1976 Road Committee Minutes COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Culverts on Road 52 over Kettle Creek have been backfilled and the Creek has been diverted through the culverts. Earthmoving and dragline work is continuing as weather conditions permit. 2. We have received a request from the Elgin County Board of Education requesting that the speed limit on county roads be reduced from 60 miles per hour to 50 miles per hour. There is a sizeable cost of changing signs on 160 miles of 60 miles per hour which would have to be duplicated in September of 1977 when all speed signs ill" the Province are scheduled to be changed to metric units.. In an effort to eliminate this duplication of costs the Minister of Transportation and Connnunications has been contacted to determine if a change to metric signing in the Spring of 1977 would be feasible. WE RECOMMEND: That the Resolution of the County of Lambton be endorsed. The Resolution requested the Minister of Attorney-General to introduce heavier court penalties for stealing or damaging road signs. Your Connnittee: also believes that heavier penalties for the possession of stolen si.gns should be imposed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subm:itted. f t CHAIRMAN ST. T1:l0MA.S, ONTARIO. DECEMBER B, 1976. "PAGE 1. Decelllber B, 1976 at 10 :00 A.M. with an lllelllber s pre sent. A1 so pre sent, Fran\< THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTt.E MET at the MUnicipal BUilding on Clarke. THE MlNUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10 were read and approved. (1) winter control had been heavier to date than usual. 50 rolls of snow THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLL~S: (2) work waS continuing on Road 52 with the cree\< having been diverted. MUck from the old channel near the West ban\< waS being excavated and fence had been purchased and waS being erected. bac\<filled with earth. (3) Tree cutting waS underway on Roads 29, 31 and 52. (4) StOrm drains were being placed on Road 30 and on Road 43 near cookS Bridge. (5) A survey ot signS needed for replacelllent waS underway. (6) The Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns had reported that cracking in structural steel had developed in bridges of the same type as on Road 45 ()'\Ter the Otter Creek. One' such crack had been found and the Ministry of Transportation and crnmnunicatiOns were to make a comPlete inspection of the steel using their special bridge inspector crane. $ 5,000 had been added to the county Maintenance Allocation to cover inspection costs. (7) Graveling waS continuing on the shoulders on Road 30 and the second pile of gravel crushed at the Pleasant Valley pit. ApproximatelY 15,000 yards had been.rem()'\Ted and approxit\latelY 50% of the first pile placed. (B) It waS e~ected that all November accountS could be paid in 1976 but very feW if any of the Decelllber accountS as the lllaXimUlll expenditUre would be reached when wages had been paid. (9) The Ministry ot Transportation and cororounicatiOns had re<tuested that Labour overhead Charges be distributed to the varioUS Road Ledger AccountS in 1976 rather than lumping thelll together in an overhead Account as had been done in the past. BecaUse of thiS the Report on 1976 expenditures would not likely be available for the January 1977 council Session. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 8, 1976. 'PAGE 2. (10) 5 truck tarps had been purchased to comply with the neW regulations requiring tarps of loads which takeS effect January 1, 1977. (11) Randy Greer had been taken on regular staff as a ClasS 11 Labourer. (12) Information received at the MUnicipal Engineers Association meeting in Ottawa indicated that the Ministry of Transportation and comrounicabions waS planning to proceed with metrification of road signs. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: M. A. Sc;HA;FER THAT Wt. APPROVE THE FOLLOW11<G PAYL1.STS FOR PAYMENT: PAYL1.ST NUMBER 55 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 56 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 57 AMOUNT1.NG TO $ PAYLIST NUMBt.R 58 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 59 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 60 AMOUNTING TO $ 32,503.64 4,495.62 30,432.70 42,982.11 218.14 47,087.96. CARRIED." (a) County ot Lambton requesting council's endorsement for increased penaltieS CORRESPONDt.NCE WAS READ FROM: for theft of road signs. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEI TR SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY cOUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF TRE COUNTY OF LAMBTON RE INCREASED PENALTIES FOR 'J1{E REMOVAL OR THEFT OF ROAD SIGN:S BE ENDORSED AND THAT PENALTIES FOR POSSESS1.0N OF STOLEN ROAD SIGNS BE INCREASED AS WELL. CARRIED." (b) Village of port Stanley regarding rezoning land on Highway 4. (c) Township of southWOld, yarmouth and Town of Aylmer with notices of minor (d) Ministry ot Transportation and communications with Reorganization Notice. variance s. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 3. ~. (e) Canadian Transport commission stating that signals were warranted on the L & P S division of the C.N.R. and Gounty Road 52 and requesting a detailed estimate from the C.N.R. TRE ENGINEt.R REPORTED ALL PROPERT'! required on Roads 31 and 52 for widening had been acquired and that land purchase waS continuing on Road 16. A Draft Deed had been received on the Hyde property on Road 23 in port Stanley containing a hold harmless claUse with the county for any earth slides, etc. Elm Street and centennial Ave. in Yarmouth frOtll Harry Axford and the sale of a Discussion waS laid over until January on the purchase of widening on parcel of land on Road 45 in southwo1d to hilll. Concession V, southwo1d, being one of the lotS sold by the county to E. Atcheson A REQUEST TO cOUNT'! LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE for a severance on \..(It 7, waS discussed. The Engineer was instructed to inform the County Land Division that the County waS not allowing any severance on the other lot they had sold or the lots they would sell in the Spring. Board had approved the HazelWood subdivision in port Stanley subject to a right THE CHAIRMAN N'D THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the central Elgin Planning of way being provided between Highway 4 and County Road 23. of County Road 35 and 45. The Engineer waS instructed to reply stating a larger stop sign would be placed and speed bumps installed next summer unleSS there waS CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM Mrs. E. Pearce regarding the intersection a reaSon why they should not be. requesting that the Road committee give consideration to the changing of the CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM the Elgin county Board of Education speed limit on its 60 lllile per hour roads to 50 mile per hour. S't. 'tilQW\S, 01l'tl\R10. DEC~BER B, 1916. 'PAGE 4. . nO. h ~'nistrY of 'transportat~on a c~ittee decided to re~uest t e ~ . s"stelll in the Spring .' t 'ble to change to the llletr~C J communicatiOns ~f ~t waS eas~ d f 2 sign changeovers. h ~ 11 of 1911 to elilllinate the nee or ~athe~ than t e ~a untS ~v~ - 1 . SubsidY /!llt0 r in 191 · communicat~ons . 1916 would not occu f $ 1,91,3,000 'l/S . FUnd cut ~n d subsidY 0 the construct~on , _ ~1,n_OOO in 1916 an · telY $ 603,000 _ ",1"'\ ..T~ '-II _, ~",n1:o}{l:ro.a 'fl{E ~Gll'lEt.R REPOR'tED 't\11l.'t 'tilE ~inistrY ot 'transportatiOn and .> . d' tionS were that &^~ 1911 were being set anu ~n ~ca ~~~imated allocation $ 1,699,000 in 19/0. ,w- to $ 630,000 exclusive of Drainage p,.ssess,"";:-'t.". "MO\TED BY.: M. A. SCrtAfER SECOl'lDED BY: S, J. GLO'fER 'tW>'t I,1E p,.DJOURl'l 'to JJ\l'lUl\RY 12, 1911 p,.'t 10 :00 p,..~. CARR1ED." ST. THOMAS, ONT:1\RI0. NOVEMBER 10, 1976. ~, November 10, 1976 a~ 10:00 A.M. All lllelllbers except Reeves Wilson and Caverly TlIE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building on ~ere present. Also present, Frank Clarke. TlIE MINUTt.S OF THE MEETINGS OF October 13 and 0ctober 20 ~ere read and app-roved. 1. The Kettle Creek culvert and Bin Walls on Road 52 had been assembled and THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 2. Road 30 had been paved althOugh SOllle earth and gravel shouldering remained backfilling ~aS continuing as ~aS ~ork on the approach grade. 3. Clean up ~ork and shouldering remained on Road 34 ~est ot Belmont. as ~ell a& repairs to the Patterson Culvert. 4. Sanders and Sno~ plo~s ~ere being installed. Routes had been designated and a night cre~ organized. 2 "V" Snow plo~s had been purchased frOlll Galion to replace a plo~ borro~ed from Watters BroS. some years ago and for Truck #70 ~hich ~aS equipped ~ith a one ~aY plo~ only. 5. Sand piles ~ould be remixed ~ith salt next ~eek and sno~ fence erected as soon as possible. 6. The rear end on Truck #55 had to be replaced. 7. some backhoe ~ork at the Elgin Manor in Aylmer ~ould be done next ~eek. A surveY of Guide SignS ~aS being made to determine those that required -replacing- storm damage along the Great Lakes by the Ministry of Natural Re&OurceS and THE ENGINt.ER REPORTED ON A MEETING in LOndon regarding the Report on Environment Canada. ST. THOMJ~S, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 10, 1976. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. P AYLI ST # 50 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 51 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 52 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 53 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 54 AMOUNTING TO $ 32,709.39 7,700.24 31,197.11 192, 343 .93 165.54 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM FRANK COWmN CO. stating they would no longer write Workmen's Compensation Insurance, Ontario Municipal Board - Hearings regarding County Land Severances were noted. Tenders for a Portion of Lot 20, Concession X, Yarmouth on Road 52 were opened and were as attached. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO NORFOLK-ELGIN PROPERTIES INC. FOR PART # 1 REFERENCE PLAN 11R-1110 BEING PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION X, YARM:OUTH. THE PURCHASE PRICE TO BE $ 11,300. CARRIED." THE .MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER the sale to Harry Axford of a Portion of land purchased from Dewey Siple on Road 45 in Southwo1d was discussed. It was pointed out that Mr. Axford owned property on Centennial Ave. and Elm Street that widE~ning would be required from in due course. The Engineer was instructed to obtain further information. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that all property needed for road widening between Finga1 and Watson Corners on Road 16 had been purchased and that purchasing between Watson Corners and Road 14 was continuing. 2 properties, Andrews and Campbe11s, remained to be: acquired on Road 52 and one property on Road 31. The sale of the Crane property on Road 14 was discussed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 10, 1976. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: S. J.. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE 'WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO LOWER THAMES VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FOR THE PROPERTY OWNED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN IN LOT 1, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD, KNOWN AS THE CRANE PROPERTY AND CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY IN DEED NUMBER 81245. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE LATEST PLAN of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the joining of the St. Thomas Expressway and County Road 52 - for the review of the Cvuuuittee. The Cvuuuittee were of thE~ opinion that the 70 & 110 curves shown could be improved and that if the Ministry of Transportation and Communications did not include the section of the Expressway between Road 26 and the Wellington Road, the alignment should be changed to provide a continuous road from the road east of Talbotville to thE~ diversion of Road 52. The proposed Hazelwood Subdivision in Port Stanley was discussed and the Cvuuuittee fel t that a road between Highway 4 and County Road 23 would be required when the phase of the Subdivision on Road 23 was developed. The Committee requested that its members on the Central Elgin Planning Board conVE~y their opinion to the Board. THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to contact the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding their plans for the Aylmer By-Pass from Highway 73 easterly to Highway 3 as Deputy Reeve Glover pointed out that traffic congestion at the Highway 73 - Highway 3 was increasing as time past. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECC~DED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 8 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED." G\ ~'., L ,/:J~/: ',/." ac ,/ "- \.P" "- CtlAJ.RMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDERS FOR PORTION OF LOT 20, CONCESSION X, YARMOUTH BEING PART # 1 REFERENCE PLAN llR-1110 NOVEMBER 10, 1976 1. Norfolk Elgin Properties Inc., $ 11,300..00 R. R. # 4, St. Thomas, Ontario. z. Percy Robinson, $ 8,000..00 R. R. # 8, St. Th~nas, Ontario. 3. R. E. Atcheson, $ 7,300.03 R. R. # 7, St. Thomas, Ontario. 4. Ernest C. Bridge, $ 5,758.00 46 Regent Street, St. ThOlnas, Ontario. 5. Ray Reid, $ 4,600.00 R. R. # 8, St. Thomas, Ontario. 6. M. W. Ble:rdan, $ 4,500.00 22A Hamnond Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 7. John Hilliker, $ 2,500.00 39 Malakoff Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. /' ,// cOUNT'{ OF ELGIN ROAD cCJMM'lTTEE ~ -----= . - FIRST REPORT ---- -- NOVEMBER SESSION 19-,16 r\ TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNT'{ OF ELGIN COUNCIL: 1. Erection of Kettle creek culve~t and retaining walls on Road 52 have yOUR ROAD CQMMlTTt.E REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: been completed. Gravel backtilling is continuing as is g~ading work on the approaches. Good weather will be ~equired fo~ at least several weeks to allow for substantial completion of grading work. 2. That Asphalt Paving on Road 30 north of Road 52 in Yarmouth TownshiP haS been completed. 3. That a used 1971 GMC Tandelll Truck has been purchased for $ 4,000 and a County Sande~ placed on it to ~eplace a County Truck which waS scrapped last Spring. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By_LaW be passed autho~izing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to Norfolk-Elgin prope~ties Inc. for a portion of Lot 7, concession V southwold and shown as Parts 1 & 2 on Reference plan llR-986. The sale price waS $ 9,600 less Real Estate commission. The Lot had been previouSlY sold by tender to Hugo and Donna Reusch last Spring, but the ReuschllAdlliaulted on their payment. The adjacent lot waS sold to Eltriede Atcbeson by tender at $ 6,300. 2. That a By_LaW be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to Nortolk-Elgin properties InC. for Pa~t of Lot 20, concession X Yarmouth as shown on Reference plan nR-l nO as Pa~t 1. The sale p~ice is $ 11,300 which waS the highest of 7 tende~s received. The area of pa~t is app~oximatelY 2.5 ac~eS and is located on a co~ner pu~chased tor the~~dening of Road 52 approximatelY 1 mile east of Highway 71+. ... continued ... \ ~ 'Page 21,: 1'\ O\TEMBER ~, E S S 1 01'\ 1916 3. 'that a By~LaW be passed authorizing the Vlarden and Clerk to sign a Deed to the LOwer 'thameS Valley conservation Authority tor a portion of LOt 1 concession V southwold being approxilllatelY B acres on county Road 14 opposite Road 13 (ShackletOn) which was deeded to the County ('\.n.t' The LoVIe 1: rrha1l'l.e Si of Elgin by the university of Vlesterl\ ~,. ar~o. .~thoritY is in a better position than the CountY ._ _ r\ ~. ..,...npxty to the All ot Vlhich Is RespectfullY Subro.itted. ---- Ct1Al~ COUNTY OF ELGIN WEST ELGIN INSPECTION November 4, 1976. 1. Leave Court House at 9:00 A.M. 2. Road 33 SA ., Kains Bridge and Hill St. Thomas Suburban Road. 3. Southwold Township roads to County Road 45. 4. County Road 45 at Kettle Creek CuI vert - re surfacing required 1977.. 5. Inspection County Garage. 6. Highway 4 to Road 23. 7. Road 23 - Ha.zelwood Subdivision. 8. Road 23 to Road 20 to Fingal. 9. Coffee - To~mship Office. 10. Road 16 - Fingal to Road 14. Property purchase and final Engineering underway. 11. Road 16 - Road 14 to Road 15 - resurfacing required. 12. Road 8 to Du.tton. 13,. Urban work on Road 8 in Dutton completed 1976. Resurfacing on Road 15 from Road 8 to Road 2. 14. Road 2 - through West Lorne to Rodney. 15. Road 3 to New Glasgow. 16. Road 3 - Sou.th of Highway 3 completed 1976. 17. Erosion Control New Glasgow. 18. Road 3 & 6 - to Clachan for dinner. 19. Road 6 & 3 to Wardsville Bridge. 20. Inspection of Walker, Tates and Middlemiss Bridge using County Roads 9 & 5. 21. Township of Southwold Road and Road 18 to Road 19. 22. Road 19 - Poor condition to Highway 3. 23. Highway 3 to Talbotville. 24. Route of Expressway, Construction of Road 52 and 31. 25. Return to Court House using Road 29 and 26 SA (St. George Street). ('I.' " \ // /' ,\ ,I' ~' i COUNTY OF ELGIN - ' ~ST ELGIN INSPECTION October 28, 1976 1. Leave Court House at 9:00 A.M. 2. Highway 3 to Road 28. 3. Road 28 to Road 45 _ road between Elm Street (Road 56) and Road 45 - assumed (and graveled) by County in 1976. 4. Road 45 _ Asphalt Resurfacing frOtll Highway 4 to Cook'S corners 1976. Portion between Cook'S corners and Road 36 scheduled for 1977. 5. Road 36 to County Gravel Pits at Pleasant Valley. Purchases in 1975 and 1976 frOtll Laur Estate, Whitney's and Higgs enlarged the area frOtll 73 acres to approximately 140 acres. The Pit is supplying the County crushed gravel needs in Central Elgin and East Elgin south of Highway 3. 6. Reeve Caverly's. 7. Road 45 to Road 43. 8. Road 43 _ Cook and phi11more Bridges. 9. Road 38 to Highway 19 - Engineering work underway. 10. Port Burwell _ Erosion - Road 42 east of Port Burwell. 11. port Burwell Harbour Dredging and Erosion of Lake Bank. 12. Port Burwell - Dinner. 13. Highway 19 to Road 44. 14. Road 44 to Road 46. 15. Resurfacing 1976 - North of Gorinth. 16. To Elgin Manor Site - Aylmer. 17. Elm and Beech Streets in Aylmer. 18. Road 32 _ police College Road - programmed for early construction. 19. Road 52, 49 and 48 in South Dorchester. 20. Reeve Wilson's. 21. To Road 37 South and North Dorchester Boundary. 23. Road 31, _ Urban Construction Belmont, Storm Drain, Curb and Gutter and 22. Road 37 to Belmont. ,~ 24. Road 34 _ We,st of Village of Belmont - Resurfacing Gounty Boundary Road \ Paving 1976. between Elgin and Middlesex. Middlesex County pays 50% of cost. ... continued ... ~ >" y,hS't ELGl~ I~SPECTI0~ To Road 30 (Radio Road). .' ot "o,:k from 1915. . 1), d 30 (Radio Road) cont1.nuat1.on const~uct~on ~oa 1 C k culvertS to replace Road 52 constructiOn - Ratt e ree carrs 1\ridge _ 2 culvertS 90 teet long 50 foot span - steel bin .' 11 ~te,:ial costS (p.rmco Canada) $ 120,628. "all reta1.n1.ng "a s. Road 52 "esterlY to St. Thoro.as E,q>ress"aY and Road 31 constructiOn ~ 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. prog,:~wmed tor 1911. Road 52 trolll Road 26 1::" .- of ,Transpo,:tatiOn and communicatiOns as p~.- 01 ot St. 'thoroas Suburban Road 26 _ St. George Street under contr 30. Road coromission. 31. RetUrn to Court ROUse. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 20, 1976. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at 3:00 P. M. on 0ctober 20, 1976 in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE County Solicitor, Mr. Hennessey had requested that in the sale of part of Lot 29 & 30, Block 16, Plan 149 Dutton, 2 separate Deeds be drawn one to John Crowe and one to Lorraine Crowe. AFTER DISCUSSION ... "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTE I TH SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY-LAW #2426 AUTHORIZING THE $ALE OF A PORTION OF LOT 29 & 30 BLOCK 16 REGI STERED PLAN 146 DUTTON AS SHOWN 'IA\S PARTS 1 & 3 ON REFERENCE PLAN llR-986 TO JOHN CROWE BE RESCINDED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO JOHN W. CROWE FOR A PORTION OF LOT 30 BLOCK 16 REGISTERED PLAN 146, DUTTON AS SHOWN AS PART 1 ON REFERENCE PLAN llR-986. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEI TH SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO LORRAINE DALE CROWE FOR A PORTION OF LOT 29 BLOCK 16 REGISTERED PLAN 146, DUTTON AS SHOWN AS PART 3 ON REFERENCE PLAN llR-986. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 20, 1976. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Keith & Pincombe Real Estate Brokers had forwarded 2 offers for Parts 1 & 2 Reference Plan llR-967 in Lot 7, Concession V Southwold - Ron Atcheson for $ 7,700. and Norfolk Elgin Properties Inc. for $ 9,600. with condition that the parcel could not be divided. "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SEOONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO NORFOLK-ELGIN PROPERTIES INC. FOR A PORTION OF LOT 7, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD ~~HOWN AS PARTS #1 & 2 ON REFERENCE PLAN llR-986 AT $ 9,600. LESS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that a Tandem Truck had been located and purchased. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEI TH SEca~DED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE PURCHASE A USED 1971 G.M.C. TANDEM TRl:ICK SERIAL # CE6l3Y186346 FROM DWIGHT DAVIS OF R. R. # 7, TILLSONBURG FOR $ 4,000. PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX SUBJECT TO MINI$TRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM MR. DERRICK KING, of the Ministry of Transportation, and Communications regarding the Ministry's plan for changing the St. Thomas! Expressway into a 2 lane facilitate and stating that redesign of intersections, etc. would be necessary. He also stated that the Ministry would assume Road 52 between Talbotville and Road 26 and requested County approval for the assumption. ST. THOMA.S, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 20, 1976. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE ASSUMPTION BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS OF COUNTY ROAD 52 FROM HIGHWAY 4 AT TJ~LBOTVILLE EASTERLY AS NECESSARY TO ALLOW THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO BUILD THE ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWAY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 10 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED." _~~jlY;L , . CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIJG: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. (a) That By-Law #2426 which authorized the Warden and Clerk to sign a deled to John W. Growe for parts of Lots 29 and 30 Block 16 Registered Plan 149 Village of Dutton as shown as parts 1 &: 3 on Reference Plan 11R-986 be rescinded. (b) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign' "- a deed to John W. Crowe for Part of Lot 30 Block 16 Registered Plan 149 Village of Dutton as shown as Part 1 on Reference Plan IIR-986. (c) That A By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed to Lorraine Dale Crowe for Part of Lot 29 Block 16 Registered Plan 149 Village of Dutton as shown as Part 3 on Reference Plan IIR-986. The Crowes had requested that the property be registered as separate deeds. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ~. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE .11, 1 ') ;\ FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMlvIITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Erection of culverts on Road 52 over I~ttle Creek continues with the loose assembly of both culver~s nearly complete. Considerable tightening of bolts and erection of steel wing walls remains. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That County Council inspection of roads and other projects be on October 28 East Elgin and November 4 West Elgin to leave Court House both days at 9:00 A.M. The East: Elgin inspection will include the Elgin Manor at Aylmer. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 13, 1976. PAGE 1. 10:00 A.M., October 13, 1976 with all members present. Also Frank Clarke, THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building at Ministry of Transportation and communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF September 8 and 22 were read and approved. (1) Pavement Marking waS complete with exception of Road 30. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date as follows: (2) sweeping was continuing as necessary. (3) culvert erection on Road 52 was continuing with one culvert erected. (4) Top Soil had been stripped from the Ferguson property on the west side of Kettle Creek and scraper work waS continuing on the east side. (5) Top Soil would be stripped from the DeLouW and Kettle Creek Conservation Authority property on Road 31 so that an early start on Road 31 could be roade in 1977 as it was necessary to have a good road to the DeLouW p'!:operty by June 15, 1977 so it would not interrupt Mr. DeLouW's strawberry crop (6) ArmcO Canada had replaced several steel plates for the Patterson culvert on sales. Road 30 which had been failing for some time. No cause for the failure had (7) Sand base work waS continuing on Road 30 and it waS hoped to pave the road been ascertained. south of the Patterson culvert before the end of the lllonth. (8) A suitable tandelll truck had not yet been found and a search was being undertaken for a "V" snow plow for Truck #70. (9) Paving had been completed on Road 34 in Be11110nt and clean up work waS underway. The Insurance company had been notified when minor flooding had occurred because of a blocked catch basin in several basements in the heaVY rain of last -week. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 13, 1976. P AG E 2. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 43 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 45 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 46 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 47 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 48 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 49 AMOUNTING TO $ 33,958.67 33,907.52 16,446.21 14,243.75 31,980.75 324,251.96 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications transferring Highway 4 in Port Stanley to the Village of Port Stanley to facilitate the signing of a connecting link agreement. (b) Extendicare Nursing Home on Road 23 in Port Stanley giving particulars of their storm drainage which will for the most part flow over the hill to the west. (c) Kettle CrE~ek Conservation Authority requesting a meeting to discuss a pedestrian underpass on Road 52 at the Kettle Creek crossing. The Committee felt that a meeting in the Spring would be more useful than at the present time and the Engineer was to advise the Authority. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION BE HELD ON OCTOBER 28 EAST ELGIN AND NOVEMBER 4, WEST ELGIN. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT LAND PURCHASE on Road. 31 and Road 52 was proceeding well with only 4 properties not acquired. Land Purchase would start on Road 16 West of Fingal shortly. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 13, 1976. PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT OFFERS had been received of at least $ 8,000 for Lot 1 on Road 20 north of Shedden and an offer over that amount might be forthcoming. The Engineer was instruc~ed to accept the best offer. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD EMPLOYEES Association stating that they had made a contribution of $ 200. to Eugene Forsyth upon h:ls retirement and requesting a similar contribution from the County. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION OF $ 200. TO EUGENE FORSYTH UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT DUE TO ILL HEALTH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SEC~~DED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE PURCHASE A USED CONDOR MAN LIFT FROM ZNIDAR BROTHERS LTD. OF TORONTO FOR $ 14,000. PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED .ff THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT NEGOTIATIONS were underway with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with regard to the conn.ection between County Road 52 and the St. Thomas Expressway. It appeared that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications were planning to assume. Road 52 between Highway 3 and Road 26 as part of the Expressway. A primary concern of the Committee was the building of that portion of Road 52 at the same time as the County completed the porti.on of Road 52 to the east. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 13, 1976. PAGE 4. lllileS of travel on countY roads and the updated construction Needs of the county TflE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED REPORTS sho~ing daily vehicle Road system. "MOVED Wi: M. A. SCRAFER SECONDED BY: l.. R. CARROl.L THAT ~E ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 10, 1976 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED .n CRt\IRMAN c' _''''IV'''';'' COUNTY.OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT DAILY VEHICLE MILES OF TRAVEL (AS OF JANUARY 1 IN ANY YEAR) YEAR TOTAL VEHICLE MILES PER DAY VEHICLE MILES ON % OF TOTAL TRAVEL VEHICLE MILES ON TNADFOUATR'ROADS -.. .........--""C'.~....--- ..........~....-'- AT'\'&'Ol.r AT'&' DO A nc EUJ.L:I\.('U.n.oL.L:I ~'\,V.cu.J.U 1976 226,749 187,828 82.8 38,921 1975 218,686 178,184 81.4 40,502 1974 216,919 174,184 80.3 42,551 1973 206,645 161,496 78.1 45,149 1972 196,699 126,909 104, 703 64.5 69,790 1971 174,652 60.0 69,949 Increase in total traffic from 1973 to 1976 - 9.7% Increase in total traffic from 1975 t.Q 1976 - 3.7% Increase in traffic on adequate road system 1973 to 1976 -' 16.3% (Improvements on Wellington Road, etc. were reason for change on adequate road system in 1972 and prior.) Increase in traffic on adequate road system 1975 to 1976 5.4% ,~f % OF TOT.f\L TF_A.VEL 17.2 18.6 19.7 21.9 35.5 40.0 If ~. t " i .....J f~~. ARTHUI~ J. GORDON GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT a. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR -.....:....... ROBERT G. MOORE, B.Sc,. P.ENG. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TELEPHONE 519' 631-5880 79 ST.ANl-EY ST. (co,u,n HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. COUNTY OF ELGIN 1976 NEEDS STUDY UPDATE May 3, 1976 Revision October 6, 1976 to agree with M.T.C. computer.. records. 1975 Update 1976 Update Bridges $ 2,040,000 $ 2,0~5,000 5,277,000 ~ /,., Roads Now Roads 1 - 5 8,991,000 4,273,000 11,031,000 11,635,000 Less Construction Objective for Year 905,000 (9/,Q) 810,000 (8%) Net Needs January 1 Following Year Less Objective for Year $ 10,126,000 $ 10,825,000 $ 1,659,000' $ 362,000 $ 2,100,000 $ 2,230,000 237,000 279,000 6 to 10 Year Construction Resurfacing Net Needs January 1 Following Year $ 1,863,000.:'<< $ < 1,951,000 Bridges on Local Roads $ 1,384,000 $ 1,384,000 Total Needs Including Local Bridges January 1 Following Year $ 15,032,000 $ 14,522,000 t ; l17 7 ~. rt~. r \. ~ ~Y6- , r g ';}o) ~~ h, c~ let 7 ~, <;{ J 0) Jlv I~-~ d 9s1 l-vl if 7'11 {)v--J ----~--- '\0...--.,---,..-- \' I /5 (y...' (JI''j / / J J 0 ~11 0#")) \~)<" (\/l.k' C-;}x (1;(.\ 7 () I tV)) J.' c;;,,-).~l--7 f/ (,/ ,.r'(..-.....~ . , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ..:. FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Materials have been received from Armco Canada for the culverts over Kettle Creek on Road 52 and sub assembly of steel plates on the ground is well aW~anced. Concrete footing work is underway and erection of plates will start shortly. 2. Paving en Road 34 at Belmont is underway. Minor trimming work remains al so. 3. Construction continues on Road 30 at the Salt Creek Culvert and it is hoped to reopen the road shortly. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That a By..Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to J. W. Crowe for part of Lots 29 and 30 Block 16 Registered Plan 149 Village of Dutton as shown as parts 1 & 3 on Reference Plan llR-986. The property is that portion of the former Saunders Lumber Yard not required for road allowance. The sale price was $ 11,500 less Real Estate Cormnission. (2) That the resolution from the City of Windsor regarding Amendments to the Municipal Act regarding a vote of electors for road expenditures be filed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subm:itted. CHAIRMAN I ([ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 22, 1976. PAGE 1. THE COUNT{ OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at 4:30 septelllber 22 in ,.,~, conjunction with County council. All lllembers were present except Reeves Glover, Caverly and Warden Road 52 from the Kettle Creek crossing to Albert Andrew property and on Road 31. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he waS engaged in purchasing widening on Schafer. communications stating that they proposed to aSsume County Road 52 from Road 26 to Talbotville as part of the St. thomaS Expressway and requested permission to CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Ministry of Transportation and property purchase and final engineering should be started. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED C..."."ittee direction as to the next road that survey on Road 52. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEI T1l St.C0NDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH ENGINEERING AND LAND PURCHASE ON ROAD 16 FRO~ FlNGAL TO BUR WELLS CORNERS. CARRIED ." Seabrook of Lerner & AssociateS SolicitorS for PhylliS Ferguson that they had received an appraisal from Egerton Associates for the property required for Road THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT he had been verballY informed by Mr. Robert 52 and 31 from her property in Lot 5, Concession X, Yarmouth. in amount of $ 1,725 miscellaneoUS amount of $ 100 and would settle for that alllount plus the cost of the appraisal ($ 650) plus legal fees in amount of $ 1,500 - $ 2,000. The property waS valued at $ 12,000 and they requested fence allowances After some discUssion ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 22, 1976. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT TRl!. ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT THE COUNTER OFFER OF P. FERGUSON IN AMOUNT OF $ 13, B 25 FOR TRl!. PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR THE DIVERSION OF ROAD 52 THROUGH Lot 5, CONCESSION X, yARMOUTH, pLUS HER LEGAL FEES AND APPRAISAL COSTS. CARRIED ." Warden Schafer in attendance. TRl!. ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Keith & PincOlIlbe had an offer frOlIl a Mrs. Gail Webb for PartS 1 & 2 plan llR-967 for $ 7,500. After diSCUssion "MOVED BY: G. D. snlPSON SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT TRl!. OFFER OF MRS. GAlL WEBB FOR PART 1 & 2 pLAN l1R-967 AT $ 7,500 PROVIDED A RIDER IS ADDED SO THAT TRl!. Lot CANNOT BE DIVIDED. CARRIED ." Znidar BroS. of Toronto for $ 14,000 a reduction from their asking, price of $ 16,500 and that it ~aS being checked over for early use in the erection of THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Rl!. HAD pURCHASED the Condor Manlift from the culvert at Kettle Creek on Road 52. necessary to rent or purchase another tandelll truck for sanding work this ~inter. As the County ~aS already renting 3 trucks he felt that a used truck should be TRl!. ENGINEER REPORTED THAT as Truck #25 had been junked it ~ould be purchased if a suitable one could be found at a reasonable price. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 22, 1976. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER ~, SEOONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE A USED TANDEM TRUCK FOR A SANDER TRUCK. OARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SEOONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 13, 1976 AT 10 :00 A.M. OARRIED." CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 1. ~ on september 8, 1976 as 10:00 A.M. All lllerobers except Reeve Caverly present. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal BUilding T1:lE MINUTES OF AUGUST 12 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Weed cutting had been stopped on August 27 as the budget waS about 8% (2) A second applicatiOn of calcium chloride had been completed on gravel roads. overspent. Most roads had been completed. (3) sweeping waS continuing as needed. (4) surface treatment had been completed with exception of South Dorchester which would be done in the next 2 dayS. (5) Pavement marking would start again sho'!:tly. (6) DUmP TruC\< Inspection had been completed. (7) The Galion Grader had been rolled and the cab smashed, but a neW cab had (8) Sidewal\< work in Rodney had not been completed as the Union Gas Co. had laid been purchased from Galion trolll their St. Thoroas yard for $ 650. (10) curb and gutter work would be done this week in Belmont and it waS hoped to (9) Paving on Road 13 at Bl<il\l":s Funeral Home remains to be done. a line on the sidewalk location. (11) The ~inistry of TransportatiOn and communications Auditors had audited the pave next week. (12) Grading work tor Kettle cree\< conservation Authority at their Dalewood 1975 e~?enditures. Trailer Camp had been cOtllpleted and granular would be placed in the next feW (13) The Salt creek Culvert on Road 30 had been erected and granular bac\<fill waS weekS · underway. Grading work that had been done in 1975 had been shouldered, trimmed and seeding waS underway. ST. THOMAS" ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 2. (14) Dragline work was continuing on Road 52 and footing excavation would start on Thursday. Culvert Plate was expected Friday and erection sub assembly would start by next week. (15) Land Purchase on Road 52 and 31 would be started as time permi.tted. It would be necessary to move the high voltage line at the intersection of Road 52 and 29 as it would be cheaper than moving a tower. (16) A concr,ete gun had been purchased to facilitate repairs on thE! Middlemiss and other bridges. Tw.'O men had be"en working on Mosquito Control for several weeks and Jack Elley had requested that they continue until September 17. Go'bimat erosion protection had been placed by the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority near ~he Union Pond and it seemed like a possible reasonable cost erosio~hOd. The Proposed Agreement between the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. had been referred back to the County Solicitor for amendments. THE WARDEN REPORTED THAT MR. MOFFAT OF ENVIRONMENT CANADA had met with representatives of the Port Burwell Fishermen, Council, and other officials on September 7 .regarding the dredging of the Port Burwell Harbour, but little if any progress had been made. The Village had presented a plan in which if they were given $ 200,,000 they would buy a dredge and keep the harbour dredgE~d and repaired. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS PAYLIST # 41 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 42 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 43 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST # 44 AMOUNTING TO $ BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: 35,363.67 327 . 27 161,506.87. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 3. C~)RRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Township of Yarmouth and Southwold with Zoning By-Laws. TUE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT the County Land Division Corrnn:ittee had agreed to a severance on the lot in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwold, that the County of Elgin had sold to Elfriede Atcheson. The Engineer reported that he had after consultation with the Chairman accepted an offer of $ 11,500 for the Saunders Lumber lots in Dutton. "MOVED BY: L. R.CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH Tl~T WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO JOHN W. CROWE FOR PART OF LOTS 29 AND 30 BLOCK 16 REGISTERED PLAN 149 DUTTON AS SHOWN AS PARTS 1 AND 3 ON REFERENCE PLAN ll-R-986. PURCHASE PRICE TO BE $ 11,500 LESS REAL ESTATE COMMISSION. CARRIED." It was decided to sell the other 3 lots if the price was right. It was decided to turn down an offer of $ 6,000 for one of the lots on Road 20 in Lot 7, Concession V as the asking price was $ 10,000. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON Tf~T THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO HAVE A REFERENCE PLAN PLACED ON A PORTION OF LOT 20, CONCESSION X, YARMOUTH, NOT NEEDED FOR ROAD ALLOWANCE AND TO TENDER THE PROPERTY FOR SALE. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that Miss Ferguson had requested another appraisal on her property on Road 52 and it was hoped that this information would be available by next week. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 8, 1976. PAGE 4. "M~)VED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL TEIAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATIONS TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR INTERU1 PAYMENT OF SUBSIDY FOR 1976. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION OF $ 100 TO MURRAY MITCHELL ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT. CARRIED." The request of the London Auto Sports Club to hold a Rally over County roads was discussed. As it appeared that there were no requests for any road closings, etc., no further action was taken. The County Solicitor reported that he felt that a By-Law proposed by All View Cable Service on County roads was not legal. The Engineer was instructed to have the Solicitor meet with All View Cable to review the problem. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that some kind of a man lift would be required for the assembly of the Kettle Creek culvert and that rental of a suitable device would be in the order of $ 1500 per month for approximately 2 months. THE ENGINEER WAS AUTHORIZED to obtain a suitable unit or a rental purchase arrangement if possible with a purchase price in the $ 15,000 range or less. ST, T1:loW>S, 0l'iTARI0. SE?'tEt:\BER 8, 1916. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: SECoNDED BY; ~. A. SCW>Yl!.R 't1lJ>.T 't1:ll!. ENGINEER IS AUT1:l0R1ZED TO WJ'E A??LICA'tloN YOR YLA-S1:lll'iG S 0:1<.1 "..1.11::' C ,," CROSS1l'iG OY COUN't'l ROAD 52 BAS't OF L1G1:l't SlGNAL '" ."", ." .j>.' VfELL1NGTON ROAD. s. J. GLOVER CARB-1ED ." R d 52 at Rettle Creel< and AYTER D1Nl'iER the construction ~orl< on oa 1 the 'talbot sand and Gravel Road 30 at salt creel< ~as inspected as ~el as h' D lewood T~ailer ?arl<. sand ?it and \.Zettle c~eel< conser"ation Aut or1.tY a T1:ll!. ~Ey;rlNG ADJ~D yOR Dll'il'iER. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED B'i; G. 'W. ~oN'tEl 'tl\. 't1lAT 'Wt. t>J)J~ 'to OC'tOBER 13 A't 10 ;00 ,A.t:\. CARB-1ED ." ,------- ST. T1:l0MAS \. ONTARIO. AUGUST 12, 1976. PAGE 1. at 10:00 A.M., August 12, 1976. All lllembers except Reeve Wilson were present. Tl:lB COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITrEE }fET at the Municipal 1\uilding Al SO Mr. Frank Clarke. Tl:lB MINUTES OF JULY 14 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) GraSs cutting was continuing and the budget would be spent by the week (2) s~rface treatment and priming wor\< was continuing with about 2 weeks of AUgust 22 when work would be halted. (3) work waS nearly completed in DUtton. A drain on Road 15 between Road work left. 8 and Centre Street had been replaced as the old drain waS full of maple tree rootS and undersized. SOllle clean up work on the Brown Drain Crossing (4) the main stOrm drain in 1lellllont had been completed and catch basins and road remained. crossings were underway. curb and gutter work would start shortly. (5) Excavation for the Salt Creek culvert waS continuing and it was hoped to (6) The culvert on Road 52 on the Ba\<er-penhale Drain had been completed as start asselllbly work in about 10 dayS. well as the fill over it. Clearing for the Kettle creek culvertS waS continuing as waS excavation of lllUC\< and clay backfill work. It waS hoped to start work on the culvertS (7) Kettle Greek conservation Authority had requested the county to start building within 2 weekS. call1ping roadS, but the ground had been tOO wet because of recent rainS. Kettle Creek culvert and culvert mate'!:ial waS e~ected from ArmcO Canada by (8) the Ministry of Transportation and Corot\lunicatiOns had approved planS for the the mont.h's end. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 12, 1976. PAGE 2. WARDEN SCHAFER AND THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the meeting with Small Craft Harbour Branch of the Environment Canada regarding dredging the Port Burwell Harbour. A further meeting with the Branch and the fishermen would be held shortly. Very little progress had been made as the Federal Government was unwilling to make any cvul1uitments. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR P~~ENT. PAYLIST # 36 AMOUNTING TO $ PA):LIST #. 37 AMOUNTING TO $ PA):LIST # 38 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 39 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 40 AMOUNTING TO $ 541.43 32,958.40 297.73 32,972.55 135,139.50 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ - (1) From the City of Windsor regarding amendment s to Municipal Act '. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION FROM THE CI1Y OF WINDSOR RE AMENDMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL ACT RE A VOTE OF ELECTORS FOR ROAD EXPENDITURES BE FILED. CARRIED." (2) OMERS r€~garding change in calculating employee's pension. (3) McKay, McKay & Vedova regarding zoning for North Shore Farming Co. Gravel Pit. (4) R. K. Mc.Neil regarding Mrs. Austin Smith and Robert Co'oremani. (5) Riverside Construction Company regarding increase in asphalt prices. (6) Kettle Creek Conservation Authority requesting that a landfill permit be obtained for the fill on Road 52 and stating they were examining the need for a pe~destrian underpass near the grade line on the east sidE~ of Kettle Creek Valley. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 12, 1976. PAGE 3. (7) To~ship of Yarmouth regarding zoning By.LawS. (B) Extendicare Ltd. regarding -revised drainage plans for their lot on Road (9) Ministry of T-ransportation and communications Structu-ral Office ag-reeing 23 in port Stanley. with committee's action in July 1976 -rega-rding the Middlemiss Bridge. (10) county of Middlesex ag-reeing with committee1'S action in July 1976 regarding (11) G. B-ro~ing, Head MuniCipal Roads, ~g-reeing to recommend to the Minister the MiddlellliSS and Walker B-ridges. that a cont-ribution f-rom St. .'rho11las Sanita-ry collection Services Ltd. could be expended as a receipt in the const-ruction of the MiddleseX - Elgin County Line if the county were to assume the road as a County road to the proposed solid waste landfill site. TRt. CMIRMAN AND ENGINEER REPORTED TMT AN OFFER had been made to Mi ss PhylliS Ferguson for approximatelY 4.1 acres of land requi-red from 'her prope-rty fo-r the diversion of Road 52 and that the offer had been based on a losS of -rentalS of the remaining property as well as general damageS because of severance. The offer including fence allowance totaled $ 12,B45. The committee agreed with the offer althOUgh there waS some thought that the loSS in rentals would not be as high as estimated. by Elf-riede Atcheson to divide the lot she purchased from the county in Lot 7, concession V, southwold. The Enginee-r waS instructed to write the Land Division The committee discUssed an application to county Land Division committee committee with a resume of the county'S action in establishing the 5 lots on the present plan. Dutton or for the other lot in Lot 7, concession V, southwold. He also stated that he had received a -request from pe-rcy Robinson to buY approximatelY 1 3/4 ac-res in The Engineer reported that no offers had been received for the lots in Lot 20, concession X, cut off by county Road 52. The committee felt the prope-rty could be sold, but should be tendered, all access should come f-rom the Township Road, and that the opinion of the Yarmouth To~ship council obtained. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. AUGUST 12, 1976. PAGE 4. The Engineer also reported that Mr. Melvin Hyde on Francis Street in Port Stanley wished to deed land to widen County Road 23 at no cost to the County. The land was slope from the Joseph Street Hill and Mr. Hyde did not wish to pay local improvement taxes on it. The CCJUlluittee agreed to accept the land as long as no liability was incurred either through the hillside sliding or trees falling. It was noted that M. Mitchell would retire near the end of the month. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON Tlli\T WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 8, 1976 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" . ~,) 1 ~.o' V~=~~;~ ) CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. .JULY' 14, 1976. PAGE 1. ~, on July 14, 1976 at 10:00 A.M. All lllelllbers present except Reeve Wilson. Mr. Frank Clarke, Ministry of TransportatiOn and communications waS also THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the MUnicipal Buildings present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of June 9 and 24 were read and 1. The sale of Lot on Road 20 north of Shedden to HugO KeuSch had not been THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS 1 approved. finalized and Mr. Reusch's deposit forfeited. The sale to Atcheson had been finalized. 2. GraSs cutting waS underway. 3. sweeping waS continuing as required. 4. Hot Mix Asphalt patching with County Truck and Graders on roads to be surface treated waS nearly cOtllPleted and surface treatlllent would start 5. work on Road 8 and 13 in DUtton waS nearly complete. next week. 6. Cement bagging at the end of culvertS on the Brown Drain in DUtton waS underway and the removal and replacelllent of culvertS, etc. would cost over twice the Engineer's drainage estimate plus the cost of pipe to replace 140 feet of pipe that waS not worth putting back into north of Road 13. 7. Paving had been completed on Road 20 in port Stanley. 8. Pavement marking waS underway for Oxford county. 9. Asphalt curb and gutter work had been completed on the hills east of Calton 10. MaC McLawS waS again crushing gravel at the County pleasant Valley pit with and on Road 16 at port Talbot. the material appearing quite good. Higgs & Higgs oragline had been rented to dig several test sections near the east boundary and good gravel had been found there al so · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ,JULY 14, 1976. PAGE 2. 11. The prOpE!rty of the late Florence Bucke on Road 30 (approximately 21:2 acres) had been purchased for $ 2100. 12. An Agreement based on County Land Purchase Policy had been reached for the Williams property on the east side of Kettle Creek on Road 52. 13. Agreements had been reached with the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority for the right of way, etc. needed for the Road 52 crossing of Kettle Creek. 14. Excavation work was underway for the culvert at Good:lngs on Road 52 and the top soil being stripped on the diversion through land purchased from Williams. 15. Trinnning, top soiling and shouldering was proceeding on Road 30,. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM John Wise, M.P. and Small Craft Harbours Branch of Federal Government regarding dredging Port Bur1;vell stating that it was not economical to dredge the harbour. It was decided to have an early meeting with John Wise, M.P. regarding the matter. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT approximately $ 3,800 had been spent by the County on Mosquito Control with all inside mapping completed and oustide mapping in the area of concentrated populated areas completed. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL and the proposed contract with the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. was discussed at some length. It was reported that representatives from the Township of Southwold and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection SE~rvices Ltd. would meet with County Council on July 15 and that representatives from the Ministry of the Environment would be present also. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ,JULY 14, 1976. PAGE 3. t'MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PAYLIST NUMBER 29 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 30 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 31 AMOUNTING ';{'O$ PAYLIST NUMBER 32 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 33 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 34," .AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST NUMBER 35 AMOUNTING TO $ 33,996.68 610.42 25.00 32,816.62 2,203.42 34,286.65 227,807.85 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: (i) Village of Port Stanley regarding rezoning for a Nursing Home on Road 23. The Engineer reported that there were some problems with stO:L:m drainage. (ii) Township of Southwold regarding rezoning for an estate lot on County Road 20 in Lot 5, Concession I. Reeve Monteith reported that a number of objections had been raised. (iii) John Meyer, President of Clark Equipment regarding the County's purchase of a loader other than one manufactured by his Company. The Engineer read his reply which was endorsed by the CVl1uuittee. (iv) Ministry of Transportation and CVl1u.uunications stating that a Dump Vehicle Inspection Programme was being started September 1. The Engineer stated that a licence to operate an inspection station was being applied for. (v) Note was made of an article in the London Free Press stating that Dofasco was expanding in Hamilton. (vi) T. Watson regarding the poor condition of Road 38. The Engineer was requested to reply. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED FOR PEA STONE AT $ 3.70 PER TON DELIVERED WHITE STATION AND $ 3.65 PER TON DELIVERED IONA (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS PATROL YARD). SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED.'f ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JULY 14, 1976. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT only Armco Canada had made a submission for Road 52 culverts over Kettle Creek. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TlU~T WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMOC CANADA LTD. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL FOR MATERIALS, SUPERVISION AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE KETTLE CREEK CROSSING ON COUNTY ROAD 52 AS PER THE COUNTY'S REQUEST FOR QUOTATION AND ARMCO CANADA QUOTATION NUMBER T-243 NAMELY $ 120,628 PLUS SHEET PILING AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $ 4,819.20 PLUS SUPERVISION OF BACKFILLING AT $ 1.50 PER DAY. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE 2 LOTS on John Street in Dutton for which no tenders had been received in June, had been placed in the hands of M.L.S. listing through Beaudry Real Estate and the asking price was $ 6,000 for the north lot and $ 7,000 for the south lot. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY. LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO MRS. GLADYS GRAHAM FOR PART #7 REFERENCE PLAN llR.986 BEING PART OF LOT 20 REGISTERED PLAN #U3 DUTTON. THE TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY TO COMPLETE THE PURCHASE OF PART 1 REFERENCE PLAN 11R.834 BY THE COUNTY FROM MRS. GRAHAM. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY.LAW 2413 BEING A SALE OF A PART OF LOT 7, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD TO HUGO AND DONNA KEUSCH BE RESCINDED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JULY 14, 1976. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED TO PLACE the lot that Mr. Keusch defaulted on into Real Estate hands with an asking price of $ 10,000. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT at long last a Deed had been received for the Whitney property and that an Agreement between the County and the Whitneys for joint development of the Whitney property and the property the County purchased in 1975 from the late Norman Higgs was ready to be signed. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH DONALD AND ROSE MARIE WHITNEY FOR THE JOINT DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR PROPERTY IN LOT 24, CONCESSION V, YARMOUTH AND ADJACENT COUNTY PROPERTY IN LOT 25, CONCESSION V, YARMOUTH AS A SAND AND GRAVEL PIT UNDER THE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT 1971. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE CONDITION OF Walker and Middlemiss Bridge over the Thffines River at some length using the reports of R. C. Dunn & Associates as a guide. He reported that officials of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications were of the opinion that in view of the report of Davies Testing Co. and their inspection that the concrete in the deck and piers of the Middlemiss Bridge were of very poor quality and that 10 years was likely the maximum life of both the piers and the deck and that some repairs would be required in the interval. The Engineer stated that he was of the opinion that a major expenditure of funds was not warranted and that minor patching only of the bridge should be done to keep it in service as long as possible. THE COMMITTEE WERE OF THE OPINION that no major maintenance shou~d be spent on the bridge and that a new brfpge would be required in 8 to 10 years. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JULY 14, 1976. PAGE 6. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT HE ALSO FELT that an additional major expenditure on Walker Bridge was unwarranted as it appeared that in the order of $ 125,000 to $ 150,000 would be required to improve the bridge to any degree and that even this expenditure would not greatly improve the load carrying capacity of the bridge. COMMITTEE WERE OF THE OPINION that as little money as possible should be spent on lNa1kers Bridge and that the question of replacement should be discussed whlen it failed, in the light of other County priorities. THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED TO REPORT the CVll11uittee's decisions ~~, to the County of ~ and the Ministry of Transportation and CVll11uunications. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 12 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED." (I) //fJ,"_// -, ~ '"" '- CHAIRMAN ',./' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD cQMl>UTTEE ~ ~ 'PAGE 1 TO TRE ~ARDEN AND J:offil1BF.RS OF F.LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: 1. yQ\lR CQMl>UTTEE BEGS 'to REPORT AS FOLLOWS - That the sale ot a portion 'Of Lot 7 concesSi'On V, south~old t'O RugO and Donna Reuscb ~aS defaulted by Mr. Keusch and his do""- payment ~aS kept by the CountY as damages sustained. d ~ d t. 120 628 tor material and That the quotatiOn 'Of ~co Cana a ut · a ~ ' supervision of erection for the Rettle Creek culvertS on Road 52 baS been accepted. . d ~.' ~s will supervise the $ 5,000 ~ill be suppl~ed an ~co ~ng~nee. ~ ~e 2 culvertS are of In addition sheet piling at an estimated cost of 2. retaining ~ing ~alls. ..... . . __ ~.1 cree\< and excavation lo~ered to allo~ e~cavation tor d~vers~on or ~-- p for footingS. trom the Creek Bed tor the footings and f'O~ the ea~th ~bankment. The ditficultY of rellloval of thiS sott earth ~ll detertlline ~hen actual From 12 to 15 feet of soft earth lllaY bave to be removed erection ot the culvertS can start. (1) That By-La~ 2413 being a By_La~ to sell a portion ot Lot 7, concession V, south~old, to "ugO and Donna Keusch be rescinded. ~E REcoMMEND - (2) That a By_La~ be passed authorizing the ~a~den and Clerk to sign a Deed tor a portion of Lot 20 Registered plan 63 Dutton as sho""- on Reference . ~iS ~ill complete a plan l1R_986 as Part IfI to MrS. Gladys Granalll' . . ...-rh'ch the Count" acquired sollle of MrS. Grahalll' s property t~ansact~on ~n ~ ~ J for the diversion of Road 8 in DUtt'On in 1975. ... continued ... ~\ \ COUNTY 01' ELGl1< ROAD CO~TTEE ~ ~~ PAGE 2 (3) That a By_LaW be passed authorizing the ~arden and Clerk to sign an Agreement with Donald and Rose ~arie ~itneY for the joint developlllent of tbeir property in Lot 24, concession V, Yarmouth and the adjaCent C ....t....1 4'Y"1 Lot 25 conce ssiOn V, yarmouth as "a Sand and G'ravel ountY prope. J ~,. ' pit under the pitS and Quarries control Act 1971. The Agreelllent will alloW the sand and gravel to be excavated to the property ltne rather than the 50 foot set back ordtnarilY required by the Act. All Of ~ich IS RespectfullY Sublllitted. ---- C[\1\l~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 24, 1976. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET on June 24 at 2:30 P.M. at the County Buildings in conjunction with County Council. All members except Reeve Nemett present. Also present, M. Hennessey, County Solicitor and other members of County Council. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT LORNE CARROLL BE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." A RESOLUTION FROM THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD as attached was read. THE RESOLUTION WAS DISCUSSED in some detail. M. Hennessey stated that he knew of no reason that the County could not enter into an Agreement with the St. Thomas Sanitary Gollection Services Ltd. to provide a price structure that local Municipalities had the option of using. VARIOUS MEMBERS OF COUNCIL expressed their opini.ons. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE REGOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD REGARDING ANY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LTD. BE FILED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 14 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED." (j)IJt?J CHAIRMAN \ cotfNT'l OF ELGIN ROAD COMM:r:rrEE ::::::: ~ FIRST REI>ORT ~ ~ June 24, 1976 Session .. TO THE TN ARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNT{ coUNCIL: We rec01J)1llend - That the Resolution of the Township of southwold regarding any Agreellle1\t between the county of Elgin and the St. Thontas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. be filed. CHAIRMAN "-?/' /f TOWNSHIP 1J1lA.l'o;J~ ~0 SOUTHWOLD J-- I ,,;~'" .J OF F\NGAL - ONTAR\O NOl 1 \<0 Phone 769-2010 r , THE KEYSTONE TOWNSH\P June 23, 19'76. county of :Fagin H.L. Johnson, Clerk 9 Gla.dstone Ave St. Thomas, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Proposed Agreement Waste Disposal County-St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. lrhe Township of Southwold Council passed the enclosed certified resolution on June 22nd., 19T6, regarding a proposed Agreement between the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. r~ Kindly bring this to the at~jntion of County Council at their next meeting. Yours truly, CO ,_ ~'.~ly. ~.;:)-------- \"z>,..~ RAP:mb encl. R.A. POW Clerk Treasurer .! I!f' l\tloved by Seconded by J\\ Longhurst K. Monteith June 22 _ Session 19 76 MUNICIPAL WORt.D I.IMITED, ST. THOMAS, ONT. Form 425 A No., 206 That this Council question whether Elgin County Council has the Legal right to sign any Agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services. May we point out that at this time there has been no hearing on the approval of this site and we strongly protest any abrogation of the rights of the ratepayers to have a hearing. Also tnls Counci~is in opposition of any rezoning of this property. If this Agreement is signed against this Council's wishes, then W~~ have no alternative but to take the only action left open to us. \t;' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY G.W. MONTEITH IJ ~ ~~~.> ~ ELGIN ROAD cm\M.'!,!t~ RJ!,po!E, ~ St. 'ThomaSl9 Onta-rio, June 17 Session 19"76 TO TRJ!. \'IARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN cOUN't'l COUNCIL: 'lOUR ROAD COMMlTTEE REPORTS AS FOLLO\'lS: 1. \'Ia1111s1eY Bros. Ltd. have completed 3 portions ot their contract tor ASphalt paving on Roads 42, 45 and Road 46 and have cOtllpleted 2. \'Ie have purchased a ChattfPion D_140 Grader frolll DOlllinion Road Machinery Sales Co. Ltd. with the County 1959 AdalllS crader as a part of 2 other portions. t-rade-in. All Of Vlhich Is RespectfullY SUblllitted. --- CAAIR.MAN '1': 'i'" lO, /II J-vri 0 R A T:..f R Cr ~ THIS AGREEMENT 'made this day of , 1976. ~~ BET VI E E N: ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, (hereinafter the "Owner"), OF THE FIRST PART, - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, (hereinafter referred to as the "County") for and on behalf of and for the benefit of those LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES in: the COUNTY OF ELGIN, more particularly de- scribed Schedule "A" hereto, (hereinafter referred to separately as a "Local l1unici- pality" and together referred to as the "Local Municipalities"), . OF THE SECOND PART, WHEREAS the Owner owns certain land in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin hereinafter mentioned and described and is desirous of using the same as a landfill type of waste disposal site; AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the Local Munici- palities, and to each of them, separately, the right to use the, said waste disposal site during the useful life thereof on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT HITNESSETH that in consideration of $1.00 now paid to it by the County (receipt whereof is hereby acknoH- ledged) the Owner covenants and agrees with the County for and on be- half of and for the benefit of the Local Hunicipalities and each of them, separately, as follows: 1. In this Agreement: 1.1 The "Additional Cost" in a calendar year shall mean the actual cost to the Owner of: (a) any necessary or expedient payment made to The Corporation of the Township Southwold, whether a lump sum, a royalty or pe~~odic payment or otherwise, (b) any necessary or expedient provision of waste disposal service to The Corporation of the Township of Southwold, or its residents, at charges for each ton of Waste so disposed of less then the Disposal Ra~e Per Ton at the time of such service, and the actual cost to the Owner of such service shall be deemed to be the ~:'~ :~'~("i r /1. "'. 2 difference between the actual charge, if any, for such service and the amount determined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton in that year, by the actual number of tons of Waste so disposed of, (c) any construction or maintenance of roads which are not on the Site for which it is necessary or expedient for the Owner to pay, (d) any payment or expense or the doing of anything which becomes necessary and which is not neces- sary at the date hereof, and (e) any payment or expense or the doing of anything required after the date hereof for the protec- tion of the environment on or in the vicinity of the Site, including the control, collectiop and treatment of leachate or gases and the monitor- ing, sampling and testing of ground and: surface water; save and except the cost of the instal- lation of the leachate drains and cdllection / pond contemplated by the Owner's current design for the Site, as shown on Schedule IIfF" hereto; /I and for the purposes of this definition of Additional Cost, "necessary" means required by any Federal or Provincial statute or regulation or by any municipal by-law or regu- lation or by any government or regulatory body or agency in connection with the establishment, use, maintenance and operation of the Site, and "expedient" means, requested, authorized or approved, in wri ting, by the Coun.ty; and. further, where the Owner has incurred an actual cost in a calendar year which ought to be amortized over a period in excess of one year in accordance with generally accepted t accounting principles, such cost shall be so amortized with all necessary adjustments for interest actually paid by the Owner in connection with ~he securing of the funds to pay such cost, and reasonable administrative expenses in connection therewith; and the Additional Cost for the year in which such cost is incurred shall be accordingly adjusted ~"...~ - 3 - 1.2 and the Additional Cost for all subs-equent calendar years shall be adjusted, as well, until such actual cost, interest, if any, and expenses, if any, are fully amortized and paid; The "Additional Ton Rate" in a calendar year shall be the amount determined by dividing the Additional Cost :for that year by the Total Annual Tonnage for that year; The "Annual P~r Capi ta Charge" in a calendar year to be paid by a Local Municipality under contract with the ~ner here- under wherein such Local Municipality has agreed to pay for the use of the Site an Annual Per Capita Charge, shall be the amount determined by multiplying such Local Munici:pa1ity-s Per Capita User Rate for that year by the population of that Local Municipality for the 'inunediately preceding calendar year as established by the last revised assess~ent roll of such Local Municipality according to the records of the local Regional Assessment Office of the Ministry of Treasury~ Econornics and Intergovernmental Affairs after deduc~ing from ! such population the number of the residents of institutions loca t(~d wi thin such Local Municipality, such as rtospi tals ? provincial, municipal and private Homes for the Aged~ Col- leges and schools to the extent that the residents of such . ' . . . institutions were included in the population of such Local Municipality, provided that, in respect of the c~lendar years in which the term of such contract cOuuuences or terminates, the Annual Per Capita Charge to be paid by such LocalMunici~ pality under such contract in such calendar year shall be calculated by multiplying the Annual Per Capita. Charge to such Local Municipality (determined as if it were under con- tract for that entire calendar year) by the number' of months in that year during which such contract was in fO'I;~ce a.nd by 'f ' dividing the product so obtained by 12, The HAnnual Per Cap;lta LJmit~' in a ca.1endar yea.r of a Local Municipality under contract with,the 9wner hereunder wherein such Local Municipality has' agreed to pay for the use of the Site an Annual Per Capita Charge, shall be the nun~er of tons determined by multiplying such Local Municipa1i.tyls P~r Ca,pita UseX' Limi t for that year by the population of t:h~.t: Local ~ 1.3 \;\~ 1.4 ~.Ij> t.r ~J - 4 - I':", Municipality for the illl1uediately preceding calendar year as established by the last revised' assessment roll of such Local Municipality according to the records of the local Regional Assessment Office of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs after deducting from such population the numbler of the residents of institutions located within . such Locl9.l Municipality, such as hospi tals, provin'cial, munici- pal and private Homes for the Aged, Colleges and schools to the extent that the residents of such institutions were included in the population of such Local Municipality; providE~d that, in respect of the calendar years in which the term of such contract commences or teJ.U1inates, the Annual Per Cap:tta Limit of such Local Municipality under such contract in such calendar year shall be calculated by multiplying the Annual Per Capita Limit of such Local Municipality (deteJ.lllined as if, i1: were under contract for that entire calendar year) by the /wmber of months in that year during which such contract was in force and by dividing the product so obtained by 12; , 1.5 The "Annual Per Ton Charge" in a calendar year to be paid by a Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder ~ wherein such Local Municipality has agreed to' pay for the use of the Site an Annual Per Ton Charge, shall be the amount deter- mined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton for that year by the number of tons of such Local Municipality's Municipal Wast~ brought to the Site for disposal in that yearby employees of such Local Municipality or by any person under contract with such Local Municipality for the haulage of such Municipal Waste or by the employees of any such haulage contractor; 1.6 "Act" means The Environmental Protection Act, 1971, as amended, and all regulations thereunder, as amended; 1.7 The "Base Operational Ton Rate" in a calendar year shall be determined in accordance with Schedule "B" by reference to the Total Annual Tonnage in that yea~, and shall be the amount in column 2 of Schedule "B" set ~pposite the appropriate Total Annual Tonnage range in co1unm 1 of Scbedu1e "B"; 1.8 The "Disposal Rate Per Ton" in a calendar year shall be the I. V;'ff" · 1 t., 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 - 5 - the amount which is the aggregate of the following amounts: (a) the Operational Ton Rate for that yeai, (b) the Ownership Ton Rate for that year, and (c) the Additional Ton 'Rate for that year; "Effective Date" means the day upon which this Agreement comes into force and effect as provided in paragraph 19 hereof; "Garbage" means the following types of abandoned or dis- garded Waste generated, produced or created by a House- holde.r.: All animal and, vegetable waste material from the pre- paration of food, cans, sweepings, paper, cardboard, wearing apparel, ashes, bottles, glass, discarded. household utensils, lawn and hedge cuttings, leaves, twigs, shrubs, brush and tree limbs; "Hazardous Substance" means a substance which, because of i~s physica~ or chemical nature or because of the form in which it exists may explode or become ignited easily or cause intense flames or which constitutes a health hazard to the Owner's servants, agents or employees by reason of their handling the same; "Householder" means the occupant of residential premises, whetl1er the owner, lessee, tenant or otherwise; The "Life of the Si teU means the period cOUllllencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement and ending upon the date when the Owner may no longer dispose of l.Jaste in the 'Haste Disposal Area as provided in paragraph 19 hereof; The l"Municipal "laste" of a municipality shall mean the following types of Waste, generated, produced or created within the territorial lim~ts of such municipality: (a) Garb~ge from Householder, (b) Waste from institutions such as hospitals, Homes 'for the Aged, Colleges and schools, and (c) an amount of cOuwJercial waste not in excess of the amount so generatedi produced or created and disposed of by suc~ municipality in the calendar year of 1976, '.,... - 6 - 1.15 The "Operational Ton Rate" for each ensuing cal~ndar year shall be calculated by multiplying the Base Operational Ton Rate for that year by a factor determined by dividing the Consumer Price Index for December of the iuuuediately preceding year by the Consumer Price Index for December of 1975; 1.16 The "Ownership Ton Rate" in a calendar year shall be deter- mined in accordance with Schedule "B" by reference to the Total Annual Tonnage in that year and shall be the amount in Column. 3 of Schedule "B" set opposite the appropriate Total Annual Tonnage range in column 1 of Schedule "B"; 1.17 The "Per Capita User Rate"" in a calendar year shall be an, amount dete.L1Uined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton for that year by O~365j 1.18 The "Per Capi ta User Limi t" in a calendar year shall be 0.4 tons; 1.19 "Site"! means those lands, including structures thereon, (I , shown in Schedule "'c" heretol and as more particularly de.... scribed in Schedule "D" hereto; 1.20 The "Total Annual Tonnage" of the Site in any calendar year shall be calculated by deducting from the aggregate of the { , actual number of tons of<~ast~\ from any source brought to the Site in that calendar year for disposal~ including such Waste as is to be processed, recycled or reclaimed, the aggregate of the actual number of tons of: (a) earthfill material entering the Site in that calendar year for the purpose of coyer material or top soil, (b) material, such as earthfill, granular material, foundry sand, broken tile, etc~, entering the Site in that calendar year for the purpose of building and maintaining roads, and (c) material which, having been processed, recycled or reclaimed and sold, is transported from the Site in that cal~ndar yeari provided t~at in respect of the broken calendar years at the beginning and at the end of the Life of the Site, the Total Annual Tonnage shall be calculated by multiplying the Total Annual Tonnage for such broken calendar year, detE~.Lwined as 1.1J , l 1.21 .. 7 .. '-- f mo!\tnS du-ri!\g sucn b-rO~e!\ afo-resaid. bY tne !\Umve-r 0 ' ~ne!\ tne ~aste DiSyosal h-rea ~aS actuallY Waste a!\d by di~idi!\g tne calenda-r year. i!\ use fo-r tne diSyosalOf y-roduct 50 obtai!\ed bY 12; "\'laste" mea!\S Ga1'bage 01' -refuse o-r conl1!\e-rcial ~aste of a!\Y ~i!\d i1"l"" !\d e1tceyt tne to.Ll-~" tne mea!\i!\g of tne Act. sa~e a . b'nl" combustible mate-rial of a!\Y (a) e1ty10S~~e o-r ~g , o-r domestic. i!\dust-rial _.~....udi!\g ~aste ~itni!\ natut:e, (b) (c) (d) cat: bodies, sneet i-rO!\ a!\d sc-ray metal. . '. d. ...oetet: ot: ea tet:' d t-rees naV'~!\g a ' ~a," " t-ree stu1llYs a!\ , n -reate-r tna!\ 4 feet. tna!\ 10 i!\Cnes a!\d a le!\gt g .~~e 01' t01tic mate-rial. anY cot:t:os 1.. '" . a!\Y ca-rcasses of a!\imals. (e) (f) (g) (b) 1.2'2 li,\uid \'JaS te, a!\Y Uaza-rdOUS Substa!\ce. !\d ~i!\d as is !\O~ o-r may (i) ~aste of a!\Y !\atu-re a · " time be y-ronibited fo-r d~s- ne-rei!\afte-r at a!\, f ~ statute ot:' 1 t tbe site bY -reaso!\ 0 a!\, posa a . 0\'J ot:' , . ,f tne ?-ro~i!\Ce of O!\ta-r~o !\ -regulat~O!\ 0 ' · 1 ted o-r ame!\ded; ne-reafte-r e!\acted, y1'Omu ga ' , d · tbi!\ tne Site uyo!\' .' earlS tne la!\ ~~ "\'laste DiSyosal h-rea 11\ · tn ited i!\ acco-rda!\Ce ~~ . '!\ ~nicn \'las te 1I\aY be deYos ~!\tO o-r ~ -roV'al iSSued to tne . 'o!\al ce-rtificate of hyP tne ?-ro~~s~ t at tne f tne site pu-rsua!\t to tne hC · ~e-r i!\ -resyect 0 ' d outli!\ed i!\ -red' o!\ f ....,b; en la!\d is sno'\NL\ a!\ ""_ et: eO , V'I ..... 2. a co~t1'act fo1' tne use of tne a!\Y a!\d eV'e-rY Local Life of tne site a!\d 3. , ~ , : 4. ~ ontiOn shall do SO . . C1 sucu r . . alitY e~e~c~s~np · ~ Local ~un~c~Y cont'ract ~n eaCH . the owne~ a . and delive~~ng to .' t:iate~ by e')tecut~ng 1 "B" he~eto. appt:op of scbedu e t. an"" the fo-rtll subS tan 1- J 'f""ing the~ein: 1 dated. spec~J ,d Y f the cont~act, an · la) the te~tIl 0 1 }\unicipal~tY , .. b term t'he Loca ' au-r~Ug sue . (b) '\tIhether. · ta Cha~ge or an , J>,.nnual l'e~ cap'l. 'Will yaJ an 't n Cba-rge, J>,.nnual l'e~ 0 . d b"" an enabling bY- ~ ^"'Q. accomk>an~e J . tIln leteU an 1. and otber'ltl'l.se CO 't' · f' d b"" tbe cle~'" 1. ...r ce-rt~ ~e J 1 }\unicipa 'l.tJ . ' h laW of sucb Loca ' · nd delive~Y of sUC . he e~ecut'l.on a 1 authO~iz~ng t binding unae~ sea . f b"" the 01Nt\er. a ' " ~eceipt the~eo J cont~act; and upon ' between the owner and intO e~istence d cont~act shall come '\tIith the te~ms an . in acco~aance b' Local }\Unicipal'l.tY d d thiS J>,.g~eement. t e aelive~e an f he cont~act SO conditions 0 t tS as afo~esaid. .~. a in cont~ac' ' b snec~~'l.e ftet: 'the te~m to e ... h n tWO monthS a ence not leSS t a (a) shall cotlltll f to the ownet:. , the delivet:Y the~eo the date of .' f a month and t the beg'l.nn'l.ng 0 , ) shall cotlltllence a (b ^"'d of a month, a at tbe ev shall en ' t:S whet:e the e "leSs than five yea, . (c) shall not b . the contt:act haa . . alitY delivet:'l.ng Local }\un~c~p · ~ het:eunder . a. tS ok>t~O~~ . usl"" e~e~C'l.se 'l. not p-re"~o J a 0 and to 0 s,. than tht:ee yeat:s. . shall not be leSS I d) other'ltl'l.se, d shall not , . herein grante and the opt'l.ons but 'thiS M;reement · e Bffective Date. 01Nt\e~ unt~l th be binding upon the d delivet: a cont~act . e~ecute an "" Local }\unicipa1~tY may ""time befot:e the anJ ' 3 he~eof at anJ d. na-rag-rayb ' Q. 'have _~nvide ~n t' 11 be deetlle to .. ~v"\r-ract sba __A suc..~ h I'"__i> t e rooutno ....- _ 8 - 5. \ Bffective Date. ' · 1 Local }\,~niCipalitieS nd all contractS w~th 'thiS J>,.greement. a 1 be binding upon the to thiS J>,.greement shal · made pU~ suan t ' '. · and as '\tie 11, ~ f the ~ .fe of tbe 51-te, a · ng the '-'~ ' · f owner onlY ut:~ eat: du~ing the L~ e . anY calenda~ Y !otal J>,.nnual !onnage 'l.n 6. '4 1: 1 · . 1 S tnan 30,UUv " " d 8S 000 tonS 0': 1.S eS , of tne site e)lCee S , " t s 'Wi tn 'Local , d all contrac n' Agreement an tOnS, tnen t 1.S ~,' .oreement snall t to tu1-S nt.) .' made pursuan dunicinal1.t1.es ' ' ,,'~d shall not ~1 r. 1 d ~ ~ea~ . 3~~ d of sucn ca en a J terminate at tne en b' ding upon tne owner. tnereafte,: be, 1.n, ' ,.' unde': contract 1 ocal 1'\uniC1-pal1-tY 1-S t tne case tnat a ~ after tne end n 1 ner Ton cnarge, ' an I\n:o\.18. J: to paY to tne owner contract and in respect . tne term of sucn f eacn 1I\0ntn dur1-ng , n 1.ocal 1'\unici- o ~ 11 render to sUc b Ov:rne-r sua of tnat 1I\0nth, t e t~e nU1l\ber of tonS . ' . t eflua1 to .Ll . fo': an a1l\0un '1. lit" an in'J01-ce broUgnt to tne pa J' . , d..nici....al vlaste . 'pal1-tY s ,",v " ' of such 1.ocal 1'\un1-C1- n 1.ocal 1'\unicipalitY s 1 in sucn 1I\0n tn by s UC · · Site for disposa ,n 1.ocal 1'\un1-C1-- ontract '11'11-tn sUc rson unde': c nloY- employees, a pe · · 1 VIas te or tne em" 1 ,of sucn Mun1-C1-pa palitY for tne nau age . lied bY an estimate t.....actO~ mul t1..:P n lage con ~ ' ' ' b eeS of sucn a aU lendar year in 'II'In1-C te l'er Ton for tne ca ' of tne DispOsal Ra . a be rendered by t~l" in'J01-ces 11\ y 11 sucb 1I\0n "J ucb 1I\0ntn fa s. " · ....alitJ sball paY s ~ Local Mun1-C1-" . il and sUC" ' prepaid ord1-nary 1I\a . be 1I\0ntblY in'J01-ce, amount set fortb 1-n t · to tne O\Nf\er tbe ' 10tn day follo'll'l1-ng 'd on or before tbe rendered as aforesa1- ' . At tne end of eacn .' of tbe in'J01-ce. tne date of ma1-ling to sucn ~ocal 1 l'er Ton Cbarge tbe ]>,rlnua lpe-r calendar yea':, d ter1l\ined and al pro . f tbat year sball be e er Municipal1-tY or tS bet'll'leen tbe O\Nf\ d · tbe accoun 11 be 1I\a e 1- n d ' adjUst1l\entS sba lendar year; an 1-n , . alitY for tbat ca ' d Sucb 1.ocal 1'\un1-C1-P ....tbl-" naylllentS an ,,~t of tbe 11\0<<, . J " , egate a1l\0v" nt tbat tbe aggr rl" payable. tbe e~e d tbe amount prope 'J d "ear e)lCee s' · f r sucb calen ar J b 1.ocal Mun1-C1-- o d.cce-reuee to sue b te tbe 1-'-'- " ~ O.~er sball re a f the fol10'li'11-ng t"e v'" da of 'February 0 or before tne 10tb Y b rate of 1% per ter in default,at t e interest tbereaf ' ~ .'e~,t tbat tbe d . n tlLe e v LL if de1l\anded; an 1- paylllentS fo': sucb calenda,: ble sucb Local 1:0pe-rlY paya ' tban tbe a1l\0unt P, e': on 0': befo,:e d' fference to tbe ()'Ii'1U , sbal1 pay tbe" 1- 'f' tbe fol10'li'1ing yea':, f e b-rua1:1 0 . _ 9 - palitJ oU yea-r 'Witb 1I\0ntb or pa,:t tbereof. aggregate amount of tbe 1I\0ntblY yea': is leSS l1unicipality tbe 10tb day of ~ 11 ~ - 10 - 9. In the case that. a Local l1unicipality is under contrac't to pay to the Owner an Annual Per Capita Charge, after the end of each month during the term of such contract, and in re- spect of that month, the OWner shall render to such Local Municipality an invoice for an amount equal to one .twelveth of the estimated Annual Per Capita Charge for the calendar year in which such month falls. Such monthly invoices may be rendered by prepaid ordinary post and such Local Munici- pality shall pay to the Owner the amount set forth in the monthly invoice, rendered as aforesaid,on or before the 10th day following the date of mailing of the invoice. At the end of each calendar year, the Annual Per Capita Charge to such Local Municipality for that calendar year shall be deter- mined and all proper adjustments shall be made in the accounts b~tween the Owner and such Local Municipality for that calendar ye.ar and in the event that the aggregate amount of the monthly payment for. such calendar year exceed the amount properly payable, 'the Owner shall rebate the differenc.e to such Local Municipality on or before the 10th day of February of the following year with interest thereafter, in default, of 1% per month or part thereof, if demanqed; and in the ~vent that the aggregate amount of the monthly payments for such calendar year is less than the amount properly payable, such Local Municipality shall pay the difference to before the 10th day of February of the following year ./)~..... The Owner shall dispose of, at the Site, all Municipal Waste of any Local Municipality under contract with the Owner here~ under and brought to the Site for dispo~al by any such Local Municipality's employees 1 any person under contract with any such LocalMuni~ipality for the haulage ot such Municip~l W~ste or the employees of any such haulage contractori provided that the Owner shall not be required to accept Waste for. disposal at the Site brought there; (a) by any person who fai,ls to ~bideby the reasonable instruct~ons of the Owner or its.employees, whether posted up or verbal, as to the manner in which 8. - 11 - such person is to conduct himself or operate any vehicle over which he has control while at the Site, (b) any person who fails to proceed to and from the Site along such road as may be determining pur- suant to the Act, and (c) unless it is transported to the Site in a garbage truck mounted on an adequate chassis with a fully enclosed body equipped with machinery capable of unloading itself, or in a tarpaulin covered truck so equipped; and provided that, in the case that a Local Municipality is under contract to pay to the Owner an Annual Per Capita Charge, .the Owner shall not be required to accept: for dis- posal at the Site in any calendar year, pursuant to such contract, any amount of such Local Municipality's Municipal Wast~~ in excess of such Local Municipality's Annual Per 10. Capita Limit for that year. The Owner shall dispose of, at the Site: (a) at its then prevailing cOli~ercial disposal rates as posted up at the Site, cOullllercial waste in . . excess of the limits prescribed in clause (c) of subclause 1!14 of Section 1 of this Agreement, and, (b) in the case of a Local Municipality un.der con- tract hereunder to pay the Owner an Annual Per Capita Charge, at said commercial rates, but not exceeding by 10% the then current Disposal Rate Per Ton, Municipal Waste in excess of the limits prescribed in Section 9 of this Agreement, generated, produced or created within the territorial limits of any Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder and brought to the Site for disposal by 11. any such Local Municipality's ~mployees, any person under contract with such Local Municipality for the haulage of such Waste or the employees of any such haulage contractor. Subject to causes beyond its control, the Owner shall, as a ", ~ . ~ ... 12 - minimum, keep the Site open for the receiving of Waste for disposal between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, in each week, provided however, the Site may, in the d:Escretionof the Owner, be closed on statutory holidays.. 12. The Owner shall cause a weigh ticket to be issued for every load of Haste entering the Site. Such weigh tieket shall show the date, name of the hauler, the origin of the load, the person on whose behalf it is brought to the Site and the net weight of the load measured by weighing the vehicle both in and out of the Site; provided that in the case of a load of the Municipal Waste of a Local Munieipality under eontract with the Owner hereunder, for all purposes of this Agreement, the net weight of such a load shall be deemed to be the greater of the actual net weight thereof or one ton. Duplicate copies of all such issued weigh tickets shall be retained by the O\VI1er and the Owner shall summarize the said weigh tickets and shall forvJ'ard such summaries on a monthl!y basis to each Local Municipality under contract with the Owner pursuant to 13. this Agreement. u ' The Owner shall make and keep detailed records and sup- porting vouchers relating to the calculation of Additional Cost and the weigh tickets issued at the Site. All such records, vouchers and weigh tickets shall be open to the inspection and audit of any Local l'1unicipality under contract with the Owner hereunder or such Local Munici- pality's authoriz,ed nominee at any time during regular business hours at the Site throughout the te.LLU of such contract with the Ovmer and for one year subsequent to the expiration of the term of such contract and the County may at any time during the Life of the Site conduct such an inspection and audit and oversee the weighing of vehicles in and out of the Site. " 14. Save with respect to the computation of an Annual Per Ton Cha.rge or an Annual Per Capita Charge, which Charges shall " - 13 - he calculated and rounded to the nearest cent, all other calculation required or permittted by this Agreement shall be made to the sixth decimal and shall be rounded to the fifth decimal. 15. In the event that a Local Municipality at any time during the teJ.U1 of a contract with the Owner hereunder contracts 16. with a person for the haulage of its Municipal Waste to 'the Site on behalf of the Local Municipality, the Local Munici- pality shall take all such steps as are reasonably available to it from time to time to ensure that such haulage contrac- tor and his employees shall accurately account to the Local Municipality and the Owner for such Waste so hauled to the Site as distinct from Waste hauled to the Site by the same haulage contractor on behalf of others. The Owner shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of .representations made to its weigh scale operator as to the origin and type of Waste brought to the Site and as 17. to the person on whose behalf such Waste is brought to the Site, made by any person who is an employee of a Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder or who is a person under contract with such a Local Municipality for the haulage of its Municipal Waste or who is the employee of such haulage contractor. Inasmuch as the Owner is not at the date hereof authoriz- ed by the Act to permit the use of the Site for the dis- 18. posal of Waste created, produced or generated within the territorial limits of some of the Local Municipcllities, it is a condition precedent to the use of the Site by such Local Municipalities and to the execution and deliv- ery by suc~ a Local Municipality of a contract hereunder that the O~er first obtain such necessary authorizations; and until such necessary authorizations are obtained, the . Owner shall be under no obligation hereunder to such Loca.l Municipalties, except t.~at the Owner agrees to use its best efforts to obtain such n.ecessary authorizations. Nothing herein shall limit the Owner" s right to enter into agreements with other parties with respect to the ., ( '. - 14 .. disposal of Waste, whether or not such Waste is geperated, produced or created within the territorial limits of any of the Local Municipalities and, whether or not: such Waste is the subject of this Agreement; nor shall any- thi.ng "herein limit the Owner's right to enter into agree- ments with respect to the provision of additional services, in connection with the disposal of Waste pursuant to- this Agreement or contracts entered into with Local Municipal- ties hereunder. 19. This Agreement shall only become effective and binding upon t~e Owner when the Owner is in a position to deposit Waste in the Waste Disposal Area without being in contra- vention of any Federal or Provincial statute or regulation, any municipal Dy-Iaw or regulation, or any law, order, injunction or restraint whatsoever imposed by any Court of competent jurisdiction or by any government or regu- latory body or agency; and the day upon which the Owner is in such a position shall be the Effective Date of this Agreement and the Life of the Site shall terminate when the deposit of Waste in the Waste Disposal Area becomes a contravention as aforesaid. 20. Any notice or communication to the Owner' shail be deemed to be well and sufficiently given or served if handed to any officer of the Owner or if mailed to the Owner by prepaid registered post addressed to it at R. R. #5, St:. Thomas, Ontario or such other address as the Owner may designate, by written notice, and, if mailed, notice shall be deemed to have been given and service shall be deemed to have been effected on the fourth business day 21. after mailing. The County may, at the request of any Local Municipality, take such action and do such things as may be necess",ary or desirable to enforce this "Agreement for and on behalf of such Local MunicipalitY or ',all of the Local Municipalities, , but the County is under no obligation whatsoever so to do. 22. In the event that the County acquires or assmnes direct responsiblity, either by legislation or agreement, for the p~ovision of facilities fo~ the disposal of the Municipal '~aste gene~ated, p~oduced o~ c~eated ~ithin the te~~ito~ial limits of any of the Local Municipalities. the County shall be entitled to all ~ights. benefits and options contained in this Ag~eCment in the place and stead of any such Local Municipality; and if, at the time of such acquisition o~ assumption of ~csponsibility! any such Local}1unicipality is under cont~act ~ith the ownc~ he~eunder, the County shall assume all of such Local Munici1?alityls obligations to the .. 15 ... owne~ pursuant to such contract, This Ag~ccment shall ensu~e to the benefit of the Local Municipalities and each of them, separatelY, and their ( respective successors and shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the owner, itS'Successors in title to the site and it shall run ~ith the land. 23. IN'~ITNESS ~HEREOF St. Tho~as Sanitary Collection service Limited and The corpo~ation of the CountY of Elgin have hereuntO set their corpo~ate seals over the hands of their respective 1?ro1?e~ office~s duly authO~ized in that behalf. ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED per: ---- president THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Per: ---- ------ VIarden Pel: ~ -_....--~. Clerk The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been authOrized by the county's ~.._ , AW No. pas sed the _ , 1976. SCHEDULE "A." ~ The corporation of the Town of l\ylme1: The corporation of the Village of Belmont The corporation of the Village of Dutton The corporation of the Village of port BU-rwell The corporation of the Village of port Stanley The Corporation of the Village of Rodney The corporation of the Village of springfield The corporation of the Village of Vienna The Corporation of the Village of ~est Lorne The corporation of the TownshiP of l\ldborough The corporation of the TownshiP of Bayham The corporation of the TownshiP of South Dorchester The corporation of the TownshiP of Dun~ich The corporation of the TownshiP of Malahide The corporation of the TownshiP of "ia'[1l\OUth "'!1' '.".. SCHEDULE "B" (1) Total Annual Tonnage (In thousands of tons) (2) Base Operational Ton Rate (3) Ownership Ton Ra.te 30 to 35 $ 6.06 $ 2.28 from 35 to 40 5.47 1.97 from l+O to 45 5.01 1.74. from l+5 to 50 4.63 1.56 from 50 to 55 4.31 1.41 from 55 to 60 4.07 1.29 from 60 to 65 3.86 1.18 from 65 to 70 3.68 1.10 from 70 to 75 3.52 1.02 from 75 to 80 3.38 0.95 from 80 to 85 3.25 0.90 = u ~ ~ :::> Q ~ ::r: u CI) s ;- " . k,_= - ~___! ,,.,....-.- ~w~ ~ no. ~.. ~_______ ,~~ . r=~----~~ ~~~' \~"~~~;~~~/;/]~~,~~~I~,10~~(~~~~k~" ' "\ :!\ '\ /A'~'-'''~'''::;~'_:- ~.~ ~':;.D ~\~:::::;:t(;'l::.~ "~- ~ i ~ \ '" /)~"'NC.~ ,_' T" T".'.t;~A_ '~_, T.....C~~ 1/ L~~ ~ VJ~, '- l~ ~ \ -if~~ci7~~~~~~i~~> j~~~:-'''f ~~~;:-e-7'" '" ~-'" \, ~ / };f,;."iiii"~t~'-7\~-1 ' U ~ -::;:; ~ ""'\ ---'\ \ \! '''''~ .i I . ~ ~ Cl~ ~ 'i, il r- ~y ~ /~~ ,ro. :I n t ~ ~ l ~ . I ((f7-~-':"::~:::~1:loT\'2.'\ M.,A(-I~','( .(:~,~' 23]1[1 II ' , i I': co,.~ /"1.;1~~ \ \, \\\'?J.Q.\~ \ '-'f' / ! : <V ~ ~ i \ ~.". " , . i~ ..,.iJ ct. ~ < ~. b"" /:11 ',. ~~ ( - bm ~ \ \ U\ \\ \ -=-813 ".,,",,-~ 11;, ~J.v,<J1t~,-~/..--,,",\ ~.t~~:'>_~i \ \ ---------,--------~-------_\.,.-\ -=-~-~~::.:-'~~:';;:~::'_="':~,--~,-~~.,~,_., -=-, -. ----, ~~ ~~- ~~~~,~~~-~.:_, -,~. - \ . ~ ......~, . ~,~----c"V'W"'40:~ \---- u____________.._"''=________.:.-='~==_-::~~'~'_~.__---" _,--:- -~,.- r'-~' ", -~--\..,'-- -. .. ;! 'ot.J . lII: LOT 21 C.OIo.J . :m: '~- ". "'J r~ ~A I:. U~ H j 1 J40TE:So. ON ~A.C;.,",-. DIiiL.....,~ . ~.. DIZ~. M. "7 ~0Cl. F"1toUt.L. c.c...TOUQ.$ t C""'tT'Y OP oPeo.N OiTGH FIil.OM. -~"'fO'" 'C: .'C: To 506C.TIOW.....-.; r$ I~, C.,F So. I ....~D OW rt . .o~ .. ..,..,tMl,Jlil ~E:<:.Tt<:IW 'c..o .'C: !;. ~I'T'( ~ OPEo....O\T'-" I='IiZolOrM. ~C.TtioIoJ "(7:.'0. To ~T~ Co'C' 1'$ ~ c p~.. bA.~ Qt.,l.,. .o~ t".l.,UMUM. '$&.CTIOW 'O'--g' 4. -'5 UQTa...o CN '$6.CTlo.... '/Ii. .'A ,..~ ~~~ ~u.. W. U"!5of::C To Cl'IV'UET '5I.JCs:.r.ce:. W'Ti;.2. ~....."( F~>>. "1..1.. ~ ~~"5. s....wy 'SU!it';A.C:E:. wa.'Tt:.2. TH~T ~S c.wT&.Q. .. T~~ ~ L&. P\..IM.~ .ou.T .. ~E.O To .. ~TlOW <:.oNT~ flI't..A""'Fo&~.L... NOTE.5' L T&.~T ~i.!J '.2..~ WIl.L & lJ~&.D ptc. ~'W.QU5....T Ga:>uNO""T&a.. A.~L.Y~~~ I. PONe '...- TOe.e u'5E.O fOIif.. F"IRE. "~"TU.fW A.f na,.T "ND THE.N Ft~lE.O 'N P'R lOR 11::) v~ A'!t .0\. ~fIlO~ ARCA. ~ WLu.. "oQ >>4OU'b6. l~ 10' ~T... AWe ~ "'-T OF~. '" W1DIl.O ~1'tV'1C-'" ~ w::uw. .. UN~QA.CllOUND FR.O'w\ R,oa. QoHI..... !l HVOQ:O ';E.RVtC.E. oe.. R~" \C;. O~ .....ooOt.N pC)LIi." ON 'THe. ~T" ~DL 0* TH~ QOA.C 6 Af'tUl. r~ FtltST 12. ~c. COY..P..:i.~ TWl. 1lL^M'frrtOUI. OF Tl-E. .~JrE. ~ e.,E DE,......E.l.OPW;) ~....c. . ~H....Q PROuQE.~=\O""'. LEGEt-JD: C) __ . _l> o&QEA .--- --e.xI6T....- ~ OITC..... -.-t lE.ttt~. 'h.....~O go~.)o ~""""- c:=J .ll.T1............ '- ateOtt (=:J 6.JU:;'Tl"O ..cuw.~ ~ ~x.i:"T1toa(j, ~"'",..__6 . l""toT. f1CIL.... .-.-.~5.WC& ~~(~~T) ..-.;...--.P'.1o.lC.1. u...&.~(PW)PI:>66D) /1./ .//. e.....^'. PIlW~O Pa....TE, ~ .. ~ -. . ~u..U) P8.tVATe. It.~ ""~w oPI:", QtTc;.... \, 1'~~.OPboon"". u:>CATo..CF 12t{>/14 I ~..~ " 'Kc.~ a;:"To 0--(7 e:WGT~~ , _! IUv'6100. ! .-n I ~..._ o ~ ~ Ii ~ II~ Ii II i I" I SITE 8 AREA PlANS SOIL TEST REPORT ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTICtII SE:RVICE LTD. D1S~~ SOUTHWOLD TONNSHIP LOTS 21,22 a 23 - CON,m - r.IOO' - .... 4 a.L.uw. C.ch.,. . , -. SC11.EDUl..'E "pH ~ll and Singula~ tbe ce~tain pa~cel o~ t~act of land and p~emises situate. lying and being in tbe TovmsbiP of soutbwold. in tbe county of Elgin. and being composed of: FIRSTLY tbe No~tb balf of Lot 21. in tbe 'thi~d concession of tbe Tovmsbip of soutbwold, e1tcept tbat pa~t e1tp~op~iated by tbe Depa~tment of Higbways by 1'1an Numbe~ D 286. SECONDLY tbe No~tb-we$t balf of Lot 22 in tbe Tbi~d concession of tbe TovmsbiP of soutbwold comp~ising of looac~es mo~e o~ leSs e1tcept tbat pa~t taken fo~ ~oad pu~poses by tbe Depa~tment of Higbways, THIRDLY tbat pa~t of Lot No, 23 in tbe Tbi~d concession oftbe said TownsbiP of soutbwold desc~ibed as follows: Co~ENClNG at tbe No~tb-east co~ne~ of tbe said Lot; Tbence soutb 450 East along itS Easte~lY lUnit 964,92 feet; 'thence ~est 450 soutb 1,980 feet mO~e o~ lesS to tbe ~est limit of said Lot; 'thence No~tb 450 ~est. 1888.26 feet mo~e o~ lesS to tbe No~tbe~lY limit of said Lot p~oduced; 'thence East 200 No~tb along tbe No~tbe~lY limit of said Lot to tbe place of beginning; E1tcept tbat po~tion of tbe above desc~ibed land cut off by tbe ~oad allowance between concession 2 and 3 in tbe said TovmsbiP of soutbwold. SCi\E1)UL'E "E" , 19 THIS CONTRACT made tbis BET Vl E E N: daY of THE C01'ORATI0N O"F THE . OF . (bereinafter tbe "l..ocal 1:'\unicipali ty") , OF THE "FIRST 1'l\RT, O"F THE SECOND 1'l\RT. ;.nlERE/l.S tbe O~er o~s and operates a landfilling type of . . f l..otS 21 22 and 23. concession 3. ~aste dispOsal s~te on part 0 ' in tbe To~sbiP of soutbWold in tbe countY of Elgin; . .' l..OCal 1:'\unicipalitieS /l.ND ;.nlERE/l.S tbe O~er baS g~'I7en to certa~n ~ .. . tbe f 'C01 . n of ~bicb tbe l..OCal 1:'\unicipal~tY ~s one, in tbe countY 0 ~ g~ · rigbt to use tbe said ~aste dispOsal site in accordance ~itb tbe d dl."tl..ons of a certain /l.greement (bereinafter referred to termS an con 1976 and made , and - ST. THO~~S S/I.NIT/l.R~ CO~l..ECTI0N SER~ICE l..11:'\ITED. (bere~nafter tbe "O-wue-r'1) , as tbe \'/l.greement")' dated tbe daY of f El. fo-r bet~een tbe ownet: and Tbe Cot:pot:atiOn of tbe countY 0 . g:\.n and on bebalf of and fot: tbe benefit of tboSe l..ocal 1:'\unicipalitieS " tb j\g-reement" in tbe county of Elgin 1'lIot:e pat:tiCulat:1Y set out ~n e ' . . 1. t d s it:eS tbe use of tbe said /l.ND \i/UER"E/l.S tbe 1~Ocal 1{un~cWa ~ y e ..' ~aste dispOsal site on sucb termS and conditions and baS e~ecuted and deli'l7et:ed tbis contract pursuant to tbe /l.gree1'llent; NO~ THEREFORE THIS cONTRACT ~ITNESSETH tbat tbe l..OCal 1:'\unici- 'th tbe owner as follows: palitY CO'l7enants and agt:ees w~ d f" d' n tbe In tbiS contt:act all wot:ds and pbt:ases e ~ne ~ d . t nt as l\gt:eement sball ba'l7e tbe same meaning an ~n e · tberein set out as if incot:porated intO and repeated ~n 1. thiS contract) t t tbe ~o~eement tbe l..OCal 1:'\unicipalitY bere' 1'ursuan 0 Pp~ · . f 11 of itS 1:'\unicipal ~aste at tbe agrees to d:\.spose 0 a ' site for a term of montbs. co~encing on tbe fir! , , . and ending on tbe last daY 2. 19 day of . h . d. te.-n tbe l..OCal l1unicipalitY sball pa Dur~ng t e sa~ ,,~ Cbat:ge in accordance witb tbe , 1.9 ; 3. J\.nnua1 l' eT fI,. ~\ lI\ \ I I - 2 - provisions in that behalf contained in the Agreement and in default thereof, the Local Municipality ShElll pay interest at the rate of 1% per month or part thereof on 4. overdue accounts, if demanded. Throughout the term of this Contract the Local Municipal- ity agrees that it will be bound by all of thE~ terms and conditions' set out in the Agreement. 5. Any notice or couullunication required or permitted pursuant to the Agreement or this Contract to the Local Municipal- ity shall be deemed to be well and sufficiently given or served if handed to the Clerk of the Local Municipality or if mailed to the Local Municipality by prepaid register- ed post addressed to it at: or such other address as the Local Municipality may designate, by written notice, and, if mailed, notice shall be deemed to have been given and service will be deemed to have been effected op the fourth business d~y after mailing. 6. This Contract shall enure to the benefit of the Owner and its scucessors in title to the Site and shall be binding upon the Local Municipality and its successors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Local Municipality has hereunto affixed its corporate seal over the hands of its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE OF Per: Per: Clerk The execution and delivery of this Contract has been authorized by the Local Municipality's By-law No. passed this day of . 19 SCHEDULE "F" ST. THoMAS SANITARY COLLECtION SERVICE LTD. AGREEMENT BETWEEN and The fol1o",ing DocUlnent comprise Schedule "F" and are deposited in the <) jl;;".<'l (~.J~.. County of Elgin las(\# \ CORPORATION 01' THE COUNT'{ 01' ELGIN plan drawn by DeLeU'" Cather, consulting Engineers and planners. Dated Nov./74 project # 07_137-00 Existing conditions at initial diSposal area~N 1/2 ~ot 22 ~ Con. 111 - south",old TwsP. Map # 1 Existing Local and on_Site Drainage pattern. Map # 2-A Existing Regional Drainage Pattern. Map # 2-B Map # 3 AppendiX A~1'igure 3-A on_Site Geologic cross Sections Bl_B. Cl_C & nl_D. Bottom contours. Final Contours.. Ma.p # 4 Five Year Refuse Disposal plan. Site preparation outlined in Report. Map # 5 t~1 4' ,f;. r'}l J,.i ..; p I: DATED this day of 1976. BET WEE N: ST. THO~~S SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, (hereinafter the "Owner") OF THE FIRST FART, - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, (hereinafter referred to as the "County") for and on behalf of and for the benefit of those LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES in the COUNTY OF ELGIN, more particulary described Schedule "A" hereto, (hereinafter referred to separately as a "Local Municipali ty'I and together referred to as the "Local Municipalities"), OF THE SECOND PART. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Part Lots 21, 22 and 23, Concession 3, Township of Southwold, County of Elgin WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES 612-383 Richmond St., LONDON, Ontario, N6A 3C4 \' '( ~/ SURFACE TREATMENT LIST 1976 CONSTRUCTION Charge to GC #1 ~ Road 3 - from Highway 3 southerly 1 ,~ MAINTENANCE (' 1. St. Thomas Suburban Road CVlluuission Road 26 - from Road 25 to St. Thomas (last done in 1971) 2. Middlesex County Line Road 17 ~ at Southwold Station (last done in 1970) 3. County Road 2 - from east limits of West Lorne to Ecker Drain (last done in 1971 & 73) Road 8 - (~) from Highway 401 to Road Allowance between Concession IV and the Gore (last done in 1972) (b) from Road 9 northerly (last done in 1972) (c) Wal1acetown to Surface Treatment (last done in 1973) Road 13 - to complete to Road 14 (last done in 1969) Road 19 - throughout (last done in 1970 & 73) ~Road 22 - south of Road 27 (last done in 1971) V Road 23 from Highway 4 to Hot Mix at Port Stanley (last done in 1971) Road 28 - south of Elm Street (plus prime) Road 45 - from Road 35 to Road 40 (last done in 1971) (except Hot Mix at Highway 73) ~Road 51 - west of Hot Mix County fJp-~::} Page 1 1.2 miles 0.90 milE~s 0.1 miles 5.0 miles 0.8 miles 0.5 miles 1.6 miles 2.0 miles 3.7 miles 2.0 miles 0.8 miles 0.4 mile 5.1 . miles 0.4 mile 22.3 miles continued .- SURFACE TREATMENT LIST 1976 Page 2 PATCHING Road 16 - Fingal Hill Road 29 - ( & Prime) To finish upgn _ Road 24 from Road 23 to Road 22 CUSTOM WORK City of St. Thomas & (Prime) Canada 'Vitrified & (Prime) Township of Yarmouth Township of Southwold (2 miles & Prime) g'}..~ Village of Dutton _ for M;l.ni~try of the Environment '''il/U'71'V.L Aldborough Township .6 mile Ministry of Natural Resources at New Glasgow Check ~ Lyle Willard - Iroquois Beach 874-4691 Malahide - maybe Port Bruce Bayham ? Aylmer ? South Dorchester ? Port Stanley ? ":~ COUNTY OF ELGIN GRADER TENDERS Net after Trade In. Sales Tax Exempt. 1. Dominion Road Machinery Sales Limited, P. O. Box 308, Goderich, Ontario. Champion 0-740 176 HP GM6-71N Motor Snow Plow TOTAL 2. Renash Tractor & Equipment Limited, P. O. Box 670, Lambeth, Ont&rio. John Deere Model JD670 (125 HP only) (Does not meet Specifications) 3. General Supply Company of Canada (1973) Ltd., 5280 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario. Galion T600 Series B (Includes 4 speed automatic transmission). TOTAL 4. Crothers Limited, 50 Enterprise, London, Ontario. Caterpillar Model 140G 150 HP Plow TOTAL 5. Capital Equipment Ltd., 2 Royal Crest Road, Rexdale, Ontario. Clark (Austin Western) Super 301 Plow TOTAL ,? 6. Renash Tractor & Equipment Limited, P. O. Box 670, Lambeth, Ontario. t John Deere Model JD770 Plow TOTAL $ 47,400 6,100 $ 53,500 $ .54,421 $ 56,591 $ 62,565 8,500 $ 71,065 $ 64,570 8,480 $ 73,050 $ 64,048 9,309 $ 73,357 ~ jy;- p -r~ / June 9, 1976 ~~~ ~ QUOTATIONS FOR PRIMER AND EMULSION June 1976 1~ I I (Cents Per Gallon) FOB Factory Freisht Total PRIMER GuI f Canada Ltd., Clarkson 36.25 4.99ct 41.24 Imperial Oil Ltd., London 37.7 3.77 41.47 EMULSION CATIONIC RSIK 1. F1intkote Co. of Canada Ltd. 35.2 .5.3 40.5 Long Branch 2. Chevron Asphalt Ltd. 40.1 5.6 45.7 Toronto 3. T. J. Pounder 37.9 5.2 43.1 Brampton 4. Nor-John Contracting Ltd., 36.2 5.8 42.0 Niagara Falls 5. R. E. Law Crushed Stone Ltd., 33.8 5.8 39.6 Port Co1borne j to'. 'i. ~~. .1" -- DATED this day of ,l9 ~i BET WEE N: THE. CORPORATION OF THE OF (hereinafter the "Local Municipali ty") OF THE FIRST PART,. _ ...... A - Q.uu ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, (hereinafter the "Owner"), OF THE SECOND PART, WASTE DISPOSAL CONTRACT ST. THOMAS, ONTARI0. JUNE 9, 1976. 'PAGE 1. [' ( on June 9, 1976. Also members, egCept Reeves Wilson and Nemett in attendance. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the MUnicipal Building THE MJ.NUTES OF T1:1:E MEETING OF MAY 12 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date as folloWS: 1. Walmsley BroS. had completed Asphalt Paving on Road 42, 45 and 46 and would complete work in Rodney and West Lorne for the Villages by the 2. Repairs had been made to Road 3 in Rodney and charged to carlinghill weekend. 3. constructiOn was continuing in Dutton with nearly all the curb and ~tter construction. 4. Pavement "Marking waS underway with the City of St. Thomas being completed. completed. 5. One culvert had been replaced and one lowered for the Village of Dutton 6. work waS underway on lowering the culvertS on the Brown Drain on Road 13 on the BroVffi Drain. 7. The bearings on the WardSville Bridge had been replaced and tests on the in Dutton, the work to be charged to the drain. concrete in the piers of the Middlemiss Bridge would be tested on thursdaY 8. Gravel Shouldering had been completed on Road 42 and Road 45 after Paving and Friday. and waS underway on Road 45 between Calton and Highway 19. 10. Grader work had been done on the port Talbot Rills on Road 16 to improve 9. Shoulder work waS underway on Road 46 after Paving. drainage and an asphalt curb and gutter would be placed on the east hill as constant washoutS were filling the catch basins. 11. Asphalt patching on roads to be surface Treated would start shortly. 12. A fence had been built for the City of St. Thomas on the property line between F. O. Lewis and the St. Thomas Reservoir. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 9, 1976. PAGE 2. 13. Calcium Chloride work had been completed except for road shoulders. 14. An interim Soils Report had been received from Golder's indicating about 6 to B feet of soft silt~ below the stream bed of the Kettle Creek at the proposed crossing site of Road 52 culverts. While this would add to the expense, the site was still the most practical crossing site and surveys were continuing. Armco Canada waS revising their design which would have to be at right angles to the road to be practical. June or early July. some stripping work waS underway and Riggs Dragline would dig some test holes near the east property line. 15. Mac McLaWS would be crushing more gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit in late 16. Culvert installation on Road 52 and 30 would not take place until July. 17. The Engineer presented the attached list of roads to be surface treated as a Maintenance Operation. THE ENGLNEER PRESENTED A LLST of Tenders on a Grader as attached. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTELTR THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DOMLNLON ROAD MACRLNERY SALES LTD. FOR A cBAMl'LON MODEL 740 GRADER COMPLETE m:rR PLoW AT TRELR TENDERED PRL CE OF $ 53,500 WL TR TRE COUNTY OF ELG"lN GRADER # 11 AS A TRADE LN. ALL SUBJECT TO TRE MLNLSTRY OF TRANSPORTATLON AND cQMM!JNLCATLONSl APPRO V AL. CARRIED.H "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT THE FOLLoW'lNG PA'iLLSTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. PA'iLLST # 24 AMOUNTLNG TO PA'iLLST # 25 AMOUNT"lNG TO PA'iLLST # 26 AMoUNTLNG TO PA'iLLST # 27 AMOUNTLNG TO PA'iLLST # 2B AMoUNTLNG TO $ 33,825.45 $ 12,417.99 $ 32,547.83 $ 205 .19 $ 266,745.59 CARRIED .'l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. .JUNE 9, 1976. PAGE 3. NO TENDERS FOR LOTS ON JOHN STREET in Dutton had been received. Sale of these lots was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO PLACE THE 2 LOTS ON JOHN STREET IN DUTTON IN THE HANDS OF A REAL ESTATE AGENT FOR SALE. (JXfULTIPLE LISTING) CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER REEVE WILSON PRESENT. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED Quotations as attached for Emulsion and Primer. "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF R. E. LAW CRUSHED STONE LTD. FOR CATIONIC EMULSION RSIK AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF 33.8 CENTS PER GALLON F .O,.B. THEIR PLANT AT PORT COLBORNE. IF THE QUALITY OR SERVICE IS NOT SATISFACTORY THE TENDER TO REVERT TO FLINTKOTE COMPANY AT 35.2 CENTS PER GALLON F.O.B. THEIR! PLANT AT LONG BRANCH. ALL SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ' APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOV]~D BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF GULF CANADA LTD. FOR ASPHALT PRIMER F.O.B. THEIR PLANT AT CLARKSON AT 36.25 CENTS PER GALLON. SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 9, 1976. PAGE 4. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM The Village of Port Stanley regarding rezoning of Koscis property on George Street tl THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT TESTS were being made on the concrete piers of the Middlemiss Bridge to determine the quality of concrete so that the feasibility of repairs could be determined. A Soils Report had been received from Golders which showed that soil pressure against the north abutment could force the abutment to move toward the river. To stop the condition it would be necessary to construct an approach span. The practicality of this and repairs to the main chord would be discussed with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Bridge Office as soon as possible. The Application of the North Shore Farming Co. Ltd. for rezoning to Pit and Quarry zoning for the land at the intersection of County Road 22 and 45 was discussed at the request of Yarmouth Township. The Committee agreed that the location of entrances (one on each road) should be part of the Agreement as will an Agreement to sell to the County a 17 foot road widening on Road 22. A variance in the set back permitted by County By-Law of Buildings on Road 28 proposed by Glen Donald was discussed. Chairman Cook stated he would look further into the matter. The Township of Yarmouth requested the County rent them a mower tractor for the Summer. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE RENT THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH A SMALL TRACTOR TO CUT WEEDS FOR THE SUMMER. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 9, 1976. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE APPRAISAL ON THE FERGUSON property on Road 52 and was authorized by the Cvuuuittee to use it as a basis for negotiations with the Fergusons. Arrangements for the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention in Quebec City were discussed. Road inspection for East Elgin was postponed indefinitely. A request by the Elgin Hiking Club to cut a trail through the County property at White Station was denied. The attached Proposed Agreement with the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. was presented and discussed at some length and amended in a number of places. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT DRAFT 3 OF THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LTD. AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BE PRESENTED TO COill'1TY COUNCIL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SEca~DED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 14 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED." ~~~/~~ .'CHAIRMAN ,rl l / . . ~( j:)A~-If .w.. THIS AGREEHEN.T made thisC#i'day on, ~~. 1976. IlJ h' < ~ BET H E EN: ~,v~' ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE .~ LIMITED, (hereinafter the "Owner"), OF THE FIRST PART, \ i':\ - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, (hereinatter referred to as the "County") . for and on behalf of and for the benefit ._of~ those LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES in' the COUNTY OF ELGIN, more particularly de- scribed Schedule "A" hereto, (hereinafter re~ferred to separately as a "Local l1unici- pality" and together referred to as the . "Local Municipalities"), OF THE SECOND PAR'l\ HHEREAS the Owner owns certain land in the Township of Southwald in the County of Elgin hereinafter mentioned and described and is desirous of using the same as a landfi.ll type of waste disposal site; AND \lliEREAS the Owner has agreed to grant to the Local Munici- palities, and to each of them, separately, the right to use the said waste disposal site during the useful life thereof on the te.L11lS .:ind conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT HITNESSETH that: in consideration of $l.OO now paid to it by the County (receipt whereof is her.~by acknow- ledged) the Owner covenants and agrees with the County for and on be- half of and for the benefit of the Local Municipalities and each of them, separately, as follows: l. 1.1 In this Agreement: "Access Road" means that portion of the Townline Road which I X/\ \J /" ../ (), ,.1. ), '"", i, / I .. \ f. /'./""t / / ~ Y\Li \,' ../ ' .......c.. fonns the north boundary of the Township of Sou.thwold betweet its intersection with Highway No. 4 on the east and its in- tersection with the Third Concession Road on the west and that portion of the Third Concession Road for its intersec- I tion with the Tovmline Road as aforesaid to the entrance of the Site; 1.2 T'lle "Additional Cost" in a calendar year shall mean the actual cost to the Owner of: (a) any necessary or expedient payment made to The Corporation of the To"\mship of Southwold, whet]hel~ a lump sum, a ~oyalty or periodic payment or other wise, (b) any necessary or expedient provision of waste , -~ (>, .I." lJ"\" V\ {~ i'~A <i ................."...... .....,..'.~".......~... ~\ - L - disposal service to The Corporation of the Wo Township of Southewld, or its residents, at charges for each ton of Waste so disposed of less than the Disposal Rate Per Ton at the time of such service, and the actual cost to the Owner of such service shall be deemed to be the difference between the actual charge, if any, for such service and the amount determined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton in that year, by the actual ntllllber of tons of Waste so disposed of, (c) any construction or maintenance of roads which are not en the Site for whieh it is neces~ary or expedient for the Owner to pay, (d) any payment or expense or the doing of anything which becomes necessary and which is not neces- sary at the date hereof, and (e) any payment or expense or the doing of anything required after the date hereof for the protec- tion of the environment on or in the vicinity of the Site, including the control, collection and treatment of leachate or gases and t~e monitor- ing, sampling and testing of ground ,and surface water; save and except the cost of the instal- lation of the leachate drains and collection pond contemplated by the Owner's current design for the Site, as shown on Schedule rtF" hereto; and for the purposes of this definition of Additional Cost. "necessary" means required by any Federal or Provincial stat:ute or regulation or by any municipal by-law or regu- lati.on or by any government or regulatory body or agency in connection with the establishment, use, maintenance and operation of the Site, and "e:x;pedient" means, requested, authorized or approved, in writing, by^the County; and. further, where the Owner has incurred a.n actual cost in a calendar year which ought to be amortized over a period 1.4 - 3 - in excess of one year in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, such cost shall be. so amortized with all necessary adjustments for interest actually paid by the O\mer in connection 'vi th the securing of the funds to pay such cost, and reasonable administrative expenses in connection therewith; and the Additional Cost for the year in which such cost is incurred shall be accordingly adjusted and the Additional Cost for all subsequent calendar years shall be adjusted, as well, until such actual cost, interest, if any, and expenses, if any, are fully amortized and paid; The "Additional Ton Rate" in a calendar year shall be the amount determined by dividing the Additional Cost for that yea! by the Total Annual Tonnage for that ye~r; The "Annual Per Capita Charge" in a calendar year to be pai.d by a Local Municipality under contract with the Owner here- under wherein such Local Municipality bas agreed to pay for the use of the Si.te an Annual Per Capita Charge, shall be the amount deteJ..Ulined by multiplying such Local Municipality's Per Capita User Rate for that year by the population of that Local Municipality for the iuuuediately preceding calendar year as established by the last revised assessment roll of such Local Municipality according to the records, of the local Regional Assessment Office of the Ministry of Treasury, Econonlics and Intergovernmental Affairs after deducting from such population the number of the residents of institutions locate!d within such Local Municipality, such as hospitals, provincial, municipal and private Homes for the Aged, Col- leges and schools to the extent that the residents of such institutions were included in the population of such Local Municipality; provided that, in respect of the calendar years in which the te.LlU of such contract COllUUences or te.Llllinates J the Annual Per Capita Charge to be paid by such l.ocal Munici- pality under such contract. in such calendar year' shall be calculated by multiplying the Annual Per Capita Charge to such Local Municipality (dete.Lulined as if it werE~ under con- tract for that entire calendar year) by the numbe~r of months in thclt year during which such contract was in force and. by dividing the product so obtained by 12; . ~ l.3 .!' .~ - 4 - 1.5 The "Annual Per Ton Charge" in a calendar year to be paid by a Local Municipality under contract with the Owner her€~under wherein such Local Municipality has agreed to pay for the use of the Site an Annual Per Ton ChargE~, shall be the amount determined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton for that year by the number of tons of such Local Municipality's 'Municipal Waste brought to the Site for disposal in that year by employees of such Local Municipal- ity or by any person under contract with sl.lch Local Munici- pality for the haulage of such Municipal Waste or by the 1.6 employees of any such haulage contractor; "A'ct:!"means The Environmental Protection Act, 1971, as l.7 amended, and all regulations thereunder, as amenqed; The "Base Operational Ton Rate" in a calendar YE~ar shall be determined in accordance with Schedule "B" by reference to the Total Annual Tonnage in that year, and shall be the amount in column 2 of Schedule "B" set oppoHite the appropriate Total Annual Tonnage range in column 1 of SchE~dule "B"; 1.8 The "Disposal Rate Per Ton" in a calendar year f;hall be the amount which is the aggregate of the following amounts: (a) the Operational Ton Rate for that year, (b) the Ownership Ton Rate for t:hat year, and (c) the Additional Ton Rate' for that yea:c; l.9 "Effective Date" means the day upon which this Agreement comE~S into force and effect as provided in paragraph 19 herE~of ; ~ I. I C "Garbage" means the following types of abandoned or dis- gar(1ied t'Jaste generated, produced or crE~ated by ,a House- ho lder.: All animal and vegetable waste material f~rom the pre- paration of food, cans, sweepings, paper, cardboard, c wearing apparel, ashes, bottles, glass, distarded household utensils, lawn and hedge cu1:ti.ngs, leave.s, twigs v shrubs, brush and tree limbs; ,.J.-;-W "Ha:~ardous Substance" means a substance which, because of . I I . . I its physical or chemical nature or because of the form in J I /" --l-:-tt f. ! ('" l. iZ- ( I :: ~rr / I L!- , J ' ~" I, I 5 ~tn \J~~ · ~ /,I{ _1......:r6- 11/ I 7 " __l.-J:-r I,) C - 5 - which it exists may explode or become ignited easily or cause intense flames or which constitutes a health hazard to the Owner's servants, agents or employees by reason of their handling the same; "Householder" means the occupant of residential premises, whether the owner, lessee, tenant or otherwise; The "Life of the Si teU means the period corrunencing on th'e Effective Date of this Agreement and en~ing upon the 'date when the Owner may no longer dispose of Waste in the Waste Disposal Area as provided in paragraph 19 hereof; The HMunicipa1 Waste" of a municipality shall mean the following types of Waste generated, produced or created ,qithin the territorial" limits of such municipality: (a) Garbage from Householder, (b) Waste from institutions such as hospitals, Homes for the Aged, Colleges and schools, and (c) an amount of commercial waste not in ex.cess of the amount so generat~d, produced or created ,/ and disposed of by such mun.icipality in the calendar year of 1976. The "'Operational Ton Rate"^for each ensuing calendar yea.r shall be calculated by multiplying the Base pp~r~tional Ton Rate for that year by a factor deteLwined by dividing I the Consumer Price Index for December of t~e iuwlediately I prec.eding year by the Consumer Price Index f~r December C,,-, ,..pf 1975; The "Ownership Ton Rate" in a calendar year shall"be dete.l..111ined in accordance with Schedule "B" by reference to the Total Annual Tonnage in that year and shall be the amount in Coluuu... 3 of Schedule "B" set opposite the appropriate Total Annual Tonnage range in column 1 of Schedule "B"; The "Per Capita User Rate" in a calendar year shall be an amount dete.l..Ulined by multiplying the Disposal Rate Per Ton, for that year by O.365;^ "Site" means those lands f "including st.ructures thereon.. . shown in Schedule ne" hereto, and as more particularly described in Schedule uD" hereto; ~ /. . c' , {! .,(. ,,( ,J'" r~~tlU",~~ fl . /'./ ,J' \,\.V' \\", ,.....,.: . \ ~,' I //;\/.,//1 /i, \, \.Y/' f',i"A., ,(\ \ l. "'I /- . \,. ., 'f/l' j \ I ".~ I I \ ~ Ii \/ . './, JL ;/... , , //, '..y-- I'ft/ f .' I ...e"'" ,I ..I/~'./ // ",// / (0 .t6) - /C folt t _l..-1,9- / ' r'! C - 0 - The "Total Annual Tonnage" of the Site in any calendar year shall be calculated by deducting from the aggregate of the following: (a) the nwnber of tons of Hunicipal H~Jj~e of the f:) -c. {~'v Township of Southwold or of any ~~~~~"".l:~-'" (b) .--_... Municipalitiesl\brought to the' Site for disposal in that calendar yea~, and the actual number of tons of \-1aste from any industrial or cOlwlercial source (not otherwise included in subclause (a) above) brought to the Site in that calendar. year for disposal, in- eluding such Waste as is to be processed, t~ if \t..~".,.;~'1,' \ i:'. I. / recycled or reclaimed, \ r' .'. \ ~ (j '" '-,'..,"'\ q S:f . '1 " the"::a~-r;e,g'at~'~'fv':tl1e ~'a~~~~- number of tons of: (c) earthfill material entering the Site i.n that calendar year for the purpose of cover material or top 50i.111 (d)' materialj such as earthfill, granular materiaL foundry sand, broken tile, etc, enterin.g the Site'in that calendar year for the purpose of building and maintaining roads', and (e) material which, having been processed; recycled or reclaimed and sold, is transported from the Site in that calendar year; provided that in respect of the broken calendar years at the beginning and at the end of the Life of the Site, the Total Annual Tonnage shall be calculated by multiply- ing the Total Annual Tonnage for such broken calendar year~ dete~wined as foresaid, by the number of months during such broken calendar year. when the Waste Disposal Area was actually in use for the disposal of Waste and by dividing the product so obtained by 12; "VIas te~" means Garbage or refus e or domes tic J indus trial or conmercial waste of any kind including waste within the meaning of the Act, save and except the following: (a) explosive or highly combustible material of any nature, ~ . I ~. \ ... 7 ... (0) car bodies. (c) (d) sbeet iron and sct:ap metal. d tt:ees baving a diametet: greatet: tt:ee stumps an .d a lenotb gt:eater tban 4 feet. tban 10 ~ncbes an t> . ....T.e. or to~iC matet:ial, anY co-r-rOS1.V anY carcasses of animals. liq.uid 'Waste t (e) (f) (g) (b) any HazardouS substance. . . d \(.ind as is nO~ ot: may (i) waste of any natut:e an · . bet:einafte-r at anY time be p't"obibited fot: d:\.s- 1 t t~e site bY t:eason of any statute or posa a" . . . f tbe l't:ovince of ontat:io no~ ot: -regulatl.Oll 0 . d nt:omulgated ot: amended; bereaftet: enacte · r .. tbe land ~itbin tbe Site upon. "~aste DispOsal l\t:ea means · b deposited in accot:dance ~l-t'b 'ntO ot: in ~bicb ~aste may e :\. l' ued to tbe tbe l't:ovisional cet:tificate of /l.ppt:O'l7a :\.SS b /l.c\- at t1"\e .. t. f tbe 5i te pu-r&Uant to t. e .. O"'T'r"\. et: :\.n -respec. . o. . "',. . d It n -red on . 1 d' s sbo~ and outl~ne 1- date bereof. ~b:\.cb an. ~ 2. "e" be-retO. Scbedu1e to eacb and eve-ry . revocablY grantS . oM-e O~et: bet:ebY 1--r · to entet: intO J.I.~ 1 tne opt1..on 1. se1?at:ate y. . Local ,!:,\unici?a :\.ty. · 'nal ~aste at tbe . osal of its ,!:,\un:\.c:\.r a contt:a.ct for tbe d:\.sp . and f-rotl\ time to time . d at any t1.1l\e ma" deC1- e. · · site. as tbeyJ . . sand cond1-t1-ot\s S.te on tbe term . f of the 1.. du-ring tbe 1..:\. e . a&tet: set fortb. he-rel.ll .L 3. f r tbe use of tbe .ntO a cont-ract 0 . to ente"X' ~ ~ sucb opt:\.on _ . nd every Local- fo"t e~ercise by anY a .' . site sball be open. 1..' fe of tbe site and time during tbe 1- '!:'\unicipalitY at anY .' ucn option sball do SO . .lity e~erc~s:\.ng s . eacb Local ~un~c~1?a ~.~et: a contt:act in . .! ng to tbe V 'IV ..- . and del:\.Ver.1- iate- by e~ecut1..ng 1 1'f." bet:etO \ ap"!?"topr - form of scbedu e substantiallY tbe .. f. .. g t'he-rein ~ 1 dated. spec~ y:\.1\ d Y of tbe contract. an · .. (a) tbe term tbe Local ~uniC1-pal~tY during sucb term (b) ~betbet:. .Cha-rae 01.': an 1 pet: ca?~ta t> 'Will paY an /l.nnua 1 'Oe. 't TOl"\. cna-rge, J\.nu ua. ~ - 8 - 4. and otherwise completed and accompanied by an E~nabling by- law of such Local Municipality, certified by the Clerk under seal, authorizing the execution and delivery of such contract; and upon receipt thereof by the Owner, a binding contract shall come into existence between the Owner and the Local Municipality in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract so delivered and th:is Agreement. The term to be specified in con~racts as aforesaid, (a) shall COUUllence not less than two months after the date of the delivery thereof to the Owner. (b) shall COUUllence at the beginning of ,a month and shall end at the end of a month, (c) shall not be less than five years where the Local Municipality delivering the contract has not previously exercised its option hereunder to do so, and (d) othE~rwise)' shall not be less than three years.,.. Thi.s Agreement and the options herein. granted shall not be binding upon the Owner until the Effective Date, but any Local Municipality may execute and deliver a contract as p~ovided in paragra.ph 3 hereof at any time before the Effective Date and such contract shall be deemed to have bee~n delivered to the Owner two months before the Effective Date. Thi.s Agreement, and all contracts with Local Municipalities made pursuant to this Agreement shall be binding upon the Owtler only during the Life of the Site; and as well, if the Total Annual Tonnage in any calendar year during the Life of the Site exceeds 85,000 tons or is less than 30,000 tOllS, then this Agreement and all contracts with Local Municipalities made pursuant to this Agreement shall teJLll1inate at the end of such calendar year and shall not thlereafter be binding upon the Owner ./\ In the case that a Local Municipality is under contract to pay to the Owner an Annual Per, Ton Charge, at the end of each month during the term of such contract and in respect of that month, the Owner shall render to such Local Munici.- pality an invoice for an amount equal to the number of tons: 5. 6. 7 . . 0 . x> \ ~.~ \ ,'.,l(, , " " \ '\\ ,r \, i ',.\:'....t".-..j.. ""'-" \~\"\i I '". ~"-, ,\j''''- I ",~ \, / '\ f\ / '\, ,/ \'11'1\ ""- j -""', \\, i \ \ / ." "'" I ' , 8. - ';1 - of such Local Municipality's Municipal Waste brought to the Site for disposal in such month by such Local Municipality's employees, a person under contract with such Local Munici- pality for the haulage of such Municipal Waste or the employ- ees of such a haulage contractor, multiplied by an estimate of the Disposal Rate Per Ton for the calendar year in which / such month falls.. Such Local Municipality ~hall pay to the O\vuer the amount set forth in the monthly invoice, rendered as aforesaid, on or before the 10th day of the month follow- ing the month in respect of which such invoice is rendered: At thE~ end of each calendar year, f the Annual Per Ton Charge to such Local Municipality for that year shall be dete.Lluined and all proper adjustments shall be made in the accounts betweE~n the Owner and such Local Municipality for that cal- endar year; and in the event that the aggrega.te amount of the monthly payments for such calendar year exceeds the amount properly payable, t.he Own.er shall reba te. the diff(~r- ence to such Local Municipality on or before the 10th day of February of the following year; and in the event that the aggregate amount of the monthly payments for such calendar year is less than the amount, properly payable, such Local Munic:lpality shall pay the difference to the Owner on or before the 10th day of February of the follow~ng year. In the case that a Local Municipality is under contract to pay tc:> the Owner an Annual Per Capi ta Charge, at the end of each month during the te.LW of such contract, and in re- spect of that month, the Owner shall render to such Local Municipality an invoice for an amount equal to one twelveth of the estimated Annual Per Capita Charge for the calendar year in which such month falls. Such Local Municipalit.y shall pay to the OWner the amount set forth in the monthly invoice, rendered as aforesaid, on or before the 10th day of the month follo~ing the month in respect of which the invoice is re- endered. At the end of each calendar year, the Annual Per Capita Charge to such Local Municipality for thai calendar year shall be dete.Lluined and all prope.r', adjustments .shall be made in-the accounts between the Owner and such Local Munici- 7 ( 10. ',. / \ ! . I l~. '.D~ ",.;','7,/0 \, /' l' ~. ,/ Sf \ .\,,/ / ""'~' ,/~' rt'1T"'''''''.' ll. 12. t - 11 posal at the Site in any calendar year, pursuant to such contract, any amount of such Local Municipality~s Municipal Haste in excess of an amount obtained by multiplying such Local Municipality's Annual Per Capita Charge for that year by O.4Aand by dividing the product so obtained by such Local Municipality's Per Capita User Rate for that year. The O"tvner shall dispose of, at the SitE~, at its then pre- , vailing cOcu:..lercial disposal rates as posted up at the ... ..---..,_.-~,.'"'-"."....:;---~~~.=-~~. Si tE~: (a) c01l1mercial waste in excess of the lillnits pre- scribed in clause (c) of subclause 1..l3 of Section 1 of this Agreement;,and, , (, '; (b) in thecase.of a Local Municipality under con- tract hereunder to pay the Owner an Annual Per Capi ta Charge, Murticipal "las te in exees s of the limits prescribed in Section 9 of this Agreement, ! - geri'e~'ated, _pro~~<:e~_~.~E_..~,~eat_~~_...~.~!E_~~._!~:,~._ terri torial limits of any Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder and brought to the Site for disposal by any such Local Municipality's employees, any person under contract with such Local Municipality for the haulage of such Waste or the employees of any such haulage_contractor. Subject to causes beyond its control, 1:he Owner shall, as a min:ltmum, keep the Site open for the receiving of \vas~e for disposal between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p~m., Monday through Friday, in each week, provided however, the Site may:. in the di!.scretion of the Owners be closed on statutory holidays. The OWner shall cause a weigh ticket to be issued for every load of l.Jaste entering the Site.. Such weigh. ticket shall show the date, name of the hauler, the origin of the load, the person on whose behalf it is brought to the Sitle and the net weight of the load measured by weighing the vehicle both in and out of the Site; provided that in the case of a load of the Hunicipal Waste of a Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder, for all purposes of this Agreement, the net weight of such a load shall be deemed to be the greater of the actual net - 12 - l3. weight thereof or one ton. Duplicate copies of all such issued weigh tickets shall be retained by the Owner and the Owner shall sUuuaarize the said weigh tickets and shall forward such sUffirnaries on a monthly basis to each Local Municipality under contract with the Owner pursuant to thi.s Agreement. The Owner shall make and keep detailed records and sup- porting vouchers relating to the calculation of Additional Cost and the weigh tickets issued at the Site. All such records, vouchers and weigh tickets shall be open to thE~ inspection and audit of any Local Municipality under contract with the Owner hereunder or such Local Munici- pality's authorized nominee at any time during regular business hours at the Site throughout the term of such contract with the Owner and for one year subsequent to thE~ expiration of the teJ.lll of such contract and the County "may at an.y time during__th:._,_~:!:fe of .!~te conduct su.~~~.~!l inspection and audit and oversee the weighing of vehicles in and out of the Site. Save with respect to the computation of an Annual Per Ton Charge or an Annual Per Capita Charge, which Charges shall be calculated and rounded to the nearest cent, all other calculation required orpeLwittted by this Agreement shall be made to the sixth decimal and shall be rounded to the fifth decimal. In the event that a Local Municipality at any time during the term of a contract with the Owner hereunder contracts with a person for the haulage of its Municipal Waste to the Site on behalf of the Local Municipality, the Local Munici- pality shall take all such steps as a.re reasonably available to it from time to time to ensure that such haulage contrac- tor and his employees shall accurately account: to the Local Municipality and the Owner for such l~Taste so hauled to the Site as distinct from waste hauled to the Site by the same haulage contractor on behalf of others. The Owner shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of representations made to its weigh scale operator as to the origin and type of Haste brought to the Site and as 14. 15. 16. ~., . - - l3 - to the person on whose behalf such 'vaste is brought to the Site, made by any person who is an. employee of a Local Municipality under contract with the OwnE~r hereunder or who is a person under contract with such a I,ocal Municipality for the haulage of its Municipal Waste or the employee of such haulage contractor. 17. Inasmuch as the Owner is not at the date hereof: authoriz- ed by the Act to permit the use of the Site for the dis- posal of Waste created, produced or generated within the territorial limits of some of the Local Municipalities" it is a condition precedent to the use of the Site by sueh Loc~l Municipalities and to the execution and deliv- ery by such a Local Municipality of a contract hereunder that the Owner first obtain such necessary authorizations; and until such necessary authorizations are obtained, the Owner shall. be under no obligation hereun.der to suc.h Loc!al Municipalties) except that the Owner agrE~es to use its best effo~ts to obtain such nec~ssary authorizations. 18. Nothing herein shall'limit the Owner's right to enter into agreements with other parties with respect to the disposal of l.Jaste, whether or not such Waste i,:3 generated, produced or created within the territorial lim:its of any 'of the Local Municipalities and, whether or not such Waste is the subject of this Agreement; nor shall any- thing herein limit the Owner's right to enter :into agree- I ments 'with respect to the provision of additional services in connection with the disposal of t-laste pursu1ant to this Agreement or contracts entered into with Local Municipal- ties hereunder. 19. This Agreement shall only become effective and binding upon the Owner when the Owner is in a position to deposit Waste in the Waste Di.sposal Area without being in contra- vention of any Federal or Provincial statute or regulation, any municipal by-law or regulation, or any law, order, injunction or restraint whatsoever imposed by any Court of competent jurisdiction or by any government or regu- latory body or agency; and the day upon which the Owner is in such a position shall be the Effective Date of this Agreement and the Life of the Site shall terminate I when the deposit of vlaste in the Haste Disposal Area becomes a contravention as aforesaid. 20. Any notice or communication to the Owner shall be deemed to be well and sufficiently given or served if handed to any officer of the Owner or if mailed to the Owner by prepaid regis,tered post addressed to it at R. R. #5,' St. Thomas, Ontario or such other address as the Owner may designate, by written notice, and, if mailed, notice shall be deemed to have been given and service~shall be deemed to have been effected on the fourth business day after mailing. 21. The County may, at the request of any Local Municipality, i take such actio~ and do such things as may be necessary or desirahle to enforce this Agreement for and all' bebalfaf such Local Municipality or all of the Local Municipalities~ but the County is under no obligation whatsoever so to do. 22. In the event that the County acquires or assumes direct responsiblity, either by legislation or agreement, for the provision of facilities for the disposal of the Municipa.l Haste generated, produced or created within ~he t~~!ritorial limits of any of the Local Municipalities, the County shall be entitled to all rights, benefits and options contained in this Agreement in the place and stead of any such. Loca1 Muni~il)ality ~ and if, at the time of such acquisiti.Qn. or ass~ption of re~pons;Lbili ty, a.ny such Loca.l ':Muni.c:ipality is under' contract with the Owner hereunder, the County shall assume all of such Local Municipalityts obligatioIls to the Own~r pursuant to such contractf 23. This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of the Local Municipalities and each of them, separately, and their ( respective successors and shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Owner, its successors in title to the Site and it shall run 't-lith the la.nd. - 15 - IN HITNESS HHEREOF St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited and The Corporation of the County of Elgin have hereunto set their corporate seals over the hands of their respective proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED Per: President THE CORPORATION OF THE COUN1~ OF ELGIN Per: Warden Per~ Clerk .. The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been authorized by the County's By-law No. passed the day of , 1976. SCHEDULE "A" The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer The Corporation of the Village of Belmont The Corporation of the Village of Dutton The Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell The Corporation of the Village of Port Stanley The Corporation of the Village of Rodney The Corpo:ration of the Village of Springfield The Corporation of the Village of Vienna The Corpox"ation of the Village of West Lorne The Corporation of the Township of Aldborough The Corpot~ation of the Township of Bayham, The Corporation of the Township of South Dorchester The CorpoI~ation of the Township of Dunwich The Corpo:t"ation of the Township of Malahide The CorpoI~ation of the Township of Yarmouth ." f'IlOI9'''.. ...1 ..... ....... ....- t, "\ ...~:.l ;~.;:.::: I I tl /II'" ~ ......#1 _..._n ......... ... 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OQ....IJ\~. ~.:~.:: ~= ~:,_ .:>'<..~ ~~~~::~ ~ .... .......-. ......." ....lI""o..l"-n ..,. y. t<OH ')~ "'? ... ~ ::> _" .... 0,"," W'i Tl_" ';:~:;:""" .......,...... ,"0" ",:: :::.=. .0 .....,.......::> .. '::,2;! 7.~F~~T~ ~L~:f~,i-i~~E..l Il'S n ct \lo;;n.. ::. ....( . .1 'f...J:..~ 'lIt ON <::> '::> 12 lOl -f en CJ ::r= t:tj t:1 c::: t-t tTj : n JI! . NO' " J/ .7' /' '. SCWE1)U1..E "D t1 \ \ \ /1.11 and Singular tbe cet:tain pat:cel or tt:act of land and pre~ises \ sithate. lying and being in tbe TolNtlsbip of soutb~old, in tbe county of "Elgin, and being composed of: FiRSTLY tbe Not:tb balf of Lot 21. in tbe Thit:d conc~ssion of tbe To~sbiP of soutb~old. e~cept that pa~t e~p~op~iated by tbe Depat:tment of Higb~aYs by Plan Nu1!\ber D 286. SECONDLY tbe Nortb~~est balf of Lot 22 in tbe third concession of tbe To~sbiP of soutb~old compt:ising of 100 acres more ot: leSs eJtcept tbat part taken for road put:poses by the 1)epat:tment of l\igb~aYs. 11l1R1>LY tbat part of Lot No. 23 in tbe third concession of 'tbe said TownshiP of soutb~old desct:ibed as follows ~ coMMENCING at tbe Not:tb~east corner of tbe said Lot; thence soutb 450 East along its Eastet:1Y limit 964.92 feet; thence ~est 450 soutb 1.980 feet more or lesS to tbe ~est limit of said Lot; thence No~tb 450 ~est. 1888.26 feet more or lesS to tbe NortberlY li:lnit of said Lot produced; Thence East '].00 Nortb along tbe Nortbet:1Y limit of said Lot to tbe plaOe of beginning; E~cept tbat portion oftbe above described land out oH by tbe road allo~anoe bet~een concession 2. and 3 in tbe said ':townsbiP of soutbWO:\.d. 4~ .- ~ .'':' .I ,. " ", ,/" / .\ . , SCHEDULE "E" THIS CONTRACT made this day of , 19 BET WEE N: THE COPORATION OF THE OF , (hereinafter the "Local Municipality"), OF THE FIRST PART, , ... and - STt THO~AS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, (hereinafter the "Owner"), OF THE SECOND PART. l~EREAS the Owner owns and operates a landfill~ng type of waste disposal site on part of Lots 2l, 22 and 23, Concession 3, in the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS the Owner has given to certain Local Municipalities in the County of Elgin, of which the Local Municipality i.s one, the right to use the said vlaste disposal site in accordance with the te.L1US and conditions of a certain Agreement (hereinafter referred to o /0'/ /0' ) _ .00/:: as the "AgreementU), dated th,e/_1_~,~, day ~~June,) 1976 and made ~ ___....0 ':0_ _ ___-'-.- between the O~er and The Corporation of the County of Elgin fo~ and on behalf: of and for the benefit of those Local Municipalities in the County' of Elgin more particularly set out in the Agreement; &~D vffiEREAS the Local Municipality desires the use of the said waste disposal site on such te.L1US and conditions and has executed and delivered this Contract pursuant to the Agreement; NOW THE:REFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH that the Local Munici- pality covenalnts and agrees with the Owner as follo~Y's:' 1, In this Contract all 'tvords and phrases defined in the Agreement shall have the same meaning and intent as 2~ therein set out as if incorporated into and repeated in, this Contract; Pursuant to the Agreement, the Local Municipality hereby agrees to dispose, _~.f a11: ,of its Municipal Was te at the 0'0 Si.te for a teL"ll of" months, couwlencing on the first d~lY of , 19 , and ending on the last day of 3. , 19 During the said term the Local l!unicipality shall pay an Annual Per Charge in accordance with the 5. . . b 'b half contained in tbe h~reement -~,.~_. pro'l7is:\.ons :\.n t at e . f tbe Local 1:'\unicipalitY sba.~ in default tbet:eo , .c-- . tb or 1>at:t tbet:eof on . ~ t t tbe t:ate of 1"/. 1>er moP J,.. --------/----.. 1. n teJ: eS a --". c-- --------------------- .~. ------------ -- .______. . d d . t. if deman e · o'l7erdue acCo~!---.J.-~- · · ._~_ l:J b' contract tbe Local 1:'\un1.c:\.1>al- 'tbroughOut tbe term 01- t :\.s b 't . t ~ill 'be bound bY all of tbe teJ:11lS and. itY agt:ees t a :\. conditions set out in tbe /l.gt:ee11lent. 't"ted ...ut:suant . . . 'cation required or 1>et:m:\... " /l.ny not1.ce or co~un:\. . . th' contract to tbe 'Local Municipal- to tbe l\gt:eement or :\.s . d d to -be well and sufficiently ~iven or ity sball be eeme . h Cler'k of tbe Local 1:'\unici.1>alitY served if banded to t e · . .1' t b" ...t:epaid. t:e~1.ste't'- ot: if ma.iled to tbe Local 1:'\un:\.c:\.pa :\. Y J r -ed. 1>ost addressed to it at: .... 2 .... 4. 6. tb benefit of tbe ~e1: This cont-ract sball enu-re to e .' · , title to tbe site and. sball be and itS scucess01:8 l.n . . . i' litY and. itS succesS01:s. binding u-pon tbe 'Local 1:'\U1\ C1.-pa . . ' l' . baS beJ:euntO affi7lted IN Vll'tNESS ~ER&O~ tbe 1..oca1. 1:'\un:\.c:\.pa :\.tY bands of itS -pro-per officet:s du1.Y itS cot:pot:ate sea1. ovet: tbe . autbOrized in tbat bebalf, desi.gna.te, bY be dee1\\ed to bave been to bave been effected on tbe address as tbe Local ~unicipalitY may " a if mailed, notice sball wt:itten not1.ce. an. ~iven and service ~illbe dee1\\ed fout:tb business daY aftet: oT such otnet: 11\ai1.ing. , Tl:1E Co'R?ORf'.'ItOl'l O~ 'I\1.'E .Oi r et: : ~ ------ , -p~-r ~ .----:--- c"te't\t The e~eeution and deliverY of thiS contt:act baS been autbOt:ized bY tbe 'Local Muni ci.l?ali t1' s By-l~'iI No. -passed th]..s ~^~ of · 19 ............ .--- stC't\OM .t' t.~ ___ .",..,. 1 ~.: i -. ~..... ~ '\... ... ,..."..... - t",EJ.Ko\ft ot'fJ.L .- . ,\....01" 2\ ': ~ Q) ~ ~ Q) ~ f/}. .- . - ------:;:::::::.--:::: ~ - . .......-_. ." . I .... CON. I'\\G"''''''"( ~ . \11 ~t ~. ~c :'~.~::~;'!t ... -,..- -""- .. ~ t LO'- . 2."3 . t>>'1\f\t, .,,- ..,.. ,. ll4J c.~f1li$'" ",tl" 10'" \,AlOctlllt' e.\Wct'- ~ ,.uO" c..'." tJi""" ,..,.lIft OIf,c,\llll .. .,. . 1"" "lid tl'''''- .. "'..c~. TI~ "'1'C\'tO" to\letH'" TI" t,..~4' poln' E'....I\.. ,'" "'..c"." e.\\~\OIt "lU' . "0"'" a.""" .. lI"''- 1-ei:.>',;$ 0'1,0.,0\ !.". . ",Ot . .,.. ---- --- ...tC'f\O~' .~..-& I ... .. .. No. cotrrl tl\AP aO'T'TOM 51. 1t\OM~S SAN\'t .cOt.t.E~ O. "'...- C:.~ .-. ".,OOll .."ell Il~.0U"4 ":~~:l:'. (~.If.., - C <'- ;;4 DATED this 1st day o~ June, 1976. BET WEE N: ST~ THOMAS SANI~AR1 COLLECTION SERVICE LII--iI'rED~ (hereina;J;ter, the "Owner") OF THE FJ:R.ST PART, ~ and ~ .THE CORPORATION~OF T~~~, GO~bXuQ.f ELGIN. (hereinafter referred to as ,'"the "CountyH) for and OIl behal~ and for the benefit of th0se' LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES in.' tlieCOUNTY OF ELGIN, more particulary described ,Schedule "At' hereto, (hereinafter re~erred to sepa.;x:ate1y as a "Loca1 Mun:i,cipality" and together ~eferred to as the "Local Mun:i,cipal:lties~~) 1 OF THE SECOND PART. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WR,IGHT AND ASSOCIATES 612.~ 3 83 R:f.. chmond St., LONDON, Ontario, N6A 3.C4 (> 'P' DATED this day.of ) 19 BET WEE N: THE CORPORATION. OF THE OF (hereinafter the "Local Municipality") OF THE FIRST PART t . - and - ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, (here.inafter the "Owner") , OF THE SECOND PART, WASTE DISPOSAL CONTRACT ,. I; ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal ~lilding on May 12 at 10:00 A.M. with all members except Reeves Wilson and Caverly in attendance. Also Frank Clarke in attendance and Ray Collard of the County Road Departmemt. TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING were opened and were as a~tached. TENDERS FOR SALE OF LOTS in Lot 7, Concession V, Southwold were opened and were as follows: Parcel A - Hugo and Donna Keusch $ 12,050.00 J. Lucas $ 3,000.00 $ 3,600.00 R. E. Atcheson Parcel B - R. E. Atcheson $ 6,300.00 $ 3,000.00 J. Lucas "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF HUGO KEUSCH AT $ 12,050 FOR PARTS # 1 & 2 REFERENCE PLAN llR-967 AND RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED FOR THE PROPERTY TO HUGO AND DONNA KEUSCH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF R. E. ATCHESON AT $ 6,300 FOR PARTS #14 & 15 REFERENCE PLAN llR-967 AND RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TllAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK, TO SIGN A DEED FOR THE PROPERTY TO R. E. ATCHESON. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. P AG E 2. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 15 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE as follows: (1) Work was underway in Dutton on curb and gutter on Road 8. (2) Trim work on Road 20 in Port Stanley had been completed and sodding was underway on Bostwick and Hetty Streets for the Village of Port Stanley.. (3) Most of the trees and limbs had been cleaned out of the culvert at Richmond on Road 38. (4) Culverts were being placed on Road 45 at Road 36 to relieve the flooding encountered in 1975. (5) Fencing was in progress on Road 30. (6) Gravel Resurfacing had been completed on Road 28 and was underway on Road 43.. (7) Application of Calcium Chloride was underway. (8) The new Truck, Dozer and Loader had been received. (9) Spring sign maintenance had been completed. (10) Pavement Marking would start as soon as the paint W'aS received. (11) It was expected that Maintenance Expenditures would be $ 30,000 to $ 40,000 over the estimates. (12) A Soils Report from Golder Associates for the Kettle Creek crossing was expected shortly and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had approved preliminary plans. (13) 4 acres of the Whitney property had been rented to Ron Jones @ $ 35 per acre and a Deed for the property was expected shortly. (14) The Needs Study Update had been completed and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. (15) Mac McLaws had completed crushing at the Pleasant Valley Pit for the time being. More stripping would be done when the ground dried out. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 3. (16) Operator Postings had been made as follows: Truck Driver Ken Telfer Bulldozer Operator Orrie Ostrander Loader Operator Ted Kelley SWleeper' Operator Lewis Small. (17) 5 members of the County Road Department had attended the Ontario Good Roads School at Guelph and Ray Collard had instructed in surveying. SOLID WASTE CONTROL WAS REPORTED as follows: (1) That the London Area Solid Waste Study had been accepted by the Steering Connnittlee and the final report would be forthcoming shortly. (2) That Murray Hennessey had been with Mr. A. Wright, Solicitor of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited and a second d.raft agreement would be available for study shortly. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT WAS REPORTED on as follows: (1) Ray Collard and Gary Gordon had attended the Ministry of the Environment's instruction course on Mosquito Extermination. (2) Maps for the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority watersheds were reasonably good, but left considerable to be desired for the rest of the County. THE ENGINEER SHOWED THE PICTURES he had taken in inspection of East Elgin and Haldimand Norfolk of erosion problems and the Warden agreed to report to County Council. CORRESPONDENCE FROM J. WISE, Member of Parliament, on the cleaning out of the Port Burwell Harbour was read and the Engineer reported that no soil tests had as yet been taken of the Harbour as the Department of Public Works were looking for an other Soils Consultant other than Golder Associates to take soil samples. This matter also would be brought to the attention of Council by the Warden. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT TENDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS FOR ASPHALT PAVING BE ACCEPTED AS FOLLOWS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CONTRACT "A" (WEST LORNE AND ROAD 8 & 13 IN DUTTON) TO W:ALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 31,164. CONTRACT "B" ROAD 20 IN PORT STANLEY TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 5,816.25 CONTRACT "C" ROAD 34 IN BELMONT AND YARMOUTH-WESTMINSTER TOWNLINE TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 20,982. CONTRACT "D" ROAD 30 & 52 TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 23,895. CONTRACT "E" ROADS 39 & 42 TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 25,798.75 CONTRACT "F" ROAD 45 TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 77,233.50 CONTRACT "G" ROAD 46 TO WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. AT $ 21,450. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER - Reeve Wilson in attendance. IT WAS DECIDED TO POSTPONE East Elgin Road Inspection to at least late June. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 5. , 'MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 19 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST # 20 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST # 21 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST # 22 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST # 23 AMOUNTING TO $ 30,236.67 $ 418.61 $ 29,388.32 $ 332.25 $ 113,122.15 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Ontario Municipal Board setting a hearing date for an appeal dealing with Lot 22, Concession IX, Dunwich. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he understood that some supplementary By-Law money might be available for Drainage Assessments on County Roads and recommended that an application to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to cover the likely assessments be made. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF $ 18,000 IN SUBSIDY MONEY FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY ROADS IN 1976. CARRIED." 1tMOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. S[MRSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY' S SHARE ($18,000) FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME TO BE TAKEN FROM THE COUNTY'S CONTINGENCY FUND. CARRIED.11 IT WAS DECIDED THAT THE RODNEY CEMETERY BOARD should be given a choice between havi.ng steps placed on the walk at the east line of their property, ..'J\/ . cI-, ~ moving and replacing the fence if the County continued the walk further to the 4 west on County Road 4. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10. MAY. 12, 19.,6. PAGE 6. (1) Minist~y of Transportation and communicatiOns approval had been received Tl1.E ENGINEER REPORTED THt\T ~ (2) TestS ~ould be made of the concrete in the piers of the MiddlemisS for replacement of the Wardsville Bridge bearingS. (3) No soils ReportS had been receiVed on the Walker Bridge as yet. Bridge. IT WAS DECIDED THt\T Ekfrid To~shiP should be notified of the erosion of their approach road at the TateS Bridge and of the thoughtS of the Lo~er Thgmes ValleY Conservation Authority for erosion protection. other side of a County Road ~aS discUssed at some length. THE COUNT'i'S POLleY ON EXTENSION of drains frOtll one side to the "MOVED BY.: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHt\FER TltAT WE WILL PLACE A DRAIN ACROSS A coUNT'i ROAD AS AN OUTLET FOR PRIVATE PROPERT'i 11' THE REQUESTING LAND OWNER PAYS 50% 01' Tl1.E COST. THE OWNER TO PROVIDE A CERTIFIED CREQUE 01' 66% OF Tl1.E ESTlMA1$D COST 01' THE CROSSING PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE. N'lY DIFFERENCE TO BE RE1'\JNDED AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THt\T N'l APPRAISAL had been made on the Bucke CARR lED ." property on Road 30 and he ~aS hopeful of obtaining the property at the appraised value pluS legal costs. T11E ENGINEER PRESENTED TltE ATTACHED PROPOSALS for Truck Rates for 1976. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEl TIl SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THt\T ']1lE RATES FOR 1:11RED TRUCKING AS PROPOSED BY TIlE ENGINEER N'lD ATTACltED BE ACCEPTED FOR TltE PERIOD MAY 1. 1976 to MAY 1. 1977. CARR1ED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF VALLEY BLADES LTD. FOR 400 GRADER BLADES DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY GARAGE AT THE PRICE OF ~; 13.15 FEDERAL SALES TAX INCLUDED. PROVINCIAL SALES TAX EXTRA SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that tenders be called to replace Grader #11 as soon as possible so that delivery would be made prior to Fall grading and Snow Plowing. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE ENPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A GRADER AND ONE WAY SNOW PLOW AND HARNESS WITH GRADER #11 AS A TRADE IN (1959 ADAMS). CARRIED ." THE ENGINEER REPORTED at long last the Land Plan at Port Talbot had been cVll~leted and registered and that the transfer of property to Port Talbot Farms Ltd. could be cUUlfJleted. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED FOR PARTS 3 & 4, REGISTERED PLAN Dl123 TO PORT TALBOT FARMS LTD. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 12, 1976. PAGE 8. SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER ,<"I~ THAT WE ADJOURN TO JUNE 9 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED." (! ,#\Jj/ ljA' /i.!~.! CHAIRMAN I ,'1% COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, May Session 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving have been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd., of London as follows: (a) Contract "A" West Lorne and Road 8 & 13 in Dutton at $ 31,164. (Subject to approval of the Village of West Lorne for work in West Lorne.) (b) Contract "BH Road 20 in Port Stanley at $ 5,816.25. (c) Contract "C" Road 34 in Belmont and on the Yarmouth-Westminster Townline at $ 20,982. (d) Contract ,,~, Road 30 and 52 in Yarmouth Township at $ 23,895. (e) Contract "Elf Road 39 in Port Burwell and part of Road 42 in Malahide Township at $ 25,798.75. (f) Contract "F" Road 45 from Road 36 to Jaffa and from Highway 4 to Centennial Ave. (Road 28) at $ 77,233.50. (g) Contract "G' Road 46 north of Corinth ~n Bayham Township at $ 21,450. Walmsley Bros. Ltd. bids were the lowest of three bids received. In addition to the bid price the County of Elgin will supply the Asphalt Cement for all the Contracts. Some of the work in Contract "A" and "B"will be charged to the Ministry of the Environment and the County of Middlesex will pay a portion of Contract "C". 2. That Tenders have been called for a new Grader with the County's 1959 Adams as a trade in. ... continued ... COUNTY OF ELGIN. ROAD GOl1MITTEE REPORT ~ FIRST REPORT May Session 1976 Page 2 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: WE RECOMMEND: (1) That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Cvur.municationsto appropriate the sum of $ 18,000 in Subsidy money for Drainage Assessments on County Roads in 1976. We have learned that some subsidy money may be available for Drainage Assessments. Subsidy on Drainage Assessemnts under this Supplementary Progrcu:nm,e is at 50'%. (2) That the County's share ($ 18,000) of the cost of the Drainage Asse.ssments be taken from the County's Contingency ]~nd. (3) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed, de1eding to Port Talbot Farms Ltd. a portion of Lot A Concession XI, Dunwich shown as parts 3 & 4 on Registered Plan 01123. Thjls property, approximately 1.28 acres, is in return for property required by the County of Elgin for widening County Road 16 at Talbot Creek several years ago. (4) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed, deeding to Hugo and Donna Keusch a portion of Lot 7 ConcE~ssion V, Southwold shown as parts 1 & 2 on Reference Plan llR-967 (9-rea approximately 1.8 acres). The land near County Road 20 was not needed for road allowance purpose. Mr. Keusch's bid at$ 12,050 was the highest of 3 received. (5) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a I Deed, deeding to Elfriede Atcheson a portion of Lot 7 Concession V, Southwold shown as parts 14 & 15 On Reference Plan llR-967 (area approximately 1.,'V acres). Elfriede Atcheson's bid at $ 6,300 was the highest of 2 received. All of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN lJ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, May Session 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Steering CUUlluittee for the London Area Sol id Waste Study has accepted the Report of Jam~s F. MacLaren Ltd. on the Middlesex ... Elgin Area Solid Waste Management Study. Printing ()f the Repol:'t is underway and distribution to County Council Members will follow. 2. The Special CVUlluittee of Road CVUlluittee is continuing negotiat:lons with the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. with regard to a disposal price at their proposed Southwold Site. All Of Which Is Respectfully Sumnitted. CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT THIRD REPORT St. ThOID&S, Ontario, May Session 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YO~t COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the County of Elgin has applied for a licence from the Ministry of the Environment as an operator to carry out a Mosquito Abatement Programme if necessary. The licence will be in the name of Ray Collard of the County Road Department. 2. Applications to the Ministry of the Environment have been made to have 5 menlbers of the County Road Department (1 regular bmployee and 4 summer students) licensed as exterminators under the Programme. 3. Assembly of maps is underway. Maps of the Kettle Creek and Catfish Creek WatE!rsheds are available at a scale of one inch equal 400 feet. Maps for the remainder of the County are available at a scale of approximately one inch equal 1300 feet. These maps, while not as useful as the larger scale maps, can be used if necessary. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN I?~, ~ N. B. A.C. @ 5.8% R.L.8 @ 6.0% H.L.4 COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY OF HOT MIX TENDERS r. 1976 CONTRACT TOWLANDS (LONDON) 1970 LTD_. ,:;,~ "~~~ <. -,.. May 13, 1976 L&M STRIPING CO. LTD. WALMSLEY BRO.'S ITEM TONS UNIT PRICE CONTRACT "N' Part 1 R.L. 4 350 12.85 West Lorne A.C. 21.0 68.50 Part 2 Dutton CONTRACT "B" Port Stanley CONTRACT " a' Borden Ave., Belmont R.L. 8 R.L. 4 A.C. 225 2420 158.6 11.50 9.95 68.50 TOTAL CONTRACT "A" R.L. 4 A.C. 495 29.1 11.75 68.50 TOTAL CONTRACT "B" R.L. 8 R.L. 4 A.C. 1345 1345 158.71 7.80 7.80 68.50 TOTAL CONTRACT "C" TENDER VALUE UNIT PRICE . . UNIT PRICE TENDER VALUE $ 4,497.50 L,438.50 $ 5,936.00 $ 2,587.50 24,079.00 10,864.10 $ 37,530.60 13.09 66.75 $ 4,581.50 1 , 401 . 75, $ 5,983.25 13.07 10.63 66.75 $ 2,940.75 25, 7 24. 60 10,586.55, $ 39,251.90 $ 43,466.60 $ 45,235.15, $ 5,816.25 12.35 $ 6 , 113 . 25 1,993.35 66.75 1.942.43 $ 7,809.60 $ 8,055.68 : $ 10,491.00 8.62 $ 11,593.90 10,491.00 8.73 11,741.85 10,871.64 66.75 10,593.89, $ 31,853.64 $ 33,929.6~ TENDER VALUE COUNTY OF ELGIN Page 2 f SUMMARY OF HOT ~rrx TENDERS 1976 CONTRACT WALMSLEY BRO.'S TOWLANDS (LONDON) 1970 LTD., L&M STRIPING CO. LTD. CONTRACT "D" Road 30 and 52 ITEM TONS R.L. 8 1050 R.L. 4 1900 A.C. 174.9 lJNIT PRICE TENDER VALUE UNIT PRICE TENDER VALUE UNIT PRICE TENDER VALUE 8.10 8.10 68.50 $ 8,505.00 15,390.00 11,980.65 $ 35,875.65 9.28 9.39 66.75 $ 9,744.00 17,841.00 11,674.58, $ 39,259.58. TOTAL CONTRACT "D" CONTRACT " E" Part 1 Road 42 R.L. 8 350 8.55 $ 2,992.50 10. 27 $ 3,594.50 From Rwy. 73 to Road 40 R.L. 4 2375 8.55 20,306.25 10.32 24,510.00 A.C. 162.8 68.50 11,151,80 66.75 10,866.90. $ 34,450.55 $ 38,971.40 Part 2 Road 39 R.L. 8 100 12.50 $ 1,250.00 13.47 $ 1,347.00 Port Burwell R.L. 4 100 12.50 1,250.00 13.58 1,358.00 A.C. 11.8 68.50 808.30 66.75 787.65 $ 3,308.30 $ 3,492.65 TOTAL CONTRACT " E" $ 37,758.85 $ 42,464.05 : CONTRACT " F" Part 1 Road 45 R..L. 8 1660 8.10 $ 13,446.00 9.47 $ 15,720.20 Road 36 to Jaffa R.L. 4 2275 8-.10 18,427.50 9.58 21,794.50 A.C. 23 2. 78 68.50 15,945.43 66.75 15,538.07 $ 47,818.93 $ 53,052.77 CONTRACT "P' (cont'd) Fwd. Part 2 Road 45 H\~. 4 to Road 28 CONTRACT" C" Road 46 - Corinth To County Line ITEM H.L. 8 H. L. 4 A.C. TONS 2825 2775 330.35 TOTAL CONTRACT "P' H.L. 8 H.L. 4 A. C. 1375 1375 16 2. 25 TOTAL CONTRACT "C" COUNTY OF ELGIN SlJNlv1ARY OF HOT MIX TENDERS 1976 CONTRACT WALMSLEY BRO.'S UNIT PRICE 8.10 8.10 68.50 7.80 7.80 68.50 TENDER VALUE $ 47,818.93 $ 22,882.50 22,477.50 22,628.98 $ 67,988.98 $ 115,807.91 Page 3 .TOWLAND (LONDON) 1970 LTD. L&M STRIPING CO. LTD. TENDER VALUE UNIT PRICE 9.25 9.36 66.75 TENDER VALUE UNIT PRICE $ 10,725.00 10.11 $ 13,901.25 22.00 $ 30,250.00 10, 725.00 10.22 14,052.50 22.00 30,250.00 11,114.13 66.75 10;830.19 11.85 1,922.67 $ 32,564.13 $ 38,783.94 $ 62,422.67 $ 53,052.77 $ 26 , 131 . 25 25,974.00 22,050..86 $ 74,156.11 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT I~,~IL~~ (0-'1 ~ ~ ,h PROPOSAL FOR TRUCKING RATES FOR 1976 (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1976) NOTE: 1975 rates were approximately 15% over 1974 and 1974 were approximately 15% over 1973. Singl'e Axle RATES PER HOUR 1973 1974 1975 Proposed 1976 7.60, 8.75 10.50 11.50 11.50 13.00 15.25 16.75 Tandem TON MILE RATES 1973 1974 1975 Proposed 1976 Stockpile 22et 25et 29et 3 2et Under 1 Mile 2Bet 32et 37et 41et 1 - 3 Miles 35~ 40et 46et Slet 4 Mile Average 43et 50ct 58ct 6l~ct 5 Mile Average 50ct 5Bct 67ct 7l..ct 6 Mile Average 57et 66et 76et B L~et 7 Mile Average 64et 74et 85et 93ct 8 Mile Average 70et Blet 93et 1.02 9 Mile Average 76<1- B8ct 1.01 l.ll 10 Mile Average 82ct 95ct 1.09 1.20 10 - 20 Miles 82ct plus 95ct plus 1.09 plus 1 . 20 pI us 6ct ton 6~<I- ton 7%.ct ton Bet ton mile mile mile mile Over 20 Miles 1.42 plus 1.60 plus 1.B4 plus 2.00 plus Sct ton 5~ct ton 6ct ton 6%.ct ton mile mile mile mile 11/ ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT t St. Thomas, Ontario April Session 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders have been called for Asphalt Paving for the year and include proposed construction as follows: (a) Completion of work on Road 20 Carlow Road, Port Stanley. (b) Completion of work on Road 8 and 13, Dutton. (c) Road 34 (Borden Ave.) in Belmont. (d) Road 30 and Road 52 - areas of new construction, Yarmouth Township. 2. Tenders have been called for Asphalt Resurfacing on (a) Road 15 in Dutton. (b) Road 34 West of Bordon Ave., Elgin Middlesex County Line. (Yart11louth Township) (c) Road 46 from Corinth to Oxford County Line in Bayham Township. (d) Road 42 from Highway 73 to Road 40 in Malahide Township. (e) Road 45 from Road 36 to Road 35 and from Highway 4 to Road 28 in Yarmouth Township. 3. We have purchased the following new equipment: (a) Ford LTS 8000 Tandem Truck to replace a truck scrapped last month. The truck will be equipped with a Snow Plow which will give us an additional Snow Plowing unit, making 10 units in all. However an additional Sander truck will have to be rented for next season. (b) John Deere JD350-C Bulldozer with the County's old John Deere 350 Bulldozer as a trade in. (c) A Model JCB4l8 2 cubic yard Front End Loader with the County's old Michigan Loader as a trade in. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submi.tted. CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE , I ,1 SPRING INSPECTION - April 28, 1976 1. Leave the Court House at 9:00 A.M. 2. Road 30 - complete 1975 work - Replacement of Salt Creek Culvert - Bucke Property. 3. Road 52 - Top Coat Paving of 1975 work - Relocation of Road 52 - Culvert location - Ferguson property. 4. Road 52 to Talbotville - Road 26 to Talbotville - Assumption by M.T.C.? 5. Westminst€~r - Southwold - Delaware Townline to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. proposed Waste Disposal Site. 6. Township Road to Road 19. 7. Road 19 to Highway 3 - poor condition. 8. Highway 3 to Shedden - Road 20 - Lots for Sale on Road 20 north. 9. To Road 14 and Middlemiss Bridge. 10. Inspection of Middlemiss Bridge. 11. Road 9 to Campbelton - Tates Bridge. 12. Dinner. 13. Inspect Walker Bridge. 14. Inspect Wardsville Bridge. 15. Road 3 to Rodney - Fencing, Guide Rail, Trim, etc. 16. Road 2 to Dutton - poor condition - Dunwich Aldborough Townline c~asterly. Rodney Cemetery Fence. 17. Completion of work in Dutton - Road 8 and 13. - Resurfacing on Road 15 - Brown Drain - County Assessment. - Lnts' fox 'Sale...: 18. Road 8 to Road 16. 19. Road 16 to Road 14 - needs resurfacing. 20. Road 16 to Fingal needs ;J::e'cQl~.$ta;;uc:!=ion. 21. Middlemarch - Futcher Drain $ 7500 County Assessment. 22. Road 45 to Highway 4 (former Siple property for sale?) 23. Road 45 - Highway 4 to Road 28 - Resurfacing. 24. Proposed Gravel Pit Intersection Road 22 and 45 by Northside Farming Ltd. (J. Everitt and Maurice Beaudry). 25. Road 28 - Centennial Ave. - assumed by the County between Road 45 and Elm Street in January / 76. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT SECOND REPORT St.. Thomas, Ontario, April Sessi.on 1976 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: At the request of Warden Schafer, the County Road Committee has made enquiries into the programme proposed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health to eliminate mosquitoes which might be carrying "St. Louis" strain of encephalitis. The meetings were also attended by Mr. Jack Elley of the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit and representatives from the Ministry of the Enviror~ent. WE RECOMMEND 1. That some County personnel be licensed by the Ministry of the Environment for a Mosquito Abatement Programme. 2. That the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit purchase a ton of Abate II for the use of the County and the City. (A 50% subsidy for materials is available through the Health Unit.) All Of Which Is Respectfully Submi.tted. CHAIRMAN \~ ST. T1:l0MA8, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 1. on April 15 at 10:00 A.M. All members except Warden schafer, Reeve cook THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMlTTEE MET at the MUnicipal Building and Reeve Wilson in attendance. "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: W. R. CAvERLY THAT LORNE CARROLL BE C1lAIRMAN PRO TEfiM. CARRIED" THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of March 31 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date stating: 1. sweeping waS underway with all curbs and gutters having been swept once. 2. Repairs to pavements were continUing. 3. All brush from the ice stOrm had been picked up except for some gravel 4. Repairs to equipment were continuing to be heaVY with wheel bearings on roads. most Snow plowS and Sander Trucks having to be replaced. The motor on Grader #15 also would have to be overhauled. 5. Repairs to drains were continuing. 6. MaC McLaWS waS continuing gravel crushing at pleasant Valley. It was necessary to remove some of the overburden with trucks. It also had been necessary to use a bulldozer to mix the gravel. APproximatelY~OO cubic yards of gravel had been removed from Harley Babcock's property and mixed with the other gravel being crushed. 7. constructiOn work would start shortly - fencing and guide rail work on 8. some of the county'S personnel would attend the Ontario Good Roads ASsociation Road 3 would start on Monday. Road School at the University of GUelph from MaY 3 to 5. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 2. 9. It would be necessary to post for a truck driver and a bulldozer " operator .. "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT THE FOLLOWlNG pA'lLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT pAYLIST # 14 AMOUNTING TO $ PA'lLIST # 15 AMOUNTING TO $ pA'lLIST # 16 AMOUNTING TO $ l' A'lLI ST # 1 7 AMOUNTING TO $ pA'lLIST # 18 AM.QUNTlNG TO $ 29,470.00 28,045.44 28,969.43 585.21 43,364.95 CARRIED" (1) Ontario Municipal Board setting a hearing date for an appeal by crace CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM Anderson on a decision by the Township of yarmouth committee of (2) JameS F. MacLaren with a copy of a letter to the Lower Thames Valley AdjUstment. (3) Ministry of Transportation and communications with approval for conservation Authority regarding erosion at Tates Bridge. aSSU!1lptiOn of a portion of Road 30 by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. T1:l.E ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE ESTATE of Florence Bucke waS having her property on Road 30 appraised and that the County would have first chance to purcha se ,the property. REEVE COOK IN ATTENDANCE and aSSU!1led the Chair. "J1OVED BY: L. R. CABROLL SECONDED Fl: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEPT TflE QUOTATION OF FLEX_O_LITE FOR GLASS BEADS @ 11.9 CENTS pER LB. INCLUDING FEDERAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO T1:l.E mmSTRY OF TRAN SPORTATI ON AND COMMUNI CATIONS' APpROV AL. CARR1 ED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF IBIS PRODUCTS LTD. FOR AI)PROXlMATELY 3375 GALLONS OF YELLOW TRAFFIC PAINT AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 3.57 PER GALLON SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TE~SPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF 3M CANADA LTD. FOR A 3M VQCIII PHOTOCOPIER AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 1725.00 PLUS TF~DE OF THE COUNTY'S OLD COPIER SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TFurnSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" "MC)VED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ELGIN BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. FOR AN OLIVETTI EDITOR #4C ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER AT THEIR QUOTED PEnCE OF $ 720.32 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED TENDERS AND QUOTATIONS for equipment and his evaluation of them. He also explained that Mr. Art Gordon had examined both the John Deere and the Massey Ferguson Bulldozers and found that the John Deere was a much better machine than the Massey Ferguson. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH Tr~T WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF TYE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR A JCB418 LOADER AT THEIR TENDER PRICE OF $ 29,724.00 WITH THE COUJ~TY'S ,MICHIGAN 85A LOADER AS A TRADE IN. SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF "['RANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" "MG)VED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER Tl~T WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF RENASH TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT LTD. FOR A JOHN DEERE 350C BULLDOZER AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 9,217.00 WITH THE COUNTY'S TRACTOR #15 AS A TRADE IN. SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATTONS' APPROVAL. CARRIED" "MC)VED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF RANKIN FORD SALES (1971) LTD. FOR A FORD LTS 8000 AS PER THEIR TENDER PRICE OF $ 27,167.19 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRI ED" "M~)VED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON TliAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA FOR A MODEL 470K s~ow PLOW, SNOW WING, HARNESS, ETC., AND A MODEL 10B3 DUMP BOX WITH ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AS PER THEIR QUOTATION OF A,PRIL 12/76 I At A QUOTED PRICE OF $ 13,600 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION9 APPROVAL~ CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ON TAR 1 0, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 5. TRE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER. WARDEN SCHAFER IN ATTENDANCE. TllE COMMITTEE ON NEGOTIATIONS with the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection ~ SerVices Ltd. reported their commentS on the proposed agreement had been forwarded to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. communications of Righway 4 west of Road 20 in port Stanley to the Village TRE PROPOSED REVERSION by the Ministry of Transportation and felt that the Road would meet County Road criteria if reverted and if it TllE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Municipal Roads Officials in Toronto waS discussed. became a burden on the village. It waS discUssed to inform Ron McNeil that the committee no longer wished a Reeve Nemett indicated that the transfer was probablY inevitable. meeting with the Minister of Transportation and communicatiOns. programme which waS discUssed at some length. Tl:1E ENGINEER pRESENTED TRE ATTACl:1ED proposed ASphalt Resurfacing tlMOVED BY: M. A. SCRAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT TRE ENGINEER BE AllTRORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR ROT MlX ASp1!ALT PAVING IN CONJUNCTION WITR TllE COUNTY'S CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ON (A) ROAD 8 & 15 IN DUTTON (B) ROAD 20 IN PORT STANLEY (C) ROAD 34 IN BELMONT (D) ROAD 30 AND 52 IN yl\BMOUTR TOWNSRIP. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976, PAGE 6. "M()VED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TlIAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT RESURFACING ON (A) ROAD 15 FROM ROAD 2 TO ROAD 8 IN., DUTmON (B) ROAD 42 FROM HIGHWAY 73 TO ROAD 40 (c) ROAD 34 FROM WEST LIMIT OF BELMQNT WESTERLY APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE: (D) ROAD 45 FROM ROAD 36 TO ROAD 35 AND FROM HIGHWAY 4 TO ROAD 28 (E) ROAD 39 (PATCH ON CHATHAM ST.) (F) ROAD 46 - FROM CORINTH TO THE OXFORD COUNTY LINE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEER TO CALL TENDER.S IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COUNTY'S TENDER FOR HOT MIX PAVING FOR THE ASPHALT NEEDS O][i' OTHER MUNICIPALITIES AND AGENCIES IN THE COUNTY. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to reply to the London Auto Sport Club and suggest they contact the residents of their proposed Test Sections for their cuuuuents. MR. JACK ELLEY, OF THE ST. THOMAS-ELGIN HEALTH UNIT, Mr. Doug Marow of the Ministry of the Environment and Ray Collard in attendance. Mr. Elley and Mr. Marow discussed and reported on the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment proposed Mosquito Abatement Progrannne to prevent encephalitis. AFTER CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION ST. T1l0MAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 15, 1976. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCH1\FER ~ SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO cOUNTY cOUNCIL THAT PERSONNEL TO BE LICENSED BY THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR A MOSQUlTO ABATEMENT PROGRAMME AND WE RECOMMEND THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT pURCHASE A TON OF ABATE n FOR cOUNT$ - CITY USE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECQNDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 28 AT 9 :00 A.M. REGULAR MEETING MAY 12 AT 10 :00 A.M. CARRIED" ~/JU--- CHAIRMAN ~ '~- ~.~~ POINTS TO CHECK - APRIL 22 /7 b '--- 1. Erosion at Wanetta Beach. 2. Port Bruce harbour and east of harbour. 3. Stalter Gully - back to 2nd Concession. 4. At Passionate Fathers - Road 42. 5. Port Burwell - west beach build up. 6. East Beach erosion and sea wall. 7. Erosion at Van Order culvert. 8. Erosion in Fields, Emerson, Kaufman, etc. 9. Erosion Bathes ? 10. Long Point - Gabion Baskets by M.T.C - Highway 59. Gabion Baskets - Woodstock Ave., Long Point. 11. Turkey Point - work by Charlotteville Township. 12. Port Ryerse - cottages, etc., rock at end of road near Young Creek. 13. Me,~t Ed Coates at Port Dover and get the guided tour of Haldimand Region. 14. Port Maitland - house and store. 15. Low banks. (, ,i) '~ Road 34 Road 39 Road 42 Road 45 Road 45 Road 46 Road 15 " tt~J2- ~_ ~ "^~ RESURFACING BREAKDOWN 1976 ESTIMATE April 15, 1976 from M.O.E. (Belmont) to County Line Asphalt Tender Value 18,000 Total Project Value 22,000 Elgin County Share 50% $ 11,000 Chatham Street Slide Asphalt Tender Value 3,000 $ 4,000 Project Value Highway 73 to Road 40 Asphalt Tender Value 36,000 Project Value $ 42,000 Road 36 to Jaffa Asphalt Tender Value 53,000 Project Value $ 62,000 Highway 4 easterly to Road 28 Asphalt Tender Value 76,000 Project Value $ 94,000 Corinth to County Line Asphalt Tender Value 35,000 Project Value $ 43,000 Road 2 to Road 8 Asphalt Tender Value 13,000 Project Value $ 15,000 $ 271,000 ~~ ~~' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TRUCK TENDERS 1. International Harvester Co., 1712 Dundas St. E., London, Ontario. 1975 International F2050 Fleester 1.66" W.B. 102" C.T. 1.2,000 lb. front end - 11 x 20 front tires 50" rear axle spread $ 25,525.92 2. Rankin Ford Sales (1971) Ltd., 1365 Dundas St. E., London, Ontario. 1976 Ford LTS 8000 185" W.B. 126" C.T. 16,000 lb. front end - 15 x 22.5 - 16 ply tires 60" rear axle spread $ 27,167.19 3. Eastgate Ford Sales & Service Ltd., 350 Parkdale Ave. N., Hamilton, Ontario. 1976 Ford LTS 8000 20,000 front end 60" rear axle spread $ 30,330.22 'h ~J~ /'.--~,/ ~ 1.:.---- ---;:'" EVALUATION OF TRUCK TENDERS April / 76 :t.' 1. International F2050 Fleetstar Price $ 25,525.92 Add Flange for Front End Pump Approximately 50.00 Box - Front Hoist Delivery Date week of May 17 at earliest $ 4050 + tax $ 4,333.50 (Length of Box 12' - 6" - 13.0 cu. yd. capacity) · Helper Spring Required for Snow Plow Approximately $ 200.00 $ 30,109.42 Availability., (1) Must be repainted (now gold). (2) Radiator Illust be changed and different radiator and kind installed. We understand parts availability \ could be a problem. Likely delivery date of unit - likely May 20 at earliest, problems i.n getting a proper radiator may be into June. 2. Ford LTS 8000 Price $ 27,167.18 $ 3,875.00 Add Box 14' - 6" long - 15.0 cu. yd. capacity $ 31,042.18 Plus Savings em using same pump and oil reservoir for box and hoist. .~; ADDED FEATURES ON FORD - Longer wheelbase, 60' inch axle spread on Ford 50 inch spread on International. - 16,000 lb. fron~ end and high flotation tires (15.00 x 22.5 16 ply) on Ford. ; 12,000 lb. front ~nd and 11.00 x 20 12 ply tires on International. - 100 gallon fuel tank on Ford vs 82 gallon guel tank on International. Ford Truck has a higher legal load carrying capacity than International and length for a bigger box. AVAILABILITY .. Ford now - could be sent to Frink next for box. Would have unit by April 28 or sooner. :f ()J;o-;~ ( / IiA,r lV' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR BULLDOZER April 1976 PRICES ARE NET AFTER TRADE IN 1. Plested Equipment Ltd., 430 1st St., London, Ontario. Massey Ferguson MF200 $ 8,700. 2. Renash Tractor & Equipment Ltd., Box 670, Lambeth, Ontario. John Deere JD350C $ 9,217. 3. International Harvester, 425 3rd St., London, Ontario. International 500E $ 15,000. 4. Crothers Ltd., 50 Enterprise Drive, London, Ontario. Ca t D3 (Demonstrator) $ 16,130. New Cat D3 $ 21,118. II ,~ ~.1 ii' , ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR FRONT END LOADER PRICES ARE NET AFTER TRADE IN AL TERNA TE "A" April 1976 New Machine including ROPS Cab unless stated. 1. Tye Industrial Equipment, 225 King St., Thorndale:, Ontario. JCB4l8 $ 29,724 2. West Metro Ford Equipment Sales Ltd., 1911 Albion Road, Rexdale, Ontario. M9W 5K7 3. Capital Equipment Limited, 2 Royal Crest Rd., Rexdale, Ontario. Ford A-64 $ 30,636. Michigan 55lllA $ 31,000. Plu.s Cab 4. Renash Tractor & Equipment Ltd., P. O. Box 670, Lambeth, Ontario. 5. Equipment Sales & Service 1030 Martin Grove Rd., Rexdale, Ontario. John Deere JD544l3 $ 32,395. Yale 1900 $ 36,014. 6. General Supply Co. of Canada (1973) Ltd., 5280 Dixie Rd., Mississauga, Ontario. f f' ,~ ;f~' 7. Sheridan Equipment Ltd., P. O. Box 2334, Terminal A, London, Ontario. Volvo Model 846 $ 39,000. Fiat Allis 605B $ 39,372. ~I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR FRONT END LOADER ALTERNATE "An 8. Fedquip Incorp. P. O. Box 2213, London, Ontario. 9. P1ested Equipment Ltd., 430 First St., London, Ontario. 10. Crothers Ltd., 50 Enterprise Drive, London, Ontario. April 1976 Pag e 2 Hough H60 E $ 40,095. Massey Ferguson MF55 $ 43,100. Caterpillar Model 930 $ 43,226. 11. Maple Leaf Industrial Sales Ltd., 335 Leaside Ave., Stoney Creek, Ontario. 12. Blackwood Hodge Ont. Ltd., 16 Royce Court, London, Ontario. Ford A-6!.~ $ 43,500 Terex 72-31 $ 51,100. Plus Cab , ,(::,~~~? .~.. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 31, 1976. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the MUnicipal Building on March 31 at 10:00 A.M. All members except Reeve Wilson present. Also present Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and COr.....~.Jnications. TUE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of March 10 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The 5 .lmployees laid off in February had been recalled on Mar'ch 23 as a number of employees were off due to illness. 2. Winter Control had been light and snowfence would be picked up starting next w.lek. 3. Repair~!) to trucks were still heavy, particularly sander truck,s where salt hild gotten into rear axles, etc. 4. Mud sl:Ldes and drainage problems had been extremely heavy due to super satura,ted ground conditions. 5. Brushing gathering was continuing and would take several week.s yet, the Budget has been long expended. 6. McLaws W8,S crushing gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit. 7. 5 calculators had been purchased for the office and the old ones sent to the ga:r.age, or junked. 8. A new lalectric typewriter to replace the present typewriter which is 12 years 4)ld had been purchased. 9. The 01.:1 photocopier had ceased work and a decision on a new machine would be roadla shortly. 10. The update 0 f the Needs Study was continuing. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, MARCR 31, 1976. pAGE 2. 1.1.. Dutton council had appyeved the sale of 5 lots in Dutton and sUggested the 2 lotS on John Street be sold first with the stipulation that a bDuSe foundation must be comPleted in 6 months. ~" 12. "Repairs to the bearings of the Wardsvi1.1.e lIridge would be \\lade by Coneneo Canada Ltd. on a time and \\laterlal basis due to the problems of jacking up the bridge. The County would supplY worlcn\8n and cutting and welding and the pyeject would be supeTVised by "R. C. Dunn and 13. !hat the Officials of Conenco Canada Ltd. felt that the lower chord AssociateS Ltd. of the Walker bridge could be strengthened by stressed cables, the abuttl\8nts relieved and the bearing replaced, and with an expenditure of $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 the brldge might have a useful life of another 8 to 10 yeaTS. Soil tests would be required to ascertain if the abutments were likely to continue moving to an extent that the other work WOUld not be practical. The cotll\llutee autho'[ized soil tests and a preliminary esti\\late of the cost of the other work which would be reviewed with the County of Middlesex before any \\laior work waS done. 14. !he Engineer yeported that yepairs to the piers and abutments of the MiddlemisS bridge would be necessary this sutll\lleT. 'tIlE wARDEN. C'ilAlRl4AN AND ENGINEER REl'OR!ED ON s..lid Waste stating that a meeting had been held with Southwold !oWl\ship, but that southWOld had indicated that they would be opposing the St. !hO\\laS Sanitary Collection SeTVices Ltd. application for the South_ld !oWl\ship site. They alsO reported that a draft agreement had been received but had not been reviewed. ST. THOMAS t ONTARIO, MARCH 31, 1976. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) The On1~ario Municipal Board setting hearing dates for appeals from Land Djlvision Committee Reports. (2) From the Township of Yannouth with Zoning By-Law regarding zoning land n4~ar the L. & p. S. Railway on Road 29 for Recreational pu rpo S4~S . MR. LYLE WELLS of Frank Cowan Co. in attendance. TIlE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER Reeve Wilson in attendance. THE COUNTY INSURANCE PROGRAM was reviewed following the attached report by the Engineer. Mr. Wells recommend.ed the increasing of deductible limits wher4l practical to lower the cost of insurance and overhead costs. A1PTER DISCUSSION AND QUERIES nl'iOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT WE RENEW OUR INSURANCE POLICIES WITH THE FRANK COWAN CO., NAMELY MUNICIPAL LIABILITY, NON OWNED AUTO, AUTOMOTIVE FLEET, NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT FLOATER, RADIO, FLOATER, BOILER & MACHINERY It>OLICY BOND, VALUABLE PAPERS, OFFICE CONTENTS, MOVING PERMIT INSURANCE, FIRE INSURANCE ON COUNTY GARAGES, AND WORKMEN'S GOMPENSATION AND COUNCILLOR'S ACCIDENT POLICY WITH THE FOLLOWING GHANGES FROM PREVIOUS YEARS - (1) AUTOMOBILE FLEET $ 500 DEDUCTIBLE (2) NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT FLOATER $ 1000 DEDUCTIBL,E (3) FIRE INSURANCE ON COUNTY GARAGES $ 1000 DEDUCTIBLE. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 31, 1976. PAGE 4. MR. WELLS LEFT THE MEETING. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE Lower Thames. Valley Conservation Authority stating that they would assume the Crane prop,erty on Road 14 and maintain it as a wayside park. "l~OVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CONTACT THE UN IVERS ITY OF liES TERN ONTARIO TO ASCERTAIN IF THE UN IVERS I.TY WOULD BE AGREEABLE ~ro THE COUNTY TRANS FERRING THE TITLE OF CRANE P ARK TO TIHE LOWER THAMES VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY. CARRIED. n CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM Wm. Millard on Road 45 requesting County assi~stance in crossing County Road 45 near Highway 19 with a drain. The matter lilas discussed and the Engineer instrocted to obtain mor'e infonnationl, APPROVAL WAS GIVEN the Chairman a,nd Warden to open Equipment Tenders to be presented to the next meeting. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Village of Port Burwell requesting the,. problem regarding parking on Road 42 be tabled until the Village Council had discuss4td the matter further. rr WAS DECIDED TO CONTACT Mr. R. McNeil further regarding the proposed trl!nsfer by the Ministry of Transportation and. CC"i",,,,,Jnications of Highway 4 W4tst 0 f Road 20 to the Village 0 f Port Stanley. as nothing had been heard in the past month. TIlE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT IT APPEARED that property owners in the Carrs Br1dg~l area of Road 52 were satisfied with the proposed realignment of ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH :31, 1976. PAGE 5. Road 52 acnlSS Kettle Creek and that a meeting with the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority had been satisfactory. TIlE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED THAT THE property of Phyllis Ferguson be appraised and a settlement reached if possible. The Engineer was authorized to have an appraisal made. TIm ENGINEER PRESENTED Calcium Chloride prices as attached. U}40VED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER ~['HAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF (A) POLLARD BROS. FOR LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE AT $ 73.50 PER FLAKE TON EQUIVALENT. (B) ALLIED CHEMICAL LTD. FOR BULK CALCIUM CHLORIDE AT $ 73.50 PER TON AND (C) ALLIED CHEMICAL LTD. FOR BAGGED CALCIUM CHLORIDE AT.' $ 88.80 PER TON. CARRIED. It ROAD INSPECTION WPS TENTATIVELY set for April. 28 West Elgin. it. U:MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10: 00 A.M., APRIL 15. CARRIED." h~ .' a/)A~ v ( CHAIRMAN. . f~~<~ I~' CALCIUM CHLORIDE QUOTATIONS 1976 LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE 1. Pollard Bros. t Harrow 2. Miller Paving Ltd., Buttonvi11e (Last Year's price $ 66.15 Inc Tease of 11'0) FLAKE CALCIml CHLORIDE 1. Allied Chemical Ltd. In Bulk (Last Yellr's price $ 66.15 Increasle 0 f 11%) 2. Allied Chemical Ltd. In Bags 25 Ton Truck Loads (Last year's price $ 82.40 Ine rea se 0 f 7.8%) .~ $ 73.50 per ton $ 74.00 per ton $ 73.50 per ton $ 88.80 per ton the fotlo~ing is a list of policies in effect on countY n rt d 'i bilit~ Unless othe~ise stated policies >>ui\.dings, x tope Y an ... a ' · are thtough the fnlnk Co,.an Company and are due January 29. 1976 and haVe been under a >>inder PolicY to keep them in effect until the Colll!1littee has revie~d them. ~ INSURANCE REVIE~ 1976 ( {~ /J~ i.. Insurance (like everything else) haS gone up in cost and as the v.alue of itemS insured haS alsO risen a double inCrease in cost has occurred. >>ecause of thiS cost the county ~st give serious consideration to ptotecting itself against the majOr losses of liability. accident and fire and accept the sman 10sses of accident , ,-+- of the cost of doing bUsiness. our '!\gents SUgge.st and fi reas a pal..'" . that a ueducti\)1e ClaUse be used ...hich in some P01ides might give sa"ings up t02lf/.. 1.~ l.imits 0 f l.iability per c 1aim $ 5. 000. 000. thiS genera1 'l.t~\)ility PoHcY p.rotectSRoads. NonHcensed E<luil'ment. t ,\-'1) . S 6 the Cou rt 1\ouse Block and includes a libe1 and slander c1aUse but does not itlc1Ude E1gin flanor or ~eea spraying. ~ 3 232 54 of ~hich $ 2.810.68 In 1975 the charge against Roads ~as ~ , · ..' . against 29 up1icensed piece~ of e<lUit>ment ($ 96.92 each) which 1eft $ 421.85 unsubid i zed bY the 1'Ii n i st ry 0 f t tan spo rut ion and C ot(Utll1nica t ionS · ')S\ j,' 2.~ ~ 5 000 000 protectS County against dalDllge suitS, l.iability l.imits. ~ .. ' etc. imToWing vehicles not o""ed by the CountY but <olQr\<.ing for the CountY (e.g. pri"ate dump trucks, private cars, etc.). l.iability for b .""d or acnuired bY the CountY is $ 50,000. 1icensed vehic1es orrow- ~ Cost in 1975 ,.as $ 257. I l f ~ \ I iO ~l /)\0 \) ) ~-"\ I ~ f, INSURANCE REVIEW 1976 Pa ge 2 3. Automotive Fleet Liability $ 5,000,000 per accident. Policy is presently $ 100 Deductible Policy all Perils with a Guaranteed Value Replacement Clause. The 1975 initial premium was $ 7,359 for 27 vehicles and the floa1t. Although our merit rating on both collision and comprehensive is very good a general increase in insurance rates will result in a considerable premium increase. In an attempt to reduce costs we have lowered the Re:placement Cost Value of 2 of our old trucks which merely serve as Sander Truck,s to the p40int of cost of similar replacement trucks on the marke:t. Further ,savings could be made by adopting a $ 250 deiductible on all , pe ri Is. The valu1e of our Fleet is now $ 316,000 (replacement cost) vs. $ 300,000 in 1975. 4. Non Licensed E~uipment,'-Floater Equipment is protected on a Subscription Floater Policy with a number of companies through Frank Cowan' Company. All non licensed equipment, materials, tools, etc. ~lre protectE~d against fire,'wind, collisi,on, upset, theft, etc. Major equipment is listed and has a Gua ranteed Valu4~ Replacement Clause. Snow Plow Equipment, Tools and Stock are listed separately, and valued as groups. Any equipment rented to the County without operatolrs is protected to a vlaue 0 f $ 50,000. Total Equipment, Tools and Stock items on our 1975 Policy had II value of one million dollars. (Cost of Policy somewhat over $ 10,000) Our revised list for 1976 has a value of$ 950~OOO. In an at,tempt to reduce the cost of insurance. $01l1e of the olde1t" equipment which we would trade in several years has been reduc.ad to actual market value. Further savings could be made by adopting a $ 1000 deductible clause on losses. INSURANCE REVIEW 197~ Page 3 5. Radio Floater This is presently a separate policy with a premium ()f $ 640 in 1975. Insures Mobiles, Base Stations and Towers. Our Insurance CompHny' suggests it be incorporated into our General Equipment Floater Policy ",ith a $ 250 deductible clause. ' 6. Surveying EQuipment Floater Present Policy is in force to January 1978. No premiums due. 7. Boiler ,and Machinerv Policy Insurance on' Boilers and Pressure Vessels such as Garage Boiler, Ai r Camp resso r, Cent re Li ne Ma rke r, Comp ress ion Tanks, etc. Liability limit $ 5,000,000 and $ 200,000 property damage on our property if an expolsion or rupture occurred., Premium for 1976 $ 203. 8., Weed SpraY Liabilitv Protects County against damages from Municipal Spraying on County Roads - cost $ 336 in 1975 which is not subsidized by the Ministry of Transpo rtation and Communications. I f no spraying is done in 1976 the policy is not needed. 9.. Bond Bond Limit $ 50,000. Blanket Bond on all County employees for protection of the County against theft and vandalism, etc. Road Department share approxi.mately $ 140 for 1976. 10. Valuable Papers Total of $ 100,000 on valuable papers throughout the County. Road De.partment pays on $ 45,000 of this. Premium about $ 95 ; annuall.y. Polity provides for costs of replacing records, resu rvE~ying costs, etc. if records are damaged or destroyed. 11. Office Contents I On EngiLn~er's office, 79 StEinley Street, Floater as part of CIOUrt: House insurance. . Contents insured for $20,000. INSURANCE REVIEW 1976 Page 4 12. Moving l?ennit Issuance Insurance A continuing policy which protects County against all suits because of issuance of moving permits, etc. Cost $ 6.00 per permit issued (paid for by applicant). 13. Insurance on County Garage Protection White Station and Rodney Garages against fire, rnaliciousacts, windstonns, etc.. extended coverage and damage from falling radio tower. Values for 1976 - Main Garage $ 325,000 Other values - Old Hange r Bldg. 100,000 Small Storage Bldg. 25,000 Salt Storage Bldg. 10,000 Rod~ey Ga rage 10,000 $ 470,000 , Fire Insurance Rates a re up 011 all buildings except: Main Gci rage. However the value of it has been raised. A $ 1000 deductible would reduce premium cost considerably. 14. Workmen's Compensation Rates - 1975 - Cleric~l 5~per $100 of payroll Outside Workers $1.75 per $100 of payroll. for - 1976 - Clerical 75<;. per $1000 f payroll Outside Workers $2.50 per $100 of pc:lyroll~ :~ r 1" r Estimated premiums for 1976 are approximately $ 17,000 Credit from 1975 - $ 580 (On ,any outside work our Workmen's Compensation Premiums are recovered from person employing us.) The limit for compensation p~r person was raised in 1975 to $ 15,000 per person from $ 12,000 in 1974 by the Wor.kments Compensation Bo~rd. !i: J: Ji t, " j, II, ;; 6. 7. 8. March 10, 1976 JJ~; ~'JrP ~ hlb , I~ Conditions ReAgreement between County of EIgi~ and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. re the disposal of solid waste from the County of Elgin at the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. proposed Southwold Township site. 1. Terms of Contract Agreement is dependent on the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. obtaining approval t6 operate. Starting when use of site begins.' Duration. for life of si.te. Agreement to be'Registered on Title. 2. Any MunJcipality has the right, to accepts tonnage price or a per capita price using Step-Unit price. . Minimum contract period shall be 5 years for 1st contract. Renewals of contra ct sha II be' a minimum of 3 years. After expiry of the term of its intial'agreement or subse~uent agreements the Municipality has the option of: 1- opting out of the agreement 2- changing from per capita rate to ton'nage rate or 'vice-versa If Municipality opts out - it may opt in again ,at any time. ' Any Municipality not having an agreeme.nt may opt in at ,any time. Agreement to be avai,lab1e. for use of all local Municipalities in E.lgi.n County other than St. Thomas and SouthwoldTownship. Rates to he: governed by Step-f,tate Chart basis ,o:n, total amount of waste to ,he deposited in the site onan.annualbasis. The first and last year to be Pro Rated. 3. 4. 5. Rates are other ,than, requirement s of Southwald Township c~ nC! the cost of. improvement ofacess roads -'. such costs to be sub ject to further discussions and agreements., Rates do not, include i.ncreased costs caused by changes'in:regulations by the PrOvincial Governrnent,' nor for t,he cost, 'if any, of, leachate removal. These cost~1 if any, are to bed~tailed and spread over 'entire! tonnage of solid waste per annum. Contract is' effective 'between ran,ge of 30,000 ton to 85,000 ton per annum (or p;ro rated). If the tonn.age per annum is not in , this range the Contract is to be renegotiated~ ' Of the agreed charges for disposal, the. Chart Rates aret.o be. for 1976 Chart Rate.: for disposal to be adjusted annually according to DBS " .. . . , as follows:, 1. Ownership cost of site as shown is not :subject to adjustment. 2. The remaining portion of charge is to ble a9)usted arinually in Jan~ary tor the entire calendar year as follows: D B S December of previous year DB s'ro~ December of lY15 times the remaining portion of the charge ; Page 2 9. Tonnage Rate times MacLaren formula .365 'ton per year per person to be used in calcul~ting per capita charge. 10. If a per capita. rate is chosen by the Municipality then the population for the MuniCinality i~ defined, as follows: The population of any Municipality on (January 1st shall be used for the entire ensuing year and shall be the latest population figure available at that date from the Provincial Ministry of Revenue Cen~us but shall not include the residents of institutions such as Hospitals, Provincial, Municipal and Private, Homes for the Aged, Ontario Police College etc. ]]. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited shall accept for disposal (within the limits of Provincial Regulations) at the chart price (1) All Solid 'I.faste delivered by a,ny hauler under a contract to a Municipality (2) Any Inst'itutionalwaste delivered to the disposal area (3) Commercial waste delivered to the'disposal area. Charges for such waste to be billed to the Municipality 12. In calculating annual tonnage of solid waste entering the Waste Disposal Site the follOWing shall be considered - All Municipal Waste hauled by haulers under contract to any,lV[unicipality. All Waste hauled directly by the Municipality of its agents including Southwold Towriship. All Waste hauled from any Industrial or Commercial. Organization including any material to be reclaimed. The following shall not be included - Earth hauled for cover material or tOD s051. Material hauled for road bUilding such as foundry sand fromCanron, broken tile from Canada Vitrified etc. A credit for any material sold as reclaimed. 13. Payments by the Municipality at approximately the 10th of the month following after invoicing by St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited of actual. tonhage deposited in the pr~vious month (i.e. charges for the month of,January payable in Februa~y). If the Municipality is, on a per capita Rate, 1/12 of Annual per capita rate is payable per month on the basis of the above (i.e. charges for month of January payable in February) 14. All Weigh Bills and Summary 'Sheets to be sent to the Municip.alities. All copies preserved and subject to Municipal Audit and inspection. 15. Hours of Entry of Vehicle to be agreed upon for this agreement. (Monday - Friday g P.M. - 5 P.M.?) L~ga1 Holidays excepted? 16. Type of Vehicles to be allowed into the site to be agreed upon. 17. Material from any Municipal' Conta in.er Site to be accepted at Chart Rate and costs to bE~ billed to the Municipality for which the container is designated. 'li; LF }': iili !f!'j IVi f~ ~!i J,' 111 ~1 ~: II] ~ II' ~ II t I f COUNTY OF ELGIN SOLID vlASTE '-//// A ~ I~-~ 1~.,.h~.M / March 9, 1976. ANALYSIS OF ST. 1~HOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES POSITION OF MARCH 8, 1976 (1) OWNERSHIP COSTS Based on a Capital Cost of $650,000 which will be returned in yearly installments @ 9~% interest over 20 years. Return pE!r year - $73,759 (say $74,000) (2) OPERATING COSTS Labour Costs 1 Supervisor 1 Spott€~r etc. 1 OfficE~ - Scaleman etc. 1 Loader operator 1 Dragline operator St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services estimate $74, :256 yearly Equipment l' Tandem D'llmp Truck, amortized over 5 years 1 Fiat Allis HD - 12G Loader Dozer, amortized over 4 years 1 Dragline, amortized over 15 years 1 Set Scales, amortized ove~ 10 years Misc. Equipment, amortized over 10 years Costs per year @ ll!% Truck i 9,649 Dozer .23,158 Dragline15,935 Scales 5,255 Misc. Equip 2,627 $56,624 Fuel Costs _ 15,660 gals. per year @ 45~'- (No Prove Tax on Fuel) ,( over (over (over (dver (over 5 years) 5 years) 15 years) 10 years) 10 years) Maintenance- Costs Truck $ 7,000 Dozer l6~800 Dragline 7,333 Scales 3,000 Misc. Equip. 1,500 $35,633 Insurance~& Miscellaneous -$i2,OOO SUMMARY $74,256 Equipment $56,624 7,047 35,633 12-000 $.Lts~ ~bU Using Ope~rC!:ting Costs on a Straight Labour Costs, Capital C:ost of Fuel Costs Maintenan.ce Coats Ins~rance $35,000 $84,000 illO,OOO 30,000 15,000 ,$7,047.00 (Say$lg6~.OOO ) l~ne Interpolation J ," .~ 'I I ~ ~. ,~ }:1 , ~i I YEARLY TONNAGE OF SOLID WAS~rE Using St. Thomas.Sanitary Collection Services figures, less profit '~'" ' ' and overhead IN THOUSANDS OWNERSHIP OPERATING TOTAL S~T,S.C.PROPOSAL 30,,000 -" 35,000 2~28 5.72 8.00 ',7.34 '35,000 -40,000 1.97 ' 4.96 ' 6.93 :7.05 4.0,000 - 45,000 ' , 1.74 ' 4,.38 6.12 6.77 .,,45,000 .. 50,000 1.56 3'.92 5.48 ' 6.49 50 ,'OOQ-, 55, 000 ,1.41 ' 3.54 4~95 6.22' , 55,,000 -60,000' 1.29 , 3.23 ' 4.52 ' 5.96 '60/000.'." '~5 ,000 ' 1.18 . ,2.98 4.16 5.72 ,65.:,000 '.~?O,OOO 1.10 2.76 3086 5.47 70" OO~- ,'75 ;'000 1.02 2.57 ' 3.:59 5.23 '.. ,~5, 000.... 8,0,090 :0'.95 ' [J. 2..40, ' '3,.35 . 4.99 gO~OOO .. '85,000.: 0.9"0 2,.25 311:' 4.75, o,!l ,~5, 000 ,.~ ,90,,000 0.85 . 2~13 2.9g .4.52: . '.," I'.... , ~ . ," , COUNTY OF ELGIN SOLID WASTE I~RCH 9, 1976 ~.; m: ,!!t ?f. ,j: l ,;[: l' I) ': Ji n! ~: , ' ~ ~ !! l' 11 Ii ii ,I 11 !: r ,I [ ~ I; If} '- (f~;fg~f!A~ f\fv~'\...JJ."lp1 j., /' COUNrry OF ELGIN ROAD DEPART:fI.1ENT ESTIMATES OF ST. THOMAS SANITARYCotLECTION SERVICES COSTS Own~.tship Costs Based on a Capital Cost of $500,000 with a residual value of $100,000 . $4001000 to be written off in 15 years @ 10% Cost of Write off Portion (i.e. $400,000) Interest on $100,000 Residual ------- $ 52,589 10,000 If Written off in 10 years cost is Plus Interest on Residual $62,589 $ 65,098 10,000 $ 7S,098 Case (1) ($63,000) on 55,000 - 60,000 Range is $1.10 per ton vs $1.29 La,bour $75,000 Equipment @ 10% Trucks and Associated Equipment sip Water Tank etc. $35,000 over 6 years Dozer - Compactor $85,000 over 7 years Dragline $125,000 over 15 years Scales $30,000 over 15 years Misc. Equipment etc. $12,000 over 10 years (including 2 pickup trucks, pumps, etc.) Fuel Costs, Oil, Grease etc. (50,000 'Ton) 7 gallon I ht = 16,380 @ 45~ Maintenance of Equipment 'Trucks * 5,000 Dozer, Compactor 15,000 DraglinelO,OOO Scales & Other Equip~ $3,000 $33,000 Insurance Misc. Expense, $12,000 Labour Machine Ownership Fuel Equipment Maintenance Insurance FIXED COSTS $75,000 $40,000 $10,000 $8,100 $ 33, 000. ' $ 2,000 $53,000 VARIABLE $10,000 $125,000 *8,500 19,000 , 16,400 4,000 2.000 $50,000 .$ 7, 500 9t~..-~) . ... J- . /c",,. I ~ ,Po"", aL.:: 0/,-,"-"1""'7 ooc>'~ Co~T 4'1r~~ ~- ~ -- CJU""" ~'> ~~- - ~o ,,/0 -7~- ~- - ~-o 50 - .:;;-~- :i~-- ~o 00 - ~~- ~~- - 70 70 ,- 7~" 7~- - So 80 - <<8~- <;r__"-,,"_-W_.'" "-:t;", 'Z'H' , _..;~ ~:~- ~. -'$""~'_'._"'..:_-' ",;4,~';_";'., ./"~-s. 000 ) /~:Zl c~c /~~) 000 /(0) 000 /(7)000 /78),600 /82 000 ) / 8 Co) 000 I 20 0'00 ) / '7 ~I 0 C) 0 - r / / /78/ 000 -.'-=-:;-:'~~'!':"'~~~"~'.._,,--,"--=:-..,._.~~,.~ .'", __-~" .-.' ....,~4' _u, .:..._~.~~~~,~~:;';3~~'UJ:~~~:~~~,__,_:.c ,,~':,:;-~4<~";"~;,:,:;,;~:,:z~-~~-::;c;;;::'.: ._ ~_ ar~'(l.v:lT!oJ...{ (~~\ 7~ n.. -;;..z / \. ~ O~M.ci1Z.. ~J.i,p C~~ l' ~~.\..\~r:l V ., E 'ib-R- ~-<..' ?f4\. ~ " L/ s:::../_ " ...., Si. - /;1'].-.. 7........- ~. .,......... ,#~'-' "I y~z I. y 7 /./~ - ~. '1 \ /.77' I. /0 ~ .~-8. /. ~-~ I.o~- .,3,.3\ /'7/ /.00 ~. 10 /.;2., o. 7? .2. "I' \ 1,18 o. 7~- ,;< . 7to /./0 0 ~z. d' "2- /,02.< o. Yo :2 . ~ -0 0, 7~- o. S'~. ~."o D.7o 0, &~ -- r-- ------- r ~O ( ::>. ":,,~'t.'___~'" ,_ _ ~~_~,~.J ~~:'v..__ v: '0/ *~ ~7/JL S. TS::.:.' <;, ''j , ?p~s,n L VI \-~, 1" - s:.< :t./ "7 ':t~./ - /; 0:.:" "-" · -- ..7 ,,'oeJT '(,fi 7o~- - o'~l ~. 7:>- ~,77 t- 0.02- ~c l<t C. . 17 f- o.~o ~~ 7z, C 1:2. ;J.. +0.-:;)0 ~~/~~ ~ ~ ie. f o.~(p ,:, -: 0 't ~-I?z.. + o. ~€) 7.78 ~~il ... 0, G:>~ y.~y d:~~ + 0, (,\ 7~~ 177 1- 0, C,,(p -T /:>- i,l~ .., ~o +0.- ---- v/ ?a~ e~?/~ @. . 5'~/ e On tle~/dh. c..o~1 +'; n Y'CS J...04 ....., - I ;;..7.2- '') L1. J 0<' T(p, ;;<. a. l, J. oj I. 9G /. <(1 /, 7~ /, {, (" I. 5"8 /~s / ,~ ;2,2,gb .~ ,I' \\ -" I (;..1.11 ~;..-"'" I t l' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT March 17, 1976. The following Report is presented by your Special Conunittee on negotiations with the St. Thomas Sanita1:7 Collectic.n Services ]["td. for a Disposal Cost at their proposed Southwold Township Site. Your Committee has met with representatives of St. Thetmas Sanitary (~ollection Services Ltd. and report as follows: The following Rate Chart has been agreed upon by both the Negot:lating Committee and representatives of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. and is offered subject to County Council t"c1tification for the use of any local municipality in the County of Elgin other than the City of St. Thomas and the Township of Southwc)ld. In considering the rate there are a considerable number of conditions and Solicitors for both parties are presen1:1y at work on a Draft Agreement. Some of the major conditions are: (1) Any Agreement is contingent on St. Thomas Sanitary Collectjlon Serv'ices Ltd. obtaining all necessary approval~to use the site as .a disposal area. (2) To the rates must be added costs (if any) of improvement c.f aec-ass roads and requirements 0 f Southwold Township. (3) Consumer Price Index does not apply to the Ownership portion of the rate. (Column 3 and 5) (4) Price Per Ton or Price Per Capita may be used. Conversion basled on McLaren fonnulae of .365 ton per person per year'l (5) Tonnage of Waste Per Year is Total Tonnage received at site for disposal for all Municipalities,' Industrial, Commercial, etc. sources. (6) Total Price Column includes Ownership Cost. p'F.: PR~'tA Amount 0 f N'nOunt ,of 'Total Pt'ice 'tota'\. 'tonnage 'tota1. Price vthich 1.$ of 'Waste Pet' Annum Vlhich 1.s o~et'Shil? Rec,a at Landfill site 01Allet'shil? ~ l~ ~ ~ ~ $ 3.04 $ .B3 $ 8.34 $ 2.28 30 .. 35 2.72 .72 7.44 1..97 35 .. 40 2.46 .64 6.75 '\..74 40 .. 45 2,,2.6 .57 6.1.9 1.56 45 ... 50 2.09 .51 5.72 1..41. 50 ... 55 1...96 .47 5.36 1..29 55 .. 60 1..84 .43 5.04 1..1.8 60 ... 65 1...74 .40 4.78 1..1.0 65 .. 70 1..66 .37 4.54 1.02 ,0 ... ,5 1..58 .35 4.33 0.95 ,5 .. 80 1.,.51. .33 4.1.5 0.90 80 .. 85 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH. 10, 1976. Page 1 Building on MaTCh 10. 1976 at 10:00 A.M. 11.11 members except THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD coMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Reeves Wilson and Caverly were present. THE MlNUTES OF THE MEETING OF li'EBRUi\lt'l 11 were read and approved. 1. The ice staxnl of last Tuesday was the worst in the past 20 mE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE \JOllK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: years and relllOved a great many tree bmnches which would take the better part of a lIIOnth to clean up. 2. Two crews bad been working for the City of St. Thomas and one for the Board of Education on brush clean up. 3. Winter Cont1:01 had been light in the past 2 weeks. but expenditureS to date were approximatelY $ 175.000. StoJ~ been installed on Road 39 at Port Burwell but it was not known where the wnter was coming from. 4. 5. It bad not yet been possible to replace the stone block at Port Burwell as they were still frozen in. 6. Truck # 25 bad been junked as there were no brakeS on the tandem wheels and the clutch had gone out. The lIIOtor was using an excessive alllOunt of oil and was not worth fixing. 7. Insumnce policies were being extended until the committee would bave an opportunity to review the policies with the 'F rank. Cowan Co. s't. 't\\0~' Oli't!bJt10. ~CU \,0, 1976. Page 2. 8. Gra"el would be placed on l\&ad 43 as time pe-rmitted starting at llDad 42. 9. 'the 'dhitn61s had agreed to accept the count1' s offel: to l: tb.eil: P 1:'Opert1 south 0 f the 'to'lfl\ship 1:'Oad. U}\ovED 'B"'l: L. It. C~OLL SWONDt!> ~"l 's G. ll. sl)lP50li 't'I:tA't flU!. 'F0a,()'d1liG l\CCOUli'tS ~E ~PROVt!> 'FOR PA'nIEli't p...'CL1S't it 11 _ j,llOUN't1liG 'to $ . 840.51 PA'CL1S't it 12 _ ~OCli't1NG 'to 30,108.13 pt.'CL1S't it 13 _ j,llOUN't1liG 'to 63 ,146 · 58 PA"lL1S't t 9 _ ~OUN11liG 'to . 491.88 PA"lL1S't t 10 _ ~OUli't1l'lG 'to 29,186.61 ctJUt1.ED" f "''MOVED' . 'B"'l t }\. A. sCU~'EIt SECOlillil> ~"ls G. 'd. MQN'tE1't\\ 't'I:tA't 'dE 1'Il~E 'FR0l11100tJIl ~ ROSE 1UR1E m\1'tNE'l 't\\A't POR't10li O'F 't\\E1R PROPE~ 1N 1..o'I 24 CONCESS10N V "ltJU'1OC't\\ L'l1liG SOU't\\ O'F 't\\E RO~ 't\\R()llGl\ CONCESS10li V OPE Nt!> ~"l ~"l-~ t 148 (~E1NG ~PROX1~EL"l 32 ;.eRES 1li 1O'tt.L) 'FOR 't\\E S\l11 O'F $ 30,000. 't\\E ld\\l'tNE'lS NO't 'to OPPOSE t.N"l Al?PL1CA't10li ~"l 't\\E cOUN't"l O'F ELG1li 'to \lJ>.VE flU!. PROPER'!:'! REZONt!> J!:tC. ,OR A G\U.VEL P1't ~ 't\\E ld\\l'tNE'lS 'to EN'tER 1li't0 t.N t.GREEllEli't 'd1't\\ flU!. cOCli'!:'! 'to L1cfl'SE ~ to GRAVEL P1't 't'I:tA't l?OR't10li 0' 1..o'I 24 6. 25 liOR't\\ 0' flU!. 1()l1lliSl\lP RO;.tl ()\tNil> ~"l flU!. CO\lli'!:'! 0' ELG1l1 t.b\l'l 't\\E ld\\1'tNE'lS. ci\Fll1.ED't Sot:UI, vasn. 111S.JOSAl- waS diScUSsed at sotne length. 'da1:den Schafel:, Chai1:llllln coo\t ana the Rngineel: reported on i i _At'" ~e..resentati"es 0 f the St. 't\:l,ol\lllS Sanitary negot at ons W'" ,J.L $or collectiOn services Ltd. '" ST. TROWS, ONTARIO, MARCH. 10, 1976. Page 3 '!:HE ENGINEER pRESENTED '!:Hi. ATTACI:lED REPORTS whi.ch ~, we:re lliscussed by the committee. an ag:r:eement using the rates based on the County's estimate of THE COMM1TTEE !\GREED THAT the County shou1cl. offer the costs, St. Thomas Sanitary collection Services Ltd. (page 1) along with the terms and conditions SUggested. '!:HE MEETING J\DJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER REEVE WILSON was present. (1) Fxelll'Ministry of Revenue stating that a Sales Tax Rebate COR'RESpON!)ENCE W~ RUD AS FOLLOWS: of $ 11,000 for 1975 would be forthcoming. <:n From the TownshiPS 0 f Yarmouth and SouthWO ld with By- Law rezoning certain lands for residential purposes. (3) From the Workmen's COIIlPensation Board giving the reasons why Glen Robbins had been denied compensation. (4) l'rom the County of Elgin Road Depar\:lll8nt Employees Association stating that the Association had increased their Retirement ,ok- . Contribution .. $ 100 and requesting that the County of Elgin do likewise. "MOVED BY ~ s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE CONTRIBU'tE A SnnLIIR RETIREMENT ALLO'iIlINCE TO ROAll DEPARTMENT E'Ml'LOYEES AS '!:HE ROJ\D DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION NAMELY $ 100 10ND T1\tI.T MR. ESSELTINE BE GIVEN THIS AMOUNT. cJJ,tRIED" s't. TRONl\S, ONTARIO, ~CR lO, 1976. Page 4 (5.) frolll Port. Burwell Detacbm.8nt of the Ontario provincial police requesting changes in Parlr.ing Regulations on lload 42 in front of the Detacbm.8nt Office. 'the Engineer SUggested the tuatur be tabled until the views of the Port Burwell council nad been received. (6) London Automobile sport Club -requesting the use of Count' lloads for sports Car ~llY, 'the Engineer waS instructed to contact the club and reqpest farther information. 'fll,E 1!,NG1NEER REpORTED '!:RAT liE \\tlD gT with Rep resenta t iVes of the Ministry of Tre.nsport.ation and Go\lllllllnications regaxding the St. 'thotuas Expresswa, and it appeared that (0 The Ministry of Transportation and C()IIIIl\Inications waS still committed to building the Expresswa, altbougn land purchase proble!l\S at the present d\1\8 were holding up the construction of the underpass at the L.t. p.S. (C.N.R..) ~ilwaY' (2) That likel, a 2 lane road WOUld be built for the ti\1\8 being. (~) That likel, the port.ion of County lload 52 between Talbotville and lload 26 would be used as the western end of the expressway. (4) That the Count,'S construction of lload 30 and 52 east of wellington lload would not interferecwith the Ministry of Transpo r1;at ion and Co'l\lllUnica tions plans. 'lllE ENG1NEER pRESEJ:l'tEtl AND RJ,V1EWEtl 'lllE attached proposed Budget for Solid Waste Disposal. S't. 'tRoWS, ON'tAlttO, NA1tCll \,0, \976. Page 5 \'MOVED '61:, L. 'R. cAR'ROLL Si.CONl>'ED i'h G. 01. ldON'tEt'tR 't\\A't 'dE llEC()~ 'to cOUlff'f COUl'lCtL 't\\A't A C~T'l ~ Oi $ 1,000 iE S'E't Ul? tOll. SOL'ID waS'ti l)tsl'OSP>L 1.NCL\l'I)t~ 'tlJ.i. c0U1<<'l'S (;o}i'tltUU'ttON 'tG 1t)N1>GN AllEA SOL'ID O1bS'tllo sTUD1. cl\ll'R11J)\t 'tlJ.i. 'ENGtN'EEll. l?1lESEN't'ED 'tlJ.i. A'l"tt.C\\'ED ll.l1.l?01l.'t of the St. 'thOtaaS subUTban 'Road COtlJlli.ssion $00 ~i.e1il8d the colllllission's Budget aoO ..:eportea tUt the CQllllllission had assumed foT constTllc.d0n t'l,.,.....t nO.' ......on of 'Road 30 (Badi0 'Rosa) bet1il8en 'Road 52. aoO pu-rposes .... r .~. !a.tte-r&o't\ 'iri.dge. "}lovED '61t Si.CO~'ED~' G.01.~'tit'tR 'f\\A't 'dE coNCUR 'Et'tR 'tlJ.i. llESoUl'ttON Of 'tR'E S't. 'tR0}!AS snU1\'&~ ll.Ol>1'> co~tsStON ot }U.ll.Cll 8/16 ASsulOliG AS to SUB\l1\'&~ 11.01>1'> c~'t'! ll.o!l\l 30 Bt.'t'ftl'.EN ll.O!I\l 52. AND 'tRE ll.o!l\l ,;LLO'dp,NC'E ll'E't'ftl'.'EN cONCltSstONS X ~ xt 'l~OU'tR. c~l'ED\' G. D. sl}1PSO~ 'llAOV'iD '61' Si.CO~'ED~' ~. A.~~ll. 'f\\A't 'tR'E >>\l'I)G'E't oi s't. 'tROlUS S\l>>U1G~ ll.QfI1) C()~tsstON tN ~N't oi $ 145,000 tOll. CONS't'R\lc'ttON t.ND ~tN't'EN~Ct. ot 'tRt. s't. 'tRQlU\S sn\lll.ll~ ll.O!I\lS s'l.S'tt.~ ~ $ 800 toll. NObl sUiS'ID tu.>>Li t't'EM> toR 1916 >>'E A1?PRO'l'ED t.ND llECo~lID 'to cOUN't'! COUNCtL iOlt c~'t'! COUNCtL A1?l?ltOV,;L. s. J. GLOVER C~liD" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH lO. 1976. Page 6 THE ENGINEER REVIEWED THE ATTACHED BUDGET AND commented on it. Some members felt that if Land Purchase or other difficulties would not allow the diversion of Road 52 and replacement of Carrs Bridge alternate engineering work should be available so that an ot,her project could proceed. It was also suggested that an additional amount of asphalt resurfacing could be done a:s well. The replacement of Walker Bridge was discussed and while no change was made in the Budget it was agreed to examine very carefully the need for the bridge before plans would be commissioned Lor the replacement of it. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD LEVY FOR 1976 BE $ 60_3.,000 AND THAT THE URBAN REBATE REMAIN AT 25% AS IN FORMER YEARS. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLU'rION BE PASSED ADOPTING THE ATTACHED PROPOSED STATEMENT O:F WORK AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1976 AND THAT THE STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIEDn THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE CENTRAL ELGIN PLANNING Board had withd.rawn their objection to more than one house lot on the cut off corner of County Road 2() in Lot 7 Concession V Southwold. ST. ~R()MAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 10, 1976. p~ge 7 uMOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON 'tllA'I: 'l:lI.E ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED '1:0 RAVE A REVERENCE pLAN pU,CED ON A POR'l:10N OF LO'!: 7 CONCESSION V SOll'l:RWOLD TOWNSllIP O\fNED BY THE c()'llNTY OF ELGIN AND NO'!: USED FOR ROAD ALLOWANCE. THE }..tl.ND TO BE DIVIDED INTa 5 LO'l:S AND 'l:lI.E ENGINEER AlITHaRIZED '1:0 CALL TENDERS FOR 'l:lI.E SALE OF 2 LlYl'S. CARRIED" in the Village of Dutton along 'Road 8 should be sold as building THE ENGDlEER REClil'MMENDED T11.AT 'l:lI.E PROPERTY not xequired lets. "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLCN'ER T11.AT 'l:lI.E ENGDlEER BE AlI'l:llORIZED TO RAVE A REVERENCE PLAN pLACED ON TKE }..tl.NDS IN DUTTON NO'!: REQUIRED FOR ROAD ALLOWANCE pURPOSES. THE PLAN TO SHaW APPROXIMATELY 5 BUILDDlG LO'l:S AND THA'l: THE ENGINEER BE AlITHORIZED Ta CALL TENDERS FaR THE SALE OF 'IRE LO'tS. cARRIED" anG requested that he work. with the County of Elgin anG the Village of Port Stanley to prevent the reversion of Highway 4 West of County THE ENGDlEER REPORTED THAT KE HAD WRITTEN Ron &Neil Road 20 to the Village of Port Stanley. llr. McNeil had b:tOugbt tbe matter to tbe attention of tbe Ron. Jall\6S Snow Minister of Transportation and Communications. that they were interested in obtaining tbe Crane property on 'Road 14 '!:be Lower Thames Valley conservation Authority had inGieated ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 10, 1976. Page 8 for Conservation pUqloses. The c01IIIIIittee felt that the Authority should control the property if they were prepared to develop it for park pUTPoses. The Engineer was inst:EUcted to ascertain the Authority's plans. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED TENDEllS BE CALLED for replacement of certain equipment. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT TIlE ENGINEER BE EMt'vl'ft;RED TO CALlS FOR A LOADER WlTll nIE COUNTytS MICHIGAN LOADER 1$ A TRADE IN. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: G. D. SIMPSON THAT TIlE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CAJ.L TENDERS FORA TANDEM DIESEL TRUCK AND BOX. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: s. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M.A. SCHAFER THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOllEKW TO CALL TENDERS FOR A BULLDOZER WlTll COUNTY'S TRACTOR # 15 AS A TRADE IN. clRRIEDl- "MOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER TIlAT WE ADJOURN TO 10sOO A.M. MAllCR 31 OR TO THE CALL OF TaE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" ?A..?:/2. ;1~. ~ / ~ t ~1~1:LJ C~ fJ.. QpvtJ-. /yV '0 ;~ S 'J\3li91:!~.l>UBu!Bt.N !.og>1> CO~lS~10N ~PO!!: February I 76 'Ii "'to The chat rman And 1<Iembers Of The St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. on Suburban Roads and a . proposed Budget for 1')16. Attached to thiS report is a Statement of Expenditures in 1')15 County contr;,l to allo\4 fo.r constru<:tion on that portion of the road t.hat In 1915 a portion of Road 30 north 0 f Road' 52 waS reve rted to the comroi s s ion was unable to fi na nc e. 1 t ",i tl be nece s sa ry to rea S sun,e a portion of the reversion SO that the available funds for 1')16 !MY be pa rt normal in natu re ",i t\1 exception 0 f Shou lder Gravell.ingon "\Ie \1 inf,ton Road' (charged to Roadside Maintenance) and Surface' Treatment work on Road Maintenance and overhead Expenditures in 1')15 ",e,re for the most . utilized. ' 22. (Fa 1.:rview Ave.). ",ith Ha i ntenance and Non Sub sid i zab \e' items gave atota \ .expend i tU re 0 f Net Constnlction on Road 30 in 1915 totaled $ 111 ,416. 'n ",\elch $ :229,1'\42. 10. Even a fter the H ini st. ry () f 'l TanSl'ortat ion and Communi ca t ions Subsidy and the surplus.from 1')14"",rp deducted the. net deficit fo'r the Gity of St. Thomas share was stight\y in excess of $ 2.000. This defidt wil \ 0 f COil rse reduce the amount 0 f: we rk on the Subu tban System in 1')16. ilJ nt.er Cont to 1 est ima t eS have been ; nc reased because 0 f t.he severe "inter In \916 Hainten,,'nce on the System ",i \ \ be of a nonnal nature. to date. surface Treatment wi 11 be requi red on St. George Street (Road 26 _ approxim.'ltelY 0.') miles). As the Gount)' Overhead Costs are considerably morc in 1916 than in 1915 the Suburban Commision share is increased accordinglY, completion of Road 10. APproximatel)' $ 25.000 is required to complete >lOr\< 1\1\ funds not used 1.0 maintenance should be used to",ard the f rom the S to Tho!M s City Limits to County Road 52. Thi s ,,; 1\ leave approximanl)' $ 69.0(10 to be app1\e'\ against construction of the section of Road 30 from Road 52 to j'Jst north of Patrerson culvert. Approximately " 120.000 ove rand a,"ove the commi SS ion \ 5 funds ",ill be . requ i red to comp lete , the se.ction. Februa!:Y I 76 st ~ n1()~SUl\U~RQ.nS CQMM1SS lQR RE1'QR't . - . page 1. '. It j,lill.1:le nece~sar1' for the comroission to pass a resolution asSUI\li.n~. the tolld .to the toad aHoj,lance bet,.een concessions }t and }tl and when the c6mroiSsionB~aget i.s spent pass a Resolution reverting the .toll.d t.O the jurisdicti.on of the county SO that that section of road ca" be cOlll1'leted thiS year. .' ;.1.\ of Vlhich Is Resl'ectfuHY submitted, , .. .y~i r441 ..' '. . .. ....... .: . '. '. '. 'nl~.___. ______-.----~----. - ---.- ~ '. R.C, HOORE'. B. Sc.. 1'"Eng.. .' '. . EtlCINEER 'to 'tIlE S't. 'fl\o}lJ.$ S\rBUJlBAl'lRONl5 COMl'i1S510tl # \ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSIO:t\ STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1975 CONSTRUCTION 1. Road 30 - Radle) Road northerly from St. Thomas City limits in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, GrRnu1ar base:, Pavement, etc. _2_!~~t.~~l:.~~__ 2.' Road 22 - Fairview Avenue Surveys, etc.' 9.31 ...---..---------... I i , 3. Land Purchase _____2I.ZZ~:.~~__ Less Credit Culverts in stock in 1974 and u~ed in 1975 Construction 28,S32.60 Cr. TOTAL $ 171,476.91 MAINTENANCE 1. Bridges and Culverts 165.93 2. Winter Control (1974 - 10,799.95) 9 595.53 _._ .. _ _ _ .I .. _ _ _ .-. _ ~ '.. 3. Repairs to Paviements 4 263.07 ______1________ 5. Grading Maintenance, Gravel Resurfacing And Dust Control _____Z~Q~?.:g~__ ____... _ _ ~'~2:?~__ __..._!~.t!9~.!1'__ 4. Surface Treatmlent 6. Roadside Maint.enance including on Road 25 (Wellington ROl~d) 7. Weed and Grass Control _____1<i!!~.:.9~__ .. _ _ _ _2-.t&}1..: .?J._... , 920.00 ...-..-~-~-.._---- 8. Tree Cut~ing 9. Pavement Ma'rki ll1g 10. Signs and Guid1e Rai~s 11. Drainage and Slifeeping 12. Railroad Protelction 13. Traffic Counts _______1'!!.:99__ . _______ 9?!+.:!!E__ 14. Superintendenc1e, Overhead and Clerical, etc. ....._... _ J..IJ~9.:.;!3__ ... _ .. .. .. ... .. .. JJ.! ]) .. _ 11 998.53 ... ,. _... ... - .., ~ - - -- - - - ... TOT'AL $ 57,225.08 , , ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTAION AND COMMUNICATIoNS COlllllittee Memb1er Fees and. EXP!!nses _ _ _.., _ _ _ .9.1.9...._0_0__ _ _ _......... "_3_0__]_t_ Memberships, Insurance and. Miscellaneous TOTAL' $ 1.140.71 TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY 5T . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION $ :229.842~70 ST. THOHAS SUBU.l~BAN l"\OADS COMMISS 10:-: S T A TE}~?-:__QUXPE~m ITUJi ES_19 7? __ _ _...f~E.~__2___"_'_'H_ __ CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOHAS -. '-.-..'- .-...,. Construction M8intenance and Ov4erhea,d $ 171,476.91 $ _57. 225._0JL $ 228,701.99 Ministry of Transpc)rtation and COuullunications Subsidy rate is 73.02% or $ 166,998.19 (o'rigina t'ly estimated at 72. 98~s) Balance is shared ~equally by County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas. Amount PaYAble by City 0 f St. ThoITk'1s $ 30,851.90 Items Not Subsidizled (S-O%of 1140.71) $ 570.35 $ 31,422.25 Les surplus for 1974 8,649.31 Less 3z mill in 197.5 for City of St. Thomas 20J...50.00 Deficit to 1976 $ 2,022.94 ?1-,-- 1\\ o~YJ '1'\'J<1~~l0~) .. r, (~l~ c~~S_I_o~\1l)gll'l) (, Feb rua ry 1 q76 n ra f t 4F l J:l@'1' Ely:~':.~r cE:....0-().\!.l'J!~l.El\n PREVIOUS EXPEND IT1JRE 1973- --lQ7~ ---Fin ES T 11,11\ TE FOR 1976 --- ^ 'tFGORY ~--_.._~--,_._-'#----_...-- ------..-..-- 166 2,000 714, 749 BridZes & culverts 6,')37 lO,80n . Ylinte r Gont iO 1 4,Oh8 Lt,610 Roadside }~intenance 3,737 2,707 Hard Top }~intenance 1. , 1 S9 \,31.4 Loose Top Maintenance 3,140 4,R31 Sa fet,y Devices s.uperintendence & Overhead 11,573 12,974 TOThL Const.ruction Road 30 1'OTf,;L CONSTRUCTION f, ~IAINTENl\NCE ITEMS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MINISTRY OF TAAISPORTf,;T10N tJID C01<\MUNICl\1'10NS SUBSIDY ------==---- - -~-------~- -.- ~ $ 650 committee Members Fees and Expenses Miscellaneous Expenditu~S & Liability Insurance 150 $ 800 CALCULAT'10N OFA}10UNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOHAS --- ---,.- Februa ry 1976 Draft if 1 Hinistry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy rate i.n 1976 is estimated at 73.59%. Total Construction & Haintenance $ 145,000. Hinistry of Transportation and Connnunications Subsidy estimated at $ 106,~705.50. Remaining amount of $ 38,294.50 is divided between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. Amount payable by the City of St. Thomas is $ 19,147.25 Plus 50% of ltems Not Subsidized by the Hinistry of Transportation and C01'l11'Tlunications 400.00 Estimated cost to the City 0 f St. Thomas $ 19,547.25 1/2 Hi.ll from the City of St. Thomas will provide in 1976 $ 21,450.00 Less de fic it from 1975 2,022.94 $ 19, 427 . 06 Deficit to 1976 $ 120.19 ".~ it; ., COUNTY OF ELGIN SOLID WASTE BUDGET 1976 f~~ February 1976. 1. County of Elgin's share of London Area Solid Waste Study $ 3,000. (County share is 11% of 50% of the Cost of Study and was loriginally estimated at $ 3,400 in total and $ 663 was paid last year.) 2. Legal Fees 3. Dunwich Township Site Approval 4. Contingencies TOTAL 2,500. 500. 1,000 $ 7,000. ( COUNTY CONSTRUCTION 1. Miscellaneous Su rveys 2. Land Purchase 3. Drainage Asse:ssments 4. Provincial Sales Tax Rebate for 1975 5. Reduction in Stock Balance 6. Ownership Costs, etc. on Accounts Receivable 7. Road 2 West L.orne to Rodney, Aldborough Township 8. Road 3 Highway 3 to .Lake Erie, Aldborough Township Surface Treatment, Relocate Hydro Line Miscellaneous Drainage 9. Road 3 south Fleming Bridge Southerly Aldborough Township Fencing, Grading, Guide Rails, etc. 10. Road 4 Queen Street West, Rodney Sidewalk and Minor Grading 11. Road' 8 and 13 Dutton Completion of Curb and Gutter, Paving, Sidewalk, etc. 12., Road 20 Port Stanl~y Completion of Paving and Grading 13. Road 36 Highw~y 3 to Sparta, Yarmouth Township Completion of Grading and Guide Rail, Top Soil 14. Road 45 Calton to Highway 19, Bayham Township Miscellaneous D~inage and Fencing 15. Road 34 Belmont Urban Reconstruction in conjunction with Ministry of the Env.irorunent. Sanitary Sewer, work underway. 16. Road 30 Radio Road, Yannouth Township Gomple:te section. from Road 52 to north of Patterson Bridge. Count)/' portion a fter St. Thomas Suburban Road Committee Expenditure. 17. Road 30 Radio Road, Ya rmouth Township Completion of work in Concession XII 18. Road 52 Conti.nuation '0 f wo rk between Road 30 and 31 including Kettle Creek Culvert installation and backfill - some grading 19. Road 5 Plans, Soil Tests, etc. Replacement 0 f Walker Bridge TOTAL (~...lly, [v ~.'~ {1.~ -'\~~ c A~ ~ ;It PROJECT ESTIMATE LABOUR $ 3 , 000 " 60,000 25,000 11,000 C redjlt 60,000 C redJlt 12, 000 C red jl t 1,000 8,000 12,000 4,000 70,000 10,000 4,000 3,000 '72,000 120,000 25,000 338,000 12,000 $ 684,000 ASPHALT RESURFACING, . . , PRELIMINARY ANlD TENTATIVE ESTIMATES (a) Road 42 -from Highway 73 to Road, 40 (single Ii ft) Asph~llt Tender $ 30,000 - Project $ 35,000 (b) Road 19 - Highll78Y 3 to Southwold Station AsP~11 t Tende r $ 115,000 - Project 155,000 Including Ditching, Granular Base, etc. I ! I 1 f . (c) Road 34 M.C.L. - Limit of Village of Belmont to Kettle Creek bridge Asphsllt Tender $ 14,000 - Project $ 18,000 County of Elgin portion 50% 9,000 (d) Road 45 - East River Road to Top of East Hill Kettle Creek Culvert Asph~llt tender including asphalt curb $ 22,000 ProjE~ct including Granular Padding 30,000 (e) Road 45 - High~78Y 4 to Road 22 Asp~Llt Tender $ 45,000 Project 50,000 or (f) Road 46 - Oxford County Line to Corinth Asphc;ll t Tender $ 38,000 Project 48,000 TOTAL $ 279,000 i OTHER WORK (1) Road 16 - (8) Road 14 to Willey's Side Road Asphalt Tender $ 141,000 - Project 160,000 (b) "VIii ley' s Side Road to Road 8 Asphalt Tender $ 134,000 - Project 145,000 (II) Road 45 - Road 22 to Ro~d 28 Asph~llt Tender $ 35,000 - Project 44,000 (III) Road 45 - Road 28 to Road 36 Asphn1t Tender $ 126,000 - Project 145,000 1976 BUDGET ~QUIPMENT AND GRANULAR PITS Draft /1 1 February 20, 1976 New Snow Plow Tlmck# and Box $ 30,000 Plo~ Wing, Harness, etc. 8,000 Trade Grader (Grader 1/13, 1964 Galton or Grader #11, 1959 Adams) 45,000 Trade TI'8ctor Il5, 1968 Model 350 John Deere Bulldozer 16,000 Trade 1963 Mich1.gan Loader for used Loader Demonstrator 36,000 Whitney Gtavel Pit 33,000 $ 168,000 c:.ONSTRUCTION ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD~ Total Available Money $ 94,000 Road 30 - (a) fl:'Om St. Thomas north limits to BClLker Penhale Drain Crossing 25,000 Road 30- (b) Baker Penhale Drain Crossing to Road between Concession X and XI 69,000 $ 94,000 Remainder of Road 30 (b) to County Construction Budget (1e $ 120,000). I f: COONTY OFlLOIN< ROAD DEPARTMENT.. 197~ BU?.9ET :COUNTY MAINTEN.MCE t I o PEP,,^TI;()~ -,~- Bridges' andCu'lvf1rts WinterCont ro1 Hot Mix' A~phal t Resu'rfacing I Su rfa:c:e T r.ea tment Cravel Rp.surfactng Repa i rs to ,Pavements H8 intenance 0 fGravelRoads Roa d sid eMai n terta nee. Duc;t Control Gra 5S Cutting Weed .Spt'aying Tree Cutting Pavement Ma rk i ng Gu i d~ Ra i1 S 'i en s Dn-linage Sweeping r Ii J ~ f ~ t I I I Tree Plant tng, Ra i 1 TOad Protection D ra i nCl ee As se ~ srnent 5~ (Ha i ntena nc e) I I I I 1973 34,850 72,825 28,13~ 14,200 2~,375 '14,393 14,723 22.3f)7 16.a94 4,870 11,242 14,7/+3 2,661 20,383 19,406 642 12,817 323,472 1974 5,398 175,688 , 12,901 35,489 15,095 43,170 12,266 13,338 30,183 1.7,625 4, 7 c; g 39,22<) 15,932 2,408 13~8g9 17,565 3,975 403 lh, g 12 1 , 000 4H 2 , 1 4/~ Draft 1; 1 February 1976 1()75 16,9.03 139, 358 53,767 86,042 40,637 11,84~ 17,129 40,100 1 5, 71 7 7,o6Q 21 ,22/.. 1 7 , 9 !+6 4,668 16,428 22,SQ8 10,110 367 19,095 278 547,873 1976 197h BUDG ET LABOUR .-....--..---- --.. 40,0004 250,000 65,000 50,000 45,000 1/-1,,000 1-8,000 52,000 15,000 22,000 21,000 5,000 18,OOOJ 20,000 12,000 22,0001 1,000 670,000 ~!9.~.'!)j.t~1...:-1!7f Y-\lP9.f:r 9.tE~ D ra f t ~~ \ r e b 1"\.U'\ 't"1 1 C) 16 .. .. 1974 1975 . 1<)7t'- \97(, C~..tEG01t'! .. . · ).973 . tS't1H,\TE LA!loUR_. ~~-:------~~---- 45,000 29.542 32,139 37 ,206 32,931 44,200 54,089 358 1,500 ......- '8, 2B 3 5, 974- 4,144 1,54e. 7,385 10,686 .. '801 167 932 2,949 '2. ,207 1,719 41 ,746 56,732 51 ~853 21,054- 20,336 16,4~0 1.11 840 1,175 2,72B 2, \41 2,576 46q 941 1,102 2\ , /.61 2\,018 24,807 40 \44 36 10,504 23,3'25 2..51'1 4,508 ,. S, 10~ 8,222 29 , 7 ,7 31,731 34, i2B 5,832 B , 150 \0,601 11,8\8~. 33,348~ 36,767~ su!'erlntandence Ga ..:ageS .nlite st8tiO~ Pit 1t.~~. 'tools MiSC. 'Re1?ait's \o\edica\ 'RadiO '\\0 \. id~"JS "With'P..)' , Sic~ 'Benefits ~ee.ds Studj1lJpdate, 'tt'3 ffic CourttS 'tnininB Cou-rses CleT1.ca1 -p.-rmit~ l~s~Y8nee {or SubsidY Office Pens 'ion \lneml' \o:""en t Insu ranee \.0,2B1 13,043 Qnttl rio\\e& 1 t h 1 nsu Y8 nee IInd 1'>l~e C ""ss Plans DisanilitY Ins~ranee Plan --- ^ecounts Reeei~able creditS 15,694 4,607 ~ '2.2<l,693 ---- }~ehinery QNernead '2.62,384 48,000 1,000 3,000 12,000 . 1,000 2,000 . 70,000 2l~, 000 \,000 3,000 1,000 26,000 19,000 .9,000 l\-O ,000 14~OOO 13,672 17,000 5,000 q , OOOs:.~ 12,941~ 5,000 -------------( 232,953 337,000 SUMMARY St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Construction t. Thomas Suburban Roads Maintenance & Overhead :ounty Road and Bridges Maintenance County Ove rhead New Machinery and Gravel Pits Asphalt Resurfacing Urban Rebates County Road Construction TOTAL Total Expenditure Less: Contribution of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission <effective after 1975 deficit) Less: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy' County Road Levy 1975 NEEDS STIJDY 1976 UPDATE BUDGET Included In 94,000 County Const. 62,.000 51,000 646,000 670;000 367,000 337,000 119,000 168,000 279,000 279,000 38,000 38,000 810,000 684,000 (including subsidy) $ 2,321,000 $ 2,321,000 $ 2,321,000 19,000 1,699,000 $ 603,000 (In 1975 it was $,581,000) COUNTY OF ELGIN It/U ~ rt~ ~ ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FIRST REPORT FEBRUAHY SESSION 197 6 " i. i: \ I: [: , ~ Ii ~ ~; ~ r ~. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: , f: l t I, !' ~: t. t i I: . 1. Winter Control in the past six weeks has been extremely heavy with approximately $155,000 being spent to date. (Expenditure in total year of 1975 was approximately $140,000.) In addition a number of major repairs have been made to County equipment that would not have been necessary in a normal winter. Some items of equipment that would ordinarily have been replaced in 1977 will \ also likely have to be replaced this year. All Of Which Is Respectfully' Submitted, CHAIRMAN .. ST. Tl:10l-1AS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 11, 1976. "Pa.ge 1 Building on February 11 at 10,00 a.m. All members present except T1:lE cOUNtY 01' ELGIN ROl\D COMMItTEE MEt at tbe Municipal Reeve Wilson and Deputy Reeve Glover. Also present R. Greenley, Ministry of transportation and comrounications. approved. Mr. Jobn Bray and Mr. Jim Janse of tbe Ministry of tbe tHE MiNUtES 01' DECEMBER 10 and JANUARY 14 ~re read: and Environment joined tbe meeting. the Warden, Chairman and Engineer reported on recent developments in Solid Waste including' 1. Agreement "ntb the St. 'Iboroas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. to have the Environmental Board Rearing on the'IownsbiP of Dun"nch Site scbeduled for February 12 adjOurned. 2. that the St. Thoroas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. bad submitted a price per ton for disposal and ~re "nlling to negotiate termS and conditions for disposal. THE ENGINEER pRESENTED THE 1\.'I'I/\,CRED MAtERIAL being a summary of termS, prices and conditions sUgge5ted by the St. ThomaS Sanitary Collection Service Ltd. on February 6 at a meeting at the Ministry of tbe Environment, London, attended by Warden Scbafer, and Reeves Liebner and Cook. and Mr. A. c. Wright on February 10 for approxiroatelY 2 bours to T1:lE ENGINEER REl'OJrrED T1:lAT RE Hl\D MET with Mr. R. McCaig site and negotiating "nth the St. ThomaS Sanitary collection service considerable diSCUssion on the merits of acquiring a landfill expand on the material. Ltd. fo11o't;~ed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 11:~ 1976. Page 2 THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DISCUSSION FOLLOWING DINNER ltHOVED BY: M. A. SCHAFER SECONDED BY: G. D. SIHPSON THAT A COMHITTEE BE APPOINTED TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LTD. TO NEGOTIATE WITH THEM A PRICE FOR DISPOSAL IF POSSIBLE, A PURCHASE AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PROPERTY IF POSSIBL]~ AND THAT THE SAME COMHITTEE CONS IDER THE REQUEST OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD IN THEIR NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED" '2MOVEIl BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE INSTRUCT THE COUNTY SOLICITOR TO PREPARE THE COUNTY'S CASE FOR THE COUNTytS APPLICATION FOR THE DUNWICH TOWNSHIP SITE AS A COUNTY TEMPORARY WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. CARRIED" . nMOVED BY: G. D. SIMPSON SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE FOLLOWING BE APPOINTED 1AS A COMMITTEE TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LTD., THE COUNTY SOLICITOR, THE ENGINEER, THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONI' ARlO. FEBRUARY 11, 1976. Pa ge 3 ME~ssrs. Bray and Janse left the meet:f.ng. THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 21 WERE READ AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date as Dollows: 1., Winter Control had been extremely heavy "t'lith approximately $ 140,000 being expended to date. Equipment failures included motors on Truck # 55 and Michigan Loader. Other equipment was showing the strain and repairs were heavy. 2. 5 men (Category I) had been laid off until weather conditions improved, as it was virtually impossible to cut trees because of the deep snow. 3. Some sign work was under way. 4. Mr. & Mrs. Whitney had promised an answer by Friday .as to whether or not they would accept the County's offer for the purchase of a portion of their property. 5., Although a meeting had been held with the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority no further word has been received from them regarding the Walker Bridge or the Crane Property. 6., Insurance Renewals would be discussed with Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan Co. early next week in hopes that a recommendation for reducing premium costs could be made. ttHOVED BY: G. W. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. A. SCHAFER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST 1F 4 - PAYLIST IF 5 - PAYLIST IF 6 - PAYLIST 1J: 7 PAYLIST 1ft 8 - AMOUNTING TO $ AMOUNTING TO $ AMOUNTING TO $ AMOUNTING TO $ AMOUNTING TO $ 36,106.30 390.96 529.04 33,490.36 65,858.37 CARRIEDtl ST. TROMAS, ONT1\RIO. 'FEBRU !\RY 11:, 1976. Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE W~ READ Re Ontario Good Roads Association convention. 1. ~otice from the Ontario Municipal Board re an appeal from decision of County Land Division Committee re Lot 22 2. Concession 11 Bayham. 3. Township of southwold stating they were not in favour of a Parking Ban on Road 16 and Road 20 in Fingal and requesting a 4 foot stop sign on Road 20 south of Road 16. The Committee were agreeable to the erection 0 f the sign if there 1;W.S su fficient room. 4. Township of southWOld agreeing with the county'proposals for sale of part of Lot 7 Concession V and SUggesting the lots be sold by tender for the period of several years. The Engineer waS instructed to submit the proposal to t~in Planning ~ for their approval. 5. From the Structural Engineer of the Ministry of Transportation and communications regarding reports on the WalkerI sand Middlemiss Bridges agreeing that work was necessary that replacement should be avoided if possible as it would likely cost about $ 1,000,000 per bridge. 6. Frank Cowan Co. regarding claim by Donald GraS. 7. Mrs. W. G. Lyle regarding damage to mailbOX. The Engineer was instructed to write her and explain that under the circumstances of an extremely heaV)' snowfall the County could not be held liable for repairs. 8. Reg Esseltine stating he would retire when his holidaY time ran out. ST. TROMAS, O~TARI0. FEBRUARY 11, 1976. Pa.ge 5 "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECO~DED BY: TUAT "\IE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION 01' $ 100 TO REGINJ>Jll ESSELTlNE UPON RIS RETIREMENT. G. D. SlMpSO~ CARRIED" Agreement bet~en the Mini st ry 0 f T ranspo rta t ion;:Jl,nd Cotl1ltlUnica t ions CO~PONDENCE WAS :READ FROM H. GREENLEY regarding and the Village of Port Stanley in ~ich the Village agreed to assume (in 1966) that portion of present HighwaY 4 west of County Road 20. The Engineer waS requested to assist the Village and to approa ch the Minist ry 0 f T ra nspo rta t ion and C otl1ltlUnica t ion s to make representations that the Road should not be reverted to the Villa.ge. MR. H. GREENLEY p,ND MR. Cl\.VEllLY left the meeting. TUE WGINEER PRESENTED TUE ATTACHED explanation of method used by the Ministry of TransportatiOn and cotl1ltlUnications in ascertaining the method of$ubsidY Allocations. shortly but because of the heaVY winter expenditures, tree planting TUE ENGINEER STATED 'IRAT Ii> BUDGET would be available and weed spraying would be deleted and graSS and weed cutting curtailed. Other economies would also likely be required if winter CQntrol costs rose tn1.lch I!\Ore. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL 5EC.QNDRD ::1~Y : TUAT WE ADJOIllU'l TO MA.>RCR 3 AT 10:00 A.M. OR TO TUE CALL 01' G. W. MONTEITH TUE CllAIP..MAN. CARRIED" (,,,) ,.< ()w.."J,.. uJ..JI' ; V\ l/./'r<~ .~ \~I . PRO pQS ED OCTOBER AC REEHEl!.1' WI TH THE ,TOWNS 1l1J:. 0 F..s.91JT.!i.W.Q.~ .,: Provides for - St. Thomas Sanitary Collectton Services Limited to - 1. Provide container $ 75 per week $ 3900. 2. Free disposal for Southwold. $ 93'19. population 4245 @ estimateQ. cost of 2.20 per .capita 3. 14<;. per capita 0 f those Hunicipa Ii ties $ 7649 per annum using site = ~4,639 x 14C - (1 974 f i. gu re s ) Townshtp of Southwold to 111lprove and surface treat road to east to Hir,lMay 4 and the St. Thomas Sanitary CollectioP Servic.es Limited to provide a portion of the costs. St. ThomaS Sanitary Collection Services Limited Proposal Ipc.luded · 2. e 3 r 1...Y..- (a) Cost of Road $ 60,000 Amortized over 10 years $ 9,764 9,339 (h) Free Disposal 7 ,6/+9 (c) 14C per Capita 3,900 (d) Contniner $ 30,652 per year Cost per ton (50,000 ton) per annum 61.3 cents. 42 cent s. Without Road Costs . ~:' . NEW REQUEST OF SOUTHWOLD I JANUARY/76 ~. Access road from west (Road 19) to site to be paid for by McCaig. Estimated cost $ 96.,000 (3 mt 1es further haul) 2. Free Waste Disposal privileges for Southwold Township. 3. Container at site. 4. Royalty of $ 10,000 per year to Southwold. 5. Application Fee of $ 10,000. 6. Must take: waste from the County 0 f Elgin, Township 0 f Delawa re and Westminster and Industrial Contract. Estimated total waste per year 50,000 tons. \ Cost per vear - Initial Costs Amortized over 10 years. ($ lO,OQO borrowed over 10 years @ 10io = 16,274 per year) Road costs (100,000) 16,274 per yea r 9,339 10,000 1,627 (if all the fee used by the Township) 3,900 Waste Disposal Privileges Royalty Application Fee Container 41~140 on 50,000 ton = 82.2.cents / eon. Without Roadway Costs = 50 cents t ton. 11 "t' COUNTY OF ELcn;, ROAD D EPARTNENT Tenns and Conditions of offer of Febn1ary 6/73 of St. Thomas Sanitrtry Collection Services Limited to the County of Elgin for a disposal price. 1. Nomograph fonns a basis for discussion and if a pric(\ per ton is agreed upon a Step-Unit price will be used rather than the straieht 1 ine nomograph. 2. Terms 0 f Cant rac t - S ta rt in g whe h use 0 f s j t e be r, ins. - Duration for life of site. Agreement to be Regi.stered on Title. 3. Any Nunicipality has the right to accept a tonnage price or a per capita price using Step-Unit price. \. - Hinimum contract period shall be 5 years for 1st contract - options 3 - 5 years (negotiable). - After expirary of this tem the Municipality has option of Opting out or changing from per carlita to tonnage 0r vice-versa. - r f Nu n i c:i pa 1 i t Y 0 P t ~~ 0 u t - i t ma y 0 P tin a ga in a tan y t i Tn e . L~. Cost per capita for Residential Pickup is defined as number of people :in the Hunicipality as defined by the Intest Provinci.al Census other t ha n the i nha b ita n t s 0 f a) St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital, Chronic Unit. b) Province of Ontario St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital. c) Home for Aged - Valleyvie\v, Elgin Hanor and Aylmer. d) Ontario Police College. The population on January 1 in any year shall be the population for the whole year and shall be the [latest population figure from the F'rovincial Hinistry of Revenue Census. 5. Price per ton shall be price for disposal of waste from waste picked up by a hauler under Contract to a Municipality and shall include any material called for.under the MuniCipality's contract. It shall ai.so include any material hauled by the MuniCipality's vehicles or the l1unicipa.1ity's Agents on behalf of the Municipality., .,; Pa't;e 2 6. f 1 id ",ast.e ent.ering the Vla5t.c pi sposa"\ ln ca I cella t. inS the amount o. SO . ..' a~ea the follo~ns shall be considered - .' ~.1 \ lled b" haulers under contract to all,! }\uniCipa lit'!' Al I Hunl.Cl.pal "aste 1a\ J' l H .' lit" of its ane~s including All Vlaste hauled di~ect.l'! b'! tIe unl.Cl.pa . J ~ ~ll Vlaste hauled f~om any lndust~ial o~ commercial organization including any material to be ~eclaimed. The follo~ng shall not be included - Ea~th hauled fo~ cover material o~ t.o" soil. Hateda I hauled fo r road bond i.ns inc luoi ng founnJ:'! sand fro!l\ SOUt\IY1O \.d 'to\'tC\ship. a) b "e~ tile f~o!l\ Canada Vit~ifien. Can ron, ro~" . p. c~edit fo~ any material sold as reclai!l\ed. b) c) II I t inrrease \oIOuld be for 1916 to be aO)U .,t.ed a nnll3 y. s ..' based ~~b~J! ~ "!. 1.. present ~ate. December 75 7 . Dominion Bu~eau of StatistiCS claUse pri ce 1.5 fo r J a '0.\.13 r'Y 1 9 7 7 3. P . eS to be effective for laonfill site rl.C' b r:fect1' ve \4\'\en onened. sOllth\olOld Site onl'! to e e'" r . t.el" the lOth of month follo",ing. l'ayments monthlY at a?"ro1<1.roaJ C). b . _ p. n~ice shall be esti.mated fo~ the ye3r 1 f on a tOnnage as's r . . d" t!l\eot in estiroate afte~ 6 months and any and is subJect to an a JUs . f nd to be paid by Yebrua~y 10 difference payable at end'o yea~ a 10. ll. T.1 . \ U "ls and SuU1ll1l\ J:'! sheets to be sent to Hunic i"a 1.i ties and all \'le1g'\ 1)'l.1- ~'ed and subject to l-hlnicipa1. audit. copies to be preseLV either \-laY. .., 1>'~ 11. l\oll~s of entJ:'! · Type of ~ehic1e al10~d. { " \ \3. . (!ite M:a.te~ial to be cha~ged at sa!l\e Disposal. p~ice - Division cont3.1.'O.er '" . .' 1. Cost to be a sub ject 0 f Munici"a1. ,.g~eement. of containe~ sl.t.e Dl.Sposa Page 3 14. Hauler's vehicles shall be such as provided by the spec~ fic.ation of ,,:, the Municipality, however any vehicle hauling any l11Plterinls th81t are such that they will easily blow off the load shall be enclosed or ta rped. . ",; , ~~~~ ~3'T'~~~~ Februa r:y l', 1.976. Ext.ra cost over St. Thomas Sanitat)' collection Services Limited that would be incurred by St. Thomas Sanua t)' Collection services Lim' ted because 0 f SouthWO ld To.,nsni p requests. 1975 October Proposal of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection services Limited without road costS 42e tOn (15e capita) with road costS 61e tOn (22c capita)' January 1976 Request of southwold 'township "n.thout road costS Sac ton (18e capita) with road costs 82.2e ton OOe capita) \ (ie road to the west) population of County seI"'led by St. ThomaS Sanitary Collection services Limited other thal\ the Township 0 f Southwo 1 d is 28, 39B (1974) $ 60,203 @ 2.12 per person (50.000 _ 55,~0 ton per year) Estimate weight 0 f SO lid waste from this a rea using MacLaren Formula .365 ~ 10,365 ton @ $ 5.81 per ton probablY closer to BODO tOn @ 5.81 (Difference $ 13,740) To above must be added southwold CostS 11sing B,OOO tOn in 1976 theSe become october Proposal @ 42c 3,360 @ 61<;- 4,880 January proposal @ sOe 4,000 @ B2~ 6,560 60,220 46,480 I,.ANDFILL COSTS USING HACLAREN COST CURVE "l; AND OWNERSHIP COSTS Investment Costs for $ 700,000 for 10 years (9 10% is $ 16,274 per yea r per thousand dollars or $ 113,918 per year. Mac La ren t;J:?;~ $~ tS'.e L Annual Cost (15%) Plus =~~~'. ~~."~ Tonnage Cu rve Plus % Ownershiq "a~_! .lee ~1 37,500 3.10 3.57 3.04 6.61. 5.95 50,000 2.710 3.11 2.28 5.39 5.83 62,500 2.55 2.93 1.82 4.75 5.72 75,000 2.40 2.76 1.52 4.28 5.60 87,500 2.17 2.50 1.30 3.80 5.48 To the total price would have to be added some measure 0 f pro fit for the private ~perator. \ 3 Feb 1"11;1 ry 1 976 TO THE CHAIRNAN Al'ID HEMBEHS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COHHITTEE Repo rt on Road Expendi tu res for 1976 This report is a review of the methods used by the Hinistry of Transportation and Communications to arrive at our Subsidy Allocations for 1976 and the method of calculating the County Road Rate. In 1973 the Mini st ry 0 f Transporta t ion and Communica tions adopted a policy of a single subsidy rate (other than Drainage Assessments in some years or Urban Rebates) for Counti.es and Regions. This single system repl;lced the old system which is sti II used for TO'tIDShips and Vi llages 0 f 50010 Subsidy on Roads, 8m~ Subsidy on Bridges and 100% Subsidy on Development Roads (Direct Aid). One 0 f the biggest assets () f the new system was that the \ bookkeeping nn County work was to be s'implj fied (actually this had occu rred). The Ninistry of Transportation and Cormnunications has adopted a policy of allocatinr. subsidy funds based on proven needs and of setting a desirable spending allocation. An expenditure over the desirable expenditure allocation will not be subsidized and any spending under the allocation ,..rill result in loss of subsidy at the maximum subsidy rate (8 pp roxir:la te 1 y 91"/0). Til,e Subsidy is calculated by the Hinistry of Transportation and Communicati.ons matching the amount of money that the County would raise at 1.25 mills on its Provincial Equalized Assessment plus subsidy at 91% on the dollar for any of the desirable expenditure allocation in e)~cess of the amount subsidized at 5001.:. (matching grant). (See attached calculations.) In 1975 the Subsidy Rate '-las 73.02% (other than Urban Rebates' and Drainage Assessments) whereas in 1974 i.t was 67.7. The rate for 1975 is estimated at 73.5870 (other than Urban Rebates). Pn ~',e ? ",""mVl'" (\1' 'ttlE C(\11\1't'1 01' F.LCW \;01\1) COHVl'nEY> 'to 'f\',E C\\p.1RW>l' "NIl ,',c.. ",.' '" .' . !g,O~~.@~~:'PJ!Il-~1'3_!9~).a].6,- - - " " " _ .sel.,!'~SLJ,:'-7!'.- > -" '. ' the tota \ "f ]:\"e'\s ,,t10,,",,, 'the deS i rah \ e spendi nI; a lloca t 1-0n 1.5 . " ~ nn r"ved b) the , ' (I97S) tleeds StudY upuatC as a,,> . ' pTeceed1-n! years > - 1) ES 1MBLE S 1'1';}.'1l }t,C --,,~E~ ;.;..--::..._,-'-- .-- ---.-:.--- in the . d coromuniC(\t10ns. l-\in i st. r) 0 t 't ransport.at.1-on an . 'the t.ot.al allocatiOn \5 hsphalt. ~surfRCln& divided intO t.hree part.s. (<:1) Const 1....~\ct. ion (0 ) (c) Fixed Cost.s. (a) 1 I... {:". . ),".e'''t 0 ~ ...; I I hec"me de f ic lent. j n t. he , 0 t." ,,0,1" " ,~ . . 1\riM;es "h1C\' aTe pre>.en > . t 'o,.,.e.' a1"d llSt>ed 'd 't,.e ,\eflCiencie5 are ca..a' o' . co",1M. eve year perl0' "..' .; " ,.d ('.Ol11,mlnicat. ions cd t.eria. .' . '" 'ctr" of 1ronso"rtB"'0 a' RCCoro,n" t.o ',1.tl". ) , ~~ , > ',,' _ he cn stS ,,\ t.ho 5e Roa,is al1d hpproved const.ruct.1on (,~st, are t. ..' ""'o~'e..,..,(:r,ts S1..\c\\ a <; D'ra.inage " C' . .t- ., rC snOt. l.rn? c v ",,' .. " "..\' 1"'~ C0l1st.roct,1.0n 05',5 a . ,. !\' 50 ,no' uue<>" >.' , ~.., d un to t.olerable st.andard5. \ ; ~ SceUOn 0' rca . I' " C ..to et,c. nececcary to ,r.I1., a " ,os''"" \ cO.....1"'~\nicatiOi.\S . ~,n ( 1IU.".... ' . . < 1 ,,^"500,taOO" a. 1\.~' \.t'r~' 0\ .n ' , ed of. ,>,,\0> ~ ,. . 1he Cost s a ,e .1aS.' . . , they "c're 1-11 f nS t r,\C t \ n 1>. as \ costS 0 . CO ,. ..,resent t\€..... . \ CD st. S "," e h rei. .) 1 na srn\.lC \1 a. s a\1orove( , · , ry fj ve y"a T'" < " \5 revIewed abauL eve " · ("'P\' c.()<t ltl<>eJ< . ' . 11.'t1eS uo IQ73. "n5'" ' ' or t.he HUl\lC1pll' ' ......r\ ('~,_<,,\n1.ca.tlOns " 1-1111 is t. 1"1 0 f 't ra ,,,po Tt.a t i 0 11 a "v .,v""'~ t ' . e ,,' . . ' f . .' n e r10 d \ t.e \1 the constr'Jct.lon 1-'" a l\1e year c nO t. have enou?,\' mol1ey t.c> com" e a ) f t\'e iNO 'f\<. to be . ' (. I. (.,<li (rec\nc -\ n ,> \)3 \ 3. nee () -- . " . \-.. ect1'\1C' 0' y.1)/' ' t.> a const. ruet ,0n ov J ,.,' . .' , 1his e Ullls 1','1. per yeaT (previOUS d . n <) "e r neriO{~ ha<' bcen sct.. . <1 coml,\cte j. a ' ,a c ., " ~ C ~,~'C"t.l0tlS objectIve "llS 4)~ or f ".. ...-t<"l t 10n C\f>.U,OU\ltl....11 ~ 0. to 197h l'\in'5tn 0 ,ranspo, n" a 9'1, rat.e per yellr). (\1 ) b".&.ll.'5_~<;..s.~5j}.s5.Ej; ~ _" tP(\ rost.s "f roads t.n"~ a ,e 3. 5 ~;) I) C u:\. . J , . 1he roads "\ iste"" are ,., ~ \" ,I", !r' C 3 Del 'IN. <i th5. ~ ',,3 ,...1". . .,\::> . (1) dO hould be covered "it.h Double surface 'treat.ment. Rea " s " < Uot. 1-\iJ< itl t.he I', to 10 year period three 1.DC1les o.t . tld earlier if severe b~eaku\l occurs. aft.er cotlst.ruct.,on a . _ f',rC ",rear ner.1.od. c. . d l'V'\ the com1,n~"1 '\ v" T' t' res\.) r l(1 ce. " ' 1he p,o~ramroe provides t.hat.: TO THE CHAIRHAN AND HEtffiERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD cnH~'~T1'TEE PagE' 3 REPORT ON ROP.D EXPE~IDITURES FOR 1976 Feb ry a rY.J}..!.2-._ (b) _~~h9..L~__ Resu rfaf ing (cont inued) (2) Hulch Roads and Hot Hi.x Roads should be covered in the 1 ') to 20 yea r per i 0 d aft e r con s true t i 0 . (3) Hot Mi.x Roads of 1. 1/2 to 2 inches in depth should bl?' covered as soon as possible to stop breakup (elephant t racki ng). InCllsmuch as the Hinistry of Transportation and Comrnunicati.ons does no t havE~ enough money to, comp 1 et e a 11 the rest! rfac i ng neces sa ry they have set: an objective of 7C,o;o of this work in the five year period ora yea rly object ive 0 f 15"/0. (c) Fixed Costs ThE~se costs incltl.de Haintenance of Roads and Bridges on the Countv and St. Thomas Stlburhan Road Commission Road System, Overhead Charges, Nachjnery Replacement, Building Tmprovements, and Purchase of Gra\rel Pits, etc. A tentative 1976 Budget (Hainten~n1(.::e and Overhead r.ha1~ges) was required in 197') as '[.Jas a l1achinery Replacem0nt Schedule for five years. 111 i s '''a s r('vie~,:red by the !'1:inistry of Transportation .1nd r. 0 mmu n i (' at j () n san d aft (' r a L re a t de a 1 0 f d i S C U S s ion a p p rr" v e din j t s en tire t y . 01,~r 1976 Spending Allocation is as follovls: Construction ~~'Z, of Needs of S lO,l?h,OOO $ ,ql0,OOO Asphalt HcsllrfaclnL; 15'%, of Needs of S 1 ,)~63,ono $ 279,000 ~~'dntenanre Costs, County rHld St. Thomas Subur'ban Roads ComrTli,ssion Roa d s 6( Bri cl ges $ 691,000 Overhead Costs County and St. Thonas Suburban Roads Commission $ 384,000 :~eH i"lachi.nery ex. Gravel Pits $ 119.000 Total Spending Allocation $ 2,283,000 'to 1:\lE C1U>.lR~ NID MF1'\1\ERS or COIWT'l or ELGIN ROW COl~\1T'1'EE - 1'aCe I, . . 7 L r eb rua Dc.J .'l.l.fc-- REPORT ot~ El{pE~~~l1-~---'---------- ~-:;:...-- _.~~. ~ The Hinl st rJ 0 f 'transportation and communica t. ionS haS set a provincial E<l.ualized II.ssessroent of the countY of El&In for grant. p\)11'Oses to l^7~ ot c 362 000 000) '1'his fi~\re in 1916 at. 368 roillion dollars ,1n 7 J 1 ~aS" ' ,. .' . haS been obt.alned by applying a growth fact.or on the 1969 provincial o d t nd "" 11 " roba b 1 Y conti nU e unt i1 the P rovi nce getS E<l.ua11ze II.Ssessroen, a . r n . -me The Calculat.ion of provincial subsidY a ~~,able Re_II.Ssessroent <ro.gra""" · IS sho~ attaChed and is set at. '? 1,699,000. U l &or ur.inaoe II.ssessroents are not available SUl'pleroentarJ uy_ua~s L u D d \ costS, ronst be included in t.he construct.ion I\.llocat1on. an t1eSe $ 2,233,000 (A) \.976 U rba\'\ Rebates ~.~l9!2 $ 2,321,000 Su~ ry 1916 Spending l\.llocat.i.on (B) HiniStrJ of Transportation and Cot<<l'Unlca t ions Snb s Idy \ 1,699,000 ~ Hill contri.bution of St. ThomaS to Suburban Roads (lesS deficit froro 1915 and Iteros Not for snbsidY) 18,800 ~J1Q. $ 2,321,000 Count'Y Road 'Le"'Y . . d C __, IC tions has indicated 'the Hinist rJ 0 f 'transporta t10n an o..."_n a n fino nd Ne" MachinerJ should be reasonablY that. l\.llocations for "esur aC "a _h" _,. nOU gh i f they are inC rea sed the 1\\0 n i es ",,11 (Connty Road ~evy in 1975 "as'? 581,000) spent on theSe ca tegO p~~ ". -.. f-n- other }~intenance and construction alUOunts. }\ajor ha"e to corne .\-....d.. o \ ld ISO be snent on itetnS that the allocations maintenance allocat10n s\ou, a < \~re roade for (e>taroples, Gravel Resu rfac ing and Surface 'treatroent) if at all possible after ~inter control costS are roet. 11.11 Of Which Is Rest'ectfull'f Submitted. ~~ . Sc., 1'... Eng., · OAD S1JpERIN'tENDE1:lT. COUNTY OF ELG IN 4. CALCULATION OF GRANT UNDER UPPER TIER PROGRAM STEP 1 Approved Expenditure on Roads and B ridges to, which Grant Applies (Item I) STEP 2 County Effort of 1.25 Mills on Total County Assessment (Item F) 1.25 x Item F :: 1. 25 x $36A,oon,OOo 1000 1000 = $ 460,000 Plus Sep. Urban Contribution at O. 5 Mills 0.5xItemG==0.5x $ t~2.900 $ 1000 -Il!' 1000 Total Local Effort at 1. 25 Mills STEP 3 Road Effort at 1. 25 Mills equals the total Local Effort in Step 2 plus an equivalent amount of grant 2xStep2::2x$ 481,.450 STEP 4 Unmet Road Effort at 1.25 Mills :: Step 1 nlinus Step 3 (Unle s s Step 3 is greater than Step 1) STEP 5(A} Whe re the re is an Unmet Road Efio rt at 1. 25 Mills Grant applying to it is Step 4 x o. 90909 == $1,319,JOO x 0.90909 Plus Grant equivalent\ to Total Local Effort (Step 2) Total Calculated Amount of G J. ant - or - 80'70 of l\pproved Expendit, .re (Item I) :: 0.8 x$ Whicheve r is the Ie s se r OR - STEP 5(B) Whe re the re is no Unmet Road Effo rt at 1. 25 Mills Grant is 50% of Approved Expenditure (Item I) == O. 5 x Step 1 :: O. 5 x $ STEP 6 Grant applying to Urban Rebate Paid 50% of Item H == O. 5 x $ 38.000 21,450 :: $~~1 ,4S0 :: $ i,19Q,lB2 $ I~Rl,450 $ 1,hRO,632 :: $ $ 2 2~j2 000 , , --: $ 962,900 $ 1 .319. 100 5 (A) ~; 1.,680,632 5 (B) $ :: $ 19.000 Plus Grant applying to Approved Expenditure (Step 5(A) or Step 5(B) $ Minus Receipts from Property Disposal** % of Item N :: O. x $ =: $ Total Grant STEP 7 Total Grant Payable under Upper Tier Progra'm is The Allocation (Item A) or Step 6, whichever is the lesser ):o:~ Percentage to be used is that applicable to year in which property was purchased. If more than one rate applies, attach separate calculation to support amount of subsidy claimed a:p.d note years in which purchases made. Page 2 of 3 DATE :$ 1,699,632 $ 1~699,OOO ..4.h.....~.i....~"..~'.. "'""'l'ii7....~~lIirai;. ..... :J:.<O-_".~~.\' ...~~~ """...... .. .... .L...i.~~...~........;.~..__..:....--....,................ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUA~~ 21, 1976. Pa ge 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on Jantt~l ry 21 at: 3:00 p.m. in conjunction with County Council at the Municipal Building. ( Warden Mathew Scha fer, Township of Bayham ( ( Reeve Lorne Carroll, Township of Aldborough ( ( Reeve Doug Simpson, Township of Dunwich Present ( ( Reeve Gary Monteith, Township of Southwold ( ( Reeve David Cook, Township of Yannouth ( ( Deputy Reeve Syd Glover, Town of Aylmer Advising Members - Reeve J. B. Wilson, Township of South Dorchester Reeve Wm. Caverly, Township of Malahicie Reeve John Nemett, Village of Port Stllnley Ul-10VED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT REEVE COOK BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1976. CARRIED" THE CHAIRMAN THANKED THE COMMITTEE for the hon()Ur accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE STATING: 1.. Winter Control had been extremely heavy with Snow Plowing under way 6 days a week for 11 to 13 hours a day. 2. Although the use of salt and sand had belen reduced j!S much as possible, approximately $ 40,000 of salt had been used in the fiscal yea r so fa r. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 21, 1976. Page 2 3. Although snow plow equipment repairs had not been hE~avy to date the constant running would likely take its toll of equipment. 4. Truck #44 was expected to be running again shortly, have had to have a rebuilt engine a fter a rod went through the block. 5. The Whitneys had not yet signed the coun~~t.s offer of purchase for a portion of their property on Lot 24 Concession V Yannouth. "MOVED BY: G. D. SIl-1PSON SECONDED BY: G. tie MONTEITH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE ROADS & TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIj~TION CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIEDtt "MOVED BY: S. J. GLOVER SECONDED BY: M. S. SCHAFER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT By.LAWS BJE; PASSED WHICH WILL IN EFFECT CHANGE THE NUMBER OF COUNTY ROAD 15 TO COUNTY ROAD 8 ElCEPT FOR THAT PORTION OF MAIN STREET IN DUTTON NORTH OF THE CURRIE ROAD DIVERSION. THE SAME BY-L,A.W WOULD REVERT PORTIONS OF JOHN STREET AND CURRIE STREET TO THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CARRIEDU ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 21, 1976. Page 3 "MOVED BY: 't. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: G. W. MONTEITH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN PLANS TO EXPROJ?RIATE LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROADS AS NECESSARY IN 1976. CARRIEDn UPCOMING WORK IN ROADS was reviewed including a Budget and insurance reviews. SOLID WASTE WAS DISCUSSED at some length with the Engineer reporting that: 1. No price per ton was available x;r(>m the St. Thomas Collection Services Limited for disposal. 2,. The City of London had approved the County's applicution to use the Cia rke Road Site as an emergency site subject to the Ministry of the Environment approval. 3,. February 12 had been set as a date for an Environmental Board Hea ring in Dutton for the County's application fo r t:he use 0 f the Dunwich Site as interim County Site. AFTER DISCUSS ION ItMOVED BY: M. A. Scha fer SECONDED BY: S. J. Glover THAT THE COUNTY SOLICITOR BE REQUESTED lro REPRESENT THE COUNTY AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING BOARD FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH SITE IJS A COUNTY WASTE DISPOSAL SITE. CARRIED" s't. taOWS. 011'tt-R10. J~~AR~ 21, 1976. 1> a. ge 4 O'M,QV'ED 1)1: G. D. S I1-fpS ON S J!C 0l1D BD "B'l' G. 1A · MOl1'tE 1 ta 'tl\~'t taE 1AlJIDEl1. C\l~1~' El1G111EER. SOL1C1'tOR "BE A CO~1't'tEE 'to 14J!.E't \l1ta REl'RJ1.SEN't~'t1'1ES OF taE S't. 't\:1.0WS St.l11'tAR'l COLLEC't10l1 SE'R'11CES 1.'tI)' 'to D1SCUSS 1AlIS'tE D1Sl'oSp.1... C~'Rl'ED\\ ~rM.OV'ED 1) Y : S J!C 0l1D lID "B'l' G . 1A · MOl1'tE 1 't\:1. tat>.'t \1E Rl!CO~J!l'1D 'to CO\ll1't'l CO\ll1C1L 'til~'t taE 1AlJIDEl1 t.l1ll RElWE L1E"Bl1ER "BE taF. CO\ll1't'l'S REl'RESEl1't~'t1VES 011 taE LOl1DOl1 ~t- SOL1D 1AlIS'tE D1Sl'oSt-L s'tIlD'l S'tEER1.l1G CO~1'J:'tEE ct$Rl'ED" L. R. CARROLL "MOVED 1)1: G. D. S l~-pSON Sl!COl1DBD"B'l' G.1A.M~~ta ta"-'t \1E ~JO\lIU' 'to 1E"B~p.1l.'l t1 at 1.0,00 A.M. cjJt'RIED" ~ c'\:l~1.~ ST. '!1l0lMS, ONT~10. J~U~Y 14, 1976. Page 1 COUNTl OY ELG1N RO~ COl1Ml.'tTEE 1:1ET at the Municipal Building at 10:00 a.m. on JanuaetY 14. hll metnbeetS petesent except Ree"e Caetetoll and Ca"eetlY' AlsO petesent Yetank Claet~e. The eteading of the t1\inutes '\il8.S postponed until the next meeting. '!1lE ENG1NEER REP~'tEll ON '!1lE Vl~R 'to DA'tE as follo~ 1. hp pet o"a 1 had been etecd "eO. fetom the }iini stetY 0 f 'tetanspoetta don and CotolllUnications of the assuro.ption of centennial .",enue fetOm Road 45 to Elm 5teteet. 'that the Vlhi t ney' shad "eetba 11 Y accepted the county 0 f Elgin o Heet 0 f $ 30,000 foet theiet petOpeetty south 0 f the 'township Road in Lot 24 concession V laettnOuth and that a wctitten offeet of pUetchase had been oode. 'that instetUctions had been etecei"ed fetom Jatl\es Y. MacLaeten Limited to etepaiet the sea ~all at Poett Buet~ell as soon as possible and that the }iiniStetY of Natuetal Resouetces ,.;jOuld be appetoached foet assistance in the etepaietS but bad ~eatheet had stOpped any eHoettS to etepaiet it. Vlinteet contetol, both plo~ng and sanding had been hea"Y (8 inches tnOete of sno~ on the meeting date). A connecting etOd had gone thetough the bloc~ on t1:Uck 4144 and a ne~ block assemblY had been necessaetY. 5toettl\ Drainage ,.;jOet~ on Road 3 noetth of \\igh'\il8.Y 401 had been stating: 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6. completed. Detainage ,.;jOet~ foet the Village 0 f Dutton on MaetY Steteet had been coro.pleted foet the dtl\e being. 1. ST. THOMAS ~ ONTARIO. .JANUARY 14, 1976. Page 2 8. fA perforated pipe was being placed on the hill on Road 39 at Port Burwell in an attempt to cut 0 ff the seepagE~ water in the hope that the sliding problem could be stopped. 9. Tree Cutting was continuing between snow storms. UMOVED BY: J. B. Wilson SECONDED BY: A. H. Liebner THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST IF 60 - AMOUNTING TO $ 30,971.90 PAYLIST ..4F::.;61 - AMOUNTING TO $ 377.98 PAYLIST 4F 62 - AMOUNTING TO $ 31,839.28 PAYLIST If 63 - AMOUNTING TO $ 217,722.00 PAYLIST IF 1 (1976) AMOUNTING TO $ 1,258.20 PAYLIST If: 2 (1976) AMOUNTING TO $ 35,389.31 PAYLIST IF 3 (1976) AMOUNTING TO $ 66,015.63 CARRIEDtt CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM 1. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that the Subsidy Allocation for 1976 would be 1,699,~000 and the spending level ~~uld be 2,320,000 including urban rebates. 2. Township of Southwold with rezoning By-Law. 3. Ontario Municipal Board with notice that the Town of Aylmer had applied to annex 2 portions of Malahide Township. 4. The Ministry 0 f Transportation and COUlu(ullications RE~gional Traffic Engineer suggesting that a 48 inch stop sign be tried on Road 20 north of Road 16 in Fingal before flashing light signals were used and that parking should be banned for 100 feet on each corner. It was decided to erect the sign and ask the Township of Southwold opinion with regard to the parking ban as the ST. THOHAS, ONTf\RI0. JANUARY 14, 1976. Page 3 Townsbip of SouthwoldlS By-Law Enforcement Officer would be required to enforce the Parking By-Law. 5. R. K. HcNeil re Mrs. E. A. Smith. 6. Ministry of Transportation and Communications re su'rplus land for sale near Highway 401 in Southwold and Aldborough Township. The Engineer was requested to obtain further particulars. THE ENGINEER REPoRTED TlIAT the Lower Thames Valley Conservation ~thority were being contacted with regard to the Crane property on Road 14 and their plans for the building of the Wardsville dam. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT he had requested as a condition of approval by the County of Elgin Land Division Committee of a severance on Centennial Ave. that widening be sold to the County to widen Centennial Ave. This would improve traffic flow north of the Wellington Street extension. THE COMMITTEE DISCUSSED the sale of a portion of Lot 7 Concession V Southwold and examined a plan showing 5 parcels on the County land. It waS decided to ask the Township of Southwold1s opinion on the project. Committee briefly discussed several matters to be discussed by the 1976 Committee at the January Council Session. THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED FOR DINNER llnUl DINNER recent Solid Waste Developments were discussed. The Engineer reported that S't. 'J:\'\.O$S, ml't~10. JANU.~:{ 14, 1916. Page 4 (1.> 'the city of London bad app1:'o'l1ed the county of Elgin'S application to use the city of London'S Cla1:'\<.e Road Landfill site in an eroe1:'gencY and that the ~inist1:'Y of the En'l1i1:'O~ent had been 1:'equested to designate the city of London site as an eme1:'gencY site should an eroe1:'gencY (2) 'that the cou1:'ie1:' ~uld isSue an apolOgy to Ste'l1e Janes 1:'e the use of his naroe on a lette1:' 1:'e So1.id Waste that a't'ise. ~1:'. Janes did not write. 'that the St. 'thotnaS Sanita1:'Y collection se1:''I1iCes Limited had not yet submitted a p1:'ice pe1:' ton fo1:' disposal but we1:'e supposed to deli'l1er a proposal to the countY solicitor prior to countY council. 'tbat the St. 'thotnaS Sanitary col1ection ser'l1ices Limited bad tt\ll.de an offer to sel1 the county of Elgin their landfil1 site in concession 111 in accordance "o.th certain terms and (3) conditions. 'the Co~ittee felt that the offer should not be diSCUssed until the dispOsal p1:'iCe ~aS a'l1ailable. 'J:\'\.E El<G1l<EtR pRESEl<'tED p> REl'(j1. 't tt\Od i fying soroe 0 f the fign1:' es f J ' 'C' 't.Jt....cLoren Lindted 1:'egll.'rding the cost of t1:'ansp01:'tation of o ames.l;'. Pc:,1. c;t.. solid ~aste. 'thiS report indicated that in SO fa1:' as domestic ~aste for the countY of Elgin alone ~aS concerned transportatiOn costS to p>ylme1:' Site were cheape1:' than to London (\I~ lV>) Site McCaig Site 01:' 1ingal. $OL1D WJIS'tE WJIS D1SCUSSED at soroe length. 8T. THOMAS, ONTA:RIO. JANUARy 14, 1976. Pa ge 5 and support during the year. THE CHAIRMAN THANKED the Committee for their assistance UMOVED BY: D. K. Cook CARRIED BY: A. H. Liebner THAT WEI\DJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED" ,f%J CHAI1{MAN COUNTY OF BLGIN ROAD.COMMIT~ ~ St. ThomaS. ontario Ja.nuary Session 197 6 TO THE WARDBN AND MEMBBRS OF THB COUNTY OF BLGIN COUNCIL · 1. That Reeve Liebner and Warden schafer be appointed as the County of Blgin RepresentatiVes on the Steering Committee of the London Area solid Waste DispOsal StudY, A Draft Report is in progreSS and we e~pect a final report by earlY April. "WE REC01JlMEND~ All Of Which Is RespectfUllY submitted. ---- CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPOKT THIRD i<.EPQRT JANUAKY SESSION 1 976 TO THE W~f\RDEN AND MEMBEi<.S OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. I. We hlrlve received notice from the Ministry of Transportation. and COlSlUnications that the subsidizable spending levels for Construction and Maintenance (inc luding Urban Rebates) on C~ounty and St. Thomas Suburban Commission Roads in 1976 will be $ 2,320.000 and thAt the Subsidy Allocation will be ,$ 1,699,000. This compares with a spending level in 1975 of $ 2,216,000 and a Subsidy Allocation of $ 1,607,000. The Ministry of Transportation' and Communica'tions has cut the construction monies approximately 11% from 1915 to 1976 (being approximately $ 110,000 in spending level under the amount we would normally be entitled to according to our 1975 Needs Study Upd8te)~ The actual increase refllects ., the 'expected increases in Maintenance, Overhead and, other c:osts v ~ ~, from1975 to 1976. Oul' Construction Allocation will remain fairly constant as compared to 1975 as the Needs Study Updlate f' sho"ed an incre&se in construction needs from the prior yealr. WE REC OMMEND 1. That the Warden na~e delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads ,and, TYansportation Association.Convention (formerly the Canadian Good Roads Asse:>>ciation) and the memb.e~ship fee for both organizations be paid. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE l{EPOKT THlkD KEl?()I.{T - (continued) JANUAKY SESS ION 1 970 2. That & By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to silgn Land Plans to expropriate land ~s necessAry to widen County Roads in 1976. It is necessary that such By-l4JIWS be passed yearly. 3. That a By-Law be passed that will amend the County's Road Consolidation.By-Law AS follows: (8) Assume the present diversion between Main Street and Currie Street in Dutton as a protion of County Road. (b) Change the number on present Road 15 in Dutton and DunwichTowns~pto koad 8 except for ~h8t portion of Road 15 between Koad 2 and the diversion between ~in Street .and Currie Street in Dutton. (c) Revert John Street and that portion of Currie Street south of the diversion to the Village of Dutton. These changes 1ifill in effect give a continuous County Road frol1i\ the Lake Road in Dunwich Township to the Thames kive:r which will be known AS County. Road 8. A similar By-Law was passed at the November 1975 Session but was rejected by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications because of its form. All Of Which Is Respectfully Subrnitted. CHAIRMAN . . CO\WTY Of 1.'.I..GW >!.gffJ S-oJ!IlD!-!>:Z}"!2'::~ ::::_::;:=::::::::::;::::::::--==:::~---~- ----. --- -'- SF. C 0 i't'l) tZ If, ~()t~! ."'".--.~--~....._..__.--- ~ S1'. 1'110~',;~;' Cy,','\,. J AN\J N'-'{ S f'sS 1 on \ () '7 ~ ,'" ,,,,.,,, "\\S Of T1.\'f, C om":Y Of E 1.G 1 N C 0\1 r,C 11.. TO T1.\Y, ;l#,-DEN /!V"'" ,.....''''1> . In \Q7S yoUr co~tttee ~as authO~ized to 8ct ~s " . f S l:d ;l ste pnd ce~toin costS co~tttee on the DisPOsa\ 0 ,0' a d -mft~t~ed 6~ fol10~s~ d i th' ~ ~e". ~d 0 n o-r e sU'~"-' ~ ~ - i ncu-r~e n ,~ ,,~. . C t~ of E\oin sh.-re of The London h-re~ solId ~.5te ,oun --J 0 Study pP.'JI"ents to city of 1...ondon to doU (CO\\ntY , 11 3~L. ftet" tbe Mtnistr~ of E\gin sM~e 0 f Study · I'''"'' . yOUR ROW COMl-lITTEE BEGS TO ttEl'()i:<.1' t$ 1'01.1.,O,"S t were 1. $ 663.09 of the 1.'. n",i ~onmen t 50"/.. g-r. n t. ) 2. I\.pp'Co iSo \ 0 f St. Thotn>' s San1tp-ry Co 11 ec t.1 on se~",iteS Ltd. p-rope-rty in concession 111 $ 1,tOO.OO 'to.,ushiP 0 f South\40 \d \'1: epp 1'. tOrY \4Orl< P nd 1.'. ng i neer in g CO S t s ~i tb reg.rd to opp\icption by county of Elgin to na",e 1:o.,ushipof Dun..icb Solid ;lasu Site epp-ro'l1ed as an /\:re. Solid ;laste Site $ 2,"93.10 3. ..------ $ 4,256.25 'these exPenditUres ~re p,id through county R08d \;i 0 the toto\ of countY Road ~ouchers including v~~~s-~no ~l t $ 2 778 060.87. Rood ExPenditUres detPi\ed in Report e" · ~otPl tX?enditUres t>>11 Of '<!hic" 1s RespectfullY submitted. C\\A1RMW ~ ROAD COMNITTEE Fir~..t _~~)~rt '. St. Thomns, Ontprio. January Session, 1976. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS bF THE COUNTY OF EJ~IN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMHITTEE BEGS TO REPORT fill FOLLOWS: _ The following is a Summary of Costs of Construction and M~lintenRnee on County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads during 1975. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS 1. Road 112 - From Road 8 to Road 15, Township 0 f Dunwieh Asphalt Resurfacing. $ Q,081.03 2. Road 112 - From Road IF3 to Highway #76 - Villages of Rodney and West Lorne and Township of Aldborough. - Drainage, Seeding, etc. 4,753.34 3. Road #3 - From Highway #3 to L~ke E!ie - Township of Aldborough.. Grading, GrRnublr Base, Surface Trea tment. 18,453.0n 4. Road 113 - Furnival Road South, Villtlge of Rodney, UrbRn Construction. 22,c}04.71 --,- -- - --- - --- --..-. 5. Road #3 - South Fleming Creek Bridge southerly approx. 1 mile, Township of Aldborough - Grading, GrAvelling, Hot Mix Pavi.ng, etc. 56,799.43 6. .l:{oad #4 - Queen Street West, Village of Rodney, Urban Construction 13,662.83 - -'-- ---....... -......... 7. Rond 1;6 - From Road 1;3 to Black's Lrtne, Aldborough Township, Aspha 1 t Resur fRe ing. 85,139.52 ----..---------- 8. Roads #8 & 15 - Nain Street Diversion to Currie Street" Village of Dutton - Urban Construction 125,373.48 9. Road #13 ...Shackleton St., Village of Dutton, 'Urban Construction 11,028.25 10. Road #20 -Carlow Road, Village of Port Stanley, Urban Construction at Highway ff3 and At \{arren St. 30,Q51.50 11. Road #30 -From Salt .Creek Cemetery northerly, Yarmouth Township, Grading, Granular BAse, Hot Mix P;lving, etc. 178,701.92 ...-------------... 12. Road 1;35 - From Highway If3 to Ja ffa, Township 0 f YRrmouth .and Township of MalAhide Asphalt Resurf~cing. --~~~!??~:~~--- 13. Road #36 -Highway 113 to Sp?rta, Township of'Yarmouth - Topsoil, Trimming and Seeding, etc. 312.84 14. Road #40 ~Mount Salem to Road 42, T01ifUship of Ma1ahide Trimming, Seeding, etc. 372.83 15. Road 4/40 -Springfield to Glenc01in, Township 0 f Malahide AsphHlt Resurfacing 45, 9~'5.67 ........----..------ CONSTRUCTION.. COUNTY ROADS (continued) 16. Road /!44 - Highway /13 to Highway #19, Bayham Township, Aspha 1 t Resur facing. 17. Road #45 - Highway #19 to Ha1dimand Norfolk Regional Townl ine Township 0 f Bayham, Aspha 1 t ReS1Jr facing. 18. Road /145 - Calton to Highway 1119, Township of Bayham - Shouldering, Ditching, Guide Rails, etc. 19. Road /151 - Highway 114 to County 0 f Elgin Garage, Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, and Hot Mix Paving, etc. 20. Road 1;52 - Froln Road 30 westerly to Road 25, Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, 'Culverts, Hot Mix Paving, etc. 21. - Whi1te Station Garage, Completion of Renovations, Pav:ingof Driveways and Parking Lots. 22. - Dra:lnage Assessments (construction). 23. - Surveys for new work on various roads. 24. - Land Purchase 25. - Purchase of Property for Gravel Pits 26. - New and used equipment. 27. - RebjElte of Provincial Sales Tax paid in past years. CREDIT 28. - Machinery Ownership Costs, etc. charged to ACClDunts Receivable and Townline Accounts CREDIT TOTAL CONSTRUCTION B'YTHE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road #30 - Radio Road from St. Thomas City limits to Salt Creek Cemetery, Gradi,ng, Granular Base, H()t Mix Paving, etc . Township of Yarmouth 2. Road 4J22 - Fairview Ave. Surveys 3. - Land Purchase TOTAL Add 1975 Stock Balance SUB TOTAL Less 1974 Stock Balance TOTAL 1975 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PAGE 2 123,07q.I~9 63,465.80 8,773.44 42,359.47 80,835.25 '11,006.77 ____}3.!~~7:~~__ 2 375.69 _____..J________ ___.. }}J~.?J.:]~__ 33 027.06 ' _____...J________ 110 697.10 __........_J.._.._____ _ _ _.. :J9..~J.] .I~'__ 27 088.43 '.____ _ J________ $ 1,157,697.63 194,221.87 __1- __ _...__ .... ___ __,____ ___ 9.1)J__ __.___:.! !!~.:l:__ $ 200,009.51 $ ,7 938.80 ------~-------- $ _.... _ '~.I~]J..I~f)__ 171.476.91 $ 1.329.174.54 \ MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS 'Bridges 1. Culverts 2. Winter ContrOl (1972 Expenditure $ 122,466. 1973 Expenditure $ 72,825. 1974 Expenditure $ 175,688.) 3. Surface Treatment 4._ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. 11. 12. 13. 14. Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Grading Maintenance Roadside Maintenace Dust Contt'ol GraSS And Weed Cutting Weed Spraying Tree Gutting Pavement Marking Guide Rails' 15. signs 16. Drainage 17. sweeping 18. Tree Planting 19. Railroad Protection 20. Drainage Assessl1lents (Maintenance) 21. Rebates to Town 0 f Ayll1ler and Villages 91 ERHEAD ::- C Oll.!\.!! 1. Superintendence ~ County Engineer GenerAl superintendent Assistant Superintendent 2. Clerical 3. Office 4. Garages, Stock and Timekeepers, etc. 5. Niscellaneous Repairs 6. Tools 7. Radio 8. Insurance ___._!.!.~GE .)-..----..... _~---~.!~~~.:7}-- _.- _.. _2.!9::.:~:-- _ .._ :!:J2..J 1].: 11--.. __,.. ..2].1]27.: l~.- _......~~ J~~}.:~1--- .. ... _ .. ~9 J~} 7:. :1] ... .. ._. __llJ ~~]:. J':-- 17 129.60 _ ...._ _ ...1. _.- ..--- _..,_ ..~~J!Q2.:9~-- .. ..,_..!~ J 71,].: ?J_- _ ..'..... ...1J~~~':~~-- 21 224.65 _..,.... __ .. J.. -.. ...- - --- ._ __!2.%2~~;3~-- .._---~l~~~;~~-- ......_.!~l~3~.:3~_. __.....!~l~~~.:l2-- _ _ __! 9 .1}}~': ~~..- 367.83 ------..--...----- _..__!2J2~.!.:29.- 278.3~ -----...-----..---- 35 730.05 ___......l-........--- TOT AL $ 583_1~? .45 _ ..2__22~~~~;~?...- __.-1~..~91.1~~-- _----IJ..1-11,,9}-- __ _ _);..9~9.t~]....- 10 686.00 --...--.1-------- 4 144.18 __-~-_.J..------- 1 779.32 __--..-~t1I#-.....--..- 2 517.02 ------.1-------.. OVERHEAD - COUNT~ (continued) 9. Pensions - Canada & OMERS 10. Permits 11. County Share of U.I.C. Contributions 12. HolidAYs with Pay 13. Sick Benefits 14. County Share of Ontario Health Insurance Plan and Blue Cross Plan. 15. Employees Medicals 16. Needs Study Update 17. Traffic Counts 18. Training Courses 19. Machinery Overhead 20. Overhead Charged to Townline Accounts 21. Overhead Charged to Accounts Receivable TOTAL OF OVERHEAD CR ED IT CREDIT CREDIT MAINTENANCE Al\~D OVERHEAD, ST. THONAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION (including Items t,ot Subsidized by H.T.C.) TOTAL MAINTENANCE A~1J) OVERHEAD FOR COUNTY AT'\D ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MISCELLANEOUS (Not Subsidized by t-1. T.C. ) Elgin Sweeper Repairs and Operating Ch8rges Elgin Sweeper Rentals Charged to Various Projects Insurance (Road Liability, etc.) Charges by Outside Parties to obtain Sales Tax Rebate Miscellaneous SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE A~D OVERHEAD NISCELLANEOUS SUB... TOTAL ADD: 1975 STOCK BALANCE SUB-TOTAL LESS: 1974 STOCK BALANCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDIT TOTAL PAGE 4 34,728.85 35.90 - - _ _1.].: 18__ --- ..~] .18:>].191__ _.. _ _lfJ.I"~!).s g] _.. _ _ _ _1] .JI fy] Z .: B2.. _ - -- _ - - _ J~ 2.:~1_.. _____J.t].]5.:9;__ __.. - _ 2..'lfJ.: 9'J__ --___J"'J.P2..'~__ ____11.lJ~}.:!:9__ _____2..!~~~: ~}__ -___:JJ..].J!;.:!J]__ ? 1? Q...59...J)u 5~.~65. ?} $ 874,932.28 _ _ _ :. _ ~ .1_21 J .:& ~ .. _ --___ ~ !~~S>:22__ _ _ - _ _.. _135~",~2.._ .. _ _ _ _It..b~!J..99.._ _ __ __l..~JJ...o.9__ $ 1,752.18 1 329 174.54 __l___l_______~ __,_819..932.2B__ _., _ _ _ ! .a 1 j~ .: ! ~ _ _ _f....Z92...~2~.lQ9__ _ .. _!! ~.a! 2 ~ : 2.?__ 2 318 982.35 __.l___J________ 100,155.29 - .~..._- -'--" ----..... $ 2.218.827.06 P;\GF 5 The Subsi.dy allocation. from the }'lir:istry of 'T'rcn~sportat{on :"1fld COT"!mn tC{jtior'~ i, 1975 was in 2 p~rtSt (8) ^ subsidy of $ 1,601,000 on genernl exp~TJd.1tlq~(~Sf '''''i~d (b) A 50% subsidy (Hl Drainage Asses!?ments tn Amount of $ 6,000. (Totpi Subsidy $ 1,607,000) The cost of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission expendi.tures to the City ()f St.. Tnom8s '(.4P5 ~;; :"n,422.2~ and the net cost to the Count;,' of Elgin fOl~ the } ~75 Road Programm4~ (including the County share 0 f the St. ThomRs Suh1Jrt);1r1 !<~)8d System) is esti.11'k'lted at $ )80,L~()O. The ROCld Levy for lq75 WPS 581,000 lepving <in estimated 5t.1rplus of ;.)pproximAtely S 6no. In add i ti.on to the above Expendi tures, r'!' considerllD le t3mOLlnt 0 f r'lOrk waS done and invoiced to others A.nd incl.uded the fl,llo,.ring: 1. Work on County Boundary HO;lds f3ndFrjdges ~nd invoic.ed to the Counties of MiddLesex pnd Oxford. S 1 7,441. 9'1 2. Constructi.on ;1~t the Int.ersection ()f Hi,gl-n.,rRY #73 end County l-~("'l8~d /11+5 end irvoiced to the }lini stry of TrHnsport:1tion and Comr:unicat.ions. ? , Od 7 .1.9 3. P(lvi ng ;). nd other work in t.he Vi 1111 ge n f Rodney and invoiced to Carlinghill ConstnlC't1.0n Comp;'lny Limi ted (in con j11nc. tion with their l,('l rd stry 0 f the Envlronment Contrac t for Sa. ni t;1 rv ~.;ewers). 1~"t37/~.19 4. Granu]nr BRse ;;nd other t.rork in the Vi,llnge of Dutton and invoi.ced to r<ortn EAst Constnlct1.0lJ Co. Ltd. (-jn c.onjucctionwith the Hinfstry of the [nvironment Contrpct for S::nd.tary Sewers). 7,035.Qg .5., Pri.ming Hnd ::;urface TrefltmentWork for vArious Muni.cipnlit'les, Compi1oies .A.nd i'\gencie's. 7A, L~29.. 6(, 6. \{oTk done for, and H;, teri a 1 s so ld to IOCA 1 Hunici.p,'i1 i.ties, Government Agenci,es r.nd Commissions" the Ci.ty of St. ThoTn-<"1s, various 7'Hnlstries of the Provinci(11 Government, ;:lnd the Kettle Creek Conservation ,'\uthority,:n1d individurlls.. ~~33, 108.36 TOT AI., s ..J~!.!:_~~~7.J~_?.~~_ _____ TOTi\ L F'xVF:'JD IT'[l'H.ES n,. 1975 WEH E ,:;;' 2, 7"7 J ,304.. h:2 .. which compflres wi.th $ 2,.301,000 in 1974, S 1,,877,000 in 1973, $ 2,205,000 in 1972 ~nd $ 2,285,000 in 1971. /..LL OF tIHICH I;~ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED.. CHAIRMAN