study Update) was $110,000. The cost of hot mix asphalt paving at the Garage will be charged to thi s cBtegor~r. A Schedule of Proposed Machinery. Replacement wi 11 he ' presented at a later meeting. As with asphalt resurfacing the Ministr'y of Transportation and Communications is strongly suggesting that the funds allocated' for this category be used for Machi nery Replacement and Housing. SUMMAR Y Ourtc.tal Desirable Spending Allocation has been set at $2,169,000 by the Mi.nistry of Transportation and Communications (being the sum of constructi.on and fixed cost items). To this expenditure 'must be added the: cost of urbllln "rebates (being 25'0 of the urban municipalities Road Levy) of $36,000 and of Drainage Assessments$12,000 which are eligible for a 50% Subsidy if a Supplementary By Law is passed by County Council. The cost of items that are unsubsldized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will be offset by the rental from the sweeper which Was not subsidized' (the rental rate to ou'r operations is $10.00 per hour presently). All of which is respectfully submitted. ~) , /. , R. G.. MOORE t B . S,~ .", P. '1: ng. , COUNTY ENGINEER. ; COUNTY CONSTRUCTION February'20, 1975. A. COMPLETION OF WORK fROM, I'RIOR YEARS ESTIMATE (1) Road 2- West~rnE! to Rodney A1dborough Township $ 3,000. (2) Road 3 - New Glasgow Southerly Aldborough Township 22,000. (3) Road 3 - Urban Section R~dney Rodney 17,000. (4) Road 3 - Fleming Creek Southerly Aldborough Tpwnship 80,000. (5) Road 4 - Queen Street W., Rodney Rodney 6,0010. (6 ) Road 36 - Sp8rt~ to Highway 3 Yarmouth Township 5,000. (7 ) Road 40 - Mount SalE!ttlto Road 42 Malahide Township 3,0010. (8)- Road 45 - Calton to Highway 19 Bayham Township 10,0010. SUB-TCYrAL $ 146, 000. B. NEW' WORK (1), Engineering and Surveys on New Work $ 15,000~ 62,000. 22,000. 24,000. (2) Land Purchase (3)' Village of Dutton (a) Road 13 Shackleton Street (b) Road 8 Main Street South (c) Road 8 and 15 Diversion 152,000. (4) Village of Port 'Stanley (a) Road 20 Intersection of Warren Street (b) Intersection of Higpway 4 35,000. 10,000. 46,000. 267,000. $ 633,000. (5) Road 51 - Township of Yarmouth (6) County Road 30 - Road 52 Northe.rly, Township of Yarmouth SUB-TOTAL ~ CREDITS Reduction in "Stock Balance Sa les Tax Re fund $ 60,000. 6 , 000. 24.000. $ 90,000. CREDITS Credits on Outside Work ($42,854 in 1974) SUMMARY COUNTY CONSTRUCTION (a) Completion of Prior Years' Work (,b ) New Work (c) Less Credits TarAL $ 146,000. 633,000. 90,OQQ. $ 689.0010. -- --= . COUNTY Of St.Gll1 lOAD DEPAllTlItllT - BUDC&T 1975:. OVERHEAD 1 LABOUR \ 1972 I 1973 ' ,1974 1975 CONTENT 1975 ,Superintendence 27,429 29,'542 32,739 37,000 Garages 24,563 32,937 44,200 48,000 'White Station Pit Rehab. ) 6,854 .358 1,500 ''0, 3,000 ) Pl.,sant Valley Pit Rehab.) ~ 00 1.8 2,876 8,283 5,974 7,000 \ Misc. Repairs 7,196 7,548 7,385 \ 8,000 , Medical 1,849 801 767 I 1 1,000 RadiO ' .2,540 2,949 2,207 3,000 HolidaYS With Pay 39,990 47,746 56,732 65,000 I Sick Benefits 15,748 21,054 2:0, 336 23,000 . Needs Study Updat~ 686 111 840 I 1,000 Traffic Costs 2,228 2,728 2,141 2,500 Tra~ning Courses 469 941 , 1,000 \ Clerical 19,129 21,461 21,078 23,000 , Perlllits 24 4,0 I 144 -: I ,lnsul'ance for Subsidy 9,364 10', 504 \ 23,825 \ 4,000 . Offi~e 7,207 \ 4,508 '5, 705 6,5,00 Penston 28~379 29.,757 31,731 35,000 \,1 . \ Unemployment l~surance 4,289 5,832 \ 8,750 11,000 , Ontario Realthlnsurance and Blue Cross' Plans ,< 9,321 \ 10,281 \ 13,043 1 5,000 \ , llistbility Inst1rance .Plan - ... 5,000 Accounts Receivablecreclits 23.357CR. 11,818eR.. 33,348CR. 20,OOOg!,i .' Machinery Overhead 4,059 4,607 15,694 \ 1,000 190,374 229,698 262,384 286,000 \ t .r'IXED COSTS " SUMMARY OF EXPEND ITURES Febru.ry 20, 1975. County Road Bnd Bridge Maintenance County Road Overhead St., Thom8s Suburban Roads Gommissf.on Overhead and; Maintenance New Machinery:andBui Idings CONSTi{UCTION St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Land Purchase St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Land Construction Road 30 Asphalt Resurfatins County Roads County Constructiri T~ This Must Be Added: (a) (b) SUB- TCYl' AL, Desirable Spending Allocation Urban Rebates Drainage Assessments TOTAL BUDGET $ 570uOOO. 286uOOO. 61~000. 110tOOO. $ 1~027tOOO~ $ 8,000. 145,000. 300,000. 689,000. $ 1,142,000. $ 2,169,000. 36,000. 12.000. $ 2,217,000. ~ ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST RE PORT' FElllRUARY SESS ION 197 5 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGINCOtJNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS : WE .RECOMMEND 1. That l!l By- Law be passed authorizing the Warden atlld Clerk to sign, :r..and Plans expropriating Land as necessary to widen COUDt:y Roads in 1975. It is necessary ihatsuch By-Laws be passed: yearly. 2. That li By-Law be passed that limits the weight of vehicles on bridges on the Middlesex County Line as} fo110~'s: (a) 1~a1kers Bridge on County Road 5 over ThslIlesRiver .5 T.on. (b) Taits Bridge over Thames River - 15 Ton. (c) Lings Bridge on'Dodds Creek - 15 Ton. Theplresent By-Law which carries thesaDle restrictions has been 4)nly approved to March 5, 1975 by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and a new By-Law is requilt'ed for further. Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval. (The usual approval period is twoyc!ars.) (A similar By-Law is required from the County of Middlesex. ) 3. That ~il By-Law be passed that limits the weight of vehicles on certain County Bridges as follows. (a) Cooks a nd Phi llmore Bridges on County Road 4.3 over Otter Creek to 15 ton each. (b) Carrs Bridge on County Road 52 over Kettle Creek to 10 Ton. (c) Robbins~ridge over Kettle Creek to 5 Ton. (d) lPulto,n Bridge over Kettle Creek to 15 Ton. (e) l\feeks Bridge over Kettle Creek to 20 Ton. (f) Jamestown Bridge over Catfish Creek to 15 Ton. (g) Vierina Bridge over Otter Creek to 20 Ton. Aga'in the present By-Law which carries the same J:'estrictions has bleen only approved to March 5, 1975 by the Ministry of Trans))ortation and Communica'tions and anew By-Law is required for approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 4. That ~Il By-Law be passed confirming By-Law 11831 olf the Township of Ba;,ham to close and sell a portion of the Road Allowance betwel!n Lots 113 and 114 North Talbot Road that is shown as Part #3 on Reference Plan llR552. 5. That lBy-Laws be passed confirming By-Laws 1819, 820 and 824 of the V:ll1age of Dutton to close portions of Peter Street, King Street and Allen Street in the Village of Dutton. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Chairman. S'I. 'Il\oMl\S, ONTAR10 FEBRUARY 12, 1975 PAGE 1. at 10:00 a.m.. on February 12. 1975 with all members except Warden Liebner THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Munici.pal Offices present. ALSO PRESENT _ Ro~rd Greenly. District Engineer. Mi.nistry of Transportation and communications. THE MINUTES OF TRE MEETING OF JANUARY 30. 1975 1IIElU'. READ AND APPROVED. (1) Wi,nter control had been:1ight with practicallY no snowPlowing THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: and little sanding. (2) A start had been made on the storm drain south of the Elgin Co-Op on Road 8 in Dutton but work had been abandoned for the time being because of heaVY frost conditions. (3) Several days work moving earth and gravelling roads were underway for the Ministry of the Environment at the Elgin liIater Pumping Station on Road 24. Ct'1..19-\#V cA. ' (4) Tree cutting waS continuing with clearing work -,~. bridges to be done. A considerable amount of cutting ~s bei.ng done at the Miedlemiss Bridge on the north side as the Thames River would hllve to be dhertee to the north as it waS ~shing seriously around the south pier of the bridge. (5) Overhaul work on County eCluipment continued. s't. 't\\oNPS, 0m:AR10 YE~RUAR~ 12, 197~ !AGE 2. ,,~OV1!.D ~~, 'Il. CA.vtll.L"i: stCOb\DtD ~~, D. COOt{ 't\\b-'t 'tllf. F OLL(l'l11.NG ? A. ~L 1S 'tS "&\!. b-?'PR OV1!.D FOR ? A. '{loIt m: · ?A. 'lL1S't }\\l_ll. 1. ~~m: 1llG 'to $ 2 ~, 0&4. ~4 ?A."i:L1S't }\\lMBtR 3 ~~m:1NG 'to $ 143.69 ?A.~L1S't }\\lMBtll. 4 p,.~~m:1NG 'to $ 24,&35.3& ?A.'lL1S't }\\lMBtR 5 A.~~m:1NG 'to $ 260.72 ?b-~L1S't }\\ltmtR 6 ~~m:1NG 'to $ &37.15 l'A.~L1S't }\\llGtll. & ~~m:1NG 'to $ 39,661.&1 C~R1ED" an1 f.u-rthe't. A t S ~et Teceived .. 'tllf. tNG1NEtR Rf,?OR'ttD that he he." no e. 1 f. $100 deductible insunnce oT $2~. deductible ~uet..tiOn on the cost o. . the count~'S A.utO~ti.e Fleet ?oliCY. insUTe.nce on 1 i f. 'tTe.ns'PoTte.tiOn 't\\t ENGINEtR Rt?oR'ttD that the ~in stTY 0 . T 1 of. the CountY ~dd\!,e 'Ilei\!,ht ~y~Le."'S and co~nicatiOns a'P'P ove. eX'PiTed ~Tch ~, 1975 end that new ~y~Le.WS would be necessaTY. ,,~ovtD ~1' J. 'Il11S011 stCob\DtD ~~, L. cARROLL 't\\b-'t \II!. Rt C oMMt b\D 't 0 C O\lm:~ C (j\lNC 11. 't J:U>.'t ~ ~ ~ lJ.'IlS "&\!. ?l\SS1!.D LI~1't1NG 'tllf. Gll.~S '<lt1Gltt OF vt\\1CU:S ON ctR'tA.Il1 ) 't 20 'ton ~ '4ienna & }lee\ts. C~~ ~1DGtS l\S FOLLO\$ (a 0 . J t vrn (c.) 1. l'hill~Te FultOn & ames 0 · (b) 'to 15 'ton ~ coo..s, . ' 't . ~ Robbins, b-b\D 'tllf. FOLLO\'l111G 'to 10 'ton ~ CaTTS and to 5 00 d Lin\!,s 15 'too tach. ~ommAR~ ~R1DGtS ~ 'Ila1\teTS 5 'ton. 'taits aO CAIt'R liD" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 19175 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY... LAW E~E PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN PL.ANS TO EXPRu.trKIATE LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROADS AS NECESSARY IN 1975. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . . . . . . GERRY MEADE FEASIBILITY PLANNER FOR THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS and Imants Hausma.nis of GifJ:els, Davis & Jorgensen made a presentation on the selected eorridol~ route for Highway 3 from St. Thomas easterly to County Rc)ad 40 and ~lnswered queries of Road Committee and others. ALSO PRESENT WAS Warden Liebner, Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Committee; L. D. House, City of St. Thomas, Engineer; H. S. Gibson of the Central E 19inP1anning Board; land Members of Council of Aylmer, Springfield, Ma1ahide, Yarmouth and Bayham, and several other interested spectators. THE CHAIRMAN THANKED Mr. Meade and Mr. Hausmanis fo:r: their presentation. THE COMMITTEE RECONVENED. S't. 't1:\OW.S, ONTliR10 yt~RUAR1 12. 1915 FACE 4. CoR?J!.SPONDENCE 'liAS ?J!.AD fretl\ tbe 'tewt\sbiP ef ~a)'batl\ e.nd tbe Village ef Dutun regarding read c\.esing. "M.o\fEU ~1: \OJ. Ct\\fERL"i SECONDEll ~'h 1>. LlE~NER 't1:\A't \IE RECO-ND 'to COUNT'l COUNC1L 't1:\hI.'t hi. ~'l_LA\'l ~E pASSEll CONf1R~NC ~'l-LA'II jf \.&3\. Of 't1:\E 'tO~S1:\lP ~ ~hI.~ 'to CLOSE tJID SELL hi. PoR't10N Of 't1:\E ROAD hl.LLO'd bl.NCE ~E't\'lEE N Lctl'S \.\3 tJID 1\." N.'t.R. ~hI. '{\\AM 't\\hI.'t lS S1:\O\'lN hl.S fliR't 3 ON 1l.EYERENCE pJ,.!IN \.\R55'!. CAltRIEU\t "MoVEll ~'l' J. \'llLSON SECONDED ~'l' L. Cbl.Jl.1l.0LL 't1:\A't \IE UCO-ND 'to COUNT'l COUNC1L 't\\A.'t ~'l_LA'IIS ~tl phl.SSED 'to CONYl1l.M ~'l_LA\'lS jfB\.9, jfB'!O, hl.ND jf&'!" CLOS1NG poR'tlONS Of J?E'tE1l. S'tUE't, K1NG S't?J!.E't hl.ND hl.L1J.N S't?J!.E't 1N 't1:\E V1LLAGE O~ ll\ft'tON. CARRIED" 't1:\E ENG1NEER PRESENTED the attaCbed 1l.epert on selid 'IIaste llispOsa\.' 1t "",5 decided tbe.t the \'larden, cnairtaan, Reeve MenUitb and tbe Engineer shoU\.d see" an ear\.)' 1JI6eting witb tbe cit)' ef St. 'tboroas'RepresentatiVes. 't\\E ENG1NEER tJID SEvEJl.l\L }t!.\>\'IIERS ?J!.p(lI.'tEll en tbe preposed 1:\ydre corrider bet.,een Nantice\(.e and Londen. 1t appeared tbat 1:\ydro d bead witb tbeir corridor StudY e.t tbis ti1Jl6' ~ere not prepe.re to go a · ST. THOMAS,'ONTARIO FEBRUARY 12, 1975 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: L. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES REQUIRED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT IN 1975. CARR lED" "MOVED BY: W. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE REQUEST THE TOWNSHIPS TO SPRAY WEEDS ON THE: COUNTY ROADS ON THE SAME TIME AND MATER lAL BAS IS AS IN FORMER YEARS. CARR lED" "MOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: A. LIEBNER THAT WE ADJOU~'TO MARCH 5, 1975 AT 10:00 A.M. (ALSO MARCH 12TH AT 10:00 A.M.) CARR lED" ilk,j /~ /~ CHAIRrm..l tJ tZtwCrL;'''' ~fi R-n/,. r v .--------- . COUNTY OF ELGIN SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL February 1975. TO THE CIl.AIRMMI AND MEMBERS OF COMMlTTEE. On JllftUary 29, 1975 Commi.ttee received and discussed my Replort of January 1975wbic:h reviewed in some detail the present situation ~ithregard , to Solid Waste Disposal in the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex.. Since that time discussions have been held with the Ministry of the Environment ,and others and this~ Report is an attempt to bring the Commltte,e up to datI! and to outline the alternatives still availahle to the Committee. 1. CITY OF ,LONDON APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SITE FOR SOLID. WASTE lDISPOSAL. SinCE! my last Report, the Ontario Municipal Board. has approved the use by the Cit)rof London of an area in Westminster ToWnship (known as Disposal' Site W';12A) in Concession ,V just east of Highway 401, as a_solid wastie disposal site subject tCl~ a number of terms and conditions. The !!~itehas a capacity of approximately 6.4mi11.ion ton. of refuse and USing the usual generation r8te of 1 tO,n per person for urban centers and 1/2 ton .per pel'son for rural areas, will last the City of London for ;approximately 18 years. If t:he site is use~ by the '9ity of London and all other muni.cipa1ities within a 15 mile radius the site would last for 14 to', 14 1/2 years. . It' is not expected that tbe site could be in operation before the Spring of 1977 because of the propert)r acquisition and development work necessary. Other terms and conditions for the use of the site include: 1. Joint Use Agreement of Site; Township of Westminster hars' free dispos$l rights for all waste generated within the Township. During the fir~~ year, waste is limited to nO more than 4,000 Tons and no more than 300 Tons incrElase in any subsequent yea:r. 2. City, of L(:mdon will pay to the Township,; of Westminster, ten cents (10~) per Ton of refuse received at the Site. Anticipated revenue, to the Township ",ill be $24,000.00 in the first year, increasing to $43,000.00 in the 18th year. 3. The use of the Site by the City is limited "to not: ~re than 20 years. If 8n ext..nsion is- required, the usual approval procedures IIl\Jst again be und~rtl!lken. 4. The City ~lgreed that it would not init,iate any request to any ot:her, MunicipaUlty to. dispose of wa$te at the Landfill Si.te. In addition, no area. Wllste can be disposed of at the Landfi'll Site without the express aJ)prova1 of tbeTownship. of Westmin$ter. This, apparently, does notJ)revent any Area Municipality from reques,ting use of, the Site from the City 'of Lon~on; however, it would s~i11, require the approval of the To,ntship of Westminster and in all likelihood requireaq Environmental Hearing Board Review. 5. The proposed Resource Reeovery Centres - Studies for which w1ll be underway !ihort1y - are not to be located at the La,ndfi11 Site without the express approval of~he Township of Westminst~r. The City has so agreed. ~.;. 6. The Resoult."ce Recovery Centre Waste can be disposed of' at Site W l2A. 7. Tbe Site ~Ls u1ti_tely to be restor.d to asrfcu1tu1:al or recreational. use. . '! pl\GE 2,. .' COUttt1 Oty.UJIN fe'b'tUlt'" \. 97 ~\.' --------- ,~;, 1. ~. ~. j 2. Qthet co~oitions of tbe ~~e...nt. Vbich 00 notnec.ssatit, sffect Atell' , l4.unici {)a tit Us. aTe as fo ttoWS , ~ t.o ~O,' .v.T.thini to b. a ,000 nei,hboT witb tOSpect t. ' 'th. Cit' haS a'T....... ' to aOloinin,'Lsno.awnets. 'tb.T. "nt bo _nictotin, of ...tts oone in th. Atea. f . ... L> .:....&\. l' 'be scheduled to "'1oiO, tnffiCp.a1J.S and witt be R. use .TUC.S." ' ' ' atto...O to ttavet onty c.ttain specifieo tOut.s. 1J. Ti iO stte conttot with tespect to "r-be'Cit,of t.on4on ill to undeTta t:.buttdin, so" ,toaOs ;.nd have &.iteed debT ill. dust. etc. . and witt:e d Vben 'tellu iteO on the <,let ti n,tOn RoaG. to ttafUCconttotdeVices i an ' ' AppL 1 CA't ION l' OR Rt ZONING 01' 't\\1'i S l)\J't1\<,l0 LD 't ()'ilNS \\ It' S l'tE "''' S'I'. '1'\\ OMAS SMl1'1'AR'l COt.U!oC'tl0N SERVICES LIMI'tED. , " "S it t' cottection SeTvices (.) It is u"detstoOO that St., 'I'hOtll8~ ~:..:shiP of south'" tll Council Lieited haS tll8de overtiUT~ ~o i:a~ ",oard hea'tin! for the prop.r to nave a"otheT o"tar 0 n c r nd that a if t~e n~oposedsouthwotd La"dfitt Sit. a / reso" n!?, 0 .. r ' hot d for March. .., pubtic inforuation $Oeti"!?' haS bee" SC e u e h t.o tbat in principte they (b) 'I'he Cit' of St. 't1:lOtII85 icounci~ t:5 p~~~abte that an' suppott that "itt support the Reso" u~~'be co"tin,ent on the ptior ne,otiatiO" ,the Cit' WOuld ,i"e"" th Cit. of St. 'thO....sanoSt. of a suitabte co"tract bet...e" " e 3 'thOtII8S Sa"itar, cottectiO" So'tvices Lieiteo. "SOLID <,It.S't'& DISPOSAL ---- ~ ~. ~ , Cou"t of l4.iodtesex solid <,lasu Althou!?,h the proposed CitY of t.o"dO~' iepot~ance' to the City of t.ondon StUoy is probablY not as paUtllDunt : t the cit' witt pTOpOse to proceed that it o"ce ....s. indications tre ~:on necessary tOatto.. theeity (end "ith the Stud, tC! gai" the in orua li!?' nd diS\lOsal ill the "ext five othetli) to \I tan for sotid ....ste recYc n a .' tC! .ton year ptannin, \ledoli. ' , " thiS Stud, is still ~a\iO anO fhat 'thet Count' of Et,in \larticiPa~ion ~i "orth the cost. (AppT 0 xitll8te\Y the infOrmatiO" obtained witt e'" \0 ce"tS pet ca\lita.) " . in the rocess of relluosti"g subelSsiO"S 'the l4.i"istry of tbe Enviro~t\t ii~ the fir~t \lhsse of a_esources Rocovety b,CO"su\ta"ts to oesign a"d bU h cit of t.ondo" nas ar.teed that such a Ce"tTe in th.t.ond,,," atea. A~ t ~ndUl 1 SiU (<,l. \'1.A) it is \i1J.e\' that site should not be buitt at ten l.,oustTia\ area. (It a\l\leaTS that such a Cent-re ".u\d be tocated ill a IC\U t ) 'the \ltese"t indicatiOns etficie"t Toada"d uil facilitieS are: t b~t...e" t'" and five ,eaTS a-re tbet such a Ce"t-re ".u\d be o\le~~~ :\:e "ou\O be \lTOcesseo b, such froe the \lTesen\: \:illl8. Att, a-reaf SO tt in ,.&\:eria\S (ptobablY neWS\l-rint a' ce"tte. AfteT the -reco"etY 0 ce ,a ) the te...ini'" ,..sU wou\O be ano cottugat80 boxes a"d feTtOUS ;:eta\S It ..., be s n_eT of ,estS b.foTe diSpOsed of ill a <,laste DiSPOS~\ n~e(~n01fl\ as the "'ac1J. E"d t'lant) is built the secondaT' <,lsste DiSposa\ ,~a of Resoutce RecO'ler, centnS (oT 1'Tont a"d indications a-re t?at a "U~ e~ d p\t\t }\.ateda\ \oft ovet f-roe the End p\a"ts) "ou\d fe.d oinle\."'ac~ n La"d~i\i DiSposa\ sit.. "'ac1J. End ptant "outd st nee a " R "eT' centTe is still solll8 ,.a-rs In,the tight of \:he fact a ~~~o~~~ s~~~\ b. -relluiT.O {oT the intervening s"a.. 8 Landfil\ DiS\losa\' C t...e, couto ..-roe..s a\\ solio ....ste. , . R uTC. R.covet' .n' r yea-rs untit .n "reaeso .' 0 tTuc1l\eo to ttS'll.feT .ites. (So tio .... s U "ou \ 0 b. ga tMUO \OC~~~'\:outc. Recovet, centte.) D i S\lo.a \ colll\lac UO a nO \:tuc1J.eo l} i 1J.e t iJ to i' \ f.... sU fT()tII II be ResoUTC. s . Sius witt stin be "ecessa-ry fo-r d sllosa 0 ttecove't"J Centre. 4. \.. 1. ..NTY.'F BlAIN S0&II WASTE _IS'POSAL PAGE 3. ~ebru.ary 1975. OBSERVATIONS (Clontinued) 5.' It would likely take two years or moreto.bave a Landfill Site in operation (if property had to be acquired) once a suit.ab1e site bad been located. 6. Discussion should take place with the .City of St. Thon\8s and a pr~gr.mme lof joint action between the County and the City is desi.'rable. 7. The action taken should solve the problem of solid Wllste disposal for a period of fiv.years with options to solve the problem for ten years. At that time it'shou1d be known whether the present proposals of the Ministry of the Environment will h:ave solved. the garbage problemsl. All of which is respectfully SUblllfttEld, R. G .~OORE tP. Eng., COUNTY ENGINEER. t~ IJtt~)).. /,__A I) '/. ". ~....f. fV'-1/>A"">> b.r COUNTY o F E L GIN COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL JANUARY 1975. To The Chairman and Members of Committee. ~';;'; During the past three years the Elgin County COUI'lC i l, the CE~ntra 1 Elgin Planning Board and the County of Elgin Road C~mm.itte.~ (sometimes known as the County of E 191n Garbage Committee) have discussed, enquired, rE~ported and have requested reports on Solid Waste Disposal as it concerned th.! various Mun1c~pa11ties in the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas. Inasmuch as this is the beginning of a new Council year and the Personnel of County Council has undergone considerable change, 'I feel that a review of the facts and options etc., available to County Council mtght serve a worthwhile purpose. Review Of Sol idWaste Disposa 1, 1. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service (Advance Containers of Can,ada Limited) he,s pick up and/or disposal contracts with 'a number of Municipalities in Elgin County including the City of St. Thomas, Townships' of Yarmouth, Malahide, Bayham, South Dorcqester and Southwold, Town of Aylmer, Villages of Dutton, Port Stanley, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell. Some of these contracts expire in 1975 and some in 1976. Negotiations on the renewal of these 'contracts with some of thE~ municip~lities will start shortly. (F()r more complete details~ see the Report of the County Engineer of November 1974.) 2. The present disposal site (near Kains Bridge at St. Thomas) used by the St. Th~)mas Sanitary Co llection Service does not meet the criteria of the Min:lstry of the Environment as a desirable disposal site, and the site w~~s supposed to have been vacated by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service by April 1, 1973 except for its use 8S a transfer or shredding site. (Theremova1 of the disposal site was one of the contract clauses in the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service. The site is still being used as the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service has been unable to obtain another site. COUNT.Y OF ELGIN COUNTY ENGINEER '5 RE PORT ON SOLID WASTE D IS POSAL JANUAR Y 1975 PAGE 2 Review of Solid Waste Disposal (continued). .",'" 3. St. Thomals Sanitary Collection Service own a parcel olf land in L.ot 22 and adJac4!nt lands in Concession III, Southwold. The!y applied for and received after a hearing by the Environmental Healring Board in October 1973, a provisional certificate of approval to establish and operate a waste, disposal site on this land. In due course they applied to the Township of Southwold to have the lands rezoned for a waste disposal site. The Township of Southwold, aft4!r consulting with and having the approval of the Central Elgin Planning Board, passed a By Law on July 3. 1974 rezoning the land. Objections to the By Law led to a Municipal Board Hearing which on December 5, 1974 '/'\'\. 0 ./tf,~.-:) "),,,,,t'l..e'\(L denied the appli.ca.tion. The~~~~ app'eal to the Ontario Cabinet ~ .~i.J..{JfI'~olvl"z~\.,' . <~~9J'I'1"4--t.t an appeal ~ launched, a new By Law and new hearing by the Ontario Municipal Board would be necessary to obtain the proper zoning for a waste disposal site. 4. The Village of Rodney owns the former County of Elgin Carnie gravel pit and openites it as a small waste disposal site (approved by the Ministry' of the Environme.nt') on Lot 1B, Concession VI1, Aldborough. + V;JJ {0'(P vl ~V - J:;vJ.-- ' of Aldbo:rough also uS'e~ this site. The Township 5,. The Township of Dunwich operates its own waste disposal site (ilpproved by the Ministry of the Environment). 6., In 1973 the County of Elgin Road Committee, the Central Elgin lPlanning Board, authorized a Committee including the City and County Engtneers to report on ,sites for a municipal waste disposal site. (See Report of June 1973 to Central Elgin Planning Board). Road Committee subsequently tried to purchase lands adjacent to other public lands in the Catfish Creek area, east of County Road 36, only to have the property sold to others by the Public Trustee. No fUrther attempts to obta:in a municipal waste disposal site, as the St. Thomas Sanitary Collect~Lon Service had by this time made a request to the Central Elgin, Planning Board and the Township of Southwold for rezoning of its lands in Concession 111, Southwold, as a waste disposal ~;ite. ~ I, I' I:' , I ~j f I COUNTY OF tLC: IN COUNTY ENGINE:ER'S REPmT ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL JANUARY 1975 PAGE 3 , Review of Solid Waste Disposal (continued). I' 7. The City of London has app1 ied by the rezoning of land in Concessio,n r. I: ", VI, We'strninster as a waste disposal site. The Hearing by the Municipal Board on this rezoning began on Janyary 13, 1975. It is understood that the]re is the present waste disposal sites of City of London will be full so~etimein 1976~ 8. The City otLondon offered in November 1973 the use of its prop1osed' Westminster stte to the City of St. Thomas as a waste disposal area. The offe'r still stands a~though the present Environmental Hear:f~ng Board" would have to meet to hear any application to take waste!~ from other municipalities beside London and Westminster Township. 9:. The programmes of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service and' the C~ty of London to collect and sell waste paper, cardboard etc., for recycling has Qeen abandoned as the present market price for the salvaged material made the project impractical. 10. The' Ministry of the Environment announced in Novembler 1974 that it was promoting,~ comprehensive waste recovery prograrmne that according to the Provinqe is designed to provide in three five-year stages ,all the facilit:f.es necessary for complete resource recovery to serve at least 90% of t:hepopu1ation of the Province and,all but eliminate the need for landfill of waste. A series of pilot projects would see a "plant" built in tbe London area for this purpose. As a subsequent predesign engineering study is not yet underway, it would appear that it would be at Ieas.t 'three years and mor~ikely five years before such a plant would be operational and then likely only the first phase which might be'recovery of newsprint, corrugated boxes, and the shredding, magnetic separation of remainder of the material (Which would give somE! recov- ery and lessen the 1a,nd fill sp4ceneeded for the l~emainder.) JAmll\R'! 1975 PAGE 4 CoUNt'! OF ELGIN cOUNtY I!.NGlNEt.R IS REPOR'I' ON SOLID 'dAS'I'E DISPOSAL ----- 11. 'l'he Ci.t."f of \..(Indon and the CountY of ~iddleselt, have agreed to a studY on sO Ud waste disp~sal over a \01\g teTtII ('loyeer) ba-siS and haVe re,uested the COU1\tY of Elgin' and the City of St. 'l'horoas to jotn the 11. 'l'he countY of OltfoTd cotllpleted such a ~tudY last year and althoUgh the Study indicated a need for a neW disposal site, no action waS ta\<en as a CountY RestructuTing Study waS undeTwaY' Study. (ror a resUlftl! ofthepTOposed studY see separate report. ) A nufQber of options are open to Council at the pTesent tii1lll' council roaY wish to puTSue one or roore of these options presently 0'1: in ~ \ 1. no nothing in the hopeS that the C01\ttactor for the \IllI jod-tY of the ~unicipa1ities including St. 'l'ho\llllS (St. 'l'bo\lllls SanitaTY Collection S er"ice) .n 11 in due c ollr se sol "e his pr ob 1 etll 0 f ob t8 in i ng a 1\ew diSposal site and in the inte'r"al tbe ~inistrY of the 'I!.n"ironroent will allow bitll to use bis old one. contractS would be negotiated the futY.'t'e. \lIhen the)' cott\e due. \.,. C' t'" 'ctO~ St 'l'ho\llll sSanitary Collection seT"ice. in support t..e.on.a · , .. ' his .bid for a .new site and at the same tillle trY to negotiate neW contractS ta"ourable (as possibl~) to ~uniciPalitieS for disposal and/ orpic\<up for SO Ud waste. Negotiate .ntb t\\e city of \..(Indon for the u!'e of thei'r dispOsal site in 'de st!lli n ster if it is a ppro"ed bY the Onur io ~unic i pa 1 Board as a s ita and ca 11 tenders (or negot ia te) foT pic \<Up or go into t be pic \tup as a tIIunicipal ser"ice. support t\\e city of \..(Indon in t\\e Tezoning or any ot\\eT go"ernmental re<\uitetllents' of itS Disposal Site in 'destlllii:lsteT 'l'ownship. 7.. 3. 3A. C QuNI'l or ELGIN C Q\l NtY ENGINE v. R I S RE pel\.'\' oN SOLID 'd 1IS'tV. D IS pOS A L J.~m1AR'l 1915 PAGE 5 -------~ . 4. Negotiate tor tbe use on an emergencY sbort tertii 'or long tertllbasiS ~i i t t the v.pvirontllent .,.ttb a tIIunicipa litya lready having a " .n s ry 0 . d 1 to the ~inistrY of tbe Environtllent for tbe approved site an apP y useot tbis si,te tor tbe ell.\lended area. b. ,lor otherwiSe ac<\uire a suitable site to': present (or .?u't'c ase, ease~ ) 'nd obtain tbe approval 0 t tbe tnviroflt\lental tutUre or etllergencY use a "ea,ring Board and bave, the site rezoned ,as a so1id "aste disposal ('the site tIIight be land a lread)' o,,,,,,ed' by a tIIunici.pa litY, :a'tea · thel'TOvincial GoverntllentconservatiOn AuthoritY etC.) Join witb tbe city of London and the county of ~iddleselt on a solid \ . d t r the a'rea. (v.lgin_~iddleselt.) waste disposa stU Y 0 t () ofterate a Regional Petition the provincial Governtnent " oa' r ni 1 Site' (noW or in the tuture) arid! or (b) speed up its " sposa ..' p roPo se d c otllpre he n s i ve r eco ver Y pro gr atlltlle in con jUnc t ion "t t,h tbe Regional Disposal Site SO as to \IllI\<e it operative in lesS ~d to put ttS secondary recovery progratlltlle intO than five years ail action as fast as possible thereafter. 5. 6. 1. \ \. lllllction and procrastination could lead to a lot of garbage left on a lot ot front la""'s. contractS negotiated at the last tninute. li\<el~ to be tIIore eltPenstve than 11'1 haste or desperation are very J ' . ..' .' i 1 lities having tIIore than one option. one' negot iated with the roun c pa ~~ \ '1:. .> R i in ontario bave been tIlBde All Restructured countieS an~ eg onS responsible tort\;le opention and costS of solid waste disposel . 1.... 1 _..niciftaltttes are USl1&llY responsible tor piC.\<uP sites.. \..Ioea l..... t" i . 1:b.e't'e a'te a,t. readY joint urban-runl diSposal and t'tans'Po't'tat on. site s (tIIU n iel pa 11 y o"",ed) in open tio n (exatllP 1. e - t. sse x) · COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY E.NGINEER'S REPORT ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL JANUAR Y 1975 PAGE 6 3. Ministry of the Environment is trying to develop a Comprehensive Waste Recovery Programme to cover 90% of the Province with "Plants" First Objective is "Paper" and the Government is trying to develop a steady long range market so that paper Can be recycled ecc)nomica l1y (or at lea~t wtthout adding unduly to the disposal cost of the rest of solid waste). 4. A waste recovery programme and plant even in the initial stlrlges would be fairly comprehensive and would have to be <Or should be 1 Would think) operated in co~junction with a disposal site. As it would be fairly expensive to build (and operate?) one fe,els that the solid wa.~te generated by both the County of Elgin ,and City of St. Thomas would be necessary to economically support such a plclnt. In the long r.ange it would appear that some comprehensive recovery programme will be necessary to reduce. the cost of solid '-Taste disposal (aside from the environmental aspects, the use of land for landfill sites etc.). Thus we may be becoming part of a largl~r area in waste disposal whether we likeorrealize it. 5. That if the conclusions of (4) .above are reasonable or corr~c~ to have any say in our own destiny in the matter, we may be forced to. join the City of London, County of Middlesex Waste Disposal Study. 6. That even ignoring items 4 and 5, the Study would provide the County with much more information for its cost to the Count.y than could otherwise be obtained. This intormationt.,ill be extremely useful ,if the County is restructured and the County becomes responsible for waste disposal sites. 7. As the Province proposes to build subsidized recovery plants the gui.dance of the Mini stry 0 fthe Environment could be $ought a-s to the best interim disposal methods until such plants are bu~llt s'o that the County does not embark on an expensiv.e system that: will have limited v_lue in the future. All of which is .respectfully submitted,' R. G. MOORE, B. S c.. P. E ng. , County Engineer. CITY OF LONDON - SOLID WASTE STUDY PARTICIPANTS Organized by the City of London, County of Middlesex h~s AgrE!ed to join in partnership. County of Elgin and City of St. ThomAs have been requested to jot.n. Study will be directed by a Steering Committee being two members from each Municipality (and 8. Technical Commit.tee,~ agein two members from each Municipality). TYPE OF STUDY Study' to be done by Consultants. The terms of reference (which are attached) er,e bE!ing forwarded to various qualified consultants who are being re(IUested to submit information regarding their firms' interest in the study. The Technical Commi,ttee will choose a Consultant ~ind recommend their appointment to the Steering Committee 'for approval. It: is hoped to pick a Consultant in late February and have the Study completed by summer or earl y fa 11. COST Cost of Study is estimated at $70,000 and will be subject to a 50io Ministry of the Environment Subsidy. Remaining cost wil1L be divided between pa'rticipating Municipalities on a per cap1lta basis. (Approximately 10 cents per capita.) 1,'he City of London wOuld administer the payment of accounts, . make application for subsidy and bill the other "Municipelities the net amount. Purpose of Study is to de~ermin~ the most economic and efficient system of hAndling, transporting, treating (including recovery of solid wpste) within the County of Middlesex and the County bf Elgin (if Elginparticipptes). Other matters than' solid waste could be examined i'f preliminary eX8min~~tion shows there could be a problem with these materials. The Study is to determine w\1at parts, if any, of the two Counties could be more efficiently served by other schemes and if ateBs outside the t~ Co'unties sho,uld be serv~d by schemes within the two Counties. Special attention is to be paid to the Province's proposed Waste Recovery System to ascertain how it would fit into the presll!nt waste d:lsposal schemes. The complete terms of Re ference 0 f Study are attached. . , '. . AREA SOLrD~lASTE MANAGF.}1SNT STUDY TERM~ OF REFERENCE. OBJEC'I~IVEOF STUDY: The principal objective of the Study lato determine the most. effic1.ent and moat eoonomic systems of handline, tran$porta.tion, treatment (including recovery,) and dispos,al of solid waste gene.rated 1wi.thin the area. Howeve:r,otherclassifications of waste generated shall be investigat'ed to an adequate e~tent to determine whether problems may result, now and in.the future!, to the constituent municipalities du~ to the handli'ng or disposal of other waste materials, or whether it would be advantageo1us to consider their inclusion in any recommended system. Consideration, to an adequate extent, s11al1 also ble given to' whether the area under study is the most suitable area for this purpose;' . \ whethe:r some portions of the area might be more efficiently serviced by , . other systems; whether locations outside the St1Jdy Area mi;ght be mos t '~~rm:~u:1":\;:vi~(.;~:';f' the d~t :~~nIe,les; '., a~d ~h\~thc~\;'r:ficlrlttbs owned . ',.Ioo\rtI:'.~~f "w: ~ 6/'1 ,.r, .,,_/.;...~'11& ~:.<......" ...'i'W-'l~t't~.,.;,..,":-- .,~.~ '~ . by other agencies might be utilized by the area. Spe,cific attention sha~l be paid: to the'effects of existing and propos:ed waste management systems" on other servil:es including trans.. portation and on urban and industrial development. Also, what effect futur~~ urban and industrial development will have on the prloposed waste . managE~mertt systems. In partrcular" the reviews and comparative analyses requit'ed under terms of refereneeS, 6 and 7 be~o"shall include an eX8miI1l3tion of such effects which shall be taken into full considerntion in the~ prepa1;'stion of the recommendations incorporated 1n the Progrei$s ,Report. DETAIl,ED TERHS OF REFERENCE : 1.) Establish types, sources 'of generation and weights of privately, commercially, and municipally collected, solid wastes in the Study Ar~.a at,present. (For ItJrger ". residential 'areas the zones., ofgcnera'tionshould be ident:lf.icd. ) r,.i.,. :~.:;- :':'~~?\ !' ',1 .-'\ \ .....~ .,.J..M~'~'" .,../ . "'<ii. '~.,' ,f'r., ~ .... . . . 2 If 8ufficientrecords and data 4re already 8V4il~lble regarding per capita refuse production, the consultant' will not be required to monitor this I~hase of th.~ study, however, . commercial wastes must be adt!!quately in"esti- gated by on-site evaluations. 2) Frepare an inventory of and tabulatet:he presently employed ;. me thoc1sof handling, transporting, trE!8ting, recc)vering and disposing of the wastes included in It:em I, including industrial liquid wastes, a~ricultural wastes, d:lgested sewage sludge, filter cake or any si1ll1.lar waste material. ADyenvironmental, or other p.roblems J~e.sulting f]rom such' present methods must be identified. The following typical chart provides guidar)ce as to the investigative effort required by the <:onsultant. Investigative Effort ...... '. ",.\;.,,., Extensive Medium Cursory Not Req'Jired Derelict Moto.r Vehicle and Equipment Sites Licensed Waste Haulers x x On-Going Recycling and Reclamation Prograp-me x 'Industrial Liquid Wastes Agricultu-ral \vastes x x x I i X ~ x \ x II I x Pathological Wastes Food'Processing Wastes Sewage Sludg,e Septic and .Holding Tank Wastes Others , Motor tires '..~ . , .';Iif .. .. .. 3 3) Review existing planning data ava:i.lnble to determine antic1patedfuture development of the Study ArcD for 8 ten and twenty yearper.lod, with respect to: ..) Increase of population and its probable location; b) Extent, type and location of future Icommerce and - incIus t t'Y . 4) Provide estimates of-types, sources of generation, quantities and we~ghts of rrunicipal and industrial solid waste arising in the Area for the ten year and twenty year periods. 5) Consid.er, evaluate and compare other methods ,and processes of waste /llandling, transportation, treatment and dis'posal and mak!e recommendations on the most suit- ". able alternatives for the Area. 6) The Provincial Resource Recovery Program ; and .the Study . . being carried out in relation to the waste proccssirig plant for the City of London shall be incorporatf!d into the Study and recommendations of the Consultants.. 1) . Make recommendations ona Waste Management Master Plan fo.r a waste management ~n the Study Area for a ten year and/twenty year period.' This: Waste Management Master Plan will include: a) Proposals for the improvement oof present systems to the current Provincial standards, wit:h a comparative analysis, including a cost analysis. of the most suitable alternatives. If immediate action is required to solve an " ^ existing and critical env!ronm~ntdl problem arising out of wllste management prActices'" the consultant should so note tn a prcliminaty report. however, this activity would not include any detailed site 'sttidies or investigations. \.:.JiICV.,~;~~~~~'" ;"r.~:>~>; 1';;;'-. . . . 4 b) Proposals for the most efficient and economical systems to serve the ~rea for the ten year and twenty year periods, with a comparative ,analysis, including a cost analysis, of the most sU,itable alternatives. c) Proposals for the development of the, s~,stem from stage (a) above to stage (b) above. 8) The Consultant will review other pertinent reports or studies undertaken for the Study Area and incorporate important factors including any environmental impact factors into this Area Study with appropriate references to these previous reports.. 9) A list of all reference material is to be prepared and included in this 'report.. 10) Provide regular Progress Reports b,sed upon the require;' ments of the Terms of Reference 1 to 9 above for the : ~. cO!lside,l.\::lion 'of the 'rtechnical Co:tu:i~ittee. . . ThE;~~e Pl'ogr'ess Reports may be of letter type and ..~P... copies shall be provided. 11) Upon receipt of instructions from thE! Technical Committee, develop a detailed. staged progra~ for implementation of the approved Waste Management Master Plan including capital r ... and operating costs, locati6ns of transfer stat~lons, pro- c~ssing and/or disposal sites transport~tion routes. and timing for staged implementation. 12) The Waste Management l'1aster Plan shall also include recommenda- tionson Gystem admin~stration. operation and financing. 13) Two hundred copies of a final report shall be plt."ovided c'ontBining a conplete account of the investigat:lons with ~~ "'l conclusions and recommen~ations and the approved WC1ste Management Master Plnn and program for it:s . . . implcmentClt:ion. 14) Preparation for theattendartce at meetings of senior personnel up to ~1 totnl of fifte'en nUiln-dnys tO~lss19t in pre f) t: l! t " t 10 n oft h I~ t'C port ~l. 15) Assi~t in the obtaining of all apFrovals ~nd the . implementation of the program after rnutual agrel~ment . . 5 has been reached between~he participating Municipalities if this assistance is requestedr. (The cost of this assistance is not 1:0. be included' .in the Area Study but may be the subject of a further agreement). . City Engineer1s Department PK ~ /b~1 Janual~Y 9 ~1975 .. ST. TROMAS, ONtARIO, JANUARY 29, 1975. PAGE 1. ottices at 10:00 a.m., January 29, 1975. All metllbers except 'darden THE COUNtY Of J!, 1,Gl1'1 ROAD C0Ml41TT!.E MET at tha Munici pa 1 Liebner were present. T\\I!. MlNll'l'V.S Of 'I'\\I!..ME!.T1NGS Of JANIlARY 8. AND JAl'l\lARY 'l7, 197 5 \lIUt!. READ AND AP l'R OVJ!. D · 1. \linter control had been light althoUgh t\l1nor snowtaUS had T\\I!. ENGlNE!.R REPORTED on the wor\< to Gate as toUows1 re<\uired extensive atllOuntS ot salt and sand. $now plowing had been nil. Replacement of the sand pile at \lhite Station waS underway. 2. Tree cutting waS continuing .,.tth AldborOugh, Dunlflch, Bayham and South Dorchester Townships completed. cutting waS still underwaY on Road 30 (RadiO Road). 3. Tha Barnesl Rouse in Dutton had been sold tor $ 25.00. 4. The clutch on Truc\< i 54 had elt\lloded and it would be necessary to replace the radiatOr, engine bloc\<, starter and clutch as a result ot ensuing damage. 5. Overhaul ot other items ot e<\uipment waS underwaY as time permitted. 'I'\\I!. !.NGlNEER REVIE\fED the findings ot the Ministry ot Transportation and Co~nications on their Righway 3 feasibility Study anG brought the new members of ColDtllittee up to date. It wes agread that the Ministry ot 'I'ransportation and Co~nications would. present a tinal review on February 12th at 1:30 in the council Chambers. ST. THO~fAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 29, 1975. PAGE 2. LYLE WELLS FROM FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED MET WITH Committee and reviewed the County Insurance Programme using the attached Insur,ance Review as a guide. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AlITER DINNER MR. WELLS COMPLETED his review and rEtcommendations. "MOVED BY: W. R. CAVERLY SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLIC IES WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY: (a) RADIO FLOATER POLICY (b) NON OWNED AUTOMOBILE (c) AUTOMOTIVE FLEET (d) NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT FLOATER (e) RADIO FLOATER (f) SURVEYING EQUIPMENT FLOATER (g) BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY ()l) WEED SPRAY LIABILITY (i) WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION (j) BOND (k) VALUABLE PAPERS (1) OFFICE CONTENTS (m) GARAGES INSURANCE (n) COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT with the following changes from the 1974 Policies - that limits of liability be increased to $5,000,000 from $4,000,\000; that the property damagle on the Boiler Insurance be increased from $50,000 to $200,000; that the value of Main Garage be increased from $250,000 to $285,000 and Councillor Accident Indemnity raised from $150. per week to $200. per week. CARRIED'" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, J.(\.NUMY :!9, 1975. PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached report on Soljld Waste Disposal which was discussed at serne length. It was agreed that the Engineer should appreach the Engineer of the City of St. Thcmlas and ascertain their feelings on Solio Waste Disposal!>> contact the City of Londen re the agreement between the City and the TownshiI) of Westminster re the W12A site in Westminster ano 'lscertain the feeling of the Ministry of the Environment on Solid Waste C()llection in the area. IT WAS: ALSO SUGGESTED that a meet ing between the :Mayor of St. Thomas and some members of the Road Committee might be advantageous. THE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to review the briefs of Vic Bardawill, JAn Veroih and others regarding the Highway 3 Fe'~sibility Study for the next meeting. "'MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL, SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10:00 A.M., FEBIUIAltY 12, 1975.. CARRIED" ~ .jfr/~I.. -' , CHAIR:r f}j;v1lJ ~ l~l,f,th~ C 0 U N T '( 0 F .E L GIN INSURANCE - 1975. LIST OF POLICIES. DUE DATES. AMOUNTS ETe. . \ Insuranett costs "i 11 be up cons ide:r.b ly in 1975 because 0 f a consid.rable j;ncrease intbe cost of items covered. The eoverage on all vehicles .'nd .quipmebt has been increased to covertbe gr~atl:, increased value of tbe equipment. 1. MUNICIPAL, LIABILITY POLICY Gore Mutual Insurance through Frank Cowan' Company $4,000,000 LilDits. Premium clue January 29, 1975. This is a General Liability Polic:y protecting roads, non-licensed equipment, Court Hous~!, and includes a Libel ano Slander Clause but does not include liability at Ell!~in Manof'or'~ed spraying. !n i~74 li~billtycharges to Roads waS $2,996 of whieh:$584 was no.t for subsidy and tbe liability c:harged ag.J.nst 28 non-lic:ensed p.iec.s of equipment was $2,412 ($86.1.3 each) was: subsidized. (T-here will be 29 pieces ofequipmene fn 1975 as a sweeper WilS purchased in 1974.. 2. NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE Gore' MutU.t 1 lnsurance through Frank Cowan Company $4,000,000 Limits. Premiumd\lle .January 29, 1975. Cost in 1974 was $257. Protects County in damage suits involving vehicles not owned by the County but working for the COlunty (eg. private dump truck otipers, contractors etc.). Liabil ity fo~ 1 icensed vehic les borrowed or acqu.ired lby the County waS inc~~ased from $10,000 to $50,000 in 1974. 3. AUTOMOT IVEF LEET Gore Mutuel Ins'urance through Frank Cowan Company $4,000,000 LimjLts. Premium due January 29, 1975. $100.00 1)eductiblecollision, $25..00 deductible comprehensive, Guaranteed Value Replacement Clause. '~he premium in 1974 "'s $.6,053 for 29 vebicles .nel trai1e!;'s. We bavt!! . 55% HeritRatillS on Collision (which is exeel'lent) and 20t Merit Rating on Comprehensive (which is fairly gooel) .nel .551. Merit Rati.ns on Liabili1ty. Our Fleet h.. been reduced by, one vehicle but valules have been updated for 1975 anG total $323,000 against $244,900 in 1974. COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE - 1975.' 4. NON- LICE"SED EQUIPJeNT FLOATER A S:ubseription Policy witll a number of Compani.. tbrough FranltCowan Co....ny.Pr..ium due January 29, 1975. All non-ltcensed .qujLpment, mate'rials, tools, etc., protected agains~flre, wind damage, (:ollislon' ups.t, and theft etc., for It of value. Major equ~lp..nt Is Ulsted and. bas .G'uaranteed Value R.placement Clause. Values of .11 equ~lpment bas be.'n updated beeause of inflation. Listed equ:t~pment totals $833,5010 <against $632,800 in 1974). Silow plowing equipment 1.s valued ~at $67,000 against $49,000 in 1974, while'tCllols and smaill equip.Ult anei stock remain constant at $100,000. Tbe Policy ~lso proviclels $25,000 in protection for equipment belons;lng to others wbieh ill l'ea~ed, rented to or under c,ontrol of the County. This amount !;bould be" increased to cover use by the County of rented bulldoz.lrs etc., which are sQ_times operated by County personn~l. 5. _ RAD I o Fl.QATER Gore Mutual Insurance Company through the Frank Cowan Company. Premium due January 15, 1975. Insures all radio equipment including Tower Balse Stations and '30 Mobiles against all damages such as fire, theft, 1j,lno, droppage etc. Equipment revalued in 1974 to $42,700. Last yea~' s premium was $636. (No change In value of radio eq111ipment for 1975 Insurance. 6. SUB.VEYING' EQUIPMENT FLOATER Gore Mutual Insurance through Frank Cowan. Due January 15, 19',75 (3 year policy). Protects surveying equipment '(levels a'nd traltsists) valued at $2,135 against all damage including droppage. Preml'lm $112 for 3 years. Value of equipment will be updat~d for 1975 rene"al. 7. BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY. General Accident Insurance Co.panytbroulb Frank Cowan Company., Due February 6, 1975. Insurance on boilers and pressur.. vessels slJlch .s larage b~t)iler, aireo.pressor, tentre line, marker eCllmpressor tllnks. $4,000,000 Li.its for liability. Also replace. boilers. Prell1.ulIl in 1974 was $182. -2 - COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE - 1975 8. WEEDS'PRA'Y LIABILITY Gore Mutu~!ll Insurance through Frank Cowan Company duei January 29, 1975. Liability $30.000 per spraying day. Prot~cts County against damages even though the Township may be 'spraying on County Road. Cost $336 in 1974. 9. COMPENSATION Gore Mutul.lllthroughFrank Cowan Company due December .31, 1974. Rate is 50 cents per $100 of payroll for clerical employees and:$1.75 per $100'of payroll for outside workers. , As of July' 1, 1974 earnings for compensation purposes were raised from $10,000 to $12,000. Our 1974 compensation premium was estbllated at $10,160 (final payroll figures have yet to be calculated. Oul~ 1975 compensation premium is estimated at $11,400 and, was paid in December 11914. (This brings the compensation paymentslback to a payment when dlJe basis, and not a payment in tne following year, basis. ) 10. BOND Gore Mutual I:nsurance through Frank Co~.n Company. Due January 15, 1975. Bond Limit $50,000. Blanket Bond on all County Employees for protection against the!ft, vandalism etc. Road portion of Bond in 1974 was $132.16. 11. VALUABLE PAPER 'General Accident through Frank Cowan Company. Due January 20, 19'77, 3 year terml, all papers etc., in CourtHouse. Road .Department pOlrtion $45,000 of$lOO,OOO total. 1974 premium waS $52.11 annually. 12. OFFICE CONT.ENTS Due January 20, 1976. Subscription Pol icy through Frank Cowan COlllpany. On entire Court House Block and Contents. County Engineer's Office Contents insured for $16,000 andwil1 be raised to $20,000 for 1975. The premium in 1914 was $23.70. .. 3 .;; ~ 0 U N 'I' Y 0 F" E I.. G.} l! =---_.--::== --,,,-- ~- . !NSURA~CE - 197~~ 13. POLICY ON ISSUt.NCE OF MOVING t'ERMl'IS - - -- ---- -' A cont"nuin& policy by Gore Mutual Insurance througb Fran\< Co"an CotllPany. protects tbe County against all suits etc.. because of " issuance ot moving permitS. Cost $6.00 per permit issued. 14. INSURA!9E ON_CQ\lN'l'Y GARAS! subscription Policy tbrough Han\< Cowan CotllPany due' January 29, I. 1977. protectin& 'dbite Station Garages and Rodney Garages against tire, windstorm, etc., malicious acts, extended coverage and damage from falling radio tower. and tbe otber garages for actual casb value (re that amount name.d)-. ~ 'tbe main garage is insured tor replacement value VALUES IN 1974 - Main Garage ..........---..-- -- Hangar Small Garage Salt Storage Rodney Garage $250,000 $100,000 $ 25,000 $ \.0,000 $_lO.O~ $395,000 Pretllium $1,27 0.80 a nnua \\ y. Fran\< cowan Company reco...,ends a value on mail' gaUge of $285,000 tor 1915 with otbers uncban&ed. INSURANCE ON crnER 1lUIWtNGS Q'dNED BY CQ\lN'l'Y ~ - -- --- (a) Barnes l\ouse, Dutton _ Pilot Insurance througb Roy McNeil & Son" Dutton, on 211 Main Street, Dutton. !.xpires January 5, 1911 in the amount ot $6,000. 'dill be cancelled shortly, 15. (b) hr\<ings Rouse. St. George Street - l\. M. Browrl Insurance AgancY, 'destern Farmers1 Mutual in the amount ot $10,000. premium $92. ('House owned b.y St. ThomaS Suburban Roads commission.) due May 14, 1975. i - 1+ - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 22, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Muni(:ipa 1 Building on January 22, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. in conjunction with County Council. PRESENT - Warden Albert Liebner, Reeve of Rodney - Reeve Lorne Carroll, Aldborough Township - Reeve David Cook, Yarmouth Township - Reeve Wm. Caverly, Malahide Township - Reeve Matthew Schafer, Bayham Township - Reeve John B. Wilson, South Dorchester Township ADVISORY MEMBERS - Reeve Douglas Simpson, Dunwich Township - Reeve Gary Monteith, Southwold Township - Reeve John Nemett, Village of Port Stanley "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: WM. CAVERLY, J. B. WILSON, THAT MATTHEW SCHAFER BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1975. CARRIED" THE CHAIRMAN THANKED Committee for the honor accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the 1974 Expenditures wc.uld be detailed on the first Report to County Council and that a.ll Subsidy money had been spent and that there were very few outstanding accounts to 1975. S'I'. 'tROWS, OlttAR1.0 JANU~l 22, \975. 'PAGE 2. cQRl$Sp()llDENCE VIlIS READ trOlll the l4.inUtry ot d p --uniC&tions stating that, tbe su~ ot $1,601,000 'I'ranspo-rtatiOn aD ",0- hael. been a1\.ocateel. in Subsid1 tor 1975 as cotll\l&rad to $1,123,000 in 197'+ and that tha spending level ".oulel. be increased tro~ $1,669,000 in \.97'+ to $2,169,000 in \.975. 'tll!. t.llGlNEt.R REPOll't1!.D that the inc-rease ".s because ot f d' i1\ the last lleeds StudY Update. the {e.ctuel -reportini> 0 nee 9 1ll4.0'l1!.D BY: LORl1l!. CARROLL ,S1!.COl1Dt.D BY: nA'lln COOK 't\\A'I' VII!. REGobl41!.m> 'to eOUltt"f COONCIL 't\\A't 'tll!. 'dARtlEll APPOlltt nt.\R.GA'tl!.S 'to 'tll!. o'NtARI0 GOOD RoADS ASSOC1A'tl01l col1'fElttlOll Aim Dt.\R.GA'tES 'to 'I'll!. ROADS Al1D 'I'RANS1'oR'I'A't10ll ASS OC lA't 1. Oll c ol1'fE ltt 1. Oll Al1D 't\\A1 'I'\\l!. MEl~Bl!.l'.s RIP 1I!.t. V OR B(1tR ASSOClA'I'1.01lS Bt. PA11'l. CAi:R1ED" 1't 'd1lS nt.ClDt.D th.t Vebrut')' 11th ,,&s a suitable date , ' ' i tins to pre4ent tox the ~inist-ry ot 'tre.nspoxtation anD C()1lllS1n ca 0 ' · thei-r xe-port on tha Righwe1 3 VeaSibilit1 Study, SOLID WAS'tt. DISpOSAL WAS DlSC\1SSt.D &t some length with . i th t St 'I'hotll&S Sanitary Co1\.ectiot\ Ltd., Reeve l4.ontei th co'll!l1l8nt ng & · h ~ s.o..th---ld council to pass another 'B.ezoni1\g By L&W had &1i'pro&C e.. .~ ,W- d intO the operation and .,oflderi ni> it the count1 weS p-re-pare to go of & l4.unici1i'&l nisposa\. Site. $'1:. 'tllO~' oN'! ~IO JANUAR~ 22, 1,15.. PAGE 3. 1't WAS DEClDt.D 'to DlSCllSS 't\\E tllatur turther at the I\ext tIIllatt1\S a1.ons .ntn a -re"ie~ of tne C01l1\tyl s Insurance. tt'hiovED 'Bl: D. COOK SEcoNDED BY: W. CAVI!.RLY 'tRA't tAt. ADJOUR~ 't 0 llh 4)0 A.14.. JA}\\l~Y 30, 1. 97 S. cARRIED" ~ A I '- J\ ~ N IW, ~MA ---- r ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT # 2. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 22, 1975. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1. We. have received notice from the Mini.stryof Transportation and Communic~ltions that subsidizable spending levels for Construction and Maintenance on County and Suburban Road..s in 1975 will be $2,169,000 and that the Subsidy Allocation will be $1,601,000. This compares with a spending level for 1974 of $1,669,000 and a Subsidy Allocation of $1,123,000. These increases are a direct result of information' supplied by the County of Elgin Road:Department in'the 1974 Needs Study Update. WE RECOMMI~ND 1. Tbstthe Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association Convention (formerly the Ca.nadfan Good Roads Association) and the membershi:p fee. for both organizations be paid. All of which is respectf1Jl1y submitted, CHAIRMAN, ROAD COMMITTEE First Report St. Thomas, Ontario. January Session, 1975. 1'- TO THE WARDE'N AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OJ~ ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD CO..fITTEE BEGS., TO 'REPORT AS FOLLOWS:- The following is a Summary of Costs of Construction and Maintenance on County and St4, Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads during 1974. CONSTRUC1rION - COUNTY ROADS 1. Road I 2 - From Road I 3 to Highway I 76 - Villages of Rodney and West Lorne and Township 0 f Aldborougb - Drainage, Seeding, Moving Utilities etc. 2. Road I 3 - From Highway I 3 to Lake Erie - Township of Aldborough - Grading, Granular Base etc. 3. Road " 3 - Furnival Road South, Village of Rodney, Urban Construction. 4. Road # 3 - South Fleming Creek Bridge southerly approx. I mile, Township of Aldborough - Grading, Gravelling etc. 5. Road /1 3 - Wardsville to South Fleming Creek Bridge, Township of Aldborough - Movement of Utilities, Ditching etc. 6. Road # 4 - Queen Street West, Village of Rodney, Urban Construction. 7. Roads I l~ & 15. - Main Street Diversion to Currie Street, Village of Dutton - Urban C~nstruction. 8. Road 114 - Highway I 3 to Road I 13, Dunwich-Southwold Townline - Asphalt Resurfacing, Ditching etc. 9. Road #20 - Carlow Road Extension, Village of Port Stanley - Seeding and Trimming. 10. Road #36 - Highway /I 3 to Sparta, Township of Yarmouth - Topsoil, Trimming and Seeding etc. 11. Road #40 ... Mount Salem to Road 42, Township of Malahide · Surface Treatment, Hot Mix Pavement, Trimming, Seeding, etc. 12. Road #42 - Port Burwell easterly approximately 1 mile, Township of Bayham - Surface Treatment', Seeding, etc. 13. Road /144 - Road 146 to Highway I 3, Township of B'ayham - Sur face Treatment" Seeding, etc. 14. Road #45 - Mount Salem to Calton, Township of Malahide - Asphalt Resurfacing, Ditching, etc. 20,465.00 .. ~ ..-- - - .'_...... - -.... 67,747.35 82,013.85 72,957.66 .. -......... - .'... - - -.. --.. ------~!.~~::.~~- 93,441.31 2,168.70 . 66,272.29 ----.~--------~~ _ _ ___.__~1!!.: Q~_ 3,102.45 - .. - .. .... .. ~ .. - -' _... .. - - 9,307.37 8,123.68 1,090.16 121,827.98 PAGE 2. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS (continued) 15. Road I 45 - Calton to Hi8hway I 19, Township of Bayham - Shouldering, Ditching, GQide Rails, etc. 40,268.97 16. Road' 38 - Straf fordvi lIe Hunic ipa 1 Drainage Asses!;ment, Township of Bayham. 39,324.09 .. _I _ .. .. .. _ .. .. .. .. _ .. .. .. 17. - Completion of New Garage White Station and Renovations to Old Garages, White Static>n and Equipment. 41,076.13 18. - Surveys for New Work on Various Roads 5,360.97 20. - New Machinery. _... _ _5.3.,.2_5.7_..2.7_ -. _... _ .8_5_,.9.7_1_._6_8_ -- '19. - Land Purchase. 21. - Machin..,ry Ownership Costs etc., Charged CREDIT To Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts. 42,854.~2 TOTAL $ 776.803.72 CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road:/1 30 - Radio Road from St. Thomas City Limits northerly, Township of Yarmouth - Surveys, Clearing 41,629.47 Culverts. Material In Stock for Construction. --------------- 2. Road /1 22 - Fairview Avenue from St. Thomas City Lim:Lts to Road 27, Township of Yarmouth - Surveys etc. 256.09 3. Land Purcha se. 12,952.12 -.--.----------- TOTAL $1 54,837.68 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~i R 31 11 641 . 40 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS 1. Bridges _____~1~~~~~~__ _____~lQ~~!22__ 2. Culverts 3. Winter Control (1972 Expenditure $122,466. and 1973 Expenditure $ 72,825.) - .. - ! :!.~ !. ~ ~ ~ :. ~ ~ - - 4~ Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing, - Misc. Locations (Road' 42, 45~ etc.). 12,901.22 5. Surface Treatment 35,489.74 7. Repairs To Pavements 1.5,095.13 ----------....--- .. ,__ _~~.!} Z P.:Z!__ _.__!3l3~~.:::__ , 6. Gravel Resurfacing 8. Grading Haintenance 9. Roadside Maintenance 13 338.51 _ _ _ _ _ _ .1.._ __ _ _ __ 10. Dust Contr~l 30.183.73 ..--.......----..---- 11. Weed Control 22,383.'58 --...------...---- 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 8. 9. , 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. MAINTENAtllCE - COUNTY ROADS (continued) Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Guide Rails Signs Dr a {nage Sweeptng Tree Planting Railroad Protection Drainage Assessments (Miscellaneous) Rebates Tlo Town Of Aylmer and Villages TOTAL OVERHEAD ..COUNTY 1. Superintendence - County Engineer - General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent. 2. Clerical 3. Office 4. Garages, Stock and Timekeepers etc. 5. White Station Gravel Pit and Pleasant Valley Pit RehabilitCltion 6. Miscellaneous Repairs 7. Tools Radio Insurance Pensions .., Canada & OMERS Permit s County Share of U.I.C. Contributions Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits County Share of Ontario Health Insurance Plan Employees Medicals Needs Study Update PAGE 3. - - - - - ~~~!. ~~~:.:~- - - - - _!~~12~~:.! ~_ 2 408.75 ---____1_______ - - - - -! ~~ l ~~?:. Z ~_ ----- !1:.!~~~.: 2!_ - - - -- -;~.! ?Z~.: ~!_ 403.89 16 832.82 ---____J_______ 11,045.95 3~~,489.00 $ 526.690.35 _ _ _ _ _ })~,}}_9_. _9.1_ _ _ _ _ _ )J.I.. Q. 7_8_ .J.. 4.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _~LI..7_Q.5_._9_5_ _ _ _ _ _ Jt.~l...1.9_6_._6)_ _ _... _ _ _ J~,-~q.l...s_9_ ... _.. _ _ _ _~~,)_8_5_....~6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~,_9.7_3_._8_9_ _ _ __ __ J~,)_Q.7_._'!.Q. _ _ _ _ _ _ 2..~~_8..2_~...2}_' _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~.,.7...3_1_ ..7_ ~ 144.00 - - - ,. ~ - .. .. - - - p - -.- - - ... - - - - ~~,}-~ Q. .})- - - -__ _s..~~,}_ll.._~l _ _ _ _... _Zq~_..l3_6_....3_s.. __......... J_l_..Q.'!1....-l2_ _ _......... _ _.. }_6}_._8_Q. _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _8_4.Q.._~<t . , PAGE 4. OVERHEAD - COUNTY (continued) 18. Traffic Counts _ _ _ _ _ _ ~t..]~ 1:.1.._ ~l._ 19. Training Courses 941.63 20. Machiner~, Overhead _ _ _ _ . ~ ~ !. E~ ~ l~ .. ~ ~ _ 21. Overhead Charged to Town1ine Accounts CREDIT t~92. 36 22. Overhead Charged to Accounts Receivable CREDIT _ . _ _ _ ~ ~ t.~! ~ ~ ... ~ ~ _ TOTAL OF OVERHEAD 262,389.26 MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD cot-tnss ION $ 38,916./...7 TCYl'AL MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD FOR COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS $ 827,996.08 MISCELLANEOUS (Not Subsidized by M. T.C. ) Elgin SWE!eper Purchase and Repairs 26,955.03 --------------- E 1 gi n SWE!eper Renta 1 s CREDIT -_._--~!~~~:~~- 1,010.42 . --------~------ Insurance (Road Liability etc.) Miscellaneous 1,170.31 --------------- TarAL 24,115.76 SUMMARY CONSTRUC1l' ION $ 831,641.40 MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD ~27,996.0R MISCELLANEOUS 24,115.76 SUB-TOTAL 1,683,753.24 ADD: 19~r4 STOCK BALANCE 100,155.29 SUB-TOTAL 1,783,908.53 LESS: 1973 STOCK BALANCE 40,599.34 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,743,309.19 Subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in 1974 was in twoal10cations. ,(a) A subsidy of $1,123,000 on general expenditures'and (b) a subsidy of $25,000 on Municipal Drainage Assessments. (.50'. Subsidy on expenditure of $50,000.) The cost of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expenditures to the City of St. Thomas is 15,382. and the Net Cost to the County for the 1974 Road . Programme (including ,the County share of the St. Thomas Subutban Road :System) is estimated .t $580,000. The County Road Levy for 1913 was $560,000. (The overexpenditure was .1 result of the County taking advantage of the Municipal Drain Subsidy which only became avai~lable in the fall of 197,4.) PAGE 5. -----'- ---- --- In addition to the above Expenditures, a considerable amount of wor\< "as done and invoiced to others and included the follo"ing: ----- Wor\< on County Boundary Roads and Bridges and invoiced to the Counties of ~iddlesex and Oltford. _~__!~ z ~Z~.:~~---- 1. 7.. Construction at the Intersection ot ~igh"aY * 13 and County Road * 45 and invoiced to the Ministry ot 'tra nsportat ion and COtlltllunications. ----------------- 67.t762.10 3. Pavinl?, and other we-r\< in the vil1age of Rodney and invoiced to Carlinghill Construction Company Litllited (in conjunction "ith their Ministry of the Environment Contract for Sanitary Se..,ers). --------~-------- 46t626.86 Priming and surtace 'treatment Work for variouS ~unicipa 1i ties, companies and !\genc1,e s. ----------------- 144,517..~8 4. 5. Wor\< done for, "nd Materia\s sold to local Municipalities, Government Agencies and Commissions, the City of St. 'thon~s, variouS Ministries of the provincial Government. _--~~~lZ~~~~~---- TarAt. 561t717.7.8 _.;.~~...;; Tar AI.. l'.XPENDl'tVRES FOR \914 $ 2.305,026. 47 ---.',.... "- This Expenditure cotllpares to a Tota 1 Expenditure of $\,311,002. in 1913 and $2,205,292. in 1912, and $2,285,296. in 197\ and $2.11\,580. in 1910. !\LL 01' W\\ 1 CHIS RE S PECTFU LL Y 5 ll1l MITTE D · eRA lR MAN ST. THOM~S, ONTARIO, JANUARY 8, 1975. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICES on Januar;)I' 8, 1975 with all members except Reeve Dennis present. Also present, ][i'rank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1974 WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER RE PORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (a) Snow plowing while light had resulted in considerable salting and l;anding but little plowing since last month. (b) A lottery had been necessary to obtain two persons for night duty. (c) Storm drain work on Road 3 south of New Glasgow had been completed for the time being. (d) Guid4a rail posts had been placed on Road 45 between Highway 19 and Caltc:>n and guide cable would be stretched in the spring. (e) Clearing was underway on Road 30. (f) Cutting of dead trees etc., was underway on Roads in East and West Elgin. (g) The Personnel Committee had completed settlement with all Road Department Salaried Workers as well as Hourly Workers. (h) All the Provincial Government Subsidy Allocation (Normal and Supp1.ementary) would be spent and accounts were cleaned up at year end. (i) Needs Study Update work was continuing as it was Update of Study that governed future Subsidy Allocations. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 8, 1975. PAGE 2. (j) A me,eting of Technical Committee on Waste Disposal would bei held in London on January 9, 1975. (k) The lBarnes' house in Dutton had been vacated and would be disposed of very shortly. (1) Pric~es for a new Air Compressor were being solicited to replace the present Air Compressor which was over 25 years old, too small and worn out. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B . LYLE, R. LAKE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST 4F 56 PAYLIST 4F 57 PAYLIST 4; 58 PA YLIST 4F 59 PAYLIST 4F 1, AMOUNTING TO $ 23,421.48 AMOUNTING TO $ 152.80 AMOUNTING TO $ 21,163.27' AMOUNTING TO $100,380.62 1975 AMOUNTING TO $ 2,390.85 CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM:- (1) The Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Conmunications, John Rhodes, supporting the programme of R.T.A.C. (2) South Western Ontario Travel Association, outlining programme and requesting a grant. The matter will be decided by 1975 County Council. (3) County of Elgin Land Division Committee with decisions on the McDonald property on Road 3 and the Schneider property on Road 2. Discussion indicated that a meeting of Council and Committee would be necessary in 1975 to define the planning objectives desired. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 8, 1975. PAGE 3. (4) Ministry of Housing regarding West Elgin Official Plan. The Engineer indicated his comments to the Ministry. (5) Township of Yarmouth regarding By Law to Rezone Land west of St. Thomas Airport for Airport use and t.o place height. restrictions on lands further west of the Airport. (6) County of Oxford notifying the County of Elgin that the Catfish Creek Bridge on the Malahide-Dereham Townline would be under the joint. jurisdiction of the Township of Ma lahide and South West Oxford as the Count.y of Oxford had been Restructured. (7) Lachlan McLean requesting $5.00 damages for being stuck in his field because the County of Elgin had erected a snow fence across his Right of Way. Committee a.greed to pa,y the amount as a matter of public relations. (8) The County of Elgin Road Employees' Associaltion stating that $100.00 had been given to Mrs. David Gordon by the Association and requesting the Committee match it. The Committee agreed to the request. THE ENGINEER UPDATED the review of the Highway 3 Feasi.bility Study that was presented at the last meeting and stated that the~ Ministry Officials were meeting shortly to make a recommendati.on to the Hinister. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. LAKE, D. COOK THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE. CARR lED" iv() )r!.J)/j "-CHA1R~N