1978 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 20, 1978. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the Municipal Building on December 20, 1978 at 11:00 A.M. in conjunction with County Council. ( Warden S. J. Glover, Deputy Reeve of Town of Aylmer ( ( Reeve Ronald Green of Bayham Township ( Present ( Reeve J. B. Wilson of South Dorchester Township ( ( Reeve W. R. Caverly of Malahide Township ( ( Reeve J. Don Campbell of Dunwich Township ( ( Reeve Keith Kelly of Aldborough Township Advisory Members: Reeve C. D. Phillips of Village of Port Stanley Reeve Lester Longhurst of Southwold Township Reeve Larry Shaw of Yarmouth Township "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: S. J. GLOVER THAT RON GREEN BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1979. CARRIED" . THE CHAIRMAN THANKED the CVLlLLLlittee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That William Small, a County Employee for over 20 years, had passed away on December 19 and that the service was to be December 21 at 2:00 P.M. in Dutton. 2. That snowplowing had been nil in the past week and sanding light. 3. That work for the Village of West Lorne on the John Street sanitary sewer and water main had been completed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 20, 1978. PAGE 2. 4. That the Road 43 branch of the Richmond Storm Drain had been completed and the west branch toward the cemetery had been started. It was hoped that an agreement for an outlet through the property of Louis Acre had been reached. 5. Golder Associates would do soil tests for the culverts for Dunwich and Southwold Townships early in the new year. 6. Parts for Truck # 84 had not yet been received and it was hoped to have the motor in Truck # 64 by the weekend. THE CHAIRMAN BRIEFED THE NEW MEMBERS on the Proposed Agreement between the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk and the County of Elgin on construction costs on Road 55. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J. D. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN & CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE REGION OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK WITH REGARD TO CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ON ELGIN ROAD 55 ALSO BEING HALDIMAND-NORFOLK ROAD 26. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: K. M. KELLY SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - PAYLIST # 58 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 247.65 PAYLIST # 60 IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 10,520.74 PAYLIST # 1 (19799'-IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 163,140.01. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 20, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: K. M. KELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 10, 1979 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." ~~C? ~, CHAIRMAN coUNT! Of ELC1}1 ROAD CO~I't'tEE ~ DECEMBER SESS10'N 1918 TO T1\E Vl ARDEN AND 1:I.El!fBERS Of T1:1.E ELG1}1 CO~ COUNCIL ~ 'loUR ROl>Jl CO~I't'tEE RE1?ORTS AS fQLWVlS ~ -road f. 1 \<. to as SULLL'-' - Ba1diroand--No"!: 0 " the no"!:the"!:t'J , mone'J' on · of construct~on f T-ranspo"!:tat~on e)(penditu-re bt in Minist-ry 0 No"!:fo1k to 0 a f .11 llo~ Ba1diroand- thiS po"!:tion 0 and W1. a d ne thiS 'Jea"!: on 'd'J on ~o"!:k 0 d d C()l\1lllunicatiOns subs~ 1 of the timing an an ' '11 have cont"!:o ~^ count'J of E1g~n W1. , d_No"!:fo1k ~11 . ..t... 1 dl:ro.a.n 0'\ ^ c:. of. -::~ -' --. _.f: tbe CountY of ~J.o--' the cost as in the past. All of Vlhich IS Respectfull'J Submitted. C1:'\Al~ \ \ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE Municipal Building on December 13, 1978 at 9:30 A.M. All members were present. The minutes of the meeting of November l~ and 22 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORT~D ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. David Whitney had been hired as Assistant County Engineer and would begin work on January 15, 1979. 2. The St. Thomas Suburban Road CVllUllission had met and had passed a resolution assuming the roads that were jointly discussed by the County and the CVlluuission as CUlluuission Roads as of January 1, 1979. The Connnission would have jurisdiction over 47.3 miles of the 296.5 miles total County Road System. 3. Approximately $ 163,000 (including new machinery) in accounts, plus salt bills, plus December accounts would have to be carried into 1979. 4. There were delays in getting some parts for one of the Mack Trucks which was under warranty. The other truck had been received and was working. 5. The floor replacement on the Cook Bridge was cVULJ:.Ileted. 6. Work in Port Stanley on Frances Street had been cUlUpleted for the season. 7. Sanitary Sewer work for the Village of West Lorne on John Street was underway and extremely bad soil conditions had been encountered as stone had to be used to keep the pipe on grade. 8. A drain had been placed up Richmond Hill and drains were being placed on Road 38 & 43 in Richmond. 9. G4ide Rail had been replaced on St. George Street (Road 26) and 3 gates for Bill Pennings on Road 14 placed that had been overlooked when the road had been built. 10. Sign repair was underway. 11. General Motors had moved their Terex Trucks to Port Stanley and they had been shipped to Chile. 12. Cangeo had been given permission to make tests on Road 9 west of Road 14 \ in Dunwich Township on the same basis as permission for those on Road 40. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 2. 13. Design for culverts for Dunwich, Southwold and Yarmouth was proceeding. 14. Bill Small had been advised by his doctor to go on sick leave until it could be ascertained what his trouble was. 15. A cracked engine block in Truck #04 would hopefully be replaced under warranty. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST # 50 IN AMOUNT OF $ PAYLIST # 54 IN AMOUNT OF $ PAYLIST # 55 IN AMOUNT OF $ PAYLIST # 56 IN AMOUNT OF $ PAYLIST # 57 IN AMOUNT OF $ 37,893.27 35,657.24 452.78 38,855.56 122,656.95. CARRIED.' , ZONINq BY-LAW'S, including one to zone land for a Disposal Site for Gordon Hopper in Southwold Township,,:were noted as were Notices of CVlLlluittee of Adjustment Hearings and O.M. B. decisions on appeal s from the decisions of County Land Division Committee. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM Canadian General Electric stating that their monthly rates for radio maintenance would go up in 1979. The Engineer noted that the rates had not increased since the system had been installed over 10 years ago. THE COMMITTEE REVIEWED the attached agreement proposed by Haldimand.. Norfolk Region, ie, construction and maintenance on Road 26 (Elgin Road 55). The agreement would allow Haldimand-Norfolk to proceed with construction work on the north 2 miles of the road and obtain Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE 1979 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THAT THEY RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED BY COUNTY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE REGION OF HALDlMAND-NORFOLK WITH REGARD TO CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ON ELGIN ROAD 55 ALSO BEING HALDIMAND-NORFOLK ROAD 26. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Tenders for Trucks. It was decided not to purchase a 4 Wheel Drive Truck at this time. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF DUNN MOTORS (AYLMER) LTD. FOR A DODGE D200 PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 5,788.49 WITH COUNTY TRUCK # 62 AS A TRADE-IN OR $ 6,965.49 WITHOUT TRADE- IN. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: 1. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MIKE HUTCHINSON LTD. FOR A CHEVROLET VAN AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 5,992.00 WITH COUNTY TRUCK # 60 AS A TRADE-IN. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MIKE HUTCHINSON LTD. FOR A CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $ 4,051.02 WITH TRUCKS # 58 & 59 AS TRADE-INS. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER WAS AUTHORIZED to obtain a new 15,000 watt Onan Generator from Ross Whalls for approximately $ 1,700.00 and sell the old generator for approximately $ 500.00. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had reported that there were over 90 1/2 million vehicle miles of travel on County Roads in 1977 and over 83% of the traffic was on adequate roads. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Compa~ison of 1978 and 1979 Expenditure Levels and Subsidies from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL~', SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." ;{J~c;7~. CHAIRMAN '-- RESOLUTION, FOR PESICNATINGSUBt1RBAN "ROAD:S THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY:J. HINDLEY That effective January 1, .1979; the following roads are hereby designated , , , as Suburban Roads for the purpose of Part. VIIt of the Ptiblic Transportation ' , & Highway Improvement Act~' Subject to the approval of the Mini'ster of Transportation and Cc.ulu,unications _ (a) Road 11 (b) Road 16 from St. Thomas City Limits to, Road 20 (c) Road 22 from County Road 27 to County Road 24 (d) ROad 26 from County Road 25 to County Road 11 (e) Road 28 (f) Road 29 (g) Road 31 (h) Road 45 from Highway 4 to County Road 36 (i) Road 52 from Highway 3 (new) to'Highway 74 (j ) Road 56. CARRIED. SIGNED: A. W ~'AUCKLAND ,.CHAIRMAN SIGNED: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY I, RobertG. Moore, Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Road,s C,o:mnd.ssion hereby state that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads. Cvulluiss'ion at a m~eting on the 29th day of November 1978. If ~1~~, ENGINEER AN,SE'CRETARY . "1.. I ~r -_...-~ !:!!MOR~ That the Regional Municipality of Raldimand-NO~fOlk assumes I the ~esponsibility fo~ the upgrading of RegiOnal Road I 26 f~o~ \ \ Regional Road I 45 southe~IY to the allo~ance fo~ ~oad bet~een concessionS 11 and 111 of the TownshiP of BSyham. in the said county of Elgin. The upgrading and improvement of thiS section of Regional Road I 26 will be at the full expense of the Relional MuniCipality of Baldima~-NO~folk and the Regional MuniCipality of Raldimand-NO~fOlk rese~ves the ~ight. therefore. as to the timing and standa~d. of such upgrading. subject to any app~ovals ~equired f~om the MinistrY of T~ansportatiOn and com~unicatiOns. That the county of Ilgin assumes the responsibility for the upgradinl of Ilgin county Road I 26 f~om the allowance fo~ road b.tWeen concessions 11 and 111 of the TownshiP of Bayham in the said county of Elgin. southerlY to Ilgin county Road I 42. The upg~ading and improvementS of thiS section of county Road , 26 will be at the full expense of the countY of Ilgin and the countY of Ilgin ~eserves the right. the~efo~e, as to the timing arid standards. of such upg~ading. subject to any approvals requi~ed from the Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns. It is fu~ther agreed that the Regional MunicipalitY of Baldimand-Norfolk shall continue the maintenance of Regional Road I 26 f~om Regional Road I 45 to Regional Road I 42 and continUe to bill one half of the said maintenance to the cou~~y of Elgin in the calendar year in which the said maintenance The county of Elgin and the Regional Municipality of Raldimand-Norfolk agrees as folloWS: occurs. TO cla~ifY this agreement. Regional Road I 26 and Elgin - 2 - 55 County Road 1/ ~, under the By-Laws of the respective Municipality is identified as the same section of road. Also Regional Road # 45 and Elgin County Road # 45 as well as Regional Road # 42 and Elgin County Road # 42 are identical points as the northern and southern limits of said Road # 26. This agreement to remain in force until changed by mutual agreement by both parties. Signed and Sealed Warden, County of Elgin Clerk, County of Elgin Chairman, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk Clerk, Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk I COUNTY OF ELGIN ::::: \TEllICLE TENDER" N' DEC~BER 8- 1978 'l\ 7,000 LB. G.V.\J. EXTENDED CAB PIClZU1' TRueR PRICes ARe NET ^VfER TR^IlF. ANIl INC\.\l\lF. I'ROVINCl "I. 51\1),5 T t\f.. 1. j)Unn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd., 326 John Street N., Ay lmer, ontario. $ 5,788.49 Dodge D272 2. Uighb~rY Ford sales Ltd., 1365 DUndaS Street East, London, ontariO. $ 6,025.17 Ford f_250 super Cab 3. Fearn Ford sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ontario. $ 6 , Of\ C) . :1 1 Ford F~250 SlIper ea\> 4. St. Thomas pl~o~th Chrysler Ltd., 275 ~ellington Street, St. Thomas, ontario. $ 6,258.43 5. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, ontario. $ 6 , 546 .41 Ford F_250 Super Cab 6. E. L. Fordham Motors Ltd., 241 FUrniVal Road, Rodney, OntariO. $ b,B80.l0 Chevrolet COUNTY OF ELGIN VEH'.tCLE TENDER "13" DECEMBER 8t 1978 6,000 G.V.W. VAN PRICES ARE NET AFTER TRADE AND INCLUDE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 1. Mike Hutchinson Ltd., 188 Talbot Street W., Aylmer, Ontario. Chev 3/4 ton Sport Van 2. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Ford Club Wagon 3. E. L. Fordham Motors Ltd., 241 Furnival Road, Rodney, Ontario. Chevrolet 4. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd., 326 John Street N., Aylmer, Ont(;lrio. Dodge 5. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. Ford 6. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Ford 7. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler, 275 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dodge $ 5,992.00 $ 6,320.49 $ 6,420.00 $ 6,489.39 $ 6,757.90 $ 6,765.61 $ 7,017.06 COUNTY OF ELGIN VERI CLE TENDER tt C"-l DECEMB~R 8, 1978 6,000 LB. G.V.W. PICKUP TRUCK PRICES ARE NET AFTER TRADE AND INCLUDE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 1. Mike Hutchinson Ltd., 188 Talbot Street W., Aylmer, Ontario. Chev C-IO Series $ 4,051.02 2. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd., 326 John Str~et N., Aylmer, Ontario. Dodge D147 $ 4,335.69 3. Highbury Ford Sales Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Ford F-150 $ 4,397.70 4. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Ford F.150 $ 4,635.24 5. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., .London, Ontario. Ford F-150 $ 4,784.12 6. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler, 275 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dodge $ 5,175.59 COUNTY OF ELGIN VEHICLE TENDER "C" - 2 DECEMBER 8, 1978 6,000 LB. G.V.W. PICKUP TRUCK 4 WHEEL DRIVE PRICES ARE NET AFI'ER TRADE AND INCLUDE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX 1. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd., 326 John Street N., Aylmer, Ontario. Dodge (full time 4 wheel drive) $ 5,416.34 2. Highbury Ford S~les Ltd., 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Ford F-150 (Free wheeling hubs) $ 5,550.09 3. Fearn Ford Sales Ltd., 1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Ford $ 5,752.32 4. St. Thomas Plymoul:h Chrysler, 275 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dodge $ 6,147.15 5. Middlesex Motors, 100 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. Ford $ 6,156.71 6. Beaudry Bros. Ltd., 877 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Jeep $ 6,944.30 Difference between C-l and C-2 (with free wheeling hubs) ie, Highbury Ford Sales $ 1,499.07 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATIONS ~D MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY COMPARISONS 1978 - 1979 Ii I County Assessment (M.T.C.) City of St. Thomas Sub sidy Drainage Assessments Allocation Road Needs 9% x 8,961,000 Bridge Needs 9% x 1,537,000 1979. 9% x 10,038,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 1978 15% (x 2,127,000) 1979 15% (x 2,111,000) Total Construction Maintenance OVerhead Machinery Urban Rebates Extra Expenditure from Land Sales .~ , J i "", Extra County Levy Drainage Assessments 1978 1979 $ 395,000,000 $ 417,000,000 61,600,000 72,900,000 2,030,000 2,066,000 (,V' R 13 A I" 22,000 RL:~f' 11.:'$ 25 , 000 Plus 2,055,000 2,088,000 $ 806,000 138,000 903,000 319,000 317,000 $ " L', 263,000 $ 1,220,000 841,000 1,057,000 442,000 352,000 137,000 145,000 43, 000 44,000 $ 2,726,000 $ 2,818,000 17,000 25,000 50,000 $ 2,818,000 MINISTRY OF TR~SPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ESTIMATES RE DIVISION OF COSTS -.. 1'1 71j Subsidy $ 2,088,000 County Share 694,000 City of St. Thomas Share 36,000 ) $ 2,818,000 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 22, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET on November 22, 1978 at 11:00 A.M. in conjunction with County Council. All members were present, also G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer~ THE ENGINEER REPORTED (1) That interviews for an Assistant Engineer were still be carried out. (2) That the Personnel Committee Report to County Council had designated Curtis Gordon as an Assistant Superintendent rather than Senior Foreman. (3) That work was underway on the Cook Bridge and that its condition was worse than the Phillmore Bridge. (4) That only about 80 rolls of the 300 rolls of snow fence ordered would be delivered this week. It was hoped that the rest would be delivered next week. THE WARDEN, CLERK-TREASURER AND THE ENGINEER reported on County surplus. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO FINANCE COMMITTEE THAT THE SUM OF $ 25,000 BE ASSIGNED TO THE COUNTY ROAD BUDGET FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 13, 1978 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." /p~c~~ . I '--_ CHAIRMAN /" ,/" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT November 1978 Session Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The steel floor stringers and the bridge deck have been replaced on the Phillmore Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43. Repairs have been made to the abutments and the railings and the ballast walls have been replaced. Examination of the Cook Bridge (also over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43) has shown that the stringers on it are very poor and the abutments need considerable work. Repairs on it, similar to the Phillmore Bridge, are underway. 2. One of the new Mack Trucks has been received and the other is expected in 10 days. 3. All construction work, other than storm drain work in Richmond on Roads 38 & 43, has been completed for the season, and maintenance work is being undertaken as the weather permits. WE RECOMMEND: (1) That the resolution of the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to provide detailed traffic registrations and statistics on a Municipay by Municipal basis be filed. (2) That the resolution of the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville requesting legislation to make it mandatory for vehicles hauling caustic, explosives, radio-active, or other dangerous materials, to carry a bill of lading detailing the material carried, and that a colour code be developed to identify such chemicals, carried be endorsed. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT November 1978 Session Page 2. (3) That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to grant a licence (permit) under Section 354, Subsection 93, 94 & 95 of the Municipal Act to allow a house encroachment onto County Road 20 in Fingal on Lot 18, South Talbot Road, Southwold. The house is owned by John and Paulette Charron, and one corner encroaches approximately 1/2 foot on the road allowance, and the potential buyers of the property find that because of the ' encroachment they cannot arrange mortgage monies through the usual sources. The mortgagees have requested that the house be permitted to remain on the road allowance unless destroyed by fire, etc. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN 1', ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 15, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building on November 15, 1978 at 9:30 A.M. All members except Reeve Bradfield present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 11 & OCTOBER 26 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. General Motor Diesel had met the conditions for moving their Terex Earth Movers over Roads 36 & 45, and permits had been issued for a load a day for 10 days beginning November 13. 2. The Township of Southwold had granted John Aarts a building permit and a compromise entrance situation had been agreed upon. 3. Culligan Water Systems were installing an iron removal system at Phyllis Filipowski's on a trial basis. 4. 13 chain saws (Homelite) had been purchased from Howard Machine with 13 old saws as trade-ins. The purchase was necessary as the old saws could not have chain brakes, as required by the Workmen's Compensation Board, installed on them. 5. A 1978 demonstrator Dodge Diplomat had been,ipurchased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler at $ 5,959.00 plus tax, and Curtis Gordon had taken the 1975 Dodge. 6. One of the Mack Trucks would be ready at the end of the week. 7. Frink had discovered one of the County Snow Plow Towers was bent and were afraid to install it and recvlLuuended a new tower (cost net $ 3,240.00). The Engineer was of the opinion that although the tower was likely 25 years old, County workmen would be able to repair it economically and use if for a standby on Truck # 63 which was of the open tower design. 8. About half the sanders were on. 9. Bayham Township had stated they would be unable to plow and sand Road 38. 10. Sand piles were up. ST. TH.OMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 15, 1978. PAGE 2. 11. The Phillmore Bridge floor had O.el'fl'coropleted and .rork on the cook Bridge would start next week. 12. Guide rail cable on Road 52 & 30 had been coropleted. 13. All work on the Myrtle Street Bridge had been completed other than steel reinforcing. Some work had been done, but the manlift had broken down and work could not resume until it waS repaired. 14. Corbetts had run out of gravel for Road ~.~"l~e,I-' 15. some gravel had been piled at the Pleasant Valley pit. 16. Erection of snoW fence waS underway and the new snow fence waS expected 17. ~est Lorne had requested that the County design and install approximatelY next week. 18. port Stanley had requested the County do approximatelY $ 14,000 worth of 600 feet of sanitary sewer. work on smith, charlotte and franceS StreetS in the Village. 19. Ditching would be started next week on Roads 45 & 24. 20. Storm drain work in Richmond on Roads 38 & 43 would be started before 21. Bill Small waS off due to illnesS and Edgar McLeod waS still off due to christmas. 22. Ron Cook had been hired as a Probationary Grade LL Labourer and Don Britton injury. would be promoted to probationary Grade LL Labourer from Casual if he ~ta~ed his ClaSs nD' lic~ce. 23. The EmPloyees' AsSociation had accepted the personnel committee'S wage 24. over 30 applications for an ASsistant Engineer had been received and 7 offer. 25. The Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns had completed the asphalt interviewS were being done. on Highway 3 from Talbotville to Road 52 and the Road 52 connection to the portion completed by the County west of Albert AndrewS. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 15, 1978. PAGE 3. 26. That the suppliers of traffic paint for 1978 had agreed to hold the price for 1979 if an order was placed prior to December 15 and delivery taken prior to February 15 and payment before April 15. Committee were in agreement with the offer. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ PAYLIST # 46 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 47 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 48 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 49 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 51 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 52 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 53 AMOUNTING TO $ 39,074.22 174.66 40,820.95 403.53 203,263.80 8,604.96 839.11. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - (1) Various Municipalities with Zoning and Committee of Adjustment Notices. (2) Press release from Hon. James Snow regarding deficient Municipal Bridges. (3) Ministry of Transportation and CVUl.Ll1unications requesting the County to do Winter Maintenance on new Highway 3 from Talbotville easterly. (4) Village of Port Stanley authorizing the County of Elgin to do work on Smith, Frances & Charlotte Streets. (5) Board of Education regarding a future watermain from the Ministry of the Environment pipe to Lynhurst School along Wellington Road. Reeve McLean reported that the pipeline would likely be installed by Southwold Township. (6) Regional Municipal ity of Hamil ton-Wentworth regarding vehicle \:,regi stration information from the Ministry of Transportation and Cvull.uunications. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REGION OF HAMILTON- WENTWORTH REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMU~ICATIONS TO PROVIDE DETAILED VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND STATITICS BE FILED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 15, 1978. PAGE 4. (7) The united counties of Leeds & Grenville regarding the trucking of dangeroUS materials. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO co1JNT'l COtJNC1L THAT THE RESOLUT10N OF THE UN1TED COUNT1ES OF LEEDS & GRENV1LLE REQUEST1NG LEG1SLA!10N TO MARE lT M/lNDATORY FOR A VEH1CLE HAJJL:u<G CAUST1C. EXPLOS1VES. MD10 ACTIVE. OR OTHER DANGEROUS MATER1ALS. TO CARRY A B1LL OF LAD1NG AND THAT A COLOUR CODE BE DEVELOPED TO lDENT1FY THE CHEMICALS, BE ENDORSED. CARRIED." (8) Murray Hennessey regarding the methods to grant a permit to alloW an encroachment onto county Road 20 by a house in Fingal. "MOVED BY: D. lZ. COOlZ SECONDED BY: J. W. cAMPBELL THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNC1L THAT A By.LAW BE PASSED !I1lTHOR1Z1NG THE WARDEN AND CLERK. TO SlGN A L1CENCE UNDER SECT10N 354 OF THE M1lN1Cll'AL ACT TO ALLOW A HOUSE ENCROACHMENT ONTO ROAD 20 OF JOHN & PAULKrTE CHARRON ON LOT 18. S.T.R. SOUTRWOLU. CARRIED." (9) Village of port Stanley regarding stop signS at county Roads 20 & 21. committee declined to take any action. (10) George Ciparis of Aldborough T01NIlshiP on County Road 9, requesting assistance to place 6 inch tile on his property. committee felt they should not deviate from their present policY of not getting involved other than through a municipal drain or special caseS in contributing to tile on private property, or the placing of a catch basin on the road connected to private tile. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 15, 1978. PAGE 5. Regional Municipality of Raldimand-Norfolk had instructed their staff to expend approximatelY $ 25,000 on the Elgin_Norfolk ~ownline Road ~ith a ~RE CHAIRMllN REPOR~ED that the Public Works Committee of the vie~ of Upgrading it. committee expressed their concern as they had informed the Region previouslY that they had no funds to match Norfolk's contribution. ~he Engineer ~aS instructed to write the Region expressing the committee's concern and SUggesting that the road might be divided into t~O portions with each municipality responsible for their own portion. Re ~aS also instructed to SUggest a meeting of the t~O Committees. Chairman of Middlesex county Road committee regarding the Righbury - Radio Road Link stating that Middlesex could not afford to improve their end of ~RE WARDEN AND CRAIRMllN REpOR~ED on a meeting ~ith the Warden and the road for same years, and still Suggested that the Ministry of ~ransportation and communications be approached for a trade with Righ~ay 74. ~he Engineer ~aS instructed to write Middlesex and SUggest that meetings be continued in the neW year. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: L. R,. CARROLL ~RA~ ~RE ENGINEER BE J>,.\JTRORIZED ~O CALL ~ENDERS FOR 2 PICKUP ~R1JCKS AND A VAN WI~R 4 COUNTY VEHICLES AS ~RADE-INS. CARR1ED." information upon ~hich to base their request to have the county aSsume as a county Road, the road fram Righ~aY 4 to the South~old Land Fill Site. ~he matter ~aS A DELEGA~ION OF MEMBERS OF SOUTRWOLD COUNCIL in attendance requesting discussed at same length and the south~old council indicated that a request to have the county assume the road ~ould be made earlY in the ne~ year. 5't. 'tllOw-.5. 0N'tAR1.0. NOV~llER 15. 1918. PAGE 6. .t 'i/ S time for J!,lgin to be 'the Chairman SUggested that perhaps 1. a spending unsubsidized monieS on their road System in as much as it 'i/aS ~_~~ ~~"~ ~nistrY of 'transportation and c~nications ,t -v:ras becoming very appa"""~ ~"a~ . h th needs of the SysC"lIh subsidies 'i/ere not keeping up 'i/1.t e SUggested that perhapS part of thiS years contingency fund could be spent _ ~A-- _~A 1\n\l,ineer 'i/ere instrUcted to meet 'i/ith the on roads and the VIa"""" a"- - - countY 'treaSurer to ascertain the present surpluS. "MO'\]ED B'l ~ L. R. CARROLL 5J!,CONDJ!,D B"i' J. VI. CAl'!l'BJ!,LL 't1:\1'.'t Vl1!. ADJ01JRl'l 'to NOVJ!.l'1llER 22. 1918 A't 11 ,00 A.~' CARR1.'ED." ./ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 26, 1978. PAGE 1. at 11:00 A.M. on October 26, 1978 in conjunction with County Council. All THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building member s pre sent · 1. Work waS underway on the phillmore Bridge and that all stringerS would THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT - have to be replaced and extensive concrete work would be required on the abutments as well as replacement of the ballast walls. 2. Repairs on the Myrtle Street Bridge for the Town of Aylmer were underway. 3. Gravel shouldering had been completed on Roads 30 & 52 and gravelling was underway on Road 37. 4. Sand piles would be started next week. 5. Both Mack trucks were at Frink and early delivery waS hoped for, as examination had shown that Grader #13 could only be used as a standby and Grader #14 waS a suspect. 6. Two men would be hired as ClasS II probationary to act as Wingmen and their qualifications would be such that they could be promoted to Machine Operators. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT the new Proposed Agreement between the County of Elgin and the Township of Southwold, for the transfer of the Elgin Manor water pipeline to the Township, stated that if the water line had to be moved becaUse of road construction in the future, the cost would be borne by the County of Elgin. The Engineer felt that any future construction on the road waS a long ways in the future and that there would be no problem. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 26, 1978. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the latest report from the Ministry of the Environment showed that the iron content of Phyllis Ferguson's well was 2.l while 0.3 is desirable. After discussion the Engineer was instructed, with the assistance of Reeve Wilson to try to obtain a filter system that would remove as much of the iron as possible. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. Curtis Gordon, a present Class VI Foreman, had accepted the position of Senior Foreman with the Road D~partment and would assume the duties on Monday. As he would require a car as he would be required to do winter standby, the Engineer stated that he would be given the Engineer's car. The Engineer was authorized to purchase a car. The Engineer reported that very few 1978 models were available as most had been sold prior to the sales tax increase and that a number of the 1978's and 1979's did not have sufficient head room as the model dimensions had been reduced. Local dealers were being contacted to find out what vehicles were available on short notice. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER 15, 1978. IfiJ~ tt' ~ . / CHAIRMAN '1''. \ :) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1978 Page 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. A base coat of asphalt paving has been completed on Road 16 West of Fingal to Burwell's Corners. Most shouldering work has been completed for the season. Additional gravel will be placed yet this fall on Road 37 (the North & South Dorchester Townline). 2. A meeting has been held with the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and it has been agreed between the County Road Committee and the Suburban Roads Commission that for the time being, the County should look after all construction rather than some construction under the Suburban Roads Commission and some under the County. The Suburban Roads Commission would maintain as many miles (approximately 45 to 50 miles total) as their budget would allow and would revert any mileage due for construction to the County. There will be no change in the method of funding the Commission by th~ Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications, the County or the City of S't. Thomas. The chief benefit of the change will be that County Council will be able to designate the location of all reconstruction of any road or bridge in the entJ..ro syst(~m on a pr~{ori.ty basis. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed that will in effect reduce the load limit on the Phillmore Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43 in Bayham Township to 5 ton. This bridge (approximately 1 mile south of Richmond) is a 70 year old steel truss bridge which presently carries a load limit of 15 ton. It has been found to be in urgent need of repairs to the deck and the load limit has been reduced to 5 ton on an emergency basis. if- ,.-< COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1978 Page 2. Although the replacement of th~ deck has been authorized by the GVUludttee, it may take some time to obtain the necessary materials. A return to the 15 ton limit will be made when repairs are completed. It will also be necessary to replace a portion of the deck on the Cook Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 43 in the spring of 1979. 2. That a By-Law be passed confirming By-Law 1960 of the Township of Bayham. The Township By-Law closes part of the road allowance between Lots 10 & 11 North Gore and part of the road allowance between Concession VIII and the North Gore, all in Bayham Township. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 11, 1978. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the Municipal Building on October 11, 1978 at 9:30 A.M. All members except Reeve Green present. Reeve Wilson was appointed Chairman. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of September 13 & 27 were read and approved. REEVE GREEN IN ATTENDANCE and assumed the chair. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Base Coat Paving had been completed on Road 16 and shouldering was underway. (2) Gravel Shouldering had been completed on Road 19 & 41. (3) Gravel Shouldering was underway on Road 16 West of Burwell's Corners. (4) It would be necessary to gravel the Dunwich Township Sand Haul Road from the pit entrance to Road 14. The Township of Dunwich was assisting with ditching and the dirt was being hauled to Road 16. (5) Drainage in West Lorne on Road 2 had been completed. (6) Some shouldering remained on Road 52, 31 & 30, but would be started next week. (7) Gravel had been hauled with County trucks for 3 days to Road 37. (8) A second coat of pavement had been placed at the Iona Bridge. (9) Expansion joints had been replaced at the Eden and Calton Bridges. (10) One of the Mack Trucks was in Preston waiting for a box and the snowplow to be mounted. (11) Work would start at the Jail Court Yard for parking on Thursday. (12) Work would start for the Town of Aylmer on the Myrtle Street Bridge next week. (13) The money for the year had been spent. (14) Grader # 13 would require additional repairs so that it would be operative as a standby for the Winter. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 11, 1978. PAGE 2. Bert Hough had been slightly injured at Eden Bridge last week and had decided to take holidays prior to his retirement at the end of the month. Edgar McLeod had broken his ribs when run over by a truck on Road 20. Additional assistance would be required for the winter. The County of Kent had spent approximately $ 20,000 painting the Bothwell Bridge and the County of Elgin's share, $ 5,000 i would have to be paid out of 1979 funds. Additional well samples had been taken from the Phyllis Ferguson well and from the Carmichael wells for comparison. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that many of the stringers on the Phillmore Bridge had rusted through and would have to be replaced. The steel deck, if removed, would be worthless and because of the poor condition he had placed an emergency load limit of 5 ton on the bridge and ordered all school buses off the bridge. He thought that materials alone would be worth 8 or 9 thousand dollars. CUl1lluittee requested the Engineer to make repairs with all possible haste. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED REDUOING THE ALLOWABLE WEIGHT OF ANY VEHICLE USING THE PHILLMORE BRIDGE ON ROAD 43 TO 5 TON. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS PAYLIST # 42 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 43 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 44 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 45 AMOUNTING TO $ BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - 39,139.31 5, 129 .ll 37,227.15 153,167.34. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 11, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE THAT THE WARDEN'S COSTS FOR RENTAL CAR SEPTEMBER 17 TO SEPTEMBER 22 RE R.T.A.C. CONVENTION BE PAID. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the Bridge Conference in St. Louis. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - (1) Various Municipalities re Zoning By-Laws, Committee of Adjustment Notices and Appeals to Ontario Municipal Board. (2) Village of Port Stanley requesting 4 way stop signs at the intersection of Road 20 & 21. The Committee were not in favour of such installation. (3) Township of Bayham requesting a confirming By-Law on a road closing. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING BY-LAW 1960 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: TO CLOSE A ROAD ALLOWANCE. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR a delicious dinner at the home of Reeve McLean. AFTER DINNER Messrs. Auckland, Hindley and Colledge of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads CVll11l1ission in attendance to discuss the future role of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. and the Report of the County Engineer to the County Road CVllUl1ittee in August and September. After some discussion the Commission agreed to assume maintenance on enough mileage of County Roads to use the Commission Budget and to leave all construction to the County. ST. T\:1.0w.s. oNTARIO. OCTOBER 11, 1918. "PAGE 4. '1 ld be left ,;1ith the C()1l1l1lission and the Bnginee1: to ,;101:k Deta1. s 'Wou out. hell Count~ Council Road Inspection. IT VIAS DBCIDBD not to ave a .a J . _ f the Middlese){ d ~ the meeting ,;1ith the Vla1:den and Cha~~n 0 Note 'Was ma e 0.1. Road coromittee on octobe1: 12. 1978. The C()1l1l1lission left the meeting. TUB y,NGINBER STATBD he hoped to have specificatiOns 1:eady by the 'b f ickun t1:ucks and ca1:. ne~t meeting f01::pu~case 0 p r "MOVED "BY \ L. R. cARROLL SBCONDED Wi: J. VI. C~l'BB1..1.. T1:iAT VIE i>J)J01.l1ll'\ TO NQ'1Bl,\BBR 15. 1978 AT 9 :30 A.],1. cARR1.ED. " ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 27, 1978. PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Building on September 27, 1978 in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. Also present, G. C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND THAT THE OFFER OF RONALD ATCHESON, IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 15,000.00 FOR PARTS 3, 11 & 12, REFERENCE PLAN 11R967, IN LOT 7, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD, BE DEEDED TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: ELFRIEDE ATCHESON PART 7 D. G. F. MCCALLUM PART 11 WILLIAM GIDYK PART 13. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE DO NOW ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 11, 1978, AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." \. '" Q~~J I~., c)l . CHAIRMAN '" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE --- ""'" -= ' ~ ~ l" FIRST REPORT -- .-""""'" SEPTEMBER 26 SESSION 1 9 7 8 ~ e 1,..:.. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: 1. All Hot Mix: Asphalt Paving, other than the base course on Road 16 west YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: of Fingal to County Road 14, has been completed. 2. Good progress is being made on the construction of Road 16 and it is hoped to lay the base course of asphalt ~ithin the nex:t 2 ~eeks. 3. T~O Mack Trucks have been purchased and ~ill be fitted with sno~ plo~s' This ~ill allow us to use our 1972 Ford Trucks for sanders. Both trucks have over 200,000 miles on them and ~ill replace a 1966 and a 1968 International truck previoUslY used for sanding, ~hich ~ere sold for salvage. 1. That the resolution of the Township of Rochester requesting that the WE RECOMMEND: Ministry of TransportatiOn and communications provide sufficient subsidy in any year to replace a deficient bridge be filed. 2. That the resolution of the county of peterborough requesting the Ministry of TranSportatiOn and communicat\Ons make subsidy paymentS on a monthly basis be filed. 3. That the resolution of the City of Stratford requesting that legislation be changed to allo~ mentally handicapped adultS to ride to school on school buseS ~ith school pupilS be endorsed. \ <:' "'~ \ \ {,' coUll't'l' 01" ELGIN ROi\P C~EE ~ SE1?'tEMBER 26 SESSION 191 8 ~ 4. That the ~esolution of the countY of No~thU~be~land ~equesting that the ~unicipal hct be oonended to delete sectiOn #443 Subsection 6 (c) . h 1 f Count~ o~ Regional be filed. ThiS section ~equ.~es t e app~ova 0 J council to close and sell an o~iginal ~oad allo~ance and actS as a double chec\i.. o~ appeal f~01l\ the actions of a local Council. (RecororoendatiOn #7 is an e~arople of the use of thiS section of the Act.) That ~e accept the offe~ of Ronald htcheson in the a~ount of $ 15.000 fo~ Pa~tS 3, 11 & 12. Refe~ence plan llR967 in Lot 7, concession V. south~old and that a By~La~ be passed authO~izing the ~a~den and cle~k . d . d' 1~ The land is a cut off co~ne~ on Road 20 to s.gn a Dee aCco~ .ng J' . tel~ 1 ~ile, no~th of Shedden. Th~ee lotS have been p~eviouS1Y appro~~1l1a } iLL sold and the 3 lotS ~efe~~ed to aboVe a~e the ~e~ainde~ of the p~ope~tY. 5. 6. That a By~La~ be passed authO~izing the ~a~den and cle~k to sign a Deed hi .c. 1>.X 1. ahide fo~ the "B~ooks sand l'it" in Lot 35, to the TO~sP O' pa . ,t111 "x.alahide fo~ $ 500.00 plus 5~h of any ~onies in e~ceSs concess~on v , I:'J. of the $ 500.00 paid if the p~ope~tY is sold by the To~$hiP of ~alahide at any future date. That a By~La~ be passed confirming By~La~ # 1950 of the To~shiP of Bayha~ to close pa~tS of cent~e St~eet in Richmond. hll Of ~ich IS RespectfUllY Submitted. 1. CM1~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 1. at the County Building on Gladstone Avenue. All members except Reeves ~ilson and THE COUNTY OF ELG1.N ROAD CQMM.1.TTEE MET AT 9: 3 0 A.M., SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 Bn,gdfield were present. THE M1.NUTES OF THE MF,ET1.NG OF AUgust 9 were read and approved. THE ENG1.NEER REPORTED ON THE ~oroz TO DATE - 1. Good weather had allowed good progreSS on Road 16 construction and it waS 2. The haul road fr011l the Stacey Pi\;: was in poor condition and would require hoped to lay the asphalt base course in about 2 weeks. 3. Jack Tanner construction had crushed over 9,000 cu. yds. of gravel at the crynsiderable work and gravel. 4. Expenditures would not be quite the utter disaster once thought, but it county pleasant Valley Pit. waS likely that funds would be gone by the end of october. 5. The usual equipment failures had occurred. 6. Alex Newbigging waS again crushing as all the gravel he had stockpiled 7. Gravel shouldering waS underway on Roads 31 & 52 fr011l the county Pleasant at his LUnn pit had been used. Valley Pit. 8. surface treatment had been completed. 9. pJ.l Hot Mix paving, other than Road 16. had been completed. 10. About 1 days pavement marking remained with a little bit of work for the City 11. Dennis and Pleasant Valley pit bridgeS had been repaired for the Township of St. Th011las and Oxford county. 12. Guide rail and fencing work were continuing on Roads 52 & 31 and for the of Yarmouth. 13. Repairs had been made to the MiddlemisS & ~ardsville bridges. and were Ministry of Natural ResOurces at Fingal and Aylmer. 14. Repairs would be necessary on the Phillmore and Cooks BridgeS. underway on the TateS bridge. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 2. 15. Repairs would be required on a 4 foot culvert which had pulled apart on 16. The second application of calcium chloride had been completed. Road 45 at the Beattie fill. 17. The county had been requested to do preliminary engineering work on a bridge 18. The county had been requested to repair Myrtle Street bridge in Aylmer. replacement for nunwich Township and for Yarmouth Township, 19. The Engineer had been requested by the Ministry of TransportatiOn and CQll1l11Unications and the Township of Bayharn to erect the multiplate culvert at the Leach Bridge in Bayha;rn Township, but had declined when it waS ascertained that the consultant's design waS faulty as he had taken no soil 20. GenerallY there appeared to be more grader and truck work than could be done, tests. but most work crew jobs would be done, althoUgh most were small and would require considerable supervision and in some caseS more than could be 21. Engineering on Road 38 had been delayed becaUse technical staff had been managed. 22. Rarry AXford had decided not to sell land to widen Road 28 & 56 at thiS time engaged in other work. because of problems he waS encountering with his mortgagors. water and a copY of the report would be sent to Reeve ~ilson for his comments. 23. MrS. Filipowski waS complaining about the high iron content in her well 24. construction on the St. Thomas Expressway was underWay from ~ellington Road to Talbotville by Towland-HewitSOn construction. THE ENGINEER WAS GRANTED PERl'fI-SSION to attend the Bridge Engineering Conference sponsored by the united States Transportation Research Board on september 25 - 27 in St.Louis. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - PAYLIST # 35 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 37 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 38 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 39 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 40 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 41 AMOUNTING TO $ 43,782.67 5 25 . 09 41,291.67 286.75 44,209.85 559,153.00. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR INTERIM SUBSIDY FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AS NECESSARY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF JACK TANNER CONSTRUCTION LTD. AT 63 CENTS PER TON FOR CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING GRAVEL AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED only 1 tender had been received for the sale of the International Trucks. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE SELL COUNTY TRUCKS # 25, #32, #33 & #37 TO NORBRANT DISTRIBUTORS FOR $ 675.00. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that it was very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to find suitable dump trucks as there was a very great shortage. Some trucks that he had received tenders on less than a week previously had been sold and it appeared that the only suppliers that could find 2 suitable t~ucks were Mack and International in London. The Engineer recommended the immediate purchase of the Macks, if still available, due to the increased horsepower of the engine,~tHe bigger front axle and the better cab. CVl1ul1ittee agreed that an immediate purchase should be arranged so that the trucks would be available for snowplowing. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - 1. The County Engineer to Marietta Roberts regarding settlement of suit against County of Elgin by Joseph Taylor. 2. The Township of Yarmouth authorizing the County to do preliminary work on the Helka Bridge. 3. Cangeo, requesting permission to seismic testing on Road 40. The request was approved by the Committee subject to a $ 2,000 bond cheque and proof of adequate insurance. 4. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with the County's share of Mosquito Control Costs for 1978. 5. Various municipalities with Zoning and CVl1uuittee of Adjustment Notices. 6. Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs with proposed acts covering (a) line fences, (b) metric conversion, (c) access to property by road due to long term usage. 7. G.M. Diesel, requesting permission to move terex trucks via County roads from London to Port Stanley. Committee agreed, subject to the posting of a $ 25,000 bond to cover damages and the proof of liability insurance in the amount of 5 million dollars. 8. Cyril Demeyer with copy of bridge report on John Street & Myrtle Street bridges in Aylmer. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. p~GE 5. 9. Village of ~est Lorne requesting the County to install drainage on Road 2 east of ~ood Street on the south side of the road, and agreeing to pay for the materials if the county would install the drain. committee agreed to install the drain on that basis. longer necessary to have a County or Region paSs a By_LaW confirroiU,g a local By-LaV to close a road. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK TJ:1.AT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL 'tHAT Tl:IE RESOLUTION OF TUE coUNTY OF NORTRUMBERLAND REQUESTING TUE REPEAL OF SECTION 443 OF TUE MUNICIPAL ACT BE F1.LED. CABR1EU." 10. The county of Northumberland with a resolution SUggesting that it waS no 11. County of Elgin Land Division committee with notice that they had not granted a request to subdivide hazard land south of Road 24 near port 12. Ontario Good Roads ASSociation with notice of certificates and awards to Brucel; (Krause). County employees. It waS decided that they should be given out at the october session of County Council. a property in Fingal that encroached on Road 20. committee requested that the Engineer contact the county Solicitor for an opinion.on the matter of 13. Roger cyr, requesting that the County grant a letter of tolerance regarding letters of tolerance. TUE ENGINEER REPORTED TJ:1.AT guide lines were being drawn up by the Ministry of the Environment for environmental assessmentS that would applY to counties. Although it appeared that projectS under t million dollars would be e&empt it appeared that projectS such as road dN.ersions would be subject to assessmentS and that the work load for an assessment would be unbelievable. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 6. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNC1:\.. AFtER LUNCH · · · · · THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL MATTERS ~ 1. That Frank Fishleigh and George Fickling had retired and that the Employees1 Association had requested the County make a contribution of $ 200 to them upon retirement. "MOVED BY; L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL TRAT WE MANE CONTRIBUTIONS OF $ 200 EACR TO FRANK FlSlILEIGH AND GEORGE FICKLING UPON THEIR RETIREMENTS. 2. That with the retirement of 2 men and 1 quitting, winter maintenance personnel CARRIED." ~~ The committee requested that the Engineer notifY th~AgSoCiatiOn of the f'. county Retirement poliCY that County council approved on september 6. might be a problem if all unitS that operated last year had to operate. The Engineer felt that if the 2 neW Mack trucks were available, snoW plow routes could be made so that it would only be necessary to use Grader #13 in case of 3. That it might be necessary to hire more operators to conform to the County1S breakdown or emergencies. new policy on vacation time being used in the year for which it waS earned. level and that with the additional problems of age, environmental assessment, assistance to local municipalitieS and general specialization of society, assistance waS seriouslY required. THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED that the position of Senior Foreman be added 4. That there waS a serioUS shortage of personnel at the management and supervisory to assist the superintendent and that an Assistant Engineer be engaged. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT A POSITION OF SENIOR FOREMAN BE CREATED AND THAT AN ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER BE ENGAGED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER COMMENTED briefly on the work requested by the Property Committee at the County Jail. It was decided to purchase 10,000 feet of snowfence to replace the snowfence which had disintegrated in the past several years. No further information was available on the Hazelwood Subdivision in Port Stanley. It was reported that the County of Middlesex wanted a meeting with the Warden" Chairman and Engineer in early October and the Engineer was instructed to arrange a meeting. It was decided to invite the St. Thomas Suburban Roads CuulLuission to the next meeting of the Connnittee to disucss the role of the Cvuuuission in the construction and maintenance of the County Road System. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 11, 1978 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." fJI.;" i? 1. ><!-f:Y1 ) {/ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the Municipal Offices on August 9, 1978 at 9:30 A.M. with all members present. Also present, Frank Clarke:,of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE MINUTES OF JULY 12 & 27 were read and approved, and the Engineer was requested to thank the County of Middlesex for their hospitality on July 27. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) That good weather had allowed road work to proceed rapidly and most money would be spent by October 1. An additional pipe culvert order would be required and additional gravel crushed at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit. (2) Surface Treatment work was nearly done. (3) Work for the Village of Port Stanley on Smith & Sydenham Street was completed except for some crushed gravel and hot mix paving. (4) Hot mix paving was well underway with Roads 30, 31, 52, 11, 19, 20 & 16 West of Burwell Corners being completed. About 10 days work other than Road 16 West of Fingal remained. (5) Work was continuing on Road 16 West of Fingal with sand being hauled from the Stacey Pit. The haul road was a constant problem. (6) Work was underway for the Township of Yarmouth with Pleasant Valley Bridge and the Dennis Bridge being repaired. (7) Myrtle Street & John~"Street bridges had been inspected for the Town of Aylmer and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was to ascertain if there was money available for repairs. (8) Pavement marking was nearly done for Oxford and some work remained in Elgin. (9) Gravel roads were being scraped and calcium chloride applied. (10) Repairs are being made to Fulton Bri!dge. (ll) Mosquito Control was being carried out on a part time basis only. (12) Inspection of Trucks # 32 & #37 had shown that neither truck could be economically safety checked and that they had been scrapped. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1978. PAGE 2. (13) Weed Cutting had been completed. (14) Ken Abbott, Jim Haskell and ~},im McLaws had been appointed as Spare Operators (Class III). (15) Wm. Smolyn had agreed to sell the County road widening along County Road 51. (16) Tenders for the Expressway from Wellington Road to Talbotville were due August 16. (17) St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. had started to use their Site on Concession II, Southwo1d. (18) Ministry of the Environment had indicated that the environmental conditions of approval for the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. Site had been amended to allow only 1 year lag in cost of living allowance instead of 2 years with regard to payment towand access road costs. "MOVED BY: O. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST # 33 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 34 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 36 AMOUNTING TO $ 40,572.24 116.45 449,104.18. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM (1) Town of Tillsonburg re Consultant Report on Annexation. (2) City of St. Thomas with thanks for dinner re Highbury - Hubrey - Radio Road Inspection. (3) Various Zoning By-Laws and Notices of Meetings of CUll11uittee of Adjustment. None would prejudice any County Road. (4) Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications regarding metric conversion of vehicle weights on bridges. (5) G.M.C. Diesel regarding use of County roads. The Committee requested more information. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF PETERBOROUGH REQUESTING MONTHLY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY PAYMENTS BE FILED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROCHESTER RE PAYMENT OF BRIDGE SUBSIDY BE FILED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF STRATFORD RE THE TRANSPORTATION OF MENTALLY HANDICAPPED ADULTS ON SCHOOL BUSES ALONG WITH OTHER SCHOOL CHILDREN BE ENDORSED. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Marietta Roberts of Gloin, Hall & Associates regarding Joseph Taylor, Road 45, requesting the County lengthen the culvert at their pnoperty. Reeve Caverly reported that he and the Engineer had inspected the problem and recommended that the culvert be lengthened if the Taylor's law suit was dropped. CUlLlluittee so agreed. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAM BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE FOR THE "BROOKS SAND PIT" IN LOT 35, CONCESSION VIII, MALAHIDE FOR $ 500 PLUS 50% OF ANY MONIES IN EXCESS OF THE $ 500 PAID IF THE PROPERTY IS SOLD BY THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE AT ANY FUTURE DATE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1978. PAGE 4. QUOTATIONS FOR PIPE CULVERT WERE PRESENTED as attached. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WESTEEL ROSCO LTD. AT $ 20,560.00 FOR CORRUGATED CULVERT PIPE. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND C01;1MUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Beaudry Real Estate had received an offer for the remaining 3 lots on Road 20 one mile north of Shedden. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE OFFER OF RONALD ATCHESON OF $ 15,000 FOR PARTS 3, 11 & 12, REFERENCE PLAN llR967 IN LOT 7, CONCESSION V, SOUTHWOLD AND THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED ACCORDINGLY. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that an attempt be made to purchase 2 New Dump Trucks as soon as possible so that Trucks # 55 & # 56 (both with over 200,000 miles) could be used for Sander Trucks to replace Trucks # 32 & # 37 which were not worth fixing. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9, 1978. PAGE/~5 . "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SELL BY TENDER, COUNTY TRUCKS # 25, # 32, # 33 & # 37. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN QUOTATIONS FOR 2 DUMP TRUCKS WITH PAYMENT FOR SAME TO BE MADE IN 1979. CARRIED." THE COMMITTEE WAS INVITED TO A DELICIOUS LUNCH AT REEVE CAVERLY'S. RESUMING THE MEETING ... The Engineer reported that a new Hazelwood Subdi.vision was being submitted to Central Elgin Planning Boa:cd and that the Corrrrnittee would be kept informed. CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE Hon. James Snow to Mr. J. J. &oble regarding Road 37 was read. THE COMMITTEE decided to request widening from property severed along Road 37 to widen the road in the future as a condition of severance by the County Land Division Committee. The Highbury - Hubrey - Radio Road Link was discussed and a letter from Glen French, Ministry of Transportation and Communications District Engineer regarding Press Reports was read. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached comparison of Road 30 and Highway 74. S'I:. T1:\.OW.S, ONTAR1.0, AUGUST 9, 1978. "PAGE 6. E ding the St. Thotlla S T1:\.E F;NG1.NEER pRESENTED the attached Repo,:t on 1t'Pan . . . d lllking it intO a }\aintenance Mency onlY. Subu,:ban Roadsc,e(J!llll\1.SS1.on Syste1ll an a d . ded .....ot to have a Road l.nspection at the p,:esent time. It was eel. ~.. "MOVED BY ~ R. T. BRADF1ELD SECONDED 1l'l~ D. R. 1'1CLENl T1:\A.T VIE ADJoulU1 TO SE1'TF;M.llER 1.3, 1 91 B AT 9 ~ 3 0 A.1'1. CARR1ED ." ~. COUNT'! Of ELG1.N ROAl') DE\? A\<\1'lENT S~'! Of p1.1'~O\loT~ 1. . VIe S t ee 1. ~ Ro sco Litlli ted, 1 At1.antie Ave., Toronto, ontario. M6\Z. 1)(7 '\ \ 2. ~co canada Ltd., P. o. Bo1t 310, 31',5 The West 1'1a1.1., Etobicoke, onta,:io. M9c 4V2 3. co,:,:Ugated pipe co. Ltd., 362 Lo,:ne Avenue East, "P. o. BoX 176, St,:atford, Ontad.O. N5A 6T1 4. Roppe,:s l.nternatiqna1. canada Ltd., 1'. o. BO}{ 426, 1.1',0 co1.tltlIbia Street, ~aterloo, ontario. N2J 4A9 5. E. S. 1:\.Ubbe1.1. & Sons Litllited, "P. O. BOX 118, Thamesvi1.1.e, onta,:io. NO\? 2\Z.O 6. canada Culvert, P.O. B01t 578, M~ple, Onte.rio 1,OJ lEO 1. fawcett 1'1eta1. productS Limited, BoX 304, ~ater1oo, ontario. N2J 4A4 s, AUgust 4, 1918. $ 20,560.00 $ 21 ,095. 10 $ 21,995.69 $ 22,030.00 $ 22,895.00 $ 24,473.00 $ 28,160.10 .r1' . ;1 I.,'. ~ Length )i I \ y Bridges Railroad Crossings Condition of Pavement Present Traffie Future Traffic Construction Needs Maintenance Demands r COMPARISON ROAD 30 VS HIGHWAY 74 ROAD 30 (a) Total - 4.75 miles (b) St. Thomas to Conc. XII & XIII - 3.4 paved (c) Gravel - 1.15 (d) Middlesex County Line Gravel (MCL - 0.20) 1. Kettle Creek Culvert excellent 1 - C.P.R. New - excellent - 1650 650 400 300 South of Road 52 North of Road 52 South of Conc. XII - - Gravel Portion 2000 + when Hubrey Road Link rebuilt Gravel Portion $ 200,000 ball park figure Low re Pavement Maintenance. Average re Service Maintenance. Winter Control Maintenance will be higher than average especially after Hubrey rebuilt. J Page 1. HIGHWAY 74 (a) Total - 7.9 miles (b) Highway 3 to Road 52 - 2.35 miles (c) Road 52 to South Limit Belmont - 5.0 miles (d) Belmont - .55 miles Urban 3 - (a) Belmont On Kettle Creek should be O.K. (b & c) ~rer Catfish Creek built early 1950's aging, some spalling. Decks are likely in need of waterproofing. 3 - C.P.R., Penn Central & C.N.R. Aging, will require surface treatment in 5 years. North of High'l7ay 3 - 2100 South of Belm()nt North limit of Belmont - 3500 Wilton Grove Road - 3400 (1976 CoUnts) Average increase, might even drop if Hubrey Road rebuilt Nil at present Pavement Maintenance costs will be greater pet" mile than Road 30 as it is older, but still less than average. Serviee Maintenance average higher than County average (R.R. Crossings). Winter Control costs higher than County Average because of drifting snow often bad around Mapleton. Urban Maintenance 1/2 0111(1 in Belmont is more costly than rural maintenance, sweeping, catch basins, etc. "' , . ""~Ill;_'" COMl'AR1.S0N ROj>J) 30 VS 1:\.1.GH'ilA'l 14 -.- ~..' ,,- . - -.--- =- Page 2. In 1911 _ County Ave,:age Ra,:d Top ~~intenance waS $ 1061 pe': mile Service Maintenance waS $ 783 per mile Winte,: control CostS we,:e $ 1.205 per mile Gravel CostS $ 1779 per mile $ 1040 per mile $ 838 per mile $ 1191 per mil.e $ 2400 per mile 1911', Estitllated Ita,:d Top Maintenance service Maintenance Winter control. Costs Gravel Costs Maintenance Costs on 2 Roads (1919) Bridges $ 8,160 $ 2,700 $ 800 Nil - $ 11,660 Road 30 (Paved) 3.4 mileS @ $ 2400 (G,:avel) 1.35 miles @ $ 2000 Railroad Crossings TOTAL 1:\.ighway 14 _ 1.4 mi1.es @ $ 2800 $ 20,720 .5 miles @ $ 4000 $ 2,000 Railroad Crossings $ 2,800 Bridges $ 500 - -- TOTAL $ 26,020 DIFFERENCE $ 14,360 ;:;;-..- '~~-"-.~--'-'--~~- ~. ........cc ---' ....:1' .,pt r\, August 1978. COUNTY OF ELGIN' Page 1. REPORT ON EXPANSION OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION The objective of the expansion is to "Tailor Make" a St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission System that will fit the moneys available from the City, the County and the Province and Use the money entirely for maintenance purposes. The County would assume all roads for construction (including asphalt resurfacing) when in the County's opinion the construction is des'lrable. If a road waS assumed for constructton, the CtJ'llludssion would Ifkely ~lSSUtl\e a sirnilar rni10age for ffiAiuteotltlce for t.he ttme whi.lt" th(1 &~d'- road was under construction. The System might have to be~"'--~t.e-d (or (~.xpanded) depending on the mileage that required maj or maintenance, such as gravel resurfacing or surface treatment in any given year. The contribution of the City toward Suburban Roads in 1978 was $ 30,800 and the estimated contribution in 1979 is $ 31,500. The present Ministry of Transportation and CVul111unicati:ons Subsidy Rate is 74.8% and the estimated 1979 Subsidy Rate is 73%. 'flU ij woul d p'.'ov1 dt', l~ budgQt of $ 213,000 1'0 1979. (The County an,d t,ho C1 ty share. expend1 t.ur(~ 9 ft ft.erMin1 stry of 'ft'lltl sporta t. ion Hnd Communications Subsidy is deducted.) A Road System of 47.25 miles is suggested, being 7.6 miles gravel, 30.55 miles good [)HVement, l~.6 m.iles fair pavement and 4.5 miles poor pavement. Although the service standard of maintenance is higher on these roads than others in the County, because of the heavier traffic in the St. Thomas area, some maintenance costs are lower than the County average because of the present better than County average condition of the roads and bridges on the 47 miles System. A tentative budget for 1979 for the "System" is attached. In it Roads 26 & 29 are gravelled; Road 25 & Road 22 for l~ miles south of Road 27 are surflce treated. ....- t"'~\ ,,(> August 1978. ,l COUNTY OF ELGIN .. . ,-" ,."..... ---' -- ~:e 2... REPORT ON EXP,!iNSION Of ST. Tll.OMASS\lllURllAN ROADS COMM1.SS10N -... -.' - - t,:eating, but Road 28 should be g,:aveHed which would hold gravel 1980 costS might be a little lesS becaUse of lesS surface resurfaeing costS constant. Machinery rentalS would be p,:ovided to the system by the County at operating cost as is nOw the case. (>>ileage ratio is about 16% and a reduction is made to,: nO construction overhead is calculated at approximately 12% of total ove,:head. in the Subut'baf\ system.) 'tentative Maintenance lludget could be MAINtEN ANCE . - $ 6,000 A .. Bridges 8& culvertS B .. Roadside Maintenanee $ 4,500 -1 GraSs cutting 1,500 _lA Weed spraying 10,000 ..2 Tree cutting 8,000 -4 Drainage 3,000 .5 Roadside Maintenance ~6 'free Planting (RoadS 30, 31, 52, etc.) 1,000 $ 28,000 c ~ Repairs to Hard Top Roads $ 10, 000 ..1 Repair to PavementS 2,000 _2 S'i\feeping 2,000 -3 Shoulder Maintenanee 21,000 -4 surface Treatment -- $ 35,000 ~ -,<," _____~~.-~~c -,----"--':~~.'----~,--~-"-'-". -- j: /' ., COUNTY OF ELGIN . REPORT ON EXPANSION OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION D - Gravel Roads Maintenance -1 Grading Gravel Roads -3 Dust Control -4 Prime -5 Gravel Resurfacing $ 4,000 9,000 4,000 15,000 E ... Wl nter Control F - Safety Devices -l Pavement Marking - 2 Signs -3 Guide Rail -4 Railroad Protection 5,000 6,000 3,000 5,000 Total Maintenance Over.hEHad 12% of $ 270,000 (Total County Estimated OVerhead for 1979) TOTAL BUDGET August 1978. Page 3. $ 32,000 $ 80,000 $ 19,000 $ 2:00,000 $ 32,000 2:32,000 ,_."'"....._'....."'-"'"".l'-~,.....~................~.~..._.~t....................,...,.~ JWWt.'~.IIilIIlIIII.IiIlia.iil~ ~t. ,.' August 1978. ." COUNTY OF ELGIN ' Page 4. - '. : :(\ }.tEl'ORT ON EXPANS1.0N or ST. .THoMAS SU.llURBAN ROADS c()}IM1.SS1.0N. MILEAGll ~ PAVED ROAD GRAVEL GOOD ~ FAiR pOOR - - - Road 11 1.25 Road 25 ~ellingtort'Road 4.45 Road 26 St. George Street & Bostwiek Road 2.65 0.90 Road 29 1.70 0.20 Road 31 Dalewood 1.00 Road 52 7.65 Road 30 Radio Road 1.15 3.40 Road 33 KairtS Hill 0.70 Road 28 centennial 2.10 1.10 Road 22 Fairview 2.00 3.80 Road 16 Fingal Road 6.85 Road 45 5.75 Road 56 Elm Street 0.60 . ... ---- 7.60 30.55 4.60 4.50 TOTAL ::::: 47.25 Miles. --------- ~' -"'" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 27, 1978. PAGE 1. county lluildings with the county of 1'1iddlesex Road Corotllittee. TIlE COUNT'! Of ELG1.N ROAD COMM1.TTEE MET at 5 ~ 3 0 p.M. at the 1'1i ddl e sex Also p,:esent besides the County of 1'1iddlesex Road Cuulluittee; the London All lllembe,:S except Chairman Green and Reeve ll,:adfield p,:esent. Subu,:ban Roads CorotlIiSsion; Albe,:t Auckland and Jilll Hindley of the St. Thomas Subu,:ban Roads CorotlIiSsion; 1:\.. G,:eenly, G. French and C. ll,:owu of the 1'1inist,:y of T,:anspo,:tation and communications; Robe,:t Eaton, and Ron McNeil, MLA. ~oJ.,J~ ~ THE cOUNT'! OF~ente,:tained all with a ,:eception and dinne,:. AFTER D1.NNER a number of matters of mutual conce,:n we,:e discussed with Wa,:den Aub,:ey M~Callum and Wa,:den L. Ca,:,:oll as Chai,:man. (a) 1l0unda':y ll,:idges ove': Thames'tRlv.e-c - consensus was that no,:mal maintenance be continued and ,:eplacement held off fo': as long as possible and that the counties p,:io,:itieS be examined if eithe,: the Walke,:s 0': Tates ll,:idges (b) Towuline Road West of 1:\.ighway 4 to the St. ThomaS Sanitary Collection failed. Se,:'l1ices Limited Waste Site. 1'1iddlesex indicated that they felt the assumption of this ,:oad waS .an Elgin County matte,:. (c) 1'1iddlesex Road 35 and Elgin Road 31 f,:om llelmont to oxfo,:d County Line.'" Reeve Wilson and R. R. McNeil requested ea,:ly action on the ,:oad, pa,:tiCula,:lY east of Avon. Reeve VIm. Grieve of No,:th Dorcheste,: and Chairman G. 1l10omfield indicated that the ,:oad waS not a p,:iority of the County of 1'1iddlesex, but ag,:eed to pay thei': sha,:e of an imp,:oved standa,:d of maintenance. (d) Extension of 1:\.ub,:ey _ Radio Road Link f,:om Highway 126 to reconst,:ucted Radio Road in Elgin. county of 1'1iddlesex Rep,:esentatiVes indicated that substantial development waS occu,:,:ing in the Wilton G,:ove - G,:een Giant Road a,:ea, including Redpath Suga': plant, Federal Penitentia,:y, Canada T,:ust ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 27, 1978. PAGE 2. (d) eontinued Computer Gent~e and Bank of Montreal Computer Centre and that an early improvement of the road was desirable, particularly for I mile south of Wilton Grove Road through the Laidlaw swamp. County of Middlesex indieated that reconstruction of the Belmont, Glanworth Road was planned for 1980 - 81 and that the portion of Hubrey Road Link south of that road might be done after that time, but the portion north of the Belmont, Glanworth Road would be several years after that. It was suggested that a trade between the Counties and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for Highway 74 might be arranged. It was decided that eaeh Committee should discuss matters further and meet again in about 2 months. WARDEN CARROLL THANKED Middlesex for their hospitality. /p~/o~ , / ,-- CHAIRMAN /' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 12, 1978. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT the County Buildings on July 12, 1978. All members were present except Reeve Green. Also present Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and CVi,lIl.uunications. Warden Lorne Carroll was appointed Chairman. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of May 10, 17, 31 and June 21 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. It appeared that with eontraets underway and the construction on Road 16 all available money would be spent and that it was very likely that a considerable carryover into 1979 would occur and that expenditures for materials for the remainder of the year would have to be watched carefully. 2. Priming was underway for various municipalities and surface treatment would start next week. 3. Drainage had been completed in Vienna and PortJ3urwell;i, and work done for the City of St. Thomas on Woodworth Ave., and for the Village of Belmont on West Ave. 4. Hot Mix hand patching was nearly complete. 5. Walmsley Bros. were working on completion of their 1977 contract on Roads 30, 31 & 52. 6. The Dodds Creek Bridge had been repaired, waterproofed and repaved. 7. The extremely dry weather had made scraping of gravel roads nearly impossible and Committee agreed that scraping should not be attempted until the next rain, other than pot holes. 8. That the budget would allow only one more application of calcium chloride and that should not be done p~ior to early August if at all possible. 9. Ditching was nearly complete on Road 16 and that dirt for shoulders would be hauled starting next week. ST. T1:\.m1AS, 0N'tAR1.0, JULY 12, 1978. "PAGE 2. 10. cleanUP and top soiling wo,:k waS continuing on Roads 30, 31 & 52. seeding had been done and the effect of the d,:oUght on the seeding waS Some not knOwn as yet. ~andaliSlll had been '\1e':Y high on signS, especiallY on weekends. G,:aSs cutting was well unde,:way and the Committee ag,:eed that onlY 2 swathS should be cut in o,:de,: to sa'\1e 1ll0ney. 1'1ost weed sp,:aying waS 11. 12. eomp leted. 1'1iddlese~ Townline Roads and ll,:idgeS had been inspected tOgethe,: with the CountY Enginee,: of 1'1iddlese~' Don nusson, and Frank Cla,:ke. Walke,:'s ll,:idge is still '\1e':y doubtful and it waS decided to ,:equest an inspection -f the 1'1inist,:y of T,:anspo,:tatiOn and communicatiOns. 13. 14. 15. observed on any b,:idge. se'\1e,:al b,:idgeS had been inspected fo': '!a~outh TownshiP and DeputY Ree'\1e GlO'\1e': ,:equested the Enginee,: to inspect the 1'1y,:tle St,:eet ll,:idge in Aylmer · Frank fishleigh and Geo,:ge Fickling had ,:eti,:ed becaUse of ill health and Randy G,:ee': had quit fo': othe,: emplo'fO'ent. A Job jlosttng fo': spa,:e ape,:ato,:s 16. would be required. REE\1E GREEN 1.l'l ATTENDANCE and assumed the chai':. (1) That he had listed the lotS on Road 20 no,:th of Shedden with 1'1. 1:\.. lleaud,:y Ltd., but nO offe':s had been ,:ecei'\1ed. A tentati'\1e ag,:eelllent had been ,:eached with 1:\.a,:ry ~fo,:d fo': the pu,:chase of . . 1 R d 21', & 56 at $ 3 000 pe': ac,:e and details we,:e being ,:oad w~den1.ng a ong oa ' T1:\.E ENGl.NEER REPORTED - (2) wo,:ked out with ~. ~fo,:d. ST. !1:\.OMAS, ONTAR1.0, JULY 12, 1978. "PAGE 3. (3 ) co,:,:espondence had be~ ,:ecei'\1ed f,:olll the 1'1iniste,: of T,:anspo,:tation and " cororounications stating that a tende': call would be made on the St. TholllaS f rT' 1bot"T~11e to Road 2.5 on JulY 12. fo': awa,:d in lllid AUgUst EX'P,:essway ,:01lI ,a v> with a septelllbe,: sta,:t on wo,:k. (4) 1'1osquitO cont,:ol wo,:k waS unde,:~aY and effo,:tS to licence 2. studentS we,:e eontinuing. l.t waS likely that they would ha'\1e to gO to To,:onto to ,.,:ite thei~ e~amin.ation. "MOVED BY ~ L. R. CARROLL SECONDED 1l'i~ J. W. cp,J1l'llELL !1:\A.T T1lE 1'Ou,oVll.NG P A'{Ll.STS llE APPROVED fOR P A'lMENT · PA'!Ll.ST \'MillER 21 l\101o\lNIl.NG TO $ 40,1',91',.14 PA'{Ll.ST \'MillER 29 l\1010\lNIl.NG TO $ 39,1',20.1',5 PA'{Ll.ST N\Th1llER 30 l\101o\lNIl.NG !O $ 191.95 PA'{Ll.ST \'MillER 31 l\1010UNTl.NG !O $ 45,934.25 p!t'lLl.ST ~ER 32 l\1010tlNTl.NG TO R 101,101.91. CARR1ED ." "MOVED BY: SECONDED 1l'i ~ R. T. 1\RADf"LELD T1:\A.T WE RECO}\}1END TO PERSoNNEL cQMM.l.TTEE T1:\.AT ~ f"LS1:\.LEl.G1:\. llE Gl.VEN A COUNT'! WATC1:\. tll'ON Ry;J:l.Rf}1ENT. CARR1ED. " D. R. MCLEAN CO}\}1l.T'fEE Dl.SCIlSSED T1:\.E RECENT llRl.Ef f,:olll ,:esidentS of Road 31 and thei': p,:esentatiOn at last CountY Council 1'1eeting. Corotllittee decided '\1e':y little d .l.t ,:ained Committee alsO could be done with p,:esent condition of the ,:oa unt1. 1. · d . d d to h 11. of the ,:oad in the fall. l.t waS eC1. e ag,:eed to complete t e g,:a'\1e 1.ng diSCUSS the ,:oad ~th 1'1iddlese~ Road Corotllittee and to diSCUSS the matte': again at the ne~t meeting. The Enginee,: waS inst,:ucted to ,:ep1y to ~. Goble. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, JULY 12, 1978. "PAGE 4. 1. county of 1'1iddlese~ Road committee and the London Subu,:ban Roads commiSsion CORRESPONDENDE':W AS READ l'R01'1 ~ thanking the committee fo': thei': hospitality 'on MaY 31 and in'\1iting the committee and the St. Thomas Subu,:ban Roads commission to a llleeting on July 21 at 5~30 P.1'1. The committee ag,:eed to accept the in'\1itation. 2. Mrs. w. ost,:ande,: ,:ega,:ding accident on Lawton Side Road. The matte,: waS 3. CopY of objection by R. R. AKfo,:d Ltd. to the p,:oposed Sp,:inge,: G,:a'\1el pit ,:e fe,:,:ed to'! aI:1ll0u th To"'" ship · in Lot 10, concession l.V, 'la:rtl\Outh. The Enginee,: ,:epo,:ted that the 1'1inist,:y of Natu,:al Resou,:ces had app,:o'\1ed the Sp,:inge,: Pit & QUa':':y Licence. 4. Va,:ious municipalitieS with NoticeS of zoning lly~LaWS and APplications to 5. outa,:io 1'1unicipal lloa,:d with notice of hea,:ing dataS fo': appealS f,:rnn committee of AdjUstment. decision of County Land Di'\1ision committee. T1:\.E MEET1.NG ADJOURNED fOR Dl.NNER. AFtER Dl.NNER REEVES Wl.LSON AND CAMl'llFLL ABSENT. 1 . 1'1ini stry 0 f T,:an spo,:tat ion and communi cat i onS with app,:ova 1 of supp 1 ementa,:y CORRESPONDENCE wAS READ FR01'1 ~ subsidy allocation of $ 25,000 fo': d,:ainage assessmentS and with notice of second pa'ftllent of subsidy in the amount of $ 609,000 to be made sho,:tly. 2. 1'1inist,:y of Labou,: ,:ega,:ding the safe ope,:ation in the County Sand pit on 3. Village of sp,:ingfield ,:ega,:ding sign fo': child,:en playing in the pa,:k along Lot 14, concession V, southwold. Road 52. committee had no objections to the e,:ection of signs b~ the Village, but felt the County waS not ,:esponsible. damages f,:rnn flooding on thei': p,:ope,:ty on Road 45, in Lot 15, concesSion l.V, 4. Eunice and Joseph Taylo,: with notice of suit 'liS the County of Elgin fo': alleged Ma1ahide. ST. THOMASt ONTARIO, JULY 12, 1978. PAGE 5. 5. Region of Ha1dimand - Norfolk with draft eopy of their offieial plan. 6. Township of Mosa and Village of West Lorne with copies of Zoning By-Laws. 7. Township of Bayham requesting a confirming By-Law of the County of Elgin to close a street in Richmond. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED CONFIRMING BY-LAW 1950 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TO CLOSE PARTS OF CENTRE STREET IN RICHMOND. CARRIED." 8. A request was read from Walmsley Bros. requesting an l~xtension of their cUULpletion dates for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving beeause of increase in work on their 1977 eontraet and the inclement weather of May. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT THE COMPLETION DATE OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. FOR CONTRACTS "M', "B" & "C" FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING BE EXTENDED TO AUGUST 31, 1978. CARRIED." 9. From Searfe, Solicitor in London, requesting the County enter into an agreement to legalize and allow the Avon Store to continue the encroachment on Road 37 & 47. Committee deeided that they would not enter into an agreement with the owner. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE attached quotations for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving for patching on Roads 3 & 4, and in the Villages of Rodney, WestlLorne and Dutton. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 12, 1978. PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WALMSLEY BROS. FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS - DUTTON $ 17.80 PER TON $ 20.80 PER TON $ 15.90 PER TON $ 16.80 PER TON VILLAGE OF RODNEY PATCHING COUNTY ROADS 3 & 4 - WEST LORNE THE MUNICIPALITY TO SUPPLY ASPHALT CEMENT. SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED." SALE OF THE BROOKS SAND PIT to Ma1ahide Township was diseussed at some length. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE SELL THE BROOKS SAND PIT, LOT 35, CONCESSION VII, MALAHIDE, TO THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE FOR $ 500.00 AND THAT ANY RESIDUAL MONETARY GAIN IN THE FUTURE BE DIVIDED EQUALLY AMONGST THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESPECTIVELY. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE attached quotations for Emulsions, Prime, Pea Stone and Grader Blades. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF E. S. HUBBELL &: SONS LTD. FOR 200 GRADER BLADES, F.O.B. OUR COUNTY GARAGE, ST. THOMAS @ $ 14.95 EACH, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 12, 1978. PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF GULF OIL CANADA LTD. FOR ASPHALT PRIME AT 45.5 CENTS PER GALLON, F.O.B. THEIR CLARKSON TERMINAL. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED.' , "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF T.C.G. MATERIALS LTD. FOR PEA STONE DELIVERED TO WHITE STATION @ $ 3.95 PER TON AND DELIVERED TO IONA MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS PATROL YARD @ $ 3.90 PER TON. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FLiliNTKOTE CO. OF CANADA FOR RSIK ASPHALT EMULSION AT 36 CENTS PER GALLON, F.O.B. THEIR ETOBICOKE TERMINAL. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED on Surface Treatment, stating that approximately 23 miles of work as per the attached list would be done. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that although considerable water was still running at the erosion sites on Road 42 on the farm of K. C. Emerson and others, the active erosion seemed to be controlled for the time being. ST. Tl:lOMAS, ON'tAR10, JUL"i 12, 1978. "PAGE 8. owne':s in llayhalll Township nea': the mouth of the Little Otte': c,:eek, that would benefit f,:om lake bank e,:osion p,:otection, we,:e unable to ag,:ee on a sha,:e of C1lAl.:RW>1:< GREEN REPORTED that it appea,:ed that the affected p,:ope,:ty the costS i~ol'\1ed. Thus it appea,:ed that the p,:oject in llayham TownshiP was at a standstill and po,:t 1\U,:well would ha'\1e to gO ahead on itS own if it so wished. of West Lo,:ne, the sha,:ing oiL,costS of the d,:ain e1<tension wished by the 'linage wARDEN CABROLL STATED that he would diScUSS with Ree'\1e Lashb':Ook of West Lo,:ne east of Wood St,:eet on County Road 2. of fingal fo': Mr. Ste'\1e RopiC if he would ag,:ee to pay the cost of the pipe. CQMM.l.TTEE AGREED TO l.NSTALL a new ent,:ance cul'\1e,:t on Road 20 no,:tb l.t waS decided to sen the old Road 52 Road Anowance west of Road 31 not needed fo': p,:esent ,:oad allowance to the abUtting owue,:s fo': $ 1200 pe': ac,:e. l.t waS ,:epo,:ted that Willialll Slll01yn who owned app,:o~imatelY 500 feet of f,:ontage on County Road 51 nea': Righway 4 wished to sell the County a 11 foot widening st,:ip at the County standa,:d payment ,:ateS. Corotllittee we,:e in ag't'eement. noting that the ,:ate of inflation waS ahead of the ,:ate of accomPliShment of const,:Uction wo,:k. Maintenance needs we,:e discUssed and it waS noted by the T1:I.E ENGl.NEER PRESENTED T1:\.E attached Needs Study ACCotl\1' 1.i shment summa':y Committee that lllaintenance needs we,:e piling up and that lllaintenance on g,:a'\1el ,:oads, su,:face t,:eatlllent and b,:idgeS in pa,:tiCula,: we,:e falling behind. Mt. cla,:ke SUggested that it would likely be necessa,:y fo': the county to ,:educe itS const,:Uction p':Ogpamme fo': a yea': 0': so to catch up on the maintenace. The county const,:Uction p,:og,:amme waS discUssed and it appea,:ed that 2 yea':s would be ,:equi,:ed to complete Road 31',. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, JULY 12, 1978. "PAGE 9. waS SUggested that the commiSsion Roads system might bette,: be a systelll that looked afte,: maintenance onlY with ,:oads being ,:e'\1e,:ted to the County fo~ The p,:io,:ities of the Subu,:ban Roads cowmission we,:e disCUssed and it const':Uction and asphalt ,:esu,:facing. The Enginee,: waS inst,:ucted to pu,:sue the idea and p,:esent possible alternati'\1eS at the ne~ meeting. The lllatte,: of ,:oad inspection waS left in abeyance. Il1'10VED 1l'!~ L. R. CARROLL SECONDED 1l'!: D. R. COOR T1:\A.T WE ADJOulU1 TO AtlGllST 9, 1971', AT 9 ~30 A.1'1. CARR1ED." ASPHALT PAVING WEST ELGIN PRICE PER TON WITHOUT ASPHALT CEMENT 1.. Rodney 1300 ton 21t County of Elgin - Road 3 - 575 ton Road 4 - 375 ton 3. Dutton 800 ton 4. West Lorne 955 ton June 14, 1978. WALMSLEY BROS. PETER BROS. LIMITED PAVING CO. $ 17.80 $ 20.00 $ 20.80 $ 23 . 00 $ 20.80 $ 23 . 00 $ 15.90 $ 18.00 $ 16.80 $ 18.00 .... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ............-.-,... ~-.. QUOTATIONS FOR ASPHALT EMULSION RSIK 1. Flintkote Company of Canada Ltd., Box 160, Station 'N', Toronto, Ontario. M8V 3T4 F.O.B. Etobieoke Plant Trueking via Thompson Trucking Total 2. T. J. Pounder (Ontari.o) Ltd., R. R. # 2, Brampton, Ontario. L6V lAl F.O.B. Brampton Trucking via Thompson Trucking Total 3. Nor John Contracting Ltd., P. O. Box 100, Thorold, Ontario. L2V 3Y8 F.O.B. Niagara Falls Plant Trucking via Th01np son Trucking Total 4. Chevron Asphalt Ltd., 43 Industrial St., Toronto, Ontario. M4G 1Z2 F.O.B. Leaside Plant Trucking via Th~l~son Trucking Total 5. McAsphalt Industries Ltd., P. O. Box 247, West Hill, Ontario. F.O.B. West Hill Ternlinal Trucking via Thompson Trueking Total May 29, 1978. 36.0 cents per gallon 6.1 cents per gallon 42.1 cents per gallon 38.0 cents per gallon 6.1 cents per gallon 44.1 cents per gallon 38.5 cents per gallon 7.4 cents per gallon 45.9 cents per gallon 40.0 cents per gallon 7.0 cents per gallon 47.0 cents per gallon 48.0 cents per gallon 7.4 cents per gallon 55.4 cents per gallon "~ 1:, ,h COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR ASPHALT PRIME 1. Gulf Oil Canada Ltd., P. O. Box 6218, Station tDt, London, Ontario. Pick up at Clarkson Haul via Thompson Trucking Total 2. Imperial Oil Lad., P. O. Box 427, Hamilton, Ontario. L8N 3H8 Pick up at London Terminal Haul via Thompson Trucking Total 45.5i per gallon 6.lct per gallon 5l~6ct per gallon 48.6i per gallon 5.lct per gallon 53.7i per gallon May 25, 1978. 'J COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATION FOR PEA STONE FOR SURFACE TREATMENT 1. TOG Materials Ltd., P. O. Box 189, Station B, London, Ontario. N6A 4V7 Delivered tractor trailer load lots to White Station to lana M.T.C. Patrol Yard $ 3.95 per ton $ 3.90 per ton 2. Standard Aggregates, P. O. Box 210, Markham, OntariQ. L3P 3J7 (J. F. Marshall & Sons Ltd.) Deli'\1'er~d as above $ 4.60 per ton 3. N. J. Spivak, R.R.#l, London, Ontario. N6A 4B5 Delivered as above $ 5.35 per ton May 24, 1978. " ...... ~'I'~"C::~~~,~ COtlN'fi of EWtN ROAD DE~ ~O~DES (ZOO) fEDEy..L SALES TAX l.NCLtlDED 1. E. s. 1:\.ubbell & SonS Ltd., 'Bo1t 118, Thatlles'\1iHe, Ot\ta,:io, NO"P 2lZ0 2. VaHey 1l1ade$ Ltd., BOx 126, ~aterlOO, onta~io. N 2j 3Z 9 3. C,:othe,:S Limited, 50 Ente~p'(ise Drive, London, onta'tio. N6A 4C5 No boltS ,:equi,:ed. @ $ 14.95 eaeh @ $ 15.45 eaeh @ $ 16.57 each MaY 15, 1918. $ 2,990.00 :;::: $ 3,090.00 :;::: $ 3,314.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SURFACE TREATMENT LIST May 24, 1978. 1. Road 3 - from Highway 3 to Road 2 3.4 miles 2. Road 8 - from Highway 3 to South Limit of Dutton 2.4 tidIes 3. Road 14 - north of hot mix north of Road l3 3.2 miles 4. Road 22 - fram Road 24 northerly (l/2mile) 0.5 mile 5. Road 36 - from Highway 3 to'Road 45 (except hot mix 3.5 mi 1 e s + spot s ) 6. Road 36 ... from Sparta to Road 21+ 1..9 miles 7. Rl"Hld '+0 ... Road 42 to Hot Mlx at Mount Salem 2.6 m! 1 e s 8. Road 42 - Port Burwell easterly 2.0 miles . 9. Road 45 ... L&PS tracks to top of Kettle Creek Hill 0.5 mile 10. Road 45 - River Road to Road 16 2.8 miles Road to finish on - Road 24 ... from Road 36 toward Dexter 22.8 mile s r \ l \ 6 .-," r, ;---- '~ ARTHUR J. GORDON GENER.6L SUPERINTENI)ENT C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT '" CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR ROBERT G. MOORE. B.Se.. P,ENG ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TELEPHONE 519.631.5880 79 STANLEY ST. (CO,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. N5R 3Gl COUNTY OF ELGIN 1918 NEEDS STUDY UPDATE May 5, 1978. 1975 Update 1976 Update 1977 Update 1978 Update Br idg~ s Roads Now Roads 1 - 5 $ 2,040,000 $ 2,085,000 $ 1,711,000 $ 1,711,,000 5,277,000 5,l48,000 4,942,000 8,991,000 4,273,000 4,613,000 4, 3 29 , 000 11,031,000 11,635,000 11,472,000 10,982,000 905,000 (9%) 810,000 (8%) 974,000 (9%) 944,000 (9%) Less Construction Obj~ctive for Year Net Needs January Following Year $ 10,126,000 $ 10,825,000 $ 10,498,000 $ 10,038,000 6 to 10 Year Construction $ 1,659,000 $ 362,000 $ 22,000 $ 22,000 Resurfacing $ 2,100,000 $ 2,230,000 $ 2,420,000 $ 2,430,000 Less Objective For Year 237,000 279,000 293,000 319,000 (15%) Net Needs January 1 Following Year $ 1,863,000 $ 1,951,000 $ 2,127,000 $ 2,111,000 Bridge s on Local Roads $ 1,384,000 $ 1,384,000 $ 1,384,000 $ 1,384,000 Total Needs Including Local Bridges January 1 Following Year $ 15,032,000 $ 14,522,000 $ 14,031,000 $ 13,555,000 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 21, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at 11 :00 A.M.:, June 21 in conjunetion with County Council. All members except Deputy Reeve GlovE~r present. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ PAYLIST # 26 AMOUNTING TO $ 104,440.74 PAYLIST # 28 AMOUNTING TO $ 3,470.90 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 12 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." .~ /p / ~ .' ,71 .A'~.. I a /J/1~ v CHAIRMAN. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 1978 PAGE 1. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Top Soil work and general cleanup continues on Roads 30, 31 & 52 in North '!armouth and Southwold Township. Most of this wo,:k will be completed in the next 2 weeks if weather permits. Walmsley llros. are expected to start work in the a,:ea next week. Presently they are paving the connecting link between Centennial A'\1enue and Radio Road for the Ministry of Transportation and Couuuunications. 2. The Ron. James Snow, Ministe': of T,:anspo,:tation and Cvu."anications has ad'\1ised that tenders will be called sho,:tly for that portion of the St. Thomas Expressway between Wellington Road (County Road 25) and Talbot'\1ille with the connection to the section of Road 52 west of Wellington Road already cotllpleted by the County of Elgin. It is hoped that a base coat of pavement will connect Road 52 and Talbotville before next winter. 3. Grading work is unde,:way on Road 16 between Fingal and Road 14 (Burwell's Corners). 4. Road 37 _ between Avon and the Oxford County Line - has been gravel resurfaeed and the rest of the road gravel patched. 5. You,: Road Committee has held a meeting with the St. Thomas subu,:ban Roads Commission, the London Suburban Roads Cvuuuission, the County of Middlesex Road Cv"."ittee, the members of the St. Thomas City Council and the St. Thomas Industrial commission with regard to the completion of Radio, Rubrey, Righbury Road Link. An inspection of the route also took place. l.t was decided to hold anothe,: meeting with the County of f t \ ... continued ... com<r'! Of ELGl.N ROAD COw,\l.TTEE ~ JUNE SESS10N 1978 PAGE 2. 1'1iddleseX Road co~ittee to disCusS the ,:oute and the ,:epai': 0': d 1'1. ddlellliSS ll,:idgeS on the ThameS ,:eplacement of the TateS, Walke': an 1. River · l!\l:. f,:ank fishleigh who haS been with the countY Road Depa,:tlllent since 'C'.1rl'ngwhOhaS f .11 health as is Geo,:ge "1.C~ 1. 1956 is ,:eti,:ing because 0 1. been eroplOyed since 1966. AU of \ilhich l.s RespectfuUY Sub1llitted. 6. .1 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX INSPECTION HIGHBURY - HUBREY - RADIO ROAD May 31, 1978. 1. Leave County of Middlesex - Wilton Grove Garage. 2. Note end of Highbury Ave. at County of Middlesex Road 37. (Wilton Grove Road) 3. Note road diversion through Concession III, Westminster required to link up with Hubrey Road. 4. Wilton Grove Road to Green Giant Road to Hubrey Road. 5. Hubrey Road to Glanworth-Belmont Road (County of Middlesex Road 35). Improvements to Road 35 proposed in 1979 by the County of Middlesex. 6. R0ad,~5 to County Boundary. - Several plans for diversion available for inspection at reception. - Present traffic at boundary 225 vehicles per day compared to Wellington Road traffic May '78 of 7600 vehicles (weekdays). We have at times registered highs of over 9,000. 7. County of Elgin Road 30 gravel to road between Concession XII & XIII, Yarmouth. - Construction south of this point will be completed this year. - Traffic at Road 52 & 30 - on Road 30 North of Road 52 - 600 on Road 30 South of Road 52 - 1300 on Road 52 East of Road 30 - 1000 on Road 52 West of Road 30 - 700. 8. Road 52 West of Road 30 - construction will be completed this year to Road 25. - Traffic between Road 31 & Road 52 - 2,000 vehicles. 9. Road 52 west of Wellington Road will be completed for 1/2 mile by the County this year. Traffic 375 this year comparing to 140 in previous years. 10. We hope for an early tender call by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the west leg of the Expressway from Wellington Road to Talbotville. A connection from the Expressway to Road 52 will be built by the Ministry of Transportation and CVl.llmunicati.ons at the same time. II. Talbotville western terminus traffic can use Highway 4 to Highway 402 at Scottsville, Highway 401 westerly or Highway 3 westerly. 12. Road 29 - traffic down from 2,000 to 600. Traffic using Road 31 & 52. 13. Road 31 - to be completed this year. 14. Road 52 to Road 30 to St. Thomas boundary. 15. Ministry of Transportation and Communications building road between City Limits of St. Thomas and north leg of Expressway on Centennial. 16. Centennial to Highway 3 built as part of Expressway. Signals on Penn Central and traffic signal on Highway 3 to come hopefully immediately. 17. County Road 28, Centennial, eonnection to Road 45 and East Elgin. 18. County Road 56, Elm Street, and City of St. Thomas strE~ets to St. Anne's Centre. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 31, 1978. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at the County Buildings at 1:30 P.M. on May 31, 1978. All members present, also Frank Clarke. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: (1) Road 37 between Avon and the Oxford County Line had been gravelled (3800 cu. yds.) and calcium applied. Also man?~~ts remained on the road as well as other gounty gravel roads, such as County Roads 5 & 9. (2) Drainage work in Vienna had been completed and would start on Thursday in Port Burwell. (3) Top Soil and Trimming work was underway on Roads 31 & 52. (4) Due to budget restrictions, machine asphalt patching would be confined to Road 3, 4, 26 SA and 48. (5) Examination of Dodds Creek Bridge indicated that repair and waterproofing would be required. (6) Repairs to the Iona Bridge continued. (7) Motors would be required for Trucks # 63 & 64 ($ 12,000) and a transmission for Grader # 14, and transmission trouble had occurred in one of the County Bulldozers. (8) Reeve F. Hamilton of Glencoe had requested the County to prime approximately 1 mile of his streets and to surface treat approximately 6 miles of road. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT - PAYLIST # 23 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 24 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 25 AMOUNTING TO $ 40,227.86 38,320.86 1,958.63. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 31, 1978. PAGE 2. THE ATTACHED REVISED BUDGET was considered and discussed. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT THE REVISED BUDGET AS ATTACHED TOTALLING $ 2,688,000 AND ALLOCATING $ 955,000 FOR COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE MAINTENANCE. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER STATED that he felt it was not feasible to purchase or move the Kennedy house in Richmond and suggested that arrangements be made to try to improve snow conditions by an agreement with Mr. Kennedy to remove a small knoll at the front of the house. Cvulluittee agreed that the idea should be tried. THE ENGINEER STATED that the low quotations for Asphalt Emulsion Prime and Pea Stone would be accepted. THE COMMITTEE WAS JOINED by members of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, Council of the City of St. Thomas, Members of the St. Thomas Industrial Board, County of Middlesex Road Committee and London Suburban Roads Commission in a tour of Highbury Road, Hubrey Road, Radio Road link and various county roads in the north Yarmouth area. The tour was followed by a general discussion, reeeption and supper at St. Anne's Parish Centre. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ADJOURN TO JUNE 21, 1978. CARRIED." L~~~ &/ CHAIRMAN ~G+N~ ~ ~ 1.975 1916 ~ A_1&2 16,903 22,374 Bridge and culve~t Mai11tenance 1l.~ _1 Grass cutting 15,717 19,861 1,668 Nil 21.,224 46 ,401 22,588 59,525 _lA ~eed spraying ... 2 Tree Cut.t ing ~5 Roadside Maintenance until 1911 included in Shoulder Maintenance ...4 Drtl.inage 367 _6 Tree planting _7 nrainage AssessmentS (1'1aint.) 278 c . Re airS to 1:\.a,:d To Roads ~l Repai~s to Pa'\1ement 40,637 ~2 sweeping 10,110 .3 Shou1de,: 1'1aintenance 11,129 .4 su,:face T,:eatment 53,161 D ~ G,:a'\1el Road 1'1aintenance ~2 C,:aaing c,:a'\1el Roads 11,848 _3 Dust control (CalciUtll chlo,:ide) 46,100 1.911 31.,249 ~. 1978 34,000 22,500 Revised 1918 Budg:e.t 40,000 24,103 25,000 24,000 Nil 10,000 10,000 54,110 50,000 14,l+02 90,000 53,189 50,000 1.4,582 40,000 4,909 10,000 3,642 5,000 813 16,141 35 ,447 .4 DUst cont,:ol (prime) l.ncluded in D-3 Totals.fo,: 1916 and 1911 include pay,:oll llu,:den whe,:eas totalS fo': 1915 do not. ExpenditUres to May 1 1.978 87,567 163,741 140,000 14,359 120,000 10,123 12,991 14,000 1,452 12,000 15,936 11,55B 13,000 4,041 10,000 51,300 52,204 10,000 10,000 _5 Gravel Resurfaeing 86,042 E . ~ Total _1 Sno\t1 plowing 139,358 _2 Sanding & salting .3 Sno\\f Fenee ~4 StandbY & Night c,:ew 42,791 257,332 1,000 1.,356 2,000 15,426 16,000 33,850 41,000 4,141 5,000 42,333 55,000 329,130 324,000 126,732 112,000 169,175 170,000 14,147 20,000 19,076 22,000 1. ,009 1,000 603 1,000 7,693 16,000 5,189 38,000 3,000 1 , 148 55,000 325 ,0'00."., " 253,557 ._. co'utinued ... Amended May 31, 1978. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT - 1978 BUDGET - COUNTY MAINTENANCE l,Oi OPERATION 1975 1976 1977 1978 F - Safety Device~ -1 Pavement Marking 1 7 ,946 14,854 23,229 24,000 -2 Signs 16,428 29, 236 24,691 28 , 000 ..3 Guide Rail 4,668 2,564 8,310 12,000 -4 Railroad Protection 19,095 19,986 18,950 26 , 000 ..5 Metric Signs --- 9 , 5 26 TOTAL 547,873 738,257 919,596 950,000 PLUS Machinery Debits over Credits ~e 2. Expenditures Revised to May 1 1978 1978 B~,dp:et ;/ / ; l 12,1~ 24,000 34,112 42,000 1,000 3,000 l2,331 26, 000 463,767 955,000 43,475 507,242 COlJNTYOF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET OVERHEAD Total s for 1977 i.ncl.t.Jde Payroll Burden. Totals for 1976 (except Clerical' and Superintendent€') include Payroll Burden. ~ Total s for 1975 do not include Payroll Burden. Totals are after charges have been made to the Suburban Road CvulJ.uission. OPERATION 1(71) 1976 Tl,206 t~2, 9B3 54,089 52,531 4, 14/+ 6,845 10,686 16,777 1,779 2,375 1,175 1.,067 2,576 2,902 1,102 l,7h3 2!~, 807 2,),85<) 16 Ni.l 2,517 1,808 8,222 12,302 Sl1P(~t'i. n te Ild('nct~ Garages Tools Miscell~neous Repaira Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Count 'rraining (;()ur 5(;1 S Clerical Permit s Miscellaneous Insurance Office 1.977 53,85<) 60,227 5,800 15 , 3 25 2,357 1,923 4,721 2,828 3t..,073 156 CR. 1,716 Machinery Overhead Total 14,068 12,941CR. 2,057CR. 5,.546 l]'j ,398 165,135 202,287 Totalwfthout Machine.ry Overhead 148,339 167,192 White Station Rehabilitation -III __ ~ -. 196,741 14,656 216,9l..3 - / l~ 60,000 66,000.. 6,500 16,500 2 ; 5 ('0 7,000 1+ , non :3 , 500 38, 000 2,000 14,000 5,000 225,000 220,000 10,000 235,000 Revi sed Budg e t May 31, 1978 70,000 70,000 5,000 12,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 3,500 38,000 2,500 14,000 6.000 232,000 226,000 3,000' 235,000 - .~ " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN In 1977 Burden. In 1976 In 1975 RO.:lds. Holiday & Sick Time for Superintendence and Clerical Wa.s charged to Payroll In 1975 ... 76 Holiday & Sick Time was charged to Clerical and Superintendence. & 1977 Payroll Burden was charged Pro Rata to various operations. it was left as an Overhetid charge and a portion waS charged to Suburban Amounts shown for 1975 are after Suburban Roads charges are deducted. Il'gM LABOUR 1975 1976 1977 1978-- 1978 982 J.,17:3 1,510 1,700 5 "/ , a '.H 6fj , R ll~ 79, (n5 90,000 16,480 25,578 44,259 48 ~'QOO M<:1dica 1 Hol idaysWith Pay Sick Benefit s lnclementW(.ather & Standby (Prf;~vJo\.lsly chtrr.g()d to operattofls) 5 ,I. 96 h,OOO Workmen's Compensation Insurance (2 YerlrR '-6,'377 Paid in 1974) 12,363 20,000 PenSions, Canada & OMERS 3/+,728 41,369 48,310 65,000 V.I.C. 10,607 14,059 15,64.5 l7,000 O.H.I.P. & 1'.:xtended Health Care 13,672 19,589 24,409 27,000 Long Te:t't11 Disabili~y Insurr.tnce 2,500 3,945 5,000 Safety Equipment (Included in tools previously) 3,779 5,300 Credits.. Direct charges to Mosquito Control and R.E.I.F. Progrnmm(l 2, 460 CR. 1, 000 CR. TOTAL LF-l,322 186,459 235,991 28/+,000 . Payroll Burden Distribution 1977 Total Labour $ 915,542 LeSs Labour i.n Payroll Burden l30,OOI .Less Labour in R.E.I.P. & Mosquito Control 17,245 Net Labour $ 768,296 ... Payroll Burden % = 30.7161% 1978 Estimated Payroll Burden 37% L$bour Charges to Various Operations in 1977 SA Maintenanc.e County Maintenante SA & County Winter Control OVerhead (Includes Superintendence, Clerical, Garage. Misc.ellaneous Repairs, etc.) Items Not For Subsidy Chargeable Work Stock (Includes P.V.P.) Machinery Repairs SA Construction (Road 30) County Construction $ 11 , 7 1+6 - 1.53% 252,567 ~._- 32.87% (99, 2ll ) = (12.91%) 129,278 = 16.83% 2,383 -- 0.31% 65,673 ._.~ 8.55% 12,834 ......~... 1.67% 81.,238 .......-. I O. 5 7% 27,505 .- 3.58% 185,069 _.- 24.09% 100.00% .J ~~;:\ "',,,!,), ',I' ,.1 ~~'~':I.' .~.~', ";!~'~~~....~~--:.;......;..u.~_wl.:,~..:.l;,...._~,,;",-,-"":""'''''''-'''''''''~,'''''''''b''''''''_'_'''-''_h''''''~.'"",,,.~.... .. _ ~..,~,_,......;,....~;:~""",;L..::~<J..o:.:;";:i,':::i~.,;;..";.i:,;",~~,"",",",,.~i.....~,.:J..<':':i;..;:..i.i.,..;.......,",~..,_.d..._..(, ~.;;._.."'"'_.....::"'.,.."'...c;.;,.:.i.i,..,;,;.:l:.~~_..:,...,;:.,..~...,,(,"-,.,.;:._.~~~~,,-'J:~;:",.v.;':'j.u;t..~':"'.l'~_._j'_~'.i..L;.Ii":~L:j.;., COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION Totals Include Payroll Burden. 1. Miscel1an~ous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase ($ 60,151 in 1976) ($ 20,011 in 1977) 3. Ownership Costs, etc.., on Accounts Receivable ($ 26,400 in 1976) ($ 27,489 in 1977) 4. Reduction in Stock Balance ($ 8,000 in 1976) ($ 48,211 in 1917) 5. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corners 6. Construction Road 31 7. Construction Road 32 ... Pol ice College Road 8. Construction Road 38 - Highway 3 to Hi.ghway 19 9. ConstrUction Road 52 - Eas.t of Wellington Road 10. Construction Road 52 - West of Wellington Road T<yrAL !~..i ",';;.:.1," .{"oJ ""~'i,,"ii."~'~~.';.;.fu':"U...:.~':':"J ",:~,;.'.L'" PROJECT ESTIMATE $..__..2!.2S!2 ___~S!!.2~2 20,000 CR. --..--...--- 10,000 CR. --.........---.. 518,000 ..............----- 120,000 2,000 ....... "___'W. 20,000 ..... -:-... -... 135,000 ...--------- 22,000 --.....-.... $ 830,000 Amended May 31. 1978 AMENDED MAY 3l, 1978 $ ." ,3 000 _..___.1_..__ ___~2.t222_ _...__~.!222_ CR. l5,000 CR. ---------- 496,000 .......-----_.... 120,000 ---.....-.--- 2,000 -.........-... 40,000 .----.---- liO,OOO -----.~--.~ 22,000 ...------.... $ 8.S 0, 000 ,,' ______............._........____......,. _..,_........._..........;......._w....:.-.......__~... ."~" _~_~~..:..u.;. i' SUMMARY OF ES'tlMATES 1978 (a) Items Subsldizcq At Operational Rate (a) County Road Construction (0) St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnission Roads Construction (c) County Asphalt Resurfacing (d) New and Used Machinery (c) County Maintentlnc(~ (f) C(")unty OVE!rhead (g) St. Thomas Stlburban Road Commission Maintenance & Overhead (b) Items Subsidi.~'!:nd at 50/ollY tlH" Mtnl~:;try of TransportatIon and Communicat1.onfi (a) Drainage Assessments (b) Urban Re,bate $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDITS (a) Mintstry of Transportation and Communications .. General Subsidy Allocation (b) Ministry of Transportation and Cou.....Jnications Drainage Assessment Allocation (c) Contributi.on of Ci.ty of St. Thomas to St.. Thomas Suburban Roa.d Corrani ssion (effective) Approximately (d) Sale of Property Net (County Road Levy) (Levy in 1975 was $ 581,000 1977 - $ 645,000.) in 1976 - $ 603,000 and in SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1978 li!-. Cotlstruct:ton Roads &, B:ridgc~; (County ond St. Thotntls Suburban) Maintenance Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) OVerhead (including Payroll Burden) County and St. Thomas Suburban New Machinery Asphalt Resurfacing TOTAL ~. 1 ~_ Amended ~y 31, 1978 $ 850,000 85,000 -.."""......._.....____.w _ _ _ _.: J 3-, ~~~o__ __ _ _ _..:! _5 ~~ .0.0.0_... _... _ _ _ _ J...5 ...s J ...0_0...0_... _ .. . 235;,000 ----.........,............ 88 000 .............._'.1................_.. $ 2 ; 68.8, 000 $ 50,000 .. - - ---.... ..-----. 45,000 - --- - - _.- -- - - --- -- $ 2,783,000 $ 2,030,000 ..............---...--- 25,000 .. ... -.. - - .. -- -.-.. -.. -- 23 000 ________J______._ 10,000 ...---....-.........--... $ 695,000 $ 9/+4, 000 841,000 .......---...-...-..-- l~42, 000 137,000 ---............------- 319,000 $ 2,683,000 ... 5':C. ':CU01::1J>>.5, O'N':CA.R'I.O, MAY. 17, 1978. "PAGE 1. T1:\.E COUNT'! Of ELGl.N ROAD CO~TTEE 1'1ET at the County llUi1.dings at 2~30 P.1'1. on 1'1aY 17, 1911', in conjunction with county Council. Alllllelllbe,:S we,:e p,:esent with the e~ception of Ree'\1eS Campbell and ll,:adfield. to solid ~aste. T1:\.E ENGl.l'lEER l$PORTED THA't se'\1e,:al maintenance itelllS we,:e al,:eadY o'\1e': the llUdget and that a Re'\1ised llUdget would be ,:e<tui,:ed. SotlIe itemS would d d d -It waS 1 ikel" that a la,:ge deficit would be taken intO ha'\1e to be ,:e ace an ~ J l$~E CoOR REQUESTED that the Corotllittee ,:epo,:t to Council with ,:ega,:d 'the Chai~n agreed that thiS could be done. 1979. .h. tinUed to be e~t,:emelY T1:\.E ENGl.NEER NoTED that ,:ep3.1.':s to mac 1.ne,:Y con .1 d. the fi,:st hea'l11 and that a $ 40,000odeficit o'\1e': c,:editS had been cotnP" e S1.nce and it ~aS noted (1) that as yet Road 37 had not been chlo,:ided; ." th h d occu,:,:ed and would be cotnPleted (2) that g,:a'\1el t,:ucking to ,:oads 1.n ,at:11l0u a pF;Xl.T1.0NS fR01'1 RESIDENTS of Road 31 and A'\10n dist,:ict we,:e diSCUssed of the year.. todaY; d d it was likelY that all f,:ost (3) that the,:e wet!e manY soft spotS on the ,:oa an l.t was decided to ,:epo,:t to CountY council that the ,:oad between llelmont and A'\10n would be g,:a'\1el patched to elilllinate the soft spotS and g,:a'\1el ,:esu,:fa.ced between A'\10n and the O~fo,:d CountY Line. waS not yet out. T1:\.E Mf,F;Xl.l'lG ADJ oulU1ED TO 1M'! 31 A't 1 ~ 3 0 p .1'1. C1:lAl~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1978. PAGE 1. on 1'1ay 10, 1918 at 9~30 A.1'1. All membe,:s except Ree'\1eS Wilson and ll,:adfield we,:e p,:esent. Also p,:esent, Frank Cla,:ke of the 1'1inist,:y of ~anspo,:tatiOn THE COUNT'! OF ELGl.N ROAD COMMl.TtEE lllet at the Municipal BUilding and coromunieations. TENDERS FOR 1:\.OT 1'11.X ASpHALT PAVl.NG we,:e opened and we,:e as attached. T1:\.E 1'11.l'l\lTES OF T11E 1'1EET1.NGS Of Apdl 5 and 19 we,:e ,:ead and app,:o'\1ed. T1:\.E ENGl.NEER REPORTED on the wo,:k to date as followS~ (1) The old \?a'\1ement Ma,:ke,: had been sold :to the county of Lana,:k fo': $ 2,250.00. (2) Equiptnent and T~ck r:epai': costS we,:e stiH '\1e':y high. (3) All stumps, etc. f,:am Road 16 would be t,:ucked to the 3 washoutS on Road 24 and othe,: than a few to be taken on the float, wo,:k would be finished on ( 4 ) fencing would be cOtllP 1 eted dudng the week on Road 16. ThU1:sday. (5) The 1'1inist,:y of Natu,:al Resou,:ces had ,:equested the County to e,:ect app':OXimatelY 1/2 lllile of fence south of WatSon co,:ne,:s along the Finga1 Ai1:P01:t p1:operty. (6) Application of calciUlll Chlo,:ide waS unde~ay' (1) Shoulde,: g,:ading waS unde,:way. (B) J. 11. Wilson would d,:ill a well on the PhylliS fe,:gUSon p,:ope,:ty sho,:tly. (9) T,:im wo,:k and tOp soil wo,:k would sta,:t sho,:tly on Road 52 & 31, and (10) ll,:idge bea,:ing wo,:k had been completed on the Eden and calton ll,:idges. Walllls1ey ll':os. would pa'\1e in ea,:ly June. The floo':s on the Playe,: and po,:t BU~ell ll,:idgeS had been patched. Se'\1er:al d,:i'\1eways had been installed, including d,:ains on Road 15 fo': 1:\.a,:,:y 1'1e,:ks and on Road 52 for: J. Kxapf. ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, MAY. 10, 1978. "PAGE 2. (11) Wo,:k would be sta,:ted on the d,:ain on Fulton St,:eet in Vienna sho,:tly which would be followed by Chatham St,:eet drain in po,:t Burwell. (12) Pa'\1ement Ma,:ki ng waS underway.' (13) Sign ,:epai': waS continuing and would take at least anothe,: 1ll0nth. (14) Tt:ee planting had been completed. (15) llddgeS had been inspected fo': Aldbo':OUgh TownshiP' (16) The ,:ailing on the 1.0na ll,:idge would ha'\1e to be replaced, the floo': (11) The abutmentS on the phiUlllo,:e and cook ll,:idgeS had mO'\1ed and we,:e patched, wate,:p,:oofed and ,:epa'\1ed. jamming the t,:uss. The abutments would ha'\1e to be modified to alloW (11',) Land fo': ,:oad widening on Road 31', had been pu,:chased f,:otlI Robe,:t expansion. Goudeseune. The county had ag,:eed to pay $ 150.00 towa,:d a tile th,:ough hiS field in lieU of a 1'1unicipal D,:ain. (19) surveying fo': the alignment of Road 3ff waS continuingl (20) f,:ank Fishleigh had been able to ca':':y on wo,:king. Two Uni'\1e,:sity studentS had been hi,:ed and 2 1:\.igh school studentS fo': 1'10squito cont,:ol had been (21) }\aintenance E><penditu,:es had been ,:unning O'\1e': the budget - T,:ee cutting engaged. $ 20,000 to $ 25,000 and signS appro~imatelY $ 10,000. Winte,: cont,:ol costS we,:e app':o~imatelY theSgme as in 1911 and the,:e would be no sa'\1ing. l.t appea,:ed that little 0': nO sa'\1ing could be lllade in su,:face t,:eatment and that the onlY itetll that might be cut could be g,:a'\1el ,:esu,:facing. tighten up his fence becaUse snow had been piled against it in the winte,: had been ,:ejected. committee concu,:,:ed with thiS ,:ejection. (22) That a ,:equest f,:oID Robe,:t Leitch on Road 9 fo': assistance in helping ST. T1:\.OMAS, ONTAR1.0, MAY 10, 1978. "PAGE 3. T1:\.E ENGl.NEER RE1?ORTED that he had met with 1:\.a':':Y P\J<fo,:d ,:ega,:ding the pu,:chase of ,:oad widening f,:oID his p,:ope,:ty on LotS 10 & 11, concession V1.1., 'la~outh, and that he had ,:e~uested a st,:aight $ 4,000.00 pe': aC,:e. After diseussion · · · "MOVED 'BY: L. R. cARROLL SECONDED 1l'l~ D. R. 1'1CLEAN TWS WE OffER J:lARR'l afORD $ 4,000.00 pER ACRE fOR LAND NEEDED TO Wl.DEN COUNT'! ROAD 21', & 56 FROM WTS 10 & 1.1., CONCESS1.0N ',11.1., 'l~otlT1:\.. (AREA APPROl.l.1MTEL'l 3 AcRES.) CARR lED ." "MOVED 'BY ~ D. R. COOl<. SECONDED 1l'l ~ J. W. c.IIl>1l'llELL T1:\A.T WE ACCEPT T1:\.E TENDER Of WpJ..1'1SLE'l llROS. LTD. fOR T1:\.E fOu,oWl.NG CON'tRACTS fOR 1:\.O'f 1'11.1. ASp1:\.ALT PA',1l.NG. SUBJECT TO j,fI.Nl.STR'l Or' TRNlSPORTAT1.0N AND coMMJJNl. CAT1.0NS APPROVAL · CONTRACT 'A' ~ $ 200,1',51.50 CON'tRACT 'B' $ 53,500.00 $ 33,231.00 CARR1ED." CONTRACT' C' "MOVED BY: J. "W. CAMPBELL SECONDED 1l'l~ D. R. COOR T1:\A.T T1:\.E fOLWVll.NG PA'{Ll.STS llE APPRoVED fOR PA~ ~ P l\'{Ll.ST # 16 j\l{QIlNTl.NG ,\:0 $ 38,616 · 93 PA'{Ll.ST # 11 j\l{OUN'tl.NG TO $ 21,395.41 PA'{Ll.ST # 11', j\l{QIlNTl.NG TO $ 34,536.62 PA'{Ll.ST # 19 ~OUNTl.NG TO $ 12,319.19 PA'{Ll.ST # 20 j\l{OUNTl.NG TO $ 35,031.05 J!A'lLl.ST # 21 j\l{o1JNTl.NG TO $ 546. 90 PA'{Ll.ST # 22 ~ouNTl.NG ,\:0 $ 69,323.1',2. C1\RR1ED." ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, MAY' 10, 1978. PAGE 4. (a) Vance TurviHe ,:equesting a lowe,:ing of the spped limit on Road ZO f,:01lI CORRESl'ONDENCE WAS READ fR01'1 - po,:t Stanley to T\1':'\1iHe 1 shiH. After diseussion · · · "1'10VED llY~ L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK T1lAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNT'l COUNCl.L T1:\A.T A ll'l-LAW llE PASSED Clli\NGl.NG THE SPPED LU1l.T ON COtlNT'l ROAD ZO fR01'1 ROAD 21 TO TIlRVl.LLE 1:\.l.LL TO 60 Rl.L01'1ETRES PER 1:\.OUR. CARRIED." Zoning and committee of Adjustment Notices. co,:,:espondence waS noted from '\1a,:iouS lllunicipalities ,:ega,:ding lly~LaW, ,:ezoning land fo': the Hazelwood Subdi'\1ision, as no p,:o'\1ision had been The Enginee,: waS inst,:ucted to object to the Village of po,:t Stanley made fo': a ,:oad allowance joining Highway 4 and county Road 23. Va,:iouS notices and decisions of the anta,:io Municipal 1l0a,:d we,:e in the PubliC T,:anspo,:tation & 1:\.ighway 1.1l\p,:o'\1ement Act. co,:respondence waS ,:ead f,:am the County of 1:\.u,:on ,:equesting changes noted. "MOVED BY': D. K. COOK SECONDED 1l'l ~ J. W. ClIMPllELL T1lAT WE RECOMMENDDTO COUNT'l cOIffiCl.L T1lAT T1:\.E RESOLUT1.0N Of T1:\.E coUNT'l Of HURON REQUESTl.NG T1:\.E l?\JllLl.C TRANSl'ORTAT1.0N AND Hl.G1:\.WA'l l.Ml'ROV:E!1ENT ACT 1971 llE /MENDED TO PROVl.DE FOR T1:\.E RET1.REMENr OF AT LEAST ONE MEJ>1llER EACH YEAR llE F1.LED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1978. "PAGE 5. the County of Elgin to p,:oceed with the ,:econst,:Uction of smith & sydenharo A ,:esolution f,:om the village of po,:t Stanley waS noted ,:equesting St,:eet in the Village Ofrbehalf of the Village. T1:\.E 1'1EETl.NG ADJOURNED FOR DUlNER. AFtER DINNER · CO:r1!.espondence was ,:ead f,:om the Sec,:eta,:y of the St. Thomas . . Subu,:ban Road commission ':ega,:din~ the need to appoint a Subu,:ban Road coromissione,: fo': a 5 yea': term sta,:ting July 1, 1911',. n1'10VED 1l'l~ L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO co1JNT'l COllNCl.L THAT A ll'l~:LAW llE PASSED APP01.l'lT1.NG JlLllERT AIlCKL1iND AS A 1'1EM1lER Of THE ST. T1:\.01MS SUllURllAN ROAD COMMl.SS1.0N fOR A 5 'lEAR PER1.0D STlIRT1.NG JUL'l 1, 1978." CARRIED. " ~lahide and Bayharo waS discussed and left in abeyance until the Township Sale of the ll,:ookS Sand pit in Malahide to the Townships of ,:equesting permission to e,:ect a telephone switching building on county co,:,:espondence waS ,:ead f,:om the Aylroe,:_Malahide Telephone company discUssed the matter. p,:ope,:ty at the inte,:section of Roads 44 & 46. committee inst,:ucted the Enginee,: to ad'\1ise the Telephone company that they we,:e not in fa'\1Ou,: of a building on eounty property. p,:it\le, asphalt eroulsion and stone chipS. T1:\.E ENGl.NEER STATED that he had issued a tende': call fo': g,:ade': blades, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1978. PAGE 6. Communications had ,:equested a resolution for the pu,:chase of gra'\1el for Road THE ENGl.NEER REPORTED that the Ministry of Transportation and 16 construetion from Alex Newbigging. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEJ?T THE QUOTAT1.0N OF ALEX NEI'1lll.GGING LTD. TO SUl'PL'l CRUSHED GRAVEL FROM 1:\.1S LAKE EUE (WNN) PIT IN DUNWl.C1:\. FOR ROAD 16 l.N THE STOCKP1.LE AT $ 1.80 PER TON OR $ 2.50 PER CU. '!D. CARRIED." THE ENGl.NEER REPORTED that a surfac~ t,:eatment list would be a'\1ailable for the next meeting. Middlesex Road CommitteeS and Suburban Road Commissions on 1'1ay 31 was discussed. The p,:oposed meeting between the County of Elgin and the County of the pleasant Valley Road from the g,:a'\1el pits to Road 36 waS discussed and the The ,:equest from the Township of 'larmouth fo,: assistance in gra'\1elling Enginee,: was instructed to place app,:oximately 200 tons of gravel on the road as the County's eontribution. of T,:anspo,:tation and c"..."unications. l.t appea,:ed that all legal obstacles had CORRESPONDENCE RE THE ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWA'l was ,:ead f,:01lI the Ministry been ove,:come on the po,:tion between Wellington Road and Talbot'\1ille and that the Ministry of Transportation and Co..."unications should be able to make an early tender call if funds were available. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT AT THE REQUEST OF THE Ml.Nl.STR'l OF TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND COMMUNICAT1.0NS WE APPROVE THE GENERAL INTERSECTION TREATMENT OF 1:\.l.GHWAY 3 AND COUNTY ROAD 52 AS SHOWN ON Ml.NISTRY OF TRANSPORTAT1.0N AND COMMUNICATIONS pLAN ,ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, 'MAY 10, 1978. P~GE 7. 89-69-01 DATED MARCH 22, 1978 AND THAT ALL PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TREATMENT OF THIS INTERSECTION BE RESCINDED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE REQUEST THE MINl.STER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO GIVE HIGH PRIORITY TO THE BUILDING OF NEW HIGHWAY 3 BETWEEN TALBOTVILLE AND COUNTY ROAD 52. CARRIED." Janse from the Ministry of the En'\1ironment with ,:egard to te,:ms of the Ministry THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT he would meet with John Bray and James of the Environment order on the access roadhlwGthe St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. Land Fill Site in Southwo1d. costs on the p,:ope,:ty of And,:e Cosyns on Road 42 and instructed the Engineer THE COMMITTEE FELT that they were not responsible for any d,:ainage to notify Mr. Cosyns' Solicitor aecording1y. request of West Lorne fo,: a pipe and catch basin drainage system on Ro.ad 2 THE WARDEN stated that he would report at the next meeting on the east of Wood Street. ownership of break water protection after it waS installed under Provincial THE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED by the Chai,:man to investigate the Government Grant System. I'MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 31 AT 1 :30 P.M. CARRIED." fJ //1 ?I ~.~/ (;~ f CHAIRMAN ~r~~;~E!'%}:l:~:1f~r~f'1'~~~:::tt;~~~;~l~1:-~i'"k".~~'~;~e'f.:~?~'~ ',:',i..:. . . '" 9. (& ~C<>~:~ nAc.~ ';,'J.W:~L~it ~t&2'f'13Qtl~." (....t.*dL;.;.~fP .'1~'~.Q~Q.." ;u"'(\.l" "~"'t)iin.. V:(l. ~~YtitCk U sri ~ t1 . C~~ri. t\ <::.-' )\' . J~~r~ \l- L t <V ) ReA:) g (~) Rope J (.0 '- ~;-, J.U:3"',,- L (..9;..) Kotqi".) 20 t~) '?,OG\) ~o J-r'(E~.....tt ~ ~O""1:) Vi. " .. ". " \!. 'IJ~~( "'~ ~~?oHt} \\ ; \-\ ~l.S. :\-\~ \-.. ~~ ~Soo ~s2>o A.C &s.jj. () / - "L' (t 7::S,00 ., . t , . A5 PH J1L \" ~4 TT..':n. 41LfO ".\-. s. 2i~~, \~. \.. ~ 210 A,e. .30; l..\' \' '1-4 ,L & 2~o. . \ ~ · L '-\: 2~o A.\:.. . ~ i .8q ';~.\... B . 2QOO .. .v.. '- ,,,\ .\~oo; ~' A~c., Z '50. q ./2.50 , 12:SD 92,5~ 13;.00.' 1:3. ,'~'O .' 72.54, ;j o~ 30 10.30 92~5& ,. I 3,c t;. .2 ~ 5 () . .:3t'3 7 S~ C 0_ .2,2/# ~ 75 .3J(c lfO.a 00. d) 3"2 0:,,60 : 2,'9if7o II . . .; t;;./.9,Z'19.,31.p "i>lt) ':S.2,Q,,,J}O , , _IQ~s.4:Q~o.o is l> 12 15" 1ft, -~1..25~ .I iff; 7# \151..'02 H~Z5~ ..}J lelf 0 II. t, 7 g7,2S~ ..:,,0 !:21 -VI ~J1, 37" 2S~ r':/,5.'lD .~~ I . 1..5) .3*.o.o~c . lot,) ~_2 O~ DO ., .51:., I..;Z'i~ J Jf 2)970,OD # /~gi9oo~75 ..3) '1/ 9.1; 10 Jf'l171-.20 2/~53~ J.}S ~, '47..2,0 3ICf~5~20 2,??2,,23' '.21,357.32 ""..- . : /0710' /670- 7~~-c.. .~S' .i ..\0 ,?o: j C> ", o. ' ?s" 'i; /0.00 , '~jO: " QC~' 9:)'~-O ,,' \<i.ooo.. q~ \ ,8 'OSo c~o . I, , ': - ._.0.(;' .... _. ~'}C> 7 ~ , .if t~Z.fi-~, ,~~_ :'2-2..2 op, 00 22} J 73,()D .20iD~2~'22 . . 1. "t:; ,n L.L. L Q 0 '.~ViI ~ }"':' f .. '(>6 . r' /2/972,00 ..l~)25~,()D _.?', ~.3 J eCf J 1 ~',3'7t,{j57_691 ~.- . ,- . 1;-3Z2.3S7c92 ',,~~~ ,c~<'N~t;;., ~':)1'1'\ ,,~;:~e' ~)~~o/!2 . ~6}~ sd..t~t G \ . .511:;~-P' l,S7$QCf . ' ~ ;/e;G.. \8 ~ ~-:- ~21.4Z~ :~:? 4, .,'~~ '1' "+~ ", ~ "'/ <7' ~ ,I o~. .}t ,.,~,,~~Op'J)~ '- ,~- ' - ~- . :.~ c:2,':~b .~:t~ . '. " . . ~\7"'~ .3. '0 Y (;)' ~J- / ~.ts~S" :~g .' ~~. ....... ~-L'-.,. If Cy'J. 0 I ~.., - ;:' , \\i\ Cc. 6 'Mf? 7'~.~ \6";2'~b~#-;" . - - -, -.. --"""~'::"'" '." , ,'""6 r') 9...j '1' ~, """ .' 4 :~~J':B~':~-;- .: ':;' <fie, ~ rr3..c~'e I . ='11.(' a i/1 f'!!! ~ {.~} , v'iJ "r-' .:t Q;;r ( ~ ) )t.;tJH ).r;rt j(YiT. 'Z '"", \'~91.r- L-' ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ,\1- O'doa: , tJ!c w'2fr- I) i COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI ITEE .~ SECOND REPORT MAY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: l. That the Minister of the Environment has issued a eerti.ficate to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. that will allow ~he St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. the right to use ~.portion of Lots 21, 22 & 23, Concession III, Southwold, as a Solid Waste Disposal Site by exempting the land involved from the condition of the Township of Southwold Zoning By-Law. One of the Minister of the Environment condition's in the issuing of a certificate is the payment by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. of $ 10,000 pe'r year to the Road Authorities having jurisdiction OVer the Southwold - Delaware _ Westminster Townline Road between the Site and Highway j~. 2. That the Engineer has been instructed to gravel resurface County Road 37 between Avon and Oxford County Townline and gravel patch Road 37 between Avon and Belmont. The road was originally scheduled by your Conttnittee to be gravelled this fall between Highway 74 and the Oxford County Line. The severe frost depth of last winter has resulted in many soft spots appearing on all County gravel roads. Your Cv&tuuittee will consider a Revised Maintenance Budget at their next meeting because of increased ~enditures in a number of categories caused by the heavy winter control and spring breakup costs along with heavy sign replacement costs due to the blizzard of January 26. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ;& fi.. . ! \, ~ j COUN'l"l of ELGl.N RO....D COMl'lt'l"rEE ""'" .-- --- -' -=,. ,- - ,,::: FIRST REPORT ............- ~ MAY SESS10N 1978 Page 1. TO . 't1:\.E WARDEN AND MEt1llERS OF CO\lN'l"l COWCl.L: yOUR ROAD COMl'll.'l"rEE RE1?ORTS AS fOLLOWS ~ 1. The 1:\.QUou,:able James Snow, Ministe,: of T,:anspo,:tation and C~nications haS been petitiOned by the committee to call an ea,:ly cont,:act fo': that po,:tion of the St. Thomas EXP,:essway betWeen Road 25 (WellingtOn Road) and Talbot'\1iHe. The wo,:k would include a connection f,:01lI the EX'P,:essway to County Road 52 as noW const,:Ucted near the And,:ews and Do~lman p,:ope,:ties. We unde,:stand that all legal obstacles to the building or thiS po,:tion of the EXP,:essway ha'\1e been ,:esolved by the 1'1inistry of 't,:anspo,:tation and communications. tt is hoped that const,:uction could a~ance to the point that asphalt could be laid by thiS fall connecting Talbotville to Road 52 2. 1:\.ot 1'1ilt Asphalt cont,:acts ha'\1e been let to Walmsley ll,:os. Ltd. of London as noW eonstructed. (the lowest of 2 bidde,:S) as folloWS: sont':a~ "~ _ including ,:esu,:facing Road 16 in Dunwich 'township f,:OtlI BU~ell co,:ne,:s (Road 14) weste,:ly to connect up with work completed last yea,:, app,:oltimatelY 4.2 mileS; Road 1'" patching south of Road 16; Road 20 in southwold TownshiP 0.4 llliles, patChing no,:th of fingal and north of Uighway 401; Road 19 in southwold TownshiP app':OltimatelY 1.35 miles southe,:ly from southwold Station and 0.1',5 miles of Road 11 which runs south of Fo,:d Plant in southwold Township. Total cost of cont,:act with asphalt cement to be paid fo': by the county is estimated at Qont,:act 1111: _ llase coat of pa'\1ing on Road 16 from fingal to BU~eH' s $ 302,196.82. co,:ne,:s afte,: g,:ading and g,:anula,: base thissuroroe,:. Estimated cost $ 80,342.40. J' \ ~--~~ ~........ .,..,~,_.._---,,.....:~=-- comlT'l Of ELGtN ROAD coMMl.TTEE ~ MAY SESS10N 1978 l'AGE 2. TO 'r1:\.E liIARDEN AND MF;M.llERS 01' co\lNT'l COUNCl.L~ ~ ~ ,:esU,:facing on Road 41 in Vienna estimated at $ 22,1',53_.54 and pa'\1ing on behaH of the TownshiP of llayhalll in Eden and St,:affo,:d'\1l.Ue estimated at $ .21,11',1.11',- f " R' d' 16 between Fingal and Road I', and b,:oken conc,:ete, wood Stump s rom oa ~~en hauied to th,:ee washoutS on Road 24 in 'la~outh rrbe feW 3. we,:e hauled; little imp,:ession waS made on the washouts. The 'WashoutS are being monito,:ed fo': fu,:the': erosion- That the ,:esolution of the county of 1:\.u,:on ,:equesting that the pto'\1ince of Qntad 0 to alllend the public t,: ansp o,:ta t ion & 1:\.i ghwaY 1.m? ,:O'I1e1l\ent Act . h': of at least one merobe,: of (1911) to p,:o'\1ide fo': the ,:et1.,:ement eac yea a county Road c~ittee be filed. \'J'€. Rf.COMM f.ND :. 1. 2. That a lly~LaW be passed appointing Albert AUckland as the countY ,the St 'rhomas Subu,:ban Roads C~ission fo': a 5 yea': Rep,:esentat1.'\1e on · J 1 1 1911', MJ: AUckland i~ the. countY Rep,:esentatNe pe,:iod sta,:ting u Y' · · at the ~esent tillle and hiS cu,:,:ent 5 yea': te~ eX'Pi,:eS on June 30, 1911',. b d l~'ro.iting the sneed on a po,:tion of countY Road 20 That a lly~LaW e paSse ~ r in southwold TownshiP to 60 ki1omet,:es pe': hout. The 60 ki1omet,:e speed zone would e~tend no,:the,:lY and weste,:lY f,:om wa,:,:en St,:eet in port Stanley app,:o~imatelY 2 kilomet,:es to lot line between LotS 15 & 16 3. /-~---=--- \i; . ~', ,,".. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: PAGE 3. Union Road, Southwold Township. The zone would include the area'known as the Waite Curve, Gillard Curve and the Turville Curves. The zone has heen the scene of a number of accidents in recent months. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ~-,',. I-~I ~ \J. -,J J.\;J.;i COUNT'l Of ELGl.N ROAD coM11lTT~ ~ ~~~ Note the junk that needs to be picked up f,:om blizza,:d, illlpossible to get it all. A"PR1L 26 - 1978 ~ ~~ 1. 2. Replacement of signs continuing. T,:ee planting in ce,:tain a,:eas, including Pleasant Valley pit. 3. 1. Lea'\1e cou,:t 1:\.ouse at 9~00 A.1'1. Road 26, St. Geo,:ge St,:eet, unde,: cont,:ol of St. Thomas Subu,:ban Road Cororoission ~ needs asphalt patching. Road 25 ~ Dodds c,:eek ll,:idge floo,:. Road 25 to Road 29 - poo': condition. d 31 to 52 ~ Road 52 to Talbot'\1i1.1.e. Note location of EX'P,:esswa~ Roa, R d 20 and Road 25 ~ inte,:section of EX'P,:ess"\i1aY W1.th whe,:e 1.t c,:osses oa ~ Road 26 and 52 ~ c1.osU,:e of pa,:t of Road 26. Road 11 ~ Asphalt ,:esu,:facing ,:e~ui,:ed on east po,:tion. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Road 26 to Road 52 to Road 30. "', h R d 30 to 1'1iddlese1t 1l0unda,:Y - contPlete inspection of 1:\.ub,:eY ~o,:t on oa . h 1'1.ddl se1t Road po,:tion will be done ~en Co~ittee llleetS W1.t 1 e · Road 30 soUth to 1:\.ighwaY 3 ~ cont,:act let by 1'1.T.C. to contPlete po,:tion f,:01lI St. Thomas city LilllitS south. 6. 7. 9. 13. 'la,:tllOUth TownshiP - coffee. Road 53 ~ Beech and Ellll St,:eetjl, Aylme,:. R d 32 ~ police college Road - poo': condition, note ':ealig~e~t s~:th of college, fence to be e,:ected no,:th of college fo': 1'11.n1.str1 of Natu,:al ReSOu,:ces. Road 52 sp,:ingfield, Road 40 to Glencolin. Note Glencolin b,:idge ,:ailingS. 1, Request to use fill by countY Sand pit nea': 1'1alahide~llayha!lL Town 1.ne. }\alahide TownshiP Road Depa,:tment. Road 31', ~ ,:econst,:uction and ,:ealig~ent' etc. bu-ried. Road 41 Vienna ~ d,:ain and asphalt pa'\1ing. Telephone cable to be 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 17 · po,:t 1lU-rwe1.1. ~ dinne,:. D,:ain, Chatha!lL St,:eet ~ sha,:ed costS Village of po,:t ~u-rwell and countY of Elgin. Road 42 ~ po,:t BU,:well ll,:idge floo,:. Road 42 ~ Lake llank E,:osion east of po,:t 1lU-rwell. Road 42 ~ poo': condition f,:om 1 mile east of po,:t JlU~ell easte,:lY. ... eontinued ... 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ROAD INSPECTION APRIL 26, 1978 Page,2 of 2. 22. Road 42 - Erosion - K. C. Emerson's. 23. Townline Road - Elgin - Haldimand - Norfolk from Road 42 to Road 45. 24. Calton Bridge - new bearings. 25. Road 45 - Road 40 to Highway 73 - needs resurfacing and regrading from Luton to Road 40. 26. Road 45 Luton - Flooding, Taylor. 27. Road 36 . from Road 45 to Sparta will require resurfacing 1979. Heavy truck traffic P.V.P. 28. P.V.P. - Township of Yarmouth has requested assistance to improve Haul Road. Licence received on: Whitney and Higgs property _ Higgs property fenced. Clark Equipment testing maehinery at P.V.P. - Tree planting. 29. Road 36 & 24 to Port Stanley. 30. Road 20 to Finga1. 31. Road 16, Finga1 to Burwell's Corners. Construction 1978. 32. Note Road 16 - west of Burwell's Corners - asphalt resurfacing. 33. Road 14 - Highway 3. 34. Highway 3 to Road 19. 15. Road 19 - asphalt resurfacing as soon as possible. 36. Site of Southwold Land Fill Site and access Road to Highway 4. 37. Return to Court House. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The abutment bearings on the Eden Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 44 in Bayham Township have been replaced. We have also replaced the bearing on both abutments and one pier of the Calton Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 45 in Bayham Township. Both jobs were reeVllll.llended by the Mini stry of Transportation and CVll/J.Llunications when it was found that the old bearings had corroded and were not working. 2. Asphalt Resurfacing Costs will be heavy as will Repair to Pavement Costs. Your CUll/J.uittee hopes to advertise a contract for asphalt resurfacing shortly. 3. It is hoped to have an early meeting with Representatives of the County of Middlesex to discuss the building of the Highbury - Hubrey - Radio Road Link between London and St. Thomas. 4. Your Cuu/J.uittee will have their Spring Road Inspection on April 26. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 19, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET at II :30 A.M.:, April 19 in conjunction with County Couneil. All members except Re~ve Cook were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED 1. That trees were being gotten from the Ministry of Natural Resources on April 20 and would be planted immediately. 2. That tree butts gathering would be completed on East Elgin Roads today and that it had taken 3 days. As there were less butts in West Elgin it appeared that there would not be enough material to make any impression on the washouts on Road 42. He also reported that stumps on Road 38 were being removed and trucked, but again, little would be accomplished. CO:MMITTEE DECIDED to truck all butts from West Elgin there as well along with stumps from Road 16. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Repairs to Pavements ~Mould be heavy and that it was difficult to set priorities for asphalt resurfaeing as the need was greater than the funds available. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR TENDERS FOR ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS - A. ROAD 16 FROM WEST LIMITS OF FINGAL TO ROAD lll-. BASE COURSE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, B. (1) ROAD 41 VIENNA - BASE & TOP - (REPAIR TO PAVEMENTS) (2 ) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WORK IN STRAFFORDVILLE & EDEN. C. (1) ROAD 16 FROM ROAD 14 WESTERLY 4.2 MILES (ASPHALT RESURFACING), (2) ROAD 19 & 17 PORTION PREVIOUSLY SURFACED TREATED 1.45 MILES (ASPHALT RESURFACING), ST. T1l0MAS, ONTAR10, APR1L 19, 1978. "PAGE 2. (3) ROAD 1.1. ~ PORT1.0N NOT PRE'J1.0USL'l RESURFACED 0.1',5 111.LES (ASP1:I.ALT ltESURfAC1!'lG), (4) (A) ROAD ZO ~ NORT1:\. Of 1:\.l.G1:\.\'IA'l 401 TO ROAD 18 o .2 1'11.LE (REP Al.RS TO P AVBM-ENT ) , (11) ROAD 20 _ NORT1:\. Ll.111.T Of fl.NGAL NORT1:lERL'l o. Z 1'11.LE (REPAl.RS TO PA~T) D. ROAD I', ~ P ATC1:\.l.NG soUT1:\. OF ROAD 16 (ltEP Al.RS TO P A VBM-EN'!: ) · CARR1ED." j,lEETl.NG ADJOUBl'lED to Apd1 26 at 9 :00 A.1'1. (Road l.nSPection ). CllAl~N ok COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The abutment bearings on the Eden Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 44 in Bayham Township have been replaced. We have also' replaced the bearing on both abutments and one pier of the Calton Bridge over the Big Otter Creek on Road 45 in Bayham Township. Both jobs were recommended by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications when it was found that the old bearings had corroded and were not working. 2. Asphalt Resurfacing Costs will be heavy as will Repair to Pavement Costs. Your Cvuu.uittee hopes .to advertise a contract for asphalt resurfacing shortly. 3. It is hoped to have an early meeting with Representatives of the County of Middlesex to discuss the building of the Highbury - Hubrey - Radio Road Link between London and St. Thomas. 4. Your Committee will have their Spring Road Inspection on April 26. All Of Which Is Respectfu.lly Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTAR10, A"PRIL 5, 1978. "PAGE 1. on Ap,:il 5, 1911', at 10~00 A.1'1. All lllembe,:S p,:esent, also F,:ank Cla,:ke, of THE COUNT'l Of ELGl.N ROAD COMMITTEE 1'1ET at the 11Unicipal llui1.ding the 1'1inist,:y of T,:anspo,:tatiOn and communications. THE 1'11.N\lTES OF T1:\.E llleeting of 1'1a,:ch 1, 1911', we,:e ,:ead and apP':O'I1ed. THE ENGl.NEER REJ?ORTED ON T1:\.E wOR]( TO DATE AS fOLLOWS ~ (1) The Wa,:den, Chainnan and Enginee,: inspected ,:oads east of 1:\.ighway 4 on (2) Winte,: cont,:ol wo,:k, althoUgh not se,:iouS, had been steady. SnoW fence Mareh 28. waS being ,:emo'\1ed, as we,:e sande':s and snowplowS. TwO sande':s would be painted and fib,:eglassed. Snowplows we,:e being cleaned and painted. Expenditu,:es to mid Ap,:il we,:e estimated at $ 231,000 which would leave app':OximatelY $ 20,000 1ll0,:e fo': 1911', fall expenditu,:es than in 1911. (3) T,:ee cutting waS nea,:ly completed, but would be app,:oximatelY $ 20,000 (4) llea,:ing ,:eplacement on the Eden and Calton ll,:idges would sta,:t on Thu,:sday. O'\1e': the budget as a conside,:able numbe,: of t,:ees had been cut. (5) Office ':eno'\1ations we,:e continuing as the,:e waS little othe': work fo': the (6) No g,:a'\1el had been d,:a"'1ii yet because of the condition of the ,:oad. workmen involved. (1) Repai,:s to pa'\1elllent had been minor to date. (B) Sign ,:epai': wo,:k waS continuing. (9) Frank Fishleigh had ,:etu,:ned to wo,:k, but Go,:don lledfo,:d waS still off (10) Mr. Taylo,: on Road 45 at Luton had issued a claim against the county fo': and it waS not knOwn when the laid off employees would be ,:ecalled. the flooding of thei,: basement when snow had blocked a wate': run and wate': detou,:ed through the basement. (11) D,:ainage and fencing wo,:k and b,:idge ,:epai':s would begin as soon as the weather improved. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. "PAGE 2. (12) Asphalt patching at many b,:idge app,:oaches would be ,:equi,:ed. (13) That the 1'1inist,:y of the En'\1i,:onment would meet with the County of Elgin and the Township of Southwold ,:ega,:ding termS and conditions of the St. Thomas Sanita':y Collection Services Lilllited Landfill Site licence in (14) That the 1'1inistr1 of Ag,:icultu,:e and Food had ad'\1ised that the Ru,:al southwo1d Township. l.ncenti'\1eS EmPloyment p,:og,:aroroe would not be continued in 1911',. 1I1'1Q\lED 1l'l ~ D. R. 1'1CLEJIN SECONDED 1l'l: R. T. llRADf1.EllD TMT T1:\.E fOLLOWl.NG PAYLl.STS llE APPROVED fOR PA'lMEtIT · PA'{l.l.ST # n AM.OllNTl.NG TO $ PA'lLl.ST # 1.2 AM.OtlNT1.NG TO PA'{l.l.ST # 1.3 AM.OllNTl.NG TO PA'{l.l.ST # 14 AM.OllNTl.NG TO PA'{l.l.ST # 15 AM.OllNTl.NG TO 38,986.24 45,397.37 35,813.77 241.20 137,298.00. CARRIED." (a)- 1'1inist,:y of T,:anspo,:tation and C()lI1\ll\1nicatiOns ,:ega,:ding su,:plus land nea,::' CORRESJ'ONDENCE wAS READ FR01'1 ~ 1:\.ighway 401 and Highway 16. The committee indicated they we,:e not inte,:ested (h) anta,:io Municipal 1l0a,:d g,:anting Lyle G,:ant an appeal f,:am county Land Di'\1ision in it. committee'S decision not to allow a se'\1e,:ance on his prope,:ty in St,:afford'\1ille. (c) Township of 'larmouth and Town of Aylme,: with mino': '\1a,:iances. (d) 1'1inist,:y of T,:anspo,:tatiOn and C()lI1\ll\1nications ,:ega,:ding surpluS land at Union. Ree'\1e Cook indicated that the Township of 'larmouth would be atteropting (e) Johnston m<ndiiPk 1& DOyle ,:ega,:ding A. Cosyn". Road 42. The matte,: waS left in to pu,:chase both pa,:celS. (f) 1'1inistr1 of Cultu,:e & Rec,:eation ,:ega,:ding surome,: employment p,:og,:arome. l.t abeyanee · appea,:ed that the p':Og,:arome would be of no '\1alue to the Road Departlllent. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. PAGE 3. (g) Ontario Traffic Conference with Notice of Seminar at Aylmer Police College on signing on April 13. The Engineer stated he hoped to attend. (h~ United States Transportation Board with notice of Bridge Engineering, Maintenance and Repair Conference in September at St., Louis. The Engineer stated he was awaiting a progrannne of paper to be prE~sented. (i) R. K. McNeil with eopy of letter from Ministry of Natural Resources stating they still wished Chatham Street closed in Port BurwE~ll and were not willing to give up any park land for a Sewerage Treatment Plant. (j) Malahide Fire Department, thanking the County for assistance during the blizzard of January 26. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE OFFER HARRY AXFORD THE SUM OF $ 10,441 FOR THE FOLLOWING LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD 28 & 56 APPROXIMATELY 0.684 ACRES ON NORTH SIDE OF LOT 10, CONCESSION VII, YARMOUTH, ROAD 56, APPROXIMATELY 1.54 ACRES ON EAST SIDE OF LOT 10, CONCESSION VII, YARMOUTH, ROAD @:8, APPROXIMATELY 1.03 ACRES ON WEST SIDE OF LOT 11, CONCESSION VII, YARMOUTH, ROAD 28. NO FENCE TO BE ERECTED AND PURCHASE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH USUAL PRACTICE OF THE COUNTY. CARRIED." Correspondence was read from the Village of Port: Burwell requesting County of Elgin to go ahead with Chatham Street drain and agreeing to pay their share. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE PROCEED WITH PROPOSED DRAINAGE ON CHATHAM AND TENNYSON STREETS IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL ON THE FOLLOWING BASIS _ COSTS BETWEEN THE OUTLET AND THE WEST LIMIT OF CHATHAM STREET BE SHARED ON 50% - 50% WITH THE VILLAGE, AND THE VILLAGE TO PAY ALL COSTS WEST OF THE WEST LIMIT OF CHATHAM STREET. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER ... the attached quotations for materials were noted. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF IBIS PRODUCTS LTD. FOR YELLOW PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT IN 45 GALLON DRUMS AT $ 3.96 PER GALLON, FEDERAL SALES TAX INCLUDED. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D.l<K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE ACCEPT_THE QUOTATION OF FLEX-O-LITE OF CANADA FOR PAVEMENT MARKING GLASS BEADS AT 17.25 CENTS PER LB., F.O.B. THEIR ST. THOMAS PLANT. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ALLIED CHEMICAL CANADA FOR BAGGED CALCIUM CHLORIDE IN 25 TON LOTS DELIVERED TO COUNTY GARAGE AT $ 99.32 PER TON. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIEDD THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF POLLARD BROS. LTD. FOR LIQUID OR BULK CALCIUM CHLORIDE APPLIED TO ANY ROAD IN ELGIN COUNTY AT $ 89.00 PER TON. SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED. ',! The extension of the Lake wall east of Port Bur~yell to protect the Little Otter Creek Culvert on Road 42 was discussed. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE AGREE TO PAY FOR A MAXIMUM OF 200 FEET OF LAKE WALL PROTECTION TO PROTECT THE MOUTH OF LITTLE OTTER CREEK IF THE NEIGHBOURING OWNERS PARTICIPATE IN PROTECTING THEIR PROPERTY. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that recommendations for Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing would be made on April 19. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. PAGE 6. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE City of St. Thomas requesting that the County of Elgin request the County of Middlesex for early completion of the Highbury, Hubrey, Radio Road Link. It was decided to try to arrange an early meeting with Middlesex and City of St. Thomas's representatives to discuss the complE~tion of the link. PRELIMINARY PROPOSALS OF THE Ministry of Transportation and Communications for St. Thomas Expressway and conneetion of Road 52 were discussed and the Engineer was requested to obtain further information for the progrE~ss of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE ENGINEE;R STATED that the Pavement Marking Truck and old Galion Rubber Tired Roller would be sold if buyers could be found. The Engineer was authorized by ~he CVlluuittee to proceed with the attempted filling of erosion washouts on Road 42 on the Enlerson property with tree butts that had not been cut up along the County Roads. He was also authorized to remove tree stumps on Road 38 and use them as well. Material in south Yarmouth Township would be used to fill in a washout: in Schaap property on Road 24 and a slide on Road 24 opposite Wingate Lodge. No decision was made with regard to tree butts from West Elgin. The Enginee'u was authorized to contact the Ministry of the Environment and attempt to have 2 High School Students that would be going on to Community College or University_licenced under the Pesticides Act so that they would have a licence to spray for mosquitos for control of encephalitis. Trucking Rates as attached were presented by thE~ Engineer. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE SET HIRED TRUCK RATES FOR 1978 AS PER THE ENGINEER'S ATTACHED PROPOSALS. CARRIED." ~ "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5, 1978. PAGE 7. Tl:IAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 10 AT 9 ~30 A.M. (REGULAR MEETING), ROAD INSPECTION APRIL 26, AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED.1t 8~- ~ CHAIRMAN. <..~ , ~ i ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ~d~ ROAD INSPECTION MARCH 28. 1978 1. Road 28 Centennial Ave. and Road 56 Elm Street from Highway 3 to St. Thomas Limits. - Traffic signals Highway 3 to come this Surmner. Road 28 & 56 repaired 1977 - badly frost heaved. 2. Road 28 & 56 - Land for widening from Axford. 3. Road 22 Fairview - City Limits to Road 27 - Suburban Road Commission. Engineering and land purchase 1978. 4. Road 22 - between Road 27 and Road 24 ... some asphalt patching may be necessary. 5. Road 24, 36 to Pleasant Valley Pit Road and Pit. 6. Pleasant Valley Pit Road Cost Sharing with Yarmouth Towtlship. 7. Licencee received from former Whitney & Higgs property for removal of sand and gravel. Fence to erect 1978. 8. Pleasant Valley Pit Stockpile... more may be required unless we can purchase gravel from Newbigging for Road 16. - Gravel required for shouldering Road 52, 31 & 30. - Road gravel for Road 30 north and (Road 18, 17 MCL & 20). (All in Southwold.) 9. Clark Equi.pment testing equipment. 10. Road 36 from Pleasant Valley Pit Road to Road 45 - asph~llt resurfacing may be required to handle gravel pit loads. 11. Note junk from blizzard to be picked up. Rural Employment Incentives Progrannne. 12. Note Players Bridge Floor. 13. Road 45 - from Highway 73 to Road 40 - eventual resurfacing, drainage and rebuilding on east portion of road. Road 45 Taylor flooding. ,. 14. Road 45 - Calton Bridge bearings. 15. Road 41 - Vienna Drain and Asphalt Resurfacing. Drain costs remaining 20% to Vienna. 16. Port Burwell, Road 42 - Port Burwell bridge floor. 17. Road 39 - Chatham Street & Tennyson Street Drain. Shared costs with Port Burwell. 50% County on Chatham Street & outlet. 50% Port Burwell on Chatham Street & outlet. 100% Port Burwell on Ten~yson Street. 18. Lake Bank and culvert protection Road 42 east of Port Burwell. 19. Erosion protection Road 45 east - K. C. Emerson property. 20. Ha1dimand-Norfolk Town1ine Road 26 (Elgin Road 55). - 1977 Cormnittee rejected requests to improve road. 21. Road 38 to Straffordvi1le. ... continued ... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION MARCH 28, 1978 PAGE 2. 22. Road 38 from Straffordville to Highway 3. - Reconstruction and realignment, Spring Creek culvert, Ward and Hills, Telephone Cable relocation & burial, property problems Milmine. - Urban section through Richmond Road 38 & 43. - Tree Cutting, Engineering, Fencing about 1978 limit. Roloson Goude sene, 23. Road 44 - Eden bridge bearings. 24. Road 40 - Dave Peters flooding. 25. Road 32 - Construction alignment, gravel portion, etc. 26. Road 52 to Road 30. 27. Completion of Road 30 work to Concession XIII by St. Thomas Suburban Road CVlluuission 1978. 28. Radio Road - Hubrey - Highbury road link. - Diversion required at Middlesex County Line and improvement required in Middlesex. 29. Completion of east leg of Centennial - Radio Road 52 - link to Ta1botville. Ministry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications has let contract from last year's work to north limit of St. Thomas. 30. Road 52 & 31 - completion of 1977 work - paving, . night. lights at Road 52, traffic signals? - Ferguson well. 31. Completion of Road 52 - Highway 3 link to Ta1botvil1e - realignment Road 52 & 26 - Andrews property. . 32. Road 11 - Asphalt resurfacing. 33. Dodds Creek bridge, Road 25 - deck repairs. SUMMARY OF QUOTATlO~S FOR \?AVBM-ENT MARKING PAINT - 1918 - - .._---- COUNT'l OF ELGIN RollD DEPARTMENT :.;----'''':'''' -~ -:::-----= (Including Fede,:al Sales Tax) ]>rice pe,: Gallon, Federal Sales Tax Included, in 45 GaUon Dr11I1lS. (Last yea':'s p,:ice $ 3.10 less 1% - 1.1l1S \?,:oducts Ltd.) $ 3.96 it 1. 11318 products Ltd., 21 Munham Gate, Scarborough, Ontario. M1P 2B3 $ 5.48 2. Sherwin Williams, 1 IJ~slie Street, Toronto, Ontario. M4M 3Cl $ 5.84 3. Canadian Industries Ltd., P. o. Box 150, concord, ontario. L4K 1 B6 $ 6. 43 4. Glidden Paint & Deco,:ating Cente,:s, 571 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. 5. R. E. Lee Paint company Limited, St. George, ontario. NOE lNO No QUotation Unable to supply 6. Niaga,:a Paint & Chemical company Limited, P. O. BoX 402, Station B, Hamilton, ontario. L8L 7W4 No Bid ~ -- 'Ii COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATION FOR GLASS PAVEMENT MARKING BEADS 1. Flex-O-Lite of Canada Ltd., Box 216, St. Thomas, Ontario. March 1978. Drop On Glass Beads 17.25 cents / lb., F.O.B. their St. Thomas Plant. (1977 price 15.68 cents I lb.) (1976 price ll.9 cents / lb.) It , ( ~-~~--- .II'M t ~W~IIftljo.M'lll.~~-..t"".\I!tjloo~ coUNTY Of ELGl.1< ROAD DEPAR'\1'lEN~ ~r- 1978 .:;...;..-- UOTAT1.0NS fOR cALClm\ Cl\.LORl.DE l\. 'BAGS :;;;..--- Allied Chelllical canada Ltd., "p. o. BoX 65, To~onto, onta~io. ~Z~ llag (100 lbs.) in 25 tOn lotS deli'\1e,:ed to countY Ga,:age, ~ite Station (1911 price waS $ 95.20, 1916 p,:ice waS $ 1',8.1',0 and 1915 p,:ice waS $ 1',2.40) $ 99.32 pe~ tOn 11. ~ in tank T,:uck Loads 1'1i1.1.e': Pa'\1ing Ltd., BoX 250, union'\1ille, onta,:io. L3R 2'13 $ 90.20 per tOn (tlake equi'\1alent) \?o1.1.a,:d llros. Ltd., \\a~row, onta~io. $ B9.00 per tOn (flake equi'\1alent) c. llULR Cp,LCl.m\ C1:\.LORl.DE in t,:uck Load LotS \?o1.1.a,:d ll':os. Ltd., \\a~row, onta~io. (1911 p,:icB waS $ 19.15, 1916~ice ",as $ 13.50 and 1915 price was $ 66.15 pe': ton) $ 89.00 pe~ tOn (flake equi'\1alent) -------,----------- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PROPOSAL FOR TRUCKING RATES FOR 1978 (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1978~ RATES PER HOUR Proposed 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Single Axle 7.60 8.75 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.25 Tandem ll.50 13.00 15.25 16.75 18.00 19.25 TON MILE RAl'ES Proposed 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Stockpile 22et 25et 29ct 32ct 34if.. 36et Under 1 Mile 28et 32et 37ct 4let lj.4ct 48ct 1 - 3 Miles 35et 40et 46et 5lct 55<t 6 Oct 4 Mile Average 43et 50et 58ct 64ct 69et 75ef; 5 Mile Average 5 Oct 58et 67<t 74ef; 8, Oef; 88ct 6 Mile Average 57et 66ef; 76ct 84ef; 90et 1.00 7 Mile Average 64et 74et 85et 93et 1.00 1.10 8 Mile Average 70et 81et 93et 1.02 1.10 1.20 9 Mile Average 76ef; 88ef; 1.01 1.11 1.20 1.30 10 Mile Average 82ct 95et 1.09 1.20 1.30 l.40 10 - 20 Miles 82et 95ef; 1.09 1.20 t.30 l.40 plus plus plus plus pI u: s plus 6et ton 6~ef; ton 7~it ton 8ct ton 8~ct. ton 9ef; ton mile mile mile mile mile mile Over 20 Miles 1.42 1.60 1.84 2.00 2.15 2.30 plus plus plus plus plus plus 5et ton 5~ct ton 6ct ton 6~ct ton 7ct ton 7~if.. ton mile mile mile mile mile mile "! 'I t ......... .... ~ tl~ ~\ , ~, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the resolution from the Borough of Scarborough requesting the Ministry of Transportation and ClIllIHlunications to investigate the loss of Provincial Revenues resulting from the lack of adequate enforcements of its regulations relating to the licencing of vehicle:s entering the Provinee from other locations be filed. 2. That the resolution from the City of Stratford requesting the Ministry of Transportation and CVLLullunications to enact legi slation to require all Municipal and Province owned vehicles to have their headlights illuminated while in motion between November 1 and March 31 be filed. All Of Which Is Respeetfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, aNT ARlO , MARCH 1, 1978. "PAGE 1. on Ma,:ch 1, 1911', at 10 A.1'1. All lllembe,:S we,:e p,:esent. THE cOllm'l Of E:LGl.N ROAD COMM1.TTEE 1'1ET at the Municipal llui1.ditll\ THE MINUTES OF THE 1'1EETl.NGS OF Janua,:Y 31 and Feb~a':Y 15 we,:e ,:ead and approved. 1. Winte,: cont,:ol had been mode,:ate since the btizza,:d of Janua,:Y 26. CostS THE ffi'lGl.NEER REJ'ORTED ON T1:\.E WOw<. TO DATE AS FOLLOWS ~ to date we,:e in the o,:de,: of $ 195,000 ~ $ 200,000 which waS about $ 25,000 beloW those of a yea': ago, and $ 50,000 lesS than the costS to MaY 1/11. f,:om C,:others Ltd. on their $ 5,036 in'\1oice of June 30/11 for ,:eplacement 2. Equipment ,:epai': seetlled to be continuOUS and some c,:edit would be ,:ecei'\1ed 3. T,:ee cutting continues with o'\1e': 100 t,:ees ,:emaining to be cut. ove,: of a truek engine. 200 t,:ees had been cut to date. CostS would likely be o'\1e': the budget. 4. Repai': to Pa'\1ementS we,:e light as yet. 5. planS had been completed to ,:eplace the bea,:ings on one pier and both abutmentS of the Calton ll,:idge on Road 45 and it waS decided to ,:eplace the abutlllent bea,:ingS of the Eden ll,:idge on Road 44 at the same time as the jackS and othe,: mate,:ials would be a'\1ailable. 6. Wate': was still being hauled to the Fe,:gUSon well on Road 52. 1. APP,:oximatelY 400 feet of storm d,:ain would be placed on Road 39 in po,:t 1lU~ell when the weathe,: imp,:o'\1ed and the d,:ain on Road 41 in Vienna would B. AU Ru,:al EmPlo'Jtllent l.ncentives p,:og,:arome funds had been spent and a final be eomp1eted. 9. The ontario 1:\.yd,:o had picked a straight line corrido': f,:om the east lilllit billing made to the p':O'\1ince. of St. ThomaS (just west of Road 30) to the lluchanan T,:ansfopme,: Station fo': the new London ~ St. Thotllas hyd,:O supply line. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 1, 1978. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE A~PROVED FOR PAY}IENT: PAYLIST # 6 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 7 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 8 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 9 AMOUNTING TO $ PAYLIST # 10 AMOUNTING TO $ 47,840.07 10,213.55 1,221.75 34,732.25 68,230.04 CARRIED." Mr. Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan Cumpany in attendance and reviewed the County Insurance using the Engineer's Report as attached as a guide. Mr. Wells answered member's queries. The revaluation of county equipment was discussed in the light of increasing prices and the decreasing value of the Canadian Dollar. It was agreed that Mr. Wells should examine the values. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLICIES WITH FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED; MUNICIPAL LIABILITY, NON OWNED AUTO, AUTOMOTIVE FLEET, NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT FLOATER, RADIO FLOATER, SURVEYING EQUIPMENT FLOATER, BOILER & MACHINERY FLOATER, WEED SPRAY POLICY, MOSQUITO SPRAY POLICY, BOND, VALUABLE PAPERS, OFFICE CONTENTS, MOVING PERMIT INSURANCE, FIRE & COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE ON COUNTY GARAGE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 1, 1978. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - (1) R. K. McNeil stating he would meet with the Minister of Natural Resources re land for the Port Burwell Sewerage Works. (2) R. K. McNeil acknowledging letters requesting that the Rural Employment Incentives Programme be carried on with in 1978. (3) Ontario Municipal Board re hearing dates for appeals from decisions of the County Land Division Committee. (4) Various Municipalities with notice of hearings requesting minor variances. (5) Ministry of Transportation and Communications with re~cvuuuended tendering proeedures. (6) T.E.I.G.A. with notice of emergency contacts for various ministries. (7) Ontario Hydro, Extendicare Port Stanley, Mrs. C. Hilder, Robert & Lillian Paul with thanks for Road Department help during the January 26 blizzard. (8) City of Stratford with resolution to have all Province and Municipal owned vehicles operate with their headlights on between November 1 and March 31. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF STRATFORD REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO REQUIRE ALL PROVINCIAL &~ MUNICIPALLY OWNED VEHICLES TO HAVE THEIR HEADLIGHTS ILLUMINATED WHILE IN MOTION BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND MARCH 31 BE FILED. CARRIED." (9) Silveer Dewulf on Road 2 near West Lorne requesting assistance to move a greenhouse baek from the road allowanee that was destroyed in the blizzard. Committee felt that the County should not be further involved and any new building should meet County regulations. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 1, 1978. PAGE 4. (10) Por & McColl, Solicitor for Playllis Ferguson Filipowski, stating that she was most anxious to have her well problem rectified. (II) Ministry of Transportation and Communications with noti'c:e of land for sale in Lot I, Concession V, Dunwich. The Committee were not interested in the property. (12) Ministry of Transportation and Communications with notice of land for sale in Union in Lot 3, Concession III, Yarmouth. The Engineer reported that he had requested County Road widening on the part adjace:nt to Road 27, but it appeared the entire parcel was too small to build on. (13) Ontario Good Roads Association with notice of Road Schools in Guelph in May. The Engineer reported that Ray Collard would again te~ach at one of the Schools and that 6 employees would be sent to take courses. (14) Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority advising that serious flooding could occur in the watershed. (15) Borough of Scarborough re resolution to Ministry of Transportation and Communications requesting investigation into loss of revenue through failure to enforce its regulations on the licencing of vehicles entering the Province from other locations. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF SCARBOROUGH REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CO:MMUNICATIONS TO INVESTIGATE THE LOSS OF REVENUE DUE TO LACK OF ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS REGARDING THE LICENCING OF VEHICLES FROM OUT OF PROVINCE LOCATIONS BE FILED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 1, 1978. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED TENDERS ATTACHED for Backhoes. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CO TRAC LTD. FOR 2 FORD MODEL 550 TRACTORS COMPLETE WITH 2 LEVER CONTROL KIT & HEJ~VY DUTY MODEL HOE AT $ 19,939.67 WITH COUNTY TRACTORS # 24 & # 25 AS TRADE-IN. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED A REPORT as attached on the Ontario Plowmatch Convention and Elgin's bid for the 1984 International Plo~ling Match. Warden Carroll and Reeve Caverly also reported. It was agreed that Reeve Caverly would meet with the Local Plowmen's Association to ascertain thE!ir feelings toward the Match. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR QUOTATIONS FOR CALCIUM CHLORIDE, PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT AND GLASS BEADS. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to report on Lake Bank protection on Road 42 near Port Burwell at the next meeting. A request for cStildrain ert R.oad 2 requested by thE! Village of West Lorne was tabled for further information. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 5, 1978 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED." Pl tJ/ ,/ i.~~'"' I , CHAIRMAN , ,f p licieS in ,effect on countY BUildings, The following 1.S a 11.st 0 0 ~ h h the d L. b'lit~ UnleSs othe,:wise stated policies a,:e t ,:oug Prope,:tY an 1.a 1. J. ~~ l.NSURA'NCE REVl.EVl 1911', 29 1911', and ha'\1e been unde': a llinde': Prank Cowan CotllPany and a,:e due Janua,:Y , . ff til the C(J!llll\ittee haS ,:e'\1iewed them. policy to keep thelll 1.n e eCt un 1.~. Lilllits pe': claim $ 5,000,000. ds non. lieensed 1 1. bilit~ policy p,:otectS, ,,:oa , The count)" s gene,:a 1.a J ~ 't the Court 1:\.ouse 1l1ock and contains libel and slande,: clause. eqU,l.pmen , . ,L. a bi 1.i ty is inSu,:e d unde': other pol ic ie s. The Elgin 1'1ano,: and any sptaY1.ng 1. . will be $ 6,959.00 while in 1911 it l.n 1918 the cost of the enU,:e poliCY 1 b $ 5 554.49 with the wa s $ 6,941;71.. 'the \'load Dep artlllent sha,:e wil e ' 1 count~ ope~ation. 1& 1 404 51) cha,:ged against gene,:a J ~e st ,'\' ' · . 1911', will be $ 21',4.00 non subsidized against The Road Depa,:tlllent po,:tion 1.n liability charged against ~C)"()' ~iles of ,:oad and the ,:eSt as . th(~ GoU\"\tY .)" 0 ,... ' , ' hi .n w.1.1 be subsidized. 31 pieceS of non licensed equiPlllCnt w c 1. countY in the ca se ".. ~...".' v fee Wo,:~en's cotllPensatiOnllOa,:d. writeS that type of a poliCY. 2. ~ LiabilitY lilllitS, $ poliCY the CO'\1e,:age .~ ."~.- Cost in 1911 waS $ 251.00 bUt will ue * of the coun.t'j. of the ittC,:eased cO'\1e,:ages. .._ eontinued ... ~. "w 1918 lnsurance ReV1.e A~tomoti~ d the inc,:easing cost of ~ _ _ in an effo,:t to ,:e uce 1 1916 Road C(J!lIll\ittee. "1 11 pe'J:ils poliCY. n ~ 500 deduct1.b e a 1 " cy adopted a ~ ,d Automod:l1e fleet po 1. , hensi'\1e is '\1e':y good an ~ llision and coroP,:e i on bot" CO tly au,: me,:it ,:at ng . 1911 (whiCh waS up g,:ea st haS occu,:,:ed o'\1e': a slight ,:eduction CO 3. o'Ve'J: 1976). i nt Yloate1: " }Ion Lice,;\~ed E u ~e. .,:e p,:otected aga1.nst fil WS Tools, etc. a d E iplllent, Snow < 0 , All }Ion License <\u i tion \?olicy with a ft etc. by a subsC': p 1.1" sion upset, the , . fi,:e, wind, co 1. ' h frank Cowan Company. f ,: 1 million th1:0Ug 'Value 0 o'Ve Total p,:elIlitltll fo': 1911', is $ 10,61',6. 4. $ 1 000 Deductible claUse ff ~t to ,:educe the cost last yea': a ' 1;0. an e. (),l. A to effect ne1: occu,:,:ence. \'i13 s pU t ,,:1\ t' h u"proent including Q f lot of the listed '\1a1ue of t e eq:1. 'the ,:ate$ a,:e .0 0 . .. · d . on $ 50,000 wo,:th of toolS, unl1.ste Snow plOW f,<\uip1llent and .12 o~ 1.1- ~ ~o 000 ~o,:th of leased 0': d $ 100 yea,:lY on ~ J , equipme1:\t, stock, etc. an bo,:,:owed e <\u iplllen t. a': (pa,:tiCula,:lY g,:ade,:s) and ha'\1e soa,:ed in the pa$t ye f,quiplllent costS h s been necessa,:Y. To i ted '\1alue of the equiplllent a inc,:ease in the 1 s . . of equiplllent ha'\1e . . A oU': olde': p1.eces '" t'I1T\.t::. -- 1: .tc,ed equi'P1l\ent. $ 104,000 in Snow \?lOwingEquip1llent. ~adi.o 'Floate'J: . S tion and 'to-wer. b"l' s Base ta " c ins~,:ing 1'10 1. e , sepa,:ate floate1: pol1. y , US "ea':s because of f .. $ 640 in p,:e'\1 <0 J " is $ 104 in 1911', up ,:om 11)' No deduetible. 1?re1l\l.U1l\ dd d last yea': as we · 1 (3 unitS a e . s'\1stem va ue inc'rease l.n J ' i....signifieant.) (sa'\1ings ~. 5. S ,:'I1eying Equip1llent, 'lalue ($3, 125 ) is p'n All Ris\< pol iCj to co'\1e': oU': U eont inued. ... . . . 6. $ 65 pe'r year. /----- Insurance Review 1978 Page 3. 7. Boiler and Machinery Policy - (Also known as Engineering Policy) This Policy insures boilers, pressure tanks, such as in the Garage Boiler, pressure tanks on the air compressor and paint sprayer. There was a Liability limit of $ 5,000,000 and a $ 200,000 property damage clause on our property if an explosion occurred. The premium for 1978 is $438 compared to $ 423 last year. 8. Weed Spray Polic~ This Policy was not used in 1977 but a similar policy was used for mosquito spraying liability. This poliey will be required this year for weed spraying. 9. Bond Blanket Bond in amount of$ 50,000 on all County Employee:s for protection of County against theft, vandalism, etc. Our share of the cost in 1978 will be $ 166.80 against $ 138.77 in 1977. 10. Valuable P~pers Total of $ 100,000 on valuable papers throughout the County. Road Department pays on $ 45,000 of this. Premium about $ 80 annually. PoliCY provides for costs of replacing records, resurveying costs, etc. if records are damaged or destroyed. 11. Office Contents On Erigineer's Office, 79 Stanley Street, Floater as part of Court House insurance. Contents insured for $ 20,000 (Premium $ 22 :t) 12. Moving Permit Issuance Insurance A continuing policy which protects County against all suits because of issuance of moving permits, ete. Cost $ 6.00 per permit issued (paid for by applicant). ... continued <' Page 4. - > Insu:tance Review 1978 13. Insu:t!pee on County Ga:ta~ p,:otectiOn against fire, wind, maliciouS acts, etc. with extended cO'l1erage f,:om damage from falling ,:adio tower. Last yea,: a $ 1,000 Deductible Clause was added to ,:educe costs. Rates are as followS _ County Garage, Main Garage 20~ per $ 100 cove,:age other County BUildings at White Station B5~ per $ 100 coverage and Rodney Garage 68~ per $ 100 coverage. Coverage is as follows: Main Garage White Station $ 386,000 (up f,:om $ 325,000 in 1916 and $ 357,500 in 1977). Other Buildings remain at 1977 values. Hanger Building $ 100,000 Small Storage Building 25,000 Salt Storage Building 10,000 Rodney Garage 10,000, TOTAL of ALL Buildings $ 531,000 14. Ylo:tkme.n' s Compensation, As the Frank Cowan company is no longer writirtg Workmen's compertsation policies, insurance must be obtairted from the Wo,:kmen's compensation Boa,:d. Our asseSS\1lent from the Wo,:kmert's C""'l'ensatiOn Board in 1971 waS $ 1.55 pe,: hundred ort aU eti1ployeeS on an estimated payroll of $ 775,000 (policy cost $ 12,012.50). As our actual payroU was app,:oximately $ 900,000 back p,:emiums will be due. We ha'\1e no indication of our 1918 rate. _.,'~;;. TO TRADE 2 1MC1:\l.NES. l.NCL\lDES PRO\f1.NCl.AL SALES Tt:J... PRl.CE l.S tOR Dl.l"~CE ~ "D~'OS &. BJ!.,.CRllOES "r1\.'D,'t,S'tRl.tJ.. tRACTORS. 1.0" .." -rENDERS FOR .\.).'t IU 1. con ~ac ~td., wtton, ontario. llase price $ 11',,891.49 507 .18 'Fo-rd M:odel 550 Add 2 ~e'\1e': cont,:ol Rit Add 1:\.eaV'f DUtY 1'10del 1:\.oe 535.00 -------- $ 19,939.67 2. LOndon l"o,:d Equipment saleS Ltd., \? o. llo~ 101'" 1:\yde pa,:k, ()nta,:io. ~O1'1 1'l.O l"o.,:d l.ndustdal 535 t,:acto,: $ 20,158.00 Efl.i$ 'lfa~ EqUipment Ltd., It. R. #: 1, St.th~a$, Onta,:io. 550 tndust'tia1 $ 21,365.16 4. case j?owe': ~ EqUipment Ltd., 1?- o. ~o){ 758, R. 'R. # 3, Lambeth, onta.rio. $ 23 ,326 .00 580 C 5. L'j1.e 1\UChne,: l"ar<\l Equipment Ltd., 589 Broadway, , till sonbU.,:g, ant a': 1. 0 · }\asseY l"e,:guSOn 1'10d.el SO C $ 23,540.00 L':{(I.ited h ",~~cto': & Equipment 1: .' 6. Rena.s1.j,.~' 1? 0.1)0')(.'610, L~beth, anta,:io. ,",OL lSO "'..d 1 JD31. ()..b llaCkhoe Loadel: Jobn Dee-re 1:',1.0 e $ 24,348.92 1 S les &. Serviee, 1. l.nte,:nationa a. 425 'tbi-rd St., LondO'{\., onta.-rio. l.nte,:natiOnal 260 A $ 21,981.25 \. \ 8. Plested Equipment ~illlited, 430 'Fi-rst St-reet, London, onta'tio. MaSsey fe,:gUSOn 50 C $ 30,388.00 y. )'" ~~ NOTES RE: INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH & FARM MACHINERY SHOW February 1978. Page 1. LOCATION: 1977 - Frontenac 1978 - Huron 1979 - Kent 1980 - Oxford 1981 - Simcoe 1982 - Middlesex 1983 - Ottawa Carleton AREA NEEDED: 1,000 Acres - over 100 acres for tented city. 6 Streets 1,650 feet long. NEED: Access Roads to Highway 401. 3 Pha se Hydro 100 Pair Telephone Service Water Soil type suitable for parking lot in inclement weather. Suitable accomodations and banquet facilitiE~s will be a must. - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ _ Decesion for 1984 Match would be made at 1979 O.P.A. Convention by O.P.A. 47 Area Directors. Organization Needeq _ Local Plowmen must organize a General Committee to include a Chairman (",Chief Push") who will have to devote an increasingly large amount of his time, and before the match likely nearly full time for a couple of months. _ Exeeutive Committee - the Chief Workers. Representatives are responsible for major portions of the project. Must include experienced business personnel and a good treasurer who will need a good bookkeeper (expense of Frontenac Local Committee $ 195,000). A top secretary is also required. The enthusiastic support of the Agricultural RepresentativeJs Office, County Council and all present county agricultural groups would be a must. _ Frontenac had 23 Committee Chairmen, so likely had 125 persons on C0~~.....ittee and who knows how many volunteer workers! Parking alone required 40 - 50 men plus 33 tractors and wagons. ... continued ... ~~ NOTES RE: INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH & FARM MACHINERY SHOW February 1978. Page 2. - Huron had at least 30 persons at the Convention - in red jackets yet . (they purchased the jackets themselves). - Plowing match will take an exceptional amount of work by a large number of people - so good leadership is a must. - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - COSTS: O.P.A. Assets January 1, 1976 - $ 144,200 January 1, 1977 - 46,900 Loss in 1977 - - - $ 97,300 One more year and O.P.A. will be gone! O.P.A. Expenditures 1977 = $ 347,000 - Frontenac attendance 39,846. Gate Income $ 113,633. 1977 exhibition space $ 178,000 + $ 10,000 not paid for yet. O.P.A. had to pay for hydro in 1977, $ 50,932 used in 1977 plus a $ 35,022 bill from 1976. - A total financial picture for a County CVlLlluittee is a Ilttle difficult as O.P.A. seems to keep changing the rules as the services the O.P.A. used to obtain free are now being charged for. WE UNDERSTAND (1) That Huron County has loaned the loeal CVlLlluittee $ 47,000 to date. (2) The County of Wellington put up the money for the presentation at this year's Conventi.on and that County Council organized the presentation. - It appears that Frontenac County contributed $ 5,000 to the local cVUIlLlittee as' an outright grant in 1977. Prior expenses unknown. - Leeds & Grenville Counties contributed $ l, 250 to Antique Cvuuuittee expenditures. - City of Kingston contributed $ 12,000 for the banquet. (Banquets for 1,600 - 1,800 people get expensive.) - Local Townships contributed $ 4,700 for the Farm & Homestead Improvement Contest. - Counties of Lennox & Addington donated $ 1,000 to Special Events Progrannne. · Total Municipa1 money $ 24.000 (grants). ... continued ... NOTES RE: INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH & FARM MACHINERY SH01;.J February 1978. Page 3. - In Frontenac Land Rentals cost $ 14,806. Total acreage used = 767 acres. · Water needed for 1978 = 150,000 gallons. NEEDED: 1. An early decision. 2. If we decide to "MONEY" . .. Some this year for notices to Directors, information to cvulluittee, travel, publicity, freebees. - MUch information to collect $ 1,000 ?? 3. A Committee to go to work. A Chairman and Cvuu.uittee prepared to make a pitch for the l1atch at next year's Convention and to be organized with Reception Rooms, Gimmicks, Freebees, Adverti.sing, Picture Shows, the whole bit. People - Warden, Mayor, Councils, M.L.A., M.P., Women's Institute, Jr. Farmers, etc., Industry, etc., etc., and a~ain tt~NEY" for Convention expenses, MONEY for buses, MONEY for deLegates dinners, etc., etc., unless we have a leader whom people will follow for free! 4. Consistent (at least 3 times and maybe 4 times at a minimum) mailings to Provincial Directors. Most don't have a clue who we are or what we have to offer and we won't have the time or the opportunity to tell them at next year's Convention. We've got to DO IT NOW! FOREVER. OR FORGET IT Whereas I think that County Couneil should help along with all its'~ Departments, should Council be the "CHIEF PUSHJ' ? R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 15, 1978. PAGE I. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET in conjunction with County Council on February 15, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. All members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had purchased a 1977 Michigan 125B Front End Loader with 825 hours on the machine for $ 76,500 and that a new similar maehine was worth over $ 100,000 at the present time. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE PURCHASE A USED 1977 MICHIGAN MODEL 125B 4 CUBIC YARD FRONT END LOADER FROM CAPITAL EQUIPMENT LIMITED FOR $ 76,500 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Siple sr. had agreed to meet all the eonditions of the offer of Ken Axford for the property on Road 45 and that he had signed the acceptanee on behalf of the County. He said that the County Solicitor, Mr. M. J. Hennessey, recommended that the transaction be endorsed by County Council. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: L. R.i:GARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE'S AGREEMENT TO SELL PART # 3 PLAN DI018 BEING PART OF LOT 7 RANGE II WEST OF RIVER ROAD, SOUTHWOLD, TO DURWARD H. SIPLE & JEAN D. SIPLE FOR THE SUM OF $ 10,441 BE ENDORSED. THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (A) THAT THE PURCHASERS OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TITLE COVENANT NOT TO CONVEY ANYTHING LESS THAN THE WHOLE OF THE AFORESAID PART 3; ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 15, 1978. PAGE 2. (B) THAT THE LANDS TO BE CONVEYED WILL NOT BE USED BY THE PURCHASERS IN TITLE FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES, NOR SHALL THEY APPLY TO ANY MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY FOR THE RIGHT TO ERECT ANY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING THEREON PRIOR TO JULY 1ST, 1984; (C) THAT ANY ENTRANCE TO THE PROPERTY FROM ELGIN COUNTY ROAD 45 WILL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS, COMMITTEE AS TO LOCATION; (D) THAT AN ENTRANCE TO THE AFORESAID PART 3 FROM THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN THE 2ND AND 3RD RANGES OF THE RIVER ROAD UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD MAY BE USED OR CONSTRUCTED WITH THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD AS TO LOCATION; (E) THAT THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREE ACCESS TO AND REMOVAL OF PRESENT EXISTING STOCK PILE OF TOP SOIL UPON THE AFORESAID PART 3, UNTIL JANUARY 1ST, 1988; AND IS TO CLOSE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 30, 1978. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY. LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO DURWARD H. SIPLE AND JEAN D. SIPLE FOR PART #3 PLAN Dl018 BEING PART OF LOT 7, RANGE II WEST OF RIVER ROAD, SOUTHWOLD, FOR THE SUM OF $ 10,441 WITH THE DEED TO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (A) THAT THE PURCHASERS OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TITLE COVENANT NOT TO CONVEY ANYTHING LESS THAN THE WHOLE OF THE AFORESAID PART 3; (B) THAT THE LANDS TO BE CONVEYED WILL NOT BE USED BY THE PURCHASERS IN TITLE FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES, NOR SHALL THEY APPLY TO ANY MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY FOR THE RIGHT TO ERECT ANY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING THEREON PRIOR TO JULY 1ST, 1984; ST. 't1:\.01MS, ONTAR1.0, fEBRUAR'l 15, 1911',. "PAGE 3. ( C) T1:\A.'t !!$i ENTRANCE TO T1:\.E PROPERT'l fR01'1 ELGl.N COtlNT'l ROAD 45 Wl.LL NoT llE CONSTRUCTED Vl1.'t1:\.()\lT T1:\.E VlRl.T'tEN pJ'PROVAL Of T1:\.E COUNT'l Of ELGl.N ROADS CO~T'tEE AS TO LOCAT1.0N; (D) T1:\A.T AN ENTRANCE TO T1:\.E AfORESAl.D pART 3 fR01'1 T1:\.E ROAD ALLOWANCE llf.'t\'ffiEN T1:1f. 2ND AND 3RD RANGES Of 't1:\.E R1.'lER ROAD UNDER T1:\.E JIlRl.SDl.CT1.0N Of T1:\.E TOVlflS1:\.l.P Of SOUT1:I.I'l0LD 1M'l llE USED OR CONSTRUCTED Wl. T1:\. T1:\.E VlR l.'tTEN pJ'PRO'J AL Of T1:\.E TOVlfl S 1:\.l.P Of soUT1:I.I'l0 LD AS TO LOCATl. ON; (E) T1:\A.T T1:1f. COR1'ORA't1.0N Of T1:\.E co1JNT'l Of ELGl.N sl\.ALL 1:\A.'JE T1:1f. Rl.G1:I.T TO fREE ACCESS TO AND REM-OVAL Of PRESENT F;Zl.STUlG STOC\.Z pl.LE Of TOP SOl.L UPON T1:1f. A1'ORESAl.D pART 3, UNTl.L J i>JItlAR'l 1 ST, 191',1',. T1:\.E MEf.TUlG ADJOulU1ED to }\a,:ch 1, 1911',. y- .>' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have purchased a Michigan Model 125B Used 4 Cubic Yard Front End Loader from Capital Equipment Limited for $ 76,500 plus Provincial Sales Tax. The machine has had approximately 800 hours of time and carries 1 Year New Machine Warranty. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Road Cvuuuittee Agreement to sell Part #3 Plan Dl018 being Part of Lot 7, Range II, West of River Road, Southwold, to Durward H. Siple and Jean D. Siple for the sum of $ 10,441 be endorsed. Your Road Committee has received an offer of property required for future road widening in exchange for Part 3 (area 2.46 acres being a cut off corner in the construction of Road 45). The Road Committee has had the property offered in exchanges appraised by a qualified Appraiser at $ 10,441. In addition the following conditions were offered: (a) that the purchasers or their succeSSors in titl~ covenant not to convey anything less thah the whole of the aforesaid Part 3; (b) that the lands to be conveyed will not be used by the purchasers in title for residential purposes, nor shall they apply to any municipal authority for the right to erect any residential building thereon prior to July 1st, 1984; (c) that any entrance to the property from Elgin County Road 45 will not be constructed without the written approval of the County of Elgin Roads Committee as to location; (d) that an entrance to the aforesaid Part 3 from the road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Range s of the River Road und,er the jurisdiction of the Township of Southwold may be used or constructed with the written approval of the Township of Southwold as to location; ~ II . !I . ~ ~ :..~,~;t.u.:~":":'ii-i,':..i;;'~1.;~i,';lt,(i.;'-';:"i;,,,..):t"'r,.\V';'';~~~~':iri"-.i!,;.t-, :~." ,'" 'i" ),;"i~~'.r;;.j'" ,.' 'J,t:.,..:,;i,& I ;d', -""I J....>i i-" :..:.t. ~. ;;';:.'" <> -';l'<),~_,;., "".". ~.t~,' q 'J<-, .">'"-'~~ fli";':":"'" \ ,J.v/' "';~'iil'~;'ii',:.1-,~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 PAGE 2. (e) that the Corporation of the County of Elgin shall have the right to free access to and removal of present existing stock pile of top soil upon the aforesaid Part 3, until January 1st, 1988. Under the Expropriations Procedures Act, the person(s) from whom the property was expropriated have the first right to purchase any property back that is not required by the Expropriating Authority at the best offer received by Expropriating Authority. Mr. & Mrs. Siple have exercised this option. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed to Durward Hume Siple and Jean Daisy Siple for Part #3, Registered Plan DIOl8 being Part of Lot,7, Range II, West of River Road, Southwold. The closing date to be March 30, 1978 or sooner. The consideration to be $ 10,441 and the deed is to contain the following conditions: (a) that the purchasers or their successors in title covenant not to convey anything less than the whole of the aforesaid Part 3; (b) that the lands to be conveyed will not be used by the purchasers in title for residential purposes, nor shall they apply to any municipal authority for the right to erect any residential building thereon prior to July 1st, 1984; (c) that any entrance to the property from Elgin County Road 45 will not be constructed without the written approval of the County of Elgin Roads CVlluuittee as to location; (d) that an entrance to the aforesaid Part 3 from the road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Ranges of the River Road under the jurisdiction of the Township of Southwold may be used or constructed with the written approval of the Township of Southwold as to location; ~A co\MfY' 0]' ELGl.N ROi\D COMMlT'tEE :::;;... - ....: . ~ - .;:::;; ;;=- TR1RD REPORT ~ ----- FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 PAGE 3. (e) 'that the Co,:po,:ation of the county of Elgin shall ha'\1e the ,:ight to f,:ee access to and ':emo'\1al of p,:esent existing stock pile of tOp soil upon the afo,:esaid pa,:t 3, until january 1st, 1981',. All Of Which l.s RespectfUllY submitted. --- cHAIRMAN ~.. ------ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SgCOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: WE RECOMMEND: (1) That a Budget for the Mosquito Abatement Programme for the control of encephalitis be set at $ 1,000 for 1978. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN comrt'i Of ELGl.N RO~D COl'\J'\l.TtEE ~ fEllRll Nl'l SESS1.0N 1918 . ."':tillERS Of ELGl.N COUNT'l COUNCl.L~ TO Tl\.E WARDEN AND .", 'lOUR ROAD C01'\t"l.l.TTEE RE\?ORTS AS fOLLOWS: 1. the . of the sto,:tll of Janua':Y d h. h wind condit1.ons se'\1~,:e bl i'lo'loa,:d an 1.g C ty Roads d sho'\1e back snow on oun ~ ht~h cost to open an b. \'Sork \.l slug Suo\01 ~....k \.v :.'n1nOletc t,C . _wr. f o\.lnd , ....' C stOrtll 'I/ilC HU' yC<.\J.. " ~aS not equal to the 1\ that oU': 2 112 cu. yd. task and the Enginee,: haS been . . the 4 to 5 cu. yd. ,:ange. used machl.ne in di in the S~e~ used fo': const,:uctiOn loa ng i the countY Pleasant ~alleY pit. ct:ushi'(l.gn i,th tret; - - · "^ 1 ittered 'IN . ~pp fot:' ~l.~""~' -.,A, 'M.eNei1, tor'J,t:' · o'\1ertut:'es d last su~l! , ,titute ' ratl\ l.ns thl.S ....t ive s V-rog , 1 d hOPe. that lnce~.. ~e wou ,d t~~S seasou. be eont l.nueJ.~'" . f the toad allowances. assist in the clea,:1.ng 0 i the 55 1:\.P ,: ange lied fo': 2 llackhoe Loade':s n That tende':s ha'\1e been ca d t,:ade~ins. with 2 countY llac1<hoe Loa e':s as .. ~d . f T,:anspo,:tatiOn an . f,:rnn the 1'1in1.st,:Y 0 i'\1ed not1.Ce d That we ha"e ,:ece · '\1el fo': const,:uctiOn an S bsidi'loable spend1.ng Le . ,.t that the u. b C(J!lIll\un1-CatLOns d St th()ttlas subu': an on countY an · d. U,:ban Rebates }\aintenance inclu 1-ng . SubsidY Alloeation be 2 128 000 and that the RoadS in 1911', wi1.1. be $' , · . n 1911 (including eS with a spending A1.1.0cat1.on 1- $ 2,0:}0'000. thiS co~a': d S,"bsid'\1 t-Jlocation 2 652 000 an a v J ~ Winte': cont,:ol) of $ , , SU'PPle1X\entat'l 2. 3. .i. \, of. $ 1,982,500. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1978 PAGE 2. 1. That By-Laws be passed confirtlling Township of llayham lly-Laws # 1931 and WE RECOMMEND 1932 to close po,:tions of road allowance thro~gh Lot 21, Concession VIII, llayham, and a portion of the road allowance through Lot 114 No,:th Talbot Road, Bayham. 2. That the lludget of the St. 'thomas Suburban Road C01lIl11issi<l)U in the amount of $ 174,600 be approved. completion of construction on Road 30 (Radio Road) between the St. Thomas City Limits and Concession XIII, Yartllouth is estimated at $ 65,000 and Land Purchase on Road 30 and Road 22 Falrview Ave., 'Is estImated at $ 15,000. Malntenance and Overhead Costs of the System are estimated at $ 88,000 and include repairs to the deck of Dodds C,:eek Bridge on Road 25 (Wellington Road). 3. That the County Levy for County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads be $ 100,000 in 1978. 4. That the rebate to Urban Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in past years. 5. That a Resolution be passed adopting the following proposed Statement of Work and Expenditu,:es for 1918 and the Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of 'transportation and communications for approval. ,~~\ COUNTY CONSTRUCTION NOTE: Labour Payroll Burden is included in estimates. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable 4. Reduction in Stock Balance 5. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corners, Southwold Township 6. Construction Road .31 - Yarmouth Township 7. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road, Ma1ahide Township 8. Construction Road 38 - Highway 3 to Highway 19, Malahide & Bayham Townships 9. Construction Road 52 - East of Wellington Road, Yarmouth Township 10. Construction Road 52 · West of W~llington Road, Southwold Township $ 3,000 40,000 20,000 CR. 10,000 CR. 518,000 120,000 2,000 20,000 135,000 TOTAL 22,000 $ 830,000 ~ COUNTY MAINTENANCE NOTE: Labour Payroll Burden is ineluded in the estimate. OPERATION ! ... 1 & 2 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance B · Roadside Maintenance -1 Grass Cutting -IA Weed Spraying -2 Tree Cutting ...4 Drainage -5 Roadside Maintenance -6 Tree Planting -7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) C .. Repairs to Hard Top Roads ...1 Repairs to Pavement ...2 Sweeping -3 Shoulder Maintenance -4 Surface Treatment D - Gravel Road Maintenance -2 Grading Gravel Roads -3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) .4 Dust Control (Prime) .5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control TOTAL -1 Snow Plowing -2 Sanding & Salting -3 Snow Fence .4 Standby and Night Crew (In 1977 Total of Winter Control was $ 329,000 on County Roads and on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads was $ 359,000.) ... continued ... PAGE 1. ESTIMATE 1978 $ 34,000 25,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 140,000 14,000 13,000 70,000 16,000 41,000 5,000 55,000 324,000 112,000 170,000 '20,000 22,000 ~. COUNTY MAINTENANCE PAGE 2. OPERATION ESTIMATE 1978 F - Safety Device s -1 Pavement Marking $ 24,000 28, 000 12,000 26,000 $ 950,000 .. 2 Signs ..3 Guide Rail -4 Railroad Protection TOTAL COUNTY OVERHEAD NOTE: Payroll Burden is included in estimates. TOTAL ESTIMATE 1978 $ 60,000 66,000 6,500 16,500 2,500 7,000 4,000 3,500 38,000 Nil 2,000 14,000 5,000 10,000 $ 235,000 OPERATION Superintendence Garages (Stockkeepers, etc.) Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Ne.eds Study Update Traffic Count Training Courses Clerical Permit s Miscellaneous tnsurartce Office Machinery Overhead White Station Rehabilitation ._.~ 1911', W-C\\l.NER'l llUoGE'I' $ 9,139.94 1. d f ()1t\ St. 'tbomas 2 Dodge pickUP T,:ucks pu,:chase ,: Pl1"'Outh Chrysle': (ffl1 & #11',) l' fo,:d Sal~S Ltd. 2. 4 pickUP T1:ucks pu,:chased frotll eat:1\ (ffl9. tp,0. #Bl & tp,2) 23,689.BO 19,795.00 3. used Galion ~bbe': Ti,:ed Rolle': 4. ~rade llaCkhoeS (T1:acto,:s #24 &#25) 30,000.00 4 0': 5 cubiC 'lard Loader 400.00 ~ 000.00 $~ 5. !?\JMMARY. Oli' EXPENDITURE~ $ 830,000 County Road Construction 85,000 St. Thomas Suburban Road Cv"."ission Roads Construction County Asphalt Resurfacing (roads to be designated after Spring break up) 325,000 170,000 NeW and Used Machinery 950,000 County Maintenance 235,000 County Overhead St. Thomas suburban Road Commission Maintenance & overhead 88,000 50,000 Or a inage As se s sment s (see re CV"",,enda t ion 6) 45,000 Urban Rebates $ 2,778,000 TOTAL suMMA]:l OF RECEIPTS Mini.strY of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation $ 2,030,000 Ministry of Transportation and communications Drainage Assessment Allocation 25,000 contribution of City of St. ThomaS to St. Thomas Suburban Road commission (effective) approximately 23,000 700,000 county Levy $ 2,778,000 TOTAL 6. That a Resolution be passed requesting the Ministry of Transportation and communications to approve the sum of $ 25,000 in subsidy money for Drainage Assessments on County and St. Thomas suburban commission Roads in 1978. (Subsidy Rate for Drainage Assessments is 5ifk.) All Of Which Is RespectfullY Submitted. CHAIRMAN ___..._____~_~-,------'---~---------- __-.......~fiI~ ------ ,,, , ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1978. PAGE 1. on January 31, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. All members were present. coUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD coMMITTEE MET AT the county Council Chambers THE MINUTES OF TllE MEETING OF January 25, 1978 were read and approVed. TME ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK. TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That it would take all week to complete snow plowing and winging from the 2. Both County Loaders were being used to shove back the snow althoUgh the JCB blizzard of January 26.. 3. Some private equipment had been hired for short periods of time. was extremely limited because of itS small size. 4. It waS estimated that betWeen 100 - 150 signS had been destroyed or damaged 5. It waS estimated that 40 _ 50 spruce trees had been blown on the right of way in the storm. during the storm and that cleanuP would be very sloW as the snow driftS around 6. The Ferguson well on Road 52 had gone dry. Reeve Wilson waS requested to the treeS were very deep. 7. It waS expected that the Minister of the Environment would make an announcement examine the well, along with the Engineer. 8. Support for the Plo_en in their requesttto host the 1984 International Plowing on the southwold Landfill Site before Spring. 9. That Millard McKenzie would retire at the end of the week (February 4/78). Match waS discussed. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PAYLIST # 4 AMOUNtING TO $ PAYLIST # 5 AMOUNtING TO $ 39,596.16 53,074.50. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1978. PAGE 2. , 'MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: R. T. :BRADFIELD THAT WE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION OF $ 200.00 TO MILLARD MCKENZIE UPON HIS RETIREMENT. CARRIED. " THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACllED St. ThomaS Suburban. Road commission Budget and answered member's queries. THE coUNTY ROAD BUDGET that was presented on January 25 waS discussed at some length. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. the amount budgeted for construction on Road 16 and adding (a) $ 20,000 to Winter AFTER DINNER ..... It waS decided to amend the Proposed BUdget of JRnuary 25 by reducing control Costs, (b) $ 10,000 to Weeding, Spraying, and (c) $ 33,000 to NeW Machinery to purchase a 4 - 5 cu. yd. Loader. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE RECoMMEND TO couNTY cOUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. TllOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN AMOUNt OF $ 174,600 BE APPRQVED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. T. :BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO' coUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REBATE TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% OF THEIR ROAD LEvY AS IN FORMER '{EARS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED ADOPTING THE ATTACHED PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK (AS AMENDED) AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1978 AND THE STATEMENT BE JPORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: D. K. MCLEAN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD LEVY FOR 1978 BE $ 700,000. CARRIED. " "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO APPROVE THE SUM OF $ 25,000 IN SUBSIDY MONEY FOR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS IN 1978. CARRIED." IT WAS DECIDED TO REQUEST County Council for a nominal Levy for Mosquito Control. "MOVED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BUDGET FOR THE MOSQUITO " ABATEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CONTROL OF ENCEPHALITIS BE SET AT $ 1,000. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1978. PAGE 4. PURCHASE OF NEW EQUIPMENT was discussed. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR 2 NEW BACKHOE , LOADERS WITH COUNTY TRACTORS # 24 & #25 AS TRADE-INS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE A USED FRONT END LOADER IN THE 4 - 5 CU. YD. CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE PRICE RANGE OF $ 80,000 TO $ 90,000. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE County Solicitor" Mr. M. J. Hennessey, had received an offer from Durward and Jean Siple for the property on Road 45 in Lot 7, Range II, West of River Road, Southwold in the amount of the appraisal of the property ($ 10,441) that was offered by Axford in trade, but that he had not offered a certified deposit cheque nor did the offer contain the terms or conditions agreed to by Mr. Axford. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE SUBMIT TO DURWARD AND JEAN SIPLE Ar'COUNTER OFFER FOR PART #3 PLAN D1018, LOT 7, RANGE II, W. OF RIVER ROAD, SOUTHWOLD, THAT THE COUNTY SELL THE PROPERTY FOR $ 10,441 WITH THE TERMS SET FORTH AS ATTACHED AND THAT :i\.T-TDEPOSIT OF $ 1,000 BE MADE IN FAVOUR OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFIED CHEQUE. THE COUNTER OFFER TO BE OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR 5 DAYS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1978. PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 1, 1978 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED." tf~~.~ CHAIRMAN fP~, I ':7 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT January 1978. Page 1. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a Statement of Expendit.ures for 1977 and a proposed Budget for 1978. In 1977 the Connnission had control of 14.45 miles of road including Road 25, Wellington Road 4.45 miles, Road 26, St. George Stl:'eet 0.9 miles, Road 33, l<ains Hill 0.7 miles, Road 30 tlu:'oughout (Radio ROC1~d) 4.6 miles and Road 22, Fairview Ave. 3.8 miles. Construction on Radio Road from the St. Thomas Cit.y Limits to the road between. Concession XII & XlII was substantially completed. Only the top cost of paving and cleanUp work remains. The Commiss~on did not revert the road to theOount.y as in past years for a portion of the work, but assumed all charges themselves. Because of this and higher than normal winter control and repairs to pavement costs, a considerable deficit ($ 8,427), with regard. to the City of St. Thomas share of Suburban Road Cc...uuuission expens€~s, is shown. It is expected that winter control costs and repairs to pavement costs will again be hi.gh in 1978. Although Road 30 has beel'l rebuilt, both Road 22 and 26 are showing rapid deterioration. As no recoristructlon has been done 6n either road in nearly 25 years this deterioration is not surprising. As it may be several years before Road 22 can be rebUilt a considerable amount of maintenance may again be required. Dodds Creek Bridge is showing signs of salt damage to the deck and while it is hoped that the damage is not severe and the cost of repairs will be less than budgeted, there is nO way of knowing the extent of problems until a complete examination is ma.de in the Spring. The railing is severely rusted and requires repainting this Sumner. '. The sum of $ 65,000 is estimated to complete work on Road 30 and a nominal amount is shown to sta.rt work on Road 22. Land Purchase funds will probably be spent approximately equally on both roads. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMI$SION REPORT January 1978. Page 2. A small Drainage Assessment is applicable to the C~JlllllLission this year. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has reviewed the figures that they have been using for assessments in all Counties and Cities in the Province. They have found that the most of the figurE~s that they were using did not reflect current assessments and as a result have tried to bring them in line with the actual assessments. As a result the City of St. Thomas assessment has been increased to $ 61,600,000 in 197.8 from $ 44,700,000 i.n 1977. The result is that 1/2 mill will produce $ 30,.800 against $ 22,350 in 1977. This increased assessment should result in a balanced budget this year with regard to the City of St. Thomas's contribution to the Cvulluission. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. R. G. MOORE, SECRETARY AND ENGINEER OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. 4.~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1977 CONSTRUCTION (a) Road 30 (b) Land Purchase (less rentals) (c) Less Stock Balance from Previous Years TOTAL MAINTENANCE A - 1 & 2 Bridges & Culverts B-1 Grass Cutting B-2 Tree Cutting B ... 4 Drainage B - 5 Road Maintenance C - 1 Repairs To Pavement C - 2 Swe~ping C - 3 Shoulder Maintenance C - 4 Surface Treatment D - 2 Grading Gravel Roads D - .3 Dust Layer D - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - 1 Snow Plowing E ... 2 Salting & Sanding E - 3 Snow Fence E - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - 1 Pavement Marking F - 2 Signs F - 3 Guide Rail F - 4 Railroad Protection F - 5 Metric Signs Overhead TOTAL No,te- Payroll Burden pro rated to labour charges for Construction and Maintenance items and Overhead and Superintendence charges were transferred from County Road Overhead and Superintendence. Total Winter Control $ 29,965.43. In 1976 it was $ 22,149.00. ~.......~ lj. -A . r'''m-",,' 1iI~ IN>iIr, $ 143,238.84 ..---..-------....... 1,4.89.79 ---------...----- 7 938.8Q CR. -----_!._------- $ 136,789.83 $ 361.53 655.17 -----~.!~~~.=~~-- _____!.!~~~.=E~__ 61.52 ----..--......---...... 1 7 , 068 . 1 0 --------..------- 185.72 738.67 1,374.97 --..------------ 272.74 556.63 ...-----.................... -_.._-~!.~~~:~~-- 9, 103.42 -...-.........------.... -_......~~~~~~:.~~...- 662.87 1,730.07 2,043.37 2,192.28 290. 70 2,103.56 --..------------ 75.50 ____l.l.t.~~-?~~~_... $ 73,833.33 , ST. T~S SUBUR}~~..ROA.R. COMMISSI~ ;l!ATEME!'!.T O~ ~ $_-_...~z.~~~:'~~"'- DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS , ..;;:,;;.;.--- =--:;:;;.;.--- ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY $Y MINISTRY OF TRANSPOR~TI~ AN~ COMMUNICATIONS -- - -- -..-----.........-......... 767.84 (Committee Member Fees, E~penses, Insu~ance, and miscellaneous, etc.) $ 220,357.42 -=~ -,:= TOTAL E)(:PENDITURE BY ST. TllOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD coMMISSION CALCULATION Of ill10UNT 'pAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Ministry of TransportatiOn and co~nicatiOns subsidy rate on operations is 74.86% (originallY estimated at 75.3 in February/77) and on $ 210,623.16 is $ 157,672.50. The balance is divided betWeen the Cicty of St. rhomas Hnd the county of Elgin. $ 26,475.33 Amount payable on operations subsidY Rate on Drainage ASsessmentS is 5ifk 2,241.61 AmOunt payable is 257, of $ 8,966".42 383.92 ItemS Not For subsidY 50% off of $ 767.84 $ 29,100.86 Total Payable by St. ThcrmaS for 1977 1,675.77 ---- 30,776.63 22,350.00 In 1977 1/2 mill levy from St. Thomas pLuvLued $ 8,426.63 Deficit to 1978 .------.-..----------------------- .t~ , ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET 1978 A _ MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD (Totals for 1976 and 1977 include Payroll Burden.) OPERATION 1975 1976 A .. Bridges & Culverts 166 494 B ... Roadside 20,805 4,225 (Wellington Road Shouldering) C .. Hard Top 11,348 10,029 894 117 9,596 22,149 2,325 3,872 1 2 ~ 092 9,152 u ... 1.,00 sc Tnp E - Winter Control F .. Safety Devices Overhead 57,226 50,038 (In 1975 Overhead did not include Payroll Burden.) B - DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS LABOUR 1977 1978 1978 361 10, 000 3,690 5,000 19,367 20,000 2,04.8 4,000 29,965 30,000 6,705 6,000 11,696 13,000 73,832 88,000 1977 _ 8,966.42 (Vineden Drive Drain Road 26, McBane Drain Road 25) Yarmouth. 1978 _ McBane Drain Road 25, Southwold $ 800.00 C .. CONSTRUCTION (1) Completion of Road 30 (Radio Road) to Road Allowance Between Concessiori XII & Concession XIII (2) Land Purchase Road 30 & 22 (3) Engineering, Fencing, etc., Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 27 D .. ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY $ 800.00 TOTAL BUDGET -~....~~._-~-,~.-""-......"......"_.,,,,....... $ 65,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 85,000 $ 174,600 ,,_,OW 1" · ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET Page 2. ~ calculation of amount Payable by CitY of St. Thomas. for 197B the MinistrY or Transportation and communications subsidy Total construction and Maintenance CostS are estimated at $ 173,000 with Ministry rate is estimated at 74.B%. of TranSportatiOn and communications subsidy estimated at $ 129,404, Tbe remaining amount of $ 43,596 is shared equallY bet""een the City or St. Thomas 1. payable by the City of St. Thomas on constructiOn and Maintenance $ and the county of F.lgit1o 2. Drainage AssessmentS are subsidized at 5iflo by the Ministry or Transportation and communicatiOns and the balance shared equallY $ bet""een the County or Elgin and the city of St. Thomas 3. Items Not for subsidy are shared equallY between the county $ of Elgin and tbe city of St. Thomas $ 1/2 Millon the MinistrY or Transportation and communicatiOns MinisteriallY a(\jUStec\ 1\5Sessmcnt or $ 61,600,000 for 1978 will provide Deficit to 1979 21,798.00 200.00 400.00 --- 22,398.00 ? ) 0, f\ 2J~ . () '1 30,800,,00 ------ 24.63 $ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET / */~ COUNTY MAINTENANCE Amended January 3lt 1978 "I\ti'l Totals for 1976 and 1977 include Payroll Burden whereas totals for 1975 do not. OPERATION 1975 1976 1977 1978 A ... 1 & 2 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 31,249 16,903 34,000 22,374 B - ,Roadside'Maintenance -1 Grass Cutting 15,717 19,861 24,103 7,668 Nil Nil 21,224 46,407 54,110 22,588 59,525 53,789 25,000 ~lA Weed Spraying 10,000 -2 Tree Cutting 50,000 ...4 Drainage 50,000 -5 Roadside Maintenance Until 1977 included 4,909 in Shoulder Maintenance 10,000 -6 Tree Planting 367 1,000 -7 Drainage Assessments (Maint.) 278 813 -1,356 2;000 C ... Repairs to ijard Top Roads -1 Repairs to Pavement 40,637 87,567 163,741 140,000 10,110 10,123 12,991 14,000 17,129 15,936 11,558 13,000 53,767 57,300 5 2, 20l+ 70,000 -2 Sweeping -3 Shoulder Maintenance ...4 Surface Treatment D - Gravel Road Maintenance -2 Grading Gravel Roads 11,848 16,141 15,426 16,000 33,850 41,000 4, 141 5,000 42,333 55,000 329,130 324,000 126, 732 112,000 169,175 170,000 14,147 20,000 19,076 22,000 -3 Dust Control (Calcium Chlor.ide) 46,100 35,447 ...4 Dust Control (Prime) Included in D-3 -5 Gravel Resurfacing 86,042 42,791 E - Winter Control Total 257,332 139,358 ..1 Snow Plowing ...2 Sanding & Salting -3 Snow Fence -4 Standby and Night Crew ... continued ... LABOUR 1978 Amended January 31, 1978 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT - 1.978 BUOGJ:t:T - COUNTY MAINTENANCE P AG E 2. OPERATION 1.975 1976 1977 1978 LABOUR 1978 F - Safety Devices -1 Pavement Marking -5 Metric Signs 17,946 14,854 23,229 24,000 16,428 29,236 24,691 28 , 000 4,668 2,564 8,310 12,000 19, 095 19,986 18,950 26 , 000 9 , 526 547,873 738,257 919,596 950,000 -2 Signs -3 Guide Rail -4 Railroad Protection TOTAL o , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET OVERHEAD Totals for 1977 lnclude Payroll Burden. Totals for 1976 (except Clerical and Superintendence) include Payroll Burden. Totals for 1975 do not include Payroll Burden. Totals are after charges have been made to the Suburban Road Con~ission. OPERATION LABOUR 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 37,206 42,983 53,859 60,000 54,089 52,531 60,227 66,000 4,144 6,845 .5,800 6,500 10,686 16,777 15,325 16,500 1,779 2,375 2,357 2,500 1,175 1,067 1 , 923 7,000 2,576 2,902 4,721 4,000 1,102 1,743 2,828 3,500 24,807 25,859 34,073 38,000 36 Nil 156 CR. 2,517 1,808 1,716 2,000 8,222 12,302 14,068 14,000 l2~941CR. 2,057CR. 5 tl> 46 5,000 135,398 165,135 202,287 225,000 148,339 167,192 196,741 220,000 14,656 10, 000 216, 9L~3 235,000 Superintendence Garages Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Count Training Courses Clerical Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office Machinery Overhead Total Total without Machinery Overhead White Station Rehabilitation ~1' ~-"""". ~~",. .......-.._,......_...,.".."'._~.__.._;.--~~........-"-"'.~....-.._.......-";.;.,;..,,.,,.........,,.........'.,-..-~-,~."',-----. ~~.....'................_......... _.-....._~........."'.............-....~.'H...~.___"~,.._.._..,_, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1n 1977 Burd{~n" In 1976 In 1975 Roads. 1978 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN HolIday & Sick TJme for Superi.ntcmdence and Clerical WetS charged to Payroll In 1975 - 76 Holiday & Sick Thnc was charged to Clerical and Superintendence. & 1977 Payroll Burden was charged Pro Rata to various operations. it was left as an Overhead charge and a portion was charged to Suburban Amounts shown for 1975 are after Suburban Roads charges are deducted. LABOUR ITEM ~ 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 - - ~., Medical 982 1,173 1,510 1,700 Holidays With Pay 57,853 65,814 79,035 90,000 Sick Benefits 16 , 480 25,578 44,259 48,000 Inclement Weathor & Startdby (Previously charged to operations) ,q Workmen's Compensation Insurance Pelisions, Canada & OMERS U.I.C. O.H.I.P. & Extended Health Care Long Term Disability Insurance Safety Equipment 5,196 6,000 (2 Years 16,377 Paid in 1974) 12,363 20,000 34, 728 41,369 48,310 65,000 15,645 17,000 -24,409 27,000 3;945 5,000 3,779 5,300 2,460 CR. 1,000 CR. 10,607 14,059 13,672 19,589 2,500 (Included in tools previously) Credits - Direct charges to Mosquito Control and R.E.I.P. Programme TOTAL Payroll Burden Distribution 1977 Total Labour Less Labour in Payroll Burden Less Labour in R.E.l.P. & Mosquito Control Net Labour 134,322 186,459 235,991 284,000 $ 915,542 130,001 17,245 $ 768,296 - Payroll Burden % = 30.7161% Labour Charges to Various Operations in 1977 1978 Estimated Payroll Burden 37% SA Maintenance County Maintenance SA & County Winter Control Overhead (Includes Superintendence, Clerical, Garage, Miscellaneous Repairs, etc.) Items Not For Subsidy Chargeable Work Stock (Inc1ud~s P.V.P.) Machi.nery Repai.rs SA Construction (ROHd 30) County Construction $ 11 , 746 = 1.53% 252,567 = 32.87% (99,211 ) = (12.91%) 129,278 .._.. 16.83% 2,383 = 0.31% 65,673 = 8.55% 12,834 - 1.67% 81,238 ...... 1 O. 571:. 27,505 "--- 3.58% 185,069 -_. 24.09% (. ( i i.' / v ~.__._..__..__..__. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 MACHINERY BUDGET 1. 2 Dodge Pickup Trucks purchased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler (#77 & #78) (#79, #80, #81 & #82) 2. 4 Pickup Trucks purchased from Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. 3. Used Galion Rubber Tired Roller 4. Trade Backhoes (Tractors #24 & #25) 5. 4 or 5 Cubic Yard Loader Amended January 31, 1978 $ 9,139.94 23,689.80 19,795.00 30,000.00 87,400.00 $ 170,000.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION Totals Include Payroll Burden. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase ($ ($ 60,151 in 1976) 20,011 in 1977) 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable ($ 26,400 in 1976) ($ 27,489 in 1977) 4. Reduction in Stock Balance ($ 8,000 in 1976) ($ 48,231 in 1977) 5. Construction Road 16 - Fingal to Burwell Corners 6. Construction Road 31 7. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road 8. Construction Road 38 ... Hi.ghway 3 to Highway 19 9. Construction Road 52 ... East of Wellington Road 10. Construction Road 52 - West of Wellington Road TOTAL Amended ~anuary 31, 1978 PROJECT ESTIMATE LABOUR $____~!.2~g ___~9!.99g 20,000 CR. ~------~- 10,000 CR. ......----...... 518,000 ... - - ... ... ... ... .. .. ----............- 120,000 ..--..-..---. -..........--........ 2,000 ........---........ ....---..--..-- 20,000 -------...... --...---.--- 135,000 .. - ... ... - ... .. - .. ..........--..--- 22,000 --..---....... --...----..- $ 830, 000 (~ SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES 1978 (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate (a) County Road Construction (b) ;,)t. Thoma 5 Suburban Road Conrrnission Roads Construction (c) County Asphalt Resurfacing (d) New and Used Machinery (e) County Maintenance (f) County Overhead (g) St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnission Maintenance & Overhead (b) Items Subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (a) Drainage Assessments (b) Urban Rebates TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDITS (a) Ministry of Transportation and Communications General Subsidy Allocation (b) Mi.nistry of Transportation and Cvuuuunications Drainage Assessment Allocation (c) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission (effective) Approximately (d) Sale of Property Net (County Road Levy) (Levy in 1975 was $ 581,000 1977 - $ 645,000.) in 1976 ... $ 603,000 and in SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1978 Construction Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) Maintenance Roads & Bridges (Cou~ty and St. Thomas Suburban) Overhead (including Payroll Burden) County and St. Thomas Suburban New Machinery Asphalt Resurfacing TOTAL Amended January .31, 1978 $ 830,000 85,000 ]25,000 -....'--....--....................... 170,000 --...----.......----- ... _ _ _.? ..5_0.,! _0_02_ _ _... ..._ ___2])-'_0_0_0____ .... _...... ~~ -,_0_0...0_ ___ $ 2, 683 , 000 $ 50,000 45,000 $ 2,778,000 $ 2,030,000 25,000 _____1].1222____ $ 700,000 $ 944,000 841,000 442,000 1371000 319,000 $ 2,683,000 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 25, 1978. PAGE 1. on January 25 at 10:00 A.M. All members present, also F. Clarke. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET AT THE County Administration BUilding 1. Jack Millard, retired Office Manager, had died before Christmas. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE ALSO. 2. All 5 Class 1 Labourers had been laidoff as of January 6. 3. Danny Welch had broken his ankle and Gordon Bedford had a hernia operation. 4. Millard McKenzie would retire at the end of the month. 5. Winter Control, while not extremely heaVY, had been quite steady. The motor in Truck #70 had been replaced on a 50 - 50 warranty basis (cost approximatelY $ 2,100.00) and the tandems and rear end replaced on Graqer # 14 with a partS cost in the vicinity of $ 1600.00. 6. Tree cutting waS continUing as a fill job for snowplow and sander operators. 7. A sign replacement prograrotlle waS underway. 8. All Rural EmplOJ1llent Incentives Programme work other than Bayham had been completed and the final paJ1llent of $ 21,000 received on the county Initial Allocation. TllE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Ron McNeil had requested a resolution of support for the prograrotlle so that he could take the prograrotlle to the cabinet for allocation of liunds in 1978. "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT IN VIEW OF THE GOOD RESULTS OF THE 1977 RURAL EMPLOYMENT INCENTlVES PROGRAMME WE REQUEST THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO INSTITUTE A SIMILAR PROGRAMME AGAIN IN 1978. CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 25, 1978. PAGE 2. -, and communications London Regional Office for Engineering and Right Of Way had made a presentation to representatiVes of the Road committee, City of St. Thomas and THE ENGINEER REpORTED THA~ A. Mcconnell of the Ministry of TransportatiOn southwold council on the statUS of the St. Thomas Expressway. support for the plowmen's Association bid for the 1984 International Plowing Match ;;as"diSCussed. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THATTHE ENGINEER, REEVE CAVERLY AND WARDEN CARROLL BE ELGIN COUNTY'S DELEGATION TO THE PLOVlMEN'S ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. CARRIED." Dr. Reynold, DepUty Minister of Ministry of Natural ResOurces regarding additional land from the Ministry of Natural ResOurces property at port Burwell for a site for THE ENGINEER REpORTED THAT Mr. R. K. McNeil had been in contact with the Village Sewerage Treatment plant, but that he waS not satisfied with Dr. Reynold's answer and he would approach Frank Miller, the Minister. The Engineer stated that he would forward necessary plans and pictures to Mr. McNeil. Reeve Bradfield and Chairman Green reported that further discUssions with the residentS of port Burwell and Bayhron, in the area affected by the proposed continuation of the Lake Breakwall to the east, would be held shortly. (a) The family of Jack Millard with appreciatiOn for flowers. (b) John Wise, M.P. stating that the erection of signS designating historical CORRESpONDENCE wAS READ FROM - (c) Township of yarmouth with notice for request for minor variance. communities would come under the jurisdiction of the ~ovince. (d) Township of Bayhron requesting a County confirming By_LaW for Township Road closing s. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 25, 1978. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: R. T. BRADFIELD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY-LAWS BE PASSED CONFIRMING TOWNSHIP OF BYAHAM BY-LAW # 1931 & 1932 TO CLOSE PORTIONS OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE THROUGH LOT 21, CONCESSION VIII, BAYHA11 AND THE ROAD ALLOWANCE THROUGH LOT 114, NORTH TALBOT ROAD, BAYHAM. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM - (a) The Ministry of Transportation and CVllI.L11unications regarding availability of funds under the Railroad Grade Crossing Fund. (b) Canada Transport Committee regarding upgrading of protection on Road 32. The Engineer reported he had replied that the County had no objection to the upgrading under the usual Transport Cvulll1ittee formulae. (c) Aylmer & Ma1ahide Telephone Company stating that they were upgrading their system and would have to have ~ location for telephonE~ cable on Road 38 from Highway 3 to Highway 19. Committee agreed to give the Company all the assistance possible.. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . Reeve Bradfield absent. THE ENGINEER NOTED A NUMBER OF APPEALS to the OntariouMunicipal Board from decisions of the County Land Division Cvulluittee. The Cvulll1ittee fel t that no representation was necessary frq~ the County Roads DepartmE~nt for any of the hearings. The Provincial Treasurer's Paper on Property Tax Reform was noted. THE ENGINEER NOTED THAT RESOLUTIONS FROM THE 1978 ROAD COMM:ITTEE would be necessary for equipment acquired in 1977 but not paid for until 1978. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 25, 1978. "MOVED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL PAGE 4. SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LTD. FOR 4 FORD F350 PICKUP TRUCKS AS PER THEIR TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT A NET PRICE, INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX OF $ 23,689.80 WITH COUNTY TRUCKS #51, 52, 53 & 61 AS TRADE- INS. ALL SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE PURCHASE A USED 1976 MODEL GALlON ROLLER (9 WHEEL RUBBER TIRED) FROM GALlON MANUFACTURING CO. AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $ 18,500 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. SUBJECT TO~~INISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: L. R. CARROLL SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE PURCHASE 2 - 1977 USED DODGE PICKUP TRUCKS FROM ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LTD. FOR $ 9,139.94 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED REVIEW OF Ministry of Transportation and Cvul.Luunications Subsidy Allocations, Assessments, and his report on Road Expenditures for 1978 which were discussed. The Engineer presented the attached budget and report which were discussed. The meeting adjourned to 10:00 A.M., January 31, 1978. /~ I j ) II {~(r-7cG&Dt4 (';? ( CHAIRMAN' (k/.! I /' ../" .' " " ~ "t",-'...Ao....-_,.,,," /",.< , ...../'~=' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET COUNTY MAINTENANCE Totals for 1976 and 1977 include Payroll Burden wher.eas totals fot" 1975 do not. OPERATION 1975 1976 1977 1978 A ... 1 & 2 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 31,249 16,903 34,000 22,374 B - R.oadside Maintenance ...1 Grass Cutting 15,717 19,861 24,103 7,668 Nil Nil 21,224 46,407 54,110 22,588 59,.5 25 53,789 25,000 -lA Weed Spraying Nil ...2 Tree Cutting 50,000 -4 Drainage 50,000 ...5 Roadside Maintenance Until 1977 included 4,909 in Shoulder Maintenance 10,000 -6 Tree Planting 367 1,000 -7 Drainage Assessments (Maint.) 278 813 1,356 2,000 C ... .!!pairs to Hard Top Roads ...1 Repairs to Pavement 40,637 87,567 163, 741 140,000 10,110 10,123 12,991 14,000 17,129 15,936 11,558 13,000 53,767 57,300 .5 2, 2 Ol~. 70,000 -2 Sweeping ...3 Shoulder Maintenance -4 Surface Treatment D ... Gravel Road Maintenance -2 Grading Gravel Roads 11,848 16,141 15,426 16,000 33,850 41,000 4,141 5,000 42,333 55,000 329,130 304,000 1 26, 732 112,000 169,175 150,000 14,147 20,000 19,076 22,000 -3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) 46,100 35,447 -4 Dust Control (Prime) Included in D-3 .r -5 Gravel Resurfacing 42,791 86,042 139,358 E .. Winter Control Total 257,332 ...1 Snow Plowing -2 Sanding & Salting -3 Snow Fence -4 Standby and Night Crew ... continued ... LABOUR 1978 .COUNTY.OF ELGIN ROAD DEP,ART$NT - 1918 BUDGET .. GOUNtY MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1975 1976 1977 1978 F' .. Safety D~vices -1 Pavement Marking 17,946 14,854 23,~29 24,000 16,428 29, 236 ,z4,69t 28 , 000 4,668 2,564 8,810 12,000 19,095 19,986 18, 26 ,000 --- --- 9, 5 26 547,873 738,257 919,596 920,000 -2 Signs -3 Guide Rail -4 Railroad Protection -5 Metric Signs TOTAL PAGE 2. LABOUR 1978 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET OVERHEAD Totals for 1977 include Payroll Burden. TOtals for 1976 (except Clerical and Superintendence) include Payroll Burden. Totals for 1975 do not include Payroll Burden. Totals are after charges have been made to the Suburban Road Commission. OPERATION 1975 1976 37, 206 42,983 54,089 52,531 4,144 6,845 10,686 16,777 1,779 2,375 1,175 1,067 2,576 2,902 1,102 1,743 24,807 25,859 36 Nil 2,517 1,808 8,222 12,302 Superintendence Garages Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Radio Needs Study Update Traffic Count 'training Courses Clerical Permits Miscellaneous Insurance Office LABOUR 1977 1978 1978 53,859 60, 000 60,227 66,000 5,800 6,500 15,325 16,500 2,357 2,500 1,923 7,000 4,721 4,000 2 , 8 28 3,500 34,073 38,000 156 CR. 1,716 2,000 14,000 Machinery Overhead Total 14,068 1~.~941CR. 2,057CR.. 5,546 135,398 165,135 202,287 Total without Macninery Overhead 148,339 167,192 White Station Rehabilitation 196,741 14.656 5~OOO 225,000 220,000 10.000 216,943 235,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN In 1977 Burden. In 1976 In 1975 Roads. Holiday & Sick Time for Superintendence and Clerical was charged to Payroll In 1975 _ 76 Holiday & Sick Time was charged to Clerical and Superintendence. & 1977 Payroll Burden was charged Pro Rata to various operations. it was left as an Overhead charge and a portion was charged to Suburban Amounts shown for 1975 are after Suburban Roads charges are deducted. LABOUR ITEM 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 Medical 982 1,173 1,510 1,700 Holidays With Pay 57,853 65,814 79,035 90,000 Sic k Be nE~ fit s 16,480 25,578 44,259 48,000 lnclement Weather & Standby (Previously charged to operations) Workmen's Compensation Insurance Pensions, Canada & OMERS U.I.C. O.H.I.P. & Extended Health Care Long Term Disability Insurance 5,196 6,000 (2 Years 16,377 Paid in 1974) 12,363 20,000 34, 7 28 41,369 48,310 65,000 15,645 17,000 "24,409 27,000 3,945 5,000 3,779 5,300 10,607 14,059 13,672 19,589 2,500 Safety Equiprnent (Included in tools previously) Credits - Direct charges to Mosquito Control and R.E.l.P. Progrannne TOT AL Payroll Burden Distribution 1977 Total Labour Less Labour in Payroll Burden Less Labour in R.E.I.P. & Mosquito Control Net Labour 2,460 CR. 1,000 CR. 134,322 186,459 235,991 284,000 $ 915,542 130,001 17,.245 $ 768,296 - Payroll Burden % = 30.7161% 1978 Estimated Payroll Burden 37% Labour, Charges to Various Operations in 1977 SA Maintenance County Maintenance SA & County Winter Control Overhead (Includes Superintendence, Clerlcal, barage, Mint011.ancou$ Repairs, etc.) lt~m~ Not For Subsidy Chargeable W(rrk Stock (Includes p.v.r.) M.achinery Repairs SA Construction (Road 30) County Construction $ 11,746 = 1.53% 252,567 = 32.87% (99,211) = (12.91%) 129,278 = 16.83% 2,383 o . :} 1 '%1 65,673 8 ., .J .5'X, 12,834 1 . 6 7"10 81,238 -o- J. O. 57% 27 , 505 -- 3.58% 185,069 -- 24.0910 ) /0 c, ' (.' I.- '/a COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 MACHINERY BUDGET 1. 2 Dodge Pickup Trucks purchased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler (#77 & #78) 2. 4 Pickup Trucks purchased from Fearn Ford Sales Ltd. (#79, #80, #81 & #8 2 ) 3. Used Galion Rubber Tired Roller 4. Trade Backhoe s (#24 & #25 ) 5. Trade Engineer's Car (Fall) (1975 Dodge) 6. Trade Pickup Trucks (#58 & #59) (Fall) (1972 Dodge) 7. Trade Survey Van 1973 Ford (/~O) (Fall) 8. Replace Tandem Truck & Bo~ ((9 7:;1. r:(/\,<:~t) $ 9,139.94 23,689.80 19,795.00 28,400.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 35,000.00 $ 137,000.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1978 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION Totals Include Payroll Burden. 1. Miscellaneous Surveys & Grading Construction 2. Land Purchase ($ 60,151 in 1976) ($ 20,011 in 1977) 3. Ownership Costs, etc., on Accounts Receivable ($ 26,400 in 1976) ($ 27,489 in 1977) 4. Reduction in Stock Balance ( $ 8, 000 in 1976) ($ 48,231 in 1977) 5. Construct ion Road 16 - Fi.n.gal to Burwe 11 Corner s 6. Construction Road 31 7. Construction Road 32 - Police College Road 8. Construction Road 38 - Highway 3 to Highway 19 9. Construction Road 52 - East of Wellington ROad 10. Construction Road 52 - West of Wellington Road TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE $____~.!222 ___~2.!225! 20,000 CR. ------..-- 10,000 CR. -..-................ 581~. 000 120,000 ......------- 2,000 20,000 .....------... 135,000 ............-.....- 22,000 __.__..__i_. $ 893,000 LABOUR -.-..--...-..... -.... -'..... - ...... ...-..,...-.---- SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES 1978 (a) Items Subsidized At Operational Rate (a) County Road Construction (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road CVllullission Roads Construction (c) County Asphalt Resurfacing (d) New and Used Machinery (e) County Maintenance (f) County Ov~rhead (g) St. Thomas Suburban RO.:ld CUlllllllssion Maintenance & Overhead (b) Items Subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation and C,,",lllULunica.tions (a) Drainage Assessments (b) Urban Rebates TOTAL EXPENDITURES CREDITS (a) Ministry of Transportation and COlluul.lnications General Subsidy Allocation (b) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Allocation (c) Contribution of City of St. Thomas to St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (effective) Approximately (d) Sale of Property Net (County Road Levy) (Levy in 1975 was $ 581,000 - in 1976 . $ 603,000 and in 1977 . $ 645,000.) SUMMARY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION FOR 1978 Construction Roads & Bridges (County and St. Thomas Suburban) Maintenance Roads & Bridges (Coup.ty and St. Thomas Suburban) Overhead (including Payroll Burden) County and St. Thomas Suburban N(~w Mach:i.nery Asphalt Resurfacing TOTAL $ 893,000 --....----------.. . _ ..... _ J: .1...0.0.0. _ _ ... 325,000 -.....---...--...........-... _ _ ..2-::!.! ...0_0...0....._ 920,000 -----.---.-...---- 235,000 --..----------.. 88 000 ........ ... _ ..'.1......... _M'. $ 2,683,000 $ 50,000 -.. -.....- -- --.- - -- 45,000 $ 2,778,000 $ 2,030,000 -----....---......-.. 25 , 000 ---..................... 23.000 _______J___....__ ------------...-- $ 700,000 $ 944,000 --------------- 841,000 .---.----...----- 442,000 ........---..--....--.-..- 137,000 .......---................--- 319,000 $ 2,683,000 ATTENDENCE MEETING RE ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWAY JANUARY 23, 1978 AT 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE Ministry of Transportation and CVll11uunications A. McConnell M. Duckett H. Greenly F. Clarke Province R. K. McNeil, MPP County of Elgin Warden Lorne Carroll - Township of Aldborough Chairman Ron Green - Township of Bayham Reeve Jack Campbell - Township of Dunwich Reeve Keith McLean - Township of Southwold Reeve Bill Caverly - Township of Malahide R. G. Moore - County Engineer City of St. Thomas Acting Mayor Don Stokes Aldermen - Peter Laing Wayne Neal Gary Baker W. R. Shine Palmer, Industrial Commissioner Kees Donkers, Engineering Staff St. Thomas Suburban Road CUl11111ission Albert Auckland, Chairman' Jim Hindley, Member George College, Member Township of Southwold Deputy Reeve Lester Longhurst Ken Monteith, Councillor Bud Marr, Councillor Clarence Horton, Councillor Alex Pow, Clerk Town of Aylmer Deputy Reeve Syd Glover ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 18, 1978. PAGE 1. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MET ON January 18, 1978 at 3:00 P.M., in conjunction with County Council. ( Warden Lorne Carroll, Reeve of Aldborough Township ( ( Reeve Jack Campbell, Reeve of Dunwich Township ( Present ( Reeve Keith McLean, Reeve of Southwold Township ( ( Reeve David Cook, Reeve of Yarmouth Township ( ( Reeve Ronald Green, Reeve of Bayham Township ( ( Reeve Ron Bradfield, Reeve of Village of Port Burwell Advising Members: Reeve J. B. Wilson, Township of South Dorchester Reeve W. R. Caverly, Township of Malahide Deputy Reeve Syd Glover, Town of Aylmer "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: D. K. COOK THAT RON GREEN BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1978. CARRIED." THE CHAIRMAN THANKED the Connnittee for the honou.r accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Winter Control had been fairly constant in the past 3 weeks, and a motor had to be replaced in Truck #70 at a warranty cost of approximately $ 2,100 and that the tandems had to be repaired on Grader #14. "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAThlENT: PAYLIST # 59 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ 40,581.44 PAYLIST # 60 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ 13,517.88 PAYLIST # 61 (1977) AMOUNTING TO $ 35,949.61 PAYLIST # 1 (1978) AMOUNTING TO $ 838.55 PAYLIST # 2 (1978) AMOUNTING TO $ 39,821.41 PAYLIST # 3 (1978) ~roUNTING TO $ 198,835.65 CARRIED.' , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 18, 1978. PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM The Ministry of Transportation and Communications setting up a meeting on January 23 to discuss the Ministry of Transportation and Communications plans for the St. Thomas Expressway. It was agreed that all members available should attend the meeting. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE attached calculation of 1977 cost of the County Road Programme and reported a deficit of approximately $ 13,000 in the years operation. The Engineer commented on various 1977 expenditure items. "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: R}~. ,,; T. BRADFIELD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: L. R. CARROLL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAM BE PASSED AUTH0RIZING THE WARDEN & CLERK TO SIGN PLANS TO EXPROPRIATE LAND TO WIDEN COUNTY ROADS AS NECESSARY IN 1978. CARRIED'." "MOVED BY: D. K. COOK SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS THE (A) COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL, THE (B) COMMITTEE ON MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR ENCEPHALITIS CONTROL AND (C) THE COMMITTEE ON RURAL EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVES PROGRAMME IN 1978. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 18, 1978. PAGE 3. THE ~GINEER coMMENTED brieflY on the 1918 Ministry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns SubsidY Allocations. tlMOVED BY: D. K. MCLEAN SECONDED BY: J. W. CAMPBELL THAT WE ADJotnm TO JANUARY 25, 1918 AT 10:00 A.M., AND JANUARY 31, 1978 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED ." CRA.1RMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1977 EXPENDITURES CALCULATION OF ACTUAL COUNTY COST Total Vouchers $ 3,236,612.08 Less Accounts Receivable 540,062.44 Cost of Operations Less Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidies Regular Allocation $ 1,945,000.00 Drainage Asse~sments 27,000.00 Supplementary Winter/Maintenance 37,500.00 Less Share of City of St. Thomas (Re St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) Net Cost Less Road Levy Estimated Deficit ~~;~ ~Jp~V '~ January 1978 $ 2,696,549.64 $ 2,009,500.00 $ 29,100.86 $ 657,948.78 $ 645,000.00 $ 12,948.78 .. ^^'" rrr'E.'E. R'E.1?O R 't C01JN't'l OF E1..GI~ ROAD CO~ll'~ J~AR'l SESSIO~ 1.918 ..'fl\1rri CO~Cl"L: f,RS OF f,LGI~ COu" 'to 'tt{f. vtARDE1'1 ~D ~ t.. S fO"L"LOv:1S: ...-Mt't't'E.'E. R'E.1?OR'tS ~ ~OUR R01\.U COr.u:...... 1. vtf, l$CO~ElW - 1.. con'\Tent.1.on and t.o '\.." fee fOL d '\.. t the 't\\e't\lbeL s).~1.p an t).~a \ 2. b passed au \..0;- 'that. a B'1-1..a'" e . ~ d as ~eces~~~J OpL1.ate 1-a~ 1..and plans t.o e::<P"( . ' b "assed '1ear']' t. such B'1_1..a"'s e r 1Q ~t. is necessarY t.ha i~ 1.9 O. so1.id v:1aste (h) c~1.t.t.ee on , . tt.ee aCt. as t.he . 'that. t.he Road Corom1- 1 for f,ncel'hal1.t.1-S MOsctU1.t.o Cont.ro I~) corom1.tt.ee on DiSpOsal, t.he ~ t. ~ncent1.'\Tes . on Rural 1';1Il1>10'1"'en d (C) 'the c~1-t.tee contLo1. a~ . 1.918. 'PLOgLalfllUe 1.~ . 1. S\l.b11\itted. _fl.. .. IS Respect.ful '1 1\.1.1. of Wl...1.c).~ 3. C~L~ ::r. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~TTEE THIRD REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, January Session 1978. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: In 1977 your Road CVlllluittee al so acted as your Cvulluittee on Sol id Waste Disposal. The only expenses incurred were",for Solicitor's fees for the years 1976 and 1977, and amounted to $ 3,816.50. Of this amount the sum of $ 3,016.50 was charged against 1976 by the County Auditors, leaving a net charge against 1977 of $ 800. The County Levy for Solid Waste Disposal in 1977 was $ 3,000 leaving a surplus of $ 2,200. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN (i '.' CQ\J1'lTY OF ~~, COMM1TTEE ~ ~ St. thQlllas, ontariO, january session 1918. . TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY CQ\J1'lCIL: 'tOUR ROAD CQMMl'ltrEE REPORTS AS FOLLoWS: In 1911 'four Road C()1ll1Uittee acted as the cotolltittee on MoSquitO 'f control. The following is a summarY of ezpenses incurred in 1917 b'f the C()1ll1Uitt~C fo~ MOSqoitO ~bat~ment PtOgramme to control encephalitis. (a) WageS and sa1a~ieS including fringe ,:enefitS, ~orkn\en' S $ 6,039.93 ..........-............................... compensation, etc. .................)...Q~fl..aa...... 2/+0.00 ............................................... (b) vehicle chargeS (c) LiabilitY InS\u:ance Supplies, employee ezpenses for Training Courses, etc. 398.90 .......-................................. ~~ (d) ToTAL ]>XP'ENDtTuRES ItemS biiled to. the Elgin-St. ThomaS Health Unit, including liability inSu~ance, casual emplO'fees' wages, etc., and vehicle charges in connectiOn with the Summer progratollte $------~~~~~:~~-- $~ ~E't l~.$.PENDlTURES tn 1916 the county's Gross Expenditures were $ 1,490 and d.' ~ 6 93'5 The 1911 CountY LeVY for MoSquitO Net Ezpen 1.tures" , · · Control waS $ 5,000 which gives a surpluS of $ 3,946.19. All of \ilhich IS RespectfullY submitted. Cl\AI~ ~.~-'~:~ l I j 'oj r I I , 'if; J.f> r' January 1978. ili if TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CONMITTEE: REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1978 Thi.s report is a review of the methods used by the Mlni.stry of Transportation and Communications to arrive at our Subsidy Allocations for 1978 and the method of calculating the County Road Rate. In 1973 the Ministry of Transportation and CVllIlltunic.ations adopted a policy of a single subsi.dy rate (other than Drainage Assessments and Urban Rebates) for Counties and Regions. This single syst4~m replaced the olef system which is still used for Townships and Villages of 50% Subsidy on Roads~ 80% Subsidy on Bridges and 100% Subsidy on Development Roads (Direct Ai.d). One of the biggest assets of the new system was that the bookkeeping on County work was to be simplified (actually this had occurred). The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had adopted a policy of allocati.ng subsidy funds based on proven needs and the setting of a desirable spending allocation. An expenditure over the desirable expenditure allocation will not be subsidized and any spending under the allocation will result in loss of subsidy at the maximum subsidy rate (approximately 91%). 'the Ministry of Transportation and Connnuni.cations matches the .1mount of money that the County would raise at 1.25 mills on its Provincial Equalized Assessment and then subsidizes the County at 91% for each dollar of the desirable expenditure allocation in excess of the amount subsidized at I 50% (matching grant). (See attached calculations.) In 1977 the effective Subsidy Rate on operations was 74.86% compared to 73.79% in 1976, 73.02% in 1975 and 67.7% in 1974. The rate for 1978 is estimated at 74.82%. ,.. t,., TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO]~ITTEE " ,. PAGE 2. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1978 January 1978 DESIRABLE SPENDING ALLOCATION The desirable spending allocation is the total of Needs shown in the preceeding years (1977) Needs Study Update as approved by the Ministry of Transportation and C~wl~nications. The total allocation is divided into three parts. (a) Construction (b) Asphalt Resurfacing (c) Fixed Costs. (a) Construction Approved Construction Costs are the costs of those Roads and Bridges which are presently deficient or will become deficient in the comi.ng five year period. The deficiencies are catalogued and listed according to Ministry of Transportation and Communications criteria. Also included in Construction Costs are spot improvements such as Drainage Costs, etc. nElcessary to bring a section of road up to tolerable standards. The Costs are based on Ministry of Transportation and Communications approved costs which represent the costs of construction as they were in December of 1973. Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportat:i.on and ComtTlunications or the Municipalities do not have enough money to complete all the construction in a five year period a construction objective of 45% (reducing balance) of the work to be complet(>,d in a 5 year p€'riod has been set. Tld s equal s 9"/.) per year of th(:! reducing balance. Actually the accomplishment is considerably less than 9% as inflation has increased Construction Costs considerably since January of 1973. (b) Asphalt Resurfaclna Asphalt Resurfacing is the approved resurfacing and minor associated costs of roads that are already built to proper geometric sight standards and widths. The roads "listed" are the roads that should be resurfaced in the coming five year period. The Programme provides that: (1) Double Surface Treatment Roads should be covered with three inches of Hot Mix in the 8 to 10 year period after construction or earlier if severe breakup occurs. to THE CHAIR.MAN AND MEMHI~RS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMJvlITTEE PAGE 3. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1978 January 1978 (b) Asphalt Resurfacina (continued) (2) Mulch Roads and Hot Mix Roads should be covered in the 15 to 20 year period after construction. (3) Hot Mix Roads of 1 1/2 to 2 inches in depth should be covered as soon as possible to stop breakup (elephant track-tng).. Inasmuch as the Ministry of Transportation and Cvulmunications does not have enough money to complete all the resurfacing necessary they have set an obJective of 75% of this work in the five year period or a yearly objective of 15% again on a 1973 Price Index. As the asphalt price has increased more rapidly than anything else it is doubtful if the yearly object:f.ve r~aches 10%. (c) Fixed Costs These costs include Maintenance of Roads and Bridges on the County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road System, Overhead Charges, Machinery Replacement, Building Improvements, and Purchase of Gravel Pits, etc. A tentative 1978 Budget (Maintenance and Overhead Charges) Was required in 1977 as waS a Machinery Replacement Schedule for five years. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has also set up Maintenance criteria for expenditure per mile of road. Al though the Mirli stry of Transportation and Communications applied the criteria in the Fall of 1976 the long range effect on our Maintenance Allocation remains to be seen. Our initial requests were reduced by $ 39,000 in Maintenance and Overhead categories. Our 1978 Spending Allocation is as follows: Construction 9% of Needs of $ 10,498,000 $ $ 944,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 15% of Needs of $ 2,127,000 319,000 Maintenance Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Roads & Bridges $ 841,000 Overhead Costs, County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 435,000 TO THE CBAIRMAN AND MJ!,MBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD coMMITTEE PAGE 4. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDIT1JRES "OR 1978 JanusX1 1978 our 1918 spending AllocatiOn (continued) $ 137,000 $ 7,000 ------ $ 2,683,000 New Machinery Needs StudY Allocation total spending Allocation (ThiS compares with a spending allocation of $ 2,560,000 pluS a $ 50,000 Winter control Allocation in 1911.) After 1969 the Ministry of Transportation and communicatiOns has been merelY applying a growth factor to the countY 1969 provincial E<tualized Assessment 100 arrive at a countY Assessment (in 1915 it ~aS 362 million. 4 ill") TbiSgro~th factor haS in 1916 _ 368 million and in 1971 - 31 m 'LOn' been falling behind the Actual provincial EqualiZed Assessment (althOUgh not as far in the countY of Elgin as sclme other count-ies) as in 1911 the Actual pro"l1incial Equalized ASSessment was $ 419,563,616. transportation and cororounicatiOns haS adopted a policY to into line by 1980 and thiS ~ill use 395 million thiS year Tbe MinistrY of bring the Assessment as the county Assessment. paY to Suburban Roads and have increased the City of thomaS Assessment so that the citY'S contribution to Suburban Roads will be $ 30,800 in 1918 They ba"l1e alscl adopted a similar policY tOwardS the CitieS that compared to $ 22,525 in 1911. Tbe Ministry of TransportatiOn and cororounications baS set a total " ,_ b ",:t .< b1e in 1918 at $ 2,030,000 (whiCh compareS to 1911 figures ma){'Lmum su. S'LuY p,Wa of $ 1,945,000 plUS a special winter control subsidY of $ 31,500). AlthOUgh overbead costS are shown separatelY the payroll ~urden portion of the overhead ~ill be shOwn in the CclnstructiOn and Maintenance (at 5en. subsidy) are avialable. We understand that SupplementarY By~La~S for Drainage AssessmentS items thiS year. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ~ PAGE 5. REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1978 January 1978 Calculation of Su~ested County Levy (a) Ministry of Transportation and C~~~nications Current Allocation $ 2,683,000 Add Urban Rebates 45,000 Add Drainage Assessments 50,000 Subtract Subsidy Allocation on Spending Level & Urban Rebates 2,030,000 Subtract Ministry of Transportation and C~wuunications share of Drainage Assessments 25,000 Subtract City of St. Thomas share to Suburban Road Connnission Budget, effective after payment of 1977 deficit 23,000 Suggested County Levy $ 700,000 Actual Urban R,ebates Levy Urban Road Levy is approximately 26% of total Levy and the Urban Rebate is 25% of Urban Levy or approximately $ 45,000. 1977 Road Levy was $ 645,000 and actual cost was due to supplementary Drainage By-Law; Winter Control By-Law $ 658,000. The deficit was kept to this ,1ffiount by overspending on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Corrtmission Allocation. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had indicated that Allocations for Resurfacing and New Machinery should be reasonably spent on these categories although if they are increased the monies will have to come from other Maintenance and Construction amounts. Major maintenance allocation should also be spent on items that the allocations were made for (examples, Gravel Resurfacing and Surface Treatment) if at all possible after '~ Winter Control Costs are met. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. ,/'/} ,,--.,/., J. . ../ I~I..' / ~"., // 'j~!' I. . c)'. . .y.'-'lA-"---- . f IJ R. G. MOORE, ~. ''/8<:., P. Eng., ENGINEER AND R9AD SUPERINTENDENT. I"~ .. 4. CAx..CUx..ATION OF Gf;l;ANT ,tiNDER UPP$R TIER PROGRAM ------' ,-=-.. ~ ,.' . ~ .,-- !:!TEP 1 Approved Expenditure on Roads and B ridges to which Grant Applies (Item 1) ~TEP 2 County Effort of 1. 25 MillS on Total County Assessment (Item F) \./ 1. 25 x ItemF :: 1. 25 x $ 395,000,000 -1000 . 1000 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1978 --- '""'II. $ 2,683,000 ::: $ 493 , 750 - PluS Sep. Urban Contribution at (). 5 Mitts O. 5 x ltem-S! :: O. 5 x $_ 61,600,000 $ 1000 '\I !' 1000 30,. 8 00 ~TEP 3 Road "Effort at 1. 25 Mitts equals the , total x..ocal Effort in Step 2 plus an equivalent amount of grant 2 x Step 2 ::: 2 x $ 524,550 ~TEP 4 tlnmet Road Effort at 1. 25 Mitts := Step 1 minus Step 3 (UnleSS Step 3 is greater than Step 1) Total x..ocal Effort at 1. 25 Mitts :: $ 524,,559= .!!!Illl!II'_ $ 1,049,100 --== ~.,-.~ $ 1,633,900 ~~- STEP 5!tJ Where there is an Unmet Road Effort at 1. 25 Mills Grant applying to it is Step 4 ]t o. 90909 ::: $ 1,633,900 ]t 0.90909 ::: $ 1,485,362 Plus Grant equivalent to Total Local Effo rt (Step 2) Total Calculated Amount Qf '-'" ant $, $ 524,550__ - --= .-:. ... or - 80nJo of Approved Expendi+....re (Item 1) :: o. 8 x $. - $ ''''::lIooo ...... ".,-",."1 ....~ - 5 (A) $_ 2,009,912 '" ~l................ - Whichever is the leSser OR ..... STE~5CB--1 '"-, Where there is no Unmet Road Effort at 1. 25 Mills Grant is 500/. of APproved E:ltpenditure (Item 1) := O. 5 x Step 1 '" O. 5 ]t $ 5 ee) $ - .........- ~TEP ~ Grant applying to Urban Rebate Paid 50"!. of Item a: '" o. 5 x $ 45,000 ::: $, 22,500 --. Plus Grant applying to Approved Expenditure (Step 5{A) or Step 5(B) $, MitluS Receipts from Property Disposal** 0/. of Item 1'1 := O. :It $, := $ Total Gra.nt $ . ,,22, 5~.? ............._~-,~'--; STEP 7_ Total Grant Payable utlder Upper Tier Program is The Allocation (Item A) or Step 6, whichever is the lesser $ 2,032,412 --- .,-_....~..---- ** Percentage to be used is that applicable to year in which property was purchased. If more than one rate applies. attach separate calculation to support amount of subsidy claimed atld note years in which purchases made. DATE r"~ ! 7 !.71 .. (_. _' c.' I '. ,1../ Il\ 'J . . .1p~)A: -(/ ,f.. r~Cju./<L~"y.. <:~' '1 '. ~ 0 ,Ot) 0 ex Ot) I Page Z of 3 .SUMMARY PAGE 1 - ~97B MINJSTRY OF TRANE'0RTATlON AND ~oMMl!Nl.2ATlONS ALLOCATION Allocations 1977 - CONSTRUCTION 974,000 Roads & BridgeS construction (1978) 9% of $ 10,498,000 $ 293,000 Resurfacing 15% of $ 2,127,000 - 1,267,000 Total FIXED COSTS. New Machinery 125,000 Road & Bridge Maintenance (County & SA) ( ( overhead ( 1,168,000 ( Needs Study Update ( Total 1,293,000 OTHER _COS1]. 42,000 Urban Rebates 54,000 Drainage Assessments 50,000 Special ~inter Maintenance LESS Land Sold Ministry of Transportation ahd communications share 9,500 CR. - $ 2,696,500 Allocations 1978 - $ 944,000 319,000 - 1,263,000 137,000 841,000 435,000 7,000 1,420,000 45,000 50,000 - $ 2,778,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES RatiO 1978 ~ 1.031 i 97'7 Ministry of Transportation and communications subsidy $ 1,945,000 operations and Urban Rebates 27,000 Drainage 37,500 special Winter Maintenance --- 2,009,500 LESS Contribution from City of St. Thomas after previous year deficit 29 , 000 $ 658,000 County Cost $ 645,000 LeVY (b) LeVY 1.085 Rat.io 1978 \977 (a) cost 1.064 ---~----: , $ 2,030,000 25,000 ." - 2,055,000 23,000 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 ll_ "*- ':: SUMMARY 'l ~, PAGE 2. 1978 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ALLOCATION ASSESSESSMENTS Actual Ministry of Transportation and Communications is using Ratio St. Thomas 1/2 Mill to Suburban Road CUlluuission $ 400,257,433 (1976) 374,000,000 .9343 44,700,000 22,350 $ 419,563,676 (1977) J95,000,OOO .9414 61,600,000 30,800 . \ , ,';\ II {I l COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT St. Thomas, Ontario, January Session, 1978. TO 'I'llE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Sunnnary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission Roads in 1977. As in 1977, and in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications practice, Payroll Burden, such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION - COUNTY ROADS PART /f 1 Asphalt resurfacing, associated ditching, shouldering, etc. (a) Road 16 in Dunwich Township, westerly from Road 8 $ 120,930.44 (b) Road 20 in Southwold Townspip - Stacey Hill, etc. (Approximately 1.5 miles north of Port Stanley.) 41 , 7 28 .81 (c) Road 34 - W(\stminster-Yarmouth Townline, completion of work from 1976. From West Limit of Belmont, westerly to Kettle Creek. (50% of cost of project has been billed to Middlesex. ) 2,575.37 (d) Road 45 in Yarmouth Township from Road 36 Westerly to Cook Corners and in Southwald and Yarmouth on the Kettle Greek Hill. 163,427.80 TOTAL PART II 1 $ 328,662.42 PART # 2 CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND CULVERTS (;1) Road 3 in Aldborough Township from Highway 3 to Lak~ Erie, ~leanup and movement of Utilities. $ 3,117.99 (b) Road 2 in Al dborough 'fownship from We st Lorne to Rodney, completion of drilinnge. 556.25 (c) Road 4 in Rodney (Queen St. West), completion of project from 1975 - 76. 2,167.42 (d) Road 8 & 13, Dut.ton, completion of project from 1975 - 76. 7ll.. '3 5 _....._____......_MII.....__ (n) Road 16, Southwold Township, clearing, fenCing, Engineering, etc. from FingcJl to Road 14. 23,889.16 PART # 2 Continued (f) Road 31 (Dalewood Drive), Yarmouth Township~ including entrance on to Road 29. Grading, granular base, paving, etc. (g) Road 34, Borden Ave., Belmont, completion of project from 1976. (h) Road 38, Bayham & Malahide Townships from Highway 3 to Highway 19 - clearing, fencing, Engineering, etc. (i) Road 52, Yarmouth Township from Road 25 (Wellington Road) to Road 30 (Radio Road). Grading, granular base, paving, etc. (j) Road 52, Southwo1d Township, .Road 25 Westerly, grading, granular base, paving, etc. (k) Miscellaneous Grading Pr.ojects and Surveys on new work. TOTAL PARt /1 2 PART # 3 - Miscellaneous (a) Rebate of Provincial Sales'Tax paid in previous years. (b) Purchase of land for road widening and diversions, etc. (c) New and Used Machinery. (d) Machinery Ownership Costs, etc., charged to Accounts Receivable and Town1ine Accounts. TOTAL PART 1/ :3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION (a) Road 30 (Radio Road) in Yarmouth Township, grading~ granular base, paving, etc. (b) Land Purchase (c) Reduction in Stock Balance from previous years TOTAL SUBURBAN ROAD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUC'frON COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAO COMMISSION PAGE 2. $ 253,753.42 ---------------- 8,990.44 ...----.....----.....--- 8,260.97 ---------~------ 499,930.68 ---------...........--- ----__~~t.~~~~~~_ 1,167.89 ---........--..-....-..........- $ R94..,lU.26 _________~Q~~~~_CR. ------~~~~~~:.~:- -----~~~!.~~~:.~~- 27,489.23 CR. ---------...-----.. 97 , 56 2 . 08 $ 1,320,736.76 $ 143,238.84 .-------.....---..--- 1,489.79 ,-------..-- ------ _______Z!~~~1~9_CR. 136,789.83 $ 1,t+57,526.59 MAIN'rENANG~~ - COUNTY ROADS NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Account Numbers. A - Cu1.vert s & Bridge s 1 Bridge s 2 Culverts B ... Roadside Maintenance 1 Grass Cutting 2 Tree Cutting 4 Drainage 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, etc. 7 Drainage Assessments Repairs G - Hard Top Maintenance 1 Repairs to Pavements 2 Sweeping 3 Shoulder Maintenance 4 Surface Treatment D - Loose Top Maintenance 2 Grading Cravel Roads 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) 4 Dust Control (Prime) 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control 1 Snow Plowing 2 Salting & S:.ll1ding 3 Snow [<'('nee 4 Standby (Total Winter Control $ 329,129.84. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $ 29,965 additiOnal. In 1976 it was $ 257,332 County and $ 22,149 for Suburban Roads.) PAGE 1. $ 23,629.80 7,619.47 ............--...,..-....:........- 24,103.12 54,110.14 -....-...-..--..--.......... _____~~11~~.:!2..._ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 12 ~2.: 2 ~.._ 1,355.81 ---..------------- _ ___l2:.!! 5:l.:5:1...... ...... ... _ _}! .! 22 E .:~: _ ... _____}:.!33~.:~:__ _ _ _ _ _ J l.l12!!~ 1]__ _ _ _... _} 3 J :_~.: ~ ~ __ _ _ _ ... _]:2 .1 ~ 3 _0.: ]'3_... _ _ _ _ _ ... !:.! 132-.: _2]_ _ _ _ _ _.. ::_2.!]]}.:~] __ 126,731.97 169,175.16 _ _ _ _ _! ~~.! ],_4.? ~!}!!_ _ _____!J.J...O]l.:_8]__ PAGE 4. MAINTENANCE COUNTY ROADS (continued) F - Safety Oevices 1 Pavement Marking $ 23,229.Cn --------~-------- 2 Signs ----~~1~~~~~9____ 3 Guide Rails ---__~~2!9~~!____ 4 Railroad Protection ---_l~l229~32____ 5 Metric Signs ---__2l2~~~32____ TOTAL $ 9l9~596.04 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of portions of their Road Levy. $----_~3!~92~~3___ OYERHEAl) COUNTY 1. S~perintendent, including County Engineer, General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, etc. $ 53,858.84 --~-~----~--~~-~- 2. Clerical. _____~~29Z~~2~___ 3. Office -____!~29~Z~~~___ 4,. Garages (White Station & Rodney), Stock & Timek~epers, Maintenance, etc. -____~2233~~Z~___ 5. TOl)ls and MiScf.:'llaneoLls Repairs ----_3!2!3~~~9___ 6.. Radio ----__32~~Z~~Z___ 7. Traffic Counts & Needs Study Update --____~2~~~~~~___ 8. Training Courses -----_3!~~~~~Z___ 9. Permit s 156.00 CR. 10. Miscellnneous Insurance ---___~~z~~:Q~___ II. 1\{'ltnbilILllIQIl.l)f WhIte, Stlll)oil Cravel Ptt IHld g (\ It (\ t iI J. c 1. (' ,l n up \) r ( ; 11 r (l g (' g r () un d s II, , 6 .5 3 . 7 b ---------~-~~---- 12. Machinery Overnead Costs 5 , 546 . 1 () TOTAL OVERHEAD $ 216,943.03 OVERHEAD - COUNTX (c on t i rllH'i1 ) (TOTAL OF PAYROLL BURDEN charged to operations was $ 235,991.22). ~)'r. TIIOMAS SlJHUIU~AN I<OA[) COMMISSION MAINTENANCE &. OVERIIEAD (Tncl udJng J terns nut sub:,;ldiz(ld llY Ministry t)f Transportation and Communications) TOTAL MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS, OVERHEAD, ETC. FOR COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. RentEd. ov('r I':xpenditu.res - Elgin Swe('per Insurance (Road Liability) Miscellaneous, including Memberships, etc. TOTAL SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY SUB TOTAL ADD: 1977 STOCK BALANCE SUB TOTAL LESS: 1976 STOCK BALANCE SUB TOTAL ADD DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS (50% SUBSIDY) COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM TOTAL EXPENDITURES ON COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM NOT INCLUDING AMOUNTS~OT FOR MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY/ON COUNTY & SUBURBAN SYSTEMS PAGE 5. $ 7 Lf , 601 " 1 "7 1..253.649.76 $ If,841.80 Credit -,............-...--..--....--- 585.90 --..-...-.......-...------ 1,629.93 ......-------....--..-- $ 2,625.97 CR. $ 1,457,526.59 --~-----~-------- _-_~1~~~2~~~2~Z~_ 2,625.97 CR. .._-~-------~----~ $ 2,708,550.38 ~-------~----~--- 56,678.57 ------~-~-----~-- $ 2,765,228.95 ------~--~-----~- ----__!9~!222:~!_ $ 2,660,319.64 --~---~~--------- 1______~~!9~~~~~_ $ 8,966.42 ------~-------~-- $ 2,714,319.64 $ 2,716,177.78 PAGE 6. The Ministry of Transportation >ind Cormnunications Subsidy Allocation in 1977 wa 5 a~>,1I in h, 'I Part", II (;('llPr"l All OCIl t inn 0 [ $ 1,945,000 and a subs l dy 0 f 50% on Dra lnilge AsseSsment In 2 illlocatlons which totilled $ 27,000 (subsidy) and all allnc"tion of $ 37,500 on ('xtr" Wlnter control Expenditures of $ SO.OOO. The County sold various parcels of l"nd in Dutton for a total net amount after expenditures of $ 17,770. Normally the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications would receIve SO% of this amount, but total expenditures were increased to use the lIl"n<>y th;'l r(>v(>rt<,d tn L1w Ministry of Transporl:atlM, 'tnd Cormnunications. The Cost ,,[ the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnisslim Expenditures to the County of Elgin (and the City of St. Thomas) was $ 29,100.86. The Net Cost to the County of Elgin for 1977 (including the County's share of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnission) is estimated at $ 657,948.78 after deducting the County's share of land sales. The Road Levy for 1977 was $ 645,000 leaving "n estimated deficit of $ 12,948.78. The reason is an additional Winter Maintenance Allocation at a net cost of $ 12, 50(J ,jud Dr il i lIilg<' ^',,'" S S010n t AIl oc at I on a t a ne t l' 0 st 0 f $ 7, (JOO and which was reduced in part by an over ('xp('nditure of approx~nately $ 8,500 of the City of St. Thomas contribution to Suburban Roads. In addit ion to above exp<,ndHure,s, the foll owing work wa S p<,rformed and bi lled to oth~rs arid includb~ the following. 1. Expenditure on County Roads & Bridges under Rural Employment Incentives Programme !--~~!.~~~.:~~---- 2.. Work on Boundary Roads & Bridges and invoiced to Counties of Middlese~ and Oxford ___~~!.~~z~z~---- 3. Priming and SurCace Tre:ll:mcnt for the City of St. Thomas, oLher Municipalities and otherA 72,100.93 ....-...........---.........--...-- 4. Work done and materials sold to othe.r MuniCipalities, Federal and provincial Agencies, Conservation Authorities and IndiVidual s __~Z~!.~~~.:9~---- $ 495,629.71 TOTAL in 1. 977 the County Hoad Ilepa rtrnent a l so adrttinl stered the foll owing other progranun,j s. Acted as a Bitting Agency to the Province for the various Municipalities under the Rural Employment Incentives Programme. These Billings amount to $ 32,868.52. Administered the Mosquito Control Programme. Total Expenditure was $ 7,747.71. (See separate report.) Administered costs incurred on behalf of the County of Elgin in regard to the Solid Waste Programme ~ $ 3,816.50. (See separate report.) TOTAL PAYMENT VOUCHERS FOR 1977 amounted to $ 3,236,612.08 compared to $ 2,741,000 in 1976, $ 2,774,000 in 1975 and $ 2,305,000 in 1974. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN